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NOTAS DE PRODUCCIN Vuelve la franquicia que ha recaudado 675 millones de dlares con la quinta entrega, y la ms espectacular de todas ellas,

de Resident Evil: Venganza, escrita y dirigida por Paul W. S. Anderson, in 3D de ltima generacin. El mortal virus T de la Corporacin Umbrella sigue causando estragos en la tierra, transformando la poblacin global en legiones de muertos vivientes cada vez ms letales. La ltima y nica esperanza de la raza humana, Alice (Milla Jovovich), se despierta en el corazn de una impenetrable instalacin de operaciones de la Corporacin Umbrella. Arriesgando su vida mientras huye con la ayuda de un comando de lite, Alice recorrer las recreaciones de las ciudades de Tokio, Nueva York, Mosc y Washington D.C., creadas en el interior de ese centro clandestino de la Corporacion Umbrella. En el trayecto descubre una serie de confusas revelaciones que le obligarn a evaluar todo en lo que crea. Con la ayuda de nuevos aliados y amigos de antao Alice encuentra una nueva razn por la que luchar por sobrevivir en un mundo hostil a punto de desaparecer. La cuenta atrs ha comenzado. En esta ocasin se unen a Milla Jovovich en el reparto Michelle Rodrguez (Resident Evil, Avatar), Kevin Durand (Robin Hood, Perdidos), Sienna Guillory (Resident Evil 2: Apocalipsis, Resident Evil: Ultratumba), Shawn Roberts (Resident Evil: Ultratumba), Aryana Engineer (La hurfana), Colin Salmon (Resident Evil), Johann Urb (2012), con Boris Kodjoe (Resident Evil: Ultratumba), y Li Bingbing (Snowflower and the Secret Fan). Paul W.S. Anderson es el guionista y director de Resident Evil: Venganza (Los tres mosqueteros, la franquicia Resident Evil), y ha sido producida por Jeremy Bolt (Los tres mosqueteros, Resident Evil: Ultratumba), Paul W.S. Anderson, Robert Kulzer (Los tres mosqueteros, Resident Evil: Ultratumba), Don Carmody (Los tres mosqueteros, Resident Evil: Ultratumba) y Samuel Hadida (Resident Evil: Ultratumba, Buenas noches, y buena suerte). El productor ejecutivo 1

es Martin Moszkowicz (Los tres mosqueteros, Resident Evil: Ultratumba). El coproductor es Vctor Hadida. El productor asociado es Hiroyuki Kobayashi. La pelcula est basada en el videojuego Resident Evil de Capcom. El director de fotografa es Glen MacPherson ASC, CSC (Resident Evil: Ultratumba, Los tres mosqueteros). El editor es Niven Howie (Resident Evil: Ultratumba, El enigma del cuervo). El director de produccin es Kevin Phipps (V de vendetta, Ghost Rider: Espritu de venganza). La diseadora de vestuario es Wendy Partridge (Conan el brbaro, Legin). El supervisor de efectos visuales es Dennis Berardi. Los efectos visuales digitales son de Mr. X Inc. La msica original es de tomandandy (Resident Evil: Ultratumba).

Resident Evil: Venganza ha sido calificada para mayores de 18 aos por la MPAA
por secuencias de violencia extrema. El tiempo de proyeccin es de 1 hora y 35 minutos.

SOBRE LA PRODUCCIN Desde la secuencia inicial que te deja boquiabierto hasta su sorprendente conclusin panormica, Resident Evil: Venganza deslumbra a la audiencia con una mezcla de singulares secuencias de accin que han hecho de la franquicia un xito global y algunos giros nuevos e inesperados. El director, guionista y productor Paul W.S. Anderson ha imaginado un futuro aterrador devastado por una plaga impensable, realizado todo con el 3D de ltima generacin.

Resident Evil: Venganza arranca con la icnica herona de accin Alice (en la
indeleble representacin de Milla Jovovich en las cinco pelculas) donde la vimos por ltima vez al final de Resident Evil: Ultratumbaen la cubierta del misterioso navo Arcadia, donde esperaba encontrar ms supervivientes de la plaga. Pero en realidad le espera la batalla de su vida cuando, la que fuera su aliada Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory) y una tripulacin de perversos helicpteros V-22 de la Corporacin Umbrella, se acercan obedeciendo rdenes de disparar para matar. Comenzamos donde termin la ltima pelcula, asegura Anderson. La ltima entrega concluy con una pica situacin de suspenso y quisimos sacarle partido al comienzo de esta, para despus tomar un rumbo completamente diferente. Conceptualmente nos hemos arriesgado con esta pelcula. El alcance es global y la accin es an ms grande. Jeremy Bolt, el socio productor de Anderson de toda la vida, explica que hasta cierto punto el director ha tenido que reinventar la franquicia con cada entrega. Como cineasta, Paul se sigue exigiendo ms en cada entrega para hacer que sea lo ms entretenida posible con nuevos elementos que sorprenden a la audiencia. Esta pelcula ha tenido an ms giros que todas las anteriores. Le intentamos infundir el sentir de un videojuego para enganchar ms a los fans. Segn Anderson, las pelculas le dan la oportunidad de satisfacer sus propias obsesiones de fan-nio. Me encanta hacer las pelculas de Resident Evil, asegura el director. Contiene todo lo que me gustaban de las pelculas de joven: chicas sexys, accin sorprendente, mundos alucinantes. Es divertido verlas y realizarlas. Cada vez somos ms aventureros pero en esta ocasin hemos hecho algo realmente espectacular. Como siempre, Anderson incluye referencias a los juegos de Resident Evil mientras que tambin desarrolla personajes y lneas argumentales completamente originales. Las 3

pelculas se han inspirado muy libremente en los juegos, dice el director. Algunos de nuestros sets los tomamos del videojuego para que los jugadores los reconozcan y disfruten. Pero la influencia ha sido bidireccional. Por ejemplo el pasillo Laser de la primera pelcula y la Reina Roja han pasado a formar parte de la franquicia de juegos. Pero los espectadores que se acerquen a la saga por primera vez no se sentirn excluidos, asegura el director. Esta pelcula es independiente. Cada vez procuramos contar una historia contenida en s misma. Sin duda podrs sacarle el jugo si ves las dems, pero an el espectador que desconozca las anteriores podr disfrutarla. Resident Evil: Ultratumba bati el rcord de la franquicia en cuanto al nmero de espectadores en todo el mundo y muchos realmente la disfrutaron sin haber visto las anteriores. Segn los realizadores Resident Evil: Venganza cambia de gnero con audacia, ocupando su lugar sin tapujos en el terreno de al ciencia ficcin en vez de la accin-terror de las entregas anteriores. La anterior fue pura accin- supervivencia, recuerda el productor Robert Kulzer. En esta ocasin sentimos que tenamos que probar algo y adaptar el argumento para que fuera ms intrigante para el espectador. Atraviesas la pelcula de la mano de Alice y lo cuestionas todo. Esta batalla continua por la supervivencia de la humanidad, posiblemente puedas hallar humanidad en los lugares ms insospechados, an en tus propios enemigos. El ejrcito de zombis creados cuando la Corporacin Umbrella perdi el control del virus T, ha crecido y es ms peligroso con el paso del tiempo. Los muertos vivientes viven en un estado de mutacin constante, afirma Anderson. Su evolucin es una de las fortalezas tanto del videojuego como de la franquicia cinematogrfica. Los muertos vivientes de la primera pelcula eran zombis lentos y torpes. Eran espantosos pero han evolucionado a algo an ms aterrador. Ahora existen muchas clases de muertos vivientes, prosigue el director. Los muertos vivientes Majini introducidos en la ultima pelcula, han regresado. Sus mandbulas son enormes y tienen tentculos que les salen de la boca. Los Chupadores vuelven, pero has evolucionado. Los llamamos los Uber-Chupadores por su enorme tamao. Y, como Alice est a punto de descubrir, hay cosas peores. Los muertos vivientes infectados con el virus de Las Plagas mantienen sus capacidades motrices y cierto grado de inteligencia, explica Anderson. Algunos conducen motos y disparan ametralladoras. Todo

ello le aport un nuevo nivel de amenaza a los muertos vivientes y creo que eso es lo que mantiene la frescura de la franquicia. El productor Don Carmody aade, La meta era mantener a los espectadores en vilo, no slo con imgenes y criaturas espantosas sino tambin por la creacin de secuencias inolvidables que les emocionen y transporten y se queden con ellos mucho tiempo despus de salir del cine. Explica Kulzer: Constantemente discutamos ideas para encontrar formas nuevas y originales de aumentar la accin, la aventura y la intensidad. Todo se acerca al clmax sentencia Anderson. Los das en los que los seres humanos podan limitarse a esperar tras el muro de una fortaleza y mantener alejados a los muertos vivientes con armas de fuego y tecnologa superior son cosa del pasado. Realmente nos encontramos ante el principio del final.

ALICE DESENCADENADA Como siempre, la figura central en esta audaz e inquietante historia es Alice, interpretada una vez ms con implacable ferocidad por Milla Jovovich. Milla juega un gran papel en el xito de las pelculas, dice Bolt. Una de las cosas que hace que Resident Evil sea tan interesante es que presentamos a una mujer como una convincente herona de accin. Es dura como el diablo. Es una lder; es implacable. Si alguien va a vencer a Umbrella, es Alice. Alice ha evolucionado con cada captulo de la saga, desde una chica ingenua y amnsica a una guerrera dotada con habilidades ms que humanas y, ahora es una magullada soldado de a pie batallando continuamente en la guerra contra el mal. Tras interpretar al personaje durante una dcada, Jovovich ha llegado a conocerla muy ntimamente y le ha cogido mucho cario a su alter ego como herona de accin. Ha sido una gran aventura hacer esta serie, dice la actriz. Siempre es alucinante llegar a este mundo increble, fantstico y mgico, y reencontrarme con Alice. La conozco tan bien. S cmo va a reaccionar, lo que hara y lo que no. Se ha convertido en una parte importante de mi vida y a medida que crezco yo, crece ella. Siempre es emocionante ver cul ser su prximo paso. En el papel de Alice, Milla es una fuerza con la que lidiar, dice el productor Carmody. No slo es preciosa, tambin es genuina y graciosa. La gente piensa que es Milla Jovovich, la supermodelo rusa, pero tiene los pies en la tierra, ha logrado mucho, y es muy dedicada. Y nadie conoce a Alice mejor que ella, ni siquiera Paul. Alice ha perdido sus sper poderes en Resident Evil: Ultratumba, una decisin que, segn Jovovich, ha formado una parte crtica del desarrollo del personaje. Nos hemos acercado ms a la Alice original, que era un poco ms vulnerable, explica la actriz. Cuando est en peligro nos asustamos porque ya no puede hacer explotar a todo lo que la rodea. Sigue siendo dura pero sin sper poderes. A medida que Alice se acostumbra a ser humana nuevamente, tiene que aprender a confiar y depender en los que la rodean, aade Jovovich. Sin sus sper poderes, no se siente tan aislada. Se siente ms cerca de los dems y tiene que saber jugar en equipo. Y ha sido capaz de llevarlo todo con un poco de sentido del humor. Si lo nico que haces es matar zombis y evadir a las fuerzas de Umbrella, lo mejor es llevarlo con una sonrisa y un guio.

