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APENDICE TABLAS Y GRAFICAS DE PROPIEDADES (UNIDADES S1I)* TABLA A-1 TABLA A-2 TABLA A-3 TABLA A-4 TABLA A-5 TABLA A-6 TABLA A-7 TABLA A-8 TABLA A-9 TABLA A-10 TABLA A-11 FIGURA A-12 TABLA A-13 TABLA A-14 TABLA A-15 TABLA A-16 Masa molar, constante de gas y calores especificos de gas ideal de algunas sustancias 886 Propiedades de puntos de ebullicién y de congelacién 887 Propiedades del agua saturada 888 Propiedades del refrigerante-134a saturado 889 Propiedades del amoniaco saturado 890 Propiedades del propano saturado 891 Propiedades de iquidos 892 Propiedades de metales liquidos 893 Propiedades del aire a 1 atm de presién 894 Propiedades de gases a 1 atm de presién 895 Propiedades de la atmésfera a gran altitud 897 Diagrama de Moody para el factor de friccién para flujo totalmente desarrollado en tuberfas circulares 898 Funciones de flujo compresible isentr6pico unidimensional para tun gas ideal conk = 1.4 899 Funciones de onda de choque normal unidimensional para un gas ideal conk = 14 900 Funciones de flujo de Rayleigh para un gas ideal con 14 901 Funciones de flujo de Fanno para un gas ideal con k= 1.4 902 * La mayora de ls prosiedades en as tabs se obtuviron a parti de la base de datos ce propiedades del =FS,y lt tentes originales se mencionan debaio de las tablas, Can frecuene lee propiedades se cian a més clratsignficativa que la precision proclamada con el propésito de minimizar el eror de redondeo acumado en los caleulos a mano y para aregurar una éanespondencia cercana con los resultados obtenidos con el EES. 5 6 ToS TABLA A-1 Masa malar, constante de gas y calores especiticos de gas ideal de algunas sustancias Masa malar Constante de gas DH 68 calves expections a 25°C Sustancia M,kgtkmal___R,kitkg Kc Rilke K kuike-K k= ele Aire 28.97 0.2870 1.005) 0.7180 1.400 ‘Amoniaco, NH, 17.03 o.aee2 2.093, 1.605 1.304 Argon, Ar 39.95 0,208 0.5203 03122 1.657 Brome, Bry 159.8: 0.08202 0.2253 11300 nButano, Cato 0.1430 1.694 1,082 Cloro, Cl, ois 0.2781 1325 Cloroditluorometano (R-22!, CHCIF, 0.09615 0.5496 Lara Digxido de azutre, $0, 0.1298 0.6228 1.263 Digxido de carbono, CO, 0.1889 0.8439 1.288 Digxido de nitrégeno, NO, o.1gea 0.8060 1308 tano, He 0.2765 1.744 Lge Etilene, CH, 0.2964 1527 1241 Fluor, Fp o.zie7 0.8237 1,362 Helio, He 2.077 5.193, 11657 mHeptano, CH 0.08297 1.649 1,053 -Hexano, CyHs¢ 0.09647 Lissa 1.062 Hidrégeno, H 4124 14.30 1.408 Isobutano, C:Hyy 0.1430 1663 109 krigtén, Kr 0.09921 0.2480 1.667 Metano, CH, osie2 2.226 11303 Mon6xido de carbono, CO 0.2968 1.038 1.400 Neén, Ne aia 1.030 1.657 Nitrogeno, Np 0.2968 1.040 1,400 Oxido nitrico, NO 02771 0.9992 1384 Oxigeno, 0, 0.2598 0.9180 1.395 nPentano, CsHye 0.1152 1664 1074 Propano, Ce 1885 1.669 Lizz Propileno, CH 0.1976 1531 1148 Tetraclorometano, CCl, 0.08405, 0541s 1 Telrafluoraetano (R-134a), C,H,F, o.0g14g 0.8334 1108 ‘Witluoroetano (R-143a), CHF, 0.09893, 0.9281 iis Vapor de agua, H,0 0.4615 1.865 1.329 Xendn, Xe 0.08332 0.1583 oose9s 1.657 ‘eivewal gas Mes I Fuene Las ves de clrs especies se abtenen pine geen a pat ce ns rececimienespaaprosiedacespeperates por The Naina Institue et Sanders ane Teeolgy (ST), Ga esau, ND. Ione «wPa vag K La anlar de gato eaeula a poir ce R= RIM, corde, = 8.31487 Wiha Ke la cnslanle TABLA A-2 Propiedades de puntos de ebullicin y de congelacién Datos de ebullcién a1 atm Datos de congelacién Propiedades de liquide Punto de Calor Iatente Calor latente Calor ebullicién de vaporizacidn Punto de de fusién Temperatura, Densidad especifico Sustancia normal, "Cig, KUlkB_congelacién, “Cy, KuMKg *c pi kgim® cy Kllkg » K Aceite (ligero) 25 S10 1.80 Agua 00 2287 00 | 333.7 0 1000 4.22 25 997 4B 50 988 418 75 975 419 100 958 4.22 Alcohol etilico 726 255 156 108 20 789 224 ‘Amoniaco -33.3 01387 -117 322.4 -33.3 682 4.43. -20 655 452 0 539 4.60 25 602 4.80 Argon 185.9 66 189328 185.6 1394 14 Benceno 80.2 394 55 126 20 879 172 reBulane 05 385.2 © --1385 B03 “05 601 231 Di6xido de carsono —--78.4" 230.5 (a 0°C) 0 298 059 Etanol 78.2 8383-1142 109 25 783 2.46 Etilenglicol 198.1 800.1 -108 1811 20 1109 284 Glicerina 179.8 974 189 200.6 20 1261 2.32 Helio 268.9 228 — = 268.9 146.2228 Hidrégeno 2528 445.7 258.2 58.5 252.8 70.7 10.0 Isobutane a7 3671-160 105.7 “1175938 2.28 Mercurio 356.7 294.7 -389 0 1 25. 13,560 0.139 Metano 1615 ios = -1822 584 “1615 423, 3.49) =100 301 5.79 Metanol 64.5 1100 -97.7 98.2 25 787 2.55 Nitrégeno 1958 1986 -210 253 -1952 809 2.08 ~160 596 297 Octano 124.8 306.3, -575 1807 20 703 210 Oxigeno 183 2127 218.8 13.7 183 141 17 Petréleo = 230-384 20 640 20 Propano 42.1 427.8 187.7 80.0 -421 581 2.25 529 253 449 313 ueroseno 206283 251 24.9 = 820 2.00 Rotrigerante-134a_ =26.1 2168 96.6 = 1443 123 1374 127 1295, 134 1207 143 Salmuera (20 por ciento cloruto de sodia, porcentaje mésico) 103.9 = ing = 20 1150 al letemeature del punta e cong nde inde de cvsore esl temperature del ust ie de 56 5°, 28 ToS TABLA A-3 Propiedades del agua saturace Time, tances PE apts este Wine tgs rie "Re Gene vow Aete Us vse ues ver Un Wom _Upaie Wer Cie Tite 1 Ua veoneg enema ye foicne vreau sa pune cle a prt ev ar eahricanes += nlpy a= Noe, = Py, ae trperture G8, HoO"Cy 374.1S sor fs emgeatrae el pun ne ee abut any een sl api, erpstnnrare ar pop acne ess aterarnente {excepts a desi del apo se pueden usar a culguie presi con err eesreiele, ecepasfenperatra cereal Yard puro ees ots 2 Ls unica ig pra cbr exotica es equine KU, yl uni Win “para condctviad temic sequent 8 Win Fuerte Los datas 6 vscositadycordusvica ica esc tomates ce JV Senges TR. Watson, Jounal ef Physical aa Chemical Reference Data 5 11386), 9p. 1291-1822. Our esr ve otirn ce fern vote 9 lesvon, TABLA A-4 Propiedades de refrigerante 134a saturado Tame, foam 286 gray Sette Wink ain me Nie” Tyee tape hy te These vem ace te vow looae Nm Tota 1 a viseosdo cineca v ya ius ae terri a se pueden caleba path de sus defines, v= wey a = Hoo, = nr Las popedades ‘dar ag lsc nese de nae «pueden una 3 eialquepresan car ear ezpres able, siesta a erertraecefeaar aaa pana ees ota 2:1 unidad ug" pra clr epecinex equivalent aig K, ye uided Win °C para conductivities equivalent a Win K Fuente: alos gentrades 0 part cel Setware EES dss po 5 Kiba y FL alrade, Fuentes erg ales: R Tiler th an 4. Bath, "An Irteretonal Sarda Farmulat on ote Thereynarie Properties of 1, Z-etauerothane (Ce!) for Terpeatures en 170 kta 455 Kone Pressures ype 70 MPa" J Phys. Cvem, Ret Deta Vl 28, No 5, 1994; 1 ssal NK Deal AA Gv, yJ-H Djmane, Niseesy ae Thermal Conductivity f Halgenaiee Netrare are Ethane Ae Migerars™, UR, Vol. 22, 9p. 325:538, 1986 NIST AEFPAOP 8 ogi IM. 0, NeLince, 8. Mle, E Wlenmen, ane & Pes, Physical ane Chemie! Peperes Dvsen, aionl Irate o Stangares and Teemeloy, eve, C0 