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Qu tengo para decirte

Cuando nos encontremos?
Sin embargoEstoy ac pensando en vos.
La mancha del amor
Se extiende sobre el mundo.
Amarilla, amarilla, amarilla,
Devora entre las hojas,
Unta de azafrn
Las ramas enastadas que se inclinan
Contra un cielo blando y violceo.
No hay luzSlo una mancha espesa como miel
Goteando de hoja en hoja
Y de rama en rama
Estropeando los colores
Del mundo entero.
Estoy solo.
El peso del amor
Me sostuvo
Hasta que mi cabeza
Dio contra el cielo.
Mi pelo chorrea nctarLos tordos se lo llevan
Sobre sus alas negras.
Mir, mis brazos y
Mis manos por fin estn
Sin hacer nada.
Cmo puedo decir
Si voy a volver a amarte como ahora
Alguna vez?


Segn Brueghel
cuando caro cay
era primavera
un granjero araba
su campo
y toda la pompa
del ao
se despertaba
cosquilleando cerca
la orilla del mar
en s misma
sudando bajo el sol
que derreta
la cera de las alas
ms all de la costa
un chapoteo casi imperceptible
esto era
caro ahogndose.

Y sin embargo uno llega de algn modo,
se encuentra desabrochando los botones
de su vestido
en una habitacin desconocida-siente al otoo
gotear sus hojas de seda y lino
entre los tobillos de ella.
El cuerpo srdidamente venoso emerge
retorcido sobre s

como un viento invernal..!

Luna vagabunda
sonrindole con
apenas irona
a esta
maana de verano
brillante, hmeda de roco,una sonrisa
distante, de indiferencia
una sonrisa de vagabunda, Si comprara
una camisa
de tu color y
me pusiera una corbata
A dnde me llevaran?

Cae la nieve:
aos de furia detrs de
horas que flotan perezosas-la ventisca
arrastra su peso
ms y ms hondo por tres das
o sesenta aos, eh? Despus
el sol! una maraa de
copos azules y amarillos-rboles que parecen hirsutos
sobresalen en los callejones largos
por encima de una soledad salvaje.
El hombre se da vuelta y all -su huella solitaria extendida
sobre el mundo.

Me llaman y yo voy.
El camino est helado
pasada la medianoche, un polvo
de nieve preso
en las huellas rgidas de los autos.
La puerta se abre.
Sonro, entro y
me sacudo el fro.
He aqu a una mujer enorme
en su lado de la cama.
Est enferma,
quizs vomita,
quizs est pariendo
a su dcimo hijo. Alegra! Alegra!
La noche es un cuarto
oscurecido para los amantes,
a travs de las persianas el sol
pasa una aguja de oro!
Le aparto el pelo de la cara
y miro su miseria
con compasin.

Era un da helado.
Enterramos a la gata,
despus agarramos la caja
y la prendimos fuego
en el patio de atrs.
A esas pulgas que escaparon
de la tierra y del fuego
las mat el fro.


Ahora que me desapasion de t

Hgase oro la mampostera opaca,
Los templos amansados por el sol hasta la ruina
Completamente dormidos.
Dame la mano para bailar,
Con las olas en Philae, yendo y viniendo,
Y los labios, mi Lesbiana,
Flores silvestres que una vez fueron llama.
Tu pelo es mi Cartago
Mis brazos el arco
Y nuestras palabras flechas
Para disparar a las estrellas
Que desde ese mar brumoso
Se congregan para destruirnos.
Pero t que ests a mi ladoOh, cmo desafiarte a t,
Que me hieres en la noche
Con senos resplandecientes
Como Venus y Marte?
La noche que grita Jasn
Cuando los aleros ruidosos se agitan
Como olas encima de m
Triste en la proa de m deseo.
Oh, plegarias en la osuridad!
Oh, incienso para Poseidn!
Calma en la Atlntida.


El dolor es mi propio jardn
donde el pasto nuevo
arde como ardi antes
muchas veces pero no
con el fuego fro
que me envuelve este ao.
Treinta y cinco aos

viv con mi esposo.

Hoy el ciruelo est blanco
con racimos de flores.
Racimos de flores
pesan en las ramas del cerezo
y pintan algunos arbustos
de amarillo y un poco de rojo
pero la pena en mi corazn
es ms fuerte que ellos
porque aunque fueron
mi alegra, hoy los veo
y aparto la mirada para olvidar.
Hoy mi hijo me cont
que en la pradera,
junto al bosque cerrado
a lo lejos, vio
rboles de flores blancas.
Siento que quisiera
ir ah
y caer en esas flores
y hundirme junto a ellas, en el pantano.

Todos los detalles complicados
del ataviarse
y desataviarse estn completos!
Una luna lquida
avanza suavemente entre
las ramas largas.
Habiendo preparado as sus brotes
contra un viento seguro
los rboles sabios
duermen de pie en el fro.


