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Guide to Prepositions English to Spanish

Part One: English prepositions.

Part Two: Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives that are
accompanied by a preposition.

by Edward R. Rosset

Editorial Stanley
Written by / Escrito por:
Edward R. Rosset.
Member of the Bachelor of Arts Association of Euskadi.
Miembro del Colegio de Licenciados de Filosofia y Letras de Euskadi.

Revised by / Revisado por:

Glenn Darragh

Published by / Editado por

Editorial Stanley

Layout / Diseno y Maquetacion

Angela G6mez Martin

Front page design / Diseno portada

Diseno Irune"s

© Editorial Stanley
Apdo. 207 - 20302 IRUN - SPAIN
Telf. (34) 943 64 04 12 - Fax. (34) 943 64 38 63

ISBN: 84-7873-272-1
Dep. Leg. BI-3036-03

First edition / Primera edicidn 1995

Reprinted / Reimpresi6n 1997
Reprinted / Reimpresion 1999
Reprinted / Reimpresion 2001
Second Edition / Segunda edicion 2003

Printers / Imprime:

Prologue 5

Part One: English Prepositions 1

Part Two: Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives that are

accompanied by a preposition 47
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Prologue Prologo
English prepositions are one of the most Las preposiciones inglesas son uno de los
difficult points of the English language for puntos mas conflictivos del idioma ingle's para
those who want to acquire a thorough aquellos que quieran adquirir un completo
knowledge of the language. dominio de la lengua.
Very often English prepositions do not correspond En muchos de los casos las preposiciones
to their homologues in other languages, in this inglesas no se corresponden con sus homologas
case, Spanish. de otros idiomas, en este caso el espanol.

• I am waiting for Peter. • I am waiting for Peter.

• Estoy esperando a Pedro. • Estoy esperando a Pedro.

In other cases, there may be a preposition in En otros casos, en un idioma puede que haya
one language where there is no preposition in preposicion mientras que en el otro idioma no
the other language. la hay.

• I saw James last night. • I saw James last night.

• Vi a Jaime ayer noche. • Vi a Jaime ayer noche.

This dictionary provides students and Con este diccionario proporcionamos al

professionals in translation with a practical tool estudiante y al profesional de la traduccion una
that will enable them to find the Spanish ayuda practica para que pueda buscar rapida-
equivalents of English prepositional phrases. mente un equivalente en espanol.

Using this book Sobre el uso de este libro

This book is divided into two parts: Este volumen consta de dos partes:
Part One. A list of English prepositions with many Parte primera. Lista de preposiciones inglesas
examples in English and Spanish. con numerosos ejemplos en ingles y espanol.
Part Two. A list of nouns, verbs and adjectives that are Parte segunda. Lista de sustantivos, verbos y
followed by a preposition. adjetivos seguidos de preposicion.

It is not always easy to tell when a word is a Por regla general no es facil distinguir cuando una
preposition, adverb or conjunction. Many words can palabra es preposicion, adverbio o conjuncion. Muchas
be all three. We therefore give the following simple palabras pueden hacer los tres oficios, por eso vamos a
rules to help the student distinguish dar unas reglas sencillas a fin de que el estudiante
between them. pueda diferenciar estos tres casos.

1) A preposition can be followed by a noun, a 1) Una preposicion puede llevar detras un sustantivo,
proper name or a pronoun. un nombre propio o un pronombre.
• I came home after you. • I came home after you.
• She arrived home before Charles. • She arrived home before Charles.

2) An adverb is a word which modifies a verb, an 2) El adverbio es la palabra que modifica al verbo, a
adjective or another adverb. It is not followed by a un adjetivo o a otro adverbio. No lleva detras
noun or pronoun. ningun sustantivo ni pronombre.
• They lived happily ever after. • They lived happily ever after.
• She had never been there before. • She had never been there before.

3) A conjunction is the word that joins two 3) La conjuncion es la palabra que une dos
sentences or ideas. oraciones.
• I'll have a look at it after you finish with it. • I'll have a look at it after youfinishwith it.
• She'll have finished with it before we get home. • She'll have finished with it before we get home.

