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e Ly expresion grafica arquitectonica c 4 RESENAS 22 EL REFLEJO DELA MOVILIDAD EN LA ‘ARQUITECTURA Javier Segui de la Riva 438 EL SECRETO DE LA REPRESENTACION OBJETIVA: Fabulacine investigacién histérica; el xojo ingenua» y el conocimiento secreto de David Hockney Lino Cabezas Gelabert 50 DE BEHRENS A MIES: Lo cibujos para el Museo Krdller-Millr en Holanda Juan Calduch 58 FACILITAY NON FINITOEN LAS VIDAS DE VASARI Carles Montos Serrano 68 FORMA COLORE DELLA CITTA STORICA NELLE IMMAGINI DEI PITTORL Tra conoseanza e progotto Patrizia Falzone 75 LA PERCEPCION DEL ESPACIO: Evocacion de sensaciones sonoras Pilar Chias Navarro 85 PENSAMIENTO GRAFICO EN LA OBRA (DE MAURIZIO SACRIPANTI ‘Diego Maostsi 100 DIBUJOS DE ESPACIO RURAL José Garcia Navas 106 TRASCENDENCIA COSMICA Y TEOLOGICA DE LA ORGANIZACION [MATEMATICA DEL ESPACIO EN LA ARQUITECTURA GOTICA Roberto Goycoolea Prado 110 PAISAJES URBANOS VISTOS DESDE ‘GLOBO: Dibujos de Guesdon sobre fatos| de Clford hacia 1853-55 Antonio Gai Gordo 118 EL CUADRANTE SOLAR OLVIDADO DEL MONASTERIO DE LOS JERONIMOS DE GRANADA Carlos Esteve Secall 126 LOS NUEVOS PRINCIPIOS DE LA ‘ARQUITECTURA MODERNA: La reprosentacién de los § puntos de Le Corbusier y da los ikimos proyectos de MVRDV Marta Ubeda 198 ENGLISH TRANSLATION ‘caviar parece on “Le Bova” 1256e ‘ayo e182, ave mots eco anes Nada reluando ts utanas desde lobo. {LNs Yrky au sededeae vitae ir dein Bachman Fecha hci 8 lena Garlaxpuche/ Over: Cudede de gobo iat 77,1. ‘en aw ees pleat ans Fa ox fn Gat Co ‘Sie msc ear STOS DESDE GLOBO: fotos de Clifford hacia 1853-55 Con el presente articulo se pretende subrayar la necesidad de plantear in- vestigaciones graficas sobre nuestro entorno paisajistico; recurriendo al analisise interpretacién de imagenes de otros tiempos para aproximarnos ala evolucién, el ayer y el hoy, de ea- da ciudad, paisajeo teritorio, de ma- nera que se aporten nuevos puntos de vista 0 cuestiones que mejoren st co- nnocimiento y puedan enriquecer la ac- tual practica urbanisticat Desde el siglo Xv existiria gran in- terés por dibujar vistas de ciudades usando sofisticados recursos graficos para mostrar con mayor © menor exactitud, sus perfiles y rasgos mas destacados 2. Especialmente, desde fic nales del siglo xvi surgiria una gran proliferacion de imagenes urbanas al servicio de empresas editoriales, que aportan muchos datos que deben ana- lizarse cuidadosamente, pues a veces son poco fiables, dependiendo de las hhabilidades o intereses de cada dibu- jante (0 incluso del grabador que rein- terpreta el dibujo) 3 La aparicién de la magia de la fo- tografia hacia 1830 provoo6 una pro- funda transformacién en la obtenciéin dde imagenes, facilitando la precisa re- produceién visual de la realidad (sin concesiones a la fantasia) a may di- ‘yersos autores, y no s6lo a los gean- des artistas elegidos de latradicin ve- dutista (que a veces usarian cémara Meme are AOONGL? Fees: Leese Ieee ‘netsormage mn ee Coscura). Asf, los reportajes forograti- cos vendrian a sustitur a los euader- nos de viaje en la toma de vistas de paisajes, ciudades o arquitecturas, ofreciendo inmensa informacién de gran valor objetivo. ‘Ademds, a mediados del sigho x0x tendria lugar la singular confluencia de la fotografia con otro avance tée- nico: la posibilidad de volar sobre glo- bo aeroseético, cuya invencién en Francia a finales del siglo xvii pro- porcion6 un nuevo punto de vista pa- +a observar, no s6lo imaginar, las ciu- ddades y sus paisajes. Hacia 1830-40 aparecerian diversas publicaciones con pioneras vistas aéreas, basadas en fo tografias, de ciudades como Paris y Londres, a las que siguen las esplén- didas vistas de Guesdon que aqui se tratan; y otras muchas, como las del famoso dibujante y earicaturista fran- «és