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Linux es un núcleo mayormente libre semejante al núcleo de Unix.

4 Es uno de los principales

ejemplos de software libre y de código abierto. Está licenciado bajo la GPL v2 salvo el hecho que
tiene blobs binarios5 no-libres6 y la mayor parte del software incluido en el paquete que se
distribuye en su sitio web es software libre. Está desarrollado por colaboradores de todo el
mundo. El desarrollo del día a día tiene lugar en la Linux Kernel Mailing List Archive.

El núcleo Linux fue concebido por el entonces estudiante de ciencias de la computación finlandés
Linus Torvalds en 1991.7 Linux consiguió rápidamente desarrolladores y usuarios que adoptaron
códigos de otros proyectos de software libre para usarlos con el nuevo núcleo de sistema.8 A día
de hoy miles de programadores de todo el mundo contribuyen en su desarrollo.9

Linux es multiprogramado, dispone de memoria virtual, gestión de memoria, conectividad en red y

permite bibliotecas compartidas. Linux es multiplataforma y es portable a cualquier arquitectura
siempre y cuando esta disponga de una versión de GCC compatible.1\

Ubuntu 23.04 GUI, Ubuntu Desktop 23.04 (DaaS) desktop as a service by Ntegral Inc

Ubuntu Desktop as a Service is a solution developed so that can work securely from multiple
locations with different devices. A fully managed Ubuntu Virtual Desktop environment to support
your development and business application environment. It’s a virtual desktop, independent from
any physical hardware and it’s hosted in Azure, Microsoft’s cloud solution, and comes with the
tools to help you in your day to day activities. As long as you have an internet connection you’ll
always have Ubuntu Desktop with you, being able to access it through any device, be it a regular
computer or notebook, or even your tablet.

Remote work is an essential component of how to respond to a worst-case scenario like covid-19
where a company or government decision result in a significant number of people unable to work
from their office. People might be unable to work from their offices as a consequence of the
shutdown of public transport, schools or large city areas. Ubuntu Desktop gives you the freedom
to work from anywhere in the world with advanced and familiar tools, maximum data security and
complete control. Rapid deployment and no hardware or software maintenance required.

The desktop image comes pre-configured with the following:

RDP based remote desktop environment

LibreOffice - the open source office suite that’s compatible with Microsoft Office

How to Use

RDP on port 3389

No contract needed: pay per hour

Disclaimer: The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective
companies. We do not provide commercial license of any of these products. Many of the products
have a, demo or Open Source license as applicable.

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