80903, 1355), 390 TABLA A-5 Propiedades del amoniaco saturado verity vnenstn dotnet “ot Timp, nein HNP tun mts et Tote ce vcore cranes sy me fuswcne worms paneer calcu a purer ce us gefrieares rp) a ~ We, iP. as popicaces ‘tas aul fereat la densidad vane Se auecen usar a valle pein cana desareciese etepte a epwraias cea el ae e punt emt. ta 2 Lauria Wg" para calor espetcn es eunalene akg Ky fea Win para conductiv ne termi es ecuvaent a Win K Fuerte Dats generates a a atvae CES cesaalaca "S.A. Mein FL Akasa Fueres erg tale: Tinea, HarnsMatzeber.y Suey, Ene ue Fcarertliehung' avmaniee OK Tegungsoescht 2016718), 1993; Ley y Des, “Themephysieal Pree of Reiger" ASHRAE, 1993, 0N 1 8HR4 18, E TTDI TABLA A Propiedades del propano saturado tor. Tilt pty Sete mien Te "ene igaso wor hing aoe va vert ‘ue vow twee m Teta 1 a vscesded cineca» yla as Gag temic «se puecen calla a par de sus deiner: ~ nlp y a ~ He, — oP. as ropiededes ‘tadas ag fevepi a cersice de vane se pueden Usa 3 eualguer presen Corea” spec able excenie a emperatas cea lve aus een ta 2 uni kg" pra alr especfia Fuente alos gererador prt el Soave EES dessin po SA. Kkny FL Alarads. Fuentes org tales: Rerr TineeRtn, “Fundamental Equations a! Sse, hater Verlag, evan, 1998, 8. . Youslawey F.C, “ThemopiyielProyertes a ize Il Meare ethane, Propane, able, ahaa Butane" J'Pry. Chem Re? Osa Yo. 16, No. 1987; G.R. Seay), "A General aes Equine Suace Tersen fom the TiakePo athe Ce! Pa oteratioal Sauna =f Themoahyies, ei 9, No.4, 1988 islet 9 lt K, ys ide Win °C pata eanaetivese tries aguante a Win TOS TABLA A-7 Propiedades de liquidos Cont, de Color Conduetvidad —Ditsividad ——Vseosidad =—=—Viscosidad-»«=—Nmero de expan Temp. Densidad espectfico , térmica termica ivémica cinemitica Prandtl volumetric, TO pike? kg" & mK a mls kgm mis Pr BK Metano (ch) =160 4202-3492 ——«0.1863—«1.270x 107 «1.133 10" 2.699 x 107 2126 0.00862 M80 405.0 358001703. 174 x 10-68% 10 2.264 x 10-7 1327 000381 140 3888 ©3700 «0.1550 L077 x 10-7 7.551% 10% 1.942 x 10-7 1803 O.00aaa H130 37113875 0.1d02— 9.749 10 6 28BX 10 1.594 x 10~7 1738 0.00520, Hiz0 3514 «4146 0.12588634x 10™ = 5.257 x 10 1.495 x 10~7 1732 0.00637 ilo 328461101115 7.396x 10 = a7 x10 1.331 x 1077 1810 0.00801 =100 30105578 0.0967 5.761x 10 3577x108 L188 x 10~ 2083 0.01282 90 261.7 —-8902_——0.0797 «3.823 10-* 2.761 x 10-F 1,055 x 10~ 3082 0.02922 nol {CH (OHI 20 7884 2515 «0.1987 «1.002107 5.RBT x 10~ 7.429% 107 0.00118 30 7/91 2877 0.1980 9.862% 10" 5.088 x 10~E 6.831 x 10°? 0.00120 40° 76958 ©2644 «0.1972 9.890% 10-* 4.860 10-* 5.795 x 10-? 0.00123 50 760.1 2718 0.1965 9,509. 10 3.842 x 10 5.185 x 107 0.00127 60 7504 2798 ~=—«.1957 «$320 10" «3.510 x 10~F 4.677 x 10-" 00132 70 7404 2885 0.1950 912Rx 10" 2166 x 104.250 10-7 0.00137 Tsabitano (R600) 1006828 188] 0.1383 —«1.07SXx 107 9.205x 10" 1.a60x 10 1265 0.00142 75 6593 1970 «1357 1.044x 10-7 5.624 x 10-8531 x 10-7 8167 0.00150 50 6343-2069 «0.1283 «9.773 x10" 3.769% 10~! 5.942 x 10°? 6.079 0.00161 =25° 6082 2180 ««.118] «8906 10-* 2.688 x 10-* 4.420 x 10-7 4983 0.00177 0 $805 7305 = 0.1088 7.974 10" 1.993 10-# 3.482 x 107 4304 0.00199 25 3507 2455 0.0986. 7.089% 10-* 1510 x 1o~t__ 2.743 10- 3.880 0.00232 50 517.3 2640 © 0.0851 6.23310 L165 10 2.233 x 10-7 3582 0.00286 75 4785 ©2896 «= 0.0757 5460x108 7R5x 10% 1.836 x 10-7 262 0.00285 loo 4798 3361 _——0.0669 4.634% 10~* 6.483 x 10~> 1,509 x 10 3256 0.00628 Gieerina 0 (1276 ——«2262~—=—«02820-—«.773x 10" 10.49, 219% 10" 84101 5 1273 2288 «= 0.2835 9.73210" 6.720 5.28710" 94.327 10 1270 ©7320 0.2846 © 9.862 10-4281 3339x107 24.361 15 1267 2358 0.2855 9.576 x 10 2.496 970 x 10-* 20570 20 1264 «= 2385 «0.2860 9.484 x 10-* 1.518 1201 x10 12.671 25 1261 «2416 «0.2860 «9.388 x o93e 7878x 10% 8.392 30 1758 «= 7447 0.7860 9.791 x 0.6587 5737x108 5.631 35 1255 2478 0.2850 9.195 x 0.4347 3.464 x 10- 3,767 401252 281302863 9:101 x 0.3073 2455 x10" 2.697 “Aceite de motor (na usage) 0 8990 «1787 =a «8.087 x 3.814 4242x107 46,636 0.00070 20 8881 «1881 -0.1450 8.680 x osa7e 9.429 x 10-* 10.863 00070 40° 8750 ©1964 = O.leee B31 x 02177 2.885% 10-8 2.982 0.00070 60 8639 2048 = O.1K0e 7.934 x 0.07399 56910“ 1.080, 0.00070 80 8570 © 7132,««.13@0 7.589 0.03232 3.734 x 10 498.2 0.00070 100 8400-2220 0.1387 7.330 001718 2.086 x 10: 273.1 0.00070 120 8289 ©2308 «0.1347 7.082 x 0.01028 L241 x10-° 1763 0.00070 Mo 8168 2398 «01330798 o.006sse = #023x10-" 1181 0.00070 Tso 8103 2441 0.1327, 6.708 0.005344 «59510 —98.31-—-0.00070 Fuente aio garercor a roa Softer EES easralaca ors. A, Win y FL, Abaraee, Ongalreie con been eres fn TABLA A-8 Propiedades de metales Iiquidas onl, de Calor Concuctvided Dfusvidad ——‘Viscosidad=—=—=Vieeosidad=»=«NUmerade—expansién Temp. Densidad speci. ¢, teemics temics inémics —cinemétics_—-~Pranck) = volumétrica Tet py kam? Ug" K Wim Ke mils kes ymils Pr BK Punto. fusion del mercuro (gh ~ 35°C 013595 «aoa «8.18200 4287x10 1687x107 1241x107 0.0289 1.810% 10-* 25 13534 «1394851583. 4514 9.819x cots 1.810 x 10+ 100133511371 9.46706 5.170 10- 1.245% 10- 9,326 x 0.0180 1,810 x 10~! 15013231 «13611007780 | 8.595x1O-F 1126x108 514 x 00152 1.810 x 10-* 200 13112 «135.5 10.68465 | 5.996x10-* 1.043% 10 7.959 x 00132 1.815 x 10-« 250 12993 135,39. «1L.18150 6,363 x 10“ 9.820% 10" 7.558 x 00118 1,828 x 10-4 30012873 135.3 1.68150 6.705 x10" 933610 7.252 x oo108 1.854 x 10~* fo de fusion el bismuto (Bil 277°. 3509969 =—«(148.0«16.28 «LIB X 10" «1540x107 1.545% o.01381 400 © 9908 148,2 16.10.0965 x 10-F 1.422% 10-1436 x 0.01310 500 9/8 ds28 dea 1052 x Lo“ Lge x 10-7 L215 x Olle 600 9653 «157.3 1860 ©—1.026x 10? 1.018% 10 1.048 x o.o1022 7009540 —161LB—15.60 ——LOIO x 10F¥_—8.735x 10" 9,157 x 0.00806 Punto e fasén del plow (Po): 2276 400 10508 «5.97 —=«.623x 10 2277x 10 2167 %x10- 0.02252 450 109158 15.74 © 9649x 10 2085x 10 1.976 x 0.02088 500 10390155 15,589.65] x 10°F 1.884 x 10-1814 x 0.01878 550 10329 155 15.38 9.610 x LO~FL 758% 10-1702 x oon 600 10267 «15515239568 10 1.632% 10" 11589 x o.ot661 50 10208 «155 15,07 9.526% 10 1.505% 10-9 1.475 x 0.01548 Foo 10145 195A SL 9.4 x 10-1379 10-1360 10-T_OO1ABA Punto de fusién del slo (Nal 9&0 too 977.3 «(1a7e BSAA TIBXIO GRID 1O~ 7.432 x 0.01106 200 9025 1389 BORA. 53Hx10F 5.385X 10 5.957 x 0.008987 3008/78 1320 75.84 5a x 3878 x 10-4418 10-? 0.006751 400 8530 1286 = 71.20 ©6437 x10 2.72010" 3.188 x 0.004953 5008285128467.) 6335x 10 2a11x 10" 7.909 x 0.001583 600 804.0 127263636. 220x10-* 2101 x10 2.614% 10-? 