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con una

Compilado y Editado por AL STEVENSON ! Edici"n # Compl$tam$nt$ R$%i&ada 'I(ARD BOO)S *+, -ORTIET. AVENUE LON/*ISLAND CIT0 + NE' 0OR) Copyri12t +34 5y 'I(ARD BOO)S Traducci"n -$lip$ /u$%ara

A mis amigos de THE WIZARD'S SHOP Quienes han adquirido esta Baraja m gi!a " est n ansiosos #or rea$i%ar $os e&e!tos Presentados en este $i'ro(

6RE-ACIO DE LA SE/UNDA EDICI7N *a #rimera edi!i+n de este &o$$eto se #u'$i!+ en ,-./ dejandose de im#rimir #or a$g0n tiem#o( 1arios amigos2 in!$uso $os distri'uidores m gi!os2 me han instado que $o re3im#rima( Sin em'argo2 "o sent4a que $a 5ersi+n origina$ de $a #u'$i!a!i+n #od4a mejorarse2 #or $o que he re5isado $os manus!ritos origina$es2 dese!hando a$gunos e&e!tos #ara dar $ugar a otros nue5os( Es#ero sin!eramente que mis es&uer%os dar n mu!has horas de #$a!er a aque$$os que gustan de $os juegos de nai#es2 #ero no tienen e$ tiem#o ni $a #a!ien!ia que e6igen $a #r !ti!a de di&i!u$tosos #ases de manos( 7Pero8 ha $$egado $a 'araja Bise$ada9 :na 5e% que a#rendas 'ien su manejo2 #odr s en!ontrar e$ tiem#o " $a #a!ien!ia ne!esaria "2 !om'inada !on ha'i$idad2 $a 'araja 'ise$ada har #osi'$e ha!er mi$agros #or t4( A*W;< STE<SO< <ue5a ;or=2 ,->)2

INTRODUCCI7N En o#ini+n de$ autor2 una de $as #ie%as m s o$5idadas de$ a#arataje m gi!o ha sido $a 'araja 'ise$ada o @STRIPPER De!=@ Aen ing$BsC( Pro#iamente usada2 esta 'araja #uede dar $a im#resi+n de mi$agrosos #ases de manos "2 $o que es m s im#ortante2 'ien uti$i%ada2 jam s se #ensar que est tru!ada( E$ #rin!i#io de $a 'araja 'ise$ada no es mu" !ono!ido #or $a ma"oria de $os magos2 a #esar de que esta 'araja es 'astante antigua( Se ha di!ho mu!has 5e!es que usar $a 'araja 'ise$ada es una @esta&a@2 #ero $a 'araja 'ise$ada #uede #onerse en $a misma !ategor4a que $a !arta !orta2 'araja de &or%aje2 et!( Dartas tru!adas2 e in!$uso #aquetes enteros tru!ados han sido uti$i%ados #or mu!hos !artomagos( Pero este es e$ resu$tado &ina$2 $a Drea!i+n de un Eisterio2 eso es $o que !uenta( *os medios #ara !onseguir esta &ina$idad son insigni&i!antes( Este manus!rito se ha rea$i%ado !on e$ e6#reso #ro#+sito de ha!er que aque$$os que hu"en de $a 'araja 'ise$ada2 o quienes no est n !ons!ientes de sus #osi'i$idades2 5ean !on he!hos2 o se den !uenta #or e$$os mismos2 que !on e$ 'uen manejo de $a 'araja 'ise$ada #ueden o'tener grandes B6itos " a#$ausos ante e$ #0'$i!o que se #resenten( *a 'araja 'ise$ada tiene mu!has otros usos a #arte de $a $o!a$i%a!i+n de una !arta o un gru#o de nai#es " en $as # ginas siguientes te demostrarB eso2 #odr s ha!er e&e!tos jam s soFados en !artomagia2 !reando e&e!tos im#osi'$es de ha!er so$o !on ha'i$idad manua$( Doge !ua$quier # gina de este $i'ro2 $ee !ua$quiera de $os numerosos e&e!tos2 " date a ti mismo una #$a!entera sor#resa( *a 'araja 'ise$ada es una @herramienta@ m gi!a2 " e$ uso a#ro#iado de esta herramienta es e$ #ro#+sito de este $i'ro(


E$ #rin!i#io de $a 'araja 'ise$ada es sim#$emente uno8 :no de $os e6tremos de $a 'araja es m s de$gado que e$ otro( Por !onsiguiente2 !on todas $os nai#es en una dire!!i+n " una !arta in5ertida en e$ #aquete2 $a !arta in5ertida ser $o!a$i%ada & !i$mente "a que e$ e6tremo an!ho de$ nai#e se en!ontrar ha!ia e$ $ado estre!ho de$ #aquete2 " so'resa$ir de Bste( :n !orte de $a 'araja no ne!esita #r !ti!a( E$ estre!hamiento de'e ser $igero " tan gradua$ que in!$uso e$ #ro#io #resentador de'a a#re!iar$o de mu" de !er!a !on $a 5ista( Puedes2 sin em'argo2 usar un !orte norma$ a$ ini!iarte en $os misterios de $a 'araja 'ise$ada2 $uego !on m s #r !ti!a #odr s rea$i%ar !ortes m s &inos( Tu B6ito !on $a 'araja 'ise$ada de#ende 0ni!amente de tu manejo de$ #aquete2 una natura$idad a$ tra'ajar !on B$( De'es #oder $o!a$i%ar nai#es & !i$ " r #idamente en e$ #aquete2 ta$ !omo si se tratase de un #aquete norma$ de !artas( <o des#$a!es tus dedos a $o $argo de$ 'orde de $a 'araja #ara dete!tar $os nai#es in5ertidosH s+$o to!a $igeramente $os $ados de $a 'araja en am'os e6tremos( Tus manos est n siendo 5igi$adas !onstantemente( Tantear $os 'ordes de $a 'araja dar #istas a $os es#e!tadoresH es un mo5imiento antinatura$ " des#ertar sos#e!has( Duando una !arta se ha se$e!!ionado $a 'araja de'e ser in5ertida2 #ero $a in5ersi+n no de'e ser o'5ia( A'ani!ando $a 'araja " !err ndo$a es $a manera m s #r !ti!a de in5ertir $a 'araja( SostBn $a 'araja 'o!a a'ajo en tu mano i%quierda2 #u$gar so're $a 'araja2 $os dem s dedos a'ajo( E$ dedo 4ndi!e dere!ho se u'i!a so're $a mano i%quierda a un $ado de$ #aquete2 mo5iBndose de i%quierda a dere!ha2 " e6tiende $as !artas en un a'ani!o( :na !arta es se$e!!ionada2 e$ dedo 4ndi!e dere!ho !ierra e$ a'ani!o de i%quierda a dere!ha in5irtiendo $a 'araja( *a !arta se$e!!ionada es de5ue$ta en $a 'araja " #uede $o!a$i%arse !uando se desee( <ota8 en $as # ginas siguientes2 e$ tBrmino @in5ertir@ se usar #ara seFa$ar e$ giro de una !arta Ao $a 'arajaC e6tremo #or e6tremo(

Para o'tener e&i!ien!ia !on $a 'araja 'ise$ada es mu" im#ortante que desarro$$es &a!i$idad en e$ manejo de $a 'araja( Pra!ti!a2 a're " !ierra a'ani!os de !artas2 " $o!a$i%a una o m s !artas in5ertidas en $a 'araja( Eaneja e$ #aquete !on so$tura( <o ne!esitas dedos supersensitivos #ara manejar $a 'araja( Es m s & !i$ $o!a$i%ar un nai#e usando un toque $igero en $ugar de a#retar $os $ados de $a 'araja( Si sa!ar una !arta in5ertida de $a 'araja te #are!e o'5io a$ #rin!i#io2 $o!a$i%a $a !arta o $as !artas en tu es#a$da( Esto2 de he!ho2 agrega misterio en $a medida que e$ es#e!tador estB interesado( En e$ &uturo $ograr s $a ha'i$idad #ara $o!a$i%ar una o m s !artas !om#$etamente a $a 5ista de$ es#e!tador " situar$as so're o 'ajo $a 'araja sin ser notado( Toma e$ h 'ito de mirar dire!tamente a$ es#e!tador a$ $o!a$i%ar una !arta( En e$ segundo que e$ dirige $a mirada ha!ia t4 #uedes $o!a$i%ar $a !arta " #oner$a so're $a 'araja( :na #equeFa historia !on !ada e&e!to es a#ro#iado #ara intensi&i!ar $a misdirection( Toma una media

do!ena de $os e&e!tos de este $i'ro2 #ruB'a$os !on a$guien( <o s+$o $o sor#render s2 te sor#render s(

I, *A DOI<DIDE<DIA Toma una !arta se$e!!ionada " Asin que nadie 5ea su !araC ha% &irmar e$ dorso !on $as ini!ia$es de un es#e!tador( In5ierte $a 'araja e inserta $a !arta( Ee%!$a $a 'araja " #on$a 'o!a a'ajo en $a me%a( Dorta #or $a !arta in5ertida Aque Bsta quede en $a #arte de a'ajo de$ !orteC2 toma ese #aquete g4ra$o !ara arri'a " #ide a$ es#e!tador que &irme $a !arta que muestra su !ara( E$ no sa'e2 #or su #uesto2 que es $a misma que B$ &irm+ !on sus ini!ia$es en un #rin!i#io( Baraja de nue5o( *o!a$i%a $a !arta de $a &orma que desees2 muestra enton!es $a !oin!iden!ia asom'rosa de que e$ es#e!tador &irm+ $a misma !arta dos 5e!es( I) *A D:E<TA PERJEDTA In5iere $a !arta numero )> en e$ #aquete( Domenta a $os es#e!tadores que2 a tra5Bs de aFos de e6#erien!ia2 has dearro$$ado $a ha'i$idad de sa'er $a !antidad de nai#es de !ua$quier #aquete #or su grosor( Dorta $a 'araja #or $a tarjeta in5ertida " da e$ #aquete que has quitado a un es#e!tador di!iendo que ese mont+n es e6a!tamente $a mitad de $a 'araja( I? *A EEZD*A DE ARREK*O Eu!hos e&e!tos son #osi'$es !on un #re3arreg$o de $a 'araja( <atura$mente2 no #uedes o&re!er una 'araja ordenada #ara que sea me%!$ada( Sin em'argo2 si tienes un juego !on $a 'araja 'ise$ada arreg$ada !on un !ierto orden2 sim#$emente in5ierte $a mitad de$ #aquete en $a !aja de $a 'araja( Duando estBs $isto #ara rea$i%ar e$ juego2 sa!a $a 'araja de $a !aja2 !orta $a mitad " da am'os montones a me%!$ar una 5e% a $a ameri!ana2 toma enton!es $a 'araja " se#ara $as !artas in5ertidas( Tendr s $a estru!tura!i+n ahora en dos #aquetes( #on $os dos #aquetes juntos en e$ orden a#ro#iado " $a 'araja est nue5amente en e$ #reordenamiento origina$( IG EI*AKRO EEZD*A ARRIBA Di5ide $a 'araja en dos montones igua$es2 in5ierte un mont+n " #on $os dos montones !ara a !ara( Ahora2 'araja !om#$etamente e$ ma%o( *$e5a $a 'araja a tu es#a$da2 se#ara $as in5ertidas2 gira $a mitad de en!ima so're $a otra mitad2 " trae $a 'araja de$ante( E6tiende $as !artas en !inta " muestra que todas $as !artas est n 'o!a a'ajo( AO 'o!a arri'a2 seg0n !omo $as muestresC(

