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Inglés B1

1º Idiomas


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A. Los modales son un pequeño grupo de verbos auxiliares que se comportan de diferente manera que los
verbos normales. Este grupo incluye: can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will.

Los modales tienen las siguientes características en común:

1. Sólo tienen una forma. No añaden s en la tercera persona singular presente. Ex. I can / He can
2. La negativa se forma añadiendo not (frecuentemente abreviado n’t) y no necesita el verbo do.

We should not / shouldn’t She will not / won’t

3. La interrogativa se forma invirtiendo el orden del sujeto y el modal. Ex. Must they ....? Shall we
4. Los modales van seguidos de la raíz del verbo (sin to) excepto ought to. Ex. I must go / He can
leave You ought to listen

B. Los modales no tiene forma ni de pasado ni de futuro. Para expresar dichos tiempos empleamos otros
verbos en su lugar, tales como be able to y have to.

C. El semimodal need puede usarse tanto como verbo normal o como auxiliar.


Can tiene muchos usos diferentes. Algunas veces empleamos be able to en lugar de can.

1. Habilidad, capacidad. Ex. He can speak three languages. (habilidad presente = is able to).

She could play the piano at the age of three. (habilidad en el pasado).

2. Imposibilidad. Ex. The doctor can’t see you today. He is fully booked.

3. Petición. Ex. Can I use your phone? (petición informal). Could I talk to you for a moment? (petición

4.Posibilidad, sugerencia. Ex. You can catch a bus from here. (posibilidad de hacer algo).

You could try the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. (sugerencia).

5. Permiso. Ex. You can borrow the car tonight. (informal).


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A. Para permisos formales. Ex. You may use a pencil in this exam.

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B. Para prohibiciones formales. Ex. You may not smoke here.

C. Para peticiones educadas. Ex. May I see you again?

D. Posibilidad, la manera de traducir este uso es “puede que” o “pudiera ser que”. Ex. He may be the
right man for the job.

E. Posibilidad negativa. Ex. He may not / might not even be interested.

F. Una sugerencia cuando no hay una alternativa. Ex. There’s no more work to do. You may as well /
might as well go home. (más vale que te vayas…)

G. Sugerencia educada, frecuentemente seguida de verbos como like y want. Ex. You might like to
join us for dinner.

H. Empleamos might en lugar de may en oraciones que empezaron en el pasado. Ex. He looked like he
might start crying.


A. Obligación. Ex. I must visit my father in hospital son. (debo ….)

B. Necesidad imperiosa. Ex. You must vaccinate your cat against rabies. (tienes que …)

C. Deducción, para expresar seguridad basada en los hechos o circunstancias.

There is no heartbeat and the body is cold. He must be dead. (debe estar muerto, seguro que está

D. Para convencer a alguien a que haga algo. Ex. You must try that restaurant. It’s excellent. (tienes
que probar …).

Recuerda que must se utiliza para hablar solamente del presente y del futuro. No tiene pasado.


A. Obligación, mandato (con el mismo sentido que must). Ex. Peter has to be home by 10 o’clock.
All students have to register by October 5 .


el podcast para entender que la vida da mas vueltas que la silla de un peluquero
B. Necesidad en el pasado (must no tiene pasado). Ex. I had to return my library books yesterday. (tuve

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C. Para expresar la imposibilidad de elección. Ex. I have to go. The baby-sitter won’t stay late. (Me
tengo que ir.)

I will have to get my hair cut. (Las reglas del ejército me imponen que me tenga que cortar el pelo).

Analiza el contraste con: I must get my hair cut. (Quiero cortármelo).

Nota: Will have to se emplea para expresar el futuro. WATCH OUT!!

Don’t use to with needn’t:
You needn’t run five miles.
Do use to with don’t need:
MUSTN’T, DON’T HAVE TO / NEEDN’T You don’t need to run five miles.
A. Mustn’t se usa para prohibir algo. Ex. You mustn’t shout in the library.

B. Don’t have to y needn’t significan: no es necesario. Ex. You don’t have to / needn’t shout. I can
hear you perfectly well.

Nota: la forma negativa de must (obligación) es don’t have to / needn’t.


A. Para dar un consejo, para dar una opinión, Ex. You look ill. You should see a doctor.

B. Para expresar que algo es inaceptable o es incorrecto hacerlo. Ex. You shouldn’t be rude to your

C. Para expresar una predicción o probabilidad de que algo ocurra. Ex. I should be home by 5.00

D. Para indicar que algo no es correcto o no es lo que esperábamos encontrar. Ex. Those lights
shouldn’t be on. I switched them off before we left.

