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La clase previa trabajamos con la siguientes preguntas:

● Can you tell me a little about yourself?

○ I am a teacher with 10 years of experience in university
● Tell me about yourself
○ I am currently working for a software company in Florida
○ How would you describe yourself as a person?
○ I consider myself a hardworking and friendly person
● What type of position are you looking for?
○ I am applying for the call center position
● Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?
○ I am interested in the part-time position
● Why should we hire you?
○ You should hire because I have a lot of experience

Durante la clase nombramos las siguientes oraciones:

Despues del verbo LOVE-LIKE-HATE-PREFER, el siguiente verbo se debe escribir

y pronunciar con ina ING:

I love sleeping - I love eating.

Formas de preguntar la edad:

How old are you?

La pregunta formal es: What’s your age? / Could you tell me what your age is,


Cuando y cómo utilizar “Should”
Para pedir o dar consejos


● “Should we turn left at this street?” (¿Giramos a la izquierda en esta calle?)

● “You should be getting ready for work.” (Debes estar listo/a para el trabajo.)

Para demostrar la obligación, dar consejos o incluso una opinión


● “You should stop eating fast food.” (Deberías dejar de comer comida rápida).

● “You should go for walks more often.” (Deberías caminar más a menudo.)

● “We should go to the park tomorrow.” (Deberíamos ir al parque mañana.)

Cuando y cómo utilizar “Would”
Para preguntar acerca de las posibilidades


● “How would you do that?” (¿Cómo harías eso?)

● “What would you do if…?” (¿Qué harías si …?)

Para realizar una solicitud educadamente u ofrecer algo


● “Would you like some tea?”(¿Quieres té?)

● “Would you help me, please?” (¿Podrías ayudarme, por favor?)

En situaciones hipotéticas

● “If I had a lot of money, I would like to own a farm one day.” (Si tuviera mucho
dinero, me gustaría un día tener una granja.)

● “I would love to buy a boat.” (Me gustaría comprar un barco.)

Cuando y cómo utilizar “Could”

Para sugerir una posibilidad


● “Whose notebook is this? It could be Nelly’s notebook.” (¿De quién es este

cuaderno? Podría ser de Nelly).

● “Could ‘A’ be the answer? It’s definitely not ‘B’ or ‘C.” (¿La respuesta podría ser
la letra “A”? Por supuesto que no es “B” o “C”).
Para pedir algo educadamente


“Could you please move this box?” (¿Podrías mover esta caja?)

Para responder positivamente a las peticiones, debes utilizar el verbo “can”.


● “Could you please move this box?” / “I could, but I am really busy right now.”

● (¿Podrías por favor mover esta caja? / Podría, pero estoy muy ocupado en
este momento.)

● “Could you pass that paper?” / “Sure I can.”

● (¿Me podrías pasar ese papel? / Por supuesto que puedo.)

Este es un diálogo de una entrevista de trabajo en Inglés el cual veremos el

A Welcome to Cloudways, My name is Derek

B I am a Ryan

A What position are you interested in?

B I am interested in the customer support position

A Why do you want to work for us?

B I am looking for professional growth

A What was your last job?

B I used to work for Dreamhost

A What were your responsibilities in Dreamhost?

B I help clients who were using dedicated servers

A Why should we hire you?

B I think I already have the experience necessary to do the job

A Thank you, you will receive a call from us soon

B Thanks for your time, I will be looking forward to it

Además, practicaremos las siguientes preguntas:(algunas las dejaremos para

próximas clases, vamos a comenzar por las primeras 5 el viernes)

● Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?

○ My responsibilities included creating reports and making
sales calls
● What Can You Contribute to the Company?
○ I can increase the sales and productivity with my expertise
● How did you hear about the position?
○ A friend of mine told you were looking for a professor
● What type of work environment do you prefer?
○ I like working in classroom fit for teaching
● What are you looking for in a new position?
○ I am looking for an opportunity to teach what I know
● What do you know about the company?
○ I think the company is focused on results
● What do you know about our organization?
○ The organization provides top best education in Costa Rica
● Why do you want this job?
○ I want this job because this place is a nice place to work
● Why were you fired?
○ I was fired because I was sick for a couple of weeks
● Where do you see yourself in five years?
○ I see myself happy doing what I love
● How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
○ I don’t really like to work under pressure but I handle
situations well
● Why are you leaving your current job?
○ I am leaving that job because I want to grow professionally
● Why did you leave your previous job?
○ I left that job because there were no opportunities for growth
● What motivates you most at work?
○ Being valued as a professional is my motivation
● Do You Prefer to Work Independently or On a Team?
○ I prefer to work independently
● What are your salary requirements?
○ My salary expectation is $2000 a month
● What’s your salary expectation?
○ I would like to have the minimum salary and an extra salary
based on performance
● Do you have any questions for us?
○ What benefits do you offer in your company?
● What’s your biggest strength?
○ I am a very creative person and I am good at sales
● Can you list your strengths?
○ I am open to learning new things and I like technology
● What weaknesses do you have?
○ I don’t have leadership skills
● Why have you been unemployed for such a long time?
○ Because I was working on personal projects
● Why do you think you would do well at this job?
○ Because I adapt to new situations
● When can you begin?
○ I can begin right now
● When can you start?
○ I can start whenever you want

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