I. PARES E IEPARES De antemano ten $a 'araja se#arada en dos montones2 en un mont+n ten todos $os n0meros im#ares2 en e$ otro todos $os n0meros #ares( In5ierte un mont+n " 'araja norma$mente( Des#uBs de 'arajar2 se#ara $as !artas in5ertidas en tu es#a$da " muestra $uego que has se#arado $os n0meros #ares de $os im#ares( I> :< JORZALE SIEP*E Ten $a !arta que quieres &or%ar in5ertida a$ &ina$ de $a 'araja( Ee%!$a2 #on $a 'araja 'o!a a'ajo en $a mesa " #or !asua$idad !orta #or $a !arta in5ertida( EuBstrase$a a$ es#e!tador( <o de'es dar $a im#resi+n de !ortar #or una !arta determinada2 de'e #are!er un !orte !asua$( I/ *A EA<O DE POMER Ten un es!a$a rea$ in5ertida en $a 'araja( Ee%!$a " $$e5a $a es!a$a so're $a 'araja( Re#arte !in!o manos de #o=er an $a mesa A!in!o !artas a !ada unoC( Re!oge !ada mano2 muBstra$as 're5emente2 sin !am'iar e$ orden2 " #one !ada mana so're


$a 'araja( ( Re#arte de nue5o !in!o manos de !in!o !artas2 muestra enton!es que te has re#artido un es!a$a rea$( Des!ono!ido #or e$ es#e!tador es que !ada quinta !arta de en!ima de $a 'araja es #arte de $a es!a$a( IN *E;E<DO *A BARALA Eemori%a !in!o nai#es e in5iBrte$os en $a 'araja( Di$e a$ es#e!tador que #uedes $eer $a #arte de atr s de $as !artas( Ee%!$a " $$e5a $as !in!o !artas so're $a 'araja( Sa!a $a !arta de en!ima 'o!a a'ajo2 nom'ra una de $as !in!o que has memori%ado " #on$a que sa!aste so're $a mesa( Re#ite esto hasta que tengas $as !in!o !artas 'o!a a'ajo en $a mesa( EB%!$a$as2 enton!es #on$as 'o!a arri'a " muestra que $as has nom'rado !orre!tamente( ISEPARADIO< DO*ORIDA Este es un e&e!to rea$mente 5isua$( Antes de em#e%ar tu a!tua!i+n2 se#ara $as rojas " negras e in5ierte un !o$or( Para em#e%ar2 'araja !om#$etamente $a 'araja " des#$iega $as !aras de $os nai#es #ara mostrar que est n !om#$etamente me%!$ados( A'ani!a $a 'araja !on $os dorsos ha!ia ti2 " #ide que se$e!!ionen una !arta roja( P4de$e a$ es#e!tador que re!uerde su !arta( In5ierte $a 'araja " #ide que $a !arta sea de5ue$ta a $a 'araja( A'ani!a nue5amente " ahora #ide que e$ija una !arta negra( In5ierte " de5ue$5e $a !arta a $a 'araja( Ahora2 'araja !om#$etamente( Pon $a 'araja en tu es#a$da " se#ara !om#$etamente $as !artas in5ertidas( Trae $a 'araja de$ante " muestra que 7*as !artas rojas est n !om#$etamente se#aradas de $as negras2 #ero $a !arta roja se$e!!ionada est entre $as negras2 " $a !arta negra entre $as rojas( I,P E* DADOR I<DIO Se#ara $a 'araja en dos montones( Da$e uno a un es#e!tador " in5ierte su mont+n !uando se $o das( P4de$e que mire !ua$quier !arta en su mont+n " que $o inserte 'o!a a'ajo en tu mont+n( Baraja tu mont+n2 $o!a$i%a $a !arta que e$ te di+ " #on$a 'o!a a'ajo en su mont+n( P4de$e que nom're su nai#e( Euestra que no est en tu mont+n !omo se #ensa'a( Di$e que e$ es un @Dador indio@ " te in&$uen!i+ en de5o$5er$e $a misma !arta que te dio( I,, :<A RAREZA Se#ara $as !artas rojas " negras en dos montones(( In5ierte un mont+n " enton!es ha!e un so$o mont+n a$ternando rojo " negro( SostBn $a 'araja !on am'as manos #or $os 'ordes " mantBn$a #or uno de $os e6tremos( Si ahora dejas !aer $as !artas en una dire!!i+n2 5er s so$o !artas rojasH dej ndo$as !aer en $a otra dire!!i+n 5er s so$o !artas negras( I,) E* O*JATO I<TE*IKE<TE Pon siete !artas seguidas en $a mesa2 in5irtiendo $a !arta !entra$( Pide a un es#e!tador que es!ri'a aromas2 uno en !ada una2 en $os dorsos de $as !artas2 de i%quierda a dere!ha( 1uB$5ete de es#a$das #ara que no 5eas( Por ejem#$o2 Rosa2 1io$eta2 La%m4n2 *irios2 #ino2 A'eto2 Dedro( *a !arta in5ertida !orres#onder a *irio2 es $a !uarta !arta( Pide que me%!$e $as !artas " te $as dBH $$e5a $a !arta de *irio arri'a( Hue$e !ada !arta2 &rente a ti2 " !omenta que en!ontrar s su aroma &a5orito8 *irio( Puedes ha!er esto !on 'e'idas o !omidas(

I,? *ODA*IZADIO< E< E* BO*SI**O *a !arta se$e!!ionada se in5ierte en $a 'araja " se me%!$a( Deja !aer $a 'araja en e$ 'o$si$$o de $a !amisa de un es#e!tador( E$ e6tremo de $a 'araja !on e$ e6tremo so'resa$iente de $a !arta de'e quedar ha!ia e$ 'orde de$ 'o$si$$o( Kira tu !a'e%a ha!ia e$ $ado2 mete $a mano en e$ 'o$si$$o !on e$ dedo #u$gar " !ora%+n " quita $a !arta se$e!!ionada( I,G E* E<IKEA DE* BO*SI**O Se ha se$e!!ionado una !arta " est in5ertida en $a 'araja( Se me%!$a( EantBn $a 'araja !on e$ e6tremo so'resa$iente ha!ia arri'a2 deja$a en e$ 'o$si$$o de $a !amisa de un es#e!tador( Pide un n0mero entre , " )P( Eete $a mano en e$ 'o$si$$o de es#e!tador " quita " muestra tarjetas uno a una( <osotros #resumiremos que e$ n0mero e$egido era ,G( Quita ,? !artas desde arri'a de $a 'arajaH muestra $a n0mero ,G A$a in5ertidaC( :sa e$ dedo #u$gar " !ora%+n a$ meter $a mano a$ 'o$si$$o de$ es#e!tador(

I,. :<A RARA I<1ERSIO< Toma todas $as !artas de una #inta A#i!as2 #or ejem#$oC2 in5iBrte$as2 insBrta$as en $a 'araja2 me%!$a !om#$etamente " #on $a 'araja en su !aja( ( Duando 5as a rea$i%ar e$ juego2 sa!a e$ #aquete de tu 'o$si$$o " o&rB!e$o #ara 'arajar$o( Eientras $a 'araja est siendo me%!$ada2 di que e$ n0mero tre!e es t0 numero de $a suerte " har s un e6#erimento !on este n0mero( Toma $a 'araja de$ es#e!tador " $$B5a$a a tu es#a$da( <o saques $as tre!e #i!as2 g4ra$os en!ima e insBrta$os en e$ #aquete 'o!a a'ajo( Trae $a 'araja de$ante2 'o!a arri'aH e6tiende $a 'araja " muestra que ha" tre!e !artas giradas2 juntas2 'o!a a'ajo2 una !oin!iden!ia nota'$e( 7Ahora2 !uadrado $a 'araja e6tiende $as tarjetas " otra !oin!iden!ia ha o!urrido8 $as tre!e !artas son todas $as #i!as9 I,> *A BARALA AP:QA*ADA Rste es un e&e!to nota'$e " nun!a &a$$a e$ misterio( Ten una !arta se$e!!ionada e insBrta$a nue5amente in5ertida dentro de $a 'araja( Euestra una ser5i$$eta de #a#e$ ordinaria( En5ue$5e $a 'araja en $a ser5i$$eta #ero2 !uando !omien%as a en5o$5er$a2 sa!a $igeramente de $a 'araja(3un !ent4metro a#ro6( SostBn $a 'araja &irmemente !uando en5ue$5es #ara que $a !arta so'resa$iente no res'a$e atr s en e$ manejo de $a 'araja( Duando $a 'araja estB en5ue$ta2 #$ega $os e6tremos de $a ser5i$$eta ha!ia a'ajo " nue5amente se !uidadoso en no mo5er $a !arta so'resa$iente( SostBn $a 'araja en5ue$ta 'o!a arri'a en tu mano dere!ha "2 !on $a i%quierda2 em#uja $a #unta de un !u!hi$$o en $a ser5i$$eta a$ &ina$ de $a 'araja donde $a !arta est so'resa$iendo( Do$o!a e$ !u!hi$$o dentro de $a ser5i$$eta en &orma o'$i!ua2 ha!ia a'ajo2 #ara que $a #unta de$ !u!hi$$o to#e !on $a !arta so'resa$ienteH enton!es ni5e$a e$ !u!hi$$o " em#0ja$o ha!ia dentro( *a hoja de$ !u!hi$$o est ahora des!ansando en $a tarjeta se$e!!ionada( Em#uja e$ !u!hi$$o en $a 'araja #or e$ mango " em#uja a$ mismo tiem#o $a !arta so'resa$iente #ara em#arejar$a !on $as dem s( Pregunta e$ nom're de $a !arta se$e!!ionada( Deja e$ !u!hi$$o en e$ $ugar " rom#e $a ser5i$$eta mostrando que e$ !u!hi$$o des!ansa en $a !arta se$e!!ionada( Rste no es un e&e!to #ara rea$i%ar$o a#resuradamente( Ha% de este e&e!to una !osa grandiosa2 dando emo!i+n a$ mostrar que e$ !u!hi$$o des!ansa so're $a !arta se$e!!ionada9( Ha%$o $entamente(