Cuando Anderson habla acerca de la actriz, quien adems es su mujer, queda clara que ella es su musa en esta serie cinematogrfica. En los ltimos diez aos, a medida que ha desarrollado el personaje, hemos tenido la oportunidad de verla crecer a medida que Milla ha crecido, dice el director. Alice era una tabla rasa en la primera pelcula porque haba perdido su memoria y no saba nada acerca de s misma. Poco a poco se ha rodeado de esta familia compuesta por otros supervivientes del apocalipsis. Este es un gran paso para ella, aade el director. Vemos el conflicto causado por sus decisiones porque es una guerrera endurecida que lo ha sacrificado todo para luchar la batalla que ha decidido librar. Ha sacrificado su familia, sus amigos, y un futuro. Ahora, su personaje es un poco ms complejo. El reparto de Resident Evil: Venganza incluye muchos rostros familiares para los fans de la franquicia. Los realizadores han ingeniado una forma de traer nuevamente a los personajes que han sufrido finales brutales en entregas anteriores como Rain, de Michelle Rodrguez y One, de Colin Salmon que vimos en Resident Evil; Jill Valentine, de Sienna Guillory que vimos en Resident Evil 2: Apocalipsis y Resident Evil: Ultratumba; Carlos, de Oded Fehr que particip en Resident Evil 2: Apocalipsis y Resident Evil: Extinction; al igual que Luther West, de Boris Kodjoe y Albert Wesker, de Shawn Roberts que estuvieron en Resident Evil: Ultratumba. Para nosotros es emocionante contar otra vez con estos actores y volver a ver a los personajes, y esperamos que tambin lo sea para los fans, afirma Anderson. Trabajar nuevamente con todos ellos supuso una oportunidad nica. Por ejemplo, siempre quise volver a trabajar con Michelle Rodrguez, pero le disparamos en la cabeza en la primera pelcula, lo cual imposibilitaba traerla de vuelta. Pero en el universo de Resident Evil cualquier cosa puede ocurrir y suele ser as. El mundo de la Corporacin Umbrella est en evolucin constante, dice Carmody, Justo cuando piensas que les has detenido, emerge otro tentculo. Anderson inici Resident Evil: Ultratumba con un ejrcito de clones de Alice, y eso le aport la inspiracin que necesitaba para traer de vuelta a sus personajes favoritos. Una vez que introdujimos la clonacin, se me ocurri la idea de traer de vuelta a distintos personajes, explica Anderson. Pero la clonacin tambin le aporta una nueva capa de intriga al argumento. Los espectadores se preguntarn, es esa persona realmente Carlos? Realmente es Rain? 7

Adems va muy bien con el mundo de los videojuegos donde todo puede cambiar de un momento para otro. A Jovovich le gust la idea de que su personaje se reuniera con tantos amigos y enemigos del pasado. La gente realmente se implica con estos personajes, dice la actriz. Cuando Paul descubri cmo traerlos de vuelta, todos nos emocionamos muchsimo. Esta pelcula juega mucho con todo lo que es ilusin versus realidad y creo que eso sorprender a la gente. Fue increble estar todos juntos otra vez. En Resident Evil, Rain Ocampo, interpretada por Michelle Rodrguez, era miembro de un comando especial de Umbrella. Por su habilidad y puntera Rain y su equipo fueron enviados para contener la infeccin a toda costa tras el brote. Pero Rain fue infectada con el letal virus T y tras convertirse en zombi, la mataron. Rodrguez se entusiasm cuando Anderson le llam para decirle que haban encontrado la forma de darle vida a su personaje. Estoy encantada de haber vuelto, confiesa la actriz. No pens que existira la posibilidad de traer a mi personaje de vuelta. Pero siempre tienes una ventana abierta con la ciencia ficcin, donde las posibilidades son ilimitadas. Estoy feliz de tener un director tan creativo. En la pelcula, Rodrguez interpreta a dos personajes, una especialista en armas, dura como ninguna, que trabaja para la Corporacin Umbrella, y una estudiante ecologista que conduce un Prius y tiene una aficin por los tacones altos. Al estar acostumbrada a interpretar a personajes femeninos que operan en mbitos tradicionalmente masculinos, le gust la idea de interpretar algo diferente. Me encantan las pistolas y soy un poco marimacho, explica la actriz. Y esas cualidades han definido gran parte de mi carrera. Ha sido agradable cambiar de tercio e interpretar a una chica ms tranquila y sexy. Ha sido divertido interpretar a una chica con sus propias excentricidades y que no sabe cmo disparar un arma. Hablando acerca de la actriz, Anderson explica que nunca he conocido a una mujer que se sienta ms cmoda en botas de combate y una pesada ametralladora. Pero cuando le habl a Michelle acerca de la posibilidad de volver en esta pelcula me dijo que le interesara mucho explorar facetas diferentes de s misma como mujer en su interpretacin cinematogrfica. Desarrollamos un personaje que sigue ms el concepto tradicional de femineidad. Para ella, el mayor reto fue llevar tacones altos. Fue divertido ver a Michelle en

tacones de aguja. Le faltaba un poco de equilibrio y eso muestra una faceta completamente nueva de su persona. Vuelve tambin el personaje de Jill Valentine, interpretada una vez ms por la actriz britnica Sienna Guillory. sta era una polica que form equipo con Alice para luchar contra la Corporacin Umbrella en Resident Evil 2: Apocalipsis. La ltima vez que vimos a Guillory estaba dando la orden de matar a todos los supervivientes (entre ellos a Alice) al final de Resident Evil: Ultratumba. Ahora Umbrella controla a Jill, explica Guillory. Es una chica buena atrapada en un cuerpo malo. Y en esta pelcula es muy, pero que muy malvada. Guillory se muestra encantada de haber vuelto al mundo de Resident Evil para trabajar nuevamente con Jovovich y Anderson. En estos filmes, eres parte de un gran equipo y todos nos apoyamos increblemente, asegura la actriz. Milla es la actriz ms generosa con la que puedas trabajar y la imaginacin de Paul no tiene lmites. Sent que haba vuelto a casa. Oded Fehr, conocido por los espectadores como Carlos Olivera, miembro del comando especial de Umbrella en Resident Evil 2: Apocalipsis y Resident Evil: Extinction, tambin interpreta dos papeles en el filme. Para Fehr el volver a la franquicia tena mucho sentido. Si pueden haber cien versiones de Alice, porqu no tener ms de un Carlos, One y Rain? pregunta el actor. Hay tantos giros inesperados que va a ser un fiestn para los espectadores. Y fue genial reunirme con la familia de las pelis anteriores. Boris Kodjoe vuelve tambin como Luther West, un hombre fuerte y confiado, que en el pasado fue deportista profesional. Lo descubrimos en una barricada dentro de una prisin con un puado de supervivientes en Resident Evil: Ultratumba. Luther y Alice conectaron enseguida, forjando una alianza basada en el respeto mutuo. Cuando se fugaron de la prisin, Luther fue atacado por zombis y tanto Alice como los dems creen que ha muerto. Fueron grandes colaboradores en la ltima pelcula, asegura el actor. Pero ella cree que ha desaparecido y supone una sorpresa muy agradable descubrir que no ha sido as. Cuando se reencuentran ambos se siente aliviados, y tambin emocionados al saber que juntos iniciarn una aventura nueva. Para Kodjoe, uno de las razones por las que quiso volver a la serie fue la oportunidad de trabajar con Jovovich otra vez. Trabajar con Milla es un placer absoluto, concluye el 9

actor. Es la herona perfecta para la franquicia. Lo da todo. Juega en equipo y su energa contagia a todos los dems. Vuelve Albert Wesker, el villano invencible del filme, el Presidente de la Corporacin Umbrella, interpretado por Shawn Roberts. Prcticamente indestructible por haber sido infectado por el virus T, Wesker parece ser el mal en persona. Es probable que Wesker sea el mayor villano de los juegos y sin duda uno de los favoritos de los fans, asegura Anderson. Le hicimos explosionar con una bomba atmica en la ltima entrega pero ni an eso ha sido capaz de contenerlo. Interpretar a un hombre malvado que no se arrepiente de serlo es el sueo de todo actor. Afirma Roberts: Albert Wesker no se quedar callado. Ha decidido tomar el primer puesto. Yo mando en el mundo y la sensacin de estar encima sienta muy bien. En su primera aparicin, Roberts particip en algunas de las secuencias ms exigentes y emocionantes del filme. No habl mucho en su ltima aparicin, recuerda el director. Pero Shawn es un gran actor, as que en esta pelcula, eso cambi. En ocasiones Wesker parecer ser un villano a lo James Bond, que se pone a charlar cuando debera limitarse a matar a la gente; y fue divertido ver a Shawn en ese papel. Segn Roberts la ltima entrega supera las cuatro anteriores en cada nivel. Tiene ms tiroteos, ms luchas. Toda la pelcula es accin seguida de ms accin. Creo que supondr una atraccin constante que los espectadores querrn montar vez tras vez. El actor britnico Colin Salmon completa el reparto de actores que retornan con su personaje James One Shade. Tras ser picado en pedacitos por un lser en la primera Resident Evil, para Salmon la invitacin de volver a la franquicia supuso una agradable sorpresa y un gran placer. En la primera entrega todo pareca indicar que mi personaje se convertira en el hroe, recuerda Salmon. Pero entonces se convierte en papilla y Alice, en la herona. Pero One es el tpico soldado que siempre vuelve as que, sin entrar en mucho detalle, recibe nuevas fuerzas en esta entrega. Han pasado 10 aos desde que Salmon interpretara por vez primera al personaje y est asombrado cmo, lo que l denomina para todos los efectos una pelcula independiente se ha convertido en una franquicia de gran xito en taquilla. Le da todo el mrito y atribuye todo su xito a Anderson. Paul es uno de los tos ms emprendedores,


