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// ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ CONFIGURACIÓN BÁSICA ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

var NombreHost = '▓▒▓▒▓▒█ HAXHOST █▒▓▒▓▒▓'

var CantidadDeJugadores = 22 // La cantidad MÁXIMA de jugadores que pueden entrar

al host (Cantidad mínima: 1 - Cantidad máxima: 30)

var ClaveParaSerAdmin = "!axeso5" // La clave va dentro de las comillas

var TiempoDeJuego = 5 // Son la cantidad de minutos que quieres que duren los

// ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ CONFIGURACIÓN INTERMEDIA ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

var PasswordDelHost = null // Dejar "null" si no quieres que tu Host tenga una
Contraseña. Si quieres una contraseña, reemplazar el null por la contraseña que
quieras (debe llevar comillas).

var VisibilidadDelHost = true // Si quieres que tu sala sea pública dejar 'true'.
Si quieres que sea privada, poner 'false'.

var BanderaDelHost = 'GU' // Se puede reemplazar GU (Bandera de Guam) por la que


// CODIGOS DE LAS BANDERAS: AF Afghanistan ▇ AL Albania ▇ DZ Algeria ▇ AS American

Samoa ▇ AD Andorra ▇ AO Angola ▇ AI Anguilla ▇ AQ Antarctica ▇ AG Antigua and
Barbuda ▇ AR Argentina ▇ AM Armenia ▇ AW Aruba ▇ AU Australia ▇ AT Austria ▇ AZ
Azerbaijan ▇ BS Bahamas ▇BH Bahrain ▇ BD Bangladesh ▇ BB Barbados ▇ BY Belarus ▇ BE
Belgium ▇ BZ Belize ▇ BJ Benin ▇ BM Bermuda ▇ BT Bhutan ▇ BO Bolivia ▇ BQ Bonaire,
Saint Eustatius and Saba ▇ BA Bosnia and Herzegovina ▇ BW Botswana ▇ BV Bouvet
Island ▇ BR Brazil ▇ IO British Indian Ocean Territory ▇ BN Brunei
Darussalam ▇ BG Bulgaria ▇ BF Burkina Faso ▇ BI Burundi ▇ KH Cambodia (Kampuchea)
▇ CM Cameroon ▇ CA Canada ▇ CV Cape Verde ▇ KY Cayman Islands ▇ CF Central African
Republic ▇ TD Chad ▇ CL Chile ▇ CN China ▇ CX Christmas Island ▇ CC Cocos (Keeling)
Islands ▇ CO Colombia ▇ KM Comoros ▇ CG Congo ▇ CD Congo, the Democratic Republic
of the ▇ CK Cook Islands ▇ CR Costa Rica ▇ CI Côte d’Ivoire ▇ HR Croatia ▇ CU Cuba
▇ CW Curaçao ▇ CY Cyprus ▇ CZ Czech Republic ▇ DK Denmark ▇ DJ Djibouti ▇ DM
Dominica ▇ DO Dominican Republic ▇ EC Ecuador ▇ EG Egypt ▇ SV El Salvador ▇ GB
England (United Kingdom) ▇ GQ Equatorial Guinea ▇ ER Eritrea ▇ EE Estonia ▇ ET
Ethiopia ▇ FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) ▇ FO Faroe Islands ▇ FJ Fiji ▇ FI Finland
▇ FR France ▇ PF French Polynesia ▇ TF French Southern Territories ▇ GA Gabon ▇ GM
Gambia ▇ GE Georgia ▇ DE Germany ▇ GH Ghana ▇ GI Gibraltar ▇ GB Great Britain ▇ GR
Greece ▇ GL Greenland ▇ GD Grenada ▇ GU Guam ▇ GT Guatemala ▇ GG Guernsey ▇ GN
Guinea ▇ GW Guinea ▇ Bissau ▇ GY Guyana ▇ HT Haiti ▇ HM Heard Island and McDonald
Islands ▇ VA Holy See (Vatican City State) ▇ HN Honduras ▇ HK Hong Kong ▇ HU
Hungary ▇ IS Iceland ▇ IN India ▇ ID Indonesia ▇ IR Iran, Islamic Republic of ▇ IQ
Iraq ▇ IE Ireland ▇ IM Isle of Man ▇ IL Israel ▇ IT Italy ▇ JM Jamaica ▇ JP Japan ▇
JE Jersey ▇ JO Jordan ▇ KZ Kazakhstan ▇ KE Kenya ▇ KI Kiribati ▇ KP Korea,
Democratic People’s Republic of (North Korea) ▇ KR Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
▇ XK Kosovo ▇ KW Kuwait ▇ KG Kyrgyzstan ▇ LA Lao People’s Democratic Republic ▇ LV
Latvia ▇ LB Lebanon ▇ LS Lesotho ▇ LR Liberia ▇ LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ▇ LI
Liechtenstein ▇ LT Lithuania ▇ LU Luxembourg ▇ MO Macao ▇ MK Macedonia, the Former
Yugoslav Republic of ▇ MG Madagascar ▇ MW Malawi ▇ MY Malaysia ▇ MV Maldives ▇ ML
Mali ▇ MT Malta ▇ MH Marshall Islands ▇ MR Mauritania ▇ MU Mauritius ▇ MX Mexico ▇
FM Micronesia, Federated States of ▇ U9 Missing data ▇ MD Moldova, Republic of ▇ MC
Monaco ▇ MN Mongolia ▇ ME Montenegro ▇ MS Montserrat ▇ MA Morocco ▇ MZ Mozambique ▇
MM Myanmar ▇ NA Namibia ▇ NR Nauru ▇ NP Nepal ▇ NL Netherlands ▇ AN Netherlands
Antilles ▇ NC New Caledonia ▇ NZ New Zealand ▇ NI Nicaragua ▇ NE Niger ▇ NG Nigeria
▇ NU Niue ▇ NF Norfolk Island ▇ GB Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) ▇ MP Northern
Mariana Islands ▇ NO Norway ▇ OM Oman ▇ PK Pakistan ▇ PW Palau ▇ PS Palestinian
Territory, Occupied ▇ PA Panama ▇ PG Papua New Guinea ▇ PY Paraguay ▇ PE Peru ▇ PH
Philippines ▇ PN Pitcairn ▇ PL Poland ▇ PT Portugal ▇ PR Puerto Rico ▇ QA Qatar ▇
RO Romania ▇ RU Russian Federation ▇ RW Rwanda ▇ LC Saint Lucia ▇ WS Samoa ▇ SM San
Marino ▇ ST Sao Tome and Principe ▇ SA Saudi Arabia ▇ GB Scottland (United Kingdom)
▇ SN Senegal ▇ RS Serbia ▇ SC Seychelles ▇ SL Sierra Leone ▇ SG Singapore ▇ SX Sint
Maarten, Dutch part ▇ SK Slovakia ▇ SI Slovenia ▇ SB Solomon Islands ▇ SO Somalia ▇
ZA South Africa ▇ GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ▇ SS South Sudan
▇ ES Spain ▇ LK Sri Lanka ▇ SH St Helena ▇ KN St Kitts and Nevis ▇ VC St Vincent
and the Grenadines ▇ SD Sudan ▇ SR Suriname ▇ SZ Swaziland ▇ CH Switzerland ▇ SY
Syrian Arab Republic ▇ TW Taiwan, Province of China ▇ TJ Tajikistan ▇ TZ Tanzania,
United Republic of ▇ TH Thailand ▇ TL Timor ▇ Leste ▇ TG Togo ▇ TK Tokelau ▇ TO
Tonga ▇ TT Trinidad and Tobago ▇ TN Tunisia ▇ TR Turkey ▇ TM Turkmenistan ▇ TC
Turks and Caicos Islands ▇ TV Tuvalu ▇ UG Uganda ▇ UA Ukraine ▇ AE United Arab
Emirates ▇ GB United Kingdom ▇ US United States ▇ UM United States Minor Outlying
Islands ▇ UY Uruguay ▇ UZ Uzbekistan ▇ GB Wales (United Kingdom) ▇ WF Wallis and
Futuna ▇ VU Vanuatu ▇ VE Venezuela ▇ VN Viet Nam ▇ VG Virgin Islands, British ▇ VI
Virgin Islands, U.S. ▇ YE Yemen ▇ ZM Zambia ▇ ZW Zimbabw
// Bandera HaxBall = FAM

// ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ CONFIGURACIÓN AVANZADA ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇


var ChallongeLink = '' // Link de tu torneo

var regla1 = '⯌ 4 vs 4'

var regla2 = '⯌ Equipo que gana el partido, continua jugando. 🏆'
var regla3 = '⯌ Dos jugadores ingresan por orden de Espectadores. Los otros dos
restantes, los puede elegir.'
var regla4 = '⯌ El equipo ganador puede elegir el club.'
var regla5 = '⯌ Si empatan, salen ambos equipos. Y los primeros cuatro jugadores de
la lista de Espectadores pasan a ser capitanes, 2 en el Team Red y los otros 2 en
el Team Blue.'

// ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ UBICACIÓN DEL HOST ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

var LatitudArgentina = -34.5

var LongitudArgentina = -58.4
var LatitudUruguay = -32.5
var LongitudUruguay = -55.7
var LatitudChile = -35.6
var LongitudChile = -71.5
var LatitudBrasil = -14.2
var LongitudBrasil = -51.9
var LatitudPeru = -9.1
var LongitudPeru = -75
var LatitudVietnam = 14
var LongitudVietnam = 108.2
var LatitudSpain = 40.4
var LongitudSpain = -3.7
var LatitudItaly = 41.8
var LongitudItaly = 12.5
var LatitudRussia = 61.5
var LongitudRussia = 102.3
var LatitudTurkey = 38.9
var LongitudTurkey = 35.2

// ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

var Longitud = LongitudArgentina

var Latitud = LatitudArgentina

// ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇

const MIN_SIZE = 12;

const MAX_SIZE = 15;

var ColorFondoRS = '6d945b'

var RSRMap;
var PartidoArrancado;
const afkPlayerIDs = new Set()
var mutedPlayers = []; // Array where will be added muted players
var IpPlayers = []; // Array where will be added muted players
var isTimeAddedShownseis = false;
redTeam =[0,0,0,0,0,0];
blueTeam =[0,0,0,0,0,0];
const votedPlayers = new Set()
let votekickTimes = {};
let votekickCount = {};
var votekickTimeout = 60000;

var PlayerFound = false;

var ListaDeJugadores = [];
var conexion = [];

var whoTouchedLast; // var representing the last player who touched the ball

var teamRed
var teamBlue

var _0x24f1 = ['floor', 'getPlayerDiscProperties', ' 👋 Bɪᴇɴᴠᴇɴɪᴅᴏ ᴀʟ ʜᴏsᴛ ᴅᴇ

G L H ', 'ballOutPositionY', 'court', 'blueGK', 'toFixed', 'RSR',
'onRoomLink', 'secondLastKickerTeam', 'auth', 'method', 'El administrador se
encuentra presente', 'ceil', 'clearBans', 'sendAnnouncement', 'blueScore',
'secondLastKickerId', 'secondLastKicker', 'normal', '50nCLuSN', '0x00ccff', '🔥
ÚLTIMA JUGADA DEL PARTIDO 🔥 - Si la pelota sale del terreno de juego, se
finalizará el partido.', 'radius', '🚫 NO puedes cambiar el fondo del mapa cuando
un partido se esta jugando.', 'xgravity', '𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗗𝗢𝗦 💬 ⌨: !rs, !rr, !bb, !
clearbans, !swap, t [mensaje a tu equipo], !court, !court [hexcolor], !court
reset', 'setPlayerDiscProperties', 'round', '478VrIjpd', 'team', 'onGameStop',
'lastKicker', '"},"playerPhysics":
[],"blueSpawnPoints":[],"canBeStored":false}', 'onPlayerLeave', 'setCustomStadium',
'extraTimeAnnounced', 'onPlayerJoin', 'application/json', '                                 
      ▒█▀▀█ ▒█░░░ ▒█░▒█', '⏱ FINAL DEL PARTIDO | Si empataron selecciona penales con:
!pensred (para que pateen los rojos🔴) y !pensblue (para que pateen los azules🔵)',
'rsCorner', 'yspeed', 'kickPlayer', 'log', '                                        ▒█░▄▄ ▒█░░░
▒█▀▀█', 'onPlayerTeamChange', 'lat', 'pauseGame', 'blueCK', '505050',
'boosterCount', 'invMass', 'warningCount', '811oRJfWz', 'stringify', 'ballRadius',
'extraTime', '0xff223c', 'getPlayerList', 'admin', 'rsSwingTimer', 'cGroup', '
🟦 ⚊ 🕒 ', '✅ 🧹 Lᴏs ʙᴀɴs ғᴜᴇʀᴏɴ ʀᴇᴍᴏᴠɪᴅᴏs ᴘᴏʀ ', 'swap', 'ballOutPositionX',
'{"name":"🗦⚽🗧𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙻 𝚂𝙾𝙲𝙲𝙴𝚁 🙼 ᴿ ᴱ ⱽ ᴼ ᴸ ᵁ ᵀ ᴵ ᴼ ᴺ
or":"', '👋 Hasta pronto! ', 'extraTimeCount', '2vpbxKS', ' ℹ Escribe !help
para ver los comandos ⌨ ', 'secondLastKickerName', 'ticks', 'rsTimer', '] -
[', 'help', 'substr', '🔥 ⚽ 𝙂𝙊𝙇! ', 'throwInPosY', '463eHQvaF', 'roomName',
ColorFondoRS, 'clearbans', 'setPlayerAvatar', '🔐La clave ha sido cambiada por: ',
'redScore', 'name', 'Real Soccer Revolution', 'No hay admin, escribe el comando
para ser administrador.', 'code', 'rsGoalKick', 'setpassword', '🏟🌈 El color del
fondo del mapa actual es: ', NombreHost, 'noPlayer', 'clearpassword', 'time',
'lastKickerTeam', '🔐 Comando habilitado sólo para Admistradores ⚙️👤', 'cMask',
'rsReady', 'onPositionsReset', ' 🟥 ', 'getScores', '1823YwCEsH', 'then', 'POST', '
- ', 'username', 'bringThrowBack', 'outStatus', 'normal', 'xspeed', 'length',
'replace', 'position', '145825HWBoCM', '🔗 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗥𝗦𝗜:',
'getDiscProperties', 'color', 'geo', ' (👟 Asistencia: ', 'boosterState',
'134249tMXEkv', '🔄 Se han intercambiado los equipos', 'stopGame', 'rsActive',
'redCK', '84221WxdGJY', 'startsWith', 'lastPlayAnnounced', 'split', 'redThrow',
'setPlayerTeam', 'getBallPosition', 'extraTimeEnd', 'sqrt', '❌⚽ GOL EN CONTRA! ',
'setDiscProperties', 'onGameStart', '** Ha quitado la contraseña 🗝🔓 ',
'ygravity', '👟', 'forEach', 'redGK', 'onGameTick', 'paused', 'pushedOut',
'107sAuBDh', 'public', ' 🗝🔓 La contraseña fue eliminada por ', 'reset',
'throwinKicked', '                                        ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█', 'trim',
'lon', '0xd0ff00', 'setTimeLimit', '274921JuGtNr', 'rsTouchTeam', '🌐 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐆𝐋𝐇:', 'blueThrow',
'token', 'onTeamGoal', 'timeLimit', 'startGame', 'content', 'body', 'setPassword',
'Content-Type', 'updateLastKicker', 'substring', 'custom',
SBGnH2wkODNDHi24wvPk85wj6XecLB754wIHe-iEM776Sfk9_-Y', 'filter', ' Segundos',
'lastKickerId', 'onStadiumChange', ' by ', 'lastKickerName', 'headers', 'find',
'conn', 'maxPlayers'];
var _0x2ffa = function (_0x2ee94c, _0x596748) {
_0x2ee94c = _0x2ee94c - 0x11f;
var _0x24f126 = _0x24f1[_0x2ee94c];
return _0x24f126;
var _0x3c81f9 = _0x2ffa;
(function (_0x35acd1, _0x5111e2) {
var _0x22a73d = _0x2ffa;
while (!![]) {
try {
var _0x4b7342 = parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x186)) *
parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x150)) + -parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x140)) *
parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x1d7)) + parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x173)) *
parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x19f)) + -parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x1a9)) + -
parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x17f)) + parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x15a)) *
parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x127)) + -parseInt(_0x22a73d(0x18b));
if (_0x4b7342 === _0x5111e2) break;
else _0x35acd1['push'](_0x35acd1['shift']());
} catch (_0x1c7a16) {
}(_0x24f1, 0x2205c));
var throwTimeOut = 0x1a4,
gkTimeOut = 0x258,
ckTimeOut = 0x258,
throwinDistance = 0x10e,
mapBGColor = _0x3c81f9(0x15c),
superAdminCode = _0x3c81f9(0x13c);

/*-------------------------------- STADIUMS ---------------------------------*/

function getRealSoccerMap3() {
var realSoccerMap3 = `{

"name" : "💪 Entrenamiento RS ⚽",

"width" : 1300,

"height" : 710,

"spawnDistance" : 560,

"maxViewWidth" : 0,

"cameraFollow" : "player",

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ -199, 0
[ -180, -86
[ -180, 86
[ -290, 0
[ -257, -86
[ -257, 86
[ -393, 0
[ -369, -86
[ -366, 86
[ -487, 0
[ -132, 681


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 199, 0
[ 180, -86
[ 180, 86
[ 290, 0
[ 257, -86
[ 257, 86
[ 393, 0
[ 369, -86
[ 366, 86
[ 487, 0
[ 132, 681


"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 1260, "height" : 650, "kickOffRadius" :

180, "cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "43774e" },

"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.3,
"invMass" : 0.5,
"damping" : 0.96,
"acceleration" : 0.12,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.07,
"kickingDamping" : 0.96,
"kickStrength" : 5.65


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 9,
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 1.05,
"damping" : 0.99,
"color" : "9669ff",
"cMask" : [ "all"
"cGroup" : [ "ball"


"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 10 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 12 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 13 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 17 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 19 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 20 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 24 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 25 */ { "x" : -1120, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -1120, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 1120, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 1120, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 33 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 36 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 37 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 38 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -40, "trait" : "line", "color" : "576C46"
/* 39 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 40 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },

/* 42 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : 605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 43 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : 655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 44 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : -655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 45 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : -605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : 605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : 655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : -655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 49 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : -605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 50 */ { "x" : -1300, "y" : -485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],

"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
/* 51 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : -485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
/* 52 */ { "x" : -1300, "y" : 485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
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["red","blue" ] },
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["red","blue" ] },
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["red","blue" ] },
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["red","blue" ] },
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["red","blue" ] },
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["red","blue" ] },
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["red","blue" ] },
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"f2d8d8" },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "radius" : 6, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "color" :
"ffffff" },
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"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup"
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 181 */ { "x" : -1147, "y" : -631, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 182 */ { "x" : -1175, "y" : -631, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 184 */ { "x" : -1175, "y" : -628, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 185 */ { "x" : -1147, "y" : -628, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 187 */ { "x" : -1147, "y" : -633, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 188 */ { "x" : -1175, "y" : -633, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 190 */ { "x" : -1175, "y" : -626, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 191 */ { "x" : -1147, "y" : -626, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 194 */ { "x" : -1177.4062173992804, "y" : 580.8035317190905, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 195 */ { "x" : -1166.0327152954208, "y" : 572.6399877648089, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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/* 216 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -120, "y" : 653 },
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/* 223 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 690 },
/* 224 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 682 },
/* 225 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 668 },
/* 226 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 662 },
/* 227 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 653 },
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/* 229 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 682 },
/* 230 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 668 },
/* 231 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 662 },
/* 232 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 653 },
/* 233 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 60, "y" : 653 },
/* 234 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 145, "y" : 653 },
/* 235 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 169, "y" : 653 },
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/* 237 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 117, "y" : 653 },
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/* 239 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 690 },
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/* 241 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 690 }


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"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 170, "v1" : 170, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 875 },

{ "v0" : 169, "v1" : 171, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 172, "v1" : 173, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 172, "v1" : 174, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 175, "v1" : 176, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 175, "v1" : 177, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 178, "v1" : 179, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 877 },

{ "v0" : 180, "v1" : 181, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 180, "v1" : 181, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },
{ "v0" : 181, "v1" : 181, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 903, "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

{ "v0" : 180, "v1" : 182, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },

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"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 183, "v1" : 184, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 184, "v1" : 184, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 875 },

{ "v0" : 183, "v1" : 185, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },

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"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 189, "v1" : 190, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 189, "v1" : 191, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 192, "v1" : 193, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 877 },

{ "v0" : 194, "v1" : 195, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 194, "v1" : 195, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },
{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 195, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 903, "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 194, "v1" : 196, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },

{ "v0" : 197, "v1" : 198, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 197, "v1" : 198, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 198, "v1" : 198, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 875 },

{ "v0" : 197, "v1" : 199, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },

{ "v0" : 200, "v1" : 201, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 200, "v1" : 202, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 203, "v1" : 204, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 203, "v1" : 205, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 206,
"v1" : 207, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 208,
"v1" : 209, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 209,
"v1" : 210, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 211,
"v1" : 212, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 213,
"v1" : 214, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 214,
"v1" : 215 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 216,
"v1" : 217, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 218,
"v1" : 219, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 220,
"v1" : 221, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 222,
"v1" : 223, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 224,
"v1" : 225, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 226,
"v1" : 227, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 227,
"v1" : 228, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 229,
"v1" : 230, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 231,
"v1" : 232, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 232,
"v1" : 233, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 234,
"v1" : 235, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 236,
"v1" : 237, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 238,
"v1" : 239, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 240,
"v1" : 241, "x" : -223 },

{ "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" : 69, "v1" : 71, "cMask" :

["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
{ "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ], "v0" : 63, "v1" : 65 }


"goals" : [


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1311,-19 ], "color" :
"ffffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1310,29 ], "color" :
"ffffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1308,62 ], "color" :
"ffffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },

{ "radius" : 2.7, "pos" : [-1150,600 ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" :

"cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },
{ "radius" : 2.7, "pos" : [1150,-600 ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },
{ "radius" : 2.7, "pos" : [1150,600 ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },

{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1150,-124 ], "bCoef" : 0.5,

"trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "d6cbcb" },
{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1150,124 ], "bCoef" : 0.5,
"trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "d6cbcb" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1250,-158 ], "color" :
"dd2e2e", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1250,158 ], "color" :
"dd2e2e", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1150,-124 ], "bCoef" : 0.5,
"trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "cbccd6" },
{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1150,124 ], "bCoef" : 0.5,
"trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "cbccd6" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1250,-158 ], "color" :
"2e51dd", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1250,158 ], "color" : "2e51dd",
"bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "goalPost" },

{ "radius" : 2.7, "pos" : [-1150,-600 ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },

{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [-1149,-485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },

{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,-485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [-1149,-485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,-485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [-1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [-1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [-7,0 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [-2,0 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [0,7 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [-9,0 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [11,0 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [5,-4 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [8,7 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [-9,11 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [11,7 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 9, "bCoef" : 0.5, "invMass" : 1.05, "damping" : 0.99,
"pos" : [8,-4 ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -627, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -627, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -706, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -706, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1300, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1300, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 1, "cGroup" :
["ball" ] },
"rightNet" : { "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 1, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" :
["ball","c3" ] },
"leftNet" : { "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 1, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" :
["ball","c2" ] },
"stanchion" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 3, "cMask" :
["none" ] },
"cornerflag" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.2, "color" :
"FFFF00", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"reargoalNetleft" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : 10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"reargoalNetright" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : -10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"sidegoalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "C7E6BD" }




"canBeStored" : false

RSRMap = true;
return realSoccerMap3;

function getMiniRSMap() {
var MiniRSMap = `{

"name" : "Mɪɴɪ 𝐑𝐒 ʙʏ 𝒓𝒔𝒌 & 𝐆𝐋𝐇",

"width" : 940,

"height" : 380,

"spawnDistance" : 350,

"bg" : { "type" : "hockey", "width" : 700, "height" : 320, "kickOffRadius" :

80, "cornerRadius" : 0 },

"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.1,
"invMass" : 0.7,
"acceleration" : 0.11,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.05,
"kickStrength" : 5.67


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 9.9,
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 1,
"damping" : 0.99,
"color" : "FFDD00",
"cMask" : [ "all"
"cGroup" : [ "ball"

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 206, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 491, "y" : 206, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -206, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 491, "y" : -206, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 125, "trait" : "line", "color" : "004DFF" },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 614, "y" : 125, "trait" : "line", "color" : "004DFF" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -125, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"004DFF" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 614, "y" : -125, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"004DFF" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 491, "y" : -90, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130,
"color" : "004DFF" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 491, "y" : 79, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130,
"color" : "004DFF" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -206, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00"
/* 11 */ { "x" : -491, "y" : -206, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00"
/* 12 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 206, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 13 */ { "x" : -491, "y" : 206, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -125, "trait" : "line", "color" : "F00000"
/* 15 */ { "x" : -614, "y" : -125, "trait" : "line", "color" : "F00000"
/* 16 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 125, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"F00000" },
/* 17 */ { "x" : -614, "y" : 125, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"F00000" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -491, "y" : 85, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130,
"color" : "F00000" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : -491, "y" : -89, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130,
"color" : "F00000" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : 556, "y" : 4.5, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"2e2604" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 556, "y" : -4.5, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"2e2604" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -553, "y" : 4.5, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"2e2604" },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -553, "y" : -4.5, "trait" : "line", "color" : "2e2604"

/* 24 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 25 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -386, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "vis" :
false },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 27 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -386, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "vis" :
false },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -390, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "vis" : false },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 390, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "vis" : false },
/* 32 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 390, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 33 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "vis" : false },
/* 34 */ { "x" : -969, "y" : -123, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 35 */ { "x" : -822, "y" : -124, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 36 */ { "x" : -822, "y" : 123, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 37 */ { "x" : -967, "y" : 123, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },

/* 38 */ { "x" : -969, "y" : -123, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 39 */ { "x" : -822, "y" : -123, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -822, "y" : 123, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 41 */ { "x" : -969, "y" : 123, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 42 */ { "x" : -909, "y" : -83, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],

"color" : "2257D2" },
/* 43 */ { "x" : -909, "y" : 77, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"color" : "2257D2" },
/* 44 */ { "x" : -914, "y" : -83, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 45 */ { "x" : -904, "y" : -83, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 46 */ { "x" : -914, "y" : 77, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 47 */ { "x" : -904, "y" : 77, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 48 */ { "x" : -959, "y" : -83, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 49 */ { "x" : -959, "y" : 77, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 50 */ { "x" : 969, "y" : -123, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 51 */ { "x" : 822, "y" : -123, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 52 */ { "x" : 822, "y" : 123, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 53 */ { "x" : 969, "y" : 123, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },

/* 54 */ { "x" : 969, "y" : -123, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 55 */ { "x" : 823, "y" : -123, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 56 */ { "x" : 822, "y" : 123, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 57 */ { "x" : 969, "y" : 123, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 58 */ { "x" : 911, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],

"color" : "FF2121" },
/* 59 */ { "x" : 911, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"color" : "FF2121" },
/* 60 */ { "x" : 916, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 906, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 62 */ { "x" : 916, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 63 */ { "x" : 906, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 64 */ { "x" : 961, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 961, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },

/* 66 */ { "x" : -720, "y" : 236, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 67 */ { "x" : -720, "y" : 152, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 68 */ { "x" : -720, "y" : -152, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 69 */ { "x" : -720, "y" : -236, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 70 */ { "x" : 720, "y" : -236, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 71 */ { "x" : 720, "y" : -152, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 72 */ { "x" : 720, "y" : 152, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 73 */ { "x" : 720, "y" : 236, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 74 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 83.5, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "F00000", "curve" : 0 },
/* 75 */ { "x" : -760, "y" : 82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "F00000", "vis" : false,
"curve" : 12 },
/* 76 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -83.5, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "F00000", "curve" : 0 },
/* 77 */ { "x" : -760, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "F00000", "vis" : false,
"curve" : 12 },
/* 78 */ { "x" : -760, "y" : 82, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"ffffff" },
/* 79 */ { "x" : -760, "y" : -82, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"ffffff" },
/* 80 */ { "x" : -760, "y" : 82, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "FFF7F7", "vis" : true, "curve" : 10 },
/* 81 */ { "x" : -760, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "FFF7F7", "vis" : true, "curve" : 10 },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 703.01261034953, "y" : -83.5, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "004DFF", "curve" : 0 },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 761, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "004DFF", "vis" : false,
"curve" : 12 },
/* 84 */ { "x" : 701, "y" : 83.5, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "004DFF", "curve" : 0 },
/* 85 */ { "x" : 761, "y" : 82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "004DFF", "vis" : false,
"curve" : 12 },
/* 86 */ { "x" : 761, "y" : -82, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"ffffff" },
/* 87 */ { "x" : 761, "y" : 82, "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 88 */ { "x" : 761, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "FFF7F7", "vis" : true, "curve" : 10 },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 761, "y" : 82, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "FFF7F7", "vis" : true, "curve" : 10 },

/* 90 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO"

], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "585757", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 91 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -390, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"585757", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 92 */ { "x" : -1, "y" : 390, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" :
["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "585757", "vis" : false, "curve"
: 0 },
/* 93 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"585757", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },

/* 94 */ { "x" : -491, "y" : -206, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00"

/* 95 */ { "x" : -491, "y" : 206, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 96 */ { "x" : 491, "y" : 206, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 97 */ { "x" : 491, "y" : -206, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 98 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 99 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00"
/* 100 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"FFDD00" },
/* 101 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00"

/* 102 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 81, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :

"fcfcfc", "vis" : false },

/* 103 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -5, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },

/* 104 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 105 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -5, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 106 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },

/* 107 */ { "x" : -30, "y" : -49, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :

["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 0 },
/* 108 */ { "x" : -30, "y" : 34, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 0 },
/* 109 */ { "x" : 30, "y" : -49, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 0 },
/* 110 */ { "x" : 30, "y" : 34, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 0,
"color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 111 */ { "x" : 80.5, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "eec215",
"vis" : true, "curve" : 12 },
/* 112 */ { "x" : -80.5, "y" : 4, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"color" : "eec215", "vis" : true, "curve" : -12 },
/* 113 */ { "x" : 72, "y" : 34, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"curve" : -160.5, "vis" : true, "color" : "eec215" },
/* 114 */ { "x" : -72, "y" : 35, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : -160.5,
"vis" : true, "color" : "eec215" },
/* 115 */ { "x" : 78.8, "y" : -19, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"color" : "eec215", "vis" : true, "curve" : 12 },
/* 116 */ { "x" : -78.8, "y" : -18, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"color" : "eec215", "vis" : true, "curve" : -12 },
/* 117 */ { "x" : 63, "y" : -49, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 154, "vis"
: true, "color" : "eec215" },
/* 118 */ { "x" : -64, "y" : -49, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"curve" : 154, "vis" : true, "color" : "eec215" },
/* 119 */ { "x" : 63, "y" : -49, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 0, "vis" : true,
"color" : "004dff" },
/* 120 */ { "x" : 72, "y" : 34, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 0,
"vis" : true, "color" : "004dff" },
/* 121 */ { "x" : -64, "y" : -49, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 0,
"vis" : true, "color" : "f73131" },
/* 122 */ { "x" : -72, "y" : 35, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : 0, "vis" : true,
"color" : "f73131" },
/* 123 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"vis" : true, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 124 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true,
"color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 125 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"vis" : true, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 126 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"vis" : true, "color" : "FFDD00" },

/* 127 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },

/* 128 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 129 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 294, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 130 */ { "x" : -675, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 131 */ { "x" : -672.85422349049, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 132 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -295.14627021274, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 133 */ { "x" : 671.84288219525, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 134 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 294.15582349306, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 135 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -293.03342928015, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 136 */ { "x" : 673.92337307118, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 137 */ { "x" : -712, "y" : -318, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 45, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 138 */ { "x" : -740, "y" : -298, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 45, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 139 */ { "x" : -740, "y" : 298, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 45, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 140 */ { "x" : -712, "y" : 318, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 45, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 141 */ { "x" : 712, "y" : 318, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 45, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 142 */ { "x" : 740, "y" : 298, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 45, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 143 */ { "x" : 740, "y" : -298, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 45, "color" : "FFDD00" },
/* 144 */ { "x" : 712, "y" : -318, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 45, "color" : "FFDD00" },

/* 145 */ { "x" : 761, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 146 */ { "x" : 777, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 147 */ { "x" : 761, "y" : 82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 148 */ { "x" : 778, "y" : 82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 149 */ { "x" : -760, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 150 */ { "x" : -776, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 151 */ { "x" : -776, "y" : 82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 152 */ { "x" : -760, "y" : 82, "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 153 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 1.2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
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/* 154 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 1.2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
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/* 155 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 1.2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"curve" : 0, "color" : "222223" },
/* 156 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 1.2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"curve" : 0, "color" : "222223" },
/* 157 */ { "x" : -682, "y" : -323, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 158 */ { "x" : -682, "y" : -389, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false },
/* 159 */ { "x" : -682, "y" : 390, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 160 */ { "x" : -682, "y" : 324, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"vis" : false },
/* 161 */ { "x" : 682, "y" : 325.00001268704, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 162 */ { "x" : 682, "y" : 390.99998652002, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "vis" : false },
/* 163 */ { "x" : 682, "y" : -389.99998731296, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" : false },
/* 164 */ { "x" : 682, "y" : -324.00001347998, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "vis" : false }


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"line", "x" : 935 },
{ "v0" : 22, "v1" : 23, "curve" : -90, "color" : "2e2604", "trait" :
"line", "x" : -935 },
{ "v0" : 20, "v1" : 21, "color" : "2e2604", "trait" : "line", "x" : 935
{ "v0" : 22, "v1" : 23, "color" : "2e2604", "trait" : "line", "x" : -
935 },

{ "v0" : 25, "v1" : 24, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :

"FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 27, "v1" : 26, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 29, "v1" : 28, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 31, "v1" : 30, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 33, "v1" : 32, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 34, "v1" : 35, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]
{ "v0" : 35, "v1" : 36, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]
{ "v0" : 36, "v1" : 37, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]

{ "v0" : 38, "v1" : 39, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 40, "v1" : 41, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 42, "v1" : 43, "color" : "2257D2", "bCoef" : 1000000,

"cMask" : ["blue" ] },
{ "v0" : 44, "v1" : 45, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]
{ "v0" : 46, "v1" : 47, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]
{ "v0" : 48, "v1" : 49, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1000000, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 50, "v1" : 51, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 51, "v1" : 52, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 52, "v1" : 53, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },

{ "v0" : 54, "v1" : 55, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 56, "v1" : 57, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 58, "v1" : 59, "color" : "FF2121", "bCoef" : 1000000,

"cMask" : ["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 60, "v1" : 61, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 62, "v1" : 63, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 64, "v1" : 65, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1000000, "cMask" :
["blue" ] },

{ "v0" : 66, "v1" : 67, "curve" : -40, "vis" : true, "color" :

"FFDD00", "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : -720 },
{ "v0" : 68, "v1" : 69, "curve" : -40, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : -730 },
{ "v0" : 70, "v1" : 71, "curve" : -40, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : 720 },

{ "v0" : 75, "v1" : 77, "curve" : 12, "vis" : false, "color" :

"FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "reargoalNetleft", "x" : -760 },

{ "v0" : 74, "v1" : 75, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F00000", "bCoef" : 1.1,

"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet" },
{ "v0" : 76, "v1" : 77, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F00000", "bCoef" : 1.1,
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet" },

{ "v0" : 80, "v1" : 81, "curve" : 10, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFF7F7",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "reargoalNetleft", "x" : -760 },
{ "v0" : 83, "v1" : 85, "curve" : 12, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "reargoalNetleft", "x" : 760 },

{ "v0" : 82, "v1" : 83, "curve" : 0, "color" : "004DFF", "bCoef" : 1.1,

"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet" },
{ "v0" : 84, "v1" : 85, "curve" : 0, "color" : "004DFF", "bCoef" : 1.1,
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet" },

{ "v0" : 88, "v1" : 89, "curve" : 10, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFF7F7",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "reargoalNetleft", "x" : 760 },

{ "v0" : 90, "v1" : 91, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "585757",

"trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 92, "v1" : 93, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "585757",
"trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" : 0 },

{ "v0" : 94, "v1" : 95, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" : "line", "x" : -

840 },
{ "v0" : 96, "v1" : 97, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" : "line", "x" : 840
{ "v0" : 98, "v1" : 99, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" :
"line" },
{ "v0" : 100, "v1" : 101, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" :
"line" },
{ "v0" : 103, "v1" : 104, "curve" : -180, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" :
"line" },
{ "v0" : 105, "v1" : 106, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" :
"line" },
{ "v0" : 103, "v1" : 104, "curve" : -90, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" :
"line" },
{ "v0" : 105, "v1" : 106, "curve" : 90, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" :
"line" },

{ "v0" : 107, "v1" : 108, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1,

"cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"x" : -10 },
{ "v0" : 109, "v1" : 110, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" :
10 },
{ "v0" : 111, "v1" : 112, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "y" :
5 },
{ "v0" : 113, "v1" : 114, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "y" :
35 },
{ "v0" : 115, "v1" : 116, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "y" :
-20 },
{ "v0" : 117, "v1" : 118, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "y" :
-50 },
{ "v0" : 114, "v1" : 113, "curve" : -129.997900266, "vis" : true,
"color" : "FFDD00", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 118, "v1" : 117, "curve" : 103.422024528, "vis" : true,
"color" : "FFDD00", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 119, "v1" : 120, "curve" : 64.5746162722, "vis" : true,
"color" : "004dff", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" :
["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" : 200 },
{ "v0" : 121, "v1" : 122, "curve" : -60.1197451124, "vis" : true,
"color" : "f73131", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" :
["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" : -200 },
{ "v0" : 116, "v1" : 112, "curve" : -12, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ],
"trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" : -180 },
{ "v0" : 115, "v1" : 111, "curve" : 12, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ],
"trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" : 180 },
{ "v0" : 123, "v1" : 124, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ],
"trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 125, "v1" : 126, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ],
"trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 127, "v1" : 128, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFDD00", "trait" :

"line" },
{ "v0" : 129, "v1" : 130, "curve" : 90, "color" : "FFDD00", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 131, "v1" : 132, "curve" : 90, "color" : "FFDD00", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 133, "v1" : 134, "curve" : 90, "color" : "FFDD00", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 135, "v1" : 136, "curve" : 90, "color" : "FFDD00", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 137, "v1" : 138, "curve" : 45, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 139, "v1" : 140, "curve" : 45, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 141, "v1" : 142, "curve" : 45, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 143, "v1" : 144, "curve" : 45, "vis" : true, "color" :
"FFDD00", "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 145, "v1" : 146, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :

"f9f6e8", "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -82 },
{ "v0" : 147, "v1" : 148, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"f9f6e8", "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 82 },
{ "v0" : 149, "v1" : 150, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"f9f6e8", "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -82 },
{ "v0" : 151, "v1" : 152, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"f9f6e8", "bCoef" : 1.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 82 },

{ "v0" : 73, "v1" : 72, "curve" : 40, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFDD00",
"bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : 720 },

{ "v0" : 153, "v1" : 154, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"222223", "bCoef" : 1.2, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -320 },
{ "v0" : 155, "v1" : 156, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"222223", "bCoef" : 1.2, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 158, "v1" : 157, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 160, "v1" : 159, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -682 },
{ "v0" : 162, "v1" : 161, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 682 },
{ "v0" : 164, "v1" : 163, "curve" : 10, "vis" : false, "color" :
"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 682 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-710,-82 ], "p1" : [-710,82 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [711,82 ], "p1" : [711,-82 ], "team" : "blue" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-700,-320 ], "color" :
"FFFF00", "trait" : "cornerflag" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [700,320 ], "color" : "FFFF00",
"trait" : "cornerflag" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [700,-320 ], "color" : "FFFF00",
"trait" : "cornerflag" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-700,320 ], "color" : "FFFF00",
"trait" : "cornerflag" },

{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [-700,83.5 ], "color" : "f73131", "trait" :

"goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [-700,-83.5 ], "color" : "f73131", "trait" :
"goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [700,-83.5 ], "color" : "004DFF", "trait" :
"goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [700,83.5 ], "color" : "004DFF", "trait" :
"goalPost" }

"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -346, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -346, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -390, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -392, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -763, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -763, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -970, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -971, "bCoef" : 0 }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 2 },
"stanchion" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 3, "cMask" :
["none" ] },
"cornerflag" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5, "color" :
"FFFF00", "cGroup" : [ ] },
"reargoalNetleft" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : 10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"reargoalNetright" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : -10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"sidegoalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"tunnel" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "color" :
"000000" },
"advertising" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "color" :
"333333" },
"teambench" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "000000" },
"manager" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "333333" },
"physio" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "666666" },
"redsubs" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "E56E56" },
"bluesubs" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "5689E5" }

RSRMap = false;
return MiniRSMap;

function getBigMap() {
var BigMap = `{

"name" : "𝙱𝙸𝙶 ʙʏ 𝐆𝐋𝐇",

"width" : 900,

"height" : 550,

"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 550, "height" : 240, "color" :

"658456" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 240, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 1 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 2 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 3 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -240, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 240, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -240, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 550, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -550, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
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/* 13 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : 60, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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/* 18 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
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"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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"curve" : 0, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 26 */ { "x" : 3.12718802884131, "y" : 306.18048818048817, "curve" :
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"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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"color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 57.97265923418004, "y" : 306.18048818048817, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 84.09858713338295, "y" : 306.18048818048817, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 91.49271767089321, "y" : 303.27927216245575, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 101.35155838757353, "y" : 263.60413024854614,
"color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 37 */ { "x" : 48.60676055333373, "y" : 306.18048818048817, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 79.16916677504278, "y" : 273.68035676636447, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 39 */ { "x" : 84.59152916921697, "y" : 288.7946965430919, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -16.273205893659373, "y" : 260.1228271596088,
"color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 35.34318555958111, "y" : 260.1228271596088, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 35.95104326439943, "y" : 306.18048818048817, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 68.9392774017737, "y" : 277.93035476475785, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 71.40398758094378, "y" : 290.52563791203073, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 75.56352154072161, "y" : 276.04106229266694, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 78.5211737557257, "y" : 289.8958737546671, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 72.32892496298916, "y" : 284.85776049575793, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 78.24422939299737, "y" : 282.968468023667, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 49 */ { "x" : -53.0956340956341, "y" : 260.1228271596088, "curve" :
0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 50 */ { "x" : -38.91683991683992, "y" : 260.1228271596088, "curve" :
0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 51 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -240, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 52 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -240, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 53 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -80, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 54 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 80, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 55 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 240, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 56 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 240, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 57 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 80, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 58 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -80, "cMask" : [ ] }


"segments" : [
{ "v0" : 52, "v1" : 53, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 54, "v1" : 55, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 56, "v1" : 57, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 58, "v1" : 51, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 17, "v1" : 19, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "v0" : 19, "v1" : 18, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "v0" : 18, "v1" : 16, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "v0" : 1, "v1" : 2, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "v0" : 5, "v1" : 6, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9, "vis" : false, "color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" : 0.1,
"cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 9, "v1" : 10, "curve" : 180, "color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 10, "v1" : 9, "curve" : 180, "color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 18, "v1" : 19, "curve" : 180, "color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 10, "v1" : 11, "vis" : false, "color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 1, "v1" : 13, "curve" : 89.99999999999999, "vis" : false,
"color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
"curveF" : 1.0000000000000002 },
{ "v0" : 12, "v1" : 13, "vis" : false, "color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" :
0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 12, "v1" : 2, "curve" : 89.99999999999999, "vis" : false,
"color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
"curveF" : 1.0000000000000002 },
{ "v0" : 15, "v1" : 5, "curve" : 89.99999999999999, "vis" : false,
"color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "curveF" :
1.0000000000000002 },
{ "v0" : 14, "v1" : 15, "vis" : false, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 6, "v1" : 14, "curve" : 89.99999999999999, "vis" : false,
"color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "curveF" :
1.0000000000000002 },
{ "v0" : 20, "v1" : 21, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 20, "v1" : 22, "curve" : 199.84976430225004, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 20, "v1" : 23, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : -90.23053808524419, "v0" : 24, "v1" : 25, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 25, "v1" : 26, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 27, "v1" : 28, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 29, "v1" : 30, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 31, "v1" : 32, "color" : "C2E9BA", "y" :
347.51851851851853, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : -40.31363094108369, "v0" : 32, "v1" : 33, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 33, "v1" : 34, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 34, "v1" : 35, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : -12.443869458108697, "v0" : 35, "v1" : 36, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 36, "v1" : 37, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 37, "v1" : 31, "color" : "C2E9BA", "y" :
347.51851851851853, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : -275.7481276737362, "v0" : 38, "v1" : 39, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : -72.57586441321521, "v0" : 39, "v1" : 38, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 24, "v1" : 40, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 41, "v1" : 42, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 43.30136262581911, "v0" : 43, "v1" : 44, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 37.069696463287194, "v0" : 45, "v1" : 46, "color" :
"C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "v0" : 47, "v1" : 48, "color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 65.96742541763024, "color" : "C2E9BA", "v0" : 22, "v1" :
49, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "color" : "C2E9BA", "v0" : 49, "v1" : 50, "y" :
282.5515538527033, "cMask" : ["ball" ] }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -550, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -550, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -900, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -900, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -240, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -240, "cMask" : ["ball" ] }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-550,80 ], "p1" : [-550,-80 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [550,80 ], "p1" : [550,-80 ], "team" : "blue" }


"discs" : [
{ "cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-550,80 ], "color" :
"FFA8A8" },
{ "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-550,-80 ], "color" :
"FFA8A8" },
{ "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [550,80 ], "color" : "aaaaff" },
{ "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [550,-80 ], "color" :
"aaaaff" },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-566,76.5 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-580,74 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579.8,61 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579.6,48 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579.4,36 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579.2,24 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579,12 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-578.8,0 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579,-12 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579.2,-24 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579.4,-36 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579.6,-48 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-579.8,-61 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-580,-74 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-566,-76.5 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [566,76.5 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [580,74 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579.8,61 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579.6,48 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579.4,36 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579.2,24 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579,12 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [578.8,0 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579,-12 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579.2,-24 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579.4,-36 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579.6,-48 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [579.8,-61 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [580,-74 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [566,-76.5 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 }


"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 0.5,
"damping" : 0.96,
"acceleration" : 0.12,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.07,
"kickingDamping" : 0.96,
"kickStrength" : 5.65

"ballPhysics" : "disc0",

"spawnDistance" : 350,

"joints" : [
{ "d0" : 1, "d1" : 5, "length" : 16.3783393541592, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 5, "d1" : 6, "length" : 14.221462653327892, "strength" :
0.1 },
{ "d0" : 6, "d1" : 7, "length" : 13.001538370516007, "strength" :
0.1 },
{ "d0" : 7, "d1" : 8, "length" : 13.001538370516004, "strength" :
0.1 },
{ "d0" : 8, "d1" : 9, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 9, "d1" : 10, "length" : 12.001666550941996, "strength" :
0.1 },
{ "d0" : 10, "d1" : 11, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 11, "d1" : 12, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 12, "d1" : 13, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 13, "d1" : 14, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 14, "d1" : 15, "length" : 12.001666550941996, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 15, "d1" : 16, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 16, "d1" : 17, "length" : 13.001538370516004, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 17, "d1" : 18, "length" : 13.001538370516007, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 18, "d1" : 19, "length" : 14.221462653327892, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 19, "d1" : 2, "length" : 16.3783393541592, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 3, "d1" : 20, "length" : 16.3783393541592, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 20, "d1" : 21, "length" : 14.221462653327892, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 21, "d1" : 22, "length" : 13.001538370516007, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 22, "d1" : 23, "length" : 13.001538370516004, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 23, "d1" : 24, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 24, "d1" : 25, "length" : 12.001666550941996, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 25, "d1" : 26, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 26, "d1" : 27, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 27, "d1" : 28, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 28, "d1" : 29, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 29, "d1" : 30, "length" : 12.001666550941996, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 30, "d1" : 31, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 31, "d1" : 32, "length" : 13.001538370516004, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 32, "d1" : 33, "length" : 13.001538370516007, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 33, "d1" : 34, "length" : 14.221462653327892, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 34, "d1" : 4, "length" : 16.3783393541592, "strength" : 0.1 }


"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ -350, 0
[ -350, 60
[ -350, -60
[ -350, 120
[ -350, -120
[ -605, 0


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 350, 0
[ 350, 60
[ 350, -60
[ 350, 120
[ 350, -120
[ 605, 0


"traits" : {

RSRMap = false;
return BigMap;

function getVoley2DMap() {
var Voley2DMap = `{

"name" : "ᴠᴏʟʟᴇʏʙᴀʟʟ 🏐",

"width" : 420,

"height" : 200,

"cameraFollow" : "ball",

"spawnDistance" : 299,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ -350, 77
[ -167, 77


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 350, 77
[ 167, 77


"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 0, "height" : 0, "kickOffRadius" : 0,

"cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "1dc5d0" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -5, "y" : 20, "trait" : "net" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 5, "y" : 20, "trait" : "net" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : -3, "y" : 120, "trait" : "net" },

/* 3 */ { "x" : 100, "y" : 200, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 4 */ { "x" : 100, "y" : -200, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 5 */ { "x" : -100, "y" : 200, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : -100, "y" : -200, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 7 */ { "x" : -385, "y" : 100, "trait" : "line" },

/* 8 */ { "x" : -400, "y" : 125, "trait" : "line" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 400, "y" : 125, "trait" : "line" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 385, "y" : 100, "trait" : "line" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : -50, "trait" : "line" },
/* 12 */ { "x" : 70, "y" : -50, "trait" : "line" },

/* 13 */ { "x" : 3, "y" : 120, "trait" : "net" },

/* 14 */ { "x" : -385, "y" : 103, "trait" : "line", "color" :

"fdb279" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : 385, "y" : 103, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -387, "y" : 106, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 17 */ { "x" : 387, "y" : 106, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -388, "y" : 109, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 388, "y" : 109, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : -391, "y" : 112, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 391, "y" : 112, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -394, "y" : 115, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 23 */ { "x" : 394, "y" : 115, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 24 */ { "x" : -396, "y" : 118, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 25 */ { "x" : 396, "y" : 118, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -396, "y" : 121, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : 396, "y" : 121, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 28 */ { "x" : -396, "y" : 122, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 396, "y" : 122, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"fdb279" },

/* 30 */ { "x" : 3, "y" : 20, "trait" : "net" },

/* 31 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 23, "trait" : "net", "color" : "FFFFFF" },

/* 32 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 100, "y" : 101 },

/* 33 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 106, "y" : 124 },
/* 34 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -100, "y" : 101 },
/* 35 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -106, "y" : 124 },

/* 36 */ { "x" : -3, "y" : 20, "trait" : "net" }


"segments" : [
{ "v0" : 0, "v1" : 1, "trait" : "net" },

{ "v0" : 3, "v1" : 4, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "cGroup" : ["redKO" ]

{ "v0" : 5, "v1" : 6, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "cGroup" :
["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 0, "v1" : 11, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "cGroup" :
["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 1, "v1" : 12, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "cGroup" : ["blueKO"
] },

{ "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9, "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 10, "v1" : 7, "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 15, "v1" : 14, "trait" : "line", "y" : 103, "color" : "fdb279"
{ "v0" : 17, "v1" : 16, "trait" : "line", "y" : 106, "color" : "fdb279"
{ "v0" : 19, "v1" : 18, "trait" : "line", "y" : 109, "color" : "fdb279"
{ "v0" : 21, "v1" : 20, "trait" : "line", "y" : 112, "color" : "fdb279"
{ "v0" : 23, "v1" : 22, "trait" : "line", "y" : 115, "color" : "fdb279"
{ "v0" : 25, "v1" : 24, "trait" : "line", "y" : 118, "color" : "fdb279"
{ "v0" : 27, "v1" : 26, "trait" : "line", "y" : 121, "color" : "fdb279"
{ "v0" : 29, "v1" : 28, "trait" : "line", "y" : 122, "color" : "fdb279"
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 8, "v1" :
7 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 10, "v1" :
9 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 32, "v1" :
33 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 34, "v1" :
35 }

"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [0,114 ], "p1" : [420,114 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [0,114 ], "p1" : [-420,114 ], "team" : "red" }


"discs" : [
{ "pos" : [0,75 ], "trait" : "net", "radius" : 4, "color" : "2575b2",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ] },
{ "pos" : [0,85 ], "trait" : "net", "radius" : 4, "color" : "2575b2",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ] },
{ "pos" : [0,95 ], "trait" : "net", "radius" : 4, "color" : "2575b2",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ] },
{ "pos" : [0,105 ], "trait" : "net", "radius" : 4, "color" : "2575b2",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ] },
{ "pos" : [0,115 ], "trait" : "net", "radius" : 4, "color" : "2575b2",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ] },

{ "pos" : [0,66 ], "radius" : 3, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :

["ball","red","blue" ], "invMass" : 0, "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,59 ], "radius" : 2, "color" : "404040", "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,55 ], "radius" : 2, "color" : "404040", "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,50 ], "radius" : 2, "color" : "404040", "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,45 ], "radius" : 2, "color" : "404040", "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,40 ], "radius" : 2, "color" : "404040", "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,36 ], "radius" : 2, "color" : "404040", "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,31 ], "radius" : 2, "color" : "404040", "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,25 ], "radius" : 3, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "invMass" : 0, "_selected" : true },
{ "pos" : [0,-100000 ], "trait" : "ballPush" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -210, "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "bCoef" :
0 },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -50, "cMask" : ["red" ], "bCoef" : -1 },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -50, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : -1 },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -125, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -420, "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ],
"bCoef" : 0.6 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -420, "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ],
"bCoef" : 0.6 },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -199790, "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "bCoef" :
0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -100000, "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "bCoef" :
0 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -100000, "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "bCoef" :
0 }


"joints" : [
{ "d0" : 6, "d1" : 7, "length" : 3, "strength" : 0.3, "color" :
{ "d0" : 7, "d1" : 8, "length" : 3, "strength" : 0.3, "color" :
{ "d0" : 8, "d1" : 9, "length" : 3, "strength" : 0.3, "color" :
{ "d0" : 9, "d1" : 10, "length" : 3, "strength" : 0.3, "color" :
{ "d0" : 10, "d1" : 11, "length" : 3, "strength" : 0.3, "color" :
{ "d0" : 11, "d1" : 12, "length" : 3, "strength" : 0.3, "color" :
{ "d0" : 12, "d1" : 13, "length" : 3, "strength" : 0.3, "color" :
{ "d0" : 13, "d1" : 14, "length" : 3, "strength" : 0.3, "color" :

"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 0.5,
"damping" : 0.85,
"acceleration" : 0.5,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.07,
"kickingDamping" : 0.96,
"kickStrength" : 20


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 10,
"bCoef" : 1,
"invMass" : 0.9,
"damping" : 0.98,
"color" : "fad804",
"cMask" : [ "wall"
"cGroup" : [ "ball"


"traits" : {
"net" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "invMass" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ]
"line" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
"redline" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["" ], "color" : "FF4A4A" },
"blueline" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["" ], "color" : "6782FE" },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"ballPush" : { "radius" : 100000, "invMass" : 60, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"bCoef" : 0, "color" : "FFFFFFFF" }

RSRMap = false;
return Voley2DMap;

function getVoley3DMap() {
var Voley3DMap = `{

"name" : "\ud83c\udfd0 \ud835\ude85\ud835\ude7e\ud835\ude7b\ud835\ude7b\

ud835\ude74\ud835\ude88\ud835\ude71\ud835\ude70\ud835\ude7b\ud835\ude7b \ud835\
udfd1\ud835\udc03 \u005b\ud835\udc06\ud835\udc0b\ud835\udc07\u005d",

"width" : 485,

"height" : 205,

"spawnDistance" : 455,

"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 0, "height" : 0, "kickOffRadius" : 0,

"cornerRadius" : 0 },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -350, "y" : -97, "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 350, "y" : -97, "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
/* 2 */ { "x" : -351, "y" : -94, "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 351, "y" : -94, "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
/* 4 */ { "x" : -352, "y" : -91, "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
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{ "v0" : 177, "v1" : 178, "color" : "eadaaa", "trait" : "art",
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{ "v0" : 181, "v1" : 178, "color" : "cfc28f", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 179, "v1" : 176, "color" : "eadaaa", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 179, "v1" : 180, "color" : "cfc28f", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 178, "v1" : 182, "color" : "828282", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 183, "v1" : 179, "color" : "a6aa6a", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 178, "v1" : 179, "color" : "98a060", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 216, "v1" : 205, "color" : "909658", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 189, "v1" : 190, "color" : "e1e1e1", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 190, "v1" : 192, "color" : "dcdcdc", "trait" : "art",
"_selected" : true },

{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 196, "color" : "999999", "bCoef" : 0.65, "cMask" :

["ball" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 196, "vis" : false, "color" : "999999", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 184, "v1" : 185, "color" : "3b3b3b", "bCoef" : 0.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 186, "v1" : 185, "color" : "3f3f3f", "bCoef" : 0.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 193, "v1" : 194, "color" : "262626", "bCoef" : 0.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "_selected" : true },

{ "v0" : 194, "v1" : 196, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.65, "trait" :

"ballArea", "_selected" : true },

{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 212, "curve" : -244, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 212, "v1" : 188, "curve" : -244, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "_selected" : true },

{ "v0" : 217, "v1" : 218, "curve" : -180, "vis" : false, "trait" :

"kickoffBarrier", "_selected" : true },
{ "v0" : 218, "v1" : 217, "curve" : -180, "vis" : false, "trait" :
"kickoffBarrier", "_selected" : true },

{ "v0" : 212, "v1" : 186, "vis" : false, "trait" : "ballArea",

"_selected" : true }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-2,205 ], "p1" : [-535,205 ], "team" : "red", "_selected" :
true },
{ "p0" : [2,205 ], "p1" : [535,205 ], "team" : "blue", "_selected" :
true }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 7.25, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-464,-94 ], "color" :
"e56d56", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 7.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-480,-54 ], "color" :
"e56d56", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 5.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [451,-190 ], "color" :
"5d83c2", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 7.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [465,-90 ], "color" :
"5d83c2", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 7.75, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [472,-73 ], "color" :
"5d83c2", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 6.25, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-465,-102 ], "color" :
"dfc7b4", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 6.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-481,-61.5 ], "color" :
"cead97", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 4.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [451.5,-196.5 ], "color" :
"dab7a4", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 3.75, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [438.5,-197.5 ], "color" :
"c9a27b", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 3.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [423.5,-196 ], "color" :
"ab8871", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 6.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [466,-97.5 ], "color" :
"cead97", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 6.75, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [473,-80.5 ], "color" :
"fae7d4", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-459,-186.5 ], "color" :
"bb8871", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 4.25, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-455,-193 ], "color" :
"dab7a4", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 3.25, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-413.5,-196.5 ], "color" :
"d9b28b", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 5.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-469,-188 ], "color" :
"e56d56", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 4.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-469.5,-193.5 ], "color" :
"dab7a4", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 7.75, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [454,-130 ], "color" :
"5d83c2", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },
{ "radius" : 6.75, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [455,-137.5 ], "color" :
"f9eee5", "trait" : "art", "_selected" : true },

{ "radius" : 100000, "invMass" : 300, "pos" : [-53,-99953 ], "color" :

"ffffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "_selected" : true }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -178, "trait" : "playerArea", "_selected"
: true },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -230, "trait" : "playerArea",
"_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [0.93,0.37 ], "dist" : -470, "trait" : "playerArea",
"_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [-0.93,0.37 ], "dist" : -470, "trait" : "playerArea",
"_selected" : true },

{ "normal" : [0.986,0.165 ], "dist" : -482, "bCoef" : 0.2, "trait" :

"ballArea", "_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [-0.986,0.165 ], "dist" : -482, "bCoef" : 0.2, "trait" :
"ballArea", "_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -489, "bCoef" : 0.4, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -489, "bCoef" : 0.4, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -1000, "trait" : "ballArea",
"_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -215, "trait" : "ballArea",
"_selected" : true },

{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -510, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],

"trait" : "playerArea", "_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -510, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait"
: "playerArea", "_selected" : true },

{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -100000, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" :

["ball" ], "_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -100000, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" : ["ball"
], "_selected" : true },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -199000, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" :
["ball" ], "_selected" : true }


"traits" : {
"art" : { "cGroup" : ["" ], "cMask" : ["" ] },
"ballArea" : { "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"playerArea" : { "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"goalNet" : { "bCoef" : 0.05, "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ] },
"kickoffBarrier" : { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ] }


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 7.25,
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 1,
"damping" : 0.99,
"cMask" : [ "wall"
"color" : "435aaf"


"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 1,
"invMass" : 0.1,
"damping" : 0.97,
"acceleration" : 0.09575,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.09575,
"kickStrength" : 8.5,
"kickingDamping" : 0.9

RSRMap = false;
return Voley3DMap;

function getFutx2Map() {
var Futx2Map = `{

"name" : "\ud835\udcd5\ud835\ude6a\ud835\ude69\ud835\ude68\ud835\ude56\ud835\
ude61 \ud835\udc99\u2488 \ud835\udc99\u2489 \ufe54\ud835\udcd1\ud835\udd02 \ud835\
\u0026 \ud835\udc06\ud835\udc0b\ud835\udc07",

"width" : 420,

"height" : 200,

"spawnDistance" : 180,

"bg" : { "type" : "hockey", "width" : 368, "height" : 171, "kickOffRadius" :

65, "cornerRadius" : 0 },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -368, "y" : 171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },
/* 1 */ { "x" : -368, "y" : 65, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" : ["ball"
], "bCoef" : 1 },
/* 2 */ { "x" : -368, "y" : -65, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },
/* 3 */ { "x" : -368, "y" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea", "bCoef" : 1,
"cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 368, "y" : 171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" : ["ball"
], "bCoef" : 1 },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 368, "y" : 65, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 368, "y" : -65, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" : ["ball"
], "bCoef" : 1 },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 368, "y" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 8 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 65, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 9 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -65, "trait" : "line" },

/* 10 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 368, "y" : 171 },

/* 11 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 368, "y" : -171 },

/* 12 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 0, "y" : 171 },

/* 13 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 0, "y" : -171 },

/* 14 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 65, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 15 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -65, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 16 */ { "x" : 377, "y" : -65, "trait" : "line", "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"bCoef" : 1 },

/* 17 */ { "x" : 377, "y" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 18 */ { "x" : -377, "y" : -65, "trait" : "line", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 19 */ { "x" : -377, "y" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 20 */ { "x" : -377, "y" : 65, "trait" : "line", "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"bCoef" : 1 },

/* 21 */ { "x" : -377, "y" : 171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },
/* 22 */ { "x" : 377, "y" : 65, "trait" : "line", "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"bCoef" : 1 },

/* 23 */ { "x" : 377, "y" : 171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 24 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 199, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 25 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 65, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -65, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -199, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 28 */ { "x" : -368.53340356886, "y" : -62.053454903872, "cMask" :

["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos"
: [-700,-80 ] },
/* 29 */ { "x" : -400.05760771891, "y" : -62.053454903872, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos"
: [-700,-80 ] },
/* 30 */ { "x" : -400.05760771891, "y" : 64.043361696331, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos"
: [-700,80 ] },
/* 31 */ { "x" : -368.53340356886, "y" : 64.043361696331, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos"
: [-700,80 ] },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 368.09926357786, "y" : 63.94882446641, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos"
: [-700,-80 ] },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 400, "y" : 64, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,-80 ] },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 400, "y" : -61.927767991658, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos"
: [-700,80 ] },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 368.9681846993, "y" : -62.144998272018, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos"
: [-700,80 ] },

/* 36 */ { "x" : -368, "y" : -142.37229643041, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :

"line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : -90 },
/* 37 */ { "x" : -260.90035258157, "y" : -50.168480548544, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 0 },
/* 38 */ { "x" : -368, "y" : -160.81305960678, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line", "curve" : -90 },
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"line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 90 },
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0.1, "trait" : "line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 0 },
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"line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 43 */ { "x" : -358.5379338963, "y" : 171, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 368, "y" : 159.77251561324, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line", "curve" : -90 },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 358.36266315432, "y" : 171, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line", "curve" : -90 },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 368, "y" : -160.81305960678, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 358.36266315432, "y" : -171, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 368, "y" : -142.37229643041, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 90 },
/* 49 */ { "x" : 260.72508183959, "y" : -50.168480548544, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 90 },
/* 50 */ { "x" : 368, "y" : 141.33175243687, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : -90 },
/* 51 */ { "x" : 260.72508183959, "y" : 49.127936555002, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : -90 },
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0.1, "trait" : "line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 0 },
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"trait" : "line", "color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 0 },
/* 54 */ { "x" : -250.86909422732, "y" : -1.2295321189394, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 55 */ { "x" : -250.86909422732, "y" : 0.18898812539692, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 56 */ { "x" : -250.86909422732, "y" : -2.6480523632758, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 57 */ { "x" : -250.86909422732, "y" : 1.6075083697333, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 58 */ { "x" : -250.86909422732, "y" : 0.89824824756514, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 59 */ { "x" : -250.86909422732, "y" : -1.9387922411076, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 60 */ { "x" : -250.86909422732, "y" : 1.9621384308174, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 61 */ { "x" : -250.86909422732, "y" : -3.0026824243599, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 62 */ { "x" : 250.69382348534, "y" : -1.2295321189394, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 63 */ { "x" : 250.69382348534, "y" : 0.18898812539692, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 64 */ { "x" : 250.69382348534, "y" : -2.6480523632758, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 250.69382348534, "y" : 1.6075083697333, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 250.69382348534, "y" : 0.89824824756514, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 250.69382348534, "y" : -1.9387922411076, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 250.69382348534, "y" : 1.9621384308174, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 69 */ { "x" : 250.69382348534, "y" : -3.0026824243599, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 70 */ { "x" : -185.66591492467, "y" : -1.2295321189394, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 71 */ { "x" : -185.66591492467, "y" : 0.18898812539692, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 72 */ { "x" : -185.66591492467, "y" : -2.6480523632758, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 73 */ { "x" : -185.66591492467, "y" : 1.6075083697333, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 74 */ { "x" : -185.66591492467, "y" : 0.89824824756514, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 75 */ { "x" : -185.66591492467, "y" : -1.9387922411076, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 76 */ { "x" : -185.66591492467, "y" : 1.9621384308174, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 77 */ { "x" : -185.66591492467, "y" : -3.0026824243599, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 185.49064418269, "y" : -1.2295321189394, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 79 */ { "x" : 185.49064418269, "y" : 0.18898812539692, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 185.49064418269, "y" : -2.6480523632758, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 185.49064418269, "y" : 1.6075083697333, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 185.49064418269, "y" : 0.89824824756514, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 185.49064418269, "y" : -1.9387922411076, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 84 */ { "x" : 185.49064418269, "y" : 1.9621384308174, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 85 */ { "x" : 185.49064418269, "y" : -3.0026824243599, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 86 */ { "x" : -160.58776903904, "y" : -159.39453936245, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 87 */ { "x" : -160.58776903904, "y" : -182.09086327183, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 88 */ { "x" : -80.337702205015, "y" : -159.39453936245, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 89 */ { "x" : -80.337702205015, "y" : -182.09086327183, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 90 */ { "x" : 160.41249829706, "y" : -159.39453936245, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 91 */ { "x" : 160.41249829706, "y" : -182.09086327183, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 92 */ { "x" : 80.162431463036, "y" : -159.39453936245, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 93 */ { "x" : 80.162431463036, "y" : -182.09086327183, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 94 */ { "x" : -254.88159756902, "y" : -171, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line" },
/* 95 */ { "x" : -254.88159756902, "y" : -182.09086327183, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 96 */ { "x" : -371.91294503531, "y" : -87.759267023458, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 97 */ { "x" : -384.61920561736, "y" : -87.759267023458, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 98 */ { "x" : 371.73767429333, "y" : -87.759267023458, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 99 */ { "x" : 384.44393487538, "y" : -87.759267023458, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 100 */ { "x" : -371.91294503531, "y" : 86.718723029916, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 101 */ { "x" : -384.61920561736, "y" : 86.718723029916, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 102 */ { "x" : 371.73767429333, "y" : 86.718723029916, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 103 */ { "x" : 384.44393487538, "y" : 86.718723029916, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 104 */ { "x" : -254.88159756902, "y" : 171, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line" },
/* 105 */ { "x" : -254.88159756902, "y" : 181.05031927829, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 106 */ { "x" : 254.70632682704, "y" : -171, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line" },
/* 107 */ { "x" : 254.70632682704, "y" : -182.09086327183, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 108 */ { "x" : 254.70632682704, "y" : 171, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"line" },
/* 109 */ { "x" : 254.70632682704, "y" : 181.05031927829, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 110 */ { "x" : 377, "y" : -65, "trait" : "line", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 111 */ { "x" : 377, "y" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 112 */ { "x" : -377, "y" : -65, "trait" : "line", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 113 */ { "x" : -377, "y" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 114 */ { "x" : -377, "y" : 65, "trait" : "line", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 115 */ { "x" : -377, "y" : 171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },

/* 116 */ { "x" : 377, "y" : 65, "trait" : "line", "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"bCoef" : 1 },

/* 117 */ { "x" : 377, "y" : 171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "bCoef" : 1 },
/* 118 */ { "x" : 371, "y" : -65, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 119 */ { "x" : 371, "y" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 120 */ { "x" : 371, "y" : 65, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 121 */ { "x" : 371, "y" : 171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 122 */ { "x" : -371, "y" : 65, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 123 */ { "x" : -371, "y" : 171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 124 */ { "x" : -371, "y" : -65, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 125 */ { "x" : -371, "y" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 }


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"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : -180,
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 1, "v1" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -368 },
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"v0" : 5, "v1" : 4, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 368 },
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"v0" : 2, "v1" : 3, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -368 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 6, "v1" : 7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 368 },
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"v0" : 0, "v1" : 10, "y" : 171 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 3, "v1" : 11, "y" : -171 },

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"line", "v0" : 12, "v1" : 13 },
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"trait" : "line", "v0" : 9, "v1" : 8 },
{ "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "trait"
: "line", "v0" : 15, "v1" : 14 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"line", "v0" : 2, "v1" : 1 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"line", "v0" : 6, "v1" : 5 },

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"v0" : 16, "v1" : 17, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 330 },
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"v0" : 18, "v1" : 19, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -330 },
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"v0" : 20, "v1" : 21, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -330 },
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"v0" : 22, "v1" : 23, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 330 },

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["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "pos" : [-700,-80 ], "y" : -80 },
{ "v0" : 29, "v1" : 30, "color" : "F8F8F8", "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "x" : -590 },
{ "v0" : 30, "v1" : 31, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "pos" : [-700,80 ], "y" : 80 },
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["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "pos" : [-700,-80 ], "y" : -80 },
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["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "x" : -590 },
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"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
{ "v0" : 68, "v1" : 69, "curve" : -179.99175181595, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
{ "v0" : 71, "v1" : 70, "curve" : -180.04715562398, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
{ "v0" : 70, "v1" : 71, "curve" : -179.95294709391, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
{ "v0" : 73, "v1" : 72, "curve" : -179.95715750564, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
{ "v0" : 72, "v1" : 73, "curve" : -179.89943871875, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
{ "v0" : 75, "v1" : 74, "curve" : -179.94773754738, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
{ "v0" : 74, "v1" : 75, "curve" : -179.98221351296, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
{ "v0" : 77, "v1" : 76, "curve" : -180.4151727218, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
{ "v0" : 76, "v1" : 77, "curve" : -179.58764458796, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
{ "v0" : 79, "v1" : 78, "curve" : -180.00086646359, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
{ "v0" : 78, "v1" : 79, "curve" : -180.01965986376, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
{ "v0" : 81, "v1" : 80, "curve" : -180.03532601389, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
{ "v0" : 80, "v1" : 81, "curve" : -179.99380079, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
{ "v0" : 83, "v1" : 82, "curve" : -180.0044468452, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
{ "v0" : 82, "v1" : 83, "curve" : -180.01386779847, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
{ "v0" : 85, "v1" : 84, "curve" : -180.05158287563, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
{ "v0" : 84, "v1" : 85, "curve" : -180.01212223878, "vis" : true,
"color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
{ "v0" : 86, "v1" : 87, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240 },
{ "v0" : 88, "v1" : 89, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -120 },
{ "v0" : 90, "v1" : 91, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 240 },
{ "v0" : 92, "v1" : 93, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 120 },
{ "v0" : 94, "v1" : 95, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -381 },
{ "v0" : 96, "v1" : 97, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : 123 },
{ "v0" : 98, "v1" : 99, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : 123 },
{ "v0" : 100, "v1" : 101, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : -123 },
{ "v0" : 102, "v1" : 103, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : -123 },
{ "v0" : 104, "v1" : 105, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -381 },
{ "v0" : 106, "v1" : 107, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 381 },
{ "v0" : 108, "v1" : 109, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 381 },

{ "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",

"v0" : 110, "v1" : 111, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 330 },
{ "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 112, "v1" : 113, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -330 },
{ "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 114, "v1" : 115, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -330 },
{ "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 116, "v1" : 117, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 330 },
{ "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 118, "v1" : 119, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 371 },
{ "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 120, "v1" : 121, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : 371 },
{ "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 122, "v1" : 123, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -371 },
{ "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea",
"v0" : 124, "v1" : 125, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -371 }

"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-374.25,-62.053454903872 ], "p1" : [-
374.25,64.043361696331 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [374.25,62 ], "p1" : [374.25,-62 ], "team" : "blue" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 3.9405255187564, "pos" : [-368.53340356886,64.043361696331
], "color" : "6666CC", "trait" : "goalPost", "y" : 80 },
{ "radius" : 3.9405255187564, "pos" : [-368.53340356886,-
62.053454903872 ], "color" : "6666CC", "trait" : "goalPost", "y" : -80, "x" : -
560 },
{ "radius" : 3.9405255187564, "pos" : [368.9681846993,-
62.144998272018 ], "color" : "6666CC", "trait" : "goalPost", "y" : 80 },
{ "radius" : 3.9405255187564, "pos" :
[368.09926357786,63.94882446641 ], "color" : "6666CC", "trait" : "goalPost", "y" :
-80, "x" : -560 },

{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-368,-171 ], "color" :

"FFCC00", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-368,171 ], "color" : "FFCC00",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [368,171 ], "color" : "FFCC00",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [368,-171 ], "color" : "FFCC00",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -171, "trait" : "ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -200, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :

["all" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -200, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["all" ] },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -420, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["all" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -420, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["all" ] }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 1 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["all" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ] },
"arco" : { "radius" : 2, "cMask" : ["n/d" ], "color" : "cccccc" }


"playerPhysics" : {
"acceleration" : 0.11,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.083,
"kickStrength" : 5,
"bCoef" : 0


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 6.25,
"color" : "FFCC00",
"bCoef" : 0.4,
"invMass" : 1.5,
"damping" : 0.99

RSRMap = false;
return Futx2Map;

function getFutx3Map() {
var Futx3Map = `{

"name" : "\ud835\udcd5\ud835\ude6a\ud835\ude69\ud835\ude68\ud835\ude56\ud835\
ude61 \ud835\udc99\u01b7 \ufe54\ud835\udcd1\ud835\udd02 \ud835\ude71\ud835\ude8a\
ud835\udea3\ud835\ude92\ud835\ude97\ud835\ude90\ud835\ude8a\u2757 \u0026 \ud835\

"width" : 620,

"height" : 270,

"spawnDistance" : 350,

"bg" : { "type" : "hockey", "width" : 550, "height" : 240, "kickOffRadius" :

80, "cornerRadius" : 0 },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 240, "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -240, "trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 2 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 270, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 3 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.15, "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier", "color" : "F8F8F8", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.15, "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier", "color" : "F8F8F8", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -270, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 6 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],

"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,-80 ] },
/* 7 */ { "x" : -590, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,-80 ] },
/* 8 */ { "x" : -590, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,80 ] },
/* 9 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,80 ] },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [700,-80 ] },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 590, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [700,-80 ] },
/* 12 */ { "x" : 590, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [700,80 ] },
/* 13 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [700,80 ] },

/* 14 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,80 ] },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,-80 ] },
/* 17 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "pos" : [700,80 ] },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8" },
/* 23 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [700,-80 ] },
/* 24 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 25 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0 },
/* 27 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0 },

/* 28 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :

["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8" },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8" },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"F8F8F8", "vis" : true, "curve" : -180 },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"F8F8F8", "vis" : true, "curve" : -180 },
/* 36 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"F8F8F8", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 37 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"F8F8F8", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },

/* 38 */ { "x" : -557.5, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "pos" : [-700,80 ] },
/* 39 */ { "x" : -557.5, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -557.5, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 41 */ { "x" : -557.5, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "pos" : [-700,-80 ] },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 557.5, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 557.5, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "pos" : [700,-80 ] },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 557.5, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "pos" : [700,80 ] },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 557.5, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },

/* 46 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },

/* 47 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 48 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 49 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 50 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 51 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 52 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 200, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : -90 },
/* 53 */ { "x" : -390, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 0 },
/* 54 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : 226, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : -90 },
/* 55 */ { "x" : -536, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : -90 },
/* 56 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -200, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 90 },
/* 57 */ { "x" : -390, "y" : -70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 0 },
/* 58 */ { "x" : -550, "y" : -226, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 90 },
/* 59 */ { "x" : -536, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 90 },
/* 60 */ { "x" : -381, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -226, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : -90 },
/* 62 */ { "x" : 536, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : -90 },
/* 63 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 226, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 90 },
/* 64 */ { "x" : 536, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 90 },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : 200, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 90 },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 390, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 90 },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 550, "y" : -200, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : -90 },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 390, "y" : -70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : -90 },
/* 69 */ { "x" : 390, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 0 },
/* 70 */ { "x" : 390, "y" : -70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "F8F8F8", "curve" : 0 },
/* 71 */ { "x" : -375, "y" : 1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 72 */ { "x" : -375, "y" : -1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 73 */ { "x" : -375, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 74 */ { "x" : -375, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 75 */ { "x" : -375, "y" : -2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 76 */ { "x" : -375, "y" : 2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 77 */ { "x" : -375, "y" : -3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 78 */ { "x" : -375, "y" : 3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 79 */ { "x" : 375, "y" : 1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve"
: 180 },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 375, "y" : -1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 375, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve"
: 180 },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 375, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 375, "y" : -2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 84 */ { "x" : 375, "y" : 2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "curve"
: 180 },
/* 85 */ { "x" : 375, "y" : -3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 86 */ { "x" : 375, "y" : 3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 87 */ { "x" : -277.5, "y" : 1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 88 */ { "x" : -277.5, "y" : -1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 89 */ { "x" : -277.5, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 90 */ { "x" : -277.5, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 91 */ { "x" : -277.5, "y" : -2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 92 */ { "x" : -277.5, "y" : 2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 93 */ { "x" : -277.5, "y" : -3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 94 */ { "x" : -277.5, "y" : 3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 95 */ { "x" : 277.5, "y" : 1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 96 */ { "x" : 277.5, "y" : -1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 97 */ { "x" : 277.5, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 98 */ { "x" : 277.5, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 99 */ { "x" : 277.5, "y" : -2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 100 */ { "x" : 277.5, "y" : 2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 101 */ { "x" : 277.5, "y" : -3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 102 */ { "x" : 277.5, "y" : 3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 103 */ { "x" : -240, "y" : 224, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 104 */ { "x" : -240, "y" : 256, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 105 */ { "x" : -120, "y" : 224, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 106 */ { "x" : -120, "y" : 256, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 107 */ { "x" : 240, "y" : 224, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 108 */ { "x" : 240, "y" : 256, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 109 */ { "x" : 120, "y" : 224, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 110 */ { "x" : 120, "y" : 256, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 111 */ { "x" : -381, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 112 */ { "x" : -381, "y" : 256, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 113 */ { "x" : -556, "y" : 123, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 114 */ { "x" : -575, "y" : 123, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 115 */ { "x" : 556, "y" : 123, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 116 */ { "x" : 575, "y" : 123, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 117 */ { "x" : -556, "y" : -123, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 118 */ { "x" : -575, "y" : -123, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 119 */ { "x" : 556, "y" : -123, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 120 */ { "x" : 575, "y" : -123, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 121 */ { "x" : -381, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 122 */ { "x" : -381, "y" : -256, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 123 */ { "x" : 381, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 124 */ { "x" : 381, "y" : 256, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 125 */ { "x" : 381, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 126 */ { "x" : 381, "y" : -256, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },

/* 127 */ { "x" : 553, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "vis" : false },
/* 128 */ { "x" : 553, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [700,-80 ], "vis" : false },
/* 129 */ { "x" : 553, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "pos" : [700,80 ], "vis" : false },
/* 130 */ { "x" : 553, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false },
/* 131 */ { "x" : -553, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,80 ], "vis" : false },
/* 132 */ { "x" : -553, "y" : 240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "vis" : false },
/* 133 */ { "x" : -553, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "pos" : [-700,-80 ], "vis" : false },
/* 134 */ { "x" : -553, "y" : -240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "F8F8F8", "vis" : false }


"segments" : [
{ "v0" : 6, "v1" : 7, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "pos" : [-700,-80 ], "y" : -80 },
{ "v0" : 7, "v1" : 8, "color" : "F8F8F8", "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "x" : -590 },
{ "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "pos" : [-700,80 ], "y" : 80 },
{ "v0" : 10, "v1" : 11, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "pos" : [700,-80 ], "y" : -80 },
{ "v0" : 11, "v1" : 12, "color" : "F8F8F8", "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "x" : 590 },
{ "v0" : 12, "v1" : 13, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F8F8F8", "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "pos" : [700,80 ], "y" : 80 },
{ "v0" : 2, "v1" : 3, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 3, "v1" : 4, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.15, "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 3, "v1" : 4, "curve" : -180, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 0.15, "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 4, "v1" : 5, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 14, "v1" : 15, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :

1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 16, "v1" : 17, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :
1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 18, "v1" : 19, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 1,
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "y" : 240 },
{ "v0" : 20, "v1" : 21, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :
1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 550 },
{ "v0" : 22, "v1" : 23, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :
1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 550 },
{ "v0" : 24, "v1" : 25, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 550, "y" : -240 },
{ "v0" : 26, "v1" : 27, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "y" : -240 },

{ "v0" : 28, "v1" : 29, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :

0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 30, "v1" : 31, "vis" : true, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 38, "v1" : 39, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8",

"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -557.5 },
{ "v0" : 40, "v1" : 41, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -557.5 },
{ "v0" : 42, "v1" : 43, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 557.5 },
{ "v0" : 44, "v1" : 45, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 557.5 },

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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 0 },
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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -550 },
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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 550 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 390 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 375 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 277.5 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 240 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 120 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -381 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : 123 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : 123 },
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"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : -123 },
{ "v0" : 119, "v1" : 120, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : -123 },
{ "v0" : 121, "v1" : 122, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -381 },
{ "v0" : 123, "v1" : 124, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 381 },
{ "v0" : 125, "v1" : 126, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 381 },

{ "v0" : 127, "v1" : 128, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 553 },
{ "v0" : 129, "v1" : 130, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 553 },
{ "v0" : 131, "v1" : 132, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -553 },
{ "v0" : 133, "v1" : 134, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -553 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-556.25,-80 ], "p1" : [-556.25,80 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [556.25,80 ], "p1" : [556.25,-80 ], "team" : "blue" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [-550,80 ], "color" : "6666CC", "trait" :
"goalPost", "y" : 80 },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [-550,-80 ], "color" : "6666CC", "trait" :
"goalPost", "y" : -80, "x" : -560 },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [550,80 ], "color" : "6666CC", "trait" :
"goalPost", "y" : 80 },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [550,-80 ], "color" : "6666CC", "trait" :
"goalPost", "y" : -80 },

{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-550,240 ], "color" : "FFCC00",

"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-550,-240 ], "color" :
"FFCC00", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [550,-240 ], "color" : "FFCC00",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [550,240 ], "color" : "FFCC00",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -240, "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -240, "bCoef" : 1, "trait" :
"ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -270, "bCoef" : 0.1 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -270, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -620, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -620, "bCoef" : 0.1 },

{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -620, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :

"ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -620, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] }


"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0,
"acceleration" : 0.11,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.083,
"kickStrength" : 5


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 6.25,
"bCoef" : 0.4,
"invMass" : 1.5,
"damping" : 0.99,
"color" : "FFCC00"

RSRMap = false;
return Futx3Map;

function getFutx4Map() {
var Futx4Map = `{

"name" : "𝑭𝑼𝑻𝑺𝑨𝑳 ✘𝟒 ʙʏ 🅶🅻🅷",

"width" : 765,

"height" : 350,

"bg" : { "type" : "hockey" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -350, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 2 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 3 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 4 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 5 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 10 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 11 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
/* 12 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
/* 13 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 15 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 16 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 17 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 18 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 20 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -706.5, "y" : 90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -706.5, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 24 */ { "x" : -706.5, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 25 */ { "x" : -706.5, "y" : -90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 26 */ { "x" : 706.5, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 27 */ { "x" : 706.5, "y" : -90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 706.5, "y" : 90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 706.5, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 30 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 31 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 34 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 280, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 35 */ { "x" : -480, "y" : 60, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 36 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -280, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
/* 37 */ { "x" : -480, "y" : -60, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 280, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 39 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 40 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -280, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : -70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : -70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : 1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : -1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 480, "y" : 2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 49 */ { "x" : -480, "y" : 1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 50 */ { "x" : -480, "y" : -1, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 51 */ { "x" : -480, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 52 */ { "x" : -480, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 53 */ { "x" : -480, "y" : 2, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 54 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 55 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 56 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 57 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 58 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 59 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 60 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 62 */ { "x" : -765.1, "y" : 15, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 63 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : 15, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
] },
/* 64 */ { "x" : -765.1, "y" : -15, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 65 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : -15, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : -15, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
] },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 765.1, "y" : -15, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : 15, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 69 */ { "x" : 765.1, "y" : 15, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 70 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 71 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 350, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 72 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 73 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 74 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 77 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 90, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 79 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 60, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -60, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 60, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -60, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 84 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 91, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 85 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -91, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 86 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 91, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 87 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -91, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 88 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -60, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -91, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 90 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 91, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 91 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 60, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 92 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -91, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 93 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 94 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 91, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 95 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 96 */ { "x" : -706.5, "y" : 90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 97 */ { "x" : -706.5, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 98 */ { "x" : -706.5, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 99 */ { "x" : -706.5, "y" : -90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 100 */ { "x" : 706.5, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 101 */ { "x" : 706.5, "y" : -90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 102 */ { "x" : 706.5, "y" : 90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 103 */ { "x" : 706.5, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 104 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : -350, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 105 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : 350, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 106 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : 350, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 107 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : -350, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ] }


"segments" : [
{ "v0" : 0, "v1" : 1, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" : 0.1,
"cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 2, "v1" : 3, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 3, "v1" : 4, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 4, "v1" : 5, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 6, "v1" : 7, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 7, "v1" : 8, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.2, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
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["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 12, "v1" : 13, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 14, "v1" : 15, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 16, "v1" : 17, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 18, "v1" : 19, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 1.15, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 20, "v1" : 21, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 22, "v1" : 23, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 24, "v1" : 25, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 26, "v1" : 27, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 28, "v1" : 29, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 30, "v1" : 31, "color" : "F80000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 32, "v1" : 33, "color" : "F8", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 35, "v1" : 34, "curve" : 93.241608812827, "color" : "FFFFFF",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 0.9449654112221421 },
{ "v0" : 36, "v1" : 37, "curve" : 93.241608812827, "color" : "FFFFFF",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 0.9449654112221421 },
{ "v0" : 35, "v1" : 37, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 38, "v1" : 39, "curve" : 93.241608812827, "color" : "FFFFFF",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 0.9449654112221421 },
{ "v0" : 41, "v1" : 40, "curve" : 93.241608812827, "color" : "FFFFFF",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 0.9449654112221421 },
{ "v0" : 42, "v1" : 43, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 45, "v1" : 44, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 44, "v1" : 45, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 47, "v1" : 46, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 46, "v1" : 47, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 50, "v1" : 49, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 49, "v1" : 50, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 52, "v1" : 51, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 51, "v1" : 52, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 54, "v1" : 55, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.2, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 55, "v1" : 56, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.2, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 56, "v1" : 57, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.2, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 58, "v1" : 59, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.2, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 59, "v1" : 60, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.2, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 60, "v1" : 61, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.2, "cMask" : ["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 62, "v1" : 63, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.5, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
{ "v0" : 64, "v1" : 65, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.5, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
{ "v0" : 66, "v1" : 67, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.5, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
{ "v0" : 68, "v1" : 69, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.5, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
{ "v0" : 70, "v1" : 71, "vis" : false, "color" : "F8F8F8", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 72, "v1" : 73, "curve" : 179.42829117403488, "color" :
"696969", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ],
"curveF" : 0.0049891420830909 },
{ "v0" : 75, "v1" : 74, "curve" : 180, "color" : "696969", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curveF" : 6.1232339957368e-
17 },
{ "v0" : 81, "v1" : 80, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 82, "v1" : 83, "curve" : 180, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 85, "v1" : 84, "curve" : 180, "color" : "555555", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 86, "v1" : 87, "curve" : 180, "color" : "555555", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "curveF" : 6.123233995736766e-17 },
{ "v0" : 88, "v1" : 89, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 90, "v1" : 91, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 93, "v1" : 92, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 94, "v1" : 95, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 96, "v1" : 97, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 98, "v1" : 99, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 100, "v1" : 101, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 102, "v1" : 103, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 104, "v1" : 105, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.5, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
{ "v0" : 106, "v1" : 107, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" :
0.5, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -350, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -765.1, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -350, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -765.1, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ] }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-707.5,-90 ], "p1" : [-707.5,90 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [707.5,90 ], "p1" : [707.5,-90 ], "team" : "blue" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 6.25, "invMass" : 1.5, "color" : "FEBA01", "bCoef" : 0.4,
"cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-765.1,0 ], "color" : "0",
"bCoef" : 440 },
{ "radius" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [765.1,0 ], "color" : "0",
"bCoef" : 440 },
{ "radius" : 5.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-700,90 ] },
{ "radius" : 5.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-700,-90 ] },
{ "radius" : 5.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [700,90 ] },
{ "radius" : 5.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [700,-90 ] }


"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.1,
"acceleration" : 0.11,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.083


"ballPhysics" : "disc0"
RSRMap = false;
return Futx4Map;

function getEscuelaMap() {
var EscuelaMap = `{

"name" : "🏫 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐚 🅶🅻🅷 🎓 📚",

"cameraFollow" : "player",

"width" : 3000,

"height" : 500,
"spawnDistance" : 700,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ 1165, -231


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 934, -140
[ 966, -140
[ 1060, -140
[ 1092, -140
[ 1183, -140
[ 1214, -140
[ 1300, -140
[ 1332, -140
[ 935, -78
[ 967, -78
[ 1061, -78
[ 1093, -78
[ 1184, -78
[ 1215, -78
[ 1301, -78
[ 1333, -78
[ 936, -16
[ 968, -16
[ 1062, -16
[ 1094, -16
[ 1185, -16
[ 1216, -16
[ 1302, -16
[ 1334, -16

"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "color" : "5c5d5f" },

"ballPhysics" : {
"pos" : [ -554, -20
"radius" : 10


"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 603.720973550965, "y" : -283.35830774585804, "color" :
"BF9768", "cMask" : ["all","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 1407.9160525411248, "y" : -283.35830774585804,
"color" : "BF9768", "cMask" : ["all","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 2 */ { "x" : 1409.9160525411248, "y" : 260.2680990984462, "color" :
"BF9768", "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 603.720973550965, "y" : 260.2680990984462, "color" :
"BF9768", "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0

/* 4 */ { "x" : 603.720973550965, "y" : -109.52104193940404, "color" :

"BF9768", "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 603.720973550965, "y" : -216.37143268273897, "color" :
"BF9768", "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "bCoef" : 0 },

/* 6 */ { "x" : 207.0793682554321, "y" : 23, "color" : "BF9768",

"cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 207.0793682554321, "y" : -283.35830774585804, "color" :
"BF9768", "curve" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 599.9918686761785, "y" : 262.2680990984462, "color" :
"BF9768", "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 190.4581963620244, "y" : 262.17529124878985, "color" :
"BF9768", "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 10 */ { "x" : -1108, "y" : -322, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "color" : "817d79" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : -8, "y" : -322, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "color" : "817d79" },
/* 12 */ { "x" : -8, "y" : 282, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["wall"
], "color" : "817d79" },
/* 13 */ { "x" : -1108, "y" : 282, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "color" : "817d79" },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -8, "y" : -102, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "color" : "817d79" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -8, "y" : 58, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "color" : "817d79" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -1108, "y" : -102, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "color" : "817d79" },
/* 17 */ { "x" : -1108, "y" : 58, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "color" : "817d79" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -1220.25208064845, "y" : 469, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 2614, "y" : 469, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ba5a34", "curve" : 0 },
/* 20 */ { "x" : -1218.6265337760797, "y" : -430, "bCoef" : 2.1,
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 268, "y" : 23, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 22 */ { "x" : 306, "y" : 23, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 23 */ { "x" : 370.579798241399, "y" : 23, "color" : "BF9768",
"cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 24 */ { "x" : 370.579798241399, "y" : 97.95044737782524, "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ], "color" : "66523b",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 25 */ { "x" : 286.6104230941378, "y" : -120.39330757755236,
"cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "color" : "BF9768" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : 286.6104230941378, "y" : -283.35830774585804,
"cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "color" : "BF9768" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : 331.72503251910143, "y" : -120.39330757755236, "cMask"
: ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "color" : "BF9768", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 245, "y" : -121.39330757755236, "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "color" : "BF9768", "bCoef" : 0 },

/* 29 */ { "x" : 207, "y" : -121.39330757755236, "cMask" : ["blue" ],

"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "BFBFBF",
"vis" : true },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 245, "y" : -121.39330757755236, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "BFBFBF",
"vis" : true },

/* 31 */ { "x" : 909.2222213745099, "y" : -109.211807250977, "cMask" :

