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Un verbo modal es aquel que se usa en combinacin con un verbo principal para expresar obligacin, prohibicin, capacidad o habilidad para realizar alguna tarea, para hacer recomendaciones, etc. Ex. Ralph can speak three languages. You know ou shouldn!t smoke, so wh do ou do it" #$%&' (%$') *on verbos incompletos, es decir, les +altan tiempos verbales. (o tienen participio ni in+initivo. 'l +altarles tiempos, utilizan otros verbos para completar su con,ugacin. 's-, .can/ se completa con .be able to/ , .must/ con .have to/, etc. (o llevan 0s en la tercera persona del singular del presente simple, excepto el verbo .have 1got2/ .be able to/. $odos van seguidos de un verbo en in+initivo sin .to/ , excepto .ought to/, .have to/, .be able to/ .used to/. 3omo no necesitan verbo auxiliar, constru en la interrogativa invirtiendo el orden del su,eto el verbo, la negativa a4adiendo .not/. (unca uses .do, does, o did/ en las preguntas en las que a est5n otros verbos modales como .can, must, etc.. 6. %789:'39;( &ust 1deber, tener que2< . ou must train ver hard i+ ou want to be a success+ul athlete/. =ave to 1tener que2< .9 have to get up at six ever morning except *unda s/. (%$'< .must/ se utiliza para dar rdenes, mandatos, obligaciones. *i el que habla desea suavizar esta autoridad, se suele usar .have to/. .=ave to must/ se complementan porque tienen un signi+icado similar. >or ello se utiliza .have to/ en

todos los tiempos que +altan a .must/ 1por e,emplo, .had to/ es el pasado de/ must/ .will have to/ ser-a el +uturo de .must/2. ?. >R%=97939;( &ustn!t 1no deber2< . You mustn!t make a noise during the exam/. 'ren!t@weren!t allowed to 1no estar permitido@no estaba permitido2< .$eachers aren!t allowed to smoke inside the school/. 3an!t@couldn!t 1no poder@ no pod-amos2< .You can!t take photos using a +lash in this museum/. (%$'< .&ustn!t/ es el modal mAs usual para indicar prohibicin. B. (E3E*9C'C (eed 1necesitar2< .De need to bu some butteries +or the camera/. E. >ER&9*% 1pedir dar permiso2

3an 1poder2< .9 hate that song) 3an 9 put something di++erent on"/ .Yes, ou can./ &a 1poder2< .&a 9 use our computer " Yes, ou ma /. 3ould 1podr-a2< .3ould 9 use our computer" 're@were allowed to 1permitir2< .& sister is allowed to use a dictionar in her translation exams at universit . 9ncredible)/. (%$'< .3an, could ma / son los modales mAs comunes para pedir dar permiso. .3an could/ se utiliza en un contexto in+ormal .&a / se utiliza en un contexto +ormal. F. 'U*E(39' CE %789:'39;( % CE (E3E*9C'C (eedn!t 1no necesitar2< .You needn!t give me back m camera until 9 go on holida next month./ Con!t have to@didn!t have to 1no es necesario que 2</Gimm doesn!t have to retake an examsH he passed them all +irst time. (%$'< En este sentido .don!t have to/ tiene un sentido mAs +uerte que .needn!t/.

En este contexto .have to/ necesita el auxiliar /C%/ para interrogar negar 1 ou don!t have toII@do ou have to I."2 J. RE3%&E(C'39%(E*, *U:ERE(39'*, 3%(*EG%*, %>9(9%(E* *hould 1deber-a2</7rian should bu a new computer/ %ught to 1deber-a2< .7ob ought to be more care+ul when he is driving< he is a real danger to pedestrians. 3ould 1podr-as2</ You could ask our parents to lend ou some mone i+ ou haven!t got enough. (%$'< .*hould/ es el modal mAs comKn para indicar una recomendacin. Es prActicamente id5ntico a .ought to/ , pero este verbo no es tan +recuente como should. L. ='7989C'C, 3'>'39C'C Y 3%(%39&9E($% 1>RE*E($E2 3an 1saber2</ &art can pla the guitar better than an one 9 know/. (%$'< El verbo que puede sustituir a .can/ en este uso es .know how to/ 1do ou know how to cook good &exican +ood"2 M. ='7989C'C, 3'>'39C'C Y 3%(%39&9E($% 1>'*'C%2 3ould 1sab-a2< .*he was a gi+ted child and could read when she was onl three ears old. was@were able to 1+ue capaz de,pudo 2< .9 was abroad on holida at the time o+ the general Election but 9 was able to vote b post./ (%$'< 3uando nos re+erimos a una habilidad que se tuvo en una ocasin concreta del pasado se utiliza .was able to/. N. 'U*E(39' CE ='7989C'C % 3'>'39C'C E( E8 >RE*E($E 3an!t 1no sabe2</& +ather can!t drive but m grandmother can. 6O.'U*E(39' CE ='7989C'C % 3'>'39C'C E( E8 >'*'C% 3ouldn!t 1 no sab-a@no pod-a2</Cid ou know that Einstein couldn!t speak +luentl until he was nine"

