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DETROIT DIESEL SERIE 60 Q Tecnologias innovadoras SERIE 60 PEM Ute Gy | motor Serie 60 de Detroit Diesel ha sido un éxito desde el inicio de ‘su produccion en el afio 1987. La Serie 60 fue el primer motor diesel para trabajo pesado con controles electrénicos totalmente inte~ {grados fabricado en el mundo. Desde ‘entonces, la Serie 60 continua estable ciendo las normas con tecnologia inno vvadora y una excepcional economia de ‘combustible en el competitive mercado de motores diesel para trabajo pesado, EI motor Serie 60 de DDC se ha con- vertido en el mas popular en el mer- cado de camiones de la clase 8 Continuamos aumentando nuestro vo- lumen de produccién para satistacer la demanda del mercado. Nuestro perso: nal de ingenieria, fabricacién y ventas se esfuerzan para alcanzar 7 metas: Hacer bien la primera vez Reducir los costos operacionales Entender y responder a los requerimientos de nuestros cliente Establecer relaciones comerciales duraderas con nuestros. proveedores Generar un alto nivel de calidad y productividad Proporcionar un comportamiento sobresaliente del motor Mejorar nuestro cumplimiento de todas estas metas Potencia de la Serie 60 El motor Serie 60 offece una gran gama de opciones de potencia y par motor para adaptarse a su aplicaci de vehiculo. Los regimenes de veloci dad gobernada a 1800 rpm ofrecen ex celente economia de combustible, mientras los motores con velocidad go- bernada a 2100 rpm proporcionan una gama de operacion mas amplia pa los propietarios/operadores y aplica- ciones especiales que utiizan transm: siones automaticas, El mayor par ‘motor en nuestra calibracién del motor permite al conductor subir cerros sin te rer que cambiar de marcha, Este ren- dimiento hace que el motor Serie 60 sea muy atractivo para los operadores de vehiculos. Los controles electrénicos de Detroit Diesel (DDEC) ofrecen muchas carac- teristicas. Entre ellas se encuentra una que permite registrar un total de cuatro regimenes de potencia en un motor. Esto tiene la ventaja de que la potencia sse puede cambiar para la reventa 0 se- gun sea necesario con sélo enchufar e! lector de datos de diagnéstico (DDR) al tablero de instrumentos del vehiculo. Esta caracteristica mejora el valor resi- dual y esta protegida por contrasena. Potencia de crucero Esta caracteristica le permite aprove- char el par motor adicional y el rend nto mejorado cuando el camion esté funcionando con el control de cru: cero activado. Para mejorar el rend miento, el par motor pleno esta disponible en el modo de control de crucero, El alto nivel de par motor aumenta la capacidad de subir pendientes y puede reducir el consumo de combustible al eliminar los cambios de marcha frecuentes y al hacer funcionar el motor en la gama de rendimiento éptimo, Aumento de produccién Skene ~ SERIE 60 rbol de levas en laculata Los ingenieros de DDC pu- dieron optimizar ol disefio del motor mediante la incor Tota oracién del arbol de levas en la culata Con ello eliminaron las varilas de em- pu, los levantavalvulas y 40 super cies de desgaste, Las ventajas de este disenio son: 1 Componentes en la culata mas resistentes I Menos componentes: I Facilidad de servicio I Nivel mas bajo de emisiones de escape Menos friccién interna en el motor I Mejor economia de combustible Enfriamiento de Ia parte superior de la camisa Detroit Diesel tiene una caracteristica patentada denominada entriamiento de la parte superior de la camisa. Esta consiste en un canal maquinado en la parte superior de la camisa y bloque {ue permite la circulacién del refrige- rante del motor alrededor de la camisa, {2A qué se debe su importancia? i Tomperaturas més bajas en los cilindros Mayor duracion de los aros | Mayor duracién de los pistones Pistones Los pistones de cruceta de hierro fun: ido de dos piezas tienen un huelgo mucho menor con la camisa de cllindro de hierro fundido con lapidado espe- cial. Esto se debe a que los dos com ponentes estén hechos del mismo material. Las ventajas son: ‘Componentes mas resistentes Ml Menos desgaste durante el arranque en frio i Menos ruido Niveles mas bajos de emisiones, de escape . & Disefio de la culata Con el diserio de arbol de levas en la culata, el motor Serie 60 tiene 8 pernos de culata por clindro equidistantes que aplican una fuerza uniforme de fijacion, Este disefio proporciona una fuerza de fijacién de 4 448 000 N para sujetar la culata al bloque, Io cual elimina las fugas a través de la empaquetadura de la culata, Admisién y escape Nuestros ingenieros mantuvieron el di- sefo de las lumbreras de admision y escape muy simple. La utiizacion de Un arbol de levas en la culata y 4 val: vulas por