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Peste negra

Angela Joanna Martínez Treviño 870091456


Nombres Peste fulminante, peste mayor, peste negra,Muerte negra, peste

hemorragica,Peste granular.

Agente Yersinia pestis, un bacilo Gram-negativo

Familia Enterobacteriaceae

Serotipo Se reconoce sólo 1 serotipo. La Y. pestis

Clasificación 3 variedades relacionadas con el huésped: ratti (transmitido por las ratas),
marmotae (transmitido por las marmotas), y citelli (transmitido por las susliks
[ardillas de tierra de Eurasia]).
Localización geográfica

Aún se puede encontrar en África, Asia y Sudamérica. En la actualidad, la peste es inusual en los
Estados Unidos. No obstante, se ha sabido de su presencia en partes de California, Arizona,
Colorado y Nuevo México.
La peste es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por Yersinia pestis, una bacteria
zoonótica que suele encontrarse en pequeños mamíferos y en las pulgas que los
parasitan. La transmisión entre los animales se hace a través de las pulgas. El ser
humano puede contaminarse por:

● la picadura de pulgas infectadas;

● contacto directo con líquidos corporales infectados o materiales contaminados;
● la inhalación de gotículas respiratorias o pequeñas partículas de pacientes con
peste neumónica.
Diagnóstico y
manifestaciones clínicas

Las personas infectadas empiezan usualmente con

síntomas de "gripe" después de un período de
incubación de 3 a 7 días, aunque puede ser más
breve. La infección clínica se manifiesta
generalmente de 3 formas CREDITS: This presentation
dependiendo de la víatemplate
de was created by Slidesgo, and
includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
infección: bubónica, septicémica y neumónica.
La peste se presenta en el ser humano en tres
formas clínicas principales:

La peste bubónica: El bacilo de la peste entra en la piel del sitio de la picadura y corre a través del
sistema linfático al ganglio linfático más próximo. El ganglio linfático luego se inflama debido a un
gran número de las bacterias que se replican allí. El ganglio linfático inflamado, denominado
bubón, es muy doloroso y puede supurar como una herida abierta en un estado avanzado de la

La peste septicémica: ocurre cuando la infección se propaga directamente a través del torrente
sanguíneo sin evidencia de un bubón. Más comúnmente, las etapas avanzadas de la peste bubónica
resulta en la presencia de Y. pestis en la sangre. La peste septicémica puede ser consecuencia de
las picaduras de pulgas infectadas y del contacto directo con material infectado a través de grietas
en la piel.

La peste neumónica: Es la forma más virulenta y menos común. Típicamente, es causada por la
diseminación secundaria de una infección avanzada de la forma bubónica inicial. La peste
neumónica primaria suele ocurrir por la inhalación de gotitas infectadas en aerosol y pueden
transmitirse de persona a persona sin la intervención de pulgas o animales. Si no es tratada, la
peste neumónica tiene una tasa muy alta de mortalidad.
Bubónica Septicemia Neumonica
Síntomas en humanos

● Repentina fiebre.
● Escalofríos.
● Dolor de cabeza.
● Dolor de cuerpo.
● Debilidad.
● Vomito.
● Nauseas.
Animales afectados

Mas de 200 especies pueden contraer la peste. La bacteria se

mantiene en la naturaleza a través de roedores salvajes, como
por ejemplo, perros de la pradera, ardillas rayadas, ratas
madereras, ardillas terrestres, ratones ciervo y ratones de
campo. Los gatos pueden contraer la peste fácilmente. Otras
especies abarcan conejos, carnívoros salvajes (por ejemplo,
coyotes, gatos montés), cabras, camellos y ovejas.

Ejemplo: Sintomas en Gato: inflamación dolorosa de los

ganglios linfáticos, fiebre, inflamación, depresión, vómitos,
deshidratación, diarrea, amígdalas agrandadas y anorexia.
(Peste bubónica).

● Cultivo: sangre, heces, Etc

● Serologia: Fase aguda y convalecencia
● Tinciones: Gram, Wrigt, Wayson

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El objetivo de las medidas preventivas es garantizar que las

personas son conscientes de las áreas donde hay peste
zoonótica activa y que toman precauciones contra las picaduras
de las pulgas y el manejo de los cadáveres en las zonas
endémicas de peste. Las personas deben evitar el contacto
directo con tejidos infectados o la exposición a pacientes con
peste neumónica.
intervención médica e
investigación de campo

