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Conversation Hola, me lleva a la Sagrada Familia? Hi, could you take me to the Sagrada Familia cathedral? Muy bien, pero le advierto que ahora mismo hay mucho trafico por alli. Sure, but I should warn you that there's a lot of traffic around there. Nose preocupe. Tengo que sacar dinero de camino, :podriamos parar en un cajero automatico? Don't worry. I need to take money out on the way, could we stop at a cashpoint? Por supuesto, pero admito tarjetas también. ¢Ha estado antes en la ciudad? Of course, but I take cards too. Have you been to the city before? No, pero coja el camino mas rapido por favor. No, but take the quickest route, please. Ya hemos Ilegado, son trece con sesenta y cinco. Ahora mismo le saco las maletas. We've arrived, it's €13.65. I'll get your cases out right away. Destinations al centro to the centre al aeropuerto to the airport ala estacion to the station al parque to the park ala catedral to the cathedral al teatro to the theatre al cine to the cinema al restaurante to the restaurant Along the way tengo prisa I'm in a hurry llego tarde I'm late la autopista motorway la carretera main road los semaforos traffic lights el trafico traffic el camino route el desvio diversion el paso de cebra zebra crossing hay un atasco there's a traffic jam coja el atajo take the shortcut el peatén pedestrian Boric aeyelelera el tiinel tunnel Of course, no way claro of course (think: naturally) por supuesto of course (think: certainly) desde luego of course (think: definitely) ihombre! of course (think: don't be ridiculous!) en absoluto not at all (think: not in the slightest) para nada not at all (think: no way) ni de cona not at all (think: no bloody way) Other things to say... la propina tip la parada de taxi taxi-rank montarse en el taxi, subir al taxi get into the sere étienes el niimero de una compaiiia de taxi? do you have the number of a taxi firm? Ce eee oe ieee equipaje? could you open the boot for me to store my suitcases? lléveme a esta direcci6én take me to this address recéjame dentro de una hora pick me up in an hour épuede ir mas despacio? can you drive slower? pare/espere aqui stop/wait here un recibo, por favor a receipt please quédese con el cambio keep the change dijo que costaria ... you said it would cost ... UCR Mme we Le eeectel you switch on the meter please? épuede ir un poco mas deprisa, por favor? si no voy a perder el avion could you go a little faster please, if not I'm going to miss the peter

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