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School Theater

Play Planner
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About School theater play planner

This template contains an assortment of complementary infographic resources for the

School Theater Play Planner presentation.

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Argumento de la Novela “La tía Tula”
La Tía tula es la historia de una niña llamada Gertrudis, que vive al lado de su hermana Rosa y de su tío Don
Primitivo, el sacerdote de la ciudad. Ella hace que su hermana se case con Ramiro, un hombre que en su corazón no
sentía amor por ella, sino que siempre estuvo enamorado de Tula.

Cuando Rosa está a punto de morir le pide a su hermana que cuide de sus hijos y que no permita que tengan una
madrastra, ella decid criar a sus sobrinos como sus hijos, pero nunca acepta casarse con su cuñado Ramiro.

Posteriormente Ramiro se relaciona con Manuela la sirvienta de la casa y esta llega a quedar embarazada, por lo
que Tula le pide que se case con Manuela ya que eso habría querido su esposa, a sabiendas que esa no fue la
petición de su hermana.

Ella comienza a sentir preocupación ya que si Ramiro se recupera cree que no podrá resistirse a estar cerca de él, pero al
final este se muere. Ramiro no fue el único hombre que ella rechazó, también lo fueron Ricardo y el doctor Juan, este es
quien le confirma a Tula que nunca podrá tener hijos, y este es el motivo por el que Gertrudis cuida de los hijos de su

Al final Gertrudis se muere y cumplió con lo que siempre había deseado:

ser virgen y madre y convertirse en un ser inmortal en donde su
memoria estaría asegurada por los hijos que crío.
Argumento de la Obra “Don quijote de la
Parte II: Relata una sola salida. Narra la llegada de
Parte I: Relata 2 salidas de D. Quijote ambas
D. Quijote a Toboso ; aparición según Sancho,
desde la aldea de La Mancha. En la primera
de la Dulcinea encantada al encuentro con la
salida llega el héroe a la venta donde es armado
carreta de la muerte y el Caballero del bosque o de
caballero por un hostelero y después de 2
Los Espejos , la jaula de los leones, las bodas de
ridículas aventuras regresa a su casa medio
Camacho, la cueva de Montesinos. El gobierno de
muerto luego de una paliza propinada por un
Sancho en la ínsula de Barataria, el episodio de la
arriero. En la segunda salida encontramos a don
cabeza encantada, Ana Félix y la pelea con el
Quijote acompañado de su escudero Sancho
Caballero de La Blanca Luna quien era el bachiller
Panza y le suceden aventuras como la de los
Sansón Carrasco que acudía a un ardid para
molinos de viento, los frailes y el vizcaíno; el caso
liberar de la locura a D. Quijote y al vencerlo le
de su estancia entre los cabreros y la segunda
obliga a regresar a su casa por un año: Entonces le
venta donde es manteado Sancho Panza. Aquí
entra el deseo de disfrutar de un poco de vida
también acontece el episodio de los rebaños de
tranquila, pero no lo consigue  porque apenas
ovejas que a D. Quijote, en su locura, se le
llegado a su pueblo cae enfermo, hace testamento
representan como ejército, la aparición de la
y muere.
“princesa“Micomicona, y el encantamiento de D.
Quijote a quien, por último, conducen enjaulado
el cura y el barbero desde Montiel a su hogar. 
Argumento de Luz negra
Luz Negra es un logro teatral para todos los tiempos dado que aborda temas
profundos como la vida y la muerte, la injusticia, la sobrevivencia, la represión, la violencia, la
libertad, las luchas políticas, las dictaduras, el carácter de las masas, el partido, Dios y el
Esta es la historia de dos condenados a muerte. Moter es un ladrón, criminal que justifica la
violencia y Goter es un revolucionario idealista condenado por pensar, ambos opositores al
orden establecido, quienes después de ser decapitados se enteran que sus cabezas aún
están vivas.
Cuando la historia se desarrolla, los personajes comienzan a dudar de su existencia y
necesitan de una tercer persona para saber la verdad. Varias personas se acercan a ellos,
pero por algún incidente no logran un lazo de comunicación creándoles una frustración que los
obliga a gritar la palabra amor para ser escuchados, mientras el barrendero de la plaza lava la
sangre de los decapitados.
Argumento de el principito

