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Description muévete con luigys is una campaña orientada a
dar a conocer los servicios de Luigys Noving a
los realtors del condado de Marín con el
propósito de aumentar las referencias de ellos.
Objective El objetivo principal es obtener por lo menos un
30% de las ventas con respecto a los meses de
octubre, noviembre y diciembre del año 2023.
Goals 1. Incrementar el No de realtors que nos refieren
en un 30%
2. Generar por lo menos 20 trabajos con la
3. Obtener por lo menos 5 reviews nuevos
mensuales en yelp.
Target Audience Nuestra audiencia son realtor que trabajen en el
condado de marin
Key Performance 1. % de incremento en realtors que nos refirieron
Indicators (KPIs) durante la campaña con respecto al año
pasado( octubre ,noviembre y diciembre)
2. % de certificados convertidos en venta
3. % de reviews positivos recibidos con respecto
a los trabajos realizados.
Campaign Strategy

Value La estrategia consiste en entregar mensualmente

Proposition 200 certificados de regalos por $200 para cualquier
para mudanzas locales y 100 certificados de $500
para inter state a 100 realtors durante los meses de
octubre noviembre y diciembre.
Los certificados estarán numerados del 001 al 200
los locales y del 001 al 100 los inter state

Competitive A través de un análisis competitivo exhaustivo,

Analysis hemos identificado como un punto fuerte la entrega
de certificados sin restricciones .Generalmente este
tipo de producto tiene restricciones de tiempo
mínimo, con esta campaña en ves de colocar las
letras pequeñitas de restricciones aplican
promocionaremos en grande NO APLICAN
Messaging Nuestros mensajes girarán en torno a resaltar los
and ahorros inmejorables y el servicio excepcional que
Positioning los clientes de luigys Moving pueden recibir.
Haremos hincapié en que esta es una oportunidad
por tiempo limitado para ahorrar en sus mudanzas
sin que aplique ninguna restricción en los
certificados clientes a aprovechar las ofertas
exclusivas antes de que caduquen. Nuestro
posicionamiento se centrará en posicionar nuestra
marca como la opción preferida por los realtors de
Marin cuando decidan apoyar a sus clientes
refiriendo una compañía de mudanza , respaldados
por un excelente servicio al cliente y una experiencia
de mudanza perfecta.
Marketing Para llegar a nuestro público objetivo de forma
Channels eficaz, aprovecharemos un enfoque de marketing
multicanal. Nuestra estrategia incluirá:
1. Campañas de marketing por correo electrónico
dirigidas a relator que nunca nos hallan referido.

2. Publicidad paga en redes sociales en plataformas

como Facebook e Instagram, dirigida a los usuarios
promocionando que si están próximos a mudarse
que pregunte a su realtor si cuenta con certificado
ya sea local o inter state de luigys Moving para para
que se lo pueda entregar y si no lo tiene puede
llamarnos para enviarselo.

3. Marketing por teléfono y SMS para interactuar

con los realtor para explicarles de nuestra campaña
de crecimiento en marin..
Tools Needed Para ejecutar esta campaña de manera efectiva,
utilizaremos las siguientes herramientas:

1. 600 certificados locales y 300 inter state

2. $900 dólares para pago de campañas en

Facebook e Instagram

3. Google Analytics para monitorear el tráfico del sitio

web, las conversiones y otras métricas importantes.

Cronograma de actividades

Start Date 12 de octubre, 2023

End Date 31 de diciembre 2023

Key Milestones 1. Oct 5, 2023: Presentation de campaña.

and Deadlines
2. Oct 6-8, 2023: Creacion de lista de realtors objetivo del mes de octubre

3. Oct 6-9, 2023: Creaccion de certificados de mes de octubre y de 4 baners

para publicar en elmes

4. 0ct 10-31 , 2023: Desarrollo del primer mes de la campaña

5. Oct 23-27 Creacion de lista de realtors objetivo del mes de noviembre

Creacion de 4 baner para el mes de noviembre

5. Nov 5, 2023: Evaluacion Inicial de la campaña .

5. 1-30, 2023: Evaluate the initial performance of the campaign and make
any necessary adjustments

5. Nov 15, 2023: Evaluate the initial performance of the campaign and make
any necessary adjustments

6. Dec 15, 2023: Monitor campaign progress and performance against key
goals and KPIs.

7. Jan 15, 2023: Analyze campaign results and prepare a post-campaign

report for stakeholders.

8. Jan 31, 2023: Officially conclude the Summer Sale Spectacular


Pre-launch - Conduct a competitive analysis to identify opportunities and refine the

Activities campaign strategy.

- Develop engaging content, including blog posts and social media teasers,
to create anticipation and buzz around the upcoming sale.

- Prepare email marketing campaigns to alert existing customers and leads

about the upcoming Summer Sale Spectacular.

