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Informe Grupo Caty / Caty Group Inform aera te le) Or ROU U Cuba ger URS in olg ‘Sistemas integrados de control climatico / Integrated system of climatic control Wee Rela) Cet tt males aD alk on Cooperative 19, Cultive‘de tur Lita ut eet] Deere eee Pee eet Reed Set ac ee ey ere i eleanor) ads Poo Ct et es og ee Tt ee ee eed Ulises speak that the and. of this year nomen! ta aia odes mmentar que este me: acter jemare pore ‘special tenga la misma acogida d ‘Antes dein ata publicacién, prosonted by these Special to have tho same ax that our Cay atyAgro magaz ait pleasure (oF us ¥ peor la EG and Publish, since the pe 5 Because a falla que alguien ramplera con el wo belo broke the lee, spoke Clearly and informed rom one af the most neglected and randorn jot olher but the Agriculture: Flower-Grawing area, it spite of the fact that much lity has been done claiming thie oppose CalyFior (Once more. thanks for besng there, Sencerely yours Una vee mis, Gracias por estar ahi. Les saluda cordiaimente Ulises F.Loranzo Presidente dei Grupa Caty, Chairman of Caty Group, Polysack va a 0 ion algunos comparar vari bajo una mala ti monofitamento-en Pablo en Brasil fo tanto of objeive de este fa Uipicn de verano en el Estada de San \ Ancminet Bley Matorinies y mitooa: adel aire aden es: aAhuminet do la mala aura do’ Ja hoya: bajo la galia terms. reffectora Jrrinot en un inverniadera cubierlo con poletie rca de.un 20% menorata dela malla negra Lae ecta de luz bajo ambos tipos de mallas tuo ‘La oilisién de lux bajo la mala terme reflactora Aluminet e ‘La precocidad de las plantas bajo [a malla termo net fue alrededor da un 20% mayor a las do ‘Un eobertor de ia malia con un sistema rrduil podria er mas benelicass ya que cuando hay muchas nubes no absorber. tuna caniidad suclenio de Wz =| workin, Diamatos temperat IPE roca ne limit. tar physiological | ty under Aluminet thermal re due to the decrease ailon Reduction of ait was (igure 4) may be aused by r nce In light absorption under bath nets. we but when the sensor was in vertical poston. n the nerthom part of the greenhouse, Aluminel thermal reflect net absornben was 80% higher than the biack Therefore, Abuminet thermal refiect nel wansiit dilfused gh, made other siference between the room with black Net, ta tha tom with Alumnet Olfused light can improve productivty in rose plants, L Nuit =, Conclusions Air tomperature under Alumine!, thermal feflect net in a ‘greenhouse is abaul 15% lower than under black net Leal temperature under Aluminet thermal reflect nel in a ‘greenhouse covered with polyethylene Is about 20% lowar ‘than under black net ‘Direct light radiation under both net types were similar. Light difusion under Aluminetth ermal reflect nats highorthan uhdor black nat Preeoeity of plants under Aluminet thermal neflect not was about 20% higherthanuinder the black net. ‘Nel cover with a motile sysiem may be more beneficial, because when there are a fot of clouds they de not absorb: & suficient amauntof ight. Quality, Interior Market and Competition. dag u fe a ra a e i u s s g E oO 3 5 v co i Es ct fe] fea rrigmas. De adalesia selecoitn rin fos dat 2 Que cofremos | fleeoo de queda condenados a perder (erreng én al mundo car conse! recta de fuperticie cutWvada por no paler car sa predueciones Lamentatsemente eto ta que pr la, en legados a esto punto conviene seria no piensa igual y que su apuesia ger fos Dreventados es gecidiva, eslando dispu ‘ue se ajuste a cada calidad, para ser tuna elsceidn personal alendends a norasiiades, Por ef ol agricutior que no-sia este camino te majors y adaptation, estard abocadn al faicaco ompresaral, aspects fete tan importants 6 ma que! meramante productive Una vee que nuestra Organizacion ha consssquido unos niveles de normalizacion y de calidad éptmos, nos ‘enconlsmos con una falta de control y Ge aplicacién de las farms, que nos provota Ser una enipresa con un sobrecoste, con fespecto