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guía para el desarrollo de clases virtuales


English English II 4-5 Reading Adverbs of
comprehension: frequency 8 horas
sports and


● Identificar los adverbios de frecuencia en enunciados en tiempo presente simple.

● Usar correctamente los adverbios de frecuencia en situaciones reales de comunicación.


Estimado Estudiante:

En esta guía se desarrollarán diferentes actividades que facilitarán su aprendizaje del idioma, la
temática en esta oportunidad es adverbios de frecuencia y el vocabulario sobre deportes. Usted
contará con diferentes recursos y con mi disposición para orientarle y resolver sus dudas.



A continuación, se presentan las explicaciones y ejemplos relacionados con el vocabulario sobre

Sports y el uso de los adverbios de frecuencia. Por favor, revíselas y analícelas, esto le facilitará el
desarrollo de los ejercicios prácticos y la elaboración correcta del producto a entregar.
Le recomiendo buscar la pronunciación del vocabulario y de todas aquellas palabras que no esté
seguro de pronunciar adecuadamente. En caso de dudas estaré atenta a resolverlas.

Los adverbios de frecuencia (frequency adverbs) son expresiones que indican con qué regularidad
se realiza una acción o actividad: I always have breakfast at 8 o´clock (Yo siempre desayuno a las
8 en punto). La palabra resaltada en color verde y negrilla es un ejemplo de uno de dichos
adverbios, el cual indica la frecuencia con la que hago esta acción, en este caso “desayunar- to
have breakfast” particularmente a esa hora.

Otras expresiones de frecuencia son:

✔ Generally ✔ Twice ✔ Frequently

✔ Occasionally ✔ Three times ✔ Often
✔ Every(day, ✔ Always ✔ Rarely
week,month…) ✔ Usually ✔ Hardly ever
✔ Once (a day, a ✔ Never ✔ Seldom
week, a year) ✔ Sometimes

Estos adverbios ocupan una posición distinta dentro de los enunciados. Esto depende del tipo de
verbo y adverbio empleados. Tenga en cuenta las siguientes normas:

Los adverbios de frecuencia se ubican luego del verbo to be en oraciones

afirmativas y negativas:

I am always at home / I am not always at home

She is never late / She isn´t often early

Los adverbios de frecuencia se ubican luego del sujeto en oraciones interrogativas

con el verbo to be:

Are you always at home?

Los adverbios de frecuencia always, usually, often, sometimes, frequently, never,

hardly ever, rarely, seldom se ubican en oraciones afirmativas luego del sujeto cuando las
oraciones están escritas con verbos diferentes al to be:
I always work at 7
6. Los adverbios de frecuencia; generally y occasionally se ubican al inicio de
cualquier tipo de oración con cualquier verbo:

Generally, I am at home after 8 pm.

Occasionally, I teach English to children
Generally, I don´t arrive at home at 7.

Los adverbios de frecuencia every, once, twice, three times, four times, etc se
ubican al final de todas las oraciones con cualquier tipo de verbo:

I am at home after 8 pm every day.

Es importante tener en cuenta que para averiguar por la frecuencia de las acciones
usamos la pregunta How often (¿con qué frecuencia?) E.g. how often do you eat
out? I never eat out.


Con base en el vocabulario y las explicaciones dadas anteriormente es momento de que usted
ponga en práctica lo comprendido y asimilado. Por favor realice los siguientes ejercicios.
Recuerde que en caso de cualquier inquietud estoy atenta a brindarle la asesoría necesaria.

A. Read the following text, then solve the activities based on it.

What is the most popular sport in the world? Most people would probably say
soccer, because of the many millions who play it and the even larger number
who watch it on television. There are some, however, who say the correct
answer is basketball – not because of its TV audience, which is certainly
smaller than that for soccer, but because the number of people who regularly
play the game might be higher (at least 300 million, according to most

In China, for example, which has a population of 1.3 billion, more people play basketball than
soccer, and it is becoming more popular all the time. Basketball has existed for less time than
some of the world’s other major sports. It was invented in the
early 1890s by a Canadian, James Naismith, working at a college in
the state of Massachusetts in the United States. Wanting to create
a game that could be played indoors during the long winters but
would also be active enough to keep people in shape, he had the
idea of two teams of players trying to throw a ball into a basket
that was above their heads.
Early basketball looked different from the game today: for example, the basket didn’t have a hole
in the bottom, so every time a player threw the ball in, someone had to go up to get it out again!
Another difference is dribbling, which is when a player in modern basketball bounces the ball off
the floor while moving across the court: it didn’t exist in early basketball because the balls didn’t
bounce well enough. One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is the height of the baskets: James
Naismith put the first one 10 feet (3.05 meters) off the floor, and that’s where they’ve stayed.