generosos e inteligentes con los que he trabajado. Es nico en su forma de cuidar los detalles y conocer cada departamento de cerca. Si no fuera director sin duda sera arquitecto. En cada captulo de Resident Evil, los realizadores introducen elementos de los videojuegos que son ms populares con los aficionados de los mismos. Prestamos mucha atencin a lo que dicen, dice Anderson. Escuchamos sus comentarios. Por eso los perros y los Chupadores estn en la franquicia. Por eso Jill se sum a la franquicia. Esta vez hemos aadido los personajes de Leon Kennedy, Barry Burton y Ada Wong. La gente los peda a gritos. Debido al entusiasmo que sentan los usuarios de los videojuegos por estos personajes, los realizadores tuvieron que ser especialmente meticulosos a la hora de seleccionar a las personas que los encarnaran en la gran pantalla. El casting nos llev muchsimo tiempo, aade Anderson. Encontramos a actores que dieron vida a estos personajes y se acercaron lo ms posible al videojuego. No tienes ni idea de lo difcil que es encontrar a alguien que pudiera llevar bien el cabello de Leon Kennedy. Tiene que ser masculino y llevar el flequillo largo. Creo que el casting de Barry, Leon y Ada fue perfecto, dice el productor Robert Kulzer. Los actores han captado la esencia de lo que la gente ama acerca de estos personajes de videojuegos pero tambin han sabido hacerlos completamente suyos. Anderson escogi al actor nacido en Estonia, Johann Urb, para interpretar a Leon S. Kennedy. Segn Urb su personaje es una mquina mata-zombis. Es un superviviente y el lder de la resistencia. La cosa se ha puesto fea y todos tenemos que unir fuerzas para sobrevivir. A Urb le encant la idea de interpretar a un hroe de accin. El personaje es un autntico sueo para m. Es fuerte, seguro, un gran lder y adems dispara a zombis. Es muy divertido y hace que despertarme cada maana para meterme en sus zapatos sea muy fcil. Para llevar el papel de Barry Burton a la pantalla, los actores contrataron al actor nacido en Canad, Kevin Durand. Es conocido por los espectadores por papeles como Little John en Robin Hood y Martin Keamy en la exitosa serie de televisin Perdidos. Durand se entusiasm con la idea de interpretar a un luchador fumador de puros cuya misin es destruir zombis. No fue difcil decidirme, dice Durand. Burton es una especie de Dirty Harry que lleva un Magnum .44 y es muy hbil matando zombis. No es divertido?


En la pelcula, Barry Burton, Leon S. Kennedy y Luther West forman un equipo muy unido. Desde su primer encuentro, la qumica entre los tres actores fue palpable delante y detrs de las cmaras. Bromebamos mucho, recuerda Urb. Boris y yo nos conocemos de hace mucho y Kevin y yo encajamos de inmediato. El compaerismo entre nosotros es algo natural. Nos lo estamos pasando genial y eso se refleja en pantalla. Durand, Urb y Kodjoe miden ms de un 1.80 m, por lo que su presencia visual es imponente. Esta es la primera pelcula en la que trabajo donde mi estatura no me hace sentir como si me acabara de escapar del circo, dice Durand. Boris mide 1.98 m, Johann, 1.95 m y yo, 2 m. Cuando pasebamos juntos por Toronto, la gente pensaba que ramos parte del equipo de baloncesto de los Raptors y nos pedan que firmramos sus gorras y camisetas. La misteriosa y letal Ada Wong es otro personaje directamente sacado del videojuego. Los realizadores seleccionaron a la premiada actriz china Li Bingbing para encarnar la fuerza e inteligencia de Wong, al igual que su ambigua lealtad. En cuanto la vimos hacer la prueba supimos que Bingbing era perfecta para el papel, recuerda Bolt. Adems de ser una actriz con un talento enorme, es lista, sexy e inteligente todas ellas cualidades que deba poseer el personaje de Ada Wong. Para Li fue todo un honor ser elegida para interpretar a la atractiva asesina. Resident Evil es un juego muy conocido en China y Ada Wong cuenta con muchos fans en este pas, explica la actriz. Cuando Paul me invit a interpretar el papel, creo que los fans estaban tan emocionados como yo. El componente que ms vrtigo le dio a Li no fueron las muchas escenas especiales sino tener que decir sus dilogos en ingls. Al principio me senta muy insegura, admite la actriz. Pens que si no abra la boca no me equivocara. Pero a medida que les iba conociendo a todos me senta ms y ms cmoda. Y fue un gran alivio comprobar que nadie se ri. De hecho, incluso me dijeron tu ingls es fantstico! Me hicieron sentir parte de la familia y me recibieron con calidez. Otro personaje que llega a la saga por primera vez es Becky, una nia que forma un vnculo muy fuerte con Alice. La interpreta Aryana Engineer, de once aos de edad, quien adems es sorda en la vida real. El guin contemplaba a un personaje sordo, explica Anderson. Yo quera encontrar a una actriz sorda para interpretarlo aunque para ello Milla tuviera que aprender el lenguaje de signos para poder comunicarse con ella en la pelcula. 12

Aryana slo haba hecho una pelcula como sta anteriormente y sus logros son impresionantes. Creci mucho como actriz y regal una interpretacin asombrosa. Al sumarle una hija a la existencia de Alice, ya de por s complicada, abrimos la oportunidad de explorar una faceta anteriormente oculta de Alice, explica Anderson. Ahora que Milla es madre sent que era el momento perfecto, aade el director. Ver cmo una endurecida guerrera lidia con ello le aport un ingrediente muy interesante a la interpretacin de Milla en esta pelcula. Le aporta algo nuevo y diferente a la franquicia.


UN MUNDO TRIDIMENSIONAL En las cuatro entregas anteriores la saga de Resident Evil ha llevado a los espectadores por todo el mundo y por las profundidades de la misteriosa Corporacin Umbrella pero nunca antes a una escala tan grande. Resident Evil siempre ha sido una franquicia global, explica Anderson. No me refiero exclusivamente al rodaje sino tambin a los exteriores. En la primera entrega vivimos la claustrofobia de la Colmena; en la segunda, las calles nocturnas de Raccoon City. En la tercera pelcula nos trasladamos al desierto y en la cuarta, a la ciudad post-apocalptica de Los ngeles reducida a cenizas. Esta vez hemos construido una road movie porque viajamos de un pas a otro de una forma curiosa. El guin requiri 74 plats para contener la accin que rpidamente pasa de Norteamrica a Japn, Mosc, Kamchatka en el lmite norte de Rusia, y todo se rod en plats y exteriores de Toronto. Hicimos uso de asombrosos efectos visuales para crear la ilusin de viajar por todo el mundo, asegura Anderson. Hubiera sido muy difcil rodar en Mosc y en Tokio. Si hubiramos rodado en Japn no hubiramos podido cerrar el centro de Shibuya ni llegar al nivel de devastacin y destruccin que necesitbamos as que construimos gran parte del distrito en un plat exterior. S que enviamos una unidad a Mosc y cerraron partes de la Plaza Roja durante dos das para poder tener planos de fondo para contar con una recreacin muy detallada, incluyendo la tienda Gum Store, que es el Harrods de Mosc. El director de produccin Kevin Phipps conceptualiz cada uno de los distintos parajes del filme, tanto las imitaciones como los inventados. La pelcula abarca numerosos y fantsticos contrastes visuales, por lo que el trabajo fue realmente emocionante, afirma Phipps. El mundo de Resident Evil es como ninguno. Disebamos un mundo imaginado, el mundo futurista y tecnolgico de la Corporacin Umbrella, pero lo tenamos que encajar en el mundo existente. El lienzo era por tanto, muy amplio. Cuando Paul dise la escena rodada en la Plaza Roja, tuvimos que encontrar la forma ms interesante en lo visual y la ms econmica de rodarla, aade el director de produccin. Tenamos que hallar el delicado equilibrio entre los plats fsicos y los virtuales. Fuimos muy meticulosos en los detalles. Disfrut especialmente la relacin entre la realidad y la ilusin.


La innovacin ms atractiva de Phipps es el interior de la ingeniosamente oculta fortaleza de la Corporacin Umbrella. Para representar el centro neurlgico de la corporacin, dise un mundo hecho de cristal: pasillos, interrogatorios y un centro de control, todos muy luminosos, que se extienden framente al infinito. Al final nos decantamos por un sistema modular de paneles en el suelo y paredes que fueron reutilizados en funcin de la imagen que necesitbamos, explica. Result ser tcnicamente ms complejo de lo que esperbamos. Hicimos mucha investigacin y desarrollo para disear una filosofa coherente para las puertas y los paneles al igual que para hallar la mejor forma de iluminar los plats. La pelcula cuenta con mucha fotografa de alta velocidad, al igual que el 3D. Cuando ruedas a 216 fotogramas por segundo necesitas muchsima luz. Para su tercer largometraje en 3D, Anderson y su colaborador de toda la vida, el director de fotografa Glen MacPherson, utilizaron los equipos ms actuales e incluso desarrollaron algunos especficamente para Resident Evil: Venganza. Cuando hicimos Resident Evil: Ultratumba, utilizamos la ltima tecnologa de aquel momento, explica Anderson. Desde entonces ha evolucionado enormemente y Glen ha aportado su ingenio en este proceso. Glen estaba harto de que me quejara de no poder hacer ciertas cosas con las gras de 3D as que me construy una, prosigue Anderson. A m me frustraba el hecho de nunca poder usar una cmara con un lente lo suficientemente grande ni ancho. Y si queras hacer cmara lenta tenas que traer una cmara diferente. Las gras y los andamios nuevos son ms pequeos y mviles que los que utilizamos en la ltima pelcula as que pudimos trabajar ms con la cmara fija. Estn construidos segn mis especificaciones y segn mi modo de rodar y por ello el trabajo de cmara es en esta ocasin el ms aventurero que he rodado en 3D. Las gras y los andamios confeccionados por MacPherson y el director de fotografa de la segunda unidad, Vern Nobles, le dieron al equipo de fotografa una libertad previamente desconocida en el mbito del 3D. Por primera vez pudimos montar la cmara sobre un vehculo sin conectarlo a torres de grabacin, apunta MacPherson. Podamos rodar en cmara lenta sin tener un montn de equipos a nuestras espaldas. Y todas las cmaras tenan la flexibilidad de rodar a velocidades rpidas y lentas. Fuimos capaces de emplear una forma nueva de rodar.


