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HELLO But Here Student Surname Teacher There Numbers Countries nationalities Australia - Australian Brazil - Brazilian Canada

- Canadian China - Chinese Colombia - Colombian France - French Hungary - Hungarian Ireland - Irish Italy - Italian Mexico - Mexican New Zealand - New Zealander Peru - Peruvian Poland - Polish South Africa - South African Spain - Spanish Turkey - Turkish UK - British USA - American Venezuela Venezuelan Classroom objects Backpack Book Chair Desk Dictionary Folder Laptop Notebook Pen Pencil Classroom language Any questions? Be quiet, please Can I go out? Can you repeat that? Can you speak more slowly?

HOLA Pero Aqu Estudiante Apellido Profesor All/hay Nmeros Pases - nacionalidades Australia - Australiano Brasil - Brasileo Canada - Canadiense China - Chino Colombia - Colombiano Francia - Francs Hungra - Hngaro Irlanda - Irlands Italia - Italiano Mxico - Mexicano Nueva Zelanda Neocelands Per - Peruano Polonia - Polaco Sudfrica - Sudafricano Espaa -Espaol Turquia - Turco Reino Unido - Britnico EE.UU. - Americano Venezuela - Venezolano Objetos del aula Mochila Libro Silla Escritorio Diccionario Carpeta Laptop Cuaderno Bolgrafo Lpiz Lenguaje del aula Alguna pregunta? Estar en silencio, por favor Puedo salir? Puede repetir eso? Puede hablar ms lento?

Close your books How do you say... In English? I don't know I don't understand Listen to the CD Look at the board Open your books Read the text Speak in english That's right Turn to page What does this word mean? What's the answer to question...? Write sentences Greeting and saying goodbye And you? Bye Good afternoon Good evening Good morning

Cerrar los libros Cmo se dice... En Ingls? No lo s No entiendo Escuchar el CD Mirar la pizarra Abrir sus libros Leer el texto Hablar en Ingls Eso es correcto Vaya a la pgina Qu significa esta palabra? Cul es la respuesta a la pregunta...? Escribir oraciones Saludar y despedirse

Y usted? Chau Buenas tardes Buena tarde (saludo) Buenos das Buenas noches Good night (despedida) Goodbye Adis Great! Genial! Have a nice day Qu tenga un buen da Qu tenga un buen fin de Have a nice weekend semana Hello Hola Hi Hola How are you? Cmo ests? How's everything? Cmo va todo? How's it going? Cmo va todo? I'm OK Yo estoy bien I'm very well Estoy muy bien Not bad No est mal Not much Nada mal See you Nos vemos See you later Hasta ms tarde See you tomorrow Hasta maana So-so Masomenos Take care Tenga cuidado Thank you Gracias Thanks Gracias What's up? Qu pasa? Phrases Frases How old are you? I'm... Cuntos aos tienes? (years old) Tengo... (aos)

I live in... What's your name? Im.../My names... What's ypur number? Where are you from? Im from... Titles Mr Mrs Miss Ms

Yo vivo en... Cmo te llamas? Soy... / Mi nombre es ... Cul es tu nmero? De dnde eres? Yo soy de ... Ttulos Sr. Sra. Seorita Sra. (no necesariamente casada) 1A

1A All Coach College Course First name Near New Park Play Player Road Same Street Team With Phrases How do you spell? I live at + address Me too Nice to meet you (too) Pleasure to meet you Really? This is Whats your address?

Todo Entrenador Colegio Curso Primer nombre Cerca Nuevo Parque Jugar Jugador Carretera Mismo Calle Equipo Con Frases Puede deletrear? Yo vivo en + la direccin Yo tambin Encantada de conocerte (tambin) Es un placer conocerte En serio? Este es Cul es tu direccin?