● Identificar la fuente más probable de infección en el área donde fue expuesto el

caso(s) humano, normalmente tratando de encontrar zonas con gran número de
pequeños animales muertos.
● Asegurar la difusión de información.
● Verificar que los pacientes están recibiendo el tratamiento antibiótico adecuado
y que los suministros locales de antibióticos son adecuados para manejar otros
● El tratamiento antibiótico de elección.
● Casos sospechosos en aislamiento
● Obtener muestras para la confirmación y diagnóstico
Vigilancia y control

● Llevar a cabo investigaciones para identificar a los animales y

especies de pulgas que están implicados en el ciclo enzoótico de la
peste en la región y desarrollar un programa de gestión ambiental
para limitar la posible propagación de la enfermedad.
● vigilancia activa a largo plazo de los focos zoonóticos y la respuesta
rápida para reducir la exposición.
● el primer paso es el control de vectores de pulgas en los roedores.
● Para conocer la circulación de Y. pestis en áreas de foco, los países
endémicos de América Latina están haciendo vigilancia en animales
centinelas, como perros y otros animales domésticos, así como la
captura y pruebas de laboratorio en los animales silvestres
reservorios de la enfermedad.
Identifying information

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars
the Sun and the smallest name and is the second is actually a cold place.
in the Solar System planet from the Sun It’s full of iron oxide dust
Patient medical history

Age: Gender: Allergies: Location:

25 Male None Miami, USA

2018 2019 2020

Jupiter is the biggest Despite being red, Mars Saturn is a gas giant and
planet of them all is a cold place has several rings
How to avoid the spread

Venus Jupiter
Venus is the second It’s the biggest planet
planet from the Sun in the Solar System

Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Saturn is a gas giant
Mars is a cold place and has several rings
Physical examination

It’s the closest planet to the Sun and
the smallest in the Solar System

Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is actually a
cold place. It’s full of iron oxide dust
Vaccination process

Mars 75%
Despite being red, Mars
is a very cold place

Mercury ● Saturn is a gas giant
and has several rings
Mercury is the closest ● This planet is
planet to the Sun composed mostly of
hydrogen and helium
A picture is worth a
thousand words
A picture is worth a
thousand words
Evolution Prevalence

50% 50%
Mars is a very Neptune is far
cold planet away from us

Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the Saturn has
biggest planet several rings 200,000 dollars obtained from donations
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Health records

Saturn Venus
Saturn is a gas Venus is the Follow the link in the graph to modify its
data and then paste the new one here.
giant and has second planet For more info, click here
several rings from the Sun

Dr. Jenna Doe

“Despite being red, Mars is a cold place. It’s full of iron oxide
dust, which gives the planet its reddish cast”

Dr. John James

“Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar
System. It’s the fourth-brightest object in the night sky”

Dr. Anna Patterson

“Saturn is the ringed planet. It’s a gas giant, composed mostly
of hydrogen and helium”

“Despite being red, Mars is a “Jupiter is a gas giant and the

very cold place. It’s full of biggest planet in the entire
iron oxide dust” Solar System”

Jenna Doe John James

“Saturn is the ringed planet.

It’s composed mostly of
hydrogen and helium”

Anna Patterson
Discussion summary
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
remember: use an image instead of a long
text. Your audience will appreciate it
A picture always
reinforces the concept

Images reveal large

amounts of data, so
remember: use an image
instead of a long text. Your
audience will appreciate it

You can enter a subtitle here if

you need it

Delta Lambda Mu

Venus is the second

planet from the Sun ✔ ✗ ✔

Jupiter is the biggest

planet of them all ✗ ✔ ✗
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place ✔ ✗ ✔

Mass Diameter 1
It’s the closest planet
to the Sun
Mercury 0.06 0.38
Despite being red,
Mars 0.11 0.53 Mars is a cold place

Saturn 95.2 9.4 Saturn is a gas giant
and has rings

Mars Neptune Earth

Mars is actually a It’s the farthest Earth is the planet
very cold place planet from the Sun where we live on

Mercury Saturn Jupiter

It’s the closest Saturn is a gas giant Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun and has rings planet
Mars Neptune
✔ Mars is actually a ✔ It’s the farthest
very cold place planet from the Sun

Mercury Saturn
Extended ✔ It’s the closest ✔ Saturn is a gas giant
diagnosis planet to the Sun and has rings

Earth Jupiter
✔ Earth is the planet ✔ Jupiter is the
where we live on biggest planet

Mars Jupiter
Mars is actually a very It’s the biggest planet
cold place in the Solar System

Venus Saturn
It’s the farthest Saturn is a gas giant
planet from the Sun and has several rings
Vaccine composition

Mars Venus Jupiter Saturn

Despite being red, Venus is the It’s the biggest Saturn is a gas
Mars is a very second planet planet in the Solar giant and has
cold place from the Sun System several rings
Patient monitoring