Dasn!t@weren!t able to .no +ue capaz de@no pudo2H .Cespite pla ing well, the weren!t able to score the goals the needed to quali+ /. 66.>%*97989C'C@9(3ER$9CU&7RE *e utiliza .might, ma o could/ P in+initivo para hablar de posibilidad en el +uturo o de posibilidad re+erida a actividades presentes. &a 1puede que, tal vez2< .*ome students ma +ail the exam/. &ight 1pudiera ser que2< .$he might go to the opera, but the pre+er rock concerts. 3ould 1podr-a2< .=e could be at a +riend!s house/. (%$'< .3ould/ es menos +recuente que .ma might/ .&ight/ es una posibilidad mAs incierta que .&a / *e emplea ma , might o could P beP Qing para hablar de actividades que pueden estar ocurriendo en el momento de hablar 1Goe might be doing his homework or he could be watching the +ootball on tv. 6?.CECU339%(E* Una deduccin consiste en llegar a una conclusin a trav5s de una interpretacin lgica que se apo a en algKn tipo de evidencia. 'lgunas veces la conclusin es mu probable 1estamos seguros de ella o casi seguros2 otras veces, mAs que ser una conclusin probable, se trata de una conclusin posible 1no estamos mu seguros de ella2. &ust P Q in+in. 1debe 2< para re+erirnos a conclusiones probables expresadas en +orma a+irmativa de las que estamos seguros o casi seguros. Ex./>amela isn!t a t home and 9 know she works a lot. *he must be at work. 3an!t P Q in+init 1no puede2< para re+erirnos a conclusiones probables expresadas en +orma negativa de las que estamos seguros o casi seguros. Ex./$eresa can!t like dancing ver much. *he hardl ever dances when 9 see her at the disco. &ust@can!tP beP Qing < para expresar conclusiones probables de las que estamos seguros o casi seguros que se re+ieren a hechos que estAn ocurriendo en el momento de hablar.Ex< .3hris is ver quiet, isn!t he" Yes, he must be thinking about something. 6B.='3ER %RRE39&9E($%*

3an< .3an 9 help ou/ 1S$e puedo a udar"2 9(R%R&'8 Dill< .(ever mind, 9 will pick ou up tomorrow morning. 1(o te preocupes, te recoger5 ma4ana por la ma4ana2. R%R&'8 Dould< .Dould ou like an thing +rom the shop" 1STuerr-as algo de la tienda"2 R%R&'8 6E.>EC9R ' %$R' >ER*%(' TUE =':' '8:% 3an@could. Ex. .3an@could ou close the door"/ 9(R%R&'8 Dill@would. Ex. Dould@will ou close the door, please" R%R&'8 6F.EU>RE*'R =V79$%* Y RU$9('* E( E8 >'*'C% Dould< .Dhen 9 was a child we!d go to *cotland ever summer/ 1 3uando era un ni4o -bamos a Escocia todos los veranos2. Used to< .*he used to pla with me in the pla ground when we were at school. 1Gugaba conmigo en el patio cuando estAbamos en el colegio2. 6J.%RRE3ER*E U(% &9*&% >'R' ='3ER '8:% *hall< .shall 9 carr our bags"1S$e llevo las bolsas"2 R%R&'8 3an< .3an 9 carr our bags" 1S>uedo llevarte las bolsas"2 9(R%R&'8 (%$'< .*hall/ se utiliza slo con la primera persona 19@we2.

*e +orman a4adiendo al modal un in+initivo per+ecto, cu a estructura es .have P Qparticipio 0ed, si es regular o la tercera columna de los verbos irregulares. *e usan para re+erirnos a acciones pasadas. (eedn!t P have PQparticipio 1no necesitaba haber@ no ten-a que haberI2< para se4alar que una persona hizo algo aunque esto no hubiera sido necesario.Ex< .*he needn!t have taken a taxi. 9 would have picked her up i+ she had phoned me. *hould@ought to P have P Qparticipio 1deber-a haber I2< para indicar que una accin +ue poco sensata o que no se sigui un conse,o en el pasado.Ex< .=e should have locked the door.