a ls compstencia puesto que al producto nuestro Bena un valor afaiido que el mercado no agaan estos momentos, digo ala ausencia del controt En niiesito caso, analizand el mereada de flores y plantas Nos. atwvemos a disgnostcar que. el esfuerzo. de los ‘administraciones por concentrar las prodlucciones tanto honicolas coma de flores y plantas, a través del POSEICAN, ‘ha 6 Ye Gofrespandida on el esconario comotcial actual, ‘onde eaislen mulited go intermediaries, no produciores, ‘muchas weces sin[a legslidad oporlund, quesiendo conver Sethidad comercial ordenada en un mercado totalmente Csperso. y que 0 qué alrae todavia es mayor pecariedad bt sie motivo, y desde nuestra Organizacsén. Cooperativn ‘Agricole Cosecheros de Tepna queremes mandar un mensaje de reflexion a los agnculiares, que esién viendo como un Regoco que histoncamente era rentable, debida a su esorganizacib, esta lerlendo muchsimas diicokndes en la ‘comettiakzacisn Desde esta buna que amablemente nos han puesto 0 a pelendemos informar y denunclar “aquellas eee ee gaan mesmo ef que reales us pteferencsas © 3 reused, only 18 olsuch containersaze: ico Ut fac 3 the rek of being unpardonably, iw cornmercial werd asa direct consequence n cessity of decreasing the cullivaied acl thalwe ear’? brag our productions y adtanen fs [usted by saying that bultnot a synonigm to quality, wnt of “what comes trom our countrys batler” Having nmached this poi, ie convenient in point eu tat the consumer dosent think the ‘same: and thal his bet for wel: pesented products is resolute, being wising to pay tho price sls fa each Quabty, so-as ta be himeal the one who mokes-a persacal choice meeting his prelerences and Thal is why the agneuiivrabst who doesn't folow this improvement and adaptation track, will be- heading fer business Failure, this aepect being as important.or even mare {han the meealy producive ane ‘Goce aur Organization hae achved opbreal nonmatzation and quaiy levels, we nun inte an absence of contol and ‘pplication of the eorms, which makes us being a company ww extra costs, with regard la the competion, sine our product has an additional valve which the market doesn pay forat present, due to the absence of contrat, In-our cana, analyzing the flower and plant market, we dare slagnose thatthe etfan of the administrations to coneirirate in, not only the Roricultural Dut also the flower and plant productons, thiougtl POSECAIN, 6 nol requited In tha ptesent-day commorri! seeno, whare tnere are lends of Middlemen, ‘net. producers, many limes without. the ‘appropriate lawrulness, trying to tum the neat commercial tivity ina a completely sparse markat and that what brings is evonmore preeariousness,llisfor Yusrenson, and fom ou ‘Agrarian Cooperative Organization "Cosecheros de Tein thal we want 10 send a) reflection message to. the agricutturalists who seeing how a business which was historically profitable is having lols of troubles in commercilizaton owing tts disorganization, ‘itis from this platform which has been kindly placed at our 4 that we pretend to inform and accuse thos | _commiereisi and normalization practices which don't adjust to egatity. And it is from have that we also urge the competent adminisiraions, Municipal Governments, Town Councils, Ceneiesl on eae See e this Una perspectiva real ine ‘que intent principalmente, a5 y sub a Nive incientas. No £9 conece ningin plan agnar yn futuro mi son cada vex compelidores ¢ ostructuties de cos! 5 agresivos por n ventajas comparativat dada menares en 1 porta 19 de- obra @ Hacia ona queda una dua: {Cul eg 0 cual sera la compatativa de la Industna Agricola Canana?. a 61/05 Patek Co Ea ne, im NY, the prndician and His vate inca lume i Metric: To taro (table 4) we can 116.8 %, which daterrine the sectot in its ontitety atthe ecological since th of tha 5) has 10m greal extont, tre level of mextam: ‘eutture has expermented an a ts the proviouts yar (1%) ly 1,9 athe ‘aul which ndustry Keeps ‘Thors 310 sme