cilindro permite al motor res- pirar libremente. El aire entra por un lado del motor y sale por el otro. .Por qué es importan | motor funciona mas trio Es mas eticiente, por lo tanto la pérdida de potencia es menor Rodillos de cera Et rodillo seguidor de leva en el balan: cin del inyector del motor Serie 60 esta hecho de nitruro de silicio. Este mate- tial de ceramica se caracteriza por ser de alta resistencia y bajo desgaste. Las, ventajas son Mas durable I Vida util protongada ica SERIE 60 | motor Serie 60 esta equipado Controles electrénicos ‘con controles electrénicos inte- grados denominacos. contoles Detroit Diesel electrénicos Detroit Diesel DDEC Il (DEC Ii Sus principales com ponentes son el médulo de control electrénico (ECM), los inyectores elec- ‘ronicos (EU) y os sensores del motor. EI ECM es la computadora que recibe las sefales de entrada electronicas det conductor como asimismo de los sen- sores montados en el motor. La infor- macién de la velocidad del motor se sa para controlar la cantidad de com- bustible inyectado y la sincronizacion de la inyeccion, La EEPROM (memoria programable de lectura borrable electrénicamente) ‘se encuentra en el ECM y contiene el software operativo, Este software con- trola la potencia, el par motor y la velo- cidad maxima del motor. El software adicional se programa en la EEPROM para controlar los dispositivos de pro- ‘eccién del motor, la limitacién de la ve- locidad del vehiculo y el control de ccrucero, los que se pueden ajustar con un lector de datos de diagnéstico (ODR) para optimizar los requeri- mientos espectficos de la flota. En la pagina siguiente se muestra una lista de los sensores y caracteristicas del DDEC It ” Lector de datos de diagndstico El lider en inyectores electrénicos Elinyectorelectronico funciona basado @n el mismo principio que el inyector trénicamonto que dosiica la entrada de combustible. Nuestros inyectores electrénicos so medida los trabajos de atinamionto. nbustibley 68 pos: s aj los niveles de ILE gobernador electrénico limita la valor pefiado, y de esa manera existe un contol preciso de fa Ia sincronizacion dela inyeccion de combustible excepciona, temperatura, la carga, la velocidad ya turbocompre pueden usar procedimiontos de alagnéstico elecronicos para ayudar a ublcar problemas Dado que los cronizacion de la inyeccién y ia ntidad de combustible el motor Serie 60 puede arrancar sin Pena] ninguna ayuda hasta — 12°C M controlala velocidad ea Pee Raia velocidad Picatenerrereny Teese eter maxima del vehiculo dentro de la Ceres Peer rete ma de funcionamiento mas abenenens Pere rere ener eficiente del motor. ring Pirate tentiee Terrain peurroreed ose Pinrerere career een oes etay ease: L rreirretareey Coenen spear Enlaces de comuniencion Sate Ce eee eee Cambios progresivos meee ery Pree nrrcorerny Seca en eee oeernrn bed caer fterovrenerenry Seer ens Controies de bomba de incendio sateen eae Controles de arranque con eter Serene th) Pee pany Experi eee Peano ornare Pra ee tie puree tees ac PPP ECM de DDEC proporciona con- trol y monitoreo de vanguardia, ‘como asimismo un resumen re- djstrado en memoria del compor- tamiento del motor. E| ProDriver” lleva el proceso a un estado mas avan- zado al proporcionar al conductor y ge- rente de la flota el acceso a los datos esenciales provistos por DDEC via e! enlace de datos de diagnésticos SAE. El concepto se incrementa aun mas con el Data Logger™, que permite el monitoreo del motor y otros sistemas electronicos, en combinacién con una capacidad considerable de almacena: miento, recoleccién de datos de im: puesto al combustible, capacidades flexibles de comunicacién y extraccion de datos. El software de computadora personal ProManager™ extrae y ana- liza los datos del ECM, ProDriver y Data Logger de DDEC. Este analisis experto” y completo permite a los ge- rentes actuar inmediatamente, en vez de pasar horas tratando de analizar la situacion, Pata Familia de productos Data Hub Software TRAC ProDrive Data Logger i Paginas de datos de ECM Software ProManager 1600 000 kilometros La mayoria de los motores Serie 60 ‘que han acumulado més de 800 000 ki- lémetros han tenido muy pocos pro- blemas. Se confirmd su durabilidad ‘cuando un motor Serie 60 con mas de 1,600 000 kilometros fue desarmado e lnspeccionado. { Qué se revel6 durante el desarmado? HEE! bloque y la culata no mostraban ninguna deformacion o trizadura, La caja de engranajes, el carter de aceite y las piezas fundidas principales podian reutilizarse. Las camisas mostraban las marcas del lapidado original i Los sellos de las camisas no mostraban ninguna fuga. i Los pistones no tenian trizaduras o deformaciones y su desgaste era minimo, El cigdehal