Dark Expensive Favourite Gadget Have Light Like Man - men Mobile phone Per cent (%) Really Shoes Shopping Some Sunglasses Thing Up to date Very Watch (n) Woman - women Colours Black Blue Brown Gold Green Orange Pink Purple Red Silver White Yellow 1C Call (v) Camera Do Drive Full-time Information Internet Language Learn Look for Motorbike Part-time Photo

Cul es tu correo What's your e-mail? electrnico? Who...? Quin...? You know,... Ya sabes, ... 1B 1B A pair of Un par de About Acerca de/sobre Bag Bolsa Car Automvil Child - children Nio - nios

Oscuro Caro, costoso Favorito Aparato, artefacto Tener Luz Como Hombre - hombres Telfono mvil Por ciento (%) Realmente, en realidad Zapatos Compras Algunos Gafas de sol Cosa Al da, actualizado Muy Reloj Mujer - mujeres Colores Negro Azul Marrn Oro Verde Naranja Rosado Prpura Rojo Plata Blanco Amarillo 1C Llame al Cmara Hacer Drive De jornada completa, a tiempo completo Informacin Internet Idioma Aprender Buscar Motocicleta A media jornada, medio tiempo Foto

Ride Still Take pictures Type Use Work Jobs Actor Actress Delivery person Photographer Salesperson Secretary Shop assistant Tour guide Waiter Waitress Phrases How many? I see Of course Welcome to What do you do? 1D A bit Bored Busy Go out Hungry Lunch break Thirsty Tired Words/phrases related to time AM At/past/to Early Half Half and hour Late Midnight Minute Noon Now Oclock PM Quarter Till

Paseo/montar Todava Tomar fotografas Tipo Utilizar Trabajo Empleos Actor Actriz Repartidor Fotgrafo Vendedor Secretario Dependiente Gua de turismo Camarero Camarera Frases Cuntos? Ya veo Por supuesto Bienvenido a qu hace? (aplica tambien a profesin) 1D Un poco Aburrido Ocupado Salir Hambriento Almuerzo Sediento Cansado Palabras / frases relacionadas con el tiempo AM A, en, al / pasado / a, para, de Temprano Mitad Media hora Tarde Medianoche Minuto Medioda Ahora En punto PM Cuarto Hasta

Tonight What's the time? Phrases Come on Excuse me I cant wait Is... Ok with you? Let's... Meet you there Ok, then Sound good Stop talking What about...? 1E Age Also Band Basketball Brilliant Called Check something out Engaged Have fun Husband Lifeguard Love Married Muscian Single Sports centre Sports freak Swimming Together Unemployed University Website Wife Wonderful Personality adjectives Active Funny Hard-working Lazy Outgoing Polite Rude Serious

Esta noche Qu hora es? Frases Vamos Disclpeme No puedo esperar Est... De acuerdo? Vamos/echemos/seamos ... Nos vemos all Ok, entonces (aceptar) Suena bien Dejar de hablar Qu pasa con...? 1E Edad/aos Tambin Banda, grupo Baloncesto Brillante Llamado Averiguar algo Comprometido Divertirse Marido Salvavidas Amor Casado Msico Soltero/solo Centro deportivo Fantico de los deportes Natacin Juntos Desempleado Universidad Sitio web Esposa Maravilloso Adjetivos de personalidad Activo Divertido Trabajador Perezoso Extrovertido Corts Grosero Serio

Shy Phrases What is... Like? 2A About Chat During Every day Finish From... to... Help me out In the morning Afternoon/evening Mind Need Or Other People Say Start Then Until Walk Weekday Weekend When Everyday activities Clean the windows Cook Do homework Do housework Do the washing-up Get up Have break/lunch/dinner Hoover Mop the floor Study Days of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2B Boss

Tmido Frases Cmo es/est? 2A Acerca de Charlar Durante Cada da Acabado/final De... a.... Ayudenme Por la maana Tarde / noche Mente Necesitar O Otro Personas Decir Comienzo Entonces, luego Hasta Caminar Da de la semana Fin de semana Cuando Actividades cotidianas Limpiar las ventanas Cocinar/cocinero Hacer los deberes Hacer las tareas domsticas Lavar los platos Levantarse Desayuno / almuerzo / cena Aspiradora Trapear el piso Estudio Das de la semana Lunes Martes Mircoles Jueves Viernes Sbado Domingo 2B Jefe

