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Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007


The Uzbek authorities did their best over the last several years to do away with independent
media outlets. Here is a brief review of 50 best-known web sites that post materials on
Uzbekistan and comprise the free (or not so free) information zone of Uzbek journalism.

Continúa en p.8


Este mes, en la sección “Revista de prensa”, el Observatorio Eurasia repasa algunas de las
noticias destacadas en la prensa rusa, como la subida a la presidencia de Chechenia de
Ramzán Kadyrov, la política del Kremlin en el Cáucaso del sur o la celebración del primer
congreso del partido Rusia Justa.

Continúa en p.3


Moscow will remain the key player, but Turkmenistan may also reach out to the West. Will
Gurbanguly Berdymuhammedov really live up to his pledges to reform education, health and
pensions and give his people greater opportunities to travel and access information, or will he
revert to the tough style of the man he replaces, the late Saparmurat Niazov?

Continúa en p.4



El British Council, ente público encargado de promover la cultura británica, cerrará a partir del
próximo año sus oficinas en muchos países europeos, España incluida, para concentrarse en
cambio en los países islámicos y contribuir a la lucha contra el terrorismo.

Continúa en p.7


Revista de prensa: RUSIA...........................p.3

Especial: Información sobre Uzbekistán en la Red.........................p.8
El Observatorio Eurasia es un proyecto que se encuadra dentro de la línea de “Historia
de la propaganda y análisis de la comunicación política” del Grupo Interdisciplinario de
Estudios en Comunicación, Política y Cambio Social (COMPOLITICAS), y tiene como
principal objetivo el estudio, investigación y difusión de los principales fenómenos
políticos, culturales y comunicacionales que tienen lugar en el antiguo espacio soviético.

Miguel Vázquez Liñán

Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 2

Observatorio Eurasia (28/02/07)

Este mes, en la sección “Revista de prensa”, el Observatorio Eurasia repasa algunas de

las noticias destacadas en la prensa rusa, como la subida a la presidencia de Chechenia
de Ramzán Kadyrov, la política del Kremlin en el Cáucaso del sur o la celebración del
primer congreso del partido Rusia Justa.

Muchos han sido los comentarios que la prensa rusa (sobre todo la más crítica con el Kremlin) ha
dedicado a la llegada a la presidencia de Chechenia de Ramzán Kadyrov, el hasta ahora primer ministro,
tras la dimisión del anterior presidente, Alu Aljánov. Dmitri Vinográdov (, 21/02/07) describe el
proceso por el que Kadyrov ha sido elegido presidente, dando a entender que la presentación de otros
candidatos al puesto de presidente tenía que ver más con una operación “cosmética” (apariencia de
pluralismo) que con una elección real. Recordemos, que en Rusia los presidentes “autonómicos” son
elegidos directamente por el presidente Putin. El nombramiento de Kadyrov ha recibido la total repulsa de
buena parte de las organizaciones que trabajan por la defensa de los derechos humanos en Rusia; de
hecho, Kadyrov ha sido acusado en muchas ocasiones por dichas organizaciones de estar detrás de las
sistemáticas violaciones a los más elementales derechos humanos que se producen en la República. En
los últimos meses, su nombre ha aparecido también como uno de los posibles instigadores del asesinato
de la periodista de Novaya Gazeta, Anna Politkóvskaya.

Thomas de Waal (27/02/07), hace un interesante, aunque pesimista recorrido por la política rusa en el
Cáucaso del sur, en su artículo titulado “Playing a Losing Game”. Su tesis está clara: “Rusia está
perdiendo el Cáucaso del Sur”. De Waal argumenta que el bloqueo al que las autoridades rusas han
sometido en los últimos tiempos a Georgia, unido a la persecución de sus ciudadanos en territorio ruso,
no sólo no ha conseguido su objetivo, sino que ha convertido a Georgia en un país más independiente
desde el punto de vista económico: “Gracias al gas azerí, Georgia ha soportado el invierno y Gazprom ha
perdido un gran cliente”. Precisamente este comercio de gas con Azerbaiyán ha hecho que las relaciones
entre Moscú y Bakú empeoren, cuando Gazprom (que últimamente se está convirtiendo en algo así como
el “otro”, pero no menos poderoso Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia) intentó subir los precios del
gas a Azerbaiyán y “Moscú torpemente instó a Bakú a abandonar su apoyo a los georgianos”. El
presidente azerbaiyano, Ilham Alíev, “rechazó el gas ruso, paralizó las remesas de petróleo que van a
través del oleoducto Bakú-Novorossisk, ordenó el cierre de los canales rusos de la televisión en
Azerbaiyán, puso en cuestión la utilidad de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes e incrementó su
apoyo aun nuevo proyecto regional que no incluye a Rusia, la línea de ferrocarril Bakú-Kars”. Por otra
parte, tampoco las relaciones de Moscú con Armenia, su tradicional aliado en el Cáucaso, atraviesan su
mejor momento debido, entre otros asuntos, a las consecuencias que para Armenia tuvo el bloqueo
económico a Georgia, así como la persecución policial a la que los ciudadanos armenios son sometidos
en territorio ruso.

De Waal lamenta lo que denomina “el mayor divorcio entre el Cáucaso del sur y Rusia desde el siglo
XVIII”: “La pena de todo esto es que Rusia tendría aún mucho que dar al Cáucaso del sur si buscase
cooperar en vez de dominar. La población del Cáucaso del Sur no es instintivamente anti-rusa, muchos
de ellos han vivido en Rusia y otros tantos trabajan actualmente allí. Y Moscú tiene un gran activo en la
región que podría ser una fuente de inmenso soft power: la lengua rusa. Pero Moscú no está haciendo
nada para promocionarla y el ruso está desapareciendo por la falta de profesores y centros de idiomas en
los tres países. Bibliotecas universitarias completas están cayendo en desuso debido a que la nueva
generación de estudiantes no puede leerlos. Sospecho que, en unos diez años, alguien en Moscú se dará
cuenta de esta realidad, pero entonces será demasiado tarde”.