["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 1343.22222137451, "y" : -109.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 909.2222213745099, "y" : -107.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "ba8744" },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 1343.22222137451, "y" : -107.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "ba8744" },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 909.2222213745099, "y" : -105.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "e4b366" },
/* 36 */ { "x" : 1343.22222137451, "y" : -105.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "e4b366" },
/* 37 */ { "x" : 909.2222213745099, "y" : -103.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "ebbd6c" },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 1343.22222137451, "y" : -103.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "ebbd6c" },
/* 39 */ { "x" : 909.2222213745099, "y" : -101.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "e1b061" },
/* 40 */ { "x" : 1343.22222137451, "y" : -101.211807250977, "cMask" :
["all" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "e1b061" },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 1047.3333320617699, "y" : -122.666666507721, "color" :
"C4C4C4" },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 1101.33333206177, "y" : -122.666666507721, "color" :
"C4C4C4" },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 1079.20000076294, "y" : -125 },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 1101.20000076294, "y" : -125 },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 1047.20000076294, "y" : -125 },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 1069.20000076294, "y" : -125 },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 907.2222213745099, "y" : -169.21180725097702,
"cMask" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -170.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 49 */ { "x" : 907.2222213745099, "y" : -167.21180725097702,
"cMask" : ["all" ], "color" : "ba8744" },
/* 50 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -168.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "ba8744" },
/* 51 */ { "x" : 907.2222213745099, "y" : -165.21180725097702,
"cMask" : ["all" ], "color" : "e4b366" },
/* 52 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -166.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "e4b366" },
/* 53 */ { "x" : 907.2222213745099, "y" : -163.21180725097702,
"cMask" : ["all" ], "color" : "ebbd6c" },
/* 54 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -164.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "ebbd6c" },
/* 55 */ { "x" : 907.2222213745099, "y" : -161.2118072509766, "cMask" :
["all" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "e1b061" },
/* 56 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -162.2118072509766, "cMask" :
["all" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "e1b061" },
/* 57 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -160.2118072509766, "cMask" :
["all" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "e7b765" },
/* 58 */ { "x" : 1287.33333206177, "y" : -124.666666507721, "color" :
"C4C4C4" },
/* 59 */ { "x" : 1341.33333206177, "y" : -124.666666507721, "color" :
"C4C4C4" },
/* 60 */ { "x" : 1319.20000076294, "y" : -127 },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 1341.20000076294, "y" : -127 },
/* 62 */ { "x" : 1287.20000076294, "y" : -127 },
/* 63 */ { "x" : 1309.20000076294, "y" : -127 },
/* 64 */ { "x" : 1171.33333206177, "y" : -124.666666507721, "color" :
"C4C4C4" },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 1225.33333206177, "y" : -124.666666507721, "color" :
"C4C4C4" },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 1203.20000076294, "y" : -127 },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 1225.20000076294, "y" : -127 },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 1171.20000076294, "y" : -127 },
/* 69 */ { "x" : 1193.20000076294, "y" : -127 },
/* 70 */ { "x" : 1020.5, "y" : -277, "color" : "BFBFBF" },
/* 71 */ { "x" : 1115.5, "y" : -279, "color" : "BFBFBF" },
/* 72 */ { "x" : 927.5, "y" : -277 },
/* 73 */ { "x" : 1020.5, "y" : -279, "color" : "BFBFBF" },
/* 74 */ { "x" : 1113.5, "y" : -280, "color" : "BFBFBF" },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 923.5, "y" : -279 },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 1175.76530332462, "y" : -243.91178132469798, "color" :
"0064BA" },
/* 77 */ { "x" : 1152.7661129713001, "y" : -244.100524003085, "color" :
"0064BA" },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 1186.57779693604, "y" : -218.084333103725, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 79 */ { "x" : 1141.57779693604, "y" : -218.084333103725, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 1186.57779693604, "y" : -212.084333103725, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "664612" },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 1141.57779693604, "y" : -212.084333103725, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "664612" },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 1186.57779693604, "y" : -216.084333103725, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 1141.57779693604, "y" : -216.084333103725, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 84 */ { "x" : 1186.57779693604, "y" : -209.084333103725, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "573B0F" },
/* 85 */ { "x" : 1141.57779693604, "y" : -209.084333103725, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "573B0F" },
/* 86 */ { "x" : 1186.57779693604, "y" : -221.084333103725, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "96671B" },
/* 87 */ { "x" : 1141.57779693604, "y" : -221.084333103725, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "96671B" },
/* 88 */ { "x" : 1186.57779693604, "y" : -214.084333103725, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "7A5316" },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 1141.57779693604, "y" : -214.084333103725, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "7A5316" },
/* 90 */ { "x" : -554, "y" : 57, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all"
], "curve" : 180, "color" : "817d79" },
/* 91 */ { "x" : -554, "y" : -98, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "curve" : 180, "color" : "817d79" },
/* 92 */ { "x" : -554, "y" : 282, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "817d79" },
/* 93 */ { "x" : -554, "y" : 57, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all"
], "curve" : 0, "color" : "817d79" },
/* 94 */ { "x" : -554, "y" : -98, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "817d79" },
/* 95 */ { "x" : -554, "y" : -322, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "817d79" },

/* 96 */ { "x" : 332, "y" : -120.39330757755236, "cMask" : ["blue" ],

"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "BFBFBF",
"vis" : true },
/* 97 */ { "x" : 370, "y" : -120.39330757755236, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "BFBFBF",
"vis" : true },
/* 98 */ { "x" : 268, "y" : 23.606692422447637, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "616161",
"vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 99 */ { "x" : 306, "y" : 23.606692422447637, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "616161",
"vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },

/* 100 */ { "x" : 911.2222213745099, "y" : -45.21180725097702,

"cMask" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 101 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -46.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 102 */ { "x" : 911.2222213745099, "y" : -43.21180725097702,
"cMask" : ["all" ], "color" : "ba8744" },
/* 103 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -44.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "ba8744" },
/* 104 */ { "x" : 911.2222213745099, "y" : -41.21180725097702,
"cMask" : ["all" ], "color" : "e4b366" },
/* 105 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -42.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "e4b366" },
/* 106 */ { "x" : 911.2222213745099, "y" : -39.21180725097702,
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/* 107 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -40.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "color" : "ebbd6c" },
/* 108 */ { "x" : 911.2222213745099, "y" : -37.21180725097702,
"cMask" : ["all" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "e1b061" },
/* 109 */ { "x" : 1344.22222137451, "y" : -38.21180725097702, "cMask" :
["all" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "e1b061" },
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"C4C4C4" },
/* 111 */ { "x" : 976.3333320617701, "y" : -123.666666507721, "color" :
"C4C4C4" },
/* 112 */ { "x" : 954.2000007629399, "y" : -126 },
/* 113 */ { "x" : 976.2000007629399, "y" : -126 },
/* 114 */ { "x" : 922.2000007629399, "y" : -126 },
/* 115 */ { "x" : 944.2000007629399, "y" : -126 },
/* 116 */ { "x" : 141, "y" : 256, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
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/* 117 */ { "x" : 423.5, "y" : 256, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false },
/* 118 */ { "x" : 423.5, "y" : 156, "bCoef" : 0.003, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 119 */ { "x" : 141, "y" : 156, "bCoef" : 0.003, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 120 */ { "x" : 370.579798241399, "y" : 153, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["red" ], "color" : "66523b" },
/* 121 */ { "x" : 211, "y" : -101, "color" : "B6E4FC" },
/* 122 */ { "x" : 209, "y" : -6, "color" : "B6E4FC" },
/* 123 */ { "x" : 331, "y" : -203.7450980392157, "bCoef" : 0.003,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 180 },
/* 124 */ { "x" : 330.3382352941177, "y" : -223.99019607843138, "bCoef"
: 0.003, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 180 },
/* 125 */ { "x" : 251, "y" : -199.7450980392157, "bCoef" : 0.003,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 180 },
/* 126 */ { "x" : 250.33823529411768, "y" : -219.99019607843138,
"bCoef" : 0.003, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false, "curve" :
180 },
/* 127 */ { "x" : 235.94549502689432, "y" : -220.59060920923318,
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "color" : "DFE7F3" },
/* 128 */ { "x" : 263.4383877856634, "y" : -221.65871395822646, "cMask"
: ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "color" : "DFE7F3" },
/* 129 */ { "x" : 315.9454950268943, "y" : -222.59060920923318, "cMask"
: ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "color" : "DFE7F3" },
/* 130 */ { "x" : 343.4383877856634, "y" : -223.65871395822646, "cMask"
: ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "color" : "DFE7F3" },
/* 131 */ { "x" : 1048.3333320617699, "y" : -59.666666507721004,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 132 */ { "x" : 1102.33333206177, "y" : -59.666666507721004,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 133 */ { "x" : 1080.20000076294, "y" : -62 },
/* 134 */ { "x" : 1102.20000076294, "y" : -62 },
/* 135 */ { "x" : 1048.20000076294, "y" : -62 },
/* 136 */ { "x" : 1070.20000076294, "y" : -62 },
/* 137 */ { "x" : 1288.33333206177, "y" : -61.666666507721004,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 138 */ { "x" : 1342.33333206177, "y" : -61.666666507721004,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 139 */ { "x" : 1320.20000076294, "y" : -64 },
/* 140 */ { "x" : 1342.20000076294, "y" : -64 },
/* 141 */ { "x" : 1288.20000076294, "y" : -64 },
/* 142 */ { "x" : 1310.20000076294, "y" : -64 },
/* 143 */ { "x" : 1172.33333206177, "y" : -61.666666507721004,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 144 */ { "x" : 1226.33333206177, "y" : -61.666666507721004,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 145 */ { "x" : 1204.20000076294, "y" : -64 },
/* 146 */ { "x" : 1226.20000076294, "y" : -64 },
/* 147 */ { "x" : 1172.20000076294, "y" : -64 },
/* 148 */ { "x" : 1194.20000076294, "y" : -64 },
/* 149 */ { "x" : 923.3333320617699, "y" : -60.666666507721004, "color"
: "C4C4C4" },
/* 150 */ { "x" : 977.3333320617701, "y" : -60.666666507721004, "color"
: "C4C4C4" },
/* 151 */ { "x" : 955.2000007629399, "y" : -63 },
/* 152 */ { "x" : 977.2000007629399, "y" : -63 },
/* 153 */ { "x" : 923.2000007629399, "y" : -63 },
/* 154 */ { "x" : 945.2000007629399, "y" : -63 },
/* 155 */ { "x" : 1050.3333320617699, "y" : 1.333333492278996,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 156 */ { "x" : 1104.33333206177, "y" : 1.333333492278996, "color" :
"C4C4C4" },
/* 157 */ { "x" : 1082.20000076294, "y" : -1 },
/* 158 */ { "x" : 1104.20000076294, "y" : -1 },
/* 159 */ { "x" : 1050.20000076294, "y" : -1 },
/* 160 */ { "x" : 1072.20000076294, "y" : -1 },
/* 161 */ { "x" : 1290.33333206177, "y" : -0.6666665077210041,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 162 */ { "x" : 1344.33333206177, "y" : -0.6666665077210041,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 163 */ { "x" : 1322.20000076294, "y" : -3 },
/* 164 */ { "x" : 1344.20000076294, "y" : -3 },
/* 165 */ { "x" : 1290.20000076294, "y" : -3 },
/* 166 */ { "x" : 1312.20000076294, "y" : -3 },
/* 167 */ { "x" : 1174.33333206177, "y" : -0.6666665077210041,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 168 */ { "x" : 1228.33333206177, "y" : -0.6666665077210041,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 169 */ { "x" : 1206.20000076294, "y" : -3 },
/* 170 */ { "x" : 1228.20000076294, "y" : -3 },
/* 171 */ { "x" : 1174.20000076294, "y" : -3 },
/* 172 */ { "x" : 1196.20000076294, "y" : -3 },
/* 173 */ { "x" : 925.3333320617699, "y" : 0.3333334922789959,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 174 */ { "x" : 979.3333320617701, "y" : 0.3333334922789959,
"color" : "C4C4C4" },
/* 175 */ { "x" : 957.2000007629399, "y" : -2 },
/* 176 */ { "x" : 979.2000007629399, "y" : -2 },
/* 177 */ { "x" : 925.2000007629399, "y" : -2 },
/* 178 */ { "x" : 947.2000007629399, "y" : -2 },
/* 179 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 603.720973550965, "y" : 456, "vis" : false, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 180 */ { "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 1420, "y" : 311.00390625, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 181 */ { "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 1342, "y" : 265.00390625, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 182 */ { "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 1423, "y" : 409.56120758218293, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 183 */ { "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 1345, "y" : 452.4552877208521, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 184 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 1422, "y" : 264, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 185 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 605.75, "y" : 264, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 186 */ { "x" : 1473, "y" : 41, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 187 */ { "x" : 1474, "y" : -141, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
/* 188 */ { "x" : 1447, "y" : -140, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
/* 189 */ { "x" : 1448, "y" : 40, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 190 */ { "x" : 1476, "y" : -210, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"color" : "5e886f" },
/* 191 */ { "x" : 1575, "y" : -135, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"color" : "5e886f" },
/* 192 */ { "x" : 1476, "y" : 109, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"color" : "5e886f" },
/* 193 */ { "x" : 1575, "y" : 33, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"color" : "5e886f" },
/* 194 */ { "x" : 1609, "y" : -71, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : [ ],
"color" : "ffbf50" },
/* 195 */ { "x" : 1609, "y" : -31, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : [ ],
"color" : "ffbf50" },
/* 196 */ { "x" : 1476, "y" : -284, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : [ ],
"color" : "ffbf50" },
/* 197 */ { "x" : 1639, "y" : -135, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : [ ],
"color" : "ffbf50" },
/* 198 */ { "x" : 1476, "y" : 182, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : [ ],
"color" : "ffbf50" },
/* 199 */ { "x" : 1637, "y" : 34, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : [ ], "color"
: "ffbf50" },
/* 200 */ { "x" : 2614, "y" : -157, "bCoef" : 6, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "a95028" },
/* 201 */ { "x" : 2614, "y" : 55, "bCoef" : 6, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "a95028" },
/* 202 */ { "x" : 2045, "y" : 469, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"color" : "5e886f" },
/* 203 */ { "x" : 1639, "y" : -135, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : [ ],
"color" : "ffbf50" },
/* 204 */ { "x" : 1637, "y" : 34, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : [ ], "color"
: "ffbf50" },
/* 205 */ { "x" : 2045, "y" : -0.6666717529296875, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "color" : "5e886f" },
/* 206 */ { "x" : 2045, "y" : -101, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"color" : "5e886f" },
/* 207 */ { "x" : 2045, "y" : -430, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "color" : "5e886f" },
/* 208 */ { "x" : 2045, "y" : -0.6666717529296875, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "color" : "5e886f" },
/* 209 */ { "x" : 2045, "y" : -101, "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"color" : "5e886f" },
/* 210 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 1423.5, "y" : 455.75390625, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 211 */ { "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ],
"x" : 2616, "y" : -430, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 212 */ { "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 1476, "y" :
-430, "bCoef" : 2.1, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 213 */ { "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 1476, "y" :
-140, "bCoef" : 2.1, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 214 */ { "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 1476, "y" :
41, "bCoef" : 2.1, "color" : "ba5a34" },
/* 215 */ { "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 1476, "y" :
469, "bCoef" : 2.1, "color" : "ba5a34" },

/* 216 */ { "x" : 454.5, "y" : -283.35830774585804, "trait" :

"kickOffBarrier", "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
/* 217 */ { "x" : 514.5, "y" : -283.35830774585804, "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier", "cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },

/* 218 */ { "x" : 370.579798241399, "y" : -423.49609375, "cMask" :

["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 219 */ { "x" : 716, "y" : -357.084333103725, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 220 */ { "x" : 596, "y" : -357.084333103725, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 221 */ { "x" : 716, "y" : -351.084333103725, "cMask" : ["all" ],
"color" : "664612" },
/* 222 */ { "x" : 596, "y" : -351.084333103725, "cMask" : ["all" ],
"color" : "664612" },
/* 223 */ { "x" : 716, "y" : -355.084333103725, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 224 */ { "x" : 596, "y" : -355.084333103725, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "875c18" },
/* 225 */ { "x" : 716, "y" : -348.084333103725, "cMask" : ["all" ],
"color" : "573B0F" },
/* 226 */ { "x" : 596, "y" : -348.084333103725, "cMask" : ["all" ],
"color" : "573B0F" },
/* 227 */ { "x" : 716, "y" : -360.084333103725, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "96671B" },
/* 228 */ { "x" : 596, "y" : -360.084333103725, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "96671B" },
/* 229 */ { "x" : 716, "y" : -353.084333103725, "cMask" : ["all" ],
"color" : "7A5316" },
/* 230 */ { "x" : 596, "y" : -353.084333103725, "cMask" : ["all" ],
"color" : "7A5316" },
/* 231 */ { "x" : 1409.9160525411248, "y" : -424.49609375, "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 232 */ { "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "x" : -1954.25, "y" : -
306.99609375, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F73A14", "bCoef" : -5 },
/* 233 */ { "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "x" : -1983.25, "y" : -
269.99609375, "curve" : 0, "color" : "F73A14", "bCoef" : -5 },
/* 234 */ { "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["wall" ], "x" : -2004.25,
"y" : -128.99609375 },
/* 235 */ { "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "x" : -1477.25, "y" : -
164.99609375, "color" : "F73A14" },
/* 236 */ { "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "x" : -1954.25, "y" : -
306.99609375, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : -12 },
/* 237 */ { "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "x" : -1462.25, "y" : -
120.99609375, "color" : "F73A14" },
/* 238 */ { "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "x" : -1983.25, "y" : -
269.99609375, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : -12 },
/* 239 */ { "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1979.5,
"y" : -126.99609375 },
/* 240 */ { "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -2999, "y" : 264.00390625,
"bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 0 },
/* 241 */ { "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -2351, "y" : 264.00390625,
"bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 0 },
/* 242 */ { "x" : -1107, "y" : 58, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 243 */ { "x" : -1107, "y" : -102, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 244 */ { "x" : -7, "y" : 56, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 245 */ { "x" : -7, "y" : -104, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 246 */ { "x" : -1167, "y" : -82, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
/* 247 */ { "x" : -1167, "y" : 38, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
/* 248 */ { "x" : 53, "y" : -84, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 249 */ { "x" : 53, "y" : 36, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 250 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "x" : -2995.5, "y" : -
436.49609375 }


"segments" : [
{ "v0" : 0, "v1" : 1, "color" : "BF9768", "y" : -283.35830774585804,
"cMask" : ["all","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 1, "v1" : 2, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 2, "v1" : 3, "color" : "BF9768", "y" : 253.2680990984462,
"cMask" : ["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 3, "v1" : 4, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 0, "v1" : 5, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 6, "v1" : 7, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 10, "v1" : 11, "color" : "817d79", "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 12, "v1" : 13, "color" : "817d79", "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 11, "v1" : 14, "color" : "817d79", "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 15, "v1" : 12, "color" : "817d79", "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 17, "v1" : 13, "color" : "817d79", "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 16, "v1" : 10, "color" : "817d79", "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 18, "v1" : 19, "color" : "ba5a34", "bCoef" : 2.1, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 455 },
{ "v0" : 20, "v1" : 18, "color" : "ba5a34", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 6, "v1" : 21, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 22, "v1" : 23, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 25, "v1" : 26, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 27, "v1" : 28, "color" : "BF9768", "cMask" :
["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "v0" : 29, "v1" : 30, "vis" : true, "color" : "BFBFBF", "cMask" :

["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 31, "v1" : 32, "color" : "875c18", "cMask" : ["all" ] },

{ "v0" : 33, "v1" : 34, "color" : "ba8744", "cMask" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 35, "v1" : 36, "color" : "e4b366", "cMask" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 37, "v1" : 38, "color" : "ebbd6c", "cMask" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 39, "v1" : 40, "color" : "e1b061", "cMask" : ["all" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 41, "v1" : 42, "curve" : 0, "color" : "C4C4C4" },
{ "v0" : 43, "v1" : 44, "curve" : -27.934260589647, "color" :
"e7b765" },
{ "v0" : 45, "v1" : 46, "curve" : -27.934260589647, "color" :
"e7b765" },
{ "v0" : 47, "v1" : 48, "color" : "875c18", "cMask" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 49, "v1" : 50, "color" : "ba8744", "cMask" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 51, "v1" : 52, "color" : "e4b366", "cMask" : ["all" ] },
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"e7b765" },
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"DBDBDB", "bCoef" : 0.003, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"DFE7F3", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
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"DFE7F3", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
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"DFE7F3", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
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"DFE7F3", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
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"DFE7F3", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
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"DFE7F3", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"e7b765" },
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"5e886f" },
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"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "v0" : 217, "v1" : 216,
"y" : -283.35830774585804 },
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["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

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["wall","all","red","blue","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
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"color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
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"color" : "C2E9BA", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
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"color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "curveF" :
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["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
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"color" : "C2E9BA", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "curveF" :
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"v0" : 240, "v1" : 250 }

"goals" : [


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"cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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: ["all" ] },
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"cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["wall","red" ], "damping" :
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all" ], "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.99 },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all" ], "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.99 },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all" ], "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.99 },
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"color" : "e02905", "cMask" : ["ball","blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["wall" ] },
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"color" : "e02905", "cMask" : ["ball","blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["wall" ] },
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[383.9831187182531,-408.70658431921777 ], "color" : "C2C2C2", "bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "radius" : 7, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [383.9831187182531,-
408.70658431921777 ], "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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327.70658431921777 ], "color" : "F5F6F7", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ], "damping" : 0.99 },
{ "radius" : 7, "invMass" : 1, "pos" : [1224.983118718253,-
327.70658431921777 ], "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ], "damping" : 0.99 },
{ "radius" : 13, "invMass" : 1, "pos" : [1225.983118718253,-
368.70658431921777 ], "color" : "F5F6F7", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ], "damping" : 0.99 },
{ "radius" : 7, "invMass" : 1, "pos" : [1225.983118718253,-
368.70658431921777 ], "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["wall" ], "damping" : 0.99 },
{ "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1107,58 ], "color" :
"FFA8A8" },
{ "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1107,-102 ], "color" :
"FFA8A8" },
{ "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-7,56 ], "color" : "aaaaff" },
{ "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-7,-104 ], "color" :
"aaaaff" },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1123,54.5 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1137,52 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136.8,39 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136.6,26 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136.4,14 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136.2,2 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136,-10 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1135.8,-22 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136,-34 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136.2,-46 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136.4,-58 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136.6,-70 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1136.8,-83 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1137,-96 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1123,-98.5 ], "color" :
"0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [9,52.5 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [23,50 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22.799999999999955,37 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22.600000000000023,24 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22.399999999999977,12 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22.200000000000045,0 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22,-12 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [21.799999999999955,-24 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22,-36 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22.200000000000045,-48 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22.399999999999977,-60 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22.600000000000023,-72 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [22.799999999999955,-85 ],
"color" : "0", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [23,-98 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 0.01, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [9,-100.5 ], "color" : "0",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 }


"joints" : [
{ "d0" : 1, "d1" : 2, "length" : 30, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"2d2a55", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 3, "d1" : 4, "length" : 30, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"f40761", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 5, "d1" : 6, "length" : 30, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"312c33", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 37, "d1" : 38, "length" : 0.001, "strength" : "rigid", "color"
: "e6030e", "cMask" : ["red", "blue"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 39, "d1" : 40, "length" : 0.001, "strength" : "rigid", "color"
: "c3986b", "cMask" : ["red", "blue"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 41, "d1" : 45, "length" : 16.3783393541592, "strength" :
0.1 },
{ "d0" : 45, "d1" : 46, "length" : 14.221462653327892, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 46, "d1" : 47, "length" : 13.001538370516007, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 47, "d1" : 48, "length" : 13.001538370516004, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 48, "d1" : 49, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 49, "d1" : 50, "length" : 12.001666550941996, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 50, "d1" : 51, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 51, "d1" : 52, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 52, "d1" : 53, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 53, "d1" : 54, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 54, "d1" : 55, "length" : 12.001666550941996, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 55, "d1" : 56, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 56, "d1" : 57, "length" : 13.001538370516004, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 57, "d1" : 58, "length" : 13.001538370516007, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 58, "d1" : 59, "length" : 14.221462653327892, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 59, "d1" : 42, "length" : 16.3783393541592, "strength" :
0.1 },
{ "d0" : 43, "d1" : 60, "length" : 16.3783393541592, "strength" :
0.1 },
{ "d0" : 60, "d1" : 61, "length" : 14.221462653327892, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 61, "d1" : 62, "length" : 13.001538370516007, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 62, "d1" : 63, "length" : 13.001538370516004, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 63, "d1" : 64, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 64, "d1" : 65, "length" : 12.001666550941996, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 65, "d1" : 66, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 66, "d1" : 67, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 67, "d1" : 68, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 68, "d1" : 69, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 69, "d1" : 70, "length" : 12.001666550941996, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 70, "d1" : 71, "length" : 12.001666550942, "strength" : 0.1 },
{ "d0" : 71, "d1" : 72, "length" : 13.001538370516004, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 72, "d1" : 73, "length" : 13.001538370516007, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 73, "d1" : 74, "length" : 14.221462653327892, "strength" : 0.1
{ "d0" : 74, "d1" : 44, "length" : 16.3783393541592, "strength" : 0.1 }

"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -477.7044158375532, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -432.8298703826006, "cMask" :
["all","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ] }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] }

RSRMap = false;
return EscuelaMap;

function getSkateMap() {
var SkateMap = `{

"name" : "Sᴋᴀᴛᴇ 🛹 ʙʏ GLH",

"width" : 4700,

"height" : 1200,

"cameraWidth" : 0,

"cameraHeight" : {
"x" : 2000,
"y" : 300


"maxViewwidth" : 0,

"cameraFollow" : "player",

"spawnDistance" : 170,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ -142, -370
[ -252, -370
[ -358, -370
[ -482, -370
[ -620, -370
[ -520, -370
[ -720, -370
[ -820, -370
[ -980, -370
[ -1038, -370
[ -1097, -370


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 102, -50
[ 102, 50
[ 268, 0
[ 650, 0


"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 0, "height" : 0, "kickOffRadius" : 0,

"cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "bebcbe" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "x" : -1154, "y" : -312,
"cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true, "color" :
"000000" },
/* 1 */ { "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "x" : -42, "y" : -312,
"cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true, "color" :
"000000" },
/* 2 */ { "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "x" : 0, "y" : -274,
"curve" : 0, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true,
"color" : "000000" },
/* 3 */ { "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "x" : 190, "y" : -71,
"curve" : 0, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true,
"color" : "000000" },
/* 4 */ { "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "x" : 433, "y" : -255,
"curve" : 0, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true,
"color" : "000000" },
/* 5 */ { "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "x" : 473, "y" : -312,
"curve" : 0, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true,
"color" : "000000" },

/* 6 */ { "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "x" : 843, "y" : -312,

"curve" : -25, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0, "color" : "000000" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 1165, "y" : -312, "curve" : 0, "color" : "000000" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 1262, "y" : -324, "color" : "000000" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 1231, "y" : -265, "color" : "000000", "curve" : 0 },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 1667, "y" : -128, "color" : "000000", "curve" : 0 },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 1954, "y" : -123 },
/* 12 */ { "x" : 2183, "y" : -232, "curve" : 0 },
/* 13 */ { "x" : 2303, "y" : -232, "curve" : 0 },
/* 14 */ { "x" : 2721, "y" : 122 },
/* 15 */ { "x" : 3466, "y" : -132, "curve" : 0 },
/* 16 */ { "x" : 3708, "y" : -132, "curve" : 0, "color" : "000000" },

/* 17 */ { "x" : 644, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",

"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 18 */ { "x" : 641, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 646, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 20 */ { "x" : 643, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 648, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 22 */ { "x" : 645, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 23 */ { "x" : 650, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 24 */ { "x" : 647, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 25 */ { "x" : 652, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 26 */ { "x" : 649, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 27 */ { "x" : 1062, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 1059, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 1064, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 1061, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 1066, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 1063, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 1068, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 1065, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 1070, "y" : -312, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 36 */ { "x" : 1067, "y" : -475, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 37 */ { "x" : 3630, "y" : -133, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 3627, "y" : -296, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 39 */ { "x" : 3632, "y" : -133, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 40 */ { "x" : 3629, "y" : -296, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 3634, "y" : -133, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 3631, "y" : -296, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 3636, "y" : -133, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 3633, "y" : -296, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 3638, "y" : -133, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 3635, "y" : -296, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" :
"line", "bCoef" : 0 },

/* 47 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :

["blue" ], "x" : 924, "y" : -336, "curve" : -25 },
/* 48 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 999, "y" : -311 },
/* 49 */ { "x" : 3778, "y" : -157, "color" : "000000" },
/* 50 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 4148, "y" : 90 },
/* 51 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 3594, "y" : 310, "color" : "000000" },
/* 52 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 3187, "y" : 306, "color" : "000000" },
/* 53 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 2610, "y" : 616, "curve" : 0 },
/* 54 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 2310, "y" : 618, "curve" : 0, "color" : "000000" },
/* 55 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 2189, "y" : 563, "curve" : 0, "color" : "000000" },
/* 56 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 1839, "y" : 630, "curve" : 0 },

/* 57 */ { "x" : 2123.9696550779113, "y" : 573.53197527777, "curve" :

0, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 58 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 2115.8646415997773, "y" :
536.0685336267711, "curve" : 0, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 59 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1895.9344268818054, "y" :
572.996851407396, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 60 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1904.7371561860116, "y" :
614.3989721042232, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 61 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 2134.0107421731295, "y" :
558.2432722719454, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 62 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1894.7359901390516, "y" :
600.6295087058467, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 63 */ { "x" : 2132.9022644563693, "y" : 546.2528061779419, "color" :
"7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 64 */ { "x" : 1891.6581728993772, "y" : 588.9879005248794, "color" :
"7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 3338, "y" : 335, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 3335, "y" : 172, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 3340, "y" : 335, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 3337, "y" : 172, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 69 */ { "x" : 3342, "y" : 335, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 70 */ { "x" : 3339, "y" : 172, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 71 */ { "x" : 3344, "y" : 335, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 72 */ { "x" : 3341, "y" : 172, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 73 */ { "x" : 3346, "y" : 335, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 74 */ { "x" : 3343, "y" : 172, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 2541, "y" : 616, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 2538, "y" : 453, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 77 */ { "x" : 2543, "y" : 616, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 2540, "y" : 453, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 79 */ { "x" : 2545, "y" : 616, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 2542, "y" : 453, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 2547, "y" : 616, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 2544, "y" : 453, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 2549, "y" : 616, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 84 */ { "x" : 2546, "y" : 453, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 85 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1342, "y" : 630, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
/* 86 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 1239, "y" : 586,
"curve" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ] },
/* 87 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 1078, "y" : 589,
"curve" : -25, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ] },
/* 88 */ { "x" : 1146, "y" : 588, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 1143, "y" : 425, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 90 */ { "x" : 1148, "y" : 588, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 91 */ { "x" : 1145, "y" : 425, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 92 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 588, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 93 */ { "x" : 1147, "y" : 425, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 94 */ { "x" : 1152, "y" : 588, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 95 */ { "x" : 1149, "y" : 425, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 96 */ { "x" : 1154, "y" : 588, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },
/* 97 */ { "x" : 1151, "y" : 425, "color" : "7f553d", "trait" : "line",
"bCoef" : 0 },

/* 98 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :

["blue" ], "x" : 2123, "y" : 546, "vis" : false },
/* 99 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 1901, "y" : 585, "vis" : false },

/* 100 */ { "x" : 3115.992118143382, "y" : 376.1820162376249, "curve" :

0, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 101 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 3099.0706908565103, "y" :
342.73918351655897, "curve" : 0, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 102 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 2938.377912946107, "y" :
452.60059678619484, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 103 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 2953.4615649702714, "y" :
495.4086611761711, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 104 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 3115.362906305779, "y" :
358.2040948667236, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 105 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 2941.9250824194696, "y" :
477.55924765727997, "color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 106 */ { "x" : 3113.7175400111273, "y" : 346.5678436756688,
"color" : "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },
/* 107 */ { "x" : 2935.5971002903625, "y" : 467.00410883487194, "color"
: "7c7c7c", "trait" : "line" },

/* 108 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :

["blue" ], "x" : 3107.4832672806806, "y" : 352.1521092165041, "vis" : false },
/* 109 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 2945.6793770427453, "y" : 460.7230072577122, "vis" : false },

/* 110 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :

["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1150, "y" : -480 },
/* 111 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1064, "y" : -480, "curve" : -30 },
/* 112 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1150, "y" : -400 },
/* 113 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1064, "y" : -400, "curve" : -30 },
/* 114 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1150, "y" : -660 },
/* 115 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1064, "y" : -660, "curve" : -30 },
/* 116 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1150, "y" : -560 },
/* 117 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1064, "y" : -560, "curve" : -30 },
/* 118 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1150, "y" : -894 },
/* 119 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1064, "y" : -894, "curve" : -30 },
/* 120 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1154, "y" : -775 },
/* 121 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1064, "y" : -775, "curve" : -30 },
/* 122 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1150, "y" : -974 },
/* 123 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1064, "y" : -974, "curve" : -30 },
/* 124 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1020, "y" : -410, "curve" : -30 },
/* 125 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1020, "y" : -489, "curve" : -30 },
/* 126 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1020, "y" : -568, "curve" : -30 },
/* 127 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1020, "y" : -668, "curve" : -30 },
/* 128 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1020, "y" : -782, "curve" : -30 },
/* 129 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1020, "y" : -900, "curve" : -30 },
/* 130 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1020, "y" : -985, "curve" : -30 },
/* 131 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1064, "y" : -312, "curve" : -30 },
/* 132 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1020, "y" : -327, "curve" : -30 },

/* 133 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :

"line", "x" : 1050.6669921875, "y" : 598.666748046875, "curve" : -25 },
/* 134 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 1013.6669921875, "y" : 624.666748046875, "curve" : 25 },
/* 135 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 970, "y" : 630.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 136 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 625.6669921875, "y" : 630.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 137 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 551.33349609375, "y" : 603.666748046875, "curve" : -25 },
/* 138 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 515, "y" : 597.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 139 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 352, "y" : 597.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 140 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 168, "y" : 342.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 141 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 408, "y" : 286.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 142 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 397, "y" : 423.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 143 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 669, "y" : 426.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 144 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 670, "y" : -310.6666259765625 },
/* 145 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 483, "y" : 425.3333740234375 },
/* 146 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 278, "y" : 140.3333740234375 },
/* 147 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -2.66650390625, "y" : 414, "curve" : 0 },
/* 148 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -307, "y" : 465.3333740234375, "curve" : 25 },
/* 149 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -164.66650390625, "y" : 465.3333740234375 },
/* 150 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -409.333251953125, "y" : 408.3333740234375, "curve" : -25 },
/* 151 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -529.333251953125, "y" : 372.3333740234375, "curve" : -25 },
/* 152 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -635.333251953125, "y" : 420.3333740234375, "curve" : 0 },
/* 153 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -808.333251953125, "y" : 529.666748046875, "curve" : 0 },
/* 154 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -1150.66650390625, "y" : 528.666748046875 },
/* 155 */ { "x" : 1516.6666951654067, "y" : -174.08261966205092,
"curve" : 0, "color" : "fafafa", "trait" : "line" },
/* 156 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1524.7496997596136, "y" : -
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/* 157 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1330.8489448705386, "y" : -
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/* 158 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1321.4441995688207, "y" : -
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/* 159 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1533.8713464211862, "y" : -
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/* 160 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1306.3215262635738, "y" : -
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/* 161 */ { "x" : 1537.383682160079, "y" : -193.82042408916226, "color"
: "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 162 */ { "x" : 1309.3758516927403, "y" : -263.1829972311704, "color"
: "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },

/* 163 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :

["blue" ], "x" : 1553.9808444169532, "y" : -196.4073400273768, "vis" : false,
"curve" : 0, "color" : "239f53" },
/* 164 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "x" : 1316.3137879442324, "y" : -272.53333209820624, "vis" : false,
"curve" : 0, "color" : "239f53" },

/* 165 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1537.8936132818915, "y" : -

193.9307599057329, "color" : "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 166 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1310.3067334439136, "y" : -
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/* 167 */ { "x" : 1541.4059490207842, "y" : -194.69073790127769,
"color" : "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 168 */ { "x" : 1313.36105887308, "y" : -264.20973992535215,
"color" : "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 169 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1543.8713464211862, "y" : -
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/* 170 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1316.3215262635738, "y" : -
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/* 171 */ { "x" : 1547.383682160079, "y" : -196.82042408916226, "color"
: "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 172 */ { "x" : 1319.3758516927403, "y" : -266.1829972311704, "color"
: "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 173 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1547.8936132818915, "y" : -
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/* 174 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1320.3067334439136, "y" : -
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/* 175 */ { "x" : 1551.4059490207842, "y" : -197.69073790127769,
"color" : "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 176 */ { "x" : 1323.36105887308, "y" : -267.20973992535215,
"color" : "7d5e49", "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 }


"segments" : [
{ "color" : "000000", "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "v0" : 0, "v1" : 1, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true, "y"
: 0 },
{ "color" : "000000", "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" :
["blue" ], "v0" : 1, "v1" : 2, "curve" : 48.682179873385024, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"ballArea", "vis" : true },
{ "curve" : -86.41847548677126, "color" : "000000", "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "v0" : 2, "v1" : 3, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0,
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true },
{ "curve" : -86.41847548677126, "color" : "000000", "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "v0" : 3, "v1" : 4, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0,
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true },
{ "curve" : 48.45549063590836, "color" : "000000", "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "v0" : 4, "v1" : 5, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0,
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true },

{ "curve" : 0, "color" : "000000", "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ],

"v0" : 5, "v1" : 6, "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "bCoef" : 0, "y" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "v0" : 7, "v1" : 8 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9,
"x" : 1250 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "v0" : 10, "v1" :
11 },
{ "curve" : -41.112090439166934, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "v0"
: 11, "v1" : 12 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "v0" : 12, "v1" :
13 },
{ "curve" : -63.57087089092077, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000",
"v0" : 13, "v1" : 14 },
{ "curve" : -63.57087089092077, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000",
"v0" : 14, "v1" : 15 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "v0" : 15, "v1" : 16,
"y" : 55 },

{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 17, "v1" : 18,

"x" : 663, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 19, "v1" : 20,
"x" : 665, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 21, "v1" : 22,
"x" : 667, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 23, "v1" : 24,
"x" : 669, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 25, "v1" : 26,
"x" : 671, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 27, "v1" : 28,
"x" : 663, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 29, "v1" : 30,
"x" : 665, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 31, "v1" : 32,
"x" : 667, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 33, "v1" : 34,
"x" : 669, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 35, "v1" : 36,
"x" : 671, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 37, "v1" : 38,
"x" : 663, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 39, "v1" : 40,
"x" : 665, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 41, "v1" : 42,
"x" : 667, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 43, "v1" : 44,
"x" : 669, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 45, "v1" : 46,
"x" : 671, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "curve" : -25, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 6, "v1" : 47 },
{ "curve" : -15.070127446656244, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 47, "v1" : 48 },
{ "curve" : 0, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 48, "v1" : 7 },
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"v0" : 16, "v1" : 49, "x" : 3656 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 50, "v1" : 51 },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 51,
"v1" : 52 },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 52,
"v1" : 53 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 53, "v1" : 54 },
{ "curve" : 47.54962924972958, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000",
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 54,
"v1" : 55 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 55, "v1" : 56 },

{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7c7c7c", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" :

57, "v1" : 58, "x" : 2127, "trait" : "line" },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7c7c7c", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" :
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{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7c7c7c", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" :
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{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7c7c7c", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" :
63, "v1" : 64, "y" : 555, "trait" : "line" },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 65, "v1" : 66,
"x" : 663, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 67, "v1" : 68,
"x" : 665, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 69, "v1" : 70,
"x" : 667, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 71, "v1" : 72,
"x" : 669, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 73, "v1" : 74,
"x" : 671, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 75, "v1" : 76,
"x" : 663, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 77, "v1" : 78,
"x" : 665, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 79, "v1" : 80,
"x" : 667, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 81, "v1" : 82,
"x" : 669, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 83, "v1" : 84,
"x" : 671, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "trait" : "line", "v0" : 56, "v1" : 85,
"y" : 630, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "bCoef" : 0 },
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"line", "v0" : 85, "v1" : 86, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "v0" : 86,
"v1" : 87, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 88, "v1" : 89,
"x" : 663, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 90, "v1" : 91,
"x" : 665, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 92, "v1" : 93,
"x" : 667, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 94, "v1" : 95,
"x" : 669, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7f553d", "v0" : 96, "v1" : 97,
"x" : 671, "trait" : "line", "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 98, "v1" : 99 },

{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7c7c7c", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" :

100, "v1" : 101, "x" : 2127, "trait" : "line" },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7c7c7c", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" :
102, "v1" : 103, "x" : 1911, "trait" : "line" },
{ "curve" : 13.927371815539274, "vis" : true, "color" : "7c7c7c",
"bCoef" : 0, "v0" : 104, "v1" : 105, "y" : 550, "trait" : "line" },
{ "curve" : 15.697313960115762, "vis" : true, "color" : "7c7c7c",
"bCoef" : 0, "v0" : 106, "v1" : 107, "y" : 555, "trait" : "line" },

{ "curve" : 11.290184632348664, "vis" : false, "color" : "000000",

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 108,
"v1" : 109 },

{ "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 110,
"v1" : 111, "y" : -480 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 112,
"v1" : 113, "y" : -400 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 114,
"v1" : 115, "y" : -660 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 116,
"v1" : 117, "y" : -560 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 118,
"v1" : 119, "y" : -480 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 120,
"v1" : 121, "y" : -400 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 122,
"v1" : 123, "y" : -560 },
{ "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup"
: ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 113, "v1" : 124, "curve" : -30 },
{ "curve" : -30, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 111,
"v1" : 125 },
{ "curve" : -30, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 117,
"v1" : 126 },
{ "curve" : -30, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 115,
"v1" : 127 },
{ "curve" : -30, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 121,
"v1" : 128 },
{ "curve" : -30, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 119,
"v1" : 129 },
{ "curve" : -30, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 123,
"v1" : 130 },
{ "curve" : -30, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "v0" : 131,
"v1" : 132 },

{ "curve" : -25, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 87, "v1" : 133 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 133, "v1" : 134 },
{ "curve" : 25, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 134, "v1" : 135 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 135, "v1" : 136, "y" :
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["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 136, "v1" : 137 },
{ "curve" : -25, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 137, "v1" : 138 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 138, "v1" : 139 },
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["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 139, "v1" : 140 },
{ "curve" : 109.02192075858122, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 140, "v1" : 141 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 142, "v1" : 143 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 143, "v1" : 144 },
{ "curve" : -157.14983842408316, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 145, "v1" : 146 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 140, "v1" : 147 },
{ "curve" : 23.344653916182672, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 147, "v1" : 149 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 149, "v1" : 148 },
{ "curve" : 25.159143961217527, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 148, "v1" : 150 },
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["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 150, "v1" : 151 },
{ "curve" : -25, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 151, "v1" : 152 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 152, "v1" : 153 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["all","wall","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "v0" : 153, "v1" : 154 },

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["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 10, "v1" : 9 },

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{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "fafafa", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" :
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{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "7d5e49", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" :
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"cMask" : ["all","wall","ball" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 163, "v1" : 164 },

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"goals" : [


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1134,-676 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "ffce00", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1086,-677 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "ffce00", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1136,-915 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "9b8377", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1088,-916 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "9b8377", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1135,-792 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "9b8377", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1087,-793 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "9b8377", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1132,-991 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "d8e0d1", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ] },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1084,-992 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "d8e0d1", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },

{ "radius" : 22.02271554554524, "pos" : [652,-528 ], "color" :

"74a418", "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 30.083217912982647, "pos" : [616,-480 ], "color" :
"81c600", "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "8bc719", "pos" : [614,-519 ], "radius" :
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{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [647,-460 ], "radius" :
27.784887978899608, "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "74a418", "pos" : [679,-486 ], "radius" :
33.97057550292606, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 35.4400902933387, "pos" : [665,-504 ], "color" : "82b71e",
"trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 22.02271554554524, "pos" : [1070,-528 ], "color" :
"74a418", "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 30.083217912982647, "pos" : [1034,-480 ], "color" :
"81c600", "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [1032,-519 ], "radius" :
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{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [1065,-460 ], "radius" :
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{ "color" : "74a418", "pos" : [1097,-486 ], "radius" :
33.97057550292606, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 35.4400902933387, "pos" : [1083,-504 ], "color" :
"82b71e", "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 22.02271554554524, "pos" : [3638,-349 ], "color" :
"62a100", "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 30.083217912982647, "pos" : [3602,-301 ], "color" :
"62a100", "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [3600,-340 ], "radius" :
27.313000567495326, "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [3633,-281 ], "radius" :
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{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [3665,-307 ], "radius" :
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{ "radius" : 35.4400902933387, "pos" : [3651,-325 ], "color" :
"62a100", "trait" : "line" },

{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1136,-328 ], "cMask" :

["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "cafd00", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1088,-329 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "cafd00", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1131,-420 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "d4362d", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1083,-421 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "d4362d", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1135,-501 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "face00", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1087,-502 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "face00", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1138,-580 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "e9f4fa", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ] },
{ "radius" : 10, "pos" : [-1090,-581 ], "cMask" :
["wall","red","all" ], "cGroup" : ["kick","ball" ], "color" : "e9f4fa", "gravity" :
[0,0.04 ], "invMass" : 1 },

{ "radius" : 22.02271554554524, "pos" : [3346,119 ], "color" :

"9fda43", "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 30.083217912982647, "pos" : [3310,167 ], "color" :
"9fda43", "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "96dc29", "pos" : [3308,128 ], "radius" :
27.313000567495326, "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "96dc29", "pos" : [3341,187 ], "radius" :
27.784887978899608, "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "9fda43", "pos" : [3373,161 ], "radius" :
33.97057550292606, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 35.4400902933387, "pos" : [3359,143 ], "color" : "96dc29",
"trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 22.02271554554524, "pos" : [2549,400 ], "color" :
"82b71e", "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 30.083217912982647, "pos" : [2513,448 ], "color" :
"82b71e", "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [2511,409 ], "radius" :
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{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [2544,468 ], "radius" :
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{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [2576,442 ], "radius" :
33.97057550292606, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 35.4400902933387, "pos" : [2562,424 ], "color" : "82b71e",
"trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 22.02271554554524, "pos" : [1154,372 ], "color" :
"82b71e", "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 30.083217912982647, "pos" : [1118,420 ], "color" :
"82b71e", "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [1116,381 ], "radius" :
27.313000567495326, "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [1149,440 ], "radius" :
27.784887978899608, "trait" : "line" },
{ "color" : "82b71e", "pos" : [1181,414 ], "radius" :
33.97057550292606, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 35.4400902933387, "pos" : [1167,396 ], "color" : "82b71e",
"trait" : "line" }


"joints" : [
{ "d0" : 1, "d1" : 2, "length" : 46, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"e6030e", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 3, "d1" : 4, "length" : 46, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"c3986b", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 5, "d1" : 6, "length" : 46, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"4c4c4e", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 7, "d1" : 8, "length" : 46, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"0a1c2a", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 27, "d1" : 28, "length" : 46, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"262221", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 29, "d1" : 30, "length" : 46, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"363636", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 31, "d1" : 32, "length" : 46, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"fa8100", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "d0" : 33, "d1" : 34, "length" : 46, "strength" : "rigid", "color" :
"89e8c8", "cMask" : ["red"], "bCoef" : 0 }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -1197, "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -657, "bCoef" : 1, "trait" :
"ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -1191, "bCoef" : 0.1 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -670, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1153, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -4150, "bCoef" : 0.1 },

{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1154, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :

"ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -4150, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] }


"playerPhysics" : {
"radius" : 24,
"acceleration" : 0.7,
"invMass" : 1,
"damping" : 0.9,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.7,
"kickStrength" : 5,
"kickback" : 0,
"cGroup" : [ "red", "blue"
"gravity" : [ 0, 0.18
"kickingDamping" : 0.96


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 0,
"bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : [ "all"
"invMass" : 1,
"damping" : 2,
"gravity" : [ 0, 0.4
"color" : "ffffff",
"cGroup" : [ "ball"

RSRMap = false;
return SkateMap;
function getHandballMap() {
var HandballMap = `{

"name" : "🤾 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙱𝙰𝙻𝙻 𝚋𝚢 𝐆𝐋𝐇",

"width" : 790,

"height" : 350,

"spawnDistance" : 350,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ -102, -50
[ -102, 50
[ -268, 0
[ -650, 0


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 102, -50
[ 102, 50
[ 268, 0
[ 650, 0


"bg" : { "type" : "none", "width" : 653, "height" : 320, "kickOffRadius" : 0,

"cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "253D97" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -89.24707947723184, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "e56d56", "vis" : false },

/* 1 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 320, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :

"E9CC6D", "vis" : true },
/* 2 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" :
["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "F26949", "vis" : true },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" :
["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "F26949", "vis" : true },

/* 4 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],

"cGroup" : ["blue" ], "curve" : 85, "color" : "E9CC6D", "vis" : false },
/* 5 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : -85, "color" : "E9CC6D",
"vis" : false },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["red" ], "curve" : -85, "color" : "E9CC6D" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 553, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 61, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : -458, "y" : -15, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : -458, "y" : 15, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 458, "y" : -15, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 458, "y" : 15, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 12 */ { "x" : -800, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 13 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -800, "y" : 120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },

/* 16 */ { "x" : -798, "y" : -120, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 17 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : -120, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -700, "y" : 120, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : -800, "y" : 120, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 20 */ { "x" : -740, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],

"color" : "6666FF" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : -740, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"color" : "6666FF" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -745, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 24 */ { "x" : -745, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 25 */ { "x" : -735, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -790, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 27 */ { "x" : -790, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 800, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"curve" : 0 },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"curve" : 0 },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 800, "y" : 120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },

/* 32 */ { "x" : 801, "y" : -120, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 33 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : -120, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 700, "y" : 120, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 801, "y" : 120, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 36 */ { "x" : 740, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],

"color" : "FF6666" },
/* 37 */ { "x" : 740, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"color" : "FF6666" },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 745, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 39 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 40 */ { "x" : 745, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 735, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 790, "y" : -80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 790, "y" : 80, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },

/* 44 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 320, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :

"E9CC6D", "vis" : true },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "585757", "vis" : true,
"curve" : 0 },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -354, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"585757", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 320, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"E9CC6D", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" :
["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "EF7E29", "vis" : true,
"curve" : 0 },
/* 49 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 354, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO"
], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "585757", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 50 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"585757", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },

/* 51 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : 94, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" :

["red" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "color" : "E9CC6D" },
/* 52 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -94, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" :
["red" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "E9CC6D" },

/* 53 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :

["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : -85, "color" : "88A9D9",
"vis" : false },

/* 54 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 320, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true,

"color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 55 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 94, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false,
"color" : "ffffff" },
/* 56 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -89.24707947723184, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["blue" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "ffffff", "vis" : false },
/* 57 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"ballArea", "color" : "ffffff", "vis" : true },

/* 58 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :

["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : -85, "color" : "E9CC6D",
"vis" : false },

/* 59 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" :

"ballArea", "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "curve" : 0 },
/* 60 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : 91.33920484545074, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF",
"curve" : 0 },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -94, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["red"
], "trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 62 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF" },

/* 63 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],

"cGroup" : ["red" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "E9CC6D", "vis" : false },
/* 64 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "88A9D9", "vis"
: false },

/* 65 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -94, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["red"

], "trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"ballArea", "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "curve" : 0 },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : 94, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["red" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "color" : "FFFFFF", "curve" : 0 },
/* 69 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 94.08069095559071, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false },
/* 70 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false },
/* 71 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false },
/* 72 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -89.24707947723184, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false },

/* 73 */ { "x" : 651, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :

["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : 85, "color" : "2CAAFF" },
/* 74 */ { "x" : 486, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : 8, "color" : "2CAAFF" },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 651, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : -85, "color" : "2CAAFF" },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 486, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : 8, "color" : "2CAAFF" },
/* 77 */ { "x" : -651, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue","red"
], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : 85, "color" : "2CAAFF" },
/* 78 */ { "x" : -483, "y" : -101, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue","red"
], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : 8, "color" : "2CAAFF" },
/* 79 */ { "x" : -651, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : -85, "color" : "2CAAFF" },
/* 80 */ { "x" : -483, "y" : 99, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ], "curve" : 8, "color" : "2CAAFF" },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 521.901256418312, "y" : 305.9572422383344, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 82 */ { "x" : -553, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : -61, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 83 */ { "x" : -553, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 61, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 84 */ { "x" : -522.0946317738246, "y" : -306.85287598443875, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 85 */ { "x" : -506.1420251852333, "y" : -296.7757654754572,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 86 */ { "x" : -469.7255367603498, "y" : -269.1764681158355,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" :
8.088971148362203, "color" : "EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" :
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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: 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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: 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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: 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" :
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"EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 101 */ { "x" : -450.5, "y" : -252.49609375, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 102 */ { "x" : -408.5, "y" : -194.49609375, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 103 */ { "x" : -396.5, "y" : -168.49609375, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 104 */ { "x" : -434.82271686760123, "y" : 236.09941957482695,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 105 */ { "x" : -418.91986908926475, "y" : 213.0447750469475, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 106 */ { "x" : -408.5, "y" : 194.49609375, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 107 */ { "x" : -396.5, "y" : 168.49609375, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 108 */ { "x" : -388.05932760879983, "y" : 145.0001405310138, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 109 */ { "x" : -381.6676342406169, "y" : 117.48765640168591, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 110 */ { "x" : -378.7933553715835, "y" : 94.98390663292105,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 111 */ { "x" : -376.9078647720215, "y" : 66.98404915925913,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 112 */ { "x" : -376.04228885079664, "y" : 15.015783527213557,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 113 */ { "x" : -376.04228885079664, "y" : 44.507477255965625,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 114 */ { "x" : 553, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : -61, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 115 */ { "x" : 552.0899057985382, "y" : 320.2098043123669, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 61, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 116 */ { "x" : 521.2378162708901, "y" : 306.93813422703, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 117 */ { "x" : 523.713123102581, "y" : -306.762625798387, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 13.235175487479236, "color"
: "EF7E29" },
/* 118 */ { "x" : 505.78555149359147, "y" : 296.43458264259755, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 119 */ { "x" : 469.18816225723685, "y" : 269.07561802353257, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 8.088971148362203,
"color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 120 */ { "x" : 432.0552250397206, "y" : 234.24226584512587,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" :
8.088971148362203, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 121 */ { "x" : 374.98219316389105, "y" : 58.49880675209518,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 122 */ { "x" : 373.9981406555976, "y" : 40.50506230916902, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 123 */ { "x" : 418.0140729386622, "y" : 213.2796018870813, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 124 */ { "x" : 386.69308683511514, "y" : 143.43964430949083, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 125 */ { "x" : 501.878121149686, "y" : -297.1040865966373, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 13.235175487479236, "color"
: "EF7E29" },
/* 126 */ { "x" : 465.6441117593936, "y" : -269.26565259885837, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 130 */ { "x" : 376.07832398363433, "y" : 90.49214151361383,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
/* 131 */ { "x" : 485.7042731236562, "y" : 281.9899398735921, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 132 */ { "x" : 373.7974096944257, "y" : 10.014029307165885,
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
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1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 135 */ { "x" : 395.30141964764476, "y" : 168.87947896203968, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 136 */ { "x" : 430.959798881452, "y" : -235.9595508030171, "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 137 */ { "x" : 415.2090675592799, "y" : -212.80071524108587, "bCoef"
: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" :
"EF7E29" },
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: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
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: 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "EF7E29" },
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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "EF7E29" },
/* 146 */ { "x" : 530, "y" : -8, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 147 */ { "x" : 530, "y" : 8, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 148 */ { "x" : -530, "y" : -8, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 149 */ { "x" : -530, "y" : 8, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff" },

/* 150 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 94.08069095559071, "trait" :

"ballArea" },

/* 151 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -89.24707947723184, "trait" : "goalNet",

"color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 152 */ { "x" : -683, "y" : -89.24707947723184, "trait" : "goalNet",
"color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 153 */ { "x" : -683, "y" : 94.08069095559071, "trait" : "goalNet",
"color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 154 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 94.08069095559071, "trait" : "goalNet",
"color" : "FFFFFF" },

/* 155 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 94.08069095559071, "trait" :

"fieldArea" },

/* 156 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 91.08069095559071, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask"

: ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF", "vis" :
true },
/* 157 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -92.24707947723184, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF",
"vis" : true },
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"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" :
/* 159 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -51.95715121697479, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 162 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 16, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 163 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 66.58152539066732, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask"
: ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF" },

/* 164 */ { "x" : -667, "y" : -89.24707947723184, "bCoef" : 0.1,

"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "color" :

/* 165 */ { "x" : -671, "y" : 94.08069095559071, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask"

: ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },

/* 166 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -84.22648952079584, "bCoef" : 0.1,

"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" :
/* 168 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF" },
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: ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line" },

/* 170 */ { "x" : 652.2715278479752, "y" : -91.9828225460283, "trait" :

"ballArea" },

/* 171 */ { "x" : 653.722625690124, "y" : 91.33920484545074, "trait" :

"goalNet", "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 172 */ { "x" : 683.721685891206, "y" : 91.10174526602265, "trait" :
"goalNet", "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 173 */ { "x" : 682.2705880490571, "y" : -92.2202821254564, "trait" :
"goalNet", "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 174 */ { "x" : 652.2715278479752, "y" : -91.9828225460283, "trait" :
"goalNet", "color" : "FFFFFF" },

/* 175 */ { "x" : 652.2715278479752, "y" : -91.9828225460283, "trait" :

"fieldArea" },

/* 176 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -91.9828225460283, "bCoef" : 0.1,

"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF",
"vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
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"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF",
"vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
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"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF" },
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: ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF" },

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0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "color" :

/* 181 */ { "x" : 670.2709639686243, "y" : -92.12529829368515,

"bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 182 */ { "x" : -150, "y" : 305, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 183 */ { "x" : -150, "y" : 335, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 184 */ { "x" : 150, "y" : 305, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 185 */ { "x" : 150, "y" : 335, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
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"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 187 */ { "x" : -150, "y" : -305, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 188 */ { "x" : 150, "y" : -335, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },
/* 189 */ { "x" : 150, "y" : -305, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "color" : "FFFFFF" },

/* 190 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 35, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],

"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 191 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 50, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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: ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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: ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF" },
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"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFFFF" },
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"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 201 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : 50, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "line" },

/* 202 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO"

], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "F26949", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 203 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" :
["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "F26949", "vis" : true,
"curve" : 0 },
/* 204 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 354, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"EF7E29", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 205 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 80, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO"
], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "EF7E29", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 206 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -354, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"EF7E29", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 207 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -80, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" :
["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" : "EF7E29", "vis" : true,
"curve" : 0 },

/* 208 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "x"

: -800, "y" : -220, "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 209 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "x"
: -653, "y" : -220, "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 210 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "x"
: -800, "y" : 220, "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 211 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "x"
: -653, "y" : 220, "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 212 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ], "x" :
652, "y" : -220, "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 213 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ], "x" :
799, "y" : -220, "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 214 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ], "x" :
653, "y" : 220, "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 215 */ { "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ], "x" :
799, "y" : 220, "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },

/* 216 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : 320, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true,

"color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 217 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : 320, "trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : true,
"color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 218 */ { "x" : -653, "y" : -320, "trait" : "ballArea", "color" :
"ffffff", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 219 */ { "x" : 653, "y" : -320, "trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0,
"vis" : true, "color" : "ffffff" }


"segments" : [
{ "v0" : 2, "v1" : 3, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" : "F26949",
"cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 2, "v1" : 3, "curve" : -180, "vis" : true, "color" : "F26949",
"cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ] },
{ "v0" : 8, "v1" : 9, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "ffffff",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "x" : -458 },
{ "v0" : 10, "v1" : 11, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "ffffff",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "x" : 462 },
{ "v0" : 12, "v1" : 13, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]
{ "v0" : 13, "v1" : 14, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]
{ "v0" : 14, "v1" : 15, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]

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{ "v0" : 18, "v1" : 19, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 20, "v1" : 21, "color" : "6666FF", "bCoef" : 1000000,

"cMask" : ["blue" ] },
{ "v0" : 22, "v1" : 23, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]
{ "v0" : 24, "v1" : 25, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ]
{ "v0" : 26, "v1" : 27, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1000000, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 28, "v1" : 29, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 29, "v1" : 30, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"curve" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 30, "v1" : 31, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },

{ "v0" : 32, "v1" : 33, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 34, "v1" : 35, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 36, "v1" : 37, "color" : "FF6666", "bCoef" : 1000000,

"cMask" : ["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 38, "v1" : 39, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 40, "v1" : 41, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red" ] },
{ "v0" : 42, "v1" : 43, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1000000, "cMask" :
["blue" ] },

{ "v0" : 45, "v1" : 46, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "585757",

"trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 49, "v1" : 50, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "585757",
"trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "x" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 54, "v1" : 55, "vis" : true, "color" : "ffffff", "trait" :
"ballArea" },
{ "v0" : 56, "v1" : 57, "vis" : true, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },

{ "v0" : 58, "v1" : 55, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "E9CC6D",

"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ] },

{ "v0" : 59, "v1" : 60, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "x" : 653, "y" : 320 },
{ "v0" : 61, "v1" : 62, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },

{ "v0" : 63, "v1" : 60, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "E9CC6D",

"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ], "x" : 653 },
{ "v0" : 64, "v1" : 61, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "E9CC6D",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ] },

{ "v0" : 65, "v1" : 66, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF",

"cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "v0" : 67, "v1" : 68, "vis" : true, "color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 69, "v1" : 70, "vis" : false, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 1,
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "v0" : 71, "v1" : 72, "vis" : false, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 1,
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },

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"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ] },
{ "v0" : 75, "v1" : 76, "curve" : -85, "vis" : true, "color" :
"2CAAFF", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ] },
{ "v0" : 74, "v1" : 76, "curve" : 8, "vis" : true, "color" : "2CAAFF",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ] },
{ "v0" : 77, "v1" : 78, "curve" : 85, "vis" : true, "color" : "2CAAFF",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ] },
{ "v0" : 79, "v1" : 80, "curve" : -85, "vis" : true, "color" :
"2CAAFF", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ] },
{ "v0" : 78, "v1" : 80, "curve" : 8, "vis" : true, "color" : "2CAAFF",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue","red" ], "cGroup" : ["blue","red" ] },
{ "v0" : 7, "v1" : 81, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 83, "v1" : 84, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 85, "v1" : 99, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 87, "v1" : 90, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 91, "v1" : 97, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 98, "v1" : 88, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 89, "v1" : 100, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 96, "v1" : 94, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 95, "v1" : 92, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 93, "v1" : 82, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 86, "v1" : 101, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 102, "v1" : 103, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 97, "v1" : 97, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "EF7E29",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 104, "v1" : 105, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 106, "v1" : 107, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 108, "v1" : 109, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 110, "v1" : 111, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 112, "v1" : 113, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 117, "v1" : 114, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 118, "v1" : 131, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 120, "v1" : 123, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 124, "v1" : 129, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 130, "v1" : 121, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 122, "v1" : 132, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 128, "v1" : 126, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 127, "v1" : 125, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 119, "v1" : 133, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 134, "v1" : 135, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 129, "v1" : 129, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 136, "v1" : 137, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 138, "v1" : 139, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 140, "v1" : 141, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 142, "v1" : 143, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 144, "v1" : 145, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
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"ffffff", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "x" : -530 },

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"goalNet", "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : -550 },
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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" :
"line" },
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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" :
"line" },

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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" :
"goalNet" },

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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ] },

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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" :
"line" },
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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" :
"line" },

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"goalNet", "cMask" : ["red" ] },
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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 653 },

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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" :
"goalNet" },

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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ] },
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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "x" : -150 },
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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "x" : 150 },
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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "x" : -150 },
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"FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "x" : 150 },

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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" :
"line" },
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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 653 },
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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 653 },
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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 653 },
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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 653 },
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"CF0000", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" :
"line", "x" : 653 },

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"curve" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 204, "v1" : 205, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 206, "v1" : 207, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"EF7E29", "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

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"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 210, "v1" : 211, "y" : 220 },
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"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ], "v0" : 212, "v1" : 213, "y" : -220 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "2CAAFF", "bCoef" : 1,
"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["red" ], "v0" : 214, "v1" : 215, "y" : 220 },

{ "v0" : 217, "v1" : 216, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ffffff", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "y" : 290 },
{ "v0" : 218, "v1" : 219, "vis" : true, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" :
1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "y" : -290, "curve" : 0 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-661.6,96 ], "p1" : [-661.6,-94 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [661.6,-93.986883372199 ], "p1" : [661.6,96.011511591401 ],
"team" : "blue" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 5.352099039641226, "pos" : [-653,94.08069095559071 ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball","blue","red" ], "trait" : "goalPost", "vis" :
false },
{ "radius" : 5.352099039641226, "pos" : [-653,-89.24707947723184 ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball","blue","red" ], "trait" :
"goalPost", "vis" : false },
{ "radius" : 5.352099039641226, "pos" : [653,-91.9828225460283 ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "cMask" : ["ball","blue","red" ], "trait" : "goalPost", "vis" :
false },
{ "radius" : 5.352099039641226, "pos" : [653,91.33920484545074 ],
"color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball","blue","red" ], "trait" :
"goalPost", "vis" : false },
{ "radius" : 1.3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-683,-89 ], "color" :
"000001", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0, "trait" : "goalPost", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-682,94 ], "color" :
"000002", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0, "trait" : "goalPost", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [683,-92 ], "color" :
"000003", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0, "trait" : "goalPost", "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [684,91 ], "color" : "000004",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0, "trait" : "goalPost", "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-690,-77 ], "color" :

"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-690,-63 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-691,-44 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-691,-30 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-691,-13 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-691,2 ], "color" : "ffffff",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-692,17 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-692,33 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-692,50 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-691,67 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-690,82 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [691,-82 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [694,-66 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [697,-52 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [696,-35 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [697,-18 ], "color" :
"ffffff", "cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [696,-4 ], "color" : "ffffff",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [696,15 ], "color" : "ffffff",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [696,36 ], "color" : "ffffff",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [696,51 ], "color" : "ffffff",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [695,67 ], "color" : "ffffff",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [693,83 ], "color" : "ffffff",
"cMask" : ["ball" ], "damping" : 0.96 }


"joints" : [
{ "d0" : 5, "d1" : 9, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color" :
{ "d0" : 9, "d1" : 10, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1,
"color" : "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 10, "d1" : 11, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 11, "d1" : 12, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 12, "d1" : 13, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 13, "d1" : 14, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 14, "d1" : 15, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 15, "d1" : 16, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 16, "d1" : 17, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 17, "d1" : 18, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 18, "d1" : 19, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 19, "d1" : 6, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1,
"color" : "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 7, "d1" : 20, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1,
"color" : "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 20, "d1" : 21, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 21, "d1" : 22, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 22, "d1" : 23, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 23, "d1" : 24, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 24, "d1" : 25, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 25, "d1" : 26, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 26, "d1" : 27, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 27, "d1" : 28, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 28, "d1" : 29, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 29, "d1" : 30, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1, "color"
: "EBEBEB" },
{ "d0" : 30, "d1" : 8, "length" : 0.0000001, "strength" : 0.1,
"color" : "EBEBEB" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -320, "trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -320, "trait" : "ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -354, "bCoef" : 0.1 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -354, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -800, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -800, "bCoef" : 0 }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] }


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 8.6,
"color" : "fff100",
"bCoef" : 0.4


"playerPhysics" : {
"radius" : 15,
"kickStrength" : 6.15,
"bCoef" : 0.01

RSRMap = false;
return HandballMap;

function getTenisCementoMap() {
var TenisCementoMap = `{

"name" : "𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒔 🎾 [ 𝟷 🆚 𝟷] ~ 𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎",

"width" : 360,

"height" : 171,

"spawnDistance" : 350,

"bg" : { "type" : "", "height" : 0, "width" : 0, "color" : "44b283" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 4, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 3, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 7, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 6, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 4 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 10, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 9, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 13, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 12, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 16, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 15, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -2, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -3, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 12 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -5, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 13 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -6, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -8, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -9, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -11, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 17 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -12, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -14, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -15, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -17, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -18, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -20, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 23 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -21, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 24 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -23, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 25 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -24, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -26, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -27, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 28 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -29, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -30, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 30 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -32, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -33, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -35, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -36, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 34 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -38, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -39, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 36 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -41, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 37 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -42, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 38 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 19, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 39 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 18, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 22, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 21, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 42 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 25, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 24, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 44 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 28, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 27, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 46 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 31, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 30, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 48 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 34, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 49 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 33, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 50 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 37, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 51 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 36, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 52 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 40, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 53 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 39, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 54 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 43, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 55 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 42, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 56 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 46, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 57 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 45, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 58 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 49, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 59 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 48, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 60 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 52, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 51, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 62 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 55, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 63 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 54, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 64 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 58, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 57, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 66 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 61, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 60, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 68 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -44, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 69 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -45, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 70 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -47, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 71 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -48, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 72 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -50, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 73 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -51, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 74 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -53, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -54, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 76 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -56, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 77 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -57, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 78 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -59, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 79 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -60, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 80 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -62, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -63, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 82 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -65, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -66, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 84 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -68, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 85 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -69, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 86 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -71, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 87 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -72, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 88 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -74, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -75, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 90 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -77, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 91 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -78, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 92 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -80, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 93 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : -81, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 94 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 64, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 95 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 63, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 96 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 67, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 97 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 66, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 98 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 70, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 99 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 69, "trait" : "none", "color" : "1c75c9" },
/* 100 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 73, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 101 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 72, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 102 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 76, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 103 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 75, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 104 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 79, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
/* 105 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 78, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"1c75c9" },
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"1c75c9" },
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"1c75c9" },
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"1c75c9" },
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"1c75c9" },
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"1c75c9" },
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"1c75c9" },
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"1c75c9" },
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"kickOffBarrier", "x" : -65 },
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"kickOffBarrier", "x" : 65 },

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{ "v0" : 132, "v1" : 133, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" :
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{ "v0" : 134, "v1" : 135, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" :
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{ "v0" : 136, "v1" : 137, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" :
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{ "v0" : 138, "v1" : 139, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" :
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{ "v0" : 140, "v1" : 141, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" :
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{ "v0" : 142, "v1" : 143, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" :
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{ "v0" : 148, "v1" : 149, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" :
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{ "v0" : 150, "v1" : 151, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" :
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{ "v0" : 182, "v1" : 183, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" : -
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{ "v0" : 199, "v1" : 200, "color" : "1c75c9", "trait" : "none", "y" : -
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"trait" : "none", "x" : 225 },
{ "v0" : 203, "v1" : 204, "curve" : 0, "color" : "EBEBEB", "bCoef" : 0,
"trait" : "none", "x" : -225 },
{ "v0" : 206, "v1" : 207, "curve" : 0, "color" : "D8F781", "bCoef" : 0,
"trait" : "none", "x" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 208, "v1" : 209, "curve" : 0, "color" : "D8F781", "bCoef" : 0,
"trait" : "none", "x" : 0 },
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"EBEBEB", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "none" },
{ "v0" : 211, "v1" : 212, "curve" : -135.99178805217, "color" :
"EBEBEB", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "none" },
{ "v0" : 212, "v1" : 213, "color" : "EBEBEB", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"none" },
{ "v0" : 214, "v1" : 215, "color" : "EBEBEB", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
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"none" },
{ "v0" : 217, "v1" : 218, "color" : "EBEBEB", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
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"none" },
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"DADBDB", "trait" : "none", "y" : 0, "x" : -150 },

{ "v0" : 231, "v1" : 232, "curve" : 0, "color" : "003668", "bCoef" :

0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -140 },
{ "v0" : 233, "v1" : 234, "curve" : 0, "color" : "003668", "bCoef" :
0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 139 },
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"003668", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -141 },
{ "v0" : 237, "v1" : 238, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"003668", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 140 },
{ "v0" : 239, "v1" : 240, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"003668", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -142 },
{ "v0" : 241, "v1" : 242, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"003668", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -143 },
{ "v0" : 243, "v1" : 244, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"003668", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -144 },
{ "v0" : 245, "v1" : 246, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"003668", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 141 },
{ "v0" : 247, "v1" : 248, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"003668", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 142 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-232,-155 ], "p1" : [-359,-155 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-406,-153 ], "p1" : [-406,167 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-360,155 ], "p1" : [-232,155 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [202,-157 ], "p1" : [352,-157 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [359,155 ], "p1" : [209,155 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [409.5,168 ], "p1" : [409.5,-155 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [-359.5,-157 ], "p1" : [-471.5,-140 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-402.5,168 ], "p1" : [-305.5,156 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [355.5,155 ], "p1" : [417.5,170 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [406.5,-158 ], "p1" : [343.5,-155 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [413.5,-153 ], "p1" : [389.5,-165 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [6.5,151 ], "p1" : [226.5,155 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [212.5,-156 ], "p1" : [-0.5,-154 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [-240.5,155 ], "p1" : [-2.5,155 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-238.5,-156 ], "p1" : [0.5,-153 ], "team" : "red" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 2, "pos" : [0,139 ], "color" : "363636", "trait" :
"none" },
{ "radius" : 2, "pos" : [0,-139 ], "color" : "363636", "trait" : "none"
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-136 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-130 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-123 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-117 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-112 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-106 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-99 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-93 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-87 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-81 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-74 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-68 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-14 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-8 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-1 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,5 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,11 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,17 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,24 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,48 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,54 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,60 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,66 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,73 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,79 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,84 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,90 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,97 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,103 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,108 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,115 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,121 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,126 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,133 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,139 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : 0, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : 0, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -198, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -199, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -620, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -556, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"none" : { "cMask" : ["" ] }

"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 5,
"damping" : 0.9999,
"invMass" : 0.999,
"bCoef" : 1.1,
"color" : "c9f364"


"playerPhysics" : {
"kickStrength" : 0.2,
"bCoef" : 1.1,
"acceleration" : 0.12

RSRMap = false;
return TenisCementoMap;

function getTenisPastoMap() {
var TenisPastoMap = `{

"name" : "𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒔 🎾 [ 𝟷 🆚 𝟷] ~ 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐎",

"width" : 360,

"height" : 171,

"spawnDistance" : 350,

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"DADBDB", "curve" : 0 },
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/* 208 */ { "x" : 409, "y" : 156, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "none",
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"color" : "D8F781", "curve" : 0 },
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"DADBDB", "curve" : 0 },
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"DADBDB", "curve" : 0 },
/* 228 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 139, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"DADBDB", "curve" : 0 },
/* 229 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : -139, "trait" : "none", "color" :
"DADBDB", "curve" : 0 },
/* 230 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 139, "trait" : "none", "color" : "DADBDB"

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/* 236 */ { "x" : 225, "y" : -141, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
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/* 238 */ { "x" : 225, "y" : 140, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
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/* 242 */ { "x" : 225, "y" : -143, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
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/* 243 */ { "x" : -225, "y" : -144, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
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/* 244 */ { "x" : 225, "y" : -144, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
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/* 248 */ { "x" : 225, "y" : 142, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"color" : "DD3C24", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false }


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{ "p0" : [-406,-153 ], "p1" : [-406,167 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-360,155 ], "p1" : [-232,155 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [202,-157 ], "p1" : [352,-157 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [359,155 ], "p1" : [209,155 ], "team" : "blue" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,126 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,133 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,139 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : 0, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : 0, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -198, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -199, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -620, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -556, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"none" : { "cMask" : ["" ] }

"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 5,
"damping" : 0.9999,
"invMass" : 0.999,
"bCoef" : 1.1,
"color" : "c9f364"


"playerPhysics" : {
"kickStrength" : 0.2,
"bCoef" : 1.1,
"acceleration" : 0.12

RSRMap = false;
return TenisPastoMap;

function getTenisLadrilloMap() {
var TenisLadrilloMap = `{

"name" : "𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒔 🎾 [ 𝟷 🆚 𝟷] ~ 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐎 𝐃𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐎",

"width" : 360,

"height" : 171,

"spawnDistance" : 350,

"bg" : { "type" : "", "height" : 0, "width" : 0, "color" : "bc592f" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 4, "trait" : "none", "color" : "d6652d" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 3, "trait" : "none", "color" : "d6652d" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 7, "trait" : "none", "color" : "d6652d" },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 6, "trait" : "none", "color" : "d6652d" },
/* 4 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 10, "trait" : "none", "color" : "d6652d" },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 9, "trait" : "none", "color" : "d6652d" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : -345, "y" : 13, "trait" : "none", "color" : "d6652d" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 345, "y" : 12, "trait" : "none", "color" : "d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"d6652d" },
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"kickOffBarrier", "x" : -65 },
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"trait" : "none", "x" : -225 },
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"trait" : "none", "x" : 0 },
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"EBEBEB", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "none" },
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"DADBDB", "trait" : "none", "y" : 0, "x" : -150 },

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0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -140 },
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0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 139 },
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"610B0B", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -141 },
{ "v0" : 237, "v1" : 238, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"610B0B", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 140 },
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"610B0B", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -142 },
{ "v0" : 241, "v1" : 242, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"610B0B", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -143 },
{ "v0" : 243, "v1" : 244, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"610B0B", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : -144 },
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"610B0B", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 141 },
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"610B0B", "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "y" : 142 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-232,-155 ], "p1" : [-359,-155 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-406,-153 ], "p1" : [-406,167 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-360,155 ], "p1" : [-232,155 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [202,-157 ], "p1" : [352,-157 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [359,155 ], "p1" : [209,155 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [409.5,168 ], "p1" : [409.5,-155 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [-359.5,-157 ], "p1" : [-471.5,-140 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-402.5,168 ], "p1" : [-305.5,156 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [355.5,155 ], "p1" : [417.5,170 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [406.5,-158 ], "p1" : [343.5,-155 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [413.5,-153 ], "p1" : [389.5,-165 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [6.5,151 ], "p1" : [226.5,155 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [212.5,-156 ], "p1" : [-0.5,-154 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [-240.5,155 ], "p1" : [-2.5,155 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [-238.5,-156 ], "p1" : [0.5,-153 ], "team" : "red" }


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"none" },
{ "radius" : 2, "pos" : [0,-139 ], "color" : "363636", "trait" : "none"
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-136 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-112 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-99 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,-93 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
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"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,97 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,103 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,108 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,115 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,121 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,126 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,133 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" },
{ "radius" : 0.5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [0,139 ], "color" : "BDBDBD",
"bCoef" : 3, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "trait" : "none" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : 0, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : 0, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -198, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -199, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -620, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -556, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","blue","ball" ] }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"none" : { "cMask" : ["" ] }

"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 5,
"damping" : 0.9999,
"invMass" : 0.999,
"bCoef" : 1.1,
"color" : "c9f364"


"playerPhysics" : {
"kickStrength" : 0.2,
"bCoef" : 1.1,
"acceleration" : 0.12

RSRMap = false;
return TenisLadrilloMap;

function getRealSoccerMap() {
var realSoccerMap = `{

"name" : "🗦⚽🗧𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙻 𝚂𝙾𝙲𝙲𝙴𝚁 🙼 ᴿ ᴱ ⱽ ᴼ ᴸ ᵁ ᵀ ᴵ ᴼ ᴺ 🙼",

"width" : 1300,

"height" : 710,

"spawnDistance" : 560,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ -199, 0
[ -180, -86
[ -180, 86
[ -290, 0
[ -257, -86
[ -257, 86
[ -393, 0
[ -369, -86
[ -366, 86
[ -487, 0
[ -132, 681

"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 199, 0
[ 180, -86
[ 180, 86
[ 290, 0
[ 257, -86
[ 257, 86
[ 393, 0
[ 369, -86
[ 366, 86
[ 487, 0
[ 132, 681


"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 1260, "height" : 650, "kickOffRadius" :

180, "cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "43774e" },

"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.3,
"invMass" : 0.5,
"damping" : 0.96,
"acceleration" : 0.12,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.07,
"kickingDamping" : 0.96,
"kickStrength" : 5.65


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 9,
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 1.05,
"damping" : 0.99,
"color" : "d0ff00",
"cMask" : [ "all"
"cGroup" : [ "ball"


"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 706, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -706, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 12 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 13 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 17 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 24 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 25 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 28 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : -1120, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 30 */ { "x" : -1120, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 31 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 1120, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 1120, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },

/* 36 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :

["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : -180
/* 37 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" :
180 },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" :
180 },

/* 39 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 45 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -40, "trait" : "line", "color" : "576C46"
/* 46 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },

/* 49 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : 605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 50 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : 655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 51 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : -655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 52 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : -605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 53 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : 605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 54 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : 655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 55 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : -655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 56 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : -605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 57 */ { "x" : -1300, "y" : -485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],

"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
/* 58 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : -485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
/* 59 */ { "x" : -1300, "y" : 485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
/* 60 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : 485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
/* 61 */ { "x" : -1295, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 62 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 63 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 64 */ { "x" : -1295, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 1295, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 1295, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 69 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -124, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 70 */ { "x" : -1210, "y" : -124, "bCoef" : 0, "bias" : 0, "curve" :
5, "cGroup" : ["all" ], "radius" : 4.5 },
/* 71 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 124, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 72 */ { "x" : -1210, "y" : 124, "bCoef" : 0, "bias" : 0, "curve" :
5, "cGroup" : ["all" ], "radius" : 4.5, "vis" : false },
/* 73 */ { "x" : -1250, "y" : -158, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 74 */ { "x" : -1250, "y" : 158, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 124, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 1210, "y" : 124, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : -5, "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
/* 77 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -124, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 1210, "y" : -124, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : -5,
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "radius" : 6 },
/* 79 */ { "x" : 1250, "y" : -158, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 1250, "y" : 158, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 81 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : -1211, "y" : 105.00001829862595, "vis" :
false },
/* 82 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : -1211, "y" : -104.99998170137405, "color"
: "ff3535" },
/* 83 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1211.4000244140625, "y" :
106.00001829862595 },
/* 84 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "x" : 1209.4000244140625, "y" : -
104.99998170137405 },

/* 85 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1150, "y" : 600 },

/* 86 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1150, "y" : 600 },
/* 87 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1150, "y" : 600 },
/* 88 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1150, "y" : 600 },
/* 89 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1150, "y" : -600 },
/* 90 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1150, "y" : -600 },
/* 91 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1150, "y" : 600 },
/* 92 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1150, "y" : -600 },
/* 93 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1260, "y" : -655, "color" :
"43774e" },
/* 94 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1260, "y" : 655, "color" : "43774e"
/* 95 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1262, "y" : -655, "color" :
"43774e" },
/* 96 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1262, "y" : 655, "color" : "43774e"
/* 97 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1258, "y" : -655, "color" :
"43774e" },
/* 98 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1258, "y" : 655, "color" : "43774e"
/* 99 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1260, "y" : -665, "color" : "43774e"
/* 100 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1260, "y" : 665, "color" : "43774e"
/* 101 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1258, "y" : -665, "color" :
"43774e" },
/* 102 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1258, "y" : 665, "color" : "43774e"
/* 103 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1262, "y" : -665, "color" :
"43774e" },
/* 104 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1262, "y" : 665, "color" : "43774e"
/* 105 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -2, "y" : -646.5, "color" :
"6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 106 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -2, "y" : -601.5, "color" :
"6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 107 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 0, "y" : -646.5, "color" :
"6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 108 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 0, "y" : -601.5, "color" :
"6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 109 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 2, "y" : -646.5, "color" :
"6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 110 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 2, "y" : -601.5, "color" :
"6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 111 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 0, "y" : 601.5, "color" : "7ea170",
"curve" : 0 },
/* 112 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 0, "y" : 646.5, "color" : "7ea170",
"curve" : 0 },
/* 113 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -2, "y" : 601.5, "color" :
"7ea170", "curve" : 0 },
/* 114 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -2, "y" : 646.5, "color" :
"7ea170", "curve" : 0 },
/* 115 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 2, "y" : 601.5, "color" : "7ea170",
"curve" : 0 },
/* 116 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 2, "y" : 646.5, "color" : "7ea170",
"curve" : 0 },
/* 117 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1.142081210865527, "y" : -
647.4445926432836, "color" : "7ea170", "curve" : 0 },
/* 118 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -30.602942100934982, "y" : -
615.5501809864863, "color" : "7ea170", "curve" : 0 },
/* 119 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 2.559610617834295, "y" : -
646.0337027183147, "color" : "7ea170", "curve" : 0 },
/* 120 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -29.185412693966214, "y" : -
614.1392910615175, "color" : "7ea170", "curve" : 0 },
/* 121 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1265, "y" : -650, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 122 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1265, "y" : -650, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 123 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1265, "y" : -648, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 124 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1265, "y" : -648, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 125 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1265, "y" : -652, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 126 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1265, "y" : -652, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 127 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 28.41038434498239, "y" :
618.0793890634807, "color" : "6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 128 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -3.6831242630433323, "y" :
649.6231159394631, "color" : "6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 129 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 27.008440928272066, "y" :
616.6530109031239, "color" : "6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 130 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -5.085067679753664, "y" :
648.1967377791065, "color" : "6e965d", "curve" : 0 },
/* 131 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1265, "y" : 650, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 132 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1265, "y" : 650, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 133 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1265, "y" : 652, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 134 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1265, "y" : 652, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 135 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1265, "y" : 648, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 136 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1265, "y" : 648, "color" :
"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
/* 137 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1241.5240259394243, "y" : -
651.4006293133806, "curve" : -90 },
/* 138 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1262.3289235748528, "y" : -
632.661466194945, "curve" : -90 },
/* 139 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1240.1855142881075, "y" : -
649.9145651965642, "curve" : -90 },
/* 140 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1260.990411923536, "y" : -
631.1754020781286, "curve" : -90 },
/* 141 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1238.8470026367906, "y" : -
648.428501079748, "curve" : -90 },
/* 142 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1259.651900272219, "y" : -
629.6893379613123, "curve" : -90 },
/* 143 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1260.8893083322516, "y" :
631.2171531285527, "curve" : -90 },
/* 144 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1241.9730164936645, "y" :
651.8611329550639, "curve" : -90 },
/* 145 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1259.4147383446436, "y" :
629.8659894257964, "curve" : -90 },
/* 146 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1240.4984465060566, "y" :
650.5099692523077, "curve" : -90 },
/* 147 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1257.9401683570356, "y" :
628.5148257230403, "curve" : -90 },
/* 148 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1239.0238765184486, "y" :
649.1588055495515, "curve" : -90 },
/* 149 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1239.6332966050222, "y" :
652.0394293358713, "curve" : -90 },
/* 150 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1260.114850634535, "y" :
632.9473905621797, "curve" : -90 },
/* 151 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1238.2695795497584, "y" :
650.5764611909061, "curve" : -90 },
/* 152 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1258.7511335792713, "y" :
631.4844224172144, "curve" : -90 },
/* 153 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1236.9058624944948, "y" :
649.1134930459408, "curve" : -90 },
/* 154 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1257.3874165240077, "y" :
630.0214542722492, "curve" : -90 },
/* 155 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1261.3945318749338, "y" : -
630.2611957749441, "curve" : -90 },
/* 156 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1242.3024931012424, "y" : -
650.7427498044569, "curve" : -90 },
/* 157 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1259.9315637299687, "y" : -
628.8974787196803, "curve" : -90 },
/* 158 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1240.8395249562768, "y" : -
649.3790327491931, "curve" : -90 },
/* 159 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1258.4685955850032, "y" : -
627.5337616644167, "curve" : -90 },
/* 160 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1239.3765568113117, "y" : -
648.0153156939296, "curve" : -90 },

/* 161 */ { "x" : 1149, "y" : -635, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 162 */ { "x" : 1149, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 163 */ { "x" : 1161, "y" : -633, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup"
: ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },

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"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 191 */ { "x" : -1161, "y" : -631, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 192 */ { "x" : -1147, "y" : -631, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 193 */ { "x" : -1175, "y" : -631, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 195 */ { "x" : -1175, "y" : -628, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 196 */ { "x" : -1147, "y" : -628, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 198 */ { "x" : -1147, "y" : -633, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 199 */ { "x" : -1175, "y" : -633, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ]
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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ]
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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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/* 218 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 668 },
/* 219 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 662 },
/* 220 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 653 },
/* 221 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -62, "y" : 653 },
/* 222 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 682 },
/* 223 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 668 },
/* 224 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 662 },
/* 225 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 653 },
/* 226 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -205, "y" : 653 },
/* 227 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -120, "y" : 653 },
/* 228 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -96, "y" : 653 },
/* 229 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -172, "y" : 653 },
/* 230 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -148, "y" : 653 },
/* 231 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 704 },
/* 232 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 690 },
/* 233 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 704 },
/* 234 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 690 },
/* 235 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 682 },
/* 236 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 668 },
/* 237 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 662 },
/* 238 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 653 },
/* 239 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 203, "y" : 653 },
/* 240 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 682 },
/* 241 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 668 },
/* 242 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 662 },
/* 243 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 653 },
/* 244 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 60, "y" : 653 },
/* 245 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 145, "y" : 653 },
/* 246 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 169, "y" : 653 },
/* 247 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 93, "y" : 653 },
/* 248 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 117, "y" : 653 },
/* 249 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 704 },
/* 250 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 690 },
/* 251 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 704 },
/* 252 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 690 }


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"576C46", "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" :
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"576C46", "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" :
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"line", "x" : 1030 },
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["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
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{ "p0" : [-1162,-122 ], "p1" : [-1162,122 ], "team" : "red" }


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"ffffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
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"cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },
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"trait" : "goalPost" },
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{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },

{ "radius" : 1, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1210,-124 ], "color" :

"ff3535", "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "damping" : 0, "trait" : "goalPost", "bCoef" :
0 },
{ "radius" : 1, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1210,124 ], "color" :
"ff3535", "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "damping" : 0, "trait" : "goalPost", "bCoef" :
0 },

{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,112 ], "color" :

"9241a8", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,100 ], "color" :
"9241a8", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,88 ], "color" :
"be356b", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,76 ], "color" :
"be356b", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,64 ], "color" :
"d73252", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,52 ], "color" :
"d73252", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,40 ], "color" :
"e73042", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,28 ], "color" :
"e73042", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,16 ], "color" :
"f7342e", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,4 ], "color" :
"f7342e", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-8 ], "color" :
"f94d35", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-20 ], "color" :
"f94d35", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-32 ], "color" :
"fb673f", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-44 ], "color" :
"fb673f", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-56 ], "color" :
"fb7e44", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-68 ], "color" :
"fb7e44", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-80 ], "color" :
"fb8346", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-92 ], "color" :
"fb8346", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-104 ], "color" :
"fec85c", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1210,-114 ], "color" :
"fec85c", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },

{ "radius" : 1, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1212,-121 ], "color" :

"3587ff", "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "damping" : 0, "trait" : "goalPost", "bCoef" :
0 },
{ "radius" : 1, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1214,125 ], "color" : "3587ff",
"cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "damping" : 0, "trait" : "goalPost", "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,114 ], "color" :

"0051d9", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,102 ], "color" :
"0051d9", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,90 ], "color" :
"0168e3", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,78 ], "color" :
"0168e3", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,66 ], "color" :
"008ee6", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,54 ], "color" :
"008ee6", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,42 ], "color" :
"029bec", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,30 ], "color" :
"029bec", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,18 ], "color" :
"01c7ef", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,6 ], "color" : "01c7ef",
"cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-6 ], "color" :
"00dfea", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-18 ], "color" :
"00dfea", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-30 ], "color" :
"00e3d4", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-42 ], "color" :
"00e3d4", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-54 ], "color" :
"00e5be", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-66 ], "color" :
"00e5be", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-78 ], "color" :
"00ed8b", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-90 ], "color" :
"00ed8b", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1215,-102 ], "color" :
"00ed8b", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 1.5, "pos" : [1214,-112 ], "color" :
"00ed8b", "cMask" : ["ball","red","blue" ], "damping" : 0.96 }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -627, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -627, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -706, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -706, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1300, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1300, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 1, "cGroup" :
["ball" ] },
"rightNet" : { "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 1, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" :
["ball","c3" ] },
"leftNet" : { "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 1, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" :
["ball","c2" ] },
"stanchion" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 3, "cMask" :
["none" ] },
"cornerflag" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.2, "color" :
"FFFF00", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"reargoalNetleft" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : 10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"reargoalNetright" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : -10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"sidegoalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "C7E6BD" }


{ "d0" : 24, "d1" : 45, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "b30000" },
{ "d0" : 45, "d1" : 44, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff8080" },
{ "d0" : 44, "d1" : 43, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff8080" },
{ "d0" : 43, "d1" : 42, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff6666" },
{ "d0" : 42, "d1" : 41, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff6666" },
{ "d0" : 41, "d1" : 40, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff4d4d" },
{ "d0" : 40, "d1" : 39, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff4d4d" },
{ "d0" : 39, "d1" : 38, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff3333" },
{ "d0" : 38, "d1" : 37, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff3333" },
{ "d0" : 37, "d1" : 36, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff1a1a" },
{ "d0" : 36, "d1" : 35, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff1a1a" },
{ "d0" : 35, "d1" : 34, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff1a1a" },
{ "d0" : 34, "d1" : 33, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff1a1a" },
{ "d0" : 33, "d1" : 32, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff0000" },
{ "d0" : 32, "d1" : 31, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "ff0000" },
{ "d0" : 31, "d1" : 30, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "e60000" },
{ "d0" : 30, "d1" : 29, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "e60000" },
{ "d0" : 29, "d1" : 28, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "cc0000" },
{ "d0" : 28, "d1" : 27, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "cc0000" },
{ "d0" : 27, "d1" : 26, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "b30000" },
{ "d0" : 25, "d1" : 26, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "b30000" },
{ "d0" : 46, "d1" : 67, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "01327f" },
{ "d0" : 67, "d1" : 66, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "024191" },
{ "d0" : 66, "d1" : 65, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "024191" },
{ "d0" : 65, "d1" : 64, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0450a3" },
{ "d0" : 64, "d1" : 63, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0450a3" },
{ "d0" : 63, "d1" : 62, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0567bd" },
{ "d0" : 62, "d1" : 61, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0567bd" },
{ "d0" : 61, "d1" : 60, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0689db" },
{ "d0" : 60, "d1" : 59, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0689db" },
{ "d0" : 59, "d1" : 58, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "23b7f1" },
{ "d0" : 58, "d1" : 57, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "23b7f1" },
{ "d0" : 57, "d1" : 56, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "23b7f1" },
{ "d0" : 56, "d1" : 55, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0689db" },
{ "d0" : 55, "d1" : 54, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0689db" },
{ "d0" : 54, "d1" : 53, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0567bd" },
{ "d0" : 53, "d1" : 52, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0567bd" },
{ "d0" : 52, "d1" : 51, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0450a3" },
{ "d0" : 51, "d1" : 50, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "0450a3" },
{ "d0" : 50, "d1" : 49, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "024191" },
{ "d0" : 49, "d1" : 48, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "024191" },
{ "d0" : 48, "d1" : 47, "length" : 0.0000001, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"strength" : 0.1, "color" : "01327f" }