I,/ *OS ASES DE* L:KADOR Ten $os !uatro ases in5ertidos en $a 'araja(( Di a todos $os que te est n 5iendo que no es mu" inte$igente jugar a $as !artas !on un e6traFo( Baraja $as !artas2 #on$as 'o!a a'ajo " !orta #or un as( <o muestres e$ as #ero qu4ta$o de$ #aquete " #on$o 'o!a a'ajo a un $ado( Ha% esto tres m s 5e!es hasta que ha"as !ortado " ha"as quitado todos $os ases( 1ue$5e $as !artas 'o!a arri'a " muestra que !ortaste un as !ada 5e%( I,N *A D:E<TA DE* DEDO P:*KAR Domenta que tienes dedos supersensitivos2 " #uedes !ontar !artas mientras #asas e$ dedo #u$gar #or e$$as( De antemano2 ten $a de!imoquinta !arta in5ertida en $a 'araja( Se !uidadoso en ha!er e$ riffle en $a esquina de $a 'araja #or donde so'resa$e $a !arta( Rifflea esta esquina una o dos 5e!es2 !orta $a 'araja #or $a !arta in5ertida " da$e e$ #aquete a$ es#e!tador a ser !ontado( Por su #uesto2 has di!ho de antemano !uantas !artas i'as a !ortar( I,J:ERA DE* SOEBRERO *a !arta se$e!!ionada de'es $$e5ar$a so're $a 'araja( Pide #restado un som'rero de &ie$tro2 #$iega $as a$as de$ som'rero " sosten$o en a$to( Deja !aer $a 'araja en e$ som'rero2 $a 'araja en una ori$$a de$ som'rero2 $a !arta se$e!!ionada en $a otra ori$$a( Da un go$#e se!o de'ajo de$ som'rero !on un dedo2 justo #or donde est $a !arta( Sa$tar &uera de$ som'rero( I)P TODOS *A **AEA< Ten una !arta in5ertida en $a 'araja2 e$ Re" de Pi!as2 #or ejem#$o( Baraja2 !orta #or e$ re" " muBstrase$a a una #ersona #resente( Baraja nue5amente2 " ha% $o mismo a otra #ersona( Ha% esto unas !uatro 5e!es2 !ada 5e% mostrando $a misma !arta2 #ero sin #ermitir que $os !uatro es#e!tadores se#an que han mirado $a misma !arta( Di$e a $os !uatro

es#e!tadores que nom'ren su !arta a $a !uenta de tres( E$$os se sentir n 'astante tontos !uando todos $$amen a$ @Re" de Pi!as@( I), *OS D:ATRO *ADRO<ES Quita s+$o $os ases de $a 'araja " #on$os en $a mesa( In5ierte $a 'araja " #on$a en $a mesa( Duenta $a historia de !uatro $adrones que intentaron ro'ar una !asa( Inserta un as 'ajo e$ #aquete2 'o!a a'ajoH este $adr+n est en e$ s+tano( Inserta otro as un #o!o m s arri'a2 e$ #rimer #isoH e$ ter!er as m s arri'a2 e$ segundo #iso2 " e$ 0$timo as !er!a de $a !ima de $a 'araja( Eientras me%!$as $a 'araja2 !omenta que uno de $os $adrones se asom+ a $a 5entana " 5io a!er!arse a $a #o$i!4a( *a 0ni!a &orma de es!a#ar era #or e$ tejado( *$e5a $os ases so're $a 'araja2 #on $a 'araja 'o!a a'ajo " $entamente sa!a $os ases de arri'a2 uno a uno( *os !uatro $adrones est n todos en e$ tejado(

I)) *A PROSIEA SERT Toma una !arta se$e!!ionada e inserta$a en $a 'araja in5ertida( SostBn $a 'araja en tu mano i%quierda " siente $igeramente $a !arta se$e!!ionada( Re#arte una !arta a $a 5e% !ara a'ajo so're $a mesa mostrando $as !artas !ada 5e%2 ha!iendo un mont+n 'o!a a'ajo en $a mesa( Dontin0a re#artiendo m s a$$ de $a !arta es!ogida2 enton!es !omenta que $a #r+6ima !arta que muestres ser $a se$e!!ionada( Sor#rBnde$os a todos mostrando $a #r+6ima !arta #ero !ortando #or e$ mont+n que "a ha'4as re#artido(

I)? SI< I<1ERTIR Esto engaFar hasta a un mago( Ten $a mitad in&erior de $a 'araja in5ertida( Pide a a$guien que se$e!!ione una !arta2 #ro!urando que sea de $a mitad su#erior( *entamente #asa $as !artas #ara que e$ nai#e e$egido sea insertado en $a mitad in&erior( Dorta $a 'araja #or $a mitad " da $a mitad su#erior a me%!$ar( *a mitad in&erior 'ar ja$a t0( Ahora #uedes $o!a$i%ar $a !arta se$e!!ionada(

I)G :< OLO KE<IA* Ten $a 'araja en su !aja !on todas $as !artas rojas in5ertidas( Sa!a $a 'araja " me%!$a !om#$etamente( Duadra $a 'araja " se#ara $as !artas en dos #aquetes( Tienes ahora $a 'araja ordenada en mitad rojas " mitad negras( SostBn $a 'araja 'o!a a'ajo en tu mano dere!ha2 e$ dedo #u$gar i%quierdo so're $a 'araja2 " $os restantes dedos i%quierdos 'ajo Bsta( Don tu mano i%quierda2 quita $a !arta su#erior e in&erior juntas2 " #on$as 'o!a a'ajo so're $a mesa( Dontin0a ha!iendo esto hasta !om#$etar $a 'araja( 1ue$5e $as !artas2 e6tiBnde$as2 " muestra una a$terna!i+n #er&e!ta de rojo " negro( I). DOI<DIDE<DIA EO<ETARIA In5ierte un dos2 tres2 !uatro " nue5e en tu 'araja( De antemano re0ne " #on en tu 'o$si$$o trasero una !antidad de monedas2 todas de &e!has di&erentes2 #ero que todas $as &e!has sumen die!io!ho A,-?.2,-)>2,-PN2,-NP2,-.?2et!(C( Dorta $a 'araja #or $as !uatro !artas in5ertidas " ha!e !uatro montones2 !ada mont+n 'o!a a'ajo2 !on una !arta in5ertida en $a #arte in&erior de !ada mont+n( Por a!!idente quita $as monedas de tu 'o$si$$o " #ide se$e!!ionar una( P4de$e a$ es#e!tador que sume $os !uatro digitos en su moneda se$e!!ionada( Duando B$ anun!ie e$ tota$ Aque ser die!io!hoC2 5ue$5e 'o!a arri'a !ada mont+n " muestra que $as !uatro !artas #or $as que !ortaste tam'iBn suman die!io!ho( I)> *A PREDIDDIO< Antes de $a #resenta!i+n2 in5ierte " re!uerda tres !artas de tu 'araja( Di$e a tu #0'$i!o que tu tienes #arti!u$ares #oderes de !$ari5iden!ia2 " te gustar4a que e$$os te a"udaran a #ro'ar$os( Toma un #eda%o de #a#e$ " es!ri'e en Bste $os nom'res de $as tres !artas que #re5iamente in5ertiste en tu 'araja 'ise$ada( Domenta que has he!ho una #redi!!i+n2 #$iega$a " guarda$a en un 'o$si$$o de un es#e!tador( Ee%!$a tu 'araja " #on$a en tu 'o$si$$o o en e$ de un es#e!tador( Di$e a tu #0'$i!o que 5as a #ro!eder a sa!ar !artas2 una a una2 desde e$ 'o$si$$o2 " que !ua$quiera diga 7Ahora92 !uando desee2 mientras tu mano a0n se en!uentre en e$ 'o$si$$o( Pro!ede a sa!ar !artas &uera " #on$as $entamente 'o!a arri'a a una $ado en un mont+n(

Siem#re que a$guien dir 7@Ahora9@ Sa!a en ese momento una de $as !artas in5ertidas " #on$a 'o!a a'ajo en $a mesa( Dontin0a hasta que ha"as sa!ado &uera $as tres !artas que tienes @en $a #redi!!i+n(@ P4de$e a$ es#e!tador que tiene $a #redi!!i+n que $a $ea en 5o% a$ta( Kira $as tres !artas $entamente so're $a mesa( Da un momento de dramatismo2 " n+m'ra$as2 demostrando que tus #oderes !$ari5identes son rea$es( NOTA: Al poner la baraja en el bolsillo asegrate que el extremo por donde sobresalen las tres cartas quede hacia arriba. I)/ *A DALA TR:DADA En un 1iejo e&e!to usando $a 'araja 'ise$ada2 $a !aja de $a 'araja se ade$ga%a2 $ij ndo$a a !ada $ado2 !er!a de$ &ondo( Duando $a 'araja2 !on $as #arte so'resa$iente de $as !artas2 es insertada en $a !aja2 $os dedos #ueden sentir $as !artas in5ertidas a tra5Bs de $os $ados de$gados a$ijados de $a !aja( Sujeta e$ e6tremo a'ierto " #uedes ha!er sa$ir $as !artas e6!e#to $as in5ertidas( I)N KIRO RE1E*ADOR **e5a $a tarjeta in5ertida so're $a 'araja( Em#uja $a !arta de en!ima #ara que so'resa$ga un medio !ent4metro ha!ia e$ $ado de $a 'araja( Sue$ta $a 'araja desde unos ,. !ms( so're $a mesa( *a !arta de en!ima se 5o$tear 2 de'ido a$ aire que go$#ea $a #arte so'resa$iente de$ nai#e( I)D:A*Q:IER DARTA O D:A*Q:IER PI<TA Antes de tu a!tua!i+n2 saque !ua$quier #inta !om#$eta 3#or ej( Dora%ones3 &uera de $a 'araja( Pone$os en orden de as a re"2 in5ierte e$ #aquete2 5uB$5e$o a #oner so're $a 'araja " #one $a 'araja en su !aja( Duando em#ie!es a rea$i%ar e$ juego2 di que tienes una a&inidad #or $os !ora%ones " te gustar4a demostrar$o( Sa!a $a 'araja de su !aja " me%!$a una 5e%( Pon $a 'araja en tu es#a$da " #ide que te nom'ren !ua$quier !arta de !ora%ones( Eientras es#eras #or $a se$e!!i+n2 sa!a " $$e5a arri'a e$ #aquete in5ertido de !ora%ones2 que estar en orden( Ser & !i$ !ontar hasta $a !arta que te indiquen2 demostrando as4 tu @a&inidad@ #or $os !ora%ones( De#endiendo de tu memoria 3" ha'i$idad 3 #uedes re#etir e$ juego !on otras !artas( Pero nun!a hagas m s de tres( :no #odr4a ser un a!!idente2 dos #odr4an ser !oin!iden!ia2 tres son #rue'a in!ontro5erti'$e2 !uatro son &astidio( I?P :SA<DO :< SODIO Eu!hos a#arentes mi$agros !on $os nai#es #ueden $ograrse !on e$ uso de un a"udante que2 mientras est s $ejos de$ !uarto2 #ueda " se#a manejar $a 'araja #ara que rea$i!es 5erdaderos e im#osi'$es mi$agros( Puedes no 5er2 " tu so!io tomar $a !arta se$e!!ionada e in5ertir$a en $a 'araja( Puedes tomara $as !artas enton!es " #uedes en!ontrar $a !arta se$e!!ionada( Es im#ortante que nadie se#a que est s tra'ajando !on un a"udante( In&orma a a$guien en e$ #0'$i!o de !omo manejar $a 'araja( <o hagas demasiado uso de$ a"udante( I?, AS 2 *A 1IA DIJUDI* In5ierte un as en $a 'araja( Ten $a 'araja me%!$ada " #on$a en $a mesa 'o!a a'ajo( Pon una seda en!ima de de $a 'araja " !orta a tra5Bs de $a seda #ara mostrar e$ as( I?) :< PEQ:EQO TR:DO Esta es una #equeFa !omedia que siem're !onsigue una 'uena sonrisa( O!asiona$mente $o!a$i%a $a !arta e$egida " di2 @Por &a5or2 no o$5ides tu !arta mientras me%!$o@( A$ mismo tiem#o que ha'$as2 muestra $a !arta !ortando #or e$$a " sigue !on e$ e&e!to que ten4as #$aneado( I?? VQ:R BO*SI**OW Ten una !arta se$e!!ionada " in5iBrte$a en $a 'araja( Ee%!$a( P4de$e a un es#e!tador que 5a!4e $os 'o$si$$os i%quierdo " dere!ho de su !haqueta( Deja !aer $a 'araja en e$ 'o$si$$o i%quierdo asegur ndote que $a #arte so'resa$iente de $a !arta quede ha!ia arri'a( Sa!a $a mitad de $a 'araja " #on$a en e$ 'o$si$$o dere!ho de$ es#e!tador " aseg0rate que $a !arta in5ertida quede en e$ i%quierdo( Ahora #ide a$ es#e!tador que e$ija un 'o$si$$o2 dere!ho o i%quierdo((( Si B$ di!e @e$ dere!ho2@ $e di!es que dese!he $a #or!i+n de $a 'araja de su 'o$si$$o dere!ho " mete $a mano en $a i%quierda " quitas $a !arta se$e!!ionada(