El cuerpo de ella no es tan blanco como

ptalo de anmona ni tan suave- ni

es una cosa tan distante. Es un prado
de zanahorias silvestres tomando
la tierra por la fuerza; el pasto
no le crece encima.
es innegable la blancura,
tan blanca como puede ser, con una mota prpura
en el centro de cada flor.
Cada flor es un palmo
de su blancura. Donde sea
que l apoy su mano hay
una mancha violeta diminuta. Cada parte
es un capullo bajo su tacto
al que las fibras de su ser
se extienden una por una, hasta el final,
hasta que el campo entero es
un deseo blanco, vaco, un solo tallo,
un racimo, flor por flor,
un deseo beato de superar la blancurao nada.

A Love Song
What have I to say to you
When we shall meet?
I lie here thinking of you.
The stain of love
Is upon the world.
Yellow, yellow, yellow,
It eats into the leaves,
Smears with saffron
The horned branches that lean
Against a smooth purple sky.
There is no light

Only a honey-thick stain

That drips from leaf to leaf
And limb to limb
Spoiling the colours
Of the whole world.
I am alone.
The weight of love
Has buoyed me up
Till my head
Knocks against the sky.
See me!
My hair is dripping with nectar
Starlings carry it
On their black wings.
See, at last
My arms and my hands
Are lying idle.
How can I tell
If I shall ever love you again
As I do now?

Landscape With The Fall of Icarus

According to Brueghel
when Icarus fell
it was spring
a farmer was ploughing
his field
the whole pageantry
of the year was
awake tingling
the edge of the sea
with itself

sweating in the sun

that melted
the wings' wax
off the coast
there was
a splash quite unnoticed
this was
Icarus drowning

And yet one arrives somehow,
finds himself loosening the hooks of
her dress
in a strange bedroom-feels the autumn
dropping its silk and linen leaves
about her ankles.
The tawdry veined body emerges
twisted upon itself
like a winter wind . . . !

Summer Song
Wanderer moon
smiling a
faintly ironical smile
at this
brilliant, dew-moistened
summer morning,
a detached
sleepily indifferent
smile, a
wanderer's smile,
if I should
buy a shirt

your color and

put on a necktie
where would they carry me?

Snow falls:
years of anger following
hours that float idly down -the blizzard
drifts its weight
deeper and deeper for three days
or sixty years, eh? Then
the sun! a clutter of
yellow and blue flakes -Hairy looking trees stand out
in long alleys
over a wild solitude.
The man turns and there -his solitary track stretched out
upon the world.

They call me and I go.
It is a frozen road
past midnight, a dust
of snow caught
in the rigid wheeltracks.
The door opens.
I smile, enter and
shake off the cold.
Here is a great woman
on her side in the bed.
She is sick,
perhaps vomiting,
perhaps laboring
to give birth to
a tenth child. Joy! Joy!

Night is a room
darkened for lovers,
through the jalousies the sun
has sent one golden needle!
I pick the hair from her eyes
and watch her misery
with compassion.

Complete Destruction
It was an icy day.
We buried the cat,
then took her box
and set fire to it
in the back yard.
Those fleas that escaped
earth and fire
died by the cold.

Now that I have cooled to you
Let there be gold of tarnished masonry,
Temples soothed by the sun to ruin
That sleep utterly.
Give me hand for the dances,
Ripples at Philae, in and out,
And lips, my Lesbian,
Wall flowers that once were flame.
Your hair is my Carthage
And my arms the bow,
And our words arrows
To shoot the stars
Who from that misty sea
Swarm to destroy us.
But you there beside me
Oh, how shall I defy you,
Who wound me in the night
With breasts shining
Like Venus and like Mars?

The night that is shouting Jason

When the loud eaves rattle
As with waves above me
Blue at the prow of my desire.
O, prayers in the dark!
O, incense to Poseidon!
Calm in Atlantis.

The Widows Lament in Springtime

Sorrow is my own yard
where the new grass
flames as it has flamed
often before, but not
with the cold fire
that closes round me this year.
Thirty-five years
I lived with my husband.
The plum tree is white today
with masses of flowers.
Masses of flowers
load the cherry branches
and color some bushes
yellow and some red,
but the grief in my heart
is stronger than they,
for though they were my joy
formerly, today I notice them
and turn away forgetting.
Today my son told me
that in the meadows,
at the edge of the heavy woods
in the distance, he saw
trees of white flowers.
I feel that I would like
to go there
and fall into those flowers
and sink into the marsh near them.

Winter Trees
All the complicated details
of the attiring and
the disattiring are completed!
A liquid moon
moves gently among
the long branches.
Thus having prepared their buds
against a sure winter
the wise trees
stand sleeping in the cold.

Queen Anne's Lace

Her body is not so white as
anemony petals nor so smoothnor
so remote a thing. It is a field
of the wild carrot taking
the field by force; the grass
does not raise above it.
Here is no question of whiteness,
white as can be, with a purple mole
at the center of each flower.
Each flower is a hands span
of her whiteness. Wherever
his hand has lain there is
a tiny purple blemish. Each part
is a blossom under his touch
to which the fibres of her being
stem one by one, each to its end,
until the whole field is a
white desire, empty, a single stem,
a cluster, flower by flower,
a pious wish to whiteness gone over
or nothing.

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