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Ceremony music

Entrada del novio y juez - Love me tender

Damas y caballeros de honor pajecitos- Perfect

Entrada de la novia- A thousand years

Introduction / Introducción

Amigos, familiares e invitados, todos estamos reunidos aquí hoy ante los ojos de Dios para dar
testimonio de la unión de Lesly y Daniel. El amor puede parecer algo raro y precioso en el mundo
moderno, y la relación de Lesly y Daniel es un ejemplo perfecto de ello. Lesly y Daniel se conocieron de
una manera única y divertida. Cruzaron sus caminos mientras buscaban aprender un nuevo idioma, pero
terminaron encontrando algo mejor: Amor.

Friends, family, and honored guests, we are all gathered here today in the sight of God to bear witness to
the union of Lesly and Daniel. Love can seem like a rare and precious thing in the modern world, and
Lesly and Daniel’s relationship is a perfect example of this. Lesly and Daniel met in a unique and funny
way. They crossed paths while looking to learn a new language, but instead they found something better:

Lesly y Daniel han pasado más de cuatro años juntos como pareja, en una relación a larga distancia. Si
bien la distancia física nunca ha sido fácil para ellos, han encontrado formas nuevas y creativas de
permanecer cerca a través de visitas, viajes, citas nocturnas y más.

Today, Lesly and Daniel have spent over four years together as a couple, with most of the time being
spent as a long-distance relationship. While the physical distance has never been easy for them, they
have found new and creative ways to remain close through visits, trips, dates nights and more.

Durante los últimos cinco años y medio, el amor de Lesly y Daniel ha prevalecido y se ha hecho más
fuerte. Que el amor que comparten sea una inspiración para todas las personas que los rodean.

Over the past five and a half years, Lesly and Daniel’s love has prevailed and only grown stronger. May
the love they share be an inspiration to others as they begin their journey together as a couple.

Lesly y Daniel, las personas más cercanas a ustedes han venido el día de hoy para mostrarles su apoyo.
Me gustaría que ambos se dieran vuelta y miraran a todos los que están aquí para celebrar su día

Give yourself a second to enjoy this moment with those who love you, who have seen you at your best
and your worst, and are a part of your love story. To all the guests in attendance, your presence here
today for this celebration of the love between Lesly and Daniel is a gift they will treasure forever.

Para todos los invitados, su presencia el día de hoy es un regalo que Lesly and Daniel atesorarán para

You may turn back around.


Antes de comenzar con el intercambio de votos, Lesly y Daniel han elegido un extracto de la Biblia que les
gustaría compartir con ustedes.

"El amor es paciente, el amor es amable. No tiene envidia, no se jacta, no se enorgullece. No deshonra a
los demás, no es egoísta, no se enoja fácilmente, no guarda registro de sus errores. El amor no se deleita
en el mal sino que se regocija con la verdad. Siempre protege, siempre confía, siempre espera, siempre
persevera. El amor nunca falla."

Before we begin with the exchanging of vows, Lesly and Daniel have chosen an excerpt from First
Corinthians in honor of their love and the commitment they are about to make to each other.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor
others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight
in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.”

Exchanging of Vows

Lesly y Daniel, es momento de que nos compartan los votos que han escrito el uno para el otro.

Lesly and Daniel, it is my understanding that you both have written personal vows for each other. At this
time, please share the vows you’ve written for one another.

(Lesly shares vows, then Daniel)

Ring Exchange (“Hallelujah” played at mezzo-piano/piano volume as ambience music)

Ahora me gustaría invitar a Lesly y Daniel a intercambiar sus anillos de boda. Que estos anillos
simbolicen su amor eterno y su lealtad mutua.

I would like to now invite Lesly and Daniel to exchange their wedding rings with one another. May these
rings symbolize your undying love and loyalty to each other.

Daniel, please repeat after me: Lesly, with this ring, I promise to love, honor, and cherish you, in good
times and bad times, in sickness and in health, and in whatever circumstances God has in store for us, as
long as I live.

Y ahora Lesly, por favor repite conmigo: Daniel, con este anillo, prometo amarte, honrarte y respetarte,
en las buenas y en las malas, en la enfermedad y en la salud, y en cualquier circunstancia que Dios tenga
reservada para nosotros.

Declaration of Intent

At this time, please join hands with one another.

Daniel, do you take Lesly to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Lesly, ¿aceptas a Daniel como tu legítimo marido?

Sand Ceremony (“Latch” played at mezzo-piano/piano volume as ambience music)

Aquí tenemos dos recipientes de arena que representan sus vidas individuales y un recipiente vacio que
representa su nueva vida juntos. Su matrimonio representa el comienzo de una nueva vida juntos como
uno solo, pero es importante recordar que este comienzo no es simplemente un borrón y cuenta nueva.
Ambos traen a este matrimonio años de experiencias vividas que los han convertido en las personas que
están aquí hoy aquí y que influirán en su matrimonio. Sin embargo, a través de la gracia de Dios, nuestro
libre albedrío nos permite crecer y reconcebir quiénes somos como personas a lo largo de nuestra vida.

Here we have two vessels of sand representing your individual lives and an empty vessel representing
your new life together. Your marriage today may represent the beginning of a new life together as one,
but it is important to remember that this beginning is not simply a clean slate. Both of you bring to this
marriage years of lived experiences that have made you the people standing here today and will
continue to influence your lives in your marriage. Yet, through the grace of God we are able to grow and
reconceive who we are as a person throughout our lives.

As you empty your sand into the vessel, consider how your life experiences have impacted your
relationship with each other and how, united through marriage, you will continue to redefine the people
you are as you navigate through life with a teammate at your side. Así como los granos de arena se
mezclan y quedan entrelazados para siempre, así se volverá su vida a través de esta unión


Seamos todos testigos de las promesas que se han hecho hoy aquí. Lesly y Daniel, han demostrado que
están preparados y emocionados por afrontar todas las alegrías y desafíos que les esperan en el camino
que tienen por delante.

Let us all bear witness to the promises that have been made here today. Lesly and Daniel, you have
shown you are ready and eager for all the joys and challenges that await you on the road ahead.

Having proclaimed your love for and commitment to one another in the sight of the Lord and of these
witnesses, by the power vested in me by God, it is my pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife!

Daniel, puedes besar a la novia!

(“Marry You” played at forte volume as we exit)


A Sky full of srars

Ave maria
Besame mucho
Beyond the swa
Can't take my eyes of you
Carina band
Con te partiro
Danny boy
God only knows
I have a dream
Isn't she lovely
Just the way you are
Moon river
My girl
Something just like this
The way you make me feel
Unchained melody
Wouldn't be nice
Your song
You make me feel so young
The girl from Ipanema
Quiet night of quiet stars
More than a woman
I've got you under my skin
Hymn for the weekend
Ain't no mountain high enough
Accidently in love

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