I?G E< TRIP*IDADO Ten una !arta se$e!!ionada( P4de$e a un es#e!tador que es!ri'a sus ini!ia$es en $a #arte de atr s de $a !arta( In5ierte $a 'araja e inserta $a !arta( Ee%!$a $a 'araja2 $$e5a $a !arta se$e!!ionada a$ &ondo " r #idamente 5ue$5e $a 'araja 'o!a a'ajo en tu mano dere!ha( SostBn $a 'araja !on !uatro dedos #or de'ajo " e$ #u$gar #or en!ima( ( *os dedos tiran ha!ia atr s $a !arta de$ &ondo A$a &irmadaC( Preg0nta$e a$ es#e!tador !ua$ es su nom're( Domien%a a de$etrear su nom're2 sa!ando !artas de$ &ondo de $a &orma de !arta !orrida( Siem#re sa!as una !arta sin sa!ar $a de$ &ondo rea$mente( Duando #ronun!ies $a 0$tima $etra de su nom'reH sa!a $a !arta que has estado reteniendo2 5uB$5e$a en!ima " muestra que es $a &irmada #or e$ es#e!tador( I?. E$ TREDE DE *A S:ERTE De antemano ten todas $as !artas de #i!as in5ertidas en $a #or!i+n m s 'aja de $a 'araja( Pide que se$e!!ionen una !arta de $a mitad su#erir de $a 'araja2 in5ierte $a 'araja e inserta $a !arta( Domenta a $os es#e!tadores que tienes una #inta de $a suerte8 $as #i!as " tam'iBn tienes un n0mero de $a suerte8 tre!e( Ee%!$a $a 'araja2 #on$a en tu es#a$da " di que usar s tu #inta " numero de $a suerte #ara en!ontrar $a !arta se$e!!ionada( **e5a todas $as !artas in5ertidas 'ajo $a 'araja( Duenta$as en $a mesa2 'o!a a'ajo( Ha'r !ator!e !artas( Kira$as 'o!a arri'a( E$ es#e!tador 5er $as tre!e #i!as " $a !arta que B$ se$e!!ion+( I?> DOS ASES <EKROS Este tru!o !onsiste en una sim#$e ordena!i+n de $as ,N !artas su#eriores( De arri'a ha!ia a'ajo $a ordena!i+n es !omo sigue8 un seis2 . !artas indi&erentes2 un as negro2 !ua$quier die%2 nue5e !artas indi&erentes2 " e$ otro as negro( Estas ,N !artas su#eriores est n in5ertidas( D4ga$es a $os es#e!tadores que usted $o!a$i%ar $os dos ases negros de una manera es#e!ia$( Sa!a e$ #aquete de su !aja2 me%!$a una 5e%2 'o!a a'ajo2 " $$e5a $as ,N !artas so're $a 'araja( Euestre $a !arta su#erior2 e$ @seis(@ Duenta 'o!a a'ajo " gira $a se6ta !arta( Ser e$ #rimer as( Euestre $a #r+6ima !arta2 e$ @die%(@ Duenta die% nai#es2 gira e$ dB!imo " muestra e$ segundo as( I?/ E$ / DE *A S:ERTE Ten $a 'araja en e$ 'o$si$$o !on e$ / de #i!as in5ertido( Ha'$a a!er!a de que e$ / es un n0mero m4sti!o en magia( Re!a$!a que $as #i!as son tu #inta de $a suerte2 " sa!a !artas &uera de tu 'o$si$$o2 una #or !ada $etra de $a #a$a'ra( Duendo saques $as !artas2 de$etrea @ S3I3E3T3E D3E P3I3D3A3S@2 " a$ $$egar a $a 0$tima $etra sa!a e$ / de #i!as( Pon 'o!a a'ajo $as !artas en $a mesa( Saque e$ resto de$ ma%o de su 'o$si$$o " #+nga$o a un $ado( Re!oja $as !artas de$etreadas 'o!a a'ajo " me%!$e$as( E$ / toda54a est in5ertido( Ponga este #aquete #equeFo en su 'o$si$$o( :na 5e% m s de$etree @Siete de Pi!as(@ <ue5amente $a 0$tima !arta de$etreada es e$ / de #i!as( 1uB$5a$o 'o!a arri'a !uando $o saque de su 'o$si$$o( I?N RE;ES ; REI<AS De antemano2 #on a $os !uatro re"es en!ima de $a 'araja( Para em#e%ar tu a!tua!i+n2 quita $as !uatro reinas " in5ierte $a 'araja( Ha'$a a!er!a de que $as !uatro damas quer4an en!ontrar #areja #ara un 'ai$e " 5isitaron un a o&i!ina de #arejas A$a 'arajaC( Inserte a $as reinas a$ a%ar en $a 'araja " me%!$e !om#$etamente #ero asegur ndose que $os !uatro re"es #ermane%!an so're $a 'araja( *$e5e a $as reinas so're $a 'araja Aa#ro5e!h ndose de$ 'ise$C( sauqe de arri'a o!ho !artas A$os re"es " $as reinasC2 " !u dre$as( Sostenga e$ #aquete 'o!a a'ajo en una mano2 e$ dedo #u$gar so're $a !arta de arri'a2 " $os otros G dedos 'ajo e$ #aquete( Ahora2 !on una #equeF a#resi+n de $os dedos2 $an!e $as !artas de un mano a otra2 reteniendo una !arta de arri'a " otra de a'ajo2 juntas2 !o$oque$as en $a mesa sin mostrar$as( Haga esto tres 5e!es dejando , o ) !ms( de es#a!io entre $as #arejas( Duando tenga so$o ) !artas en su mano2 muestre$as mostrando que una dama a en!ontrado su #areja( Enseguida2 5ue$5a $as #arejas de $a mesa2 una a una2 mostrando que todas $as damas han en!ontrado su #areja( Si usted ha seguido $as instru!!iones !orre!tamente2 de'e tener $as !uatro reinas a#areadas !on $os re"es(

I?E* AS PERDIDO State that the a!es ha5e an a&&init" &or ea!h other3Xhi!h "ou Xi$$ #ro5e( Run through the de!=2 remo5e the &our a!es and #$a!e them &a!e u# on "our ta'$e( As= a s#e!tator to !hoose an" one o& the a!es and insert it 'a!= into the de!= AXhi!h 3as "on #atter3 "on ha5e re5ersedC( Shu&&$e( Te$$ the s#e!tator that the other three a!es are going to &ind the $ost one( Pi!= u# the three ta'$ed a!es2 insert them in the de!= and shu&&$e( <oX stri# the &our a!es to the to#2 !ut the de!= and