&a @might@could P have P Q participio 1puede@podr-a haber I2< para hablar a cerca de hechos que posiblemente ocurrieron en el pasado, pero no tenemos certeza absoluta. *i usamos .might/, la suposicin es incluso mAs remota. Ex< *he ma have made a mistake &ust P have P Qparticipio 1debe haberI2< >ara expresar una conclusin probable expresada en +orma a+irmativa que se re+iere a un hecho del pasado.Ex< Rerr said he woul phone me but he didn !t. =e must have +orgotten. 3an!t P have P Qparticipio 1no puede haberI2< >ara expresar una conclusin probable expresada en +orma negativa de la que estamos seguros o casi seguros que se re+iere a un hecho del pasado.EU< 9 saw 3arolina in the street toda . *he can!t have gone on holida et.

6. 39R38E $=E 3%RRE3$ '(*DER.

'. 7. 3. C.

You 1ma @must2 eat three nutritious meals a da i+ ou want to be health . De in Rrance this summer. 1Dould@ could2 we spend a +ew da s with ou" You 1shouldn!t@should2 be respect+ul o+ the elderl . 9+ ou want to have dinner at the restaurant, ou 1are ableto@ ought to2 book a table in advance. E. 9n order to be accepted to universit , ou 1might@have to2 have good marks in our exams. ?. R988 9( $=E 3%RRE3$ R%R& %R $=E &%C'8* RR%& $=E 89*$

7E8%D. $=ERE &'Y 7E &%RE $='( %(E 3%RRE3$ '(*DER. *hould@ought to@ must@ can@ might@ musn!t@ ma
$he computer is a wonder+ul invention, however ou WWWWWWWWWW use it care+ull . 9n order to avoid losing documents, ou WWWWWWWWWW alwa s save everthing ou t pe. 9n addition, ou WWWWWWWWWWW print out a cop o+ all important documents. %ne o+ the greatest +ears o+ computer users is a virus. $here are certain dates on which ou WWWWWWWW turn on our computer +or +ear o+ in+ection. Your computer WWWWWWWW get a virus i+ ou insert used diskettes, so ou WWWWWWWWWW tr to avoid doing so. &oreover, ou WWWWWWW want to bu an anti0virus program. B. 3=%%*E $=E &%*$ '>>R%>9'$E *E($E(3E.

6. De could have bought the house +or less mone .

a. De reall should. 7. 9t is a pitt we didn!t ?. 9 advised him to spend more time on his studies. (ow he is sorr he didn!t listen. a. =e should stud more. 7. =e should have studied more. B. Cavid would have booked ou a ticket. a. Dh didn!t ou ask him to" 7. Dh don!t ou ask him to"

E. 9 am an onl child. 9 am sorr m parents had no more children. a. & parents should have had more children. 7. & parents must have had more children F. =e didn!t come to our meeting esterda . a. =e must have had another meeting b. =e must have another meeting

E. $R'(*8'$E $=E*E *E($E(3E* 9($% E(:89*= 6. >odriamos haber ido a ver una pelicula. ?. Ceben terminar antes de las J. B. STu5 piensas que deberia haber hecho" F. REDR9$E E'3= *E($E(3E U*9(: ' &%C'8 % &%C'8

>ERRE3$. 6.Crinking alcohol while ou drive is prohibited b law.

You... ?. >erhaps i will go to the cinema. 9... B.9 am not able to get up earl in the morning. 9... E.9 suggest ou sleep at least seven hours the night be+ore a big exam You... F.9t is a pitt we didn!t spend our last holida in the countr . De... J.9 don!t think 9 told ou all the news. 9... L.9t was wrong o+ the manager to emplo 6B ear old children $he manager... M.=e is late +or work again. =e probabl woke up late. =e...

J. ERR%R 3%RRE3$9%(
6.You must to save all the documents on our computer. ?. & +ather might had helped ou esterda i+ ou had asked. B. Qictor should spent more time stud ing +or esterda !s exam E.Young people toda ought be more polite to their parents. F.(oemi can have completed the assignment on time i+ she had tried.