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Mercury is the Saturn is a gas giant Jupiter is the biggest

smallest planet and has rings planet
Treatment plan
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place
It’s the biggest planet in
the Solar System
Saturn is a gas giant and
has several rings
Contraindications & indications

Contraindications Indications
Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name
to the Sun and the smallest and is the second planet
one in the entire Solar from the Sun. It’s hot and has
System a poisonous atmosphere
Virus evolution

Variant 01

Mercury is the closest planet to the

Sun and the smallest one in the Solar
System—it’s a bit larger than the Moon

Variant 02

Venus has a beautiful name and is the

second planet from the Sun. It’s hot
and has a poisonous atmosphere

Jupiter is the
biggest planet

Saturn Neptune
Saturn is the Neptune is far away
ringed planet from Earth
Post-treatment program

Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place

Venus is the second
planet from the Sun

It’s the biggest planet
in the Solar System

You can enter a subtitle here if

you need it
Case timeline

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Earth is the Jupiter is the Neptune is the Despite being
third planet biggest planet farthest planet red, Mars is a
from the Sun of them all from the Sun very cold place
Case timeline

Day 2 Day 4
Jupiter is the Despite being
biggest planet red, Mars is a
of them all very cold place

Day 1 Day 3 Day 5

Earth is the Neptune is the Venus is the
third planet farthest planet second planet
from the Sun from the Sun from the Sun

Do you know what helps you make your point

clear? Lists like this one:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!

And the most important thing: the audience

won’t miss the point of your presentation
Do you know what helps you make your point
clear? Lists like this one:

● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!

And the most important thing: the audience

won’t miss the point of your presentation

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● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher

● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
● AUTHOR (YEAR). Title of the publication. Publisher
Our team

Sofia Hill Peter Harris

You can talk a bit about You can talk a bit about
this person here this person here
Our team

Jenna Doe Tim Jimmy Sue Bones

You can speak a You can speak a You can speak a
bit about this bit about this bit about this
person here person here person here
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired.”

—Someone Famous
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
Big numbers catch your
audience’s attention
9h 55m 23s
Jupiter's rotation period

The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s

386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
1,500,000 2,750,000
Mercury is the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful name and
the Sun and the smallest one in is the second planet from the
the Solar System—it’s only a bit Sun. It’s hot and has a poisonous
larger than the Moon atmosphere

You can enter a subtitle here if

you need it
Stats about Delta variant

25% 50% 75%

Mercury Venus Mars

It’s the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars
the Sun and the smallest name and is the second is a cold place. It’s full of
of them all planet from the Sun iron oxide dust
Stats about Delta variant

It’s the closest planet to
25% the Sun and the smallest
in the Solar System

Venus has a beautiful
75% name and is the second
planet from the Sun
Our centers around the world

Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Our centers around the world

Jupiter Saturn
It’s the biggest planet Saturn is a gas giant
in the Solar System and has several rings
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+91 620 421 838

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includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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Coronavirus icon pack
Coronavirus icon pack
Alternative resources
Here’s an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits that of this template:
Alternative resources
Here’s an assortment of alternative resources whose
style fits that of this template:
Alternative infographics

Mars Jupiter
Despite being red, Mars It’s a gas giant and the
is a cold place full of biggest planet in the
iron oxide dust Solar System

Saturn Venus
Saturn, the ringed It has a beautiful name
planet, is composed of and is the second planet
hydrogen and helium from the Sun
Alternative infographics

It’s a gas giant and the
biggest planet in the
2,500 Solar System

Despite being red,

Mars is actually a very Venus
cold planet
It has a beautiful name
and is the second planet
from the Sun
Did you like the resources on this template? Get
them for free at our other websites:
● Medium shot man getting vaccine
Vectors: ● Medium shot doctor with crossed arms
● Linear flat vaccine instagram stories ● Medium shot smiley doctor with coat
collection ● Female doctor at hospital with stethoscope
● Linear flat vaccine instagram post set
● Doctor taking coronavirus test sample
● Linear flat vaccine instagram stories set
● Vaccine instagram stories collection ● Optical doctor in store
● Linear flat vaccine instagram post collection ● Medium shot doctor with stethoscope

● Coronavirus icon pack

Vectors: Photos:
● Flat vaccine instagram post collection ● Nurse and doctor team ready for work day
● Flat-hand drawn doctor injecting vaccine to ● Doctor getting ready for routine medical
a patient checkup
● Flat hand drawn coronavirus vaccine ● Close-up of a doctor's hand wearing blue
background gloves giving syringe on patient's arm
● Close-up doctor holding covid vaccine and
Icons: syringe
● Coronavirus icon pack
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