Cafeteria Different Door Find Floor Hospital Hotel Just Newspaper Office So Upstairs Jobs Bellboy Chef Doctor Editor Graphic designer Housekeeper Nurse Receptionist Reporter Phrases I'm only joking Let me show you Over there When...? 2C Again Brilliant Buy Can't stand Come Dj Enjoy Fantastic For Good idea Hate Horrible Place Romantic Singer Song Ticket Want to Watch Would like Free-time activities

Cafetera Diferente Puerta Encontrar Piso Hospital Hotel Slo/justo Peridico Oficina As, asi que Piso de arriba Empleos Botones Cocinero Mdico Editor Diseador grfico Ama de llaves Enfermera Recepcionista Reportero Frases Slo estoy bromeando Djame mostrarte Por all Cuando...? 2C De nuevo Brillante Comprar No puede soportar Venir Dj Disfrutar Fantstico Para Buena idea Odiar Horrible Lugar Romntico Cantante Cancin Boleto/billete Quiere/desee Ver Le gustara Actividades de tiempo libre

Dance Go clubbing Go to a concert Listen to music Spend time with friends Stay at home Types of music Classical Hip hop Jazz Pop R&b Rock Traditional Types of films Adventure Animated Comedy Drama Horror Musical Science-fiction Phrases All right I think... I'd love to In a bit In my free time Sure What do you think of...? What kind of...? 2D A lot of Eyes Fall asleep Get Health Life More Play (n) Portable Theatre Tv programme Wake up Way Adverbs of frecuency

Danza Ir de discotecas Ir a un concierto Escuchar msica Pasar tiempo con amigos Quedarse en casa Tipos de msica Clsico Hip hop Jazz Pop R&b Rock Tradicional Tipos de pelculas Aventura Animacin Comedia Drama Horror Musical Ciencia ficcin Frases Todo bien Creo que ... Me encantara En un poco En mi tiempo libre Seguro Qu piensa usted de...? Qu tipo de...? 2D Mucho Ojos Dormirse/quedarse dormido Conseguir/llegar /recibir/hacer Salud Vida Ms Juego Porttil Teatro Programa de tv Despertarse Camino Los adverbios de frecuencia

Always Usually Often Sometimes Rarely Never Words/phrases related to technology Check e-mails Download information Multimedia player Play video games Screen Send msm messages Surf the Net Video clip Phrases How often? Once/twice/... Times a day/week... 2E Adult Anyway Become Champion Eat Famous Food Future Hard Hope Interview (v) Little My own Neighbourhood Next year Recognise Sport star Teach

Siempre En general A menudo A veces Raramente Nunca Las palabras / frases relacionadas con la tecnologa Revisar el correo electrnico Descargar informacin Reproductor multimedia Jugar juegos de video Pantalla Enviar mensajes MSM

Navegar por la red Video clip Frases Con qu frecuencia? Una vez / dos veces / ... Veces al da / semana ... 2E Adulto De todos modos Convertirse en, llegar a ser Campen Comer Famoso Comida Futuro Duro/difcil Esperanza Entrevistar Poco Mi propia Vecindario, barrio El ao que viene Reconocer Estrella del deporte Ensear Adiestrar, domesticar, Train (v) ejercitarse/tren Free-time activities Actividades de tiempo libre Go shopping Hacer compras Go to the gym Ir al gimnasio Hang out with Pasar el rato con los amigos friends Read a magazines Leer unas revistas Take karate lessons Tomar clases de karate

Talk on the phone Phrases Well... 3A Actually At the moment Bring Dress Get married Have a day off Lovely Month News Wedding Family Aunt Cousin Daughter Grandchildren Granddaughter Grandparents Grandson Kids Mother-in-law Nephew Niece Sister-in-law Son Uncle Phrases Congratulations! Guess what! Long time no see 3B After all Bedroom Curtains Decide Drawer Fireplace Living room Move Problem Put Rearrange Special Study (n)