"canBeStored" : false
RSRMap = true;
return realSoccerMap;

function getRealSoccerMap2() {
var realSoccerMap2 = `{

"name" : "✦RSR 2022✦ GLH",

"width" : 1300,

"height" : 710,

"spawnDistance" : 560,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ -199, 0
[ -180, -86
[ -180, 86
[ -290, 0
[ -257, -86
[ -257, 86
[ -393, 0
[ -369, -86
[ -366, 86
[ -487, 0
[ -132, 681


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 199, 0
[ 180, -86
[ 180, 86
[ 290, 0
[ 257, -86
[ 257, 86
[ 393, 0
[ 369, -86
[ 366, 86
[ 487, 0
[ 132, 681


"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 1260, "height" : 650, "kickOffRadius" :

180, "cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "43774e" },

"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.3,
"invMass" : 0.5,
"damping" : 0.96,
"acceleration" : 0.12,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.07,
"kickingDamping" : 0.96,
"kickStrength" : 5.65


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 9,
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 1.05,
"damping" : 0.99,
"color" : "d0ff00",
"cMask" : [ "all"
"cGroup" : [ "ball"


"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 706, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -706, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 4 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },

/* 5 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -180, "trait" : "line" },
/* 12 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 13 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 17 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 320, "trait" : "line" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 175, "trait" : "line" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -130, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -130 },
/* 24 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 25 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 28 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : -1120, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 30 */ { "x" : -1120, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 31 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 1120, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -570, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 1120, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : -2.65, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line" },

/* 36 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :

["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" : -180
/* 37 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" :
180 },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "curve" :
180 },

/* 39 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 40, "bCoef" : -5.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["c0" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -70, "color" : "576C46", "vis" :
false },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : -40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 1030, "y" : 40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 45 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -40, "trait" : "line", "color" : "576C46"
/* 46 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 40, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"576C46" },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 3, "trait" : "line" },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -3, "trait" : "line" },

/* 49 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : 605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 50 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : 655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 51 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : -655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 52 */ { "x" : -1157, "y" : -605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 53 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : 605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 54 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : 655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 55 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : -655, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 56 */ { "x" : 1157, "y" : -605, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 57 */ { "x" : -1300, "y" : -485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],

"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
/* 59 */ { "x" : -1300, "y" : 485, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["c1" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ec644b", "vis" : false },
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["red","blue" ] },
/* 62 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 63 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 64 */ { "x" : -1295, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 1295, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 1295, "y" : 320, "cMask" : ["c0" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ] },
/* 69 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -124, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 70 */ { "x" : -1210, "y" : -124, "bCoef" : 0, "bias" : 0, "curve" :
5, "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "radius" : 4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "color" :
"f2d8d8" },
/* 71 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 124, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
/* 72 */ { "x" : -1210, "y" : 124, "bCoef" : 0, "bias" : 0, "curve" :
5, "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "radius" : 4.5, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"_selected" : "segment", "color" : "f2d8d8" },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "f2d8d8" },
/* 74 */ { "x" : -1250, "y" : 158, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "_selected" : "segment", "color" : "f2d8d8" },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 1210, "y" : 124, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : -5, "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ], "cMask" : ["ball" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 77 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -124, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "radius" : 6, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "color" :
"ffffff" },
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"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "e3f9fe" },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 1250, "y" : 158, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["red","blue" ], "color" : "e3f9fe" },

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/* 82 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1150, "y" : 600 },
/* 83 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1150, "y" : 600 },
/* 84 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1150, "y" : 600 },
/* 85 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -1150, "y" : -600 },
/* 86 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1150, "y" : -600 },
/* 87 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1150, "y" : 600 },
/* 88 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 1150, "y" : -600 },
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"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
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"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
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"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
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"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
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"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
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"43774e", "curve" : 0 },
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"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 170 */ { "x" : 1175, "y" : -628, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup"
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" :
["all" ] },

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"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 188 */ { "x" : -1147, "y" : -631, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 189 */ { "x" : -1175, "y" : -631, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "color" : "fde73b", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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["all" ] },
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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "f83d38",
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "f83d38", "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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["all" ] },
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/* 214 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 668 },
/* 215 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 662 },
/* 216 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 653 },
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/* 219 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 668 },
/* 220 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 662 },
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/* 223 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -120, "y" : 653 },
/* 224 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -96, "y" : 653 },
/* 225 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -172, "y" : 653 },
/* 226 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -148, "y" : 653 },
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/* 228 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -42, "y" : 690 },
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/* 230 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : -223, "y" : 690 },
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/* 232 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 668 },
/* 233 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 662 },
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/* 235 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 203, "y" : 653 },
/* 236 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 682 },
/* 237 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 668 },
/* 238 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 662 },
/* 239 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 653 },
/* 240 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 60, "y" : 653 },
/* 241 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 145, "y" : 653 },
/* 242 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 169, "y" : 653 },
/* 243 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 93, "y" : 653 },
/* 244 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 117, "y" : 653 },
/* 245 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 704 },
/* 246 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 223, "y" : 690 },
/* 247 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 704 },
/* 248 */ { "trait" : "line", "x" : 42, "y" : 690 }


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["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },

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"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 163, "v1" : 163, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 875 },

{ "v0" : 162, "v1" : 164, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },

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"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 165, "v1" : 167, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 168, "v1" : 169, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 168, "v1" : 170, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

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"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 780 },

{ "v0" : 173, "v1" : 174, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 173, "v1" : 174, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },
{ "v0" : 174, "v1" : 174, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 903, "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },

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"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },
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"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 875 },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },

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"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },
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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

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"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

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"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 877 },

{ "v0" : 187, "v1" : 188, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 187, "v1" : 188, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },
{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 188, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 903, "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

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0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },

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"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 190, "v1" : 191, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 191, "v1" : 191, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 875 },

{ "v0" : 190, "v1" : 192, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },

{ "v0" : 193, "v1" : 194, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 193, "v1" : 195, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 196, "v1" : 197, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 196, "v1" : 198, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 199, "v1" : 200, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "cGroup" :
["all" ], "x" : 877 },

{ "v0" : 201, "v1" : 202, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 201, "v1" : 202, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },
{ "v0" : 202, "v1" : 202, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 903, "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

{ "v0" : 201, "v1" : 203, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -553 },
{ "v0" : 204, "v1" : 205, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 204, "v1" : 205, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },
{ "v0" : 205, "v1" : 205, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"f7513e", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : 875 },

{ "v0" : 204, "v1" : 206, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -550 },

{ "v0" : 207, "v1" : 208, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 207, "v1" : 209, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -555 },

{ "v0" : 210, "v1" : 211, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"f83d38", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },

{ "v0" : 210, "v1" : 212, "vis" : true, "color" : "fde73b", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : -548 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 213,
"v1" : 214, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 215,
"v1" : 216, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 216,
"v1" : 217, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 218,
"v1" : 219, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 220,
"v1" : 221, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 221,
"v1" : 222 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 223,
"v1" : 224, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 225,
"v1" : 226, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 227,
"v1" : 228, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 229,
"v1" : 230, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 231,
"v1" : 232, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 233,
"v1" : 234, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 234,
"v1" : 235, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 236,
"v1" : 237, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 238,
"v1" : 239, "x" : -223 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 239,
"v1" : 240, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 241,
"v1" : 242, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 243,
"v1" : 244, "y" : 653 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 245,
"v1" : 246, "x" : -42 },
{ "vis" : true, "color" : "C7E6BD", "trait" : "line", "v0" : 247,
"v1" : 248, "x" : -223 },

{ "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "v0" : 76, "v1" : 78, "cMask" :

["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["red","blue" ] },
{ "color" : "FFFFFF", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["red","blue" ], "v0" : 70, "v1" : 72 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [1162,-122 ], "p1" : [1162,122 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [-1162,-122 ], "p1" : [-1162,122 ], "team" : "red" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1311,-19 ], "color" :
"ffffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1310,29 ], "color" :
"ffffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1308,62 ], "color" :
"ffffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ] },

{ "radius" : 2.7, "pos" : [-1150,600 ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" :

"cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },
{ "radius" : 2.7, "pos" : [1150,-600 ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },
{ "radius" : 2.7, "pos" : [1150,600 ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },

{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1150,-124 ], "bCoef" : 0.5,

"trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "d6cbcb" },
{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1150,124 ], "bCoef" : 0.5,
"trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "d6cbcb" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1250,-158 ], "color" :
"dd2e2e", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1250,158 ], "color" :
"dd2e2e", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1150,-124 ], "bCoef" : 0.5,
"trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "cbccd6" },
{ "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1150,124 ], "bCoef" : 0.5,
"trait" : "goalPost", "color" : "cbccd6" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1250,-158 ], "color" :
"2e51dd", "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1250,158 ], "color" : "2e51dd",
"bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "goalPost" },

{ "radius" : 2.7, "pos" : [-1150,-600 ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "cornerflag", "color" : "7af769" },

{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [-1149,-485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },

{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,-485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [-1149,-485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,-485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [-1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [-1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] },
{ "radius" : 0, "pos" : [1149,485 ], "cMask" : ["none" ] }

"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -627, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -627, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -706, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -706, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1300, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1300, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1240, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 1, "cGroup" :
["ball" ] },
"rightNet" : { "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 1, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" :
["ball","c3" ] },
"leftNet" : { "radius" : 0, "invMass" : 1, "bCoef" : 0, "cGroup" :
["ball","c2" ] },
"stanchion" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 3, "cMask" :
["none" ] },
"cornerflag" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.2, "color" :
"FFFF00", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"reargoalNetleft" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : 10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"reargoalNetright" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : -10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"sidegoalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "C7E6BD" }




"canBeStored" : false

RSRMap = true;
return realSoccerMap2;

function getPenaltyRedMap() {
var PenaltyRedMap = `{

"name" : "ᴘᴇɴᴀʟᴛʏ ʀᴇᴅ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ 🔴 | 𝐆𝐋𝐇",

"width" : 1500,

"height" : 734,

"spawnDistance" : 300,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ 63, -33
[ 63, 33
[ 63, -99
[ 63, 99


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 1376, 0
[ 1376, -48
[ 1376, 48
[ 1376, 96


"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 1150, "height" : 600, "kickOffRadius" :

180, "cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "6a9158" },

"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 0.5,
"damping" : 0.96,
"acceleration" : 0.12,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.07,
"kickingDamping" : 0.96,
"kickStrength" : 5.65


"ballPhysics" : {
"pos" : [ 935, 0
"radius" : 10


"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 337, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 1031, "y" : 198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 1029, "y" : -198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -170, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -110,
"color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 170, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -110,
"color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -337, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"
/* 12 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 337, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"
/* 13 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 198, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"
/* 17 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 198, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"
/* 18 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 170, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -110,
"color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -170, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -110,
"color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : 4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "a7cf9b" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : -4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "a7cf9b" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : 4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "a7cf9b" },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : -4, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"a7cf9b" },
/* 24 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 574, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 25 */ { "x" : -1125, "y" : 599, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -1125, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -575, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 1124, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 574, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -574, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 1124, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 36 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 37 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 39 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 41 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 1161, "y" : -599, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 1189, "y" : -579, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 1161, "y" : 599, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 1189, "y" : 579, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 48 */ { "x" : -1162, "y" : 599, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 49 */ { "x" : -1190, "y" : 579, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 50 */ { "x" : -1162, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 51 */ { "x" : -1190, "y" : -580, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 60, "color" : "546f48" },

/* 52 */ { "x" : -1177, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 53 */ { "x" : -1177, "y" : -150, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 54 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },

/* 55 */ { "x" : -1177, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 56 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },

/* 57 */ { "x" : -1177, "y" : 150, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 58 */ { "x" : 1177, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 59 */ { "x" : 1177, "y" : -150, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 60 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },

/* 62 */ { "x" : 1177, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 63 */ { "x" : 1177, "y" : 150, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 64 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball"
], "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 68 */ { "x" : -818, "y" : -600, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 90,
"color" : "638750" },
/* 69 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -347, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 90,
"color" : "638750" },
/* 70 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 347, "trait" : "line", "color" : "638750"
/* 71 */ { "x" : -820, "y" : 600, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"638750" },
/* 72 */ { "x" : 820, "y" : 600, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"638750" },
/* 73 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 347, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"638750" },
/* 74 */ { "x" : 820, "y" : -600, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -90,
"color" : "638750" },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -347, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -90,
"color" : "638750" },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -525, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "638750" },
/* 77 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -525, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "638750" },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 525, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "638750" },
/* 79 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 525, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "638750" },
/* 80 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -600, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 81 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFF00" },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 600, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -600, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"

/* 84 */ { "x" : -113, "y" : -138, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],

"cGroup" : ["blueKO","redKO" ], "curve" : 235 },
/* 85 */ { "x" : -115, "y" : 135, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO","redKO" ], "curve" : 235 },
/* 86 */ { "x" : 1495, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"dist" : -1400 },
/* 87 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },
/* 88 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"curve" : 0 },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 1489, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"dist" : -1400, "curve" : 0 },

/* 90 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : -150, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",

"cMask" : ["blue" ] },

/* 91 */ { "x" : 1448, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },

/* 92 */ { "x" : 1448, "y" : 120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ] },

/* 93 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -120.92552225676228, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7", "curve" : 0 },
/* 94 */ { "x" : 1212.8375029631984, "y" : -120.92552225676228, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 95 */ { "x" : 1150.1431278225696, "y" : 116.05779951814779,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 96 */ { "x" : 1212.9145962189946, "y" : 116.05779951814779,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0

/* 97 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 116.05779951814779, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["wall" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 98 */ { "x" : 1259, "y" : -148.867722739, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 99 */ { "x" : 1259.5, "y" : 144, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"color" : "ffffff" },

/* 100 */ { "x" : 1213.8375029631984, "y" : -118.92552225676228,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 101 */ { "x" : 1260, "y" : -146.867722739, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 102 */ { "x" : 1211.8375029631984, "y" : -122.92552225676228,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 103 */ { "x" : 1258, "y" : -150.867722739, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 104 */ { "x" : 1214.9145962189946, "y" : 114.05779951814779, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0 },

/* 105 */ { "x" : 1261.5, "y" : 142, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "6a9158" },

/* 106 */ { "x" : 1213.9145962189946, "y" : 119.05779951814779, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0 },

/* 107 */ { "x" : 1260.5, "y" : 147, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "6a9158" },

/* 108 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :

["blue","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "C7E6BD", "curve" : 0 },
/* 109 */ { "x" : 1213, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["blue","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 110 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 116, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["blue","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 111 */ { "x" : 1213, "y" : 116, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["blue","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 112 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 118.00879788978456, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask"
: ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7", "curve" : 0 },
/* 113 */ { "x" : -1213.3215131279903, "y" : 117.74394897515494,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 114 */ { "x" : -1149.628852252629, "y" : -118.97302216202547,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 115 */ { "x" : -1212.3997630875529, "y" : -119.23759275268432,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0

/* 116 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -118.97241890367377, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 117 */ { "x" : -1259.6013715431845, "y" : 145.49133453725509,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 118 */ { "x" : -1258.866981665902, "y" : -147.37589424369935,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ffffff" },

/* 119 */ { "x" : -1214.3130746008003, "y" : 115.73975191756831,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 120 */ { "x" : -1260.5929330159947, "y" : 143.48713747966846,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 121 */ { "x" : -1212.3299516551804, "y" : 119.74814603274154,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 122 */ { "x" : -1258.6098100703748, "y" : 147.4955315948417, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 123 */ { "x" : -1214.4081749675327, "y" : -117.24604016227767,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 124 */ { "x" : -1260.8753935458817, "y" : -145.3843416532927,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 125 */ { "x" : -1213.3871097379695, "y" : -122.24178092786758,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 126 */ { "x" : -1259.8543283163185, "y" : -150.3800824188826,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 127 */ { "x" : -1150.4806674009055, "y" : 117.08328385388425,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "C7E6BD", "curve" : 0
/* 128 */ { "x" : -1213.4801078094943, "y" : 116.81775004310506,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 129 */ { "x" : -1149.485969316082, "y" : -118.91461989892463,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 130 */ { "x" : -1212.4854097246707, "y" : -119.1801537097038,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0

/* 131 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 736, "bCoef" : 0.001,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 132 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 724, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 133 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -602, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9" },
/* 134 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -620.49609375, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9" },

/* 135 */ { "x" : -1148, "y" : -620.49609375, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["wall" ] },
/* 136 */ { "x" : -1148, "y" : -602, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
/* 137 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 138 */ { "x" : -90, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 139 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 687, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 140 */ { "x" : -110, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 141 */ { "x" : -130, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 142 */ { "x" : -150, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 143 */ { "x" : -170, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 144 */ { "x" : -190, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 145 */ { "x" : -210, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 146 */ { "x" : -230, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 147 */ { "x" : -250, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 148 */ { "x" : -287.01500879340676, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 149 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 687, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 150 */ { "x" : -270, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 151 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 736, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false },
/* 152 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 724, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 153 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 710, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 154 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 698, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 155 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 734.04149391746, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 156 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 722.0417049239776, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 157 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 710, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 158 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 698, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 159 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 160 */ { "x" : 277, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 161 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 687, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 162 */ { "x" : 257, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 163 */ { "x" : 237, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 164 */ { "x" : 217, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 165 */ { "x" : 197, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 166 */ { "x" : 177, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 167 */ { "x" : 157, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 168 */ { "x" : 137, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 169 */ { "x" : 117, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 170 */ { "x" : 79.98499120659324, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 171 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 687, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 172 */ { "x" : 97, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 173 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 736, "bCoef" : 10,
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 174 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 724, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 175 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 710, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 176 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 698, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 177 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 734.04149391746, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false },
/* 178 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 722.0417049239776, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 179 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 710, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 180 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 698, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 181 */ { "x" : 1149.968665547433, "y" : -618.9686646206542,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },
/* 182 */ { "x" : 1150.0694602019682, "y" : -600.4728455134504, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },

/* 183 */ { "x" : 1148.069489899352, "y" : -600.4619464927276,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 184 */ { "x" : 1147.9686952448167, "y" : -618.9577655999315, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

/* 185 */ { "x" : 1158, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28" },

/* 186 */ { "x" : 1168, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "ff3034" },

/* 187 */ { "x" : 1149, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },
/* 188 */ { "x" : 1158, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28" },

/* 189 */ { "x" : 1149, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 190 */ { "x" : 1168, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },

/* 191 */ { "x" : 1149.7396826762401, "y" : 597.9263578863065,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },
/* 192 */ { "x" : 1153.08526210564, "y" : 579.1424902194007, "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9" },

/* 193 */ { "x" : 1155.0010783610655, "y" : 579.7166400913391,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 194 */ { "x" : 1151.7040246689874, "y" : 598.3023373212908,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

/* 195 */ { "x" : 1161.6678517948505, "y" : 578.0712784773244,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28"

/* 196 */ { "x" : 1171.2713154212654, "y" : 580.8593757453787,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 197 */ { "x" : 1153.0247345310775, "y" : 575.5619909360759,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },
/* 198 */ { "x" : 1160.6641350766317, "y" : 581.528531244323, "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28" },

/* 199 */ { "x" : 1152.0210178128586, "y" : 579.0192437030742,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 200 */ { "x" : 1170.2675987030466, "y" : 584.316628512377, "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },

/* 201 */ { "x" : -1152.8011166944932, "y" : 581.2713204942369, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },
/* 202 */ { "x" : -1150.0489225384003, "y" : 599.5615066971152, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },

/* 203 */ { "x" : -1152.026657561816, "y" : 599.8591040377528,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 204 */ { "x" : -1154.7788517179088, "y" : 581.5689178348746, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

/* 205 */ { "x" : -1162.170956870286, "y" : 578.11573185304, "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28" },

/* 206 */ { "x" : -1152.4133863896525, "y" : 575.9271664975008, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 207 */ { "x" : -1170.9527703028564, "y" : 580.085440673025,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },
/* 208 */ { "x" : -1161.383072006498, "y" : 581.6284631816164,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28"

/* 209 */ { "x" : -1170.1648854390683, "y" : 583.5981720016015, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 210 */ { "x" : -1151.6255015258641, "y" : 579.4398978260773, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },
/* 211 */ { "x" : -1159, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28", "radius" : 20 },

/* 212 */ { "x" : -1149, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "ff3034", "radius" : 20 },

/* 213 */ { "x" : -1168, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28", "radius" : 20 },
/* 214 */ { "x" : -1159, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask"
: ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28", "radius" : 20 },

/* 215 */ { "x" : -1168, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask"

: ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034", "radius" : 20 },

/* 216 */ { "x" : -1149, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask"

: ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28", "radius" : 20 },

/* 217 */ { "x" : -199, "y" : 711, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :

["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "curve" : -400 },
/* 218 */ { "x" : -199, "y" : 700, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "curve" : -400 },
/* 219 */ { "x" : 164, "y" : 704, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "curve" : -400 },
/* 220 */ { "x" : 166, "y" : 696, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "curve" : -400 },

/* 221 */ { "x" : 936.0539164518007, "y" : -13, "trait" : "powerboost",

"bCoef" : -2.2, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "pos" : [935,0 ], "radius" : 10
/* 222 */ { "x" : 935.9681020082038, "y" : 13, "trait" : "powerboost",
"bCoef" : -2.2, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "pos" : [935,0 ], "radius" : 10

/* 223 */ { "x" : 1134, "y" : 116.23596984067328, "bCoef" : 1,

"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 224 */ { "x" : 1134, "y" : -123.76361382468703, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask"
: ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 225 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 1300, "y" : 150 },
/* 226 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 1300, "y" : 18 },
/* 227 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 1240, "y" : 18 },
/* 228 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 1300, "y" : -18 },
/* 229 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 1240, "y" : -18 },
/* 230 */ { "bCoef" : -2.4, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 1233.0188554822,
"y" : 65.50390625 },
/* 231 */ { "bCoef" : -2.4, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 1233.0188554822,
"y" : -65.49609375 },
/* 232 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 735, "y" : 620,
"curve" : -74, "vis" : false },
/* 233 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 735, "y" : -620,
"curve" : -74 },
/* 234 */ { "x" : 1134, "y" : 116.23596984067328, "bCoef" : 1,
"cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "radius" :
15, "pos" : [67,0 ] },
/* 235 */ { "x" : 1134, "y" : -123.76361382468703, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask"
: ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "radius" : 15,
"pos" : [67,0 ] },
/* 236 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 735, "y" : 661,
"vis" : false },
/* 237 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 735, "y" : -664 }


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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"546f48", "bCoef" : -4.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : 1220 },
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"546f48", "bCoef" : -4.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : -1220 },
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"bCoef" : -4.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : 1220 },
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"546f48", "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"546f48", "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },

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["ball" ] },
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["ball" ] },
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["ball" ] },
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["ball" ] },
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["ball" ] },

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0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : 0 },
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"trait" : "line" },
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"trait" : "line" },
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"trait" : "line" },
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"638750", "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "y" : -525 },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "y" : 525 },
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["blueKO","redKO" ] },
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["blue" ], "y" : -150 },
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"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 104, "v1" : 105, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 106, "v1" : 107, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

{ "v0" : 109, "v1" : 111, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :

["blue","ball" ], "trait" : "reargoalNetleft", "x" : -242, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "v0" : 108, "v1" : 109, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :

["blue","ball" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet", "bCoef" : 0.5 },
{ "v0" : 110, "v1" : 111, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :
["blue","ball" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet", "bCoef" : 0.5 },

{ "v0" : 112, "v1" : 116, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"b3d4a7", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1150 },
{ "v0" : 113, "v1" : 117, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 115, "v1" : 118, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 119, "v1" : 120, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 121, "v1" : 122, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 123, "v1" : 124, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 125, "v1" : 126, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 128, "v1" : 130, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "reargoalNetleft", "x" : -242 },

{ "v0" : 127, "v1" : 128, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :

["ball" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet" },
{ "v0" : 129, "v1" : 130, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet" },

{ "v0" : 131, "v1" : 132, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -286.93953763264415 },

{ "v0" : 133, "v1" : 134, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag" },

{ "v0" : 135, "v1" : 136, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 717 },
{ "v0" : 137, "v1" : 138, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 137, "v1" : 139, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },
{ "v0" : 140, "v1" : 141, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 142, "v1" : 143, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 144, "v1" : 145, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 146, "v1" : 147, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 148, "v1" : 149, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 148, "v1" : 150, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 151, "v1" : 152, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -286.93953763264415 },
{ "v0" : 153, "v1" : 154, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -286.93953763264415 },
{ "v0" : 155, "v1" : 156, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },
{ "v0" : 157, "v1" : 158, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },
{ "v0" : 159, "v1" : 160, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 159, "v1" : 161, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },
{ "v0" : 162, "v1" : 163, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 164, "v1" : 165, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 166, "v1" : 167, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 168, "v1" : 169, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 170, "v1" : 171, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 170, "v1" : 172, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 175, "v1" : 176, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -286.93953763264415 },
{ "v0" : 177, "v1" : 178, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },
{ "v0" : 179, "v1" : 180, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },

{ "v0" : 181, "v1" : 182, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag" },

{ "v0" : 183, "v1" : 184, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 717 },
{ "v0" : 185, "v1" : 186, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 185, "v1" : 186, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 186, "v1" : 186, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1148 },

{ "v0" : 185, "v1" : 187, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 189, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 189, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 189, "v1" : 189, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 190, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 191, "v1" : 192, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag" },

{ "v0" : 193, "v1" : 194, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 717 },
{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 196, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 196, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 196, "v1" : 196, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1148 },

{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 197, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 198, "v1" : 199, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 198, "v1" : 199, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 199, "v1" : 199, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

{ "v0" : 198, "v1" : 200, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 201, "v1" : 202, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag" },

{ "v0" : 203, "v1" : 204, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 717 },
{ "v0" : 205, "v1" : 206, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 205, "v1" : 206, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 206, "v1" : 206, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1148 },

{ "v0" : 205, "v1" : 207, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 208, "v1" : 209, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 208, "v1" : 209, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 209, "v1" : 209, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

{ "v0" : 208, "v1" : 210, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 211, "v1" : 212, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },
{ "v0" : 211, "v1" : 212, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },
{ "v0" : 212, "v1" : 212, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1148, "radius" : 20 },

{ "v0" : 211, "v1" : 213, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "radius" : 20 },

{ "v0" : 214, "v1" : 215, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },
{ "v0" : 214, "v1" : 215, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },
{ "v0" : 215, "v1" : 215, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },

{ "v0" : 214, "v1" : 216, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "radius" : 20 },

{ "v0" : 217, "v1" : 218, "curve" : -328.13941952332465, "vis" : false,

"color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 219, "v1" : 220, "curve" : -336.8674849233308, "vis" : false,
"color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

{ "v0" : 221, "v1" : 222, "curve" : 180, "trait" : "powerboost",

"bCoef" : -2.2, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "pos" : [935,0 ], "radius" : 10

{ "v0" : 223, "v1" : 224, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :

"C7E6BD", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "x" : 1134 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 225, "v1" :
226 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 226, "v1" :
227, "y" : 18 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 228, "v1" :
229, "y" : -18 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 228, "v1" :
90 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : -2.4, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "v0" : 230,
"v1" : 231, "x" : 1233.0188554822 },
{ "curve" : -74, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "v0" :
232, "v1" : 233 },
{ "v0" : 234, "v1" : 235, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"C7E6BD", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "x" : 1134,
"radius" : 15, "pos" : [67,0 ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "6a9158", "bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : ["red" ], "v0" : 232, "v1" : 236 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "6a9158", "bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : ["red" ], "v0" : 233, "v1" : 237 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-1161.3,115 ], "p1" : [-1161.3,-116.89189189189187 ],
"team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [1161.3,115.16891891891896 ], "p1" : [1161.3,-
117.98923923923925 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [1151.8187001142282,-121.478062190417 ], "p1" :
[1014.199602660217,-101.29539394052615 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [1150.6265801259315,120.98565833533654 ], "p1" :
[1026.839502692259,95.22488810287489 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [1033.9035938100174,-105.6225399413513 ], "p1" :
[859.239486391142,-8.193337031992414 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [1032.296032056326,94.29163507192908 ], "p1" :
[859.2170868190889,-5.926520547252252 ], "team" : "red" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [1150,-119 ], "trait" : "goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [1150,116 ], "trait" : "goalPost" },

{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1260.5,144 ], "color" :

"4a4e52", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1259.5,-148 ], "color" :
"4a4e52", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [-1150,116.08750755868094 ], "trait" :

"goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [-1150,-118.91461989892463 ], "trait" :
"goalPost" },

{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1259.8669727834986,-

147.38010906609267 ], "color" : "4a4e52", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-
1260.0977098047515,144.62151209452182 ], "color" : "4a4e52", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

{ "radius" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1150.5542972394846,-600.1732586129118 ],

"color" : "13181C", "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.5, "pos" : [1150.4457027605154,-600.1732586129118 ],
"color" : "13181C", "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.5, "pos" : [1148.8518594069587,599.6163281131223 ],
"color" : "13181C", "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1149.6336058891993,599.8040409312609 ],
"color" : "13181C", "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 15, "invMass" : 1e-27, "pos" : [-181,705 ], "color" :
"4D4C48", "bCoef" : 1000, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["wall" ], "damping" : 1,
"speed" : [0,-0.5 ] },
{ "radius" : 15, "invMass" : 1e-27, "pos" : [185,705 ], "color" :
"403F45", "bCoef" : 1000, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["wall" ], "damping" : 1,
"speed" : [0,-0.5 ] }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -635, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -635, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -665, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -660, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -117, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1492, "bCoef" : 0 }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 2 },
"stanchion" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 3, "cMask" :
["none" ] },
"cornerflag" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5, "color" :
"FFFF00", "cGroup" : [ ] },
"reargoalNetleft" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : 10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"reargoalNetright" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : -10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"sidegoalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"tunnel" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "color" :
"000000" },
"advertising" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "color" :
"333333" },
"teambench" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "000000" },
"manager" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "333333" },
"physio" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "666666" },
"redsubs" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "E56E56" },
"bluesubs" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "5689E5" }

RSRMap = false;
return PenaltyRedMap;

function getFutx7Map() {
var Futx7Map = `{

"name" : "🌟 𝙁 𝙐 𝙏 𝙎 𝘼 𝙇 𝝌𝟽 🌟",

"width" : 1275,

"height" : 635,

"spawnDistance" : 350,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ -213, -430
[ -263, 0
[ -213, 430
[ -575, 0
[ -800, -430
[ -800, 430
[ -1200, 0


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 213, 430
[ 263, 0
[ 213, -430
[ 575, 0
[ 800, 430
[ 800, -430
[ 1200, 0


"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 0, "height" : 0, "kickOffRadius" : 180,

"cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "3d4144" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 1 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 600, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 2 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -600, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 5 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -110, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0,

"color" : "e0d5d6" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : -1250, "y" : -110, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "e0d5d6" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : -1250, "y" : 110, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"goalNet", "curve" : 0, "color" : "e0d5d6", "radius" : 7 },
/* 8 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0,
"color" : "e0d5d6" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0,
"color" : "acb6bd" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 1250, "y" : -110, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0,
"color" : "acb6bd" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 1250, "y" : 110, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0,
"color" : "acb6bd" },
/* 12 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "trait" : "goalNet", "curve" : 0,
"color" : "acb6bd" },

/* 13 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 17 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 18 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0 },
/* 24 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0 },

/* 25 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :

["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : -180 },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : -180 },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },

/* 36 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 37 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 38 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 39 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 40 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 41 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 44 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 45 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 46 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 600, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 47 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 49 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -600, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 50 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6", "curve" : 0 },
/* 51 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6", "curve" : 0 },
/* 52 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6", "curve" : 0 },
/* 53 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6", "curve" : 0 },
/* 54 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 55 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 56 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 57 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 58 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 59 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 60 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 62 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :

["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 63 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 64 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 69 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : -180 },
/* 70 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : -180 },
/* 71 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 72 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },

/* 73 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 74 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 75 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 600, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :

"b3b6b6", "vis" : true },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 77 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -600, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 79 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 84 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 85 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 86 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 87 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :

["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 88 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 90 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 91 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 92 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : -180 },
/* 93 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : -180 },
/* 94 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 95 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },

/* 96 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 97 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 98 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 600, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" :

false },
/* 99 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 100 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "color" :
"b3b6b6", "vis" : true, "curve" : 180 },
/* 101 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -600, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" :
false, "color" : "b3b6b6" },

/* 102 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6", "curve" : 0 },
/* 103 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6", "curve" : 0 },
/* 104 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6", "curve" : 0 },
/* 105 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6", "curve" : 0 },
/* 106 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0 },
/* 107 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0 },
/* 108 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 109 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 110 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 111 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 112 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 113 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 114 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :

["red","blue" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 115 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
/* 116 */ { "x" : -1, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"
], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

/* 117 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 118 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 119 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 120 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "curve" : 0, "vis" : false },
/* 121 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 122 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 123 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 124 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "ballArea", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 125 */ { "x" : -1207, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 126 */ { "x" : -1207, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 127 */ { "x" : -1207, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 128 */ { "x" : -1207, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 129 */ { "x" : 1207, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 130 */ { "x" : 1207, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 131 */ { "x" : 1207, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
/* 132 */ { "x" : 1207, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },

/* 133 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 134 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 135 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 136 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" :
"line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 137 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -11, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" :
"line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 138 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 11, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" :
"line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 139 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -11, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" :
"line", "curve" : -180 },
/* 140 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 11, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" :
"line", "curve" : -180 },
/* 141 */ { "x" : -525.1982581967213, "y" : 584, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 142 */ { "x" : -525.1982581967213, "y" : 616, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 143 */ { "x" : -267.4933401639344, "y" : 584, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 144 */ { "x" : -267.4933401639344, "y" : 616, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 145 */ { "x" : 505.62141393442624, "y" : 584, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 146 */ { "x" : 505.62141393442624, "y" : 616, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 147 */ { "x" : 247.91649590163934, "y" : 584, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 148 */ { "x" : 247.91649590163934, "y" : 616, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 149 */ { "x" : -828.0015368852459, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 150 */ { "x" : -828.0015368852459, "y" : 616, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 151 */ { "x" : 1220.33349609375, "y" : 251.9681483400014, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 152 */ { "x" : 1201.33349609375, "y" : 251.9681483400014, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 153 */ { "x" : 1219.33349609375, "y" : -251.9681483400014, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 154 */ { "x" : 1200.33349609375, "y" : -251.9681483400014, "bCoef" :
0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 155 */ { "x" : -841.1245088945966, "y" : -601, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line" },
/* 156 */ { "x" : -841.1245088945966, "y" : -617, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line" },
/* 157 */ { "x" : 808.4246926229508, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line" },
/* 158 */ { "x" : 808.4246926229508, "y" : 616, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line" },
/* 159 */ { "x" : 837.7690984113394, "y" : -601, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 160 */ { "x" : 837.7690984113394, "y" : -617, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line" },
/* 161 */ { "x" : -1220.0747488827305, "y" : -251.82895884262769,
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 162 */ { "x" : -1201.0752587242073, "y" : -251.9681483400014,
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 163 */ { "x" : -1218.9226063416277, "y" : 251.9681483400014, "bCoef"
: 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 164 */ { "x" : -1199.9231161831044, "y" : 251.9681483400014, "bCoef"
: 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
/* 165 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 570.456511053482, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : -90 },
/* 166 */ { "x" : -1171.6369452864983, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -90 },
/* 167 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -569.6420271253103, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 168 */ { "x" : -1170.6369452864983, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 169 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -571.0124590189979, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -90 },
/* 170 */ { "x" : 1170.319141439366, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : -90 },
/* 171 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 569.9997004222528, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 172 */ { "x" : 1171.319141439366, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 173 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : 205, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0 },
/* 174 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : -205, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 44.33638217658901 },
/* 175 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : -205, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -90 },
/* 176 */ { "x" : -1075, "y" : -470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -90 },
/* 177 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : 205, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 90 },
/* 178 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : -5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 179 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : 0.1561968168675687, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 180 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : -5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 181 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : 4.614580423494619, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 182 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : 2.3853886201811116, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 183 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : -5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 184 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : 5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 185 */ { "x" : -787, "y" : -5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 180 },
/* 186 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : -1.1475001518364962, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 187 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : 2.077131467790089, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 188 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : -4.372131771463081, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 189 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : 5.301763087416674, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 190 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : 3.6894472776033993, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 191 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : -2.759815961649778, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 192 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : 6.107920992323329, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180 },
/* 193 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : -5.178289676369722, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180 },

/* 194 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -660, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue"

], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier", "vis" : false },
/* 195 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 660, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",
"vis" : false },

/* 196 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : -299, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",

"curve" : 200 },
/* 197 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : -296, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 200 },
/* 198 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : 296, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 200 },
/* 199 */ { "x" : -610, "y" : 299, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 200 },

/* 200 */ { "x" : -1252, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :

["wall" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "color" : "e0d5d6" },
/* 201 */ { "x" : -1252, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "color" : "e0d5d6" },
/* 202 */ { "x" : 1252, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "color" : "acb6bd" },
/* 203 */ { "x" : 1252, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "goalNet", "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "color" : "acb6bd" },
/* 204 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "9b1617" },
/* 205 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "9b1617" },
/* 206 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "ce142e" },
/* 207 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 66, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "ce142e" },
/* 208 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 39, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "ce142e" },
/* 209 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 12, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "ce142e" },
/* 210 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -69, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "ce142e" },
/* 211 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "ce142e" },
/* 212 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -15, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "ce142e" },
/* 213 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -42, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "ce142e" },
/* 214 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "3bc7fa" },
/* 215 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "3bc7fa" },
/* 216 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 110, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "007bfd" },
/* 217 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 66, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "007bfd" },
/* 218 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 39, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "007bfd" },
/* 219 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 12, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "007bfd" },
/* 220 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -69, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "007bfd" },
/* 221 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -110, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "007bfd" },
/* 222 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -15, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "007bfd" },
/* 223 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -42, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"color" : "007bfd" },
/* 224 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : -470, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 0 },
/* 225 */ { "x" : -1075, "y" : 470, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 90 },
/* 226 */ { "x" : -1200, "y" : 470, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line" },
/* 227 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : -205, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 228 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : 205, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 44.33638217658901, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 229 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : 205, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait"
: "line", "curve" : -90, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 230 */ { "x" : 1075, "y" : 470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -90, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 231 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : -205, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 90, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 232 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : 5.145341211815264, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 233 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : -0.010663810350735048, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 234 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : 5.145207323606769, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 235 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : -4.468863459043746, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 236 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : -2.2397636346972547, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 237 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : 5.145274267711017, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 238 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : -4.854245235055558, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 239 */ { "x" : 787, "y" : 5.145173851554631, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 240 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : 470, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 0, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 241 */ { "x" : 1075, "y" : -470, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 90, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 242 */ { "x" : 1200, "y" : -470, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line" },
/* 243 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : -1.1475001518364962, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 244 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : 2.077131467790089, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 245 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : -4.372131771463081, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 246 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : 5.301763087416674, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 247 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : 3.6894472776033993, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 248 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : -2.759815961649778, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 249 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : 6.107920992323329, "bCoef" : 0.1,
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 250 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : -5.178289676369722, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait"
: "line", "curve" : 180, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 251 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : -299, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 200, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 252 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : -296, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 200, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 253 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : 296, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 200, "color" : "b3b6b6" },
/* 254 */ { "x" : 610, "y" : 299, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line",
"curve" : 200, "color" : "b3b6b6" }


"segments" : [
{ "v0" : 5, "v1" : 6, "curve" : 0, "color" : "e0d5d6", "trait" :
"goalNet", "y" : -110 },
{ "v0" : 7, "v1" : 8, "curve" : 0, "color" : "e0d5d6", "trait" :
"goalNet", "y" : 110 },
{ "v0" : 9, "v1" : 10, "curve" : 0, "color" : "acb6bd", "trait" :
"goalNet", "y" : -110 },
{ "v0" : 11, "v1" : 12, "curve" : 0, "color" : "acb6bd", "trait" :
"goalNet", "y" : 110 },

{ "v0" : 1, "v1" : 2, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 3, "v1" : 4, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 13, "v1" : 14, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :

1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "v0" : 15, "v1" : 16, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 19, "v1" : 20, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 21, "v1" : 22, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 23, "v1" : 24, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "y" : -600 },

{ "v0" : 25, "v1" : 26, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :

0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 27, "v1" : 28, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 36, "v1" : 37, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "b3b6b6",

"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -700 },
{ "v0" : 38, "v1" : 39, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "b3b6b6",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 40, "v1" : 41, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" : "b3b6b6",
"bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 42, "v1" : 43, "curve" : 2.50208708167, "vis" : false, "color"
: "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },

{ "v0" : 46, "v1" : 47, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 48, "v1" : 49, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 50, "v1" : 51, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6",

"bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea" },
{ "v0" : 52, "v1" : 53, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6",
"bCoef" : 1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 56, "v1" : 57, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 58, "v1" : 59, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },

{ "v0" : 62, "v1" : 63, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :

0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 75, "v1" : 76, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 77, "v1" : 78, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 81, "v1" : 82, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :

1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 83, "v1" : 84, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
1.25, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },

{ "v0" : 87, "v1" : 88, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :

0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 99, "v1" : 100, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 99, "v1" : 100, "curve" : -180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "trait" : "kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 100, "v1" : 101, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 102, "v1" : 103, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"ballArea" },
{ "v0" : 104, "v1" : 105, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 2, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" :
"ballArea", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 106, "v1" : 107, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "y" : 600 },
{ "v0" : 108, "v1" : 109, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
2, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 110, "v1" : 111, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" :
2, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 125, "v1" : 126, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -707 },
{ "v0" : 127, "v1" : 128, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : -1207 },
{ "v0" : 129, "v1" : 130, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1207 },
{ "v0" : 131, "v1" : 132, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "ballArea", "x" : 1207 },

{ "v0" : 133, "v1" : 134, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 135, "v1" : 136, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 137, "v1" : 138, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 139, "v1" : 140, "curve" : -180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 141, "v1" : 142, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240 },
{ "v0" : 143, "v1" : 144, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -120 },
{ "v0" : 145, "v1" : 146, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 240 },
{ "v0" : 147, "v1" : 148, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 120 },
{ "v0" : 149, "v1" : 150, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -381 },
{ "v0" : 151, "v1" : 152, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : 251.9681483400014 },
{ "v0" : 153, "v1" : 154, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : -251.9681483400014 },
{ "v0" : 155, "v1" : 156, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -381 },
{ "v0" : 157, "v1" : 158, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 381 },
{ "v0" : 159, "v1" : 160, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 381 },
{ "v0" : 161, "v1" : 162, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : 123 },
{ "v0" : 163, "v1" : 164, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -240, "y" : 251.9681483400014 },
{ "v0" : 166, "v1" : 165, "curve" : -90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 168, "v1" : 167, "curve" : 90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 170, "v1" : 169, "curve" : -90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 172, "v1" : 171, "curve" : 90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 173, "v1" : 174, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 175, "v1" : 176, "curve" : -90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 179, "v1" : 178, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -787 },
{ "v0" : 178, "v1" : 179, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -787 },
{ "v0" : 181, "v1" : 180, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -787 },
{ "v0" : 180, "v1" : 181, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -787 },
{ "v0" : 183, "v1" : 182, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -787 },
{ "v0" : 182, "v1" : 183, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -787 },
{ "v0" : 185, "v1" : 184, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -787 },
{ "v0" : 184, "v1" : 185, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -787 },
{ "v0" : 187, "v1" : 186, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 186, "v1" : 187, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 189, "v1" : 188, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 189, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 191, "v1" : 190, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 190, "v1" : 191, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 193, "v1" : 192, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 192, "v1" : 193, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },

{ "v0" : 101, "v1" : 194, "vis" : false, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" :

0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },
{ "v0" : 98, "v1" : 195, "vis" : false, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" :
0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ], "trait" :
"kickOffBarrier" },

{ "v0" : 196, "v1" : 197, "curve" : -197.38121949057748, "vis" : true,

"color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 197, "v1" : 196, "curve" : -213.29219661707097, "vis" : true,
"color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 198, "v1" : 199, "curve" : -197.38121949057748, "vis" : true,
"color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },
{ "v0" : 199, "v1" : 198, "curve" : -213.29219661707097, "vis" : true,
"color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : -610 },

{ "v0" : 7, "v1" : 6, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "e0d5d6",

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "goalNet" },
{ "v0" : 11, "v1" : 10, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" : "acb6bd",
"bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "goalNet" },
{ "v0" : 200, "v1" : 201, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"e0d5d6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "x" : -1252 },
{ "v0" : 202, "v1" : 203, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"acb6bd", "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "goalNet", "x" : 1252 },

{ "v0" : 204, "v1" : 205, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"9b1617", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 206, "v1" : 207, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ce142e", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 208, "v1" : 209, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ce142e", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 210, "v1" : 211, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ce142e", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 212, "v1" : 213, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ce142e", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : -1200 },
{ "v0" : 214, "v1" : 215, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"3bc7fa", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 216, "v1" : 217, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"007bfd", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 218, "v1" : 219, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"007bfd", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 220, "v1" : 221, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"007bfd", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 222, "v1" : 223, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"007bfd", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "x" : 1200 },
{ "v0" : 176, "v1" : 224, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "y" : -470 },
{ "v0" : 177, "v1" : 225, "curve" : 90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 225, "v1" : 226, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "y" : 470 },
{ "v0" : 227, "v1" : 228, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 229, "v1" : 230, "curve" : -90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 233, "v1" : 232, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 787 },
{ "v0" : 232, "v1" : 233, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 787 },
{ "v0" : 235, "v1" : 234, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 787 },
{ "v0" : 234, "v1" : 235, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 787 },
{ "v0" : 237, "v1" : 236, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 787 },
{ "v0" : 236, "v1" : 237, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 787 },
{ "v0" : 239, "v1" : 238, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 787 },
{ "v0" : 238, "v1" : 239, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 787 },
{ "v0" : 230, "v1" : 240, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "y" : -470 },
{ "v0" : 231, "v1" : 241, "curve" : 90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 241, "v1" : 242, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0, "trait" : "line", "y" : 470 },
{ "v0" : 244, "v1" : 243, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 243, "v1" : 244, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 246, "v1" : 245, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 245, "v1" : 246, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 248, "v1" : 247, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 247, "v1" : 248, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 250, "v1" : 249, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 249, "v1" : 250, "curve" : 180, "vis" : true, "color" :
"b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 251, "v1" : 252, "curve" : -197.38121949057748, "vis" : true,
"color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 252, "v1" : 251, "curve" : -213.29219661707097, "vis" : true,
"color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 253, "v1" : 254, "curve" : -197.38121949057748, "vis" : true,
"color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 },
{ "v0" : 254, "v1" : 253, "curve" : -213.29219661707097, "vis" : true,
"color" : "b3b6b6", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line", "x" : 610 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [1206.25,109 ], "p1" : [1206.25,-109 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [-1206.25,109 ], "p1" : [-1206.25,-109 ], "team" : "red" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 6, "pos" : [1200,110 ], "color" : "0054ec", "trait" :
"goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 6, "pos" : [1200,-110 ], "color" : "0054ec", "trait" :
"goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 6, "pos" : [-1200,110 ], "color" : "b2011a", "trait" :
"goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 6, "pos" : [-1200,-110 ], "color" : "b2011a", "trait" :
"goalPost" },

{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1200,600 ], "color" :

"ff3455", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1200,-600 ], "color" :
"ff3455", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1200,-600 ], "color" :
"0054ec", "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" },
{ "radius" : 4, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1200,600 ], "color" : "0054ec",
"bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" : "line" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -600, "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"curve" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -600, "bCoef" : 1, "trait" : "ballArea",
"vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1275, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -635, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -635, "bCoef" : 0.1 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1275, "bCoef" : 0.1 },

{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1250, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :

"ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1250, "bCoef" : 0.1, "trait" :
"ballArea" }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 8, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5 },
"goalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["" ] },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] }


"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0,
"acceleration" : 0.11,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.083,
"kickStrength" : 5.2


"ballPhysics" : {
"radius" : 6.25,
"bCoef" : 0.35,
"invMass" : 1.5,
"damping" : 0.99,
"color" : "ffd700"

RSRMap = false;
return Futx7Map;

function getFutx5Map() {
var Futx5Map = `{

"name" : "Futsal x5",

"width" : 1080,

"height" : 532,

"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "kickOffRadius" : 6, "color" : "474747" },

"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 1 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 90, "cMask" : ["blue","ball" ] },
/* 2 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -90, "cMask" : ["blue","ball" ] },
/* 3 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 456, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 90, "cMask" : ["red","ball" ] },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -90, "cMask" : ["red","ball" ] },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -456, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 508, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 10 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 11 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -508, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 12 */ { "x" : -990, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["blue","ball" ] },
/* 13 */ { "x" : 990, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : ["red","ball"
] },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -990, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["blue","ball" ] },
/* 15 */ { "x" : 990, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","ball" ] },
/* 16 */ { "x" : 951, "y" : 460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 17 */ { "x" : 951, "y" : -460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 18 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 460, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 19 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -460, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 20 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["red","blue" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO","blueKO" ] },
/* 22 */ { "x" : 958, "y" : -90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 23 */ { "x" : 958, "y" : -460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 24 */ { "x" : -958, "y" : -90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 25 */ { "x" : -958, "y" : -460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -958, "y" : 90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 27 */ { "x" : -958, "y" : 460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 958, "y" : 90, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 958, "y" : 460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 30 */ { "x" : -450, "y" : 450, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 31 */ { "x" : -450, "y" : 470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 32 */ { "x" : -250, "y" : 450, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 33 */ { "x" : -250, "y" : 470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 975, "y" : 190, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 955, "y" : 190, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 36 */ { "x" : 975, "y" : -190, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 37 */ { "x" : 955, "y" : -190, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 38 */ { "x" : -975, "y" : -190, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 39 */ { "x" : -955, "y" : -190, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -975, "y" : 190, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 41 */ { "x" : -955, "y" : 190, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 42 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 440, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 43 */ { "x" : -930, "y" : 460, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 44 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -440, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 45 */ { "x" : -930, "y" : -460, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -440, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 930, "y" : -460, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 48 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 440, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 49 */ { "x" : 930, "y" : 460, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" : [ ] },
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[ ] },
/* 51 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 321.62551819445, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
[ ] },
/* 52 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
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/* 56 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : 140, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 57 */ { "x" : 665, "y" : 235, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 58 */ { "x" : 820, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 59 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 60 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 61 */ { "x" : -820, "y" : -320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 62 */ { "x" : -665, "y" : -235, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 63 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : -135, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 64 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : 135, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 65 */ { "x" : -665, "y" : 235, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 66 */ { "x" : -820, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 67 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 320, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 68 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 69 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 70 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 71 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 72 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 73 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 74 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 77 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 79 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 80 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 81 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 84 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 85 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 86 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 87 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 88 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 90 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 91 */ { "x" : 635, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 92 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 93 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 94 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 95 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 96 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 97 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 98 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 99 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 100 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 101 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 102 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 103 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 104 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 221.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 105 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 106 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 221.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 107 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 108 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -221.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 109 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 110 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -221.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 111 */ { "x" : 490, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 112 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 113 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 114 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 115 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 116 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 117 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 118 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 119 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 120 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 121 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 122 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 123 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 124 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 221.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 125 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 126 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 221.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 127 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : 220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 128 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -221.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 129 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 130 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -221.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 131 */ { "x" : -490, "y" : -220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 132 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 133 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 134 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 135 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 136 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 137 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 138 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : -1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 139 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : 1.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 140 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : -3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 141 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : 3, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 142 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : -4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 143 */ { "x" : -635, "y" : 4.5, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 144 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -10, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 145 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 10, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 146 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -10, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 147 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 10, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 148 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -30, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 149 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -50, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 150 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 151 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : -70, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 152 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 50, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 153 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 30, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 154 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 155 */ { "x" : -950, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 156 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -30, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 157 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -50, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 158 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 159 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : -70, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 160 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 50, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 161 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 30, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 162 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 70, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 163 */ { "x" : 950, "y" : 90, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 164 */ { "x" : 250, "y" : 450, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 165 */ { "x" : 250, "y" : 470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 166 */ { "x" : 450, "y" : 450, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 167 */ { "x" : 450, "y" : 470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 168 */ { "x" : -250, "y" : -450, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 169 */ { "x" : -250, "y" : -470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 170 */ { "x" : -450, "y" : -450, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 171 */ { "x" : -450, "y" : -470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 172 */ { "x" : 450, "y" : -450, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 173 */ { "x" : 450, "y" : -470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 174 */ { "x" : 250, "y" : -450, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] },
/* 175 */ { "x" : 250, "y" : -470, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ] }


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{ "v0" : 60, "v1" : 61, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 61, "v1" : 62, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 52.529593363569504,
"curveF" : 2.0264799224175936, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 62, "v1" : 63, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 30.600738665584572,
"curveF" : 3.6552917793944424, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 64, "v1" : 63, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 64, "v1" : 65, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 30.600738665584572,
"curveF" : 3.6552917793944424, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 65, "v1" : 66, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 52.529593363569504,
"curveF" : 2.0264799224175936, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 67, "v1" : 66, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 68, "v1" : 69, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 70, "v1" : 71, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 72, "v1" : 73, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 75, "v1" : 74, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 77, "v1" : 76, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 79, "v1" : 78, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 80, "v1" : 81, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 82, "v1" : 83, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 84, "v1" : 85, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 87, "v1" : 86, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 89, "v1" : 88, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 91, "v1" : 90, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 92, "v1" : 93, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 94, "v1" : 95, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 96, "v1" : 97, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 99, "v1" : 98, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 101, "v1" : 100, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 103, "v1" : 102, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 104, "v1" : 105, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 107, "v1" : 106, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 109, "v1" : 108, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 110, "v1" : 111, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 112, "v1" : 113, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 114, "v1" : 115, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 116, "v1" : 117, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 119, "v1" : 118, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 121, "v1" : 120, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 123, "v1" : 122, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 124, "v1" : 125, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 127, "v1" : 126, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 129, "v1" : 128, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 130, "v1" : 131, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 132, "v1" : 133, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 134, "v1" : 135, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 136, "v1" : 137, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 139, "v1" : 138, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 141, "v1" : 140, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 143, "v1" : 142, "bCoef" : 0, "curve" : 180, "curveF" :
6.123233995736766e-17, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 144, "v1" : 145, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"CC0000" },
{ "v0" : 146, "v1" : 147, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "CC" },
{ "v0" : 148, "v1" : 149, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"CC0000" },
{ "v0" : 150, "v1" : 151, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"CC0000" },
{ "v0" : 152, "v1" : 153, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"CC0000" },
{ "v0" : 154, "v1" : 155, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"CC0000" },
{ "v0" : 156, "v1" : 157, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "CC" },
{ "v0" : 158, "v1" : 159, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "CC" },
{ "v0" : 160, "v1" : 161, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "CC" },
{ "v0" : 162, "v1" : 163, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "CC" },
{ "v0" : 164, "v1" : 165, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 166, "v1" : 167, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 168, "v1" : 169, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 170, "v1" : 171, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 172, "v1" : 173, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" },
{ "v0" : 174, "v1" : 175, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : [ ], "color" :
"B2B2B2" }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -460, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -508, "bCoef" : 0.2 },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -508, "bCoef" : 0.2 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1002, "bCoef" : 0.2 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1002, "bCoef" : 0.2 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-957.4,-90 ], "p1" : [-957.4,90 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [957.4,90 ], "p1" : [957.4,-90 ], "team" : "blue" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 6.4, "bCoef" : 0.4, "invMass" : 1.5, "color" : "FFCC00",
"cGroup" : ["ball","kick","score" ] },
{ "pos" : [-950,90 ], "radius" : 5, "bCoef" : 1, "invMass" : 0, "color"
: "8E0000" },
{ "pos" : [-950,-90 ], "radius" : 5, "bCoef" : 1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "8E0000" },
{ "pos" : [950,90 ], "radius" : 5, "bCoef" : 1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "8E" },
{ "pos" : [950,-90 ], "radius" : 5, "bCoef" : 1, "invMass" : 0, "color"
: "8E" },
{ "pos" : [-950,460 ], "radius" : 3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "FF5454", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "pos" : [-950,-460 ], "radius" : 3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "FF5454", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "pos" : [950,-460 ], "radius" : 3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "5462FF", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "pos" : [950,460 ], "radius" : 3.5, "bCoef" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "5462FF", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "pos" : [990,90 ], "radius" : 4, "bCoef" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "8E", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "pos" : [990,-90 ], "radius" : 4, "bCoef" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "8E", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "pos" : [-990,-90 ], "radius" : 4, "bCoef" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "8E0000", "cMask" : [ ] },
{ "pos" : [-990,90 ], "radius" : 4, "bCoef" : 0.1, "invMass" : 0,
"color" : "8E0000", "cMask" : [ ] }


"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0,
"acceleration" : 0.11,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.083


"ballPhysics" : "disc0",

"spawnDistance" : 310
RSRMap = false;
return Futx5Map;

function getPenaltyBlueMap() {
var PenaltyBlueMap = `{

"name" : "ᴘᴇɴᴀʟᴛʏ ʙʟᴜᴇ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ 🔵 | 𝐆𝐋𝐇",

"width" : 1500,

"height" : 734,

"spawnDistance" : 300,

"redSpawnPoints" : [
[ 1376, 0
[ 1376, -48
[ 1376, 48
[ 1376, 96


"blueSpawnPoints" : [
[ 63, -33
[ 63, 33
[ 63, -99
[ 63, 99


"bg" : { "type" : "grass", "width" : 1150, "height" : 600, "kickOffRadius" :

180, "cornerRadius" : 0, "color" : "6a9158" },

"playerPhysics" : {
"bCoef" : 0.5,
"invMass" : 0.5,
"damping" : 0.96,
"acceleration" : 0.12,
"kickingAcceleration" : 0.07,
"kickingDamping" : 0.96,
"kickStrength" : 5.65


"ballPhysics" : {
"pos" : [ 935, 0
"radius" : 10


"vertexes" : [
/* 0 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 1 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 337, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 2 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 3 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 4 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 5 */ { "x" : 1031, "y" : 198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 6 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 7 */ { "x" : 1029, "y" : -198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 8 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : -170, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -110,
"color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 9 */ { "x" : 840, "y" : 170, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -110,
"color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 10 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 11 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -337, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"
/* 12 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 337, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"
/* 13 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 337, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 14 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 15 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : -198, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 16 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 198, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"
/* 17 */ { "x" : -1030, "y" : 198, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"
/* 18 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : 170, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -110,
"color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 19 */ { "x" : -840, "y" : -170, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -110,
"color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 20 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : 4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "a7cf9b" },
/* 21 */ { "x" : 935, "y" : -4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "a7cf9b" },
/* 22 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : 4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "a7cf9b" },
/* 23 */ { "x" : -935, "y" : -4, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"a7cf9b" },
/* 24 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 574, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 25 */ { "x" : -1125, "y" : 599, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 26 */ { "x" : -1125, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 27 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -575, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 28 */ { "x" : 1124, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 29 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 574, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 30 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -574, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 31 */ { "x" : 1124, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 32 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 33 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 34 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 35 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 4, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 36 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 37 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 38 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 39 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 40 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 41 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 42 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 43 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : -4.5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 44 */ { "x" : 1161, "y" : -599, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 45 */ { "x" : 1189, "y" : -579, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 46 */ { "x" : 1161, "y" : 599, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 47 */ { "x" : 1189, "y" : 579, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 48 */ { "x" : -1162, "y" : 599, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 49 */ { "x" : -1190, "y" : 579, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : -60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 50 */ { "x" : -1162, "y" : -600, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 60, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 51 */ { "x" : -1190, "y" : -580, "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 60, "color" : "546f48" },

/* 52 */ { "x" : -1177, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 53 */ { "x" : -1177, "y" : -150, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 54 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },

/* 55 */ { "x" : -1177, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 56 */ { "x" : -1170, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },

/* 57 */ { "x" : -1177, "y" : 150, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 58 */ { "x" : 1177, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
/* 59 */ { "x" : 1177, "y" : -150, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 60 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 61 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : -250, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },

/* 62 */ { "x" : 1177, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 63 */ { "x" : 1177, "y" : 150, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

/* 64 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : 250, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 65 */ { "x" : 1170, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : -5, "cMask" : ["ball" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : -40, "color" : "546f48" },
/* 66 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : 180, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 67 */ { "x" : 0, "y" : -180, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball"
], "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7", "vis" : true, "curve" : 0 },
/* 68 */ { "x" : -818, "y" : -600, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 90,
"color" : "638750" },
/* 69 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -347, "trait" : "line", "curve" : 90,
"color" : "638750" },
/* 70 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 347, "trait" : "line", "color" : "638750"
/* 71 */ { "x" : -820, "y" : 600, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"638750" },
/* 72 */ { "x" : 820, "y" : 600, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"638750" },
/* 73 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 347, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"638750" },
/* 74 */ { "x" : 820, "y" : -600, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -90,
"color" : "638750" },
/* 75 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -347, "trait" : "line", "curve" : -90,
"color" : "638750" },
/* 76 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -525, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "638750" },
/* 77 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -525, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "638750" },
/* 78 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 525, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "638750" },
/* 79 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 525, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "638750" },
/* 80 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -600, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 81 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 600, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "color" : "FFFF00" },
/* 82 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 600, "trait" : "line", "color" :
"b3d4a7" },
/* 83 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -600, "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7"

/* 84 */ { "x" : -113, "y" : -138, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],

"cGroup" : ["blueKO","redKO" ], "curve" : 235 },
/* 85 */ { "x" : -114, "y" : 138, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"cGroup" : ["blueKO","redKO" ], "curve" : 235 },
/* 86 */ { "x" : 1495, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"dist" : -1400 },
/* 87 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : -150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },
/* 88 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"curve" : 0 },
/* 89 */ { "x" : 1489, "y" : 150, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"dist" : -1400, "curve" : 0 },

/* 90 */ { "x" : 1300, "y" : -150, "trait" : "kickOffBarrier",

"cMask" : ["red" ] },

/* 91 */ { "x" : 1448, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },

/* 92 */ { "x" : 1448, "y" : 120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ] },

/* 93 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -120.92552225676228, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7", "curve" : 0 },
/* 94 */ { "x" : 1212.8375029631984, "y" : -120.92552225676228, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 95 */ { "x" : 1150.1431278225696, "y" : 116.05779951814779,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 96 */ { "x" : 1212.9145962189946, "y" : 116.05779951814779,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0

/* 97 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 116.05779951814779, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["wall" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 98 */ { "x" : 1259, "y" : -148.867722739, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 99 */ { "x" : 1259.5, "y" : 144, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"color" : "ffffff" },
/* 100 */ { "x" : 1213.8375029631984, "y" : -118.92552225676228,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 101 */ { "x" : 1260, "y" : -146.867722739, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 102 */ { "x" : 1211.8375029631984, "y" : -122.92552225676228,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 103 */ { "x" : 1258, "y" : -150.867722739, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 104 */ { "x" : 1214.9145962189946, "y" : 114.05779951814779, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0 },

/* 105 */ { "x" : 1261.5, "y" : 142, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "6a9158" },

/* 106 */ { "x" : 1213.9145962189946, "y" : 119.05779951814779, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0 },

/* 107 */ { "x" : 1260.5, "y" : 147, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "6a9158" },

/* 108 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :

["red","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "C7E6BD", "curve" : 0 },
/* 109 */ { "x" : 1213, "y" : -120, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["red","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 110 */ { "x" : 1150, "y" : 116, "bCoef" : 0.5, "cMask" :
["red","ball" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 111 */ { "x" : 1213, "y" : 116, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red","ball"
], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0 },
/* 112 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : 118.00879788978456, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask"
: ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "b3d4a7", "curve" : 0 },
/* 113 */ { "x" : -1213.3215131279903, "y" : 117.74394897515494,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 114 */ { "x" : -1149.628852252629, "y" : -118.97302216202547,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 115 */ { "x" : -1212.3997630875529, "y" : -119.23759275268432,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0

/* 116 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -118.97241890367377, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "curve" : 0, "color" : "b3d4a7" },
/* 117 */ { "x" : -1259.6013715431845, "y" : 145.49133453725509,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 118 */ { "x" : -1258.866981665902, "y" : -147.37589424369935,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ffffff" },

/* 119 */ { "x" : -1214.3130746008003, "y" : 115.73975191756831,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 120 */ { "x" : -1260.5929330159947, "y" : 143.48713747966846,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 121 */ { "x" : -1212.3299516551804, "y" : 119.74814603274154,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 122 */ { "x" : -1258.6098100703748, "y" : 147.4955315948417, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 123 */ { "x" : -1214.4081749675327, "y" : -117.24604016227767,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 124 */ { "x" : -1260.8753935458817, "y" : -145.3843416532927,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 125 */ { "x" : -1213.3871097379695, "y" : -122.24178092786758,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "6a9158", "curve" : 0

/* 126 */ { "x" : -1259.8543283163185, "y" : -150.3800824188826,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "6a9158" },

/* 127 */ { "x" : -1150.4806674009055, "y" : 117.08328385388425,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "C7E6BD", "curve" : 0
/* 128 */ { "x" : -1213.4801078094943, "y" : 116.81775004310506,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 129 */ { "x" : -1149.485969316082, "y" : -118.91461989892463,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0
/* 130 */ { "x" : -1212.4854097246707, "y" : -119.1801537097038,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "ffffff", "curve" : 0

/* 131 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 736, "bCoef" : 0.001,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 132 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 724, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 133 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -602, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9" },
/* 134 */ { "x" : -1150, "y" : -620.49609375, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9" },

/* 135 */ { "x" : -1148, "y" : -620.49609375, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :

["wall" ] },
/* 136 */ { "x" : -1148, "y" : -602, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["wall" ] },
/* 137 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 138 */ { "x" : -90, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 139 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 687, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 140 */ { "x" : -110, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 141 */ { "x" : -130, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 142 */ { "x" : -150, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 143 */ { "x" : -170, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 144 */ { "x" : -190, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 145 */ { "x" : -210, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 146 */ { "x" : -230, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 147 */ { "x" : -250, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 148 */ { "x" : -287.01500879340676, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 149 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 687, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 150 */ { "x" : -270, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 151 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 736, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false },
/* 152 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 724, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 153 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 710, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 154 */ { "x" : -286.93953763264415, "y" : 698, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 155 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 734.04149391746, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 156 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 722.0417049239776, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 157 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 710, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 158 */ { "x" : -70, "y" : 698, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 159 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 160 */ { "x" : 277, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 161 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 687, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 162 */ { "x" : 257, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 163 */ { "x" : 237, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 164 */ { "x" : 217, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 165 */ { "x" : 197, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 166 */ { "x" : 177, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 167 */ { "x" : 157, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 168 */ { "x" : 137, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 169 */ { "x" : 117, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 170 */ { "x" : 79.98499120659324, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 171 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 687, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 172 */ { "x" : 97, "y" : 667, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "color" : "ffffff" },
/* 173 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 736, "bCoef" : 10,
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 174 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 724, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 175 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 710, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 176 */ { "x" : 80.06046236735585, "y" : 698, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 177 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 734.04149391746, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "vis" : false },
/* 178 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 722.0417049239776, "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 179 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 710, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },
/* 180 */ { "x" : 297, "y" : 698, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ] },

/* 181 */ { "x" : 1149.968665547433, "y" : -618.9686646206542,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },
/* 182 */ { "x" : 1150.0694602019682, "y" : -600.4728455134504, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },

/* 183 */ { "x" : 1148.069489899352, "y" : -600.4619464927276,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 184 */ { "x" : 1147.9686952448167, "y" : -618.9577655999315, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

/* 185 */ { "x" : 1158, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28" },

/* 186 */ { "x" : 1168, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "ff3034" },

/* 187 */ { "x" : 1149, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },
/* 188 */ { "x" : 1158, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28" },

/* 189 */ { "x" : 1149, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 190 */ { "x" : 1168, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0,

"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },

/* 191 */ { "x" : 1149.7396826762401, "y" : 597.9263578863065,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },
/* 192 */ { "x" : 1153.08526210564, "y" : 579.1424902194007, "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" : "D7D7D9" },

/* 193 */ { "x" : 1155.0010783610655, "y" : 579.7166400913391,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 194 */ { "x" : 1151.7040246689874, "y" : 598.3023373212908,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

/* 195 */ { "x" : 1161.6678517948505, "y" : 578.0712784773244,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28"

/* 196 */ { "x" : 1171.2713154212654, "y" : 580.8593757453787,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 197 */ { "x" : 1153.0247345310775, "y" : 575.5619909360759,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },
/* 198 */ { "x" : 1160.6641350766317, "y" : 581.528531244323, "bCoef" :
0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28" },

/* 199 */ { "x" : 1152.0210178128586, "y" : 579.0192437030742,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 200 */ { "x" : 1170.2675987030466, "y" : 584.316628512377, "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },

/* 201 */ { "x" : -1152.8011166944932, "y" : 581.2713204942369, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },
/* 202 */ { "x" : -1150.0489225384003, "y" : 599.5615066971152, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0, "color" :
"D7D7D9" },

/* 203 */ { "x" : -1152.026657561816, "y" : 599.8591040377528,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
/* 204 */ { "x" : -1154.7788517179088, "y" : 581.5689178348746, "bCoef"
: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

/* 205 */ { "x" : -1162.170956870286, "y" : 578.11573185304, "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28" },

/* 206 */ { "x" : -1152.4133863896525, "y" : 575.9271664975008, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 207 */ { "x" : -1170.9527703028564, "y" : 580.085440673025,

"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },
/* 208 */ { "x" : -1161.383072006498, "y" : 581.6284631816164,
"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28"

/* 209 */ { "x" : -1170.1648854390683, "y" : 583.5981720016015, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034" },

/* 210 */ { "x" : -1151.6255015258641, "y" : 579.4398978260773, "bCoef"

: 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28" },
/* 211 */ { "x" : -1159, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28", "radius" : 20 },

/* 212 */ { "x" : -1149, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"color" : "ff3034", "radius" : 20 },

/* 213 */ { "x" : -1168, "y" : -623, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ],

"trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28", "radius" : 20 },
/* 214 */ { "x" : -1159, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask"
: ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "curve" : 0, "color" : "beff28", "radius" : 20 },
/* 215 */ { "x" : -1168, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask"
: ["wall" ], "color" : "ff3034", "radius" : 20 },

/* 216 */ { "x" : -1149, "y" : -619.3999938964844, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask"

: ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "color" : "beff28", "radius" : 20 },

/* 217 */ { "x" : -199, "y" : 711, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :

["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "curve" : -400 },
/* 218 */ { "x" : -199, "y" : 700, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" :
["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "curve" : -400 },
/* 219 */ { "x" : 164, "y" : 704, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "curve" : -400 },
/* 220 */ { "x" : 166, "y" : 696, "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ],
"cGroup" : ["all" ], "curve" : -400 },

/* 221 */ { "x" : 936.0539164518007, "y" : -13, "trait" : "powerboost",

"bCoef" : -2.2, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "pos" : [935,0 ], "radius" : 10
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"bCoef" : -2.2, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "pos" : [935,0 ], "radius" : 10

/* 223 */ { "x" : 1134, "y" : 116.23596984067328, "bCoef" : 1,

"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 224 */ { "x" : 1134, "y" : -123.76361382468703, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask"
: ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 0 },
/* 225 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 1300, "y" : 150 },
/* 226 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 1300, "y" : 18 },
/* 227 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 1240, "y" : 18 },
/* 228 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 1300, "y" : -18 },
/* 229 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 1240, "y" : -18 },
/* 230 */ { "bCoef" : -2.4, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 1233.0188554822,
"y" : 65.50390625 },
/* 231 */ { "bCoef" : -2.4, "cMask" : ["red" ], "x" : 1233.0188554822,
"y" : -65.49609375 },
/* 232 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 735, "y" : 620,
"curve" : -74 },
/* 233 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 735, "y" : -620,
"curve" : 0 },
/* 234 */ { "x" : 1134, "y" : 116.23596984067328, "bCoef" : 1,
"cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "radius" :
15, "pos" : [67,0 ] },
/* 235 */ { "x" : 1134, "y" : -123.76361382468703, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask"
: ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "vis" : false, "curve" : 0, "radius" : 15,
"pos" : [67,0 ] },
/* 236 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 735, "y" : -666,
"curve" : 0 },
/* 237 */ { "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "x" : 735, "y" : 661 }


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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"line" },
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"line" },
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"bCoef" : -4.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : -1220 },
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"546f48", "bCoef" : -4.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : 1220 },
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"546f48", "bCoef" : -4.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : -1220 },
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"bCoef" : -4.7, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : 1220 },
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"546f48", "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"546f48", "bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : -2.45, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line" },

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["ball" ] },
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{ "v0" : 57, "v1" : 56, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 55, "v1" : 54, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
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["ball" ] },
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["ball" ] },
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["ball" ] },
{ "v0" : 59, "v1" : 60, "vis" : true, "color" : "000000", "cMask" :
["ball" ] },

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0.1, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "cGroup" : ["ball" ], "trait" : "line", "x" : 0 },
{ "v0" : 68, "v1" : 69, "curve" : 90, "vis" : true, "color" : "638750",
"trait" : "line" },
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"trait" : "line" },
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"trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 74, "v1" : 75, "curve" : -90, "vis" : true, "color" :
"638750", "trait" : "line" },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "y" : -525 },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "y" : 525 },
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{ "v0" : 81, "v1" : 82, "vis" : true, "color" : "b3d4a7", "trait" :
"line", "y" : 600 },
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"line", "y" : -600 },
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"line" },

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"x" : -1300, "curve" : 259.1001974989001, "cGroup" : ["blueKO","redKO" ] },
{ "v0" : 86, "v1" : 87, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"y" : -150 },
{ "v0" : 88, "v1" : 89, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ],
"y" : 150, "curve" : 0 },
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["red" ], "x" : 1410 },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 1150 },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

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["red","ball" ], "trait" : "reargoalNetleft", "x" : -242, "bCoef" : 0 },

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["red","ball" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet", "bCoef" : 0.5 },
{ "v0" : 110, "v1" : 111, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :
["red","ball" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet", "bCoef" : 0.5 },

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"b3d4a7", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1150 },
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"ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"ffffff", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 123, "v1" : 124, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
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"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

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["ball" ], "trait" : "reargoalNetleft", "x" : -242 },

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["ball" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet" },
{ "v0" : 129, "v1" : 130, "curve" : 0, "color" : "ffffff", "cMask" :
["ball" ], "trait" : "sidegoalNet" },

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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -286.93953763264415 },

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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },
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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
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"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
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{ "v0" : 159, "v1" : 161, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
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{ "v0" : 162, "v1" : 163, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 164, "v1" : 165, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 166, "v1" : 167, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 168, "v1" : 169, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "y" : 667 },
{ "v0" : 170, "v1" : 171, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 170, "v1" : 172, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 175, "v1" : 176, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -286.93953763264415 },
{ "v0" : 177, "v1" : 178, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },
{ "v0" : 179, "v1" : 180, "color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001,
"cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ], "x" : -70 },

{ "v0" : 181, "v1" : 182, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag" },

{ "v0" : 183, "v1" : 184, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 717 },
{ "v0" : 185, "v1" : 186, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 185, "v1" : 186, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 186, "v1" : 186, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1148 },

{ "v0" : 185, "v1" : 187, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 189, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 189, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 189, "v1" : 189, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

{ "v0" : 188, "v1" : 190, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 191, "v1" : 192, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag" },

{ "v0" : 193, "v1" : 194, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 717 },
{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 196, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 196, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 196, "v1" : 196, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1148 },

{ "v0" : 195, "v1" : 197, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 198, "v1" : 199, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 198, "v1" : 199, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 199, "v1" : 199, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

{ "v0" : 198, "v1" : 200, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 201, "v1" : 202, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"D7D7D9", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "cornerflag" },

{ "v0" : 203, "v1" : 204, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"6a9158", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : 717 },
{ "v0" : 205, "v1" : 206, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 205, "v1" : 206, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 206, "v1" : 206, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1148 },

{ "v0" : 205, "v1" : 207, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },

{ "v0" : 208, "v1" : 209, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 208, "v1" : 209, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },
{ "v0" : 209, "v1" : 209, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ] },

{ "v0" : 208, "v1" : 210, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line" },
{ "v0" : 211, "v1" : 212, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },
{ "v0" : 211, "v1" : 212, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },
{ "v0" : 212, "v1" : 212, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "x" : -1148, "radius" : 20 },

{ "v0" : 211, "v1" : 213, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "radius" : 20 },

{ "v0" : 214, "v1" : 215, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :

"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },
{ "v0" : 214, "v1" : 215, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },
{ "v0" : 215, "v1" : 215, "curve" : 0, "vis" : true, "color" :
"ff3034", "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "radius" : 20 },

{ "v0" : 214, "v1" : 216, "vis" : true, "color" : "beff28", "bCoef" :

0, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "trait" : "line", "radius" : 20 },

{ "v0" : 217, "v1" : 218, "curve" : -328.13941952332465, "vis" : false,

"color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },
{ "v0" : 219, "v1" : 220, "curve" : -336.8674849233308, "vis" : false,
"color" : "ffffff", "bCoef" : 0.001, "cMask" : ["wall" ], "cGroup" : ["all" ] },

{ "v0" : 221, "v1" : 222, "curve" : 180, "trait" : "powerboost",

"bCoef" : -2.2, "vis" : false, "cMask" : ["ball" ], "pos" : [935,0 ], "radius" : 10

{ "v0" : 223, "v1" : 224, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :

"C7E6BD", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["redKO" ], "x" : 1134 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "v0" : 225, "v1" :
226 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "v0" : 226, "v1" :
227, "y" : 18 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "v0" : 228, "v1" :
229, "y" : -18 },
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["red" ], "v0" : 228, "v1" : 90
{ "vis" : false, "bCoef" : -2.4, "cMask" : ["red" ], "v0" : 230, "v1" :
231, "x" : 1233.0188554822 },
{ "curve" : -74, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ],
"v0" : 232, "v1" : 233 },
{ "v0" : 234, "v1" : 235, "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "color" :
"C7E6BD", "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["blueKO" ], "x" : 1134,
"radius" : 15, "pos" : [67,0 ] },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "v0" :
233, "v1" : 236, "x" : 735 },
{ "curve" : 0, "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["blue" ], "v0" :
232, "v1" : 237 }


"goals" : [
{ "p0" : [-1161.3,115 ], "p1" : [-1161.3,-116.89189189189187 ],
"team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [1161.3,115.16891891891896 ], "p1" : [1161.3,-
117.98923923923925 ], "team" : "red" },
{ "p0" : [1151.8187001142282,-121.478062190417 ], "p1" :
[1014.199602660217,-101.29539394052615 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [1150.6265801259315,120.98565833533654 ], "p1" :
[1026.839502692259,95.22488810287489 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [1033.9035938100174,-105.6225399413513 ], "p1" :
[859.239486391142,-8.193337031992414 ], "team" : "blue" },
{ "p0" : [1032.296032056326,94.29163507192908 ], "p1" :
[859.2170868190889,-5.926520547252252 ], "team" : "blue" }


"discs" : [
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [1150,-119 ], "trait" : "goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [1150,116 ], "trait" : "goalPost" },

{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1260.5,144 ], "color" :

"4a4e52", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [1259.5,-148 ], "color" :
"4a4e52", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [-1150,116.08750755868094 ], "trait" :

"goalPost" },
{ "radius" : 5, "pos" : [-1150,-118.91461989892463 ], "trait" :
"goalPost" },

{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-1259.8669727834986,-

147.38010906609267 ], "color" : "4a4e52", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
{ "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "pos" : [-
1260.0977098047515,144.62151209452182 ], "color" : "4a4e52", "cMask" : ["ball" ] },

{ "radius" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1150.5542972394846,-600.1732586129118 ],

"color" : "13181C", "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.5, "pos" : [1150.4457027605154,-600.1732586129118 ],
"color" : "13181C", "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.5, "pos" : [1148.8518594069587,599.6163281131223 ],
"color" : "13181C", "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0 },
{ "radius" : 1.5, "pos" : [-1149.6336058891993,599.8040409312609 ],
"color" : "13181C", "trait" : "cornerflag", "curve" : 0 },

{ "radius" : 15, "invMass" : 1e-27, "pos" : [-181,705 ], "color" :

"4D4C48", "bCoef" : 1000, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["wall" ], "damping" : 1,
"speed" : [0,-0.5 ] },
{ "radius" : 15, "invMass" : 1e-27, "pos" : [185,705 ], "color" :
"403F45", "bCoef" : 1000, "cMask" : ["red" ], "cGroup" : ["wall" ], "damping" : 1,
"speed" : [0,-0.5 ] }


"planes" : [
{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -635, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"ballArea" },
{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -635, "bCoef" : 0, "trait" :
"ballArea" },

{ "normal" : [0,1 ], "dist" : -665, "bCoef" : 0 },

{ "normal" : [0,-1 ], "dist" : -660, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -1220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1220, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" :
["ball" ] },
{ "normal" : [1,0 ], "dist" : -117, "bCoef" : 0 },
{ "normal" : [-1,0 ], "dist" : -1492, "bCoef" : 0 }


"traits" : {
"ballArea" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0, "cMask" : ["ball" ] },
"goalPost" : { "radius" : 5, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 2 },
"stanchion" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 3, "cMask" :
["none" ] },
"cornerflag" : { "radius" : 3, "invMass" : 0, "bCoef" : 0.5, "color" :
"FFFF00", "cGroup" : [ ] },
"reargoalNetleft" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : 10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"reargoalNetright" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "curve" : -10, "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"sidegoalNet" : { "vis" : true, "bCoef" : 1, "cMask" :
["ball","red","blue" ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"kickOffBarrier" : { "vis" : false, "bCoef" : 0.1, "cGroup" :
["redKO","blueKO" ], "cMask" : ["red","blue" ] },
"line" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "C7E6BD" },
"tunnel" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "color" :
"000000" },
"advertising" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ], "color" :
"333333" },
"teambench" : { "vis" : true, "cMask" : [ ], "color" : "000000" },
"manager" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "333333" },
"physio" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "666666" },
"redsubs" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "E56E56" },
"bluesubs" : { "radius" : 15, "vis" : true, "cMask" : ["red","blue" ],
"invMass" : 0, "color" : "5689E5" }

RSRMap = false;
return PenaltyBlueMap;

/*------------------------------ END OF STADIUMS ----------------------------*/

function whichTeam(){ // gives the players in the red or blue team

var players = room.getPlayerList();
var redTeam = players.filter(player => == 1);
var blueTeam = players.filter(player => == 2);
return [redTeam, blueTeam]

var roomName = _0x3c81f9(0x168), // Tiempo de juego: GameTime y cantidad limite de

jugadores maxPlayers
roomPassword = PasswordDelHost,
maxPlayers = CantidadDeJugadores,
roomPublic = VisibilidadDelHost,
token = '',
roomLink = '',
gameTime = TiempoDeJuego,
map = _0x3c81f9(0x1ca),
_0x2d6ad4 = {};
_0x2d6ad4[_0x3c81f9(0x164)] = BanderaDelHost, _0x2d6ad4[_0x3c81f9(0x139)] =
Latitud, _0x2d6ad4[_0x3c81f9(0x1a6)] = Longitud; // longitud y latitud y geo
var _0x1a9922 = {};
_0x1a9922[_0x3c81f9(0x15b)] = roomName, _0x1a9922['password'] = roomPassword,
_0x1a9922[_0x3c81f9(0x1c2)] = maxPlayers, _0x1a9922[_0x3c81f9(0x1a0)] = roomPublic,
_0x1a9922[_0x3c81f9(0x183)] = _0x2d6ad4, _0x1a9922[_0x3c81f9(0x169)] = !![],
_0x1a9922[_0x3c81f9(0x1ad)] = token;
var room = HBInit(_0x1a9922);
class Game {
constructor() {
var _0xf9067 = _0x3c81f9;
this[_0xf9067(0x153)] = 0x0, this[_0xf9067(0x16b)] = 0x0,
this['active'] = !![], this[_0xf9067(0x19d)] = ![], this[_0xf9067(0x142)],
this[_0xf9067(0x1aa)] = 0x0, this[_0xf9067(0x189)] = !![], this[_0xf9067(0x16f)]
= ![], this[_0xf9067(0x133)] = ![], this[_0xf9067(0x165)] = ![],
this[_0xf9067(0x147)] = 0x3e8, this[_0xf9067(0x154)], this[_0xf9067(0x14c)],
this[_0xf9067(0x1c6)], this[_0xf9067(0x159)], this[_0xf9067(0x179)] = '',
this[_0xf9067(0x13f)] = 0x0, this[_0xf9067(0x178)] = ![], this[_0xf9067(0x143)] = !
[], this[_0xf9067(0x14f)] = 0x0, this[_0xf9067(0x192)], this['extraTimeAnnounced']
= ![], this[_0xf9067(0x18d)] = ![], this[_0xf9067(0x185)], this[_0xf9067(0x1a3)]
= ![], this[_0xf9067(0x19e)], this['lastKickerId'], this['lastKickerName'],
this[_0xf9067(0x16c)], this['secondLastKickerId'], this[_0xf9067(0x152)],
this[_0xf9067(0x1cc)], this[_0xf9067(0x160)] = 0x0, this[_0xf9067(0x1d3)] = 0x0;
}[_0x3c81f9(0x1b5)](_0x9bb979, _0x57d30e, _0x10b876) {
var _0x502aec = _0x3c81f9;
this[_0x502aec(0x1d4)] = this[_0x502aec(0x1bb)], this[_0x502aec(0x152)]
= this[_0x502aec(0x1be)], this[_0x502aec(0x1cc)] = this[_0x502aec(0x16c)],
this['lastKickerId'] = _0x9bb979, this[_0x502aec(0x1be)] = _0x57d30e,
this[_0x502aec(0x16c)] = _0x10b876;
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0xe2bd62, [0xe50029, 0x94001a, 0x321e20]); // red
teamRed = "RED";
room.setTeamColors(2, 113, 0xeaf8a1, [0x67c9ec, 0x07bdec, 0x008ac9]); // blue
teamBlue = "BLUE";
room[_0x3c81f9(0x12d)](getRealSoccerMap2()), room['setScoreLimit'](0x0),
room[_0x3c81f9(0x1a8)](TiempoDeJuego), room[_0x3c81f9(0x1cb)] = function (_0xde760)
var _0x56cb2d = _0x3c81f9;
roomLink = _0xde760, console[_0x56cb2d(0x136)](roomLink);
}, room[_0x3c81f9(0x1bc)] = function (_0x1dd3ba, _0x5b2bac) {

var _0x2c1a33 = _0x3c81f9;

_0x5b2bac != null ? map = _0x2c1a33(0x1b7) : map = _0x2c1a33(0x1ca);
}, setInterval(function (_0x1b3d6f, _0x551b76) {
var _0xd1b3a4 = _0x3c81f9;
room[_0xd1b3a4(0x1d2)](_0xd1b3a4(0x1ab), _0x1b3d6f['id'], 0xffda82,
_0xd1b3a4(0x1d6), 0x2), room[_0xd1b3a4(0x1d2)](_0xd1b3a4(0x180), _0x1b3d6f['id'],
0xffda82, _0xd1b3a4(0x1d6), 0x0);
}, 0x927c0);
var webhookID = _0x3c81f9(0x1b8);
room[_0x3c81f9(0x12f)] = function (_0x4a7fbc) {
var _0x9060eb = _0x3c81f9,
_0x436097 = {};
_0x436097[_0x9060eb(0x1b1)] = '**' + _0x4a7fbc[_0x9060eb(0x161)] + ' -** [' +
_0x4a7fbc[_0x9060eb(0x1c1)] + _0x9060eb(0x155) + _0x4a7fbc[_0x9060eb(0x1cd)] + ']',
_0x436097['username'] = 'Real Soccer Revolution';
var _0x275f9e = {};
_0x275f9e['Content-Type'] = _0x9060eb(0x130);
var _0x338ced = {};
_0x338ced['method'] = _0x9060eb(0x175), _0x338ced[_0x9060eb(0x1b2)] =
JSON[_0x9060eb(0x141)](_0x436097), _0x338ced[_0x9060eb(0x1bf)] = _0x275f9e,
fetch(webhookID, _0x338ced)['then'](_0x169fd3 => _0x169fd3),
whisper(_0x9060eb(0x131), _0x4a7fbc['id'], 0x61b3ff, _0x9060eb(0x17a), 0x0),
whisper(_0x9060eb(0x137), _0x4a7fbc['id'], 0x61c5ff, 'bold', 0x0),
whisper(_0x9060eb(0x1a4), _0x4a7fbc['id'], 0x61cdff, _0x9060eb(0x17a), 0x0),
whisper(_0x9060eb(0x1c5), _0x4a7fbc['id'], 0x61ddff, _0x9060eb(0x17a), 0x0),
whisper(_0x9060eb(0x151), _0x4a7fbc['id'], 0x61e7ff, _0x9060eb(0x17a), 0x0),
}, room.onPlayerLeave = function(player) {
console.log(new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes() + ":" + new
Date().getSeconds() + "." + new Date().getMilliseconds() + " ➡️ " + + "
[" + + "] has left.");

connections = connections.filter(a => a[0] !==;
}, room[_0x3c81f9(0x196)] = function (_0xd52b4) { // ongamestart
tookASize = {};
[redTeam,blueTeam] = whichTeam();
ballCarrying = initBallCarrying(redTeam, blueTeam);
timeOnHalves = [0,0];
isTimeAddedShownseis = false;
var _0xefa5db = _0x3c81f9;
map == _0xefa5db(0x1ca) && (_0xd52b4 == null ? (game = new Game(),
announce(' ⌛ Se ha establecido que el partido dure ' + gameTime + ' minuto(s)

️' )) : (room[_0xefa5db(0x172)]()[_0xefa5db(0x1af)] != 0x0 ? gameTime =
room['getScores']()[_0xefa5db(0x1af)] / 0x3c : gameTime = TiempoDeJuego,
room[_0xefa5db(0x188)](), room['setTimeLimit'](0x0), room[_0xefa5db(0x1b0)]()));
}, room[_0x3c81f9(0x129)] = function (_0x10e724) { // ongamestop
PartidoArrancado = false;
whoTouchedLast = undefined;
var _0x2f7f60 = _0x3c81f9;
map == _0x2f7f60(0x1ca) && (_0x10e724 == !![] && room[_0x2f7f60(0x1a8)]

room.onPlayerBallKick = function(player) {
if (map == "RSR") {
game.rsTouchTeam =;

if (game.rsReady == true) {
var players = room.getPlayerList().filter((player) =>
!= 0);
players.forEach(function(player) {
(room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 0.3) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {invMass:
if (game.rsActive == false && game.rsReady == true && (game.rsCorner ==
true || game.rsGoalKick == true)) { // make game active on kick from CK/GK
game.boosterState = true;

game.rsActive = true;
game.rsReady = false;
room.setDiscProperties(1, {x: 2000, y: 2000 });
room.setDiscProperties(2, {x: 2000, y: 2000 });
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
game.rsTimer = 1000000;