L. 3=%%*E $=E 3%RRE3$ D%RC*.

6. ?. B. E. $his is top secret. You 1mustn!t@don!t have to2 tell an bod . 8ook at those clouds. 9 think it 1must@might2 rain soon. Co ou have toothache" Con!t ou think ou 1should@have to2 go to the dentist" 9 would like to talk to ou . 1&a @Dould2 9 call ou at home" M

F. Dhen she was ounger, she 1can@could2 run much +aster. J. 9t was ver di++icult, but Cann 1might@ was able to2 get a ticket +or the +ootball match

M. 3=%%*E $=E &%*$ '>>R%>9'$E *E($E(3E $% R%88%D E'3= EU'&>8E

6. De could have gone to see a +ilm. a. Dhat a pit we didn!t go ?. 9 should have studied +or the exam a. 9 knew all the answers b. Dh don!t we go" b. 9 didn!t know an o+ the answers

B. $he have been looking +orward to the part all week, but the aren!t here et. a. $he couldn!t have +orgotten about it b. $he couldn!t +orget about it E. =e still hasn!t arrived a. =e must take the wrong turning b. =e must have taken the wrong turning

F. You could have helped her when she asked ou to. a. Dh don!t ou" b.. Dh didn!t ou" J. 7elieve me, 9 would have visited her a. 9 ,ust didn!t have the time b. 9 ,ust won!t have the time

N. 3%&>8E$E $=E *E($E(3E* U*9(: &%C'8 >ERRE3$*.


6O. 3=%%*E $=E 3%RRE3$ %>$9%(. '. Dhen Cavid was three ears old he WWWWWWWWWW write his own name. 6. must ?. could B. is able to 7. 9n m opinion, *heila WWWWWWWWWWW apologise +or her rude behaviour. 6. should ?. have to B. can 3< >upils WWWWWWWWWWWW smoke in the school grounds. 9t is +orbidden. 6. couldn!t ?. needn!t B. musn!t N

C. $he bus WWWWWWWWW be late because o+ the heav rain. 6. should ?. might B. can E. 9!m sorr , 9 WWWWWWWWWWWW help ou. 9 don!t know an thing about cars. 6. shouldn!t ?. can!t B. needn!t

66. 3=%%*E $=E 3%RRE3$ D%RC*< a. b. c. d. e. 8ook at these clouds. 9 think it 1must@might2 rain soon. Co ou have toothache"Con!t ou think ou 1should@have to2 go to the dentist" 9 would like to talk to ou. 1&a @Dould2 9 call ou at home" Dhen she was ounger, she 1can@could2 run much +aster. 9t was ver di++icult , but Cann 1might@was able to2 get a ticket +or the +ootball match.

6?. D='$ C% Y%U U*E $% EU>RE**< a. abilit in the present and in the past. b. c. d. e. +. %bligation ' request >ossibilit in the +uture >rohibition 'dvice.

6B. 3=%%*E $=E 3%RRE3$ &%C'8 QER7. 6. ?. B. E. F. J. & brother could walk@might walk be+ore he started talking. You have worked ver hard. You could be @must be tired. =elen musn!t do@couldn!t do her homework, because she was ill. $he weather +orecast sa s it ma rain@should rain tomorrow. 9!ll tr to +inish, but 9 can!t have@ might not have enough time. Gim alwa s goes on holida to the same place. =e might like@must like it there.

6E. $R'(*8'$E $=E*E *E($E(3E* 9($% *>'(9*=. 6. S>odr-a utilizar tu ordenador"1 ' un amigo2WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ?. S>uede usted abrir la ventana" 1' una persona ma or2

B. >uede que va amos al campo el prximo +in de semana. 9ncluso podr-amos ir al extran,ero.

E. &is amigos deben vivir a en su nueva casa pero puede que no ha an llevado los muebles todav-a.



J. SQamos al cine esta tarde"

L. S=ar-a usted el +avor de cerrar la puerta"


6J. 3=%%*E $=E 3%RRE3$ %>$9%(. 66

*tudents in modern secondar schools in the UX. *ometimes +eel that the have to@should to complain about homework, but li+e isn!t too bad. 9t is true that the can!t@must stud a lot, but FO ears ago schools were stricter. *tudents mustn!t@weren!t allowed to speak without permission and had to@needn!t show teachers a lot o+ respect. $eachers and head teachers are able to@could use corporal punishment i+ students broke the rules. 'lso, in man boarding schools and private schools, senior students 1older2 need to@were allowed to hit ,unior students 1 ounger2. Guniors had to@must obe the seniors. $he seniors could@must tell the ,uniors to clean their shoes or make their beds. $his might@can!t seem strange to teenagers toda , but school authorities thought that ,uniors should@ought to learn how to serve. Rortunatel , oung people nowada s needn!t@mustn!t worr about that.