Félix Tournachon, conocido como ‘Nadar, desde 1858; 0 del fotSgrafo Ja- ‘mes Wallace Black a partir de 1860 en Boston, entre otros americanos 4 En dicho context de mediados del siglo x1x resulta clave la figura de Al: fed Guesdon (1808-1876), pinto, li 6grafo y arquiteeco nacido a orillas de Loira,en la ciudad de Nantes. Su acer- ‘camiento inicial al dibujo de temas es- pafioles estariaigadoa la gran empresa ‘editorial y arrstca del primer catedré tico de paisaje en nuestro pais, Jenaro Pérez Villaamil, "Esparia Artistica y Monumental” (Paris, 1842-44), en la ‘que Guesdon participaria como lité- sgrafo en de sus preciosas kiminas. En una magnifica coleceién dedi- cada a Espafia, Guesdon dibujé y ‘geabé un conjunto de 24 liminas ori- ‘ginales ageupadas bajo el titulo " Es- pagne a vol dodiseau" editadas en Pa- sis por Hauser y Delarue, en formato de 285x440 mm. Se trata de vistas to- ‘madas "a vuelo de pajaro” de 16 ci dades o lugares notables que se rela- cionan a continuacién: Alicante, Barcelona (2), Burgos, Cédiz (2), Cor doba, Malaga, Gibraltar (32), Grana- dda (2}, Jerez, Madrid (2), San Loren- 20 del Escorial, Segovia, Sevilla (2), Toledo, Valencia (2) y Valladolid ‘Alsser liminas sueltas, no se cono- ce con certeza la fecha exacta de cada tuna de ellas, pudiendo tomarse como referencia el aio 1853, indicado en la ncerolégica de Guesdon que Charles Marjonneau publicé en una revista francesa en 1876; aunque es posible que algunas se romasen entre 1851 (Ma- drid) y 1854 (Toledo), y su publicacion pudo prolongarse hasta 1855 5, En todo caso, la gran calidad de di c’chas vistas espaiiolas no seria un he- cho aislado, sino que mantiene una clara continuidad con tres magnificas ccolecciones de laminas sobre ciudades europeas a vista de pajaro del mis ‘mo autor, dos anteriores y una poste rior, también editadas en Paris por Hauser y Delarue: 44 dibujos de 37 villas que aparecen en la obra France a vol d'odiseau", publicada ha- cia 1848; otras 40 vistas panorimicas dibujadas en 1848 e incluidas en * LT talie a vol d’odiseat", publicadas en fasciculos hacia 1849-1852; ademis fe a rs rs Hae de una colecci6n similar dedicada a Suiza hacia 1858 6 El talento y la habilidad de Gues- don como dibujante se refleja en un original en el que aparece Valencia, ejecutado con lapiz, aguada y goua- che, con tamaiio idéntico al posterior srabado, fechado en 1853 y firmado con el titulo "VALENCE DU CID J VUE D'AUDESSUS DU PONT JO- SE", recientemente subastado en So- theby’s Peel & Asociados 7 a absoluta fidelidad y rigor de los dlibujos ha sido destacada en una pu- blicacién dedicada al "Toledo visto por el litdgrafo Alfred Guesdon" 8, {que incorpora una foto aérea de di cha ciudad tomada por el Ejercito del Aire en 1972 desde una posicién cer- cana a la elegida por Guesdon, de ma: nera que se comparan e identfican to- dos los edificios y parajes que aparecen en el dibujo, aportando una breve sinopsis sobre cada uno de ellos que corrobora el enorme valor de la abundante informacién que contie- ne este documento grifico, equipara- ble a las grandes aportaciones biblio- eraficas de otros autores de mediados del siglo xix. ‘Ala vista de la eserupulosa minu- ciosidad y realsmo de las laminas, re sulka sorprendente y poco creible en- contrat en ellasrotuladas las palabras “desinees d’apres nature”, pues cl sen- tido comin hace ver que es muy dif «il, mais bien imposible, que unos di- boujos tan detallados y precisos fuesen romados directamente del natural, 0 sea desde el aire, y menos ain volando con los medios disponibles en aquel tiempo. Seguidamente se aclaran y ma- tizan dichas palabras, que responde- 2 rt ee GUO pce MBL O€PANGEY Pte Sane ae rion ana simple estategia comercial con cierto pudor a desvelae el secreto dela claboracién de los dibujo, Io cual seria