// set gravity for real soccer corners/goalkicks

if (game.rsCorner == true) {
if (room.getDiscProperties(0).y < 0) { //top corner
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity:
room.getPlayerDiscProperties(*-1, ygravity: 0.05});
//room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity: -0.08,
ygravity: 0.05});
else { //bottom corner
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity:
room.getPlayerDiscProperties(*-1, ygravity: -0.05});
//room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity: -0.08,
ygravity: -0.05});
if (game.rsGoalKick == true) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity: 0, ygravity:

game.rsCorner = false;
game.rsGoalKick = false;
game.rsCorner2 = false;
game.rsGoalKick2 = false;
game.outStatus = "";

if (game.outStatus == "redThrow" || game.outStatus == "blueThrow") {

game.throwinKicked = true;

var webhookPass =

var ModoChatPausado = [];

const CensurarMensajes = ['rs', 'con', 'real', 'soccer', 'creo', ' con', ' con', '
con', ' con', ' rs', ' rs', ' rs', ' rs', 'R.S', 'R.S C.O.N T.I.A', 'r.s
c.o.n t.i.a', 'c.on', 'co.n', 'c.o.n', 'C.ON', 'CO.N', 'C.O.N', 'r.s c.o.n t.i.a',
'R_S', 'R_S C_O_N T_I_A', 'r_s c_o_n t_i_a', 'c_on', 'co_n', 'c_o_n', 'C_ON',
'CO_N', 'C_O_N', 'r_s c_o_n t_i_a', 'R-S C-O-N T-I-A', 'r-s c-o-n t-i-a', 'c-on',
'co-n', 'c-o-n', 'C-ON', 'CO-N', 'C-O-N', 'C.REO', 'CR.EO', 'CRE.O', 'c.reo',
'cr.eo', 'cre.o', 'C-REO', 'CR-EO', 'CRE-O', 'c-reo', 'cr-eo', 'cre-o', 'c_reo',
'cr_eo', 'cre_o', 'C_REO', 'CR_EO', 'CRE_O', 'r.s', 'on', 'C.on', 'mogólico',
'mógolico', 'mogolíco', 'mogolicó', 'mógólícó', 'MOGÓLICO', 'MÓGOLICO', 'MOGOLÍCO',
'MOGOLICÓ', 'MÓGÓLÍCÓ', 'm.ogolico', 'mo.golico', 'mog.olico', 'mogo.lico',
'mogol.ico', '', 'mogolic.o', 'M.OGOLICO', 'MO.GOLICO', 'MOG.OLICO',
'MOGO.LICO', 'MOGOL.ICO', 'MOOGOLI.CO', 'MOGOLIC.O', 'm-ogolico', 'mo-golico',
'mog-olico', 'mogo-lico', 'mogol-ico', 'mogoli-co', 'mogolic-o', 'M-OGOLICO', 'MO-
'm_ogolico', 'mo_golico', 'mog_olico', 'mogo_lico', 'mogol_ico', 'mogoli_co',
'MOOGOLI_CO', 'MOGOLIC_O', 'dawn', 'daun', 'doun', 'DÓWN', 'dówn', 'dáun', 'daún',
'dáún', 'DAWN', 'cancerígeno', 'CANCERÍGENO'];

function filter(message)
message = message.toLowerCase();
message = message.replace(/\s/g, '');
message = message.replace(/\./g,' ')
if(message.includes("ఌ") ||message.includes("甈") ||message.includes("㐷") ||
message.includes("怅") ||message.includes("瘪") ||message.includes("⑸") ||
message.includes("㬆") ||message.includes("権") ||message.includes("怜") ||
message.includes("∯") ||message.includes("㤒") ||message.includes("䉊") ||
message.includes("匊") ||message.includes("ᙻ") ||message.includes("ൽ") ||
message.includes("ᴧ") ||message.includes("爂") ||message.includes("爇") ||
message.includes("त") ||message.includes("権") ||message.includes("怜") ||
message.includes("∯") ||message.includes("㤒") ||message.includes("﷽") ||
message.includes("m0g0l1c") ||message.includes("﷽") ||message.includes("﷽") ||
message.includes("﷽") ||message.includes("﷽") ||message.includes("﷽") ||
message.includes("﷽") ||message.includes("﷽") ||message.includes("﷽") ||
message.includes("﷽") ||message.includes("﷽") ||message.includes("䐃") ||
message.includes("䉧") ||message.includes("瀩") ||message.includes("琐") ||
message.includes("䳌") ||message.includes("氊") ||message.includes("瘠") ||
message.includes("銡") ||message.includes("歘") ||message.includes("桋") ||
message.includes("鼜") ||message.includes("窭") ||message.includes("谡") ||
message.includes("輽") ||message.includes("怼") ||message.includes("霽") ||
message.includes("椣") ||message.includes("䖎") ||message.includes("蘗") ||
return true;
}else return false;

function CensuradorDeSpammeros(message) {
if (CensurarMensajes.includes(message)) {
return true;
}else return false;

function pmFun(player, message){ //!pv

var pm = message.substr(4);
var index = message.split(" ").slice(1);
var playerID = index[0]
var message2 = message.substr(5);
var message3 = "[ ID: " + + " - 🔒💬] " + + ":" +
room.sendAnnouncement(message3, parseInt(playerID), 0x8271ff, "normal", 2);
var players = room.getPlayerList().filter((player) => != 0 );
if ( players.find((player => === playerID)))
{room.sendAnnouncement("❌ Ese ID no funciona, escribe !ids para ver los ID de los
jugadores del host.",, 0x19FF85, "normal", 0);}
else {room.sendAnnouncement("[📨] Mensaje Privado enviado con éxito! ✅",, 0x19FF85, "normal", 0);};
return false;

setInterval(function(player, message){
var isRoomMuted = false;
isRoomMuted = false;
mutedPlayers = [];
room.sendAnnouncement('✅ 💬 Desmutee a todos los jugadores', null, 0xd733ff,
"normal", 0); },1800000);

function ListaDeJugadoresFun(player) { // !help

Jugadores = room.getPlayerList();
playersString = "";
let conn = connections.find(a => a[1] === player.conn);
for(i=0; i<Jugadores.length; i++){
playersString = playersString + " 📛 NICKNAME: " +
Jugadores[i].name + " 🆔 ID: " + Jugadores[i].id + "\n";
room.sendAnnouncement("ID DE LOS JUGADORES DEL

function helpFun(player) { // !help

room.sendAnnouncement('💬 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐒 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒:',, 0xbfff35,
"small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement('⯌ 👋 SALIR DEL HOST: !bb, !nv, !adormir o !acomer',, 0xea9999, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement('⯌❌ VOTAR BAN: "expulsar + IDdelJugador" (ESCRIBIR !ids

para ver los ID de cada jugador)',, 0xffe800, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement('⯌ ACTIVAR Y DESACTIVAR AFK: !afk',, 0xff2e2e,

"small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement('⯌ OTROS: !ids, !mapas, !camisetas, !poss, !avatar, !

numeros, !script, !tutorial, !adminhelp',, 0x2efeb6, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement('⯌ 💬 CHAT PRIVADO CON EQUIPO: "t + Mensaje" -

CHAT PRIVADO CON JUGADOR: "@@Nickname + Mensaje" o "!pv + ID + Mensaje" ',, 0x94e5ff, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement('⯌ ⌚ VER DURACIÓN DEL PARTIDO: Time o Tiempo',, 0x00ff005, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement('⯌ 📏Cambiar de tamaño: "!size + Número" (Número = Del 12

al 15)',, 0xbfff35, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement('⯌ 🏆 TORNEO: !resultados o !fixture',,

0xea9999, "small-bold", 0);

function TutorialFun(player) { // !tutorial

room.sendAnnouncement('CREÁ TU PROPIO HOST CON BOT:',, 0xbfff35,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('VIDEO TUTORIAL:',, 0xbfff35, "normal", 0);

function ResultadosFun(player) { // !help

room.sendAnnouncement('🏆 Tabla de posiciones: 🔗' + ChallongeLink +
'/standings',, 0xbfff35, "small-bold", 0);

function FixtureFun(player) { // !help

room.sendAnnouncement('🏆 Fixture: 🔗' + ChallongeLink,, 0xbfff35,
"small-bold", 0);

function ReglamentoFun(player) { // !help

room.sendAnnouncement('📜 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐎',, 0xbfff35,
"small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement(regla1,, 0xea9999, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement(regla2,, 0xffe800, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement(regla3,, 0xff2e2e, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement(regla4,, 0x2efeb6, "small-bold", 0);

room.sendAnnouncement(regla5,, 0x94e5ff, "small-bold", 0);


function TenisFun(player){
room.sendAnnouncement('PUEDES ELEGIR:',, 0xE5FF00, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('!tenis-ladrillo',, 0xFFAA00, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('!tenis-cemento',, 0x0088FF, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('!tenis/-asto',, 0x6FFF00, "normal", 0);

function resetFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){

function leaveFun(player, message) {

if (message == "!nv")
room.kickPlayer(, "Adiós vaquero! 👋", false);
else if (message == "!adormir")
room.kickPlayer(, "💤 Buenas noches!! <3", false);
else if (message == "!bb")
room.kickPlayer(, "Bye! 👋 😉", false);
else if (message == "!acomer")
room.kickPlayer(, "😋 Bon appetit ! 🍽", false);

function UEFAFun(player) { // !camisetas

room.sendAnnouncement("UEFA 🌍: !premierleague ✦ !ligue1 ✦ !bundesliga ✦ !
seriea ✦ !serieb ✦ !laliga ✦ !eredivisie ✦ !primeiraliga ✦ !superlig ✦ !
campeonatoruso ✦ !1hnl ✦ !premierucrania !superligasuiza ✦ !nb1 ",,
0xea9999, "bold", 0);
function CONMEBOLFun(player) { // !camisetas
room.sendAnnouncement("CONMEBOL 🌎: !primera ✦ !ascenso ✦ !brasileirao ✦ !
campeonatouruguayo ✦ !ligaparaguaya ✦ !ligaaguila ✦ !ligapro ✦ !liga1peru ✦ !
campeonatochileno ✦ !ligaboliviana ✦ !ligavenezolana",, 0xa4c2f4, "bold",
function CONCACAFFun(player) { // !camisetas
room.sendAnnouncement("CONCACAF 🌎: !ligamx ✦ !mls",, 0xffd966,
"bold", 0);

function CamisetasFun(player) { // !camisetas

room.sendAnnouncement("!UEFA 🌍✦ !CONMEBOL 🌎✦ !CONCACAF 🌎✦ !paises 🌐✦ !
fantasmas 👻 ✦ !amateurs 🛡✦ !superheroes 🦸",, 0xb4a7d6, "bold", 0);
function SuperHeroesFun(player) { // !fantasmas
room.sendAnnouncement("💪 SUPERHÉROES: ",, 0xfaebd6, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("MARVEL: !SPIDERMAN | !HULK | !CAPITANAMERICA",, 0xfaebd6, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("DC: !BATMAN",, 0xfaebd6, "bold", 0);

function FantasmasFun(player) { // !fantasmas
room.sendAnnouncement("📜 👻 EQUIPOS FANTASMAS: ",, 0xfaebd6, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement("🌍 exSelecciones: | !URSS | !YUG | !CZE",,
0xfaebd6, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("🛡 exClubes: | !ALU | !LOA | !OCFC | !BAC | !ROAC | !
CAPORT",, 0xfaebd6, "bold", 0);
function SuperligaFun(player) { // !superliga
room.sendAnnouncement("🅰 PRIMERA DIVISIÓN: | !RIV | !BOC | !RAC | !IND | !SLO
| !EST | !VEL | !LAN | !DYJ",, 0xADF4FF, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement(" | !AAAJ | !NOB | !CEN | !ARSE | !BAND | !TAL | !CSF | !
HUR | !GIM ",, 0xADF4FF, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement(" | !UNI | !ALD | !ATU | !CCS | !GOD | !PAT | !BARR | !
TIG | !PLA | !SAR",, 0xADF4FF, "bold", 0);
function AscensoFun(player) { // !ascenso
room.sendAnnouncement('🅱 ASCENSO: | !ALB | !FCO | !CHA | !ATL | !SMT | !OLP |
!BEL | !QUI | !MOR | !NCH | !ALM | !SMSJ | !ABROWN',, 0xDB1414, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('| !DOC | !SCH | !RIE | !AGR | !ALV | !STEL | !MER | !AdQ
| !CJA | !GyT | !CADU | !VSC | !EBA | !BOCHZ | !CDE | !SIT | !MDY | !CDN | !LAF | !
SM',, 0xDB1414, "bold", 0);
function EquiposAmateursFun(player) { // !ascenso
room.sendAnnouncement('🔰 AMATEURS (LIGAS BARRIALES) : | !CDYBGR',,
0xDB1414, "bold", 0);
function LigaHungaraFun(player) { // !NB1
room.sendAnnouncement("(🇭🇺) NEMZETI BAJNOKSÁG I: | !PAKS | !DIO | !KISV | !
MEZ | !PAFC | !HON | !DVS | !UJP | !VID | !FTC",, 0x7AFF70, "bold", 0);
function CampeonatoChilenoFun(player) { // !campeonatochileno
room.sendAnnouncement("(🇨🇱) CAMPEONATO CHILENO: | !CCO | !UDC | !UCA | !CDP
| !COB | !EVDM | !ULC |",, 0xFF2A12, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("| !AUD | !HUA | !IQU | !OHI | !UES | !SWA | !CUR | !CDA
| !UCON | !DLS | !COQ",, 0xFF2A12, "bold", 0);

function LigaBolivianaFun(player) { // !ligaboliviana
room.sendAnnouncement("(🇧🇴) LIGA BOLIVIANA: | !BLV | !STG | !WTM | !PET |
ALWR",, 0x5ACC31, "bold", 0);
function MLSFun(player) { // !mls
room.sendAnnouncement("(🇺🇸) MLS: | !LA | !TOFC | !NYC | !ATLU | !LAFC | !SEA
| !NYRB | !PTIM | !ORL | !MIA",, 0x1930FF, "bold", 0);
function LigaUruguayaFun(player) { // !campeonatouruguayo
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇺🇾) CAMPEONATO URUGUAYO: | !NAC | !PEN | !DAN | !RAM
| !RIU | !WAN | !MCT | !CRL | !DFS | !PCOL',, 0x69CDFF, "bold", 0);
function CampeonatoRusoFun(player) { // !campeonatoruso
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇷🇺) CAMPEONATO RUSO: | !SPM | !CSK | !ZEN | !LOK | !
DIN',, 0xe11a22, "bold", 0);
function PremierUcranianaFun(player) { // !premierucrania
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇺🇦) LIGA PREMIER UCRANIA: | !SHA | !DYK | !NYV',, 0xFFF954, "bold", 0);
function LaLigaFun(player) { // !laliga
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇪🇸) LALIGA: | !RMA | !BAR | !ATM | !SEV | !VIL | !VAL
| !ATH | !GET | !CEL | !BET | !LEV | !RAY | !RCDE | !MLL',, 0xFF2A00,
"bold", 0);
function LigaAguilaFun(player) { // !ligaaguila
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇨🇴) LIGA ÁGUILA: | !ATN | !MIL | !AME | !SFE | !CAL |
!ONC | !DEPTOL',, 0xFFE959, "bold", 0);
function LigaParaguayaFun(player) { // !ligaparaguaya
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇵🇾) LIGA PARAGUAYA: | !CCP | !OLI | !GUA | !LIB',, 0xa3a3a3, "bold", 0);
function SerieATIMFun(player) { // !seriea
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇮🇹) SERIE A: | !JUV | !INT | !ACM | !ATA | !NAP | !
LAZ | !ROM | !FIO | !TOR | !GEN | !PLM | !CHVER',, 0x6699FF, "bold", 0);
function SerieBItaliaFun(player) { // !seriea
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇮🇹) SERIE B: | !VENFC',, 0x6699FF, "bold",
function BrasilLeagueFun(player) { // !brasileirão
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇧🇷) BRASILEIRAO: !SAO | !SAN | !CRU | !FLA | !PAL | !
CAM | !SCI | !GRE | !COR | !BOT | !PAR | !FLU | !VAS | !FORT | !RBB |!AMCMIN',, 0xF7FF19, "bold", 0);
function PremierLeagueFun(player) { // !premierleague
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇬🇧) PREMIER LEAGUE: !MCI | !LIV | !CHE | !MUN | !TOT
| !LEI | !ARS | !EVE | !WHU | !WOL | !AVL | !NEW | !SOU | !WAT | !CRY | !LEE | !FUL
| !WBA | !HUL',, 0xFFFFFF, "bold", 0);
function SuperLigFun(player) { // !superlig
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇹🇷) SUPER LIG: | !GS | !FB | !BJK ',,
0xFA0000, "bold", 0);
function LigaVenezolanaFun(player) { // !ligavenezolana
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇻🇪) Liga Venezolana: !TACH | !CARC | !MNG | !DLAR',, 0xF7FF19, "bold", 0);
function PaisesFun(player) { // !paises
room.sendAnnouncement('🌍 EUROPA: !FRA | !ALE | !ITA | !ESP | !ING | !BELG | !
POR | !HOL | !CRO | | !GAL | !RUS | !SWE | !SUI | !AUT | !UKR | !POL | !MAR | !SRB
| !TUN | !DEN',, 0x5793FA, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('🌎 AMÉRICA: !BRA | !ARG | !COL | !URU | !CHI | !USA | !
MEX | !ECU | !PGY | !PER | !VEN | !BOL | !CAN | !CRC',, 0x5793FA, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('🌏 ASIA y OCEANIA: !JAP | !QAT | !CNO | !NZE | !IRN | !
KOR | !KSA | !AUS',, 0x5793FA, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('🌍 AFRICA: !NGA | !CDM | !CMR | !SEN | !GHA',,
0x5793FA, "bold", 0);
function BundesligaFun(player) { // !bundesliga
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇩🇪) BUNDESLIGA: | !FCB | !BVB | !RBL | !B04 | !HSV',, 0xF5FAF8, "bold", 0);
function EredivisieFun(player) { // !eredivisie
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇳🇱) EREDIVISIE: | !AJA | !FEY | !PSV | !WIL',, 0xFA6400, "bold", 0);

function Ligue1Fun(player) { // !ligue1

room.sendAnnouncement('(🇫🇷) LIGUE 1: | !PSG | !OGC | !OM | !OL | !ASM | !FCN
| !REN | !STE',, 0x3744FA, "bold", 0);
function LigaMXFun(player) { // !ligamx
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇲🇽) LIGA MX: | !AMC | !CHV | !CRUZ | !TGS | !MTY',, 0x75FF59, "bold", 0);
function LigaProFun(player) { // !ligapro
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇪🇨) LIGA PRO: | !LDU | !BSC | !EME | !IDV | !DEPUCA',, 0xFAFF5C, "bold", 0);
function RaiffeisenSuperLeagueFun(player) { // !superligasuiza
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇨🇭) RAIFFEISEN SUPER LEAGUE: | !BAS | ',,
0xFF0A0A, "bold", 0);
function Liga1PeruFun(player) { // !liga1peru
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇵🇪) LIGA 1: | !UNV | !ALI | !CRI | !MEL | !UCV',, 0xFF1C1C, "bold", 0);
function PrimeraLigaDeCroaciaFun(player) { // !1hnl
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇭🇷) Prva HNL: | !DZG | !HAJ | !RJK | !OSI | !NKLOK
| !GOR | !SLB | !IST | !IZA | !VAR',, 0xFF3B3B, "bold", 0);
function PrimeiraLigaFun(player) { // !primeiraliga
room.sendAnnouncement('(🇵🇹) Primeira Liga: | !BEN | !SPO | !FCP | !SCB',, 0xFF3B3B, "bold", 0);
function RiverFun(player) { // !RIV
room.sendAnnouncement('𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣 𝘈𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘰 𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 - 🇦🇷',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('riv/titular/red | riv/titular/blue | riv/alternativa/red
| riv/alternativa/blue | riv/tercera/red | riv/tercera/blue |
riv/alternativa/red/2020 | riv/alternativa/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('riv/titular/red/2019 | riv/titular/blue/2019 |
riv/alternativa/red/2019 |riv/alternativa/blue/2019 | riv/tercera/red/2019
|riv/tercera/blue/2019 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('riv/titular/red/2018 | riv/titular/blue/2018 |
riv/alternativa/red/2018 | riv/alternativa/blue/2018 | riv/tercera/red/2018
|riv/tercera/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('riv/titular/red/2017 | riv/titular/blue/2017 |
riv/alternativa/red/2017 | riv/alternativa/blue/2017 | riv/naranja/red/2016 |
riv/naranja/blue/2016',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('riv/adidas70years/red |riv/adidas70years/blue |
riv/alternativa/red/2012 | riv/alternativa/blue/2012 | riv/alternativa/red/2009 |
riv/alternativa/blue/2009 | riv/titular/red/2000 | riv/titular/blue/2000 |
riv/titular/red/1996 | riv/titular/blue/1996',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function RIVTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 59.88, 0x000000, [0xffffff, 0xda291c, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 59.88, 0x000000, [0xffffff, 0xda291c, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 64, 0xffffff, [0xf0232f, 0x312b31, 0x281f22]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 64, 0xffffff, [0xf0232f, 0x312b31, 0x281f22]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x271d1c, [0xf71e26, 0xf0f1f5, 0xf71e26]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x271d1c, [0xf71e26, 0xf0f1f5, 0xf71e26]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -146, 0xFFFFFF, [0x9D182D, 0xD31E31, 0x9D182D]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -146, 0xFFFFFF, [0x9D182D, 0xD31E31, 0x9D182D]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAdidas70YearsRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 125, 0xFAF9FF, [0x2A2D36, 0x4B515D, 0x4B515D]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAdidas70YearsBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 125, 0xFAF9FF, [0x2A2D36, 0x4B515D, 0x4B515D]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -145, 0x050505, [0xFCFBFB, 0xFE0B18, 0xFCFBFB]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -145, 0x050505, [0xFCFBFB, 0xFE0B18, 0xFCFBFB]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xebebeb, [0x3E2864, 0x261F32]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xebebeb, [0x3E2864, 0x261F32]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTercera2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 49, 0xF5F5F5, [0xD52828, 0x1C1C1C, 0x1C1C1C]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTercera2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 49, 0xF5F5F5, [0xD52828, 0x1C1C1C, 0x1C1C1C]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular2017RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 31, 0x222126, [0xFcFcFc, 0xf92f1b, 0xFcFcFc]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular2017BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 31, 0x222126, [0xFcFcFc, 0xf92f1b, 0xFcFcFc]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2017RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe0dfdc, [0xF32424]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2017BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe0dfdc, [0xF32424]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2009RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 27, 0xffffff, [0x151515, 0xE01D1B, 0x151515]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2009BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 27, 0xffffff, [0x151515, 0xE01D1B, 0x151515]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 35, 0x353239, [0xf2f3f7, 0xfb3937, 0xf2f3f7]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 35, 0x353239, [0xf2f3f7, 0xfb3937, 0xf2f3f7]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf3f3f1, [0x9b2032, 0x602831, 0x9b2032]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf3f3f1, [0x9b2032, 0x602831, 0x9b2032]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTercera2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x943b39, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x181819]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTercera2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x943b39, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x181819]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2012RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xBC1F2A, 0xFFFFFF, 0xBC1F2A]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVAlternativa2012BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xBC1F2A, 0xFFFFFF, 0xBC1F2A]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVNaranja2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 30, 0xffffff, [0xFF4C17, 0x231B19, 0xFF4C17]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVNaranja2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 30, 0xffffff, [0xFF4C17, 0x231B19, 0xFF4C17]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular2000RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 48, 0x302f35, [0xf4f4f6, 0xd30006, 0xf4f4f6]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular2000BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 48, 0x302f35, [0xf4f4f6, 0xd30006, 0xf4f4f6]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular1996RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 41, 0x241f25, [0xefefef, 0xe1000e, 0xefefef]);
teamRed = "RIVER PLATE";
function RIVTitular1996BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 41, 0x241f25, [0xefefef, 0xe1000e, 0xefefef]);
teamBlue = "RIVER PLATE";
function BocaFun(player) { // !BOC
room.sendAnnouncement('𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣 𝘈𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘰 𝐁𝐎𝐂𝐀 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐒 - 🇦🇷',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x0061ce, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('boc/titular/red | boc/titular/blue | boc/alternativa/red
|boc/alternativa/blue | boc/tercera/red |boc/tercera/blue | ',, 0x0061ce,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('boc/tercera/red/2021 |boc/tercera/blue/2021 | ',, 0x0061ce, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('boc/titular/red/2020 | boc/titular/blue/2020 |
boc/alternativa/red/2020 | boc/alternativa/blue/2020',, 0x0061ce, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('boc/titular/red/2019 | boc/titular/blue/2019 |
boc/alternativa/red/2019 |boc/alternativa/blue/2019 | ',, 0xe9bc01,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('boc/titular/red/2018 | boc/titular/blue/2018 |
boc/alternativa/red/2018 |boc/alternativa/blue/2018 | boc/tercera/red/2018 |
boc/tercera/blue/2018',, 0xe9bc01, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('boc/titular/red/2017 | boc/titular/blue/2017 |
boc/alternativa/red/2017 |boc/alternativa/blue/2017 | boc/tercera/red/2017
|boc/tercera/blue/2017',, 0x0061ce, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('boc/titular/red/2016 | boc/titular/blue/2016 |
boc/alternativa/red/2016 |boc/alternativa/blue/2016 | boc/alternativa/red/2013 |
boc/alternativa/blue/2013 | boc/tercera/red/2013 | boc/tercera/blue/2013',, 0x0061ce, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('boc/titular/red/2007 | boc/titular/blue/2007 |
boc/titular/red/2005 | boc/titular/blue/2005 | boc/titular/red/2001 |
boc/titular/blue/2001 | boc/titular/red/2000 | boc/titular/blue/2000 | ',, 0x0061ce, "bold", 0);
function BOCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x033f86, 0xfab900, 0x033f86]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x033f86, 0xfab900, 0x033f86]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";

function BOCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 134, 0x00448b, [0xC9C5D3, 0xD4CEDA, 0xD4CEDA]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 134, 0x00448b, [0xC9C5D3, 0xD4CEDA, 0xD4CEDA]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 118, 0x142090, [0xEBE12F]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 118, 0x142090, [0xEBE12F]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x001B88, [0xFFFFFF, 0xEDAF00, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x001B88, [0xFFFFFF, 0xEDAF00, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1D2752, 0xDFC520, 0x1D2752]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1D2752, 0xDFC520, 0x1D2752]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x689AE0, [0xF8B728, 0x0A2E48, 0xF8B728]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x689AE0, [0xF8B728, 0x0A2E48, 0xF8B728]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x1E346C, 0xF7EA34, 0x1E346C]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x1E346C, 0xF7EA34, 0x1E346C]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0F1E5A, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFE735, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0F1E5A, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFE735, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTercera2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xcdff00]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTercera2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xcdff00]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2017RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x0b1747, 0xe7de13, 0x0b1747]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2017BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x0b1747, 0xe7de13, 0x0b1747]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2017RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x282e1e, [0xf9d602]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2017BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x282e1e, [0xf9d602]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTercera2017RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2D4C94, 0x1F2833, 0x2D4C94]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTercera2017BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2D4C94, 0x1F2833, 0x2D4C94]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0835ab, 0xe7d508, 0x0835ab]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0835ab, 0xe7d508, 0x0835ab]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x262b3e, [0xFFCC2A]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x262b3e, [0xFFCC2A]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2013RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2b2c41 , [0xF699AC]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCAlternativa2013BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2b2c41 , [0xF699AC]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTercera2013RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xffffff , [0x850d80, 0x670866]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTercera2013BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xffffff , [0x850d80, 0x670866]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x092566, 0xf9d141, 0x092566]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x092566, 0xf9d141, 0x092566]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2007RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x203054, 0xf5c700, 0x203054]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2007BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x203054, 0xf5c700, 0x203054]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2005RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0356b4, 0xdfd12a, 0x0356b4]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2005BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0356b4, 0xdfd12a, 0x0356b4]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2001RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0e2c9a, 0xd4bb19, 0x0e2c9a]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2001BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0e2c9a, 0xd4bb19, 0x0e2c9a]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2000RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x032bb0, 0xf4cc02, 0x032bb0]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2000BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x032bb0, 0xf4cc02, 0x032bb0]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTercera2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 118, 0x478bf6, [0xFDB628, 0x103180, 0x103180]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTercera2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 118, 0x478bf6, [0xFDB628, 0x103180, 0x103180]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2011RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0137c6, 0xffdb01, 0x0137c6]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2011BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0137c6, 0xffdb01, 0x0137c6]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0547ab, 0xe9dc11, 0x0547ab]);
teamRed = "BOCA JRS.";
function BOCTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0547ab, 0xe9dc11, 0x0547ab]);
teamBlue = "BOCA JRS.";
function SanLorenzoFun(player) { // !SLO
room.sendAnnouncement('San Lorenzo | 🇦🇷',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red | slo/titular/blue | slo/alternativa/red
| slo/alternativa/blue | slo/tercera/red | slo/tercera/blue | slo/titular/red/2019
| slo/titular/blue/2019 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red/2020 | slo/titular/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red/2008 | slo/titular/blue/2008',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red/2006 | slo/titular/blue/2006',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red/2002 | slo/titular/blue/2002',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red/1999 | slo/titular/blue/1999',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red/1991 | slo/titular/blue/1991',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red/1974 | slo/titular/blue/1974',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('slo/titular/red/1970 | slo/titular/blue/1970',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SLOTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xeb1e28, 0x263c54, 0xeb1e28]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xeb1e28, 0x263c54, 0xeb1e28]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1e2631, [0xF2F3F7, 0xEB212F, 0x1B3146]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1e2631, [0xF2F3F7, 0xEB212F, 0x1B3146]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x172025, [0xBAC3C8, 0xBAC3C8, 0xD50013]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x172025, [0xBAC3C8, 0xBAC3C8, 0xD50013]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xCF000D, 0x1C3B4C, 0xCF000D]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xCF000D, 0x1C3B4C, 0xCF000D]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf6f6f6, [0x1e3279, 0xfe3434, 0x1e3279]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf6f6f6, [0x1e3279, 0xfe3434, 0x1e3279]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2008RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xCD294F, 0x262E41, 0xCD294F]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2008BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xCD294F, 0x262E41, 0xCD294F]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2006RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xface17, [0x2C3675, 0xC81C28, 0x2C3675]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2006BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xface17, [0x2C3675, 0xC81C28, 0x2C3675]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2002RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xD52929, 0x1E2C77, 0xD52929]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular2002BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xD52929, 0x1E2C77, 0xD52929]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular1999RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x1448B0, 0xD60A2F, 0x1448B0]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular1999BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x1448B0, 0xD60A2F, 0x1448B0]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular1991RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xeff1ec, [0xDD1925, 0x1A356C, 0xDD1925]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular1991BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xeff1ec, [0xDD1925, 0x1A356C, 0xDD1925]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular1974RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xE40321, 0x173153, 0xE40321]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular1974BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xE40321, 0x173153, 0xE40321]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular1970RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xC00D23, 0x32416C, 0xC00D23]);
teamRed = "SAN LORENZO";
function SLOTitular1970BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xC00D23, 0x32416C, 0xC00D23]);
teamBlue = "SAN LORENZO";
function RacingFun(player) { // !RAC
room.sendAnnouncement('Racing Club | 🇦🇷',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('Temporada 2021: rac/titular/red/ | rac/titular/blue/',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Temporada 2020/21: rac/titular/red/2020 |
rac/titular/blue/2020 | rac/alternativa/red | rac/alternativa/blue |
rac/tercera/red | rac/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Temporada 2018/19: rac/titular/red/2019 |
rac/titular/blue/2019 | rac/alternativa/red/2019 | rac/alternativa/blue/2019 |
rac/tercera/red/2019 | rac/tercera/blue/2019 | rac/alternativa2/red/2019 |
rac/alternativa2/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function RACTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x002942, [0x00a5e3, 0xFFFFFF, 0x00a5e3]);
teamRed = "RACING";
function RACTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x002942, [0x00a5e3, 0xFFFFFF, 0x00a5e3]);
teamBlue = "RACING";
function RACAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x0e273b, 0x1da3dd, 0x0e273b]);
teamRed = "RACING";
function RACAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x0e273b, 0x1da3dd, 0x0e273b]);
teamBlue = "RACING";
function RACTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 66, 0xFFFFFF, [0x019bdb, 0x0f2a3d, 0x0f2a3d]);
teamRed = "RACING";
function RACTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 66, 0xFFFFFF, [0x019bdb, 0x0f2a3d, 0x0f2a3d]);
teamBlue = "RACING";
function RACTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x111516, [0x00C7E1, 0xFFFFFF, 0x00C7E1]);
teamRed = "RACING";
function RACTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x111516, [0x00C7E1, 0xFFFFFF, 0x00C7E1]);
teamBlue = "RACING";
function RACAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xeeeeed, [0x1D1E23, 0x11B8E5, 0x1D1E23]);
teamRed = "RACING";
function RACAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xeeeeed, [0x1D1E23, 0x11B8E5, 0x1D1E23]);
teamBlue = "RACING";
function RACTercera2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xF7F7F7, [0x59A1C6, 0x095D8C, 0x59A1C6]);
teamRed = "RACING";
function RACTercera2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xF7F7F7, [0x59A1C6, 0x095D8C, 0x59A1C6]);
teamBlue = "RACING";
function RACAlternativa22019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 140, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF5C4D7, 0x19304F, 0x19304F]);
teamRed = "RACING";
function RACAlternativa22019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 140, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF5C4D7, 0x19304F, 0x19304F]);
teamBlue = "RACING";
function RACTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x141414, [0x5BB8F5, 0xFFFFFF, 0x5BB8F5]);
teamRed = "RACING";
function RACTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x141414, [0x5BB8F5, 0xFFFFFF, 0x5BB8F5]);
teamBlue = "RACING";
function IndependienteFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ind/titular/red | ind/titular/blue | ind/alternativa/red
| ind/alternativa/blue | ind/titular/red/2020 | ind/titular/blue/2020',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CAITitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xffffff, [0xec1c24]);
function CAITitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xffffff, [0xec1c24]);
function CAIAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1d245c, [0x002554, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
function CAIAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1d245c, [0x002554, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
function CAITitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xffffff, [0xeb0421]); teamRed =
function CAITitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xffffff, [0xeb0421]); teamBlue =
function AldosiviFun(player) { // !ALD
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ald/titular/red | ald/titular/blue | ald/alternativa/red
| ald/alternativa/blue | ald/titular/red/2020 | ald/titular/blue/2020',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ALDTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xf5cf00, 0x3E984C , 0xf5cf00]);
teamRed = "ALDOSIVI";
function ALDTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xf5cf00, 0x3E984C , 0xf5cf00]);
teamBlue = "ALDOSIVI";
function ALDAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xF8F232, 0xB7BBC6, 0xAAAEB7]);
teamRed = "ALDOSIVI";
function ALDAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xF8F232, 0xB7BBC6, 0xAAAEB7]);
teamBlue = "ALDOSIVI";
function ALDTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xF8F232, 0x0E9E59, 0xF8F232]);
teamRed = "ALDOSIVI";
function ALDTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xF8F232, 0x0E9E59, 0xF8F232]);
teamBlue = "ALDOSIVI";
function GimnasiaFun(player) { // !GIM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gim/titular/red | gim/titular/blue | gim/alternativa/red
|gim/alternativa/blue | gim/tercera/red |gim/tercera/blue |
gim/alternativa/clasica/red |gim/alternativa/clasica/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function GIMTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x00afef, [0xFFFFFF, 0x12175e, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "GIMNASIA (LP)";
function GIMTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x00afef, [0xFFFFFF, 0x12175e, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "GIMNASIA (LP)";
function GIMAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1A264F, 0x022C94]);
teamRed = "GIMNASIA (LP)";
function GIMAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1A264F, 0x022C94]);
teamBlue = "GIMNASIA (LP)";
function GIMTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x4B4D3F, 0x221F3A, 0x4B4D3F]);
teamRed = "GIMNASIA (LP)";
function GIMTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x4B4D3F, 0x221F3A, 0x4B4D3F]);
teamBlue = "GIMNASIA (LP)";
function GIMAlternativaClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x9E9EB8, [0x202743, 0xFFFFFF, 0x202743]);
teamRed = "GIMNASIA";
function GIMAlternativaClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x9E9EB8, [0x202743, 0xFFFFFF, 0x202743]);
teamBlue = "GIMNASIA";
function NewellsFun(player) { // !NOB
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nob/titular/red | nob/titular/blue | nob/alternativa/red
| nob/alternativa/blue | nob/tercera/red | nob/tercera/blue | nob/rosa/red |
nob/rosa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('nob/titular/red/2020 | nob/titular/blue/2020 |
nob/titular/red/2019 | nob/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function NOBTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xffffff, [0xee1d23, 0x000000]);
teamRed = "NEWELLS";
function NOBTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xffffff, [0xee1d23, 0x000000]);
teamBlue = "NEWELLS";
function NOBAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD30022, 0x222222, 0xF3F7FA]);
teamRed = "NEWELLS";
function NOBAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD30022, 0x222222, 0xF3F7FA]);
teamBlue = "NEWELLS";
function NOBTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x191919, 0xD41831, 0xD41831]);
teamRed = "NEWELLS";
function NOBTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x191919, 0xD41831, 0xD41831]);
teamBlue = "NEWELLS";
function NOBRosaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF7C9E5, 0xFC83B8]); teamRed =
function NOBRosaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF7C9E5, 0xFC83B8]); teamBlue =
function NOBTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xef0d2f, 0x212121]); teamRed =
function NOBTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xef0d2f, 0x212121]); teamBlue =
function NOBTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE82233, 0x1C1C1C]); teamRed =
function NOBTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE82233, 0x1C1C1C]); teamBlue =
function CentralFun(player) { // !CEN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cen/titular/red | cen/titular/blue | cen/alternativa/red
| cen/alternativa/blue | cen/tercera/red | cen/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('cen/titular/red/2021 | cen/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('cen/titular/red/2020 | cen/titular/blue/2020 |
cen/alternativa/red/2020 | cen/alternativa/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('cen/titular/red/2019 | cen/titular/blue/2019 |
cen/alternativa/red/2019 | cen/alternativa/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function CENTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xf9df34, 0x1d3b6a, 0xf9df34]);
function CENTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xf9df34, 0x1d3b6a, 0xf9df34]);
function CENAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x02487b, [0xEBC800, 0xFFFFFF ,0xEBC800]);
function CENAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x02487b, [0xEBC800, 0xFFFFFF ,0xEBC800]);
function CENTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 121, 0xffffff, [0x006B8C, 0x0386CE ,0x02B1DC]);
function CENTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 121, 0xffffff, [0x006B8C, 0x0386CE ,0x02B1DC]);
function CENTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD9D400, 0x205484, 0xD9D400]);
function CENTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD9D400, 0x205484, 0xD9D400]);
function CENAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2c3d60, [0x104980, 0xFEFF2B ,0xFEFF2B]);
function CENAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2c3d60, [0x104980, 0xFEFF2B ,0xFEFF2B]);
function CENTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xEAB825, 0x101C64, 0xEAB825]);
function CENTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xEAB825, 0x101C64, 0xEAB825]);
function CENAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1d303f, [0xFDB000]); teamRed = "ROSARIO
function CENAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1d303f, [0xFDB000]); teamBlue = "ROSARIO
function CENTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xDFD913, 0x154377, 0xDFD913]);
function CENTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xDFD913, 0x154377, 0xDFD913]);
function DefensaFun(player) { // !DYJ
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dyj/titular/red | dyj/titular/blue | dyj/alternativa/red
| dyj/alternativa/blue |dyj/titular/red/2019 | dyj/titular/blue/2019 |
dyj/clasica/red | dyj/clasica/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DYJTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x019877, [0x019b5f, 0xfde101, 0xfde101]);
function DYJTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x019877, [0x019b5f, 0xfde101, 0xfde101]);
function DYJAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 65, 0x097c55, [0xaee264, 0xffffff, 0xaee264]);
function DYJAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 65, 0x097c55, [0xaee264, 0xffffff, 0xaee264]);
function DYJClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 65, 0x244528, [0x007a3f, 0xffdd00, 0x007a3f]);
function DYJClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 65, 0x244528, [0x007a3f, 0xffdd00, 0x007a3f]);
function DYJTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x30a35b, [0x117B1E, 0xF9FF22, 0xF9FF22]);
function DYJTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x30a35b, [0x117B1E, 0xF9FF22, 0xF9FF22]);
function AtleticoMadridFun(player) { // !ATM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('atm/titular/red | atm/titular/blue | atm/alternativa/red
| atm/alternativa/blue | atm/tercera/red | atm/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('atm/titular/red/2020 | atm/titular/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function ATMTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x334c8c, [0xdc092a, 0xffffff, 0xdc092a]);
function ATMTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x334c8c, [0xdc092a, 0xffffff, 0xdc092a]);
function ATMAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xe61711, [0x201F24]); teamRed = "ATLÉTICO
function ATMAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xe61711, [0x201F24]); teamBlue = "ATLÉTICO
function ATMTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 152, 0x0a243f, [0xAFD4EB, 0xA6CFE8]); teamRed =
function ATMTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 152, 0x0a243f, [0xAFD4EB, 0xA6CFE8]); teamBlue =
function ATMTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x292d4d, [0xBD2425, 0xffffff, 0xBD2425]);
function ATMTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x292d4d, [0xBD2425, 0xffffff, 0xBD2425]);
function SevillaFun(player) { // !SEV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sev/titular/red | sev/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SevillaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfe0000, [0xD1D1D1, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "SEVILLA";
function SevillaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfe0000, [0xD1D1D1, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "SEVILLA";
function BarcelonaFun(player) { // !BAR
room.sendAnnouncement('!BAR - 🇪🇸 | Fútbol Club Barcelona | Puedes elegir
entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('bar/titular/red | bar/titular/blue | bar/alternativa/red
| bar/alternativa/blue | | bar/tercera/red | bar/tercera/blue | bar/ucl/red/2021 |
bar/ucl/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('bar/titular/red/2020 | bar/titular/blue/2020 |
bar/alternativa/red/2020 | bar/alternativa/blue/2020 | | bar/tercera/red/2020 |
bar/tercera/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('bar/tercera/red/2018 | bar/tercera/blue/2018 |
bar/titular/red/2012 | bar/titular/blue/2012 bar/alternativa/red/2012 |
bar/alternativa/blue/2012 | bar/titular/red/2013 | bar/titular/blue/2013',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('bar/titular/red/2015 | bar/titular/blue/2015 |
bar/tercera/red/2015 | bar/tercera/blue/2015',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('bar/titular/red/2011 | bar/titular/blue/2011 |
bar/alternativa/red/2011 | bar/alternativa/blue/2011 | bar/tercera/red/2011 |
bar/tercera/blue/2011',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('bar/titular/red/2008 | bar/titular/blue/2008 |
bar/ucl/red/2008 | bar/ucl/blue/2008 | bar/titular/red/2021 |
bar/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BARTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xded298, [0x2a7adb, 0xe9302d]); teamRed =
function BARTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xded298, [0x2a7adb, 0xe9302d]); teamBlue =
function BARAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x263a7b, [0xC7C7F9]); teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x263a7b, [0xC7C7F9]); teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 140, 0x2b2e3f, [0xFAEA35, 0xE32527, 0xFAEA35]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 140, 0x2b2e3f, [0xFAEA35, 0xE32527, 0xFAEA35]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARChampionsLeague2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf2bf40, [0x1821A0, 0xEC0089, 0x1821A0]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARChampionsLeague2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf2bf40, [0x1821A0, 0xEC0089, 0x1821A0]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf8d041, [0xc20436, 0x043a85, 0xc20436]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf8d041, [0xc20436, 0x043a85, 0xc20436]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x22285a, [0xFADA3C]); teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x22285a, [0xFADA3C]); teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTercera2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x23285a, [0x4ED9CB, 0x36CCBC]); teamRed =
function BARTercera2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x23285a, [0x4ED9CB, 0x36CCBC]); teamBlue =
function BARTitular2012RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xe6d903, [0x0c2465, 0xc41732, 0x0c2465]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2012BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xe6d903, [0x0c2465, 0xc41732, 0x0c2465]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARAlternativa2012RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x13357d, [0xfe6e0e, 0xf9bd1b, 0xe8cd00]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARAlternativa2012BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x13357d, [0xfe6e0e, 0xf9bd1b, 0xe8cd00]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTercera2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 320, 0x282423, [0xFEA69A, 0xFEA69A, 0xE1193D]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTercera2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 320, 0x282423, [0xFEA69A, 0xFEA69A, 0xE1193D]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2013RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf5e200, [0xc4012d, 0x223a68, 0xc4012d]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2013BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf5e200, [0xc4012d, 0x223a68, 0xc4012d]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2011RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xF9F000, [0x334692, 0x9C2F35, 0x334692]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2011BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xF9F000, [0x334692, 0x9C2F35, 0x334692]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARAlternativa2011RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x2067b5, [0x59EADD]); teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARAlternativa2011BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x2067b5, [0x59EADD]); teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTercera2011RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xf1f002, [0x0E1319]); teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTercera2011BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xf1f002, [0x0E1319]); teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2015RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffd313, [0x171e65, 0xb31f2f, 0x171e65]);
teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2015BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffd313, [0x171e65, 0xb31f2f, 0x171e65]);
teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTercera2015RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x000000, [0x05CBF2]); teamRed = "BARCELONA";
function BARTercera2015BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x000000, [0x05CBF2]); teamBlue = "BARCELONA";
function BARTitular2008RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xf9e304, [0x03519b, 0xbd0122]); teamRed =
function BARTitular2008BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xf9e304, [0x03519b, 0xbd0122]); teamBlue =
function BARChampionsLeague2008RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xfff948, [0x2047AE, 0xB13341]); teamRed =
function BARChampionsLeague2008BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xfff948, [0x2047AE, 0xB13341]); teamBlue =
function BARTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xB32233, 0x005FD1]); teamRed =
function BARTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xB32233, 0x005FD1]); teamBlue =
function RealMadridFun(player) { // !RMA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('rma/titular/red | rma/titular/blue | rma/alternativa/red
| rma/alternativa/blue | rma/tercera/red | rma/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('rma/titular/red/2019 | rma/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function RMATitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x005ac8, [0xf7f6fc]); teamRed = "REAL MADRID";
function RMATitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x005ac8, [0xf7f6fc]); teamBlue = "REAL
function RMAAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 243, 0xcebc77, [0x1C2E4D, 0x1C2E4D, 0x233B58]);
teamRed = "REAL MADRID";
function RMAAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 243, 0xcebc77, [0x1C2E4D, 0x1C2E4D, 0x233B58]);
teamBlue = "REAL MADRID";
function RMATerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x002957, [0x6EE2C8]); teamRed = "REAL MADRID";
function RMATerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x002957, [0x6EE2C8]); teamBlue = "REAL
function RMATitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xe1d554, [0xffffff]); teamRed = "REAL MADRID";
function RMATitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xe1d554, [0xffffff]); teamBlue = "REAL
function InterMilanFun(player) { // !INT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('int/titular/red | int/titular/blue | int/alternativa/red
| int/alternativa/blue | int/tercera/red | int/tercera/blue | int/tercera/red/1997
| int/tercera/blue/1997',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('int/titular/red/2019 | int/titular/blue/2019 |
int/alternativa/red/2019 | int/alternativa/blue/2019 | int/tercera/red/2019 |
int/tercera/blue/2019 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function INTTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1975CC, 0x16274E, 0x1975CC]);
teamRed = "INTER MILAN";
function INTTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1975CC, 0x16274E, 0x1975CC]);
teamBlue = "INTER MILAN";
function INTAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0157d2, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "INTER MILAN";
function INTAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0157d2, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "INTER
function INTTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x48e4fa, [0x0D1313]); teamRed = "INTER MILAN";
function INTTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x48e4fa, [0x0D1313]); teamBlue = "INTER
function INTTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0082E1, 0x0C161E, 0x0082E1]);
teamRed = "INTER MILAN";
function INTTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0082E1, 0x0C161E, 0x0082E1]);
teamBlue = "INTER MILAN";
function INTAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0x7DEDDF]); teamRed = "INTER MILAN";
function INTAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0x7DEDDF]); teamBlue = "INTER
function INTTercera2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffce0a, [0x1B1B1C]); teamRed = "INTER MILAN";
function INTTercera2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffce0a, [0x1B1B1C]); teamBlue = "INTER
function INTTercera1997RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffb700, [0x3C4144, 0x655F63, 0x3C4144]);
teamRed = "INTER MILAN";
function INTTercera1997BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffb700, [0x3C4144, 0x655F63, 0x3C4144]);
teamBlue = "INTER MILAN";
function MilanFun(player) { // !ACM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('acm/titular/red | acm/titular/blue | acm/alternativa/red
| acm/alternativa/blue | acm/tercera/red | acm/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('acm/titular/red/2019 | acm/titular/blue/2019 |
acm/titular/red/2021 | acm/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function MILTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf0f1f5, [0xdf1b33, 0x303032, 0xdf1b33]);
teamRed = "AC MILAN";
function MILTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf0f1f5, [0xdf1b33, 0x303032, 0xdf1b33]);
teamBlue = "AC MILAN";
function MILAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xa61726, [0xFAFAFA]); teamRed = "AC MILAN";
function MILAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xa61726, [0xFAFAFA]); teamBlue = "AC MILAN";
function MILTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf9f9f9, [0x2A2A2A]); teamRed = "AC MILAN";
function MILTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf9f9f9, [0x2A2A2A]); teamBlue = "AC MILAN";
function MILTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf9f9f9, [0xE7002E, 0x242223, 0xE7002E]);
teamRed = "AC MILAN";
function MILTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf9f9f9, [0xE7002E, 0x242223, 0xE7002E]);
teamBlue = "AC MILAN";
function MILTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xcc001b, 0x281416, 0xcc001b]);
teamRed = "AC MILAN";
function MILTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xcc001b, 0x281416, 0xcc001b]);
teamBlue = "AC MILAN";
function CruzeiroFun(player) { // !CRU
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cru/titular/red | cru/titular/blue | cru/alternativa/red
| cru/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('cru/titular/red/2019 | cru/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function CRUTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xe3e7f0, [0x0146ab, 0x044bb3, 0x0146ab]);
teamRed = "CRUZEIRO";
function CRUTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xe3e7f0, [0x0146ab, 0x044bb3, 0x0146ab]);
teamBlue = "CRUZEIRO";
function CRUAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x045ab1, [0xeef1f6]); teamRed = "CRUZEIRO";
function CRUAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x045ab1, [0xeef1f6]); teamBlue = "CRUZEIRO";
function CRUTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xfefefd, [0x2251C4]); teamRed = "CRUZEIRO";
function CRUTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xfefefd, [0x2251C4]); teamBlue = "CRUZEIRO";
function PalmeirasFun(player) { // !PAL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pal/titular/red | pal/titular/blue | pal/alternativa/red
| pal/alternativa/blue | pal/tercera/red | pal/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('pal/titular/red/2019 | pal/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PALTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x30888A, 0x135053, 0x135053]);
teamRed = "PALMEIRAS";
function PALTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x30888A, 0x135053, 0x135053]);
teamBlue = "PALMEIRAS";
function PALAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x10372a, [0xF2F1F2]); teamRed = "PALMEIRAS";
function PALAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x10372a, [0xF2F1F2]); teamBlue = "PALMEIRAS";
function PALTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x5ADAC5]); teamRed = "PALMEIRAS";
function PALTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x5ADAC5]); teamBlue = "PALMEIRAS";
function PALTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x133D2F]); teamRed = "PALMEIRAS";
function PALTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x133D2F]); teamBlue = "PALMEIRAS";
function GremioFun(player) { // !GRE
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gre/titular/red | gre/titular/blue | gre/alternativa/red
| gre/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('gre/titular/red/2019 | gre/titular/blue/2019 |
gre/clasica/red | gre/clasica/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function GRETitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x73b1d7, 0x2a2526, 0x73b1d7]);
teamRed = "GREMIO";
function GRETitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x73b1d7, 0x2a2526, 0x73b1d7]);
teamBlue = "GREMIO";
function GREAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0088be, [0xFAFAFC]); teamRed = "GREMIO";
function GREAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0088be, [0xFAFAFC]); teamBlue = "GREMIO";
function GRETitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0099DB, 0x20181E, 0x0099DB]);
teamRed = "GREMIO";
function GRETitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x19A2FF, 0x20181E, 0x19A2FF]);
teamBlue = "GREMIO";
function GREClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xeeede8, [0x03a2c9, 0x22191c, 0x03a2c9]);
teamRed = "GREMIO";
function GREClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xeeede8, [0x03a2c9, 0x22191c, 0x03a2c9]);
teamBlue = "GREMIO";
function TottenhamFun(player) { // !TOT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('tot/titular/red| tot/titular/blue| tot/alternativa/red|
tot/alternativa/blue | tot/tercera/red| tot/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('tot/titular/red/2018 | tot/titular/blue/2018 |
tot/alternativa/red/2018 | tot/alternativa/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function TOTTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1f2652, [0xffffff]); teamRed = "TOTTENHAM";
function TOTTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1f2652, [0xffffff]); teamBlue = "TOTTENHAM";
function TOTAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfffeff, [0x1B294B, 0x1B294B, 0x232956]);
teamRed = "TOTTENHAM";
function TOTAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfffeff, [0x1B294B, 0x1B294B, 0x232956]);
teamBlue = "TOTTENHAM";
function TOTTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x161d4f, [0x3AC0EB, 0x36B4E3]); teamRed =
function TOTTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x161d4f, [0x3AC0EB, 0x36B4E3]); teamBlue =
function TOTTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x171c4f, [0xF5F4F9, 0xF5F4F9, 0x182341]);
teamRed = "TOTTENHAM";
function TOTTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x171c4f, [0xF5F4F9, 0xF5F4F9, 0x182341]);
teamBlue = "TOTTENHAM";
function TOTAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x20374C, 0x0EAF9B]); teamRed =
function TOTAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x20374C, 0x0EAF9B]); teamBlue =
function LiverpoolFun(player) { // !LIV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('liv/titular/red | liv/titular/blue | liv/alternativa/red
| liv/alternativa/blue | liv/tercera/red | liv/tercera/blue | liv/titular/red/2019
| liv/titular/blue/2019 | liv/alternativa/red/2019 | liv/alternativa/blue/2019 |
liv/titular/red/2018 | liv/titular/blue/2018 | liv/alternativa/red/2018 |
liv/alternativa/blue/2018 | liv/titular/red/2020 | liv/titular/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function LIVTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf0f0f2, [0xc4021d]); teamRed = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf0f0f2, [0xc4021d]); teamBlue = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xEBE8D0]); teamRed = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xEBE8D0]); teamBlue = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xff451d, [0xFCFE1E]); teamRed = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xff451d, [0xFCFE1E]); teamBlue = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x991515]); teamRed = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x991515]); teamBlue = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xec0109, [0xDDE1E4]); teamRed = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xec0109, [0xDDE1E4]); teamBlue = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xF7F7F7, [0xA80617, 0xB60D1F, 0xA80617]);
teamRed = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xF7F7F7, [0xA80617, 0xB60D1F, 0xA80617]);
teamBlue = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xd91f29, [0xEBEBF0, 0xF7F7FC, 0xEBEBF0]);
teamRed = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xd91f29, [0xEBEBF0, 0xF7F7FC, 0xEBEBF0]);
teamBlue = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFfffff, [0xb70118]); teamRed = "LIVERPOOL";
function LIVTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xb70118]); teamBlue = "LIVERPOOL";
function ArgentinaFun(player) { // !ARG
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('arg/titular/red | arg/titular/blue | arg/alternativa/red
| arg/alternativa/blue | arg/alternativa/red/2019 | arg/alternativa/blue/2019 |
arg/titular/red/2018 | arg/titular/blue/2018 | arg/alternativa/red/2018 |
arg/alternativa/blue/2018 | arg/titular/red/2016 | arg/titular/blue/2016 |
arg/alternativa/red/2016 | arg/alternativa/blue/2016 | arg/titular/red/1986 |
arg/titular/blue/1986 |arg/alternativa/red/1986 | arg/alternativa/blue/1986 |
arg/bandera/red | arg/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('arg/titular/red/2020 | arg/titular/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('arg/titular/red/2014 | arg/titular/blue/2014 |
arg/alternativa/red/2014 | arg/alternativa/blue/2014 | arg/titular/red/2010 |
arg/titular/blue/2010 | arg/alternativa/red/2010 | arg/alternativa/blue/2010',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('arg/titular/red/2006 | arg/titular/blue/2006 |
arg/alternativa/red/2006 | arg/alternativa/blue/2006 | arg/titular/red/2021 |
arg/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function ARGTitularRedFun(player){ //
v=nCteMN8Z6qo&ab_channel=BlackBudBangladesh min 4:41
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0x8fc7e6, 0xFFFFFF, 0x8fc7e6]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0x8fc7e6, 0xFFFFFF, 0x8fc7e6]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x223aa8, 0x3754c6, 0xa499ff]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x223aa8, 0x3754c6, 0xa499ff]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2B2A2D]); teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2B2A2D]); teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1d242c, [0xb0dced, 0xf4f4f2, 0xb0dced]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1d242c, [0xb0dced, 0xf4f4f2, 0xb0dced]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 69, 0xffffff, [0x91d5ee, 0x13181f, 0x13181f]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 69, 0xffffff, [0x91d5ee, 0x13181f, 0x13181f]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x2a2f3b, [0x9dddf7, 0xFFFFFF, 0x9dddf7]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x2a2f3b, [0x9dddf7, 0xFFFFFF, 0x9dddf7]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x063661]); teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x063661]); teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular1986RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1d1d27, [0xB7DCEC, 0xFFFFFF, 0xB7DCEC]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular1986BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1d1d27, [0xB7DCEC, 0xFFFFFF, 0xB7DCEC]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa1986RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xe4dcdf, [0x4660C0, 0x557DE6, 0x4660C0]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa1986BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xe4dcdf, [0x4660C0, 0x557DE6, 0x4660C0]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf6b40e, [0x74ACDF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x74ACDF]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf6b40e, [0x74ACDF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x74ACDF]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x053f64, [0xb8e4f1, 0xFFFFFF, 0xb8e4f1]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x053f64, [0xb8e4f1, 0xFFFFFF, 0xb8e4f1]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2014RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x3b4d5e, [0xffffff, 0x67bfe3, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2014BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x3b4d5e, [0xffffff, 0x67bfe3, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2014RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xcbbf73, [0x043770, 0x043770, 0x1C48A7]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2014BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xcbbf73, [0x043770, 0x043770, 0x1C48A7]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2010RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x191b1f, [0x84bceb, 0xFFFFFF, 0x84bceb]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2010BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x191b1f, [0x84bceb, 0xFFFFFF, 0x84bceb]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2010RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x2239AB]); teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2010BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x2239AB]); teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2006RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0d0e09, [0x92cdf5, 0xFFFFFF, 0x92cdf5]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2006BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0d0e09, [0x92cdf5, 0xFFFFFF, 0x92cdf5]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2006RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 73, 0xffffff, [0xD5F8FC,0x172552, 0x172552]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2006BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 73, 0xffffff, [0xD5F8FC,0x172552, 0x172552]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x2e2f34, [0xb3e2f4, 0xFFFFFF, 0xb3e2f4]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x2e2f34, [0xb3e2f4, 0xFFFFFF, 0xb3e2f4]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINA";
function ARGAlternativa2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 140, 0x54d3da, [0x264051, 0x024d62]); teamRed =
function ARGAlternativa2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 140, 0x54d3da, [0x264051, 0x024d62]); teamBlue =
function BelgicaFun(player) { // !BÉL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('belg/titular/red | belg/titular/blue |
belg/alternativa/red | belg/alternativa/blue | belg/bandera/red | belg/bandera/blue
| belg/titular/red/2016 | belg/titular/blue/2016 | belg/titular/red/2018 |
belg/titular/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BelgicaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 49, 0xfeef00 , [0xD70208, 0x250409, 0xD70208]);
teamRed = "BÉLGICA";
function BelgicaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 49, 0xfeef00 , [0xD70208, 0x250409, 0xD70208]);
teamBlue = "BÉLGICA";
function BelgicaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000 , [0xF9C700, 0xF4AC00]); teamRed =
function BelgicaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000 , [0xF9C700, 0xF4AC00]); teamBlue =
function BelgicaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF , [0x000000, 0xFAE042, 0xED2939]);
teamRed = "BÉLGICA";
function BelgicaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF , [0x000000, 0xFAE042, 0xED2939]);
teamBlue = "BÉLGICA";
function BelgicaTitular2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf2fa08 , [0x151517, 0xDB1E1A, 0xDB1E1A]);
teamRed = "BÉLGICA";
function BelgicaTitular2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf2fa08 , [0x151517, 0xDB1E1A, 0xDB1E1A]);
teamBlue = "BÉLGICA";
function BelgicaTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFE524 , [0xD51F1C]); teamRed = "BÉLGICA";
function BelgicaTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFE524 , [0xD51F1C]); teamBlue = "BÉLGICA";
function BrasilFun(player) { // !BRA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bra/titular/red | bra/titular/blue | bra/alternativa/red
| bra/alternativa/blue | bra/tercera/red | bra/tercera/blue | bra/retro/red |
bra/retro/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('bra/titular/red/2020 | bra/titular/blue/2020 |
bra/alternativa/red/2020 | bra/alternativa/blue/2020 | bra/titular/red/2018 |
bra/titular/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function BRATitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x09a142, [0xfcde10]); teamRed = "BRASIL";
function BRATitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x09a142, [0xfcde10]); teamBlue = "BRASIL";
function BRAAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf6d91f, [0x1c4c90, 0x0d60b1, 0x0e72d6]);
teamRed = "BRASIL";
function BRAAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf6d91f, [0x1c4c90, 0x0d60b1, 0x0e72d6]);
teamBlue = "BRASIL";
function BRATerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0053b5, [0xF8F9FE]); teamRed = "BRASIL";
function BRATerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0053b5, [0xF8F9FE]); teamBlue = "BRASIL";
function BRARetroRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x20801e, [0xf0e237]); teamRed = "BRASIL";
function BRARetroBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x20801e, [0xf0e237]); teamBlue = "BRASIL";
function BRATitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x26b975, [0xfde93c]); teamRed = "BRASIL";
function BRATitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x26b975, [0xfde93c]); teamBlue = "BRASIL";
function BRAAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xfdda01, [0x0853B7, 0x086ACC]); teamRed =
function BRAAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xfdda01, [0x0853B7, 0x086ACC]); teamBlue =
function BRATitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x009438, [0xf1d301]); teamRed = "BRASIL";
function BRATitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x009438, [0xf1d301]); teamBlue = "BRASIL";
function ChileFun(player) { // !CHI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('chi/titular/red | chi/titular/blue |
chi/titular/red/2020 | chi/titular/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CHITitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0xed3422]); teamRed = "CHILE";
function CHITitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0xed3422]); teamBlue = "CHILE";
function CHITitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF3829]); teamRed = "CHILE";
function CHITitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF3829]); teamBlue = "CHILE";
function UruguayFun(player) { // !URU
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('uru/titular/red | uru/titular/blue | uru/alternativa/red
| uru/alternativa/blue | uru/titular/red/2020 | uru/titular/blue/2020 |
uru/titular/red/2021 | uru/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function URUTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2e3035, [0x80bfe1, 0x76b9de]); teamRed =
function URUTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2e3035, [0x80bfe1, 0x76b9de]); teamBlue =
function URUAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 75, 0x373639, [0x52abdf, 0xf2f3f7, 0xf2f3f7]);
teamRed = "URUGUAY";
function URUAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 75, 0x373639, [0x52abdf, 0xf2f3f7, 0xf2f3f7]);
teamBlue = "URUGUAY";
function URUTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0x8ABBE4]); teamRed = "URUGUAY";
function URUTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0x8ABBE4]); teamBlue = "URUGUAY";
function URUTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2f3032, [0x7fbee3]); teamRed = "URUGUAY";
function URUTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2f3032, [0x7fbee3]); teamBlue = "URUGUAY";
function FranciaFun(player) { // !FRA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fra/titular/red | fra/titular/blue | fra/alternativa/red
| fra/alternativa/blue | fra/titular/red/centenario | fra/titular/blue/centenario |
fra/bandera/red | fra/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('fra/titular/red/2018 | fra/titular/blue/2018 |
fra/alternativa/red/2020 | fra/alternativa/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);

function FRATitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x222647, 0x053078, 0x222647]);
teamRed = "FRANCIA";
function FRATitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x222647, 0x053078, 0x222647]);
teamBlue = "FRANCIA";
function FRAAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0x2a3eb2, [0xF2F7FA]); teamRed = "FRANCIA";
function FRAAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0x2a3eb2, [0xF2F7FA]); teamBlue = "FRANCIA";
function FRABanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 1, 0x939BA3 , [0x002395, 0xFFFFFF, 0xED2939]);
teamRed = "FRANCIA";
function FRABanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 1, 0x939BA3 , [0x002395, 0xFFFFFF, 0xED2939]);
teamBlue = "FRANCIA";
function FRATitularRedCentenarioFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xf8d088, [0x365FDD]); teamRed = "FRANCIA";
function FRATitularBlueCentenarioFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xf8d088, [0x365FDD]); teamBlue = "FRANCIA";
function FRATitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0xffffff, [0x0274d6, 0x152945, 0x152945]);
teamRed = "FRANCIA";
function FRATitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0xffffff, [0x0274d6, 0x152945, 0x152945]);
teamBlue = "FRANCIA";
function FRAAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0x171f47, [0xF1F2F4]); teamRed = "FRANCIA";
function FRAAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0x171f47, [0xF1F2F4]); teamBlue = "FRANCIA";
function CroaciaFun(player) { // !CRO
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cro/titular/red | cro/titular/blue | cro/alternativa/red
| cro/alternativa/blue | cro/tercera/red | cro/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function CROTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0065c9, [0xD6001E, 0xF2F0F3, 0xF2F0F3]);
teamRed = "CROACIA";
function CROTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0065c9, [0xD6001E, 0xF2F0F3, 0xF2F0F3]);
teamBlue = "CROACIA";
function CROAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf6f6f8, [0xE50738, 0x0151C0, 0x0151C0]);
teamRed = "CROACIA";
function CROAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf6f6f8, [0xE50738, 0x0151C0, 0x0151C0]);
teamBlue = "CROACIA";
function CROTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe43840, [0x272E30, 0x4F5857]); teamRed =
function CROTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe43840, [0x272E30, 0x4F5857]); teamBlue =
function NapoliFun(player) { // !NAP
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nap/titular/red | nap/titular/blue | nap/alternativa/red
| nap/alternativa/blue | nap/titular/red/ucl | nap/titular/blue/ucl |
nap/titular/red/2019 | nap/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NAPTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x01b9eb]); teamRed = "NAPOLI";
function NAPTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x01b9eb]); teamBlue = "NAPOLI";
function NAPAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 299, 0xFFFFFF, [0x7E8641, 0x7E8641, 0x33392E]);
teamRed = "NAPOLI";
function NAPAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 299, 0xFFFFFF, [0x7E8641, 0x7E8641, 0x33392E]);
teamBlue = "NAPOLI";
function NAPTitularUCLRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 299, 0xe0e0e0, [0x0C8FEA]); teamRed = "NAPOLI";
function NAPTitularUCLBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 299, 0xe0e0e0, [0x0C8FEA]); teamBlue = "NAPOLI";
function NAPTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x031a45, [0x2485C8]); teamRed = "NAPOLI";
function NAPTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x031a45, [0x2485C8]); teamBlue = "NAPOLI";
function BayernFun(player) { // !FCB
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fcb/titular/red | fcb/titular/blue | fcb/alternativa/red
| fcb/alternativa/blue | fcb/tercera/red | fcb/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('fcb/titular/red/2019 | fcb/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function FCBTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x860010, 0xc7011b, 0xc7011b]);
function FCBTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x860010, 0xc7011b, 0xc7011b]);
teamBlue = "BAYERN DE MUNICH";
function FCBAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x62676a, [0xF6F8FC]); teamRed = "BAYERN DE
function FCBAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x62676a, [0xF6F8FC]); teamBlue = "BAYERN DE
function FCBTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xe76352, [0x132243]); teamRed = "BAYERN DE
function FCBTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xe76352, [0x132243]); teamBlue = "BAYERN DE
function FCBTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF3000E]); teamRed = "BAYERN DE
function FCBTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF3000E]); teamBlue = "BAYERN DE
function BorussiaFun(player) { // !BVB
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bvb/titular/red | bvb/titular/blue | bvb/alternativa/red
| bvb/alternativa/blue | bvb/titular/red/ucl | bvb/titular/blue/ucl |
bvb/titular/red/2019 | bvb/titular/blue/2019 | bvb/titular/red/2021 |
bvb/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BorussiaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2d2317, [0x2c1d05, 0xf5e200, 0xf5e200]);
function BorussiaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2d2317, [0x2c1d05, 0xf5e200, 0xf5e200]);
function BorussiaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xcecfd1, [0x252525]); teamRed = "BORUSSIA
function BorussiaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xcecfd1, [0x252525]); teamBlue = "BORUSSIA
function BorussiaTitularChampionsRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x343a14, [0xe6fe4e]); teamRed = "BORUSSIA
function BorussiaTitularChampionsBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x343a14, [0xe6fe4e]); teamBlue = "BORUSSIA
function BorussiaTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1f191a, [0xFFDB00]); teamRed = "BORUSSIA
function BorussiaTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1f191a, [0xFFDB00]); teamBlue = "BORUSSIA
function BorussiaTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2a1b09, [0x181315, 0xf7db03, 0xf7db03]);
function BorussiaTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2a1b09, [0x181315, 0xf7db03, 0xf7db03]);
function JuventusFun(player) { // !JUV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('temporada 2021/22 juv/titular/red | juv/titular/blue |
juv/alternativa/red | juv/alternativa/blue | juv/tercera/red | juv/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('temporada 2019/20 juv/titular/red/2020 |
juv/titular/blue/2020 | juv/alternativa/red/2020 | juv/alternativa/blue/2020 |
juv/tercera/red/2020 | juv/tercera/blue/2020 | juv/cuarta/red/2020 |
juv/cuarta/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('temporada 2018 juv/titular/red/2018 |
juv/titular/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('temporada 2017/18 juv/tercera/red/2017 |
juv/tercera/blue/2017',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function JuventusTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf9d632, [0x2d2c32, 0xf4f5f9, 0x2d2c32]);
teamRed = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf9d632, [0x2d2c32, 0xf4f5f9, 0x2d2c32]);
teamBlue = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 126, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFAA18D, 0x25242A, 0x25242A]);
teamRed = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 126, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFAA18D, 0x25242A, 0x25242A]);
teamBlue = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 130, 0x6370f2, [0xFfffff, 0xF3E757, 0xF3E757]);
teamRed = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 130, 0x6370f2, [0xFfffff, 0xF3E757, 0xF3E757]);
teamBlue = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 360, 0x9D9FA6, [0xF4F5F6, 0x222424]); teamRed =
function JuventusTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 360, 0x9D9FA6, [0xF4F5F6, 0x222424]); teamBlue =
function JuventusAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xd31218, [0xF9F4EE, 0xF6EDE5]); teamRed =
function JuventusAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xd31218, [0xF9F4EE, 0xF6EDE5]); teamBlue =
function JuventusTercera2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfefefe, [0x1E9BE0, 0x0E7ECA]); teamRed =
function JuventusTercera2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfefefe, [0x1E9BE0, 0x0E7ECA]); teamBlue =
function JuventusCuarta2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xa4fb3d, [0xCFCFCF, 0x1F1F21, 0xCFCFCF]);
teamRed = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusCuarta2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xa4fb3d, [0xCFCFCF, 0x1F1F21, 0xCFCFCF]);
teamBlue = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x8A8A8A, [0xF6F9FE, 0x2D2D31, 0xF6F9FE]);
teamRed = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x8A8A8A, [0xF6F9FE, 0x2D2D31, 0xF6F9FE]);
teamBlue = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusTercera2017RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x252527, 0x7d9138, 0x7d9138]);
teamRed = "JUVENTUS";
function JuventusTercera2017BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x252527, 0x7d9138, 0x7d9138]);
teamBlue = "JUVENTUS";

function EstudiantesFun(player) { // !EST

room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('est/titular/red | est/titular/blue | est/alternativa/red
| est/alternativa/blue | est/tercera/red | est/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function EstudiantesTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x323232, [0xe41815, 0xFFFFFF, 0xe41815]);
teamRed = "ESTUDIANTES (LP)";
function EstudiantesTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x323232, [0xe41815, 0xFFFFFF, 0xe41815]);
teamBlue = "ESTUDIANTES (LP)";
function EstudiantesAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xf51a22, [0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xF51A22]);
teamRed = "ESTUDIANTES (LP)";
function EstudiantesAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xf51a22, [0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xF51A22]);
teamBlue = "ESTUDIANTES (LP)";
function EstudiantesTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x242424, 0xD9201E, 0xD9201E]);
teamRed = "ESTUDIANTES (LP)";
function EstudiantesTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x242424, 0xD9201E, 0xD9201E]);
teamBlue = "ESTUDIANTES (LP)";
function BanfieldFun(player) { // !BAND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('band/titular/red | band/titular/blue |
band/alternativa/red | band/alternativa/blue | band/clasica/red |
band/clasica/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('band/titular/red/2021 | band/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('band/titular/red/2019 | band/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function BanfieldTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xb59859, [0x007836, 0xffffff, 0x007836]);
teamRed = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xb59859, [0x007836, 0xffffff, 0x007836]);
teamBlue = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 44, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1C1C1C, 0x09694A, 0x1C1C1C]);
teamRed = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 44, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1C1C1C, 0x09694A, 0x1C1C1C]);
teamBlue = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 44, 0xb5ac44, [0xFFFFFF, 0x066748, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 44, 0xb5ac44, [0xFFFFFF, 0x066748, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0a0a0a, [0x02953F, 0xFEFFFF, 0x02953F]);
teamRed = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0a0a0a, [0x02953F, 0xFEFFFF, 0x02953F]);
teamBlue = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 35, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0x2EA06C, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "BANFIELD";
function BanfieldTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 35, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0x2EA06C, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "BANFIELD";
function LanusFun(player) { // !LAN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('lan/titular/red | lan/titular/blue | lan/alternativa/red
| lan/alternativa/blue | lan/tercera/red | lan/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('lan/titular/red/2021 | lan/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('lan/titular/red/2020 | lan/titular/blue/2020 |
lan/alternativa/red/2020 | lan/alternativa/blue/2020 ',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('lan/titular/red/2019 | lan/titular/blue/2019 |
lan/alternativa/red/2019 | lan/alternativa/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);

function LanusTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x6a2331, 0x74192e, 0x74192e]);
teamRed = "LANÚS";
function LanusTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x6a2331, 0x74192e, 0x74192e]);
teamBlue = "LANÚS";
function LanusAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 65, 0x6c1921, [0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LANÚS";
function LanusAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 65, 0x6c1921, [0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LANÚS";
function LanusTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 133, 0x8c2246, [0x591733, 0xFCCBDE, 0xFCCBDE]);
teamRed = "LANÚS";
function LanusTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 133, 0x8c2246, [0x591733, 0xFCCBDE, 0xFCCBDE]);
teamBlue = "LANÚS";
function LanusTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x7a2139]); teamRed = "LANÚS";
function LanusTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x7a2139]); teamBlue = "LANÚS";
function LanusAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 65, 0x731e34, [0x4F1C27, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LANÚS";
function LanusAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 65, 0x731e34, [0x4F1C27, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LANÚS";
function LanusTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x630B29, 0x731430, 0x731430]);
teamRed = "LANÚS";
function LanusTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x630B29, 0x731430, 0x731430]);
teamBlue = "LANÚS";
function LanusAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2B0812, [0xFFFFFF, 0x761731, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LANÚS";
function LanusAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2B0812, [0xFFFFFF, 0x761731, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LANÚS";
function LanusTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x561C28, 0x631B29, 0x6F162A]);
teamRed = "LANÚS";
function LanusTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x561C28, 0x631B29, 0x6F162A]);
teamBlue = "LANÚS";
function ManUnitedFun(player) { // !MUN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('Temporada 2016/17: mun/titular/red/2016 |
mun/titular/blue/2016',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('mun/titular/red/2019 | mun/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('mun/titular/red | mun/titular/blue | mun/alternativa/red
| mun/alternativa/blue | mun/tercera/red | mun/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function ManUnitedTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf3f4ef, [0xcb0215]); teamRed = "MANCHESTER
function ManUnitedTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf3f4ef, [0xcb0215]); teamBlue = "MANCHESTER
function ManUnitedAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x191816, [0xE1D2BF]); teamRed = "MANCHESTER
function ManUnitedAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x231f20, [0xF5EAD4]); teamBlue = "MANCHESTER
function ManUnitedTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x231f20, [0xF5EAD4]); teamRed = "MANCHESTER
function ManUnitedTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 233, 0xf24134, [0x2B2F35, 0x212125]); teamBlue =
function ManUnitedTitular2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xBA001E, 0xC80A26]); teamRed =
function ManUnitedTitular2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xBA001E, 0xC80A26]); teamBlue =
function ManUnitedTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfdfdfd, [0xF40022]); teamRed = "MANCHESTER
function ManUnitedTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfdfdfd, [0xF40022]); teamBlue = "MANCHESTER
function ManCityFun(player) { // !MCI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mci/titular/red | mci/titular/blue | mci/alternativa/red
| mci/alternativa/blue | mci/tercera/red | mci/tercera/blue | mci/titular/red/2019
| mci/titular/blue/2019 | mci/titular/red/2020 | mci/titular/blue/2020 |
mci/tercera/red/2019 | mci/tercera/blue/2019 | mci/titular/red/2021 |
mci/titular/blue/2021 | mci/alternativa/red/2019 | mci/alternativa/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ManCityTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x283d68, [0x90d6f7]); teamRed = "MANCHESTER
function ManCityTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x283d68, [0x90d6f7]); teamBlue = "MANCHESTER
function ManCityAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -40, 0xf7c100, [0x1d1417, 0xb20113, 0x1d1417]);
function ManCityAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -40, 0xf7c100, [0x1d1417, 0xb20113, 0x1d1417]);
function ManCityTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x99d5f7, 0x293158, 0x293158]);
function ManCityTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x99d5f7, 0x293158, 0x293158]);
function ManCityTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xedf2f5, [0x73cbf2, 0x8ad4f9, 0x8ad4f9]);
function ManCityTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xedf2f5, [0x73cbf2, 0x8ad4f9, 0x8ad4f9]);
function ManCityTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x5b3383, [0x99c3e5]); teamRed = "MANCHESTER
function ManCityTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x5b3383, [0x99c3e5]); teamBlue = "MANCHESTER
function ManCityTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x243f6a, [0x96d7f7]); teamRed = "MANCHESTER
function ManCityTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x243f6a, [0x96d7f7]); teamBlue = "MANCHESTER
function ManCityTercera2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2f3028, [0xdff68a, 0xf0d8a2, 0xfe8b71]);
function ManCityTercera2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2f3028, [0xdff68a, 0xf0d8a2, 0xfe8b71]);
function ManCityAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xf8d711, [0x242424, 0x242424, 0xF58371]);
function ManCityAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xf8d711, [0x242424, 0x242424, 0xF58371]);
function ArsenalFun(player) { // !ARS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ars/titular/red | ars/titular/blue | ars/alternativa/red
| ars/alternativa/blue | ars/tercera/red | ars/tercera/blue | ars/titular/red/2005
| ars/titular/blue/2005',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ArsenalTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf4f4f4, [0xf3f2f7, 0xe40019, 0xe40019]);
teamRed = "ARSENAL FC";
function ArsenalTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf4f4f4, [0xf3f2f7, 0xe40019, 0xe40019]);
teamBlue = "ARSENAL FC";
function ArsenalAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 55, 0x233f67, [0xfef2ab]); teamRed = "ARSENAL FC";
function ArsenalAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 55, 0x233f67, [0xfef2ab]); teamBlue = "ARSENAL FC";
function ArsenalTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfecc00, [0x27354F]); teamRed = "ARSENAL FC";
function ArsenalTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfecc00, [0x27354F]); teamBlue = "ARSENAL FC";
function ArsenalTitular2005RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 314, 0xdeba62, [0x6a1123]); teamRed = "ARSENAL FC";
function ArsenalTitular2005BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 314, 0xdeba62, [0x6a1123]); teamBlue = "ARSENAL FC";
function ChelseaFun(player) { // !CHE
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('che/titular/red | che/titular/blue | che/alternativa/red
| che/alternativa/blue | che/tercera/red | che/tercera/blue | che/cuarta/red |
che/cuarta/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Temporada 2019/20 che/titular/red/2019 |
che/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Temporada 2010/11 che/tercera/red/2010 |
che/tercera/blue/2010',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ChelseaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 50, 0xffff51, [0x1F3A8B, 0x1F3A8B, 0x3465E6]);
teamRed = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 50, 0xffff51, [0x1F3A8B, 0x1F3A8B, 0x3465E6]);
teamBlue = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 52, 0x003b7d, [0xF8F8F8]); teamRed = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 52, 0x003b7d, [0xF8F8F8]); teamBlue = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 56, 0xf9500f, [0x1A1A1A, 0x161616]); teamRed =
function ChelseaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 56, 0xf9500f, [0x1A1A1A, 0x161616]); teamBlue =
function ChelseaCuartaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 56, 0xf4da45, [0x33459F]); teamRed = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaCuartaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 56, 0xf4da45, [0x33459F]); teamBlue = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaTercera2010RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0x9BF32D, 0x0A3050, 0x9BF32D]);
teamRed = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaTercera2010BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0x9BF32D, 0x0A3050, 0x9BF32D]);
teamBlue = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -45, 0xFFFFFF, [0x3F60E3, 0x3F60E3, 0x33499F]);
teamRed = "CHELSEA";
function ChelseaTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -45, 0xFFFFFF, [0x3F60E3, 0x3F60E3, 0x33499F]);
teamBlue = "CHELSEA";
function ParanaenseFun(player) { // !PAR
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('par/titular/red | par/titular/blue | par/alternativa/red
| par/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ParanaenseTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 48, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC6012C, 0xC6012C, 0x100E0F]);
teamRed = "PARANAENSE";
function ParanaenseTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 48, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC6012C, 0xC6012C, 0x100E0F]);
teamBlue = "PARANAENSE";
function ParanaenseAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 48, 0x0e0e0e, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xBABABA]);
teamRed = "PARANAENSE";
function ParanaenseAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 48, 0x0e0e0e, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xBABABA]);
teamBlue = "PARANAENSE";
function HuracanFun(player) { // !HUR
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('hur/titular/red | hur/titular/blue | hur/alternativa/red
| hur/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function HuracanTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 52, 0xff0000, [0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "HURACÁN";
function HuracanTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 52, 0xff0000, [0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "HURACÁN";
function HuracanAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xd02939, 0xa61829, 0xd02939]);
teamRed = "HURACÁN";
function HuracanAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xd02939, 0xa61829, 0xd02939]);
teamBlue = "HURACÁN";
function TigreFun(player) { // !TIG
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('tig/titular/red | tig/titular/blue | tig/alternativa/red
| tig/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function TigreTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x304383, 0xcb1b2d, 0x304383]);
teamRed = "TIGRE";
function TigreTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x304383, 0xcb1b2d, 0x304383]);
teamBlue = "TIGRE";
function TigreAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2d3e6a, [0xffffff, 0xe32527, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "TIGRE";
function TigreAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2d3e6a, [0xffffff, 0xe32527, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "TIGRE";
function AlemaniaFun(player) { // !ALE
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ale/titular/red | ale/titular/blue | ale/alternativa/red
| ale/alternativa/blue | ale/bandera/red | ale/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function AlemaniaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2a2b30, [0xf7f8fc]); teamRed = "ALEMANIA";
function AlemaniaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2a2b30, [0xf7f8fc]); teamBlue = "ALEMANIA";
function AlemaniaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x222222, 0x1b1b1b, 0x1b1b1b]);
teamRed = "ALEMANIA";
function AlemaniaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x222222, 0x1b1b1b, 0x1b1b1b]);
teamBlue = "ALEMANIA";
function AlemaniaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF , [0x000000, 0xDD0000, 0xFFCE00]);
teamRed = "ALEMANIA";
function AlemaniaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF , [0x000000, 0xDD0000, 0xFFCE00]);
teamBlue = "ALEMANIA";
function EspanaFun(player) { // !ESP
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('esp/titular/red | esp/titular/blue | esp/alternativa/red
| esp/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('esp/titular/red/2020 | esp/titular/blue/2020 |
esp/alternativa/red/2020 | esp/alternativa/blue/2020 | esp/bandera/red |
esp/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function EspanaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0xfeba17, [0xa5011a,0xce041c, 0xce041c]);
teamRed = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0xfeba17, [0xa5011a,0xce041c, 0xce041c]);
teamBlue = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xdb3740, [0xffffff, 0xF2F2F4, 0xDAD9DE]);
teamRed = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xdb3740, [0xffffff, 0xF2F2F4, 0xDAD9DE]);
teamBlue = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xad1519 , [0xC60B1E, 0xFFC400, 0xC60B1E]);
teamRed = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xad1519 , [0xC60B1E, 0xFFC400, 0xC60B1E]);
teamBlue = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffdd0e, [0xF81C1E]); teamRed = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffdd0e, [0xF81C1E]); teamBlue = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfe4639, [0xe2e9f7, 0xcbeaff, 0xe2e9f7]);
teamRed = "ESPAÑA";
function EspanaAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfe4639, [0xe2e9f7, 0xcbeaff, 0xe2e9f7]);
teamBlue = "ESPAÑA";
function PortugalFun(player) { // !POR
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('por/titular/red | por/titular/blue | por/alternativa/red
| por/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('por/titular/red/2020 | por/titular/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function PortugalTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xd7ad63, [0xd80122]); teamRed = "PORTUGAL";
function PortugalTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xd7ad63, [0xd80122]); teamBlue = "PORTUGAL";
function PortugalAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x030303, [0xe1faf8, 0xe1faf8, 0xf04256]);
teamRed = "PORTUGAL";
function PortugalAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x030303, [0xe1faf8, 0xe1faf8, 0xf04256]);
teamBlue = "PORTUGAL";
function PortugalTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf4b568, [0xF31633]); teamRed = "PORTUGAL";
function PortugalTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf4b568, [0xF31633]); teamBlue = "PORTUGAL";
function ArgentinosJrsFun(player) { // !AAAJ
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('aaaj/titular/red | aaaj/titular/blue |
aaaj/alternativa/red | aaaj/alternativa/blue | aaaj/tercera/red |
aaaj/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ArgentinosJrsTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 123, 0x005da4, [0xeb2a2f, 0xFFFFFF, 0xeb2a2f]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINOS JRS.";
function ArgentinosJrsTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 123, 0x005da4, [0xeb2a2f, 0xFFFFFF, 0xeb2a2f]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINOS JRS.";
function ArgentinosJrsAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xeb2a2f, [0xeb2a2f, 0xFFFFFF, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINOS JRS.";
function ArgentinosJrsAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xeb2a2f, [0xeb2a2f, 0xFFFFFF, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINOS JRS.";
function ArgentinosJrsTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 135, 0x585F8A, [0x0255bd, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0255bd]);
teamRed = "ARGENTINOS JRS.";
function ArgentinosJrsTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 135, 0x585F8A, [0x0255bd, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0255bd]);
teamBlue = "ARGENTINOS JRS.";
function AllBoysFun(player) { // !ALB
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('alb/titular/red | alb/titular/blue | alb/alternativa/red
| alb/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AllBoysTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x282a27, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "ALL BOYS";
function AllBoysTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x282a27, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "ALL BOYS";
function AllBoysAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 50, 0xD6D6D6, [0xFFFFFF, 0x1E1A17, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "ALL BOYS";
function AllBoysAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 50, 0xD6D6D6, [0xFFFFFF, 0x1E1A17, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "ALL BOYS";
function AtlantaFun(player) { // !ATL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('atl/titular/red | atl/titular/blue | atl/alternativa/red
| atl/alternativa/blue | atl/escudo/red | atl/escudo/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function AtlantaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xedbf00, 0x34458a, 0xedbf00]);
teamRed = "ATLANTA";
function AtlantaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xedbf00, 0x34458a, 0xedbf00]);
teamBlue = "ATLANTA";
function AtlantaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xedd41c, [0x03264E, 0x09203C, 0x09203C]);
teamRed = "ATLANTA";
function AtlantaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xedd41c, [0x03264E, 0x09203C, 0x09203C]);
teamBlue = "ATLANTA";
function AtlantaEscudoRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFBBB51, 0x18306E, 0xFBBB51]);
teamRed = "ATLANTA";
function AtlantaEscudoBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFBBB51, 0x18306E, 0xFBBB51]);
teamBlue = "ATLANTA";
function BelgranoFun(player) { // !BEL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bel/titular/red | bel/titular/blue | bel/alternativa/red
| bel/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('bel/titular/red/2020 | bel/titular/blue/2020 |
bel/titular/red/2019 | bel/titular/blue/2019 | bel/titular/red/2018 |
bel/titular/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function BelgranoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0x373737, [0xd2e1ec, 0xa8d3ef, 0xa8d3ef]);
teamRed = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0x373737, [0xd2e1ec, 0xa8d3ef, 0xa8d3ef]);
teamBlue = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x0F88CD]); teamRed = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x0F88CD]); teamBlue = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0x000000, [0x10B0FF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0x000000, [0x10B0FF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0x17A7ED, 0x4ABFF0, 0x5ECCF5]);
teamRed = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0x17A7ED, 0x4ABFF0, 0x5ECCF5]);
teamBlue = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x1CCCFE]); teamRed = "BELGRANO";
function BelgranoTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x1CCCFE]); teamBlue = "BELGRANO";
function ChacaritaFun(player) { // !CHA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cha/titular/red | cha/titular/blue | cha/alternativa/red
| cha/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ChacaritaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x000000, 0xD2191E, 0x000000]);
teamRed = "CHACARITA JRS";
function ChacaritaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x000000, 0xD2191E, 0x000000]);
teamBlue = "CHACARITA JRS";
function ChacaritaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x9C9C9C, [0xD2191E, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000]);
teamRed = "CHACARITA JRS";
function ChacaritaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x9C9C9C, [0xD2191E, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000]);
teamBlue = "CHACARITA JRS";
function TalleresFun(player) { // !TAL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('tal/titular/red | tal/titular/blue | tal/alternativa/red
| tal/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('tal/titular/red/2021 | tal/titular/blue/2021 |
tal/titular/red/2019 | tal/titular/blue/2019 | tal/alternativa/red/2019 |
tal/alternativa/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function TalleresTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xa7a9ab, [0x1e315a, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1e315a]);
teamRed = "TALLERES (C)";
function TalleresTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xa7a9ab, [0x1e315a, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1e315a]);
teamBlue = "TALLERES (C)";
function TalleresAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x3A4466, [0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "TALLERES (C)";
function TalleresAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x3A4466, [0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "TALLERES (C)";
function TalleresTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0E1E3B, [0x042EA6, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0042EA6]);
teamRed = "TALLERES";
function TalleresTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0E1E3B, [0x042EA6, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0042EA6]);
teamBlue = "TALLERES";
function TalleresAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x064DB4, 0x063477, 0x061F45]);
teamRed = "TALLERES";
function TalleresAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x064DB4, 0x063477, 0x061F45]);
teamBlue = "TALLERES";
function TalleresTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x969696, [0x1B2D4B, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1B2D4B]);
teamRed = "TALLERES";
function TalleresTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x969696, [0x1B2D4B, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1B2D4B]);
teamBlue = "TALLERES";
function PlatenseFun(player) { // !PLA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pla/titular/red | pla/titular/blue | pla/alternativa/red
| pla/alternativa/blue | pla/tercera/red | pla/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('pla/titular/red/2020 | pla/titular/blue/2020 |
pla/alternativa/red/2020 | pla/alternativa/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);

function PlatenseTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xa69364, [0xFFFFFF, 0x5a3e22, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xa69364, [0xFFFFFF, 0x5a3e22, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfb7401, [0x4C3E3B, 0xFFFFFF, 0x4C3E3B]);
teamRed = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfb7401, [0x4C3E3B, 0xFFFFFF, 0x4C3E3B]);
teamBlue = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x9E6F47, [0xC9B6A5, 0x4A2C21, 0xC9B6A5]);
teamRed = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x9E6F47, [0xC9B6A5, 0x4A2C21, 0xC9B6A5]);
teamBlue = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xA7A896, [0xFFFFFF, 0x413132, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xA7A896, [0xFFFFFF, 0x413132, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xA7A896, [0x413132, 0xFFFFFF, 0x413132]);
teamRed = "PLATENSE";
function PlatenseAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xA7A896, [0x413132, 0xFFFFFF, 0x413132]);
teamBlue = "PLATENSE";
function OlimpoFun(player) { // !OLI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('olp/titular/red | olp/titular/blue |
olp/titular/red/2019 | olp/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function OlimpoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x292929, 0xEDC63A, 0x292929]);
teamRed = "OLIMPO";
function OlimpoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x292929, 0xEDC63A, 0x292929]);
teamBlue = "OLIMPO";
function OlimpoTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFDD00, 0x24201D, 0xFFDD00]);
teamRed = "OLIMPO";
function OlimpoTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFDD00, 0x24201D, 0xFFDD00]);
teamBlue = "OLIMPO";
function SanMartinTucumanFun(player) { // !SMT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('smt/titular/red | smt/titular/blue | smt/alternativa/red
| smt/alternativa/blue | smt/tercera/red | smt/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function SanMartinTucumanTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x0F0F0F, [0xE11A25, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE11A25]);
teamRed = "SAN MARTÍN (T)";
function SanMartinTucumanTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x0F0F0F, [0xE11A25, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE11A25]);
teamBlue = "SAN MARTÍN (T)";
function SanMartinTucumanAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE31515, 0x232326, 0x232326]);
teamRed = "SAN MARTÍN (T)";
function SanMartinTucumanAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE31515, 0x232326, 0x232326]);
teamBlue = "SAN MARTÍN (T)";
function SanMartinTucumanTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF3A43, 0x6F3C45, 0x6F3C45]);
teamRed = "SAN MARTÍN (T)";
function SanMartinTucumanTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF3A43, 0x6F3C45, 0x6F3C45]);
teamBlue = "SAN MARTÍN (T)";
function AtlTucumanFun(player) { // !ATU
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('atu/titular/red | atu/titular/blue | atu/alternativa/red
| atu/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('atu/titular/red/2021 | atu/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('atu/titular/red/2019 | atu/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function AtlTucumanTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x575a5b, [0x71afdb, 0xffffff, 0x71afdb]);
teamRed = "ATL. TUCUMÁN";
function AtlTucumanTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x575a5b, [0x71afdb, 0xffffff, 0x71afdb]);
teamBlue = "ATL. TUCUMÁN";
function AtlTucumanAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xccd5e6, [0x151A37]);
teamRed = "ATL. TUCUMÁN";
function AtlTucumanAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xccd5e6, [0x151A37]);
teamBlue = "ATL. TUCUMÁN";
function AtlTucumanTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1f2f4c, [0xFFFFFF, 0x0F92FD, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "ATL. TUCUMÁN";
function AtlTucumanTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1f2f4c, [0xFFFFFF, 0x0F92FD, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "ATL. TUCUMÁN";
function AtlTucumanTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1c2f4d, [0x86C1FB, 0xffffff, 0x86C1FB]);
teamRed = "ATL. TUCUMÁN";
function AtlTucumanTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1c2f4d, [0x86C1FB, 0xffffff, 0x86C1FB]);
teamBlue = "ATL. TUCUMÁN";
function FerroFun(player) { // !FCO
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fco/titular/red | fco/titular/blue |
fco/titular/red/2020 | fco/titular/blue/2020 | fco/titular/red/2019 |
fco/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FerroTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 66, 0xFFFFFF, [0x046c43, 0x219a57, 0x2db563]);
teamRed = "FERRO";
function FerroTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 66, 0xFFFFFF, [0x00895B, 0x01935D, 0x01935D]);
teamBlue = "FERRO";
function FerroAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x016c3e, [0xFAFDFF, 0xC2DCD9 , 0x51BDA3]);
teamRed = "FERRO";
function FerroAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x016c3e, [0xFAFDFF, 0xC2DCD9 , 0x51BDA3]);
teamBlue = "FERRO";
function FerroTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2A4C36]); teamRed = "FERRO";
function FerroTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2A4C36]); teamBlue = "FERRO";
function FerroTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1F8961]); teamRed = "FERRO";
function FerroTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1F8961]); teamBlue = "FERRO";
function NacionalFun(player) { // !NAC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nac/titular/red | nac/titular/blue | nac/alternativa/red
| nac/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NacionalTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf9020a, [0xFAF9FF]); teamRed = "NACIONAL
function NacionalTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf9020a, [0xFAF9FF]); teamBlue = "NACIONAL
function NacionalAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 50, 0xf9020a, [0x003361, 0xFFFFFF, 0x003361]);
teamRed = "NACIONAL (UY)";
function NacionalAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 50, 0xf9020a, [0x003361, 0xFFFFFF, 0x003361]);
teamBlue = "NACIONAL (UY)";
function PenarolFun(player) { // !PEN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pen/titular/red | pen/titular/blue | pen/alternativa/red
| pen/alternativa/blue | pen/tercera/red | pen/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function PenarolTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x272525, 0xF7CF00, 0x272525]);
teamRed = "PEÑAROL";
function PenarolTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x272525, 0xF7CF00, 0x272525]);
teamBlue = "PEÑAROL";
function PenarolAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xeaba07, [0xF5D205, 0x211B1B, 0x211B1B]);
teamRed = "PEÑAROL";
function PenarolAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xeaba07, [0xF5D205, 0x211B1B, 0x211B1B]);
teamBlue = "PEÑAROL";
function PenarolTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xEAD300, [0x8B8A8F, 0xA1A0A5, 0xB2B1B6]);
teamRed = "PEÑAROL";
function PenarolTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xEAD300, [0x8B8A8F, 0xA1A0A5, 0xB2B1B6]);
teamBlue = "PEÑAROL";
function QuilmesFun(player) { // !QUI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('qui/titular/red | qui/titular/blue | qui/alternativa/red
| qui/alternativa/blue | qui/tercera/red | qui/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function QuilmesTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x032051, [0x9BADBC, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "QUILMES";
function QuilmesTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x032051, [0x9BADBC, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "QUILMES";
function QuilmesAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x004FC6, 0x00215E, 0x00215E]);
teamRed = "QUILMES";
function QuilmesAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x004FC6, 0x00215E, 0x00215E]);
teamBlue = "QUILMES";
function QuilmesTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 152, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2C2F36, 0x15181F, 0x2C2F36]);
teamRed = "QUILMES";
function QuilmesTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 152, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2C2F36, 0x15181F, 0x2C2F36]);
teamBlue = "QUILMES";
function ChicagoFun(player) { // !CHI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nch/titular/red | nch/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ChicagoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 360, 0xFFFFFF, [0x3AC991, 0x000000, 0x3AC991]);
teamRed = "NUEVA CHICAGO";
function ChicagoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 360, 0xFFFFFF, [0x3AC991, 0x000000, 0x3AC991]);
teamBlue = "NUEVA CHICAGO";
function MoronFun(player) { // !MOR
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mor/titular/red | mor/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MoronTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x242b35, [0xFFFFFF, 0xE21C1C, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "MORÓN";
function MoronTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x242b35, [0xFFFFFF, 0xE21C1C, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "MORÓN";
function UnionFun(player) { // !UNI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('uni/titular/red | uni/titular/blue | uni/alternativa/red
| uni/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function UnionTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x007fd6, [0xda251d, 0xffffff, 0xda251d]);
teamRed = "UNIÓN";
function UnionTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x007fd6, [0xda251d, 0xffffff, 0xda251d]);
teamBlue = "UNIÓN";
function UnionAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 129, 0xf2f3f5, [0xed1f29, 0x0177cf, 0x0295e3]);
teamRed = "UNIÓN";
function UnionAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 129, 0xf2f3f5, [0xed1f29, 0x0177cf, 0x0295e3]);
teamBlue = "UNIÓN";
function ColonFun(player) { // !CSF
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('csf/titular/red | csf/titular/blue | csf/alternativa/red
| csf/alternativa/blue | csf/tercera/red | csf/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('csf/titular/red/2019 | csf/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function ColonTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xe0c069, [0xc80000, 0x000000]);
teamRed = "COLÓN";
function ColonTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xe0c069, [0xc80000, 0x000000]);
teamBlue = "COLÓN";
function ColonAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 61, 0x000000, [0x7B0C1D, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "COLÓN";
function ColonAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 61, 0x000000, [0x7B0C1D, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "COLÓN";
function ColonTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xf9c78c, [0x18161b]);
teamRed = "COLÓN";
function ColonTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xf9c78c, [0x18161b]);
teamBlue = "COLÓN";
function ColonTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE61628, 0x18181E]); teamRed =
function ColonTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE61628, 0x18181E]); teamBlue =
function SarandiFun(player) { // !ARSE
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('arse/titular/red | arse/titular/blue |
arse/alternativa/red | arse/alternativa/blue | arse/tercera/red |
arse/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SarandiTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0x00aeef, 0xee3e34, 0x00aeef]);
function SarandiTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0x00aeef, 0xee3e34, 0x00aeef]);
function SarandiAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1D1E1E, 0xF52626, 0x1D1E1E]);
function SarandiAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1D1E1E, 0xF52626, 0x1D1E1E]);
function SarandiTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xe61b37, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x3BA1F6]);
function SarandiTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xe61b37, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x3BA1F6]);
function DocksudFun(player) { // !DOC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('doc/titular/red | doc/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DocksudTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x254494, 0xF3C706, 0x254494]);
teamRed = "DOCK SUD";
function DocksudTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x254494, 0xF3C706, 0x254494]);
teamBlue = "DOCK SUD";
function ColombiaFun(player) { // !COL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('col/titular/red | col/titular/blue | col/alternativa/red
| col/alternativa/blue | col/alternativa/red/2019 | col/alternativa/blue/2019 |
col/bandera/red | col/bandera/blue | col/titular/red/2021 | col/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function ColombiaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0x3c4462, [0xfdfd02]); teamRed = "COLOMBIA";
function ColombiaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0x3c4462, [0xfdfd02]); teamBlue = "COLOMBIA";

function ColombiaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xf1eb56, [0x3671AF, 0x3168A0, 0x1E477C]);
teamRed = "COLOMBIA";
function ColombiaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xf1eb56, [0x3671AF, 0x3168A0, 0x1E477C]);
teamBlue = "COLOMBIA";
function ColombiaAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 38, 0xfc3537, [0x02379E]); teamRed = "COLOMBIA";
function ColombiaAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 38, 0xfc3537, [0x02379E]); teamBlue = "COLOMBIA";
function ColombiaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF , [0xFCD116, 0x003893, 0xCE1126]);
teamRed = "COLOMBIA";
function ColombiaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF , [0xFCD116, 0x003893, 0xCE1126]);
teamBlue = "COLOMBIA";
function ColombiaTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xa92206, [0xFDFE28]); teamRed = "COLOMBIA";
function ColombiaTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xa92206, [0xFDFE28]); teamBlue = "COLOMBIA";
function PeruFun(player) { // !PER
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('per/titular/red | per/titular/blue | per/alternativa/red
| per/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PeruTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 52, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xdf1117, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "PERÚ";
function PeruTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 52, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xdf1117, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "PERÚ";
function PeruAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 52, 0x000000, [0xdc1e1e, 0xffffff, 0xdc1e1e]);
teamRed = "PERÚ";
function PeruAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 52, 0x000000, [0xdc1e1e, 0xffffff, 0xdc1e1e]);
teamBlue = "PERÚ";
function WestBromFun(player) { // !WBA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('wba/titular/red | wba/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function WestBromTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xde2b2e, [0xFFFFFF, 0x1B2A41, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "WEST BROM";
function WestBromTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xde2b2e, [0xFFFFFF, 0x1B2A41, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "WEST BROM";
function AstonVillaFun(player) { // !AVL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('avl/titular/red | avl/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AstonVillaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 130, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC5DBF3, 0x97012F, 0x6A0D2A]);
teamRed = "ASTON VILLA";
function AstonVillaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 130, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC5DBF3, 0x97012F, 0x6A0D2A]);
teamBlue = "ASTON VILLA";
function FulhamFun(player) { // !FUL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ful/titular/red | ful/titular/blue | ful/alternativa/red
| ful/alternativa/blue | ful/clasica/red | ful/clasica/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function FulhamTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1e202c, [0xF0EFF5]); teamRed = "FULHAM FC";
function FulhamTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1e202c, [0xF0EFF5]); teamBlue = "FULHAM FC";
function FulhamAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC71B29, 0x372729, 0xC71B29]);
teamRed = "FULHAM FC";
function FulhamAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC71B29, 0x372729, 0xC71B29]);
teamBlue = "FULHAM FC";
function FulhamClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xe41b15, [0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000]);
teamRed = "FULHAM FC";
function FulhamClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xe41b15, [0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000]);
teamBlue = "FULHAM FC";
function LeicesterFun(player) { // !LEI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('lei/titular/red | lei/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function LeicesterTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 270, 0xFFFFFF, [0x364CFA, 0x3035FF]); teamRed =
function LeicesterTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 270, 0xFFFFFF, [0x364CFA, 0x3035FF]); teamBlue =
function DanubioFun(player) { // !DAN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dan/titular/red | dan/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DanubioTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 50, 0xdb0d24, [0xFFFFFF, 0x131514, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "DANUBIO";
function DanubioTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 50, 0xdb0d24, [0xFFFFFF, 0x131514, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "DANUBIO";
function RamplaJrsFun(player) { // !RAM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ram/titular/red | ram/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function RamplaJrsTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF2E3B, 0x1D836D, 0xFF2E3B]);
teamRed = "RAMPLA JRS";
function RamplaJrsTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF2E3B, 0x1D836D, 0xFF2E3B]);
teamBlue = "RAMPLA JRS";
function SacachispasFun(player) { // !SCH
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sch/titular/red | sch/titular/blue | sch/alternativa/red
| sch/alternativa/blue | sch/titular/red/2021 | sch/titular/blue/2021 |
sch/titular/red/2019 | sch/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SacachispasTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x201766, [0xC8B8F8, 0xFFFFFF, 0xC8B8F8]);
teamRed = "SACACHISPAS";
function SacachispasTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x201766, [0xC8B8F8, 0xFFFFFF, 0xC8B8F8]);
teamBlue = "SACACHISPAS";
function SacachispasAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 56, 0xffffff, [0x5944A5, 0xAF94D9]); teamRed =
function SacachispasAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 56, 0xffffff, [0x5944A5, 0xAF94D9]); teamBlue =
function SacachispasTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x343957, [0xA27DCD, 0xffffff, 0xA27DCD]);
teamRed = "SACACHISPAS";
function SacachispasTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x343957, [0xA27DCD, 0xffffff, 0xA27DCD]);
teamBlue = "SACACHISPAS";
function SacachispasTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x262d3f, [0xFFFFFF, 0x9477B7, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "SACACHISPAS";
function SacachispasTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x262d3f, [0xFFFFFF, 0x9477B7, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "SACACHISPAS";
function HolandaFun(player) { // !HOL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('hol/titular/red | hol/titular/blue | hol/alternativa/red
| hol/alternativa/blue | hol/retro/red | hol/retro/blue hol/bandera/red |
hol/bandera/blue | hol/alternativa/2019 | hol/alternativa/2019',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('hol/titular/red/2014 | hol/titular/blue/2014',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function HolandaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x3f2a27, [0xff7000]); teamRed = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x3f2a27, [0xff7000]); teamBlue = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xff7309, [0x1d1d1f]); teamRed = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xff7309, [0x1d1d1f]); teamBlue = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0d285f, [0x4ECDE4, 0x47BAD9, 0x3CA1C7]);
teamRed = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0d285f, [0x4ECDE4, 0x47BAD9, 0x3CA1C7]);
teamBlue = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaRetroRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2e2624, [0xf87032, 0xf7965f, 0xf2bea6]);
teamRed = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaRetroBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2e2624, [0xf87032, 0xf7965f, 0xf2bea6]);
teamBlue = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xAE1C28, 0xFFFFFF, 0x21468B]);
teamRed = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xAE1C28, 0xFFFFFF, 0x21468B]);
teamBlue = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaTitular2014RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xf9f8f6, [0xff6f1c]); teamRed = "HOLANDA";
function HolandaTitular2014BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xf9f8f6, [0xff6f1c]); teamBlue = "HOLANDA";
function BoliviaFun(player) { // !BOL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bol/titular/red | bol/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BoliviaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x26A057]); teamRed = "BOLIVIA";
function BoliviaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x26A057]); teamBlue = "BOLIVIA";
function ItaliaFun(player) { // !ITA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ita/titular/red | ita/titular/blue | ita/alternativa/red
| ita/alternativa/blue | ita/retro/red | ita/retro/blue | ita/bandera/red |
ita/bandera/blue | ita/alternativa/red/euro | ita/alternativa/blue/euro |
ita/tercera/red/euro | ita/tercera/blue/euro | ita/titular/red/2018 |
ita/titular/blue/2018 | ita/titular/red/2020 | ita/titular/blue/2020 |
ita/titular/red/2006 | ita/titular/blue/2006',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ItaliaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf5d6a8, [0x0388d1, 0x0399d3]); teamRed =
function ItaliaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf5d6a8, [0x0388d1, 0x0399d3]); teamBlue =
function ItaliaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x383d65, [0xf6f6f8, 0xe3e8ec]); teamRed =
function ItaliaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x383d65, [0xf6f6f8, 0xe3e8ec]); teamBlue =
function ItaliaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x0064aa , [0x009e3f, 0xFFFFFF, 0xe40321]);
teamRed = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x0064aa , [0x009e3f, 0xFFFFFF, 0xe40321]);
teamBlue = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaRetroRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xdbbc52, [0x1d3b6d, 0x2163b7, 0x1d3b6d]);
teamRed = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaRetroBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xdbbc52, [0x1d3b6d, 0x2163b7, 0x1d3b6d]);
teamBlue = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaAlternativaEuro2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x23333e, [0xF3F3F3, 0xFCFBFC, 0xF3F3F3]);
teamRed = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaAlternativaEuro2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x23333e, [0xF3F3F3, 0xFCFBFC, 0xF3F3F3]);
teamBlue = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaTerceraEuro2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 66, 0xe4c681, [0x0A363E, 0x064A4A, 0x064A4A]);
teamRed = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaTerceraEuro2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 66, 0xe4c681, [0x0A363E, 0x064A4A, 0x064A4A]);
teamBlue = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf9f9f9, [0x0269DC]); teamRed = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf9f9f9, [0x0269DC]); teamBlue = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x053da7, [0xF0F1F1]); teamRed = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x053da7, [0xF0F1F1]); teamBlue = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x4062D7]); teamRed = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x4062D7]); teamBlue = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 270, 0xe1c593, [0x0369ce, 0x005aba]); teamRed =
function ItaliaTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 270, 0xe1c593, [0x0369ce, 0x005aba]); teamBlue =
function ItaliaTitular2006RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 73, 0xe0c68d, [0x13366e, 0x0281dc, 0x0281dc]);
teamRed = "ITALIA";
function ItaliaTitular2006BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 73, 0xe0c68d, [0x13366e, 0x0281dc, 0x0281dc]);
teamBlue = "ITALIA";
function InglaterraFun(player) { // !ING
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ing/titular/red | ing/titular/blue | ing/alternativa/red
| ing/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('ing/titular/red/2020 | ing/titular/blue/2020 |
ing/alternativa/red/2020 | ing/alternativa/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);

function InglaterraTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf3010f, [0xf8f8f8]); teamRed = "INGLATERRA";
function InglaterraTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf3010f, [0xf8f8f8]); teamBlue = "INGLATERRA";
function InglaterraAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xf2f4f3, [0xf4080a]); teamRed = "INGLATERRA";
function InglaterraAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xf2f4f3, [0xf4080a]); teamBlue = "INGLATERRA";
function InglaterraTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xdc1413, [0xF3F4F9]); teamRed = "INGLATERRA";
function InglaterraTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xdc1413, [0xF3F4F9]); teamBlue = "INGLATERRA";
function InglaterraAlternativa2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xfbf9f9, [0xDB141F]); teamRed = "INGLATERRA";
function InglaterraAlternativa2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xfbf9f9, [0xDB141F]); teamBlue = "INGLATERRA";
function ParaguayFun(player) { // !PGY
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pgy/titular/red | pgy/titular/blue | pgy/alternativa/red
| pgy/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ParaguayTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0380dc, [0xf61527, 0xffffff, 0xf61527]);
teamRed = "PARAGUAY";
function ParaguayTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0380dc, [0xf61527, 0xffffff, 0xf61527]);
teamBlue = "PARAGUAY";
function ParaguayAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 55, 0xFFFFFF, [0x024eae, 0x024eae, 0x033c9a]);
teamRed = "PARAGUAY";
function ParaguayAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 55, 0xFFFFFF, [0x024eae, 0x024eae, 0x033c9a]);
teamBlue = "PARAGUAY";
function VenezuelaFun(player) { // !VEN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ven/titular/red | ven/titular/blue | ven/alternativa/red
| ven/alternativa/blue | ven/titular/red/2015 | ven/titular/blue/2015 |
ven/alternativa/red/2015 | ven/alternativa/blue/2015',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function VenezuelaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x8f021d]); teamRed = "VENEZUELA";
function VenezuelaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x8f021d]); teamBlue = "VENEZUELA";
function VenezuelaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x8f2937, [0xf8faf9, 0xf8faf9, 0xf3f5f4]);
teamRed = "VENEZUELA";
function VenezuelaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x8f2937, [0xf8faf9, 0xf8faf9, 0xf3f5f4]);
teamBlue = "VENEZUELA";
function VenezuelaTitular2015RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xcbeb01, [0x590616]); teamRed = "VENEZUELA";
function VenezuelaTitular2015BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xcbeb01, [0x590616]); teamBlue = "VENEZUELA";
function VenezuelaAlternativa2015RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x640f08, [0xe8f600]); teamRed = "VENEZUELA";
function VenezuelaAlternativa2015BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x640f08, [0xe8f600]); teamBlue = "VENEZUELA";
function QatarFun(player) { // !QAT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('qat/titular/red | qat/titular/blue | qat/alternativa/red
| qat/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function QatarTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf1eff4, [0x9b003c, 0x940139, 0x940139]);
teamRed = "QATAR";
function QatarTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf1eff4, [0x9b003c, 0x940139, 0x940139]);
teamBlue = "QATAR";
function QatarAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x9b232f, [0xffffff]); teamRed = "QATAR";
function QatarAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x9b232f, [0xffffff]); teamBlue = "QATAR";
function AjaxFun(player) { // !AJA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('aja/titular/red | aja/titular/blue | aja/alternativa/red
| aja/alternativa/blue | aja/alternativa/red/2018 | aja/alternativa/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AjaxTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xB8BCC2, [0xFCFAFC, 0xE11025, 0xFCFAFC]);
teamRed = "AJAX";
function AjaxTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xB8BCC2, [0xFCFAFC, 0xE11025, 0xFCFAFC]);
teamBlue = "AJAX";
function AjaxAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xee7024, [0x255459, 0x05707C, 0x255459]);
teamRed = "AJAX";
function AjaxAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xee7024, [0x255459, 0x05707C, 0x255459]);
teamBlue = "AJAX";
function AjaxAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xc5c390, [0xDFDCC9, 0x1C2427, 0x1C2427]);
teamRed = "AJAX";
function AjaxAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xc5c390, [0xDFDCC9, 0x1C2427, 0x1C2427]);
teamBlue = "AJAX";
function PSVFun(player) { // !PSV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('psv/titular/red | psv/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PSVTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x030303, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFA2747, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "PSV";
function PSVTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x030303, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFA2747, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "PSV";
function FeyenoordFun(player) { // !FEY
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fey/titular/red | fey/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FEYTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFA203B]); teamRed =
function FEYTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFA203B]); teamBlue =
function ParisFun(player) { // !PSG
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('psg/titular/red | psg/titular/blue | psg/alternativa/red
| psg/alternativa/blue | psg/tercera/red | psg/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('psg/titular/red/2020 | psg/titular/blue/2020 |
psg/titular/red/2019 | psg/titular/blue/2019 | psg/alternativa/red/2019 |
psg/alternativa/blue/2019 | psg/tercera/red/2019 | psg/tercera/blue/2019 |
psg/entrenamiento/red | psg/entrenamiento/blue | psg/titular/red/2016 |
psg/titular/blue/2016',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PSGTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf4f5f7, [0x25406c, 0x203c65, 0x25406c]);
teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf4f5f7, [0x25406c, 0x203c65, 0x25406c]);
teamBlue = "PSG";
function PSGAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x3b363c, [0xf5f4f9, 0xffd4e5, 0xf5f4f9]);
teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x3b363c, [0xf5f4f9, 0xffd4e5, 0xf5f4f9]);
teamBlue = "PSG";
function PSGTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf5f5f7, [0x26252b, 0x75767e, 0x26252b]);
teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf5f5f7, [0x26252b, 0x75767e, 0x26252b]);
teamBlue = "PSG";
function PSGTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x07305C, 0xF6012C, 0x07305C]);
teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x07305C, 0xF6012C, 0x07305C]);
teamBlue = "PSG";
function PSGTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1F2D59, 0xD91113, 0x1F2D59]);
teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1F2D59, 0xD91113, 0x1F2D59]);
teamBlue = "PSG";
function PSGAlternativa2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0e0e0e, [0xFB503D]); teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGAlternativa2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0e0e0e, [0xFB503D]); teamBlue = "PSG";
function PSGTercera2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x191e3f, [0xD40709, 0xEAF4F6, 0xEAF4F6]);
teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGTercera2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x191e3f, [0xD40709, 0xEAF4F6, 0xEAF4F6]);
teamBlue = "PSG";
function PSGEntrenamientoRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 57, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF4F47, 0x2A232A, 0x55555F]);
teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGEntrenamientoBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 57, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF4F47, 0x2A232A, 0x55555F]);
teamBlue = "PSG";
function PSGTitular2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x1b305b, 0x4b2449, 0x1b305b]);
teamRed = "PSG";
function PSGTitular2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x1b305b, 0x4b2449, 0x1b305b]);
teamBlue = "PSG";
function RiestraFun(player) { // !RIE
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('rie/titular/red | rie/titular/blue | rie/alternativa/red
| rie/alternativa/blue ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function RiestraTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1D1C21]); teamRed = "DEP.
function RiestraTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1D1C21]); teamBlue = "DEP.
function RiestraAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 40, 0x19161b, [0xFDFDFD]); teamRed = "DEP.
function RiestraAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 40, 0x19161b, [0xFDFDFD]); teamBlue = "DEP.
function CentralCordobaSdEFun(player) { // !CCS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ccs/titular/red | ccs/titular/blue | ccs/alternativa/red
| ccs/alternativa/blue | ccs/tercera/red | ccs/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function CentralCordobaSdETitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xc22b34, [0x231f20, 0xFFFFFF, 0x231f20]);
function CentralCordobaSdETitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xc22b34, [0x231f20, 0xFFFFFF, 0x231f20]);
function CentralCordobaSdEAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x9C181C, 0x9C181C, 0xC02122]);
function CentralCordobaSdEAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x9C181C, 0x9C181C, 0xC02122]);
function CentralCordobaSdETerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 50, 0xca0009, [0xE7E7E7, 0xFBFBFB]);
function CentralCordobaSdETerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 50, 0xca0009, [0xE7E7E7, 0xFBFBFB]);
function OGCNiceFun(player) { // !OGC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ogc/titular/red | ogc/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function OGCNiceTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFD2725, 0x0C0D11, 0xFD2725]);
teamRed = "OGC NICE";
function OGCNiceTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFD2725, 0x0C0D11, 0xFD2725]);
teamBlue = "OGC NICE";
function OlympiqueMarsellaFun(player) { // !OM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('om/titular/red | om/titular/blue | om/alternativa/red |
om/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function OlympiqueMarsellaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 72, 0x43ceec, [0x29ccf1, 0xf6f4fc, 0xf6f4fc]);
function OlympiqueMarsellaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 72, 0x43ceec, [0x29ccf1, 0xf6f4fc, 0xf6f4fc]);
function OlympiqueMarsellaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 61, 0xFFFFFF, [0x24ADEA, 0x1473E5]); teamRed =
function OlympiqueMarsellaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 61, 0xFFFFFF, [0x24ADEA, 0x1473E5]); teamBlue =
function ASRomaFun(player) { // !ROM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('rom/titular/red | rom/titular/blue | rom/alternativa/red
| rom/alternativa/blue | rom/tercera/red | rom/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('rom/titular/red/2019 | rom/titular/blue/2019 |
rom/clasica/red | rom/clasica/blue | rom/titular/red/2020 | rom/titular/blue/2020 |
rom/titular/red/2021 | rom/titular/blue/2021',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function ASRomaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xfec901, [0xa0011d, 0xba0121]); teamRed =
function ASRomaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xfec901, [0xa0011d, 0xba0121]); teamBlue =
function ASRomaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x6e0f19, [0xF6F7FA]); teamRed = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x6e0f19, [0xF6F7FA]); teamBlue = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf9b105, [0x172952, 0x1C2446]); teamRed =
function ASRomaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf9b105, [0x172952, 0x1C2446]); teamBlue =
function ASRomaTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf3cf0c, [0x8A1A1D]); teamRed = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf3cf0c, [0x8A1A1D]); teamBlue = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffb300, [0x8e001c]); teamRed = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffb300, [0x8e001c]); teamBlue = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x5E2327, 0xD82C34, 0x83212D]);
teamRed = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x5E2327, 0xD82C34, 0x83212D]);
teamBlue = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf5b804, [0x930112]); teamRed = "AS ROMA";
function ASRomaTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf5b804, [0x930112]); teamBlue = "AS ROMA";
function FiorentinaFun(player) { // !FIO
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fio/titular/red | fio/titular/blue | fio/alternativa/red
| fio/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FiorentinaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x55338a]); teamRed = "FIORENTINA";
function FiorentinaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x55338a]); teamBlue = "FIORENTINA";
function FiorentinaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x8559BD, [0xffffff, 0x422A6E, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "FIORENTINA";
function FiorentinaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x8559BD, [0xffffff, 0x422A6E, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "FIORENTINA";
function LazioFun(player) { // !LAZ
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('laz/titular/red | laz/titular/blue | laz/alternativa/red
| laz/alternativa/blue | laz/tercera/red | laz/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('laz/titular/red/2019 | laz/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function LazioTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x81c6ee, 0x8ccaee , 0x81c6ee]);
teamRed = "LAZIO";
function LazioTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x81c6ee, 0x8ccaee , 0x81c6ee]);
teamBlue = "LAZIO";
function LazioAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1e2e50, [0xFFFFFF, 0x86BBEF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LAZIO";
function LazioAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1e2e50, [0xFFFFFF, 0x86BBEF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LAZIO";
function LazioTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xc3e9fe, [0x0F1217]); teamRed = "LAZIO";
function LazioTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xc3e9fe, [0x0F1217]); teamBlue = "LAZIO";
function LazioTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x194174, [0xFFFFFF, 0x9EDFFF]); teamRed =
function LazioTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x194174, [0xFFFFFF, 0x9EDFFF]); teamBlue =
function SMSanJuanFun(player) { // !SMSJ
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('smsj/titular/red | smsj/titular/blue |
smsj/alternativa/red | smsj/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SMSanJuanTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x131311, 0x4EA280, 0x131311]);
teamRed = "SAN MARTIN (SJ)";
function SMSanJuanTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x131311, 0x4EA280, 0x131311]);
teamBlue = "SAN MARTIN (SJ)";
function SMSanJuanAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x030303, [0xFFFFFF, 0x48C079, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "SAN MARTIN (SJ)";
function SMSanJuanAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x030303, [0xFFFFFF, 0x48C079, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "SAN MARTIN (SJ)";
function GodoyCruzFun(player) { // !GOD
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('god/titular/red | god/titular/blue | god/alternativa/red
| god/alternativa/blue | god/tercera/red | god/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function GodoyCruzTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x73b0e1, [0x096fcc, 0xFFFFFF, 0x096fcc]);
teamRed = "GODOY CRUZ";
function GodoyCruzTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x73b0e1, [0x096fcc, 0xFFFFFF, 0x096fcc]);
teamBlue = "GODOY CRUZ";
function GodoyCruzAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x055bd2, [0x0060c7, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "GODOY CRUZ";
function GodoyCruzAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x055bd2, [0x0060c7, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "GODOY CRUZ";
function GodoyCruzTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x881325, 0x5F0D1A, 0x881325]);
teamRed = "GODOY CRUZ";
function GodoyCruzTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x881325, 0x5F0D1A, 0x881325]);
teamBlue = "GODOY CRUZ";
function VelezFun(player) { // !VEL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('vel/titular/red | vel/titular/blue | vel/alternativa/red
| vel/alternativa/blue | vel/tercera/red | vel/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);

function VelezTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0063a8, [0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "VÉLEZ";
́ room.sendAnnouncement('𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘭𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘵𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘝𝘦́𝘭𝘦𝘻 𝘱𝘶𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳 "/avatar
ᐯ"',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function VelezTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0063a8, [0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "VÉLEZ";
́ room.sendAnnouncement('𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘭𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘵𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘝𝘦́𝘭𝘦𝘻 𝘱𝘶𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳 "/avatar
ᐯ"',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function VelezAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2C3EA2, 0x2E42B5, 0x3248C4]);
teamRed = "VÉLEZ";
́ room.sendAnnouncement('𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘭𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘵𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘝𝘦́𝘭𝘦𝘻 𝘱𝘶𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳 "/avatar
ᐯ"',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function VelezAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2C3EA2, 0x2E42B5, 0x3248C4]);
teamBlue = "VÉLEZ";
́ room.sendAnnouncement('𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘭𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘵𝘢 𝘥𝘦 𝘝𝘦́𝘭𝘦𝘻 𝘱𝘶𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳 "/avatar
ᐯ"',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function VelezTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x000000, [0x097C7F, 0xFFFFFF, 0xF11931]);
teamRed = "VÉLEZ";
function VelezTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x000000, [0x097C7F, 0xFFFFFF, 0xF11931]);
teamBlue = "VÉLEZ";
function FlamengoFun(player) { // !FLA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fla/titular/red | fla/titular/blue | fla/alternativa/red
| fla/alternativa/blue | fla/tercera/red | fla/tercera/blue | fla/titular/red/2018
| fla/titular/blue/2018 | fla/alternativa/red/2018 | fla/alternativa/blue/2018 |
fla/tercera/red/2018 | fla/tercera/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('fla/titular/red/2019 | fla/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function FlamengoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xdd0125, 0x211f25, 0xdd0125]);
teamRed = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xdd0125, 0x211f25, 0xdd0125]);
teamBlue = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xde111e, [0xEEEFF1, 0x1B1F1F, 0x872C32]);
teamRed = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xde111e, [0xEEEFF1, 0x1B1F1F, 0x872C32]);
teamBlue = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xc1e23f, [0x36363C]); teamRed = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xc1e23f, [0x36363C]); teamBlue = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf5f5f5, [0xF70610, 0x131517, 0xF70610]);
teamRed = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf5f5f5, [0xF70610, 0x131517, 0xF70610]);
teamBlue = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 67, 0x1a1a1a, [0xD82C23, 0xE4E8DF, 0xE4E8DF]);
teamRed = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 67, 0x1a1a1a, [0xD82C23, 0xE4E8DF, 0xE4E8DF]);
teamBlue = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTercera2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf5f5f5, [0x71A5D4, 0x4477A7, 0x71A5D4]);
teamRed = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTercera2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf5f5f5, [0x71A5D4, 0x4477A7, 0x71A5D4]);
teamBlue = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf5f5f5, [0x872C32, 0x1B1F1F, 0x872C32]);
teamRed = "FLAMENGO";
function FlamengoTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf5f5f5, [0x872C32, 0x1B1F1F, 0x872C32]);
teamBlue = "FLAMENGO";
function SCInternacionalFun(player) { // !SCI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sci/titular/red | sci/titular/blue | sci/alternativa/red
| sci/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SCInternacionalTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xf02521]); teamRed = "SC
function SCInternacionalTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xf02521]); teamBlue = "SC
function SCInternacionalAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 64, 0x66020A, [0xF9F9FA, 0xC71B20, 0xF9F9FA]);
function SCInternacionalAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 64, 0x66020A, [0xF9F9FA, 0xC71B20, 0xF9F9FA]);
function SantosFun(player) { // !SAN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('san/titular/red | san/titular/blue | san/alternativa/red
| san/alternativa/blue | san/tercera/red | san/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function SantosTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x3b4043, [0xf1f5f6]); teamRed = "SANTOS FC";
function SantosTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x3b4043, [0xf1f5f6]); teamBlue = "SANTOS FC";
function SantosAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xD6BD62, [0x2c2b33, 0xf9f8fd, 0x2c2b33]);
teamRed = "SANTOS FC";
function SantosAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xD6BD62, [0x2c2b33, 0xf9f8fd, 0x2c2b33]);
teamBlue = "SANTOS FC";
function SantosTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 225, 0xa7adb1, [0x282A35, 0x282A35, 0x393C45]);
teamRed = "SANTOS FC";
function SantosTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 225, 0xa7adb1, [0x282A35, 0x282A35, 0x393C45]);
teamBlue = "SANTOS FC";
function SaoPauloFun(player) { // !SAO
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sao/titular/red | sao/titular/blue | sao/alternativa/red
| sao/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SaoPauloTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x3c3b3e, [0xf91e0b, 0xf5f5f5, 0x1c1d21]);
teamRed = "SAO PAULO";
function SaoPauloTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x3c3b3e, [0xf91e0b, 0xf5f5f5, 0x1c1d21]);
teamBlue = "SAO PAULO";
function SaoPauloAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf2273a, [0x221c1e, 0xeae8eb, 0xed2436]);
teamRed = "SAO PAULO";
function SaoPauloAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf2273a, [0x221c1e, 0xeae8eb, 0xed2436]);
teamBlue = "SAO PAULO";
function CorinthiansFun(player) { // !COR
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cor/titular/red | cor/titular/blue | cor/alternativa/red
| cor/alternativa/blue | cor/tercera/red/2011 | cor/tercera/blue/2011',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CorinthiansTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xF4F4F6]); teamRed = "CORINTHIANS";
function CorinthiansTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xF4F4F6]); teamBlue =
function CorinthiansAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 360, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1F1E20]); teamRed = "CORINTHIANS";
function CorinthiansAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 360, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1F1E20]); teamBlue =
function CorinthiansTercera2011RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x700b0f]); teamRed = "CORINTHIANS";
function CorinthiansTercera2011BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x700b0f]); teamBlue =
function VascoDaGamaFun(player) { // !VAS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('vas/titular/red | vas/titular/blue | vas/alternativa/red
| vas/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function VascoDaGamaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 29, 0xd42a2a, [0x19181B, 0xE6E6E4, 0x19181B]);
teamRed = "VASCO DA GAMA";
function VascoDaGamaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 29, 0xd42a2a, [0x19181B, 0xE6E6E4, 0x19181B]);
teamBlue = "VASCO DA GAMA";
function VascoDaGamaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 29, 0xd42a2a, [0xFEFEFE, 0x1C1C1C, 0xFEFEFE]);
teamRed = "VASCO DA GAMA";
function VascoDaGamaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 29, 0xd42a2a, [0xFEFEFE, 0x1C1C1C, 0xFEFEFE]);
teamBlue = "VASCO DA GAMA";
function BotafogoFun(player) { // !BOT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bot/titular/red | bot/titular/blue | bot/alternativa/red
| bot/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BotafogoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x777B87, [0x1C1F26, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1C1F26]);
teamRed = "BOTAFOGO";
function BotafogoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x777B87, [0x1C1F26, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1C1F26]);
teamBlue = "BOTAFOGO";
function BotafogoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x161719]); teamRed = "BOTAFOGO";
function BotafogoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x161719]); teamBlue = "BOTAFOGO";
function FluminenseFun(player) { // !FLU
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('flu/titular/red | flu/titular/blue | flu/alternativa/red
| flu/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FluminenseTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf5f5f7, [0x9c222f, 0x025d4b, 0x9c222f]);
teamRed = "FLUMINENSE";
function FluminenseTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf5f5f7, [0x9c222f, 0x025d4b, 0x9c222f]);
teamBlue = "FLUMINENSE";
function MineiroFun(player) { // !CAM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cam/titular/red | cam/titular/blue | cam/alternativa/red
| cam/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MineiroTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf21828, [0xeff2f7, 0x2b2529, 0xeff2f7]);
teamRed = "MINEIRO";
function MineiroTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf21828, [0xeff2f7, 0x2b2529, 0xeff2f7]);
teamBlue = "MINEIRO";
function MineiroAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1D1E24, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "MINEIRO";
function MineiroAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1D1E24, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "MINEIRO";
function AtlNacionalFun(player) { // !ATN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('atn/titular/red | atn/titular/blue | atn/alternativa/red
| atn/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AtlNacionalTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xB2C9BB, [0x178B36, 0xFCFCFC, 0x178B36]);
teamRed = "ATL. NACIONAL (COL)";
function AtlNacionalTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xB2C9BB, [0x178B36, 0xFCFCFC, 0x178B36]);
teamBlue = "ATL. NACIONAL (COL)";
function AtlNacionalAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -136, 0x008a26, [0xF6F6F8, 0xE6E8EA]); teamRed =
function AtlNacionalAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -136, 0x008a26, [0xF6F6F8, 0xE6E8EA]); teamBlue =
function MillonariosFun(player) { // !MIL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mil/titular/red | mil/titular/blue | mil/alternativa/red
| mil/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MillonariosTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0846AD]); teamRed = "MILLONARIOS";
function MillonariosTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0846AD]); teamBlue =
function MillonariosAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x093794, [0xF7F7F7]); teamRed = "MILLONARIOS";
function MillonariosAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x093794, [0xF7F7F7]); teamBlue =
function AmericaDeCaliFun(player) { // !AME
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ame/titular/red | ame/titular/blue | ame/alternativa/red
| ame/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AmericaDeCaliTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE81B1D]); teamRed = "AMÉRICA DE
function AmericaDeCaliTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE81B1D]); teamBlue = "AMÉRICA DE
function AmericaDeCaliAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xc91212, [0xF8F8F8]); teamRed = "AMÉRICA DE
function AmericaDeCaliAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xc91212, [0xF8F8F8]); teamBlue = "AMÉRICA DE
function SantaFeFun(player) { // !SFE
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sfe/titular/red | sfe/titular/blue | sfe/alternativa/red
| sfe/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SantaFeTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xE0E0E0, [0xF6F6F8, 0xEB0505, 0xEB0505]);
teamRed = "SANTA FE (COL)";
function SantaFeTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xE0E0E0, [0xF6F6F8, 0xEB0505, 0xEB0505]);
teamBlue = "SANTA FE (COL)";
function SantaFeAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xEB0505, [0xEB0505, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "SANTA FE (COL)";
function SantaFeAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xEB0505, [0xEB0505, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "SANTA FE (COL)";
function DeportivoCaliFun(player) { // !CAL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cal/titular/red | cal/titular/blue | cal/alternativa/red
| cal/alternativa/blue | cal/tercera/red | cal/tercera/blue | cal/titular/red/2020
| cal/titular/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DeportivoCaliTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x05393c, 0x013037, 0x05393c]);
function DeportivoCaliTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x05393c, 0x013037, 0x05393c]);
teamBlue = "DEPORTIVO CALI";
function DeportivoCaliAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1b474b, [0xEFEFEF, 0xffffff, 0xEFEFEF]);
function DeportivoCaliAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1b474b, [0xEFEFEF, 0xffffff, 0xEFEFEF]);
teamBlue = "DEPORTIVO CALI";
function DeportivoCaliTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x4e514d, [0x7DF356]); teamRed = "DEPORTIVO
function DeportivoCaliTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x4e514d, [0x7DF356]); teamBlue = "DEPORTIVO
function DeportivoCaliTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe0e6e4, [0x146C56]); teamRed = "DEPORTIVO
function DeportivoCaliTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe0e6e4, [0x146C56]); teamBlue = "DEPORTIVO
function OnceCaldasFun(player) { // !ONC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('onc/titular/red | onc/titular/blue | onc/alternativa/red
| onc/alternativa/blue | onc/tercera/red | onc/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function OnceCaldasTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x171717, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "ONCE CALDAS";
function OnceCaldasTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x171717, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "ONCE
function OnceCaldasAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x171717]); teamRed = "ONCE CALDAS";
function OnceCaldasAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x171717]); teamBlue = "ONCE
function OnceCaldasTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1C69BB]); teamRed = "ONCE CALDAS";
function OnceCaldasTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1C69BB]); teamBlue = "ONCE
function CerroFun(player) { // !CCP
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ccp/titular/red | ccp/titular/blue | ccp/alternativa/red
| ccp/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CerroTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xCD2B38, 0x1F2F7C, 0xCD2B38]);
teamRed = "CERRO PORTEÑO";
function CerroTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xCD2B38, 0x1F2F7C, 0xCD2B38]);
teamBlue = "CERRO PORTEÑO";
function CerroAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x1a3e7a, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "CERRO
function CerroAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x1a3e7a, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "CERRO
function OlimpiaFun(player) { // !OLI
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('oli/titular/red | oli/titular/blue | oli/alternativa/red
| oli/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function OlimpiaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x9290A3, [0xFFFFFF, 0x181818, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "OLIMPIA";
function OlimpiaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x9290A3, [0xFFFFFF, 0x181818, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "OLIMPIA";
function OlimpiaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x48424C]); teamRed = "OLIMPIA";
function OlimpiaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x48424C]); teamBlue = "OLIMPIA";
function GuaraniFun(player) { // !GUA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gua/titular/red | gua/titular/blue | gua/alternativa/red
| gua/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function GuaraniTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFDD537, 0x1C1B16, 0xFDD537]);
teamRed = "GUARANÍ";
function GuaraniTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFDD537, 0x1C1B16, 0xFDD537]);
teamBlue = "GUARANÍ";
function GuaraniAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x504B48, 0x201F1B, 0x504B48]);
teamRed = "GUARANÍ";
function GuaraniAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x504B48, 0x201F1B, 0x504B48]);
teamBlue = "GUARANÍ";
function LibertadFun(player) { // !LIB
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('lib/titular/red | lib/titular/blue | lib/alternativa/red
| lib/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function LibertadTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x5D636E, [0xFFFFFF, 0x16161E, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LIBERTAD";
function LibertadTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x5D636E, [0xFFFFFF, 0x16161E, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LIBERTAD";
function LibertadAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x171B1E]); teamRed = "LIBERTAD";
function LibertadAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 40, 0xFFFFFF, [0x171B1E]); teamBlue = "LIBERTAD";
function SouthamptonFun(player) { // !SOU
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sou/titular/red | sou/titular/blue | sou/alternativa/red
| sou/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SouthamptonTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x191B1F, [0xFF0028, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0028]);
teamRed = "SOUTHAMPTON";
function SouthamptonTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x191B1F, [0xFF0028, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0028]);
teamBlue = "SOUTHAMPTON";
function SouthamptonAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe2fb40, [0xFDFE4B, 0x283639, 0x283639]);
teamRed = "SOUTHAMPTON";
function SouthamptonAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe2fb40, [0xFDFE4B, 0x283639, 0x283639]);
teamBlue = "SOUTHAMPTON";
function WatfordFun(player) { // !WAT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('wat/titular/red | wat/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function WatfordTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf53117, [0xFADF09, 0x161616]); teamRed =
function WatfordTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf53117, [0xFADF09, 0x161616]); teamBlue =
function WillemIIFun(player) { // !WIL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('wil/titular/red | wil/titular/blue | wil/alternativa/red
| wil/alternativa/blue | wil/tercera/red | wil/tercera/blue ',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function WillemIITitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0A0A0A, [0x223263, 0xFFFFFF, 0xF7014C]);
teamRed = "WILLEM II";
function WillemIITitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0A0A0A, [0x223263, 0xFFFFFF, 0xF7014C]);
teamBlue = "WILLEM II";
function WillemIIAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xA42F62, 0x6B436F, 0xA42F62]);
teamRed = "WILLEM II";
function WillemIIAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xA42F62, 0x6B436F, 0xA42F62]);
teamBlue = "WILLEM II";
function WillemIITerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xc09926, [0xC72C27, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0A2245]);
teamRed = "WILLEM II";
function WillemIITerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xc09926, [0xC72C27, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0A2245]);
teamBlue = "WILLEM II";
function AlvaradoFun(player) { // !ALV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('alv/titular/red | alv/titular/blue | alv/alternativa/red
| alv/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AlvaradoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 44, 0x091021, [0x1E2F55, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1E2F55]);
teamRed = "ALVARADO";
function AlvaradoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 44, 0x091021, [0x1E2F55, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1E2F55]);
teamBlue = "ALVARADO";
function AlvaradoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0x091021, [0xFFFFFF, 0x022C77, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "ALVARADO";
function AlvaradoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0x091021, [0xFFFFFF, 0x022C77, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "ALVARADO";
function AgropecuarioFun(player) { // !AGR
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('agr/titular/red | agr/titular/blue | agr/alternativa/red
| agr/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AgropecuarioTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFCFCFC, [0x168C4B, 0xBA2C24, 0x168C4B]);
function AgropecuarioTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFCFCFC, [0x168C4B, 0xBA2C24, 0x168C4B]);
teamBlue = "AGROPECUARIO";
function AgropecuarioAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x151515, [0x1C5F3A, 0xFFFFFF, 0xBA2C24]);
function AgropecuarioAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x151515, [0x1C5F3A, 0xFFFFFF, 0xBA2C24]);
teamBlue = "AGROPECUARIO";
function RiverURUFun(player) { // !RIU
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('riu/titular/red | riu/titular/blue | riu/alternativa/red
| riu/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function RiverURUTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 360, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xD20502, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "RIVER (UY)";
function RiverURUTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 360, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xD20502, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "RIVER (UY)";
function RiverURUAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFE0002]); teamRed = "RIVER (UY)";
function RiverURUAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFE0002]); teamBlue = "RIVER (UY)";
function GalatasarayFun(player) { // !GS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gs/titular/red | gs/titular/blue | gs/alternativa/red |
gs/alternativa/blue | gs/tercera/red | gs/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function GalatasarayTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFDB61E, 0xCD162A]); teamRed =
function GalatasarayTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFDB61E, 0xCD162A]); teamBlue =
function GalatasarayAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x8d1d1d, [0xE3CFB3]); teamRed = "GALATASARAY";
function GalatasarayAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x8d1d1d, [0xE3CFB3]); teamBlue =
function GalatasarayTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xab1d28, [0xC9C5C9]); teamRed = "GALATASARAY";
function GalatasarayTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xab1d28, [0xC9C5C9]); teamBlue =
function FenerbahceFun(player) { // !FB
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fb/titular/red | fb/titular/blue | fb/alternativa/red |
fb/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FenerbahceTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF3FD33, 0x1C3F80, 0xF3FD33]);
teamRed = "FENERBAHCE";
function FenerbahceTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF3FD33, 0x1C3F80, 0xF3FD33]);
teamBlue = "FENERBAHCE";
function FenerbahceAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x2f3a67, [0xF4E800]); teamRed = "FENERBAHCE";
function FenerbahceAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x2f3a67, [0xF4E800]); teamBlue = "FENERBAHCE";
function BesiktasFun(player) { // !BJK
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bjk/titular/red | bjk/titular/blue | bjk/alternativa/red
| bjk/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BesiktasTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "BASIKTAS";
function BesiktasTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "BASIKTAS";
function BesiktasAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xFB3333]); teamRed = "BASIKTAS";
function BesiktasAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xFB3333]); teamBlue = "BASIKTAS";
function AmericaMXFun(player) { // !AMC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('amc/titular/red | amc/titular/blue | amc/alternativa/red
| amc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AmericaMXTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x223346, [0xFBF993]); teamRed = "AMÉRICA
function AmericaMXTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x223346, [0xFBF993]); teamBlue = "AMÉRICA
function AmericaMXAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xF2F2F2, [0x1A2C38]); teamRed = "AMÉRICA
function AmericaMXAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xF2F2F2, [0x1A2C38]); teamBlue = "AMÉRICA
function CruzAzulFun(player) { // !CRUZ
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cruz/titular/red | cruz/titular/blue |
cruz/alternativa/red | cruz/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CruzAzulTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x263D9A]); teamRed = "CRUZ AZUL";
function CruzAzulTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x263D9A]); teamBlue = "CRUZ AZUL";
function CruzAzulAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x31357e, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "CRUZ AZUL";
function CruzAzulAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x31357e, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "CRUZ AZUL";
function MonterreyFun(player) { // !MTY
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mty/titular/red | mty/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MonterreyTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x7D7E80, [0x23354F, 0xffffff, 0x23354F]);
teamRed = "MONTERREY";
function MonterreyTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x7D7E80, [0x23354F, 0xffffff, 0x23354F]);
teamBlue = "MONTERREY";
function ChivasFun(player) { // !CHV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('chv/titular/red | chv/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ChivasTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x052e4e, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFE3548, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "CHIVAS";
function ChivasTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x052e4e, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFE3548, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "CHIVAS";
function TigresFun(player) { // !TGS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('tgs/titular/red | tgs/titular/blue |
tgs/titular/red/2020 | tgs/titular/blue/2020',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function TigresTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x04407A, [0xfbc026, 0x017cd9, 0xfbc026]);
teamRed = "TIGRES";
function TigresTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x04407A, [0xfbc026, 0x017cd9, 0xfbc026]);
teamBlue = "TIGRES";
function TigresTitular2020RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x021F8A, [0xF2B42B, 0x0055B8, 0xF2B42B]);
teamRed = "TIGRES";
function TigresTitular2020BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x021F8A, [0xF2B42B, 0x0055B8, 0xF2B42B]);
teamBlue = "TIGRES";
function LigaDeQuitoFun(player) { // !GS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ldu/titular/red | ldu/titular/blue | ldu/alternativa/red
| ldu/alternativa/blue | ldu/tercera/red | ldu/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function LigaDeQuitoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 360, 0x060541, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "LIGA DE
function LigaDeQuitoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 360, 0x060541, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "LIGA DE
function LigaDeQuitoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xd1bf58, [0xD8060E]); teamRed = "LIGA DE
function LigaDeQuitoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xd1bf58, [0xD8060E]); teamBlue = "LIGA DE
function LigaDeQuitoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf53315, [0x111832]); teamRed = "LIGA DE
function LigaDeQuitoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf53315, [0x111832]); teamBlue = "LIGA DE
function BarcelonaSCFun(player) { // !BSC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bsc/titular/red | bsc/titular/blue | bsc/alternativa/red
| bsc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BarcelonaSCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xc90613, [0xF9D532]); teamRed = "BARCELONA
function BarcelonaSCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xc90613, [0xF9D532]); teamBlue = "BARCELONA
function BarcelonaSCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xfd6600, [0x67020F]); teamRed = "BARCELONA
function BarcelonaSCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xfd6600, [0x67020F]); teamBlue = "BARCELONA
function EmelecFun(player) { // !EME
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('eme/titular/red | eme/titular/blue | eme/alternativa/red
| eme/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function EmelecTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 148, 0xFFFFFF, [0x025CCC, 0x004390, 0x025CCC]);
teamRed = "EMELEC";
function EmelecTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 148, 0xFFFFFF, [0x025CCC, 0x004390, 0x025CCC]);
teamBlue = "EMELEC";
function EmelecAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0151c2, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "EMELEC";
function EmelecAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0151c2, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "EMELEC";
function IndependienteDelValleFun(player) { // !IDV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('idv/titular/red | idv/titular/blue | idv/alternativa/red
| idv/alternativa/blue | idv/clasica/red | idv/clasica/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function IndependienteDelValleTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x001638, 0x001638, 0x001638]);
function IndependienteDelValleTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x001638, 0x001638, 0x001638]);
function IndependienteDelValleAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xEC70AC, 0xEC599F, 0xE45195]);
function IndependienteDelValleAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xEC70AC, 0xEC599F, 0xE45195]);
function IndependienteDelValleClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x012D6B, 0x231F20, 0x012D6B]);
function IndependienteDelValleClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x012D6B, 0x231F20, 0x012D6B]);

function OlympiqueLyonFun(player) { // !OL

room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ol/titular/red | ol/titular/blue | ol/alternativa/red |
ol/alternativa/blue | ol/alternativa/red/2010 | ol/alternativa/blue/2010',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function OlympiqueLyonTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x113a80, [0xFBFDFC]); teamRed = "OLYMPIQUE
function OlympiqueLyonTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x113a80, [0xFBFDFC]); teamBlue = "OLYMPIQUE
function OlympiqueLyonAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xe8e9ea, [0x212C52, 0x1D3C7F, 0x212C52]);
function OlympiqueLyonAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xe8e9ea, [0x222C52, 0x1D3C7F, 0x222C52]);
teamBlue = "OLYMPIQUE LYON";
function OlympiqueLyonAlternativa2010RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 68, 0xe2c583, [0xef1456, 0x690b25, 0x760926]);
function OlympiqueLyonAlternativa2010BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 68, 0xe2c583, [0xef1456, 0x690b25, 0x760926]);
teamBlue = "OLYMPIQUE LYON";

function SanTelmoFun(player) { // !STE

room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('stel/titular/red | stel/titular/blue |
stel/alternativa/red | stel/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SanTelmoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x3CADFE, 0x24364C, 0x3CADFE]);
teamRed = "SAN TELMO";
function SanTelmoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x3CADFE, 0x24364C, 0x3CADFE]);
teamBlue = "SAN TELMO";
function SanTelmoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0D2B43, 0x39A2FE, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "SAN TELMO";
function SanTelmoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0D2B43, 0x39A2FE, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "SAN TELMO";
function DeportivoMerloFun(player) { // !MER
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mer/titular/red | mer/titular/blue | mer/alternativa/red
| mer/alternativa/blue | mer/tercera/red | mer/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function DeportivoMerloTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 45, 0x666A78, [0xFFFFFF, 0x050C40, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "DEP. MERLO";
function DeportivoMerloTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 45, 0x666A78, [0xFFFFFF, 0x050C40, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "DEP. MERLO";
function DeportivoMerloAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 45, 0xFFFFFF, [0x050505, 0x04113D, 0x050505]);
teamRed = "DEP. MERLO";
function DeportivoMerloAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 45, 0xFFFFFF, [0x050505, 0x04113D, 0x050505]);
teamBlue = "DEP. MERLO";
function DeportivoMerloTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x660B0A]); teamRed = "DEP. MERLO";
function DeportivoMerloTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x660B0A]); teamBlue = "DEP.
function ArgentinoDeQuilmesFun(player) { // !AdQ
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('adq/titular/red | adq/titular/blue | adq/alternativa/red
| adq/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ArgentinoDeQuilmesTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0A0A0A, [0xFFFFFF, 0x76C4F0, 0xFFFFFF]);
function ArgentinoDeQuilmesTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0A0A0A, [0xFFFFFF, 0x76C4F0, 0xFFFFFF]);
function ArgentinoDeQuilmesAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x777A89, 0x000000, 0x777A89]);
function ArgentinoDeQuilmesAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x777A89, 0x000000, 0x777A89]);
function ValenciaFun(player) { // !RIV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('val/titular/red | val/titular/blue | val/alternativa/red
| val/alternativa/blue | val/tercera/red | val/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function ValenciaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0x141205, [0xFE7103, 0xF8F7F8, 0xF8F7F8]);
teamRed = "VALENCIA";
function ValenciaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0x141205, [0xFE7103, 0xF8F7F8, 0xF8F7F8]);
teamBlue = "VALENCIA";
function ValenciaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xff671e, [0xE55C19, 0x161419, 0x161419]);
teamRed = "VALENCIA";
function ValenciaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xff671e, [0xE55C19, 0x161419, 0x161419]);
teamBlue = "VALENCIA";
function ValenciaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 123, 0xf0fdfe, [0x0C83D5, 0x21BCF4]); teamRed =
function ValenciaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 123, 0xf0fdfe, [0x0C83D5, 0x21BCF4]); teamBlue =
function BetisFun(player) { // !BET
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bet/titular/red | bet/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BetisTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0x2CB764, 0xFFFFFF, 0x2CB764]);
teamRed = "REAL BETIS";
function BetisTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0x2CB764, 0xFFFFFF, 0x2CB764]);
teamBlue = "REAL BETIS";
function CrystalPalaceFun(player) { // !CRY
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cry/titular/red | cry/titular/blue | cry/alternativa/red
| cry/alternativa/blue | cry/tercera/red | cry/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function CrystalPalaceTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC11930, 0x01449B, 0xC11930]);
function CrystalPalaceTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC11930, 0x01449B, 0xC11930]);
teamBlue = "CRYSTAL PALACE";
function CrystalPalaceAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x242227, 0x01449B, 0x242227]);
function CrystalPalaceAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x242227, 0x01449B, 0x242227]);
teamBlue = "CRYSTAL PALACE";
function CrystalPalaceTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 45, 0x0731c3, [0xFFFFFF, 0xED1628, 0xFFFFFF]);
function CrystalPalaceTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 45, 0x0731c3, [0xFFFFFF, 0xED1628, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "CRYSTAL PALACE";
function JuventudAntonianaFun(player) { // !CJA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cja/titular/red | cja/titular/blue | cja/alternativa/red
| cja/alternativa/blue | cja/tercera/red | cja/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function JuventudAntonianaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 45, 0x8892A6, [0xFFFFFF, 0x304268, 0xFFFFFF]);
function JuventudAntonianaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 45, 0x8892A6, [0xFFFFFF, 0x304268, 0xFFFFFF]);
function JuventudAntonianaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x17286E, 0x304268, 0x17286E]);
function JuventudAntonianaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x17286E, 0x304268, 0x17286E]);
function JuventudAntonianaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 45, 0x0F1014, [0x113653, 0xFFFFFF, 0x3D2813]);
function JuventudAntonianaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 45, 0x0F1014, [0x113653, 0xFFFFFF, 0x3D2813]);
function GimnasiaYTiroFun(player) { // !GyT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gyt/titular/red | gyt/titular/blue | gyt/alternativa/red
| gyt/alternativa/blue | gyt/tercera/red | gyt/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function GimnasiaYTiroTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xA8E0F9, 0xFFFFFF, 0xA8E0F9]);
teamRed = "GIMNASIA Y TIRO";
function GimnasiaYTiroTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xA8E0F9, 0xFFFFFF, 0xA8E0F9]);
teamBlue = "GIMNASIA Y TIRO";
function GimnasiaYTiroAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x141657, 0x181965, 0x141657]);
teamRed = "GIMNASIA Y TIRO";
function GimnasiaYTiroAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x141657, 0x181965, 0x141657]);
teamBlue = "GIMNASIA Y TIRO";
function GimnasiaYTiroTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 45, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0A0A0A]); teamRed = "GIMNASIA Y
function GimnasiaYTiroTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 45, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0A0A0A]); teamBlue = "GIMNASIA Y
function PatronatoFun(player) { // !PAT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pat/titular/red | pat/titular/blue | pat/alternativa/red
| pat/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PatronatoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xb20000, 0x0c0c0c, 0xb20000]);
teamRed = "PATRONATO";
function PatronatoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xb20000, 0x0c0c0c, 0xb20000]);
teamBlue = "PATRONATO";
function PatronatoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xE8171F , 0xFFFFFF , 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "PATRONATO";
function PatronatoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xE8171F , 0xFFFFFF , 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "PATRONATO";
function RayoVallecanoFun(player) { // !RAY
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ray/titular/red | ray/titular/blue | ray/alternativa/red
| ray/alternativa/blue | ray/tercera/red | ray/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function RayoVallecanoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 28, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFF2E29, 0xFFFFFF]);
function RayoVallecanoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 28, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFF2E29, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "RAYO VALLECANO";
function RayoVallecanoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 28, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFE322B , 0x130F10 , 0xFE322B]);
function RayoVallecanoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 28, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFE322B , 0x130F10 , 0xFE322B]);
teamBlue = "RAYO VALLECANO";
function RayoVallecanoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 28, 0xFFFFFF, [0x130F10 , 0x00A4D2 , 0x130F10]);
function RayoVallecanoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 28, 0xFFFFFF, [0x130F10 , 0x00A4D2 , 0x130F10]);
teamBlue = "RAYO VALLECANO";
function LevanteFun(player) { // !LEV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('lev/titular/red | lev/titular/blue | lev/alternativa/red
| lev/alternativa/blue | lev/tercera/red | lev/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function LevanteTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0A1E97, 0xA60727, 0x0A1E97]);
teamRed = "LEVANTE";
function LevanteTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0A1E97, 0xA60727, 0x0A1E97]);
teamBlue = "LEVANTE";
function LevanteAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x191717, [0xFFFFFF , 0x000DD8 , 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LEVANTE";
function LevanteAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x191717, [0xFFFFFF , 0x000DD8 , 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LEVANTE";
function LevanteTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x191717, [0xE2E2E2]); teamRed = "LEVANTE";
function LevanteTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x191717, [0xE2E2E2]); teamBlue = "LEVANTE";
function GetafeFun(player) { // !GET
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('get/titular/red | get/titular/blue | get/alternativa/red
| get/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function GetafeTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x086BD3]); teamRed = "GETAFE";
function GetafeTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x086BD3]); teamBlue = "GETAFE";
function GetafeAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF34C28]); teamRed = "GETAFE";
function GetafeAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF34C28]); teamBlue = "GETAFE";
function ZenitFun(player) { // !ZEN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('zen/titular/red | zen/titular/blue | zen/alternativa/red
| zen/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ZenitTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 146, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1BB1E3, 0x0E8BC1, 0x0F649A]);
teamRed = "ZENIT";
function ZenitTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 146, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1BB1E3, 0x0E8BC1, 0x0F649A]);
teamBlue = "ZENIT";
function ZenitAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0099c3, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "ZENIT";
function ZenitAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0099c3, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "ZENIT";
function CSKAMoscuFun(player) { // !CSK
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('csk/titular/red | csk/titular/blue | csk/alternativa/red
| csk/alternativa/blue | csk/tercera/red | csk/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function CSKAMoscuTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF2039, 0x016AD7, 0xFF2039]);
teamRed = "CSKA MOSCÚ";
function CSKAMoscuTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF2039, 0x016AD7, 0xFF2039]);
teamBlue = "CSKA MOSCÚ";
function CSKAMoscuAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x024fbb, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFF2039, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "CSKA MOSCÚ";
function CSKAMoscuAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x024fbb, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFF2039, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "CSKA MOSCÚ";
function CSKAMoscuTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 134, 0x082957, [0xFEAC48, 0xFEAC48, 0x01438F]);
teamRed = "CSKA MOSCÚ";
function CSKAMoscuTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 134, 0x082957, [0xFEAC48, 0xFEAC48, 0x01438F]);
teamBlue = "CSKA MOSCÚ";
function LokomotivFun(player) { // !LOK
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('lok/titular/red | lok/titular/blue | lok/alternativa/red
| lok/alternativa/blue | lok/tercera/red | lok/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function LokomotivTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 236, 0xFFFFFF, [0x025948, 0x025948, 0xC70B24]);
teamRed = "LOKOMOTIV";
function LokomotivTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 236, 0xFFFFFF, [0x025948, 0x025948, 0xC70B24]);
teamBlue = "LOKOMOTIV";
function LokomotivAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe71218, [0x026052, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LOKOMOTIV";
function LokomotivAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe71218, [0x026052, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LOKOMOTIV";
function LokomotivTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe0e2e1, [0xCD090A, 0x525157, 0x525157]);
teamRed = "LOKOMOTIV";
function LokomotivTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe0e2e1, [0xCD090A, 0x525157, 0x525157]);
teamBlue = "LOKOMOTIV";
function SpartakFun(player) { // !SPM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('spm/titular/red | spm/titular/blue | spm/alternativa/red
| spm/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SpartakTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x8A939E, [0xD4001D, 0xFBFEFD, 0xD4001D]);
teamRed = "SPARTAK MOSCU";
function SpartakTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x8A939E, [0xD4001D, 0xFBFEFD, 0xD4001D]);
teamBlue = "SPARTAK MOSCU";
function SpartakAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x4F0000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xCE1D31, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "SPARTAK MOSCU";
function SpartakAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x4F0000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xCE1D31, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "SPARTAK MOSCU";
function DynamoMoscowFun(player) { // !DIN
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('din/titular/red | din/titular/blue | din/alternativa/red
| din/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DynamoMoscowTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFDFFFE, [0x0066CD]); teamRed = "DYNAMO
function DynamoMoscowTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFDFFFE, [0x0066CD]); teamBlue = "DYNAMO
function DynamoMoscowAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1f71d7, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "DYNAMO
function DynamoMoscowAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1f71d7, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "DYNAMO
function DynamoKievFun(player) { // !DYK
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dyk/titular/red | dyk/titular/blue | dyk/alternativa/red
| dyk/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DynamoKievTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x146dd3, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "DYNAMO
function DynamoKievTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x146dd3, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "DYNAMO
function DynamoKievAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0167B2]); teamRed = "DYNAMO
function DynamoKievAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0167B2]); teamBlue = "DYNAMO
function ShakhtarFun(player) { // !DYK
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sha/titular/red | sha/titular/blue | sha/alternativa/red
| sha/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ShakhtarTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 1, 0x000000, [0xF39C4D, 0xEF3B24]); teamRed =
function ShakhtarTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 1, 0x000000, [0xF39C4D, 0xEF3B24]); teamBlue =
function ShakhtarAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 1, 0x000000, [0xAC9E9B, 0xDAD0CF, 0xAC9E9B]);
function ShakhtarAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 1, 0x000000, [0xAC9E9B, 0xDAD0CF, 0xAC9E9B]);