El hecho de que los espectadores estn ms acostumbrados al 3D liber al director en otras reas. Creo que podemos montar ms rpidamente. Podemos trabajar con la cmara en mano y tolerar ms movimiento, cosa que hace dos aos no quisimos hacer. As que creo que la sensacin de la pelcula ser ms cintica de lo que estis acostumbrados a ver en una peli de 3D. Espero que no os exploten los ojos. Pero si lo hacen, es porque lo ests pasando bien, porque hemos incluidos cosas alucinantes en esta pelcula. Y por fin el director consigui su ansiada cmara para planos generales. Nos gusta bromear que las siglas W.S. representan wide shot, afirma MacPherson. Rara vez vers que Paul incluye planos por encima del hombro o planos maestros. Usualmente empujamos la cmara hacia atrs lo ms posible, la metemos en una esquina y rodamos desde ngulos extraos. Algunos de los escenarios de esta pelcula parecen interminables.

Resident Evil: Venganza contiene adems algunos de los efectos visuales ms

grandes jams creados por Mr. X, de Toronto, segn desvela el supervisor de efectos especiales del filme, Dennis Berardi. Tenemos criaturas del tamao de un dinosaurio, dice Berardi. Tenemos una persecucin de lo ms alucinante con un Rolls Royce que prcticamente destruimos. Tenemos un oleaje que irrumpe en la Plaza Roja y devasta Nueva York. En cada escena, en cada secuencia, buscamos la oportunidad de alcanzar el prximo escaln. Es pico. Berardi cuyas colaboraciones previas con Anderson incluyen Resident Evil 2: Apocalipsis, Resident Evil: Ultratumba y Los tres mosqueterosy su equipo estaban a cargo de integrar perfectamente los ms de 900 planos generados por ordenador en el alma y accin de la pelcula. Los efectos especiales juegan un papel muy importante en la serie de Resident Evil, explica Jeremy Bolt. Son el pegamento que lo une todo. Son la esencia del filme, lo que nos adentra en la Corporacin Umbrella, algo que de otra manera sera imposible. Pero los efectos visuales resultan irrelevantes si no se pueden integrar con realismo en una pelcula. Prosigue Berardi: los espectadores lo identifican de inmediato y abarata la experiencia. Sabamos que la versin de la Plaza Roja tena que ser foto-realista, as que fuimos a Mosc. Y con Nueva York hicimos lo mismo. Porque nos implicamos a nivel de guin, por eso fuimos capaces de solventar todas las complicaciones a tiempo. Llevbamos seis meses trabajando en la pelcula cuando termin el rodaje principal. Berardi aguarda con expectacin la reaccin de los fans a la sorprendente escena final del filme. Es un final que mantiene la tradicin y da pistas de lo que suceder en la 16

prxima pelcula, adelanta el supervisor. Es grande, y el plano ms complicado que jams hemos hecho. La franquicia de Resident Evil se ha convertido en sinnimo de accin a gran escala de principio a fin y Resident Evil: Venganza llega repleta de secuencias cargadas de adrenalina que aceleran el pulso. En un guio al quinto videojuego, Anderson ampla una persecucin del juego para crear una de las secuencias ms sobresalientes del filme. Los personajes conducen un Hummer por el desierto, perseguidos por zombis en motocicletas que les disparan con ametralladoras, describe el director. Hemos cogido esa idea y la hemos adaptado. En vez de un Hummer, utilizamos un Rolls Royce Phantom porque nadie nunca ha hecho una persecucin con un Rolls Royce. Anderson le aporta ms fuerza a la escena al ubicarla en las calles de Mosc. Los zombis que nos persiguen no son los de siempre, explica Johann Urb, que se pas cinco das rodando la espeluznante secuencia con Jovovich, Durand y Kodjoe. Se cruza el fuego de las armas y los bazucas. Nos quedamos sin municin y yo tengo que acabar con ellos en el cuerpo a cuerpo. Tambin llegan los Uber-Chupadores en ese mismo momento. Es bastante increble. El veterano coordinador de efectos especiales Nick Powell, cuyos crditos incluyen la El caso Bourne, Gladiator y El ltimo Samuri, trabaj previamente con Anderson y Jovovich en Los tres mosqueteros. La complejidad y la magnitud de las escenas especiales requiri el trabajo simultneo de dos equipos completos de produccin. Powell dirigi la unidad especial mientras que Anderson rodaba con el reparto principal. Resident Evil tiene un estilo muy caracterstico que ha establecido Paul con el paso de los aos, explica Powell, Los espectadores esperan muchas secuencias espectaculares de accin pero me asombra el nmero que ostenta esta pelcula. En lo que respecta a la accin, esta es la Resident Evil ms ambiciosa de todas. Los combates de Resident Evil: Venganza son sin duda los ms impresionantes de la historia de la franquicia. Tanto Jovovich como sus compaeros de reparto se pasaron largas horas entrenando para poder cumplir los requisitos fsicos del filme. Segn Powell las complejas coreografas de lucha exigieron que todos dieran lo mejor. En este caso l emplea varios estilos de artes marciales, adems del kick-boxing y trabajo en altura. Explica que: aprenderse los movimientos requiere muchas horas de prctica. Nada debe parecer ensayado. Todos los movimientos tienen que ser controlados con un ritmo suave y fluido. 17

Powell alaba las capacidades luchadoras de la actriz protagonista. Milla es muy capaz, asegura Powell. Su coordinacin es maravillosa y lleva tanto tiempo haciendo esto que se aprende las coreografas en seguida. Con ella, siempre es cuestin de saber hasta dnde podemos llevarlo sin llegar a sobrepasar el lmite. Hasta qu punto podemos llevarlo fsicamente sin que sea demasiado descabellado? Para Jovovich Resident Evil: Venganza ha sido el mayor reto fsico al que se ha enfrentado hasta el momento. Con cada pelcula Resident Evil, hemos subido el listn. No me quiero seguir repitiendo y Paul tampoco. Nuestra audiencia no quiere ver la misma pelcula una y otra vez. Estas son sin duda algunas de las secuencias de lucha ms difciles que he hecho. Una de las secuencias ms complicadas del filme es la lucha entre el personaje de Alice, de Jovovich y el de Jill Valentine, de Guillory. La pareja emple horas en la preparacin y el rodaje de la accin. El combate tiene casi 200 movimientos, asegura Guillory. Es inmenso y brillante. Milla y yo lo trabajamos a diario. En realidad es una pelea bonita. Incorpora cosas que nunca habamos hecho antes con armas y movimientos areos. Al haber sido atleta, Boris Kodjoe disfruta de la disciplina y los retos de los combates. El entrenamiento forma parte integral de participar en Resident Evil, explica el actor. Ha sido asombroso trabajar con Nick y su equipo. Me encanta el componente fsico. Me resulta divertido vender la pelcula y hacer que los espectadores crean que estamos inmersos en una autntica batalla. El hecho de rodar en 3D tambin afect las escenas especiales. Sin duda el 3D es un reto, no slo para los actores sino tambin para las personas, dice Jovovich. A m me han enseado a golpear y no acertar para que funcione en cmara, pero con el 3D, prcticamente tiene que haber contacto para que la lucha sea creble. Hace que sea ms peligroso y claro, mucho ms emocionante. Todo ello integra lo que Anderson considera como un Resident Evil mejor y ms grande. Quera hacer la primera pelcula pica post-apocalptica, concluye el director. Quera incluir exteriores dramticos e internacionales. Quera mostrar por primera vez que esta es una infeccin global. Tambin quera que fuera una gran pelcula de accin. Y creo que el filme cumple todo eso. Con el paso del tiempo estas pelis son cada vez ms grandes pero creo que este es sin duda un paso en un territorio nuevo.


SOBRE EL ELENCO MILLA JOVOVICH (Alice) has established herself as a highly regarded international model and actress. Jovovich (her name is pronounced mee-luh yo-vovitch) has transitioned effortlessly to full-time actress, starring in over two-dozen films. Jovovich was most recently seen in Julien Magnats thriller Faces in the Crowd, starring opposite Julian McMahon and David Atrakchi; Famke Janssens Bringing Up Bobby, with Bill Pullman and Marcia Cross; and Paul W.S. Andersons The Three Musketeers, alongside Christoph Waltz, Matthew Macfadyen, Mads Mikkelsen and Juno Temple. Star of the Resident Evil franchise from the beginning, Jovovich reprised her role as Alice in the fourth installment of the series, Resident Evil: Afterlife. Written and directed by Anderson, the film was released nationwide in September 2010 and grossed $295 million worldwide. Jovovich was recently seen in John Currans thriller Stone, starring Academy Award winner Robert De Niro and Academy Award nominee Edward Norton; Dirty Girl, with William H. Macy and Juno Temple; and the Russian production Lucky Trouble, co-starring Konstantin Khabenskiy and Ivan Urgant. At the age of 11, Jovovich was spotted by photographer Richard Avedon, who featured her in Revlons Most Unforgettable Women in the World advertisements. In 1987, she appeared on the cover of the Italian fashion magazine Lei, her first of many covers. In 1988, she signed her first professional modeling contract. Jovovich has appeared in hundreds of magazines and on dozens of covers. She has been featured in ad campaigns for brands including Banana Republic, Christian Dior, Damiani, Donna Karan, Gap and Versace. An international spokesmodel for LOral cosmetics since 1998, Jovovich has also been seen recently in campaigns for ICB, Ann Taylor and Mercedes-Benz. In 1988, the actress made her feature-film debut in the romantic thriller Two Moon Junction. Her first leading role was in Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991), for which she was nominated for a 1991 Young Artist Award for Best Young Actress Starring in a Motion Picture. Early film credits include Kuffs (1992), Chaplin (1992) and Dazed and Confused (1993).