habitual en las editriles de aquel momento en Paris, centro mundial de 1a prodiccin litogratica y en especial de la vinculada al paisaje urbano y a Jas vistas aéreas de ciudades. Algo similar ocustira en otras des- tacadas obras de la Epoea, como la de Francisco Javier Parcerisa, Recuerdos 1 bellezas de Fsparia, que incluye el texto "dibujé del natural." en las abundantes liminas de sus doce wot rmenes, hecho que no era cierto, pues es sabido que se srvié del daguertoti- po, aprovechando la aparicin de we nicas mixtas como la forolitografa (es decir el posiivado mediante litogatia, de negativos forogriticos) . Igual- mente, se sabe que otto dibujante de lite en el citado Ambito parisino, el arquitecto Girault de Prangey, toms cerea de novecientas planchas 0 pla- cas forograficas en un viaje realizado cen 1841, en parte publicadas en 1842 18, y que podrian haber servido como Ihase de la obra de su colaborador, el. arguitecto y gran dibujante Nicolis ‘Chapuy, autor de una impresionance ¥¥ poco conoid coleccién de vistas de Fspatia publicadas en Paris en 1844, que también incluyen las palabras "dessncesd'apres nature" con las que se trataia de subrayar que, sea cuales facren los medios usados, se trata de tomas originales, descartando la vul- sar prictica de calear o plagiarotcas publicaciones, muy habitual en aque- lia época mt, Asimismo se usarian re- cursos fotogrificos en las excelentes liminas de otro destacado colabora- dor de Prangey, Jean Auguste Assli Zeya wena rv 00 UATE? Foe ae wn 1.16. tm desde a Coie Rouse. Ard Gusdon,Publcadaon Pais hacia 188 nie sete "UPrance aval dadsoor” neau (que también trabajé para Vi liaamil junto a Guesdon) 2, y que fue patrocinado por un gran personajes el bar6n Taylos, qui al parecer habria propiciado el debut de Guesdon como dibujante de monumentos 1 Los prejuicios antes citados oe pu- dor a desvelar el secreto de los inno vadores medios fotograficos usados :motivarian falas especulaciones, que han llegado a nuestros dia, sobee la forma de obtener las preciosas vistas. Su origen podria situarse en las pala- bras eseritas por Charles Marjonneau cna rferida necrolégica de Guesdon ‘en 1876: "Com la ayuda de wx plano geométrico de rigurosa exactitud, y «que transformaba en perspectiva cle- vando mucho ta linea de horizonte, el artista legaba a trazar, en este table- ro tan bien preparado, la elevacion de las casas y de los monumentos de la ciudad, suponiendo que se encontra- ba en un globo, o.en un punto muy elevado; esto le permitia adentrarse con la mirada en las calles, los jardi- nes y los patios, y representar no slo la vista general y topogréfica de una ciudad, sino también todos sus edifi- cios y barrios. De abi sus vistas de- nominadas caballeras o, mejor, la- madas a vista de péjaro” w. Ni que decir tiene que la meticulosi- dlad y el realismo descriptivo de las ciu- ddades dibujadas por Guesdon, con da- tos absolutamente precisos, hacen ver a cualquier arquitecto, 0 persona con ‘una minima experiencia como dibu- jante, que resulta totalmente inverost mil la hipétesis de que pudiesen dibu- jarse a partir de planos de planta. ‘Logicamente se usarian los recursos fo- ‘ogrificos habituales en las grands em- ppresaseditoriales de Pars antes citadas. ‘amo are en nb pen Le my ‘moun eaten eA he C00 ‘ea ioe atest EVE han 3 hyn uo a Sin embargo, diversos autores de eater understanding ofthe alton the pst andthe resent, of every cy, nndscape ad tr try thereby proving now prspechves and de- ta that furor eesting knowledge tnd enrich the Desen practowat urban panning ‘Tha enthusiasm fr droning views ofc ing sophisticated grphi osouces to render aceurzey spots thoi otines and mest tinguising ras, emerged ding th 1th Ca ‘uy wes however nth ate 1h Century tht urban magesepan a palersteenrasre nthe service of pubshing