6L. 3=%%*E $=E 7E*$ '(*DER< 6.' policeman stopped &r Dest +or driving through a red light. =e told &r Dest that he ma have@must have @ought to have stopped at the light. 66.' man is waiting +or the results o+ a driving test. =e thinks he ma have@ought to have@shouldn!t have +ailed. 6?.*all +eels ill. *he shouldn!t have@could have@might have eaten so much at the part . 6B.& +riend didn!t meet me at the restaurant =e must have@might have@could have called to tell me that he wasn!t coming. 6E.$he 7rowns are stepping into a new car. $he ma have@must have@should have bought a new car. 6M. R988 9( $=E >%*9$9QE %R (E:'$9QE R%R& %R .*=%U8C ='QE, &U*$ ='QE %R 3%U8C ='QE/ $%:E$=ER D9$= $=E QER7 9( 7R'3XE$* Gim Xell loves camping.=e remembers an earl camping experience. .De packed up to leave at F.OO. De WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW1sta 2 longer because it was so cold. De picked up all the litter care+ull , but we WWWWWWWWWWWWWW1pa 2 more attention to our +ire. De WWWWWWWWWWWWWW1leave2 the +orest without checking that the +ire was out. De WWWWWWWWWWWWWW1notice2 that the +ire was still burning. %ne o+ the campers looked back and saw leaves burning near the camp+ire. $he wind WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW1blow2 the leaves onto the

+ire. De rushed back and threw water onto the +lames. De were luck that we saw the burning leaves. 9t WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW1easil cause2 a disaster./ 6N. 3=%%*E $=E 7E*$ '(*DER< 6. 9t was wrong o+ Can not to warn us about the danger. Can could have@must have warned us. ?. $here was absolutel no reason +or them to come late. $he shouldn!t have@should have come on time. B. 9!m sure that 9 told ou what happened. 9 might have@must have told ou what happened. E. 9t!s possible that she le+t her sweater on the bus. *he must have@ma have le+t her sweater on the bus. F. *omeone ma have told him the bad news. =e ought to have@might have heard the bad news. J. $he didn!t write although the had our new address. $he could have@might have written. ?O. $R'(*8'$E $=E*E *E($E(3E* 9($% *>'(9*=. 6. Yo no puedo leer esta carta porque he perdido mis ga+as graduadas. ?. Cespu5s de tomar un peque4o descanso, nosotros +uimos capaces de continuar. B. 3uando era un ni4o, 5l pod-a bailar como un pro+esional. E. (osotros podremos via,ar a &adrid ma4ana. El coche estA +uncionado ahora. F. $odos los ni4os menores de 6J a4os deben ir al colegio. J. 8os conductores deben tener una licencia para conducir antes de que ellos conduzcan solos. L. 'unque hace sol, puede que ma4ana llueva. 3oge el paraguas chubasquero si ma4ana vas de via,e. el


M. &ar-a puede visitarnos la semana prxima, pero no esto mu seguro. N. (osotros no necesitamos acabar los deberes ho . *on para el prximo ,ueves. 6O.(osotros tuvimos que caminar a casa porque perdimos el Kltimo autobKs anoche. 66.Yo tengo que acostarme temprano durante la semana, pero o no tengo que acostarme temprano los viernes por la noche. ?6. REDR9$E $=E*E *E($E(3E* RE>8'39(: $=E U(CER89(EC D%RC*. 3an@can!t@could@couldn!t@must@needn!t 6. 9 am not able to get up ver earl in the morning. ?. You don!t have to shout0 9 am not dea+. B. 9 have to get a new passport be+ore the summer. E. Dhen he was ounger, he was able to run much +aster. F. *he is able to help ou with our pro,ect. J. *he doesn!t have to return the book toda . L. Crivers have to observe the speed limit. M. $heir parents weren!t able to pa +or extra lessons.