Bastante más complaciente con la política del Kremlin fue el primer congreso del partido Rusia Justa
(Spravedlivaya Rossia), liderado por Serguéi Mirónov. El diario oficial Rossiiskaya Gazeta (27/02/07) hace
la crónica de un evento en el que se escucharon viejas canciones soviéticas y el propio Mirónov invitó al
presidente Putin a convertirse en el líder del partido una vez acabado su segundo mandato presidencial,
en 2008. Rusia Justa pretende ser la variante socialdemócrata del Partido Comunista, “nuestros
hermanos ideológicos”, como dijo Mirónov. Los críticos ven en este partido de nueva creación una
maniobra del Kremlin para restar poder a los comunistas y dar la imagen de un sistema bipartidista en el
que Rusia Justa se “enfrentase” al otro partido cercano al Kremlin, Rusia Unida (Edinaya Rossia).

Medios citados: ; ;

Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 3
POLITICA - Titulares

Turkmenistan Needs to Choose its Friends Carefully

IWPR, 9/02/07


Moscow will remain the key player, but Turkmenistan may also reach out to the West

IWPR, 9/02/07 (Institute for War and Peace Reporting)

As the February 11 presidential election in Turkmenistan draws close, there is little doubt who will
win, but considerable uncertainty about what will happen next. Will Gurbanguly
Berdymuhammedov really live up to his pledges to reform education, health and pensions and give
his people greater opportunities to travel and access information, or will he revert to the tough
style of the man he replaces, the late Saparmurat Niazov?

On the foreign policy front, most observers agree Russia will remain Turkmenistan’s key partner, not least
because it buys most of the country’s natural gas. But Turkmenistan’s proximity to Iran is likely to give it
some role to play - albeit unwillingly - in the confrontation between Washington and Tehran.

At a London briefing held by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting on January 19 to mark the launch
of a new report, Turkmenistan: What Chance of a Thaw?, there was consensus among the invited
speakers that Russia remains a major player, but opinion differed on whether this is the only relationship
that really matters to Turkmenistan.

Shohrat Kadyrov, an expert on Turkmen politics living in Norway, is sceptical that a transition he describes
as a “palace revolution” will make the country more independent of Moscow, or that the relationship will
help Turkmenistan become a better place.

In fact, he said, Berdymuhammedov might turn out to be worse than Niazov in some respects. Niazov was
initially brought to power in the late Soviet period by reformist leader Mikhail Gorbachev, but even then he
did “almost nothing for democracy”.

Niazov was at least “relatively independent” of Putin, said Kadyrov. Berdymuhammedov, on the other
hand, is likely to have the backing of President Vladimir Putin, who has fewer democratic leanings and is
also tending towards the “re-colonialisation” of former Soviet republics.

Arkady Dubnov, a Russian journalist and Central Asia-watcher who writes for the Moscow paper Vremya
Novostey, said Turkmen foreign policy was likely to continue to revolve around gas exports.

One fact of life for the new leadership, he said, was that “until Berdymuhammedov has access to Niazov’s
treasury, the accounts of which are probably frozen… the gas income from Russia will remain
extraordinarily important”.

“Turkmenistan now depends much more on Russia [than the other way round] when it comes to gas, just
as Russia depends more on Europe. We live in times when the seller of energy resources is more
dependent on the buyer than vice versa,” said Dubnov.

In the short term, Moscow is likely to try to re-engage with Turkmenistan by encouraging it to join former
Soviet groupings from which Niazov distanced himself, for instance the Eurasian Economic Community.

Dubnov expects Berdymuhammedov to make positive noises in response to these advances - but he says
this does not make a rapprochement inevitable. “The more Berdymuhammedov consolidates his power,
the less he will listen to Moscow,” he said.

Instead of relying solely on Moscow, a Berdymuhammedov administration may reach out to the West as it
seeks acceptance and legitimacy.

Dubnov said the government’s unexpected decision to invite the OSCE to monitor the presidential election

Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 4
was significant. “I see this as a sign that not all policy-making in the new Turkmenistan will be in
accordance with what Moscow wants,” he said.

Niazov’s successors are likely to be just as keen to diversify the country’s gas export routes as he was.
Although the western-sponsored plan to lay a gas pipeline under the Caspian Sea has seemed an unlikely
prospect until now, Dubnov believes the United States could now start pushing for it to happen.

He said the way was open for Turkmenistan to take a new approach to the disputed status of the Caspian
and its oil and gas resources. In the past, personal animosity between Niazov and the late president
Heidar Aliev of Azerbaijan obstructed a solution to their bilateral dispute over certain oil and gas fields.
With both men now gone, their successors can at least begin discussing possible solutions.

Niazov also found it difficult to get on with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, in contrast to his
cordial relationship with the former president Hashemi Akbar Rafsanjani.

“Now that Niazov has gone, Tehran very much wants to make up for lost time with the new leadership, and
there will be a flurry of [Iranian] activity on the Turkmenistan front,” said Dubnov.

Ashgabat’s diplomatic relationship with Tehran also depends on Russia and the US. Within the region, the
key relationship is between Moscow and Tehran, with Ashgabat a lesser player.