0.008202, Punto de fusion del potasio (Rh BO 2007952 «(7908 4299 ~—«—«6.995x10 3.350x10" 4213 0.006023 30077157728 42.01 7045 x10 2567 x 10" 3.456 x 0.004905 400 7480 ©7548 © 40.03 © 7.090 10-1984 10" 2.652 x 0.00374 5007239 ©7500 37.8 6964 x10 1.668% 10" 2.304 x 0.003308 600 8995 750.0 35:50 76Sx10# 1487 x10" —7:126 x 0.003143 unto de fusién: sod potaso (22 por elento Na-7® por elenlo Ki -1P 100 847.9 «9444 «75,68 «3.205% 10- 5.707 x 10~* 6.736% 10-7 0.02102, 200-8232 © 922.5 26.27 «3.58 x 10" 4.587 x 10-* lo? 001611 300 799:1 © $006 ©2689 «= «3.736% 10° 3.467 x 10-* 0-7 01161 400 775.0 879.0 2750 ©4037 x lo~* 2.357 x Lo" lo? 0.00753 5007515 © 801 «2789 = G27 x10" 2.108 x 1O~* lo? 0.00665 6007280 «81.2 2828 «= 4.0 x 10-* 1.859 10-* 0-7 0.00578 Foene: atos gererados part el Sofware EES csarlade pa SA. Klin y FL Arad, Orginlrerce cn bse ev evess fares Propiedades del aire a 1 atm de presion Calor Conductividad —_Difuswidad Viscosidac Viscesidad —_ Namero de Temp. Densidad especitico ¢, térmica térmica ddinamica cinemstica Prandtl TC p.keim?—ke-K ”_k, Wim K amis kein s yi méls Pr 180 2,866 983 (OO1171_—4,158x 10 —B636x 10 —-3.013x 10" 0.7286 =100 2.038 966 © 0.01582—« 8.036 10°F ~—11B9x 10-* 5.837 x 10-F 0.7263 -50 1.582 999 0001978 1.252 x 10> 1.474x 10> -9.318x lO-F 0.7440 -40 1514 1002002087 11356 x 1527 x 10-5 bog x 10-> 0.7436 -30 1451 1004 0.02134 1.465 x 1.579 x 10> 1,087 x 10" 0.7425. =20 1.394 1005 0.02211 «1.8781 1830 x10 L.168x 10°F 0.7408 -10 1341 1008 0.02288 1.696 x 1680 x 10-5 -1.252x 10-> 0.7387 0 ©1292 © 1005 0.02364 1818 x 1729 x 10> 1338x 10-* 0.7362 5 1269 1008 = 0.02401—«1.880 x 1.754 x 10-1382 10“ 0.7380 10-1246 = 1005-02838 1 8a x 1778 10> 1.426 x 10-* 0.7336 18 1.228 1007, 0.02876. 2.009x 1.802 x 10-5 1.470 10-* 0.7323, 2 ©1208 = 1007S 0.02514 2.074 x 1.825 x 10> 1,516 x 10-5 0.7309 25° Lise 1007-02551 21a x iigag x 10-5 11562 x 10-> 0.7296, 30 1.164 1007S 0,02588 2.208 x 1872x107 1,608 x 10" 0.7282 35° «11481007. 0.02628 2.277 x 1895 x 10-5 11655 10-* 0.7268. 40 1,127 1007 0.02682 2.846 x 1,918 x 10-5 1,702 10- 0,725. 45 1108 1007S 0.02699 2.416 x 1 1941x108 -1750x10-F 0.7241 50 L082 1007, 0.02735 2.487 x 1.963 x 10 -L.798x 10" 0.7228 60 11058 = 1007, 0.0280B = 2.632 x 1 2.008 x 10-1895. x 10-F 0.7202 7 1028 = 1007, 0.02881 2.780 x 2.052 x 10 1.995 x 10-* 0.7177 80 0.9984 1008 0.02953 2.931 x 2.096 x 10> 2.087 x 10-*O.7154 90 0.9718 1008. ~=—0.03024 3.085 x. 2.13910 2201 10-* 0.7132 100 0.9458 = 1008.—«S 0.03095 3.203 x 2181 x 10-> —-2306x 10" —O7I1T 120 0.8977 101].-0.03285 3.565 2.264 10-2522 x 10-F 0.7073 140 0.8542 © «1013.—=0.03374 3.898 x 2.345 x 10> 2,745 x 10°F 0.7041 160 08148 —1016.—S0.08511 4.201 x 2.820% 10-5 2.975 x 10-F 0.7014 180 0.788 += «1018S 0.03645 4.593 2.804 x 103.212 x 10" 0.6992 200 07459 ©1023. «0.03779. 954 x 2577 x10" 3.455 x 10-F 0.8974 250 0.6746 © -1033-«= 0.04104 5,890 x 2.76010 4.081 x IO“ 0.6946 300 08158 © 1044S .0441B 6 B71 x1 2934 x 10> 4.765 10-7 0.8935 350 0.5664 1086. .04721 7.892 x 3.101% 10 5.475 x 10-# 0.6987 40005243 1068 0.05015. 8951 x1 3261x107 —.219x 10-* 0.6948 450 04880 © 1081««0.05298 1.004 x 3415 x10 6.997 x 10-* 0.6965 50004565 «= 1093 0.08872, 1117. x 3.563 x 10> 7.805 x 10-* 0.6986 600 04042 «1115 0.06093. «1.352 3.84510 9.515% 10-F 0.7037 700 0.3627 «1135 0.08581 ——1,598 4111x107 1,133 x 1o-* 0.7092 B00 03289 ««1153.-=—«0.07037—S1.855 x 41362 x 10-5 11326 x 10-8 0.7149 800 0.3008 0.07465 2,122 x 4.600 x 10> 1.528 x 10-* 0.7206 1000 0.2772 oo7e6s © 2.398 x 4826 x 10-5 1741 x 10-" 0.7260 1500 0.1990 1234. 0.09599 3.908 x BRIT x10 2.922x 10" O7a7B 2000 0.1553 «1264 «= O.11113. 5.654 x 1 6630 x10 4.270 x 10-" 0.7539 Tuts. Pra ees testes, ku Pr sn incense pres, Lae sropedaesp vy sa pein Pesta» | atm a8 eaermian eunnde se Tatiplean as res ces latengerstra dads por Pin sin] y cus se siden ry cane Plena) fuer Dats genera snr el Sofware EES cesaralaca tS. A. Klein FL Aare. Fueres erg tales Keenan, Chao, Kees, as Tales, Wily, 196, {ha Thermopiyscel Popes a Water V8.3. ermal Conuetvy YS Touautan, Pe Ley, S-C. Saxena, Yl Ils ¥iseesty S. Tulakan, 8.2 Sota etemane,rvPlenan, NY, 1970, SBN 98080670208 TABLA A-10 Propiedades de gases a 1 atm de presién Calor Conductvided —_—_—ifusividad Viscosiad Viscosidad mero de Temp. Densidad especitco térmica térmica dinémica cinemitica Prandtl Tle kyim® hg K ky Wim. K amis sesh ems Pr Did de carbono C0, “5024088746 0.01081 860x10 Li29x1o* 4699x10~* o.8019 019635 all 001486 = S141 x 10-F = 1.375x 10? §— 7.003 10-F 0.7661 5016597 866.6 §=— 0.01858 1281xlo-F —L6l2x lo? 9714x 10 0.7520 100143728148 .02287 Lex lo-> gal x lo"? 2a x 10 0.7864 15012575 = 9874 0.02652 2185 x10 2.083 x 10-F 1827 x 10°F 017A, 200 1.1336 = 995,20.03048 © egBx lo 2.276 x 10-F 2,008 10-0748 300 09358 1060, 0.03814 2847 x10" = 2.682 x 10-286 10-* 0.7450, 40007968 «1112 006565 SIS x10-> 306110 «3.842 x10 0.7458 500069371156. 0.05293 6.600 10-3416 x lo 4.92410 0.7860 tooo 04213. 1282 08491 1.360% 10~¢ 4898 x 1o-> N62 x 10~ 0.7455 1500 0.2025 1356, o1068@ = 2.60510 15x10 © 2019x104 0.7745 2000023591387, 011522 asl xlo-t 7.322 x 10s 3.103 x10 0.8815 Mondrido de carbone, 60 “501297 «oat 0.01901 1iagx lo? —Lavax lo 9.012% 10% o7ea0 0 12497 1048 0.02778 1739x10-F —1628x10-¥ 1303 x 10-# 0.7489 501.0563. 1039, 0.02641 2ao7 x 1o# 6s x 1O-F 76a x l0-S 0.7328 10009148 = 1041 0.02992 ada lo-> = 20gox 10 © 2.274. 0.7239 150 0.8067 1048 0.03330 «4.936 x 10-F —2.783x 10 §~—-2830x 10-F 0.791 200 © 0.7218 1060, 0.03656 ©4782 10-> —2a72x 10> 3.426 x10 O.T164 300 0.5956 1085, 008277 = e619 10-* = Dalz §=—4722x 10" ~— Orta 400 oso/1 1111 00s860 = BezEx I~ = BIT x10 = 6.13610 O11 500048151135 0.09412 1079x1lo~# 3.379 1o* © 7653x 10 0.7087 100002681 1226 0.07894 Zaolx lo 4.887 x 10-700 10 0.7080 1500 0,1925 1279, 0.10858 4.286 x 10-* ©6321 x 10 3.284 x10 0.7733 2000015021308 0.13839 Tosa xlo-t __9826x 10+ 6543 x10 0.9802 Metano, CH. 50 oR7e1 2203, 0.02367 1.208 x 1 aeeaxlo® 977axl0* oall6 0 07158 2217 0.03042 V917x10-F 1.078 x 10-F 1.836 x TOF OLAS 500.6050 2302 0.03766 «= 2.704x 10-1 x lo 1.969 10 0.7282 100 0s280 aaa 0.08534 3.543 x 1 1.248 x 10 296710" 0.7247 150 0.8520 2611 0.05s¢ = A431 x10-F L491 x10 3.227 x10 0.728 200 © 041322791 0.06194 = 5.370 10-F —L630x lo © 3.94a x 10 0.7348 300 oaall 2158 0.07996 1.422 x 1 1aa6 x 10-' 5579 10~> 0.7450 400 0.2904 3510, 009918 = 9.727 x10-$ —-21IS x 10-* 7.287 x10 0.7501 500 02529 (3836 0.11933 1230xlo~# —-2334x o> 91228 x 10* 0.7502 100001536 5042 022562 © 28lax lo = 3281x 10 = 2.13610 0.7331 1500 0.1103 5701 031857 5.068 x 10-* gad to 022 x10 0.7936 2000 0.0860 6001 0.36760 7.120% 10-¢ 6.36010" 7.39510 1.0386 Hidedgene, He “50 o.11010 12635 0.1408 1.00910" «7.29310 6624x107 0.6867 ‘9 0.08995 13920 V319x10-# B31 x1o-F = 8.329x10- 0.7071 50 0.07603 14349 Ly2axlo-t 9427 x lore 1.240% 10 = O.7191 100 0.06584 14473 2199x10~ Loa x10» sax lot O7196 150 0.05806 14492 2729x104 1,136 x 10-F 1,957 x 10-* 0.7174 200 0.08183 14482 3306x10~ 1228 10-F 2.365 lo~* O75, 300 0.04287 1448 45a0x10~ = Laas x10 3.27 x10 7149 400 0,03650 14540, 5.992% 10 1.570% 10-F 44302 x 10-* 0.7179 500 0.03178 14653 7335 xlo~* 1. 