List of English Prepositions

bout by out of
above despite outside
according to down over
across during past
after except round
against for since
from through
in throughout
in front of till
as far as
inside to
in spite of toward(s)
because of
instead of under
into underneath
like until
near up
of upon
besides off up to

between on with

beyond on to within
but opposite without

Part One: English Prepositions
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English Prepositions

1. Movimiento 1. Mas alto que
We've been walking about the town all day. They were flying above the clouds.
Hemos estado dando vueltas par la ciudad todo el Volaban por encima de las nubes.
dia. The water came above my waist.
There were a lot of papers strewn about the room. El agua me llegaba por encima de la cintura.
Habia cantidad de papeles tirados por la habitation. 2. Posicion social, importancia
2. Cercania She married above her.
Se caso con alguien de mejor position social.
Your brother is somewhere about the place.
Tu hermano estd por aqui cerca. A captain ranks above a lieutenant.
El rango de capitan esta por encima del de teniente.
I've dropped the pin somewhere about here.
Se me ha caido el alfiler por aqui. 3. Mayor en numero, precio, peso, etc.
The temperature has been above the average recently.
3. En conexion con La temperatura ha estado por encima de lo normal
It's a book about World War II. ultimamente.
Es un libro sobre la segunda guerra mundial. Applicants must be above the age of 18.
Tell me something about it. Los solicitantes deben tener mas de 18 anos.
Dime algo acerca de ello.
4. Mas de, mas que
4. Ocupado con / concerniente Should a soldier value honour above his life?
And while you are about that business... Deberia un soldado valorar el honor mas que su vida?
Y mientras estes ocupado en ese asunto... There were above 20 people.
Mind what you are about. Habia mas de 20 personas.
Cuidado con lo que haces. 5. Mas alla de
5. Aproximadamente She is above suspicion.
There were about 20 people. Ella esta fuera de toda sospecha.
Habia unas veinte personas. His behaviour was above reproach.
I arrived at about 9 o'clock. Su comportamiento estaba por encima de toda
Llegue hacia las 9. critica.
6. Por encima, demasiado bueno
6. A punto de
He wouldn't lie. He's above that.
I was about to say it when you interrupted me.
El no mentiria. No es capaz de mentir.
Estaba a punto de decirlo cuando me interrumpiste.
She is honest. She is above deceit.
We are about to start. Es honrada. No es capaz de enganar.
Estamos a punto de empezar.
7. Corriente arriba
The waterfall above the bridge.
Como adverbio La cascada mas arriba del puente.
1. Mas o menos 8. Lo mas importante de todo
It costs about £50. She longs above all to see her children.
Cuesta unas 50 libras. Esta deseando, sobre todo, ver a sus hijos.
He's about the same height as you.
Es mas o menos de tu altura. Como adverbio
2. Casi 1. En un punto mas alto, por encima
I'm just about ready. My room is immediately above.
Estoy casi listo. Mi habitation esta justo encima.
It was just about finished. Seen from above they look like runways.
Estaba casi terminado. Visto desde el aire parecen pistas de aterrizaje.
3. Ya era hora 2. Anteriormente, arriba
It's just about time. In the above paragraph.
Ya iba siendo hora. En el parrafo anterior.
I've had just about enough of that. See above, page 40.
Ya estoy harto de eso. Vease arriba, la pagina 40.

Part One

3. Del cielo Her name comes after mine in the list.

Blessings from above. Su nombre viene detras del mio en la lista.
Dios te bendiga.
4. A causa de, como resultado
After what they did to her husband she hates them.
Despues de lo que le hicieron a su marido, les odia.
After your behaviour last time, they'll never allow
1. segun you in.
According to Peter you were in London last month. Despues de tu comportamiento la ultima vez, nunca
Segun Pedro, estuviste en Londres el mes pasado. mas te dejaran entrar.
Everything went according to plan. 5. En persecucion o en busqueda de
Todo salio segun lo previsto, The police are after you.
2. Siguiendo La policia te busca.
The work was done according to your instructions. My brother is after a job in publishing.
El trabajo se hizo siguiendo tus instrucciones. Mi hermano estd detrds de un trabajo de publicidad.
6. Acerca de, concerniente a
She inquired after your brother.
• ACROSS Pregunto acerca de tu hermano.
1. De un lado al otro lado People are inquiring about the picture.
Walk across the street. La gente pregunta sobre el cuadro.
Cruza la calle a pie. 7. A pesar de
Row across the river. After everything I've done for her, she still ignores
Cruza el rio remando. me.
2. Al otro lado A pesar de todo lo que he hecho por ella, todavia
We'll soon be across the Channel. me ignora.
Pronto estaremos al otro lado del Canal. After all my efforts, I still arrived late.
He shouted to me across the yard. A pesar de todos mis esfuerzos, llegue tarde.
Me grito desde el otro lado del patio.
8. En el estilo de, a imitacion de
3. Que se extiende de un lado al otro This is an engraving after Picasso.
There's a bridge across the river. Esto es un grabado hecho a imitacion de Picaso.
Hay un puente sobre el rio. We'll name our baby after you.
He drew a line across the page. Le pondremos tu nombre a nuestro bebe.
Trazo una linea en la pdgina.
9. Despues de todo.
4. Para cruzar o intersectar So they've come after all!
The old man sat with his arms across his chest. i'Asi que han venido despues de todo!
El anciano se sento con los brazos cruzados sobre el So the old woman had a lot of money after all!
jAsi que la anciana tenia cantidad de dinero
despues de todo!