wlsted jos which try, mainly, 19 take advantage 1d subsides whol Laking ima ct in the long run nat only in the {tcompanies. but also it tha mage the Industry rope and Inthe rest oF ine works. on certain, There isn't a plan which rarnising futur. The markets we eompotn swith ra more and more aggreesivu because of new competiors wih comparativa advantagos giver by the quality or because of SINGLures of lower costs in labour and matertals We have one doubt lel lowards tha ture: which i or willbe tho e advantage of the Canarian Agecultual Industry? fe Caty Agro Biden te ee ens 1) Field phase: selection and preparation of the vegetatie oe ue rt) i ees es om eek ol lata ret ee ieee ed Pasi rpc phere abalg Cees Ce oe ere | Cae no octet nya ry ‘material which Is fiom and interesting will be part of the slablished pies madres fields. That is why we have selected deed Accu eau I ea ei area lee est See Uo non een ees Coe a eee Lae RL ae ee en) lie Ma ka ae Deed eam ae eee ery See Lh ae ete er Pease etd Rooting: last lab phase where seedings are adapted for theto ee manne} Puree includes the acclimatization and hardening, where a gradual consolidation ofthe plants is done, seas tobe taken to the field eos Que productiva process and pos| sale service of plants Farias Nea el art ey 2 ae org eeene Stag iene uke curt Meee ae read eee eee re ante =o = Se eee Se SS GUO Gaty grupo cantormade pe FECA es ta Compania del Grupa que ests desarrotlande a 19 Sudamenca y Centroamérea, intentando a soluoenes enmateria de productos asindustnas Agricotas. dilerontes mercadas, asi coma las pasibiidade una. imporlante sinergia entre conlormacinde este grupo, cuyavisiin ex idacién de las empresas en el empo y en “Nuestras empresas son sindnimo de Flexibilidad, Innavack | y-compromiso; 7 2s mediante ta consta ‘nuaves retos que logran al éxito y ganaran valoe a locas cor os que-se relacionan, conviriénaoios en Socios Estrategicos™ La ceinformaciée de este grupo ha dade tugat a un Import proceso de reestrucluracida intemo a partir de! eual os pila fundamentalas del proyecia han asumido mas responsabildades, Oe esta manera, les presente el nueva ‘oeganigrama del Grupo Por su pare, cada emaresa cuenta, adamés, con diterent equipas de tabajo organizades en lo3 siguiot | departamentas Gestion, Finanzas, Marketing. Ventas y Lagistica Como proyectos. importantes a nivel Grupo es interesante destacar Ia publicacién de nuestra pagina web que podrin consular en yemeaty.erg en la cual inientamos brindar Inlormacisa aoercade nuostas empeesas. Foor ie paopte wha don't knaw ss. its for mea gteat pleasure olntroduce youlothe CATY Group CAT is agroupconsiiute by thatollowing companies: CaljFlor dedicates to the selling and wholesaing of Flowers, Plants, and Accesories and Complements for Florist's and Baazars within thelimits of the Canary Isles CatjAgro dedicates io the sailing and dlstnbution of matariats Sind services to the Canarian Agricultural industry, Fepresenting first-rate companies in tha archipelago Intornanionaily FECA Is the Group's Company which ts devalaping business in South America and Central America trying to bring solubanss 5 rears products and services to the protagonists of the industries of hose armas. lidavon of the companies in tima and inthe diferent markets. as well as the poss:billies of genorating an important nergy among themsalves, has given placa tothe constitution ofthis group, whee vio “Qut companies are a synonym to Flexibilty, lanevaton and Comprernise, and i is through the constant bel for nee challenges that the finally succeed and generate value to all fhe people they da business with luring them inlo Strategic Paetnets” Theconatitutio ofthis group has given rise to an important procass af intemal reorganizing from which the main pilars of he project hava assumed more responsibilities. Inithis way | inireduce you to thenew organization char ofthe Group. Moreover, each company has diferent work teams organized in