Hablar por telfono Frases Bueno ... 3A En realidad En el momento Traer Vestido Casarse Tener un da libre Precioso Mes Noticias Boda Familia Ta Primo Hija Nietos Nieta Abuelos Nieto Nios Suegra Sobrino Sobrina Cuada Hijo To Frases Felicitaciones! Adivinen qu! Cunto tiempo sin verte 3B Despus de todo Dormitorio Cortinas Decidir Cajn Chimenea Sala de estar Movimiento/mover Problema Poner Reordenar Especial Estudio

Wall Furniture Armchair Bed Bedside table Book case Clock Coffee table Lamp Mirror Painting Rug Sofa Wardrobe Prepositions of place Above Behind Between In In front of Next to On Opposite Under Phrase How's that? It looks... So wha? That's out of the questions We need a change Whose...? 3C Any more Area Around Bus City centre Convenient Especially Ground In fact Many Popular Tourist Town

Pared Muebles Silln Cama Mesilla de noche Estante de libros Reloj Mesa de centro/mesa de caf Lmpara Espejo Pintura Alfombra Sof Armario Preposiciones de lugar Arriba Detrs Entre En (dentro) En frente de Al lado de En (que est en contacto con la superficie) Opuesto Debajo Frase Cmo es eso? Parece/se ve/que parece... As que? / Y qu? Fuera de discusin Necesitamos un cambio De quin...? 3C No ms /ya no ms /nunca ms Zona Alrededor/alrededor de/en torno a Autobs Centro de la ciudad Conveniente Especialmente Suelo De hecho Muchos Popular Turstico Pueblo

Visit World Places in a city Art gallery Bank Book shop Car park Cathedral Library Museum Post office Shopping centre/mall Stadium Underground station 3D At this time of year Beautiful Because Depressed Documentary Exactly Give sb a lift Interesting Lake Outside Quite The news Today Umbrella Seasons Spring Summer Autumn Winter Words related to the weather Chilly Cloudy Cold Degrees Foggy Heatwaye Hot Rain Snow Sunny Temperture Warm

Visita Mundo Lugares en una ciudad Galera de arte Banco Tienda de libros Aparcamiento Catedral Biblioteca Museo Oficina de correos Centro comercial Estadio Estacin de metro 3D En esta poca del ao Hermoso Porque, debido a Deprimido Documental Exactamente Dar un jale Interesante Lago Afuera Bastante Las noticias Hoy Paraguas Estaciones Primavera Verano Otoo Invierno Palabras relacionadas con el tiempo Fro Nublado Fro Grados Brumoso Ola de calor Caliente Lluvia Nieve Soleado Tempertura Caliente

Windy Phrases Any good? Don't worry I mean... I'm a bit down No problem That's all That's kind of you That's true What's wrong (with you)? Why...? 3E Answer (v) Ask Balcony Bath Bathroom Both Building Bus driver Ceiling Cupboard Downstairs Even Garage Garden Happy Inside Kitchen Large Leather Shower Stairs Subrbs Tell View Appliances Air conditioner Dishwasher Fridge Microwave Washing machine Phrases for letters/e-mails Best wishes Bye for now Dear...

Ventoso Frases Es bueno? No se preocupe Quiero decir ... Estoy un poco decado No hay problema Eso es todo Eso es algo que Eso es verdad Qu est mal (con usted)? Por qu...? 3E Resolver Preguntar Balcn Bao Cuarto de bao Ambos Edificio Conductor de autobs Techo Armario Planta baja Incluso Garaje Jardn Feliz Dentro Cocina Grande Cuero/piel Ducha Escalera Suburbios Decir Vista Electrodomsticos Aire acondicionado Lavavajillas/lavaplatos Nevera Microonda Lavadora Frases para cartas / correos electrnicos Mis mejores deseos Chau por ahora Querida ...