Es el protagonista principal de la narración. Reside en un asteroide, de dónde

desertó para viajar por el mundo en busca de un amigo.
En un corto resumen El Principito al llegar a la tierra conoce al piloto, y le
cuenta sus emociones sobre el mundo de los adultos, siempre atareados con sus
asuntos y su incompetencia para darle valor a las cosas que son valiosas en la
El Principito simboliza al niño que todos tenemos dentro y los sentimientos de
amor, inocencia y esperanza que alimentan nuestra vida. Su manera de ver el
mundo mueve al piloto a escribir la narración para reencontrarse con el niño que
en algún momento fue.
Argumento de la novela lasario de tormes
School theater play planner infographics
Lists to keep in your planner

1st 2nd 3rd

Neptune Earth Saturn

Neptune is the farthest Earth is the third planet Saturn is one of the
planet from the Sun. It is from the Sun and the only biggest planets. It is
the fourth-largest one that harbors life composed of hydrogen
School theater play planner infographics
Classroom activity assessment

01 02 03

Neptune Earth Saturn

Neptune is the farthest Earth is the third planet Saturn is one of the
planet from the sun. It is from the Sun and the only biggest planets. It is
the fourth-largest one one that harbors life composed of hydrogen

1/5 2/5 3/5

School theater play planner infographics
A map of theater history 25%
Earth is the
planet with life

Mercury is a
small planet

Neptune is far
away from us
School theater play planner infographics
Character organization

25% 50% 25%

Mercury Venus Earth

Mercury is a Venus has a Earth is the
small planet beautiful name planet with life
School theater play planner infographics
Monthly plan overview

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Neptune Mercury Venus Earth

Neptune is the Mercury is the Venus is the Earth is the only
farthest planet closest planet to second planet planet that
from the Sun the Sun from the Sun harbors life
School theater play planner infographics
A planning timeline

Mercury is a small planet 2016

Earth is the planet with life 2018

Venus has a beautiful name 2020

Neptune is far away from us 2022

School theater play planner infographics
Percentages on drama class

40% 10%

Mercury is a Earth is the

small planet planet with life

30% 20%

Venus has a Neptune is far

beautiful name Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then away from us
paste the new one here. For more info, click here
School theater play planner infographics
Week 1
Neptune is an ice giant Sunday

Week 2
200 Tuesday
Saturn is the ringed planet
Week 3
300 Thursday
Jupiter is a gas giant

Week 4 Saturday
Mars is a cold planet

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
School theater play planner infographics
Overview of the month's highlights

Mercury Venus Earth

Mercury is a Venus has a Earth is the
small planet beautiful name planet with life

January February March April May

Mars Neptune
Mars was named Neptune is far
after a god away from us
School theater play planner infographics
Semester organization

Task 1 Mercury is the closest planet 10%

Task 2 Jupiter is the biggest planet 20%

Task 3 Venus has a beautiful name 30%

Task 4 Earth is the planet with life 40%

Task 5 Jupiter was named after a god 50%

School theater play planner infographics
10% 40%
Earth is the Mars was named
planet with life after a god

20% 50%
Mercury is a Venus has a
small planet beautiful name

30% 60%
Neptune is far Saturn is the
away from us ringed planet
School theater play planner infographics
Monday Thursday
Venus is the second planet Jupiter is the biggest planet
from the Sun in the Solar System

Wednesday Thursday
Despite being red, Mars is Mercury is the smallest
actually a cold place planet of them all

Friday Saturday/Sunday
Saturn is a gas giant and has Earth is the only planet
several rings known to harbor life
School theater play planner infographics
1 2 3 4 5
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Neptune is an ice Venus has a Earth is the only
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
giant and the beautiful name, planet that harbors
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 fourth-largest but also high life in the Solar
27 28 29 30 31
planet of all temperatures System

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Jupiter is a gas Saturn is the Mercury is the
Despite being red,
giant and the second-largest smallest planet
Mars is actually a
biggest planet in planet in the Solar and the closest
very cold place
the Solar System System one to the Sun
School theater play planner infographics
Step by step planning