tho fobowing sections: Management, Finances, Markoting, Sales and Logistics {tis important ta highlight the pubtcation of our web page in whieh you wil be abla to consull in www.eaty.erg through which we by to offer you information afourcompanis. ysoiones de mercade han pormitiso. en (os, estue angi el ano alidad fortalecad pluradores" para la gestion de Almace Avtowenta, nsi como al desarrollo Flares. trave's de intemal que so espera © finde afo Por olro lado, x0 han realizado inversiones para renova Complatamente a flota do transporte para asegurar a nuestro Ccolubcradores las mijores candicones de Wrabajo y par gorantizarla calidad delproducioen elserviciode entrega, Para el aiio proximo se aspera continuar con el proces de consoldacion y manioner @| fkferazga en la industria Se ‘explorara el nogocio a través de Ininrnal y se Intentara amp las fronteras daimarcage — t ea | ‘onsotidation reaching its highast ause of an important used by, amoog other consumption habits of he final cHlants, wenave n able to establish that there was a migration fam the ymamental Plant isthe Spruned Flaws. The Market Investigations that we at lantly doing have allowed es to demonstrate thal the eller made throughout the ‘yoarto improve our service quality. as wellasthe variety. have sirengthan the bond with cents When il comes toimpartant projects tls interesting io highlight the Incorporation ef technology through the introduction a a system called “Capturadores" for Stock and Sales, as wall a5 tha development of ne sate project of Mowers via intamnet and veo hope itis operative by te end ofthis yaar ‘On the otmar hand, investments have Boen made to renew the transport fleet completely so as to assure our collaborators the best work conditions and quarantae tne product qualty in tie Golvery service We nope that the next year we will eootinue with the consolidalion pfocess and kop the leadership in the industry @usiness will we explored via intemel and we wil try 1a extend the market borders atyFlor ang ninth in in competitiveness, we will ‘our policy willgo on boing invest strongly and keep on giving strong support FORMULARIO DE SUSCRIPCION GRATUITO A LA REVISTA / FREE SUSCRIPTION ORDER 11 nombre ¥ apalida / name & surname: ‘empresa company ‘etividad activity: aweceson | Address: .. GPL PC provinela / state PALE / COUR err crrmenenmeereee SFO Y PHONE NUMIE raeeorn fax e-mail acter won, Promotora e de Negocios aerate behets aiatee een] eat eat eer rene Oe ee er ky respectively. Tha circle closes with an anlicipaled implantation Ce ere ee mtg De to earache erie eee ea ett) et eee eet DOOR ee al nC ce aa a) Rn oe ste Flaming acidas en et-ghupe de variesiades zjos, lo que le dia a los a veniaja, Le mismo, te io paca Varedaces como tum Specioeum RUBRUM, El Aran 5 crs Asiaticas cama Cannecteat king se sos chicas slo en un periado de tomes despudse lacosecha ‘earea de preservae y almaceaar las tum Spicarmente por el conlacio inlensivo con) las nbs 00 iestigacion y a taves do a experiencia de E1SeC. Stoenvorden se ch cuenia del inmenso potenciat de ladisponbiidad de flores de liu en el mercada durarte todo siaéa as compadas holandesas de reprodurciin pusieron mucha fnerginenia creacionde muchas variedades datum uD¥2o ‘mastindas mejores, damuchos pnt y colores Loe ium longiterom WHITE FOX son un Buen ejemplo dat desarralis de un producto con el sbjctvo de prover a os Sulvodores con ores de mas lverosy buenas vanedades Ge ‘mereade El conocimienteaxguinde ao targa da fs afos proveyendo a fos caltvadores de floras permlé conqulstar nuovos ‘metcadosen Eueopa coma alia, Espa, Portugal y las Islas Canarias, asicomamercadas ejancs enelestayAmarea El Senior ©. Sleemvonrden hs sido el principal motwacor del desarrallade la Compania Sleenioorden 8 Desde la fundacsén os 3 Compania el primero de mayo oe 1861 hasia ahora, ha ranseverido una vida cecieada 8 un dedicado servicio do provision a fez eBontes con el melor ‘producto disonbe y al mejor