How's life? Say hello to everyone Write back soon Yours 4A Add Dish Drink Medium Menu Slice Take Vegetarian Containers A bottle of... A bowl of A can of A cup of A glass of Food and drink Apple pie Cheese Chicken Chips Club sandwich Coke Fish Lasagne Meat Milk Mushroom Onion Orange juice Pasta Pepper Rice Salad Salt Soup Steak Tea Tomato Water Food course Starters Main course Dessert

Cmo le va la vida? Saludar a todos Escribir de nuevo pronto Tuyo 4A Aadir, agregar Plato Bebida Medio Men Rebanada Tomar Vegetariano Contenedores Una botella de... Un tazn de Una lata de Una taza de Un vaso de Alimentos y bebidas Pastel de manzana Queso Pollo Patatas fritas Club sndwich Coque Pescado Lasaa Carne Leche Champin Cebolla Jugo de naranja Pasta Pimienta Arroz Ensalada Sal Sopa Filete, bistec, carne T Tomate Agua Plato de comida Entradas Plato principal Postre

Phrases Anything else? Are you ready to order? Here you are I think so I'm afraid... Is that all? Maybe later One more thing There you go What does that come with? Would you like...? 4B Cancer Colourful Each Easy Healthy Heart Important Include Keep Meal Memory Plate Proyect (against) Try Type of Vitamin Fruit Apple Apricot Banana Blueberries Cherry Grapes Lemon Orange Peach Plums Strawberry Watermelon Vegetables Aubergine Carrot Lettuce Peas

Frases Algo ms? Ests listo para pedir? Aqu ests Creo que s Me temo ... Eso es todo? Tal vez ms tarde Una cosa ms Ah tienes Qu significa que vienen con? Te gustara...? 4B Cncer Colorido Cada Fcil Saludable Corazn Importante Incluir Mantener/guardar Comida Memoria Placa Proteger (contra) Intentar Tipo de Vitamina Fruta Manzana Albaricoque Pltano Arndanos Cereza Uvas Limn Naranja Melocotn Ciruelas Fresa Sanda Verduras Berenjena Zanahoria Lechuga Arvejas

Peppers Potato Spinach 4C Activity Another Believe Build Change (v) Culture Event Excited about Experience (v) Get involved Member Musical instrument Organisation Organise Orphan Paint Poor Puppet show Raise money Sell Visit (n) Volunteer (n) Phrases Any ideas Wish me luck 4D Allergic As well Cream Do tests Exercise Feel Give Harmful Hurt Medicine Painkiller Relax Sleep Stress Way Parts of the body Arm Back Head

Pimientos Patata Espinacas 4C Actividad Otro Creer Construir Cambiar Cultura Evento Entusiasmados Experimentar Involucrarse Miembro Instrumento musical Organizacin Organizar Hurfano Pintar Pobre Espectculo de marionetas Recaudar dinero Vender Visitar Voluntario (n ) Frases Alguna idea Desearme suerte 4D Alrgico Asi tambin/ademas Crema Hacer pruebas Ejercicio Sentir Dar Perjudicial Dao Medicina Analgsico Relajarse Sueo Estrs Camino Las partes del cuerpo Brazo Espalda Cabeza

Stomach Tooth Ailments Allergy Backaches Ill Rash Sore throat Stomach ache Temperature The flu Toothache Phrases What seems tobe the problem? 4E After a while At all Be/get bored of Before Boring Choose Common Interested Letter Machine Make sure Model Nowadays Receive Sit Stand Strong Trendy Words related to fitness Be/keep fit Do aerobics Go jogging Take up (a sport) Work out 5A A couple of Ago All over Explain Face