The challenge for Berdymuhammedov is to position his government in such a way that it avoids
antagonising either the Americans or the Iranians, so that it “reduces the risk of being drawn into the
confrontation between Iran and the United States”, said Dubnov.

The US has a major interest in Turkmenistan as one of the closest staging posts to Iran. In particular, said
Dubnov, the new Turkmen government will have to contend with American pressure to use a major military
airbase at Mary in southern Turkmenistan.

Aside from external pressures, Berdymuhammedov and his allies still have to strengthen their own position
to make themselves invulnerable to domestic challenges.

Dadadjon Azimov, a Central Asian expert based in London, picked out key findings of the research and
interviews he conducted to produce the IWPR report. The big question, he said, was whether the system
left behind by Niazov was sustainable.

Turkmen society as a whole seems apolitical, and regional powerbrokers rather than grassroots
movements may be the most likely form of anti-regime mobilisation.

Among the analysts he spoke to, “no one knew in what form and in what shape anti-regime mobilisation
would take place, and how possible clans would challenge the regime”, he said. The reason, he said, was
that “if there’s a revival of clans and a possible emergence of regional groupings against the regime, this is
at the very initial stages”.

Dubnov said it was important not to view Berdymuhammedov in isolation; in fact he is “only the tip of the
iceberg” of a largely invisible political elite, among whom the key figure is Akmurad Rejepov, head of the
Presidential Guards, a paramilitary security force.

“There is no doubt it is Rejepov who is in control of Berdymuhammedov and his [election] promises. One
cannot underestimate the figure of Rejepov,” said Dubnov.

But at the same time, he believes it could be Berdymuhammedov and not Rejepov who is the long-term
political survivor.

“Berdymuhammedov could turn into a kind of Turkmen Brezhnev,” said Dubnov, referring to Soviet
Communist Party chief Leonid Brezhnev who stayed in power from the Sixties to the early Eighties.
“Initially Brezhnev seemed to be a weak transitional figure, but because he suited a lot of [different]
groupings in the Kremlin….he hung on for so long that they learned how to manipulate him.”

Guvanch Geraev of RFE/RL gave an update on what he and his colleagues are hearing from its contacts
about the mood inside Turkmenistan.

Despite the lingering “fear factor”, he said, people are gradually becoming emboldened to speak out and
are really expecting some kind of change, in light of the reforms and improved public services that all the

Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 5
presidential candidates are promising.

Two practical things that people agree on are that rampant drug abuse should be tackled and dissenters
now held in prison should be amnestied.

The seminar was held at the end of a project in which IWPR presented news and analysis out of
Turkmenistan in online text and audio format, with possibly the first-ever podcasts made in the Turkmen
language. Many of the stories were picked up and broadcast by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's
Turkmen Service to its audience inside Turkmenistan.


Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 6
CULTURA - Titulares

British Council cierra oficinas Europa para concentrarse en países islámicos

Terra Actualidad, 26/02/07



El British Council, ente público encargado de promover la cultura británica, cerrará a

partir del próximo año sus oficinas en muchos países europeos, España incluida, para
concentrarse en cambio en los países islámicos y contribuir a la lucha contra el

Terra Actualidad, 26/02/07

El organismo dedicará 7,5 millones de libras (11,25 millones de euros), casi un tercio de lo que gasta
actualmente en sus actividades en Europa, a países que van desde Arabia Saudí hasta Kazajistán,
informa hoy el diario ' The Times ' .

Así, renunciará a una serie de actividades a las que se dedicaba hasta ahora como la financiación de
giras de orquestas o comisiones artísticas, para potenciar en cambio proyectos destinados a prevenir el
adoctrinamiento de jóvenes islámicos por extremistas que simpatizan con organizaciones como Al Qaeda.
Los cambios, que comenzarán a aplicarse este año, son los más importantes que sufre el British Council
desde su creación en 1934 y obedecen, entre otras cosas, a la convicción del Gobierno de que mucha de
la labor que lleva a cabo actualmente en la Europa continental puede hacerse por internet.

Según explicó al periódico Martin Davidson, director general designado del organismo público, parte de su
misión es construir o reparar las relaciones culturales con los musulmanes de Oriente Medio y Asia

Irak y Afganistán, dos países donde hay ahora tropas británicas como parte de una coalición
internacional, serán dos de los quince países donde el British Council aumentará en un 50 por ciento su
compromiso económico.

La iniciativa incluye un proyecto de en torno a 30 millones de euros destinado a combatir la radicalización

de los jóvenes musulmanes en Pakistán y otros países predominantemente islámicos.
A cambio se suspenderá la financiación de las giras de orquestas como la London Sinfonietta, mientras
que las bibliotecas de sus centros europeos se cerrarán a menos que mantengan económicamente con
los cursos de inglés.

Según ' The Times ' se cerrarán, si no se han cerrado ya, quince oficinas, entre ellas las de España,
Finlandia, Hungría, Eslovenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Alemania, Eslovaquia y las tres repúblicas bálticas.
Al mismo tiempo sólo se sufragarán los gastos de comisiones artísticas de gran escala en la Bienal de
Venecia, aunque el British Council seguirá ofreciendo apoyo logístico a los artistas y compañías de teatro
en sus giras extranjeras.

El British Council está financiado por el Estado con 186 millones de libras al año (unos 279 millones de
euros), a los que se suman unos 300 millones (450 millones de euros) más procedentes de sus
actividades de enseñanza.


Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 7

Journalism in Uzbekistan is not history. It has but moved to the Net, 26/02/07


The Uzbek authorities did their best over the last several years to do away with
independent media outlets. At first sight, they actually succeeded because there are
practically no independent media outlets in the republic anymore. And yet, rapid
development of communication technologies has essentially thwarted the authorities'
attempts to spare the population undesirable knowledge.