podia reutilizarse. I tren de engranajes estaba fen excelente condicién de reutiizacién. IEE! arbol de levas no tenia ninguna deformacién y solamente requeria la rectificacion de un lébulo. Las valvulas mostraban muy poco desgaste. El proceso de fabricacién de! motor ‘Serie 60 contribuye al alto nivel de cal: dad y durabilidad de la Serie 60. Pir CoC eC a St Pe CR Cle Detroit Diese! ha roto la barrera de consumo especitico de combustible (BSFC) de Renee reat ur scene au eee renee re mora oe a teste excepcional nivel de rendimiento, Los usuarios obtienen un promedio de 2.6 a yr eee ete en ack one ern ema feminine ere eeu oy eer Nee eer ee tie oe Apoyo de piezas y capacitacién Su agente mantiene un inventario de piezas Detroit Diesel de calidad y esta pronto para responder a sus necesidades. El personal de servicio ha sido entrenado por nuestros distribuidores DDC, o en nuestra sede mundial de entrenamiento. Ellos son ‘expertos en la aplicacién, el cuidado y DETROIT DIESEL fel mantenimiento apropiados de su ‘motor Serie 60. Usted puede participar en un ex- tenso programa de entrenamiento en mantenimiento y reacondicionamiento de motores en nuestras instalaciones de entrenamiento. Adquiriré los conoci- rmientos y experiencia practica necesa- ge 12400 Outer Div, WestDetot, Michigan 48239-4001 EEUU Taleono 29-692'5000 in cette com rios para diagnosticar y localizar casi cualquier averia del motor en el acto, Detroit Diesel Corporation esta dedi- cado a prestar excelente servicio a sus clientes. En ninguna otra parte se evi- dencia mas este compromiso que en nuestro motor Serie 60. Respaldamos lo que construimos Para mostrar nuestra confianza, el mo- tor Serie 60 tiene una garantia de dos afios con kilometraje _limitado. ‘Ademas, se puede comprar cobertura de servicio adicional hasta cinco afios/800 000 km. Para mas informa- cién acerca de la garantia, dirjase a su distribuidor 0 agente autorizado DDC. Devotee, ris 6, DDEC, ProDiver ProManager yl echas frmando un ceculo son marcas regstrades de Detroit Diesel Corporation, 16543038. 9605 ‘Senin continuen oe avancee tcrolgios las especticaciones iran eambiando, Litho USA. ENGINES DELIVERED SINCE 1/1/92 250000 zono00 a) 100000 Eg es En Peto] eee eer 1's no wonder the Series 60 engine is the choice of independent drivers and the top fleets, the high horsepower users, and truckers overall, The Detroit Diesel Series 60" Engine is the number ne seingheay-ty einer Noy ‘America forthe ninth year in a row. Why?. Hauis big loads Doesn't use a lot of fuel Is relable Doesn't cost alot to maintain Lives along time Makes them money Keeps drivers happy The Top Three Truck Load Carriers The Top Three Less Than Truck Load Carriers The Top Two Motor Vehicle Carros ‘Two Of The Top Three Tank Truck Carriers ‘Two Of The Top Three Refrigerated Carriers ‘The Top Three Fleets In All Of These Categories: Number of tons caried Highest average toads Highest average lonath of haul Highest mileage Highest revenue per mile Lowest cost per mile “Source: C64 August 2000 ® eR LG ae Clit eee ND Si OL SERIES 60'S OVER 425 HP SCO CRC aCe cLey Cu) 000 re sl 42,629" ‘ed cea Br eT) 25000 wy Serene Ts oy a PR ean epee tonne Dene wy 5000 ee ee PT rere gy pip £9 Ab SOSA cid ie "ae cry ot De ee ey Cred ) ize Vehicle Speci Profits Dy poitety Coy Coed Ce Venice 7 ratod ry on aor) Y dake Brake amt aod Probar Probriver OC irae a cy ao fs a co dd (aa aterm omy as einer Ys ee Re eer control Originally, DDEC* Meant Only The “Black Box” On The Engine. DDEC, Now In Its Fourth Generation, Has Grown To Be A Complete System Of Products And Programs To Support Every Phase Of Truck Ownership. What Are The Most Popular Components Of The DDEC System? ® Since 1985 Detroit Diesel has produced over 750,000 electronically controlled engines. The first Detroit Diese! Electronic Controls (ODEC 1) were followed by the more powerful DDEG Il and DDEC III, In September of 1997, DEG IV arrived as the most powerful electronic control system available on any neavy duty vehicle engine. The increased capability of DDEC IV allows Detroit Diesel to offer vehicle owners a logical, simple and complete system of products and programs to assist with every phase of vehicle ownership. The combination of DDEC IV and the new system of products and programs is known as: THE DDEC SYSTEM. roducts & Programs susp Teese) Pos Se oro ee Ce eo mete Cc, ee) Fars OnCD 19. 