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Puede ir antes de un adjetivo o de un adverbio, se usa para expresar que algo es
más de lo que se necesita o se requiere, por lo tanto, tiene un significado negativo

1. Antes de un adjetivo
Ejemplo: The coffee is too hot

2. Antes de un adverbio
Ejemplo: He eats too fast

Lo usamos también para decir que algo es más de lo que queremos o necesitamos,
se usa solo antes de sustantivos contables en plural, es decir, para referirse a
There are too many cars in that parking
I ate too many cookies that’s why I have a stomachache

Se utiliza también para expresar que algo es más de lo que queremos o
necesitamos, se usa solo antes de un sustantivo incontable o después de un verbo

1. Antes de un sustantivo incontable

It’s too much work! I need an assistant
There is too much traffic this week

2. Después de un verbo
I ate too much at the party
I’m thinking too much about him


Con esta palabra indicamos que algo es suficiente o justo lo necesario. Se puede
utilizar con adjetivos, adverbios, sustantivos o verbos.

1. Antes de un sustantivo
We have enough money for the rent this month
There was enough food for everyone

PÁG. 1
2. Después de un adjetivo
You are smart enough to find a solution
The car is fast enough to win the championship

3. Después de un adverbio
I don’t know the subject well enough to give an opinion
You train hard enough to win the next marathon

4. Después de un verbo como adverbio

Enough como adverbio cumple la función de describir una acción
Ejemplo: We haven’t studied enough for the exam.

5. Como pronombre
Ejemplo: We need more days to finish. Five are not enough.


Complete with too, too many, too much or enough

1. You eat _____________________ fast food. You should cook more at home.
2. The boy spends ___________________ time playing video games.
3. You shouldn’t watch ___________________ movies.
4. We have ______________ eggs to bake a cake.
5. This coffee is _______________ hot.
6. This coffee is hot _______________.
7. There are_________________ apples on the table.
8. Do you think I drink ____________________ coffee in the mornings?
9. There isn’t ________________ bread for dinner. Please buy some more.
10. My dad smokes ___________________. He should smoke less.
11. I think there is _________________ ketchup on my French fries.
12. Do you want more cereals? No thanks, this is ______________.
13. I don’t eat ________________ vegetables. I don’t like them.
14. I have a stomachache. I ate_____________ meat.
15. She isn’t old _________________ to drink alcohol.
16. Wear a sweater please. It’s ________________ cold.

Choose too, too much, too many, enough to complete the sentences below.

1. There’s _________________ smoke in here; I can’t breathe.

2. I don’t earn ______________ money to buy a car.
3. My manager says that I play well _____________ to win the competition.
4. I know I talked ________________ . I should talk less.
5. I don’t think the door is wide ________________ to get the sofa into the room.
6. _________________ money can be bad for football players who are still in their 20s.
7. I ate _______________ cakes and I feel sick later.
8. I can’t drink this milk. It’s ____________ hot.
PÁG. 2
9. I think I’ve eaten _______________. I don’t feel very well.
10. There weren’t ________________ people to play a match, so everybody went home.

Choose too, too much, too many, enough to complete each sentence.

1. You work____________ you need a holiday.

A. Too much
B. Too many
C. Too

1. My parents got angry because my marks weren’t ____________.

A. Enough good
B. Good enough
C. Too much good

1. I can’t help you. I have _______________ problems right now.

A. Too much
B. Too
C. Too many

1. He didn’t accept my project because he said it wasn’t _______________.

A. Too much good
B. Enough good
C. Good enough

1. This house is _____________ small; we need a bigger one.

A. Too
B. Too much
C. Enough

1. You don’t need to buy anything. I think we have ______________ for the journey.
A. Enough food
B. Food enough
C. To many food

1. I didn’t study _______________ and I failed the exam.

A. Enough
B. Too many
C. Too

1. This hospital is a total chaos. There are _____________ patients and not
A. Too much / too many
B. Too / enough
C. Too many / enough

1. People spend _____________ time on their mobile phones.

A. Too
B. Too many
PÁG. 3
C. Too much

1. Aren’t we _________________ for this kind of games?

A. Too old
B. Too much old
C. Enough old

PÁG. 4

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