Aleksei Volosevich (Tashkent), 26/02/07 (

Uzbek journalism is not history. It merely shifted to a new medium, namely the Net. The matter concerns
several dozens web sites and foreign newspapers dedicated to Uzbekistan - to a greater or smaller extent.
That the authorities keep doing what they can to contain seditious materials. Access to the particularly
"malicious" web sites is blocked at the state level. Moreover, a whole bunch of counter-propagandistic web
sites appeared not long ago. Even that, however, is essentially an exercise in futility. Minimal skills in
dealing with proxy-servers and anonymizers enable users to detour around the blocks and gain access to
the information the authorities would dearly like kept under the lid. As for the so called "independent" web
sites which the authorities expect will help with moulding public opinion in the Internet, attitude towards
them is quite adequate. In other words, freedom of expression is getting the upper hand - slowly but

Here is a brief review of 50 best-known web sites that post materials on Uzbekistan and comprise the free
(or not so free) information zone of Uzbek journalism.


Uzmetronom (

Established in early 2006, the web site in the Russian language on Uzbek realities promptly became
popular. The alacrity with which information appears there, familiarity with the subject, and caustic and
ironic style of data presentation earned the web site a great deal of dedicated visitors. Sergei Yezhkov, a
free lancing journalist from Tashkent (he used to work for the republican newspaper Pravda Vostoka), is
the author and founder of the web site with the editorial office in the capital of Uzbekistan.
The Uzbek authorities view Uzmetronom as one of the worst pernicious web sites. Access to it is closed, of
course. The following headlines offer an insight into the content - Foreign Investors Left Without Hope,
Uzbek Minister Convinced Europe, Fired For Being A Kazakh, Premier Passed Examination, Comrades'
Rotten Eggs, and Parliament Crazy, President Doesn't Notice.

CentrAsia (

One of the best popular web sites that also posts materials on Russia, Iran, Mongolia, China, Pakistan,
and other countries. As a rule, however, the web site uses materials from other sources and media outlets.
Their scope is fairly impressive: 30-40 new articles are posted every day ranging from serious analyses to
satiric pieces. Every visitor will certainly find something to his or her liking. The web site was established in
early 2002. Vitaly Khlyupin, a former citizen of Kazakhstan who obtained citizenship of the Russian
Federation, is the editor. The editorial office is located in Moscow.
In Uzbekistan, CentrAsia is off bounds - either entirely or else blocks are restricted to individual materials.
Titles of these latter lend an insight into what materials are regarded as "dangerous" - Uzbek Secret
Services Released Pastor Garifulin, EU: Looking For Negotiations With The Dictator, Birdamlik Planned
Rallies Throughout Uzbekistan For March 8, How Prosecutors In Tashkent Fabricated A Case Against
Major Of The Police Sabirov, Holdorov Of Erk Sentenced To 6 Years In Andijan.

Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 8
Uznews (

Established recently, this web site makes an emphasis on the human rights aspect. It is usually the first
Net resource to report arrests of independent journalists and human rights activists. The web site faithfully
reports every protest action regardless of where it takes place - in the Ferghana Valley, Samarkand,
Horezm, Karakalpakia, or any other region of Uzbekistan. Also importantly, Uznews is getting information
from the regions of the country where other news agencies do not have any correspondents.
It may be added as well that Uznews journalists do not mince their words and usually call a spade a
spade. (In other words, they never refer to Islam Karimov as the president and representative of the
people and merely brand him as a dictator.) Web site founder and editor Galima Buharbayeva was director
of IWPR Tashkent office once. The official authorities regard Uznews as an enemy, which explains why it
is permanently blocked. The web site is run from abroad.

Oasis (

This analytical journal dedicated to Central Asian countries is updated twice every month. Oasis
formulates its objectives and tasks in the following manner, "1. Establishment of a politically independent
source of information on Central Asian countries; 2. Development of study and analysis as the genres
somewhat slighted in Central Asia; and 3. Support of the young generation of journalists."
Young journalists (under 35), some of them university students, constitute the majority of the journal's staff.
Everyone involved is a citizen or former citizen of some Central Asian country or other. E-mailing its
materials, Oasis is a project of the Center of Extreme Journalism with help from the National Endowment
for Democracy (USA). Oleg Panfilov of Moscow is the project head.

Free Uzbekistan (

This is the official web site of the international association For Democratic Reforms and Rights of Ethnic
Minorities in Uzbekistan. The very name of the resource is quite revealing. The web site posts materials on
the political and socioeconomic situation in Uzbekistan, human rights abuses, arrests and persecution of
journalists and enemies of the regime, statements of the human rights community and victims of the
The web site is updated on a daily basis, its materials are available in the Russian language. Oleg
Shestakevich of Belgium is administrator of the web site access to which in Uzbekistan is blocked.

Institute for War and Peace Reporting (

Web site of the British Institute for War and Peace Reporting, it concentrates on the developments in the
Balkans, Iraq, Africa, Caucasus, Central Asia, and Afghanistan.
Its materials are available in Russian.
Fearing for the lives of its staff, the Institute for War and Peace Reporting closed its office in Uzbekistan in
2005. New articles on Uzbekistan appear on the web sites several times a month.