houses, however he erge amount data generated eqires detailed an $5 since reli vais aceatding tothe sl or interests of the parte artt (and even of the engravers who reinerpretac the cravings) The eval ofthe magico petagraphy around ‘W20 gave rise to a pratoundtusnstoreationn te ‘way mich magoe were obtaine,facilteting the accurate visual reproduc a realty ith: ‘ut concessions to fantasy for a wide range of rit, not onthe hasan one ofthe "veut ttahion who oceasinal uses the camera ob cura). Hance photographie reportage ever: Iyreplacedtema oul nthe prt f vas flandseapes ees ang aechetue, emisning huge amounts of highly objet inonaton, Moreover nthe i 1h Coury hograpy co inefegunguay wth enather technical advance ‘the possibiy of fying ing haa balon, hin vertion of which i France etthe ed ol the 1h Century provided snow prepacive ton atsrve, not merely imagine, tas ane herond ‘stapes Around 15040 several publications ap- peared vith panesing ae vows of cies such ‘as Paris and Londen that were bese on phatog: ‘aphy. These were olowed by Guesdo’ pen ‘i inages, tha subject ots ace and thos of any ethers, inelading those thatthe famous Froneh ast and eariceturit Flix Teurnachon naam as Nada, began to produce in 158, ane ‘ose produed in ston around 180 bythe ho a olin dn Rat le ea an se es SARC ‘ograper Janes Walle Black, 32 wells ot ‘rds ‘Aired Gueson 1808-1876 penta therapher nf arcteet, born on te banks of hear, n Nantes, wos 3 ey figure ofthis mig-1-Cantary ‘cone is ntl engagement wth Spansh homes ‘waslinkod othe grat publishing and aris ‘erp undotaken ty he coury'srtiandecepe olessor, Jaro Pez Vaan, hose Espa ‘risicay Monunortl puisedn Pani. 1 ‘4 ined tie beaut hegraphs by Guat don, Ina magnificent collector deicatad to pein, Guoséon row ae engeaved 28g plate in othe gener" Espagne ad asad pb Ishod a Pas by Hause ae Delo, ne 28) ‘tm format. Th ellction comprises "b's eye sof outtnding sites aces a foo Aliant, Barcelona (2 Burgos, Codi (2, Codo- ba, Malage, Gist), Granada (2), dere, Madi (2, San Loronzo del Escorial, Segovin Sole (2) Toad, Valea 2 ae Vi ‘As hase ce a loss plates, the ‘eschwns produead is notice, Chas Men nea’ obtuary of Guesdon,pubahed ina French ‘magazin in 86 posto 185, atogh isos bloat soerl wee mode between 16 Msi ‘nd 164 Tolede) but erent pub il 188° Inany caso, the excesiona quay of thse views of Spinwas ceri natan slated occurence butclesly a contindston of tres megnfieent Callction by the seme autora plates epic ings eye veins of European cites. Aso pub lished in Pars by Hauser and Dear, te of thse pret the Spanish ‘ar dates to 0 later eviod sols contain 4 erawings of 37cm pu lished erund 1846" a vald'aseas, which contains another #0 paneramic views dane ia 188, ppesredin installments around 1421852 anda simlar colon dedicated Swteeiané fame out sound TSB! {Guostontaletand sll aso art are demon Stated nan ori anc and gouache drawing sopeting Valencia, hich sideteal in set the Inte engraving, dad 153 and signed vith he ile VALENCE OU Cib/ VUE O'AU DESSUS OU PONT $JOSE™"This drawing was recent ae- ‘inod at Sothatys Pes & Associate The absolut oabyandrigor af the drawings arefighitadin a publication ented Toledo ws to pore! grate Aled Guesaor, which eles an aerial phatograph of he ety in question akan by the Spanish i Foroen 1972 rom avery sm. lar aso that chose by Guesen, thereby n- S/ieMIAR OAL ee ed Casson. Ae ‘ember aioe terrain {Stolp at, S00 ko QUIRGS MARES, Fa atte Ai inten Pato Secs Coa sing te compsison anddenticaton ofa the tulips and spots that appear inthe drawing A twit synopsis ofeach afthese corrorats the norms value oft aundert information con ‘ainadin th raph document camparabie to thatathe mj: iblgraptic crtibuions of ek fr mi-19- Century authors Inviw ofthe metesios ston to deta ond ‘th alm isplayeain the