Jovovichs breakout role was playing Leeloo, the perfect being in Luc Bessons The Fifth Element (1997). She later starred in several other action movies including Ultraviolet (2006), A Perfect Getaway (2009) and The Fourth Kind (2009). Jovovich demonstrated her talent for comedy and drama in films such as He Got Game (1998), The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999), The Claim (2000), The Million Dollar Hotel (2000), Zoolander (2001), Dummy (2003), No Good Deed (2003) and You Stupid Man (2003). Jovovich is also a talented musician. In 1994, she released her critically acclaimed folk album, The Divine Comedy. She wrote the lyrics at age 15 and recorded the album when she was just 16. For In a Glade, a traditional Ukrainian folk song, Jovovich sings in her native tongue. For some time, Jovovich led a band called Plastic Has Memory, which played about a dozen shows in Los Angeles and New York City in 1999. Jovovich performed the song Left and Right at Fashion Rocks in London in 2003. She has also had songs on several albums, including two cover versions of Lou Reeds Satellite of Love on The Million Dollar Hotel soundtrack (2000), Rocket Collecting on the Underworld soundtrack (2003), and Shein Vi Di LVone and Mezinka (Yiddish klezmer songs) on the Dummy soundtrack (2003). The actress is also a fixture in the fashion world. Jovovich-Hawk, a fashion line formed by Jovovich and Carmen Hawk in 2003, operated for five years. Jovovich-Hawk was a finalist in 2006 for the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA)/Vogue Fashion Fund initiative. The popular fashion chain Mango released a Jovovich-Hawk collection in 2007. Jovovich is an ambassador for amfAR (The Foundation for AIDS Research) and also supports several other charities, including OCRF (Ovarian Cancer Research Fund), The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Wildlands Project and UNESCO World Heritage Centre. When she is not in production, Jovovich resides in Los Angeles with her husband, Paul W.S. Anderson and daughter, Ever.

MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ (Rain Ocampo) is a versatile actress known for the ability to combine her tough girl physicality with a natural beauty and unforced sex appeal. 20

She has most recently been seen starring in James Camerons record-breaking sci-fi epic AVATAR, sci-fi/action flick Battle: Los Angeles, the Robert Rodriguez-helmed actionfeature Machete of which she just wrapped lensing the sequel Machete Kills, as well as the highly successful return of the Fast & Furious franchise currently filming the sixth installment on location in Europe. Born Mayte Michelle Rodriguez in Bexar County, Texas, she worked as an extra for two years satisfying her curiosity about movie making. Rodriguez decided to pursue acting and landed her first audition from an ad spotted in Backstage West. Soon thereafter, she was starring in Karyn Kusamas indie hit Girlfight (2000). The role garnered Rodriguez numerous awards and much critical acclaim. Rodriguez went on to co-star opposite Danny Glover in the Showtime telepic 3 A.M. and the adrenaline-charged megahit The Fast and the Furious, opposite Vin Diesel and Paul Walker. An avid video gamer who has lent her voice to popular games including True Crime: Streets of L.A., Driver 3 and Halo 2, Rodriguez jumped at the opportunity to take a role in 2002s Resident Evil, Paul W.S. Andersons adaptation of the hit game series. Other film credits include Battle in Seattle, with Charlize Theron; Blue Crush, opposite Kate Bosworth; the summer blockbuster S.W.A.T., alongside Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Farrell; and Control, with Ray Liotta. More recently, Rodriguez co-produced and starred in the historical drama Trpico de Sangre. In 2005, a new chapter of her career began when Rodriguez joined the cast of ABCs hugely popular television series Lost, playing haunted and hardened ex-cop Ana Lucia. The character was revealed during the shows second season and wrapped up her storyline with an appearance in the final season (2010).

KEVIN DURAND (Barry Burton) Canadian-born Kevin Durand has developed a versatile background, beginning in comedy and Broadway then transitioning into television and film, illustrating his ability to captivate a wide range of audiences. Durand was nominated for a 2012 Genie Award for his performance in IFC Films Edwin Boyd. In 2009, he was nominated for a Saturn Award for his recurring character, Martin Keamy, on the popular series Lost. Durand can be seen in David Cronenbergs Cosmopolis opposite Robert Pattinson, the 21

independent feature The Truth opposite Andy Garcia and Forest Whitaker and in IFC Films Edwin Boyd alongside Scott Speedman. Most recently, Durand completed production on Atom Egoyans Devils Knot opposite Colin Firth and Reese Witherspoon portraying John Mark Byers, the father of one of the murdered children in the West Memphis Three case. He also wrapped production on Jack Hellers independent thriller Dark Was the Night with Lukas Haas. Next he is set to join Russell Crowe and Anthony Hopkins in Darren Aronofskys Noah for Paramount and New Regency and Lily Collins in The Mortal Instruments which is based on the best selling young adult series of the same name for Screen Gems and Constantin Films. Before his film career, Durand was voted one of Canadas funniest new comedians. In addition, he originated the role of Injun Joe in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer on Broadway. Durand is best known for his roles in such films as Shawn Levys Real Steel for Dreamworks/Disney opposite Hugh Jackman, Universals Robin Hood as Little John opposite Russell Crowes Robin Hood, James Mangolds 3:10 to Yuma with Russell Crowe and Christian Bale, as Fred Dukes aka The Blob in X-Men Origins: Wolverine alongside Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiberg, Joe Carnahans Smokin Aces opposite Ben Affleck and Jeremy Piven, and Walt Beckers Wild Hogs with John Travolta, Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence. Durands other credits include: D.J. Carusos I Am Number Four for Dreamworks, Screen Gems Legion with Paul Bettany, The Butterfly Effect opposite Ashton Kutcher, Jay Roachs Mystery Alaska with Russell Crowe, Columbia Pictures Winged Creatures opposite Forest Whitaker and Dakota Fanning, Vertigo Entertainments The Echo, a series regular on Touching Evil and the James Cameron hit series Dark Angel. He currently resides in Los Angeles.

SIENNA GUILLORY (Jill Valentine) is a highly regarded actress and budding filmmaker. She recently collaborated on her first feature as a writer, working on a psychological thriller called The Wicked Within that is due in theaters in October. Guillory stars alongside Eric Roberts. Guillory recently played Antonio Banderas muse in the indie film The Big Bang. She starred opposite Andrew Garfield in Spike Jonzes romantic robot short, Im Here. Her other 22

film credits include playing Jamies girlfriend in Love Actually, Arya in Eragon, Emma in The Time Machine and Resa in Inkheart. She first appeared as Jill Valentine in Resident Evil: Apocalypse and reprised the role in Resident Evil: Afterlife. On television, Guillory is known for roles such as Helen in Helen of Troy as well as her critically acclaimed performance as Jenny Bun in the BBC adaptation of Take a Girl Like You. British American, Guillory was born in 1975 to hippie parents: her father was a Cuban-born guitarist and singer songwriter, and her mother was a model in the 60s. She split her childhood between the folk-music festival scene and her grandparents country estate, where she spent her days riding horses. Guillory then went to an all-girl boarding school and spent a summer attending the Jacques Lecoq school of mime. Starring in a TV miniseries at age 17, she then left school to pursue her acting career. Guillory supported her acting habit as a waitress before signing with modeling agency Select in 1995, at the ripe age of 20. She was featured in campaigns for Hugo Boss, Burberry, Paul Smith, Giorgio Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, John Richmond and Gap. Living in New York until 1999, she collaborated on various independent and short films. In 2006, the London Institute of Creative Arts ran a retrospective of Guillorys work in short films. Guillory and her husband of nine years, Enzo Cilenti, divide their time between London and Los Angeles. In 2011, they welcomed twin girls Lucia and Valentina to their family. SHAWN ROBERTS (Albert Wesker) is quickly making a name for himself as one of Hollywoods young leading men. In 2010, he originated the role of Albert Wesker in Resident Evil: Afterlife and co-starred opposite Mel Gibson in Edge of Darkness, directed by Martin Campbell. He was also seen in George A. Romeros Diary of the Dead and Skinwalkers. Roberts recently completed filming lead roles in three new projects: Reel Love, opposite LeAnn Rimes; Wyatt Earps Revenge, with Val Kilmer; and A Little Bit Zombie. Other film credits include: I Love You, Beth Cooper for director Chris Columbus; Land of the Dead, directed by George A. Romero; X-Men, directed by Bryan Singer; and the successful Canadian teen comedy Going the Distance.


Roberts was raised in Stratford, Ontario, and began acting professionally at age 12 when he landed a lead role on the CBC series Emily of New Moon, which was produced by Academy Award-winning producer Michael Donovan. Following the completion of the shows successful run, Roberts began working continuously in film and television. Currently, Roberts splits his time between Los Angeles, Toronto and Vancouver.

ARYANA ENGINEER (Becky) is a gifted young actress best known for playing six-year-old Maxine Coleman in the taut thriller Orphan (2009), starring Vera Farmiga and Peter Sarsgaard. Born on March 6, 2001, in British Columbia, Canada, she was discovered in 2007 at age 6 when a local talent agent saw her using sign language. At the time, producers for Orphan were searching for a blond-haired little girl who knew sign language. Later that year, Engineer had the chance to meet with the casting directors and producers for the film. They immediately noted her talent and agreed that she would be perfect for the key role of Maxine. Next, Engineer filmed a commercial promoting the 2010 Winter Olympics. In March 2010, she was one of the seven youth hosts to take part in the Canadian Paralympics opening ceremonies, where she welcomed viewers in sign language.

COLIN SALMON (James One Shade) was once cited by Pierce Brosnan as a shining candidate to portray the first black James Bond. The British film and television actor has made a name for himself with appearances as Ms Chief of Staff Charles Robinson in Bond films Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), The World is Not Enough (1999) and Die Another Day (2002). Salmon recently played the leading role of Sam Wharton in High Chicago, playing a gambling addict who dreams of winning enough money to build a drive-in movie theater. The new feature comes from Canadian filmmakers Amos and Alfons Adetuyi. Born in London, Salmons early roles include playing the authoritative Sgt. Robert Oswald in the acclaimed television miniseries Prime Suspect 2 (1992), where he commanded the screen opposite Dame Helen Mirren.


After strong performances in the James Bond films, the actors international profile grew. He was cast in American features such as Paul W.S. Andersons Resident Evil (2002) and Alien vs. Predator (2007). In the latter film, Anderson wrote the role of Maxwell Stafford especially for Salmon. Other film credits include Woody Allens romantic thriller Match Point (2006), the 80s nightclub-set, gangland drama Clubbed (2008), British heist film The Bank Job (2008) and Lexi Alexanders Punisher: War Zone (2008), inspired by the iconic Marvel Comics hero. In addition to his film work, Salmons television credits include the hit comedy series Rev (BBC2) and military action-thriller Strike Back, for Sky Television. He was trumpetplaying Note Makoti in The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency and appeared in guest roles on Law & Order: U.K. and the international sci-fi hit Doctor Who. Salmon recently had an arc on the Queen Latifah-produced series Single Ladies, playing Jerry, the handsome, Southern owner of an NBA team. Salmon often lends his richly reverberating vocal chords to voice-over work. He is also a highly accomplished jazz musician and songwriter.