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Mercury is a very Mars is actually a Jupiter is the
1.1 small planet
2.1 cold place
3.1 biggest planet

Venus is actually a Jupiter was named Mars was named

1.2 hot planet
2.2 after a god
3.2 after a god

Earth is the only Neptune is far Venus has a

1.3 planet with life
2.3 away from us
3.3 beautiful name

Mars is full of iron Saturn was named Earth is the planet

1.4 oxide dust
2.4 after a Roman god
3.4 where we all live
School theater play planner infographics
Day Time Performance Day Time Performance

Jupiter is the biggest Despite being red,

Sun 9-10h Thu 13-14h
planet Mars is very cold

Mercury is a very Jupiter was named

Mon 10-11h Fri 14-15h
small planet after a god

Venus has a Saturn is the ringed

Tue 11-12h Sat 15-16h
beautiful name planet

Earth is the planet Neptune is far away

Wed 12-13h Extra 16-17h
with life from us
School theater play planner infographics
Simple weekly planner

25/07 Monday Neptune is very far away from the Sun

26/07 Tuesday Saturn is not the only planet with rings

27/07 Wednesday Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet

28/07 Thursday Despite being red, Mars is very cold

29/07 Friday Earth is the only planet that harbors life

30-31/07 Saturday-Sunday Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

School theater play planner infographics
Weekly activities Daily activities

MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 08:00 We all live on Earth

1 2 3 4 5 10:00 Mercury is very small

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12:00 Venus is a hot planet

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14:00 Mars is made of basalt

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 16:00 Jupiter is a gas giant

27 28 29 30 31 18:00 Neptune is an ice giant

School theater play planner infographics
Theater performance calendar

1, 2, 3
Neptune is an ice giant
6, 7, 8
1 2 3 4 5
Saturn is the ringed planet
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17, 18, 19
Jupiter is a gas giant
20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 29, 30, 31
Mars is a cold planet
School theater play planner infographics
Tests Performances
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 31

Write here something important about your Write here something important about your
appointments that you mustn’t forget appointments that you mustn’t forget
School theater play planner infographics
Week 1 Saturn

Saturn is the ringed planet

Week 2 Jupiter

Jupiter is the biggest planet

Week 3 Mars

Mars is full of iron oxide dust

Week 4 Neptune

Neptune is an ice giant

School theater play planner infographics
Monthly tracker
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31




Study phase Test phase Performance phase

Earth is the planet with life Mercury is a small planet Venus is a hot planet
School theater play planner infographics
Semester planner

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6

Neptune is the fourth-largest planet by

Part 1
diameter in the Solar System

Saturn, the ringed planet, is composed

Part 2
mostly of hydrogen

Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet

Part 3
in the Solar System
School theater play planner infographics
Start date Finish date
Semester planner
October 1, 2022 March 5, 2023

Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5





School theater play planner infographics
Lists for theater students

Checklist To do list

● Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System

● Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings ● It's the fourth-brightest object in the night sky

● It's composed mostly of

hydrogen and helium Today’s goal Notes
● Neptune is the fourth-
largest planet in the Solar
System ● Despite being red, Mars is ● Earth is the only planet
actually a cold place known to harbor life
School theater play planner infographics
Plan of tasks to be performed

Task 01 5/10 Notes

Saturn is the second-largest planet in the Solar System

Despite being red,
Task 02 3/10 Mars is actually a
cold place
Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System It's full of iron oxide
dust, which gives
Task 03 2/10 the planet its reddish
Neptune is the fourth-largest planet in the Solar System
School theater play planner infographics
Habits tracking for a good performance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Write a habit here…

Write a habit here…

Write a habit here…

Write a habit here…

Write a habit here…

School theater play planner infographics
Step by step to the concert

Step 1 Step 2

Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

Step 3 Step 4

Venus is the second planet from the Sun Earth is the third planet from the Sun

Step 5 Step 6

Despite being red, Mars is very cold Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all
School theater play planner infographics
Month-to-month task plan

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3 Task 4

Task 5

Task 6
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