Estmago Diente Dolencias Alergia Dolores de espalda Enfermo Salpullido Dolor de garganta Dolor de estmago Temperatura La gripe Dolor de muelas Frases Cul parece ser problema? 4E Al poco tiempo En absoluto Ser / aburrir de Antes Aburrido Elegir Comn Interesado Carta Mquina Cerciorarse, comprobar Modelo Hoy en da, en la actualidad Recibir Sentarse Estar de pie Fuerte De moda Palabras relacionadas con gimnasio Ser / estar en forma Hacer aerbicos Hacer footing, salir a correr Practicar (un deporte) Hacer ejercicios 5A Un par de Hace, antes Por todo Explicar Cara

Get scared Get tired Go out (lights) Last week Laugh Leave Lift (n) Luckily Run Side Suddenly Teenager Terrible Treadmill Unfortunately Yesterday Phases How embarrassing! 5B Exactly Exam result Fail an exam / a test Find sth difficult Forget Get a degree Have a great time Pass an exam / a test Remember Reunion Take a course Academic subjects Biology Business and management Chemistry Geography History Information technology (IT) Maths Modern languages Physical education (PE) Physics Phrases You missed out 5C Be afraid of heights Be stuck

Asustarse Cansarse Apagarse (luces) Semana pasada Risa Dejar Ascensor Por suerte Ejecutar Lado De repente Adolescente Terrible Mquina para correr Desafortunadamente Ayer Fases Qu vergenza! 5B Exactamente Resultado del examen Fallar un examen / prueba Encontrar difcil Olvidar Obtener un ttulo Pasar un gran momento Aprobar un examen / prueba Recordar Reunin Tomar un curso Las materias acadmicas Biologa Comercio y gestin Qumica Geografa Historia Tecnologa de la informacin (IT) Matemticas Lenguas modernas Educacin fsica (PE) Fsica Frases Te perdiste 5C Tener miedo a las alturas Estar atrapado

Dangerous Experience (n) Happen Imagine Island Jump Loud Noise Panic (v) Sea Sing Ski lift Sunbathe Terrified Tropical Holiday activities Do water sports Go camping Go fishing Go hiking Go horse riding Go mountain biking Go scuba-diving Go sightseeing Go skiing Go windsurfing Phrases Calm down I suppose so What's the matter? 5D Amazing At the age of Be born Blind Break a record Century Clear Completely Die Direct Fast Get over Give up Invent Join Million Mystery Novel

Peligroso Experiencia Suceder Imaginar Isla Salto Fuerte Ruido Pnico Mar Cantar Telesilla Tomar el sol Aterrorizado Tropical Actividades de vacaciones Hacer deportes acuticos Ir a acampar Ir a pescar Ir de excursin Montar a caballo Ir en bicicleta de montaa Hacer buceo Hacer turismo Ir a esquiar Practicar windsurf Frases Calmarse Supongo que s Qu te pasa? 5D Asombroso A la edad de Nacer Ciego Romper un rcord Siglo Claro Completamente Morir Directo Rpido Superar Renunciar Inventar Unirse Milln Misterio Novela

Sell Star (v) Story Sucessful Win Young Professions Artist Athlete Dancer Director Runner Scientist Writer 5E Bump Dressed in Enter Fall (down) Hear Huge In no time Lose my memory Mate Pick up the phone Point Ring (v) Safe Security guard Shocked Shout Slow Tree Voice Wave (v) Wonder (v) Words related to crime Burglar Burglary Catch Get away Grab Gun Hide Hit Kill Police Steal

Vender Estrella Historia Exitoso Ganar Joven Profesiones Artista Atleta Bailarn Director Corredor Cientfico Escritor 5E Chichn Vestido con Entrar Caer (abajo) Escuchar Enorme En poco tiempo Perder mi memoria Compaero Levantar el telfono Punto Anillo Seguro Guardia de seguridad Sorprendido Grito Lento rbol Voz Onda, ola Maravilla Palabras relacionadas con el crimen Ladrn Robo Captura Escapar Agarrar Pistola Ocultar Golpear Matar Polica Robar

