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Un dispositivo de cilindro-émbolo contiene 0.15 kg de aire, en un principio a 2 MPa y 350 °C. Primero se expande el aire isotérmicamente hasta 500 kPa, y después se comprime en un proceso politrépico con un exponente politrépico de 1.2, hasta la presién inicial; por ltimo, se comprime a presién constante hasta Iegar al estado inicial. Determine el trabajo de la frontera para cada proceso, y el trabajo neto del ciclo. Properties The properties of air are R = 0.287 kI/kg.K , k= 1.4 (Table A-2a). Analysis For the isothermal expansion process: _ MRT _ (0.15ka)(0.287 ki/kg.K)(350+ 273K) R (2000 kPa) 4 0.01341m> mRT _ (0.15kg)(0.287 kl/ke.K)(350+273K) (500 kPa) For the polytropic compression process: PVs = PVs —(500kPa}(0.05364m? )'? = (2000kPa)Y'? —>V, = 0.01690m> (2000 kPa)(0.01690 m?)— (500 kPa)(0.05364 m*) -34.86 kd For the constant pressure compression process: W, 3-1 = PY, -V,) = (2000kPa)(0.01341—0.01690)m* = -6.97 kd ‘The net work for the eyele is the sum of the works for each process Woe = Wy yon + Wy.2-5 + Wy.324 = 37 18 + (34.86) + (6.97) = 94.65 kd Un sistema cerrado contiene 2 kg de aire, y en un pro- ceso pasa de 600 kPa y 200 °C hasta 80 kPa. Determine el volumen inicial de este sistema, el trabajo efectuado y el calor transferido durante el proceso. Assumptions 1 Airis an ideal gas since itis at a high temperature and low pressure relative to its critical point values of 132.5 K and 3.77 MPo. 2 The kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible, Ake = Ape = 0. 3 Coustant specific heats can be used for a Properties The gas constant of air is R= 0.287 ki/kw-K (Table A-1). Analysis We take the air as the system, This is a closed system since wo mass crosses the boundaries of the system. The ‘energy balance for this system can be expressed as Eon = AE, tye fata Chagggateml een, Om Maa = AU = me (Te Qu —Moo =0 (Since =T,) Qin = Fou The initial volume is, mRI, _ (2 kg)(0.287 kPa-m’/kg-K)(473 K) B 600 kPa 4525 m> Using the boundary work relation for the isothermal process of an ideal gas gives a 2 oan =f Pav maj i ogra v = (2kg)(0.287 kPa-m?/kg--K)(473 K)ln (akg) e-K)(A73 K)ln From energy balance equation, in = Wa oue = 5ATAKS En un dispositivo de cilindro-mbolo con carga varia ble y con una rueda de paletas integrada al cilindro, hay aire. Al principio esta a 500 kPa y 27 °C. Entonces se hace girar la rueda de paletas mediante un motor eléctrico externo, hasta que se ha transferido al aire la energfa de 50 kJ/kg en forma de trabajo. Durante este proceso se transfiere calor para man- tener constante la temperatura del aire, y al mismo tiempo se triplica el volumen del gas. Calcule la cantidad requerida de tansferencia de calor, en ki/kg. Respuesta: 44.6 ki/kg Assumptions 1 Ait is an ideal gas since it is at a high temperature and low pressure relative to its critical point values of 132.5 K and 3.77 MPa. 2 The kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible. Ake = Ape = 0. 3 Constant specific heats can be used for air. Analysis We take the air as the system. This is a closed system since no mass crosses the boundaries of the system, The energy balance for this system can be expressed as ‘Using the boundary work relation on a unit mass basis for the isothermal process of an ideal gas gives yout = RT In = RT In 3 = (0.287 kI/ke-K)(300 K)In3 = 94.6 kke 4 ‘Substituting into the energy balance equation (expressed on a unit mass basis) gives Din = Wout pwn = 94-650 = 44.6 klk Discussion Note that the energy content of the system remains constant in this case, and thus the total energy transfer output via boundary work mnst equal the total energy input via shaft work and heat transfer. Una masa de 15 kg de aire, en un dispositive de cilindro-Embolo, se calienta de 25 a 77 °C, haciendo pasar corriente por un calentador de resistencia en el interior del cilindro. La presién dentro del cilindro se mantiene constante en 300 kPa durante el proceso, y hay una pérdida de calor de 60 kJ. Determine los kWh de energia eléetrica suministrada, Respuesta: 0.235 kWh Assumptions 1 The cylinder is stationary and thus the kinetic and potential energy changes are zero. 2 Air is an ideal gas with variable specific heats. 