730x 5.4d3xl0~ 0.7224, 1000 .01930 15577 1732x107 2.455 x 1272x107 0.7345, 1500 0.01386 16553 2.869% 10 3.099 2.237% 10% 0.7795 2000, 0.01081 17400 2914x1o~ —3.690x10-* gala lo LAI ‘Contd TOES TABLA A-10 Propiedades de gases a 1 atm de presién (continuacién) Calor Gondustvidad ——_—ifusivided Vscosigad Viscosidas—_—_Namero de Temp. Densidad especifico ¢, térmica termica dinimica cinematics Prana TC piagim® kgs Kk Wim K amis ms kgim s bem er Tirsgeno, Ny =50 15299 ~~ ~9s73—~—~0.0200 1.365% 10 1380%10> 9091 x10 0.6655 12498 = 1035 0.02384 1aa3x 10° Leda io §— 1312x108 ial 50 10564 «1042 0.02746 2a9ax10 Lara 77a 10 = 71a 100091491081 0.03090 © 3.244x 10 ©=—-2094x10-+ 2.28910 0.7036 1500180681043, 0.03416 4058 x10 2300 x 10-* 2.851 x o.7025 200 07215 1050 0.03727 © 4g21x10~ = 2494 x 10-* 3.457 x a7a25 300 0.5958 1070 0.04308 S758x 10° —-2a9x 10> 4 7Ba x azo7e 400050721095 0.0488 872710 3.166 x 10-F 6.242 x oss 500 44161120 0.05358 1083 x10" 351 x1" 7.816 x 07215 1000026821213 007938 = 2440 x 10" 171ax a7az2 1500 0.1925 (1266 0.11793 4839 x 10% 2.aa9 x 0.5969 2000 .1s02_—_1297 0.18590 94543 » 10-4 4278 oss uigene, 0, “5017475 98a —_-0.02087 Zo1x10* 16lexio? 9288% 0.7698 018277 9287 .02872 1865x108 1816 xIo-$ 1.342 x Oise 50 12068 «= sz17—(.02867 2577 x10 = 2s o> B18 x 7053 100104519318) 0.0a25433K2x IO = DMS KIO «= 2.346 x a7ai9 150 09216 ©9478 «= 0.038874 164x 10 2.684 10> 2.923 e019 200 0.8242 «964.7 .0K014 = 50KRX 1O~ 2.923% 10-F 3,546 x o.7025 300 06804 = 9971 0.0475: Zoos x10 3.35010 ©4923 7030 400057931025 o.0se2 = 9.20810 ATMA x10“? 6.463 x o.7023 500 0.508 1048 9.06148 63x10 11d x 10-F 156 x ozoia 1000 030631121 009198 = 267810 7SZx10-# LTA x 6986 1500071991165 011901 464310 = 7133x10-> = -3.243 x asses 200001716 1201 0.14705 7139x 10" BAIT x 10-4907 0.6873 7 de agua, HD “30098391892 0.01383 7a7ix1o*7ae7 xO" «7.305% 10007 0080381874 0.01673 0x10 BSE XIE L114 x 1.0032 50 06798 17a 0,02032 59510 1078 x 1o-$ 887 x osoaa 100058841887 0.02429 21a7x 10 = 126510 = 21150 ose0 150 o.s1g9 1908 0.02861 2.890 x 10 1456 x 10-> 2.806 x as7i2 200 a.4680 1935 9.03326 3705x105 165010" 3.556 0.9599, 300 038311997 0.04345 5.680% 10° 2.085 10-5380 x 0.9401 400 0.3262 2066 0.05867 R114 10 © 2aNG x10" 7.498 x as240 50028402137 0.06677 100 x 10 2ga7x10-* 1.002 asios 1000 G.1725— 2871 013623 3,196 x lo“! A762 x 10-F 2.761 x 0.8639 1500 0.1238 «2736 0.21301 6288 x10" Salix = S.177 x 0.8233 2000010986 7978 0.79183 032x107 780Bx 10> -B.OBA 7833 Tuts: Pn enn deste. propacnce ob wy Peon incopecietes eh wrest, ne povednes py 9. una pros Po ibres ve maliglean he ales cepa a fampersara cea por Per sir]yeuanee se Seen y 2 ore Pe am [33 Limo etrminon Fuerte Dates gereraces a pari Sofware EES cesaralaca "S.A. Min FL ANsage, ignalente can bse en ess fuentes TABLA A-11 Propiedades de la atrnéstera a gran atitud Velocidaa Conductvidas Alitud, Temperatura, Presién, —Gravedad- del sonido, Densidad, —Viscosidad térmica, my ‘c kPa g.mist mis kgm skein -s Wins K 0 15.00 Olas 9.807 840.3 «1.228.789 x 10~> 0.0283 200 13.70 98.95 9.806 338.5 1.202, 1.783 x 10% 0.0252 400 1240 9661 9805 38881179 L777 x 10 0.0252 600 iLi0 94,32 9.805 33801188 L771 10 0.0251 800 9.80 9208 980d = 33721134 L764 x 10 0.0250 1000 8.50 39.88 9.804 336.4 112,758 x 10 0.0249 1200 7.20 87.72 9.803 3357 ~=—«1090——«1.782 x 10 0.0248 1400 5,90 5,60 9.802 33889 1.089.745 x 10 0.0247 1600 4.60 353 9.802 334.1 104g 1.739 x lo 0.0245 1800 3.30 149 9.801 ©3883-1027: L732 x 10 0.0244 2000 2.00 79.50 9.800 3325 «1.007.726 x. 0.0243 2200 0.70 7758 9.800 38170987 L720, 0.0242 2400 0.58 7563 9.799 «3310-0967 LIB, 0.024 2600 189 7376 9.799 33020987 L707 x, 0.0240 2800 318 7192 9798 «328.4 = 0.928 1.700. 0.0238 3000 4.49 70.12 9.797 «3286 «= 0.909 1.694 x, 0.0238 3200 578 6836 ©9797 = 3278.11 687 x. 0.0237 3400 7.08 6663 9.796 «= 327.0 «0.872. 6B x, 0.0236 3600 8.38 64.94 9.796 «3262 0.854 L674 x 0.0235 3800 -9.68 63.28 9.795 «= 3254. «08371 6BB x. 0.0234 4000 10.98 6166 9.794 «= -a2868 = OB19 1.661 x. 0.0233, 4200 12.3 60.07 9.794 3238 © 0.802 L685 x, 0.0232 4400 9.793 373.0 0.785 1.648 x 0,023) 4600 9793 32220769 1.642 x 0.0230 4800 9792 3214 0.752.635 x 0.0229 5000 9791 3205 0.736 1.628 x 0.0228 5200 9791 3187 O21 622 x 0.0227 5400, 9790 318907051615 x 0.0226 5600 9789 3181 0.690 1.608 x 0.0224 5800 eyes 31730675 1.602 x 0.0223 6000 9788 3165 0.660 1,595 x 0.0222 6200 o7ee 3155 0.646 SRB 0.0221 6400 9787 3148 0.631 1.582 x 0.0220 6600 o7e = 3180-0617 575 x 0.0219 6800 978 3131 0.604 1.588 x 0.0218 7000 978 3123-0590 1.561 x 0.0217 2000 9782 3081 0.528 1.827 x 0.0212 9000 9779 3038 © 0.871.493. 0.0208 9776 2985 ala 1.58 x 0.0201 12,000 9770 2981-0312 L.aa2 x. 0.0195 4,000 56.5 e764 2951 0.2zB 1.822 x 0.0195 16,000 56.5 9758 2951 Ol6S 1.422 x 0.0195 18,000 86.5 9751 2951 = O.t22 1.422 x 0.0195 Fuente: US. Sandor Rsohere Supplerents, US. Gonenment Printing ‘ean eon apes els y ls paltanes cl cin. Seconiders Qe les a gn’ go 380665 ms ras avivel el’ (2 0) an P= 102-325 Kha, T= 15°, ¢= 12200 uKoy 9p Os0UIBN sols os » euone OTs oone Trey 100000'0 = as sOlg ose cone ls 9 10000'0 so000'0 sto sooo = so ——_s4o000 10000 O= dh 1009 sooea00 Ses] SeRSUNT, Too —_¢r00000 100 7000'0 i ve00'0 w= 8000'0 aria F 008 wo PF E cave & ar) i 2 9000 oe 300°0 5 gE 2 st00 wo £00 woo soo 290 TSIEN =a TABLA A-13 + (k= Mae Funciones de flujo copresible isentrrépico unidimensional para un Ant) tea) fasidealcon ke he ar Mallee UN Ma Mat AR PIP) lo We oo = 1.0000 1,0000 1.0000 O1 S109 5718018830 O'ses0O.seR0 02 o2ie2 2.9638 0.9728 o.se03 0.9921 03 05757 Poss: ossee O.sesa 0.9873 o4 0.4813 1590: 0896 Os243 0.9880 Os ass4s 1.3386 0.8430 O.8as?—O.9n24 Os Gest © tiee2 oreo 840s O.sa28 07 a7818 —10s4e 0.7208 o.rs18 9.3107 G8 o8zst tose2 06560 07400 8a6s 03 O14 100g O.ss13 0.6870 0.8608 To e000 e000 Oa2a3 Desa 18s 12 Liss fosee 04124 oss? a 7768 1@ 129 Lila o3la2oaa7eaiea re Laas 1250202388 03857 O6sl4 Le e360 4380 «0.1740B.2868 O68 20 1638016873 Ol27@ 0.2300 0.5586 22 L773 2.0050 0.0935 Ole) 0.5081 be 17822 20s! o0sBa 01472 O.46a7 26 18571 2.8960 0.0501 «9.1179 0.4252 28 19140 35001 0.0368 0.0946 0.3894 30 19640 4.2348 © 0.0272 0.0760 0.3571 5.0 2.2361 26.000 0.0018 «0.0113. 1687 2.2495 * o 0 o 40 {si asd TABLA A-14 Funcianes de onda de chaque normal unidimensional para un gas ideal fone it n May Way, pT, Pala P 1.0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 2 11 0,9118 1.2450 1.1691 0.9989 P 12 Ogi 15133 13436 Os _ 13 oa6o 8080 sis? O79 Ta o7ss7 21200. 