Phrases Frases All I could say was... Todo lo que pude decir fue Look out! Cuidado! 6A Attend Competition Cool Definitely Embarrass Enter (a competition) Fan Festival Find out Miss Perform Poster Prize Stage Take place Whole Months January February March April May June July August September October November December Ordinals First Second Third Phrases That's for sure Which...? Yeah right 6B Almost Appointment Arrange Arrive Awards ceremony 6A Asistir Competencia Fresco/genial Definitivamente Avergonzar Entrar (a la competencia) Admirador/ventilador Festival Averiguar Seorita Desempear Cartel Premio Etapa Tener lugar/llevar a cabo Todo Meses Enero Febrero Marzo/marcha Abril Mayo/puede Junio Julio Agosto/augusto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre Ordinales Primero Segundo Tercera Frases Eso es seguro Qu/cual...? S a la derecha/si claro 6B Casi Nombramiento Organizar Llegar Entrega de premios

Book (v) Borrow Cancel Company Dentist Dirty Do sb a favour Dry-cleaner's Far Fully booked Give sb a call Lend Make a phone call Manager Meeting Own (v) Pick up sb from a place Suit Without Phrases Certainly How may I help you? 6C Amount At least Bottom Chase Competitor Down Each Get injured Hill Lose Loser Match (n) Quick Race Spectator Speed Swimmer Take part Top Unusual Up Visitor Winner 6D

Reservar Pedir prestado Cancelar Empresa Dentista Sucio Sb hacer un favor De tintorera Lejos/mucho/ahora Completamente lleno Sb llame Prestar Llamar por telfono Gerente Reunin/satisfacer Conceder Recoger sb de un lugar Traje Sin Frases Ciertamente En qu puedo ayudarle? 6C Cantidad Al menos Fondo, inferior Persecucin Competidor Abajo Cada Lesiono Colina, cerro Perder Perdedor Partido, juego Rpido Carrera Espectador Velocidad Nadador Participar Parte superior Inslito Hasta/para arriba Visitante Ganador 6D

Agree Be against Be into Farm Jacket Leaflet Protest march Rights Round the corner Save Science Wear Animals Bear Chicken Cow Duck Elephant Giraffe Monkey Ostrich Rabbit Shark Sheep Tiger Phrases Are you free? Not really That's a shame What's going on? 6E Album All over the world Continue Fly Graduation Invitation Invite Latest Perfect Reply Take care of Wishes Congratulations Get well soon Good luck Happy birthday

Acordar, aceptar Estar en contra Estar en (dentro) Granja Chaqueta Folleto Marcha de protesta Derechos Vuelta de la esquina/en la esquina Guardar, salvar Ciencia Desgaste/llevar/usar Animales Oso Pollo Vaca Pato Elefante Jirafa Mono Avestruz Conejo Tiburn Oveja Tigre Frases Eres libre? En realidad no Eso es una vergenza/es una lstima Qu est pasando? 6E lbum/disco Por todo el mundo Continuar Volar/viaje Graduacin Invitacin Invitar Ms reciente Perfecto Responder Ocuparse de Deseos Felicitaciones Recuperese pronto Buena suerte Feliz cumpleaos

Happy new year Have a nice trip Phrases How could i say no? I can't make it Let me know I'm really looking forward to it Maybe some other time

Feliz ao nuevo buen viaje Frases Cmo podra decir que no? No puedo hacer ms Quiero saber Tengo muchas ganas de hacerlo/estoy esperando Quiz en otro momento

Infinitivo Arise Awake Be/ am, are, is Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bet Bind Bid Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Buy Cast Catch Come Cost Cut Choose Cling Creep Deal Dig Do (Does) Draw Dream

Pasado simple Arose Awoke Was / Were Bore Beat Became Began Bent Bet Bound Bid Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt /Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Came Cost Cut Chose Clung Crept Dealt Dug Did Drew Dreamt /

Participio pasado Arisen Awoken Been Borne / Born Beaten Become Begun Bent Bet Bound Bid Bitten Bled Blown Broken Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt / Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Come Cost Cut Chosen Clung Crept Dealt Dug Done Drawn Dreamt /