??. 3=%%*E $=E 3%RRE3$ '(*DER. 6. Ron doesn!t +eel well. =e WWWWWWWWWWW see a doctor. a. should b. had to c. ought to ?. Dhen the children were oung, the WWWWWWWW speak English. Un+ortunatel , the don!t remember an o+ it. a. must b. could c. might

B. 9t WWWWWWWW rain tomorrow. $ake umbrellas and raincoats with ou on our trip. a. can!t b. ma c. must E. 9 WWWWWW speak +our languages. & parents taught me all +our. a. can b. need c. should F. 'lthough 9 broke m +inger, 9 WWWWWWWWWWsign m name. a. was able to b. have to c. couldn!t J. You WWWWWWWW review the work done in class or ou will +orget it. a. should b. ma c. needn!t L. ou WWWWWWWWWWeat so quickl . You will get a stomach0ache. a. can!t b. doesn!t have to c. shouldn!t M. 's a child, he WWWWWWWWW dance like a pro+essional. a. can b. could c. is able to N. $he WWWWWWWWW travel to 8ondon tomorrow. a. can!t b. will be able to c. couldn!t 6O.Yesterda , 9 WWWWWWWWW enter the computer room because 9 had a special ke . a. was able to b. could c. can ?B. $=E*E 'RE $=E *3=%%8 RU8E*. REDR9$E $=E& U*9(: .&U*$(!$, C%(!$ ='QE $%, &U*$, (EEC(!$, *=%U8C(!$/. 6. >upils are not allowed to leave the school be+ore classes are over. ?. >upils are not allowed to sta in the classroom during breaks. B. >upils are obliged to wear the school uni+orm ever da . E. >upils are not obliged to wear closed shoes. $he ma wear sandals instead. F. >upils are obliged to participate in g m classes. J. >upils are not obliged to participate in competitive sports games.


L. >upils are advised not to leave expensive things in the classrooms. ?E. 3%&>8E$E $=E*E *E($E(3E* U*9(: . $% 7E '78E $%, *=%U8C, %U:=$ $%, &U*$, ='QE $%, (EEC/ 6. You have burnt oursel+. You WWWWWWWWbe more care+ul. ?. De WWWWWWWWWWWWWW leave soon. $he last bus leaves in 6O minutes. B. 9 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW see ou tomorrow. 9 will have some +ree time then. E. You WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW rush. $here is plent o+ time. $he +ilm onl starts in two hours. F. You WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW be quiet in the librar . 9t is +orbidden to make a noise.. J. De WWWWWWWWWWW walk home because we missed the last bus last night. L. $he police WWWWWWWWWWWWWW catch the thie+ as he was climbing out o+ a window. M. >arents WWWWWWWWWWWWkeep medicines wa +rom children. 3leaning +luids are also dangerous. N. >aul WWWWWWWWWWWWW drive the car because his mother has broken her hand. 6O. You WWWWWWWWWWW worr . 9 will take care o+ the children. 66.You WWWWWWWWWWWW see a dentist regularl . $hen, ou will have health teeth. ?F. R988 9( $=E 78'(X* D9$= &U*$, &U*$(!$, ='C $%, (EEC( !$. 6. ?. B. E. F. J. You WWWWWWWWW throw things out o+ the car window. You WWWWWWWWW hurr H we have got plent o+ time $he doctor sa s she WWWWWWWWW stop smoking =e +orgot his hat, so he WWWWWWWWW run back home to get it. You WWWWWWWWWWWgo shopping right nowH You can go later. $he matter is ver importantH ou WWWWWWWWWWWWallow me to see the manager right awa . L. *he WWWWWWWWW do her homework last night because she didn!t have time during the da . M. '+ter her illness last ear, she WWWWWWWWWW be ver care+ul not to catch a cold. N. Ever one WWWWWWW carr some +orm o+ identi+ication with them. ?J. REDR9$E $=E R%88%D9(: *E($E(3E* D9$= $=E '>>R%>9'$E &%C'8.

6. >erhaps it will rain toda . 1ma 29tWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ?. 9t!s a good idea to take some mone with ou. 1should2. YouWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW B. 9i!s not necessar to clean our room right now. 1need2 You WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW E. 9 suggest ou sa goodb e be+ore ou leave. 1should2 You WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW F. You know how to do that b oursel+. 1can2 You WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW J. >arents have an obligation to teach their children the di++erence between right and wrong.1must2 >arents WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW L. 9t is necessar +or Cad to get up ver earl tomorrow morning.1have to 2. CadWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW M. 9n the +uture, children will know how to use computers be+ore the age o+ +ive. 1to be able to2 9n the +uture children WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW N. 9t is +orbidden +or bo s to ride skateboards in the street. 1must2. $he bo s WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 6O.9t is not necessar to be rich in order to be happ . 1have to2 You WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW



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