JOHANN URB (Leon Kennedy) charmed audiences as one of the male stars in the short-lived ABC Network drama Eastwick opposite Rebecca Romijn, Jamie Ray Newman and Lindsay Price as well as appeared in the ensemble cast opposite John Cusack, Thandie Newton and Oliver Platt in Roland Emmerichs world-wide box office hit, 2012 for Sony Pictures. He also recently wrapped production on a recurring role appearing in a storyarc for the upcoming season of Showtime Networks critically acclaimed, Californication. His other film credits include: Dorfman, Pornstar, All In, Zoolander, The Bank Job, The Hottie & the Nottie and Strictly Sexual which was later developed as a television series with season one currently available streaming via Amazon. Notable television credits includes a series regular role in The Mountain, a recurring role in Dirt and guest starring roles in such diverse shows as The Glades, Entourage, One Tree Hill, and CSI: Miami. Urb is a native of Tallinn, Estonia and the son of Estonian musician Tarmo Urb of the Urb Brothers. At the age of ten, Johann and his mother immigrated to Finland and spent the remainder of his childhood in that country. Johann subsequently moved to New 25

York City, where he modeled on contract with the Ford Agency and through a scholarship he formally studied drama at the prestigious Lee Strasberg Institute. Johann currently resides in Los Angeles.

BORIS KODJOE (Luther West) From his big screen and television roles to his theater and entrepreneurial skills, Boris Kodjoe has proven to be one of Hollywoods most sought-after talents. He was handpicked by JJ Abrams to star in his drama series Undercovers which aired during the 2010 TV season. He is currently filming Nurses 3D. Boris is best known for his role as Damon Carter on the hit Showtime TV series Soul Food. The show earned him three NAACP Award nominations for Outstanding Supporting Actor. Boris was most recently seen opposite Bruce Willis for director Jonathan Mostow in the Disney thriller Surrogates and in Resident Evil: Afterlife with Milla Jovovich, Wentworth Miller and Ali Larter. Boris was born in Vienna, Austria, to Ursula Kodjoe, a psychologist from Germany, and Eric Kodjoe, a physician from Ghana, West Africa. He grew up in Germany with brother Patrick and sister Nadja, where he went to school and was exposed to athletics and the arts early in his life. He became one of the best tennis players in the country, and accepted a tennis scholarship to Virginia Commonwealth University in the Fall of 1992. While studying in Richmond, he was approached by a Ford Modeling agency which he joined after earning his marketing degree in May of 1996. Immediately he booked twelve campaigns such as Ralph Lauren, Perry Ellis, Yves Saint Laurent, and The GAP, within the first seven months. His career skyrocketed as he quickly became one of the most recognizable faces amongst male supermodels which ultimately led to him being Awarded a Supermodel Award at the Fall 98 fashion shows. He can currently be seen in magazine ads and on billboards worldwide for Polo Ralph Lauren. Hollywood soon took notice of Boris. While studying with acting coach Janet Alhanti, he started guest starring on sitcoms such as For Your Love, and landed a supporting role in the Spike Lee produced feature film Love and Basketball. Boris also starred in the feature Brown Sugar, alongside Taye Diggs and Sanaa Lathan, for which he was nominated for an NAACP Award for the Outstanding Supporting Actor in


a Motion Picture. Previously, Boris co-starred in the hit movie Tyler Perrys Madeas Family Reunion and was the lead in The Gospel which was a surprise hit at the boxoffice. Last year, Boris made his Broadway debut in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, opposite James Earl Jones, Phylicia Rashad and Anika Noni Rose for director Debbie Allen. Previously, he toured the country in the play Whatever She Wants with Vivica A. Fox and Richard Roundtree. On television, Boris starred on the UPN sitcom Second Time Around opposite then fianc Nicole Ari Parker where they played a once married couple that after years of being apart, decide to remarry and give their relationship a second try. He has since gone on to guest star on such hit television shows as Franklin & Bash, Nip/Tuck, Crossing Jordan, Eve, and Boston Public among others. Boris recently launched the clothing company ALFA (Affordable Luxury For All) with his brother Patrick Kodjoe, bringing the luxury of custom made clothing to every man and woman in America at affordable prices. The line can be accessed at Boris' main personal interest is to raise funds for Sophies Voice Foundation (, a foundation he started with his wife in honor of his daughter Sophie, who was diagnosed with spina bifida at birth. Boris, currently resides in Los Angeles with his wife Nicole, and their two children, Sophie and Nicolas. LI BINGBING (Ada Wong) is one of China's top actresses. Her special charm comes not only from her beauty and glamour but also from the modesty and sincerity revealed by her speech and manner. Her performance in the role of a kindhearted policewoman in the movie Back Home for the New Year, directed by Zhang Yuan, is widely considered her best. Although hampered by a policewoman's heavy winter uniform all through the movie, Li turned in a stunningly vivid performance. Another famous character of Li's is the smart, lovely little ghost she played in a television series. Thanks to Li's superb performance, the little ghost, versed in both literature and martial arts, came alive and enjoyed great popularity among viewers. Li Bingbing did not start out as an actress. She studied at a high school for prospective elementaryschool teachers, where she studied dance, accordion, and zheng, a Chinese zither with 25 strings. All through the three years at the high school, Li was among the top five students in 27

academic performance. After graduation, she taught at a primary school, but gradually, she found it hard to tolerate the loneliness during the summer and winter holidays. A friend who knew about her fondness for art, suggested that she take the entrance examination for the Shanghai Drama Institute. At the time, Li's family had just spent a large sum on medical expenses for her father, and Li decided to give up the idea so as not to increase the burden on her family. But her father encouraged her and eased her worries about finance. In 1993, Li entered the Shanghai Drama Institute. Li had her acting debut in a television serial when she was a sophomore. She played a role that required a wide variety emotions and a long span of age, from 15 to 30. With the help of the experienced actors and actresses of the cast, she turned in a successful performance. Since then, Li has acted in many films and television plays. The more the roles, she says, the more the opportunity for practice and the greater the progress. She doesn't care whether the role is major or minor. What counts for her is the personality of the character. Li keeps a diary in spite of a tight work schedule. In her leisure time, she stays at home, tidying up her room and reading books. During her breaks from acting, she rarely puts on makeup and never goes to beauty parlors. Beauty, she says, stems from a good mood.


SOBRE LOS REALIZADORES PAUL W.S. ANDERSON (Director, Productor, Guionista) has become internationally known for his action-packed, edge-of-your-seat films. All together, his films have grossed over $1.1 billion worldwide, with No. 1 weekends around the globean accomplishment that puts him in an elite group of filmmakers. Anderson turns epic stories into must-see movies, having launched four successful film franchises and tackled diverse subjects such as classic literature, science fiction, video-game franchises and historical fiction. Anderson most recently directed and produced his update of an Alexandre Dumas classic, The Three Musketeers. Filmed in 3-D, the film stars Milla Jovovich, Logan Lerman, Matthew Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Luke Evans, Christoph Waltz, Gabriella Wilde and Orlando Bloom. Anderson is slated to direct Pompeii, an epic love story set against the backdrop of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD. The film will be shot in 3-D for Constantin Film and Summit Entertainment. Born and raised in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, Anderson graduated from the University of Warwick with a B.A. in film and literature. He continued his studies at Warwick to become the youngest student to earn an MBA at the university. Andersons first film was 1994s low-budget success Shopping, which he wrote and directed. Starring Sadie Frost and Jude Law (with an appearance by legendary singer Marianne Faithful), this dark film about joyriding and ram-raiding British youth was banned in some U.K. theaters but established Andersons flare for high-impact action. Shopping paved the way to Hollywood for Anderson, and 1995s Mortal Kombat became his first American No. 1 box-office smash. It was also the first successful film adaptation of a video game. The triumph of Mortal Kombat established Anderson as a filmmaker who could take a game off the television set and make it explode on the big screen as a successful film franchise. Sidestepping offers to direct a sequel to Mortal Kombat, Anderson chose instead to turn his attention to science fiction. His next directorial projects included Soldier and Event Horizon. Blade Runner screenwriter David Peoples wrote Soldier as a sidequel to the bleakly powerful Blade Runner. Now considered a cult classic, Event Horizon starred Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Jason Isaacs and Joely Richardson. 29

Anderson returned to adapting games for the big screen with the survival horror film Resident Evil (2002), starring Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez. Anderson wrote, directed and produced the feature. A resounding commercial success, the movie spawned Andersons second successful franchise. The series includes No. 1 hits Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) and Resident Evil: Extinction (2007). Anderson wrote the sequels and produced them along with his Impact Pictures partner, Jeremy Bolt. Anderson confirmed his box-office power when he wrote and directed the highly anticipated AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004). This kicked off his third successful franchise, as the movie opened at No. 1 and went on to become the highest-grossing film in both the Alien and Predator series. In 2008, Andersons Death Race, starring Jason Statham and Joan Allen, rolled into theaters. The film was a remake of the 1975 cult classic Death Race 2000 starring David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone. Anderson produced Death Race with Bolt through Impact Pictures. In 2009, Anderson produced sci-fi horror film Pandorum, starring Dennis Quaid and Ben Foster, through the Impact Pictures banner. Resident Evil: Afterlife, the fourth film in the highly successful franchise that has made $675 million worldwide to date, was released in 2010. It was filmed using the Vincent Pace 3-D system developed for James Camerons Avatar. It went on to become Andersons first global number one, staying at the top of the International Box Office for a straight month and ultimately grossing 300 million worldwide. Following this unprecedented peak with the ever-evolving Resident Evil franchise, Anderson diversified to direct and produce the stylish and action packed update of Alexandre Dumas classic The Three Musketeers for Constantin Film and Summit Entertainment. Filmed in 3D the film boasts an all-star cast including Milla Jovovich, Orlando Bloom, Christoph Waltz and Logan Lerman with Luke Evans, Ray Stephenson and Matthew Macfadyen as the charismatic title characters. Released in 2011 the film was globally embraced so far grossing $150 million worldwide.