!om#$ete the !ut( S#read the de!= &a!e o# and shoX the &our a!es are together( IGP THE E;ES HA1E IT Ha5e a !ard se$e!ted and #ot ha!= into the re5ersed de!=( Shu&&$e the de!= and2 i& #ossi'$e2 !ontro$ the re5ersed !ard to eighth or tenth &rom the to#( HoXe5er2 it is not a'so$ute$" essentia$ that the se$e!ted !ard 'e near the to#H 'ut the e&&e!t Xi$$ 'e more o& a @qui!=ie@ i& the se$e!ted !ard is in the u##ermost #ortion o& the de!=( Ho$d the de!= &a!e doXn in "our right hand2 Xith the #rotruding edge o& re5ersed !ard for ard( The right thum' and midd$e &inger ti#s gent$" tou!hing 'oth &orXard sides o& the de!= and &ee$ing the #rotruding2 se$e!ted !ard( Te$$ the s#e!tators that their e"es Xi$$ gi5e them aXa" on this one( Remo5e the to# !ard &rom the &a!e3doXn #a!= and ho$d it &a!e toXards the s#e!tators( Te$$ them not to gi5e an" sign Xhen the" see their !ard( Remo5e !ards &rom the to# o& the de!=2 one at a time( ;our right thum' and midd$e &inger ti#s Xi$$ te$$ "ou Xhen "ou are shoXing the se$e!ted !ard( Sto# there2 $oo= intent$" at the s#e!tators' e"es Aas "ou ha5e 'een doing Xith a$$ #re5ious$" shoXn !ardsC2 then de!$are that the" did gi5e themse$5es aXa" and the !ard "ou are noX ho$ding is the se$e!ted !ard( IG, JI<KERPRI<TS Jan the de!= and ha5e a red !ard se$e!ted( Re5erse the de!= and ha5e the red !ard re#$a!ed( As= the s#e!tator to #i!= a blac! !ard and re5erse the de!= again 'e&ore the !ard is re#$a!ed( <oX2 shu&&$e the de!=2 gi5e it to him2 and te$$ him to remo5e one o& the tXo se$e!ted !ards2 either the '$a!= or the red( He is to do this Xith his 'a!= toXards "ou( Ta=e the de!= 'a!=2 stri# the one re5ersed !ard to the to#( Jan the de!= &a!e toXards "ou and ta$= a'out $oo=ing &or &inger#rints( <atura$$"2 "ou Xi$$ see the !o$or o& the to# !ard( ;ou then name the !o$or he remo5ed2 the o##osite !o$or to the to# !ard( IG) JADE :P OR JADE DOW< Ha5e a !ard se$e!ted( Re5erse the #a!= and ha5e the !ard returned to the #a!=( Ho$d the de!= 'ehind "our 'a!=2 re3 mo5e the se$e!ted !ard and re#$a!e it in the de!=2 'ut turned over( As= the s#e!tator i& he Xou$d $i=e his !ard &a!e u# or &a!e doXn( I& he sa"s2 @&a!e u#2@ 'ring the de!= &orXard and s#read it on the ta'$e Xith a$$ the !ards &a!e do n( I& he sa"s he Xants the se$e!ted !ard &a!e doXn2 s#read the de!= &a!e up( Either Xa" his se$e!tion shoXs u# immediate$" as "ou ha5e turned the se$e!ted !ard Xith its &a!e in the o##osite dire!tion to the rest o& the de!=( IG? EATHEEAKIDA* Re5erse an" tXent" !ards in the de!=( Shu&&$e( Stri# the tXent" to the to# o& the de!=( Hand the de!=2 &a!e doXn2 to a s#e!tator and as= him to !ount o&& as man" !ards as he Xishes2 u# to )P2 and #ut them in his #o!=et( Shu&&$e the de!= again2 #$a!e it 'ehind "our 'a!= and stri# out the remaining re5ersed !ards( Dount these !ards 'ehind "our 'a!=2 su'tra!t the num'er thus o'tained &rom tXent"( Announ!e the resu$t( It should 'e the num'er o& !ards the s#e!tator has in his #o!=et( IGG DO*OR TE*EPATH; In ad5an!e2 se#arate the red and '$a!= !ards2 re5erse a$$ the !ards o& one !o$or and shu&&$e the entire de!= together( P$a!e the de!= in its !ase( To #er&orm2 remo5e the de!= &rom the !ase and ha5e it thorough$" shu&&$ed( Then2 qui!=$"2 stri# the Xho$e de!= so that "ou ha5e the to# ha$& entire$" one !o$or and the 'ottom ha$& the other( Ho$d the de!= &a!e doXn and s#read out the top ha$& o& the de!= &or tXo !ards to 'e se$e!ted( Ri&&$e the de!= and as= that the tXo !ards 'e returned2 'ut ma=e on!e the tXo !ards are #$a!ed in the bottom ha$& o& the de!=( Brea= the de!= at the re5ersed !ards2 hand one ha$& o& the de!= to a s#e!tator to shu&&$e( ;ou shu&&$e the other ha$&( I& the !ards are red2 the" Xi$$ 'e in the '$a!= #art o& the de!=( A&ter 'oth ha$5es ha5e 'een shu&&$ed2 #$a!e them together2 &an the de!= &a!e toXard "ou2 and $oo= o5er the !ards( As= the s#e!tator to !on!entrate on the tXo !ards he se$e!ted( ;ou Xi$$ 'e a'$e to $o!ate them 'e!ause the" are the o##osite !o$or o& the !ards on ea!h side o& them( Do this e&&e!t s$oX$" to gi5e the im#ression o& great !on!entration on "our #art( IG. P:RE*; EE<TA* This menta$ e&&e!t Xith the stri##er is a stunner( It is eas" in e6e!ution and 'a&&$ing to the $a"man( Ha5e the to# three !ards re5ersed on to# o& the &a!e3doXn de!=( *et us sa" that the" are the Ming o& Hearts2 the A!e o& D$u's2 and the Three o& Diamonds( Dis#$a" the to# three !ards &anned in "our hand and as= a s#e!tator to !on!entrate on one o& them( Do not distur' their order Xhi!h Xe Xi$$ #resume to 'e8 =ing2 a!e2 three( When a !ard has 'een menta$$" se$e!ted2 #$a!e the three !ards ha!= on to# o& the &a!e3doXn de!= and gi5e the de!= one thorough ri&&$e shu&&$e( P$a!e the de!= 'ehind "our 'a!=2 stri# out the three !ards together and re#$a!e them on to# o& the de!=( ;ou Xi$$ sti$$ ha5e the =ing2 a!e and three in that order( Put the to# !ard Athe =ingC in "our rear trouser #o!=et2 the ne6t !ard Athe a!eC on the 'ottom o& the de!= and2 the remaining !ard Athe threeC2 on to# o& the de!=( Bring the de!= &orXard and #$a!e it &a!e doXn on "our ta'$e( As= the s#e!tator to name his


thought3o& !ard( I& he names the =ing2 s$oX$" turn around and ha5e him remo5e the !ard &rom "our #o!=et( I& he names the a!e2 sim#$" turn o5er the de!= on the ta'$e or2 'etter sti$$8 ha5e him turn it o5er( The a!e Xi$$ 'e re5ea$ed on the 'ottom o& the de!=( I& he mentions the three as the thought3o& !ard2 te$$ him to turn o5er the to# !ard o& the #a!= on the ta'$e( Put a $itt$e #resentation into this and it !an 'e 'ui$t u# into a strong menta$ e&&e!t( The s#e!tator Xi$$ ne5er 'e aXare o& the &a!t that Xhi!he5er o& the three !ards he names is o& no im#ortan!e8 ;ou ha5e arranged a #$a!e &or ea!h !ard and so there are three #$a!es Xhere the thought3o& !ard could 'e9 IG> A< :<:S:A* 1A<ISH Ha5en !ard se$e!ted and re5erse the de!=( Ha5e the se$e!ted !ard returned to the de!=( Whi$e shu&&$ing2 'ring the se$e!ted !ard to the to# o& the de!=( P$a!e the de!= &a!e doXn on the ta'$e( Whi$e ta$=ing or '" use o& some misdire!tion2 moisten the 'a!= o& "our right hand Xith "our $i#s or tongue( Te$$ the s#e!tator "ou are going to shoX hoX to ma=e a !ard 5anish( P$a!e "our right hand 'a!= doXn2 on to# o& the to# !ard o& the #a!=( Do this to i$$ustrate to the s#e!tator Xhat is "ou Xant him to do( When "ou ta=e "our hand aXa" &rom the #a!=2 the to# Ase$e!tedC !ard shou$d 'e sti!=ing to it due to the moisture on its 'a!=( Ket that hand 'e$oX ta'$e $e5e$ qui!=$"( The s#e!tator Xi$$ du#$i!ate "our a!tions( Then request that he $oo= through the de!= &or his !ard( It Xi$$ he gone9 B" then "ou Xi$$ ha5e had am#$e time to get the !ard into "our #o!=et or Xhere5er "ou Xant it to a##ear( IG/ THE TRIP*E DOI<DIDE<DE In ad5an!e2 re5erse the A!e o& S#ades on to# o& the &a!edoXn de!=( Te$$ the s#e!tators "ou are going to !ondu!t in e6#eriment in !oin!iden!e( A tri#$e !oin!iden!e( Instru!t one o& them to !ount o&& 3Xithout $oo=ing at them3 an" num'er o& !ards 'etXeen eight and tXent" after "ou leave the room( He is to dea$ o&& the !ards &a!e doXn on the ta'$e( Te$$ him2 a$so2 that the A!e o& S#ades is going to #$a" an im#ortant #art in the tri#$e !oin!iden!e( He is to #i!= u# the #a!=et o& !ards he dea$t o&& and re#$a!e it2 &a!e doXn2 on the &a!e3doXn de!=2 remem'ering the num'er o& !ards he !ounted( On "our return2 ta=e the de!= and 'rea= o&& the to# #ortion Aat the re5ersed a!e2 natura$$"9C 'ehind "our 'a!=( This Xi$$ gi5e "ou the amount o& !ards dea$t out( <oX2 ta=e the re5ersed a!e and insert it 'a!= into the same #a!=et2 'ut Xith &a!e in the dire!tion o##osite to the rest o& the !ards( Bring this sma$$ #a!=et &orXard and as= hoX man" !ards Xere !ounted( ShoX that the #a!=et "ou are ho$ding out has the same amount( Doin!iden!e I)8 The a!e "ou mentioned is in this #a!=et( Doin!iden!e I?8 The a!e is &a!e u#2 the rest o& the !ards &a!e doXn(

IGN THE EAD EAKIDIA< Pre3arrange "our de!= Xith a$$ the red !ards re5ersed( S#read it2 &a!e u#2 on the ta'$e 'ut do not !omment on !o$or( Lust mention that the de!= has 'een thorough$" shu&&$ed( Pi!= u# the !ards and stri# them so the to# ha$& o& the de!= is '$a!= and the $oXer ha$&2 red( Re$ate the &o$$oXing stor"8 @On!e u#on a time there Xas a madman Xho thought hr Xas a magi!ian 3 or a magi!ian Xho thought he Xas a madman ((( I don't remem'er Xhi!h( HoXe5er2 $et's just sa" that a$$ magi!ians are mad((( or a$$ madmen are magi!ians( An"3 hoX2 the reason he Xas dri5en mad Xas that e5er" time he too= a !ard &rom the de!= it Xas a red !ard(@ Remo5e and shoX a !ard &rom the 'ottom ha$& o& the de!= "ou are ho$ding &a!e doXn( Re#$a!e the !ard( @E5en Xhen hr !ut the de!= hr a$Xa"s got a red !ard(@ Dut the de!= into the red ha$&( @He e5en too= a !ard &rom 'ehind his 'a!= and2 sure enough2 it Xas a red !ard9@ P$a!e the de!= 'ehind "our 'a!= and ta=e a !ard &rom the $oXer AredC ha$&( @Our magi!ian tried #utting the !ards in his #o!=et and 3guess XhatW((( Sure enough2 he !ou$d on$" #u$$ out a red !ard9 It e5en 'e!ame !ontagious((( When his &riends tou!hed one o& his !ards it turned red9@ Ha5e someone tou!h the 'a!= o& a AredC !ard and then shoX it(Y @Jina$$"2 in des#eration2 our mad magi!ian de!ided there Xas on$" one thing to do(((@ Shu&&$e the de!= and stri# it on!e more so "ou again ha5e a$$ '$a!= on to# and a$$ reds on the 'ottom( @(((He Xas not so dum'( He !$e5er$" dedu!ed that i& he se#arated ha$& the #a!= and tou!hed it it Xou$d 'e a$$ red (((@ Di5ide the de!= into tXo #i$es and #$a!e them Xide$" se#arated on the ta'$e( @(((and sure enough2 a$$ redZ[ S#read the red ha$& &a!e u# on the ta'$e( @Our no3$onger3mad magi!ian &ina$$" &ound a Xa" to get a '$a!= !ard 3 just turn o5er the other ha$& o& the de!=(@ Turn o5er the se!ond ha$& o& "our de!= and shoX it !onsists o& a$$ '$a!= !ards( # An excellent gag here is to have a red $ing of %pades &obtainable from "our magic dealer' in "our poc!et( read" to be handed out to be touched. IGTHE A**OWA<DE @On!e u#on a time2 a magi!ian had a stu#id Xi&e3in &a!t2 an" Xoman Xho Xou$d marr" a magi!ian is stu#id( HoXe5er2 that's 'eside the #oint( He had her 'e$ie5ing that #$a"ing !ards Xere mone" and he a$Xa"s ga5e her an a$$oXan!e


