Who Wants To Be A Millionare

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A: B:

Buenos Aires Barcelona

What city has the largest number of
Spanish-speakers in the world?
C: D:
Seville Mexico City
T eres
muy inteligente!
Lo siento, amigo!
No es correcto
A: B:
Los Angeles Madrid, Spain
What city has the second largest number
of Spanish speakers in the world?
C: D:
San Diego Quito, Ecuador
T eres
muy inteligente!
Qu pena, seor!
No es correcto
A: B:
Los Angeles, CA Paris, France
In the summer of 1999, the World Track &
Field Championships were held in
what city?
C: D:
Seville, Spain Rome, Italy
T eres
muy inteligente!
Ay, no!
No es correcto
A: B:
Brazil Venezuela
In which of these South American countries
is the official language not Spanish?
C: D:
Chile Ecuador
T eres
muy inteligente!
Qu problema!
No es correcto
A: B:
Spring Summer
What season do the citizens of Chile
experience in July?
C: D:
Autumn Winter
Muy bien, amigo!
T eres
muy inteligente!
Te equivocas, seor!
No es correcto
A: B:
Cuba Dominican Republic
Pedro Martinez is from which
Latin American country?
C: D:
Honduras Mexico
T eres
muy inteligente!
Que no!
No es correcto
A: B:
Mexico France
Where was Christopher Columbus from?
C: D:
Spain Italy
Qu bien!
T eres
muy inteligente!
No es correcto
A: B:
Greek Hebrew
The Spanish language has evolved from
what ancient language?
C: D:
Latin Chinese
T eres
muy inteligente!
No lo es!
No Es correcto
A: B:
William Carlos
In Texas in 1998, what was the most common
name given to new babies?
C: D:
J.R. Jos
Qu bueno!
T eres
muy inteligente!
Cometiste un error!
No es correcto
A: B:
They already are Before 2010
According to U.S. Census estimates,
when will Hispanics become the largest
minority group in the U.S.?
C: D:
Between 2010 and 2020 After 2020
T eres
muy inteligente!
Perdn, seor, pero
No es correcto
A: B:
23 million 44 million
As of the end of the year 2000, how many
Hispanics are projected to be living
In the U.S.?
C: D:
39 million 97 million
T eres
muy inteligente!
Mala idea, hombre!
No es correcto
A: B:
12% 5%
According to the 1999 Census, what
percentage of the U.S. population is Hispanic?
C: D:
25% 30%
T eres
muy inteligente!
Respuesta incorrecta!
No es correcto
A: B:
5.5% 9.5%
What percentage of pages on the
Internet worldwide are in Spanish?
C: D:
14.5% 1.5%
T eres
muy inteligente!
Mala decisin, chico!
No es correcto
A: B:
5th 3rd
Among the countries of the world, where
does the U.S. rank in terms of its
number of Spanish speakers?
C: D:
7th 9th
T eres
muy inteligente!
Qu malo!
No es correcto
A: B:
24 26
How many letters are there in the
Spanish alphabet?
C: D:
28 30
T eres
muy inteligente!
Has escogido mal!
No es correcto
Muchas gracias por jugar!
Thank you for playing!

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