EurasiaNet (

Professional analytical web site whose materials are available in Russian and English. EurasiaNet posts
information and analytical materials on political, economic, social life and environmental situation in
Central Asia and Caucasus, Russia, Middle East, and Southeast Asia.
The web site operates within the framework of Central Eurasia, a project supported by Open Society
Institute (Soros Foundation). Its editorial office is located in New York.
Articles on Uzbekistan appear two to four times a month. Access to most of them in the republic itself is of
course closed. The matter concerns materials with the titles like Uzbekistan: Cotton Factory In Ferghana,
Inside Look, Atmosphere Of Cooperation At Turkish Summit, Uzbekistan Surprised By EU Decision to
Extend Sanctions, Revolutionary At Distance: Uzbek Immigrant Trying To Foment Protests In Tashkent.

Die Deutsche Welle (

Web site of the German broadcaster is available in Russian. It includes a Central Asian section that posts
materials on the developments and processes in Central Asia, Uzbekistan included. Archives of radio
broadcasts is available as well. Access to the web site in Uzbekistan is blocked.

Ozodlik (

Web site of the Uzbek Service of Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe. Its materials on all countries of the
Central Asian region are available in the Uzbek language. The web site includes an archive of audio files.

Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 9
The Uzbek authorities closed the RL/RFE office and closed access to the web site in 2005.

America Ovozi (

Uzbek Service of the radio Voice Of America. Its materials on Uzbekistan and other countries of the region
are available in Uzbek. Access to the web site in Uzbekistan is blocked.


Uzbek Service of the BBC offers its materials in the Uzbek language. BBC office in Uzbekistan itself has
been closed and access to the web site blocked since 2005.

Valley of Peace (

Web site of the journalistic network, it specializes on analysis of the state of affairs in the Ferghana Valley.
New radio programs appear on the broadcasting schedule of four radio stations of the southern part of
Kyrgyzstan twice a month in the Russian, Uzbek, and Kyrgyz languages. Archive of broadcasts may be

Backed by International Media Support (which is financed by the Foreign Ministry of Denmark), project
Valley of Peace or Debates? was established in 2004. The project promotes stability, democracy, freedom
of expression, and pluralism in the media in problematic regions where conflicts or crises are possible. A
special emphasis is made on the problems of extremism and terrorism.

Access to the web site in Uzbekistan closed, no doubt because of the materials titled Youth And Crime,
Uzbek Refugees, Quality Of Education, Traffic, Immigration Processes, Ethnic Relations In Ferghana
Valley, Regional Militarization, Andijan: One Year Later, and others like these.

Media.Uz (

Web site of independent Uzbek journalists, it posts materials in the Uzbek language. The materials are
dedicated to economic and political situation in Uzbekistan, mass media, censorship, harassment of
journalists, human rights activists, and opposition leaders. Access to it in Uzbekistan is closed.

Arena (

Dedicated to freedom of expression and media in Uzbekistan, the web site completed its program of
renovation by June 2006. It offers a great deal of interesting materials on activities of the republican media
outlets and general situation in Uzbekistan. The materials are available in Russian and English. Web site
founder Inera Safargaliyeva, a journalist from Tashkent, left Uzbekistan in 2006 because of a campaign of
intimidation. Access to the web site in Uzbekistan is closed.

Zona.KZ (

Independent Internet-newspaper Zona.KZ or former Navigator is a major project dedicated to Kazakhstan.

It also materials on other countries of the region, Uzbekistan among them. Yuri Mizinov of Alma-Ata is the
web site owner and editor-in-chief. Zona.KZ is sometimes blocked in Uzbekistan and sometimes available
without restrictions.
Here are some of the titles - Presidential Republic's Authoritarianism Remains Unchangeable, From Poor
Homo Sapiens Community To Free Citizens Community, Uzbekistan Is Close, Transition To Cyrillic, Borat
Vs Kazinform.

Vremya Vostoka (

Vremya Vostoka is a project dedicated to Central Asian and Middle East countries set up by the Kyrgyz
Institute of Strategic Analysis and Prognosis. Akylbek Saliyev (Bishkek) is director of the Institute of
Strategic Analysis and Prognosis. Materials of web site are available in the Russian language.
Materials on Uzbekistan are usually taken from other similar information sources. The general content is
nevertheless fairly interesting, even judging by the titles alone - EU Wouldn't Lift Sanctions Against
Uzbekistan, Uzbek Media Missed Another Kyrgyz Revolution, Uzbekistan Amends Political Structure, UN
Secretary General: Human Rights Abuses In Uzbekistan, Sex-Tourism And Uzbekistan: Compatibility

Boletín mensual: FEBRERO 2007 10
Free Asia (

This Internet-newspaper was founded by immigrants from the late USSR currently living in Europe.
Presenting itself as a "Central Asian News Bulletin", the newspaper concentrates on Kazakhstan. Materials
on Uzbekistan are quite rare, but access to the web site is blocked in this country all the same (probably
because of the word Svobodnaya or Free in the title).
Examples of titles - Uigurstan In The Center, December 1986: Lies And Truth, Kazakhgate: History And

Ferghana.Ru (

An independent Russian news agency, Ferghana.Ru is one of the most popular resources specializing in
Central Asia. Subject-matter is determined as "News from Ferghana, Uzbekistan, and Central Asia;
political, economic, cultural, and military news from Central Asian countries; relations between Russia and
countries of the Commonwealth; terrorism, armed conflicts; ethnography and anthropology; arts and
literature; confessions; secular life and value of individual life."
Materials are available in Russian, English, and Uzbek. The web site includes numerous references to
articles in other media outlets (three languages). The web site publishes three to five articles of its own
and up to twenty brief reports and accounts every day. A great deal of photos from the region is what
distinguishes Ferghana.Ru.