- Coordinate with influencers and partners to align promotional efforts and

secure collaborations for the launch.

Launch Activities - Activate promotional channels such as email marketing, social media
advertising, and influencer partnerships to generate awareness about the
Summer Sale Spectacular.

- Publish blog posts and articles highlighting key products and exclusive

- Engage with customers on social media platforms, responding to inquiries

and promoting the sale.
- Monitor website traffic, conversions, and engagement metrics to assess
the initial impact of the campaign.

Post-launch - Analyze campaign performance against the set KPIs, including sales
Activities revenue, conversion rates, website traffic, and customer engagement
- Identify successful strategies and tactics to replicate in future campaigns.

- Conduct customer surveys or feedback collection to gather insights and

improvements for future campaigns.

- Prepare a comprehensive post-campaign report to evaluate the overall

success and impact of the Summer Sale Spectacular.

Budget and Resources

The Budget and Resources section provides an overview of the financial allocation and necessary
resources. It outlines the total budget available, estimated budget allocation across different areas,
and the specific resources needed to implement the campaign effectively.

Total Budget $50,000 USD

Estimated 1. Marketing Collateral and Design: $10,000

Allocation 2. Paid Advertising (social media, display ads): $20,000

3. Email Marketing and Automation: $5,000

4. Influencer Partnerships: $5,000

5. Content Creation (blog posts, videos): $5,000

6. Miscellaneous Expenses: $5,000

Required 1. Marketing Team: The campaign will require the support of a dedicated
Resources marketing team consisting of project managers, content creators, designers,
email marketers, social media specialists, and analytics experts.

2. Design and Creative Resources: Designers and graphic artists will be

needed to create visually appealing marketing collaterals, social media
graphics, banners, and promotional materials.

3. Digital Advertising Platforms: Access to platforms such as Facebook Ads

Manager and Google Ads to create and manage paid advertising campaigns.

4. Email Marketing and Automation Tools: Utilization of email marketing

software, such as HubSpot Marketing Hub, for managing email campaigns,
segmentation, and automation.

5. Social Media Management Tools: Social media management platforms like

Sprout Social or HubSpot Social Media for scheduling and monitoring social
media posts and advertisements.

Contingency Monitor campaign performance and allocate more budget to the channels
Plans and tactics that yield the best results, while reducing budget from less
effective avenues.
Assess resource allocation throughout the campaign and make adjustments
as needed to ensure optimal utilization of resources.

Continuously monitor and optimize marketing channels and reallocate

resources to the channels that are generating the highest ROI.

Campaign Creative and Assets

This section focuses on the visual and messaging elements of the marketing campaign. It
encompasses various aspects, including design elements, branding guidelines, tone of voice, and
creative direction. This section outlines how the campaign will be visually presented and the overall
messaging approach. By providing clear guidelines and direction, it ensures consistency and
cohesiveness across all campaign materials.

Design The design elements for the Summer Sale Spectacular campaign will reflect the
Elements vibrant and energetic spirit of the summer season. Key design elements will
include bright colors, bold typography, and visually appealing imagery that
showcases the featured products and the excitement of the sale. Additionally,
attention-grabbing graphics, banners, and promotional visuals will be created to
capture the attention of the target audience and create a cohesive visual identity
throughout the campaign.

Branding The branding guidelines for the Summer Sale Spectacular campaign will adhere to
Guidelines the existing brand identity, ensuring consistency and recognition among
customers. The brand's logo, color palette, and typography will be incorporated
into all campaign materials. Adherence to the brand's tone, personality, and core
values will maintain brand integrity and strengthen brand loyalty during the

Tone of The tone of voice for the Summer Sale Spectacular will be lively, upbeat, and
Voice customer-oriented. The messaging will be crafted to generate excitement and
urgency, urging customers to take advantage of the exclusive discounts and
promotions. The tone will be friendly, approachable, and focused on highlighting
the benefits and value of the products, evoking a sense of fun and summer vibes.

Creative The creative direction for the Summer Sale Spectacular campaign is to focus on
Direction creating a sense of anticipation, urgency, and desire among the target audience.
The key product offerings and exclusive deals will be showcased through
engaging visuals, compelling storytelling, and persuasive copywriting. The
creative direction will aim to evoke emotions, inspire action, and drive customers
to make a purchase during the limited-time sale.

Promotion and Distribution

From crafting compelling marketing campaigns to leveraging various distribution channels, this
section will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to maximize your reach and drive

Promotional 1. Email Marketing: Implement targeted email campaigns to reach existing

Strategies customers and leads, showcasing the Summer Sale Spectacular and enticing
them with exclusive offers and discounts.

2. Social Media Advertising: Utilize paid social media advertisements on

platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a broader audience, targeting
users based on demographics, interests, and behavioral characteristics.