plato, iba sr prising and hardto comprehend that ty should be onnoteted wilh the wards dessindes pris ‘att for commen sense dates thats ha yuk ot mpossibi, that such deta and ‘acuraia drawings were produced dec fom ies or fromthe ain is cso, and much sso ‘whe ying th the means vais t tho ine ‘hese words ae in fact cared ané quabfed as pat ofa simple cenmrcia stony based on ‘eran raconce abet rovering te sere ow, the drawings wore praduced. At th tine, this ‘wauldhaveboen common pacticein he publish Inghausosin Pos, the worl sero of thographic ‘reduction, especially ae alate to urbor land Scape and aril vows of tins A nla thing cured wah ator mpocant works ‘tepid sven a Francisca Javier Paces ‘ecueros y belozas de Espen, which cludes te teat “dbwo del ratural_on the abundant plates contained nthe twelve volumes. This early fle, a iti fact hat use was made of aguereatypes, tating ava ntago ol the appr anes of mined tachniqus such a potlthogo py fhe ue of ahoprapy to print photographie fopatves) is ala fat that sncthor eminent ‘aul Prange, ook nary ine huni phat (raphe plates ana journey undertaken 8, Dusen pat nan that hac my have boenuised asthe basis or the work this parr, the arhiteetand great seis Nols Chapuy. 2u ‘thorasn impressive but ieknaum ealecon of \ews of Spa Pubishadin Faris in 6, solncudes the words"dessndes daprés nt, ‘graphic resources were azo lent plates produced by anther of Prangey's parters, Jean Augusta Asselin (also ‘Worked fr Vilar slong with Guesdon,” who ‘was championed bythe ennan gure aron Ty lor alegd ohave fostredthe debut of Guesdon ban arat tmonamers The shove-mentoned prejudices or reveonce abot evesling the soert behind the inovetve Dhototanie resources used tale specu Tato, sl common today, bot hw these beau ti aus were abana. The orgn sy al ie inthe words witon by Chares Marianna is eviousy ted obtuary of Gusdon in 187%"Wh the aid of highy accirste geomet plan, which ho transtormed nt a perspective by oreat ae aig then fe horn thas as 3010 trac, on tis sxcalrtypropared hoard, thee ‘eration of he houses and moments ofthe oy assuming tht he was na ballon oven igh ome Os pormites im access the seats gor dns and eouryards mths ee, nd represen not only the general and topographical view ofa iy, bua al ts oulings and dsc Hence, his socal views rm above, rather is 0 caledbid's eyeviews Needles to 2s plaints any arentact.orn- ‘deed embody wit tl experience wit ran ing tithe meticulous deta and descrintv e lam ofthe cas craw wth such necaracy by SGueston totaly conraict he hypotesie tat ‘hse were bast on loo pars. Gute saa, he htographie resources usual eplayed by the rovousy mentioned grat Parsian publishing houses ms have boo Uso ‘Novorteless, soveral authors of conan renown hve crested conuion by anorenty ning Mar Jonnau athis word siting that an exper artist Sich as Gueséon, sided bya good mano he iy, ‘wou othe needed ia sek higher postion, ‘pdinsnutng hath crovangs cauldhave ben roéuee by aplin te ula of porspacive “i Fasalsobeor sil, though na proved tat i ‘ded, the perspectives are based on 9 serio of parialmape produced om various hgh pois," the assumption that the meted followed was Slr seus ding We Resisnnce Even 3 recon and hy etoosing werk kos the ms take of stating that. same poople stl maintain ‘that 136 Coury ara vis were produced wih the ae of photography ad balons Tis eoar- ‘wimposshie isnot aasyta draw ram» balloon: ‘anos ew complet sketches might be mace, {sin ta caso the above-mentioned 184 vow ‘flondon Photographic suppor, which asad the difiuly of drawing, ony became possible ‘sone tine oer Indeed th eres sera po (graphs dae le period than the eet dew. ings balloons” ‘When cussing this sue several autrs have ‘enone te possible partipaton ofthe Bish iar Attoge Jute hoat AGL Aides Pt phctographor