5825505 a ry De Cee er cas ‘Bor Ate Ports Pay ee ee) Pct algeria, oc) ae pas co | The DDEC System Supports Welcome to the DDEC System. All Phases Of Vehicle Ownershi Is the DDEC System a collection of fancy gadgets, complicated 1 Optimizing vehicle specifications software and expensive computers? NO. The sy 1 Maximizing profits combination of tried and true products and program: © Troubleshooting 1 Support Maximizing trade-in v ‘ne heart of DDEC system is the Electronic Control Module (ECM) with: 57% more memory 1 50% more speed © Built-in clock and calendar with built-in battery back-up Built-in data record ‘So what does the ECM mean for vehicle owners? It means they can 1 Manage their operation better Easily extr — vehicles — divers ye ensines Eliminate add-on de Quickly pinpoint problems and solutions oo pen) Pes ey eter ree Per) Fuel Economy Incentive ier ees ee eee as ProDriver DC, the successor to ProDriver, 10 assist you in managi your trucks’ operations by providing com: prehensive data and activity reports that Used to improve fuel economy, dr ver performance, driver satisaction and operating costs. Mounted to the dashboard, ProDriver DC ‘monitors and records operational data transmitted by Detroit Diese! DDEC and ther electronicaly controlled engines on the SAE diagnostic data link. As the Ia ‘most up-to-date version of ProDriver, ProDriver DC provides all the same data and benefits as its predecessor, plus new features and additional options, including @ fuel economy incentive sereen, built-in ‘engine alert beeper with shut-off function, a up and Clock/calendar with battery bac data cards for easy data storage, transfer, ‘and analysis. A new task key can take you ty to_a function you specty. Press the task .2y during engine idle, during opera jon or withthe key on and engine off, and you will go directly to one of three preset function screens, saving you time and get- ting you the information you need quickly Cy Coa Cet aay er ant eed dae es aot ds, Take the guesswork out of monitoring fest and diver performance. ProDriver DC offers al the same vital data as ProDriver ad more: ‘Current, instantaneous and average MPG ip time, miles, fuel, MPG average spaed Driving tie, percentage, mils, fuel, MPG idle time, fuel and percentage Cruse time, percentage, miles, fue, MPG Crd ot oy Profits cn er cory cd coin ard St oy ot eee pr) ForFieet Managemen Top ger miles, tl, MPG, time and percentage TO tne, fel and percentage Cverspeed te and peerage compared to two epeedtreehlds Over tne and percetage Maximum sped and PPM 6 Coasting te an percentage Auorrated ol change real tacking average engin ad ‘Task button to view favorite screens 6 Reports For Fleet Management AAA | im @ | BIOEL2| Tomer = Troubleshooting ror] Po od per sat co Seer Pd crs coy Pay Series 60 Engines Have Traveled The Equivalent Of T(@ Million Trips Around The World Ei The owner set a fuel This is quickly becoming @ favorite of drivers and overs. nomy goal and ager ete sou he er not meet the goal, nothing changes. But for every 1/10 mpg increase over the fleet fuel economy goa, ‘maximum vehicle speed increases by an amount set by the over. This is one of the best driver incentive/teet man- agement tools avaiable anywhere. Probrver DG, Data Summaries, ptimized Idle, Fuel Economy Incentive ‘A powerful combination. And they Increase the salabilty and residual value of a truck at trade-in time. e Detroit Diesel PasSmart is an electronic strategy in DDEC IV ECM software that sa driver to have a second vehicle Pea ee) Ce en can Ds co cio) Ed Eee paid speed limit. PasSmart significantly increases fuel efciency while atthe same time provides drivers, ‘a method to increase speed fora given period of time which allows them to negotiate grades The fleet manager ‘controls the set-up for this feature and acminis- cr safely pass slower trafic ters the training and use of ‘The Optimized Idle® System Is Available When More Precise Control Is Needed (Or When Ambient Conditions Aren't Expected To Improve. I Fy Tes cvstem works ust tke tho driver selects a comfortable temperature thermostat in a typical house. The range for the sleeper. When the truck is parked, the Optimized Idle system automaticaly starts and stops the engine to: Keep the driver comfortable Keep the bates oop the engine warm for guaranteed start-up in cold weather ies charged Pe A i was Peter as / Reprogramming oy Parr) ae a Pont Co pers cas Cee cor) i Ful Sea) Ea id The Optimized Idle system is also used whon trucks are unattended in cold weather, over the weekend, for example. Optimized Idle elm nates the problem of “no start-up" on Monday ‘mornings and roadside service cals to jump batteries, The rapid rse in populaity of Optimized ide is shown here: ‘OPTIMIZED ILE SYSTEMS oom sum amo ome mo oan a Optimized Idle can save thousands of gallons of fuel and reduce the maintenance costs of Unnecessary ing. Over 60,000 Optimized Idle systems are now in operation. poet’ Specing pees