service A aves de alrededor de 40 anos, la Compania crecio y se traplormé en una Organizacién ds operacin intemacionalcon Un personal dedicado que mantlene los cntactos comerciales ‘sntnds de $0 palsesen el mundo, La Compania conlinia su erecimiento y desarrollo en las ‘manosdel Sefor k. Steenvoordendr Cuien estadigiendo en estos momentos un gran equipo de experimentados colaboradores a su alrededor, Estamos orgultosos de poder comtar-aun con la importante: ‘experienca dal Sr. Steanvoorden Sr. Steenvoorde 19 mon of 18 years is career in the flowertiulb industry. His first lp ea England, to Spalding district white many smaller and some In thair greenhouses cutfiowers of tulips, Inses, dafodils. and hyacinths, the traditional Dutch e boat to England sleeping on board and next day by bicycle to vist the customers. England was one of the tast European mirkots left after the second world war. H was damaged and in poor economic convdiians 20° sales wate aificultand traveling was hard Soon Mr 6. Stoenwoordan Sr. conciudad that shoud be Deiter io put his energy in recovering the French market This market required lop quality flowers grown from big size bulbs The single Iole twis became very popular and are known owadays allover the world as FRENCH TULIPS: Varieues as onion, Renown, Kingulood, tr. T Scheeper and later Ostoules and Ramung Parrot are wallnawn cultivars othe grep of popular variates The single jate tulips ate hard to produce inthe dark climate of the Petherlands whieh gave an advantago to tha grawers in the South of France. The samo could be said about ine outside production ofgindichss and rises inthe ventartme, Lilums wete quite uaknown in thal time. Variales as Hum Specosum RUBRUM, the Japanese Arai no. 5 and Asia. vanities as Connecticut Kang were scld in-srealiquaniilies only ina.shor pened ofthe yea aller harvesting. ‘The knowledge sboul preserving and stonng ilumdid improve fast by intensive contactwith research stations and through the growing experience McC. Sleeswonrden St. did recognice the huge potential ofthe Yyesrround avaifabilty of kane flowers inthamarkat ‘Well known Dutch breeding companies put a lot of energy in the crnation of many new, plone and bettor Mum variates i ‘many types and colours The hilum jongilorim WHITE FOX is # goad éxampla of product development with the goal to Serve the eulower gromers with better, stranger and good markatabia vanities. ‘The breedingwork continues and every yasrnew vaneties will come Lana marke! lo create new exciting oppartunities for the culonae growers The know-how build-up during many years of serving flower Growers did Show to be wary valuable for our customers in ‘newer markels in Europe. as Italy Spain, Portugal, Canary Islands and markets on long distance in the far-east and ‘America McG. Stoeswoorden Sr. has been the great motivator ofthe evelopment ol C. STEENVOORDENE.V. ‘Since the founding of his company on May 1st 1964 until Today, is a lifetime spant at the service and dedication to provide the valued customers with the best available products and services. Throughout almast 40 years the company did grow inta an. international operation organisation with a dedicated Staff of peoplewith contacts in over 40.counivies over the world, ‘The company continuss its develop and grow in the hands of Mr Steenwoorden JR. who is landing the company at this ‘moment-ith a great team of exparionced and relable paopie sraund him. We are glad that we stil can rely on the many years of superonca ol ©, Sleenvoorden St. na produc tarmete yet Tomate ecoldgico. ‘A pani de imponantos experiencias ae investigacion que se ‘vienen desarroliande desde ef afla 1998, la Cooperatva ha Jpstaiado una finca experimental prapia como apvesta los provesos de | +O (Investigacion y Ousarroio) oon ta finaldad do conseguir variedades mas adecuadas. a bis Oiferentes zonas, nvavas practicas de culta y olros cullvas ahamatives parata divulgacson y ensefanzada sus Socios En