E. Sugerencias educadas u ofrecimiento de ayuda cuando no estamos muy seguros de una respuesta
positiva: Should I open the window?

F. Nota 1: Should puede sustituirse por ought to. No hay diferencia de significado entre los dos.

You should take a taxi = You ought to take a taxi.

I’ve got four bottles of wine for the dinner party. It should be enough = It ought to be enough.

Nota 2: Estos verbos se pueden traducir por “debería”.


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1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
1) They should / had to win the tournament because they’ve been training for months.

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2) You had better / needn’t avoid junk food if you want to get fit and healthy.
3) They needed / didn’t need to jog around the circuit ten times – just five times!
4) You don’t need to / couldn’t pass any exams to get into the sports academy as long as you are
good at sports.
5) She needs to / mustn’t increase her level of exercise and get fitter.
6) You are able to / shouldn’t play on your PlayStation for so many hours!
7) Fortunately, the kids had better / didn’t need to be fit to go on the boot camp.
8) I had better not / am able to go to the gym three times a week, which is enough.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. You will need to use some of the
verbs more than once.
Can must need
1) I know that I ……………………..face up to getting fit and stop making excuses.
2) If you believe that you …………………… it, then you should be able to do it.
3) I ……………………..understand why she doesn’t like playing sports, I love it!
4) The team …………………… improve so they started training harder.
5) You …………………… go to the gym every day. For times a week is enough.
6) I realize that I …………………… so much junk food. I’m going to change my ways.
7) Once I started the dance classes, I knew I …………………… worry about being unfit anymore.

3. Choose the correct option to complete the text.

Circuit training is a great way to improve your strength and stamina if you 1) should / need to get or keep
fit. What exactly is circuit training? Well, it’s a series of different exercises, such as sit-ups, press-ups,
step-ups and so on, which you 2) have to / had better do in a particular order. You 3) are able to / should
do different exercises to improve different sets of muscles in your body. You 4) can / need to do circuit
training at any age and you 5) aren’t able to / needn’t use any special equipment. You 6) will need to / will
be able to have one or two sessions of circuit training a week and then you 7) should / had better start
building up to three or four sessions. Gradually, you 8) will be able to / could do more sets and you will
definitely feel the benefits


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1. Read the article and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. The club was for all the students in the school.
2. The club organized trips outside school hours.
3. The activities were quite easy.
4. The club wasn’t a success.

2. Read again and answer the questions (1-10). Choose from the people (A-D). Who:
1. Was unwilling to take part in the activities at first? (two people)
2. Mentions comments made by other adults?
3. Wasn’t very popular in the beginning?
4. Talks about personal plans for the future?
5. Used to eat unhealthily?
6. Was affected by another person’s problem?
7. Wanted to succeed for someone else?
8. Found a happy balance between exercise and fun? (two people)
9. Improved their physical performance?
10. Was disappointed when the programme ended?

3. Match the words from the article (1-6) to the meanings (a-f).
1. Thanks to (section A) 4. Hook up (section C)
2. Needle (section B) 5. Benefits (section C)
3. Pole (section B) 6. Hang-up (section D)

a. Something doctors use to take blood.

b. Because of someone.
c. Good or positive results
d. A long stick or post
e. Something that worries or embarrasses you
f. Connect.


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1. Match the words from the text (1-10) to the meanings (a-j).

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1 unfit 6 operation
2 performance test 7 tough
3 body fat ratio 8 speed
4 boot camp 9 addiction
5 obstacle race 10 cross-country race

a. When you find out how fit you are.

b. Strong
c. A race with things to climb through or jump over
d. A race across fields.
e. Not strong and healthy
f. A camp where you do difficult physical training
g. Not being able to stop doing something
h. How fast something goes
i. How much of your body is fat
j. When doctors cut into someone.

2. Find phrasal verbs in the article before that match these meanings.
1. Took part in something that other people were doing (section A)
2. Ate a lot of one type of food (section B).
3. Increase (section B)
4. Started (e.g. a company, organization, etc.) (section C)
5. Connect something to a piece of equipment (section C)
6. Avoided doing something (section C)
7. Disappoint (someone) (section D)
8. Continue (section D)

3. Complete the sentences with these words.

Face foot hand head heart neck Stomach teeth
1. The kids had no _________________for boot camp in the beginning.
2. Sometimes, Amy lied through her _____________ to get out of basketball practice.


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3. Manuel didn’t lose __________________when he wasn’t picked for the football squad.
4. At half-time, our team had to _________ the music and accept that we were playing really badly.

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5. The coach had to put his ________________ down when the students started to complain.
6. At the boot camp, they all have to give a ________________ putting up the tents.
7. Bill doesn’t have a __________________for heights but he didn’t let that stop him doing the
parachute jump.
8. The kids got it in the ________________ from Ian when they wouldn’t take things seriously.

