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Área de formación: Lengua Extranjera -Ingles

Unidad de aprendizaje Nro. 3

Docente: Lcdo. Miguel Infante

Alumno: Yeibert Ospino

Año y Sección: 4 D

Actividad nro. 1

Tony and Rody are classmate, they study in the same school and in the same grade. They do their
homework together in the afternoon they go to the stadium on Saturday. Tony and Rody like top
lay baseball.

Are Rody and Tony in the same school? = Yes

Do they do the homework together? = Yes

When do they do the shomework? = In the afternoon after claces

When do they go to the satadium? = Saturdays

Do they like to lay tennis? = No

What do they like to play? = Baseball

Actividad nro 2


Las clases online están bien como respuesta a la pandemia y que no afecte los estudios en su
totalidad, pero no se le esta sacando todo el provecho que se debe y muchas veces se han
convertido en un profesor enviando actividades por correo o las redes sociales. Muchas veces los
alumnos se quedan sin aprender bien una materia o tema porque no tenemos la dirección de
alguien para aprender de forma correcta ya que en muchos casos solo nos envían actividades que
hacer y ya y en ningún momento nos dan la guía para aprender correctamente. Si estas
deficiencias fueran mejoradas las clases online serian online y se podrían aplicar en todo momento
a partir de ahora.


Online classes are fine as a response to the pandemic and that it does not affect the studies as a
whole, but it is not getting the full benefit that it should and many times they have become a
teacher sending activities by mail or social networks. Many times students are left without
learning a subject or topic well because we do not have someone's address to learn correctly since
in many cases they only send us activities to do and at no time do they give us the guide to learn
correctly. If these deficiencies were improved, online classes would be online and could be applied
at any time from now on.

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