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Aprendizaje del Ingls

IDIOMA EN QUE SE IMPARTE Ingls ASIGNATURA ANTECEDENTE Ingls IV ASIGNATURA CONSECUENTE PROFESOR ANA MARA MARTNEZ GUTIRREZ OBJETIVO GENERAL El alumno utilizar el idioma a un nivel avanzado medio con seguridad en situaciones relativamente difciles, realizando con xito la transmisin y recepcin del mensaje, siendo capaz de restablecer fcil y eficazmente la comunicacin y la comprensin del mensaje. Objetivos generales por habilidad: Durante el estudio de los contenidos de la materia de Ingls V, el alumno debe adquirir los conocimientos de cada una de las habilidades mencionadas que le permitan: Produccin oral: Emplear el lenguaje en situaciones de mediana complejidad a un nivel avanzado medio. Producir mensajes de mediana complejidad, donde la presencia de errores gramaticales y lapsos en la fluidez no afecten la comunicacin. Demostrar una organizacin adecuada en la transmisin del mensaje en diversas situaciones. Mostrar cierto dominio del uso apropiado del lenguaje de acuerdo al contexto -social o acadmico y propsito de la comunicacin. Comprensin auditiva: Practicar la comprensin general a un nivel avanzado medio. Extraer globalmente las ideas principales del mensaje comprendiendo los detalles y sutilezas sobresalientes. Utilizar una variedad de tcnicas para almacenar y repetir mensajes. Utilizar estrategias auditivas para la recepcin de mensajes expresados a una velocidad normal. Manejar un grado avanzado medio de lxico que le permita compensar posibles distorsiones y errores en la comprensin de textos orales. Manejar adecuadamente la organizacin, el estilo y la fluidez en la percepcin de los textos. Ingls VI

Comprensin de lectura: Leer textos a un nivel avanzado medio con confianza y competencia.

Extraer la mayor parte del mensaje comprendiendo detalles y sutilezas sobresalientes. Desarrollar tcnicas adecuadas de lectura para resumir el contenido y la intencin de la informacin. Emplear un lxico avanzado medio para leer textos a una buena velocidad.

Produccin escrita: Redactar textos a un nivel avanzado medio. Redactar cartas, artculos, proyectos, manuales, etc., con una organizacin adecuada, donde posibles lapsos en la cohesin y coherencia no afecten la eficacia de la comunicacin. Organizar las ideas principales con cierta claridad y pertinencia para el lector. Mostrar cierto dominio del uso apropiado del lenguaje de acuerdo al contexto y propsito del texto.

2014-1: August 6- November 20.

Horas T P

Social Practices, Topics & Linguistic Features Units 1-5 Sept . 11 12

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

1 Presentation/ Introduction to the course/ Meeting the group & Describing People. 1 Reviewing structures
1 Grammar Polish up: Conditionals T :0, 1, 2 And related forms to express conditional Conditionals T : 1, 2, 3, 4 Expressions & Vocabulary about the weather Relative clauses. Prepositions (to/for) and phrasal verbs

1 1 Talking about the weather

1 1 Expressing emotions: Stress/ Keeping in touch with friends. 1

Expressions and vocabulary on how to express emotions 1. How to deal with stress positively Verbs plus prepositions vs Phrasal verbs -ING forms and structures. Grammar Polish-up September 2, 2013

1 1 Talking about friendship, friends and acquaintances 1 1 Knowing about your learning style. 1

Vocabulary and phrasal verbs related to people and friendship Exploring the mind and learning processes & Expressing regret and sorrow. How do you learn? Expressions and vocabulary about learning Retelling facts and events that one regrets. Grammar Polish-up: wish as a verb and structures with wish and similar structures.

1 Grammar Polish-up: Structures with wish and similar structures. 2 2. Discussing about famous Americans and Typical American Food, People & Traditions September 13, 2013 1 Conversing about experiences: Flying experiences and plans 1 1 Grammar Polish- up: Modal auxiliary verbs and semi modals 1 Giving advice Vocabulary and phrasal verbs used to give advice. 1 Looking for a job: writing application forms. 1
Vocabulary and phrasal verbs related to planes. Grammar Polish-up: Past tenses Recounting anecdotes and movies. Expressions and vocabulary about movies and linkers.

2 4 1 TERM EXAM 1 ( Units 1-5) 25% Sept . 11 12

physical characteristics.