JEREMY BOLT (Productor) Since creating Impact Pictures with Paul WS Anderson in 1992, producer Jeremy Bolt has produced the majority of Andersons movies. Their first collaboration, 1994s Shopping starring Jude Law (Channel Four Films), was an action packed film about joyriding and ram-raiding British youth that revved up Bolts career and established his love of cars and death defying races. Having gotten Hollywoods attention, Bolt produced big budget films such as Event Horizon (Paramount) and Soldier (Warner Bros). 2002s Resident Evil (Sony Screen Gems) was the first movie under the Impact Pictures joint venture deal with Germanys leading independent distributor, Constantin Film going on to gross over $100M worldwide. Under the joint venture with Constantin, Bolt has also produced 2004s Resident Evil: Apocalypse for Sony Screen Gems (written by Anderson and directed by Alexander Witt), the psychological horror The Dark (directed by John Fawcett), teen actioner DOA: Dead Or Alive (directed by Cory Yuen for Dimension), an adaptation of Tecmos best- selling videogame franchise, and the third movie in the block-busting Resident Evil franchise, 2007s Resident Evil: Extinction that debuted in the #1 US box office position and grossed $150M worldwide. Also in 2007, Bolt produced Death Race with Jason Statham, Joan Allen and Ian McShane, a reimagining of the Roger Corman classic, with Cruise/Wagner Productions for Universal Pictures. Fall 2009 saw the release of the sci/fi horror film Pandorum for Overture Films and Constantin Film starring Dennis Quaid & Ben Foster. The 4th film in the Resident Evil franchise was released in the Fall of 2010 and rocketed to $300M worldwide. Action horror Resident Evil: Afterlife was shot in 3D for Constantin Film & Sony Screen Gems, and stars Milla Jovovich & Ali Larter. As well as producing big budget genre movies, Jeremy has proved his talents as a versatile and eclectic filmmaker, producing the art house film Vigo for Film Four (directed by Julian Temple), and the comedy Stiff Upper Lips (starring Peter Ustinov). He has also produced Theres Only One Jimmy Grimble (starring Ray Winstone and Robert Carlyle), and teen horror The Hole (starring Thora Birch and Keira Knightley), both for Pathe Pictures. Coming off of his recent box office success with an update of the Alexandre Dumas classic The Three Musketeers with Paul WS Anderson directing in 3D for Constantin Film and Summit Entertainment ($150M worldwide).


ROBERT KULZER (Productor) is a well-respected feature-film producer and executive. He recently produced Paul W.S. Andersons 3-D action-adventure reboot of The Three Musketeers, which grossed over $140 million worldwide. Presently he is producing The Mortal Instruments, the adaptation of Cassandra Clares best selling Young Adult book series. Kulzer was named co-president of Constantin Film Development Los Angeles in 2005, where he had worked as head of production since 2000 and served as head of development and acquisition from 1991 to 2000. Among his acquisitions for Constantin Film were American Pie, The Sixth Sense and Sleepy Hollow. He also contributed to the production of The House of the Spirits, Smillas Sense of Snow, Wrongfully Accused and The Fantastic Four. No stranger to the Resident Evil franchise, Kulzer executive produced Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Apocalypse. He produced both Resident Evil: Extinction, which became the highest-grossing independent film of 2007, and Resident Evil: Afterlife. He executive produced the U.K. thriller The Dark, starring Maria Bello and Sean Bean, and wrote and produced the German action-comedy Autobahn Racer. Other producing credits include survival-horror film Wrong Turn, the actionadventure DOA: Dead or Alive, the werewolf action-thriller Skinwalkers and the sci-fi horror film Pandorum. DON CARMODY (Productor) has been producing films for close to 40 years. He was vice president of production for Canadas Cinepix (now Lionsgate), where he coproduced David Cronenbergs early shockers They Came From Within and Rabid as well as the popular Bill Murray comedy Meatballs. Starting his own production company in 1980, Carmody went on to produce the smash hits Porkys and Porkys II as well as the family classic A Christmas Story, the Weekend At Bernies series, and telefilm The Late Shift, which was nominated for seven Emmy Awards and three CableAce awards. Other film credits include Studio 54, the Academy Award nominated Good Will Hunting, The Pledge, Wrong Turn, Gothika, cult hit The Boondock Saints, Assault On Precinct 13, Lucky Number Slevin, Orphan and the Resident Evil films. The fourth installment of that series,


Resident Evil: Afterlife, grossed more than $300 million worldwide and became Canadas reigning box-office champion. In 2002, Carmody was co-producer of Chicago, starring Rene Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Richard Gere. The film won seven Academy Awards including Best Picture and three Golden Globe Awards, including Best Musical or Comedy. Recent productions include Goon with Seann William Scott, Liev Schreiber and Eugene Levy, as well as the sequel to Christophe Gans horror hit Silent Hill. Carmody grew up in Boston and Montreal and has gone on to produce more than 100 films shot all over the world. He currently has offices in Toronto and Los Angeles. SAMUEL HADIDA (Productor) is one of the most successful producers and distributors in the worldwide film business. He and his brother, Victor, have grown Metropolitan FilmExport, founded in the early 1980s by the brothers and their father, David, into the largest and most successful independent all-rights distribution company of English language pictures in France. Metropolitan has distributed hundreds of successful films in France, and has developed a keen understanding of distribution and marketing. It was an easy step for Hadida to move into film production. His first production was True Romance, the first film produced from a Quentin Tarantino script and his first collaboration with director Tony Scott. Hadida now produces or co- produces several films each year through Davis Films, the production company owned and operated by himself and Victor. These productions encompass the best of the French industry, European productions and co-productions, and American productions. Hadida produced The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, Terry Gilliams visionary creation, starring Heath Ledger in his last film, Christopher Plummer, Lily Cole, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell and Jude Law; Solomon Kane, the first epic adventure adapted from the classic pulp stories by Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan The Barbarian, directed by Michael J. Bassett and starring James Purefoy; Christophe Gans Silent Hill and Tony Scott's Domino with Kiera Knightley and Mickey Rourke. Hadida has maintained a longstanding successful collaboration with Constantin Film in production of the Resident Evil films. Additionally, he co-produced Constantin's Perfume, Story of a Murderer, directed by Tom Tykwer, a film based on the cult 33

story of olfactory genius Jean Baptiste Grenouille in his homicidal quest for the perfect scent. Hadida also produced The Bridge of San Luis Rey with Robert De Niro, and Fabian Bielinskys thriller El Aura, and served as Co-Executive Producer of George Clooneys Academy Award nominated Good Night and Good Luck. In addition to producing two pictures for Tony Scott, Hadida has maintained long associations with several other leading directors and writers. His collaborations with Roger Avary resulted in Killing Zoe, Rules of Attractions and Silent Hill. His long term producing relationship with Christophe Gans has continued from Gans first films, Necromonicon and Crying Freeman, through the phenomenally successful Le Pacte des Loups (one of the highest grossing French films of all time and nominated for four Cesar Awards and eight Saturn Awards), and Silent Hill starring Radha Mitchell. Hadidas most recent production is Silent Hill: Revelation 3D based on Konamis acclaimed survival horror video game franchise and a sequel to Hadidas Silent Hill. Shot in 3D and directed by Michael J. Bassett, this new film stars rising actors Adelaide Clemens and Kit Harington, along with the returning Sean Bean, Radha Mitchell, Deborah Kara Unger as well as Malcom McDowell and Carrie-Anne Moss. The film will be released widely by Open Road for Halloween this year. Other Hadida productions include David Cronenbergs acclaimed psychological thriller Spider starring Ralph Fiennes and Miranda Richardson, Sheldon Lettichs Only the Strong (the first Capoeira/martial arts film, and the film which introduced both Mark Dacascos and the famous score music now popularized in the United States in the zoom zoom zoom Mazda car commercials), Michael Radfords Dancing at the Blue Iguana, Steve Barrons Pinocchio with Martin Landau (one of the first films to combine computer-generated images and live action), Matthew Brights Freeway (winner of the top award at the Cognac Festival and Reese Witherspoons first role), and Gabriele Salvatores Nirvana. Hadida is currently developing Return to Castle Wolfenstein, adapted from the famous video game, writen and to be directed by Roger Avary. He also has several properties in development based on well-known Japanese comics and anime characters. MARTIN MOSZKOWICZ (Productor Ejecutivo) has been involved in well over 100 feature films as producer, executive producer, co-producer or managing director of 34

Constantin Film. Most recently, he produced the international 3-D hit The Three Musketeers (2011), directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, and served as a co-producer on Carnage (2011). His long list of producing achievements includes a slew of German hits, among them Snke Wortmanns Maybe... Maybe Not (1994), Michael Bully Herbigs Manitous Shoe, (winner of the 2001 Bavarian and German Film Awards), Caroline Links Oscar-winning epic Nowhere in Africa (2001), and Doris Drries Naked (2002), also a recipient of the German Film Award. Moszkowicz has been involved in a producing capacity on a string of high-profile international features in recent years, including Downfall (2004), Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006), A Year Ago in Winter (2008), Pope Joan (2009), Mnnersache (2009), Maria, He Doesnt Like It (2009), Wickie the Viking (2009), Electric Ghetto (2010), The Hairdresser (2010) and Freche Mdchen 2 (2010). In his capacity as a member of the executive board of Constantin Film AG, Moszkowicz is responsible for the companys film and television business, including worldwide production, distribution, marketing and publicity. A graduate of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Moszkowicz began his film career in physical production as a production manager and line producer before turning to producing films himself. In 1985, he became producer and managing director of Munichbased production outfit M+P Film GmbH. In 1991, Moszkowicz joined Constantin Film and was named managing director in 1996, a position he held through the companys successful IPO in 1999. Since then, Moszkowicz has been a member of the executive board. Moszkowicz is a member of the board of the German Producers Association and chairman of the supervisory board for German Films.

VICTOR HADIDA (Co Productor), with his brother Samuel, manages Metropolitan FilmExport, which the European Audiovisual Observatory has identified as the most prominent independent European film enterprise. Victor, now President of the company, has worked at Metropolitan for thirty years, following completion of his Masters degree in Business and International Affairs.