16887 o.ese q 15 07011 2.4583 1.8621 0.9298 Pa 1S eee 2.8200 2.0317 ose z 1? bwtos 32080 2.1877 ose ‘Mai D7) eo sles Seis 23802 osizy Po + kMaj)[t + Mai(k— 2) 19 0.5956 4.0450 2.5157 0.7678 Py 1+ Mad 2.0 0.5774 4.5000 2.6667 0.7209 bi osels 4.9783 28115 57a 22 asa: 4800 28812 O28 23 osse 6.0080 30845 0.5833 3a Osa: e553 S211 oto 23 osis0 7.1280 3.3383 5.4880 be oso 77700 3.460 8.4601 27 oases 3383 3.5500 0.4236 da o4ser 8.9800 Sesae 0.3895 28 Ossie 8.6880 3.7628 03877 i1soza 30 o4vse 109983 3.71 03283 12.0610 Go 04380 iBs000 45/4 01388 21088: 50 oaise 79.000 5.0000 8.0617 32.6935 03780 B0000 0 : s0 wo / q a i bol 4 i S204 3 i vo o T T T 10 1 20 as 30 01 TTDI Te _ + Ma + k= DMe) TABLA A-15 3 + aay Funeiones de flujo de Rayleigh para un gas ideal con k= 14 fe eee Ma TTS PaPS. a7 al vv" PO Teme rT a 0.0000 1.2678 0.0000 «2.4000 0,000 0.0468 «12581 0.0860 «2.3668 © 0.0237 0.1738 1.2346 0.2066 2.2727 0.0808 03468 11985 o.dosg.S 2 13141918 05280 11566 0.6151 1.9608. 0.3137 oesla = 1114 0.7901 17778 oad gigs 1.0753 0.9167 1:8957 0.5745 0.9085 1.0431 0.9929 1.4235 0.6975 0.9638 = 10183. 1.0255 1.7658 «= O8101 0.9921 1.0049 1.0245 «= 1.1246 «0.9110 10000 10000 =~ 10000-19000 -—1.0000 09787 10186 0.8118 0.7958 1.1488 09343 1.0777 08084061026 0gaq2 11756 0.7017, 0.5236 13403 08363 © 1.3159 0.6089 0.4335 1.4046 0.7934 015289 0.3636 0.7561 0.4611 0.3086 1.4938 0.7242 2051 0.4038 = O.2648 «= 5252, 06970 2.4177 0.3856 115505 ; 0.6738 © 28731 0.3149 us711 06540 © 3.4245 «0.2803 115882 as 30 Fneione de yo de Rayleigh os ° os 10 15 20 25 30 Ma h TABLA A-16 Po po. geese" Funciones de flujo de Fane para un gas ideal con k= 1.4 Props Ma\ e+ noe Me We PuPa TT ae we 110 Foe 00 * 1.2000 ~~=«,0000 = 2+ Dey Ol 58218 11976 10.9435 0.1094 66.9216 Aed( 02 2.9635 5.4584 0.2182—14,5333 PO Malas a= DM 03 20351 36191 03287 5.2993 vp kia yl o4 1.8901 26958 0.8313 2,308 eB - mals ) 05 13388 21381 0.5348 1.0691 vee == Me 06 1.1882 17634 06348 (0.4908 a kit) Ge Mat 07 — Yosaa 1493507318 0.2081 Dan te Fee pee 08 1.0382 12893 08751 (0.0723, DB te 2+ Oe 09 1.0089 11291 o914 0.0145, 1.0 1.0000 140000 1.0000 0.0000 12 10304 0804 «1.1583 0.0336 la nas 06632 1.2999 0.0997 1s 1.2502 oss68 «14254 = 0.1724 Le 14390 0.4741 118360 0.2419 20 116875 04082 116330 0.3050 22 2.0050 0.3849 1.7179 0.3608 24 2.4031 osm] 17922 0.4099 26 2.8960 02747 Las7l 0.4526 28 3.5001 ozaal 19140 © 0.4898 30 4.2388 0.4286 «0218219640 0.5222, 30 asd Punciones 8 jo de Fanso t os APENDICE TABLAS Y GRAFICAS DE PROPIEDADES (UNIDADES INGLESAS)* TABLA A-I1 Masa molar, constante de gas y calores especiticos de gas ideal de algunas sustancias 904 TABLA A-21 Propiedades de puntos de ebullicién y de congelacién 905 TABLAA-31 Propiedades del agua saturada 906 TABLA A-4I —Propicdades del reftigerante-134a saturado 907 TABLA A-SI Propiedades del amoniaco saturado 908 TABLA A-61 Propiedades del propano saturado 909 TABLA ATI Propiedades de Kquidos 910 TABLA A-81 Propiedades de metales Uquidos 911 TABLA A-91 —Propiedades del aire a 1 atm de presién 912 TABLA A-101 Propicdades de gases a 1 atm de presién 913, TABLA A111 Propicdades de la atmésfera a gran altitud 915 ‘8 mayoria de las propiedades en las tablas se obtuieron a partir de [a base de datos de ropiedades el ECS, y les fuentes originales se mencionan debajo de ls tabla, Con frecuencia Tas propiecades se citan a mis cifras signiicatvas que la precision proclamada con el propésite| {de mmmizar el erode redandeo seumulado en ls célculos a mano y para asegurar una correspondeneta cercana con ls resultados obtenigos con el EES. pe 902 TABLA A-11 Masa malar, constante de gas y calores especiticos de gas ideal de algunas sustancies Constante de gas R* _Datos de calores especiticas 2 77°F Masa mola, Btu psia- ft a Sustancia M,lomilomel ibm R__lom-R__Btu/lom-R__Btullbm R_k= eyo, Aire 28.97 0.06855 0.3704 0.2400 +~—0.1715 «1.400 Ameniaco, NH, 1703 0.1166 06301-04999 0.3834 L304 Argon, Ar 39,95 0.04970 0.2686 01243 «0.07457 «1.657 Bromo, Bry 159.81 0.01242 0.06714 0.0532 0.04137 «1.300, m-Butana, CcHio 5812 0.03415 0.1846 0.4046 0.8705 1.092 Cloro, Cl, 70.905 0.02802 0.1514 0.1142 0.08618 1.325 Cloroditluorometana (R-22), CHCIF, 26.47 0.02297 0.1241 0.1852 0.1322, L174 Dibxido de azuire, SO, 64.06 0.03100 0.1675 0.1488 = O.1178 = 1.263 Digxido de carbono, CO, 44,01 0.08512 0.2438««0.2016 0.1584 1.288 Dibxido de nitrogeno, NO, 46.006 0.04512 0.2438 «0.1925 O.1a74_—«1.308 rano, CH 30,070 0.06604 0.3565 0.4165 0.3508 «1.188 Etileno, CH, 28.054 0.07079 0.3826 0.3647, «0.2940 1.241 Flor, F 38.00 0.05224 0.2823 0.1987 0.1445 «1.362 Helio, He 4003 04961 2681 «1.2403 0.7442 1.667 mHeptano, CH 100.20 0.01982 0.1071 0.3939 0.3740 1.083, sHexano, CyHsq 86,18 0.02304 0.1245 03951 0.3721 «1,062 Hidrégeno, H, 2016 09850 5323 © 3.416 2.431 1405 Isobutano, CaHy5 5812 0.03415 0.1845 0.3972 0.3631 1.084 krigtén, Kr 23.80 0.02370 0.1281 0.08923 0.03554 «1.657 Metano, CH, 16.04 0.1238 0.6688 «0.5317, «4080 «1.303, Monéxido de carbono, CO 28.01 0.07089 0.3831 0.2482 «0.1772 «1.400 Nebn, Ne 20.183 0.09838 0.5316 0.2460 «0.1476 1.667 Nitrégeno, N, 28.01 0.07089 0.3831 «0.2484 «= 0.1774 =~ 1.400 Oxido nitvico, NO 30,006 0.08618 0.2387 0.1725 1.384 Oxigeno, 0, 0.08205 0219301872 1.395 mPentano, CsH:2 0.02752 0.3974 0.3700 «1.074 Propane, Cyl, 0.04502, 03986 © 03535 «1.127 Propileno, CH 0.04720 0.3657 o.3184 Tetraclorometane, CCl, 0.01281 0.1293 o.1164 Tetratluoroetano (R-134a), CHF, 0.01946 0.1991 0.1796 ‘Tifluoroetano (R-143a}, CHF, 0.02363 0.2219 0.1983, Vapor de agua, #0 0.1102 0.4455 0.3351 Xendn, Xe 001512, 0.03781 0.02269 “La constant gar weal a pice @— RAG cence A, — 1.9858 BulbmalR — 10.792 pa eibrel. Res conconie unnerel ce gary Mee Fuerte Los les de calves eaecins s bien rncpamente apart Ge lo proces pare sopiecdes prepreds por The National Insitute of Stanesrs ane Technology (57), oa tneaaug. MD. TABLA A-21 Propiedades de puntos de ebullicin y de congelacién Datos de ebullicién al atm _Datos de congelacién Propiedades de Vauido Punto de Calorlatente de Punto de Calor latente Calor ebullcién vaporizacién congelacién de fusién Tempera» Densidad especifico ey Sustancia normal, "F___fip Btulbm °F hy Btwlem _tura,“F__p,lbmift?