Aides) reer) are) eeccea) eer ea) During the winter, the engine needs to idle longer in order to keep the cab at a com fortable sleeping temperature. DDEC lows the engine to continue idling unt the 3 ar temperature rises above a pre- set imit and the heater is no longer need: fe, During the summer, DDEC continues to Ide the engine unt the ambient air temperature goes below a pre-set iit, and the air concitioner is no longer needed. This feature is available on all engines with Idle shutdown overide 600,000 Series 60 Engines Are On The Road De) po eo er ni 2 Ether Start i ea Optimized ile at Fuids, a a ey The basic engine design is simple, f& ‘cam in block engine. The overtead with fewer parts than a typical camshatt is in plain sight once the rocker ‘cover is removed, making diagnosis oft entre valve train simple and repairs easy In adltion, DDEC troubleshoots itself and records in its memory every abnormal event. When the tuck is equipped with ProDrrver, text messages are displayed to the driver explaining what needs attention, The DDEC System includes a comprehensive written troubleshooting guide. Tat guide, when used with a hand-held reader, forms an easy-to-use, ‘and portable troubleshooting kit that can be used with ite taining inexpensi The next level of troubleshooting is a software package known as Diagnostic Link thineludes a bult-n service manual and the abilty to view or change engine configurations and extract information into an easy-to-use repor. co err) ae In-Shop cape) fa Sd Par rn i cid System \When more sophisticated troubleshooting is requied, an advanced software program is avalable to allow even a novice to work through a problem tke a pro. Al that's necessary is entering a brief description of the problem and then answering questions when prompted by the software, This new software car, ‘See the chart to the right for an explanation is caled Case Based Reasoning ‘on how CBR works I help is needed while a truck is away from home, every Series 60 engine is part of the DDG 24-hour-a-day Roadside Assistance Network. A single call to -B00-445-1980 connects the driver tothe DDC Technical Support Center, Problems. ‘can be comected over the phone, directions to the nearest Service enter can be provided or asistance can be sent directly to the vehicle location Data Diagnostic Link Caliration Template Programs Troubleshooting Ce La eg Set Hand Po teri MR Ce ad an Le med ors as Rm Peete LY bar ath t's all part ofthe DOE System (for more Series 60 Engines. Information about the DDEC System, ask Cdr a A cer "ols Re ocd Waranty coo Pee eT Pr Mer) pois co for copy of DOC Brochure SAM - Accumulate One Billion Miles Per Week* Total Accumulated Miles 207,945,460,000 ‘The DDEC System. @ Estimate Based On An Average OF 400 Mls Per PC-Based Troubleshooting Pees Pr By Has the check engine light come on? . Does the problem only occur at certain outside temperatures? © When does the engine performance problem occur? What type of engine performance problem is occurring? [2 What type of engine problem is occurring? Actions: 97 Check turbo boost pressure. 972) Check air intake system for restrictions. 97} Check air intake system for low boost pressure. Case Based Reasoning low power, high rpm, not temperature related ae No. No High Speeds Low power Performance “Our driver. acceptanc is at the highest level ican remember.” Drivers. Smal Fleets And Owner Operators ®» Want Engines That Give Them Top e090 SERIES 60 ENGINE POPULATION Performance And Driveabilly. Together They Have Made The Series 60 Engine Their Top Choice. g | C5 Combine: Performance Fuel Economy (Cost Per Mile Rely Durability Driver Acceptance Ree ante eee eatin 80 198 990 —y881 Yona 989 1054 Was 1080 171088 1800 20 ‘Where is The Proof? This Chart Shows The Growing Success Of Series 60 Engines, Need Further Proof? IN A RECENT SURVEY BY HEAVY DUTY TRUCKING, 45% OF COMPANY DRIVERS PREFERRED SERIES 60 ENGINES. ‘Surveys Were Recently Sent To 18,000 Truckers Who Drive Series 6's. The Average Annual Mileage Of Those Who Responded Was 119,922 Miles ‘So They Know Trucks And They Know Engines. Here Are The Two Key Questions Asked And Thelr Answers Given: ENGINE PERFORMANCE VS. COST OVERALL ENGINE QUALITY Please ate these engine manutacturers on how wel thelr perfomance justi ther cost Please rate engine manufacturers based on your opinion of overl quay: Not Worth elf Pee 2 nnn Even Pay More PoOr Quality. nnn AVOFOGS. High Quality 1 ties, 4 5 1 ails 4 sa Detit Diesel 17% 55% AB% 422% 158% DetroltDiesel 1.1% 23% 7.0% 202% 607% CompetiionA 83% 2.1% © s24% 61% 21H, Competition 41% 84% 427% 354% a Compettion® 210% 281% 952% 136% 21%. Compettion 93% 137% 972% 85% 113 “ae 