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The Psychology of Personality Formation

Personality is something that people tend to think a lot about. When we meet new people,
whether through work, school, or social events, it is often their personality on which we
immediately focus. Whether they are nice, helpful, outgoing, or shy are just a few of the
things that we assess as we evaluate the people around us.

What Is Personality Development?

It is our personality that makes us who we are, but how exactly do our personalities form?
Personality development has been a major topic of interest for some of the most prominent
thinkers in psychology. Since the inception of psychology as a separate science, researchers
have proposed a variety of ideas to explain how and why personality develops.
Personality development refers to how the organized patterns of behavior that make up
each person's unique personality emerge over time. Many factors go into influencing
personality, including genetics, environment, parenting, and societal variables. Perhaps
most importantly, it is the ongoing interaction of all of these influences that continue to
shape personality over time.


La psicología de la formación de la personalidad

La personalidad es algo en lo que la gente tiende a pensar mucho. Cuando conocemos gente
nueva, ya sea a través del trabajo, la escuela o eventos sociales, a menudo es su
personalidad la que nos enfocamos de inmediato. Si son amables, serviciales, extrovertidos
o tímidos son solo algunas de las cosas que evaluamos al evaluar a las personas que nos
¿Qué es el desarrollo de la personalidad?

Es nuestra personalidad la que nos hace quienes somos, pero ¿cómo se forman exactamente
nuestras personalidades? El desarrollo de la personalidad ha sido un tema de gran interés
para algunos de los pensadores más destacados de la psicología. Desde el inicio de la
psicología como ciencia separada, los investigadores han propuesto una variedad de ideas
para explicar cómo y por qué se desarrolla la personalidad.

El desarrollo de la personalidad se refiere a cómo surgen con el tiempo los patrones

organizados de comportamiento que conforman la personalidad única de cada persona.
Muchos factores influyen en la personalidad, incluida la genética, el medio ambiente, la
crianza de los hijos y las variables sociales. Quizás lo más importante es que es la
interacción continua de todas estas influencias lo que continúa dando forma a la
personalidad a lo largo del tiempo.


Personality, Development, environment, variable, behavior, genetics, social, people,



Personalidad, Desarrollo, ambiente, variable, comportamiento, genética, social, personas,


Personality psychology is a specialization of psychology that is responsible for studying the

character and differences between individuals. It studies the psychological traits that
identify an individual or a group of individuals, their formation, structure and functions
from their origin to their disappearance.

There are many definitions of the word personality, but they all share a series of common
features that allude to the internal, to the global, to identity and coherence, among other

This also refers to the pattern of thoughts, feelings, social adjustments and behaviors
exhibited consistently over time that influences the expectations, values and attitudes of
each one.
The study of personality has a very large and varied history in psychology, and this has
taken as a development of the personality factors or aspects of both the environment and
the person himself. On the one hand, environmental situations external to the person that
can cause people to adapt their behaviors and thoughts to these situations. Thus, in terms of
environmental factors influencing the development of personality, we can contemplate
culture, experiences, among others. On the other hand, the internal aspects of the person
can be combined to influence the behavior of individuals. Referring to these internal factors
of people we must take into account biological and hereditary factors, needs such as
thoughts, temperament, and character.

the main characteristic is individuality, this being a determining factor in individuality as

well as the physical aspect in the differentiation of personality.

the id, the self and the superego. These concepts do not have to be considered as having an
objective truth but rather as useful tools for understanding the dynamics of our psyche.

The id is that unconscious deposit of our primary psychic energy that seeks the satisfaction
of these primitive biological impulses. Obviously, the id acts motivated by the pleasure
principle: it seeks the satisfaction of our desires.

the conscious self in the subject's first year of life, the self that we think we are. This self is
the visible part of our personality but the deep roots of our identity remain in the
unconscious side of our psyche.

The super-ego generates an “ego ideal” that it tries to impose on its own effective ego, the
individual begins to develop behavioral ideals that tell us not only how we should act to
satisfy the id impulses and in that way the subject goes internalizing and creating a moral
conscience that goes beyond the practical adaptation of their behavior to reality.


Definitely, psychology has been concerned with studying man far beyond intelligence,
perception and memory; where the aspects and individual potential of the human being
have been made aware and in this way being able to understand how and why they act,
think in different situations; and even more because each one can behave, take and face a
similar situation in another way. That is why when beginning to study the personality and
its formation, it is possible to understand the roots of the identity and the psyche that make
up each person in particular, taking into account that this goes from the genetic or
instinctive part of the human being and the processes or progressive changes that it has
from childhood to adult life but also influenced by culture and society, shaping interests,
opportunities, values, perception, moral conscience and also discomforts; these as a set of
traits that are becoming visible in the personality.

It is important to know that personality as a fundamental part of the person, is something

that should not be strictly limited, because there are many factors that are related, that are
part and contemplate the formation of the personality and that despite try to study and
understand, we must know that each person in particular takes different components to
form; in which they are reflected in the way of behaving and acting in a distinctive way,
that is why nobody looks like the other, nobody thinks the same as another and even more
important, nobody has the same personality as another, even though sometimes we share
the same ideals; For this reason, it is so complex to be able to study personality, because it
will depend on each individual.

Referencias bibliográficas.
Psicologia: Formación de la personalidad (

El ello, el yo y el superyó, según Sigmund Freud (

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