_Btuflbm » Aceite (ligero) 7 568 0.430 Agua 2129705 32 143.5 32 62.4 Lol 90 62.1 150 612 212 598 Alconoletilico 173.5 368 -288.8 46.4 68 49.3 Amoniaco -273 24.54 10791386 “279 426 ° 413 40 395 20 375 Argon 302.6 69.5 -3087 12.0 302.6 87.0 Benceno 176.4 419 842 68 549 r-Butano Bll 165.6 “2173348 Bll 37.8 Diéxide de carsono | -109.2" 99.5 (at 32°F) 898 32 578 Etanol 172.8 360.5 -1736 46.9 77 489 Etilenglicol 3886 348.0 26 778 68 69.2 Glicerina 355.8 660 85.3, 68 73.7 Helio 452.1 — — 452.1 9.13 Hidrégeno 423.0 4385-256 = 4238.0. Isobutano 10.9 -2555 45.5 10.9 37.1 Mercurio 674.1 “38.0 4.90 77 BAT Metano 258.7 296.0 25.1 288.7 28.4 160 20.0 Metanal 14g. 473 -139 427 7 49.1 Nitrogeno 3204 858 -346.0 108-3204 80.8 260 382 Octano 256.6 131.7 -n5 778 68 43.9 Oxigeno -2973 915 361.8 59-2973 712 Petroleo = 99-165 6B 40.0 Propane —437 184.0 3058 0-344 -437 363 32 33.0 100 28.4 ueroseno 399-559 108 = 6B 512 Retrigerante-134a 15.0 93.2 1419 40 8.5 15 86.0 32 20.9 20 73.6 Salmuera (20 por ciento clorura de sodio, porcentaje masico) © 219.00 — or 6a ne 0.743, rade sulivac én a pesos oo aba ela resin del pnt oe de 75.1 psa el xcs ce crben esteem fase sic aro gas. Ader, ts del punta ce cong tn se iuido ce cover es Is orpersra eal punt ae oe 29.8), TABLA A-31 Propiedades del agua saturade Ts Laconia enema ya aus dad rnin a se pueden calcula parte de ss etniones » — wp «~ Kee, — Ps Ls temperatures 202% 22°F y 708.40 sons trperatats ee punt pe ebay ete del gun, "espectvarene, Las popiedaees cas arterrenie exept la censteac ae vapr Se puecer usar a ual’ resin eon er cesrecioke, evepis a erpraives Cte el aoe pu ee "u's: nid Bom °F par alr expelica a evilete 9 Blom Ry visae BLU KF par ences ries er ecuialent a Buh Fume Las disc wscesde ycncuetad tenia estn traces de. Senger 1. R. Watt outa 2f Phys and Cranic!Rterence Data 15 1386) pp. 1291-1322. Oe dts Se obut en Ge dv'sasuertes oe acu, 07 TABLA A-41 Propiedades del refrigerante-134a saturado Te “alee” Tue vow” “het Unde voor” Uno vow” tigen Ware wer Cod “oe WS Eng aah Oasas Soa onion ince sen bamses 2asesio= anne lore 1 bee Gaal are: Gag. oaise uty onsre ammele aetae~ dantiere 0 Teas Lom Tad gare. anon oe lonras aso xio~ Toon x10" Sal8 Soo17s anes = Toh zit The gaat Oaeel Oper costo aztxiow Fase «ion Sic Sooles Osncaae Mo iti Gere $ags Sha canes aaave uoave Dooeee aaeescJo> Lee lor Tate otnowe boncess Is Era Gams eaer Sea GAIN asco oass Doone Toresdo~ Liss lor 1s1 goss poocate Keo 34a ture 7as) Soy gaasa aca oass Qansie Jagex io Late ior Tes Goel Saecirt ‘ota La vecsied cinema vy efsided rica punto cael apart de as efiicines > pa, = iP Ls pap edaes {ldap era apse under un scale’ prin ear ee specs, esa steels cna sil pat ‘ot 2: La ungad Blo °F pra car eaecton es ecuvaerte Btls uni Bah =F para conduct gic trmis es equivalent + Baum unre Ostor generator patel Sota EES casalade por S.A. Klein FL. Abaraeo. Funke rigs: Tiree Roth ae HO. Bey, An Ietert anal sandra Farmulton forthe Teermedjrame Properties 1 faerausethare HC. aa} Yor Tenparures for 170 k'o85 Kane Presses up to TOMa% J Pye: Grom Ro Dats Wa 23, Neb, 1994, W. i hese Nc Dalout A.A Grey I Dyan Vscsty ard Pal Conetnty af ralagenice etnare are Ethane tengarans™ i Ve. 22, 99. 525-536, 1999, IST RefPROP 6 progr MO. Mecinden, S.A. Heit W'lenman, yA P Pes, Prsiea and Chemeal oper es Busi, Natal Inst te Standods ane Tetolgy, Souter C0 SUS, 1995), 90 TABLAS Y GRAFICAS TABLA A-51 Propiedades del amoniaco saturado Tats Cavscosaed wnemea» ya asda trie ae pueden calcu a part de ss eelnieines » = pipe ~ Kee, =P Ls propledeaes radas agi fereat la densidad evan Se pueden sat aust pees can ett desarecie excepto a emesaliasctchas al valor de pats ees io 2: La nia Blom para abe spec es euivalete 2 Btulbr Ry launieae Sth fF pare conuctveaetrmiea es equente a Bam nie Fuore Daas geeraes putt dl Sotenre EFS cesarlod por SK y FL. Aleac. Fuentes gales: TierRth, Hats ater y Bat, “Eine ‘ese Funcaentulgochung tu Armnnat, DRY faguneberchr 20, 167-181, 1983, Lily y Ces, “Themophyscal Properties Retrgerats™ ASHaAE, See san riedsana le. 909 Coe TABLA A-61 Propiedades del propano saturado TF “Ra” Tie wae pte Ueuae er” Canaries We ewe lee Tie ben Shas ost dons aame Og9m1 apace Ganues agsewio= ase ioe 4asr Gal? Gooone Omniess Tite Zave dete baat Seen sae Geer babes Gaost) iaawios auseioe Aoey Gel Secon oa0i309 30 6635 33.10 05966 04198 0.612 0.00803 8561% 10+ 5.211% 10-* 5.008 0.875 O.0014e to 2k aus 07408 Osase O.0472 O.0L8zH 5.000 x 10 2825 Lose 0.00267 O.00288 Mio joel ean pad) gets G5us9 Souase dase iow PT xion Mise Sots bencro8 Teta 1 a viscose cinemaca » yla das ag eviews pueen calla par de sus deiner.» ~ wip y a ~ He, — was propiededes ‘aes ag levepi a cersice de age se puede” Usa a eualauler presen car enor esprec able, erent a erpeatuas ce delve Ge um ea o's 2a uniéa Blo °F pra calor esectien er ecuivalent » Bul Ry I nie Buh °F par canductivisdtrmien ex acuvslete 2 Bru uso: alos gentrados prt el Stine EES cesar por Klin y FL. aad uetesorgales: Rene TlnerRetn, “Funders Equations of State,” hater Verlag, acne, 1988/8. Younglovey Feb, “ThermapiysiclPogertes of Fu Meare thane, Prepsne, opted Neral Butane” Pys heme at Dat, Vo 16, No, 1987; GR. Seay, "A Gneralaed Equation for Surace Terie am the Tiple-Pan fhe Cea Past Iniematoral soul of Tremashyses, Wl. 9 Ne. #, 1388 TABLA A-71 Propiedades de liquidos Calor Conduetvidas —_Difusvidad—Viscosidad~—Viseosidad—-Nomero dee expansion femp. Densidad especiica¢,, _trmica erica dinémica cinematics —-Prandl volumelrica TF pulomt? Brulbm sR katunftR afte plomits afte °r "UR Metano (cH) 280-2741 0.8152 0.120897 x LO 1.057 x 10~* 3.887 x 10 2575 0.00175 260 2643 © 08301-01087, 3a9 x 1O-# BO14x10~ 3.032% 10" 2183 0.00192 200-2539 © 0.8573 «0.0984 «1276 x10-F 6.303x 10 7.482% 10-F «1.945. 0.00215 220242708838 0.0895.—1.158.x 10-F 5.075x 10 2.091x 10 1.803 0.00287 200 23.08 = 09314 00801-1036 10-4142 x 10 1.79Bx10-F «1.734 0.00295 fsa 2164 1.010 0.0708 © 9.008 x 10-7 3.394% 10" 1s68x 10" «1741 0.00374 =160 19991158 0.0518 7397 x 10-_275BX10-F 1.379 10~§ —«1.865_0.00526 F140 1786 Lisa 0.0518 5.238 x 10-2168 % 10-1215 x 1o- 2322 0.00943 nol {CH (OHI 70 49:15 0.602 0148 «1.076 x10" 3.872 x10" 7.879% 10 7317 0.000656 90 4850 6189 01143. «1.057 x 10 3.317% 10 GB840x 10 — 6.46B 0.000671 NO 4785 0.6373 O1138 «1.026 10-F 2.872% 10~* 6.005x10- 5.792 0.000691 1304718 046576 0.1183 L01A x LOE 2.513% 10~* 5,326 x 10" 5.250 0,000716 150 4650 0.6796 01128 © «9.91Bx10~! 221Bx10~ 4.76910 4.808 0.000748 1706580 0.7035 01124 «9.68 x 10-7 197310" 4.308x10~ 4.447 0.000788 Tsabitano (R600) “150 42.75 0.ad82 00799 ——«LAS7XIO® GAI7X10~ 1500x10% 1296 0.000785 H100 4105 0.8721 9.0782 1.120% 10-F 3.669% 10" 8.939% 10~* 7.977 0.000836 50 3931 0.498 0.0731 -—«1036x1o~' 2.376% 10~ 6.04310 5.830 0.000908 0 37.48 0.5289 «0.0864 © 9.299 10-7 1.651% 10~' 4.408% 10-F ——«4.738_0.001012. 50 3552 0.5643. «0.05818 187 x 10-7 1.196% 10-3368 10 4.114 0.001169 1003335 0.6075 0.0821 7.139% 10? BBA? x 10-% 2.653 x 10" 3716 0.001421, 150 308 0.6686 0.0887 © G18 x 10-7 G.B5BX10-* 2127x10~ 3.437 O.001BRS 200 27.72 07635 0.0400 -—=—«S249x 10-7 _4.750x10-% 1.713% 10+ 3.264 0.007970 Gierina 327968 (05802 —0.163 1.052 x 10-* 7.087 0.08887 Ba101 40 79.49 05858 0116371048 x Lot 4.803, 0.06082 57655 50 7928 © Os541 0.2645 Loo x lo~t 2.850 0.03584 34361 60 7907 05622-01651 «1.029 10-F 1.547 0.01956 18995, 70 7885 © OS7I5 —-0.1852-——«L.0l& x lof 9.9422 oo1iss 11730, 80 7865 © O5794 0.1682 sag? 0.00699 ool 90 7845 «05878 0.1652 -«9.959% 10-7 0.3756 o.0oa7a7 4808 1007876 0.5964 0.1653 9.84 x 10-7 0.7277 0.0028 2957 ‘Accite do motor (ro vsade) 32 561204291 089 9792x107 2.568 2.566 x 107) 0.000388 5055.79 0.4395 «(0.08338 9.Ad x Low? 1.210 2.168 x 10-* 0.000388 7583 OMsal = .0R37R = 9.288 10-? 