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Estaban muy contentos los alumnos

en un día de muertos,
risa y risa, brinque y brinque, corre y corre,
sin aspaventó.

Cantando muy alegre frente a los altares sonreían,

pelando todos los dientes como las calaveritas en su día,
la catrina muy contenta a la maestra Moreno aguardaba,
escondida en su oficina en silencio la miraba.

Estaba el maestro Ricardo,

muy a gusto el fumando,
humo y humo, risa y risa él se divertía,
no importando que la catrina por él ya venía,

Vengo por ti, para llevarte al campo santo,

Ricardo respondió, ¿por toser? No es pá tanto,
La catrina le respondió, con tres cajetillas al día,
este año tu no llegas ni a tu santo.

Estaba el teacher Jaime a su grupo enseñando,

Red and blue a sus alumnos los colores el mostrando,
la catrina entra el grupo What’s your name? preguntando,
el teacher I am Cruz muy sonriente contestando.

Muy listo hoy te crees, para burlar a la muerte,

más tu amigo en el altar está muy impaciente,
nice to meet you teacher Jaime la huesuda es mi nombre,
entre risas y empujones la catrina responde.

Terminado ese día,

la catrina se iba con alegría,
a todos los maestros los vere el próximo año,
y pórtense bien alumnos, si no me los ando llevando.

The students were very happy

on a day of the dead,
laugh and laugh, jump and jump, run and run,
without aspavent.

Singnig very happily in front of the altars they smiled,

peeling all the teeth like the skulls in their day,
Catrina, very happy, was waiting for teacher Moreno,
hidden in his office he silently watched her.

There was teacher Ricardo,

very comfortable smoking,
smoke and smoke, laughter and laughter he had fun,
not caring that Catrina was already coming for him,

I come for you, to take you to the holy field,

Ricardo responded, for coughing? It's not that bad,
The catrina responded, with three packs a day,
This year you don't even reach your saint.

Teacher Jaime was in his group teaching,

Red and blue to his students showing the colors,
La Catrina joins the group What's your name? asking,
the teacher I am Cruz very smiling answering.

You think you're very smart today, to cheat death,

but your friend at the altar is very impatient,
nice to meet you teacher Jaime the boney is my name,
Between laughter and pushing, Catrina responds.

Finished that day,

Catrina left with joy,
I will see all the teachers next year,
And behave well students, otherwise I'll take you away.

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