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Propésito de Lectura: Sintetizar el contenido de un texto y GutA organizarlo en un cuadro sinéptico. DE Estupzo vr | Al finalizar la Guia, Ud. habrd puesto en prdctica los siguientes contenidos gramaticales: Contenid ontenicos | a Tiempo pasado de los verbos 2 Referencia textual 1, Antes de comenzar con la lectura del texto, observe los elementos paratextuales que lo acompafian. ¢Qué informacién puede obtener a partir de éstos? Complete los cuadros a continuacién: | Elementos paratextuales: Informacién que _permiten inferin: cece EMA cesses / oe on. % 2. Lea el texto en forma global para, luego, completar el ejercicio a continuacién: CURRENT RESEARCH 1 |The study of cavities is called cariology. The field of cariology is exciting because of the real possibility for an effective therapy to prevent cavities. Two major research projects have resulted in significant discoveries in this field. Dr. Jeffrey Hillman started the first project while at the Forsyth Institute, the 5 [University of Florida, and more recently at Oragenics Inc. Dr. Hillman discovered that by mutating a certain gene in S. mutans, he was able to prevent the bacterium from producing lactic acid and consequently causing tooth decay and cavities. How does this help prevent cavities? S. mutans can be present in the mouth early in life when our teeth erupt, and it 79 10 stays with us for the rest of our lives. Dr. Hillman used the genetically modified S. mutans that cannot produce lactic acid for something called replacement therapy. In replacement therapy, the idea is to replace or exchange one organism with a nearly identical, but less pathogenic, version of the same organism. In this case, the principle is to replace the cavity-causing S. mutans 15 |] with the genetically modified S. mutans early in life so that the S. mutans that people have in their mouths is not able to cause cavities. In experiments with human volunteers, the genetically modified S. mutans remains in the mouth for many years and prevents the cavity-causing version of the bacterium from growing. In the future, a visit to the dentist may consist of the dentist swabbing 20]|teeth for a few minutes with the genetically modified S. mutans to prevent cavities for a lifetime. The second exciting research area in the field of cariology is the development of a vaccine for cavities. The idea behind a vaccine is to use the natural immune system for protection. A vaccine consists of part of a pathogen that is injected 25 ]Jinto the body to stimulate an immune response. This part of a pathogen is called an antigen. The cavities vaccine uses part of S. mutans. It has been shown that antibodies directed against different parts of S. mutans could prevent its attachment to tooth surfaces and possibly its ability to produce acid from sugar (Figure 6.5). 30]{In laboratory experiments using different animals, it was found that administration of the vaccine could result in the production of antibodies in the mouth that were able to at least partially prevent cavities. In the next step, researchers used humans to test the vaccine. They gave the vaccine to young adults and found that the antibodies produced were able to delay the 35 fj accumulation of S. mutans in the mouth. However, in order to be effective, the vaccine will have to be given to infants or young children (one to three years old) since this is the age when people are most prone to being colonized by S. mutans. Hence, if S. mutans can be prevented from invading the mouth fron 39 Ii the start, the chances of getting cavities later in life are diminished significantly 80 A Vaccine for Cavities? Before vaccination | After vaccination POPS, ' A. ' Antibody. . 