3 The thermal eneray stored in the cylinder itself and the resistance wires is negligible, 4 The ‘compression or expansion process is quasi-equilibrium. Properties The initial and final enthalpies of air are (Table A-17) = hax = 298.18 KI / ke hy =haasox = 35049 KI ke Anatysis We take the contents of the cylinder as the system. This is a closed system since no mass enters or leaves. The energy balance for this closed system can be expressed as Em~ Eo = AE system Rew eaater —Chageinimeral kinetic tyhens work sndemes fonts cents Wein — our — o.oo = (ly ~My) + Qo since AU + HF, = AH during a constant pressure quasi-equilibrium process. Substituting, Wein = (5 kg)(350.49 - 298.18)kiike + (60 ks) = 845 I sna 1KWh | _ 0.235 kWh 3600 7 Alternative solution The specific heat of aiz at the average temperature of Ty = (25+ 77)/2 A-2b, Cpavg = 1.0065 kifke.°C, Substituting, Wig = me g(Ts —T,)+ Onu = (15 kg)(1.0065 Kirke. °C\(77 ~25)°C + 60 KI = 845 KI or, 1kWh Wig = (BAS KD 35 kWh ean = 0 {sco0 | Discussion Note that for stall temperature differences, both approaches give the same result Un dispositivo de cilindro-émbolo, con un grupo _ de topes en su borde superior, contiene 3 kg de aire a 200 kPa y 27 °C. A continuacién se transfiere calor al aire, y el émbolo sube hasta que Ilega a los topes, y en ese punto el volumen es el doble del volumen inicial. Se trans- fiere mas calor hasta que la presién dentro del cilindro tam- bién aumenta al doble. Calcule el trabajo efectuado y la cantidad de calor transferido en este proceso. También trace el proceso en un diagrama P-v. Assumptions 1 Airis an ideal gas with variable specific heats. 2 The kinetic and potential enerey changes are neelisible, ‘Ake = Ape =0..3 The thermal energy stored in the cylinder itself is negligible. Properties The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa.m*/kg.K (Table A-l). Analysis We take the air in the cylinder to be the system. This is a closed Syste since no mass eronses the boundary ofthe syste. The energy ‘balance for this closed system can be expressed as Ea~Boe = — AB geen SISSIES. Gaskelee Quy — Mou = AU = mus 4) Qa, = mits 14) + Foe ‘The initial and the final volumes and the final temperature of air are determined fom mF, _ (3 kay(0.287 kPa-m*/ka-K)(300 K) =1.29 m* 2B 200 kPa Uy = 24, =2«1.29 = 2.58 mi? BY _ BY <> 2x (300 K) = 1200 K LOG ‘No work is done during process 2-3 since Us= Vs. The pressure remains constant uring process 1-2 and the work done during this process is fn = [Pav = PV.) is = (200 kPa)2.58-1 29m 58 KI ‘The initial and final intemal energies of air are (Table A-17) t= Ngyo0 x = 214.07 ke 133.33 kirky 3 =Maroox = Substituting, Ou = (3 ka)(933.33 = 214.07)KWka +258 kI = 2416 kT Alternative solution The specific heat of air at the average temperature of Izy = (300 + 1200)/2 = 750 K is, fiom Table A- 2b, Cave = 0.800 kV/Ka.K, Substituting Og = Mts ~14) + Woo = MCT H+ oie = (3k2)(0.800 kI/ka,K)(1200 ~ 300) K + 258 KI = 2418 b Un dispositivo de cilindro provisto de un cilindro-pistén contiene aire. El émbolo descansa inicialmente en un conjunto de topes, y se necesita una presiGn de 300 kPa para mover el émbolo. Inicialmente, el aire est a 100 kPa y 27 °C, y ocupa un volumen de 0.4 m3. Determine la cantidad de calor que se transfiere al aire, en kJ, al aumentar la temperatura a 1 200 K. Suponga que el aire tiene calores especificos constantes eva- luados a 300 K. Respuesta: 340 kJ Assumptions 1 Air is an ideal gas since it is at a high temperature relative to its critical temperature of 304.2 K. 2 