The biggest international TV audiences in modern basketball are for games in the National
Basketball Association (NBA) in North America, a league of 30 teams (29 from the United States
and one from Canada), including famous names such as the Chicago Bulls, Boston Celtics, and Los
Angeles Lakers. Most of the players in the NBA are American, but there are also some foreign
stars such as Yao Ming from China and Dirk Nowitzki from Germany.

The United States has usually been the strongest team in international basketball
competitions. In the last Olympic Games, in Beijing in 2008, the US men’s and
women’s teams both won gold medals – the men beat Spain in the final, and the
women beat Australia.

B. Here are some simple definitions for words that appear in the text. Find the
words they refer to and fill in the gaps.

1. A p _ _ _ _ _ _ (adjective) thing, place, or activity is one that many people like.

2. A c _ _ _ _ (noun) is an area marked with lines where some sports (e.g., basketball or tennis)
are played.

3. _ t _ _ (noun): someone very famous and popular (e.g., an actor or sports player).

4. An _ _ _ _ _ _ ce (noun) is a group of people who watch or listen to something (e.g., a movie or

a sports game).

5. B _ _ _ _ _ (verb): to hit the surface of something and then move away (e.g., a ball moving
through the air, hitting the ground, then moving through the air again).

6. _ _ _ m (noun): a group of people who play a sport or a game against another group.

7. _ _ _ _ l (noun): a small flat piece of metal, often circular, that you might get for winning a

8. _ _ d _ _ _ s (adverb): inside a building (e.g., a house).

C. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text doesn’t
determine (D).

1. Basketball was invented after tennis. ________

2. The height of the baskets in basketball has changed many times. _________

3. More people watch basketball on TV than soccer. __________

4. There are some players in the NBA who are not American or Canadian. _________

5. Basketball was invented before 1900. _________

6. Australia was in the men’s basketball final in the 2008 Olympic Games. _________

7. The best team in the NBA is the Los Angeles Lakers. __________

8. The baskets in early basketball were different from those in modern basketball. _________

D. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in the correct position.
Example: I play tennis on Sundays (sometimes).
Answer: I sometimes play tennis on Sundays.

1. Tom is very friendly. (usually) _______________________________________________________

2. Peter gets angry (never). __________________________________________________________
3. David and Frank are hungry ( often) __________________________________________________
4. They watch TV in the afternoon (generally) ____________________________________________
5. Walter helps his mother (sometimes) ________________________________________________
6. He listens to the radio (occasionally)_________________________________________________
7. They read a book (sometimes)______________________________________________________
8. Christine smokes (never). __________________________________________________________
9. My grandmother goes for a walk (every morning). ______________________________________
10. I have a toast for breakfast (always). ________________________________________________

E. Put the sentences in order.

Example: Prepare/ I / breakfast/ twice a month: I prepare breakfast twice a month

1. library/the/ studies/ in/ usually /Pablo .__________________________________________

2. always /football/play /in /we /playground /the. __________________________________
3. cinema /sometimes /he /to/ the / goes.__________________________________________
4. Mary /watches/ tv /often/night /at. _____________________________________________
5. never/go/ I / to / beach /the / January /on. _________________________________________
6. I /always/ hand in/on time / my homework ___________________________________________
7. her birthday/ celebrates / twice a year / the queen ____________________________________
8. in the evening/ play / computer games/ we __________________________________________
9. you/ your future/ about/ hardly ever / think _________________________________________
10. use/ most afternoons/ the school library/ I ___________________________________________
11. go/ about once a year/ my parents/ to the cinema _____________________________________

You can continue practicing in the following links:

PRODUCCIÓN (written report):

El producto final consiste en entrevistar a un miembro de su familia con las

siguientes preguntas. Esta información debe ser entregada en un texto de mínimo
10 líneas, times new roman 12. Las respuestas a dichas preguntas deben estar
escritas correctamente en tiempo presente simple e incluir apropiadamente los
adverbios de frecuencia expuestos en la encuesta. Observe el ejemplo:

E.g.: My brother sometimes plays chess. He rarely plays videogames…


1. Mark (X) according to your answer

QUESTION Always Usually Often Sometimes Rarely Hardly Never


1. How often do you (x)

watch T.V?
2. How often do you go
to the cinema?
3. How often do you
play chess?
4. How often do you go
to the gym”?
5. How often do you go
out with friends?
6. How often do you use
the internet?
7. How often do you
listen to the radio
8. How often do you
listen to music?
9. How often do you
play computer

DEADLINE: __________________

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