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Thursday October 11, 1492/jueves el 11 de octubre 1492

They ought to make good slaves for they are of quick intelligence since I notice that they are quick to
repeat what is said to them, and I believe that they could very easily become Christians, for it seemed to
me that they had no religion of their own. God willing, when I come to leave I will bring six of them to
Your Highnesses so that they may learn to speak.

Ellos deben ser buenos servidores y de buen ingenio, que veo que muy presto dicen todo lo que les
deca, y creo que ligeramente se haran cristianos; que me pareci que ninguna secta tenan. Yo,
placiendo a Nuestro Seor, llevar de aqu al tiempo de mi partida seis a Vuestras Altezas para que
aprendan a hablar.

Thursday October 11, 1492/ Jueves el 11 de octubre 1492
Some of them paint themselves black, though they are naturally the color of Canary Islanders, neither
black nor white; and some paint themselves white, some red and some whatever color they can find;
some paint their faces, some their whole bodies, some only the eyes and some only the nose. They do
not carry arms and do not know of them because I showed them some swords and they grasped them
by the blade and cut themselves out of ignorance.

De ellos se pintan de prieto, y ellos son de la color de los canarios ni negros ni blancos, y de ellos se
pintan de blanco, y de ellos de colorado, y de ellos de lo que hallan, y de ellos se pintan las caras, y de
ellos todo el cuerpo, y de ellos solos los ojos, y de ellos slo el nariz. Ellos no traen armas ni las conocen,
porque les mostr espadas y las tomaban por el filo y se cortaban con ignorancia.

Saturday October 13, 1492/ Sbado el 13 de octubre
At sunrise many of these men, all youths, as I have said, came to the shore. They were all of good
stature, very handsome people, with hair which is not curly but thick and flowing like a horse's mane.
They all have very wide foreheads and heads, wider than those of any race I have seen before; their eyes
are very beautiful and not small. None of them is black, rather the color of the Canary islanders.

Luego que amaneci vinieron a la playa muchos de estos hombres, todos mancebos, como dicho tengo,
y todos de buena estatura, gente muy hermosa: los cabellos no crespos, salvo corredios y gruesos, como
sedas de caballo, y todos de la frente y cabeza muy ancha ms que otra generacin que hasta aqu haya
visto, y los ojos muy hermosos y no pequeos, y ellos ninguno prieto, salvo de la color de los canarios.

Tuesday October 16, 1492/ Martes el 16 de Octubre
These people are similar to those on the other islands, with the same language and customs except that
these people already seem to me to be rather more civilized in manner and more intelligent, because I
notice that they have brought cotton to the ship and other things for which they drive a harder bargain
than the others did. I do not think they have any religion and I believe that they would quickly become
Christians because they are very intelligent.

Esta gente es semejante a aquellas de las dichas islas, y un habla y unas costumbres, salvo que stos ya
me parecen algn tanto ms domstica gente y de trato y ms sutiles, porque veo que han trado
algodn aqu a la nao y otras cositas, que saben mejor refetar el pagamento que no hacan los otros. No
les conozco secta ninguna, y creo que muy presto se tornaran cristianos, porque ellos son de muy buen

Wednesday October 17, 1492/Mircoles el 17 de Octubre
The people were the same as those already mentioned, of the same type and as naked and of the same
stature and they gave what they had for whatever was given to them. And here I saw some of the ships'
boys exchanging pieces of broken crockery and glass for spears. The others who went for water told me
how they had been in their houses, and that inside they were swept very clean and that their beds and
coverings were like cotton nets. They, the houses, were all like tents, very high and with good chimneys.

La gente toda era una con los otros ya dichos, de las mismas condiciones, y as desnudos y de la misma
estatura, y daban de lo que tenan por cualquier cosa que les diesen; y aqu vi que unos mozos de los
navos les trocaron azagayas por unos pedazuelos de escudillas rotas y de vidrio. Y los otros que fueron
por el agua me dijeron cmo haban estado en sus casas y que eran de adentro muy barridas y limpias, y
sus camas y paramentos de cosas que son como redes de algodn; ellas, las casas, son todas a manera
de alfaneques y muy altas y buenas chimeneas.

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