1 € wk me ~ 1 1 4x &, y BP —~O ethene Figure 6.5 Shown here is how an experimental cavities vaccine might work. Antibodies specific for S. mutans might bind to bacteria, thereby preventing cells from attaching to teeth. Kachlany, S. (2007). Infectious diseases of the mouth. New York: Infobase Publishing. 3. ¢Se encuentra la siguiente informacién en el texto? Informacién | Si / No | a. Inmunoterapia a través de una vacuna. b. Resultados de experimentos realizados en animales y humanos. c. Investigaciones realizadas en el campo de la cariologia. d. Historia de la compafifa Oragenics Inc. e. Procedimiento en la terapia de reemplazo, 81 4. Lea el texto en forma detallada, para responder las siguientes preguntas en espajiol. Identifique el renglén / los renglones donde encuentra las respuestas. a. Qué descubrié el Dr. Hillman? Renglén/es? b. Princess Diana visited many countries. En Espafiol, el simple past puede ser traducido como pretérito imperfecto o como pretérito perfecto simple (pretérito indefinido). El pretérito imperfecto expresa acciones pasadas, sin referencia a su principio ni a su fin, Admite matices descriptivos, durativos y reiterativos. ” Corria el afio 1936. «Los nifios crecian. «Juan salia al anochecer. El pretérito perfecto simple expresa acciones pasadas independientes de cualquier otra accién, Admite matices absolutos y matices temporales. « Luché y fui vencido, « E12 de mayo estall6 la sublevacion. De Evans, V. (1999). Grammar way 2. Berkshire: Express Publishing. 16. Enciclopedia temdtica Argos. (1970). Barcelona. Tabla de conjugacién del pasado del verbo BE Afirmativo Negativo [_Interrogativo _] She was not.../wasn't... 4P.S. | was not../wasn’t Was |..? 2°P.S. You were not.../weren't... Were you ...? 3°P.S. He was not.../wasn't Was he ....? Was she. It.was not.../wasn’ Was i We were not.../weren't Were we ...? You were not.../weren't...__|[ Were you ...? They were not.../weren't Were they...? 87 Tabla de conjugacién de un verbo regular ‘Afirmativo Negative Tnterrogativo | 1° PS. linvented I didn't invent Did | invent 2 P.S. You invented You didn't invent Did you invent tas 8 He invented He didn’t invent Did he invent She invented She didn't invent Did she invent Itinvented Itdidn't invent Did it invent 4° PP. We invented We didn't invent Did we invent 2P-P._|[ You invented ‘You didntinvent Did you invent SPP _ [They invented They didn’t invent Did they invent Tabla de conjugacién de un verbo irregular ‘Afirmativo Negative Interrogative 7P.S._|[i found. T didn’ find Did Hfind..? 