o& >. !ents a Xee=( Here is hoX he did it(@ The magi!ian throXs a 'un!h o& !ards on the ta'$e2 the" are turned &a!e u# and the tota$ o& the s#ots equa$s >.( Eethod8 Re5erse tXo tens2 three &i5es2 one &our2 tXo si6es2 one tre"2 one deu!e2 one eight and one a!e( Stri# them out and throX them on the ta'$e &a!e doXn( I.P THE STRA<KER In this e&&e!t one o& the !ards in "our de!= is o& the o##osite !o$orH $et us sa" "ou ha5e a '$ue3'a!=ed !ard in a red3 'a!=ed de!=( Re5ersed2 o& !ourse( S#read the de!= &a!e doXn and remar= that someone made a mista=e in #a!=ing the de!=( #ro#erties( <oX2 using the stri##er #rin!i#$e "ou !an !ut to this @stranger@ !ard2 or &ind it 'ehind "our 'a!=2 do the sta''ed de!= tri!= Xith the =ni&e '$ade &inding the odd !ard2 et!( Jor a &inish2 dro# the de!= into "our !oat #o!=et and 'ring out a de!= o& '$ue3'a!=ed !ards into Xhi!h "ou ha5e inserted the re5ersed red3'a!= du#$i!ate o& the one "ou'5e 'een using( Bring the de!= out &a!e u# and s#read it on the ta'$e( Patter a 'it a'out the m"steries o& !o$or and s#read the de!= &a!e doXn to shoX the stranger !ard has turned !o$or and so has the rest o& the #a!=( I., THE RE*:DTA<T DARDS EJJEDT8 Three !ards are se$e!ted2 re#$a!ed in the de!= and the de!= shu&&$ed thorough$"( Per&ormer ta=es the de!= and dro#s it into the o#en end o& a Xooden !ase( The se$e!ted !ard re&use to dro# in Xith the others( ;ou Xi$$ need a !ase to ho$d "our de!= 'ut ta#ered just as the !ards are( It !an 'e easi$" !onstru!ted &rom hea5" !ard'oard or !igar3'o6 Xood( The 'road end o& the !ase is $e&t o#en( When dro##ing the shu&&$ed de!= 'a!= into the !ase2 'e sure to do so Xith the tapered end do n( The se$e!ted !ards Xi$$ 'e &or!ed u# '" the ta#ering o& the !ase( Patter a'out hoX some !ards are re$u!tant to ming$e Xith the others( I.) WOR*D'S JASTEST DO:<T Set u# "our stri##er de!= as &o$$oXs8 A'out ten !ards &rom the to# o& the de!=2 re5erse the ne6t si6( A'out ten !ards &rom the 'ottom o& the de!=2 re5erse the ne6t ten( So "ou Xi$$ ha5e a de!= Xith to# !ards norma$2 si6 re5ersed2 more norma$ !ards and then ten re5ersed( P$a!e a jo=er 'etXeen the )/th and the )Nth !ards and the other jo=er someXhere near the to# or 'ottom o& the de!=( When a'out to #er&orm ta=e the de!= out o& its !ase and2 sa"ing that "ou Xon't use the jo=ers &or this e&&e!t2 ta=e them out and $a" then on the ta'$e( HoXe5er2 it is im#ortant that "ou ho$d the #$a!e Xhere the jo=er Xas mar=ing o&& the )/th and the )Nth !ards( Brea= the de!= at that #oint2 hand the to# ha$& A!ontaining )/ !ards2 > o& Xhi!h are re5ersedC to one s#e!tator and the 'ottom ha$& AXith ). !ards2 ,P re5ersedC to another( As= ea!h to shu&&$e their ha$& thorough$"( <oX2 ta=e the ha$& Xhi!h Xas origina$$" at the to# and #ut it 'ehind "our 'a!=( Immediate$"2 'ring "our hands &or3 Xard ea!h ho$ding a #i$e and sa"8 @I ha5e ), !ards in one hand and si6 in the other(@ Then2 ta=e the se!ond ha$& o& the de!= and re#eat the same #ro!edure 'ut 3Xith this ha$& 3 sa"8 @I ha5e ,. !ards in one hand and ten in the other(@ When the &our #i$es are !ounted2 it Xi$$ a##ear as i& "ou ha5e done a $ightning !ount 'ehind "our 'a!=( I.G L:ST JOR *A:KHS Ha5e a Jortune Te$$ing De!= stri##ed( Re5erse the !ards "ou Xish to ji'e Xith a &ortune "ou Xi$$ #redi!t &or someone( As= someone to shu&&$e the de!= &or "ou( Ta=e it 'a!= and 'ring the re5ersed !ards to the to#( Turn them o5er and shoX that the &ortune "ou ha5e #redi!ted in ad5an!e2 '" reading AWC the s#e!tator\s #a$m2 is !on&irmed '" the !ards( I.? S:PER STRIPPER Ta=e tXo stri##er de!=s2 one '$ue3'a!=ed and one red3'a!=ed( Jrom these tXo de!=s "ou !an ma=e tXo unusua$ de!=s 3Xith in&inite #ossi'i$ities( Ea=e tXo stri##ers that !onsist o& ha$& red3'a!=ed and ha$& '$ue3'a!=ed !ards( <ot on$" !an "ou use this as a regu$ar stri##er de!=2 "ou !an noX do e&&e!ts in5o$5ing !o$or( Jor e6am#$e8 Se#arating red3'a!=ed &rom '$ue3'a!=ed !ards '" re5ersing one !o$orH !utting to a desired !o$or 'a!= Xith the de!= &a!e doXn on the ta'$e Ase$e!ted !o$or re5ersedC2 et!( E<D STRIPPERS ;ou !an #ur!hase !ards stri##ed at the ends instead o& the sides o& the de!=( These2 too2 ha5e man" uses and Xi$$ &oo$ e5en the &e$$oX Xho is &ami$iar Xith the Stri##er #rin!i#$e( HoXe5er2 man" more e&&e!ts are #ossi'$e Xith side stri##ers than Xith end stri##ers2 so this 'oo= is de5oted so$e$" to the side stri##er(


B*A<M STRIPPER Ha5e "our &a5orite magi! dea$er stri# a de!= o& '$an= !ards &or "ou( With this de!=2 "ou !an do ama%ing @$i5ing and dead@ tests and man" other @mentor' routines( EAMI<K ;O:R OW< D$am# an ordinar" de!= in a 5ise and2 Xith &ine sand#a#er2 "ou !an Xear aXa" one !orner o& the entire de!=( HoX3 e5er2 #ro&essiona$$" stri##ed de!=s are so easi$" and e!onomi!a$$" a5ai$a'$e &rom an" magi! sho# that it is im#ra!ti!a$ to go to that mu!h trou'$e( A*PHABET DARDS Ean" e&&e!ts are #ossi'$e Xith a stri##ed de!= o& A$#ha'et Dards( ;ou ma" #ur!hase these !ards &rom an" magi! dea$er and he Xi$$ a$so stri# them &or "ou( ESP DARDS A de!= o& E6tra Sensor" Per!e#tion !ards has s"m'o$s2 instead o& suits and num'ers2 on the &a!es( These s"m'o$s are Triang$es2 Squares2 Dir!$es et!(2 su!h as are used in te$e#ath" e6#eriments( A stri##ed de!= o& su!h s"m'o$s o&&ers man" #ossi'i$ities &or #seudo mind reading e&&e!ts(

6ARA LOS AVAN(ADOS Jor those Xith a good Xor=ing =noX$edge o& s$eight o& hand the stri##er !an #ro5e in5a$ua'$e in man" e&&e!ts( Those $isted 'e$oX are a &eX "ou !an use in !onjun!tion Xith standard e&&e!ts( I.. TAP IT OJJ This is a Xeird e&&e!t( Ha5e tXo !ards re5ersed in the de!=( Shu&&$e and 'ring them to the to#( Ho$d the de!= &a!e doXn in "our $e&t hand( With "our right thum' and midd$e &inger2 $ight$" #i!= u# the tXo to# !ards '" the #rotruding edges and shoX the tXo !ards as one !ard( Re#$a!e the tXo !ards on to# o& the de!=( As= a s#e!tator to ta# the 'a!= o& the to# !ard on the #a!=( ShoX it( Be!ause he #resumed that 'e ta##ed the !ard Xhi!h Xas shoXn him2 he Xi$$ 'e ama%ed Xhen "ou turn the !ard o5er and it #ro5es to ha5e !hanged to a di&&erent one( I.> THE A:TOEATID RISE As in the #re5ious e&&e!t re5erse tXo !ards2 stri# them and 'ring them to the to#( With "our right thum' and midd$e &inger shoX the tXo to# !ards as one( P$a!e the dou'$e 'a!= on to# o& the de!=( Ho$d the de!= &a!e doXn and 'ur" the to# !ard in the de!=( Ta# the to# o& the de!= and shoX that the !ard "ou @'uried@ has returned to the to#( I./ THE PAPER D*IP Ha5e tXo !ards re5ersed in the de!=( Shu&&$e( Stri# the tXo re5ersed !ards to the to# and shoX as one !ard( Re#$a!e the tXo !ards on to# o& the de!= and &asten a #a#er !$i# to the to# !ard( The s#e!tator Xi$$ #resume that the !$i# is on the !ard "ou shoXed him( *a" the three to# !ards &a!e doXn on the ta'$e and te$$ the s#e!tator to name the !ard Xith the !$i# on it( O& !ourse2 he Xon't9


