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Reporte Mensual 2021
Enero – Abril

1. Administrativo y Licitaciones.
2. Proyectos e Ingeniería.
3. Compras y Almacen.
5. Calidad.
6. Recursos Humanos.
Administrativa y Licitaciones
Indicador de productividad según tipo de orden de
trabajo, Antiguedad y cierre de las Ordenes de Trabajo.

Proyectos e Ingeniería
Gestión del cumplimiento del presupuesto, Gestión del
Cronograma, Gestión del alcance, Gestión de
AGENDA desperdicios.
Compras y Almacen
Gestión del Ahorro y Rotación de Inventarios, Gestión de
Garantias y Devoluciones. .

Servicio al Cliente. Gestión de las lecciones aprendidas,
garantias y Retrabajos. .

Capacitaciones, Ausentismo, Accidentes Laborales,
Enfermedades Laborales.

Talento Humano
Capacitación del Personal, Evaluación del Desempeño,
nuevas estrategías para la mejora continua, Organigrama.
Todos somos un Equipo

1 2 4

Administrativa y Proyectos e
Licitaciones Ingeniería

Compras y Almacen SGSST Talento Humano

3 5 6
Administrativa y
Administrativa y Licitaciones

Indicadores Claves
Title text preset
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Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
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Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
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Proyectos e
Proyectos e Ingeniería

Indicadores Claves
Title text preset
This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )
Compras y Almacen
Compras y Almacen

Indicadores Claves
Title text preset
This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Indicadores Claves
Title text preset
This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Indicadores Claves
Title text preset
This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )
Talento Humano
Talento Humano

Indicadores Claves
Title text preset
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( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset

This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )
Hitos Importantes 2021-Linea de tiempo

Enero -2021 Marzo - 2021

This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )

01 02 03 04
Febrero - 2021 Abril – 2021
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typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )
Hitos Importantes 2021-Linea de Tiempo

Mayo -2021 Julio - 2021

This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )

05 06 07 08
Junio - 2021 Agosto – 2021
This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )
Hitos Importantes 2021-Linea de Tiempo

Septiembre -2021 Noviembre - 2021

This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )

09 10 11 12
Octubre - 2021 Diciembre– 2021
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typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )

Sistema de Gestion de la Calidad Administración y Licitaciones Compras y Almacen

This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )

Sistema SGSST Proyectos e Ingeniería Recursos Humanos

This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )
Conclusiones del Análisis de Indicadores Mes XX

Title text preset Title text preset

1 This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display
4 This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset Title text preset

2 This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display
5 This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )

Title text preset Title text preset

3 This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display
6 This part of the content as a text
typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts ) ( Suggested theme fonts )
Seguimiento a Compromisos Planes y Actividades de Mejora 2021





Diciembre 2020 Enero 2021 Febrero 2021 Marzo 2021

• This part of the content is displayed as a • This part of the content is displayed as a • This part of the content is displayed as a • This part of the content is displayed as a
text layout placeholder (recommended text layout placeholder (recommended text layout placeholder (recommended text layout placeholder (recommended
to use the theme font) to use the theme font) to use the theme font) to use the theme font)
• If you need to change, please adjust it • If you need to change, please adjust it • If you need to change, please adjust it • If you need to change, please adjust it
under the (Set Shape Format) menu under the (Set Shape Format) menu under the (Set Shape Format) menu under the (Set Shape Format) menu
(text option) (text option) (text option) (text option)
Obstaculos que nos Impiden Mejorar

Title text preset

This part of the content is displayed as a text layout placeholder
(recommended to use the theme font)

Title text preset

This part of the content is displayed as a text layout placeholder
(recommended to use the theme font)

Title text preset

This part of the content is displayed as a text layout placeholder
(recommended to use the theme font)
Proyectos e Ingeniería
Avances en Innovación y Digitalización de los procesos

Reemplazo de Formatos y
Documentos en Papel vs Procesos en Linea

Integración de los Procesos Administrativos a
ERP del Negocio. # de Consultas página WEB.

Mejora de los procesos de Planificación
en línea con la Realidad

XX %
Digitalización de Procesos en línea e incremento
del uso de dispositivos Móviles.
Fecha Reunión de Presentación de Resultado Actual vs Seguiente

Fecha DD-MM-AA
This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )

Fecha DD-MM-AA
This part of the content as a text typesetting placeholder display
( Suggested theme fonts )
Lecciones Aprendidas y Mejores

Logros y Gestión

2019 2020 2021 2022

Title text preset Title text preset Title text preset Title text preset
This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text This part of the content as a text
typesetting display (Suggested typesetting display (Suggested typesetting display (Suggested typesetting display (Suggested
theme fonts) theme fonts) theme fonts) theme fonts)
Plan de Mejoramiento Continuo JR MONTAJES.

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