19, Hea oury TRUCK WHAT ELSE MAKES THE SERIES In Addition To Everything Else, The Series 60 Engine Is The Lightest Of The Current Big Block Engines Weighing 30 pounds less than its predecessor, the next generation Jacobs Engine Brake"™ is nowgyaliable on CY2001 Series 60 engines. We ach{ oa the 30-pound weight reduction through ‘a simplified design and the use of higher strength, lighter weight components. The new brake provides improved braking performance and is easier to assemble, ensuring higher quality. ‘This weight reduction sobsfies the Series 60 engine as the lightest ofthe full-size heavy-duty ‘engges available for the North American ot Qbnway market, And There Is More ... Fuel Economy ‘The Series 60 engine isthe acknowledged fuel ‘economy leader. Fuel economy is one of the ‘main reasons fleets buy Series 60 engines. Big fleets track fuel economy down to the third decimal. They know what works and what doesn't. And they buy mere Series 60 engines than any other engin. Cost Per Mile Cost per mil is based on more than fue! economy. It i usage and oll changes, routine mainte- a2 and on some competitive engines, required replacement of pumps, turbos or bearings according toa set schedule ‘There is no requirement to routinely replace pumps, turbos or bearings on the Series 60 ‘engine, The Series 60 engine doesn't require special hibe ols or expensive fiers. Reliability In today’s just-in-time world, customers won't stand for late deliveries. LL fleets serve the majority of customers who ddomand just-in-time deliveries. ‘And the top LTL feats in the categories that ‘count... use Series 60 engines. Durability Amilion miles is @ long way. A major fleet traded in 1,500 Series 60 engines, all with over a milion miles, and they had hardly been touched. The top fleets with the longest hauls choose Series 60 engines. ‘That's why, even though the Series 60, ‘engine will colebrate its 14th birthday this year, over 97,000 Series 60 engines have gone over the milion mark! ‘March 5, 2001 - Engines in Service Number Number teage interval of Engines Mileage lntervat oF Engines 0-109000 53,712 '800,000- 900,000 s27ar +100,000-200,000 62,488 '900,000-1,000,000 27,568 200,000-800,000 59,755 1,000,000-1,100,000 23,991 :300,000-400,000 54,250 1,100,000-1,200,000 20,653, -400,000-500,000 46,354 1,200,000-1,900,000 17.487 '500,000-600,000 41612 1,800,000-1,400,000 13,748 .600,000-700,000 38,573 1,400,000-1,500,000 9,235 7700,000-800,000 36,382 1,500,000-1,600,000 7,024 1,600,000-1,700,000 5,434 TOTAL 551,013 What About Warranty? Why Should You Buy A Series 60 Engi mille 100% parts coverage on major See ae ee ee components. (For complete warranty’ bea deistates details see your authorized DDC outlet.) |& Low cost per mille Or consider another option. Many Tecan ‘Series 60 engine users wait until Ae a eee » toes ro acae receive 25,000 miles of coverage. An ternative isto take full advantage of S05 ee eet ne imstpport Detroit Diesels Used Truck Engine Customized warranties coverage. At trade-in time, the current 1m Service throughout North America User ofthe new owner can purchase 1m Diagnostic Link ie eter ee ee Detroit Diese! now has four up to 200,000 miles of adclitional acces ae coverage. Tike that makes building hundreds of Sores 60 a truck more valuable and easier to sel. Engines everyday. nd everything backed up with panier over 1300 outlets no eee “T think it was Christmas Eve when the injector went down. We called the 800 line, | was down for Christmas jays - they said we could get someone out right away - well we said it was Christmas, we could wait. They said no, they have a guy and e~ his job - the guy called us back, he came out and did it right in our driveway, you know, did the injector right then and there. He was happy ~ more than happy to fix us up - that kind of sums the whole thing up.” Customer Quote “ My Freichtiner truck was new, and like on the second or third trip out, | had a water filter problem. Somehow a gasket got sliced when I was running and the fluid started leaking but the sensor shut me down on the side of the road right away. ProDriver said | had low coolant, so | went under the hood, found the leaking water filter, called the 800 number on the cell phone. Detroit said did you have taps on your fier - yes ~ shut them off - go check your coolant level - go to the dealer three exits up. | got fixed up - was back on the road in half an hour, It was great!” Customer Quote It’s no wonder the Series 60 engine is the choice of the top fleets, the high horsepower users, and truckers overall. “Our driver acceptance is at the highest level | can remember.” “We had to switch to the Series 60 because the residual value is higher.” “We have utilized Cummins, Detroit Diesel and Caterpillar diesel engines over the past 13.) years and have found the Detroit Diesel to be the most trouble-free and most efficient.” “We ran Series 60s for years and then other guys made us a deal we couldn't refuse. We're trading them in and going back to the Series 60.” “Another engine maker was going to give me a fuel economy guarantee, but they backed off when they discovered just how well the Series 60s were doing, “Maintenance is a substantial savings.” “To be Number 1 takes a great engine ...7o be Number 1 nine years in a row takes a Series 60 engine.” 