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Para este periodo P2 estos documentos de Word deberán ser enviados en este
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Intención Pedagógica:

Identificar las palabras para nombrar dispositivos tecnológicos.

Demostrar comprensión de expresiones escritas sobre temas relacionados a la


Responder preguntas para demostrar comprensión de un texto escrito sobre

la compra de una laptop.

Escribir preguntas utilizando how much y how many.

I. Complete the following sentences with the right word: laptop,

printer, router, mouse, memory stick, headphone, speakers keyboard.

I find it helps to use a Mouse in order to navigate my laptop.

Last December my parents bought me a Laptop, and I have been doing all
homework on it.

I also need to buy a Printer so that I can print some important documents for
My computer is connected to the internet through a Router.

When I need to save essential information, I use a yellow memory stick.

When no one is home, I use the speakers to play music as loud as I can.

I use my headphones to listen to music so I dont disturb my parents.

My keyboard is lots of fun because it lights up when it is dark.

II. Diálogo: En la línea de la derecha escriba client o salesperson

según corresponda a la persona que habla en el diálogo.

Client: Good morning.

Salesperson: Good morning. Welcome to electronics Omega. How may I help

you today?

Client: I am looking to buy a new laptop. Do you have any?

Salesperson: Yes! We have this brand new Mega Tehcno laptop.

Client: How much money does this laptop cost?

Salesperson: It costs the US. $650.

Client: How much memory does the Mega Techno laptop have?

Salesperson: It has 256 gigabytes.

Client: How many USB ports does the Mega Techno laptop have?

Salesperson: It has 4 USB ports.

Client: I really like this Mega Techno laptop. I´ll buy it.

III. Write how much or how many.


You can use how much to talk about prices, especially with the verb
cost. For example: How much does that charger cost?

How many is used with countable nouns. For example: How many
laptops are there in the classroom?

How many different laptops does Dell have?

How much money does it cost to buy a printer?

How many keyboards have you had in your life?

How many memory sticks does the school have?

How much volume do your old headphones have?

IV. Coloque el número del párrafo en el renglón de la izquierda, es

decir, identifique el párrafo en el que se encuentra cada enunciado u

1. I would like to share my review about this new brand cell phone.

8. It is not the best phone I have ever seen!

8. If you don't have a lot of money, this phone is a good choice.

4. The battery will last you around 6 hours if you are using it constantly.

2. This mobile phone has a battery performance of 8 to 10 hours.

6. It feels a bit simple and plastic in terms of materials.

1. This cell has a space storage of 128 gigabytes.

5. The overall physical look of this mobile phone can be improved.

4. The battery will last you around 8 hours if you use it occasionally.

7. I would not give this phone a 5 stars.

Hi my name is Sam and I would like to share my review about a new brand cell
phone "TAZUM DN17X" with a space storage of 128 gigabytes.

It has a 16 megapixels camera, that's a good quality. In addition to this, this

mobile phone has a battery performance of 8 to 10 hours.

The only negatives I consider about the phone is its price, it costs $300 dollars!

The battery will last you around 6 hours if you are using it constantly, and
around 8 hours if you use it occasionally.

I also feel like the overall physical look of the Golden Dragon X237 mobile phone
can be improved.

It feels a bit simple and plastic in terms of materials.

Overall, I would give this phone a 2.5 out of 5 stars.

If you don't have a lot of money, this phone is a good choice. But it is not the
best phone I have ever seen!

V. Write a short dialog between a client who wants to buy a laptop and
a salesperson. Escriba en inglés, un diálogo corto, diferente al anterior
entre un cliente que quiere comprar una laptop y un vendedor.

Client: Hi, i came last week and asked for that laptop you have over there. I’d
like to buy it.

Salesperson: Great, let me look for it and I'll come back in a second.

Client: okay, I'll wait.

Salesperson: here it is. It will be 10,000 pesos, the instructions are in the box
and they are really easy to understand, but if you need anything or have any
doubt feel free to call us.

Client: Thanks, here you go -she hands the salesperon the money-.

Salesperon: Thanks for chosing us, have a really nice day ma’am.

Client: You too.

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