2PS._|[YouTound You didn't fing Did you find ...? SPS. |[He found... He didn't find Did he find .? She found She didn't find Did she find ..? it found Itdicn't find Did it find...? +PP.P._|[ We found We didn't find Did we find... PP. [You found You didn't find Did you find...? SPP _ [They found They didnt find Did they find... ALGUNOS VERBOS REGULARES SIGMEICADO | INEINITIVO (SIMPLE PAST PAST PARTICIPLE i Uegar ARRIVE ARRIVED ARRIVED | Preguntar ASK ASKED ASKED : Hervir BOIL BOILED BOILED 1 Reservar 00K BOOKED BOOKED ' Uamar CALL CALLED CALLED Cargar / Llevar CARRY CARRIED CARRIED Celebrar | CELEBRATE CELEBRATED CELEBRATED = i Cambier | CHANGE CHANGED CHANGED ' i Controlar | CHECK CHECKED CHECKED | | Escalar/Trepar | = CLIMB CLIMBED CLIMBED | | Cerrar | Close CLOSED CLOSED t | | Goleccionar = COLLECT COLLECTED COLLECTED =| } Cocinar | COOK COOKED COOKED t | : Gatear ; CRAWL CRAWLED CRAWLED t | Uorar | cry CRIED CRIED t | Bailar | DANCE DANCED DANCED t i Decidir | DECIDE DECIDED DECIDED ' | Entregar / Repartir DELIVER DELIVERED DELIVERED ! | Desarrollar | DEVELOP DEVELOPED DEVELOPED | Morir | DIE DIED DIED | | Ganar | _EARN EARNED EARNED | 1 Educar {EDUCATE EDUCATED EDUCATED | i Finalizar = == END ENDED ENDED ' } Disfrutar | ENJOY ENJOYED ENJOYED t : ‘Terminar | FINISH FINISHED FINISHED t ! Odiar | HATE HATED HATED ' Ayudar | HELP HELPED HELPED : Esperar ' HOPE HOPED, HOPED 88 Presentar Inventar Invitar Unir Patear Besar Aterrizar Gustar Escuchar Vivir Mirar Buscar Amar Mezclar Trasladar / Mover Necesitar Abrir Ordenar Organizar Pintar Estacionar Aprobar Telefonear Planear Jugar / Tocar Verter Practicar Preparar Grabar Relajar(se) Alquilar Repetir Regresar Mostrar Fumar Resolver Comenzar Permanecer Parar Estudiar Tomar sol Prender / Encender Apagar Hablar Ordenar Viajar Intentar / Probar Doblar Tipear Usar Visitar Esperar Caminar Querer Lavar Ver / Observar Trabajar : i i i i i i i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i INTRODUCE INVENT INVITE JOIN KICK KISS LAND LIKE LISTEN LIVE LOOK (AT) LOOK FOR LOVE MIX MOVE NEED OPEN ORDER ORGANISE PAINT PARK PASS PHONE PLAN PLAY POUR PRACTISE PREPARE RECORD RELAX RENT REPEAT RETURN SHOW SMOKE SOLVE START STAY STOP STUDY SUNBATHE SWITCH ON SWITCH OFF TALK TIDY (UP) TRAVEL TRY TURN TYPE USE VISIT INTRODUCED INVENTED INVITED JOINED KICKED KISSED LANDED LIKED LISTENED LIVED LOOKED (AT) LOOKED FOR LOVED MIXED MOVED NEEDED OPENED ORDERED ORGANISED PAINTED PARKED PASSED PHONED PLANNED PLAYED POURED PRACTISED PREPARED RECORDED RELAXED RENTED REPEATED RETURNED SHOWED SMOKED SOLVED STARTED STAYED STOPPED STUDIED SUNBATHED SWITCHED ON SWITCHED OFF TALKED TIDIED (UP) TRAVELLED TRIED TURNED TYPED USED VISITED WAITED WALKED WANTED WASHED WATCHED WORKED 89 INTRODUCED INVENTED INVITED JOINED KICKED KISSED LANDED LIKED LISTENED LIVED LOOKED (AT) LOOKED FOR LOVED MIXED MOVED NEEDED OPENED ORDERED ORGANISED PAINTED PARKED PASSED PHONED PLANNED PLAYED POURED PRACTISED PREPARED RECORDED RELAXED RENTED REPEATED RETURNED SHOWED SMOKED SOLVED STARTED STAYED STOPPED STUDIED SUNBATHED SWITCHED ON SWITCHED OFF TALKED TIDIED (UP) TRAVELLED TRIED TURNED TYPED USED VISITED WAITED WALKED WANTED WASHED WATCHED WORKED i i i i i i i i i 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 i i i i i i i ALGUNOS VERBOS IRREGULARES PAST PAST PARTICIPLE ‘SIGNIFICADO INEINITIVO EERE BEEN Ser 0 Estar = BECAME BECOME Convertirse / Tornarse BECOME ceoaN BEGUN Comenzar BEGIN SIT BITTEN Morder ene BLEW BLOWN . Soplar BLOW BROKE BROKEN Romper BREAK BROUGHT BROUGHT Traer BRING BUILT BUILT Construir BUILD ae BOUGHT Comprar 7 a CAUGHT (CAUGHT Agarrar / Atrapar. = |= CATCH ee CHOSEN Elegir CHOOSE cr = COME Venir COME ip CUT Cortar