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Medida de Nuestra Sra.

del Pilar

Desde 1677 existe documentacin acerca

de una costumbre, muy extendida entre los
fieles, que consista en trasladar un manto
de la Virgen a las casas donde haba algn
enfermo. Con este gesto se pretenda
aportar al convaleciente la Fortaleza de la
Columna, as como el consuelo y proteccin
sanadora de Nuestra Seora ("Salud de los

Since 1677 there exist records about a

common habit among the faithful, which
consisted of transferring a cloak of the
Virgin to the houses where there was some
ill people. With this gesture was intended
to bring to the ailing the strength of the
Column and the consolation and healing of
Our Lady ("Health of the Sick").

Era tal la devocin y el nmero de

peticiones que resultaba imposible
satisfacer todas las solicitudes: la amplia
cifra de mantos era insuficiente y a veces el
solicitante incluso resida fuera la ciudad.

Such was the devotion and the number of

requests that it was impossible to satisfy all
requests: the large number of sheets was
insufficient and sometimes the applicant
even lived outside the city.

Por esta circunstancia se idearon

las "Cintas de la Medida de N
S del Pilar". Son de seda y
miden unos 40 x 2,5 cm en
total. En ellas se representa,
mediante grabado impreso, la
medida real de la altura de
nuestra Virgen cuya talla se
venera en el Camarn de la Baslica.

For this circumstance were invented

"Cintas de la Medida de N S del Pilar".
They are silk and are about 40 x 2,5 cm in
total. They represent, by the
etching printed, the true
measure of the height of our Lady whose
image is venerated in the chapel of the

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