In 2006, Victor was unanimously elected President of the National Federation of Film Distributors, which represents over 60 French companies. The following year, Victor was elected President of the International Federation of Film Distributors, which represents 275 active companies in 12 countries. He was also appointed President of the Liaison Office of Cinematographical Industries (BLIC) in 2009, and has been reappointed through 2012. Through these commitments, Victor has become a leading spokesman for film distribution in France, in the European Union, and in the worldwide film industry generally. Victor's distribution career reflects support of a wide spectrum of talent in world cinema, from Asia, with films by John Woo and Park Chan Wook, to Latin America with Fabian Bielinsky's Nine Queens. His line up includes works from first-time directors (such as Vincenzo Natali's Cube), and American independents titles like Patty Jenkins Monster, and also distinguished films such as The New World and the upcoming To the Wonder by Terrence Malick, A History of Violence and Eastern Promises by David Cronenberg, Crash by Paul Haggis, Peter Weirs The Way Back, and films with controversial subjects such as Magnolia and The Master by Paul Thomas Anderson, American History X by Tony Kaye, Monsters Ball by Marc Forster, Hotel Rwanda by Terry George, and The Road by John Hillcoat. Victors choices also support high commercial fare, notably with films like Austin Powers, Blade, Final Destination, the Rush Hour series, and the box office breaker Hunger Games. He has an ongoing commitment to genre and action cinema with films like Neill Blomkamps District 9, produced by Peter Jackson, Sam Raimis Drag Me To Hell (presented at the Cannes Film Festival) and the action extravaganza The Expendables directed by Sylvester Stallone, as well as its sequel, The Expendables II, directed by Simon West. Notable upcoming releases include Lee Daniels Paperboy, John Hillcoats Lawless, and Andrew Dominiks Killing Them Softly, all of which were in competition at Cannes this year. Metropolitan has also been a pioneer in digital cinema, going back to 2008, and with 3D technology as an exciting new attraction for audiences, as demonstrated by Metropolitans releases of Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Final Destination, Resident Evil, Streetdance, Animals United, and Martin Scorseses Hugo Cabret. One film series above all others, however, is reflective of Victors distribution career at Metropolitan, and that film is Tolkien's masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, directed by Peter Jackson, known worldwide for its overwhelming critical and commercial success.


Victor has also executive produced all the projects of the companys production arm, Davis Films, including the Terry Gilliams The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus, Michael J. Bassetts Solomon Kane, and Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, the long-awaited sequel to Christophe Gans successful film based on the acclaimed survival horror videogames by Konami. Also directed by Michael J. Bassett, this new instalment is to be released widely by Open Road in October 2012. Lee Daniels The Paperboy, John Hillcoats Lawless and Andrew Dominiks Killing Them Softly, all in competition at Cannes this year, will next mark the year 2012. GLEN MACPHERSON, ASC, CSC (Director de Fotografa) served as director of photography on the 3-D movies The Three Musketeers, Resident Evil: Afterlife, Glee: The 3D Concert Movie, and horror flick The Final Destination. Before that, he shot the hit action film Rambo, the tense thriller One Missed Call and the festival favorite Trick r Treat. The Canadian-born cinematographers previous film credits include 16 Blocks, Rebound, Walking Tall, My Babys Daddy, Friday After Next, All About the Benjamins, Exit Wounds, Camouflage, Romeo Must Die, Wrongfully Accused and Cadillac Girls. MacPherson received a Genie Award nomination for Best Achievement in Cinematography for the biographical drama Regeneration. He was nominated for a Gemini Award for Best Photography in a Dramatic Program or Series for Captains Courageous. For television, MacPherson worked on such telefilms as Keep Your Head Up, Kid: The Don Cherry Story, Max Q: Emergency Landing, Calm at Sunset, Calm at Dawn, Doctor Who, First Degree, Bye Bye Birdie, Johnnys Girl, Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story, Shock Treatment, Voices from Within, Flinch, For the Love of Aaron, Dying to Remember, The Substitute, The Sea Wolf, Miracle on Interstate 880, The Amy Fisher Story, Miles from Nowhere, Deadly Surveillance, Deadly Betrayal: The Bruce Curtis Story, Conspiracy of Silence and Betrayal of Silence. MacPhersons series credits include the pilot episode of Sliders and an episode of the CBCs Magic Hour. KEVIN PHIPPS (Director de Produccin) trained as an architect before first working in the film industry as a draughtsman on Return of the Jedi. Quickly rising through the 37

ranks of the art department, he became an integral part of the creative teams for some of the most visually exciting films and largest set constructions of recent cinema history. Phipps was nominated for an Emmy Award for his work on the highly acclaimed HBO miniseries Band of Brothers. He won an award from the American Art Directors Guild for his work on Sleepy Hollow and earned nominations for his work on V for Vendetta and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Phipps long working association with Tim Burton began on Batman and has extended through four films, including Planet of the Apes. In the art department, Phipps has worked with influential directors such as Stanley Kubrick (Eyes Wide Shut), Ridley Scott (1492: Conquest of Paradise), Tony Scott (Spy Game), David Lynch (Dune), Luc Besson (The Fifth Element), Wolfgang Petersen (Troy), Oliver Stone (Alexander), The Wachowski brothers (V for Vendetta) and many others. Phipps has traveled and worked extensively throughout the world, including Canada, China, Costa Rica, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Romania, Spain, Thailand and Turkey. He has built sets in every country, more often than not utilizing local talents, skills and materials in order to maximize production value. Phipps was one of the first art directors to fully embrace digital design techniques and to integrate computer-aided design into the art department, while maintaining the best aspects of the traditional approach. His career has bridged digital visual effects and incamera, miniature and optical effects. Phipps has a particular interest in the seamless integration of digital technology with traditional filmmaking techniques. His philosophy is always to use the most visual and cost-effective technique available, in order to achieve the desired look for the production. Phipps has lectured at the Royal College of Art in London, the National Film School in England, and at digital design conferences held in Oslo and Helsinki. He is a devoted long-distance runner and has completed 11 marathons. He still dreams of a sub three-hour time. NIVEN HOWIE (Montador) was part of a successful local band while in college during the early 80s. Consequently, he believed he would follow a career in music. However, life led him to a job as a trainee editor at a film and video facility on Wardour Street, Soho. Because of his affinity for music, he quickly established himself as one of the most sought38

after music-video editors in London. He soon added commercials to his portfolio and it wasnt long before his work began to win awards. In 1988, Howie directed his first music video, which led him to work in New York, Los Angeles and all over Europe. In 1994, Julien Temple, a regular music-video client, asked Howie to edit the feature film Bullet, starring Mickey Rourke, Tupac Shakur and Ted Levine. Howie never looked back. His film credits include Resident Evil: Extinction, Resident Evil: Afterlife, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and Dawn of the Dead. In 1998, his work on Guy Ritchies Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels earned him a BAFTA nomination. Howie still found time for music. In 1993, he edited Stings Grammy Awardwinning Ten Summoners Tales. He was nominated for an Emmy in 2002 for his work on Paul McCartney: Back in the U.S. Two of his music documentaries were nominated for the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize: Glastonbury in 2006 and Joe Strummer: The Future is Unwritten in 2007. Howie is a member of the Motion Picture Editors Guild. WENDY PARTRIDGE (Diseador de Vestuario) has built a distinguished career designing costumes for both feature films and television. Among her numerous credits are Hellboy, for which she was nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Costumes, Resurrecting the Champ, Silent Hill, Underworld, Underworld: Evolution, The Hitcher II: Ive Been Waiting, Blade II, Texas Rangers, Legion, Conan the Barbarian, Whiteout, and Highlander: Endgame. In 2007, she was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Costumes for her work on the television movie Broken Trail. In 2001, her costume design on the telefilm Come lAmerica earned her a Genie Award nomination. Partridges other television credits include The Secret of the Nutcracker, Ultra, Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss, High Noon, Heart Full of Rain, In Cold Blood and the series Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years.

DENNIS BERARDI (Supervisor de Efectos Especiales) is the founder of the Mr. X visual effects studio. Mr. X now employs 150 people and its most recent credits include Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, Mama and Pacific Rim.


A creative visionary, Berardi has lived and breathed the visual effects industry for over 20 years. In addition to a passion for filmmaking, his talents include exceptional creativity, keen problem-solving ability and an unwavering dedication to his craft. He has worked as the creative visual-effects lead for such visually groundbreaking films as Tarsem Singhs The Cell and David Finchers Fight Club. Berardis love affair with the motion-picture industry began in the early 1990s, when he worked closely with IMAX and The National Film Board of Canada to integrate groundbreaking digital imaging systems for both live action and animated films. In 1994, Berardi helped to form Cine-Byte, a motion-picture digital opticals company. Quickly establishing himself as an expert in the field of computer animation, Berardi went on to build a feature-film visual effects department at Command Post Toybox. In 2001, Berardi founded Mr. X with the goal to create an artist-based studio environment that would contribute fundamentally to feature films in the areas of design and visual storytelling with friendly on-set supervision, great animation and photo-realistic rendering and compositing. The studio has amassed credits on dozens of distinguished projects including such recent films as Cosmopolis (2012), Hanna (2011), The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011), The Thing (2011), Source Code (2011), The Vow (2011), The Three Musketeers (2011), A Dangerous Method (2011), TRON: Legacy (2010), Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010), Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010), Hot Tub Time Machine (2010), Letters to Juliet (2010), Fast & Furious (2009), Amelia (2009), Taking Woodstock (2009) and Death Race (2008). NICHOLAS POWELL (Coordinator de escenas de accin/Director de la Segunda Unidad) has played a major role in redefining the modern action movie by choreographing, coordinating and directing sequences for such iconic films as Braveheart, Gladiator, Cinderella Man, The Last Samurai, 28 Days Later and The Bourne Identity. His work has earned 12 Taurus World Stunt Award nominations, winning six. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Fight Choreographer of the Year honors at the American Choreography Awards. Powell initially trained and worked as an actor, completing his post-graduate studies in drama at the London Drama Studio. Since then, he has garnered more than 25 years of experience in the film world. Powell has been a department head on more than 120


productions and has worked in 21 countries. His ability to lead large teams and responsibly manage budgets at the highest level has been an asset to many big-budget movies. Powell has personally trained and choreographed for a number of high-profile actors including Russell Crowe, Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, James Franco, Djimon Hounsou, Ken Watanabe, Chris Evans and Christoph Waltz. PAUL JONES (Diseador de efectos especiales de maquillaje) began his career in the mid 80s working at Englands Pinewood Studios for Image Animation, the top U.K. makeup-effects company at the time. As part of their core team, he helped create many of the effects for Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, Nightbreed, Highlander 2: The Quickening and Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth. For the latter film, Jones was solely responsible for redesigning and applying the iconic Pinhead make-up. The extensive experience gained during this period in prosthetic makeup, creature design and animatronic puppetry allowed Jones to relocate to Canada in the early 90s and start his own company. Over the next few years, Paul Jones Effects Studio became one of the premier makeup-effects companies in Canada. Sought out by directors and producers worldwide, the studio has provided effects for such feature films as Ginger Snaps, Bride of Chucky, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Silent Hill, Shoot Em Up, Solomon Kane, Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day, The Thing and Resident Evil: Afterlife. Jones currently resides in Toronto with his wife Suzanne and two daughters.

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