24-Hour Hot Line Phone 1-800-445-1980 DETROIT DIESEL E 12400 Outer Drive, West, Dato, Michigan 48239. 2 Diesel Coxprai ts of Dettat Bos Corporation BOG, Ee Sat Cagroste Un™ and ote rao a rogitered vader fo S Jacobs hee Syste. Pl Po™ is a eitred aderark of Caco Ma DETROIT DIESEL Series 60" Engines Petroleum Offshore Applications Basic Engine 4 oycle Number of Cyinders 6 Borex Stroke in (mm) $1 inx6.3in (130 mm x 160 mm) Control pec Displacement 127 Dimensions: (approx) Length in (mm) 67.46 (1713.5) ‘Width, in (mm) 3479 (883.7) Height, in (mim) 55.63 (14129) Weight, Is, (ry) 2000 6063TK74 £2880 6063TK73 Rated Power Output and Peak Torque Series 60 — Best Selling Heavy-Duty A Row-Now ‘400 BHP (298 kW) @ 2100 RPM Engine 8 Years In 1550 lb-ft (2102 Nem) @ 1200 RPM Available In The Offshore Markets. Dotroit Diesel is the first heavy-duty diesel engine 450 BHP (336 kW) @ 2100 RPM ‘manufacturer to offer a fully integrated electronic 1550 lb-ft (2102 Nem) @ 1200 RPM. engine package cared for hezardous environments. The Ofshore Series 60 engine pO BT enor monM package is prepared to withstand the harsh, 1650 Ib-ft (2237 Nem) @ 1200 RPM Detroit Diesel Offers Two Petroleum Offshore Models 6063TK73 = Water-Cooled Exhaust Components 6063TK74 = Water-Cooled Exhaust Components And DDEC Offshore* “Wed Btn 2220? ape) corrosive, petroleum offshore environment. With over 15 years of experience in heavy-duty diesel engine electronics, Detroit Diese! has over 600,000 DDEC engines operating worldwide and in a variaty of marke maintenance, fuel consumption ngine protection, self diagnostics, DDEC repors, relablity and proven technology is ‘why Detroit Diesel has taken electronic controls further than anyone in the industry, ‘The Offshore Series 60 engine is certfied to the following standards EPA Nonroad, Euro Nonroad, ‘and IMO. Also, the DDEC components are certtiad by the following agencies: NEMKO, & UL. In adltion, the entire engine package has DNV design approval & DDEC is CE labeled. Performance Curves Series 60 @ 500 BHP RET 7H : : {260 FT wg 67.5in (171835 rm) ——>| Series 60 6063TK74 {A dimensions are approximate. For complete dimensional Information, refer to instalation drawing prowded by your authorized Detrot Diesel Corporation representative. Rating Explanation Consult your authorized Detrot Diesel Corporation representative forte rating that wil apply fo your applcation Standard Equipment Detroit Diesal Electronic Controls 12/24V" WDDEC Data Unit injectors 1 Overhead Camshaft Articulated Pistons Wet-Type Cylinder Liners SAE #1 Cast ron Flywheel Housing 1 Spin-On Full Flow Oi Fiters 1 Coolant Conditioner Composite Oi! Pan Composite Rocker Cover Air To Air Charge Cooling Turbocharged 1 Water-Cooled Exhaust Manifold & Turbocharger *DDEC is a complete engine control and protection system. ‘Qver 600,000 DDEC engines aren service. EPA & Euro nonroad certified. IMO certined. DETROIT DIESEL CORPORATION eo 12400 Outer Drive, West, Detroit, Michigan 48238-4001 Telephone 318-692-5000 via Optional Equipment Air Compressor 18, 16, 28 OFM mAtornator 12/24 mStarter 12/24 MAY Starter Front Mount SAE #0 cast iron Flywheel Housing Remote Oil Fitors Hydraulic Pump Drive WAurinum Ol Pan | Aluminum Rocker Cover MEngine Brakes: Front PTO x x x x x x x x x x x x For Adcitional Technical Information, Ratings, or Performance ata, Consult your local DDC Distributor. Pros oe ‘© Copyright 2000 Detect Diesel Copeation. Al ft resavad, Ostrat ete", DEC” and sping arows dg ao registered waderas of Det Died Copan, ‘Serie 00 aac of Dart ooo Corporation. [3SASSI. 