function JaponFun(player) { // !JAP

room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('jap/titular/red | jap/titular/blue | jap/alternativa/red
| jap/alternativa/blue | jap/titular/red/2018 | jap/titular/blue/2018',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function JaponTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf4363b, [0x202531, 0x305797, 0x388BE7]);
teamRed = "JAPÓN";
function JaponTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf4363b, [0x202531, 0x305797, 0x388BE7]);
teamBlue = "JAPÓN";
function JaponAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xb52024, [0xF7FDFF]); teamRed = "JAPÓN";
function JaponAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xb52024, [0xF7FDFF]); teamBlue = "JAPÓN";
function JaponTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2C396C]); teamRed = "JAPÓN";
function JaponTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2C396C]); teamBlue = "JAPÓN";
function NuevaZelandaFun(player) { // !NZE
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nze/titular/red | nze/titular/blue | nze/alternativa/red
| nze/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NuevaZelandaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0x191e22, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "NUEVA
function NuevaZelandaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0x191e22, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "NUEVA
function NuevaZelandaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xF5F5F5, [0x232323, 0x232323, 0x2E2F33]);
teamRed = "NUEVA ZELANDA";
function NuevaZelandaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xF5F5F5, [0x232323, 0x232323, 0x2E2F33]);
teamBlue = "NUEVA ZELANDA";
function CoreaDelNorteFun(player) { // !CNO
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cno/titular/red | cno/titular/blue | cno/alternativa/red
| cno/alternativa/blue | cno/bandera/red | cno/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function CoreaDelNorteTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF0000]); teamRed = "COREA DEL
function CoreaDelNorteTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFF0000]); teamBlue = "COREA DEL
function CoreaDelNorteAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xff0000, [0xF5F9FF]); teamRed = "COREA DEL
function CoreaDelNorteAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xff0000, [0xF5F9FF]); teamBlue = "COREA DEL
function CoreaDelNorteBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x024FA2, 0xED1C27, 0x024FA2]);
teamRed = "COREA DEL NORTE";
function CoreaDelNorteBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x024FA2, 0xED1C27, 0x024FA2]);
teamBlue = "COREA DEL NORTE";
function AustriaFun(player) { // !AUT
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('aut/titular/red | aut/titular/blue | aut/alternativa/red
| aut/alternativa/blue | aut/bandera/red | aut/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function AustriaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD80B2A]); teamRed = "AUSTRIA";
function AustriaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD80B2A]); teamBlue = "AUSTRIA";
function AustriaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "AUSTRIA";
function AustriaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "AUSTRIA";
function AustriaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xED2939, 0xFFFFFF, 0xED2939]);
teamRed = "AUSTRIA";
function AustriaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xED2939, 0xFFFFFF, 0xED2939]);
teamBlue = "AUSTRIA";
function AtlantaUnitedFun(player) { // !ATLU
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('atlu/titular/red | atlu/titular/blue |
atlu/alternativa/red | atlu/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AtlantaUnitedTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xc2b28e, [0x222021, 0xC70C41, 0x222021]);
function AtlantaUnitedTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xc2b28e, [0x222021, 0xC70C41, 0x222021]);
teamBlue = "ATLANTA UNITED";
function AtlantaUnitedAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xff774d, [0xE1E5E6]); teamRed = "ATLANTA
function AtlantaUnitedAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xff774d, [0xE1E5E6]); teamBlue = "ATLANTA
function LAGalaxyFun(player) { // !LA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('la/titular/red | la/titular/blue | la/alternativa/red |
la/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function LAGalaxyTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 35, 0xfdc904, [0xFFFFFF, 0x232941, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LA GALAXY";
function LAGalaxyTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 35, 0xfdc904, [0xFFFFFF, 0x232941, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LA GALAXY";
function LAGalaxyAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x294A73, 0x1E2037, 0x294A73]);
teamRed = "LA GALAXY";
function LAGalaxyAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x294A73, 0x1E2037, 0x294A73]);
teamBlue = "LA GALAXY";
function TorontoFCFun(player) { // !NZE
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('tofc/titular/red | tofc/titular/blue |
tofc/alternativa/red | tofc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function TorontoFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE50126]); teamRed = "TORONTO FC";
function TorontoFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE50126]); teamBlue = "TORONTO
function TorontoFCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0x1d1c21, [0xE6EBEF]); teamRed = "TORONTO FC";
function TorontoFCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0x1d1c21, [0xE6EBEF]); teamBlue = "TORONTO
function NewYorkCityFun(player) { // !NYC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nyc/titular/red | nyc/titular/blue | nyc/alternativa/red
| nyc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NewYorkCityTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0x102a5b, [0x82BCEC]); teamRed = "NEW YORK
function NewYorkCityTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0x102a5b, [0x82BCEC]); teamBlue = "NEW YORK
function NewYorkCityAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0x7cbfea, [0x4D5361]); teamRed = "NEW YORK
function NewYorkCityAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0x7cbfea, [0x4D5361]); teamBlue = "NEW YORK
function LosAngelesFCFun(player) { // !NYC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('lafc/titular/red | lafc/titular/blue |
lafc/alternativa/red | lafc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function LosAngelesFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xcbad6f, [0x322E2B]); teamRed = "LOS ANGELES
function LosAngelesFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xcbad6f, [0x322E2B]); teamBlue = "LOS ÁNGELES
function LosAngelesFCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xaeafb1, [0xEFEEF3]); teamRed = "LOS ÁNGELES
function LosAngelesFCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xaeafb1, [0xEFEEF3]); teamBlue = "LOS ÁNGELES
function SeattleSoundersFun(player) { // !SEA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sea/titular/red | sea/titular/blue | sea/alternativa/red
| sea/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SeattleSoundersTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0x98C067]); teamRed = "SEATTLE
function SeattleSoundersTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0x98C067]); teamBlue = "SEATTLE
function SeattleSoundersAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2C2A2F, 0x2C2A2F, 0xE18298]);
function SeattleSoundersAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2C2A2F, 0x2C2A2F, 0xE18298]);
function NewYorkRedBullFun(player) { // !NRB
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nyrb/titular/red | nyrb/titular/blue |
nyrb/alternativa/red | nyrb/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NewYorkRedBullTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0x8c0c2d, [0xD0D0D2]); teamRed = "NEW YORK
function NewYorkRedBullTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0x8c0c2d, [0xD0D0D2]); teamBlue = "NEW YORK
function NewYorkRedBullAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF1273D]); teamRed = "NEW YORK
function NewYorkRedBullAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF1273D]); teamBlue = "NEW YORK
function PortlandTimbersFun(player) { // !NRB
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ptim/titular/red | ptim/titular/blue |
ptim/alternativa/red | ptim/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PortlandTimbersTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xdfb231, [0x293728, 0x31492F, 0x293728]);
function PortlandTimbersTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xdfb231, [0x293728, 0x31492F, 0x293728]);
function PortlandTimbersAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0x486551, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "PORTLAND
function PortlandTimbersAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0x486551, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "PORTLAND
function ColoColoFun(player) { // !CCO
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cco/titular/red | cco/titular/blue | cco/alternativa/red
| cco/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ColoColoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0x000000, [0xF6F6F7]); teamRed = "COLO COLO";
function ColoColoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0x000000, [0xF6F6F7]); teamBlue = "COLO COLO";
function ColoColoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 240, 0xCFCFCF, [0x212223, 0x212223, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "COLO COLO";
function ColoColoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 240, 0xCFCFCF, [0x212223, 0x212223, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "COLO COLO";
function UdeChileFun(player) { // !UDC
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('udc/titular/red | udc/titular/blue | udc/alternativa/red
| udc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function UdeChileTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xf4f4f4, [0x1C2445]); teamRed = "U DE CHILE";
function UdeChileTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xf4f4f4, [0x1C2445]); teamBlue = "U DE
function UdeChileAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf7f7f7, [0xF33134, 0x611C1C, 0xF33134]);
teamRed = "U DE CHILE";
function UdeChileAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf7f7f7, [0xF33134, 0x611C1C, 0xF33134]);
teamBlue = "U DE CHILE";
function StrongestFun(player) { // !STG
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('stg/titular/red | stg/titular/blue | stg/alternativa/red
| stg/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function StrongestTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFECE2D, 0x1D1B1E, 0xFECE2D]);
teamRed = "STRONGEST";
function StrongestTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFECE2D, 0x1D1B1E, 0xFECE2D]);
teamBlue = "STRONGEST";
function StrongestAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x030303, [0xFFFFFF, 0xEDAE00, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "STRONGEST";
function StrongestAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x030303, [0xFFFFFF, 0xEDAE00, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "STRONGEST";
function WilstermannFun(player) { // !WTM
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('wtm/titular/red | wtm/titular/blue | wtm/alternativa/red
| wtm/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function WilstermannTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0xED1E3C]); teamRed =
function WilstermannTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0xFFFFFF, [0xED1E3C]); teamBlue =
function WilstermannAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1F3E70, 0x16304C, 0x1F3E70]);
teamRed = "WILSTERMANN";
function WilstermannAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1F3E70, 0x16304C, 0x1F3E70]);
teamBlue = "WILSTERMANN";
function BolivarFun(player) { // !BLV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('blv/titular/red | blv/titular/blue | blv/alternativa/red
| blv/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BolivarTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0x21406b, [0x92E2FF]); teamRed = "BOLIVAR";
function BolivarTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0x21406b, [0x92E2FF]); teamBlue = "BOLIVAR";
function BolivarAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xd8ddee, [0x333B45]); teamRed = "BOLIVAR";
function BolivarAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xd8ddee, [0x333B45]); teamBlue = "BOLIVAR";
function EvertonFCFun(player) { // !ING
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('eve/titular/red | eve/titular/blue | eve/alternativa/red
| eve/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function EvertonFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf9f9f9, [0x15428A]); teamRed = "EVERTON FC";
function EvertonFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf9f9f9, [0x15428A]); teamBlue = "EVERTON
function EvertonFCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0c1448, [0xFA6754]); teamRed = "EVERTON FC";
function EvertonFCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0c1448, [0xFA6754]); teamBlue = "EVERTON
function ASMonacoFun(player) { // !ING
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('asm/titular/red | asm/titular/blue | asm/alternativa/red
| asm/alternativa/blue | asm/tercera/red | asm/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function ASMonacoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 61, 0xfeb60a, [0xB8242E, 0xAD232E, 0xFEFEFE]);
teamRed = "AS MONACO";
function ASMonacoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 61, 0xfeb60a, [0xB8242E, 0xAD232E, 0xFEFEFE]);
teamBlue = "AS MONACO";
function ASMonacoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xd5a651, [0x1F2023]); teamRed = "AS MONACO";
function ASMonacoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xd5a651, [0x1F2023]); teamBlue = "AS MONACO";
function ASMonacoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x255e9a, [0x93D9F5]); teamRed = "AS MONACO";
function ASMonacoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x255e9a, [0x93D9F5]); teamBlue = "AS MONACO";
function AtalantaFun(player) { // !OL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ata/titular/red | ata/titular/blue | ata/alternativa/red
| ata/alternativa/blue | ata/tercera/red | ata/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function AtalantaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0269b8, 0x251e25, 0x0269b8]);
teamRed = "ATALANTA";
function AtalantaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0269b8, 0x251e25, 0x0269b8]);
teamBlue = "ATALANTA";
function AtalantaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x357FFF, [0x2F71E2, 0x181818, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "ATALANTA";
function AtalantaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x357FFF, [0x2F71E2, 0x181818, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "ATALANTA";
function AtalantaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x874834]); teamRed = "ATALANTA";
function AtalantaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x874834]); teamBlue = "ATALANTA";
function FCBaselFun(player) { // !OL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bas/titular/red | bas/titular/blue | bas/alternativa/red
| bas/alternativa/blue | bas/tercera/red | bas/tercera/blue | bas/clasica/red |
bas/clasica/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FCBaselTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xBC051F, 0xBC051F, 0x1B3F86]);
teamRed = "FC BASEL";
function FCBaselTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xBC051F, 0xBC051F, 0x1B3F86]);
teamBlue = "FC BASEL";
function FCBaselAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x1a1a1a, [0xE1E1E1]); teamRed = "FC BASEL";
function FCBaselAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x1a1a1a, [0xE1E1E1]); teamBlue = "FC BASEL";
function FCBaselTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x222222]); teamRed = "FC BASEL";
function FCBaselTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x222222]); teamBlue = "FC BASEL";
function FCBaselClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xffe500, [0xE40327, 0x0E3B85]); teamRed =
function FCBaselClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0, 0xffe500, [0xE40327, 0x0E3B85]); teamBlue =
function UCatolicaFun(player) { // !UCA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('uca/titular/red | uca/titular/blue | uca/alternativa/red
| uca/alternativa/blue | uca/tercera/red | uca/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function UCatolicaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFE0000, [0xFFFFFF, 0x2148A0, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "U CATÓLICA";
function UCatolicaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFE0000, [0xFFFFFF, 0x2148A0, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "U CATÓLICA";
function UCatolicaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD22F1E]); teamRed = "U CATÓLICA";
function UCatolicaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD22F1E]); teamBlue = "U
function UCatolicaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xff0000, [0x2148A0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x2148A0]);
teamRed = "U CATÓLICA";
function UCatolicaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xff0000, [0x2148A0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x2148A0]);
teamBlue = "U CATÓLICA";
function CobreloaFun(player) { // !Cob
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cob/titular/red | cob/titular/blue | cob/alternativa/red
| cob/alternativa/blue | cob/tercera/red | cob/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function CobreloaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 30, 0xffffff, [0xFF4B15, 0xCC3900]); teamRed =
function CobreloaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 30, 0xffffff, [0xFF4B15, 0xCC3900]); teamBlue =
function CobreloaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 30, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xCFCFCF]); teamRed =
function CobreloaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 30, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xCFCFCF]); teamBlue =
function CobreloaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 30, 0xffffff, [0x45485B, 0x1A1A1A]); teamRed =
function CobreloaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 30, 0xffffff, [0x45485B, 0x1A1A1A]); teamBlue =
function PalestinoFun(player) { // !Cob
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cdp/titular/red | cdp/titular/blue | cdp/alternativa/red
| cdp/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PalestinoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0x047B4E, 0xE30000]);
teamRed = "PALESTINO";
function PalestinoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0x047B4E, 0xE30000]);
teamBlue = "PALESTINO";
function PalestinoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFAFAFA, [0xE30000, 0x000503, 0x047B4E]);
teamRed = "PALESTINO";
function PalestinoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFAFAFA, [0xE30000, 0x000503, 0x047B4E]);
teamBlue = "PALESTINO";
function MelgarFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mel/titular/red | mel/titular/blue | mel/alternativa/red
| mel/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MelgarTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xEC1B30, 0x2A2A2A]); teamRed =
function MelgarTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xEC1B30, 0x2A2A2A]); teamBlue =
function MelgarAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x2a2a2a, [0xECEFF4, 0xEC1B31, 0xECEFF4]);
teamRed = "MELGAR";
function MelgarAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x2a2a2a, [0xECEFF4, 0xEC1B31, 0xECEFF4]);
teamBlue = "MELGAR";
function UniversitarioFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('unv/titular/red | unv/titular/blue | unv/alternativa/red
| unv/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function UniversitarioTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x812124, [0xE1DCC5]); teamRed =
function UniversitarioTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x812124, [0xE1DCC5]); teamBlue =
function UniversitarioAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x902C38]); teamRed =
function UniversitarioAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x902C38]); teamBlue =
function AlianzaLimaFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ali/titular/red | ali/titular/blue | ali/alternativa/red
| ali/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AlianzaLimaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xd9030f, [0x062247, 0xFFFFFF, 0x062247]);
teamRed = "ALIANZA LIMA";
function AlianzaLimaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xd9030f, [0x062247, 0xFFFFFF, 0x062247]);
teamBlue = "ALIANZA LIMA";
function AlianzaLimaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 40, 0xf4f4f4, [0x1A2639, 0x253143, 0x253143]);
teamRed = "ALIANZA LIMA";
function AlianzaLimaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 40, 0xf4f4f4, [0x1A2639, 0x253143, 0x253143]);
teamBlue = "ALIANZA LIMA";
function SportingCristalFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cri/titular/red | cri/titular/blue | cri/alternativa/red
| cri/alternativa/blue | cri/tercera/red | cri/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function SportingCristalTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x032543, [0x61C5ED]); teamRed = "SPORTING
function SportingCristalTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x032543, [0x61C5ED]); teamBlue = "SPORTING
function SportingCristalAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x212C4B, 0x334A7F]); teamRed =
function SportingCristalAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x212C4B, 0x334A7F]); teamBlue =
function SportingCristalTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 41, 0x1C1C1C, [0xFFFFFF, 0x3CBEEF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function SportingCristalTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 41, 0x1C1C1C, [0xFFFFFF, 0x3CBEEF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function RusiaFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('rus/titular/red | rus/titular/blue | rus/alternativa/red
| rus/alternativa/blue | rus/bandera/red | rus/bandera/blue | rus/titular/red/2014
| rus/titular/blue/2014 | rus/titular/red/2018 | rus/titular/blue/2018',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function RusiaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xC4021D, 0xC4323F, 0xD43941]);
teamRed = "RUSIA";
function RusiaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xC4021D, 0xC4323F, 0xD43941]);
teamBlue = "RUSIA";
function RusiaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -90, 0x114577, [0xEFEFF0]); teamRed = "RUSIA";
function RusiaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -90, 0x114577, [0xEFEFF0]); teamBlue = "RUSIA";
function RusiaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xDECC57, [0xFFFFFF, 0x0039A6, 0xD52B1E]);
teamRed = "RUSIA";
function RusiaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xDECC57, [0xFFFFFF, 0x0039A6, 0xD52B1E]);
teamBlue = "RUSIA";
function RusiaTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 123, 0xffffff, [0xffffff, 0xE01B12, 0xE01B12]);
teamRed = "RUSIA";
function RusiaTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 123, 0xffffff, [0xffffff, 0xE01B12, 0xE01B12]);
teamBlue = "RUSIA";
function RusiaTitular2014RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfaeea4, [0x430D27, 0x691022, 0x691022]);
teamRed = "RUSIA";
function RusiaTitular2014BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfaeea4, [0x430D27, 0x691022, 0x691022]);
teamBlue = "RUSIA";
function EstadosUnidosFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('usa/titular/red | usa/titular/blue | usa/alternativa/red
| usa/alternativa/blue | usa/tercera/red | usa/tercera/blue | usa/clasica/red |
usa/clasica/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function EstadosUnidosTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 122, 0x005588, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xB30119]);
teamRed = "EEUU";
function EstadosUnidosTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 122, 0x005588, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xB30119]);
teamBlue = "EEUU";
function EstadosUnidosAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -122, 0xF2F4F5, [0xE30212, 0x273D87, 0x273D87]);
teamRed = "EEUU";
function EstadosUnidosAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -122, 0xF2F4F5, [0xE30212, 0x273D87, 0x273D87]);
teamBlue = "EEUU";
function EstadosUnidosTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -90, 0xfbfbfa, [0x013354]); teamRed = "EEUU";
function EstadosUnidosTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -90, 0xfbfbfa, [0x013354]); teamBlue = "EEUU";
function EstadosUnidosClasicaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -90, 0x101085, [0xFF2E2E, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1C59FF]);
teamRed = "EEUU";
function EstadosUnidosClasicaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -90, 0x101085, [0xFF2E2E, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1C59FF]);
teamBlue = "EEUU";
function AlmagroFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('alm/titular/red | alm/titular/blue | alm/alternativa/red
| alm/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AlmagroTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0137D5, 0x18181A, 0x0137D5]);
teamRed = "ALMAGRO";
function AlmagroTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0137D5, 0x18181A, 0x0137D5]);
teamBlue = "ALMAGRO";
function AlmagroAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1783FF, [0x003CDB, 0x1F1F21, 0xFDFDFD]);
teamRed = "ALMAGRO";
function AlmagroAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1783FF, [0x003CDB, 0x1F1F21, 0xFDFDFD]);
teamBlue = "ALMAGRO";
function NigeriaFun(player) { // !nga
room.sendAnnouncement('Nigeria | 🇳🇬',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nga/titular/red | nga/titular/blue | nga/alternativa/red
|nga/alternativa/blue | nga/titular/red/2018 | nga/titular/blue/2018 |
nga/alternativa/red/2018 |nga/alternativa/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('nga/titular/red/2014 | nga/titular/blue/2014 |
nga/titular/red/2010 | nga/titular/blue/2010 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function NigeriaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0x1D633C, 0xF7FAF7, 0x1D633C]);
teamRed = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0x1D633C, 0xF7FAF7, 0x1D633C]);
teamBlue = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -90, 0xffffff, [0x294040]); teamRed = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -90, 0xffffff, [0x294040]); teamBlue = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x29261f, [0xeeeff3, 0xb2e86c, 0xb2e86c]);
teamRed = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x29261f, [0xeeeff3, 0xb2e86c, 0xb2e86c]);
teamBlue = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x52fe7e, [0x1e4242]); teamRed = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x52fe7e, [0x1e4242]); teamBlue = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaTitular2014RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 61, 0xffffff, [0x288769, 0x6CEA6F, 0x6CEA6F]);
teamRed = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaTitular2014BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 61, 0xffffff, [0x288769, 0x6CEA6F, 0x6CEA6F]);
teamBlue = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaTitular2010RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x04A18E]); teamRed = "NIGERIA";
function NigeriaTitular2010BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0xffffff, [0x04A18E]); teamBlue = "NIGERIA";
function EcuadorFun(player) { // !ecu
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ecu/titular/red | ecu/titular/blue | ecu/alternativa/red
|ecu/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function EcuadorTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1e2a52, [0x042a95, 0xebd301, 0xebd301]);
teamRed = "ECUADOR";
function EcuadorTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1e2a52, [0x042a95, 0xebd301, 0xebd301]);
teamBlue = "ECUADOR";
function EcuadorAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xedfe2d, [0x777b6e]); teamRed = "ECUADOR";
function EcuadorAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xedfe2d, [0x777b6e]); teamBlue = "ECUADOR";
function CADUFun(player) { // !CADU
room.sendAnnouncement('Club Atlético Defensores Unidos 🇦🇷',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cadu/titular/red | cadu/titular/blue |
cadu/alternativa/red | cadu/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CADUTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x0F0F0F, [0x0A94DC, 0x2CCAF8, 0x0A94DC]);
teamRed = "CADU";
function CADUTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x0F0F0F, [0x0A94DC, 0x2CCAF8, 0x0A94DC]);
teamBlue = "CADU";
function CADUAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 135, 0x007EFC, [0xFFFFFF, 0x47C4FB, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "CADU";
function CADUAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 135, 0x007EFC, [0xFFFFFF, 0x47C4FB, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "CADU";
function URSSFun(player) { // !urss
room.sendAnnouncement('Unión Soviética - URSS - ☭',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('urss/titular/red | urss/titular/blue |
urss/alternativa/red |urss/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function URSSTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xB00819]); teamRed = "URSS";
function URSSTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xB00819]); teamBlue = "URSS";
function URSSAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xab0818, [0xFAFAFA]); teamRed = "URSS";
function URSSAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xab0818, [0xFAFAFA]); teamBlue = "URSS";
function YugoslaviaFun(player) { // !yug
room.sendAnnouncement('Yugoslavia 🇷🇸',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('yug/titular/red/1990 | yug/titular/blue/1990 |
yug/alternativa/red/1990 |yug/alternativa/blue/1990 | yug/titular/red/1984 |
yug/titular/blue/1984 | yug/alternativa/red/1984 |yug/alternativa/blue/1984 |
yug/bandera/red | yug/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function YugoslaviaTitular1990RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 153, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0F4BA1, 0x0F4BA1, 0xDE0000]);
teamRed = "YUGOSLAVIA";
function YugoslaviaTitular1990BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 153, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0F4BA1, 0x0F4BA1, 0xDE0000]);
teamBlue = "YUGOSLAVIA";
function YugoslaviaAlternativa1990RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 153, 0x0d4bb2, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDD251D]);
teamRed = "YUGOSLAVIA";
function YugoslaviaAlternativa1990BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 153, 0x0d4bb2, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDD251D]);
teamBlue = "YUGOSLAVIA";
function YugoslaviaTitular1984RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x18529D]); teamRed = "YUGOSLAVIA";
function YugoslaviaTitular1984BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x18529D]); teamBlue =
function YugoslaviaAlternativa1984RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x00388e, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "YUGOSLAVIA";
function YugoslaviaAlternativa1984BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x00388e, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue =
function YugoslaviaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xde0000, [0x003893, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDE0000]);
teamRed = "YUGOSLAVIA";
function YugoslaviaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xde0000, [0x003893, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDE0000]);
teamBlue = "YUGOSLAVIA";
function AlumniFun(player) { // !alu
room.sendAnnouncement('Alumni Athletic Club (1895-1913) - 🇦🇷',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('alu/titular/red | alu/titular/blue | alu/alternativa/red
| alu/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AlumniTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xFF0000, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0000]);
teamRed = "ALUMNI";
function AlumniTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xFF0000, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0000]);
teamBlue = "ALUMNI";
function AlumniAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xE30F10, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE30F10]);
teamRed = "ALUMNI";
function AlumniAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xE30F10, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE30F10]);
teamBlue = "ALUMNI";
function VillaSanCarlosFun(player) { // !vsc
room.sendAnnouncement('Villa San Carlos 🇦🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('vsc/titular/red | vsc/titular/blue | vsc/alternativa/red
| vsc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function VillaSanCarlosTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 42, 0x131b2a, [0x48B8E5, 0xFFFFFF, 0x48B8E5]);
function VillaSanCarlosTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 42, 0x131b2a, [0x48B8E5, 0xFFFFFF, 0x48B8E5]);
teamBlue = "VILLA SAN CARLOS";
function VillaSanCarlosAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 56, 0xF0F0F0, [0x01C8FF, 0x292C34, 0x292C34]);
function VillaSanCarlosAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 56, 0xF0F0F0, [0x01C8FF, 0x292C34, 0x292C34]);
teamBlue = "VILLA SAN CARLOS";
function LomasAthleticFun(player) { // !loa
room.sendAnnouncement('Lomas Athletic (1893-1909) - 🇦🇷 ',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('loa/titular/red | loa/titular/blue | loa/escudo/red |
loa/escudo/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function LomasAthleticTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf5dc00, [0x336633, 0xD90000, 0x336633]);
function LomasAthleticTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf5dc00, [0x336633, 0xD90000, 0x336633]);
teamBlue = "LOMAS ATHLETIC";
function LomasAthleticEscudoRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xfcc916, [0x015440, 0xDD191A, 0x015440]);
function LomasAthleticEscudoBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xfcc916, [0x015440, 0xDD191A, 0x015440]);
teamBlue = "LOMAS ATHLETIC";
function ChecoslovaquiaFun(player) { // !cze
room.sendAnnouncement('Checoslovaquia 🇨🇿 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cze/titular/red | cze/titular/blue | cze/alternativa/red
| cze/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ChecoslovaquiaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xBE2620]); teamRed =
function ChecoslovaquiaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xBE2620]); teamBlue =
function ChecoslovaquiaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xac1013, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed =
function ChecoslovaquiaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xac1013, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue =
function NantesFun(player) { // !fcn
room.sendAnnouncement('FC Nantes 🇫🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fcn/titular/red | fcn/titular/blue | fcn/alternativa/red
| fcn/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NantesTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x007037, [0xFEE030, 0x1AAD67, 0xFEE030]);
teamRed = "FC NANTES";
function NantesTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x007037, [0xFEE030, 0x1AAD67, 0xFEE030]);
teamBlue = "FC NANTES";
function NantesAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xffff00, [0x228B67, 0x167554, 0x167554]);
teamRed = "FC NANTES";
function NantesAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xffff00, [0x228B67, 0x167554, 0x167554]);
teamBlue = "FC NANTES";
function SaintEtienneFun(player) { // !ste
room.sendAnnouncement('Saint Etienne 🇫🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ste/titular/red | ste/titular/blue | ste/alternativa/red
| ste/alternativa/blue | ste/tercera/red | ste/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function SaintEtienneTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x0F6B46, 0x1B9365, 0x1B9365]);
teamRed = "SAINT ETIENNE";
function SaintEtienneTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x0F6B46, 0x1B9365, 0x1B9365]);
teamBlue = "SAINT ETIENNE";
function SaintEtienneAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x4c6e5d, [0x147858, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "SAINT ETIENNE";
function SaintEtienneAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x4c6e5d, [0x147858, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "SAINT ETIENNE";
function SaintEtienneTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x727085, 0x8E909D, 0x8E909D]);
teamRed = "SAINT ETIENNE";
function SaintEtienneTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x727085, 0x8E909D, 0x8E909D]);
teamBlue = "SAINT ETIENNE";
function RennesFun(player) { // !ren
room.sendAnnouncement('Rennes 🇫🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ren/titular/red | ren/titular/blue | ren/alternativa/red
| ren/alternativa/blue | ren/tercera/red | ren/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function RennesTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xF0F0F0, [0x000000, 0xDC0D15]); teamRed =
function RennesTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xF0F0F0, [0x000000, 0xDC0D15]); teamBlue =
function RennesAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x276DD6, 0x1B50B5, 0x276DD6]);
teamRed = "RENNES";
function RennesAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x276DD6, 0x1B50B5, 0x276DD6]);
teamBlue = "RENNES";
function RennesTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFDF00]); teamRed = "RENNES";
function RennesTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFDF00]); teamBlue = "RENNES";
function FCNyvaVinnytsiaFun(player) { // !nyv
room.sendAnnouncement('FC Nyva Vinnytsia (Нива Винница) | 🇺🇦 ',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nyv/titular/red | nyv/titular/blue | nyv/alternativa/red
| nyv/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FCNyvaVinnytsiaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x42A161]); teamRed = "FC NYVA
function FCNyvaVinnytsiaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x42A161]); teamBlue = "FC NYVA
function FCNyvaVinnytsiaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x439b73, [0x3AA070, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function FCNyvaVinnytsiaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x439b73, [0x3AA070, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function OrlandoCityFun(player) { // !ORL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('orl/titular/red | orl/titular/blue | orl/alternativa/red
| orl/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function OrlandoCityTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0xFFFFFF, [0x3F0B74, 0x360963, 0x360963]);
teamRed = "ORLANDO CITY";
function OrlandoCityTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0xFFFFFF, [0x3F0B74, 0x360963, 0x360963]);
teamBlue = "ORLANDO CITY";
function OrlandoCityAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x3f0b74, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "ORLANDO
function OrlandoCityAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x3f0b74, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "ORLANDO
function EstudiantesBsAsFun(player) { // !EBA
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('eba/titular/red | eba/titular/blue | eba/alternativa/red
| eba/alternativa/blue ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function EstudiantesBsAsTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x8C8C8C, [0xFFFFFF, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "ESTUDIANTES (BA)";
function EstudiantesBsAsTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x8C8C8C, [0xFFFFFF, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "ESTUDIANTES (BA)";
function EstudiantesBsAsAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 115, 0x050505, [0xEAE4E6, 0xFFFFFF, 0xA89D9B]);
teamRed = "ESTUDIANTES (BA)";
function EstudiantesBsAsAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 115, 0x050505, [0xEAE4E6, 0xFFFFFF, 0xA89D9B]);
teamBlue = "ESTUDIANTES (BA)";
function FerencvarosiTCFun(player) { // !ftc
room.sendAnnouncement('Ferencvarosi TC',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ftc/titular/red | ftc/titular/blue | ftc/alternativa/red
| ftc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FerencvarosiTCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0F0F0F, [0x00B66C, 0xFFFFFF, 0x00B66C]);
function FerencvarosiTCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0F0F0F, [0x00B66C, 0xFFFFFF, 0x00B66C]);
function FerencvarosiTCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe6c673, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "FERENCVAROSI
function FerencvarosiTCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe6c673, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue =
function MOLVidiFCFun(player) { // !vid
room.sendAnnouncement('MOL Vidi FC:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('vid/titular/red | vid/titular/blue | vid/alternativa/red
| vid/alternativa/blue | vid/tercera/red | vid/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function MOLVidiFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD31C2A, 0x3E486E]); teamRed =
function MOLVidiFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0xD31C2A, 0x3E486E]); teamBlue =
function MOLVidiFCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x1d439b, [0xBFC5E1, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "MOL VIDI FC";
function MOLVidiFCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x1d439b, [0xBFC5E1, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "MOL VIDI FC";
function MOLVidiFCTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x26499f, [0x7D97CA, 0x9EBDDE, 0x9EBDDE]);
teamRed = "MOL VIDI FC";
function MOLVidiFCTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x26499f, [0x7D97CA, 0x9EBDDE, 0x9EBDDE]);
teamBlue = "MOL VIDI FC";
function UjpestFCFun(player) { // !ujp
room.sendAnnouncement('Újpest FC:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ujp/titular/red | ujp/titular/blue | ujp/alternativa/red
| ujp/alternativa/blue | ujp/tercera/red | ujp/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function UjpestFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xd5b97d, [0xFFFFFF, 0x4B449B, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "UJPEST FC";
function UjpestFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xd5b97d, [0xFFFFFF, 0x4B449B, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "UJPEST FC";
function UjpestFCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x4b449b, [0xFFFFFF, 0xF0F0F0, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "UJPEST FC";
function UjpestFCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x4b449b, [0xFFFFFF, 0xF0F0F0, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "UJPEST FC";
function UjpestFCTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x484197, 0x544CA0, 0x484197]);
teamRed = "UJPEST FC";
function UjpestFCTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x484197, 0x544CA0, 0x484197]);
teamBlue = "UJPEST FC";
function DVSCDebrecenFun(player) { // !dvs
room.sendAnnouncement('DVSC Debreceni:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dvs/titular/red | dvs/titular/blue | dvs/alternativa/red
| dvs/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DVSCDebrecenTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE31F2B, 0xB82139, 0xE31F2B]);
teamRed = "VSC DEBRECEN";
function DVSCDebrecenTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE31F2B, 0xB82139, 0xE31F2B]);
teamBlue = "VSC DEBRECEN";
function DVSCDebrecenAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe31f2b, [0xDBDCDD, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDBDCDD]);
teamRed = "VSC DEBRECEN";
function DVSCDebrecenAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe31f2b, [0xDBDCDD, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDBDCDD]);
teamBlue = "VSC DEBRECEN";
function HonvedFCFun(player) { // !HON
room.sendAnnouncement('Honved FC:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('hon/titular/red | hon/titular/blue | hon/alternativa/red
| hon/alternativa/blue | hon/tercera/red | hon/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function HonvedFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xE31F2B, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE31F2B]);
teamRed = "HONVED FC";
function HonvedFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xE31F2B, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE31F2B]);
teamBlue = "HONVED FC";
function HonvedFCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFCFCFC, [0xE31F2B, 0x333333, 0x333333]);
teamRed = "HONVED FC";
function HonvedFCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFCFCFC, [0xE31F2B, 0x333333, 0x333333]);
teamBlue = "HONVED FC";
function HonvedFCTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2E2E2E, [0xF9D100, 0xFEE14E, 0xFFF685]);
teamRed = "HONVED FC";
function HonvedFCTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2E2E2E, [0xF9D100, 0xFEE14E, 0xFFF685]);
teamBlue = "HONVED FC";
function PuskasAkademiaFCFun(player) { // !pafc
room.sendAnnouncement('Puskas Akademia FC:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pafc/titular/red | pafc/titular/blue |
pafc/alternativa/red | pafc/alternativa/blue | pafc/tercera/red |
pafc/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PuskasAkademiaFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE0BE6E, 0x323A5D, 0x323A5D]);
function PuskasAkademiaFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE0BE6E, 0x323A5D, 0x323A5D]);
function PuskasAkademiaFCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x20253B, [0x323A5D, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function PuskasAkademiaFCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x20253B, [0x323A5D, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function PuskasAkademiaFCTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0x2B324F, [0x323A5D, 0xFDD450, 0xFDD450]);
function PuskasAkademiaFCTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0x2B324F, [0x323A5D, 0xFDD450, 0xFDD450]);
function MezokovesdiSEFun(player) { // !mez
room.sendAnnouncement('Mezokovesdi SE:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mez/titular/red | mez/titular/blue | mez/alternativa/red
| mez/alternativa/blue | mez/tercera/red | mez/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function MezokovesdiSETitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x01244A, [0xFFDA3D, 0x034EA2, 0xFFDA3D]);
function MezokovesdiSETitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x01244A, [0xFFDA3D, 0x034EA2, 0xFFDA3D]);
teamBlue = "MEZOKOVESDI SE";
function MezokovesdiSEAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x212121]); teamRed = "MEZOKOVESDI
function MezokovesdiSEAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x212121]); teamBlue = "MEZOKOVESDI
function MezokovesdiSETerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0x242424, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "MEZOKOVESDI
function MezokovesdiSETerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0x242424, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "MEZOKOVESDI
function KisvardaFCFun(player) { // !kisv
room.sendAnnouncement('Kisvárda FC:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('kisv/titular/red | kisv/titular/blue |
kisv/alternativa/red | kisv/alternativa/blue | kisv/tercera/red |
kisv/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function KisvardaFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0xe31f2b, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "KISVARDA
function KisvardaFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0xe31f2b, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "KISVARDA
function KisvardaFCAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE31F2B]); teamRed = "KISVARDA
function KisvardaFCAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE31F2B]); teamBlue = "KISVARDA
function KisvardaFCTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x424041, 0x3A393A]); teamRed =
function KisvardaFCTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x424041, 0x3A393A]); teamBlue =
function DiosgyoriVTKFun(player) { // !dio
room.sendAnnouncement('Diósgyőri VTK:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dio/titular/red | dio/titular/blue | dio/alternativa/red
| dio/alternativa/blue | dio/tercera/red | dio/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function DiosgyoriVTKTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0xffffff, [0xE31F2B]); teamRed = "DIOSGYORI
function DiosgyoriVTKTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0xffffff, [0xE31F2B]); teamBlue = "DIOSGYORI
function DiosgyoriVTKAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe31f2b, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "DIOSGYORI
function DiosgyoriVTKAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe31f2b, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "DIOSGYORI
function DiosgyoriVTKTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2E2E2E, [0xE31F2B, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE31F2B]);
teamRed = "DIOSGYORI VTK";
function DiosgyoriVTKTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2E2E2E, [0xE31F2B, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE31F2B]);
teamBlue = "DIOSGYORI VTK";
function PaksiSEFun(player) { // !paks
room.sendAnnouncement('Paksi SE:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('paks/titular/red | paks/titular/blue |
paks/alternativa/red | paks/alternativa/blue | paks/tercera/red |
paks/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PaksiSETitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0xffffff, [0x0C8D56]); teamRed = "PAKSI SE";
function PaksiSETitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0xffffff, [0x0C8D56]); teamBlue = "PAKSI SE";
function PaksiSEAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x212121, [0xEFF0F0, 0xFFFFFF, 0xEFF0F0]);
teamRed = "PAKSI SE";
function PaksiSEAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x212121, [0xEFF0F0, 0xFFFFFF, 0xEFF0F0]);
teamBlue = "PAKSI SE";
function PaksiSETerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 45, 0x313540, [0x565865, 0xC2BCC0, 0xC2BCC0]);
teamRed = "PAKSI SE";
function PaksiSETerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 45, 0x313540, [0x565865, 0xC2BCC0, 0xC2BCC0]);
teamBlue = "PAKSI SE";
function AlmiranteBrownFun(player) { // !abrown
room.sendAnnouncement('Almirante Brown:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('abrown/titular/red | abrown/titular/blue |
abrown/alternativa/red | abrown/alternativa/blue | abrown/tercera/red |
abrown/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AlmiranteBrownTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xEBC80E, 0x000000, 0xEBC80E]);
function AlmiranteBrownTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xEBC80E, 0x000000, 0xEBC80E]);
function AlmiranteBrownAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFF34F, [0x131313, 0x131313, 0xEBC80E]);
function AlmiranteBrownAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFF34F, [0x131313, 0x131313, 0xEBC80E]);
function AlmiranteBrownTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xE3C10E, [0x1D1D1D, 0xFFFFFF, 0xEBC60D]);
function AlmiranteBrownTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xE3C10E, [0x1D1D1D, 0xFFFFFF, 0xEBC60D]);
function CentroDeportivoRocaFun(player) { // !cdybgr
room.sendAnnouncement('Centro Deportivo Roca (C.D.Y.B.G.R):',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cdybgr/titular/red | cdybgr/titular/blue |
cdybgr/alternativa/red | cdybgr/alternativa/blue | cdybgr/tercera/red |
cdybgr/tercera/blue | cdybgr/cuarta/red | cdybgr/cuarta/blue | cdybgr/quinta/red |
cdybgr/quinta/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CentroDeportivoRocaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xF7F3FF, [0xDC1E37, 0x1C1A26]); teamRed =
function CentroDeportivoRocaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xF7F3FF, [0xDC1E37, 0x1C1A26]); teamBlue =
function CentroDeportivoRocaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x000000, [0xFC224A, 0xFFFFFF, 0xC51641]);
teamRed = "CENTRO DEP. ROCA";
function CentroDeportivoRocaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x000000, [0xFC224A, 0xFFFFFF, 0xC51641]);
teamBlue = "CENTRO DEP. ROCA";
function CentroDeportivoRocaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x757575, [0x1E1916, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDE231C]);
teamRed = "CENTRO DEP. ROCA";
function CentroDeportivoRocaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x757575, [0x1E1916, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDE231C]);
teamBlue = "CENTRO DEP. ROCA";
function CentroDeportivoRocaCuartaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x817F85, [0x1E1916, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDC241C]);
teamRed = "CENTRO DEP. ROCA";
function CentroDeportivoRocaCuartaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x817F85, [0x1E1916, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDC241C]);
teamBlue = "CENTRO DEP. ROCA";
function CentroDeportivoRocaQuintaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xD6BD8B, [0x1E1916, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDC1E37]);
teamRed = "CENTRO DEP. ROCA";
function CentroDeportivoRocaQuintaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xD6BD8B, [0x1E1916, 0xFFFFFF, 0xDC1E37]);
teamBlue = "CENTRO DEP. ROCA";
function BochofiloBochazoFun(player) { // !bchz
room.sendAnnouncement('Bochófilo Bochazo:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bochz/titular/red | bochz/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BochofiloBochazoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 40, 0x33376B, [0xBE2833, 0xFFFFFF, 0x2348A0]);
function BochofiloBochazoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 40, 0x33376B, [0xBE2833, 0xFFFFFF, 0x2348A0]);
function DinamoZagrebFun(player) { // !dzg
room.sendAnnouncement('GNK Dinamo Zagreb | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dzg/titular/red | dzg/titular/blue | dzg/alternativa/red
| dzg/alternativa/blue | | dzg/tercera/red | dzg/tercera/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DinamoZagrebTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0456C6]); teamRed = "DINAMO
function DinamoZagrebTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0456C6]); teamBlue = "DINAMO
function DinamoZagrebAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x1b1f10, [0xDDFF51, 0xE1FD5B]); teamRed =
function DinamoZagrebAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x1b1f10, [0xDDFF51, 0xE1FD5B]); teamBlue =
function DinamoZagrebTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 120, 0xe5e811, [0x213C69, 0x1555AC]); teamRed =
function DinamoZagrebTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 120, 0xe5e811, [0x213C69, 0x1555AC]); teamBlue =
function HajdukSplitFun(player) { // !haj
room.sendAnnouncement('HNK Hajduk Split | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('haj/titular/red | haj/titular/blue | haj/alternativa/red
| haj/alternativa/blue | | haj/tercera/red | haj/tercera/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function HajdukSplitTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1c43c9, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "HAJDUK
function HajdukSplitTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1c43c9, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "HAJDUK
function HajdukSplitAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0054AE, 0xEC1F24, 0x0054AE]);
teamRed = "HAJDUK SPLIT";
function HajdukSplitAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x0054AE, 0xEC1F24, 0x0054AE]);
teamBlue = "HAJDUK SPLIT";
function HajdukSplitTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 120, 0x271b4b, [0xD1C5D9]); teamRed = "HAJDUK
function HajdukSplitTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 120, 0x271b4b, [0xD1C5D9]); teamBlue = "HAJDUK
function HNKRijekaFun(player) { // !rjk
room.sendAnnouncement('HNK Rijeka | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('rjk/titular/red | rjk/titular/blue | rjk/alternativa/red
| rjk/alternativa/blue | | rjk/tercera/red | rjk/tercera/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function HNKRijekaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1fa6d5, [0xFFFFFF, 0x80CFED, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "HNK RIJEKA";
function HNKRijekaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1fa6d5, [0xFFFFFF, 0x80CFED, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "HNK RIJEKA";
function HNKRijekaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x25242A, 0x91BCEF, 0x25242A]);
teamRed = "HNK RIJEKA";
function HNKRijekaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x25242A, 0x91BCEF, 0x25242A]);
teamBlue = "HNK RIJEKA";
function HNKRijekaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 120, 0xd2ab67, [0x982834]); teamRed = "HNK RIJEKA";
function HNKRijekaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 120, 0xd2ab67, [0x982834]); teamBlue = "HNK
function NKOsijekFun(player) { // !osi
room.sendAnnouncement('NK Osijek | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('osi/titular/red | osi/titular/blue | osi/alternativa/red
| osi/alternativa/blue | | osi/tercera/red | osi/tercera/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NKOsijekTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0C3A8A, [0x0054A6, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0054A6]);
teamRed = "NK OSIJEK";
function NKOsijekTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0C3A8A, [0x0054A6, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0054A6]);
teamBlue = "NK OSIJEK";
function NKOsijekAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0x0054a6, [0xF5F6F6, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "NK OSIJEK";
function NKOsijekAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0x0054a6, [0xF5F6F6, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "NK OSIJEK";
function NKOsijekTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xB81F29, 0xB81F29, 0xE31F2B]);
teamRed = "NK OSIJEK";
function NKOsijekTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xB81F29, 0xB81F29, 0xE31F2B]);
teamBlue = "NK OSIJEK";
function NKLokomotivFun(player) { // !nklok
room.sendAnnouncement('NK Lokomotiva Zagreb | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('nklok/titular/red | nklok/titular/blue |
nklok/alternativa/red | nklok/alternativa/blue | | nklok/tercera/red |
nklok/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NKLokomotivTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xdcb452, [0x789BD1, 0x1E45A0, 0xE5E5ED]);
teamRed = "NK LOKOMOTIV";
function NKLokomotivTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xdcb452, [0x789BD1, 0x1E45A0, 0xE5E5ED]);
teamBlue = "NK LOKOMOTIV";
function NKLokomotivAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xFF6899, 0xFFB4D2, 0xFFB4D2]);
teamRed = "NK LOKOMOTIV";
function NKLokomotivAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xFF6899, 0xFFB4D2, 0xFFB4D2]);
teamBlue = "NK LOKOMOTIV";
function NKLokomotivTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xff5b4e, [0x544491, 0x32304A, 0x544491]);
teamRed = "NK LOKOMOTIV";
function NKLokomotivTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xff5b4e, [0x544491, 0x32304A, 0x544491]);
teamBlue = "NK LOKOMOTIV";
function HNKGoricaFun(player) { // !gor
room.sendAnnouncement('HNK Gorica | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gor/titular/red | gor/titular/blue | gor/alternativa/red
| gor/alternativa/blue | | gor/tercera/red | gor/tercera/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function HNKGoricaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x4f4b4b, [0x4f4b4b, 0xF3F1F3, 0xD6D6D9]);
teamRed = "HNK GORICA";
function HNKGoricaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x4f4b4b, [0x4f4b4b, 0xF3F1F3, 0xD6D6D9]);
teamBlue = "HNK GORICA";
function HNKGoricaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x333333, 0x45464A, 0x79889C]);
teamRed = "HNK GORICA";
function HNKGoricaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x333333, 0x45464A, 0x79889C]);
teamBlue = "HNK GORICA";
function HNKGoricaTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE31F2B, 0xCE202A, 0xCA202A]);
teamRed = "HNK GORICA";
function HNKGoricaTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xE31F2B, 0xCE202A, 0xCA202A]);
teamBlue = "HNK GORICA";
function NKSlavenBelupoFun(player) { // !slb
room.sendAnnouncement('NK Slaven Belupo Koprivnica | 🇭🇷 ',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('slb/titular/red | slb/titular/blue | slb/alternativa/red
| slb/alternativa/blue | | slb/tercera/red | slb/tercera/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NKSlavenBelupoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x315CBA, 0x12419D, 0x0E3D97]);
function NKSlavenBelupoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x315CBA, 0x12419D, 0x0E3D97]);
teamBlue = "NK SLAVEN BELUPO";
function NKSlavenBelupoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x262525]); teamRed = "NK SLAVEN
function NKSlavenBelupoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x262525]); teamBlue = "NK SLAVEN
function NKSlavenBelupoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe31f2b, [0x262524, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function NKSlavenBelupoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe31f2b, [0x262524, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "NK SLAVEN BELUPO";
function Istra1961Fun(player) { // !ist
room.sendAnnouncement('NK Istra 1961 | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ist/titular/red | ist/titular/blue | ist/alternativa/red
| ist/alternativa/blue | | ist/tercera/red | ist/tercera/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function Istra1961TitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -90, 0x1b1e23, [0xfcf533]); teamRed = "ISTRA 1961";
function Istra1961TitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -90, 0x1b1e23, [0xfcf533]); teamBlue = "ISTRA
function Istra1961AlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x02db8a]); teamRed = "ISTRA 1961";
function Istra1961AlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x02db8a]); teamBlue = "ISTRA
function Istra1961TerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x01152d, 0x011329, 0x021325]);
teamRed = "ISTRA 1961";
function Istra1961TerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x01152d, 0x011329, 0x021325]);
teamBlue = "ISTRA 1961";
function InterZapresicFun(player) { // !iza
room.sendAnnouncement('NK Inter Zaprešić | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('iza/titular/red | iza/titular/blue | iza/alternativa/red
| iza/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function InterZapresicTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0c63b2, [0xFCE353, 0xEDEC80, 0x0099C5]);
function InterZapresicTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0c63b2, [0xFCE353, 0xEDEC80, 0x0099C5]);
teamBlue = "INTER ZAPRESIC";
function InterZapresicAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xf5dd0e, 0x3169af, 0x3169AF]);
function InterZapresicAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xf5dd0e, 0x3169af, 0x3169AF]);
teamBlue = "INTER ZAPRESIC";
function NKVarazdinFun(player) { // !var
room.sendAnnouncement('NK Varaždin | 🇭🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('var/titular/red | var/titular/blue | var/alternativa/red
| var/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function NKVarazdinTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x012351, 0x012f63, 0x01417e]);
teamRed = "NK VARAZDIN";
function NKVarazdinTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x012351, 0x012f63, 0x01417e]);
teamBlue = "NK VARAZDIN";
function NKVarazdinAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x242424, [0xFF8B42]); teamRed = "NK
function NKVarazdinAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x242424, [0xFF8B42]); teamBlue = "NK
function Bayer04LeverkusenFun(player) { // !b04
room.sendAnnouncement('Bayer 04 Leverkusen | 🇩🇪 ',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('b04/titular/red | b04/titular/blue | b04/alternativa/red
| b04/alternativa/blue | b04/tercera/red | b04/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function Bayer04LeverkusenTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf6f8f7, [0x252526, 0x363636, 0x252526]);
function Bayer04LeverkusenTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf6f8f7, [0x252526, 0x363636, 0x252526]);
function Bayer04LeverkusenAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xf1f2f4, [0xe30720, 0xf12d31, 0xe30720]);
function Bayer04LeverkusenAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xf1f2f4, [0xe30720, 0xf12d31, 0xe30720]);
function Bayer04LeverkusenTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 30, 0x262930, [0xcacfd5, 0xc3ccd3, 0xcacfd5]);
function Bayer04LeverkusenTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 30, 0x262930, [0xcacfd5, 0xc3ccd3, 0xcacfd5]);
function VeneziaFCFun(player) { // !venfc
room.sendAnnouncement('Venezia FC | 🇮🇹 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('venfc/titular/red | venfc/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function VeneziaFCTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xffffff, [0xFE7200, 0x161C28, 0x008956]);
teamRed = "VENEZIA FC";
function VeneziaFCTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xffffff, [0xFE7200, 0x161C28, 0x008956]);
teamBlue = "VENEZIA FC";
function AthleticDeBilbaoFun(player) { // !ath
room.sendAnnouncement('Athletic de Bilbao | 🇪🇸 ',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ath/titular/red | ath/titular/blue | ath/alternativa/red
| ath/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AthleticDeBilbaoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x020300, [0xEA011E, 0xFFFFFF, 0xEA011E]);
function AthleticDeBilbaoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x020300, [0xEA011E, 0xFFFFFF, 0xEA011E]);
function AthleticDeBilbaoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 121, 0xdecb89, [0x225F3E, 0x225F3E, 0x30734A]);
function AthleticDeBilbaoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 121, 0xdecb89, [0x225F3E, 0x225F3E, 0x30734A]);
function EspanyolFun(player) { // !RIV
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('rcde/titular/red | rcde/titular/blue |
rcde/alternativa/red | rcde/alternativa/blue | rcde/tercera/red |
rcde/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function EspanyolTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x272624, [0xFFFFFF, 0x006DB5, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "SPANYOL";
function EspanyolTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x272624, [0xFFFFFF, 0x006DB5, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "SPANYOL";
function EspanyolAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x275F56, 0x1B81D3, 0xEBEDF2]);
teamRed = "SPANYOL";
function EspanyolAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x275F56, 0x1B81D3, 0xEBEDF2]);
teamBlue = "SPANYOL";
function EspanyolTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1e1916, [0xF5CDCD, 0xF5ECE3, 0x39282E]);
teamRed = "SPANYOL";
function EspanyolTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1e1916, [0xF5CDCD, 0xF5ECE3, 0x39282E]);
teamBlue = "SPANYOL";
function RBLeipzigFun(player) { // !RBL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('rbl/titular/red | rbl/titular/blue | rbl/alternativa/red
| rbl/alternativa/blue | rbl/tercera/red | rbl/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function RBLeipzigTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xdc0741, [0xF0EDEE, 0xE3E0E1]); teamRed =
function RBLeipzigTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xdc0741, [0xF0EDEE, 0xE3E0E1]); teamBlue =
function RBLeipzigAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xdc0741, [0x0D1E2D]); teamRed = "RB LEIPZIG";
function RBLeipzigAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xdc0741, [0x0D1E2D]); teamBlue = "RB
function RBLeipzigTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFEFEFE, [0x242426, 0x0E4182, 0xA60D17]);
teamRed = "RB LEIPZIG";
function RBLeipzigTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFEFEFE, [0x242426, 0x0E4182, 0xA60D17]);
teamBlue = "RB LEIPZIG";
function MontevideoCityTorqueFun(player) { // !TOR
room.sendAnnouncement('Montevideo City Torque | 🇺🇾',, 0x6BFFB5,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mct/titular/red | mct/titular/blue | mct/alternativa/red
| mct/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MontevideoCityTorqueTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x76b3e2]); teamRed = "MONTEVIDEO
function MontevideoCityTorqueTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x76b3e2]); teamBlue = "MONTEVIDEO
function MontevideoCityTorqueAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x322d2a, 0x413c39, 0x484743]);
function MontevideoCityTorqueAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x322d2a, 0x413c39, 0x484743]);
function MontevideoWanderersFun(player) { // !WAN
room.sendAnnouncement('Montevideo Wanderers| 🇺🇾',, 0x6BFFB5,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('wan/titular/red | wan/titular/blue | wan/alternativa/red
| wan/alternativa/blue | wan/tercera/red | wan/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function MontevideoWanderersTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xB8B8B8, [0xFFFFFF, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF]);
function MontevideoWanderersTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xB8B8B8, [0xFFFFFF, 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF]);
function MontevideoWanderersAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0x78DEF9, 0xA6E2F9, 0x78DEF9]);
function MontevideoWanderersAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0x78DEF9, 0xA6E2F9, 0x78DEF9]);
function MontevideoWanderersTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xF1F1F1, 0xFFFFFF]);
function MontevideoWanderersTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xF1F1F1, 0xFFFFFF]);
function HamburgerSVFun(player) { // !HSV
room.sendAnnouncement('Hamburgo S.V.| 🇩🇪',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('hsv/titular/red | hsv/titular/blue | hsv/alternativa/red
| hsv/alternativa/blue | hsv/tercera/red | hsv/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function HamburgerSVTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0071d7, [0xd40121, 0xf2f1f7, 0xf2f1f7]);
teamRed = "HAMBURGER SV";
function HamburgerSVTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0071d7, [0xd40121, 0xf2f1f7, 0xf2f1f7]);
teamBlue = "HAMBURGER SV";
function HamburgerSVAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFBB6D5, 0x6D5E7C, 0xFBB6D5]);
teamRed = "HAMBURGER SV";
function HamburgerSVAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFBB6D5, 0x6D5E7C, 0xFBB6D5]);
teamBlue = "HAMBURGER SV";
function HamburgerSVTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2D2B2C, 0x0D497D, 0x2D2B2C]);
teamRed = "HAMBURGER SV";
function HamburgerSVTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2D2B2C, 0x0D497D, 0x2D2B2C]);
teamBlue = "HAMBURGER SV";
function NewcastleUnitedFun(player) { // !NEW
room.sendAnnouncement('Newcastle United | 🇬🇧',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('new/titular/red | new/titular/blue | new/alternativa/red
| new/alternativa/blue | new/tercera/red | new/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function NewcastleUnitedTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xea323e, [0xf6f5fa, 0x29242a, 0xf6f5fa]);
function NewcastleUnitedTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xea323e, [0xf6f5fa, 0x29242a, 0xf6f5fa]);
function NewcastleUnitedAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1C2023, 0x143439, 0x143439]);
function NewcastleUnitedAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1C2023, 0x143439, 0x143439]);
function NewcastleUnitedTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x111c4d, [0xEC440A, 0xF06C0F, 0xF06C0F]);
function NewcastleUnitedTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x111c4d, [0xEC440A, 0xF06C0F, 0xF06C0F]);
function WestHamUnitedFun(player) { // !WHU
room.sendAnnouncement('West Ham United | 🇬🇧',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('whu/titular/red | whu/titular/blue | whu/alternativa/red
| whu/alternativa/blue | whu/tercera/red | whu/tercera/blue | whu/titular/red/2019
| whu/titular/blue/2019',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function WestHamUnitedTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf3f2f7, [0xc4e0ec, 0x7c0c25, 0x7c0c25]);
teamRed = "WEST HAM";
function WestHamUnitedTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf3f2f7, [0xc4e0ec, 0x7c0c25, 0x7c0c25]);
teamBlue = "WEST HAM";
function WestHamUnitedAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x781a32, [0xA8D5FF, 0xF4F4F4, 0xF4F4F4]);
teamRed = "WEST HAM";
function WestHamUnitedAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x781a32, [0xA8D5FF, 0xF4F4F4, 0xF4F4F4]);
teamBlue = "WEST HAM";
function WestHamUnitedTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 58, 0xFFFFFF, [0xAB2FC3, 0x2C2B54, 0x342F5F]);
teamRed = "WEST HAM";
function WestHamUnitedTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 58, 0xFFFFFF, [0xAB2FC3, 0x2C2B54, 0x342F5F]);
teamBlue = "WEST HAM";
function WestHamUnitedTitular2019RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xA3C3EA, 0x751A2C, 0x751A2C]);
teamRed = "WEST HAM";
function WestHamUnitedTitular2019BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xA3C3EA, 0x751A2C, 0x751A2C]);
teamBlue = "WEST HAM";
function InterMiamiCFFun(player) { // !MIA
room.sendAnnouncement('Inter Miami CF | 🇺🇸',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mia/titular/red | mia/titular/blue | mia/alternativa/red
| mia/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function InterMiamiCFTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffd4fe, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "INTER
function InterMiamiCFTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffd4fe, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "INTER
function InterMiamiCFAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 55, 0xEFC4D8, [0xF5C6D0, 0x1B191C, 0x1B191C]);
teamRed = "INTER MIAMI";
function InterMiamiCFAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 55, 0xEFC4D8, [0xF5C6D0, 0x1B191C, 0x1B191C]);
teamBlue = "INTER MIAMI";
function DeportivoEspanolFun(player) { // !CDE
room.sendAnnouncement('Club Deportivo Español | 🇦🇷',, 0x6BFFB5,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cde/titular/red | cde/titular/blue | cde/alternativa/red
| cde/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DeportivoEspanolTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 66, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFC100, 0xCD0000, 0xCD0000]);
teamRed = "DEP. ESPAÑOL";
function DeportivoEspanolTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 66, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFC100, 0xCD0000, 0xCD0000]);
teamBlue = "DEP. ESPAÑOL";
function DeportivoEspanolAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 66, 0x242d51, [0xC80000, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "DEP. ESPAÑOL";
function DeportivoEspanolAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 66, 0x242d51, [0xC80000, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "DEP. ESPAÑOL";
function SportivoItalianoFun(player) { // !NEW
room.sendAnnouncement('Sportivo Italiano | 🇦🇷',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sit/titular/red | sit/titular/blue | sit/alternativa/red
| sit/alternativa/blue | sit/tercera/red | sit/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function SportivoItalianoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 307, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1367C0, 0x1367C0, 0x374A89]);
function SportivoItalianoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 307, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1367C0, 0x1367C0, 0x374A89]);
function SportivoItalianoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 65, 0x1e2c94, [0x0D3986, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function SportivoItalianoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 65, 0x1e2c94, [0x0D3986, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function SportivoItalianoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFAF7FF, [0x0C785B, 0xDF1B2B, 0x0C785B]);
function SportivoItalianoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFAF7FF, [0x0C785B, 0xDF1B2B, 0x0C785B]);
function ClubDeportivoMandiyuFun(player) { // !CDM
room.sendAnnouncement('Club Deportivo Mandiyú | 🇦🇷',, 0x6BFFB5,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mdy/titular/red | mdy/titular/blue | mdy/alternativa/red
| mdy/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ClubDeportivoMandiyuTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x1aad69, [0x11B065, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "DEP. MANDIYÚ";
function ClubDeportivoMandiyuTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x1aad69, [0x11B065, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "DEP. MANDIYÚ";
function ClubDeportivoMandiyuAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x81D368, 0x61CA65, 0x61CA65]);
teamRed = "DEP. MANDIYÚ";
function ClubDeportivoMandiyuAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x81D368, 0x61CA65, 0x61CA65]);
teamBlue = "DEP. MANDIYÚ";
function HullCityFun(player) { // !HUL
room.sendAnnouncement('Hull City | 🇬🇧',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('hul/titular/red | hul/titular/blue | hul/alternativa/red
|hul/alternativa/blue | hul/tercera/red |hul/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('hul/titular/red/2018 | hul/titular/blue/2018 |
hul/alternativa/red/2018 | hul/alternativa/blue/2018 | hul/tercera/red/2018
|hul/tercera/blue/2018',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function HullCityTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 247, 0x000000, [0xF77F15, 0xF77F15, 0x180602]);
teamRed = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 247, 0x000000, [0xF77F15, 0xF77F15, 0x180602]);
teamBlue = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 247, 0xFFFFFF, [0x227592, 0x227592, 0xFFB10F]);
teamRed = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 247, 0xFFFFFF, [0x227592, 0x227592, 0xFFB10F]);
teamBlue = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF6871E, 0x231D1D, 0xF6871E]);
teamRed = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF6871E, 0x231D1D, 0xF6871E]);
teamBlue = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 245, 0xF5F2F7, [0x1C1B20, 0x1C1B20, 0xF7933B]);
teamRed = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 245, 0xF5F2F7, [0x1C1B20, 0x1C1B20, 0xF7933B]);
teamBlue = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityTercera2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 245, 0x242321, [0xFFFFFF, 0xE6E4E2, 0xF8E80F]);
teamRed = "HULL CITY";
function HullCityTercera2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 245, 0x242321, [0xFFFFFF, 0xE6E4E2, 0xF8E80F]);
teamBlue = "HULL CITY";
function WolverhamptonFun(player) { // !WOL
room.sendAnnouncement('Wolves | 🇬🇧',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('wol/titular/red | wol/titular/blue | wol/alternativa/red
|wol/alternativa/blue | wol/tercera/red |wol/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function WolverhamptonTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xF98E29, 0xFB9F33, 0xFDAD3B]);
function WolverhamptonTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xF98E29, 0xFB9F33, 0xFDAD3B]);
function WolverhamptonAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 61, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF99F03, 0x202020, 0x202020]);
function WolverhamptonAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 61, 0xFFFFFF, [0xF99F03, 0x202020, 0x202020]);
function WolverhamptonTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xF5F5F5, [0x1F6452, 0x3AAC88]); teamRed =
function WolverhamptonTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xF5F5F5, [0x1F6452, 0x3AAC88]); teamBlue =
function CerroLargoFun(player) { // !CRL
room.sendAnnouncement('Cerro Largo | 🇺🇾',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('crl/titular/red | crl/titular/blue | crl/alternativa/red
|crl/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CerroLargoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x1f1e26, [0xFFFFFF, 0x2454DF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "CERRO LARGO";
function CerroLargoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x1f1e26, [0xFFFFFF, 0x2454DF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "CERRO LARGO";
function CerroLargoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 61, 0x1f1e26, [0x0098CA]); teamRed = "CERRO
function CerroLargoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 61, 0x1f1e26, [0x0098CA]); teamBlue = "CERRO
function OldCaledoniansFootballClubFun(player) { // !OCFC
room.sendAnnouncement('Old Caledonians Football Club (1891-1893) | 🇦🇷',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ocfc/titular/red | ocfc/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function OldCaledoniansFootballClubTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x191919, [0xF7F6FB]); teamRed = "OLD
function OldCaledoniansFootballClubTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x191919, [0xF7F6FB]); teamBlue = "OLD
function DefensorSportingFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Defensor Sporting | 🇺🇾',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dfs/titular/red | dfs/titular/blue | dfs/alternativa/red
| dfs/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DefensorSportingTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x6D4DB4]); teamRed = "DEFENSOR
function DefensorSportingTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x6D4DB4]); teamBlue = "DEFENSOR
function DefensorSportingAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x402E6B, [0xFFFFFF, 0x6D4DB4, 0xFFFFFF]);
function DefensorSportingAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x402E6B, [0xFFFFFF, 0x6D4DB4, 0xFFFFFF]);
function EvertonVinaDelMarFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Everton de Viña del Mar | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('evdm/titular/red | evdm/titular/blue |
evdm/alternativa/red | evdm/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function EvertonVinaDelMarTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x212647, 0xFFE751, 0x212647]);
function EvertonVinaDelMarTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x212647, 0xFFE751, 0x212647]);
function EvertonVinaDelMarAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFD763, 0x303454, 0xFFD763]);
function EvertonVinaDelMarAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFD763, 0x303454, 0xFFD763]);
function UnionLaCaleraFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Unión La Calera | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ulc/titular/red | ulc/titular/blue | ulc/alternativa/red
| ulc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function UnionLaCaleraTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 50, 0xFFFFFF, [0xBA1D38, 0xD70100]); teamRed =
function UnionLaCaleraTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 50, 0xFFFFFF, [0xBA1D38, 0xD70100]); teamBlue =
function UnionLaCaleraAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 66, 0x000000, [0xE31D39, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "UNIÓN LA CALERA";
function UnionLaCaleraAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 66, 0x000000, [0xE31D39, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "UNIÓN LA CALERA";
function AudaxItalianoFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Audax Italiano | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('aud/titular/red | aud/titular/blue | aud/alternativa/red
| aud/alternativa/blue | aud/tercera/red | aud/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function AudaxItalianoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x045ad1]); teamRed = "AUDAX
function AudaxItalianoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x045ad1]); teamBlue = "AUDAX
function AudaxItalianoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x118247]); teamRed = "AUDAX
function AudaxItalianoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x118247]); teamBlue = "AUDAX
function AudaxItalianoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x339455, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "AUDAX
function AudaxItalianoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x339455, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "AUDAX
function HuachipatoFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Huachipato | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('hua/titular/red | hua/titular/blue | hua/alternativa/red
| hua/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function HuachipatoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xfbfb1d, [0x2B79F7, 0x1F1F21, 0x2B79F7]);
teamRed = "HUACHIPATO";
function HuachipatoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xfbfb1d, [0x2B79F7, 0x1F1F21, 0x2B79F7]);
teamBlue = "HUACHIPATO";
function HuachipatoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFCFAFF, [0xBD1F36, 0x711F2D, 0xBD1F36]);
teamRed = "HUACHIPATO";
function HuachipatoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFCFAFF, [0xBD1F36, 0x711F2D, 0xBD1F36]);
teamBlue = "HUACHIPATO";
function DeportesIquiqueFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Deportes Iquique | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('iqu/titular/red | iqu/titular/blue | iqu/alternativa/red
| iqu/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DeportesIquiqueTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x000000, [0xA5D4FE, 0x9DD3FF]); teamRed =
function DeportesIquiqueTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x000000, [0xA5D4FE, 0x9DD3FF]); teamBlue =
function DeportesIquiqueAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2557DA, 0xFF1727, 0x2557DA]);
function DeportesIquiqueAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x2557DA, 0xFF1727, 0x2557DA]);
function OhigginsFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('O Higgins FC | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ohi/titular/red | ohi/titular/blue | ohi/alternativa/red
| ohi/alternativa/blue | ohi/tercera/red | ohi/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function OhigginsTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x000000, [0x90C4EB]); teamRed = "OHIGGINS";
function OhigginsTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x000000, [0x90C4EB]); teamBlue = "OHIGGINS";
function OhigginsAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1E1E1F]); teamRed = "OHIGGINS";
function OhigginsAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1E1E1F]); teamBlue = "OHIGGINS";
function OhigginsTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xBCBFC4, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "OHIGGINS";
function OhigginsTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xBCBFC4, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "OHIGGINS";
function UnionEspanolaFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Unión Española | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ues/titular/red | ues/titular/blue | ues/alternativa/red
| ues/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function UnionEspanolaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC5142E, 0xCF0D27, 0xE01A33]);
function UnionEspanolaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xC5142E, 0xCF0D27, 0xE01A33]);
teamBlue = "UNIÓN ESPAÑOLA";
function UnionEspanolaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x5D5D5D, 0x717173, 0x848484]);
function UnionEspanolaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x5D5D5D, 0x717173, 0x848484]);
teamBlue = "UNIÓN ESPAÑOLA";
function SantiagoWanderersFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Santiago Wanderers | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('swa/titular/red | swa/titular/blue | swa/alternativa/red
| swa/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SantiagoWanderersTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x78ff28, [0x017060, 0x024A3E, 0x024A3E]);
function SantiagoWanderersTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x78ff28, [0x017060, 0x024A3E, 0x024A3E]);
function SantiagoWanderersAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x154142, [0xFFFFFF, 0xC8C7CC, 0xFFFFFF]);
function SantiagoWanderersAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x154142, [0xFFFFFF, 0xC8C7CC, 0xFFFFFF]);
function CuricoUnidoFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Curico Unido | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cur/titular/red | cur/titular/blue | cur/alternativa/red
| cur/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CuricoUnidoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 35, 0x6E1010, [0xFFFFFF, 0xD92814, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "CURICO UNIDO";
function CuricoUnidoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 35, 0x6E1010, [0xFFFFFF, 0xD92814, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "CURICO UNIDO";
function CuricoUnidoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 35, 0xABABAB, [0xD92814, 0xFFFFFF, 0xD92814]);
teamRed = "CURICO UNIDO";
function CuricoUnidoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 35, 0xABABAB, [0xD92814, 0xFFFFFF, 0xD92814]);
teamBlue = "CURICO UNIDO";
function DeportesAntofagastaFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Deportes Antofagasta | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cda/titular/red | cda/titular/blue | cda/alternativa/red
| cda/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DeportesAntofagastaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x1865a5, [0xFFFFFF, 0x328AF8]); teamRed =
function DeportesAntofagastaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x1865a5, [0xFFFFFF, 0x328AF8]); teamBlue =
function DeportesAntofagastaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1A1A1A, 0xD71F29]); teamRed =
function DeportesAntofagastaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x1A1A1A, 0xD71F29]); teamBlue =
function UdeConcepcionFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Universidad de Concepción | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5,
"bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ucon/titular/red | ucon/titular/blue |
ucon/alternativa/red | ucon/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function UdeConcepcionTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2c3554, [0xF1E63E, 0xF1E63E, 0xF1E63E]);
teamRed = "U. DE CONCEPCIÓN";
function UdeConcepcionTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2c3554, [0xF1E63E, 0xF1E63E, 0xF1E63E]);
teamBlue = "U. DE CONCEPCIÓN";
function UdeConcepcionAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xfeeb2c, [0x6285ED, 0x293155, 0x293155]);
teamRed = "U. DE CONCEPCIÓN";
function UdeConcepcionAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xfeeb2c, [0x6285ED, 0x293155, 0x293155]);
teamBlue = "U. DE CONCEPCIÓN";
function DeportesLaSerenaFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Deportes La Serena | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dls/titular/red | dls/titular/blue | dls/alternativa/red
| dls/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DeportesLaSerenaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xFEFEFE, [0x530928, 0x450722, 0x450722]);
teamRed = "DEP. LA SERENA";
function DeportesLaSerenaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xFEFEFE, [0x530928, 0x450722, 0x450722]);
teamBlue = "DEP. LA SERENA";
function DeportesLaSerenaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0x5d0027, [0xFFFFFF, 0xEEEEEE, 0xEEEEEE]);
teamRed = "DEP. LA SERENA";
function DeportesLaSerenaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0x5d0027, [0xFFFFFF, 0xEEEEEE, 0xEEEEEE]);
teamBlue = "DEP. LA SERENA";
function CoquimboUnidoFun(player) { // !DFS
room.sendAnnouncement('Coquimbo Unido | 🇨🇱',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('coq/titular/red | coq/titular/blue | coq/alternativa/red
| coq/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CoquimboUnidoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x000000, [0x202020, 0xF4C505]); teamRed =
function CoquimboUnidoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x000000, [0x202020, 0xF4C505]); teamBlue =
function CoquimboUnidoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 55, 0x000000, [0xE7E7E7, 0xE7E7E7, 0xF4C606]);
function CoquimboUnidoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 55, 0x000000, [0xE7E7E7, 0xE7E7E7, 0xF4C606]);
teamBlue = "COQUIMBO UNIDO";
function SpidermanFun(player) { // !spiderman
room.sendAnnouncement('Spiderman 🕷️',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('spiderman/red | spiderman/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function SpidermanRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xDF1F2D, [0xDF1F2D, 0x2B3784, 0x2B3784]);
function SpidermanBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xDF1F2D, [0xDF1F2D, 0x2B3784, 0x2B3784]);
teamBlue = "TEAM SPIDERMAN";
function HulkFun(player) { // !spiderman
room.sendAnnouncement('Hulk 🟩',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('hulk/red | hulk/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
function HulkRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xA2CD48, [0xA2CD48, 0xA2CD48, 0x875094]);
teamRed = "TEAM HULK";
function HulkBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xA2CD48, [0xA2CD48, 0xA2CD48, 0x875094]);
teamBlue = "TEAM HULK";
function CapitanAmericaFun(player) { // !spiderman
room.sendAnnouncement('Capitán América ⭐',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('capitanamerica/red | capitanamerica/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CapitanAmericaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x1849CA, 0x1849CA, 0xEC2004]);
function CapitanAmericaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x1849CA, 0x1849CA, 0xEC2004]);
function BatmanFun(player) { // !spiderman
room.sendAnnouncement('Batman 🦇',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('batman/red | batman/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function BatmanRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfdff00, [0x282E3C, 0x282E3C, 0x505C7C]);
teamRed = "TEAM BATMAN";
function BatmanBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfdff00, [0x282E3C, 0x282E3C, 0x505C7C]);
teamBlue = "TEAM BATMAN";

function BelgranoAthleticClubFun(player) { // !BAC

room.sendAnnouncement('👻 - Belgrano Athletic Club (1895-1916) | 🇦🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('bac/titular/red | bac/titular/blue | bac/alternativa/red
| bac/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BelgranoAthleticClubTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFCC00, 0x994C00, 0xFFCC00]);
function BelgranoAthleticClubTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFCC00, 0x994C00, 0xFFCC00]);
function BelgranoAthleticClubAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffeb20, [0x1B7967, 0xFE3045, 0x1B7967]);
function BelgranoAthleticClubAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffeb20, [0x1B7967, 0xFE3045, 0x1B7967]);
function RosarioAthleticClubFun(player) { // !ROAC
room.sendAnnouncement('👻 - Rosario Athletic Club (1900-1916) | 🇦🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('roac/titular/red | roac/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function RosarioAthleticClubTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x8F3A52, 0x229CD8]); teamRed =
function RosarioAthleticClubTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x8F3A52, 0x229CD8]); teamBlue =
function ClubAtleticoPortenoFun(player) { // !CAPORT
room.sendAnnouncement('👻 - Club Atlético Porteño (1907-1931) | 🇦🇷 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('caport/titular/red | caport/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ClubAtleticoPortenoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x2B2B2B, [0xFFFFFF, 0x4B55D9, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "CA. PORTEÑO";
function ClubAtleticoPortenoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x2B2B2B, [0xFFFFFF, 0x4B55D9, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "CA PORTEÑO";
function VillarrealFun(player) { // !VIL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('vil/titular/red | vil/titular/blue | vil/alternativa/red
| vil/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function VillarrealTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x194667, [0xf9ea6b]); teamRed = "VILLAREAL";
function VillarrealTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x194667, [0xf9ea6b]); teamBlue = "VILLAREAL";
function VillarrealAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xe1dc06, [0x143151]); teamRed = "VILLAREAL";
function VillarrealAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xe1dc06, [0x143151]); teamBlue = "VILLAREAL";
function CeltaDeVigoFun(player) { // !CEL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cel/titular/red | cel/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function CeltaDeVigoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 136, 0x141414, [0x43B5F4, 0x8DDDFE, 0x8DDDFE]);
teamRed = "CELTA DE VIGO";
function CeltaDeVigoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 136, 0x141414, [0x43B5F4, 0x8DDDFE, 0x8DDDFE]);
teamBlue = "CELTA DE VIGO";
function MallorcaFun(player) { // !MLL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mll/titular/red | mll/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);

function MallorcaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFE5341 , 0xD42A2A, 0xD42A2A]);
teamRed = "MALLORCA";
function MallorcaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFE5341 , 0xD42A2A, 0xD42A2A]);
teamBlue = "MALLORCA";
function LeedsUnitedFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Leeds United FC - 🇬🇧 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('lee/titular/red | lee/titular/blue | lee/alternativa/red
| lee/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function LeedsUnitedTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 123, 0x000000, [0xE7FE68, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "LEEDS UNITED";
function LeedsUnitedTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 123, 0x000000, [0xE7FE68, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "LEEDS UNITED";
function LeedsUnitedAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 123, 0xffffff, [0x00113D, 0x021A86, 0x021A86]);
teamRed = "LEEDS UNITED";
function LeedsUnitedAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 123, 0xffffff, [0x00113D, 0x021A86, 0x021A86]);
teamBlue = "LEEDS UNITED";
function SuizaFun(player) { // !SUI
room.sendAnnouncement('Suiza - 🇨🇭 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sui/titular/red | sui/titular/blue | sui/alternativa/red
| sui/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SuizaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf3edf1, [0xf8f8f8, 0xf6272f, 0xf6272f]);
teamRed = "SUIZA";
function SuizaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf3edf1, [0xf8f8f8, 0xf6272f, 0xf6272f]);
teamBlue = "SUIZA";
function SuizaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xa12638, [0xf6f7fc, 0xf9ebf5, 0xf1dde4]);
teamRed = "SUIZA";
function SuizaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xa12638, [0xf6f7fc, 0xf9ebf5, 0xf1dde4]);
teamBlue = "SUIZA";
function SuizaTitular2021RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x770316, 0xe40017, 0xe40017]);
teamRed = "SUIZA";
function SuizaTitular2021BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xFFFFFF, [0x770316, 0xe40017, 0xe40017]);
teamBlue = "SUIZA";
function SueciaFun(player) { // !SWE
room.sendAnnouncement('Suecia - 🇸🇪 ',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('swe/titular/red | swe/titular/blue | swe/alternativa/red
| swe/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SueciaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 123, 0x2d4466, [0xf3e731]); teamRed = "SUECIA";
function SueciaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 123, 0x2d4466, [0xf3e731]); teamBlue = "SUECIA";
function SueciaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf3ea5d, [0xf0eb0b, 0x152a49, 0x1b2e4e]);
teamRed = "SUECIA";
function SueciaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf3ea5d, [0xf0eb0b, 0x152a49, 0x1b2e4e]);
teamBlue = "SUECIA";
function CruceroDelNorteFun(player) { // !ATL
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cdn/titular/red | cdn/titular/blue |
cdn/titular/red/2014 | cdn/titular/blue/2014 | cdn/alternativa/red/2014 |
cdn/alternativa/blue/2014 | cdn/titular/red/2013 | cdn/titular/blue/2013',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CruceroDelNorteTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x000000, [0xFEED6B, 0xFEED6B, 0x5F5D58]);
function CruceroDelNorteTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x000000, [0xFEED6B, 0xFEED6B, 0x5F5D58]);
function CruceroDelNorteTitular2014RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x1e1e1e, [0xF8E409, 0xF58603]); teamRed =
function CruceroDelNorteTitular2014BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x1e1e1e, [0xF8E409, 0xF58603]); teamBlue =
function CruceroDelNorteAlternativa2014RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x1e1d2d, [0xEB5C32, 0xEEED33]); teamRed =
function CruceroDelNorteAlternativa2014BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x1e1d2d, [0xEB5C32, 0xEEED33]); teamBlue =
function CruceroDelNorteTitular2013RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 116, 0x1d1e10, [0xE74A03, 0xF8E622, 0xF8E622]);
function CruceroDelNorteTitular2013BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 116, 0x1d1e10, [0xE74A03, 0xF8E622, 0xF8E622]);

function SCBragaFun(player) { // !TGS

room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('scb/titular/red | scb/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SCBragaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 127, 0xC2C2C2, [0xFfffff, 0xFD2F22, 0xFD2F22]);
teamRed = "SC BRAGA";
function SCBragaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 127, 0xC2C2C2, [0xFfffff, 0xFD2F22, 0xFD2F22]);
teamBlue = "SC BRAGA";
function SportingCPFun(player) { // !TGS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('spo/titular/red | spo/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SportingCPTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x252a30, [0x0F8469, 0xffffff, 0x0F8469]);
teamRed = "SPORTING CP";
function SportingCPTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x252a30, [0x0F8469, 0xffffff, 0x0F8469]);
teamBlue = "SPORTING CP";
function FCPortoFun(player) { // !TGS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fcp/titular/red | fcp/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FCPortoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xf83539 , [0x013FBB, 0xFfffff, 0x013FBB]);
teamRed = "FC PORTO";
function FCPortoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xf83539 , [0x013FBB, 0xFfffff, 0x013FBB]);
teamBlue = "FC PORTO";
function SLBenficaFun(player) { // !TGS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ben/titular/red | ben/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SLBenficaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xE62B32]); teamRed = "SL BENFICA";
function SLBenficaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xE62B32]); teamBlue = "SL

function CamerunFun(player) { // !TGS

room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cmr/titular/red | cmr/titular/blue | cmr/alternativa/red
| cmr/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CamerunTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 110, 0xf7d504, [0xcf1f24, 0x016d3c, 0x016d3c]);
teamRed = "CAMERÚN";
function CamerunTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 110, 0xf7d504, [0xcf1f24, 0x016d3c, 0x016d3c]);
teamBlue = "CAMERÚN";
function CamerunAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 110, 0x048350, [0xe22b31, 0xf6e000, 0xfad701]);
teamRed = "CAMERÚN";
function CamerunAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 110, 0x048350, [0xe22b31, 0xf6e000, 0xfad701]);
teamBlue = "CAMERÚN";
function CostaDeMarfilFun(player) { // !TGS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('cdm/titular/red | cdm/titular/blue | cdm/alternativa/red
| cdm/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CostaDeMarfilTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xeeeeee, [0x038650, 0xfe9d01, 0xf26909]);
teamRed = "COSTA DE MARFIL";
function CostaDeMarfilTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xeeeeee, [0x038650, 0xfe9d01, 0xf26909]);
teamBlue = "COSTA DE MARFIL";
function CostaDeMarfilAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffad2f, [0xf7f7f9]); teamRed = "COSTA DE
function CostaDeMarfilAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffad2f, [0xf7f7f9]); teamBlue = "COSTA DE
function UcraniaFun(player) { // !IND
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ukr/titular/red | ukr/titular/blue | ukr/alternativa/red
| ukr/alternativa/blue | ukr/bandera/red | ukr/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function UcraniaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0083d5, [0x019fe0, 0xfaea59, 0xfaea59]);
teamRed = "UCRANIA";
function UcraniaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0083d5, [0x019fe0, 0xfaea59, 0xfaea59]);
teamBlue = "UCRANIA";
function UcraniaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xeedd30, [0x129cea, 0x12a9ed, 0x12a9ed]);
teamRed = "UCRANIA";
function UcraniaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xeedd30, [0x129cea, 0x12a9ed, 0x12a9ed]);
teamBlue = "UCRANIA";
function UcraniaBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x24167D, [0x005BBB, 0xFFD500]); teamRed =
function UcraniaBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x24167D, [0x005BBB, 0xFFD500]); teamBlue =
function SanMiguelFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Club Atlético San Miguel',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sm/titular/red | sm/titular/blue | sm/alternativa/red |
sm/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SanMiguelTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xfed76e, [0x64A47D, 0xFFFFFF, 0x64A47D]);
teamRed = "SAN MIGUEL";
function SanMiguelTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xfed76e, [0x64A47D, 0xFFFFFF, 0x64A47D]);
teamBlue = "SAN MIGUEL";
function SanMiguelAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 55, 0x80e7a6, [0x2F485E, 0x25374D, 0x243145]);
teamRed = "SAN MIGUEL";
function SanMiguelAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 55, 0x80e7a6, [0x2F485E, 0x25374D, 0x243145]);
teamBlue = "SAN MIGUEL";
function LaferrereFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Club Laferrere',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('laf/titular/red | laf/titular/blue',,
0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function LaferrereTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xd71e3e, [0x346838, 0xFFFFFF, 0x346838]);
teamRed = "LAFERRERE";
function LaferrereTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xd71e3e, [0x346838, 0xFFFFFF, 0x346838]);
teamBlue = "LAFERRERE";
function MexicoFun(player) { // !TGS
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mex/titular/red | mex/titular/blue | mex/alternativa/red
| mex/alternativa/blue | mex/bandera/red | mex/bandera/blue | mex/tercera/red |
mex/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MexicoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0xFFFFFF, [0x039e4c, 0x036347, 0x036347]);
teamRed = "MÉXICO";
function MexicoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0xFFFFFF, [0x039e4c, 0x036347, 0x036347]);
teamBlue = "MÉXICO";
function MexicoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0xe53a4c, [0x048545, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "MÉXICO";
function MexicoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0xe53a4c, [0x048545, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "MÉXICO";
function MexicoBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x4d2a15, [0x006847, 0xffffff, 0xce1126]);
teamRed = "MÉXICO";
function MexicoBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x4d2a15, [0x006847, 0xffffff, 0xce1126]);
teamBlue = "MÉXICO";
function MexicoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0x19744a, [0x8a2f3e, 0xf1f1f3, 0xf6f6f6]);
teamRed = "MÉXICO";
function MexicoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0x19744a, [0x8a2f3e, 0xf1f1f3, 0xf6f6f6]);
teamBlue = "MÉXICO";
function SenegalFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Senegal',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sen/titular/red | sen/titular/blue | sen/alternativa/red
| sen/alternativa/blue | sen/bandera/red | sen/bandera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function SenegalTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x01a283, [0xe3eff2, 0xf4f2e3, 0xf9e7ec]);
teamRed = "SENEGAL";
function SenegalTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x01a283, [0xe3eff2, 0xf4f2e3, 0xf9e7ec]);
teamBlue = "SENEGAL";
function SenegalAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xc3ec31, [0xC0E933, 0x38543F, 0x38543F]);
teamRed = "SENEGAL";
function SenegalAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xc3ec31, [0xC0E933, 0x38543F, 0x38543F]);
teamBlue = "SENEGAL";
function SenegalBanderaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x028768, [0x02af94, 0xf6dc47, 0xfc1a2e]);
teamRed = "SENEGAL";
function SenegalBanderaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x028768, [0x02af94, 0xf6dc47, 0xfc1a2e]);
teamBlue = "SENEGAL";
function IranFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Iran',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('irn/titular/red | irn/titular/blue | irn/alternativa/red
| irn/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function IranTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 120, 0xc52936, [0x5cc26e, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "IRÁN";
function IranTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 120, 0xc52936, [0x5cc26e, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "IRÁN";
function IranAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 120, 0xffffff, [0x88dc91, 0xf0273a, 0xf0273a]);
teamRed = "IRÁN";
function IranAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 120, 0xffffff, [0x88dc91, 0xf0273a, 0xf0273a]);
teamBlue = "IRÁN";
function PoloniaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Polonia',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pol/titular/red | pol/titular/blue | pol/alternativa/red
| pol/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PoloniaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0xab0c28, [0xf1f2f7]); teamRed = "POLONIA";
function PoloniaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0xab0c28, [0xf1f2f7]); teamBlue = "POLONIA";
function PoloniaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0xffffff, [0xad011b]); teamRed = "POLONIA";
function PoloniaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0xffffff, [0xad011b]); teamBlue = "POLONIA";
function CostaRicaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Costa Rica',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('crc/titular/red | crc/titular/blue | crc/alternativa/red
| crc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CostaRicaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x0252b0, 0xd80122, 0xd80122]);
teamRed = "COSTA RICA";
function CostaRicaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x0252b0, 0xd80122, 0xd80122]);
teamBlue = "COSTA RICA";
function CostaRicaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x263849, [0x122a41, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "COSTA RICA";
function CostaRicaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x263849, [0x122a41, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "COSTA RICA";
function CanadaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Canada',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('can/titular/red | can/titular/blue | can/alternativa/red
| can/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CanadaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xf11d34, 0xe20025, 0xe20025]);
teamRed = "CANADÁ";
function CanadaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xf11d34, 0xe20025, 0xe20025]);
teamBlue = "CANADÁ";
function CanadaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 65, 0xed4459, [0xd70125, 0xf8f8fa, 0xf8f8fa]);
teamRed = "CANADÁ";
function CanadaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 65, 0xed4459, [0xd70125, 0xf8f8fa, 0xf8f8fa]);
teamBlue = "CANADÁ";
function MarruecosFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Marruecos',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mar/titular/red | mar/titular/blue | mar/alternativa/red
| mar/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MarruecosTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x007958, 0xef1f1b, 0xef1f1b]);
teamRed = "MARRUECOS";
function MarruecosTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x007958, 0xef1f1b, 0xef1f1b]);
teamBlue = "MARRUECOS";
function MarruecosAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x098468, [0x7f2830, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "MARRUECOS";
function MarruecosAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x098468, [0x7f2830, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "MARRUECOS";
function SerbiaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Serbia',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('srb/titular/red | srb/titular/blue | srb/alternativa/red
| srb/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SerbiaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xd10027, 0xe20123]); teamRed =
function SerbiaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xd10027, 0xe20123]); teamBlue =
function SerbiaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xc7dc43, [0x1a213b, 0xeff0f4, 0xeff0f4]);
teamRed = "SERBIA";
function SerbiaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xc7dc43, [0x1a213b, 0xeff0f4, 0xeff0f4]);
teamBlue = "SERBIA";
function GhanaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Ghana',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gha/titular/red | gha/titular/blue | gha/alternativa/red
| gha/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function GhanaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0a745c, [0x211c22, 0xd3d2d9, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "GHANA";
function GhanaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0a745c, [0x211c22, 0xd3d2d9, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "GHANA";
function GhanaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x006e49, [0x1A241C, 0xF4E100, 0xF4E100]);
teamRed = "GHANA";
function GhanaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x006e49, [0x1A241C, 0xF4E100, 0xF4E100]);
teamBlue = "GHANA";
function TunezFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Tunez',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('tun/titular/red | tun/titular/blue | tun/alternativa/red
| tun/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function TunezTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfe4c4f, [0xf1f2f8, 0xffffff]); teamRed =
function TunezTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfe4c4f, [0xf1f2f8, 0xffffff]); teamBlue =
function TunezAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xfc2539, 0xeb0a2f]); teamRed =
function TunezAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xfc2539, 0xeb0a2f]); teamBlue =
function DinamarcaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Dinamarca',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('den/titular/red | den/titular/blue | den/alternativa/red
| den/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DinamarcaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xf2f1f7, 0xbd0215, 0xdd0023]);
teamRed = "DINAMARCA";
function DinamarcaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xf2f1f7, 0xbd0215, 0xdd0023]);
teamBlue = "DINAMARCA";
function DinamarcaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 65, 0xe02435, [0xca0b2c, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "DINAMARCA";
function DinamarcaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 65, 0xe02435, [0xca0b2c, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "DINAMARCA";
function ArabiaSauditaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Arabia Saudita',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ksa/titular/red | ksa/titular/blue | ksa/alternativa/red
| ksa/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ArabiaSauditaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x00d671, [0x01c88f, 0xe9e8ed, 0xdbdbdd]);
function ArabiaSauditaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x00d671, [0x01c88f, 0xe9e8ed, 0xdbdbdd]);
teamBlue = "ARABIA SAUDITA";
function ArabiaSauditaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 67, 0xFFFFFF, [0x129d7e, 0x0a4d46]); teamRed =
function ArabiaSauditaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 67, 0xFFFFFF, [0x129d7e, 0x0a4d46]); teamBlue =
function CoreaDelSurFun(player) { // !JAP
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('kor/titular/red | kor/titular/blue | kor/alternativa/red
| kor/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CoreaDelSurTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0f0c0f, [0xffb6d1, 0xff859e, 0xef3a46]);
teamRed = "COREA DEL SUR";
function CoreaDelSurTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0f0c0f, [0xffb6d1, 0xff859e, 0xef3a46]);
teamBlue = "COREA DEL SUR";
function CoreaDelSurAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 76, 0xdebf80, [0x1c1d24, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamRed = "COREA DEL SUR";
function CoreaDelSurAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 76, 0xdebf80, [0x1c1d24, 0xffffff, 0xffffff]);
teamBlue = "COREA DEL SUR";

function PlazaColoniaFun(player) { // !LEE

room.sendAnnouncement('Plaza Colonia',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pcol/titular/red | pcol/titular/blue |
pcol/alternativa/red | pcol/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PlazaColoniaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 114, 0x095320, [0x5FB286, 0xA8C3B2, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "PLAZA COLONIA";
function PlazaColoniaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 114, 0x095320, [0x5FB286, 0xA8C3B2, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "PLAZA COLONIA";
function PlazaColoniaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 63, 0x1ba470, [0x151F29]); teamRed = "PLAZA
function PlazaColoniaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 63, 0x1ba470, [0x151F29]); teamBlue = "PLAZA

function DeportivoTachiraFun(player) { // !LEE

room.sendAnnouncement('Deportivo Tachira',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('tach/titular/red | tach/titular/blue |
tach/alternativa/red | tach/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DeportivoTachiraTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFD401, 0x171918, 0xFFD401]);
function DeportivoTachiraTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0xFFD401, 0x171918, 0xFFD401]);
function DeportivoTachiraAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 124, 0x000100, [0xFFCD00, 0xCECBD2, 0xF1F1F1]);
function DeportivoTachiraAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 124, 0x000100, [0xFFCD00, 0xCECBD2, 0xF1F1F1]);
function CaracasFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Caracas',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('carc/titular/red | carc/titular/blue |
carc/alternativa/red | carc/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function CaracasTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 128, 0xFFFFFF, [0x271B1D, 0xC72F2C, 0xC72F2C]);
teamRed = "CARACAS";
function CaracasTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 128, 0xFFFFFF, [0x271B1D, 0xC72F2C, 0xC72F2C]);
teamBlue = "CARACAS";
function CaracasAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 128, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xEAEAEA]); teamRed =
function CaracasAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 128, 0x000000, [0xFFFFFF, 0xEAEAEA]); teamBlue =
function MonagasFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Monagas',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('mng/titular/red | mng/titular/blue | mng/alternativa/red
| mng/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function MonagasTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x000045, 0xA10000, 0x000045]);
teamRed = "MONAGAS";
function MonagasTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xFFFFFF, [0x000045, 0xA10000, 0x000045]);
teamBlue = "MONAGAS";
function MonagasAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 128, 0x000000, [0xDDFF00]); teamRed = "MONAGAS";
function MonagasAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 128, 0x000000, [0xDDFF00]); teamBlue = "MONAGAS";
function DeportivoLaraFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Deportivo Lara',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('dlar/titular/red | dlar/titular/blue |
dlar/alternativa/red | dlar/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function DeportivoLaraTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xF0F0F0, [0xE70026, 0x302A2E, 0xE70026]);
teamRed = "DEP. LARA";
function DeportivoLaraTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xF0F0F0, [0xE70026, 0x302A2E, 0xE70026]);
teamBlue = "DEP. LARA";
function DeportivoLaraAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 128, 0xb31f2b, [0xFFFFFF]); teamRed = "DEP. LARA";
function DeportivoLaraAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 128, 0xb31f2b, [0xFFFFFF]); teamBlue = "DEP. LARA";

function UniversidadCesarVallejoFun(player) { // !LEE

room.sendAnnouncement('Universidad Cesar Vallejo',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('ucv/titular/red | ucv/titular/blue | ucv/alternativa/red
| ucv/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function UniversidadCesarVallejoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xF9591D, 0xFD6617, 0xFD6617]);
teamRed = "U. CESAR VALLEJO";
function UniversidadCesarVallejoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xF9591D, 0xFD6617, 0xFD6617]);
teamBlue = "U. CESAR VALLEJO";
function UniversidadCesarVallejoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x031B47, 0x03173D, 0x03173D]);
teamRed = "U. CESAR VALLEJO";
function UniversidadCesarVallejoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x031B47, 0x03173D, 0x03173D]);
teamBlue = "U. CESAR VALLEJO";
function ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Club Deportivo Universidad Catolica',,
0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('depuca/titular/red | depuca/titular/blue |
depuca/alternativa/red | depuca/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
function ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x042544, [0x9DCCE1, 0x96C8E1]); teamRed =
function ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x042544, [0x9DCCE1, 0x96C8E1]); teamBlue =
function ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xd9ebf4, [0x141414, 0x000000, 0x141414]);
function ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xd9ebf4, [0x141414, 0x000000, 0x141414]);
function DeportesTolimaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Deportes Tolima',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('deptol/titular/red | deptol/titular/blue |
deptol/alternativa/red | deptol/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
function DeportesTolimaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xbf9a4a, [0x700A1D, 0x771124]); teamRed =
function DeportesTolimaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xbf9a4a, [0x700A1D, 0x771124]); teamBlue =
function DeportesTolimaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x771124, [0xBF9A4A, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function DeportesTolimaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x771124, [0xBF9A4A, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]);
function IndependientePetroleroFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Independiente Petrolero',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold",
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('pet/titular/red | pet/titular/blue | pet/alternativa/red
| pet/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function IndependientePetroleroTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x636363, [0xAA0515, 0xffffff, 0xAA0515]);
function IndependientePetroleroTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x636363, [0xAA0515, 0xffffff, 0xAA0515]);
function IndependientePetroleroAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x8A0D15, 0xC6121E, 0x8A0D15]);
function IndependientePetroleroAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x8A0D15, 0xC6121E, 0x8A0D15]);
function AlwaysReadyFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Always Ready',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('alwr/titular/red | alwr/titular/blue |
alwr/alternativa/red | alwr/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AlwaysReadyTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 33, 0x1a1a1c, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFE323D, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamRed = "ALWAY READY";
function AlwaysReadyTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 33, 0x1a1a1c, [0xFFFFFF, 0xFE323D, 0xFFFFFF]);
teamBlue = "ALWAY READY";
function AlwaysReadyAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 34, 0xffffff, [0x9F2240, 0xD43742, 0x9F2240]);
teamRed = "ALWAY READY";
function AlwaysReadyAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 34, 0xffffff, [0x9F2240, 0xD43742, 0x9F2240]);
teamBlue = "ALWAY READY";
function FortalezaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Fortaleza',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('fort/titular/red | fort/titular/blue |
fort/alternativa/red | fort/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function FortalezaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0xF91838, 0x11328F, 0xF91838]);
teamRed = "FORTALEZA";
function FortalezaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0xF91838, 0x11328F, 0xF91838]);
teamBlue = "FORTALEZA";
function FortalezaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 34, 0x040a5e, [0xFAFAFA]); teamRed = "FORTALEZA";
function FortalezaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 34, 0x040a5e, [0xFAFAFA]); teamBlue = "FORTALEZA";
function RBBragantinoFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('RB Bragrantino',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('rbb/titular/red | rbb/titular/blue | rbb/alternativa/red
| rbb/alternativa/blue | rbb/tercera/red | rbb/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5,
"normal", 0);
function RBBragantinoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -50, 0xfe0302, [0xE9E9E9, 0xffffff, 0xE9E9E9]);
teamRed = "RB BRAGANTINO";
function RBBragantinoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -50, 0xfe0302, [0xE9E9E9, 0xffffff, 0xE9E9E9]);
teamBlue = "RB BRAGANTINO";
function RBBragantinoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -50, 0xffffff, [0x000000, 0x151515, 0x000000]);
teamRed = "RB BRAGANTINO";
function RBBragantinoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -50, 0xffffff, [0x000000, 0x151515, 0x000000]);
teamBlue = "RB BRAGANTINO";
function RBBragantinoTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, -50, 0xffffff, [0xFF1112, 0xDE0609, 0xFF1112]);
teamRed = "RB BRAGANTINO";
function RBBragantinoTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, -50, 0xffffff, [0xFF1112, 0xDE0609, 0xFF1112]);
teamBlue = "RB BRAGANTINO";
function AmericaMineiroFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('America Mineiro',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('amcmin/titular/red | amcmin/titular/blue |
amcmin/alternativa/red | amcmin/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
function AmericaMineiroTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0x6EC576, 0x27272F, 0x6EC576]);
function AmericaMineiroTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0x6EC576, 0x27272F, 0x6EC576]);
function AmericaMineiroAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x107837, [0x026B2E, 0xEFEFEF, 0xFAFAFA]);
function AmericaMineiroAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x107837, [0x026B2E, 0xEFEFEF, 0xFAFAFA]);
function TorinoFun(player) { // !CRU
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('tor/titular/red | tor/titular/blue | tor/alternativa/red
| tor/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function TorinoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xfbfaf8, [0x900a23]); teamRed = "TORINO";
function TorinoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xfbfaf8, [0x900a23]); teamBlue = "TORINO";
function TorinoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 60, 0xa2374b, [0xf0f1f6]); teamRed = "TORINO";
function TorinoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 60, 0xa2374b, [0xf0f1f6]); teamBlue = "TORINO";
function GenoaFun(player) { // !GEN
room.sendAnnouncement('Geona | 🇮🇹',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gen/titular/red | gen/titular/blue | gen/alternativa/red
| gen/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function GenoaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xe2bf61, [0xDB001E, 0x262E45]); teamRed =
function GenoaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xe2bf61, [0xDB001E, 0x262E45]); teamBlue =
function GenoaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf6d903, [0xFFFFFF, 0xF8011E, 0x27305B]);
teamRed = "GENOA";
function GenoaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf6d903, [0xFFFFFF, 0xF8011E, 0x27305B]);
teamBlue = "GENOA";
function PalermoFun(player) { // !PLM
room.sendAnnouncement('Palermo | 🇮🇹',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('plm/titular/red | plm/titular/blue | plm/alternativa/red
| plm/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function PalermoTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0x2e272e, [0xF8C6E1]); teamRed = "PALERMO";
function PalermoTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0x2e272e, [0xF8C6E1]); teamBlue = "PALERMO";
function PalermoAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x2f2c33, [0xFDC7DF, 0xF0F3FA, 0xF0F3FA]);
teamRed = "PALERMO";
function PalermoAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x2f2c33, [0xFDC7DF, 0xF0F3FA, 0xF0F3FA]);
teamBlue = "PALERMO";
function ChievoVeronaFun(player) { // !PAL
room.sendAnnouncement('Chievo Verona | 🇮🇹',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('chver/titular/red | chver/titular/blue |
chver/alternativa/red | chver/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function ChievoVeronaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x0ba3ee, [0xF8C6E1, 0xF4EF5F, 0xF4EF5F]);
teamRed = "CHIEVO VERONA";
function ChievoVeronaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x0ba3ee, [0xF8C6E1, 0xF4EF5F, 0xF4EF5F]);
teamBlue = "CHIEVO VERONA";
function ChievoVeronaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x06ACFA, 0x069DF0, 0x06ACFA]);
teamRed = "CHIEVO VERONA";
function ChievoVeronaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 0, 0xFFFFFF, [0x06ACFA, 0x069DF0, 0x06ACFA]);
teamBlue = "CHIEVO VERONA";
function BarracasCentralFun(player) { // !BARR
room.sendAnnouncement('Barrcas Central',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('barr/titular/red | barr/titular/blue |
barr/alternativa/red | barr/alternativa/blue | barr/tercera/red |
barr/tercera/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function BarracasCentralTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0x7D1622, [0xe20613, 0xffffff, 0xe20613]);
function BarracasCentralTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0x7D1622, [0xe20613, 0xffffff, 0xe20613]);
function BarracasCentralAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xef2233, [0xE8E8E8, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE8E8E8]);
function BarracasCentralAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xef2233, [0xE8E8E8, 0xFFFFFF, 0xE8E8E8]);
function BarracasCentralTerceraRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xee4f3a, [0x3D3F3E, 0x768282, 0x3D3F3E]);
function BarracasCentralTerceraBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xee4f3a, [0x3D3F3E, 0x768282, 0x3D3F3E]);
function GalesFun(player) { // !BARR
room.sendAnnouncement('Gales',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('gal/titular/red | gal/titular/blue | gal/alternativa/red
| gal/alternativa/blue | gal/titular/red/2018 | gal/titular/blue/2018 |
gal/alternativa/red/2018 | gal/alternativa/blue/2018 | gal/alternativa/red/2016 |
gal/alternativa/blue/2016',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function GalesTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xed051f]); teamRed = "GALES";
function GalesTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xed051f]); teamBlue = "GALES";
function GalesAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xf40719, [0x017457, 0xf9e10f, 0xf9e10f]);
teamRed = "GALES";
function GalesAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xf40719, [0x017457, 0xf9e10f, 0xf9e10f]);
teamBlue = "GALES";
function GalesTitular2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 180, 0xffffff, [0xE1021D]); teamRed = "GALES";
function GalesTitular2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 180, 0xffffff, [0xE1021D]); teamBlue = "GALES";
function GalesAlternativa2018RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x007251, [0xF3F2F7, 0xEEEFF3, 0xF3F2F7]);
teamRed = "GALES";
function GalesAlternativa2018BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x007251, [0xF3F2F7, 0xEEEFF3, 0xF3F2F7]);
teamBlue = "GALES";
function GalesAlternativa2016RedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xabdf59, [0x21292B, 0x3E494F, 0x21292B]);
teamRed = "GALES";
function GalesAlternativa2016BlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xabdf59, [0x21292B, 0x3E494F, 0x21292B]);
teamBlue = "GALES";
function AustraliaFun(player) { // !LEE
room.sendAnnouncement('Australia',, 0x6BFFB5, "bold", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('aus/titular/red | aus/titular/blue | aus/alternativa/red
| aus/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function AustraliaTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x204b44, [0xF4C91A]); teamRed = "AUSTRALIA";
function AustraliaTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x204b44, [0xF4C91A]); teamBlue = "AUSTRALIA";
function AustraliaAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 70, 0xfde140, [0x323556, 0x1A8692, 0x1A8692]);
teamRed = "AUSTRALIA";
function AustraliaAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 70, 0xfde140, [0x323556, 0x1A8692, 0x1A8692]);
teamBlue = "AUSTRALIA";

function SarmientoDeJuninFun(player) { // !PLA

room.sendAnnouncement('Puedes elegir entre:',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('sar/titular/red | sar/titular/blue | sar/alternativa/red
| sar/alternativa/blue',, 0x6BFFB5, "normal", 0);
function SarmientoDeJuninTitularRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0xffffff, [0x377039, 0x2d6332, 0x225228]);
function SarmientoDeJuninTitularBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0xffffff, [0x377039, 0x2d6332, 0x225228]);
function SarmientoDeJuninAlternativaRedFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(1, 90, 0x15402f, [0x9fd2c3, 0xFFFFFF, 0xffffff]);
function SarmientoDeJuninAlternativaBlueFun(player){
if (player.admin == true){
room.setTeamColors(2, 90, 0x15402f, [0x9fd2c3, 0xFFFFFF, 0xffffff]);

function swapFun(player){
if (player.admin == true) {
var players = room.getPlayerList().filter((player) => != 0 );
if ( players.length == 0 ) return false;
players.forEach(function(player) {
if ( == 1) {
room.setPlayerTeam(, 2);
if ( == 2) {
room.setPlayerTeam(, 1);
announce("🔄 Los equipos han cambiado");

else {
whisper("Comando solo de administrador",;

function unmuteFun(player, message){ // !unmute Anddy

// Allow somebody to talk if he has been muted
// need to be admin
if (player.admin == true){
pos = mutedPlayers.indexOf(message.substr(9));
mutedPlayers.splice(pos, 1);

function MapasFun(player) { // !mapas

room.sendAnnouncement('REAL SOCCER ⚽: !rs - !rs2 - !entrenamiento - !pensred -
!pensblue - !minirs',, 0xd32668, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('HANDBALL 🏐👋 : !handball',, 0xd32668,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('FUTSAL 🟡: !futx2 - !futx3 - !futx4 - !futx5 - !futx7',, 0xd32668, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('VOLEIBOL 🏐🙌 : !voley3d - !voley2d',,
0xd32668, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('SKATE 🛹: !sk8 !escuela',, 0xd32668, "normal",
room.sendAnnouncement('BIG ⚪: !big',, 0xd32668, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('TENIS 🎾: !tenis',, 0xd32668, "normal", 0);

function adminHelpFun(player) {
if (player.admin == true){
room.sendAnnouncement('🌟 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐒 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒:',, 0xffbb00,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('JUGADORES AFK: "!afks" (ver jugadores AFK) - "!
kickafks" (kickear todos los jugadores AFK)',, 0xffe400, "small", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('BANEAR: "!chau + IpDeJugador" (Banear IP) - "!vuelve +
IpDeJugador" (Desbanear IP) - "!unbanallips" (Desbanear todas las IPs baneadas) -
"!clearbans" (desbanear a todos los jugadores baneados)',, 0xffe400,
"small", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('MUTEAR: "!mute + Nickname" (Mutear jugador) - "!unmute
Nickname" (Desmutear jugador) - !unmuteall (Desmutear todos los jugadores muteados)
',, 0xffe400, "small", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('HOST CON CONTRASEÑA: "!set_password + Contraseña"
(colocar contraseña) - "!clear_password" (quitar contraseña) ',,
0xffe400, "small", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('JUEGO: "!rr" (reiniciar partido) - !swap (cambiar de
lado a los jugadores) - !rs (colocar Real Soccer) - !pensred - !pensblue - !
camisetas',, 0xffe400, "small", 0);


function clearbansFun(player){ // !clear

if (player.admin == true){ room.clearBans(); room.sendAnnouncement(" [ 🗑
️ 🧹]
Los bans han sido removidos por " + + ".",, 0xEB172D,
"normal", 0);}

function setpasswordFun(player, message){ //!set_password !confirm

if (player.admin == true){
code = message.substr(14)
room.sendAnnouncement("✳🔒 - " + + " le ha colocado una
contraseña al host.", null, 0xff8400, 'normal', 2);
return false;

function clearpasswordFun(player, message){ //!clear_password

if (player.admin == true){
room.sendAnnouncement("🆓🔓 - " + + " ha retirado la contraseña
del host.", null, 0xff8400, 'normal', 2);
return false;

function eightballFun(player, message){

var myArray = ['Por supuesto que no.', 'Tal vez.', 'Pfft.', 'El futuro es
incierto.', 'Honestamente no.', 'xdxdxd! Es enserio?!?', 'Quizás en el futuro.',
'WTF.', 'Espero que no.', 'Nunca!', 'Que flasheas? ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)', 'Ni en pedo respondo
eso', 'Sólo te puedo decir que... ni en tus sueños.', 'seeee! (╭☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)╭☞',
'Que dices? Ni se te ocurra.', 'Probablemente no', 'Probablemente si', 'Esa te la
debo', 'Si', 'Mmmmm, enserio quieres que responda eso?', 'Pero que clase de
pregunta es esa?', 'Ya quisieras', 'Que buena pregunta xdxd', 'Lo importante es que
tenemos salud ಥ_ಥ', 'Alv, me das asco >:v', 'Soñar no cuesta nada (ง︡'-'︠)ง', 'Me
chupa un huevo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯', 'Esa es una excelente pregunta', 'Si me dieran [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ιοο̲̅)̲̅
$̲̅] por cada pregunta boluda como esta... sería millonario', 'Te lo resumo en una
sola letra: F', 'Deberían funarte por hacer esa pregunta.'];
var rand = myArray[(Math.random() * myArray.length) | 0]
var myArray2 =
var randimage = myArray2[(Math.random() * myArray2.length) | 0]
room.sendAnnouncement("🐵 💬: " + randimage + rand, null, 0xE8FFE6, 'normal', 2);

function ReglasFun(player) { // !reglas

room.sendAnnouncement("📜 REGLAS DE LOS PENALES:",, 0x00FFBB,
"normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement(" ⒈ Sólo puede haber 1️⃣ (un) arquero.",,
0x00FFBB, "normal", 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("⒉ Los jugadores deben patear en orden. ✨",,
0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("⒊ El jugador 𝐍𝐎 puede ″𝙰𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙰𝚁″ en la ejecución del
penal.",, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement(" 👨 ‍⚖️ Si incumple con ésta regla pero erra el penal, no
hace falta repetir la ejecución.",, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("Caso contrario, si el jugador amaga y convierte el
penal, deberá ejecutarlo nuevamente. ⚖ 🔁",, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("⒋ Si un equipo tiene menos de 4 jugadores, tienen
derecho a decidir si uno de ellos patea dos veces o eligen a un espectador.",, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("⒌ No vale invadir el área mientras un jugador está por
patear. 🚫",, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("⒍ Si se ejecutaron todos los penales y aún persiste el
empate:",, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("Los arqueros deberán enfrentarse entre ellos hasta 5️⃣
v̲e̲c̲e̲s̲ c̲o̲m̲o̲ m̲á̲x̲i̲m̲o̲. ",, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("Y si el empate persiste, t̲o̲d̲o̲s̲ l̲o̲s̲ j̲u̲g̲a̲d̲o̲r̲e̲s̲ d̲e̲b̲e̲r̲á̲n̲
p̲a̲t̲e̲a̲r̲ l̲o̲s̲ p̲e̲n̲a̲l̲e̲s̲ n̲u̲e̲v̲a̲m̲e̲n̲t̲e̲.",, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);

function afkFun(player, message){ // !classic

if (afkPlayerIDs.has({
room.sendAnnouncement(" ↩ " + + " volvió! y está listo para
jugar! 🎮", null, 0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);}
else {afkPlayerIDs.add(; room.setPlayerTeam(,
0);room.sendAnnouncement("[💤] " + + " se encuentra actualmente 𝐀𝐅𝐊 ❗
⌛ ", null, 0xff8400, 'normal', 2);}

function afksFun(player, message){ // !huge

afkPlayers_list = room.getPlayerList().filter((x) => afkPlayerIDs.has(;
afkPlayers_list_string = =>", ");
if (afkPlayers_list == "") {
room.sendAnnouncement("❎ No hay jugadores 𝐀𝐅𝐊 en este host!", null, 0x00FFBB,
"normal", 0);
else {
room.sendAnnouncement("[💤] Jugadores 𝐀𝐅𝐊: " + afkPlayers_list_string, null,
0x00FFBB, "normal", 0);

function kickafksFun(player, message){ // !huge

if (player.admin == true){
afksPlayers = room.getPlayerList().filter((x) => afkPlayerIDs.has(;
for(var i=0;i<afksPlayers.length;i++)

function initBallCarrying(redTeam, blueTeam){

var ballCarrying = new Map();
var playing = redTeam.concat(blueTeam);
for (var i = 0; i < playing.length; i++) {
ballCarrying.set(playing[i].name, [0, playing[i].team]); // secs, team, %
return ballCarrying;

function updateTeamPoss(value){
if (value[1] == 1) redPoss += value[0];
if (value[1] == 2) bluePoss += value[0];

var bluePoss;
var redPoss;
var timeOnHalves;
function PosesionBalonFun(player, message){
if (room.getScores() == null) return false;
bluePoss = 0;
redPoss = 0;
var redPossPercent = Math.round((redPoss / (redPoss + bluePoss + 0.000001)) *
var bluePossPercent = Math.round((bluePoss / (redPoss + bluePoss + 0.000001)) *
room.sendAnnouncement("Posesión de Balón %⚽ 𒁂 [ " + teamRed + " " +
redPossPercent + "% ] 🆚 [ " + teamBlue + " " + bluePossPercent + "% ] 𒁂" ,, 0x33FFB4, "normal", 0);

var timeOnRedHalf = Math.round((timeOnHalves[0] / (timeOnHalves[0] +

timeOnHalves[1] + 0.000001)) * 100);
var timeOnBlueHalf = Math.round((timeOnHalves[1] / (timeOnHalves[0] +
timeOnHalves[1] + 0.000001)) * 100);
room.sendAnnouncement("Pelota en campo %⚽ 𒁂 [ " + teamRed + " " +
timeOnRedHalf + "% ] 🆚 [ " + teamBlue + " " + timeOnBlueHalf + "% ] 𒁂" ,, 0x33FFB4, "normal", 0);

function teamPossFun(player, message){

if (room.getScores() == null) return false;
bluePoss = 0;
redPoss = 0
var redPossPercent = Math.round((redPoss / (redPoss + bluePoss + 0.000001)) *
var bluePossPercent = Math.round((bluePoss / (redPoss + bluePoss + 0.000001)) *
room.sendAnnouncement("Posesión de Balón %⚽ 𒁂 [ " + teamRed + " " +
redPossPercent + "% ] 🆚 [ " + teamBlue + " " + bluePossPercent + "% ] 𒁂" , null,
0x33FFB4, "normal", 0);

var timeOnRedHalf = Math.round((timeOnHalves[0] / (timeOnHalves[0] +

timeOnHalves[1] + 0.000001)) * 100);
var timeOnBlueHalf = Math.round((timeOnHalves[1] / (timeOnHalves[0] +
timeOnHalves[1] + 0.000001)) * 100);
room.sendAnnouncement("Pelota en campo %⚽ 𒁂 [ " + teamRed + " " +
timeOnRedHalf + "% ] 🆚 [ " + teamBlue + " " + timeOnBlueHalf + "% ] 𒁂" , null,
0x33FFB4, "normal", 0);

function BanIpFun(player, message){ // !banip Anddy

// Prevent somebody to talk in the room (uses the nickname, not the id)
// need to be admin
if (player.admin == true){
if (!(IpPlayers.includes(message.substr(6))))

function unBanIpFun(player, message){ // !unbanip Anddy

// Allow somebody to talk if he has been muted
// need to be admin
if (player.admin == true){
pos = IpPlayers.indexOf(message.substr(10));
IpPlayers.splice(pos, 1);
var JugadoresBaneadosXIp = false;
function unBanAllIpsFun(player, message){ // !mute Anddy
// Prevent somebody to talk in the room (uses the nickname, not the id)
// need to be admin
if (player.admin == true){
JugadoresBaneadosXIp = false;
IpPlayers = [];
room.sendAnnouncement("[✅ 🔓] " + + " ha eliminado la lista de
jugadores baneados por IP.", null, 0xd733ff, "normal", 0);

function pushMuteFun(player, message){ // !mute Anddy

// Prevent somebody to talk in the room (uses the nickname, not the id)
// need to be admin
if (player.admin == true){
if (!(mutedPlayers.includes(message.substr(6))))

var isRoomMuted = false;

function UnmuteAll(player, message){ // !mute Anddy
// Prevent somebody to talk in the room (uses the nickname, not the id)
// need to be admin
if (player.admin == true){
isRoomMuted = false;
mutedPlayers = [];
room.sendAnnouncement("[✅ 💬] " + + " ha desmuteado a todos los
jugadores.", null, 0xd733ff, "normal", 0);

function unmuteFun(player, message){ // !unmute Anddy

// Allow somebody to talk if he has been muted
// need to be admin
if (player.admin == true){
pos = mutedPlayers.indexOf(message.substr(9));
mutedPlayers.splice(pos, 1);

function NumeroUnoFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement('🔢 𝟭         ౹         𝟏          𝟷          𝟣         1                  ⒈˥↿⥠¹₁𐰯1ߗ
𐰯𝟷        𝟏 І        Ι         Ӏ        ᅵ          𝗹        ।         ⅂        𐐑        ⓵        ①         ➀         ➊         ⅼ  para
más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroDosFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement('🔢️⃣ 𝟮2️         Ƨ        2️
⃣         ౽        ੨ 
       ૨        ২        २        ௨        𝟐        2        2        ᒿ        𝟤        ᒾ         ²        ₂        շ        𝟸        ᘖ      
  𝟚        Ձ        ⒉        ƻ        Չ        Զ        ϩ        ⓶        ②        ➁        ❷        ㈃        ⒛ para más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroTresFun(player) { // !1
Ʒ        3        3️⃣         ३        ੩        ʒ        ӡ        Ӡ        ᴣ        ᶾ        э        Э        ℈        ぅ        う        ㄋ        ȝ
        Ȝ        𝟯        𝟥        з        ɜ        ᴈ        ᢃ        ౩        ⓷        ③        ➂        ❸        ੩        ૩        ३ para
más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroCuatroFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement('🔢 𝟰        ㏣        ㍜        𝟒        4        𝟺        𝟦       
 4        ₄        ⁴        Ϥ        կ        Կ        Ч        ч        ɥ        ౺        ⒋ para más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroCincoFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement('🔢 Ƽ        ƽ         𐐠        𐑈        𝟱        𝟓        5        ㏤       
 5        ㍝        5️⃣        𝟻        5        ₅        ⁵        ⒌ para más ve a',,
0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroSeisFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement('🔢 𝟲        𝟔        6        𝟼        ㏥        ㍞       
 6        𝟨        ₆        ⁶        𝟞        ⒍        ⑥        ⓺        ➅        ➏        ❻        ɓ        ꕃ para más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroSieteFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement('🔢 𐓒        𐒇        ⅂        𐐑        ヿ        ⏋          ⌉        𝟳        𝟕        𝟟       
 7        𝟽        7        ⁊        ₇        ⁷        𝟩        7️⃣
        ⒎        ꔔ para más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroOchoFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement('🔢 𝟴        𝟖        8        𝟪        ৪        ⁸        ₈        8       
 𐌚        𝟾        ꖉ        ⊟        𝛉        ⒏        ㏧        ㍠        8️⃣ para más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroNueveFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement('🔢 𝟵        𝟗        9        𝟿        9        𝟫        ⁹        ₉       
 ୨        ց        ɡ        ᕤ        ⒐        9        ㏨        ㍡        9️⃣         9️𝟡         ۹        ٩        ᑫ        ᑴ        𐒘 para
más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);
function NumeroDiezFun(player) { // !1
⒑        🔟        ⑩        ➉        ➓        ❿        ю        Ю        ㍢        ㏩        ⑽ para más ve a',, 0xFF003C, "normal", 0);