Thy Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible, Ake = Ape = 0 Properties The properties of air are_R = 0.287 kI/kg-K and c= 718 kivkg-K (Table A-2a), Anatysis We take air as the system. This is a closed system since no mass crosses the boundaries of the system. The energy balance for this system can be expressed as Eg -£, Fog = AE, AE syste, By temster Change tena, inte noe potential ec eneraes Qin — Mo,ou = AU = me, (Ts —T) The volume will be constant until the pressure is 300 kPa: Pe 300kPa 1, Go0K) 00K , ‘The mass of the air is _ AM (100 kPa)(0.4 m3) RT, (0.287 kPa -m*/kg -K)(300 K) A646 ke The boundary work done during process 2-3 is We owe = Px(Vs Va) = mR ~T) = (0.4646 ke)(0.287 kPa - m3 /kg -K)(1200 -900)K =40KF Substituting these values into energy balance equation, Qay = Wo oe +e, (Ty — T,) = 40K + (0.4646 ke)(0.718 kI/kg - K)(1200 — 300)K = 340 kd Un dispositivo de cilindro-émbolo contiene aire @ 600 kPa y 927 °C, y ocupa un volumen de 0.8 m°. El aire expe- rimenta un proceso isotérmico (temperatura constante) hasta que Ia presidn se reduce a 300 kPa, El émbolo esti ahora fijado en su lugar, y no se le permite moverse mientras tiene lugar un proceso de transferencia de calor hasta que el aire aleanza 27°C. a) Haga un esquema del sistema que muestre las energias que cruzan la frontera y el diagrama P-V para los procesos combinados. 4) Para los procesos combinados, determine la cantidad neta de transferencia de calor, en KI, y su direccién. ‘Suponga que el aire tiene calores especfticos constantes eva- Iuadlos a 300 K. Assumptions 1 Air is an ideal gas since it is at a high temperature relative to its critical temperature of 304.2 K. 2 The kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible, Ake = Ape=0 Properties The properties of air are R= 0.287 kW/kg-K and ¢, = 0.718 ki/kg-K (Table A-2a Analysis (a) The processes 1-2 (isothermal) and 2-3 (coustant-volume) are sketched on the P-V diagram as shown. (b) We take air as the system. This is a closed system since no mass crosses the boundaries of the system. The energy balance for this system fort he process 1-3 can be expressed as AF yea Netenery temster Change aol ee boybeat wou and-mass poten te ener —Wagaa-a + Oq =AU =mey(Ts~T) Ey-Eoy = ‘The mass of the air is 2M, > n= (600 kPa)(0.8m") RE, (0.287 kPa-m' kg -K)(1200K) 394ke The work during process 1-2 is determined from boundary work relation for an isothermal process to be Wouas-2 = MRF, n= = WRT; In. 600 kPa 300 KPa = (1.394 kg)(0.287 kPa - m? /kg -K)(1200 K)ln- =332.8kI since for an isothermal process, YP Substituting these values into energy balance equation in =Myoara +Mey (Ts Ti) = 332.8KI + (1.394kg)(0.718k/kg - K)(300-1200)K =-568kd Thus, Un dispositivo de cilindro-émbolo sin friccién contiene 0.15 m? de aire a 100 kPa. En este estado, un resorte lineal (F & x) toca al émbolo, pero no ejerce fuerza sobre él. El aite se calienta hasta un estado final de 0.45 m? y 800 kPa. Deter- mine @) el trabajo total efectuado por el aire y b) el trabajo efectuado contra el resorte. También, muestre el proceso en un. diagrama P-v. Respuestas: a) 135 kJ, b) 105 J Assumptions 1 The process is quasi-equilibrium. 2 The spring is a linear spring. Analysis (a) The pressure of the gas changes linearly with volume during this process, and thus the process curve on a P-V diagram will be a straight line. Then the boundary work during this process is simply the area under the process curve. which is a trapezoidal. Thus, Ate Tisoxg = Area =< (-4) _ (000 +800)kPa (0.45 ~0.15)m}) in 1kPa-m = 135k 4 100 kPa 0.15 a (6) If there were no spring. we would have a constant pressure ‘process at P = 100 kPa, The work done during this process is > 2 (kPa) A Ty oun ping = fray =P, -44) ) 800 kg = (100 kPa (0.45 -0.15}m3 ke] ——— ( x SUTkPa me =30KI 100 Thus, Weeiag =~ Mian png =135 ~ 30 = 108 kT

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