Its widespread network of correspondents in all major cities in the region enables Ferghana.Ru to be
instantly aware of all latest developments. Materials may be e-mailed to subscribers (free of charge and for
a fee). Daniil Kislov of Moscow is the founder and editor-in-chief. Access to its web site closed,
Ferghana.Ru has been on the Uzbek authorities' black list for the last two years.


Human Rights Watch (

A web site of the international human rights organization, it offers its materials in the Russian language.
New articles on Uzbekistan appear several times a month. Updates on the state of affairs in the republic
Door To Door, Creating Image Of Enemy, Lead Rain, Covering Tracks. Access to the web site in
Uzbekistan is blocked.
Initiative Group of Independent Human Rights Activists of Uzbekistan (
The web site posts statements of and reports from the Initiative Group of Independent Human Rights
Activists of Uzbekistan established by Surat Ikramov (a human rights activist from Tashkent) in 2002.
According to the web site, "studying mass repressions and persecution for religious convictions, members
of the Initiative Group monitor the practice of torture and trials in Tashkent and the Tashkent, Syrdarja, and
Samarkand regions." Information on political trials, reprisals, assaults, tortures, and other human rights
abuses in Uzbekistan is also available.
Materials are available in the Russian language (e-mailed to subscribers). Access to the web site in
Uzbekistan is denied.

Ezgulik (

Web site of human rights organization Ezgulik or Good Deed posts information on human rights abuses
and updates on activities of regional cells of the organization. Content in Russian, Uzbek, and English is
updated every several days. Access to it in Uzbekistan is blocked.

Human Rights Organization Mazlum (

Human Rights Organization Mazlum (The Oppressed) web site bears a caption "Torture - shame of the
XXI century". The web site posts extensive information on tortures in Uzbekistan - reports of victims
themselves and eyewitness testimony, reports compiled by international human rights organizations.
International documents on human rights are available.
Access to it in Uzbekistan blocked, the web site is not updated regularly enough.

Amnesty International (

Web site of Amnesty International that defines its own activities in the following manner, "Amnesty
International promotes basic human rights: freedom of expression, freedom from torture and mistreatment,

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right to a just trial, and others. Amnesty International fights discrimination, domestic violence, capital
punishment, "disappearances", reprisals, and impunity."
Materials of the web site are available in the Russian language. Access to the web site in Uzbekistan is

Freedom House (

This is a web site of an independent organization promoting freedom and democracy worldwide. The web
site posts materials on human rights abuses, in Uzbekistan too. Materials of the web site access to which
is closed in Uzbekistan are available in English.

International League for Human Rights (

Its materials posted in the English language, the web site concentrates on human rights. The web site
regularly posts articles on the state of affairs in Central Asia, Uzbekistan included. Access to it in
Uzbekistan itself is blocked.

Memorial (

Web site of the Russian human rights center Memorial, it posts information on human rights abuses - in
Central Asia and Uzbekistan among other regions. It was the first web site to publish an incomplete list of
victims of the events in Andijan in May 2005. Special attention is paid to extradition of refugees and
political immigrants from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine to Uzbekistan. Access to the web
site in Uzbekistan is blocked.

Web sites of Uzbek opposition

Moslem Uzbekistan (

Web site of religious opposition, it is dedicated to Islam in Uzbekistan (sections include Islam,
Downtrodden Moslem Women). Some articles posted on the web site are analyses and human rights
news. Numerous photos from Andijan in May 2005 are available. Materials of the web site unavailable in
Uzbekistan are posted in four languages - Russia, English, Arab, and Uzbek.

This is how founders of the web site define its purpose, "Moslem Uzbekistan condemns state monopoly in
the sphere of the media and offers its own contribution to the cause of freedom of the media. The web site
exposes genocide practiced by the authoritarian, terrorist regime... Moslem Uzbekistan highlights the
situation Moslems in Uzbekistan have found themselves in, harassed and prosecuted for their faith. It
reports episodes of human rights abuses and crimes against Moslems in the region, exposes the schemes
of enemies of Allah, and calls for peaceful struggle against tyrants..."

Birlik (

Web site of the Movement Birlik or Unity, it posts materials in the Uzbek, Russian, English, and Turkish
languages. The web site describes Birlik's history and gives an account of its appeals to political leaders
(George W. Bush, Vladimir Putin) and international structures (OSCE, US Helsinki Commission).
Statements on a broad spectrum of issues (from the Russian-Georgian conflict to calls for an impartial
investigation of the events in Andijan) are available. Access to the web site in Uzbekistan is blocked.
Titles include Andijan Revolt: Chronicle (Eyewitness Account), Andijani Lessons And Idea Of Unification of
Opposition, Attempt on President or Much Ado About Nothing.

Harakat (

Harakat stands for Movement. This is a web site of Democratic Party Birlik leader Abdurahim Pulat who
lives in the United States. It defines itself as an "independent scientific, political, economic, and human
rights journal published twice a month." Contents of the web site access to which in Uzbekistan is blocked
are available in Russian and Uzbek.

Examples of titles on the web site include Can Muhammad Salih Run For President Of Uzbekistan From
Sweden?, Rebellion Of Akromijans or Democratic Forces, Birlik: Back In Business.

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Erk (

A web site of Erk or Freedom, it offers materials in four languages (Russian, Uzbek, English, and Turkish).
Access to it in Uzbekistan is blocked.
Examples of titles - Speech Of Craig Murray, Ex-British Ambassador To Uzbekistan, Writer And Prisoner
Mamadali Mahmudov Is 66, Why Would Priests Embrace Islam?, Unrespectable Deputies, Dictator's
Another Treacherous Move.