0004 As fchncalaciancoments cornu, specosions may change. Pind n USA DETROIT DIESEL Generator Set Power Length 57.21 (1458 Witham 89001) MODEL: — 6063TK35 Prime Rating: Prime Rating: Standby Rating: Prime Rating: Standby Rating: Prime Rating: Standby Rating: Standby Rating: ei nn A. 137 Wight (ry) 2850. (1954), 359 BHP (268 KW) @ 1800 rpm ‘392 BHP (292 KW) @ 1800 mpm 415 BHP (310 KW) @ 1800 rpm 424 BHP (316 KW) @ 1800 rpm 455 BHP (339 KW) @ 1800 rpm 477 BHP (354 KW) @ 1800 rpm 490 BHP (365 KW) @ 1800 rpm {550 BHP (410 KW) @ 1800 rpm © Cooling System: Air to Air I DDEC Control System WW 4-Stroke Design Excellent fuel consumption Low emis ion characteristics Mi Designed for long life before overhaul Power levels shown are at -0% tolerance I The Series 60 engineering design will be able to ‘meet all known future emissions requirements Prime Rating: Prime Rating: Standby Rating: Prime Rating: Standby Rating: Prime Rating: Standby Rating: Standby Rating: 314 BHP (234 KW) @ 1500 rpm 335 BHP (250 KW) @ 1500 rpm 365 BHP (272 KW) @ 1500 rpm 368 BHP (275 KW) @ 1500 rpm 390 BHP (291 KW) @ 1500 rpm 420 BHP (313 KW) @ 1500 rpm 430 BHP (321 KW) @ 1500 rpm 485 BHP (362 KW) @ 1500 rpm re PART LOAD FUEL CONSUMPTION Plsl=galhr us) = 905 Power 98:69 E 750 Power i063) . {ove Power "188 703) 3 me] Pe EMISSIONS DATA 8 Sentisnon 1997-96 Nooo | else ob tet ag” LoaD 50% 75% 100% 2 pe NOx gr 1038 1870, 2328 30 Teo Teo 300280 200360 a0 s50 S00 SOON) GB RE 3 i ower ~ Br Pugh 109 eh fo ED PART LOAD FUEL CONSUMPTION Puslgaifr Uh) —s0% Power 99679 ‘oy Power 143849) . To0% Power oo I88 3 a EMISSIONS DATA 3 Ceriisnon 1997-96 Nonroes Nese abi @ in eee g 1 Lb PEEEEEE LOAD 50% 75% 100% : ee Neg 8 tout A Nee or ve 18 eo 50100 150 200 280 300360 400 480 600 500 SOON NBEO Ge is iss Power —BHP PA oh 75 % 2 + PART LOAD FUEL CONSUMPTION Foal par Uh 905e Power roan 7 Toh Power 153673) : G03 Power "203 (709) ; : foe : EMISSIONS DATA ax % at Conan 1967-98 Nonroas 1 + Noise — db(A) @ 1m 102.6" g LOAD 50% ‘75% 100% z : Noe gr ts ison oa 00150200” 250 300380100 8020050 DOE 4 ae iz Powor —BHP Paton s es % PART LOAD FUEL CONSUMPTION Fusl~galir Un) = 50% Power Howe 5 Top Power 4135 (60 ‘ i Faove Power 200243819 at EMISSIONS DATA é Crean 1996-98 Nowroe Nese ani @' im Tee: vo Soke Bosch Noi! 28° ee { © be - tee fo is no oer Er i 50100 150 200 250900 360 400 #60 500 650) SOO aa Ce ie oo Power — BHP 65 - Gh 6 os, 0 Pat gh a0 80 +80 + Prime Po See ee on DETROIT DIESEL . come po 13400 West Outer Drive, Detrot, Michigan 48239-4001 SAS GO Truck Power DETROIT DIESEL @ Specifications Number of Cvinders 6 Inne Air Syste Turbocharged Air-to-Air Charge Coating Contr DoEG* Bore and Stoke 5.12inx6.50in {130 mn x 160 mn Displacement 778 euin (127 Wer) Re Compression Ratio 16.5:1 Dimensions: approx) Length 87 in (1448 mm) Wath 34 (864 mn Height 50 in (1273 mm) Wight y) 2610 os (1184 Ratings Features ‘Maximum HP @ RPM Peak Torque @ RPM Overhead Camshatt 390 HP @ 1800 RPM 1850FT-LB @ 1200 RPM ‘Maximum fuel injection pressure 350 HP 1800 RPM Fewer parts 330/350 HP @ 1800 RPM i Easy to service 90 HP @ 2100 RPM TOTES OOF One Piece Cylinder Head 50 HP @ 2100 RPM TE Maximum structural rgiity between the block and head 350/350 @ 2100 FEM CP Eight Read bolts per eylinder creat one milion pound OH @ 2100 RPM TSSOFTIB@ 1200 RPM of clamp load for unmatched heed gasket Ife S80 HP @ 2100. fon Valens ees Ones 360 @ 2100 APM CP. ren ete SOP a ROPE THEFTS TETRA — | Short intake and Exhaust Ports for maximum peromance 400 HP @ 1800 RPM arc economy 430 HP @ 1800 RPM. ‘570/430 @ 1800 RPM CP Unit Fu Injectors for caso of service and troubleshooting Sie SORE oe DEC - Detrot Diose Electronic Controle TOF a 1600S TEES TET — | Meneaeserosorsenarase ibe lapse See ee iecaes 8 1 Bunt dageosten - Sesion ae ‘TS60FT-LB @ 1200 RPM DDEC provides all the management tools and reports needed Sere Sauget ro Wooas ensayo SUP SO re TEEOFT-LB @ 1200 RPM Gearing Recommendations arorPO7Ic0 reat manera — | Sica eal Ment Bs onvodtens tee sure opaany Ao ‘“BOOHPG2100HPM _____1400FT1BG@ 1200 ‘simulation program) is available to help with selecting driveline/gearing, ‘500 HP @ 2100 RPM ‘caming Reccrmenaition Chart ‘onarng Recaro Or Ee op | om a TSORP OSTON Fn rom | = z ‘430/500 @ 2100 RPM CP eons es Je i ‘SOR OTOD FH eminem |] is e is : 470 HP @ 2100 RPM pow Bw pose rN s oa c 330 - 500 Horsepower ating condone of SAE: °F 25°C) an 20.1 in Hy BBHPa) Barret (Dy) ‘sr auoraed Darot Das! Capers preven Series 60 L Engi Performance Curves 330-350 HP 370 - 430 HP 430 - 500 HP (330 HP 430 HP 430/500 HP T & wie | i eataer tb | solr ~ Bes hie A [Biot § § i ase oe 7 i as cal QI SL ion Re Hy ar Q . ee : oo |-8 a oe a SE 350 HP 430/470 HP 500 HP. ‘eso nem i - i Engin Engine Brake Performance Engine Brake Performance > = = : i > is DETROIT DIESEL Series 60 Engine ‘aces 24 Hour Hot Line {300 yo, Ws at Mean 2008 Phone 1-800-445-1980 vy detrotdeaalcom a "©2000 Dette Diesel Coca. Al its reseved Cert Des, Sonning Arows Design, DDEC and Sars 60 ae registered raderarksof Det Diesel Corporation, [384369 0002 “clone advancomentscortrus, spocioaors may change, Pod n USA 3

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