function LinkDiscordFun(player) { // !1
room.sendAnnouncement("                                        ▒█▀▀▄ ▀█▀ ▒█▀▀▀█ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀█
▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▄ ",, 0x9250FD, "normal", 0)
room.sendAnnouncement("                                        ▒█░▒█ ▒█░ ░▀▀▀▄▄ ▒█░░░ ▒█░░▒█
▒█▄▄▀ ▒█░▒█ ",, 0x8466FD, "normal", 0)
room.sendAnnouncement("                                        ▒█▄▄▀ ▄█▄ ▒█▄▄▄█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█▄▄▄█
▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▀ ",, 0x7B73FD, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("                                        💬 𝑼𝑵𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑬 𝑨𝑳 𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑪𝑶𝑹𝑫 ➡ ⬅ ",, 0xF6FF43, "normal", 0);

function LinkScriptFun(player) { // !1
var ColoresRandomBot2 = [0xF6FF43, 0x00ffd5, 0xbfff50, 0xffd050];
var GeneradorColoresRandom2 = ColoresRandomBot2[(Math.random() *
ColoresRandomBot2.length) | 0]
room.sendAnnouncement('🔗 CREÁ TU PROPIO HOST:',, GeneradorColoresRandom2, "normal", 0);

function AvatarNumerosFun(player) { // !1
var ColoresRandomBot2 = [0xF6FF43, 0x00ffd5, 0xbfff50, 0xffd050];
var GeneradorColoresRandom2 = ColoresRandomBot2[(Math.random() *
ColoresRandomBot2.length) | 0]
room.sendAnnouncement('Para ver números para tu avatar escribe !1, !2, !3, !
4, !5, !6, !7, !8, !9 o !10.',, GeneradorColoresRandom2, "normal", 0);

function TamanoJugadorFun(player) { // !tamaño

room.sendAnnouncement(' Para elegir el tamaño de tu jugador debes escribir "!
size Número" (Un número del 12 al 17, siendo 15 el tamaño normal) ',,
0x5C85F7, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement('Ejemplo: !size 15',, 0x34F73A, "normal", 0);

function changeOurSize(player, message){

if ( != 0 && !tookASize.hasOwnProperty({
let size = message.substr("!size ".length);
if (!isNaN(size) && size >= MIN_SIZE && size <= MAX_SIZE){
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {radius: size, invMass: size /
tookASize[] = size;
else {
room.sendAnnouncement("Sólo puedes elegir entre los siguientes tamaños: " +
MIN_SIZE + " y " + MAX_SIZE,, 0xbfff35, "normal", 0);
else {
room.sendAnnouncement("Sólo puedes cambiar de tamaño una vez por partido.",, 0xbfff35, "normal", 0);
return false;
var commands = {
// Command that doesnt need to know players attributes.
"!help": helpFun,
"!ids": ListaDeJugadoresFun,
"!tutorial": TutorialFun,
"!resultados": ResultadosFun,
"!reglamento": ReglamentoFun,
"!fixture": FixtureFun,
"!size": changeOurSize,
"!tamaño": TamanoJugadorFun,
"!discord": LinkDiscordFun,
"!script": LinkScriptFun,
"!avatar": AvatarNumerosFun,
"!numeros": AvatarNumerosFun,
"!1": NumeroUnoFun,
"!2": NumeroDosFun,
"!3": NumeroTresFun,
"!4": NumeroCuatroFun,
"!5": NumeroCincoFun,
"!6": NumeroSeisFun,
"!7": NumeroSieteFun,
"!8": NumeroOchoFun,
"!9": NumeroNueveFun,
"!10": NumeroDiezFun,
"!chau" : BanIpFun,
"!vuelve" : unBanIpFun,
"!unbanallips": unBanAllIpsFun,
"!mute" : pushMuteFun,
"!unmuteall" : UnmuteAll,
"!unmute": unmuteFun,
"!afk" : afkFun,
"!poss" : PosesionBalonFun,
"!afks" : afksFun,
"!kickafks" : kickafksFun,
"!reglas": ReglasFun,
"!md": pmFun,
"!pv": pmFun,
"!pregunta" : eightballFun,
"!clearbans": clearbansFun,
"!set_password": setpasswordFun,
"!clear_password": clearpasswordFun,
"!swap": swapFun,
"!adminhelp": adminHelpFun,
"!tenis": TenisFun,
"!mapas": MapasFun,
"!rr": resetFun,
"!nv" : leaveFun,
"!bb" : leaveFun,
"!adormir" : leaveFun,
"!acomer" : leaveFun,
"!camisetas": CamisetasFun,
"!conmebol": CONMEBOLFun,
"!uefa": UEFAFun,
"!concacaf": CONCACAFFun,
"!superheroes": SuperHeroesFun,
"!primera": SuperligaFun,
"!fantasmas": FantasmasFun,
"!amateurs": EquiposAmateursFun,
"!ascenso": AscensoFun,
"!ligaboliviana": LigaBolivianaFun,
"!campeonatochileno": CampeonatoChilenoFun,
"!mls": MLSFun,
"!campeonatouruguayo": LigaUruguayaFun,
"!campeonatoruso": CampeonatoRusoFun,
"!premierucrania": PremierUcranianaFun,
"!nb1": LigaHungaraFun,
"!laliga": LaLigaFun,
"!seriea": SerieATIMFun,
"!serieb": SerieBItaliaFun,
"!brasileirao": BrasilLeagueFun,
"!premierleague": PremierLeagueFun,
"!superlig": SuperLigFun,
"!paises": PaisesFun,
"!bundesliga": BundesligaFun,
"!eredivisie": EredivisieFun,
"!ligaaguila": LigaAguilaFun,
"!ligaparaguaya": LigaParaguayaFun,
"!ligue1": Ligue1Fun,
"!ligamx": LigaMXFun,
"!ligapro": LigaProFun,
"!superligasuiza": RaiffeisenSuperLeagueFun,
"!liga1peru": Liga1PeruFun,
"!1hnl": PrimeraLigaDeCroaciaFun,
"!primeiraliga": PrimeiraLigaFun,
"!ligavenezolana": LigaVenezolanaFun,
"!RIV": RiverFun,
"!BOC": BocaFun,
"!SLO": SanLorenzoFun,
"!RAC": RacingFun,
"!IND": IndependienteFun,
"!ALD": AldosiviFun,
"!GIM": GimnasiaFun,
"!NOB": NewellsFun,
"!CEN": CentralFun,
"!DYJ": DefensaFun,
"!ATM": AtleticoMadridFun,
"!BAR": BarcelonaFun,
"!RMA": RealMadridFun,
"!SEV": SevillaFun,
"!INT": InterMilanFun,
"!ACM": MilanFun,
"!CRU": CruzeiroFun,
"!PAL": PalmeirasFun,
"!GRE": GremioFun,
"!TOT": TottenhamFun,
"!LIV": LiverpoolFun,
"!ARG": ArgentinaFun,
"!BELG": BelgicaFun,
"!BRA": BrasilFun,
"!CHI": ChileFun,
"!URU": UruguayFun,
"!FRA": FranciaFun,
"!CRO": CroaciaFun,
"!NAP": NapoliFun,
"!FCB": BayernFun,
"!BVB": BorussiaFun,
"!JUV": JuventusFun,
"!EST": EstudiantesFun,
"!BAND": BanfieldFun,
"!LAN": LanusFun,
"!MUN": ManUnitedFun,
"!MCI": ManCityFun,
"!ARS": ArsenalFun,
"!CHE": ChelseaFun,
"!PAR": ParanaenseFun,
"!HUR": HuracanFun,
"!TIG": TigreFun,
"!ALE": AlemaniaFun,
"!ESP": EspanaFun,
"!POR": PortugalFun,
"!AAAJ": ArgentinosJrsFun,
"!ALB": AllBoysFun,
"!ATL": AtlantaFun,
"!BEL": BelgranoFun,
"!CHA": ChacaritaFun,
"!TAL": TalleresFun,
"!PLA": PlatenseFun,
"!OLI": OlimpoFun,
"!SMT": SanMartinTucumanFun,
"!ATU": AtlTucumanFun,
"!FCO": FerroFun,
"!NAC": NacionalFun,
"!PEN": PenarolFun,
"!QUI": QuilmesFun,
"!NCH": ChicagoFun,
"!MOR": MoronFun,
"!UNI": UnionFun,
"!CSF": ColonFun,
"!ARSE": SarandiFun,
"!DOC": DocksudFun,
"!COL": ColombiaFun,
"!PER": PeruFun,
"!QAT": QatarFun,
"!PGY": ParaguayFun,
"!VEN": VenezuelaFun,
"!WBA": WestBromFun,
"!AVL": AstonVillaFun,
"!FUL": FulhamFun,
"!LEI": LeicesterFun,
"!DAN": DanubioFun,
"!RAM": RamplaJrsFun,
"!SCH": SacachispasFun,
"!HOL": HolandaFun,
"!BOL": BoliviaFun,
"!ITA": ItaliaFun,
"!ING": InglaterraFun,
"!AJA": AjaxFun,
"!FEY": FeyenoordFun,
"!PSV": PSVFun,
"!PSG": ParisFun,
"!CCS": CentralCordobaSdEFun,
"!RIE": RiestraFun,
"!OGC": OGCNiceFun,
"!OM": OlympiqueMarsellaFun,
"!ROM": ASRomaFun,
"!FIO": FiorentinaFun,
"!LAZ": LazioFun,
"!SMSJ": SMSanJuanFun,
"!GOD": GodoyCruzFun,
"!VEL": VelezFun,
"!FLA": FlamengoFun,
"!FLU": FluminenseFun,
"!SAN": SantosFun,
"!SAO": SaoPauloFun,
"!BOT": BotafogoFun,
"!SCI": SCInternacionalFun,
"!COR": CorinthiansFun,
"!VAS": VascoDaGamaFun,
"!CAM": MineiroFun,
"!ATN": AtlNacionalFun,
"!MIL": MillonariosFun,
"!AME": AmericaDeCaliFun,
"!SFE": SantaFeFun,
"!CAL": DeportivoCaliFun,
"!ONC": OnceCaldasFun,
"!CCP": CerroFun,
"!OLI": OlimpiaFun,
"!GUA": GuaraniFun,
"!LIB": LibertadFun,
"!SOU": SouthamptonFun,
"!WAT": WatfordFun,
"!WIL": WillemIIFun,
"!ALV": AlvaradoFun,
"!AGR": AgropecuarioFun,
"!GS": GalatasarayFun,
"!BJK": BesiktasFun,
"!FB": FenerbahceFun,
"!RIU": RiverURUFun,
"!MTY": MonterreyFun,
"!TGS": TigresFun,
"!CHV": ChivasFun,
"!CRUZ": CruzAzulFun,
"!AMC": AmericaMXFun,
"!LDU": LigaDeQuitoFun,
"!BSC": BarcelonaSCFun,
"!EME": EmelecFun,
"!IDV": IndependienteDelValleFun,
"!OL": OlympiqueLyonFun,
"!STEL": SanTelmoFun,
"!MER": DeportivoMerloFun,
"!AdQ": ArgentinoDeQuilmesFun,
"!VAL": ValenciaFun,
"!BET": BetisFun,
"!CRY": CrystalPalaceFun,
"!CJA": JuventudAntonianaFun,
"!GyT": GimnasiaYTiroFun,
"!GET": GetafeFun,
"!LEV": LevanteFun,
"!RAY": RayoVallecanoFun,
"!PAT": PatronatoFun,
"!ZEN": ZenitFun,
"!CSK": CSKAMoscuFun,
"!LOK": LokomotivFun,
"!SPM": SpartakFun,
"!DIN": DynamoMoscowFun,
"!DYK": DynamoKievFun,
"!SHA": ShakhtarFun,
"!JAP": JaponFun,
"!NZE": NuevaZelandaFun,
"!AUT": AustriaFun,
"!CNO": CoreaDelNorteFun,
"!LA": LAGalaxyFun,
"!LAFC": LosAngelesFCFun,
"!PTIM": PortlandTimbersFun,
"!SEA": SeattleSoundersFun,
"!NYRB": NewYorkRedBullFun,
"!NYC": NewYorkCityFun,
"!TOFC": TorontoFCFun,
"!ATLU": AtlantaUnitedFun,
"!CCO": ColoColoFun,
"!UDC": UdeChileFun,
"!STG": StrongestFun,
"!BLV": BolivarFun,
"!WTM": WilstermannFun,
"!EVE": EvertonFCFun,
"!ASM": ASMonacoFun,
"!COB": CobreloaFun,
"!CDP": PalestinoFun,
"!UCA": UCatolicaFun,
"!BAS": FCBaselFun,
"!ATA": AtalantaFun,
"!MEL": MelgarFun,
"!UNV": UniversitarioFun,
"!ALI": AlianzaLimaFun,
"!CRI": SportingCristalFun,
"!RUS": RusiaFun,
"!USA": EstadosUnidosFun,
"!ALM": AlmagroFun,
"!NGA": NigeriaFun,
"!ECU": EcuadorFun,
"!ALU": AlumniFun,
"!YUG": YugoslaviaFun,
"!VSC": VillaSanCarlosFun,
"!LOA": LomasAthleticFun,
"!CZE": ChecoslovaquiaFun,
"!FCN": NantesFun,
"!STE": SaintEtienneFun,
"!REN": RennesFun,
"!NYV": FCNyvaVinnytsiaFun,
"!ORL": OrlandoCityFun,
"!EBA": EstudiantesBsAsFun,
"!PAKS": PaksiSEFun,
"!DIO": DiosgyoriVTKFun,
"!KISV": KisvardaFCFun,
"!MEZ": MezokovesdiSEFun,
"!PAFC": PuskasAkademiaFCFun,
"!HON": HonvedFCFun,
"!DVS": DVSCDebrecenFun,
"!UJP": UjpestFCFun,
"!VID": MOLVidiFCFun,
"!FTC": FerencvarosiTCFun,
"!ABROWN": AlmiranteBrownFun,
"!CDYBGR": CentroDeportivoRocaFun,
"!BOCHZ": BochofiloBochazoFun,
"!DZG": DinamoZagrebFun,
"!HAJ": HajdukSplitFun,
"!RJK": HNKRijekaFun,
"!OSI": NKOsijekFun,
"!NKLOK": NKLokomotivFun,
"!GOR": HNKGoricaFun,
"!SLB": NKSlavenBelupoFun,
"!IST": Istra1961Fun,
"!IZA": InterZapresicFun,
"!VAR": NKVarazdinFun,
"!B04": Bayer04LeverkusenFun,
"!VENFC": VeneziaFCFun,
"!ATH": AthleticDeBilbaoFun,
"!RCDE": EspanyolFun,
"!RBL": RBLeipzigFun,
"!TOR": MontevideoCityTorqueFun,
"!WAN": MontevideoWanderersFun,
"!HSV": HamburgerSVFun,
"!NEW": NewcastleUnitedFun,
"!WHU": WestHamUnitedFun,
"!MIA": InterMiamiCFFun,
"!CDE": DeportivoEspanolFun,
"!SIT": SportivoItalianoFun,
"!MDY": ClubDeportivoMandiyuFun,
"!HUL": HullCityFun,
"!WOL": WolverhamptonFun,
"!CRL": CerroLargoFun,
"!OCFC": OldCaledoniansFootballClubFun,
"!DFS": DefensorSportingFun,
"!EVDM": EvertonVinaDelMarFun,
"!ULC": UnionLaCaleraFun,
"!AUD": AudaxItalianoFun,
"!HUA": HuachipatoFun,
"!IQU": DeportesIquiqueFun,
"!OHI": OhigginsFun,
"!UES": UnionEspanolaFun,
"!SWA": SantiagoWanderersFun,
"!CUR": CuricoUnidoFun,
"!CDA": DeportesAntofagastaFun,
"!UCON": UdeConcepcionFun,
"!DLS": DeportesLaSerenaFun,
"!COQ": CoquimboUnidoFun,
"!SPIDERMAN": SpidermanFun,
"!HULK": HulkFun,
"!CAPITANAMERICA": CapitanAmericaFun,
"!BATMAN": BatmanFun,
"!BAC": BelgranoAthleticClubFun,
"!ROAC": RosarioAthleticClubFun,
"!CAPORT": ClubAtleticoPortenoFun,
"!CEL": CeltaDeVigoFun,
"!MLL": MallorcaFun,
"!VIL": VillarrealFun,
"!LEE": LeedsUnitedFun,
"!SUI": SuizaFun,
"!SWE": SueciaFun,
"!CDN": CruceroDelNorteFun,
"!SCB": SCBragaFun,
"!SPO": SportingCPFun,
"!FCP": FCPortoFun,
"!BEN": SLBenficaFun,
"!CDM": CostaDeMarfilFun,
"!CMR": CamerunFun,
"!UKR": UcraniaFun,
"!SM": SanMiguelFun,
"!LAF": LaferrereFun,
"!MEX": MexicoFun,
"!SEN": SenegalFun,
"!IRN": IranFun,
"!POL": PoloniaFun,
"!CRC": CostaRicaFun,
"!CAN": CanadaFun,
"!MAR": MarruecosFun,
"!SRB": SerbiaFun,
"!GHA": GhanaFun,
"!KOR": CoreaDelSurFun,
"!TUN": TunezFun,
"!DEN": DinamarcaFun,
"!KSA": ArabiaSauditaFun,
"!PCOL": PlazaColoniaFun,
"!TACH": DeportivoTachiraFun,
"!CARC": CaracasFun,
"!MNG": MonagasFun,
"!DLAR": DeportivoLaraFun,
"!UCV": UniversidadCesarVallejoFun,
"!DEPUCA": ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaFun,
"!DEPTOL": DeportesTolimaFun,
"!PET": IndependientePetroleroFun,
"!ALWR": AlwaysReadyFun,
"!FORT": FortalezaFun,
"!RBB": RBBragantinoFun,
"!AMCMIN": AmericaMineiroFun,
"!TOR": TorinoFun,
"!GEN": GenoaFun,
"!PLM": PalermoFun,
"!CHVER": ChievoVeronaFun,
"!BARR": BarracasCentralFun,
"!GAL": GalesFun,
"!AUS": AustraliaFun,
"!SAR": SarmientoDeJuninFun,
"riv/titular/red": RIVTitularRedFun,
"riv/titular/blue": RIVTitularBlueFun,
"riv/alternativa/red": RIVAlternativaRedFun,
"riv/alternativa/blue": RIVAlternativaBlueFun,
"riv/tercera/red": RIVTerceraRedFun,
"riv/tercera/blue": RIVTerceraBlueFun,
"riv/alternativa/red/2020": RIVAlternativa2020RedFun,
"riv/alternativa/blue/2020": RIVAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"riv/adidas70years/red": RIVAdidas70YearsRedFun,
"riv/adidas70years/blue": RIVAdidas70YearsBlueFun,
"riv/titular/red/2018": RIVTitular2018RedFun,
"riv/titular/blue/2018": RIVTitular2018BlueFun,
"riv/alternativa/red/2018": RIVAlternativa2018RedFun,
"riv/alternativa/blue/2018": RIVAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"riv/tercera/red/2018": RIVTercera2018RedFun,
"riv/tercera/blue/2018": RIVTercera2018BlueFun,
"riv/titular/red/2017": RIVTitular2017RedFun,
"riv/titular/blue/2017": RIVTitular2017BlueFun,
"riv/alternativa/red/2017": RIVAlternativa2017RedFun,
"riv/alternativa/blue/2017": RIVAlternativa2017BlueFun,
"riv/alternativa/red/2009": RIVAlternativa2009RedFun,
"riv/alternativa/blue/2009": RIVAlternativa2009BlueFun,
"riv/titular/red/2019": RIVTitular2019RedFun,
"riv/titular/blue/2019": RIVTitular2019BlueFun,
"riv/alternativa/red/2019": RIVAlternativa2019RedFun,
"riv/alternativa/blue/2019": RIVAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"riv/tercera/red/2019": RIVTercera2019RedFun,
"riv/tercera/blue/2019": RIVTercera2019BlueFun,
"riv/alternativa/red/2012": RIVAlternativa2012RedFun,
"riv/alternativa/blue/2012": RIVAlternativa2012BlueFun,
"riv/naranja/red/2016": RIVNaranja2016RedFun,
"riv/naranja/blue/2016": RIVNaranja2016BlueFun,
"riv/titular/red/1996": RIVTitular1996RedFun,
"riv/titular/blue/1996": RIVTitular1996BlueFun,
"riv/titular/red/2000": RIVTitular2000RedFun,
"riv/titular/blue/2000": RIVTitular2000BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red": BOCTitularRedFun,
"boc/titular/blue": BOCTitularBlueFun,
"boc/alternativa/red": BOCAlternativaRedFun,
"boc/alternativa/blue": BOCAlternativaBlueFun,
"boc/tercera/red": BOCTerceraRedFun,
"boc/tercera/blue": BOCTerceraBlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2019": BOCTitular2019RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2019": BOCTitular2019BlueFun,
"boc/alternativa/red/2019": BOCAlternativa2019RedFun,
"boc/alternativa/blue/2019": BOCAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2018": BOCTitular2018RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2018": BOCTitular2018BlueFun,
"boc/alternativa/red/2018": BOCAlternativa2018RedFun,
"boc/alternativa/blue/2018": BOCAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"boc/tercera/red/2018": BOCTercera2018RedFun,
"boc/tercera/blue/2018": BOCTercera2018BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2017": BOCTitular2017RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2017": BOCTitular2017BlueFun,
"boc/alternativa/red/2017": BOCAlternativa2017RedFun,
"boc/alternativa/blue/2017": BOCAlternativa2017BlueFun,
"boc/tercera/red/2017": BOCTercera2017RedFun,
"boc/tercera/blue/2017": BOCTercera2017BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2016": BOCTitular2016RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2016": BOCTitular2016BlueFun,
"boc/alternativa/red/2016": BOCAlternativa2016RedFun,
"boc/alternativa/blue/2016": BOCAlternativa2016BlueFun,
"boc/alternativa/red/2013": BOCAlternativa2013RedFun,
"boc/alternativa/blue/2013": BOCAlternativa2013BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2020": BOCTitular2020RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2020": BOCTitular2020BlueFun,
"boc/alternativa/red/2020": BOCAlternativa2020RedFun,
"boc/alternativa/blue/2020": BOCAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2000": BOCTitular2000RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2000": BOCTitular2000BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2001": BOCTitular2001RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2001": BOCTitular2001BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2005": BOCTitular2005RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2005": BOCTitular2005BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2007": BOCTitular2007RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2007": BOCTitular2007BlueFun,
"boc/tercera/red/2021": BOCTercera2021RedFun,
"boc/tercera/blue/2021": BOCTercera2021BlueFun,
"boc/tercera/red/2013": BOCTercera2013RedFun,
"boc/tercera/blue/2013": BOCTercera2013BlueFun,
"boc/titular/red/2011": BOCTitular2011RedFun,
"boc/titular/blue/2011": BOCTitular2011BlueFun,
"slo/titular/red": SLOTitularRedFun,
"slo/titular/blue": SLOTitularBlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/2020": SLOTitular2020RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/2020": SLOTitular2020BlueFun,
"slo/alternativa/red": SLOAlternativaRedFun,
"slo/alternativa/blue": SLOAlternativaBlueFun,
"slo/tercera/red": SLOTerceraRedFun,
"slo/tercera/blue": SLOTerceraBlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/2019": SLOTitular2019RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/2019": SLOTitular2019BlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/2008": SLOTitular2008RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/2008": SLOTitular2008BlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/2006": SLOTitular2006RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/2006": SLOTitular2006BlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/2002": SLOTitular2002RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/2002": SLOTitular2002BlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/1999": SLOTitular1999RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/1999": SLOTitular1999BlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/1991": SLOTitular1991RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/1991": SLOTitular1991BlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/1974": SLOTitular1974RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/1974": SLOTitular1974BlueFun,
"slo/titular/red/1970": SLOTitular1970RedFun,
"slo/titular/blue/1970": SLOTitular1970BlueFun,
"rac/titular/red": RACTitularRedFun,
"rac/titular/blue": RACTitularBlueFun,
"rac/titular/red/2020": RACTitular2020RedFun,
"rac/titular/blue/2020": RACTitular2020BlueFun,
"rac/alternativa/red": RACAlternativaRedFun,
"rac/alternativa/blue": RACAlternativaBlueFun,
"rac/tercera/red": RACTerceraRedFun,
"rac/tercera/blue": RACTerceraBlueFun,
"rac/titular/red/2019": RACTitular2019RedFun,
"rac/titular/blue/2019": RACTitular2019BlueFun,
"rac/alternativa/red/2019": RACAlternativa2019RedFun,
"rac/alternativa/blue/2019": RACAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"rac/tercera/red/2019": RACTercera2019RedFun,
"rac/tercera/blue/2019": RACTercera2019BlueFun,
"rac/alternativa2/red/2019": RACAlternativa22019RedFun,
"rac/alternativa2/blue/2019": RACAlternativa22019BlueFun,
"ind/titular/red": CAITitularRedFun,
"ind/titular/blue": CAITitularBlueFun,
"ind/alternativa/red": CAIAlternativaRedFun,
"ind/alternativa/blue": CAIAlternativaBlueFun,
"ind/titular/red/2020": CAITitular2020RedFun,
"ind/titular/blue/2020": CAITitular2020BlueFun,
"ald/titular/red": ALDTitularRedFun,
"ald/titular/blue": ALDTitularBlueFun,
"ald/alternativa/red": ALDAlternativaRedFun,
"ald/alternativa/blue": ALDAlternativaBlueFun,
"ald/titular/red/2020": ALDTitular2020RedFun,
"ald/titular/blue/2020": ALDTitular2020BlueFun,
"gim/titular/red": GIMTitularRedFun,
"gim/titular/blue": GIMTitularBlueFun,
"gim/alternativa/red": GIMAlternativaRedFun,
"gim/alternativa/blue": GIMAlternativaBlueFun,
"gim/tercera/red": GIMTerceraRedFun,
"gim/tercera/blue": GIMTerceraBlueFun,
"gim/alternativa/clasica/red": GIMAlternativaClasicaRedFun,
"gim/alternativa/clasica/blue": GIMAlternativaClasicaBlueFun,
"nob/titular/red": NOBTitularRedFun,
"nob/titular/blue": NOBTitularBlueFun,
"nob/alternativa/red": NOBAlternativaRedFun,
"nob/alternativa/blue": NOBAlternativaBlueFun,
"nob/tercera/red": NOBTerceraRedFun,
"nob/tercera/blue": NOBTerceraBlueFun,
"nob/rosa/red": NOBRosaRedFun,
"nob/rosa/blue": NOBRosaBlueFun,
"nob/titular/red/2019": NOBTitular2019RedFun,
"nob/titular/blue/2019": NOBTitular2019BlueFun,
"nob/titular/red/2020": NOBTitular2020RedFun,
"nob/titular/blue/2020": NOBTitular2020BlueFun,
"cen/titular/red": CENTitularRedFun,
"cen/titular/blue": CENTitularBlueFun,
"cen/alternativa/red": CENAlternativaRedFun,
"cen/alternativa/blue": CENAlternativaBlueFun,
"cen/tercera/red": CENTerceraRedFun,
"cen/tercera/blue": CENTerceraBlueFun,
"cen/titular/red/2020": CENTitular2020RedFun,
"cen/titular/blue/2020": CENTitular2020BlueFun,
"cen/alternativa/red/2020": CENAlternativa2020RedFun,
"cen/alternativa/blue/2020": CENAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"cen/titular/red/2019": CENTitular2019RedFun,
"cen/titular/blue/2019": CENTitular2019BlueFun,
"cen/alternativa/red/2019": CENAlternativa2019RedFun,
"cen/alternativa/blue/2019": CENAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"cen/titular/red/2021": CENTitular2021RedFun,
"cen/titular/blue/2021": CENTitular2021BlueFun,
"dyj/titular/red": DYJTitularRedFun,
"dyj/titular/blue": DYJTitularBlueFun,
"dyj/alternativa/red": DYJAlternativaRedFun,
"dyj/alternativa/blue": DYJAlternativaBlueFun,
"dyj/clasica/red": DYJClasicaRedFun,
"dyj/clasica/blue": DYJClasicaBlueFun,
"dyj/titular/red/2019": DYJTitular2019RedFun,
"dyj/titular/blue/2019": DYJTitular2019BlueFun,
"atm/titular/red": ATMTitularRedFun,
"atm/titular/blue": ATMTitularBlueFun,
"atm/alternativa/red": ATMAlternativaRedFun,
"atm/alternativa/blue": ATMAlternativaBlueFun,
"atm/tercera/red": ATMTerceraRedFun,
"atm/tercera/blue": ATMTerceraBlueFun,
"atm/titular/red/2020": ATMTitular2020RedFun,
"atm/titular/blue/2020": ATMTitular2020BlueFun,
"bar/titular/red": BARTitularRedFun,
"bar/titular/blue": BARTitularBlueFun,
"bar/alternativa/red": BARAlternativaRedFun,
"bar/alternativa/blue": BARAlternativaBlueFun,
"bar/tercera/red": BARTerceraRedFun,
"bar/tercera/blue": BARTerceraBlueFun,
"bar/ucl/red/2021": BARChampionsLeague2021RedFun,
"bar/ucl/blue/2021": BARChampionsLeague2021BlueFun,
"bar/titular/red/2020": BARTitular2020RedFun,
"bar/titular/blue/2020": BARTitular2020BlueFun,
"bar/alternativa/red/2020": BARAlternativa2020RedFun,
"bar/alternativa/blue/2020": BARAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"bar/tercera/red/2020": BARTercera2020RedFun,
"bar/tercera/blue/2020": BARTercera2020BlueFun,
"bar/tercera/red/2018": BARTercera2018RedFun,
"bar/tercera/blue/2018": BARTercera2018BlueFun,
"bar/titular/red/2012": BARTitular2012RedFun,
"bar/titular/blue/2012": BARTitular2012BlueFun,
"bar/alternativa/red/2012": BARAlternativa2012RedFun,
"bar/alternativa/blue/2012": BARAlternativa2012BlueFun,
"bar/titular/red/2013": BARTitular2013RedFun,
"bar/titular/blue/2013": BARTitular2013BlueFun,
"bar/titular/red/2011": BARTitular2011RedFun,
"bar/titular/blue/2011": BARTitular2011BlueFun,
"bar/alternativa/red/2011": BARAlternativa2011RedFun,
"bar/alternativa/blue/2011": BARAlternativa2011BlueFun,
"bar/tercera/red/2011": BARTercera2011RedFun,
"bar/tercera/blue/2011": BARTercera2011BlueFun,
"bar/titular/red/2015": BARTitular2015RedFun,
"bar/titular/blue/2015": BARTitular2015BlueFun,
"bar/tercera/red/2015": BARTercera2015RedFun,
"bar/tercera/blue/2015": BARTercera2015BlueFun,
"bar/titular/red/2008": BARTitular2008RedFun,
"bar/titular/blue/2008": BARTitular2008BlueFun,
"bar/ucl/red/2008": BARChampionsLeague2008RedFun,
"bar/ucl/blue/2008": BARChampionsLeague2008BlueFun,
"bar/titular/red/2021": BARTitular2021RedFun,
"bar/titular/blue/2021": BARTitular2021BlueFun,
"rma/titular/red": RMATitularRedFun,
"rma/titular/blue": RMATitularBlueFun,
"rma/alternativa/red": RMAAlternativaRedFun,
"rma/alternativa/blue": RMAAlternativaBlueFun,
"rma/tercera/red": RMATerceraRedFun,
"rma/tercera/blue": RMATerceraBlueFun,
"rma/titular/red/2019": RMATitular2019RedFun,
"rma/titular/blue/2019": RMATitular2019BlueFun,
"sev/titular/red": SevillaTitularRedFun,
"sev/titular/blue": SevillaTitularBlueFun,
"int/titular/red": INTTitularRedFun,
"int/titular/blue": INTTitularBlueFun,
"int/alternativa/red": INTAlternativaRedFun,
"int/alternativa/blue": INTAlternativaBlueFun,
"int/tercera/red": INTTerceraRedFun,
"int/tercera/blue": INTTerceraBlueFun,
"int/tercera/red/1997": INTTercera1997RedFun,
"int/tercera/blue/1997": INTTercera1997BlueFun,
"int/titular/red/2019": INTTitular2019RedFun,
"int/titular/blue/2019": INTTitular2019BlueFun,
"int/alternativa/red/2019": INTAlternativa2019RedFun,
"int/alternativa/blue/2019": INTAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"int/tercera/red/2019": INTTercera2019RedFun,
"int/tercera/blue/2019": INTTercera2019BlueFun,
"acm/titular/red": MILTitularRedFun,
"acm/titular/blue": MILTitularBlueFun,
"acm/alternativa/red": MILAlternativaRedFun,
"acm/alternativa/blue": MILAlternativaBlueFun,
"acm/tercera/red": MILTerceraRedFun,
"acm/tercera/blue": MILTerceraBlueFun,
"acm/titular/red/2019": MILTitular2019RedFun,
"acm/titular/blue/2019": MILTitular2019BlueFun,
"cru/titular/red": CRUTitularRedFun,
"cru/titular/blue": CRUTitularBlueFun,
"cru/alternativa/red": CRUAlternativaRedFun,
"cru/alternativa/blue": CRUAlternativaBlueFun,
"cru/titular/red/2019": CRUTitular2019RedFun,
"cru/titular/blue/2019": CRUTitular2019BlueFun,
"pal/titular/red": PALTitularRedFun,
"pal/titular/blue": PALTitularBlueFun,
"pal/alternativa/red": PALAlternativaRedFun,
"pal/alternativa/blue": PALAlternativaBlueFun,
"pal/tercera/red": PALTerceraRedFun,
"pal/tercera/blue": PALTerceraBlueFun,
"pal/titular/red/2019": PALTitular2019RedFun,
"pal/titular/blue/2019": PALTitular2019BlueFun,
"gre/titular/red": GRETitularRedFun,
"gre/titular/blue": GRETitularBlueFun,
"gre/alternativa/red": GREAlternativaRedFun,
"gre/alternativa/blue": GREAlternativaBlueFun,
"gre/titular/red/2019": GRETitular2019RedFun,
"gre/titular/blue/2019": GRETitular2019BlueFun,
"gre/clasica/red": GREClasicaRedFun,
"gre/clasica/blue": GREClasicaBlueFun,
"tot/titular/red": TOTTitularRedFun,
"tot/titular/blue": TOTTitularBlueFun,
"tot/alternativa/red": TOTAlternativaRedFun,
"tot/alternativa/blue": TOTAlternativaBlueFun,
"tot/tercera/red": TOTTerceraRedFun,
"tot/tercera/blue": TOTTerceraBlueFun,
"tot/titular/red/2018": TOTTitular2018RedFun,
"tot/titular/blue/2018": TOTTitular2018BlueFun,
"tot/alternativa/red/2018": TOTAlternativa2018RedFun,
"tot/alternativa/blue/2018": TOTAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"liv/titular/red": LIVTitularRedFun,
"liv/titular/blue": LIVTitularBlueFun,
"liv/alternativa/red": LIVAlternativaRedFun,
"liv/alternativa/blue": LIVAlternativaBlueFun,
"liv/tercera/red": LIVTerceraRedFun,
"liv/tercera/blue": LIVTerceraBlueFun,
"liv/titular/red/2018": LIVTitular2018RedFun,
"liv/titular/blue/2018": LIVTitular2018BlueFun,
"liv/alternativa/red/2018": LIVAlternativa2018RedFun,
"liv/alternativa/blue/2018": LIVAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"liv/titular/red/2019": LIVTitular2019RedFun,
"liv/titular/blue/2019": LIVTitular2019BlueFun,
"liv/alternativa/red/2019": LIVAlternativa2019RedFun,
"liv/alternativa/blue/2019": LIVAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"liv/titular/red/2020": LIVTitular2020RedFun,
"liv/titular/blue/2020": LIVTitular2020BlueFun,
"arg/titular/red": ARGTitularRedFun,
"arg/titular/blue": ARGTitularBlueFun,
"arg/alternativa/red": ARGAlternativaRedFun,
"arg/alternativa/blue": ARGAlternativaBlueFun,
"arg/alternativa/red/2019": ARGAlternativa2019RedFun,
"arg/alternativa/blue/2019": ARGAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"arg/titular/red/2018": ARGTitular2018RedFun,
"arg/titular/blue/2018": ARGTitular2018BlueFun,
"arg/titular/red/2016": ARGTitular2016RedFun,
"arg/titular/blue/2016": ARGTitular2016BlueFun,
"arg/alternativa/red/2016": ARGAlternativa2016RedFun,
"arg/alternativa/blue/2016": ARGAlternativa2016BlueFun,
"arg/titular/red/1986": ARGTitular1986RedFun,
"arg/titular/blue/1986": ARGTitular1986BlueFun,
"arg/alternativa/red/1986": ARGAlternativa1986RedFun,
"arg/alternativa/blue/1986": ARGAlternativa1986BlueFun,
"arg/bandera/red": ARGBanderaRedFun,
"arg/bandera/blue": ARGBanderaBlueFun,
"arg/titular/red/2020": ARGTitular2020RedFun,
"arg/titular/blue/2020": ARGTitular2020BlueFun,
"arg/titular/red/2014": ARGTitular2014RedFun,
"arg/titular/blue/2014": ARGTitular2014BlueFun,
"arg/alternativa/red/2014": ARGAlternativa2014RedFun,
"arg/alternativa/blue/2014": ARGAlternativa2014BlueFun,
"arg/titular/red/2010": ARGTitular2010RedFun,
"arg/titular/blue/2010": ARGTitular2010BlueFun,
"arg/alternativa/red/2010": ARGAlternativa2010RedFun,
"arg/alternativa/blue/2010": ARGAlternativa2010BlueFun,
"arg/titular/red/2006": ARGTitular2006RedFun,
"arg/titular/blue/2006": ARGTitular2006BlueFun,
"arg/alternativa/red/2006": ARGAlternativa2006RedFun,
"arg/alternativa/blue/2006": ARGAlternativa2006BlueFun,
"arg/titular/red/2021": ARGTitular2021RedFun,
"arg/titular/blue/2021": ARGTitular2021BlueFun,
"belg/titular/red": BelgicaTitularRedFun,
"belg/titular/blue": BelgicaTitularBlueFun,
"belg/alternativa/red": BelgicaAlternativaRedFun,
"belg/alternativa/blue": BelgicaAlternativaBlueFun,
"belg/bandera/red": BelgicaBanderaRedFun,
"belg/bandera/blue": BelgicaBanderaBlueFun,
"belg/titular/red/2016": BelgicaTitular2016RedFun,
"belg/titular/blue/2016": BelgicaTitular2016BlueFun,
"belg/titular/red/2018": BelgicaTitular2018RedFun,
"belg/titular/blue/2018": BelgicaTitular2018BlueFun,
"bra/titular/red": BRATitularRedFun,
"bra/titular/blue": BRATitularBlueFun,
"bra/alternativa/red": BRAAlternativaRedFun,
"bra/alternativa/blue": BRAAlternativaBlueFun,
"bra/tercera/red": BRATerceraRedFun,
"bra/tercera/blue": BRATerceraBlueFun,
"bra/retro/red": BRARetroRedFun,
"bra/retro/blue": BRARetroBlueFun,
"bra/titular/red/2020": BRATitular2020RedFun,
"bra/titular/blue/2020": BRATitular2020BlueFun,
"bra/alternativa/red/2020": BRAAlternativa2020RedFun,
"bra/alternativa/blue/2020": BRAAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"bra/titular/red/2018": BRATitular2018RedFun,
"bra/titular/blue/2018": BRATitular2018BlueFun,
"chi/titular/red": CHITitularRedFun,
"chi/titular/blue": CHITitularBlueFun,
"chi/titular/red/2020": CHITitular2020RedFun,
"chi/titular/blue/2020": CHITitular2020BlueFun,
"uru/titular/red": URUTitularRedFun,
"uru/titular/blue": URUTitularBlueFun,
"uru/alternativa/red": URUAlternativaRedFun,
"uru/alternativa/blue": URUAlternativaBlueFun,
"uru/titular/red/2020": URUTitular2020RedFun,
"uru/titular/blue/2020": URUTitular2020BlueFun,
"fra/titular/red": FRATitularRedFun,
"fra/titular/blue": FRATitularBlueFun,
"fra/alternativa/red": FRAAlternativaRedFun,
"fra/alternativa/blue": FRAAlternativaBlueFun,
"fra/bandera/red": FRABanderaRedFun,
"fra/bandera/blue": FRABanderaBlueFun,
"fra/titular/red/centenario": FRATitularRedCentenarioFun,
"fra/titular/blue/centenario": FRATitularBlueCentenarioFun,
"fra/titular/red/2018": FRATitular2018RedFun,
"fra/titular/blue/2018": FRATitular2018BlueFun,
"fra/alternativa/red/2020": FRAAlternativa2020RedFun,
"fra/alternativa/blue/2020": FRAAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"cro/titular/red": CROTitularRedFun,
"cro/titular/blue": CROTitularBlueFun,
"cro/alternativa/red": CROAlternativaRedFun,
"cro/alternativa/blue": CROAlternativaBlueFun,
"cro/tercera/red": CROTerceraRedFun,
"cro/tercera/blue": CROTerceraBlueFun,
"nap/titular/red": NAPTitularRedFun,
"nap/titular/blue": NAPTitularBlueFun,
"nap/alternativa/red": NAPAlternativaRedFun,
"nap/alternativa/blue": NAPAlternativaBlueFun,
"nap/titular/red/ucl": NAPTitularUCLRedFun,
"nap/titular/blue/ucl": NAPTitularUCLBlueFun,
"nap/titular/red/2019": NAPTitular2019RedFun,
"nap/titular/blue/2019": NAPTitular2019BlueFun,
"fcb/titular/red": FCBTitularRedFun,
"fcb/titular/blue": FCBTitularBlueFun,
"fcb/alternativa/red": FCBAlternativaRedFun,
"fcb/alternativa/blue": FCBAlternativaBlueFun,
"fcb/tercera/red": FCBTerceraRedFun,
"fcb/tercera/blue": FCBTerceraBlueFun,
"fcb/titular/red/2019": FCBTitular2019RedFun,
"fcb/titular/blue/2019": FCBTitular2019BlueFun,
"bvb/titular/red": BorussiaTitularRedFun,
"bvb/titular/blue": BorussiaTitularBlueFun,
"bvb/alternativa/red": BorussiaAlternativaRedFun,
"bvb/alternativa/blue": BorussiaAlternativaBlueFun,
"bvb/titular/red/ucl": BorussiaTitularChampionsRedFun,
"bvb/titular/blue/ucl": BorussiaTitularChampionsBlueFun,
"bvb/titular/red/2019": BorussiaTitular2019RedFun,
"bvb/titular/blue/2019": BorussiaTitular2019BlueFun,
"bvb/titular/red/2021": BorussiaTitular2021RedFun,
"bvb/titular/blue/2021": BorussiaTitular2021BlueFun,
"juv/titular/red": JuventusTitularRedFun,
"juv/titular/blue": JuventusTitularBlueFun,
"juv/alternativa/red": JuventusAlternativaRedFun,
"juv/alternativa/blue": JuventusAlternativaBlueFun,
"juv/tercera/red": JuventusTerceraRedFun,
"juv/tercera/blue": JuventusTerceraBlueFun,
"juv/titular/red/2020": JuventusTitular2020RedFun,
"juv/titular/blue/2020": JuventusTitular2020BlueFun,
"juv/alternativa/red/2020": JuventusAlternativa2020RedFun,
"juv/alternativa/blue/2020": JuventusAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"juv/tercera/red/2020": JuventusTercera2020RedFun,
"juv/tercera/blue/2020": JuventusTercera2020BlueFun,
"juv/cuarta/red/2020": JuventusCuarta2020RedFun,
"juv/cuarta/blue/2020": JuventusCuarta2020BlueFun,
"juv/titular/red/2018": JuventusTitular2018RedFun,
"juv/titular/blue/2018": JuventusTitular2018BlueFun,
"juv/tercera/red/2017": JuventusTercera2017RedFun,
"juv/tercera/blue/2017": JuventusTercera2017BlueFun,
"est/titular/red": EstudiantesTitularRedFun,
"est/titular/blue": EstudiantesTitularBlueFun,
"est/alternativa/red": EstudiantesAlternativaRedFun,
"est/alternativa/blue": EstudiantesAlternativaBlueFun,
"est/tercera/red": EstudiantesTerceraRedFun,
"est/tercera/blue": EstudiantesTerceraBlueFun,
"band/titular/red": BanfieldTitularRedFun,
"band/titular/blue": BanfieldTitularBlueFun,
"band/alternativa/red": BanfieldAlternativaRedFun,
"band/alternativa/blue": BanfieldAlternativaBlueFun,
"band/clasica/red": BanfieldClasicaRedFun,
"band/clasica/blue": BanfieldClasicaBlueFun,
"band/titular/red/2019": BanfieldTitular2019RedFun,
"band/titular/blue/2019": BanfieldTitular2019BlueFun,
"band/titular/red/2021": BanfieldTitular2021RedFun,
"band/titular/blue/2021": BanfieldTitular2021BlueFun,
"lan/titular/red": LanusTitularRedFun,
"lan/titular/blue": LanusTitularBlueFun,
"lan/alternativa/red": LanusAlternativaRedFun,
"lan/alternativa/blue": LanusAlternativaBlueFun,
"lan/tercera/red": LanusTerceraRedFun,
"lan/tercera/blue": LanusTerceraBlueFun,
"lan/titular/red/2020": LanusTitular2020RedFun,
"lan/titular/blue/2020": LanusTitular2020BlueFun,
"lan/alternativa/red/2020": LanusAlternativa2020RedFun,
"lan/alternativa/blue/2020": LanusAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"lan/titular/red/2019": LanusTitular2019RedFun,
"lan/titular/blue/2019": LanusTitular2019BlueFun,
"lan/alternativa/red/2019": LanusAlternativa2019RedFun,
"lan/alternativa/blue/2019": LanusAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"lan/titular/red/2021": LanusTitular2021RedFun,
"lan/titular/blue/2021": LanusTitular2021BlueFun,
"mun/titular/red": ManUnitedTitularRedFun,
"mun/titular/blue": ManUnitedTitularBlueFun,
"mun/alternativa/red": ManUnitedAlternativaRedFun,
"mun/alternativa/blue": ManUnitedAlternativaBlueFun,
"mun/tercera/red": ManUnitedTerceraRedFun,
"mun/tercera/blue": ManUnitedTerceraBlueFun,
"mun/titular/red/2016": ManUnitedTitular2016RedFun,
"mun/titular/blue/2016": ManUnitedTitular2016BlueFun,
"mun/titular/red/2019": ManUnitedTitular2019RedFun,
"mun/titular/blue/2019": ManUnitedTitular2019BlueFun,
"mci/titular/red": ManCityTitularRedFun,
"mci/titular/blue": ManCityTitularBlueFun,
"mci/alternativa/red": ManCityAlternativaRedFun,
"mci/alternativa/blue": ManCityAlternativaBlueFun,
"mci/tercera/red": ManCityTerceraRedFun,
"mci/tercera/blue": ManCityTerceraBlueFun,
"mci/titular/red/2019": ManCityTitular2019RedFun,
"mci/titular/blue/2019": ManCityTitular2019BlueFun,
"mci/titular/red/2020": ManCityTitular2020RedFun,
"mci/titular/blue/2020": ManCityTitular2020BlueFun,
"mci/tercera/red/2019": ManCityTercera2019RedFun,
"mci/tercera/blue/2019": ManCityTercera2019BlueFun,
"mci/titular/red/2021": ManCityTitular2021RedFun,
"mci/titular/blue/2021": ManCityTitular2021BlueFun,
"mci/alternativa/red/2019": ManCityAlternativa2019RedFun,
"mci/alternativa/blue/2019": ManCityAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"ars/titular/red": ArsenalTitularRedFun,
"ars/titular/blue": ArsenalTitularBlueFun,
"ars/alternativa/red": ArsenalAlternativaRedFun,
"ars/alternativa/blue": ArsenalAlternativaBlueFun,
"ars/tercera/red": ArsenalTerceraRedFun,
"ars/tercera/blue": ArsenalTerceraBlueFun,
"che/titular/red": ChelseaTitularRedFun,
"che/titular/blue": ChelseaTitularBlueFun,
"che/alternativa/red": ChelseaAlternativaRedFun,
"che/alternativa/blue": ChelseaAlternativaBlueFun,
"che/tercera/red": ChelseaTerceraRedFun,
"che/tercera/blue": ChelseaTerceraBlueFun,
"che/cuarta/red": ChelseaCuartaRedFun,
"che/cuarta/blue": ChelseaCuartaBlueFun,
"che/tercera/red/2010": ChelseaTercera2010RedFun,
"che/tercera/blue/2010": ChelseaTercera2010BlueFun,
"che/titular/red/2019": ChelseaTitular2019RedFun,
"che/titular/blue/2019": ChelseaTitular2019BlueFun,
"par/titular/red": ParanaenseTitularRedFun,
"par/titular/blue": ParanaenseTitularBlueFun,
"par/alternativa/red": ParanaenseAlternativaRedFun,
"par/alternativa/blue": ParanaenseAlternativaBlueFun,
"hur/titular/red": HuracanTitularRedFun,
"hur/titular/blue": HuracanTitularBlueFun,
"hur/alternativa/red": HuracanAlternativaRedFun,
"hur/alternativa/blue": HuracanAlternativaBlueFun,
"tig/titular/red": TigreTitularRedFun,
"tig/titular/blue": TigreTitularBlueFun,
"tig/alternativa/red": TigreAlternativaRedFun,
"tig/alternativa/blue": TigreAlternativaBlueFun,
"ale/titular/red": AlemaniaTitularRedFun,
"ale/titular/blue": AlemaniaTitularBlueFun,
"ale/alternativa/red": AlemaniaAlternativaRedFun,
"ale/alternativa/blue": AlemaniaAlternativaBlueFun,
"ale/bandera/red": AlemaniaBanderaRedFun,
"ale/bandera/blue": AlemaniaBanderaBlueFun,
"esp/titular/red": EspanaTitularRedFun,
"esp/titular/blue": EspanaTitularBlueFun,
"esp/alternativa/red": EspanaAlternativaRedFun,
"esp/alternativa/blue": EspanaAlternativaBlueFun,
"esp/bandera/red": EspanaBanderaRedFun,
"esp/bandera/blue": EspanaBanderaBlueFun,
"esp/titular/red/2020": EspanaTitular2020RedFun,
"esp/titular/blue/2020": EspanaTitular2020BlueFun,
"esp/alternativa/red/2020": EspanaAlternativa2020RedFun,
"esp/alternativa/blue/2020": EspanaAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"por/titular/red": PortugalTitularRedFun,
"por/titular/blue": PortugalTitularBlueFun,
"por/alternativa/red": PortugalAlternativaRedFun,
"por/alternativa/blue": PortugalAlternativaBlueFun,
"por/titular/red/2020": PortugalTitular2020RedFun,
"por/titular/blue/2020": PortugalTitular2020BlueFun,
"aaaj/titular/red": ArgentinosJrsTitularRedFun,
"aaaj/titular/blue": ArgentinosJrsTitularBlueFun,
"aaaj/alternativa/red": ArgentinosJrsAlternativaRedFun,
"aaaj/alternativa/blue": ArgentinosJrsAlternativaBlueFun,
"aaaj/tercera/red": ArgentinosJrsTerceraRedFun,
"aaaj/tercera/blue": ArgentinosJrsTerceraBlueFun,
"alb/titular/red": AllBoysTitularRedFun,
"alb/titular/blue": AllBoysTitularBlueFun,
"alb/alternativa/red": AllBoysAlternativaRedFun,
"alb/alternativa/blue": AllBoysAlternativaBlueFun,
"atl/titular/red": AtlantaTitularRedFun,
"atl/titular/blue": AtlantaTitularBlueFun,
"atl/alternativa/red": AtlantaAlternativaRedFun,
"atl/alternativa/blue": AtlantaAlternativaBlueFun,
"atl/escudo/red": AtlantaEscudoRedFun,
"atl/escudo/blue": AtlantaEscudoBlueFun,
"bel/titular/red": BelgranoTitularRedFun,
"bel/titular/blue": BelgranoTitularBlueFun,
"bel/alternativa/red": BelgranoAlternativaRedFun,
"bel/alternativa/blue": BelgranoAlternativaBlueFun,
"bel/titular/red/2019": BelgranoTitular2019RedFun,
"bel/titular/blue/2019": BelgranoTitular2019BlueFun,
"bel/titular/red/2018": BelgranoTitular2018RedFun,
"bel/titular/blue/2018": BelgranoTitular2018BlueFun,
"cha/titular/red": ChacaritaTitularRedFun,
"cha/titular/blue": ChacaritaTitularBlueFun,
"cha/alternativa/red": ChacaritaAlternativaRedFun,
"cha/alternativa/blue": ChacaritaAlternativaBlueFun,
"tal/titular/red": TalleresTitularRedFun,
"tal/titular/blue": TalleresTitularBlueFun,
"tal/alternativa/red": TalleresAlternativaRedFun,
"tal/alternativa/blue": TalleresAlternativaBlueFun,
"tal/titular/red/2019": TalleresTitular2019RedFun,
"tal/titular/blue/2019": TalleresTitular2019BlueFun,
"tal/alternativa/red/2019": TalleresAlternativa2019RedFun,
"tal/alternativa/blue/2019": TalleresAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"tal/titular/red/2021": TalleresTitular2021RedFun,
"tal/titular/blue/2021": TalleresTitular2021BlueFun,
"pla/titular/red": PlatenseTitularRedFun,
"pla/titular/blue": PlatenseTitularBlueFun,
"pla/alternativa/red": PlatenseAlternativaRedFun,
"pla/alternativa/blue": PlatenseAlternativaBlueFun,
"pla/tercera/red": PlatenseTerceraRedFun,
"pla/tercera/blue": PlatenseTerceraBlueFun,
"pla/titular/red/2020": PlatenseTitular2020RedFun,
"pla/titular/blue/2020": PlatenseTitular2020BlueFun,
"pla/alternativa/red/2020": PlatenseAlternativa2020RedFun,
"pla/alternativa/blue/2020": PlatenseAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"olp/titular/red": OlimpoTitularRedFun,
"olp/titular/blue": OlimpoTitularBlueFun,
"olp/titular/red/2019": OlimpoTitular2019RedFun,
"olp/titular/blue/2019": OlimpoTitular2019BlueFun,
"smt/titular/red": SanMartinTucumanTitularRedFun,
"smt/titular/blue": SanMartinTucumanTitularBlueFun,
"smt/alternativa/red": SanMartinTucumanAlternativaRedFun,
"smt/alternativa/blue": SanMartinTucumanAlternativaBlueFun,
"smt/tercera/red": SanMartinTucumanTerceraRedFun,
"smt/tercera/blue": SanMartinTucumanTerceraBlueFun,
"atu/titular/red": AtlTucumanTitularRedFun,
"atu/titular/blue": AtlTucumanTitularBlueFun,
"atu/alternativa/red": AtlTucumanAlternativaRedFun,
"atu/alternativa/blue": AtlTucumanAlternativaBlueFun,
"atu/titular/red/2019": AtlTucumanTitular2019RedFun,
"atu/titular/blue/2019": AtlTucumanTitular2019BlueFun,
"atu/titular/red/2021": AtlTucumanTitular2021RedFun,
"atu/titular/blue/2021": AtlTucumanTitular2021BlueFun,
"fco/titular/red": FerroTitularRedFun,
"fco/titular/blue": FerroTitularBlueFun,
"fco/alternativa/red": FerroAlternativaRedFun,
"fco/alternativa/blue": FerroAlternativaBlueFun,
"fco/titular/red/2019": FerroTitular2019RedFun,
"fco/titular/blue/2019": FerroTitular2019BlueFun,
"fco/titular/red/2020": FerroTitular2020RedFun,
"fco/titular/blue/2020": FerroTitular2020BlueFun,
"nac/titular/red": NacionalTitularRedFun,
"nac/titular/blue": NacionalTitularBlueFun,
"nac/alternativa/red": NacionalAlternativaRedFun,
"nac/alternativa/blue": NacionalAlternativaBlueFun,
"pen/titular/red": PenarolTitularRedFun,
"pen/titular/blue": PenarolTitularBlueFun,
"pen/alternativa/red": PenarolAlternativaRedFun,
"pen/alternativa/blue": PenarolAlternativaBlueFun,
"pen/tercera/red": PenarolTerceraRedFun,
"pen/tercera/blue": PenarolTerceraBlueFun,
"qui/titular/red": QuilmesTitularRedFun,
"qui/titular/blue": QuilmesTitularBlueFun,
"qui/alternativa/red": QuilmesAlternativaRedFun,
"qui/alternativa/blue": QuilmesAlternativaBlueFun,
"qui/tercera/red": QuilmesTerceraRedFun,
"qui/tercera/blue": QuilmesTerceraBlueFun,
"nch/titular/red": ChicagoTitularRedFun,
"nch/titular/blue": ChicagoTitularBlueFun,
"mor/titular/red": MoronTitularRedFun,
"mor/titular/blue": MoronTitularBlueFun,
"uni/titular/red": UnionTitularRedFun,
"uni/titular/blue": UnionTitularBlueFun,
"uni/alternativa/red": UnionAlternativaRedFun,
"uni/alternativa/blue": UnionAlternativaBlueFun,
"csf/titular/red": ColonTitularRedFun,
"csf/titular/blue": ColonTitularBlueFun,
"csf/alternativa/red": ColonAlternativaRedFun,
"csf/alternativa/blue": ColonAlternativaBlueFun,
"csf/tercera/red": ColonTerceraRedFun,
"csf/tercera/blue": ColonTerceraBlueFun,
"csf/titular/red/2019": ColonTitular2019RedFun,
"csf/titular/blue/2019": ColonTitular2019BlueFun,
"arse/titular/red": SarandiTitularRedFun,
"arse/titular/blue": SarandiTitularBlueFun,
"arse/alternativa/red": SarandiAlternativaRedFun,
"arse/alternativa/blue": SarandiAlternativaBlueFun,
"arse/tercera/red": SarandiTerceraRedFun,
"arse/tercera/blue": SarandiTerceraBlueFun,
"doc/titular/red": DocksudTitularRedFun,
"doc/titular/blue": DocksudTitularBlueFun,
"col/titular/red": ColombiaTitularRedFun,
"col/titular/blue": ColombiaTitularBlueFun,
"col/alternativa/red": ColombiaAlternativaRedFun,
"col/alternativa/blue": ColombiaAlternativaBlueFun,
"col/alternativa/red/2019": ColombiaAlternativa2019RedFun,
"col/alternativa/blue/2019": ColombiaAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"col/titular/red/2021": ColombiaTitular2021RedFun,
"col/titular/blue/2021": ColombiaTitular2021BlueFun,
"col/bandera/red": ColombiaBanderaRedFun,
"col/bandera/blue": ColombiaBanderaBlueFun,
"per/titular/red": PeruTitularRedFun,
"per/titular/blue": PeruTitularBlueFun,
"per/alternativa/red": PeruAlternativaRedFun,
"per/alternativa/blue": PeruAlternativaBlueFun,
"qat/titular/red": QatarTitularRedFun,
"qat/titular/blue": QatarTitularBlueFun,
"pgy/titular/red": ParaguayTitularRedFun,
"pgy/titular/blue": ParaguayTitularBlueFun,
"pgy/alternativa/red": ParaguayAlternativaRedFun,
"pgy/alternativa/blue": ParaguayAlternativaBlueFun,
"ven/titular/red": VenezuelaTitularRedFun,
"ven/titular/blue": VenezuelaTitularBlueFun,
"ven/alternativa/red": VenezuelaAlternativaRedFun,
"ven/alternativa/blue": VenezuelaAlternativaBlueFun,
"ven/titular/red/2015": VenezuelaTitular2015RedFun,
"ven/titular/blue/2015": VenezuelaTitular2015BlueFun,
"ven/alternativa/red/2015": VenezuelaAlternativa2015RedFun,
"ven/alternativa/blue/2015": VenezuelaAlternativa2015BlueFun,
"wba/titular/red": WestBromTitularRedFun,
"wba/titular/blue": WestBromTitularBlueFun,
"avl/titular/red": AstonVillaTitularRedFun,
"avl/titular/blue": AstonVillaTitularBlueFun,
"ful/titular/red": FulhamTitularRedFun,
"ful/titular/blue": FulhamTitularBlueFun,
"ful/alternativa/red": FulhamAlternativaRedFun,
"ful/alternativa/blue": FulhamAlternativaBlueFun,
"ful/clasica/red": FulhamClasicaRedFun,
"ful/clasica/blue": FulhamClasicaBlueFun,
"lei/titular/red": LeicesterTitularRedFun,
"lei/titular/blue": LeicesterTitularBlueFun,
"dan/titular/red": DanubioTitularRedFun,
"dan/titular/blue": DanubioTitularBlueFun,
"ram/titular/red": RamplaJrsTitularRedFun,
"ram/titular/blue": RamplaJrsTitularBlueFun,
"sch/titular/red": SacachispasTitularRedFun,
"sch/titular/blue": SacachispasTitularBlueFun,
"sch/alternativa/red": SacachispasAlternativaRedFun,
"sch/alternativa/blue": SacachispasAlternativaBlueFun,
"sch/titular/red/2019": SacachispasTitular2019RedFun,
"sch/titular/blue/2019": SacachispasTitular2019BlueFun,
"sch/titular/red/2020": SacachispasTitular2020RedFun,
"sch/titular/blue/2020": SacachispasTitular2020BlueFun,
"hol/titular/red": HolandaTitularRedFun,
"hol/titular/blue": HolandaTitularBlueFun,
"hol/bandera/red": HolandaBanderaRedFun,
"hol/bandera/blue": HolandaBanderaBlueFun,
"hol/alternativa/red": HolandaAlternativaRedFun,
"hol/alternativa/blue": HolandaAlternativaBlueFun,
"hol/retro/red": HolandaRetroRedFun,
"hol/retro/blue": HolandaRetroBlueFun,
"hol/titular/red/2014": HolandaTitular2014RedFun,
"hol/titular/blue/2014": HolandaTitular2014BlueFun,
"hol/alternativa/red/2019": HolandaAlternativa2019RedFun,
"hol/alternativa/blue/2019": HolandaAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"bol/titular/red": BoliviaTitularRedFun,
"bol/titular/blue": BoliviaTitularBlueFun,
"ita/titular/red": ItaliaTitularRedFun,
"ita/titular/blue": ItaliaTitularBlueFun,
"ita/alternativa/red": ItaliaAlternativaRedFun,
"ita/alternativa/blue": ItaliaAlternativaBlueFun,
"ita/bandera/red": ItaliaBanderaRedFun,
"ita/bandera/blue": ItaliaBanderaBlueFun,
"ita/retro/red": ItaliaRetroRedFun,
"ita/retro/blue": ItaliaRetroBlueFun,
"ita/alternativa/red/euro": ItaliaAlternativaEuro2020RedFun,
"ita/alternativa/blue/euro": ItaliaAlternativaEuro2020BlueFun,
"ita/tercera/red/euro": ItaliaTerceraEuro2020RedFun,
"ita/tercera/blue/euro": ItaliaTerceraEuro2020BlueFun,
"ita/titular/red/2020": ItaliaTitular2020RedFun,
"ita/titular/blue/2020": ItaliaTitular2020BlueFun,
"ita/alternativa/red/2020": ItaliaAlternativa2020RedFun,
"ita/alternativa/blue/2020": ItaliaAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"ita/titular/red/2018": ItaliaTitular2018RedFun,
"ita/titular/blue/2018": ItaliaTitular2018BlueFun,
"ita/titular/red/2020": ItaliaTitular2020RedFun,
"ita/titular/blue/2020": ItaliaTitular2020BlueFun,
"ita/titular/red/2006": ItaliaTitular2006RedFun,
"ita/titular/blue/2006": ItaliaTitular2006BlueFun,
"ing/titular/red": InglaterraTitularRedFun,
"ing/titular/blue": InglaterraTitularBlueFun,
"ing/alternativa/red": InglaterraAlternativaRedFun,
"ing/alternativa/blue": InglaterraAlternativaBlueFun,
"ing/titular/red/2020": InglaterraTitular2020RedFun,
"ing/titular/blue/2020": InglaterraTitular2020BlueFun,
"ing/alternativa/red/2020": InglaterraAlternativa2020RedFun,
"ing/alternativa/blue/2020": InglaterraAlternativa2020BlueFun,
"aja/titular/red": AjaxTitularRedFun,
"aja/titular/blue": AjaxTitularBlueFun,
"aja/alternativa/red": AjaxAlternativaRedFun,
"aja/alternativa/blue": AjaxAlternativaBlueFun,
"aja/alternativa/red/2018": AjaxAlternativa2018RedFun,
"aja/alternativa/blue/2018": AjaxAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"psv/titular/red": PSVTitularRedFun,
"psv/titular/blue": PSVTitularBlueFun,
"fey/titular/red": FEYTitularRedFun,
"fey/titular/blue": FEYTitularBlueFun,
"psg/titular/red": PSGTitularRedFun,
"psg/titular/blue": PSGTitularBlueFun,
"psg/alternativa/red": PSGAlternativaRedFun,
"psg/alternativa/blue": PSGAlternativaBlueFun,
"psg/tercera/red": PSGTerceraRedFun,
"psg/tercera/blue": PSGTerceraBlueFun,
"psg/entrenamiento/red": PSGEntrenamientoRedFun,
"psg/entrenamiento/blue": PSGEntrenamientoBlueFun,
"psg/titular/red/2019": PSGTitular2019RedFun,
"psg/titular/blue/2019": PSGTitular2019BlueFun,
"psg/alternativa/red/2019": PSGAlternativa2019RedFun,
"psg/alternativa/blue/2019": PSGAlternativa2019BlueFun,
"psg/tercera/red/2019": PSGTercera2019RedFun,
"psg/tercera/blue/2019": PSGTercera2019BlueFun,
"psg/titular/red/2020": PSGTitular2020RedFun,
"psg/titular/blue/2020": PSGTitular2020BlueFun,
"psg/titular/red/2016": PSGTitular2016RedFun,
"psg/titular/blue/2016": PSGTitular2016BlueFun,
"ccs/titular/red": CentralCordobaSdETitularRedFun,
"ccs/titular/blue": CentralCordobaSdETitularBlueFun,
"ccs/alternativa/red": CentralCordobaSdEAlternativaRedFun,
"ccs/alternativa/blue": CentralCordobaSdEAlternativaBlueFun,
"ccs/tercera/red": CentralCordobaSdETerceraRedFun,
"ccs/tercera/blue": CentralCordobaSdETerceraBlueFun,
"rie/titular/red": RiestraTitularRedFun,
"rie/titular/blue": RiestraTitularBlueFun,
"rie/alternativa/red": RiestraAlternativaRedFun,
"rie/alternativa/blue": RiestraAlternativaBlueFun,
"om/titular/red": OlympiqueMarsellaTitularRedFun,
"om/titular/blue": OlympiqueMarsellaTitularBlueFun,
"om/alternativa/red": OlympiqueMarsellaAlternativaRedFun,
"om/alternativa/blue": OlympiqueMarsellaAlternativaBlueFun,
"ogc/titular/red": OGCNiceTitularRedFun,
"ogc/titular/blue": OGCNiceTitularBlueFun,
"rom/titular/red": ASRomaTitularRedFun,
"rom/titular/blue": ASRomaTitularBlueFun,
"rom/alternativa/red": ASRomaAlternativaRedFun,
"rom/alternativa/blue": ASRomaAlternativaBlueFun,
"rom/tercera/red": ASRomaTerceraRedFun,
"rom/tercera/blue": ASRomaTerceraBlueFun,
"rom/titular/red/2019": ASRomaTitular2019RedFun,
"rom/titular/blue/2019": ASRomaTitular2019BlueFun,
"rom/clasica/red": ASRomaClasicaRedFun,
"rom/clasica/blue": ASRomaClasicaBlueFun,
"rom/titular/red/2020": ASRomaTitular2020RedFun,
"rom/titular/blue/2020": ASRomaTitular2020BlueFun,
"rom/titular/red/2021": ASRomaTitular2021RedFun,
"rom/titular/blue/2021": ASRomaTitular2021BlueFun,
"fio/titular/red": FiorentinaTitularRedFun,
"fio/titular/blue": FiorentinaTitularBlueFun,
"fio/alternativa/red": FiorentinaAlternativaRedFun,
"fio/alternativa/blue": FiorentinaAlternativaBlueFun,
"laz/titular/red": LazioTitularRedFun,
"laz/titular/blue": LazioTitularBlueFun,
"laz/alternativa/red": LazioAlternativaRedFun,
"laz/alternativa/blue": LazioAlternativaBlueFun,
"laz/tercera/red": LazioTerceraRedFun,
"laz/tercera/blue": LazioTerceraBlueFun,
"laz/titular/red/2019": LazioTitular2019RedFun,
"laz/titular/blue/2019": LazioTitular2019BlueFun,
"smsj/titular/red": SMSanJuanTitularRedFun,
"smsj/titular/blue": SMSanJuanTitularBlueFun,
"smsj/alternativa/red": SMSanJuanAlternativaRedFun,
"smsj/alternativa/blue": SMSanJuanAlternativaBlueFun,
"god/titular/red": GodoyCruzTitularRedFun,
"god/titular/blue": GodoyCruzTitularBlueFun,
"god/alternativa/red": GodoyCruzAlternativaRedFun,
"god/alternativa/blue": GodoyCruzAlternativaBlueFun,
"god/tercera/red": GodoyCruzTerceraRedFun,
"god/tercera/blue": GodoyCruzTerceraBlueFun,
"vel/titular/red": VelezTitularRedFun,
"vel/titular/blue": VelezTitularBlueFun,
"vel/alternativa/red": VelezAlternativaRedFun,
"vel/alternativa/blue": VelezAlternativaBlueFun,
"vel/tercera/red": VelezTerceraRedFun,
"vel/tercera/blue": VelezTerceraBlueFun,
"san/titular/red": SantosTitularRedFun,
"san/titular/blue": SantosTitularBlueFun,
"san/alternativa/red": SantosAlternativaRedFun,
"san/alternativa/blue": SantosAlternativaBlueFun,
"san/tercera/red": SantosTerceraRedFun,
"san/tercera/blue": SantosTerceraBlueFun,
"fla/titular/red": FlamengoTitularRedFun,
"fla/titular/blue": FlamengoTitularBlueFun,
"fla/alternativa/red": FlamengoAlternativaRedFun,
"fla/alternativa/blue": FlamengoAlternativaBlueFun,
"fla/tercera/red": FlamengoTerceraRedFun,
"fla/tercera/blue": FlamengoTerceraBlueFun,
"fla/titular/red/2018": FlamengoTitular2018RedFun,
"fla/titular/blue/2018": FlamengoTitular2018BlueFun,
"fla/alternativa/red/2018": FlamengoAlternativa2018RedFun,
"fla/alternativa/blue/2018": FlamengoAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"fla/tercera/red/2018": FlamengoTercera2018RedFun,
"fla/tercera/blue/2018": FlamengoTercera2018BlueFun,
"fla/titular/red/2019": FlamengoTitular2019RedFun,
"fla/titular/blue/2019": FlamengoTitular2019BlueFun,
"sao/titular/red": SaoPauloTitularRedFun,
"sao/titular/blue": SaoPauloTitularBlueFun,
"sao/alternativa/red": SaoPauloAlternativaRedFun,
"sao/alternativa/blue": SaoPauloAlternativaBlueFun,
"cor/titular/red": CorinthiansTitularRedFun,
"cor/titular/blue": CorinthiansTitularBlueFun,
"cor/alternativa/red": CorinthiansAlternativaRedFun,
"cor/alternativa/blue": CorinthiansAlternativaBlueFun,
"cor/tercera/red/2011": CorinthiansTercera2011RedFun,
"cor/tercera/blue/2011": CorinthiansTercera2011BlueFun,
"cam/titular/red": MineiroTitularRedFun,
"cam/titular/blue": MineiroTitularBlueFun,
"cam/alternativa/red": MineiroAlternativaRedFun,
"cam/alternativa/blue": MineiroAlternativaBlueFun,
"sci/titular/red": SCInternacionalTitularRedFun,
"sci/titular/blue": SCInternacionalTitularBlueFun,
"sci/alternativa/red": SCInternacionalAlternativaRedFun,
"sci/alternativa/blue": SCInternacionalAlternativaBlueFun,
"vas/titular/red": VascoDaGamaTitularRedFun,
"vas/titular/blue": VascoDaGamaTitularBlueFun,
"vas/alternativa/red": VascoDaGamaAlternativaRedFun,
"vas/alternativa/blue": VascoDaGamaAlternativaBlueFun,
"bot/titular/red": BotafogoTitularRedFun,
"bot/titular/blue": BotafogoTitularBlueFun,
"bot/alternativa/red": BotafogoAlternativaRedFun,
"bot/alternativa/blue": BotafogoAlternativaBlueFun,
"flu/titular/red": FluminenseTitularRedFun,
"flu/titular/blue": FluminenseTitularBlueFun,
"atn/titular/red": AtlNacionalTitularRedFun,
"atn/titular/blue": AtlNacionalTitularBlueFun,
"atn/alternativa/red": AtlNacionalAlternativaRedFun,
"atn/alternativa/blue": AtlNacionalAlternativaBlueFun,
"mil/titular/red": MillonariosTitularRedFun,
"mil/titular/blue": MillonariosTitularBlueFun,
"mil/alternativa/red": MillonariosAlternativaRedFun,
"mil/alternativa/blue": MillonariosAlternativaBlueFun,
"ame/titular/red": AmericaDeCaliTitularRedFun,
"ame/titular/blue": AmericaDeCaliTitularBlueFun,
"ame/alternativa/red": AmericaDeCaliAlternativaRedFun,
"ame/alternativa/blue": AmericaDeCaliAlternativaBlueFun,
"sfe/titular/red": SantaFeTitularRedFun,
"sfe/titular/blue": SantaFeTitularBlueFun,
"sfe/alternativa/red": SantaFeAlternativaRedFun,
"sfe/alternativa/blue": SantaFeAlternativaBlueFun,
"cal/titular/red": DeportivoCaliTitularRedFun,
"cal/titular/blue": DeportivoCaliTitularBlueFun,
"cal/alternativa/red": DeportivoCaliAlternativaRedFun,
"cal/alternativa/blue": DeportivoCaliAlternativaBlueFun,
"cal/tercera/red": DeportivoCaliTerceraRedFun,
"cal/tercera/blue": DeportivoCaliTerceraBlueFun,
"cal/titular/red/2020": DeportivoCaliTitular2020RedFun,
"cal/titular/blue/2020": DeportivoCaliTitular2020BlueFun,
"onc/titular/red": OnceCaldasTitularRedFun,
"onc/titular/blue": OnceCaldasTitularBlueFun,
"onc/alternativa/red": OnceCaldasAlternativaRedFun,
"onc/alternativa/blue": OnceCaldasAlternativaBlueFun,
"onc/tercera/red": OnceCaldasTerceraRedFun,
"onc/tercera/blue": OnceCaldasTerceraBlueFun,
"ccp/titular/red": CerroTitularRedFun,
"ccp/titular/blue": CerroTitularBlueFun,
"ccp/alternativa/red": CerroAlternativaRedFun,
"ccp/alternativa/blue": CerroAlternativaBlueFun,
"oli/titular/red": OlimpiaTitularRedFun,
"oli/titular/blue": OlimpiaTitularBlueFun,
"oli/alternativa/red": OlimpiaAlternativaRedFun,
"oli/alternativa/blue": OlimpiaAlternativaBlueFun,
"gua/titular/red": GuaraniTitularRedFun,
"gua/titular/blue": GuaraniTitularBlueFun,
"gua/alternativa/red": GuaraniAlternativaRedFun,
"gua/alternativa/blue": GuaraniAlternativaBlueFun,
"lib/titular/red": LibertadTitularRedFun,
"lib/titular/blue": LibertadTitularBlueFun,
"lib/alternativa/red": LibertadAlternativaRedFun,
"lib/alternativa/blue": LibertadAlternativaBlueFun,
"sou/titular/red": SouthamptonTitularRedFun,
"sou/titular/blue": SouthamptonTitularBlueFun,
"sou/alternativa/red": SouthamptonAlternativaRedFun,
"sou/alternativa/blue": SouthamptonAlternativaBlueFun,
"wat/titular/red": WatfordTitularRedFun,
"wat/titular/blue": WatfordTitularBlueFun,
"wil/titular/red": WillemIITitularRedFun,
"wil/titular/blue": WillemIITitularBlueFun,
"wil/alternativa/red": WillemIIAlternativaRedFun,
"wil/alternativa/blue": WillemIIAlternativaBlueFun,
"wil/tercera/red": WillemIITerceraRedFun,
"wil/tercera/blue": WillemIITerceraBlueFun,
"alv/titular/red": AlvaradoTitularRedFun,
"alv/titular/blue": AlvaradoTitularBlueFun,
"alv/alternativa/red": AlvaradoAlternativaRedFun,
"alv/alternativa/blue": AlvaradoAlternativaBlueFun,
"agr/titular/red": AgropecuarioTitularRedFun,
"agr/titular/blue": AgropecuarioTitularBlueFun,
"agr/alternativa/red": AgropecuarioAlternativaRedFun,
"agr/alternativa/blue": AgropecuarioAlternativaBlueFun,
"riu/titular/red": RiverURUTitularRedFun,
"riu/titular/blue": RiverURUTitularBlueFun,
"riu/alternativa/red": RiverURUAlternativaRedFun,
"riu/alternativa/blue": RiverURUAlternativaBlueFun,
"gs/titular/red": GalatasarayTitularRedFun,
"gs/titular/blue": GalatasarayTitularBlueFun,
"gs/alternativa/red": GalatasarayAlternativaRedFun,
"gs/alternativa/blue": GalatasarayAlternativaBlueFun,
"gs/tercera/red": GalatasarayTerceraRedFun,
"gs/tercera/blue": GalatasarayTerceraBlueFun,
"fb/titular/red": FenerbahceTitularRedFun,
"fb/titular/blue": FenerbahceTitularBlueFun,
"fb/alternativa/red": FenerbahceAlternativaRedFun,
"fb/alternativa/blue": FenerbahceAlternativaBlueFun,
"bjk/titular/red": BesiktasTitularRedFun,
"bjk/titular/blue": BesiktasTitularBlueFun,
"bjk/alternativa/red": BesiktasAlternativaRedFun,
"bjk/alternativa/blue": BesiktasAlternativaBlueFun,
"amc/titular/red": AmericaMXTitularRedFun,
"amc/titular/blue": AmericaMXTitularBlueFun,
"amc/alternativa/red": AmericaMXAlternativaRedFun,
"amc/alternativa/blue": AmericaMXAlternativaBlueFun,
"cruz/titular/red": CruzAzulTitularRedFun,
"cruz/titular/blue": CruzAzulTitularBlueFun,
"cruz/alternativa/red": CruzAzulAlternativaRedFun,
"cruz/alternativa/blue": CruzAzulAlternativaBlueFun,
"mty/titular/red": MonterreyTitularRedFun,
"mty/titular/blue": MonterreyTitularBlueFun,
"chv/titular/red": ChivasTitularRedFun,
"chv/titular/blue": ChivasTitularBlueFun,
"tgs/titular/red": TigresTitularRedFun,
"tgs/titular/blue": TigresTitularBlueFun,
"tgs/titular/red/2020": TigresTitular2020RedFun,
"tgs/titular/blue/2020": TigresTitular2020BlueFun,
"ldu/titular/red": LigaDeQuitoTitularRedFun,
"ldu/titular/blue": LigaDeQuitoTitularBlueFun,
"ldu/alternativa/red": LigaDeQuitoAlternativaRedFun,
"ldu/alternativa/blue": LigaDeQuitoAlternativaBlueFun,
"ldu/tercera/red": LigaDeQuitoTerceraRedFun,
"ldu/tercera/blue": LigaDeQuitoTerceraBlueFun,
"bsc/titular/red": BarcelonaSCTitularRedFun,
"bsc/titular/blue": BarcelonaSCTitularBlueFun,
"bsc/alternativa/red": BarcelonaSCAlternativaRedFun,
"bsc/alternativa/blue": BarcelonaSCAlternativaBlueFun,
"eme/titular/red": EmelecTitularRedFun,
"eme/titular/blue": EmelecTitularBlueFun,
"eme/alternativa/red": EmelecAlternativaRedFun,
"eme/alternativa/blue": EmelecAlternativaBlueFun,
"idv/titular/red": IndependienteDelValleTitularRedFun,
"idv/titular/blue": IndependienteDelValleTitularBlueFun,
"idv/alternativa/red": IndependienteDelValleAlternativaRedFun,
"idv/alternativa/blue": IndependienteDelValleAlternativaBlueFun,
"idv/clasica/red": IndependienteDelValleClasicaRedFun,
"idv/clasica/blue": IndependienteDelValleClasicaBlueFun,
"ol/titular/red": OlympiqueLyonTitularRedFun,
"ol/titular/blue": OlympiqueLyonTitularBlueFun,
"ol/alternativa/red": OlympiqueLyonAlternativaRedFun,
"ol/alternativa/blue": OlympiqueLyonAlternativaBlueFun,
"ol/alternativa/red/2010": OlympiqueLyonAlternativa2010RedFun,
"ol/alternativa/blue/2010": OlympiqueLyonAlternativa2010BlueFun,
"stel/titular/red": SanTelmoTitularRedFun,
"stel/titular/blue": SanTelmoTitularBlueFun,
"stel/alternativa/red": SanTelmoAlternativaRedFun,
"stel/alternativa/blue": SanTelmoAlternativaBlueFun,
"adq/titular/red": ArgentinoDeQuilmesTitularRedFun,
"adq/titular/blue": ArgentinoDeQuilmesTitularBlueFun,
"adq/alternativa/red": ArgentinoDeQuilmesAlternativaRedFun,
"adq/alternativa/blue": ArgentinoDeQuilmesAlternativaBlueFun,
"mer/titular/red": DeportivoMerloTitularRedFun,
"mer/titular/blue": DeportivoMerloTitularBlueFun,
"mer/alternativa/red": DeportivoMerloAlternativaRedFun,
"mer/alternativa/blue": DeportivoMerloAlternativaBlueFun,
"mer/tercera/red": DeportivoMerloTerceraRedFun,
"mer/tercera/blue": DeportivoMerloTerceraBlueFun,
"val/titular/red": ValenciaTitularRedFun,
"val/titular/blue": ValenciaTitularBlueFun,
"val/alternativa/red": ValenciaAlternativaRedFun,
"val/alternativa/blue": ValenciaAlternativaBlueFun,
"val/tercera/red": ValenciaTerceraRedFun,
"val/tercera/blue": ValenciaTerceraBlueFun,
"cry/titular/red": CrystalPalaceTitularRedFun,
"cry/titular/blue": CrystalPalaceTitularBlueFun,
"cry/alternativa/red": CrystalPalaceAlternativaRedFun,
"cry/alternativa/blue": CrystalPalaceAlternativaBlueFun,
"cry/tercera/red": CrystalPalaceTerceraRedFun,
"cry/tercera/blue": CrystalPalaceTerceraBlueFun,
"bet/titular/red": BetisTitularRedFun,
"bet/titular/blue": BetisTitularBlueFun,
"cja/titular/red": JuventudAntonianaTitularRedFun,
"cja/titular/blue": JuventudAntonianaTitularBlueFun,
"cja/alternativa/red": JuventudAntonianaAlternativaRedFun,
"cja/alternativa/blue": JuventudAntonianaAlternativaBlueFun,
"cja/tercera/red": JuventudAntonianaTerceraRedFun,
"cja/tercera/blue": JuventudAntonianaTerceraBlueFun,
"gyt/titular/red": GimnasiaYTiroTitularRedFun,
"gyt/titular/blue": GimnasiaYTiroTitularBlueFun,
"gyt/alternativa/red": GimnasiaYTiroAlternativaRedFun,
"gyt/alternativa/blue": GimnasiaYTiroAlternativaBlueFun,
"gyt/tercera/red": GimnasiaYTiroTerceraRedFun,
"gyt/tercera/blue": GimnasiaYTiroTerceraBlueFun,
"ray/titular/red": RayoVallecanoTitularRedFun,
"ray/titular/blue": RayoVallecanoTitularBlueFun,
"ray/alternativa/red": RayoVallecanoAlternativaRedFun,
"ray/alternativa/blue": RayoVallecanoAlternativaBlueFun,
"ray/tercera/red": RayoVallecanoTerceraRedFun,
"ray/tercera/blue": RayoVallecanoTerceraBlueFun,
"lev/titular/red": LevanteTitularRedFun,
"lev/titular/blue": LevanteTitularBlueFun,
"lev/alternativa/red": LevanteAlternativaRedFun,
"lev/alternativa/blue": LevanteAlternativaBlueFun,
"lev/tercera/red": LevanteTerceraRedFun,
"lev/tercera/blue": LevanteTerceraBlueFun,
"pat/titular/red": PatronatoTitularRedFun,
"pat/titular/blue": PatronatoTitularBlueFun,
"pat/alternativa/red": PatronatoAlternativaRedFun,
"pat/alternativa/blue": PatronatoAlternativaBlueFun,
"get/titular/red": GetafeTitularRedFun,
"get/titular/blue": GetafeTitularBlueFun,
"get/alternativa/red": GetafeAlternativaRedFun,
"get/alternativa/blue": GetafeAlternativaBlueFun,
"zen/titular/red": ZenitTitularRedFun,
"zen/titular/blue": ZenitTitularBlueFun,
"zen/alternativa/red": ZenitAlternativaRedFun,
"zen/alternativa/blue": ZenitAlternativaBlueFun,
"csk/titular/red": CSKAMoscuTitularRedFun,
"csk/titular/blue": CSKAMoscuTitularBlueFun,
"csk/alternativa/red": CSKAMoscuAlternativaRedFun,
"csk/alternativa/blue": CSKAMoscuAlternativaBlueFun,
"csk/tercera/red": CSKAMoscuTerceraRedFun,
"csk/tercera/blue": CSKAMoscuTerceraBlueFun,
"lok/titular/red": LokomotivTitularRedFun,
"lok/titular/blue": LokomotivTitularBlueFun,
"lok/alternativa/red": LokomotivAlternativaRedFun,
"lok/alternativa/blue": LokomotivAlternativaBlueFun,
"lok/tercera/red": LokomotivTerceraRedFun,
"lok/tercera/blue": LokomotivTerceraBlueFun,
"spm/titular/red": SpartakTitularRedFun,
"spm/titular/blue": SpartakTitularBlueFun,
"spm/alternativa/red": SpartakAlternativaRedFun,
"spm/alternativa/blue": SpartakAlternativaBlueFun,
"din/titular/red": DynamoMoscowTitularRedFun,
"din/titular/blue": DynamoMoscowTitularBlueFun,
"din/alternativa/red": DynamoMoscowAlternativaRedFun,
"din/alternativa/blue": DynamoMoscowAlternativaBlueFun,
"dyk/titular/red": DynamoKievTitularRedFun,
"dyk/titular/blue": DynamoKievTitularBlueFun,
"dyk/alternativa/red": DynamoKievAlternativaRedFun,
"dyk/alternativa/blue": DynamoKievAlternativaBlueFun,
"sha/titular/red": ShakhtarTitularRedFun,
"sha/titular/blue": ShakhtarTitularBlueFun,
"sha/alternativa/red": ShakhtarAlternativaRedFun,
"sha/alternativa/blue": ShakhtarAlternativaBlueFun,
"jap/titular/red": JaponTitularRedFun,
"jap/titular/blue": JaponTitularBlueFun,
"jap/alternativa/red": JaponAlternativaRedFun,
"jap/alternativa/blue": JaponAlternativaBlueFun,
"jap/titular/red/2018": JaponTitular2018RedFun,
"jap/titular/blue/2018": JaponTitular2018BlueFun,
"nze/titular/red": NuevaZelandaTitularRedFun,
"nze/titular/blue": NuevaZelandaTitularBlueFun,
"nze/alternativa/red": NuevaZelandaAlternativaRedFun,
"nze/alternativa/blue": NuevaZelandaAlternativaBlueFun,
"aut/titular/red": AustriaTitularRedFun,
"aut/titular/blue": AustriaTitularBlueFun,
"aut/alternativa/red": AustriaAlternativaRedFun,
"aut/alternativa/blue": AustriaAlternativaBlueFun,
"aut/bandera/red": AustriaBanderaRedFun,
"aut/bandera/blue": AustriaBanderaBlueFun,
"cno/titular/red": CoreaDelNorteTitularRedFun,
"cno/titular/blue": CoreaDelNorteTitularBlueFun,
"cno/alternativa/red": CoreaDelNorteAlternativaRedFun,
"cno/alternativa/blue": CoreaDelNorteAlternativaBlueFun,
"cno/bandera/red": CoreaDelNorteBanderaRedFun,
"cno/bandera/blue": CoreaDelNorteBanderaBlueFun,
"la/titular/red": LAGalaxyTitularRedFun,
"la/titular/blue": LAGalaxyTitularBlueFun,
"la/alternativa/red": LAGalaxyAlternativaRedFun,
"la/alternativa/blue": LAGalaxyAlternativaBlueFun,
"lafc/titular/red": LosAngelesFCTitularRedFun,
"lafc/titular/blue": LosAngelesFCTitularBlueFun,
"lafc/alternativa/red": LosAngelesFCAlternativaRedFun,
"lafc/alternativa/blue": LosAngelesFCAlternativaBlueFun,
"ptim/titular/red": PortlandTimbersTitularRedFun,
"ptim/titular/blue": PortlandTimbersTitularBlueFun,
"ptim/alternativa/red": PortlandTimbersAlternativaRedFun,
"ptim/alternativa/blue": PortlandTimbersAlternativaBlueFun,
"sea/titular/red": SeattleSoundersTitularRedFun,
"sea/titular/blue": SeattleSoundersTitularBlueFun,
"sea/alternativa/red": SeattleSoundersAlternativaRedFun,
"sea/alternativa/blue": SeattleSoundersAlternativaBlueFun,
"nyrb/titular/red": NewYorkRedBullTitularRedFun,
"nyrb/titular/blue": NewYorkRedBullTitularBlueFun,
"nyrb/alternativa/red": NewYorkRedBullAlternativaRedFun,
"nyrb/alternativa/blue": NewYorkRedBullAlternativaBlueFun,
"nyc/titular/red": NewYorkCityTitularRedFun,
"nyc/titular/blue": NewYorkCityTitularBlueFun,
"nyc/alternativa/red": NewYorkCityAlternativaRedFun,
"nyc/alternativa/blue": NewYorkCityAlternativaBlueFun,
"tofc/titular/red": TorontoFCTitularRedFun,
"tofc/titular/blue": TorontoFCTitularBlueFun,
"tofc/alternativa/red": TorontoFCAlternativaRedFun,
"tofc/alternativa/blue": TorontoFCAlternativaBlueFun,
"atlu/titular/red": AtlantaUnitedTitularRedFun,
"atlu/titular/blue": AtlantaUnitedTitularBlueFun,
"atlu/alternativa/red": AtlantaUnitedAlternativaRedFun,
"atlu/alternativa/blue": AtlantaUnitedAlternativaBlueFun,
"blv/titular/red": BolivarTitularRedFun,
"blv/titular/blue": BolivarTitularBlueFun,
"blv/alternativa/red": BolivarAlternativaRedFun,
"blv/alternativa/blue": BolivarAlternativaBlueFun,
"stg/titular/red": StrongestTitularRedFun,
"stg/titular/blue": StrongestTitularBlueFun,
"stg/alternativa/red": StrongestAlternativaRedFun,
"stg/alternativa/blue": StrongestAlternativaBlueFun,
"wtm/titular/red": WilstermannTitularRedFun,
"wtm/titular/blue": WilstermannTitularBlueFun,
"wtm/alternativa/red": WilstermannAlternativaRedFun,
"wtm/alternativa/blue": WilstermannAlternativaBlueFun,
"cco/titular/red": ColoColoTitularRedFun,
"cco/titular/blue": ColoColoTitularBlueFun,
"cco/alternativa/red": ColoColoAlternativaRedFun,
"cco/alternativa/blue": ColoColoAlternativaBlueFun,
"udc/titular/red": UdeChileTitularRedFun,
"udc/titular/blue": UdeChileTitularBlueFun,
"udc/alternativa/red": UdeChileAlternativaRedFun,
"udc/alternativa/blue": UdeChileAlternativaBlueFun,
"eve/titular/red": EvertonFCTitularRedFun,
"eve/titular/blue": EvertonFCTitularBlueFun,
"eve/alternativa/red": EvertonFCAlternativaRedFun,
"eve/alternativa/blue": EvertonFCAlternativaBlueFun,
"asm/titular/red": ASMonacoTitularRedFun,
"asm/titular/blue": ASMonacoTitularBlueFun,
"asm/alternativa/red": ASMonacoAlternativaRedFun,
"asm/alternativa/blue": ASMonacoAlternativaBlueFun,
"asm/tercera/red": ASMonacoTerceraRedFun,
"asm/tercera/blue": ASMonacoTerceraBlueFun,
"ata/titular/red": AtalantaTitularRedFun,
"ata/titular/blue": AtalantaTitularBlueFun,
"ata/alternativa/red": AtalantaAlternativaRedFun,
"ata/alternativa/blue": AtalantaAlternativaBlueFun,
"ata/tercera/red": AtalantaTerceraRedFun,
"ata/tercera/blue": AtalantaTerceraBlueFun,
"bas/titular/red": FCBaselTitularRedFun,
"bas/titular/blue": FCBaselTitularBlueFun,
"bas/alternativa/red": FCBaselAlternativaRedFun,
"bas/alternativa/blue": FCBaselAlternativaBlueFun,
"bas/tercera/red": FCBaselTerceraRedFun,
"bas/tercera/blue": FCBaselTerceraBlueFun,
"bas/clasica/red": FCBaselClasicaRedFun,
"bas/clasica/blue": FCBaselClasicaBlueFun,
"uca/titular/red": UCatolicaTitularRedFun,
"uca/titular/blue": UCatolicaTitularBlueFun,
"uca/alternativa/red": UCatolicaAlternativaRedFun,
"uca/alternativa/blue": UCatolicaAlternativaBlueFun,
"uca/tercera/red": UCatolicaTerceraRedFun,
"uca/tercera/blue": UCatolicaTerceraBlueFun,
"cob/titular/red": CobreloaTitularRedFun,
"cob/titular/blue": CobreloaTitularBlueFun,
"cob/alternativa/red": CobreloaAlternativaRedFun,
"cob/alternativa/blue": CobreloaAlternativaBlueFun,
"cob/tercera/red": CobreloaTerceraRedFun,
"cob/tercera/blue": CobreloaTerceraBlueFun,
"cdp/titular/red": PalestinoTitularRedFun,
"cdp/titular/blue": PalestinoTitularBlueFun,
"cdp/alternativa/red": PalestinoAlternativaRedFun,
"cdp/alternativa/blue": PalestinoAlternativaBlueFun,
"mel/titular/red": MelgarTitularRedFun,
"mel/titular/blue": MelgarTitularBlueFun,
"mel/alternativa/red": MelgarAlternativaRedFun,
"mel/alternativa/blue": MelgarAlternativaBlueFun,
"unv/titular/red": UniversitarioTitularRedFun,
"unv/titular/blue": UniversitarioTitularBlueFun,
"unv/alternativa/red": UniversitarioAlternativaRedFun,
"unv/alternativa/blue": UniversitarioAlternativaBlueFun,
"ali/titular/red": AlianzaLimaTitularRedFun,
"ali/titular/blue": AlianzaLimaTitularBlueFun,
"ali/alternativa/red": AlianzaLimaAlternativaRedFun,
"ali/alternativa/blue": AlianzaLimaAlternativaBlueFun,
"cri/titular/red": SportingCristalTitularRedFun,
"cri/titular/blue": SportingCristalTitularBlueFun,
"cri/alternativa/red": SportingCristalAlternativaRedFun,
"cri/alternativa/blue": SportingCristalAlternativaBlueFun,
"cri/tercera/red": SportingCristalTerceraRedFun,
"cri/tercera/blue": SportingCristalTerceraBlueFun,
"rus/titular/red": RusiaTitularRedFun,
"rus/titular/blue": RusiaTitularBlueFun,
"rus/alternativa/red": RusiaAlternativaRedFun,
"rus/alternativa/blue": RusiaAlternativaBlueFun,
"rus/titular/red/2014": RusiaTitular2014RedFun,
"rus/titular/blue/2014": RusiaTitular2014BlueFun,
"rus/titular/red/2018": RusiaTitular2018RedFun,
"rus/titular/blue/2018": RusiaTitular2018BlueFun,
"rus/bandera/red": RusiaBanderaRedFun,
"rus/bandera/blue": RusiaBanderaBlueFun,
"usa/titular/red": EstadosUnidosTitularRedFun,
"usa/titular/blue": EstadosUnidosTitularBlueFun,
"usa/alternativa/red": EstadosUnidosAlternativaRedFun,
"usa/alternativa/blue": EstadosUnidosAlternativaBlueFun,
"usa/tercera/red": EstadosUnidosTerceraRedFun,
"usa/tercera/blue": EstadosUnidosTerceraBlueFun,
"usa/clasica/red": EstadosUnidosClasicaRedFun,
"usa/clasica/blue": EstadosUnidosClasicaBlueFun,
"alm/titular/red": AlmagroTitularRedFun,
"alm/titular/blue": AlmagroTitularBlueFun,
"alm/alternativa/red": AlmagroAlternativaRedFun,
"alm/alternativa/blue": AlmagroAlternativaBlueFun,
"nga/titular/red": NigeriaTitularRedFun,
"nga/titular/blue": NigeriaTitularBlueFun,
"nga/alternativa/red": NigeriaAlternativaRedFun,
"nga/alternativa/blue": NigeriaAlternativaBlueFun,
"nga/titular/red/2018": NigeriaTitular2018RedFun,
"nga/titular/blue/2018": NigeriaTitular2018BlueFun,
"nga/alternativa/red/2018": NigeriaAlternativa2018RedFun,
"nga/alternativa/blue/2018": NigeriaAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"nga/titular/red/2014": NigeriaTitular2014RedFun,
"nga/titular/blue/2014": NigeriaTitular2014BlueFun,
"nga/titular/red/2010": NigeriaTitular2010RedFun,
"nga/titular/blue/2010": NigeriaTitular2010BlueFun,
"ecu/titular/red": EcuadorTitularRedFun,
"ecu/titular/blue": EcuadorTitularBlueFun,
"ecu/alternativa/red": EcuadorAlternativaRedFun,
"ecu/alternativa/blue": EcuadorAlternativaBlueFun,
"cadu/titular/red": CADUTitularRedFun,
"cadu/titular/blue": CADUTitularBlueFun,
"cadu/alternativa/red": CADUAlternativaRedFun,
"cadu/alternativa/blue": CADUAlternativaBlueFun,
"alu/titular/red": AlumniTitularRedFun,
"alu/titular/blue": AlumniTitularBlueFun,
"alu/alternativa/red": AlumniAlternativaRedFun,
"alu/alternativa/blue": AlumniAlternativaBlueFun,
"urss/titular/red": URSSTitularRedFun,
"urss/titular/blue": URSSTitularBlueFun,
"urss/alternativa/red": URSSAlternativaRedFun,
"urss/alternativa/blue": URSSAlternativaBlueFun,
"yug/titular/red/1984": YugoslaviaTitular1984RedFun,
"yug/titular/blue/1984": YugoslaviaTitular1984BlueFun,
"yug/alternativa/redv": YugoslaviaAlternativa1984RedFun,
"yug/alternativa/blue/1984": YugoslaviaAlternativa1984BlueFun,
"yug/titular/red/1990": YugoslaviaTitular1990RedFun,
"yug/titular/blue/1990": YugoslaviaTitular1990BlueFun,
"yug/alternativa/red/1990": YugoslaviaAlternativa1990RedFun,
"yug/alternativa/blue/1990": YugoslaviaAlternativa1990BlueFun,
"vsc/titular/red": VillaSanCarlosTitularRedFun,
"vsc/titular/blue": VillaSanCarlosTitularBlueFun,
"vsc/alternativa/red": VillaSanCarlosAlternativaRedFun,
"vsc/alternativa/blue": VillaSanCarlosAlternativaBlueFun,
"loa/titular/red": LomasAthleticTitularRedFun,
"loa/titular/blue": LomasAthleticTitularBlueFun,
"loa/escudo/red": LomasAthleticEscudoRedFun,
"loa/escudo/blue": LomasAthleticEscudoBlueFun,
"cze/titular/red": ChecoslovaquiaTitularRedFun,
"cze/titular/blue": ChecoslovaquiaTitularBlueFun,
"cze/alternativa/red": ChecoslovaquiaAlternativaRedFun,
"cze/alternativa/blue": ChecoslovaquiaAlternativaBlueFun,
"fcn/titular/red": NantesTitularRedFun,
"fcn/titular/blue": NantesTitularBlueFun,
"fcn/alternativa/red": NantesAlternativaRedFun,
"fcn/alternativa/blue": NantesAlternativaBlueFun,
"ste/titular/red": SaintEtienneTitularRedFun,
"ste/titular/blue": SaintEtienneTitularBlueFun,
"ste/alternativa/red": SaintEtienneAlternativaRedFun,
"ste/alternativa/blue": SaintEtienneAlternativaBlueFun,
"ste/tercera/red": SaintEtienneTerceraRedFun,
"ste/tercera/blue": SaintEtienneTerceraBlueFun,
"ren/titular/red": RennesTitularRedFun,
"ren/titular/blue": RennesTitularBlueFun,
"ren/alternativa/red": RennesAlternativaRedFun,
"ren/alternativa/blue": RennesAlternativaBlueFun,
"ren/tercera/red": RennesTerceraRedFun,
"ren/tercera/blue": RennesTerceraBlueFun,
"nyv/titular/red": FCNyvaVinnytsiaTitularRedFun,
"nyv/titular/blue": FCNyvaVinnytsiaTitularBlueFun,
"nyv/alternativa/red": FCNyvaVinnytsiaAlternativaRedFun,
"nyv/alternativa/blue": FCNyvaVinnytsiaAlternativaBlueFun,
"orl/titular/red": OrlandoCityTitularRedFun,
"orl/titular/blue": OrlandoCityTitularBlueFun,
"orl/alternativa/red": OrlandoCityAlternativaRedFun,
"orl/alternativa/blue": OrlandoCityAlternativaBlueFun,
"eba/titular/red": EstudiantesBsAsTitularRedFun,
"eba/titular/blue": EstudiantesBsAsTitularBlueFun,
"eba/alternativa/red": EstudiantesBsAsAlternativaRedFun,
"eba/alternativa/blue": EstudiantesBsAsAlternativaBlueFun,
"paks/titular/red": PaksiSETitularRedFun,
"paks/titular/blue": PaksiSETitularBlueFun,
"paks/alternativa/red": PaksiSEAlternativaRedFun,
"paks/alternativa/blue": PaksiSEAlternativaBlueFun,
"paks/tercera/red": PaksiSETerceraRedFun,
"paks/tercera/blue": PaksiSETerceraBlueFun,
"dio/titular/red": DiosgyoriVTKTitularRedFun,
"dio/titular/blue": DiosgyoriVTKTitularBlueFun,
"dio/alternativa/red": DiosgyoriVTKAlternativaRedFun,
"dio/alternativa/blue": DiosgyoriVTKAlternativaBlueFun,
"dio/tercera/red": DiosgyoriVTKTerceraRedFun,
"dio/tercera/blue": DiosgyoriVTKTerceraBlueFun,
"kisv/titular/red": KisvardaFCTitularRedFun,
"kisv/titular/blue": KisvardaFCTitularBlueFun,
"kisv/alternativa/red": KisvardaFCAlternativaRedFun,
"kisv/alternativa/blue": KisvardaFCAlternativaBlueFun,
"kisv/tercera/red": KisvardaFCTerceraRedFun,
"kisv/tercera/blue": KisvardaFCTerceraBlueFun,
"mez/titular/red": MezokovesdiSETitularRedFun,
"mez/titular/blue": MezokovesdiSETitularBlueFun,
"mez/alternativa/red": MezokovesdiSEAlternativaRedFun,
"mez/alternativa/blue": MezokovesdiSEAlternativaBlueFun,
"mez/tercera/red": MezokovesdiSETerceraRedFun,
"mez/tercera/blue": MezokovesdiSETerceraBlueFun,
"pafc/titular/red": PuskasAkademiaFCTitularRedFun,
"pafc/titular/blue": PuskasAkademiaFCTitularBlueFun,
"pafc/alternativa/red": PuskasAkademiaFCAlternativaRedFun,
"pafc/alternativa/blue": PuskasAkademiaFCAlternativaBlueFun,
"pafc/tercera/red": PuskasAkademiaFCTerceraRedFun,
"pafc/tercera/blue": PuskasAkademiaFCTerceraBlueFun,
"hon/titular/red": HonvedFCTitularRedFun,
"hon/titular/blue": HonvedFCTitularBlueFun,
"hon/alternativa/red": HonvedFCAlternativaRedFun,
"hon/alternativa/blue": HonvedFCAlternativaBlueFun,
"hon/tercera/red": HonvedFCTerceraRedFun,
"hon/tercera/blue": HonvedFCTerceraBlueFun,
"dvs/titular/red": DVSCDebrecenTitularRedFun,
"dvs/titular/blue": DVSCDebrecenTitularBlueFun,
"dvs/alternativa/red": DVSCDebrecenAlternativaRedFun,
"dvs/alternativa/blue": DVSCDebrecenAlternativaBlueFun,
"ujp/titular/red": UjpestFCTitularRedFun,
"ujp/titular/blue": UjpestFCTitularBlueFun,
"ujp/alternativa/red": UjpestFCAlternativaRedFun,
"ujp/alternativa/blue": UjpestFCAlternativaBlueFun,
"ujp/tercera/red": UjpestFCTerceraRedFun,
"ujp/tercera/blue": UjpestFCTerceraBlueFun,
"vid/titular/red": MOLVidiFCTitularRedFun,
"vid/titular/blue": MOLVidiFCTitularBlueFun,
"vid/alternativa/red": MOLVidiFCAlternativaRedFun,
"vid/alternativa/blue": MOLVidiFCAlternativaBlueFun,
"vid/tercera/red": MOLVidiFCTerceraRedFun,
"vid/tercera/blue": MOLVidiFCTerceraBlueFun,
"ftc/titular/red": FerencvarosiTCTitularRedFun,
"ftc/titular/blue": FerencvarosiTCTitularBlueFun,
"ftc/alternativa/red": FerencvarosiTCAlternativaRedFun,
"ftc/alternativa/blue": FerencvarosiTCAlternativaBlueFun,
"abrown/titular/red": AlmiranteBrownTitularRedFun,
"abrown/titular/blue": AlmiranteBrownTitularBlueFun,
"abrown/alternativa/red": AlmiranteBrownAlternativaRedFun,
"abrown/alternativa/blue": AlmiranteBrownAlternativaBlueFun,
"abrown/tercera/red": AlmiranteBrownTerceraRedFun,
"abrown/tercera/blue": AlmiranteBrownTerceraBlueFun,
"cdybgr/titular/red": CentroDeportivoRocaTitularRedFun,
"cdybgr/titular/blue": CentroDeportivoRocaTitularBlueFun,
"cdybgr/alternativa/red": CentroDeportivoRocaAlternativaRedFun,
"cdybgr/alternativa/blue": CentroDeportivoRocaAlternativaBlueFun,
"cdybgr/tercera/red": CentroDeportivoRocaTerceraRedFun,
"cdybgr/tercera/blue": CentroDeportivoRocaTerceraBlueFun,
"cdybgr/cuarta/red": CentroDeportivoRocaCuartaRedFun,
"cdybgr/cuarta/blue": CentroDeportivoRocaCuartaBlueFun,
"cdybgr/quinta/red": CentroDeportivoRocaQuintaRedFun,
"cdybgr/quinta/blue": CentroDeportivoRocaQuintaBlueFun,
"bochz/titular/red": BochofiloBochazoTitularRedFun,
"bochz/titular/blue": BochofiloBochazoTitularBlueFun,
"dzg/titular/red": DinamoZagrebTitularRedFun,
"dzg/titular/blue": DinamoZagrebTitularBlueFun,
"dzg/alternativa/red": DinamoZagrebAlternativaRedFun,
"dzg/alternativa/blue": DinamoZagrebAlternativaBlueFun,
"dzg/tercera/red": DinamoZagrebTerceraRedFun,
"dzg/tercera/blue": DinamoZagrebTerceraBlueFun,
"haj/titular/red": HajdukSplitTitularRedFun,
"haj/titular/blue": HajdukSplitTitularBlueFun,
"haj/alternativa/red": HajdukSplitAlternativaRedFun,
"haj/alternativa/blue": HajdukSplitAlternativaBlueFun,
"haj/tercera/red": HajdukSplitTerceraRedFun,
"haj/tercera/blue": HajdukSplitTerceraBlueFun,
"rjk/titular/red": HNKRijekaTitularRedFun,
"rjk/titular/blue": HNKRijekaTitularBlueFun,
"rjk/alternativa/red": HNKRijekaAlternativaRedFun,
"rjk/alternativa/blue": HNKRijekaAlternativaBlueFun,
"rjk/tercera/red": HNKRijekaTerceraRedFun,
"rjk/tercera/blue": HNKRijekaTerceraBlueFun,
"osi/titular/red": NKOsijekTitularRedFun,
"osi/titular/blue": NKOsijekTitularBlueFun,
"osi/alternativa/red": NKOsijekAlternativaRedFun,
"osi/alternativa/blue": NKOsijekAlternativaBlueFun,
"osi/tercera/red": NKOsijekTerceraRedFun,
"osi/tercera/blue": NKOsijekTerceraBlueFun,
"nklok/titular/red": NKLokomotivTitularRedFun,
"nklok/titular/blue": NKLokomotivTitularBlueFun,
"nklok/alternativa/red": NKLokomotivAlternativaRedFun,
"nklok/alternativa/blue": NKLokomotivAlternativaBlueFun,
"nklok/tercera/red": NKLokomotivTerceraRedFun,
"nklok/tercera/blue": NKLokomotivTerceraBlueFun,
"gor/titular/red": HNKGoricaTitularRedFun,
"gor/titular/blue": HNKGoricaTitularBlueFun,
"gor/alternativa/red": HNKGoricaAlternativaRedFun,
"gor/alternativa/blue": HNKGoricaAlternativaBlueFun,
"gor/tercera/red": HNKGoricaTerceraRedFun,
"gor/tercera/blue": HNKGoricaTerceraBlueFun,
"slb/titular/red": NKSlavenBelupoTitularRedFun,
"slb/titular/blue": NKSlavenBelupoTitularBlueFun,
"slb/alternativa/red": NKSlavenBelupoAlternativaRedFun,
"slb/alternativa/blue": NKSlavenBelupoAlternativaBlueFun,
"slb/tercera/red": NKSlavenBelupoTerceraRedFun,
"slb/tercera/blue": NKSlavenBelupoTerceraBlueFun,
"ist/titular/red": Istra1961TitularRedFun,
"ist/titular/blue": Istra1961TitularBlueFun,
"ist/alternativa/red": Istra1961AlternativaRedFun,
"ist/alternativa/blue": Istra1961AlternativaBlueFun,
"ist/tercera/red": Istra1961TerceraRedFun,
"ist/tercera/blue": Istra1961TerceraBlueFun,
"iza/titular/red": InterZapresicTitularRedFun,
"iza/titular/blue": InterZapresicTitularBlueFun,
"iza/alternativa/red": InterZapresicAlternativaRedFun,
"iza/alternativa/blue": InterZapresicAlternativaBlueFun,
"var/titular/red": NKVarazdinTitularRedFun,
"var/titular/blue": NKVarazdinTitularBlueFun,
"var/alternativa/red": NKVarazdinAlternativaRedFun,
"var/alternativa/blue": NKVarazdinAlternativaBlueFun,
"b04/titular/red": Bayer04LeverkusenTitularRedFun,
"b04/titular/blue": Bayer04LeverkusenTitularBlueFun,
"b04/alternativa/red": Bayer04LeverkusenAlternativaRedFun,
"b04/alternativa/blue": Bayer04LeverkusenAlternativaBlueFun,
"b04/tercera/red": Bayer04LeverkusenTerceraRedFun,
"b04/tercera/blue": Bayer04LeverkusenTerceraBlueFun,
"venfc/titular/red": VeneziaFCTitularRedFun,
"venfc/titular/blue": VeneziaFCTitularBlueFun,
"ath/titular/red": AthleticDeBilbaoTitularRedFun,
"ath/titular/blue": AthleticDeBilbaoTitularBlueFun,
"ath/alternativa/red": AthleticDeBilbaoAlternativaRedFun,
"ath/alternativa/blue": AthleticDeBilbaoAlternativaBlueFun,
"rcde/titular/red": EspanyolTitularRedFun,
"rcde/titular/blue": EspanyolTitularBlueFun,
"rcde/alternativa/red": EspanyolAlternativaRedFun,
"rcde/alternativa/blue": EspanyolAlternativaBlueFun,
"rcde/tercera/red": EspanyolTerceraRedFun,
"rcde/tercera/blue": EspanyolTerceraBlueFun,
"rbl/titular/red": RBLeipzigTitularRedFun,
"rbl/titular/blue": RBLeipzigTitularBlueFun,
"rbl/alternativa/red": RBLeipzigAlternativaRedFun,
"rbl/alternativa/blue": RBLeipzigAlternativaBlueFun,
"rbl/tercera/red": RBLeipzigTerceraRedFun,
"rbl/tercera/blue": RBLeipzigTerceraBlueFun,
"wan/titular/red": MontevideoWanderersTitularRedFun,
"wan/titular/blue": MontevideoWanderersTitularBlueFun,
"wan/alternativa/red": MontevideoWanderersAlternativaRedFun,
"wan/alternativa/blue": MontevideoWanderersAlternativaBlueFun,
"wan/tercera/red": MontevideoWanderersTerceraRedFun,
"wan/tercera/blue": MontevideoWanderersTerceraBlueFun,
"mct/titular/red": MontevideoCityTorqueTitularRedFun,
"mct/titular/blue": MontevideoCityTorqueTitularBlueFun,
"mct/alternativa/red": MontevideoCityTorqueAlternativaRedFun,
"mct/alternativa/blue": MontevideoCityTorqueAlternativaBlueFun,
"hsv/titular/red": HamburgerSVTitularRedFun,
"hsv/titular/blue": HamburgerSVTitularBlueFun,
"hsv/alternativa/red": HamburgerSVAlternativaRedFun,
"hsv/alternativa/blue": HamburgerSVAlternativaBlueFun,
"hsv/tercera/red": HamburgerSVTerceraRedFun,
"hsv/tercera/blue": HamburgerSVTerceraBlueFun,
"new/titular/red": NewcastleUnitedTitularRedFun,
"new/titular/blue": NewcastleUnitedTitularBlueFun,
"new/alternativa/red": NewcastleUnitedAlternativaRedFun,
"new/alternativa/blue": NewcastleUnitedAlternativaBlueFun,
"new/tercera/red": NewcastleUnitedTerceraRedFun,
"new/tercera/blue": NewcastleUnitedTerceraBlueFun,
"whu/titular/red": WestHamUnitedTitularRedFun,
"whu/titular/blue": WestHamUnitedTitularBlueFun,
"whu/alternativa/red": WestHamUnitedAlternativaRedFun,
"whu/alternativa/blue": WestHamUnitedAlternativaBlueFun,
"whu/tercera/red": WestHamUnitedTerceraRedFun,
"whu/tercera/blue": WestHamUnitedTerceraBlueFun,
"whu/titular/red/2019": WestHamUnitedTitular2019RedFun,
"whu/titular/blue/2019": WestHamUnitedTitular2019BlueFun,
"mia/titular/red": InterMiamiCFTitularRedFun,
"mia/titular/blue": InterMiamiCFTitularBlueFun,
"mia/alternativa/red": InterMiamiCFAlternativaRedFun,
"mia/alternativa/blue": InterMiamiCFAlternativaBlueFun,
"cde/titular/red": DeportivoEspanolTitularRedFun,
"cde/titular/blue": DeportivoEspanolTitularBlueFun,
"cde/alternativa/red": DeportivoEspanolAlternativaRedFun,
"cde/alternativa/blue": DeportivoEspanolAlternativaBlueFun,
"sit/titular/red": SportivoItalianoTitularRedFun,
"sit/titular/blue": SportivoItalianoTitularBlueFun,
"sit/alternativa/red": SportivoItalianoAlternativaRedFun,
"sit/alternativa/blue": SportivoItalianoAlternativaBlueFun,
"sit/tercera/red": SportivoItalianoTerceraRedFun,
"sit/tercera/blue": SportivoItalianoTerceraBlueFun,
"mdy/titular/red": ClubDeportivoMandiyuTitularRedFun,
"mdy/titular/blue": ClubDeportivoMandiyuTitularBlueFun,
"mdy/alternativa/red": ClubDeportivoMandiyuAlternativaRedFun,
"mdy/alternativa/blue": ClubDeportivoMandiyuAlternativaBlueFun,
"hul/titular/red": HullCityTitularRedFun,
"hul/titular/blue": HullCityTitularBlueFun,
"hul/alternativa/red": HullCityAlternativaRedFun,
"hul/alternativa/blue": HullCityAlternativaBlueFun,
"hul/tercera/red": HullCityTerceraRedFun,
"hul/tercera/blue": HullCityTerceraBlueFun,
"hul/titular/red/2018": HullCityTitular2018RedFun,
"hul/titular/blue/2018": HullCityTitular2018BlueFun,
"hul/alternativa/red/2018": HullCityAlternativa2018RedFun,
"hul/alternativa/blue/2018": HullCityAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"hul/tercera/red/2018": HullCityTercera2018RedFun,
"hul/tercera/blue/2018": HullCityTercera2018BlueFun,
"wol/titular/red": WolverhamptonTitularRedFun,
"wol/titular/blue": WolverhamptonTitularBlueFun,
"wol/alternativa/red": WolverhamptonAlternativaRedFun,
"wol/alternativa/blue": WolverhamptonAlternativaBlueFun,
"wol/tercera/red": WolverhamptonTerceraRedFun,
"wol/tercera/blue": WolverhamptonTerceraBlueFun,
"crl/titular/red": CerroLargoTitularRedFun,
"crl/titular/blue": CerroLargoTitularBlueFun,
"crl/alternativa/red": CerroLargoAlternativaRedFun,
"crl/alternativa/blue": CerroLargoAlternativaBlueFun,
"ocfc/titular/red": OldCaledoniansFootballClubTitularRedFun,
"ocfc/titular/blue": OldCaledoniansFootballClubTitularBlueFun,
"dfs/titular/red": DefensorSportingTitularRedFun,
"dfs/titular/blue": DefensorSportingTitularBlueFun,
"dfs/alternativa/red": DefensorSportingAlternativaRedFun,
"dfs/alternativa/blue": DefensorSportingAlternativaBlueFun,
"evdm/titular/red": EvertonVinaDelMarTitularRedFun,
"evdm/titular/blue": EvertonVinaDelMarTitularBlueFun,
"evdm/alternativa/red": EvertonVinaDelMarAlternativaRedFun,
"evdm/alternativa/blue": EvertonVinaDelMarAlternativaBlueFun,
"ulc/titular/red": UnionLaCaleraTitularRedFun,
"ulc/titular/blue": UnionLaCaleraTitularBlueFun,
"ulc/alternativa/red": UnionLaCaleraAlternativaRedFun,
"ulc/alternativa/blue": UnionLaCaleraAlternativaBlueFun,
"aud/titular/red": AudaxItalianoTitularRedFun,
"aud/titular/blue": AudaxItalianoTitularBlueFun,
"aud/alternativa/red": AudaxItalianoAlternativaRedFun,
"aud/alternativa/blue": AudaxItalianoAlternativaBlueFun,
"aud/tercera/red": AudaxItalianoTerceraRedFun,
"aud/tercera/blue": AudaxItalianoTerceraBlueFun,
"hua/titular/red": HuachipatoTitularRedFun,
"hua/titular/blue": HuachipatoTitularBlueFun,
"hua/alternativa/red": HuachipatoAlternativaRedFun,
"hua/alternativa/blue": HuachipatoAlternativaBlueFun,
"iqu/titular/red": DeportesIquiqueTitularRedFun,
"iqu/titular/blue": DeportesIquiqueTitularBlueFun,
"iqu/alternativa/red": DeportesIquiqueAlternativaRedFun,
"iqu/alternativa/blue": DeportesIquiqueAlternativaBlueFun,
"ohi/titular/red": OhigginsTitularRedFun,
"ohi/titular/blue": OhigginsTitularBlueFun,
"ohi/alternativa/red": OhigginsAlternativaRedFun,
"ohi/alternativa/blue": OhigginsAlternativaBlueFun,
"ohi/tercera/red": OhigginsTerceraRedFun,
"ohi/tercera/blue": OhigginsTerceraBlueFun,
"ues/titular/red": UnionEspanolaTitularRedFun,
"ues/titular/blue": UnionEspanolaTitularBlueFun,
"ues/alternativa/red": UnionEspanolaAlternativaRedFun,
"ues/alternativa/blue": UnionEspanolaAlternativaBlueFun,
"swa/titular/red": SantiagoWanderersTitularRedFun,
"swa/titular/blue": SantiagoWanderersTitularBlueFun,
"swa/alternativa/red": SantiagoWanderersAlternativaRedFun,
"swa/alternativa/blue": SantiagoWanderersAlternativaBlueFun,
"cur/titular/red": CuricoUnidoTitularRedFun,
"cur/titular/blue": CuricoUnidoTitularBlueFun,
"cur/alternativa/red": CuricoUnidoAlternativaRedFun,
"cur/alternativa/blue": CuricoUnidoAlternativaBlueFun,
"cda/titular/red": DeportesAntofagastaTitularRedFun,
"cda/titular/blue": DeportesAntofagastaTitularBlueFun,
"cda/alternativa/red": DeportesAntofagastaAlternativaRedFun,
"cda/alternativa/blue": DeportesAntofagastaAlternativaBlueFun,
"ucon/titular/red": UdeConcepcionTitularRedFun,
"ucon/titular/blue": UdeConcepcionTitularBlueFun,
"ucon/alternativa/red": UdeConcepcionAlternativaRedFun,
"ucon/alternativa/blue": UdeConcepcionAlternativaBlueFun,
"dls/titular/red": DeportesLaSerenaTitularRedFun,
"dls/titular/blue": DeportesLaSerenaTitularBlueFun,
"dls/alternativa/red": DeportesLaSerenaAlternativaRedFun,
"dls/alternativa/blue": DeportesLaSerenaAlternativaBlueFun,
"coq/titular/red": CoquimboUnidoTitularRedFun,
"coq/titular/blue": CoquimboUnidoTitularBlueFun,
"coq/alternativa/red": CoquimboUnidoAlternativaRedFun,
"coq/alternativa/blue": CoquimboUnidoAlternativaBlueFun,
"spiderman/red": SpidermanRedFun,
"spiderman/blue": SpidermanBlueFun,
"hulk/red": HulkRedFun,
"hulk/blue": HulkBlueFun,
"capitanamerica/red": CapitanAmericaRedFun,
"capitanamerica/blue": CapitanAmericaBlueFun,
"batman/red": BatmanRedFun,
"batman/blue": BatmanBlueFun,
"bac/titular/red": BelgranoAthleticClubTitularRedFun,
"bac/titular/blue": BelgranoAthleticClubTitularBlueFun,
"bac/alternativa/red": BelgranoAthleticClubAlternativaRedFun,
"bac/alternativa/blue": BelgranoAthleticClubAlternativaBlueFun,
"roac/titular/red": RosarioAthleticClubTitularRedFun,
"roac/titular/blue": RosarioAthleticClubTitularBlueFun,
"caport/titular/red": ClubAtleticoPortenoTitularRedFun,
"caport/titular/blue": ClubAtleticoPortenoTitularBlueFun,
"vil/titular/red": VillarrealTitularRedFun,
"vil/titular/blue": VillarrealTitularBlueFun,
"vil/alternativa/red": VillarrealAlternativaRedFun,
"vil/alternativa/blue": VillarrealAlternativaBlueFun,
"cel/titular/red": CeltaDeVigoTitularRedFun,
"cel/titular/blue": CeltaDeVigoTitularBlueFun,
"mll/titular/red": MallorcaTitularRedFun,
"mll/titular/blue": MallorcaTitularBlueFun,
"lee/titular/red": LeedsUnitedTitularRedFun,
"lee/titular/blue": LeedsUnitedTitularBlueFun,
"lee/alternativa/red": LeedsUnitedAlternativaRedFun,
"lee/alternativa/blue": LeedsUnitedAlternativaBlueFun,
"sui/titular/red": SuizaTitularRedFun,
"sui/titular/blue": SuizaTitularBlueFun,
"sui/alternativa/red": SuizaAlternativaRedFun,
"sui/alternativa/blue": SuizaAlternativaBlueFun,
"sui/titular/red/2021": SuizaTitular2021RedFun,
"sui/titular/blue/2021": SuizaTitular2021BlueFun,
"swe/titular/red": SueciaTitularRedFun,
"swe/titular/blue": SueciaTitularBlueFun,
"swe/alternativa/red": SueciaAlternativaRedFun,
"swe/alternativa/blue": SueciaAlternativaBlueFun,
"cdn/titular/red": CruceroDelNorteTitularRedFun,
"cdn/titular/blue": CruceroDelNorteTitularBlueFun,
"cdn/titular/red/2014": CruceroDelNorteTitular2014RedFun,
"cdn/titular/blue/2014": CruceroDelNorteTitular2014BlueFun,
"cdn/alternativa/red/2014": CruceroDelNorteAlternativa2014RedFun,
"cdn/alternativa/blue/2014": CruceroDelNorteAlternativa2014BlueFun,
"cdn/titular/red/2013": CruceroDelNorteTitular2013RedFun,
"cdn/titular/blue/2013": CruceroDelNorteTitular2013BlueFun,
"scb/titular/red": SCBragaTitularRedFun,
"scb/titular/blue": SCBragaTitularBlueFun,
"spo/titular/red": SportingCPTitularRedFun,
"spo/titular/blue": SportingCPTitularBlueFun,
"fcp/titular/red": FCPortoTitularRedFun,
"fcp/titular/blue": FCPortoTitularBlueFun,
"ben/titular/red": SLBenficaTitularRedFun,
"ben/titular/blue": SLBenficaTitularBlueFun,
"cmr/titular/red": CamerunTitularRedFun,
"cmr/titular/blue": CamerunTitularBlueFun,
"cmr/alternativa/red": CamerunAlternativaRedFun,
"cmr/alternativa/blue": CamerunAlternativaBlueFun,
"cdm/titular/red": CostaDeMarfilTitularRedFun,
"cdm/titular/blue": CostaDeMarfilTitularBlueFun,
"cdm/alternativa/red": CostaDeMarfilAlternativaRedFun,
"cdm/alternativa/blue": CostaDeMarfilAlternativaBlueFun,
"ukr/titular/red": UcraniaTitularRedFun,
"ukr/titular/blue": UcraniaTitularBlueFun,
"ukr/alternativa/red": UcraniaAlternativaRedFun,
"ukr/alternativa/blue": UcraniaAlternativaBlueFun,
"ukr/bandera/red": UcraniaBanderaRedFun,
"ukr/bandera/blue": UcraniaBanderaBlueFun,
"sm/titular/red": SanMiguelTitularRedFun,
"sm/titular/blue": SanMiguelTitularBlueFun,
"sm/alternativa/red": SanMiguelAlternativaRedFun,
"sm/alternativa/blue": SanMiguelAlternativaBlueFun,
"laf/titular/red": LaferrereTitularRedFun,
"laf/titular/blue": LaferrereTitularBlueFun,
"mex/titular/red": MexicoTitularRedFun,
"mex/titular/blue": MexicoTitularBlueFun,
"mex/alternativa/red": MexicoAlternativaRedFun,
"mex/alternativa/blue": MexicoAlternativaBlueFun,
"mex/tercera/red": MexicoTerceraRedFun,
"mex/tercera/blue": MexicoTerceraBlueFun,
"mex/bandera/red": MexicoBanderaRedFun,
"mex/bandera/blue": MexicoBanderaBlueFun,
"sen/titular/red": SenegalTitularRedFun,
"sen/titular/blue": SenegalTitularBlueFun,
"sen/alternativa/red": SenegalAlternativaRedFun,
"sen/alternativa/blue": SenegalAlternativaBlueFun,
"sen/bandera/red": SenegalBanderaRedFun,
"sen/bandera/blue": SenegalBanderaBlueFun,
"irn/titular/red": IranTitularRedFun,
"irn/titular/blue": IranTitularBlueFun,
"irn/alternativa/red": IranAlternativaRedFun,
"irn/alternativa/blue": IranAlternativaBlueFun,
"pol/titular/red": PoloniaTitularRedFun,
"pol/titular/blue": PoloniaTitularBlueFun,
"pol/alternativa/red": PoloniaAlternativaRedFun,
"pol/alternativa/blue": PoloniaAlternativaBlueFun,
"crc/titular/red": CostaRicaTitularRedFun,
"crc/titular/blue": CostaRicaTitularBlueFun,
"crc/alternativa/red": CostaRicaAlternativaRedFun,
"crc/alternativa/blue": CostaRicaAlternativaBlueFun,
"can/titular/red": CanadaTitularRedFun,
"can/titular/blue": CanadaTitularBlueFun,
"can/alternativa/red": CanadaAlternativaRedFun,
"can/alternativa/blue": CanadaAlternativaBlueFun,
"mar/titular/red": MarruecosTitularRedFun,
"mar/titular/blue": MarruecosTitularBlueFun,
"mar/alternativa/red": MarruecosAlternativaRedFun,
"mar/alternativa/blue": MarruecosAlternativaBlueFun,
"srb/titular/red": SerbiaTitularRedFun,
"srb/titular/blue": SerbiaTitularBlueFun,
"srb/alternativa/red": SerbiaAlternativaRedFun,
"srb/alternativa/blue": SerbiaAlternativaBlueFun,
"gha/titular/red": GhanaTitularRedFun,
"gha/titular/blue": GhanaTitularBlueFun,
"gha/alternativa/red": GhanaAlternativaRedFun,
"gha/alternativa/blue": GhanaAlternativaBlueFun,
"kor/titular/red": CoreaDelSurTitularRedFun,
"kor/titular/blue": CoreaDelSurTitularBlueFun,
"kor/alternativa/red": CoreaDelSurAlternativaRedFun,
"kor/alternativa/blue": CoreaDelSurAlternativaBlueFun,
"tun/titular/red": TunezTitularRedFun,
"tun/titular/blue": TunezTitularBlueFun,
"tun/alternativa/red": TunezAlternativaRedFun,
"tun/alternativa/blue": TunezAlternativaBlueFun,
"den/titular/red": DinamarcaTitularRedFun,
"den/titular/blue": DinamarcaTitularBlueFun,
"den/alternativa/red": DinamarcaAlternativaRedFun,
"den/alternativa/blue": DinamarcaAlternativaBlueFun,
"ksa/titular/red": ArabiaSauditaTitularRedFun,
"ksa/titular/blue": ArabiaSauditaTitularBlueFun,
"ksa/alternativa/red": ArabiaSauditaAlternativaRedFun,
"ksa/alternativa/blue": ArabiaSauditaAlternativaBlueFun,
"pcol/titular/red": PlazaColoniaTitularRedFun,
"pcol/titular/blue": PlazaColoniaTitularBlueFun,
"pcol/alternativa/red": PlazaColoniaAlternativaRedFun,
"pcol/alternativa/blue": PlazaColoniaAlternativaBlueFun,
"tach/titular/red": DeportivoTachiraTitularRedFun,
"tach/titular/blue": DeportivoTachiraTitularBlueFun,
"tach/alternativa/red": DeportivoTachiraAlternativaRedFun,
"tach/alternativa/blue": DeportivoTachiraAlternativaBlueFun,
"carc/titular/red": CaracasTitularRedFun,
"carc/titular/blue": CaracasTitularBlueFun,
"carc/alternativa/red": CaracasAlternativaRedFun,
"carc/alternativa/blue": CaracasAlternativaBlueFun,
"mng/titular/red": MonagasTitularRedFun,
"mng/titular/blue": MonagasTitularBlueFun,
"mng/alternativa/red": MonagasAlternativaRedFun,
"mng/alternativa/blue": MonagasAlternativaBlueFun,
"dlar/titular/red": DeportivoLaraTitularRedFun,
"dlar/titular/blue": DeportivoLaraTitularBlueFun,
"dlar/alternativa/red": DeportivoLaraAlternativaRedFun,
"dlar/alternativa/blue": DeportivoLaraAlternativaBlueFun,
"ucv/titular/red": UniversidadCesarVallejoTitularRedFun,
"ucv/titular/blue": UniversidadCesarVallejoTitularBlueFun,
"ucv/alternativa/red": UniversidadCesarVallejoAlternativaRedFun,
"ucv/alternativa/blue": UniversidadCesarVallejoAlternativaBlueFun,
"depuca/titular/red": ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaTitularRedFun,
"depuca/titular/blue": ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaTitularBlueFun,
"depuca/alternativa/red": ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaAlternativaRedFun,
"depuca/alternativa/blue": ClubDeportivoUniversidadCatolicaAlternativaBlueFun,
"deptol/titular/red": DeportesTolimaTitularRedFun,
"deptol/titular/blue": DeportesTolimaTitularBlueFun,
"deptol/alternativa/red": DeportesTolimaAlternativaRedFun,
"deptol/alternativa/blue": DeportesTolimaAlternativaBlueFun,
"pet/titular/red": IndependientePetroleroTitularRedFun,
"pet/titular/blue": IndependientePetroleroTitularBlueFun,
"pet/alternativa/red": IndependientePetroleroAlternativaRedFun,
"pet/alternativa/blue": IndependientePetroleroAlternativaBlueFun,
"alwr/titular/red": AlwaysReadyTitularRedFun,
"alwr/titular/blue": AlwaysReadyTitularBlueFun,
"alwr/alternativa/red": AlwaysReadyAlternativaRedFun,
"alwr/alternativa/blue": AlwaysReadyAlternativaBlueFun,
"fort/titular/red": FortalezaTitularRedFun,
"fort/titular/blue": FortalezaTitularBlueFun,
"fort/alternativa/red": FortalezaAlternativaRedFun,
"fort/alternativa/blue": FortalezaAlternativaBlueFun,
"rbb/titular/red": RBBragantinoTitularRedFun,
"rbb/titular/blue": RBBragantinoTitularBlueFun,
"rbb/alternativa/red": RBBragantinoAlternativaRedFun,
"rbb/alternativa/blue": RBBragantinoAlternativaBlueFun,
"rbb/tercera/red": RBBragantinoTerceraRedFun,
"rbb/tercera/blue": RBBragantinoTerceraBlueFun,
"amcmin/titular/red": AmericaMineiroTitularRedFun,
"amcmin/titular/blue": AmericaMineiroTitularBlueFun,
"amcmin/alternativa/red": AmericaMineiroAlternativaRedFun,
"amcmin/alternativa/blue": AmericaMineiroAlternativaBlueFun,
"tor/titular/red": TorinoTitularRedFun,
"tor/titular/blue": TorinoTitularBlueFun,
"tor/alternativa/red": TorinoAlternativaRedFun,
"tor/alternativa/blue": TorinoAlternativaBlueFun,
"gen/titular/red": GenoaTitularRedFun,
"gen/titular/blue": GenoaTitularBlueFun,
"gen/alternativa/red": GenoaAlternativaRedFun,
"gen/alternativa/blue": GenoaAlternativaBlueFun,
"plm/titular/red": PalermoTitularRedFun,
"plm/titular/blue": PalermoTitularBlueFun,
"plm/alternativa/red": PalermoAlternativaRedFun,
"plm/alternativa/blue": PalermoAlternativaBlueFun,
"chver/titular/red": ChievoVeronaTitularRedFun,
"chver/titular/blue": ChievoVeronaTitularBlueFun,
"chver/alternativa/red": ChievoVeronaAlternativaRedFun,
"chver/alternativa/blue": ChievoVeronaAlternativaBlueFun,
"barr/titular/red": BarracasCentralTitularRedFun,
"barr/titular/blue": BarracasCentralTitularBlueFun,
"barr/alternativa/red": BarracasCentralAlternativaRedFun,
"barr/alternativa/blue": BarracasCentralAlternativaBlueFun,
"barr/tercera/red": BarracasCentralTerceraRedFun,
"barr/tercera/blue": BarracasCentralTerceraBlueFun,
"gal/titular/red": GalesTitularRedFun,
"gal/titular/blue": GalesTitularBlueFun,
"gal/alternativa/red": GalesAlternativaRedFun,
"gal/alternativa/blue": GalesAlternativaBlueFun,
"gal/titular/red/2018": GalesTitular2018RedFun,
"gal/titular/blue/2018": GalesTitular2018BlueFun,
"gal/alternativa/red/2018": GalesAlternativa2018RedFun,
"gal/alternativa/blue/2018": GalesAlternativa2018BlueFun,
"gal/alternativa/red/2016": GalesAlternativa2016RedFun,
"gal/alternativa/blue/2016": GalesAlternativa2016BlueFun,
"aus/titular/red": AustraliaTitularRedFun,
"aus/titular/blue": AustraliaTitularBlueFun,
"aus/alternativa/red": AustraliaAlternativaRedFun,
"aus/alternativa/blue": AustraliaAlternativaBlueFun,
"sar/titular/red": SarmientoDeJuninTitularRedFun,
"sar/titular/blue": SarmientoDeJuninTitularBlueFun,
"sar/alternativa/red": SarmientoDeJuninAlternativaRedFun,
"sar/alternativa/blue": SarmientoDeJuninAlternativaBlueFun,