Erkinyurt (

Erkinyurt or Free Territory is another Erk web site, with similar materials available in the same four
languages. It is blocked in Uzbekistan.
Titles include President Islam Karimov's Friends And Foes, People's Right To Elect President In 2007,
Evolution Of Weak-Willed West's Policy, UN Urges Uzbekistan To Abolish Torture.

Uzbekinfo (

Another Erk web site, it presents itself as an "Independent Center of Information and Analysis". Updated
every several days, the web site offers materials in the Russian and Uzbek languages. Access to the web
site in Uzbekistan is blocked.
Examples of titles include Human Rights Activist Umida Niyazova Arrested In Tashkent Airport,
Department Erk Statement, On Reforms In Agriculture, Erk In Sweden Now.

Muhammad Salih's web site (

Personal web site of Democratic Party Erk leader Muhammad Salih (Salaj Madaminov) who lives in
Norway. Erk program and charter are available here along with materials on Uzbekistan and its relations
with other countries and publications on the Central Asian in general. The materials are posted in four
languages - Uzbek, English, Russian, and Turkish.
Materials of the web site which is not available in Uzbekistan include the titles Putin Conquers Asian
Khans Again, How Constitutional Court Violates Constitution, Why Karimov Fears Turkey, and Contours Of
Operation Successor In Uzbekistan.

Stop Dictator Karimov (

Established by Uzbek immigrant Hazratkul Hudoiberdy who lives in Sweden, the web site bears a caption
"Dedicated to struggle with Islam Karimov's dictatorship in Uzbekistan and similar regimes elsewhere".
The web site is fairly interesting since it is not restricted to Uzbekistan alone. It posts materials on what is
happening in other countries as well - assassinations of Litvinenko and Politkovskaya, contacts between
dictatorships, and other suchlike issues on the post-Soviet territory. The author condemns the United
States for the war in Iraq and CIA secret prisons, Israel for threats to Iran and mistreatment of the
Palestinians, Putin for suppression of democracy and support of odious dictatorships.

Typical titles include Dictator Karimov's Brutality Following OSCE Visit, Uzbek Prosecutors Recall
Humanism, Sadist Karimov And His Gang, Spring Draft Into Prisons Under Way.

Rarity of its own materials is one of the shortcomings of the web site. On the other hand, it never hesitates
to comment on articles and publications by others. The author is clearly anti-Semitic (one of the articles
posted on the web site attribute Islam Karimov's crimes to the fact that he is really a Jew by name of Izhak
Mirzokandov). All the same, a lot of interesting and helpful materials may be found here. The web site is
not available in Uzbekistan itself. Its materials are presented in Russian, Uzbek, English, and Swedish.

Congress of Democratic Forces of Uzbekistan (

Web site of Congress of Democratic Forces of Uzbekistan chaired by Jahongir Mamatov who lives in the
United States. Judging by the web site, "Congress of Democratic Forces of Uzbekistan is an international
organization that unites hundreds of activists and thousands of supporters in Uzbekistan itself, a broad
following in the United States and Europe and that is fighting for a free and democratic Uzbekistan against
the tyranny."
Content of the web site access to which is blocked in Uzbekistan is available in the English, Uzbek, and
Russian languages.
Examples of titles include On Umarov's Trial And Lawyer Krasolovsky, Punitive Psychiatry, Shedding
Feudalism, Secrets Of Islam Karimov's Empire, Gunlara's Black Phantasm.

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Turonzamin (

Turonzamin stands for Land of Turan, this is a web site (or rather a blog) of the Congress of Democratic
Forces of Uzbekistan. Materials available in several languages including Russian are updated practically
every day. Access to the web site in Uzbekistan is blocked.
Titles include What Refugees' Return Promise, President's Term Of Office Expires On January 21, 2007,
Absence Of Freedom Of Expression And Situation In Uzbekistan, Karimov And Madaminov: Siamese

Jahongir Mamatov's wen site (

Personal web site of Mamatov, chairman of the oppositionist Congress of Democratic Forces of
Uzbekistan. Materials here are available in the Russian, Uzbek, English, and Turkish languages. Access to
the web site in Uzbekistan is blocked.
Examples of titled - When Is Karimov's Regime To Be Toppled?, Uzbekistan: A Country Where Journalism
Equals Terrorism, Who Bears Down On Freedom Of Expression On RL? and Bon Appetit, Cannibals!

Isyonkor (

Web site Isyonkor or Rebel posts materials on the state of affairs in Uzbekistan and its relations with other
countries, EU sanctions, opposition, harassment of human rights activists, and so on. Publications
available only in the Uzbek language are updated every several days. Access to the web site in
Uzbekistan is blocked.

Sunshine Coalition (

Sunshine Coalition leader Sanjar Umarov was tried and sentenced to imprisonment for financial swindles
last year. The web site posts materials in the English, Russian, and Uzbek languages - statements of
Sunshine Coalition leaders and human rights activists, reports on pickets and protest actions, criticism of
the political and economic system of Uzbekistan. The web site access to which in Uzbekistan is blocked
includes a section where Sunshine Coalition outlines its suggestions on urgently needed reforms. (

Web site of the opposition established in 2003 by Yevgeny Diakonov, a political immigrant living in
Norway. "We will post any information on crimes committed by the Uzbek regime" is the caption that pretty
much summarizes the content.

Also available are materials on other countries of the Central Asian region, refugees and political
immigrants in Europe, Russia, and America, protest actions, reprisals against enemies of the regimes,
arrests, harassment. Some of these materials are fairly interesting.

