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Era mitad del siglo XIX y se escuchaba en las oficinas de la Escuela Primaria de un pequeo pueblo de Ohio de los Estados Unidos la siguiente conversacin: - El nio tiene un leve retraso mental que le impide adquirir los conocimientos a la par de sus compaeros de clase, debe dejar de traer a su hijo a esta escuela. A la mujer no pareci afectarle mucho la sentencia de la maestra, pero se encarg de transmitirle a su hijo que l no posea ningn retraso y que Dios, en quien confiaba fielmente desde su juventud, no le haba dado vida para avergonzarlo, sino para ser un hombre de xito. Pocos aos despus, este nio, con solo 12 aos, fund un diario y se encargaba de venderlo en la estacin del ferrocarril de Nueva York. No fue todo, se dedic a estudiar los fenmenos elctricos, y gracias a sus estudios logr perfeccionar el telfono, el micrfono, el megfono, y otros inventos como el fongrafo, por citar solo alguno. Que lejos quedaba en el recuerdo del nio las palabras de su maestra. Todo pareca conducirse sobre ruedas hasta que un da se encontr con un gran obstculo, su mayor proyecto se estaba desvaneciendo ante sus ojos, haba buscado incansablemente la forma de construir un filamento capaz de generar una luz incandescente, pero que al mismo tiempo resista la fuerza de la energa que lo encenda. Sus financistas estaban impacientes, sus competidores parecan acercarse a la solucin antes que l, y hasta sus colaboradores se encontraban desesperanzados. Luego de tres aos de intenso trabajo uno de ellos le dijo..."Thomas, abandona este proyecto, ya llevamos ms de tres aos y lo hemos intentado en ms de dos mil formas distintas y solo conocemos el fracaso en cada intento". La respuesta no se hizo esperar y se dirigi a l con la misma vehemencia que su madre haba tenido unos 25 aos atrs..."mira, no s qu entiendes tu por fracaso, pero de algo si estoy seguro, y es que en todo este tiempo aprend que antes de pensar en dos mil fracasos he descubierto ms de dos mil maneras de no hacer este filamento y eso me da la pauta de que estoy encaminado". Pocos meses despus ilumin toda una calle de Nueva York utilizando la luz elctrica. Su nombre fue Thomas Edison, una persona que entendi la manera de vivir de Gloria en Gloria, y pudo ver an en las tormentas ms fuertes, el pequeo sendero que lo llevara al xito.


It was the middle of the 19th century and at the offices of an elementary school in a small town in Ohio - United States, the following dialogue was heard: -The kid has a low mental deficiency that prevents him acquiring knowledge at the same rate as his classmates; you must stop bringing your son to this schoolThe teachers judgment did not seem to affect the woman very much, but she took charge of educating her son so that he did not show any sing of mental deficiency and that God, in whom she faithfully trusted since her youth, had not given him life to embarrass him but rather to be a successful man. A few years later, this kid, at just the age of twelve, found a journal and he took charge of selling it at the New Yorks railroads station. But that wasnt all, he devoted himself to studying phenomenon of electricity and thanks to his investigations he managed to perfect the telephone, the microphone and the megaphone, and other inventions like the phonograph, just to quote only one. How far was remained on the childs memories, the words of his teacher. It all seemed be going on smoothly until one day he found a big obstacle, his biggest project was disappearing in front of his eyes, he had tirelessly looked for the way to make a filament capable of generating an incandescent light while at the same time it should be able to resist the energys power that turned it on, his financiers were impatient, his competitors seemed close to finding the solution before him, and even his collaborators found themselves hopeless. After three years of intensive work, one of them said: Thomas, give this project up, weve spent longer than three years and we have tried it more than two thousand ways and we only knew the failure at each attempt. He didnt wait for an answer, and he spoke to him with the same vehemence as his mother had got twenty five years ago Look, I do not know what you understand as failure, but I am pretty sure about something, and its that all this time I learnt that before thinking about two thousand failures, I have found out over two thousand ways to not do this filament, and that gives me the lines I need to carry on. A few months later he lit a whole street of New York using electric light. His name was Thomas Edison, a person who understood the way to live from glory to glory and could see even in the hardest storms, the little path which would take him to success.

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