Chaves Cif, ahah tisha a trays bean done with eation ds tthe above ‘mentored opr, he lack of nermton andthe ‘eporses nature ofthe avalabe evidence, tich ths aici ans to bring ogethar forthe rst tine Tho pletion of he wees of eae retro shove roclins he eisence ota potourap k= by Giferd around he same tin that uesdon produced hs itograph. Both mages ams the Suthorn fade of theta play siriar ‘seo ight and shade around the od distict as ‘wll asthe same hypothetical ewprint situated hove tha Poa dl oy Mor, leading tthe ‘ueston 2510 whether hey ok owes fom ot high lwp. possitiy rma bafoan on which hetook dequerreatynestit he subsequent used to dran the cy?” Francisco Qurts has put onward much mre ae- urate hypoiess by considering the posity ‘haton evan occasurs,Guesdor may haveused 2 copive baloon to take photographs, using hese as the basi for his panorame cravings. his au- ‘hor also states he folowing “Boor hings are i fet to clay uta use hypothesis i potas fhe possibie colaoraton withthe Bosh pat ‘apher Cif Charles Cor London, 1819- Mods 163) arrived in Spsia during the later month of 185, and in January ofthe following oar, scoring oCantrana, hand oulon ‘were alngaszensin Maoh aboard ie yal Gremome ard Normandy hota balvon, tseems ‘more than ial tht Cito cnpaton wean tthe than 8, Guesdo, he surname ting ser ‘been incorrectytrenscobed by the ypeset Wore this obs te eas, woul axon naan Inte process felloned byte ast toproduco Sameor his eine mrt, ut also the ary ks ‘the British photographer wah Feneh photo: ‘aphicmeans Thoworkin Span of Charles Ciford, he oficial mare sal eben eset cont valablo publication by Le Fantanal- eset Gereourese anti Diogrnty orcarer ef this engmati figure por to sativa in Madrid in 1850, parent the ‘omar of Guasdon Nether any ight aed on his possi ommottons wih above-nartionod pulblestons, aroun Tt-4, ofthe bids eye ‘ewe of Franch ad alin cies. econ tFertanl, itor mst have trught ‘vai fo Londen 2s Pav the nt cance inthe arofdapuerecype photog ethaugh smerny teres gas ex CDONAL ORES, given tate signed his conmunicetons with he ronn e Aeaonout Anglais at 61h might wolbe considered both asa photographer and as 40 aranautof baci baloos. This unique c- “umstance gave isto suspicions about the gon sine interests behind his commercial adventure rs wel a ie ativan frtaking bed ye es limportant paces (t's mentioned that he may have beena spy or ven aman | Ciffordwas leseely any rom Mada betwsan ly 1852 and March 185, 2 yar fat was to be tremely produce rin nce myo his phi {Bgraphsinlae ths dae it appearsthat etrv sled several parish cies, robabl with Guos dan, as wolas a London and Paris betuoen 1854 and 168 Several sources ineat tatin 1650 be had ore 40 ews af Spain which coe him gst amo nese. isa fact tate visto 2nd ‘ak photographs al te ees dan by ues on (except far Vlora, though his oiinals tacen fom the balloon nave novor boon sen most certainly because they were not conmer- ‘lad exceporthe case of Granada sind- ted ts) oder to rasa the gn of thabed's eyeviaw calecton Inanoter recent andineesting ail by Ger o Kurta details are provided a Cifor's sr Ding acti asthe abronnut whe ia January 151 lis Ralloon over he Magri aleng 2s part oa unique spocacie ced ‘cri cons ‘ovcon erate’ [blight veh balaon ascent ‘nth tha names onthe posta forth event ap eating 09°, Ciford ond A Gulston’ (Suesdan ‘Sincorecdy spat Karts menian his dsio to doeipher ata fre ‘dat the eletionship between te photographer, the balloon ascents ond several thographs of Madrid rom the ar dating to 101-5, inicaing ‘hat Citar's eompen.on might have bon od Suesian {whose name spoons in a aed frm). ivan thatheisroperied to hove been in Spain the time ealactng data for hs Famous Ith raph series Fmustte pita out hat kurz incuesins r- tile vary pei ferences tat appeared