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Tarea Académica N°2

“Task 6”
Carrasco Román Elvira
Chuquiyauri Zelaya Elizabeth
Medina Rivas Sara Isabela

there are two masseters in the room/ hay dos maseteros en la sala
there is a lamp in the room/hay una lampara en la sala
there is a clock in the room/hay un reloj en la sala
there are several books on the shelf/hay varios libros en la repisa
there is a tv in the living room/ hay un televisor en la sala
there is a frame on the wall/hay un cuadro en la pared
there is a sound system in the room/ hay un equipo de sonido en la sala
there are two cushions on the couch/ hay dos cojines en el sillón
There is a table in the room/hay una mesa en la sala
there is a video player in the room/hay un reproductor de video en la sala
there is an armchair in the room/hay un sillón en la sala

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