function LinkDelScript(player) {
var scores = room.getScores();
var ColoresRandomBot = [0xF6FF43, 0x00ffd5, 0xbfff50, 0xffd050];
var GeneradorColoresRandom = ColoresRandomBot[(Math.random() *
ColoresRandomBot.length) | 0]
var GeneradorAvisosRandom = AvisosRandomBot[(Math.random() *
AvisosRandomBot.length) | 0]
if (scores.time > 3 && !isTimeAddedShownseis) {
room.sendAnnouncement("                                        𒁂 ✨ " + GeneradorAvisosRandom +
" ➡ ⬅ 𒁂", player, GeneradorColoresRandom, "normal",
isTimeAddedShownseis = true;
if (scores.time > 1 && !isTimeAddedShownseis) {
room.sendAnnouncement(" 🏆 E S T A N J U G A N D O : " + teamRed
+ " vs " + teamBlue, player, GeneradorColoresRandom, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("Escribe !resultados para ver cómo va el torneo.",
player, GeneradorColoresRandom, "normal", 0);
isTimeAddedShownseis = true;

function GetTeam(id){
return room.getPlayerList().filter((player) => != 0 && ==

function CreatePlayer(player){

function DeletePlayer(id){
for(var i=0; i<ListaDeJugadores.length; i++){

function GetPlayer(id){
for(var i=0; i<ListaDeJugadores.length; i++){
return ListaDeJugadores[i];

function GetIDByName(name){
for(var i=0; i<ListaDeJugadores.length; i++){
return ListaDeJugadores[i].id;

function GetAuthByID(id){
for(var i=0; i<ListaDeJugadores.length; i++){
return GetPlayer(ListaDeJugadores[i].id).auth;
function votekickRemove(player){

var Jugadores = room.getPlayerList();
for(var i=0; i<Jugadores.length; i++){

function votekickCheck(player){
if((room.getPlayerList().length)%2 == 0){
if(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(GetPlayer( >=
room.kickPlayer(,"👥❌ El voto popular ha dicho que te banee.
var VotosRestantes = (room.getPlayerList().length)*1/2 -
console.log(new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes() + ":" +
new Date().getSeconds() + "." + new Date().getMilliseconds() + " 🗳️ " +
+ " : " + JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(GetPlayer( + "/" +
room.sendAnnouncement("🗳️ Han votado a " + + " para que sea
baneado. ❌👤",null,0xFFD500,"normal",1);
room.sendAnnouncement("⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊VOTOS TOTALES: " +
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(GetPlayer( + "/" +
(room.getPlayerList().length)*1/2 + " ⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊VOTOS RESTANTES: " +
room.sendAnnouncement("🗳️ Escribe: 'expulsar IDdelJugador' para votar.
Para ver los Nº de ID, escribe !ids",null,0xFFFFFF,"normal",1);
else if((room.getPlayerList().length)%2 == 1){
if(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(GetPlayer( >=
room.kickPlayer(,"👥❌ El voto popular ha dicho que te banee.
var VotosRestantes = (room.getPlayerList().length)*1/2 -
console.log(new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes() + ":" +
new Date().getSeconds() + "." + new Date().getMilliseconds() + " 🗳️ " +
+ " : " + JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(GetPlayer( + "/" +
room.sendAnnouncement("🗳️ Han votado a " + + " para que sea
baneado. ❌👤",null,0xFFD500,"normal",1);
room.sendAnnouncement("⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊VOTOS TOTALES: " +
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(GetPlayer( + "/" +
Math.round((room.getPlayerList().length)*1/2) + " ⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊VOTOS RESTANTES: " +
room.sendAnnouncement("🗳️ Escribe: 'expulsar IDdelJugador' para votar.
Para ver los Nº de ID, escribe !ids",null,0xFFFFFF,"normal",1);

room.onPlayerChat = function(player, message) {

if (message.startsWith("@@")) {
message = message.substr(2).trim();
if (message.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
let args = message.match(/^(\S+)\s(.*)/).slice(1);

if (args.length > 1) {
var pmMsg = args[1];
var players = room.getPlayerList();
var pmSent = false;
players.forEach(function(pmPlayer) {
if ( === args[0] || ===
args[0].replace(/_/g, ' ')) {
whisper("[💬 PM ➤ " + + "] " + + ": " + pmMsg,, 0xab5aff, "normal", 1);
whisper("[💬 PM] " + + ": " +
pmMsg,, 0xab5aff, "normal", 2);
pmSent = true;
if (pmSent == false) {
whisper("No se pudo encontrar el usuario '" + args[0]
+ "'",, 0xff20ff, "normal", 1);
return false;
if(filter(message)) return false;
var Jugadores = room.getPlayerList();

console.log(new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes() + ":" + new

Date().getSeconds() + "." + new Date().getMilliseconds() + " 💬 " + + "
[" + + "]: " + message);
if(message.includes(ClaveParaSerAdmin)) { room.setPlayerAdmin(,
return false;
if(message.startsWith("expulsar ")==true){
playerFound = false;
Jugadores = room.getPlayerList();
for(var i=0; i<Jugadores.length; i++){
if(message === ("expulsar " + Jugadores[i].id)){
if(room.getPlayerList().length < 4){
room.sendAnnouncement("No puedes votar a otro jugador cuando hay
menos de 4 personas en el host.",,0xFF0000,"bold",2);
return false;
room.sendAnnouncement("No te podes votar a vos
return false;
room.sendAnnouncement("No podes votar a otro jugador más de una vez
por minuto.",,0xFF0000,"bold",2);
return false;
playerFound = true;
if(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(GetPlayer(Jugadores[i].id).auth)) !=
var v =
var playerObject = {auth:GetPlayer(Jugadores[i].id).auth,votes:v};


if(v == 1){
if(v < Jugadores.length){
if(playerFound === false){
Jugadores = room.getPlayerList();
playersString = "";
for(i=0; i<Jugadores.length; i++){
playersString = playersString + Jugadores[i].name + ": [" +
Jugadores[i].id + "]\n";
room.sendAnnouncement("No existe el ID de ese jugador, acá la lista de
jugadores votables:" + "\n" + playersString,,0xFFFF00,"normal",1);
return false;
if (mutedPlayers.includes( return false;
var _0x21989d = _0x3c81f9;
let spacePos =" ");
let command = message.substr(0, spacePos !== -1 ? spacePos : message.length);
if (commands.hasOwnProperty(command) == true) return commands[command](player,
if(message.includes("cuando") && PartidoArrancado == true) return
penalespregunta(player, message);
if(message.includes("cuanto") && PartidoArrancado == true) return
penalespregunta(player, message);
if(message.includes("time") && PartidoArrancado == true) return
penalespregunta(player, message);
if(message.includes("tiempo") && PartidoArrancado == true) return
penalespregunta(player, message);
if(message.includes("equipos") && PartidoArrancado == true) return
QuienJuegaPregunta(player, message);
if (message == '!rs2' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = true;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!entrenamiento' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = true;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!rs' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = true;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!pensred' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!pensblue' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!futx5' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!futx7' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!minirs' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!big' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!voley2d' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!voley3d' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!futx2' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!futx3' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!futx4' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!escuela' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!sk8' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!handball' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!tenis-cemento' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!tenis-pasto' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (message == '!tenis-ladrillo' && player.admin == true) {
if (room.getScores() == null) {
RSRMap = false;
else {
whisper("No puedes cambiar el mapa mientras el juego esta
en progreso",;
if (player.admin == true){
if (message.indexOf("!") == 0) return false;
if (message['startsWith']('t ')) {
teamMsg = message[_0x21989d(0x1b6)](0x1)[_0x21989d(0x1a5)]();
if (player[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x1) {
var _0x2789fd = room[_0x21989d(0x145)]()[_0x21989d(0x1b9)]
(_0x5c1f91 => _0x5c1f91[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x1);
_0x2789fd['forEach'](function (_0x1f1703) {
var _0x541b0a = _0x21989d;
room['sendAnnouncement']('[𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓 🔴] ' +
player[_0x541b0a(0x161)] + ': ' + teamMsg, _0x1f1703['id'], 0xff322c,
_0x541b0a(0x1d6), 0x1);
if (player['team'] == 0x2) {
var _0x2789fd = room[_0x21989d(0x145)]()[_0x21989d(0x1b9)]
(_0x469cea => _0x469cea[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x2);
_0x2789fd[_0x21989d(0x19a)](function (_0x42a9fa) {
var _0x9b122b = _0x21989d;
room[_0x9b122b(0x1d2)]('[𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓 🔵] | ' +
player[_0x9b122b(0x161)] + ': ' + teamMsg, _0x42a9fa['id'], 0x00d6ff,
_0x9b122b(0x1d6), 0x1);
return player['team'] == 0x0 && whisper('[ ⚠️] Debes estar en el Equipo
Rojo 🔴 o en el Equipo Azul 🔵 para poder utilizar el Team Chat', player['id']), !
adminMessage = message;
message = message.split(/ +/);
var adminChatColor = 0xffe208; // Formato: 0xCOLOR (sustituye COLOR por el
color en HEXADECIMAL, ejemplo azul es 33FFE0)
room.sendAnnouncement(`[ ID: ${} - 👑 ADMIN ] ${}:
${adminMessage}`, null, adminChatColor, 'normal', 1);
return false;
if (player.admin==false &&
ModoChatPausado.includes( && == 1) {
if (message['startsWith']('t ')) {
teamMsg = message[_0x21989d(0x1b6)](0x1)[_0x21989d(0x1a5)]();
if (player[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x1) {
var _0x2789fd = room[_0x21989d(0x145)]()[_0x21989d(0x1b9)]
(_0x5c1f91 => _0x5c1f91[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x1);
_0x2789fd['forEach'](function (_0x1f1703) {
var _0x541b0a = _0x21989d;
room['sendAnnouncement']('[𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓 🔴] ' +
player[_0x541b0a(0x161)] + ': ' + teamMsg, _0x1f1703['id'], 0xff322c,
_0x541b0a(0x1d6), 0x1);
if (player['team'] == 0x2) {
var _0x2789fd = room[_0x21989d(0x145)]()[_0x21989d(0x1b9)]
(_0x469cea => _0x469cea[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x2);
_0x2789fd[_0x21989d(0x19a)](function (_0x42a9fa) {
var _0x9b122b = _0x21989d;
room[_0x9b122b(0x1d2)]('[𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓 🔵] | ' +
player[_0x9b122b(0x161)] + ': ' + teamMsg, _0x42a9fa['id'], 0x00d6ff,
_0x9b122b(0x1d6), 0x1);
return player['team'] == 0x0 && whisper('[ ⚠️] Debes estar en el Equipo
Rojo 🔴 o en el Equipo Azul 🔵 para poder utilizar el Team Chat', player['id']), !


}, 2000);
adminMessage = message;
message = message.split(/ +/);
var adminChatColor = 0xff8586; // Formato: 0xCOLOR (sustituye COLOR por el
color en HEXADECIMAL, ejemplo azul es 33FFE0)
room.sendAnnouncement(`[ ID: ${} - 🔴 ] ${}: $
{adminMessage}`, null, adminChatColor, 'normal', 1);
return false;
if (ModoChatPausado.includes({
room.sendAnnouncement("[💬] El Modo pausado está activado.
Sólo puedes enviar 1 mensaje cada 2 segundos. ⏱",,0x00FF00,"bold",2);

return false;

if (player.admin==false &&
ModoChatPausado.includes( && == 2) {

if (message['startsWith']('t ')) {
teamMsg = message[_0x21989d(0x1b6)](0x1)[_0x21989d(0x1a5)]();
if (player[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x1) {
var _0x2789fd = room[_0x21989d(0x145)]()[_0x21989d(0x1b9)]
(_0x5c1f91 => _0x5c1f91[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x1);
_0x2789fd['forEach'](function (_0x1f1703) {
var _0x541b0a = _0x21989d;
room['sendAnnouncement']('[𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓 🔴] ' +
player[_0x541b0a(0x161)] + ': ' + teamMsg, _0x1f1703['id'], 0xff322c,
_0x541b0a(0x1d6), 0x1);
if (player['team'] == 0x2) {
var _0x2789fd = room[_0x21989d(0x145)]()[_0x21989d(0x1b9)]
(_0x469cea => _0x469cea[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x2);
_0x2789fd[_0x21989d(0x19a)](function (_0x42a9fa) {
var _0x9b122b = _0x21989d;
room[_0x9b122b(0x1d2)]('[𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓 🔵] | ' +
player[_0x9b122b(0x161)] + ': ' + teamMsg, _0x42a9fa['id'], 0x00d6ff,
_0x9b122b(0x1d6), 0x1);
return player['team'] == 0x0 && whisper('[ ⚠️] Debes estar en el Equipo
Rojo 🔴 o en el Equipo Azul 🔵 para poder utilizar el Team Chat', player['id']), !


}, 2000);
adminMessage = message;
message = message.split(/ +/);
var adminChatColor = 0x6b9fff; // Formato: 0xCOLOR (sustituye COLOR por el
color en HEXADECIMAL, ejemplo azul es 33FFE0)
room.sendAnnouncement(`[ ID: ${} - 🔵 ] ${}: $
{adminMessage}`, null, adminChatColor, 'normal', 1);
return false;
if (ModoChatPausado.includes({
room.sendAnnouncement("[💬] El Modo pausado está activado.
Sólo puedes enviar 1 mensaje cada 2 segundos. ⏱",,0x00FF00,"bold",2);

return false;

if (player.admin==false &&
ModoChatPausado.includes( && == 0) {
if (message['startsWith']('t ')) {
teamMsg = message[_0x21989d(0x1b6)](0x1)[_0x21989d(0x1a5)]();
if (player[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x1) {
var _0x2789fd = room[_0x21989d(0x145)]()[_0x21989d(0x1b9)]
(_0x5c1f91 => _0x5c1f91[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x1);
_0x2789fd['forEach'](function (_0x1f1703) {
var _0x541b0a = _0x21989d;
room['sendAnnouncement']('[𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓 🔴] ' +
player[_0x541b0a(0x161)] + ': ' + teamMsg, _0x1f1703['id'], 0xff322c,
_0x541b0a(0x1d6), 0x1);
if (player['team'] == 0x2) {
var _0x2789fd = room[_0x21989d(0x145)]()[_0x21989d(0x1b9)]
(_0x469cea => _0x469cea[_0x21989d(0x128)] == 0x2);
_0x2789fd[_0x21989d(0x19a)](function (_0x42a9fa) {
var _0x9b122b = _0x21989d;
room[_0x9b122b(0x1d2)]('[𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓 🔵] | ' +
player[_0x9b122b(0x161)] + ': ' + teamMsg, _0x42a9fa['id'], 0x00d6ff,
_0x9b122b(0x1d6), 0x1);
return player['team'] == 0x0 && whisper('[ ⚠️] Debes estar en el Equipo
Rojo 🔴 o en el Equipo Azul 🔵 para poder utilizar el Team Chat', player['id']), !


}, 2000);
adminMessage = message;
message = message.split(/ +/);
var adminChatColor = 0xc3c3c3; // Formato: 0xCOLOR (sustituye COLOR por el
color en HEXADECIMAL, ejemplo azul es 33FFE0)
room.sendAnnouncement(`[ ID: ${} - 👁️ ] ${}: $
{adminMessage}`, null, adminChatColor, 'normal', 1);
return false;
if(CensuradorDeSpammeros(message)) return false;
if (message.indexOf("!") == 0) return false;

function extraTime() {
var extraSeconds = Math.ceil(game.extraTimeCount / 60);
var extraMinutes = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))/60);
var SegundosDeSobra1min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-60);
var SegundosDeSobra2min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-120);
var SegundosDeSobra3min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-180);
var SegundosDeSobra4min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-240);
var SegundosDeSobra5min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-300);
var SegundosDeSobra6min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-360);
game.extraTimeEnd = (gameTime * 60) + extraSeconds;
if (extraSeconds < 60){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
+ " MINUTOS ➕ ⏳ TIEMPO ADICIONADO: " + extraSeconds + "
SEGUNDOS ", null, null, null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 59 && extraSeconds < 61){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
+ " MINUTOS ➕ ⏳ TIEMPO ADICIONADO: 1 MINUTO ", null, null,
null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 60 && extraSeconds < 120){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra1min + " SEGUNDOS ", null, null, null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 119 && extraSeconds < 121){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 120 && extraSeconds < 180){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra2min + " SEGUNDOS ", null, null, null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 179 && extraSeconds < 181){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 180 && extraSeconds < 240){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra3min + " SEGUNDOS ", null, null, null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 239 && extraSeconds < 241){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 240 && extraSeconds < 300){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra4min + " SEGUNDOS ", null, null, null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 299 && extraSeconds < 301){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 300 && extraSeconds < 360){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra5min + " SEGUNDOS ", null, null, null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 359 && extraSeconds < 361){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
null, 1);
else if (extraSeconds > 360 && extraSeconds < 420){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra6min + " SEGUNDOS ", null, null, null, 1);

function QuienJuegaPregunta(player, message){
announce("--- ESTAN JUGANDO: " + teamRed + " vs " + teamBlue + " ---",, null, null, 1);
function penalespregunta(player, message){
var extraSeconds = Math.ceil(game.extraTimeCount / 60);
var extraMinutes = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))/60);
var SegundosDeSobra1min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-60);
var SegundosDeSobra2min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-120);
var SegundosDeSobra3min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-180);
var SegundosDeSobra4min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-240);
var SegundosDeSobra5min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-300);
var SegundosDeSobra6min = Math.round((extraSeconds-(100*0))-360);
game.extraTimeEnd = (gameTime * 60) + extraSeconds;
if (extraSeconds < 60){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
+ " MINUTOS ➕ ⏳ TIEMPO ADICIONADO: " + extraSeconds + "
SEGUNDOS [Por ahora] ",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 59 && extraSeconds < 61){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
+ " MINUTOS ➕ ⏳ TIEMPO ADICIONADO: 1 MINUTO [Por ahora] ",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 60 && extraSeconds < 120){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra1min + " SEGUNDOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 119 && extraSeconds < 121){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
+ " MINUTOS ➕ ⏳ TIEMPO ADICIONADO: 2 MINUTOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 120 && extraSeconds < 180){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra2min + " SEGUNDOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 179 && extraSeconds < 181){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 180 && extraSeconds < 240){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra3min + " SEGUNDOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 239 && extraSeconds < 241){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
+ " MINUTOS ➕ ⏳ TIEMPO ADICIONADO: 4 MINUTOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 240 && extraSeconds < 300){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra4min + " SEGUNDOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 299 && extraSeconds < 301){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
+ " MINUTOS ➕ ⏳ TIEMPO ADICIONADO: 5 MINUTOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo
else if (extraSeconds > 300 && extraSeconds < 360){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra5min + " SEGUNDOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo

else if (extraSeconds > 359 && extraSeconds < 361){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
+ " MINUTOS ➕ ⏳ TIEMPO ADICIONADO: 6 MINUTOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo

else if (extraSeconds > 360 && extraSeconds < 420){
announce(" ⌚ TIEMPO DE JUEGO: " + gameTime
SegundosDeSobra6min + " SEGUNDOS [Por ahora]",, null, null, 1);
room.sendAnnouncement("Cada segundo que demoren en ejecutar los
Laterales, Saques de Arco y Tiros de Esquina se sumarán al tiempo

function displayHelp(_0x13aab6, _0x878a40) {

var _0x37f4ef = _0x3c81f9;
_0x878a40 == null && whisper(_0x37f4ef(0x124), _0x13aab6, null, 'small');
room[_0x3c81f9(0x138)] = function (player) { // room.onPlayerTeamChange
if (room.getScores() != null){
if (1 <= <= 2) ballCarrying.set(, [0,]);
var _0x2dee93 = _0x3c81f9;
map == _0x2dee93(0x1ca) && (room[_0x2dee93(0x172)]() != null &&
(game[_0x2dee93(0x189)] == ![] && room[_0x2dee93(0x145)]()[_0x2dee93(0x19a)]
(function (_0x96d16c) {
var _0x50b12d = _0x2dee93;
if (_0x96d16c != undefined) {
if (game[_0x50b12d(0x165)] == !![] || game[_0x50b12d(0x133)]
== !![]) {
var _0x4bfeae = {};
_0x4bfeae[_0x50b12d(0x13e)] = 0x98967f,
room[_0x50b12d(0x125)](_0x96d16c['id'], _0x4bfeae);
if ( !== 0 && afkPlayerIDs.has(
{room.setPlayerTeam(, 0)
room.sendAnnouncement("[💤] " + + " se encuentra AFK! ⌛",, 0xff8400, 'normal', 0);}

room.onTeamGoal = function(team) {
if (map == "RSR") {
game.rsActive = false;

let goalTime = secondsToMinutes(Math.floor(room.getScores().time));

let scorer;
let assister = "";
let goalType;
if (team == 1) {
if (game.lastKickerTeam == 1) { //if goal type is goal
goalType = "🔥 GOL!";
scorer = "⚽ Marcado por: " + game.lastKickerName;
avatarCelebration(game.lastKickerId, "⚽");
if (game.secondLastKickerTeam == 1 && game.lastKickerId !=
game.secondLastKickerId) { // if assist is from teammate
assister = " (Asistencia: " +
game.secondLastKickerName + ")";
avatarCelebration(game.secondLastKickerId, "👟");
if (game.lastKickerTeam == 2) { //if goal type is owngoal
goalType = "❌ GOL EN CONTRA!";
scorer = "❌ Marcado por: " + game.lastKickerName;
avatarCelebration(game.lastKickerId, "❌");
if (game.secondLastKickerTeam == 1) { // if owngoal was
assister = " (👟 Asistencia: " +
game.secondLastKickerName + ")";
avatarCelebration(game.secondLastKickerId, "👟");
if (team == 2) {
if (game.lastKickerTeam == 2) { //if goal type is goal
goalType = "🔥 GOL!";
scorer = "⚽ Marcado por: " + game.lastKickerName;
avatarCelebration(game.lastKickerId, "⚽");
if (game.secondLastKickerTeam == 2 && game.lastKickerId !=
game.secondLastKickerId) { // if assist is from teammate
assister = " (👟 Asistencia: " +
game.secondLastKickerName + ")";
avatarCelebration(game.secondLastKickerId, "👟");
if (game.lastKickerTeam == 1) { //if goal type is owngoal
goalType = "❌ GOL EN CONTRA!";
scorer = "❌ Marcado por: " + game.lastKickerName;
avatarCelebration(game.lastKickerId, "❌");
if (game.secondLastKickerTeam == 2) { // if owngoal was
assister = " (Asistencia: " +
game.secondLastKickerName + ")";
avatarCelebration(game.secondLastKickerId, "👟");
announce(goalType + " " + teamRed + " " + game.redScore + " 🞫
" + game.blueScore + " " + teamBlue + "  | A los 🕒 " + goalTime + "  |
" + scorer + assister);
game.lastKicker = undefined;
game.secondLastKicker = undefined;
game.lastKickerTeam = undefined;
game.secondLastKickerTeam = undefined;

room[_0x3c81f9(0x170)] = function () { // onPositionsReset

let id = Object.keys(tookASize);
let size;
for (var i = 0; i < id.length; i++) {
if (tookASize.hasOwnProperty(id[i])){
size = tookASize[id[i]];
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(id[i], {radius: size, invMass: size /
var _0x1a3b51 = _0x3c81f9;
map == _0x1a3b51(0x1ca) && (game[_0x1a3b51(0x18d)] == !![] &&
(room[_0x1a3b51(0x13a)](!![]), game[_0x1a3b51(0x18d)] = ![],
}, room[_0x3c81f9(0x19c)] = function (player) { // Es el room.ongametick
PartidoArrancado = true;
if (whoTouchedLast != undefined) {

if (ballCarrying.get( {
ballCarrying.get([0] += 1/60;
var _0x59120c = _0x3c81f9;
if (RSRMap == true) {

updateTimeOnHalves = function(){
if(room.getBallPosition().x < 0){
timeOnHalves[0] += 1/60;
}else if(room.getBallPosition().x > 0){
timeOnHalves[1] += 1/60;

var ScoresNumbers = '0️⃣ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣';
function scorerNumber(num){
var result = '';
var reversedDigits = [];
reversedDigits.push(num % 10);
num = Math.floor(num / 10);
}while(num > 0);
for (var i = reversedDigits.length; i-- > 0; ){
result += ScoresNumbers.substr(reversedDigits[i]*3, 3);

return result;

function realSoccerRef() {

if (game.time == gameTime){
game.rsCorner2 = false;
game.rsGoalKick2 = false;
game.lateral2 = false;

if (game.time == gameTime * 60 && game.extraTimeAnnounced == false) {

game.extraTimeAnnounced = true;

if (game.time == game.extraTimeEnd && game.lastPlayAnnounced == false) {

room.sendAnnouncement(" 🚨 🔥 Ú L
T I M A J U G A D A D E L P A R T I D O 🔥 🚨", null, 0xffff00,
'bold', 2);
room.sendAnnouncement(" Si la pelota
sale del terreno de juego, se finalizará el partido. ✋ 🛑", null, 0xf9fa00,
'small', 0);
game.lastPlayAnnounced = true;

if (game.rsCorner2 == true || game.rsGoalKick2 == true || game.lateral2 ==

true) { //add extra time

if (game.rsTimer < 99999 && game.paused == false && game.rsActive == false &&
game.rsReady == true) {

if (game.rsSwingTimer < 150 && game.rsCorner == false && game.rsGoalKick ==

false) {
if (game.rsSwingTimer > 5) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity:
room.getDiscProperties(0).xgravity * 0.97, ygravity:
room.getDiscProperties(0).ygravity * 0.97});
if (game.rsSwingTimer == 150) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity: 0, ygravity: 0});

if (game.boosterState == true) {

if (game.boosterCount > 30) {

game.boosterState = false;
game.boosterCount = 0;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {cMask: 63});

if (room.getBallPosition().x == 0 && room.getBallPosition().y == 0) {

game.rsActive = true;
game.outStatus = "";

if (game.rsActive == false && game.rsReady == true) { //expire barrier time

if (game.outStatus == "redThrow") {
if (game.rsTimer == throwTimeOut - 120) { // warning indicator
ballWarning("0xff223c", ++game.warningCount);
if (game.rsTimer == throwTimeOut && game.bringThrowBack == false)
{ // switch to blue throw
game.outStatus = "blueThrow";
game.rsTimer = 0;
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius: 0});
sleep(100).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0x00ccff", xspeed:
0, yspeed: 0, x: game.ballOutPositionX, y: game.throwInPosY});
else if (game.outStatus == "blueThrow") {
if (game.rsTimer == throwTimeOut - 120) { // warning indicator
ballWarning("0x00ccff", ++game.warningCount);
if (game.rsTimer == throwTimeOut && game.bringThrowBack == false)
{ // switch to red throw
game.outStatus = "redThrow";
game.rsTimer = 0;
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius: 0});
sleep(100).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xff223c", xspeed:
0, yspeed: 0, x: game.ballOutPositionX, y: game.throwInPosY});
else if (game.outStatus == "blueGK" || game.outStatus == "redGK") {
if (game.rsTimer == gkTimeOut - 120) { // warning indicator
if (game.outStatus == "blueGK") {
ballWarning("0x00ccff", ++game.warningCount);
if (game.outStatus == "redGK") {
ballWarning("0xff223c", ++game.warningCount);
if (game.rsTimer == gkTimeOut) {
game.outStatus = "";
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
game.rsTimer = 1000000;
else if (game.outStatus == "blueCK" || game.outStatus == "redCK") {
if (game.rsTimer == ckTimeOut - 120) {
if (game.outStatus == "blueCK") {
ballWarning("0x00ccff", ++game.warningCount);
if (game.outStatus == "redCK") {
ballWarning("0xff223c", ++game.warningCount);
if (game.rsTimer == ckTimeOut) {
game.outStatus = "";
room.setDiscProperties(1, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius: 0});
room.setDiscProperties(2, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius: 0});
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
game.rsTimer = 1000000;

if (game.rsActive == true) {
if ((room.getBallPosition().y > 612 || room.getBallPosition().y < -
612)) {
game.rsActive = false;
if (game.lastPlayAnnounced == true) {
game.lastPlayAnnounced = false;
room.sendAnnouncement("███████████████████ " + teamRed + " " +
scorerNumber(room.getScores().red) + " 🞬 " +
scorerNumber(room.getScores().blue) + " " + teamBlue + " ███████████████████ ",
null, 0xffd559, "normal", 1);

room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity: 0, ygravity: 0});

game.ballOutPositionX = Math.round(room.getBallPosition().x * 10)
/ 10;
if (room.getBallPosition().y > 612) {
game.ballOutPositionY = 400485;
game.throwInPosY = 618;
if (room.getBallPosition().y < -612) {
game.ballOutPositionY = -400485;
game.throwInPosY = -618;
if (room.getBallPosition().x > 1130) {
game.ballOutPositionX = 1130;
if (room.getBallPosition().x < -1130) {
game.ballOutPositionX = -1130;

if (game.rsTouchTeam == 1) {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: game.ballOutPositionX, y:
game.throwInPosY, radius: 18 });
sleep(100).then(() => {
game.outStatus = "blueThrow";
game.throwinKicked = false;
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.rsReady = true;
game.lateral = true;
game.lateral2 = true;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0, x:
game.ballOutPositionX, y: game.throwInPosY, xgravity: 0, ygravity: 0});
//announce("🖐️ Throw In: 🔵 Blue");
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0x00ccff"});

sleep(100).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius:
else {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: game.ballOutPositionX, y:
game.throwInPosY, radius: 18 });
sleep(100).then(() => {
game.outStatus = "redThrow";
game.throwinKicked = false;
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.rsReady = true;
game.lateral = true;
game.lateral2 = true;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0, x:
game.ballOutPositionX, y: game.throwInPosY, xgravity: 0, ygravity: 0});
//announce("🖐️ Throw In: 🔴 Red");
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xff223c"});

sleep(100).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius:

if (room.getBallPosition().x > 1162 && (room.getBallPosition().y > 124

|| room.getBallPosition().y < -124)) {
game.rsActive = false;
if (game.lastPlayAnnounced == true) {
game.lastPlayAnnounced = false;
room.sendAnnouncement("███████████████████ " + teamRed + " " +
scorerNumber(room.getScores().red) + " 🞬 " +
scorerNumber(room.getScores().blue) + " " + teamBlue + " ███████████████████ ",
null, 0xffd559, "normal", 1);

room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity: 0, ygravity: 0});
room.getPlayerList().forEach(function(player) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {invMass: 100000});

if (game.rsTouchTeam == 1) {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 1060, y: 0, radius: 18 });
sleep(100).then(() => {
game.outStatus = "blueGK";
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.rsReady = true;
//announce("🥅 Goal Kick: 🔵 Blue");
game.rsGoalKick = true;
game.rsGoalKick2 = true;
game.rsSwingTimer = 0;
game.boosterCount = 0;
game.boosterState = false;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0, x:
1060, y: 0, color: "0x00ccff", cMask: 268435519, xgravity: 0, ygravity: 0});
sleep(3000).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius:
else {
//announce("🚩 Corner Kick: 🔴 Red");

game.rsSwingTimer = 0;
if (room.getBallPosition().y < -124) {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 1140, y: -590, radius:
18 });
sleep(100).then(() => {
game.rsCorner = true;
game.rsCorner2 = true;
game.outStatus = "redCK";
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.rsReady = true;
game.boosterCount = 0;
game.boosterState = false;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {x: 1140, y: -590,
xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0, color: "0xff223c", cMask: 268435519, xgravity: 0, ygravity:
room.setDiscProperties(2, {x: 1150, y: -670,
radius: 420 });
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000,
radius: 0});
if (room.getBallPosition().y > 124) {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 1140, y: 590, radius:
18 });
sleep(100).then(() => {
game.rsCorner = true;
game.rsCorner2 = true;
game.outStatus = "redCK";
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.rsReady = true;
game.boosterCount = 0;
game.boosterState = false;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {x: 1140, y: 590,
xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0, color: "0xff223c", cMask: 268435519, xgravity: 0, ygravity:
room.setDiscProperties(2, {x: 1150, y: 670,
radius: 420 });
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000,
radius: 0});
if (room.getBallPosition().x < -1162 && (room.getBallPosition().y > 124
|| room.getBallPosition().y < -124)) {
game.rsActive = false;
if (game.lastPlayAnnounced == true) {
game.lastPlayAnnounced = false;
room.sendAnnouncement("███████████████████ " + teamRed + " " +
scorerNumber(room.getScores().red) + " 🞬 " +
scorerNumber(room.getScores().blue) + " " + teamBlue + " ███████████████████",
null, 0xffd559, "normal", 1);

room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity: 0, ygravity: 0});
room.getPlayerList().forEach(function(player) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {invMass: 100000});

if (game.rsTouchTeam == 1) {
//announce("🚩 Corner Kick: 🔵 Blue");
game.rsSwingTimer = 0;
if (room.getBallPosition().y < -124) {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: -1140, y: -590, radius:
18 });
sleep(100).then(() => {
game.rsCorner = true;
game.rsCorner2 = true;
game.outStatus = "blueCK";
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.rsReady = true;
game.boosterCount = 0;
game.boosterState = false;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {x: -1140, y: -590,
xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0, color: "0x00ccff", cMask: 268435519, xgravity: 0, ygravity:
room.setDiscProperties(1, {x: -1150, y: -670,
radius: 420 });
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000,
radius: 0});
if (room.getBallPosition().y > 124) {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: -1140, y: 590, radius:
18 });
sleep(100).then(() => {
game.rsCorner = true;
game.rsCorner2 = true;
game.outStatus = "blueCK";
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.rsReady = true;
game.boosterCount = 0;
game.boosterState = false;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {x: -1140, y: 590,
xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0, color: "0x00ccff", cMask: 268435519, xgravity: 0, ygravity:
room.setDiscProperties(1, {x: -1150, y: 670,
radius: 420 });
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000,
radius: 0});
else {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: -1060, y: 0, radius: 18 });
sleep(100).then(() => {
game.outStatus = "redGK";
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.rsReady = true;
//announce("🥅 Goal Kick: 🔴 Red");
game.rsGoalKick = true;
game.rsGoalKick2 = true;
game.rsSwingTimer = 0;
game.boosterCount = 0;
game.boosterState = false;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0, x: -
1060, y: 0, color: "0xff223c", cMask: 268435519, xgravity: 0, ygravity: 0});
sleep(3000).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius:

if (game.rsActive == false && (game.outStatus == "redThrow" || game.outStatus

== "blueThrow")) {
if ((room.getBallPosition().y > 612 || room.getBallPosition().y < -612)
&& (room.getBallPosition().x < game.ballOutPositionX - throwinDistance ||
room.getBallPosition().x > game.ballOutPositionX + throwinDistance) &&
game.bringThrowBack == false) { //if bad throw from run too far
game.bringThrowBack = true;
if (game.outStatus == "redThrow") { //switch to blue throw
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.outStatus = "blueThrow";

room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius: 0});

sleep(100).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0,
color: "0x00ccff", x: game.ballOutPositionX, y: game.throwInPosY});
else if (game.outStatus == "blueThrow") { //switch to red throw
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.outStatus = "redThrow";

room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius: 0});

sleep(100).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0,
color: "0xff223c", x: game.ballOutPositionX, y: game.throwInPosY});

if (room.getBallPosition().y < 612 && room.getBallPosition().y > -612

&& game.throwinKicked == false && game.pushedOut == false) { //if bad throw from
push ball back into active without kick
if (game.outStatus == "redThrow") { //switch to blue throw
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.outStatus = "blueThrow";

room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius: 0});

sleep(100).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0,
color: "0x00ccff", x: game.ballOutPositionX, y: game.throwInPosY});
else if (game.outStatus == "blueThrow") { //switch to red throw
game.rsTimer = 0;
game.outStatus = "redThrow";

room.setDiscProperties(3, {x: 0, y: 2000, radius: 0});

sleep(100).then(() => {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xspeed: 0, yspeed: 0,
color: "0xff223c", x: game.ballOutPositionX, y: game.throwInPosY});
game.pushedOut = true;

if (room.getBallPosition().y < 612 && room.getBallPosition().y > -612

&& game.throwinKicked == true) { // if throw is good
game.lateral = false;
game.lateral2 = false;
game.outStatus = "";
game.rsActive = true;
game.rsReady = false;
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
game.rsTimer = 1000000;

if (room.getBallPosition().y.toFixed(1) == game.throwInPosY.toFixed(1)
&& room.getBallPosition().x.toFixed(1) == game.ballOutPositionX.toFixed(1)) {
game.bringThrowBack = false;
game.pushedOut = false;

function handleBallTouch() {
var players = room.getPlayerList();
var ballPosition = room.getBallPosition();
var ballRadius = game.ballRadius;
var playerRadius = 15;
var triggerDistance = ballRadius + playerRadius + 0.01;

for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { // Iterate over all the players
var player = players[i];
if ( player.position == null ) continue;
var distanceToBall = pointDistance(player.position, ballPosition);
if ( distanceToBall < triggerDistance ) {
game.rsTouchTeam =;
game.throwinKicked = false;

if (game.rsCorner == false &&

room.getDiscProperties(0).xgravity != 0) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {xgravity: 0, ygravity:0});
game.rsSwingTimer = 10000;

function updateGameStatus() {
var _0x28cb48 = _0x3c81f9;
game['time'] = Math[_0x28cb48(0x1c3)](room[_0x28cb48(0x172)]()['time']),
game['ballRadius'] = room['getDiscProperties'](0x0)[_0x28cb48(0x121)],

function announce(_0x2f0a83, _0x3a75ce, _0x2c2aa7, _0x3614b0, _0x28f16f) {

var _0xdb5dc1 = _0x3c81f9;
_0x2c2aa7 == null && (_0x2c2aa7 = 0xfffd82), _0x3614b0 == null && (_0x3614b0
= _0xdb5dc1(0x17a)), _0x28f16f == null && (_0x28f16f = 0x0),
room['sendAnnouncement'](_0x2f0a83, _0x3a75ce, _0x2c2aa7, _0x3614b0, _0x28f16f);

function whisper(_0x1efb47, _0x166a3c, _0x37ade9, _0x3c8c4c, _0x3d8947) {

var _0x341048 = _0x3c81f9;
_0x37ade9 == null && (_0x37ade9 = 0x66c7ff), _0x3c8c4c == null && (_0x3c8c4c
= _0x341048(0x1d6)), _0x3d8947 == null && (_0x3d8947 = 0x0), room[_0x341048(0x1d2)]
(_0x1efb47, _0x166a3c, _0x37ade9, _0x3c8c4c, _0x3d8947);
function isAdminPresent() {
var _0x37a2de = _0x3c81f9,
_0xcb0ca6 = room[_0x37a2de(0x145)]();
return _0xcb0ca6[_0x37a2de(0x1c0)](_0x2f055a =>
_0x2f055a[_0x37a2de(0x146)]) != null ? !![] : ![];

function displayAdminMessage() {
var _0x332e0b = _0x3c81f9;
isAdminPresent() == ![] && announce(_0x332e0b(0x163));

function pointDistance(_0x6b9cc5, _0x21a1e7) {

var _0x43d01b = _0x3c81f9,
_0x132800 = _0x6b9cc5['x'] - _0x21a1e7['x'],
_0x26e284 = _0x6b9cc5['y'] - _0x21a1e7['y'];
return Math[_0x43d01b(0x193)](_0x132800 * _0x132800 + _0x26e284 * _0x26e284);

function sleep(_0x17ee36) {
return new Promise(_0x1d5abb => setTimeout(_0x1d5abb, _0x17ee36));

function ballWarning(origColour, warningCount) {

sleep(200).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
sleep(400).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: origColour});
sleep(600).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
sleep(800).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: origColour});
sleep(1000).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
sleep(1200).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: origColour});
sleep(1400).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
sleep(1600).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: origColour});
sleep(1675).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: "0xd0ff00"});
sleep(1750).then(() => {
if (game.warningCount == warningCount) {
room.setDiscProperties(0, {color: origColour});

function avatarCelebration(_0x324e3c, _0x3eba06) {

var _0x56d7e8 = _0x3c81f9;
room[_0x56d7e8(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, _0x3eba06), sleep(0xfa)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)]
(() => {
var _0x4c9cb0 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x4c9cb0(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, null);
}), sleep(0x1f4)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
var _0x6a5198 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x6a5198(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, _0x3eba06);
}), sleep(0x2ee)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
room['setPlayerAvatar'](_0x324e3c, null);
}), sleep(0x3e8)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
var _0x431ddc = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x431ddc(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, _0x3eba06);
}), sleep(0x4e2)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
var _0x2bea31 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x2bea31(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, null);
}), sleep(0x5dc)['then'](() => {
var _0x5ca3a7 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x5ca3a7(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, _0x3eba06);
}), sleep(0x6d6)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
var _0x5225e9 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x5225e9(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, null);
}), sleep(0x7d0)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
var _0x5558dd = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x5558dd(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, _0x3eba06);
}), sleep(0x8ca)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
var _0x6872e4 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x6872e4(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, null);
}), sleep(0x9c4)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
var _0x3f6153 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x3f6153(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, _0x3eba06);
}), sleep(0xabe)['then'](() => {
var _0x170109 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x170109(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, null);
}), sleep(0xbb8)['then'](() => {
var _0x47ef1d = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x47ef1d(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, _0x3eba06);
}), sleep(0xcb2)[_0x56d7e8(0x174)](() => {
var _0x3e1d25 = _0x56d7e8;
room[_0x3e1d25(0x15e)](_0x324e3c, null);

function secondsToMinutes(_0x46ebc4) {
var _0x1b57ad = ~~ (_0x46ebc4 / 0xe10),
_0x58786b = ~~ (_0x46ebc4 % 0xe10 / 0x3c),
_0x43c8d3 = ~~_0x46ebc4 % 0x3c,
_0x58bd92 = '';
return _0x1b57ad > 0x0 && (_0x58bd92 += '' + _0x1b57ad + ':' + (_0x58786b <
0xa ? '0' : '')), _0x58bd92 += '' + _0x58786b + ':' + (_0x43c8d3 < 0xa ? '0' : ''),
_0x58bd92 += '' + _0x43c8d3, _0x58bd92;

function blockThrowIn() {
var players = room.getPlayerList().filter((player) => != 0);
if (room.getBallPosition().y < 0) { // top throw line
if (game.outStatus == "redThrow") {
players.forEach(function(player) {
if ( == 2 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( < 0) {
if (room.getPlayerDiscProperties( !=
536870918) {
{cGroup: 536870918});
if (player.position.y < -485) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {y: -
if ( == 1 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 2) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {cGroup: 2});
if (room.getDiscProperties(17).x != 1149) { // show top red
room.setDiscProperties(17, {x: 1149});
if (room.getDiscProperties(19).x != -1149) { // hide top
blue line
room.setDiscProperties(19, {x: -1149});
if (game.outStatus == "blueThrow") {
players.forEach(function(player) {
if ( == 1 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( < 0) {
if (room.getPlayerDiscProperties( !=
536870918) {
{cGroup: 536870918});
if (player.position.y < -485) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {y: -
if ( == 2 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 2) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {cGroup: 2});
if (room.getDiscProperties(19).x != 1149) { // show top
blue line
room.setDiscProperties(19, {x: 1149});
if (room.getDiscProperties(17).x != -1149) { // hide top
red line
room.setDiscProperties(17, {x: -1149});
if (room.getBallPosition().y > 0) { // bottom throw line
if (game.outStatus == "redThrow") {
players.forEach(function(player) {
if ( == 2 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( > 0) {
if (room.getPlayerDiscProperties( !=
536870918) {
{cGroup: 536870918});
if (player.position.y > 485) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {y:
if ( == 1 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 2) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {cGroup: 2});
if (room.getDiscProperties(21).x != 1149) { // show bottom
red line
room.setDiscProperties(21, {x: 1149});
if (room.getDiscProperties(23).x != -1149) { // hide bottom
blue line
room.setDiscProperties(23, {x: -1149});
if (game.outStatus == "blueThrow") {
players.forEach(function(player) {
if ( == 1 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( > 0) {
if (room.getPlayerDiscProperties( !=
536870918) {
{cGroup: 536870918});
if (player.position.y > 485) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {y:
if ( == 2 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 2) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {cGroup: 2});
if (room.getDiscProperties(23).x != 1149) { // show bottom
blue line
room.setDiscProperties(23, {x: 1149});
if (room.getDiscProperties(21).x != -1149) { // hide bottom
red line
room.setDiscProperties(21, {x: -1149});

function blockGoalKick() {
var players = room.getPlayerList().filter((player) => != 0);
if (room.getBallPosition().x < 0) { // left side red goal kick
if (game.outStatus == "redGK") {
players.forEach(function(player) {
if ( == 2 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( < 0) {
if (room.getPlayerDiscProperties( !=
268435462) {
{cGroup: 268435462});
if (player.position.x < -840 && player.position.y > -
320 && player.position.y < 320) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {x: -
if ( == 1 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 2) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {cGroup: 2});
if (room.getBallPosition().x > 0) { // right side blue goal kick
if (game.outStatus == "blueGK") {
players.forEach(function(player) {
if ( == 1 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( > 0) {
if (room.getPlayerDiscProperties( !=
268435462) {
{cGroup: 268435462});
if (player.position.x > 840 && player.position.y > -
320 && player.position.y < 320) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {x:
if ( == 2 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 2) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {cGroup: 2});

function removeBlock() {
var players = room.getPlayerList().filter((player) => != 0);
if (game.outStatus == "") {
players.forEach(function(player) {
if ( == 1 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 2) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {cGroup: 2});
if ( == 2 &&
room.getPlayerDiscProperties( != 4) {
room.setPlayerDiscProperties(, {cGroup: 4});
if (room.getDiscProperties(17).x != -1149) { // hide top red line
room.setDiscProperties(17, {x: -1149});
if (room.getDiscProperties(19).x != -1149) { // hide top blue line
room.setDiscProperties(19, {x: -1149});
if (room.getDiscProperties(21).x != -1149) { // hide bottom red line
room.setDiscProperties(21, {x: -1149});
if (room.getDiscProperties(23).x != -1149) { // hide bottom blue line
room.setDiscProperties(23, {x: -1149});

function decryptHex(str) {
let hexString = str;
let strOut = "";
for (let x = 0; x < hexString.length; x += 2) {
strOut += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hexString.substr(x, 2), 16));
return strOut;

let connections = []
room.onPlayerJoin = function(player) {
if(IpPlayers.includes(decryptHex(player.conn)) == true){
room.kickPlayer(,"❌ El admin ha baneado tu IP 📶", true);
GetPlayer( = player.auth;
GetPlayer( = player.conn;
console.log(new Date().getHours() + ":" + new Date().getMinutes() + ":" + new
Date().getSeconds() + "." + new Date().getMilliseconds() + " ➡️ " + + "
[" + + "] has joined. (auth: " + player.auth + " | conn: " + player.conn
+ ")");
GetPlayer( =;

if(localStorage.getItem(player.auth) == null){
var playerObject = {auth:player.auth,votes:0}
let conn = connections.find(a => a[1] === player.conn);
if (conn) {
else {
connections.push([, player.conn]);
playerName = /g,"_");
var SaludosRandomBot = [' bienvenido al host!', ' ojalá la pases bien!', ',
acabas de unirte al host.', ' te damos las bienvenida.', ', nos alegra mucho que
nos elijas!', ' hola! llegó el más crack.', ' nos hacias falta en éste host.', '
hola!!!', ' gracias por unirte a nuestra comunidad.', ' te damos la bienvenida', '
ha llegado. Se acabó la fiesta.', ' te estábamos esperando', ' está aquí, tal y
como predijo la profecía.', ' acaba de unirse. ¡Hagan como que están jugando!', '
acaba de aterrizar', ' se ha unido.', ' ha venido a carrear conos y a marcar muchos
goles.', ' está aquí.', ' se ha unido al host! ¡Es superefectivo!', ' se ha unido.
Ahora deberán jugar más que el 100%.', ' acaba de unirse... ¿O no?', ' MIRÁ QUIÉN
LLEGÓ ¡Es un pájaro! ¡Es un avión! Ah no, no he dicho nada. Flashé', ' hola!
quédate un rato y disfruta.', ' llegó el más grande.', ' ha ingresado. Eh
muchachos, miren quién llegó.', ' Te estábamos esperando ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)', ' se ha unido
al host.', ' acaba de llegar.', ' apareció! cuidado que es salvaje.', ' Hola!!
Alguien lo andaba buscando?', ' te estabamos esperando!'];
var GeneradorRandom = SaludosRandomBot[(Math.random() *
SaludosRandomBot.length) | 0]
room.sendAnnouncement("[📶] IP del jugador: " + decryptHex(player.conn) + " |
Nickname: @" + playerName , null, 0x06ff00, 'normal', 0);
room.sendAnnouncement(" @" + playerName + GeneradorRandom ,,
0x00FFB3, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("[ ⌨ ] @" + playerName + " escribe '!help' en el chat para
poder ver los comandos.",, 0x00FFB3, "normal", 0);
room.sendAnnouncement("🛡 EQUIPOS SELECCIONADOS: " + teamRed + " vs " +
teamBlue,, 0x00FFB3, "normal", 0);

function rfc3986EncodeURIComponent(_0x23ab4f) {
var _0x151c08 = _0x3c81f9;
return encodeURIComponent(_0x23ab4f)[_0x151c08(0x17d)](/[!'()*]/g, escape);

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