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Future Tense

Add é, ás, á, emos, án to all verbs AR, ER, IR

Yo - hablaré I will speak

Tu - hablarás You will speak
El, ella, ud. - hablará He, she, you will speak
Nosotros - hablaremos We will speak
Ellos, ellas, uds. - hablarán They, you(plural) will speak

1. I will eat comeré

____________ 6. Yo(vivir) vivire
2. You will eat comerás
____________ 7. tu(leer) leerás
3. He, she, you will eat comerá
____________ 8. el(ser) será
comeremos irémos
4. We will eat ____________ 9. nosotros(ir) __________
5. They/you(plural) will eat ____________
comerán 10. ellos (cantar) cantarán

Irregular Future Stems ( stem ) (yo) the irregular stem is the same for
(yo,tú,él,Ud. ,ella,nosotros,ellos,ellas,Uds.)

Decir - to say - dir diré I will say

Hacer - to do/make - har haré I will do
Haber - to be - habr habré I will have ( Participle)
Querrer- to want - querr querré I will want
Saber - to know - sabr sabré I will know
Poder - to be able to - podr podré I will be able to
Poner - to put - pondr pondré I will put
Salir - to leave - saldr saldré I will leave
Tener - to have - tendr tendré I will have
Venir - to come - vendr vendré I will come

Reflexive verbs put me, te , se, nos, or se before the conjugated verb.

Ponerse - to put on (oneself) -- Me pondré los zapatos. = I will put the shoes on (myself )
Levantarse – to get (oneself) up – Ellos se levantarán a las seis. = they will get themselves up at six.

11. Tú (tener) tendrás

___________ 17. Tú (saber) sabrás
12. Ella (poder) podrá
___________ 18. Él (haber) habrá
13. Nosotros (hacer) haremos
___________ pondremos
19. Nosotros (poner) ___________
14. Él (decir) dirá
___________ 20. Ud. (venir) vendrá
15. Uds. (salir) saldrán
___________ 21. Yo. ( ponerse) me pondré
16. Ellos (querer) querrán
___________ 22. Tú (levantarse) te levantarás

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