0.4286, 7.751 x 1077 0.000888 100 5477 0.4669 0.08367 «9.089 10-7 0.1630, 2.977 10 o.000388 125° 5426 0.4809 0.08207 «8.740 10-7 7617 10 1.404 x 10-7 0.000388 1508372 0.4945 0.08046 -BALL x 10? 3833x107? 7.139 x 10~ o.000388 200 5268 © 05231 «0.07838 © 7.999X10-? 1.405% 10 7.868 x 10-* o.000888 250 5171 05528 «0.07778 7563 10-7 6.744.x 10-9 1.304 x 10-4 0.000388 300 $0.63 05818 «0.07673. 7.236x 10-7 3.661 x 10- 7.232 x 10-° 0.000388 Frome ato gore 56 por el Stare FES cesavalace por. A Wle'y FL. Aare, Orighalvene cor base en evens ets on CUT TABLA A-81 Propiedades de metales Iiquidas Coevicente de Calor ——Concuctided ——Difusividas_—“Viscasiged! == Viseasidad’«—-Nomerode —expansién Temp, Densicad espectico¢,, térmica temica dinimica —cinemética Prantl wolumetrica 8, TF p bmi Blum Rk Btu -R af plots fs Pe UR Punt de fusion el mereurio(Hgh — 38°F 32 8487 0.03353 4727 4G14x10% 1.133 10% 1.335% 10- 0.02895 1.005 x 10-* 50 8472 0.03344 4805 4.712% 10 1.092 x 10-? 1.289 x 10-* 1.005 x 10-4 100 842.9 0.08219, 5015 4.980% 10- 91919x 10-1176 x lo" 1.008 » 10-4 150 838.7 0.03298 5221 5.244 10-F 9.122 x10 1.087 x 10-F 005 X 10-t 200 8345 0.08279, 5.422 5.504 10-F 8.492 x 10~'_1.017 x LO-* 1.008 * 10 300 826.2 0.08252 5815 6.013 x lo-* 7.583x 10~ 9.180% 10-! 05 % 10-4 400 8179 0.03236 6184 GA91 x10 6.972 x 10-* 8524 10-7 008 x 10-* 500 803.6 0.08230, S518 6.924 x 10-F 6.525 x 10~F 8,061 x 10 Lola x 1o-! 600 801.3 0.08235, 6839 732910" 6.185 x 10-7719 x 10-7 1038 x 10-¢ Punto de fusion dl bismute (Bil 62°F 700 670.7 0.03509 9361 -1.193x10~ 1.001 x 10 1.614 10-* 0.01357 800 616.5 0.03569, 9245 1.167 x 10" 9.142 x 10-* 1.482 x 10-F 0.01771, 900 612.2 0.0363 9129 Lal x10“ 8.267 x lo-* 11350 x lo-+ 101183, 1000 6080 © 0.0369, 9014 1118 x10 7.392 10-1215 x 10-F 9.0108 100 603.7 0.0375 9014 1.105 x 10“! 6.872 x 10-*_1,138 x 10-F 0.01029 Punte de fsién dl plome (Po) 62°F 700 658 9302 1.034x10~ 1.612 10-* 2.450% 10-" 0.02369 200 654 9157 103710 1.453 x 10°? 2.223 x 10-F 9.02143, 900 650) 9013 1,040 x 10“ 1.296 x 10-> 1,994 x 10 1000 648.7 8912 11035 x 10 1'202 x 1o-> 1862 x Lo-+ moo 641.5 Bg10 1.03010 11108 x 10-> 1.727 x 10-F 1200 637.2 8,709__1,025 x 10" 1.013 x 10% 1,590 x 10~F 0.0155 ‘Punto de fusén del solo (Na): 208°F 300 57.13 0.3258 4819 7.192% 10-4136 10~ 7.239% 10-* 4005628 03719 4558 7.142 10-3572 x 10~ 6.350 x 10-* 500 55.42 0.3181 4698-7087 x 10-3011 x10“ 5.433 x 10-* 0.007667 600 54.56 0.2143 43.37 7.026% 10-* 2aa8x 10~ 4.488 x 10- 0.006387 200 52.85 0.2089 4055 6901 10-1772 x 10~* 3.354 x 10-* 1000 S114 0.3057 3812 6773x10~_V5A1 x 10- 3.014 x 10-F Punto de fasion del potasio (Kh 147°F 3005040 O.1911 2600 7.500% 10-* 2486 x 10~ 4,933 x LO-* 400 49:58 O.1887 2537 7832 10-2231 x 10~ 4.500 x 10-* 500 48.75 0.1863 2873-71562 x 10-* 1.976 x10“ 4.052 x 10-* 600 47.94 0.1839 2609-7581 x 10-1721 x 10~* 3.589 x 10-* 0046.31 0.1791 2282 © 7843 10- 1210 10~ 2.614 x 10-* 100044652 —_0.1791 2134 TAIT x 10-F 1.075 x 102.409 x 10-* ‘Punto de fasién sado-potasia (22 por clanto Na-78 par clenta K) 12°F 200 52.99 0.2259 1479332 x 10~ 3.886% 10-F 7,931 x 10-* 300 5216 0.2230 1499 3580x 10~ 2.467 x 10-6 647 x 10-F 400513202201 1519-3735 10~ 3.050% 10~ 5.940 x 10-* 600 49.65 0.2143 1559 4.070. 10“ 2.213 x 10~* 4.856 x 10-* 800 47.98 0.2100 1595 4396 10~ 11539 10~*_3.207 x 10-F 1000 46.36 0.7103, 1620 4615x10~ 1.353% 10 2.919 x 10-F Fuente: Datos gererados part el Sofware EES cesarolde pa SA. Klin y FL Arad. rginalrerce cn bse ev evess farts TABLA A-91 Propiedades del aire a 1 atm de presion Calor — 1.4501 =200 0.18276 0.2247 0.00778 6.294. 10-6772 10-4433 x 10-° 0.7042 =100 0.11029 0.2360 0.01037 1.106 x 10-# 9.042 x lo- 8.197 x 1O-* 0.7404 -50 0.09583 0.2389, o.o1164 [397 x 10~" 11006 x 10-7 1.039 x 1o~"_ 0.7439, 0 0.08630 0.2401 0.01288 726 x 10-1102 x 10- 1.278 x 10~* 0.7403 10 0.08446 0.2402 0.01312 1797 10-"_-1.121 x 10-7 1.328 x 1o-t 0.7391 20 0.08270 0.2403 0.01336 1,868 10-*1,140x 10" 1,379 x lo 0.7378 30 008101 0.2408 0.01361 11942 10~# «1158 10-* 1.430 x 10~* 0.7365 40 0.07939 0.2408 0.01385 2.016. 10~" 1.176 x 10-1482 x 10~* 0.7350 50 0.07783 0.2404 0.01409 2.092 1o~*-1'194x 10-7 1.535 x 10~* 0.7336 60 0.07633 «0.2404 0.01433 2.169 10 «1.212 x 10° 1.58B x lo 0.7321 70 0.07489 © 0.2404 0.01457 2.248 10~* 1.230 10-7 1.643 x 10-* 0.7306 80 0.07350 0.2404 0.01481 -2.328x 10-1287 x 1O-$ 1.697 x 1O~* 0.7290 90 0.07217 0.2404 0.01505 2.409 10~F_ «1.265 10-7 1.753 x 10~# 0.7275 100 0.07088 9.2405 0.01529 2.491 10-#-1,281x 10-1809 x 10-* 0.7260 110 0.06963 0.2405 0.01852 2.575x 10-' 1.299 10-1866 x 10~*_ 0.7245 120 0.08843 0.2405 0.01576 2.660 10~*_ 1.316x 10-1923 x lo~#_ 0.7230 130 0.06727 0.2405, 0.01599 -2.745x 10-* 1.332 10-1981 x 1o~*_ 0.7216 140 0.06615 0.2406 0.01623 2.833.x 10~*1.349x 1O~+ 2,040 x lo~* 0.7202 150 0.06507 0.2408 0.01646 2.921 x 10-# 1368 10-2099 lo 0.7188 160 0.06402 9.2406 0.01669 -3.010x 10~* «1.382 10-2159 1O~* 0.7174 170 0.06300 0.2407 0.01692 3.100 10-#_ 1,388 10- 2,220 x lo 0.7161 180 0.06201 0.2408 0.01715 3.191 x 10~* 1414 10-2281 x 10~*O.7148 190 0.06106 9,2408 0.01738 © -3.284.x 10-#-1,430x 10° 2.343 x 100.7136 200 0.08013 0.2409 0.01761 3.377 x 10-* 11446 x 1O-> 2.406 x 1O~* 0.7124 250 0.05590 0.2415 0.01874 x lo 1.524% 10> 2.727 x 10-+ 9.7071 300 0.08222 0.2423, 0.01985, x10“ 1.599 x 10~> 3.063.x 10~* 0.7028 350 0.04898 0.2433, 0.02084 x10 1.672 x 10> -3.413x 10-# 0.6895 400 0.04614 0.2445 0.02200 x10“ 1.743 x 10> 3.777 x 10~* 0.8971 450 0.04361 0.2858 0.02305, x10 1.812 x 10> 4.154 x 10-0,6853 500 0.04134 0.2472 0.02408 x10“ 1.B7Bx lO~> 41544 x 10~* 0156942 600 0.03743 0.2503 0.02608 x10 2,007 x 10> 5.361 x 10-* 0.6834 700 0.03421 0.2535 0.02800 x10“ 2129 10-* 6.225 x 10~* 0.6940 800 0.03148 0,2568 0.02886 x10 2.247 x 10> 7.134 x 10-* 0.6856 900 0.02917 0.2599 0.03164 x10 2.359 10-8 8.087 x 10~" 0.8978 1000 0.02718 0.2630 0.03336 x10 2.487 x 10> 9,080 x 10- 0.7008 1500 0.02024 0.2761 0.04106 2.041 x 10-7 2.957 x 10-7 1.460 x 10? 0.7158 2000 0.01613 0.2855 0.04752 2.867 x 107 3.379x 10> 2.095 x 100.7308 2500 0.01340 0.2922 0.08309 3.765 10-7 $.750x10-> 2.798 10-> 0.7432 3000 0.01147 0.2972 0.05811 4.737 x 104.082 x 10- 3.560 x 100.7516 3500 0.01002 0.3010 0.06293 5.797 10-7 4.381x 10-7 4.373 x 10> 0.7543 4000 0.00889 0.3040 0.06789 6.975 107 4.651x 10- 5.229 x 10 0.7497 Fuente ats goreraces a ar ol Software EES eesaralaca "Swi y FL. Aare Fuentes er tales: Keenan, hae, Keyes ae ocuctny, YS Tectia Bl, 3.6. Sane, rT ‘re Thermophys! Properties of Wate vl 3: Ter igeast, 8 ol is leat, ny Prsonreupendnie dea pren as propedudes py « guna panda Peart | am se dem 13 Coa TABLA A-101 Propiedades de gases a 1 atm de presién Calor Conductivided Difusividad ——-‘Viscosidad —~Viscosidad~—‘NUmero de Temp, Densidad especifico cy ‘térmica térmica dindmica cinematica Prandtl T°F_pylmift? Biu/lom Rk Btuh -ft-R a fs 1 Ibmitt vy fels Pr Digxido de carbono, CO; =80 018712 0.1797 0.00628 7.739 x10 5,261 107 0.7970 O olsill 0.1885 0.00758 2.661 x 1O-¢ 7751 50 0.11825 0.1965 9.564 x 10-8086 x 10"? 