3. Content Marketing: Develop engaging blog posts, articles, and videos that
highlight the featured products and promote the sale. Optimize content for
search engines to attract organic traffic and share it across social media

4. Display Advertising: Utilize display advertising on relevant websites and

online publications to increase brand visibility and drive traffic to the
designated landing pages.

5. Partnership Collaborations: Collaborate with complementary brands and

influencers in the lifestyle and fashion industry to expand the reach of the
campaign and leverage their audiences.

6. Customer Referral Program: Establish a customer referral program to

incentivize existing customers to refer their friends and family to the Summer
Sale Spectacular, providing exclusive benefits for both the referrer and the

Content 1. Blog and Website: Publish engaging and informative blog posts and articles
Distribution Plan on the brand's website, optimizing them for search engines and promoting
them via social media channels.

2. Social Media Platforms: Share compelling content, visuals, and promotional

updates about the Summer Sale Spectacular on various social media
platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

3. Email Newsletters: Incorporate campaign-related content and updates into

regular email newsletters sent to subscribers, ensuring they are well-informed
about the upcoming sale and exclusive offers.

4. Partner Channels: Leverage partnerships with complementary brands and

influencers to distribute campaign-related content through their channels,
reaching their engaged audiences.

Influencer 1. Identify and Research: Identify influencers within the lifestyle, fashion, and
Marketing related niches who align with the target audience and brand values. Research
Strategy their audience engagement, authenticity, and reach.

2. Establish Partnerships: Reach out to selected influencers and propose

collaboration opportunities, such as sponsored posts, product reviews,
giveaways, or special discount codes for their followers.

3. Content Creation: Provide influencers with campaign-related assets,

product samples, or access to the sale previews for them to create authentic
and engaging content

Metrics and Analytics

By leveraging the power of metrics and analytics, you can unlock a deeper understanding of your
campaign's impact, identify areas for improvement, and align your marketing efforts for greater
Tools for Tracking 1. HubSpot Marketing Hub for email marketing, lead generation, and
Performance customer segmentation.

2. Social media management platforms for scheduling and tracking

social media posts and advertisements.

3. Google Analytics for monitoring website traffic, conversions, and other

important metrics.

Metrics to Monitor 1. Conversion Rate: Measure the percentage of visitors who complete a
Throughout desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
2. Click-through Rate (CTR): Evaluate the rate at which recipients click
on a specific link or call-to-action, indicating their engagement level.

3. Bounce Rate: Monitor the percentage of visitors who leave your

website after viewing only one page, which can indicate issues with
website usability or targeting.

4. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Measure the average cost required

to acquire a new customer, including marketing expenses and sales

5. Return on Investment (ROI): Assess the financial return generated

from your marketing efforts, comparing the revenue gained to the costs

Reporting Frequency Reports will be run and analyzed monthly and distributed through email.
and Format A breakdown will be available in a Google Slides presentation, and raw
data will be available in a Google Sheets file.

Team Roles and Responsibilities

By clearly defining team roles and responsibilities, everyone can contribute their expertise and work
cohesively to achieve the campaign's goals and objectives, ensuring a successful and impactful

Roles of Team 1. Project Manager: Responsible for overall project coordination, setting
Members to be goals, timelines, and ensuring smooth execution of the campaign.
2. Marketing Strategist: Develops the campaign strategy, identifies
target audience, and defines key messaging and positioning.

3. Content Creator: Creates engaging content across various channels,

such as blog posts, social media updates, and email campaigns.

4. Graphic Designer: Designs visual assets, including banners,

infographics, and social media graphics, ensuring brand consistency.

5. Data Analyst: Collects and analyzes data, providing insights on

campaign performance, audience behavior, and actionable

6. Social Media Manager: Manages social media accounts, creates and

schedules engaging posts, and monitors interactions and engagement.

7. Email Marketer: Designs and executes email campaigns, manages

subscriber lists, and measures overall email marketing performance.

Task Assignment and - The Project Manager is responsible for assigning tasks and ensuring
Responsibilities deadlines are met, keeping the team on track.

- The Marketing Strategist takes the lead in developing the campaign's

strategic direction and messaging, working closely with the Content
Creator and Graphic Designer to align the creative assets with the

- The Content Creator collaborates with the Marketing Strategist to

produce engaging content that resonates with the target audience.
- The Graphic Designer creates visually appealing assets based on the
campaign's branding guidelines, ensuring consistent and eye-catching

- The Data Analyst tracks and analyzes campaign data, providing

insights that help guide decision-making and optimize campaign

- The Social Media Manager is responsible for executing the campaign's

social media strategy, including creating and scheduling posts,
engaging with the audience, and monitoring metrics.

- The Email Marketer designs and sends out compelling email

campaigns, manages subscriber lists, and tracks email performance to
increase conversions.

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