I.N *A DARTA 1O*ADORA In5ierte dos ases en $a 'araja( Perm4tenos usar e$ As de Pi!as " e$ As de Diamantes #ara $a i$ustra!i+n( Ee%!$a $a 'araja " $$e5a am'os ases a $a !ima de$ #aquete( Toma $os 'ordes so'resa$ientes de am'as !artas in5ertidas " muestra$as !omo una so$a( Perm4teme de!ir que $os es#e!tadores 5en e$ As de Pi!as Ae$ As de Diamantes est atr s de$ de Pi!asC( Pon am'as !artas so're $a 'araja2 quita $a !arta de en!ima " #on$a so're $a mesa( E$ es#e!tador #resumir esta !arta es e$ As de Pi!as( Quita $a !rta siguiente " sostBn$a 'o!a a'ajo en!ima de $a !arta que est en $a mesa( E$ as en tu mano AAs de Pi!asC sosten$o unos . !entimetros so're $a !arat que est !ara a'ajo en $a mesa(( Kira $a !arta de tu mano mostrando que es e$ As de Pi!as2 5ue$5e $a de $a mesa " muestra que es e$ As de Diamantes( I.O<E HA<D *ODATIO< Request that a !ard 'e se$e!ted( Re5erse the de!=2 as= that the !ard 'e re#$a!ed and then that the de!= 'e shu&&$ed( Remar=ing that2 @The hand is qui!=er than the e"e2@ shoX that the se$e!ted !ard is not on the 'ottom nor on the to# o& the de!=( Ho$d the de!= in the right hand in #osition &or the one hand !ut( When "our right thum' &ee$s the re5ersed !ard2 a$ $oX the !ards 'e$oX it to &a$$ into "our right #a$mH !om#$ete the !ut2 then shoX that the se$e!ted !ard is on the 'ottom o& the de!=( I>P THE BAD PE<<; Re5erse three a!es in the de!= and shu&&$e( Stri# the a!es to the to#( E6e!ute a tri#$e $i&t AshoXing the three !ards as oneC( *et us sa" that Xhen "ou shoX the s#e!tators the Aa##arent$" oneC !ard2 the" see the A!e o& Hearts( Remar= that the A!e o& Hearts is a 'ad #enn" and a$Xa"s =ee#s turning u#( *a" the three !ards &a!e doXn on to# o& the de!=( Remo5e the to# !ard and #$a!e it in the !enter o& the de!=2 &a!e doXn( The s#e!tators Xi$$ #resume that "ou ha5e 'uried the A!e o& Hearts( <oX2 do a dou'$e $i&t Xith the tXo !ards on to# o& the de!= and shoX that the A!e o& Hearts has returned to the to#( P$a!e the tXo !ards &a!e doXn on to# o& the de!= and2 again2 'ur" the to# !ard( On!e again shoX the to# !ard2 The A!e o& Hearts is 'a!=9 ThroX u# "our hands in disgust and remar= "ou gi5e u#( I>, THREE DARD EO<TE A good su!=er e&&e!t(2 Ha5e tXo !ards #re5ious$" re5ersed in the de!=( Shu&&$e and 'ring them to the to#( *i&t the tXo !ards as in e&&e!t I..2 and shoX to the s#e!tators( P$a!e the tXo !ards 'a!= on to# o& the de!=2 then 'end 'a!= the !orner o& the to# !ard and #$a!e it &a!e doXn on the ta'$e( The s#e!tators Xi$$ #resume that the !ard Xith the 'ent !orner is the same one "ou ha5e shoXn( *a" tXo more !ards &a!e doXn a$ongside the 'ent one( )o not sho the faces( Eo5e the three !ards around( As= the s#e!tator to #i!= out the !ard &irst shoXn him2 he Xi$$ o& !ourse turn o5er 3 the !ard Xith 'ent !orner( I>) PASSE PASSE Pro!eed e6a!t$" as in e&&e!t I.N AJ$"ing DardC unti$ a&ter "ou shoX the dou'$e !ard and re#$a!e the tXo on to# o& the de!=( Then o#en$" ta=e the to# !ard and #$a!e it &a!e unseen2 in a s#e!tator's #o!=et( The a!e $e&t on to# o& the de!= is shu&&$ed into the de!=( <oX2 @!ommand@ the tXo a!es to !hange #$a!es( The s#e!tator Xi$$ &ind that the a!e in his #o!=et is the one he #resumed to 'e in the de!= and the one in the de!= the a!e he thought "ou had gi5en him(

I>? I<MREDIB*E Pre#are an ordinar"2 unstripped2 A!e o& Hearts '" #utting a dro# o& '$ue in= near the !enter o& the $arge #i# and a$$oX it to dr"( Insert this #re#ared a!e in "our stri##er( Jor!e the un#re#ared( stripped2 A!e o& Hearts &rom "our stri##er on a s#e!tatorH or2 !ut to it and shoX it to "our au dien!e 'ut don't $oo= at it "ourse$&( Shu&&$e the de!= and #a$m out this ta#ered a!e A$ea5ing2 o& !ourse2 the #re#ared un#re#ared a!e in the #a!=C( Insert the de!= &a!e doXn into its !ase( Patter a'out magi!ians' '$ood ha5ing magi!a$ #ro#erties and3as e5er" magi!ian has magi! in his 5eins3 his '$ood !an $o!ate the desired !ard( Jrom "our #o!=et2 ta=e out a &ountain #en Xhi!h "ou ha5e &i$$ed Xith 5anishing in= Y and remar= that this e&&e!t requires '$ood2 '$ue magi!ians' '$ond and "ou ha5e &i$$ed the #en Xith "our oXn( *et one dro# o& in= &a$$ on the outside o& the !ard3!ase2 near the !enter( With "our &ore&inger2 gent$" ru' the dro# o& in=( It Xi$$ 5anish !om#$ete$" in a se!ond or tXo( Remo5e the de!= &rom the !ase2 s#read it &a!e u# and shoX the se$e!ted !ard has an in= s#ot on it(

This in! is sold at most novelt" and magic shops.


I>G THE LADMS' PERSISTE<D; AOrigina$$" #u'$ished in Hugard's EAKID Eonth$"C EJJEDT8 Eagi!ian ri''ons#reads a de!= o& !ards2 &a!es u#2 and s$ides the &our ja!=s !$ear o& the s#read( *ea5ing the ja!=s &a!e u# on the ta'$e2 he gathers u# the de!=2 squares it and in5ites an" s#e!tator to shu&&$e it( Ta=ing the de!= 'a!= he as=s &our di&&erent s#e!tators ea!h to insert one o& the ja!=s at an" #oint the" #$ease in the de!=( When this has 'een done2 #er&ormer again requests someone to shu&&$e the !ards thorough$"( Per&ormer then ta=es the de!= and ma=es it into &our se#arate #i$es on the ta'$e 'e&ore him( When to# !ard o& ea!h #i$e is turned o5er2 s#e!tators are sur#rised to &ind that a$$ the ja!=s ha5e risen to the to#( EETHOD8 When de!= is returned2 ri&&$e shu&&$e on!e2 stri# the ja!=s to the to# and ri&&$e shu&&$e on!e more retaining the ja!=s in #osition( <oX8 ,( Ho$d de!= in "our $e&t hand2 right edge #ara$$e$ to &$oor and resting on the $oXer joints o& midd$e2 ring and $itt$e &ingers Xith thum' $"ing a!ross $e&t edge and &ore&inger !ur$ed against &a!e o& 'ottom !ard( )( With ti# o& $e&t thum'2 ri&&$e u##er $e&t !orner o& de!= unti$ "ou ha5e a'out ] o& the de!= $e&t to go( ?( Kras# the to# ?^G #ortion o& the de!= 'etXeen "our right thum' at the inner end and "our &ingers at the outer end and $i&t #a!=et !$ear o& 'ottom #ortion( At the same time2 $e&t midd$e2 ring and $itt$e &ingers !ur$ u# and #ress against to# !ard Aja!=C retaining it against to# o& 'ottom #a!=et remaining in $e&t hand( G( P$a!e this #a!=et on the ta'$e and re#eat ste#s ) and ? unti$ "ou ha5e &our #a!=ets on the ta'$e ea!h Xith a ja!= on So#( S:KKESTED PRESE<TATIO< A<D PATTER8 Id$" shu&&$ing "our de!=2 as=8 @Ha5e an" o& "ou e5er noti!ed hoX some de!=s ha5e !ards Xhi!h are rea$$" o'no6iousW((2 <o matter Xhere "ou #ut them2 the" =ee# turning u#9((( I'$$ shoX "ou Xhat I mean 3(( In this #arti!u$ar de!=2 the ja!=s are the so!ia$ !$im'ers( *et's ta=e them out(22@ ARi''ons#read the de!= and s$ide ja!=s outH #i!= u# the s#read2 square it u#2 shu&&$e(C ((Some o& "ou ma" thin= that the ja!=s turn u# on$" &or me((( that the" ha5e an 'a&&init"' &or me((2 We$$ I'$$ as= &our o& "ou gent$emen to #i!= u# one ja!= ea!h and insert it Xhere5er "ou $i=e in the de!=Z <oX2 sir2 Xi$$ "ou #$ease shu&&$e the de!=W Than= "ou((( Whi$e our !oo#erati5e &riend ma=es sure that the ja!=s are rea$$" 'uried2 $et's re5ieX Xhat has ha##ened(((@ A:se inde6 &ingers o& right hand to !ount o&& $e&t &ingers thus !asua$$" shoXing "our hands are !$ean(C One2 Xe se#arated the ja!=s &rom the rest o& the !ards and $e&t them &a!e u# on the ta'$e in order to ma=e !ertain that the" Xere not in some sort o& #ee3arranged sequen!e( TXo2 &our di&&erent #ersons re#$a!ed a ja!= at a di&&erent s#ot in the de!=( Three2 another #erson is noX shu&&$ing the de!= 32( Wi$$ "ou2 sir2@ Ato the shu&&$erC @#$ease ma=e sure that there are no ja!=s at the to# or 'ottom o& the de!= and then gi5e it 'a!= to meW Than= "ou333 *et us noX square the de!=(22 di5ide it into &our #arts Z $i=e soZ( and noXZ Xe turn o5er the to# !ard o& ea!h #i$e (((andZ Xe &indZ that "ou !an't =ee# the ja!=s doXn( <o matter here "ou #ut them2 the" #ersist in !$im'ing to the to#9@ *ARN+N,: )on-t let more than one spectator at a time pic! up a jac! and !eep "our e"es on him. /e ma" inad' vertentl" turn his jac! end for end. I>. E*:SI1E DARD An e$usi5e !ard routine is a$Xa"s entertaining and m"sti&"ing( HoXe5er2 '" ha5ing a !ard #re5ious$" re5ersed in the de!= "ou !an add a great dea$ to the e&&e!t2 &or during the routine "ou !an ha5e a s#e!tator shu&&$e the !ards and imme3 diate$" go into the e$usi5e !ard again( I>> I& a !ard is #rotruding at end @a@ o& the de!=2 that same !ard Xi$$ 'e indented at end _'[ o& the de!=( This indentation ma" 'e used as a short !ard( There is a de&inite !$i!= Xhen the de!= is ri&&$ed at this end( I>/ :se una !arta in5ertida !omo !arta @!$a5e@( Puede !ortar & !i$mente #or $a !arta !$a5e2 " #uede tener $a !arta se$e!!ionada a$ $ado de e$$a( I>N Darta en e$ te!ho2 usando $a 'araja 'ise$ada #ara traer $a !arta se$e!!ionada a $a #osi!i+n su#erior( I>Si rea$i%a @Juera de este Eundo@ 3" seguro $o !ono!e3 usando $a 'araja 'ise$ada $o !onertir en m s de un mi$agro( Sim#$emente tenga $a 'araja #re#arada !on un !o$or !om#$eto in5ertido2 de a me%!$ar e$ ma%o2 $uego #odr s se#arar r #idamente $os !o$ores #ara rea$i%ar e$ juego(


