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(Las preguntas formuladas en esta gua y sus correspondientes respuestas deben transcribirse a una hoja en formato Word, colocando adems en sta, su nombre completo y curso. En ASUNTO del mail debe colocar su: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO MATERNO Y CURSO Ejemplo: LOPEZ MENDOZA 3A)
Sector: INGLS Profesor(a):ISABEL VALDES JAQUE Nivel:TERCERO MEDIO Mail del profesores(as) encargado nivel: Isabel Valds : Jeannette Cortes: Carlos Diaz : Ximena Arellano : Plazo de envo a profesor(a) encargado (a) por parte del alumno: 02/09/2011

Fecha de envo a UTP:19/08/2011 Unidad Temtica: LET YOUR BODY DO YHE TALKING

Contenido(s): PRECAUTIONS Aprendizaje(s) Esperado(s): Leen y deducen la o las ideas principales integrando informacin relevante de distintas partes del texto. Usan el idioma Ingls para sugerir y dar razones.

Instrucciones: Lee comprensivamente los diferentes artculos y realiza las actividades planteadas. Enva el desarrollo de las actividades al correo de tu profesor o profesora de aula
Precautions in the Living Room, Dining Room and Bedrooms If you have small children or pets, make sure unused wall outlets have safety coverings. Unprotected wall outlets can be a hazard. Check that outlets and wall switches are cool to the touch. Unusual warmth may indicate an unsafe wiring connection and should be checked by an electrician. Make sure all outlets and switches are working properly. Faulty equipment may mean unsafe wiring. All outlets and switches should have faceplates. Exposed wiring is a shock hazard. Check that extension cords are correctly rated for the amount of electricity they are to carry and are Underwriter Laboratory (UL) approved.

Make sure extension and lamp cords are out of traffic areas. Cords can create tripping hazards and may be damaged if you walk on them. Check all electric cords for visible damage. Cracked or frayed cords can be dangerous. To avoid excessive wear and cord damage, ensure that cords dont run under rugs nor have furniture resting on them. Make sure electric cords are not nailed or stapled in place. Cord damage can result in a fire and shock hazard. Precautions in the kitchen and Bathrooms All family members should be aware that they should not touch electrical devices when they are wet, standing on wet surfaces, or in water. Small appliances (hair dryers, mixers, toasters, etc.) should be unplugged when not in use. Unattended, connected appliances create an unnecessary risk. Keep all appliance cords away from hot surfaces (toasters, range tops, ovens, etc.). Cords can be damaged by excessive heat. Check that all appliances and electric equipment are located away from the sink and bath. Appliances are hazardous if they come in contact with water. In kitchens, bathrooms, and near swimming pools, standard outlets should be replaced with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs). GFCIs are devices that will provide shock protection by quickly cutting off the circuit and preventing injury. GFCIs should be UL approved and installed by a licensed electrician (this is part of the Electric Code). Never insert any metal object, such as a knife or fork, into an appliance. Make sure youre using the correct wattage and proper kind of light bulb in an overhead or ceiling fixture. The wrong type of bulb can lead to overheating and fire. If you dont know the correct wattage, use a bulb no larger than 60 watts. Never leave electric heaters and hot plates unattended when in use.

In both articles you can find some common expressions for giving advice in English such as Dont forget to . You should. Never You can also find phrases expressing reasons, such as . In case

so (that) because it might .. ACTIVITIES

1.- Think of a good title for the reading comprehension. 2.- Read the articles and underline 7 words you do not know. Use your dictionary or a dictionary on line to look up their meaning and pronunciation. Write definitions in English. 3.- Choose one of the following titles and write a similar short article. (120 - 180 words) Usa expresiones para sugerir y dar razones. a) How to be safe on streets b) How to be safe at school. Check your article for mistakes (grammar, punctuation)

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