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Picky: Exigente, difícil.

Picky eaters: comensales exigentes, líos para comer.

Every family has its challenges, from picture day to picky eaters: Toda familia tiene sus retos,
desde el día de la foto hasta los líos para comer.

Station Wagon- Camioneta.

Who are these unstoppable warriors? Quienes son estos guerreros imparables.

I told you to get a lid.Dije que con tapa?

Lid: Tapa.

Most action héroes have a lot of strenghts: La mayoría de los héroes de acción tienen

My family only have weaknesses (guiknisis)

My dad kind of reminds me of that youtube video of the screaming gibbon monkey. Mi papá
me recuerda un poco a ese video de YouTube del mono gibón gritando.

Gibbon: Gibon.

And we are strapped in for success: Y estamos preparados para el éxito.

I've always (aivilguis) felt a little different than everyone else


Made weird art: Hice arte extraño

Behold! Observen

Beholder : Expectador.

Im alive now: Estoy vivo ahora.

Even though Im a hamburguer. (iven doug a im e jeimbarguer.

Innards: Tripas

I never fit in for lots of reasons: Nunca encaje por muchas razones

Hardened criminal: Criminal endurecido.

Bust: Quebrar, reventar, destrozar.

Im here to bust criminals And lick my own butt: Estoy aquí para atrapar criminales y la merme
el trasero

And Im all out of criminals: Y me quede sin criminales

My parents haven't figured me out yet. Mis padres aún no me descrifran

Figure out: Descifrar

To be fair, took me a while to figure myself out. Pará ser justos me llevo tiempo descrifrarme
My little brother Aron gets me: Mi pequeño hermano Aron me entiende

But he is got his own weird interests: pero. Tiene sus propios intereses ;

Hi would you like talk me about dinosaurs?

You get an A for effort Mr Brown.

My dad is an unsual man(mai dad is an aniushual man)

Outdoors: Al aire libre

Outdoorsman : Amante de la naturaleza.

Mallard: Pato real.

Check out : Echarle un vistazo.

To Survive in the outdoors, you'll need yo know How trap wild game. : Pará sobrevivir al aire
libre, deben saber atrapar animales salvajes.

Bathed in light: Bañado en luz.

Ghoulish: macabro

Unobstrocted: Sin obstáculos

Put your phone down : Pon tu teléfono abajo, ahora.

What makes you say that? Que te hace decir eso?

I think it might be a masterpiece: Creo que puede ser una obra maestra

Do you really think you Can make a living with this stuff?

Stuff: cosas.

Pan : Sarten

Pan out: Sartén.

We're not gonna be able to help you. : no podamos ayudarte.

Do you just think Im gonna fail: Piensas que voy a fallar?

Failure hurts, kids :Fracasar duele

I want you to have a back up plan: Quiero que tengas un plan B.

Why are you making a big deal of this :Por que haces tanto alboroto de esto?

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