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Docente: Jesús Peña

Asignatura: inglés
Año: 1er año

Saludos a todos. Para continuar con la temática de las actividades, este 3er tema trata sobre
Nouns, and class of nouns. Dicho tema deberá escribirse en el cuaderno. Además, al final del
contenido encontrarán una guía práctica de ejercicios.

What is a noun?

A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea.
Un sustantivo es una palabra que nombra algo, como una persona, un lugar, una cosa o una idea.

Class of nouns
.- Proper nouns vs. common nouns

Proper noun: a proper noun is a specific name of a person, place, or thing, and is always
capitalized. / Nombre propio: un nombre propio es un nombre específico de una persona, lugar o
cosa, y siempre se escribe con mayúscula.
Example: Joseph, Vienna, and the White House.

Common noun: is the generic name of an item in a class or group and is not capitalized unless
appearing at the beginning of a sentence or in a title./ Un sustantivo común es el nombre genérico
de un elemento en una clase o grupo y no se escribe con mayúscula a menos que aparezca al
principio de una oración o en un título.
Example: "teacher," "river," and "table"

.- Concrete nouns vs Abstract nouns

Concrete noun: a concrete noun is a noun that can be identified through one of the five senses
(taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell)./ un sustantivo concreto es un sustantivo que se puede
identificar a través de uno de los cinco sentidos (gusto, tacto, vista, oído u olfato).
Example: ice cream, table, car, song, perfume.

Abstract noun: an abstract noun is a noun that cannot be perceived using one of the five senses
(i.e., taste, touch, sight, hearing, smelling)./ un sustantivo abstracto es un sustantivo que no se
puede percibir usando uno de los cinco sentidos (es decir, gusto, tacto, vista, oído, olfato).
Example: education, hope, courage.

.- Countable nouns vs non-countable nouns

Countable nouns: Countable nouns refer to items that can be counted. They can be used with
articles such as a/an. Los sustantivos contables se refieren a elementos que se pueden contar. Se
pueden utilizar con artículos como a / an.


Example: pencil, candy, ball.

Uncountable nouns: Uncountable nouns are nouns that come in a state or quantity that is
impossible to count, such as liquids and ideas.
Example: creativity, sand, water.

.- Collective noun
Collective nouns: collective nouns are words for single things that are made up of more than one
person, animal, place, thing, or idea. / Los sustantivos colectivos son palabras para cosas
individuales que se componen de más de una persona, animal, lugar, cosa o idea.
Example: school, army, team, class, crowd

Para esta actividad, los estudiantes deberán responder la guía práctica de ejercicios. Una
vez culminada deberá ser enviada por correo electrónico a
Recuerden que solo deben enviar la guía práctica resuelta y no el contenido. No olviden
por favor escribir su nombre y año para ajustar la calificación.


Año: ____________________________________________________________________________

Practical Guide
1.- Clasify the following words/ Clasifica las siguientes palabras.
Example: car Common



2.- Sort the following nouns into categories by placing them in the table below/
Ordene los siguientes sustantivos en categorías colocándolos en la siguiente tabla
chair needle love New York sadness Wednesday
herd tribe thought dog hope

3.- Underline the nouns in the following text and write what category they belong to. / Subraye
los sustantivos del siguiente texto y escribe a que categoria pertenece. (No repetir el sustantivo)
Pi lived in India. When Pi is 16, his family decide to close the zoo and Pi: proper noun___________
move to Canada. They sell some of the animals to zoos in North ________________________
America and the family take the animals with them on a ship to
Canada. On the way, there is a terrible storm and the ship sinks. Pi ________________________
finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, zebra, orangutan and a tiger. ________________________
When he sees the animals, Pi is scared and he jumps into the ocean. ________________________
Then he remembers there are sharks in the ocean and he climbs back
into the lifeboat. Sadly, Pi’s family and the ship’s sailors die in the
storm. One by one, the animals in the lifeboat kill and eat each other, ________________________
till only Pi and the tiger are left alive. Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in ________________________
the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and are burnt by the ________________________
Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Sometimes, Pi is happy and
hopeful, but sometimes he feels sad and lonely. Finally, they arrive at ________________________
the coast of Mexico. ________________________

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