4. Match the verbs (1-6) to the words (a-f) to make phrases.

1. Sprain a. A bone
2. Graze b. A black eye
3. Pull c. Your knee
4. Get d. An ankle
5. Break e. Yourself
6. Cut f. A muscle

Want to know about compound nouns? They’re two or three words that work as one.
Team spirit, body fat ratio,
cross-country race
Note them down when you find them.

5. Complete these compound nouns from the article before.

1. Boot ___________
2. Junk ___________
3. Blood ___________
4. Relay ___________
5. Circuit ___________
6. Exercise ___________


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6. Match the words in A with the words in B to make compound nouns about health and fitness.
A: Blood – couch – fast- health – heart – sports – weight
B: care – day- disease – food – potato – pressure - training

1. Listen to the first part of an interview about boot camps for teenagers. What does Mark say about
the teenagers being in natural surroundings?
a. It is good for them.
b. It’s a familiar environment.
2. Listen to the rest of the interview and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1) Where does Mark say that boot camps can normally be found?
a. At a distance from towns and cities.
b. In areas young people are used to
c. Just outside a town or city.
2) Mark says that it’s necessary for young people
a. To support their team leaders.
b. To understand themselves before they can help others.
c. To help and give strength to the rest of the team.
3) At the boot camp, the punishments often take the form of
a. Giving the kids lines to write.
b. Making the kids miss a meal.
c. Making the kids do more exercise.
4) At boot camp, young people can learn to
a. Avoid difficult situations.
b. Fight against being afraid of things.
c. Laugh at what the others are doing.
5) Mark says that if a young person at boot camp isn’t physically fit, then
a. They will only have to stay there for a short time.
b. They will need to have extra PE lessons.
c. They will have to put more effort into it than the others.
6) What do the leaders of the camp want the young people to do?
a. Become stronger people
b. Change their personalities.
c. Make new rules for the camp.
7) If you don’t manage to do something difficult, you should


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a. Blame yourself and feel bad
b. Try not to do too much.

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c. Give yourself something nice.


A. Usamos could have + participio pasado para indicar que teníamos la posibilidad de hacer algo en
el pasado, pero que de hecho no lo hicimos. Ex. I could have sent her a card, but I was too busy.
B. Se usa también para expresar una suposición porque no sabemos lo que sucedió: He didn’t come to
school yesterday. He could have been ill.


May / might have + participio pasado se usa para expresar una suposición porque no sabemos lo que
ocurrió. Este uso es el mismo que con could have + participio pasado.

He didn’t answer the phone all day. He may / might / could have been out of town.


A. Empleamos indistintamente should o ought to + have + participio pasado cuando no se siguió

un buen consejo: You ought to have seen a dentist earlier. Now you probably need extensive
B. Cuando las expectativas u obligaciones no se cumplieron: She should have passed the test, but
unfortunately she failed.
C. Para referirnos a una acción poco sensata en el pasado: He isn’t allowed out this web. He
shouldn’t have been so rude.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Oh dear! I ……………………..(eat) all that spaghetti! How am I going to play basketball now?
2. You …………………….. (bring) an extra helmet with you. I’ve got one of my own.



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3. You …………………….. (do) a fitness test before starting the training to see if you had any

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4. He …………………….. (injure) himself by doing circuit training without any warm-up beforehand. He
was lucky today.
5. Jamie ……………………..(forget) about football practice this evening. I’ll go and phone him and see
where he is.

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1) Sophie didn’t think she could complete the obstacle race but she won it in the end.
Sophie ……………………..worried about completing the obstacle race.
2) Jerome was very afraid of climbing the pole but he did it in the end.
Jerome ……………………..refused to climb the pole but he didn’t.
3) Ian did all he could to help the students in the after-school club.
Ian ……………………..tried harder to help the students in the after-school club.
4) The kids all drank too many fizzy drinks.
The kids ……………………..drunk so many fizzy drinks.

3. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1) Be careful with those weights – you … dropped one on my toe!
a. Should have c. needn’t have
b. Could have d. were able to
2) He had never seen … people at the gym before.
a. So c. such a
b. Such d. so many
3) I really need to … a drink of water. I’m so thirsty!
a. Make c. have
b. Drink d. do
4) I told her twice about the party but she … remember.
a. Could c. had
b. Needn’t d. couldn’t.
5) B y the time they had finished shopping, they … all their money on sports equipment.
a. Had been spending c. were spending
b. Had spent d. spent
6) The trainer asked all the team … harder.



el podcast para entender que la vida da mas vueltas que la silla de un peluquero
a. They to work c. in order to work
b. That they work d. to work

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7) James turned … unexpectedly at football training.
a. Round c. up
b. In d. out
8) You … cooked for supper – I’ve brought a takeaway.
a. Could have c. couldn’t have
b. Weren’t able to d. needn’t have
9) They don’t want her … about their plans.
a. To know c. she knows
b. Knows d. known
10) I think I … go to my training session now.
a. Need c. ‘d better
b. Couldn’t d. should have

- Give your review a title, e.g. the name of what is being reviewed.
- Reviews are not usually formal so contractions (e.g. can’t) can be used.
- The purpose of a review is to say whether you think what you are reviewing is good or bad, so make sure
you give your opinion at the end.



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1. Write a review of a film/book you have seen or read recently.
2. Aptis.

You are a new member of a clothes shopping website called Complete the
information by writing in full sentences using 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes to complete this



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Please write about your favourite clothes and tell us why you have joined www.

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You are a new member ow You are chatting to Sammy in the online
customer chat room. Respond to the messages using full sentences in 30-40 words per
response. You have 10 minutes to complete the task.

Hi! I see that you are a new member. I have been a member since I moved out of the city as there aren’t
many shops in my village. Mind sharing why you have joined the site?

Do you like the service so far? Have you bought anything nice?

They recently changed the website. Do you like the new design?

You are a member of and you have received this email from the customer
service team.

Dear Customer,
We are writing to inform you that from next month we will be introducing delivery charges on all
purchases from the website.
This is due to the recent increase in fuel prices, which make delivery more costly for our company.
We apologise for this and thank you for your understanding.
The Customer Service Team

Part 1: Write and email to your friend, who is also a customer, explaining your feelings about the changes
and suggesting possible alternatives for the company to consider. You should use informal English and
write 40-50 words. You have 10 minutes.

Part 2: Now respond to the company by writing a formal email. You should include your feelings about the
situation and suggest possible alternatives for them to consider. Write 120-150 words. You have 20



el podcast para entender que la vida da mas vueltas que la silla de un peluquero
1. Listen to three people describe an experience with IKEA furniture. What did they buy?

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Who was the least successful at assembling it?

2. Listen again. Which speaker…?

a. … didn’t have all the parts he/she needed
b. … doesn’t blame IKEA for the experience.
c. … had problems understanding what to do.
d. … had to assemble the furniture twice.
e. … hadn’t expected to have a problem.
f. … learned a lesson from the experience.

1. What are the regulations about smoking here in Spain?
2. Do you think it is a good idea for students to wear uniforms in schools?
3. Should teenagers be allowed to go to discos and pubs at 14?
4. What is the minimum age for voting?
5. Is high school compulsory? What is the school-leaving age in Spain?
6. What must you do if you want to go to university?
7. What subjects are compulsory in primary school? And in High school?
8. What kind of rules do you have at home?
9. Do your parents make rules for you and your siblings?
10. What time must you be at home if you go out with friends?
11. Would you say that manners are social rules?
12. What kind of manners do you have in Spain ?
o is it correct to eat with your mouth open?
o is it correct to put your elbows on the table while you are eating?
o is it good manners to talk with your mouth full?
o is it good manners to brush your hair at the table? etc......
13. What are basic traffic regulations in Spain?
o can you ride a motorbike at 14?



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o when can you get a driving license?
o what must you do at red lights?

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o what must a driver do at a zebra crossing?
o what do you need to drive a car?
14. What do you need a licence or a permit for?
15. If I want to work in Spain do I need a work permit?
16. Why are rules and regulations necessary?

- What did you do last weekend?
- What was your first school like?
- Tell me about your favourite book.

- Tell me about your favourite board games

- Do you think board games are more fun than online games?



el podcast para entender que la vida da mas vueltas que la silla de un peluquero

- How do you think the people feel about being photographed?

- How would you feel? Why?
1. Talk about a way of saving energy you put into practise.
2. Who encouraged you to do it?
3. Do you think that society is sufficiently aware of ways to save energy?

1. You’re going to hear a talk about basketball. You will hear the talk twice. As you listen,
write down some notes about what you hear, if you want to. Then, I will ask you six
questions on some facts about basketball. Are you ready?
The task will play twice.
Now I will ask you some questions. You only need to answer in a few words.

2. You’re going to hear a short talk about science. You will hear the talk twice. The first time,
just listen. Then I’ll ask you to tell me in a few words what the speaker is talking about. Are
you ready?
Now listen to the talk again. Write down some notes about what you hear, if you want to.
Then I’ll ask you to tell me six pieces of information about how children learn to speak. Are you



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