CUT CUT a Cavar DIG DUG DONE Hacer Do De . DREW DRAWN Dibujar DRAW Beber DRINK DRANK DRUNK Conducir DRIVE DROVE DRIVEN Comer EAT ATE EATEN Caer(se) FALL FELL FALLEN Alimentar FEED FED FED Sentir FEEL FELT FELT Pelear FIGHT FOUGHT FOUGHT Encontrar FIND FOUND FOUND Volar FLY FLEW FLOWN Olvidar FORGET FORGOT FORGOTTEN Perdonar FORGIVE FORGAVE FORGIVEN Obtener / Llegar GET GOT GOT Dar GIVE GAVE GIVEN Ir 60 WENT. GONE Crecer Row GREW GROWN Tener HAVE HAD HAD Escuchar HEAR HEARD HEARD Golpear HIT HIT rr Lastimar / Doler HURT HURT HURT Guardar / Mantener KEEP KEPT KEPT Conocer kNow KNEW KNOWN Partir / Abandonar LEAVE: LEFT LEFT i Prestar LEND i LENT ' Permitir LET i LENT i i Ler eT i Encender UGHT i ur } Perder lose ae i i Lost i Hacer / Elaborar MAKE t MADE LOST } Conocer / Reunirse MEET} MET MADE: i Pagar | Pay ' PAID ual : Poner i PUT PUT PAID i ne ; READ READ . | Montar/Cabalgar | RIDE | RODE awe 1 Sonar i RINGE | RAI RIDDEN Correr i RUN | Ra RUNG Decir : SAY | oan RUN Ver ' SEE ij Su SAID Vender Seu | en SEEN Enviar SEND | SEN SOLD Briar SHINE | HONE SENT Mostrar SHOW i 2 SHONE Cerrar shut { SHUT SHOWN SHUT 90 ALGUNOS VERBOS IRREGULARES | SIGNIFICADO ' LGNIEICAD INET | SIMPLE PAST | PAST PARTICIPLE i Convertirse / Tornarse BECOME ' ws BEEN : Comenzar BEGIN i BECAME i BECOME i Morder BITE i BEGAN BEGUN i + Soplar Blow | BIT BITTEN i Romper BREAK ROK: or i Traer i BROKE i BROKEN i ; BRING =} BRO i : Construir BUILD | uct IL i Comprar BUY i BUILT i BUILT \ Agarrar / Atrapar CATCH | cur BOUGHT ‘ Elegir i CAUGHT i CAUGHT i CHOOSE} i i Venir COME | CHOSE i CHOSEN i Cortar cur! CAME COME i i Cavar DIG 1 CUT i cuT i i Hacer DO ! DUG : DUG i Dibujar praw | DID i DONE i Beber DRINK =} SANK i DRAWN Conducir DRIVE DRANK i DRUNK Comer RM i DROVE ' DRIVEN i ' Caer(se) FALL i ATE i EATEN i Alimentar FEED i FELL i FALLEN 1 Sentir FEEL a FED i Pelear FIGHT i FELT FELT | Encontrar FIND i FOUGHT FOUGHT Volar IND : FOUND ' FOUND ' i Olvidar FORGET | oy FLOWN | perdonar fore | FORGOT + FORGOTTEN i : Obtener / Llegar GET \ RGAVE | FORGIVEN i ' Dar eve | SOT GoT i Ir GO i GAVE ' GIVEN ' Crecer crow} WENT : GONE ! Tener HAVE i GREW i GROWN i Escuchar HEAR | HAD : HAD i Golpear HIT i HEARD i HEARD | _Lastimar / Doler Hurt | HIT ' HIT i Guardar / Mantener KEEP | weet i HURT ! Conocer know KEPT i KEPT | Partir / Abandonar LEAVE i KNEW ' KNOWN : Prestar LEND i LEFT ! LEFT i Permitir LET LENT i LENT | Encender LIGHT Ler : LET t Perder LOSE ur i uit : Hacer / Elaborar MAKE LOST : LOST | Conocer / Reunirse MEET MADE i MADE : Pagar PAY MET i MET ! Poner PUT PAID ‘ PAID i Leer READ PUT i PUT | Montar / Cabalgar RIDE READ READ i Sonar RING RODE | RIDDEN i Correr RUN RANG ' RUNG Decir SAY RAN ' RUN Ver SEE SAID 1 SAID Vender SELL SAW | SEEN Enviar SEND SOLD | SOLD Brillar SHINE SENT 1 SENT Mostrar SHOW Ne i SHONE Cerrar SHUT Howep SHOWN SHUT Cantar Sentar(se) Dormir Hablar Gastar / Pasar Permanecer Robar Nadar Tomar / Llevar Ensefiar Contar Pensar / Creer Arrojar Entender Despertar Vestir Ganar Escribir THROW UNDERSTAND WAKE WEAR WIN WRITE 91 SANG SAT SLEPT SPOKE SPENT STOOD STOLE SWAM TOOK TAUGHT TOLD THOUGHT THREW UNDERSTOOD WOKE WORE WON WROTE SUNG SAT SLEPT SPOKEN SPENT STOOD STOLEN SWUM TAKEN TAUGHT TOLD THOUGHT THROWN UNDERSTOOD WOKEN WORN WON WRITTEN

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