cuanto at futuro prowimo; fa Cooperativa tiene pravisto ampliat 5u5 instaigoones pars poder procesar mejor Sus Droductos, asi como conseguir la certiicacion AENGR para! Tamale, la cualselograra en beave gracias ala labor realizada potas Técnicos Agricolas de la Cooperativa en las fncasde es sodios y por los Témnicos de Control de Calidad cel ‘eenpaquetado. Esto ultimo parmtira incsernentar fa seguridad alimestaria da los productos a pari de la Norma UNE 4155001.2 aplicando, el sistema de andiisis de peligros’ y puntos crticos de control For timo, nteresadestacar un prayecto muy importante que consiste en crear la section de laces dentro de ta Cooperativa en la cual so insialaré una queseria aprevechonde la existencia de asociades, que euenian con abana caprins, bovinas y evinas que son vtlizagas para reciclar Ios restos vegetales de sus fincas, imlentanda aportar larentabiidnd de sus explotacianes et all ina tomatoes ‘with 3 pro® een Sroduct of S600 mand 1 In the last yeare-n new sicher asthe choice burch lama ‘on the 0 nd Bia eeskegecal dane from, 8. the Couper al farm et their own as a bel awards the [+0 processes (Investigation and Developement) aiming at getting varieties mors adequate 10 the diferent areas. new Culivation practices. and ather aiteraie crops for the spreading and teaching of thelt partners Inv view of the forecaming future, the Cooperative has Anticipated to extend its installation sas abe abioto process their products betler, 3% well as geting the AENOR Certification forthetomata, which wil be achievedsoon thanks to the work ofthe Agrarian Technicians: of tho Cooperative in the partners’ farms and to the technicians of tre Packing Quahty Conrol. This wll allow an increase ol toe food secunty ‘of products trom the UNE 153007-2 norm using the danger analysis system and ertical conve points, Finally is interesting to highlight a very important project ‘which is cteating ine lscteal section inside the cooperative where a cheese factory will be installed taking advantage of the associates who have goat, caltle ond sheep cabins which 9fe used to recycle the vegetable raminders, trying to ‘coninbuleiothe profitability oftheir farms tit o'serviews de cay mas integ Ne —- dos de control clima A new service of CatyAqro: Integrated systems of climatic control ae -rate companies: Cee ni ete SE aes Ee a Cornet ices) oa par Ce ey neelueiicg bea i eee aca Grqudaios Lycaste: Teaysubstrat Especial semiliors Valo/Valuer ph Coe W(ron Cie a Co eer eat Soodbad Spo: fee eed 4 Peete See) rane Cor} 110-190 930-210 ob our) 125-200 160-240 Salinidadisaiinity Estructura seed (at) Se orl ear oniesa thick Vista de Gramoflor a los Agricultores Canarios. = Visit of Gramofior to Canarian Agriculturalists. José Martinez en un momento de su visita a los cultivos. José Martinez visiting the growers. rn (a / Domziger | New Loven aneiaire ba soloccién de vanedades Gyptophila se esta expandiendo sontinuamonte. £1 mercado 60 Gypsopttla te ha despertado fuevamente, ¥ nosotros en Dansiper ereemos gus ws necesario ‘gue una vasia gama da variedades satatsgs 11s necesidades Selciiente, ties coma New Hope, Pertecta yNow (Ove Las plantas Millon Stare® de flores chices tron éxito an el mercado, pero también hay lugar para ores més grandes o> mercadodeGypsophia a planta New Love®, produciéa por Danziger, he estado sponse en jas subastas Se fores desde wate verano Las flores. New Loved son de lamar meciana y fos tallos 500 excepcionalmente frmes y de ala cab. Hasia ahora, los resuliades ce! crecinianio han sido muy ‘satistactorios; habri mas detalles ncontinuacion New Love® puede sa plantacs tieles, vais ‘malas © al ako Wore, sepun ia eetocion ¥ lag condones. climatcas ‘ 9 Uositallos son muy firrits,y tacies de fiaPipular taht para lot calivadores como para ios fonsias. Cosdehar Now Loved oF Esai inthe es ede hora aun erm, ‘experiencia previa alguna. Los tallos no estiin rantidicados muy sdensamente, y @3.a81 Comm0 pusden sex cordados casi desde el ‘iveldet suet, < ‘Cada rama se manvene erguida pot, s!"