Expressions and vocabulary about jobs. Attending a job interview and tips for a job interview. CAE Activities, Strategies, Phrasal verbs & Vocabulary. Book and workbook CAE Skills 3. Discussing about famous Canadians and Typical Canadian Food & Traditions September 20, 2013

1 Describing and comparing people and places. Expressions and vocabulary about people: Personality traits:

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2

1 Grammar Polish up: Comparative and superlative forms. Similar forms to express comparison. 1 Speaking about Means of transportation 1 1 Grammar Polish-up: Make, do, have & take. Proverbs. 1 Talking peoples Age. Conversing about advantages and disadvantages of age and getting older. 2 4. Talking about human behavior in organizations. Expressions and vocabulary about behavior.
September 27, 2013 Expressions and vocabulary about people: cars, buses & trains. Writing e-mails and text messages. Phrasal verbs and vocabulary related to the topic.

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4

Grammar polish-up: Complex clauses: reason, result and purpose. 5. Discussing about famous British people and Typical British Food & Traditions. Grammar Polish-up: Perfect tenses. Missing and grieving people, facts and things. Grammar Polish-up: Modal auxiliary verbs to describe and talk about past events and grieving. Recounting facts, anecdotes and stories.. Grammar Polish-up: Reporting verbs (verb patterns). Describing objects (pictures, photos or appliances) Expressions and vocabulary that help us explain. Discussing about social expectations and opportunities. Expressions and vocabulary about social issues. Grammar Polish-up Future forms. 6. Talking about famous heroes. Expressions and vocabulary about personality traits. SECOND TERM EXAM 2 October 11, 2310 October 4, 2013

( Units 6 10) 25 % Oct. 16 -17

October 18, 2013

2 7. Learning about Education in English Speaking Countries. Expressions and vocabulary about education. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4
Talking about cultural interests. Grammar Polish up: Participle clauses. Presenting Interests. 8. Discussing about famous Australian people & Typical Australian Food & Traditions. October 25, 2013 Talking about fashionable objects (clothes, toys, magazines & appliances) Expressions and vocabulary useful to describe. Grammar Polish up: Comparing and contrasting objects and places. Talking about facts and events. Grammar Polish up: reporting verbs. Talking about professions: Expressions and vocabulary about jobs and professions. Discussing about the most outrageous jobs & professions Grammar Polish up: Verb patterns. ING forms, infinitive with and without to. Exchanging ideas about travelling. Expressions and vocabulary about travelling Presenting Favorite places to go. 9. Talking about dangerous addictions. November 4, 2013 Recounting different types of stories. Expressions and vocabulary about fantasy and fact stories. Grammar Polish- up: Linking devices. Grammar Polish- up: Past tenses and perfect tenses. Wide range of structures. Talking about fantasy movies. Wide range of structures. Portraying characters. Describing people. 10. Discussing about famous Irish people Typical Irish Food & Traditions. THIRD TERM EXAM Exam November 15, 2013

3 ( Units 11 13) 20 % Nov. 19 20

Utilizacin del mtodo comunicativo de enseanza de idiomas extranjeros, incluyendo la enseanza implcita y explcita de la gramtica de ingls. Trabajo en grupo, individual, por parejas, maestro/saln. Solucin de problemas/tareas. Inclusin de la enseanza de las cuatro habilidades en la clase (produccin escrita, oral, comprensin de lectura y auditiva). Integracin de la enseanza de las habilidades en la mayora de las tareas.


Exam 1 ( Units 1-5) 25% Sept . 11 12 Exam 2 ( Units 6 10) 25 % Oct. 16 -17 Exam 3 ( Units 11 13) 20 % Nov. 19 20= YOU WILL NEED 80% ATTENDANCE 70% Presentaciones = 10 % (1) Exmenes Rpidos= 10 % ( 2 per term) T. Escrito = 5% ( 2 per term)


= 5%

BIBLIOGRAFA BSICA: Gude, K. (2010). Advanced Listening and Speaking.:China. OUP. Harison, M. (2009). CAE Practice Tests Practice Tests for the Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam: China. OUP. Hewings, M. (2009). Grammar for CAE and Proficiency. China. CUP. Kenny, N y Newbrook, J. ( 2008). CAE Practice Tests. Spain: Pearson Longman. ODell, F y Broadhead. (2008). Cambridge English. Objective Advanced. Students Book .: China. OUP. ODell and Broadhead, A. 2008. Objective Advanced. China. Cambridge University press. Yule, G. (2010) Advanced Oxford Practice Grammar: China. OUP.

BIBLIOGRAFA COMPLEMENTARIA: Crystal, D. Rediscover grammar. London, Longman. 1988. Praninskas, J. A Rapid Review of English Grammar. New Jersey, Prentice Hall. 1975. Quirk, R. Greenbaum, S. Leech, G. & Svartvik, J. A comprehensive grammar of the English language . London, Longman. 1985. Swan, M. Practical English usage. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1995. Thomson, A. J. A practical English grammar. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1986. Celce-Murcia, M. (1999).The Grammar Book. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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