I/P Para una rutina de juego #or dinero2 #uedes tener e$ arreg$o de nai#es in5ertidos2 $uego de 'arajar2 & !i$mente traes $as !artas #re#aradas so're $a 'araja( I/, <eed$ess to sa"2 'ringing a !ard to the to# &or #a$ming is an eas" matter Xith the stri##er( A&ter site !ard is #a$med and the de!= shu&&$ed "ou !an add the #a$med !ard to the de!=2 sti$$ re5ersed2 and 'e a'$e to do man" unusua$ e&&e!ts( I/) ;ou Xi$$ &ind that2 Xith a $itt$e e6#erimentation2 the stri##er !an 'e 5er" use&u$ in "our Xor=( Jor e6am#$e8 Xithout an" &a$se shu&&$es or #asses "ou !an &or!e the same !ard se5era$ times2 sim#$" '" 'ringing the stri##ed !ard "ou are &or!ing to the to# o& the de!=(

I/? E* KRA< E<T:SIASTA I& e5er" other !ard in the de!= is re5ersed2 it is an eas" matter to get into #osition &or the giant &an Xithout inter3 Xea5ing the tXo ha$5es o& the de!=( Sim#$" stri# out ha$& the !ards a$most to their &u$$ $ength2 gi5ing the #a!= near$" dou'$e the $ength and then go right into the &an2 The stri##ing shou$d 'e done qui!=$" and smooth$"( YYYYYYYYYYY

The tXo e&&e!ts Xhi!h &o$$oX Xere de5ised '" m" good &riend2 Lohn 12 Ho#e( A #ast #resident o& <eX ;or='s J(A(E(E(2 Er( Ho#e is a 5ersati$e magi!ian Xith a #arti!u$ar 'ent &or !oin magi!( HoXe5er2 the &o$$oXing sam#$es Xi$$ #ro5e that he is no @s$ou!h@ Xith !ards9 I/G BOOMED DEDM DISDO1ER; EJJEDT8 A !ard is se$e!ted and returned to the de!=( During the shu&&$e2 some !ards 'e!ome re5ersed in the de!=( On s#reading the !ards it is seen that the de!= is #rett" Xe$$ mi6ed u# Xith !ards &a!e u# and &a!e doXn( The de!= is shu&&$ed some more and !ut on!e( S#reading the !ards again it is seen that the" ha5e a$$ righted themse$5es2 e6!e#t &or the se$e!ted !ard( EETHOD8 Ha5e a !ard se$e!ted and returned as "ou usua$$" do &or !ontro$$ing the !ard( Start shu&&$ing and2 a&ter one or tXo regu$ar shu&&$es2 re5erse one half the de!= and turn it &a!e u#( Dontinue shu&&$ing( This Xi$$ gi5e "ou Xhat gam'$ers !a$$ a @'oo=ed@ de!=2 that is8 a de!= Xith the !ards mi6es &a!e u# and &a!e doXn( This turning o& the !ards &a!e u# is im#ortant( The sim#$est Xa" is to o#en the de!= $i=e a 'oo=2 using one o& the ends as an imaginar" hinge( Dontinue o#ening this imaginar" 'oo= unti$ 'oth #a!=ets tou!h the ta'$e( ;ou noX ha5e one #a!=et &a!e u# and one &a!e doXn( Without !hanging the re$ationshi# o& the #a!=ets2 shu&&$e them into ea!h other( ShoX the !ards to 'e a$$ messed u#( A&ter shoXing the !ards to 'e ho#e$ess$" mi6ed2 stri# out a$$ #roje!ting !ards and #$a!e them on to# o& the de!=( When a$$ the #roje!ting !ards are on to# o& the de!=2 turn these !ards o5er so that 'oth #a!=ets are &a!ing the same Xa"( S#read the !ards and a$$ o& them Xi$$ 'e &a!ing the same Xa" e6!e#t the se$e!ted !ard( NOT0: +f the dec! has been used a bit( spread it outface up. There is a tendenc" for the reversed card to stic! to the others and not sho itself. +f this happens( don-t sa" an"thing about the selected card. %quare the dec! and ma!e a magical gesture to ards it. No ( spread the cards face do n and the selected card ill be the onl" one face up. I/. AKAI< THE BOOMED DEDM EJJEDT8 The de!= is shu&&$ed Xith a'out ha$& the !ards &a!e u# and ha$& &a!e doXn( S#reading the !ards in "our hands2 e6#$ain to a s#e!tator8 @Run through the !ards as I'm doing and i& "ou see a !ard "ou don't $i=e2 turn it &a!e doXn2 i& "ou see a !ard that is &a!e doXn and "ou Xant to =noX Xhat !ard it is2 turn it &a!e u#( Remem'er Xhi!h !ards "ou turn either &a!e u# or &a!e doXn(@ A&ter the s#e!tator has done this2 ta=e the de!= &rom him2 shu&&$e it and !ut it a &eX times( S#read the de!= and shoX that a$$ the !ards ha5e righted themse$5es2 e6!e#t the !ards re5ersed '" the s#e!tator( EETHOD8 Shu&&$e a'out ha$& the de!= &a!e u# into the other &a!e3doXn ha$& as e6#$ained in the #re5ious e&&e!t( E6#$ain to the s#e!tator2 Xhat "ou Xant him to do2 i$$ustrating Xith the !ards in "our hands( When turning !ards &a!e u# or


&a!e doXn2 do so Xith a right to $e&t or 5i!e 5ersa motion( )o not reverse them b" turning the cards over end for end( Return an" !ards that "ou re5erse to their origina$ #osition2 im#ress u#on "our s#e!tator that "ou Xant him to turn his !ards o5er as "ou did2 then hand him the de!=( A&ter he has re5ersed his se$e!ted !ards2 ta=e the de!= &rom him and shu&&$e a 'it( Stri# a$$ the &a!e u# or &a!e doXn !ards to the to# o& the #a!=( B" re5ersing or turning this #a!=et so that the !ards in it are &a!ing in the same dire!tion as the &a!es o& the other #a!=et2 "ou ha5e arranged the de!= so that all the !ards ha5e righted themse$5es except the spectator-s cards. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

A S.ORT STRI66ER ROUTINE A routine2 or @a!t@ Xith the stri##er shou$d not 'e o& $ong duration2 &or e5en good !ard tri!=s !an 'e!ome 'oring( I& "ou use this routine2 #ra!ti!e it o5er and o5er again( MnoX the sequen!e o& the tri!=s so Xe$$ that "ou a$most automati!a$$" go &rom one e&&e!t to the ne6t( Eost im#ortant o& a$$8 Be sure "ou =noX hoX to @hand$e@ the stri##er #ro#er$" so that it is not a##arent that "ou are using a tri!= de!=( When seated Xith a grou# o& s#e!tators start out '" ha5ing the de!= shu&&$ed '" se5era$ #ersons( Wat!h &or the one Xho shu&&$es the de!= #ro#er$"2 i(e(8 no re5ersa$s as he shu&&$es( When "ou ha5e noti!ed those that shu&&$e @"our@ Xa"2 #i!= on them Xhen the e&&e!t "ou Xant to #resent requires that the de!= 'e shu&&$ed '" a s#e!tator( 6ATTER 8 ROUTINE @*adies and Kent$emen8 The se!ret o& !ard mani#u$ation is !ontro$( B" control I mean the shu&&$ing o& the de!= and a##arent$" $osing o& the se$e!ted !ard or !ards during the shu&&$e Xhen a!tua$$" the #er&ormer has !ontro$ o& the se$e!ted !ards Xhene5er he Xishes( I Xou$d $i=e to gi5e "ou some e6am#$es o& !ard !ontro$( Jirst2 the sim#$est8 !ontro$ o& a sing$e !ard(@ Ha5e a !ard se$e!ted2 re5erse the de!=2 ha5e !ard inserted in the de!= and then $o!ated qui!=$" '" "ou( @<oX2 &or a mu$ti#$e !ontro$( We sha$$ ha5e &our #ersons se$e!t a !ard and endea5or to $o!ate a$$ &our o& them(@ Ha5e &our !ards se$e!ted and inserted in the re5ersed de!=( Shu&&$e and &ind the &our !ards2 #re&era'$" '" 'ringing them to the to#( @<oX I Xish to shoX "ou tXo o& the most di&&i!u$t t"#es o& !ard $o!ation(@ Jind tXo se$e!ted !ards2 one 'ehind "our 'a!=2 the other under a si$=( @<oX2 here is an e6am#$e o& a s#e!tator unXitting$" !ontro$$ing his oXn !ard(@ Per&orm @The Doin!iden!e@ AI,C( @And noX &or the im#ossi'$e9 The most unusua$ !ard tri!= "ou ha5e e5er seenZand don't tr" to &igure it out3it is im#ossi'$e(@ Jinish u# '" #er&orming @The Indian Ki5er@ AI,PC( It is Xise to $earn a &eX sim#$e !ard tri!=s that "ou !an do Xithout using the stri##er #rin!i#$e( ;our magi! dea$er has a 5ast num'er o& 'oo=s on sim#$e !ard tri!=s and s$eight o& hand( It is a$so a good idea to ha5e in "our #o!=et2 an or 3 dinar" de!= o& !ards2 Xith 'a!=s to mat!h the stri##er "ou are using( When &inished Xith the stri##er routine2 dro# the tri!= de!= into "our #o!=et then2 as an a&terthought2 'ring out the ordinar" de!= and shoX a &eX sim#$e !ard tri!=s( This is the easiest o& @sXit!hes(@


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