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Por Syra Jimnez-Pajarero Arias (

C/ Echeyde, 18 (Tiagua. Teguise) / De lunes a viernes, de 10 a 17.30; sbado, de 10 a 14h (ltima visita: 13.30) / 5 (general) y 4 (residente) + info: 928 529 134 /

Con la gran erupcin de 1730-36 este espacio agrario experiment una gran transformacin con el recubrimiento de rofe (ceniza volcnica). La ltima explosin volcnica (siglo XIX) se produjo apenas a 1.500 metros de la finca. Cuenta con los cultivos mayoritarios de Lanzarote: enarenados y jable. Se sigue trabajando en los tradicionales (frutales, cereales, tomates) y criando animales de campo (camello, cabras, gallinas, patos). Se elabora y embotella vino propio (malvasa, tinto, moscatel). Adems se produce queso de cabra. Ambos productos se pueden degustar y adquirir en su cantina tpica. Hay que resaltar la gran labor didctica que el Museo est realizando con la intencin de orientar a los docentes en el desarrollo de metodologas activas siendo un punto de encuentro excelente para la reflexin acerca de sociedades y culturas anteriores.

El Museo Agrcola El Patio fue inaugurado el 28 de junio de 1996. Testimonio y homenaje al trabajo y la tcnica del hombre en el medio rural. En su interior se exponen tiles agrarios: alfarera, aperos de labranza, trajes tradicionales y cestera. Un valiossimo legado etnogrfico en el que apreciamos la sabidura del ser humano para sobrevivir y progresar en armona con el medio natural. Destaca una muestra de lminas con imgenes y textos explicativos as como una proyeccin panormica sobre la naturaleza. Su filosofa es clara: preserva y divulga el patrimonio y la memoria cultural agraria de Lanzarote. Juan Lemes Lemes, carpintero de ribera, fue asesor en la creacin del museo adems del constructor del molino, molina de gofio y tahona:Las huellas del pasado estn ah para ser vistas si sabemos cmo leerlas

in which we can appreciate the wisdom of human beings to survive and thrive in harmony with the natural environment. It is, specially, remarkable an exhibition of sheets with images and explanatory texts as well as a panoramic projection about nature. Its philosophy is clear: to preserve and disseminate the heritage and cultural farming memory of Lanzarote. Juan Lemes Lemes, a local carpenter, was a consultant in the creation of the Museum as well as the builder of the mills. The traces of the past are there to be seen if we know how to read them.

foreman of the estate which preserves all the furniture and household goods at the time. In the great eruption of 1730-36 this agricultural space suffered a major transformation with the coating of rofe (volcanic ash). The last volcanic explosion (19th century) occurred just 1,500 m away from the farm. They put into practice the major crops of Lanzarote: enarenados and jable and they still work the traditional fruit trees, cereals and vegetables and raise local farm animals (camels, goats, chickens, ducks). They also elaborate and bottled their own wine (malmsey, red wine, muscatel). Goat cheese is also produced in the Farm Museum. Both products can be tasted and purchased in their typical canteen. We would like to emphasize the great didactic work that the Museum is doing with the intention of providing guidance to teachers on the development of active methodologies, being an excellent forum for reflection on previous cultures and societies.



By Syra Jimnez-Pajarero Arias http:// C / Echeyde, 18 (Tiagua. Teguise) / From Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 5.30 pm. Saturdays, from 10 am to 2 pm (last visit: 1.30 pm) / 5 (general) and 4 (residents) + info: 928 529 134 / info@

Estn representadas todas las variantes ms significativas de la arquitectura tradicional de Lanzarote realizadas a lo largo de los siglos XVIII, XIX y XX en un ambiente de austeridad y armona. - Arquitectura agraria: molino de viento, molina, graneros, tahona, bodega, lagar, horno, cantina y corral. - Arquitectura civil: casona solariega del ao 1930 y vivienda tradicional del capataz de la finca en la que se conserva todo el mobiliario y menaje de la poca.


All the most significant variants of the traditional architecture of Lanzarote throughout the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries are represented in an environment of austerity and harmony. -Agrarian architecture: mill of wind, granaries, bakery, wine cellar, winepress, oven, canteen, poultry. -Civil architecture: Manor House from 1930 and traditional housing of the

El Patio Farm Museum was opened on the 28th of June 1996, as a testimony and tribute to the work and technique of men in rural areas. In the interior the visitor can easily find useful agricultural items: pottery, tools of farming, traditional costumes and basketry, a very valuable ethnographic heritage

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