0.7621 100 0.10768 0.2039 009136 0.2171 0.07934 0.2284 0.08280 © 0.2473, 1.045 x 10-5 9.703 x 10% 0.7543 1217 x10! 1332 10-* 0.7468 1382 x 101,743 x 10- 0.7445 11596 x 10-2700 10-* 0.7446 ooai28 0.2796 0.03213 2.381 x10? 5.767 x 10-* 0.7458 0.03075 0.2995 0.04281 21956 x 10-*9.610x 10~* 0.7445 0.02450 0.3124 0.05193 1.885 x10"? 3.451 x 1lo-? 1408 x 10-? 0.7474 Mondxido de carbone, CO =50 0.09363 0.2571 one 9a19 x10 1,005 x10" 0.7798 0 0.08345 0.2523 50 0.07526 0.2496 100 0.06854 o.2a8e 200 0.05815 0.2485 300 0.05049 0.2505 500 0.03997 0.2567 1,036 x 10? 1,242 x 10-* 0.7593 1127 x 11498 x 1o~* 0.7454 1i2ie x 1.772 x 10 0.7359 1379 x 2372 x10" 0.7247 1531 x 3.032 x 1o~* 0.7191 1,802 x 10% 4,508 x 10-* 0.7143 000 0.2732 21334 x 10-S B81 x 10~* 0.7078 1500 0.2862 2.766 x 10? 1,413x 10" 0.7038 2000 012958 32: 52072 x10"? _ 0.7136 Metanc, CH, 1.360 10-* 5.861 x 1,780 x 10-* 6.506 x 7.133 x 7742 x =S0 0.05363 0.5335 0 004779 0.8277 50 0.04311 0.5320 100 0.03925 0.5433, 1.092 x 10-* 0.8033 1361 x 1o~* 0.7649, 1,655 x 10-* 0.7428 1972 x lo-* 0.7311 200 0.03330 0.5784 0.02559 8.908 x 2.674 x 1o* 0.7245 300 0.07892 0.6226 0.03077 1.000 x 3.457 x 1o~* 0.7283 500 0.02289 0.7194 0.08195, 1.200 x 5.244 x lo~* 0.7412 000 0.01505 0.9438 0.07346, 1,620 x 1,076 x 10° 0,7481 1500 0.01121 1.1162 0.10766 1974 x 11760 x 10-2 0.7366 2000 0.00883 _1,2419 0.14151 2,327 x 2,605 x 10"? 0.7353, Hidrogeno, Hy 0.00874 3.0603 0.08246 «1110x107 4,969 x 7873 x10 0.6638 0.00601 3.2508 0.09049 1.287 x 1O"* 5.381 x 8.950 x 10-* 0.6960 0.00542 3.3553, 0.09818, 5781 x 1.067 x 10-2 0.7112, 0.0093 3.4118 0.10555, 6.167 x 1,250 x 10-8 0.7177 ooosis 3.4549 o.11946 6911 x 1652 x 10-* 0.7197 0.00363 3.4613, 0.13241 7.622 x 2.098 x 10> 0.7174 100788 © 3.4572 0.15620 28.967 x 3.117 x 103 0.7146 oooles 3.5127 0.20989 8.77610"? 1,201 x 6.354 x 10" 0.7241 o.ool41 3.6317 0.26381 ©1432 x lO 1.477 x 1.048 x 10-2 0.7323 00112 3.7656 0.31923 2.098 x 10-7 1.734 x Lisa x 10-? 0.7362 (contin) TABLA A-101 Propiedades de gases a 1 atm de presién (continuacién) Calor — 1,783 x 1O~* 04,7126 200 0.08815 0.2487 0.01760 3.379 10~" 11388 10-7 2.387 x 10~* 0.7062 300 0.08050 0.2492, 0.01970 4.348. 10-* 1,543 x 10° 3,055 x 1O~* 0.7025 500 0.03997 0.2535 0.02359 6.466. 10~*11823.x 10-7 4.559 x 10~* 0.7051 1000 0.02628 0.2687 0.03204 1,285 x 107 -2.387 x 107 $4083 x lO 0.7232 1500 0.01958 0.2831 0.04002 21006 x 10-7 2.829 10-* 1.445 x 10-> 0.7202 2000 0.01560 0.2927 0.04918 2.992 x 107) 3.212 x 10-> 2,059 x 10" _0,6882 Oxigeno, 0; =80 0.10697 0.2831 0.01216 355 x10 10a 10 1.032 x 10 0.7622, 0 009533 0.2245 0.01346, xo 121exlo-® 11277 x lo~# 0.7312 50 0.08598 0.2209 0.01475, x10 1,326 x lo? 11543. 100.7182 100 0.07830 0.2200, 0.01601 x10“! 11429 x 10-> 11826 x 1o~# 0.7072 200 0.08643 0.2221, 0.01851 x10“ 1.625 x lo 2.486 x 10-* 0.7020 300 0.05768 0.2262 0.02096 3x 10~# 11808 x 10-7 3.132 x10 O.701B 500 0.04866 © 0.2352 0.02877 x10“ 2.139% los 4.685 x 10-* 0.7029 1000 0.03002 0.2520 0.03698, x10" 2.855 x 10~> 9.509.x 1o~ 0.7005 1500 0.02236 0.2626, 0.04701 x10 3.474% 10-1553 x 107 0.6985 2000 0.01782 0.2701 0.05614 X10" 4.035 x 10 2.265 x 100.6988 Vapor de agua, H.0 =50 0.06022 0.4512 0.00797 —«.153x 10 4.933x10- 8.192% 10 1.0050 0 0.05367 0.4aa4 0.00898 1.036 10~" 5.592 10~* 1.041 x 10~* 1.0049 50 O.0de4 0.4472 0.01006 291 x 10-8 6.261 x 10-* 1.293 x lo“ 1.0018 100 0.04408 0.4473 001121 1.579 10~" 6.942 x 1.574 x 10~* 0.9969 200 0.03740 0.4503 0.01372 2.263 x 10~*-8.333x 1O~* 2,228 x 1O~* 0.9845 300 0.03248 0.4557, 0.01648 3.093 x 10~*-9756x 1O~* 31004 x 1O~* 0.9713 500 0.02571 0.4707, 0.02267 204 x 10" 1,267 x 10“ 4.931 x lO 0.9475 1000 0.01690 0.5167 0.04134 11314 10-7 2.014 10-7 L191 x 10> 0.9063 1500 0.01259 0,5625 0.06315 2.477 x 10-9 2,742 x 10-> 2.178 x 10> 0.8793 2000 0.01003 0.6034 0.08681 «3.984 x 10-7 3.422 10-9 3411 x 10> 0.8563 Tite: Pre eons estes. bs propiacaces ny Prson indepen lbreo ve mliglese he ares cep so peratures por Pas stm) y ends se scans yonhe en a, Fuente ites gereraces a par el otha EES cesaalaco S.A. Mein FL Aaa, ignalece can base en ess fuentes esd a resin. Las prosicaces py wa una reson P esis» fir ve deierinan 15 coaHew TABLA A-111 Propiedades de la atrnéstera a gran atitud Velocidad ‘Conductivided a Temperatura, Presién, Gravedad, del sonido, Densidad, —Viscosidad érmica, tt F sia a. fs? tus lorvit®w, tomifts Btu tk ° 59.00 147 32174 1116——«0.07647—«L.202 x10 0.0146, 500 97.22 14a 32173 1115 0.07536.L.199x 10 = 0.0146 1000 55.43, 142 32171 1113007426 Lig6x1o* = .0146, 1500 53.65, 139 il 9.07317 1.393 x 107 o.014s, 2000 5187 137 1108 -9.07210-L:i90x 10 = 0.0148, 2500 50.09 13.4 1107 «0.07104 Ligsx10-> =o 0144 3000 48,30 13.2 1105006998 1,183 x 10 o.o1ad 3500 45.52 129 1103006985 Ligoxlo 9.0143. 4000 44,74 127 H0l 0.06792. Li77x 10 = 0.0148. 4500 42.96 125 1098 0.06690«L173x 10 = .0142. 5000 au 122 1097 0.08590 L170 x 0.0142 5500 39,39 12.0 1095 0,06491— 1,167 x 9.0141 6000 37.81 ns 1093 0.063931 164 o.o141 6500 35.83 16 1081 0,08286 x o.o1aL 7000 34.05 ns 1089 0.06200 x 0.0140 7500 32.26 na 1087 0.06105 x 9.0140 8000 30.48, 103 1085 0.06012 x 10139 8500 28.70 107 1083 (0.05919 x 9.0139 000 26.92 105 108 0.05828 x 0.0138 9500 25.14 103 1079 0.08738 x 0.0138 10,000 23.36 10.1 1077 0,05648 x 9.0137 11,000 1979 972 1073 0.08473 x 10136 12,000 16.23 9.38 1088 0,05302 x 0.0136 13,000 12.67 299 1065 0.05135 x o.olas 14,000 912 8.63 1081 0.04973 x 0134 15,000 5.55 8.29 1087 0.04814 x 0.0133 16,000 1.99 737 1053 (0.04659 x 0.0132 17,900 7.65 1043 9,04508 x 9.0132 18,000 738 1045 0.04361 x 9.0130 19,900 7.08 1041 0.04217 x 9.0129 20,000 676 1037 0.04077 x 0.0128 22,000 621 1029 0.03808 x 0.0126 24,000 5.70 1020 0.03653 x o.0124 26,000 5.22 1012 0.03311 x 0.0122 28,000 478 1003 0,03082 x o.0121 30,000 437 995 0.02866 x o.o119 32,000 3.99 987 0.02661 x o.0117 34,000 3163 7a (0.02468 x ols 26,000 3.30 969 (0.02285 x 011s 38,000 3.05 968 0.02078 x 0113 449,000 273 968 0.01890 x 0113, 445,000 69.7 2148 968 (0.01487 x 9.0113 50,000 697 1169: 968 0.01171 x o.o113 58,000 69.7 1.332 968 0.00922 x 60,000 69.7 Voae 968 0.00726 5 x Fuente: U.S. Sandor Kesohere Supplements, U.S. Goverment Prising Gis, 1966, Can aase en conciines elas tae ela 245" ce atudy ue ‘aren. con [soca el ao y os paves cel lima, Se coniera qe ls eareies a nivel el mar (20 sen P-18.686 psa, 5SYE p~ OO76H7 Tomes g= 92.781

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