vthe ess at tne (Cro Pico de neve ‘rede 850 /Cenica ea copa The Pe Ot {ry/ 18 November150/Chronice ote capital fmphasiing te advanced eevical sl hater ed tem take vies Hom ballon: High ‘So¢ed dagusrecnpe Wo canrortut recomend {the publie he new metho for producing di ‘guereoype porrats. mote byte farous er ‘ute Mess Cifod and Gotstan no ony fo ‘inane, PEE aos emner ASSELINEA ther precision and perfection bu aso forthe sr ‘rising spond at whch they 70 performed (It Seams that they can cant the ascents they have planes, they incendta reproduce atirt's ‘evoanoramie view of Mati" Other pate epertnchded by Kurtz confrmthat ‘he atant assess cated out Hence, « ‘Would appear tat tha to ganaramic views of Madrid includes inthe Guesdon election, ne of ‘vin omaine meteuausdetae otha ullng in ‘he foograin, wore ake fom baleon. ‘Thereisalso ache: conincing piace af vdence ‘hatinol sugges tet Gueedon base dea ings on Ciford's photographs taken fom a bal- loon. This iste view a Granade conned ithe ook bythe Reverend Richard Rabers:"An eur tourin Sain he yar 1689 nue to fit few page an acknowedgenantio® Ciforter permission tose i ghotogreghs tus the boot is mmecisely obsius thatthe soil view if Granads tet eppears ante rant cover ofthe book is igeniel to Guesdon's mage, theredy enonsating Wet both edhe sane phtoaragh by Cio asthe sister respectveimages. enc, Gunsdon must have created excellent rawntransatons fatal photographs sig the sae frames produced byte eames iennd- {and combining the ar of daveng and photog ‘aphy with exraorsinay reais. Hing otis 6s ‘03a! en secure foundation of propervons “nab him evel te iliination of eh ‘graphs, withthe exceptional alert that he had already damonstraod in previous drawings. Hs plates display exuiste graphic qulty,evichad wah te shadows cat bythe clouds thant Tasty the wiba landscapes, preventing the ‘ast xpansos of outings em appearing Hand trlnctng in const uosdon provides nove vewpoints,reoaling the et of beauiful th-Centry cites portsyed 'bdatance These ae nage of urban land that metaphorically appear to have» hu ‘man face ith closed profes and precise forms [Casita cies tad pseatoraporva.) There te images of very Wadtona urban layouts in hich successive goneratorsconinued to write the ae isnes These contut unique raph iedocumante, wich are nt ony highly retsble (based on photography but alo ita fr ‘uate nals of how these layouts expanded or lve into tho 20) Gert. ‘must not be forgoten thatthe purpose of hese borate wast commerciale drawings hat Sinusted change, sen asthe meer image of he se op essa fora ee ape Ba Spee Teac er se nr St ein ib ne bes ‘arte ypoe natant Seton rade esason 8 re ‘ature Ukowise by that ime several European lashed aleady surpassed he dimensions ofthe tracional iste cy, he major ransiomations ‘het scoparia the Industral Revo hada: ‘ready begun to emerge Curious ‘the Eurapean cites porayed by Gueston in ‘arch the protagonists or the sokostacs of ‘ayindustes te andar thatappearin sor ‘ral is early ondorings of Spanish ees are ‘he quintessential ste Eeanaios he bling. In conclusion ean be stated that Cifras po- {graphs tan fromthe balloon and tha etl ‘taneavonsdrann by Guesdon marked reli sion nthe way ctas had been observed and de pietod unl he, suing ina unaue relaonship Bataan drawing ohoteraphy, haga, ity and architecture ints way he use of seh a ‘ Miewpints and sopistzaed cna advances produced graphic results af excoptonsl beauty nd refiner. These ere intima ita 602 Uumeats for research mee at rowing enen- hanced appreciation ofmany Spanish ies ane thar lndseapesinth 9h Contry sn iovluble moment (i eraspact in which» hea pa ‘ard and vches ove the centuries isn port lost or ransfarmad by progres o te aval of ‘moter in the 2 Canty,

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