Traduccin Drink Surgir, Levantarse Despertarse Ser / Estar Feed Soportar, dar a luz Golpear Llegar a Ser Empezar Doblar Apostar Atar, encuadernar Pujar Morder Sangrar Soplar Romper Criar Traer Llevar Radiar Edificar Quemar Reventar Comprar Arrojar Coger Venir Costar Know Cortar Elegir Agarrarse Arrastrarse Tratar Cavar Hacer Dibujar Soar Kneel Knit Lay Lead Lean Leap Learn Give Go (Goes) Grow Grind Hang Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Hurt Keep Feel Fight Find Flee Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Freeze Get Drive Eat Fall

Dreamed Drank Drove Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flew Forbade Forgot Forgave Froze Got Gave Went Grew Ground Hung Had Heard Hid Hit Held Hurt Kept Knew Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned

Dreamed Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flown Forbidden Forgotten Forgiven Frozen Got / Gotten Given Gone Grown Ground Hung Had Heard Hidden Hit Held Hurt Kept Known Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned Beber Conducir Comer Caer Alimentar Sentir Luchar Encontrar Huir Volar Prohibir Olvidar Perdonar Helar Obtener Dar Ir Crecer Moler Colgar Haber o Tener Oir Ocultar Golpear Agarrar Celebrar Herir Conservar Saber Conocer Arrodillarse Hacer punto Poner Conducir Apoyarse Brincar Aprender

Leave Lend Let Lie Light Lose Make Mean Meet Mistake Overcome Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Seek Sell Send Set Sew Shake Shear Shine Shoot Show Shrink Shut Sing Sink Sit Sleep Slide Smell Sow

Left Lent Let Lay Lit Lost Made Meant Met Mistook Overcame Paid Put Read Rode Rang Rose Ran Said Saw Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed Shook Shore Shone Shot Showed Shrank Shut Sang Sank Sat Slept Slid Smelt Sowed

Left Lent Let Lain Lit Lost Made Meant Met Mistaken Overcome Paid Put Read Ridden Rung Risen Run Said Seen Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed / Sewn Shaken Shorn Shone Shot Shown Shrunk Shut Sung Sunk Sat Slept Slid Smelt Sowed /

Dejar Prestar Permitir Echarse Encender Perder Hacer Significar Encontrar Equivocar Vencer Spoil Pagar Poner Leer Montar Llamar Levantarse Correr Decir Ver Buscar Vender Enviar Poner(se) Coser Sacudir Esquilar Brillar Disparar Mostrar Encogerse Cerrar Cantar Hundir Sentarse Dormir Resbalar Oler Sembrar Stride Strike Swear Sweat Sweep Swell Swim Swing Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Thrust Tread Strode Struck Swore Sweat Swept Swelled Swam Swung Took Taught Tore Told Thought Threw Thrust Trod Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick Sting Stink Spin Spit Split Speak Speed Spell Spend Spill Spoke Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprang Stood Stole Stuck Stung Stank/Stunk

Sown Spoken Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprung Stood Stolen Stuck Stung Stunk Stridden Struck Sworn Sweat Swept Swollen Swum Swung Taken Taught Torn Told Thought Thrown Thrust Trodden Hablar Acelerar Deletrear Gastar Derramar Hilar Escupir Hender / partir / rajar Estropear Extender Saltar Estar en pie Robar Pegar Engomar Picar Apestar Dar zancadas Golpear Jurar Sudar Barrer Hinchar Nadar Columpiarse Coger Ensear Rasgar Decir Pensar Arrojar Tirar Introducir Pisar, hollar

Understand Understood Understood Entender Undergo Undertake Underwent Undertook Undergone Undertaken Sufrir Emprender

Wake Wear Weave Weep Wet Win Wind Withdraw Wring Write

Woke Wore Wove Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrew Wrung Wrote

Woken Worn Woven Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrawn Wrung Written

Despertarse Llevar puesto Tejer Llorar Mojar Ganar Enrollar Retirarse Torcer Escribir

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