¥olu-y. puede set cosechada y junteda con taciidad™La paquena tanta: te ee ae tanto el crecimiento: como al manipyisdo dai producto, Ard Mientras quel telor blarca de la for ndies exremadamenta bbrllanie. la plegitud y densidad de ia inflorescencia campenss por esi porcompleto, = Laviga an el fareep as excelente, y di-alimviemo. le caidad se ‘conserva pov casi2 semanas y mas. La belleza de esta var j estaenia oe susiores abierias 3 / (Ora de Ios ventajas da New Loved os la.protundidad de sub, / pas inicales del establecimlanto de la planta, Ahéncionado que a fines del verano, a puedan ver n of ‘Ue alla calidad en la base de la planta.) © 1 Fs ing. foe Resumen * Los tallos New Love® crecen come Aator y Solidago derecho priciicamiente sin fllaje. Esta es una vantaja on los procesos 0 ‘casecha, clasficacién, y agruparsén. tants como en é] separa alos iolloe delramo porios clientes floristas, + Lositallos tienen un tuan peso todo et ari, + Muchas flores y una inflorescancia densa. Un flarecinienia Lunifarme que forma un frermoas dosel de Mores bianeas. = Excelente vida an flarera, + Sistema de raices protundas quo daa la planta una buena resistencia alas tomperaiuras, condiciones sacas,'y poda, © Las flores de lamafo mediano New Love® salisiacen tas demandas del mercada en muchos palses Summary + Nev. Laove® thas slongole ay Aster and Solidago, amight ad iioost free of tokage, is ts an advan inv the harvesting. etl and bunching process, as well as in soparaing ster fom. Ihebunclibyeustomers ane frst + Slemaare vorystatie +Stematiave goed waightall yoarround 4 May fomoniand denise ustorescdnce. Unitonn eweing foci | a ich canopy af wtvie Riawers “sExcetient vasa ite * Dieop root systom gia plant vuimivly Good resins to High ‘rparatives ry conditions and pruniy) c ‘+ New Love's medium sien Nowory meet market many-couninas. El Clima del Invernadero / Greenhouse climate Temperaturas, sconssjable man 3°) ine 6) fallo. Tem sive alaggan ine ralupas supe ] Hibrdos Asiatic Para To’ qua. qued dd@l cultiva, se lemporaiuea de'entrel}s" y 15° la fad se pada peri ila solar suba hasia 20 | | puede bajar hasta los 10° Gemasiado himedo) Hibridas Qnentales sias yariodades. Ia mente su du 38daranuna tier 0 invemadsras de Température, for thatthey becornos y que temperatue a de ta hoa 0 que ‘The optimal temperature for these Milurn i 14” [0 16°, baing ableto ria upto: taking inte account that iy shade mpariture can fal down to teat 1\5°,Th lawer than, 14° to avoid damage cold weather, dia unow 20" y lamedia puede res pocgatri, ka fos 148 La Humediag El grade correcta’ de humedad amb 05 BO% @ 85% Aqui fo importante os evitar grandes Oscilaciones para prevenit ol ess" yquemadurasenlahola, La Ventliscién Es jortante ventilar vernadero para lograr un control fa: lamperatura y la lata, tanbend en cul cambios bruscos considerablemente fa calidad Las Pantallas ‘Con ayida de pantalias 36 puede ar la temperatura, la humadad vay la juz del invemadero. ‘Durante los meses de verano yen ‘condiciones de lta radiacién solar ‘con ayuda do pantallas se puede ‘eliminar hasta un 50% de luz en el ‘caso do los hlridos: Astiticos 'y Lonauiforum y hasia un 70% en ol aso delos hibridos Orient idity Ww Ag i i envitonmantal Nu 7 20% 5 35 10 an burns Ventilation bis veryimportant te ventilate the greenhauso i otdor to bo able Conttal tha lomparatie. and relative hurt, aking into acec that sudden changes affect the crap considorably Nats With the hap of nets you can vary th lemperature, the relative humidity fand the light of the greenhouse During the summer months and’ in high solar radiation conditions, it is (possinle to eliminate a 50% of ight in the case o! Asiatic and Longuiforum hybrids and up toa 70% In the esse ‘5 Oriental hybrids with the help af seraans. ‘andthe nocturnal tet te aptenise a Promotora de Negocios WWW.CATY.ORG

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