Examples of titles - Islam Karimov's Trump Card, Kazakh Secret Services Conceal Their Involvement In
Abductions, Daughters And Chechen Hotheads, Terror During Ramadan. Person Missing, Karimov
Accused, Ex-Prisoners' Stories - make it plain exactly why access to it in Uzbekistan is closed.
Shortcomings of the web site - difficult to download, infrequent updates, and mistakes. Photos of dictators
on the front page with the caption "Shame of the XXI century" include a photo of Kim Jong-Il with the
inscription that he is Kim Jeng-Lee, and one of Syrian President Bashir al Asad who is called President of
Egypt Muamar al Qaddafi.

Official web sites

Jahon news agency (

Jahon news agency of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry is number one mouthpiece of the authorities.
Publications are available in Russian, Uzbek, and English. The web site covers meetings of the
parliament, posts Karimov's speeches, news laws, decrees, and resolutions. All the rest is undisguised

UzA news agency (

National news agency of Uzbekistan established to promote Islam Karimov's successes and
accomplishments. All materials of the web site are censored. They are available in the Russian, Uzbek,
and English languages.

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All the same, the web site is quite helpful because it is the first to report the president's forthcoming visits
and meetings, foreign delegations' visits, staff shuffles in the government, replacements of regional
leaders, texts of new laws, decrees, and resolutions.

UzReport (

Dedicated to purely economic information, the web site posts materials in three languages - English,
Russian, and Uzbek. Some of the materials are located in closed sections. The web site posts information
on banks, stock exchanges, insurance companies, major deals and contracts, securities market, contests
and auctions in Uzbekistan, international exhibitions, jobs, hard currency exchange rates, and so on. Also
available are fairly interesting news on privatization and appearance of new enterprises, interest rates, and
so on. The web site purports to be an asset of the united editorial office of Biznes-Vestnik Vostoka or BVV
Business Report.
Unfortunately, web site owners never even question economic data released by the authorities even
though they know all too well that it does not really have anything to do with the actual state of affairs.

Press-uz-info (

This is probably the worst odious web site that publishes articles by anonymous persons or suchlike that
condemn Uzbek dissenters, human rights activists, independent journalists, and (whenever necessary)
neighbor countries like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. The web site posts articles by tame
political scientists who hail the authorities' campaign against foreign non-governmental organizations. It
posts articles by unidentified "experts" who denounce foreign reports accusing the Uzbek leadership of
corruption, human rights abuses, suppression of the freedom of speech and democracy, and harassment
for faith. In short, this is the web site the authorities arranged in late 2005 to smear critics of the regime.
Press-uz-info authors either write under pseudonyms never even mention their names.
Some news worthy attention are also posted - or the web site will remain absolutely neglected. Since web
site correspondents are privy to all sorts of statistics and comments from state structures (that is more than
what independent journalists may hope for), they reveal something truly interesting every now and then -
say, economic information (deals, contracts, etc.).

Gazeta.Uz (

This is a poor copy of Press-uz-info - with practically no materials of its own. Particularly odious materials
from Press-uz-info remain in plain sight here days after their removal from Press-uz-info itself. Visits to the
web site are highly infrequent. Chances to find something interesting are really slim.

Central Asian Review (

Another Press-uz-info clone. Judging by the caption, "The project compiles digests of Central Asian news
and offers its readers the more interesting analytical articles in the spheres of politics, security, economy,
and development of society in countries of the region."
Aspiring for the status of analytical, the web site in question is clearly anti-Kazakh and anti-Tajik. Its own
materials are quite rare. In the meantime, the web site never misses a chance to post an article
condemning Uzbek human rights activists, independent journalists, opposition leaders, and foreign critics
of the regime.

Turkiston-press (

Turkeston-press non-governmental news agency specializes in economic information on deals, deliveries,

gas prices, contracts, and so on. The news agency apparently lacks the courage to touch upon other
serious subjects and concentrates on culture - exhibitions, first runs, etc.
The web site includes a list (rather lengthy) of founders and informs the visitor that this is the first non-
governmental news agency in Uzbekistan "established in September 1998".
The news agency claims to be working for all subscribers (i.e. media outlets) regardless of their form of
ownership and political views as well as for diplomatic and foreign missions. Unfortunately, the web site
was last updated in November 2006.

Uzbekistan Today (

This moderately propagandistic Internet weekly was established last autumn. Use of color is probably its
own attractive feature. Materials are available in Russian and English. The web site does post interesting
information every now and then - on economic matters, exhibitions, first runs, and so on.
News of Uzbekistan (

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Web site of the weekly Novosti Uzbekistana, a newspaper purporting to be a business edition. Absolutely
loyal to the regime, it does feature interesting stories every now and then - mostly concerning the
economic sphere.

Polit.Uz (

Web site of the Regional Politics Foundation (established within the framework of the National Security
Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan), it reports that "The Regional Politics Foundation carries out
monitoring and systematic analysis of modern tendencies and geopolitical transformations in Central Asia,
and offers evaluations and forecasts of strategic interests of Uzbekistan."
The Foundation in question is actually a propagandistic tool of the Karimovs. Hence the gist of all materials
of the web site: whatever Karimov does is good and wise. The web site posts elaborations by some
political scientists on how every country must travel its own road to democracy and how European
standards do not apply to Uzbekistan because of that (an implication that Uzbekistan's road to democracy
should take another century or two). Foundation experts regularly come up with the explanations of why
Uzbek mission of this or that foreign non-governmental organization must be closed. Statements like that
usually appear as soon as the republican Justice Ministry launches a campaign to close some mission
whose activities the regime views as "subversive". The web site regularly features materials that condemn
the human rights community or international organizations putting Uzbekistan on bottom lines of the
ratings of corruption, human rights abuses, economic development, freedom of expression, and so on.

These are the 50 best known web sites on Uzbekistan.


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