Como adverbio
1. Mas tarde de
He came shortly after seven. 1. Despues
Vino poco despues de las siete. Long after.
He'll be coming the day after tomorrow. Mucho tiempo despues.
Vendrd pasado manana. They lived happily ever after.
Vivieron felices por siempre jamas.
2. Detras
Close the door after you when you go out.
Cierra la puerta detras de ti, cuando saigas. Como conjuncion
The police are after him. After he left the room, we started talking.
La policia estd detrds de el. Una vez que salio de la habitacion, nos pusimos a
3. A continuacion y siguiendo un orden hablar.
E comes after D in the alphabet. We'll arrive after you've left.
La letra E viene detrds de la D en el alfabeto. Llegaremos despues de que te hayas ido.

English Prepositions

Como adjetivo • ALONG

The after cabins of the ship.
1. De un extremo al otro
Los camarotes de la popa del barco.
Let's walk along the street.
Caminemos par la calle.
Go along that corridor.
Siga par ese pasillo.
2. Cerca o paralelo a la longitud de algo.
1. En oposicion People were picnicking along the river bank.
We all fought against the enemy. La gente hacia picnic a las orillas del rio.
Todos luchamos contra el enemigo. These plants grow along the side of the wall.
Estas plantas crecen a lo largo del muro.
They were rowing against the current.
Remaban contra la corriente.
Como adverbio
2. En contacto con, en colision con
He was leaning against the wall. 1. Movimiento
Estaba apoyado contra el muro. The policeman told the people to move along.
The rain beat against the window panes. El policia le dijo a la gente que circulara.
La lluvia azotaba los cristales de las ventanas. Come along or we'll be late.
Date prisa o llegaremos tarde.
3. En contraste con
2. Acompanando
The pool of blood stood out clearly against the snow.
Come to the party and bring your girlfriend along.
El charco de sangre se destacaba claramente en la Ven a la fiesta y trae a tu amiga.
nieve. When you go for a walk take the dog along (with
Our wages are low (as) against the rates elsewhere. you).
Nuestros sueldos son bajos comparados con Cuando vayas a pasear llevate el perro.
cualquier otro. 3. Junto con
4. En preparacion para, en anticipacion de Alcohol, along with carelessness, causes many
We'll have to take precautions against floods. accidents.
El alcohol, junto a las imprudencias, causa muchos
Tendremos que tomar precauciones contra las
Tobacco is heavily taxed in this country, along with
Have you vaccinated your dog against rabies? alcohol.
^Has vacunado a tu perro contra la rabia? El tabaco junto con el alcohol tiene muchos
5. En frente, para cancelar o disminuir. impuestos en este pais.
Allowances are to be set against income.
Los subsidios se tienen que acoplar a las rentas.
6. A cambio de
He gave me his football against my gloves. 1 junto a
Me dio su baton a cambio de mis guantes. The red car pulled up alongside the kerb.
El cache rojo paro junto al bordillo.
Refund available against this voucher.
The little boat came alongside the ship.
Se devuelve el importe al presentar este recibo.
El bate atraco al costado del buque.
7. Contra, en contra de
I have always been against this plan.
Como adverbio
Siempre he estado en contra de este plan.
It's against the rules. 1 Junto a
Estd en contra de las reglas. From the pier we watched the boat moor alongside.
Desde el embarcadero vimos como atracaba el bate.

Como adverbio
There were 98 votes against. • AMONG(ST)
Hubo 98 votos en contra.
1. rodeado de
Well, I'm against.
These nuns work among the poor.
Bueno, yo estoy en contra. Estas monjas cuidan de los pobres.
Part One

I found it amongst a pile of old junk. I'll be arriving at around 6.

Lo encontre entre un monton de trastos viejos. Llegare hacia las 6.
2. En el numero de, incluido en 3. En mediciones, medidas
Among those present were the President and his wife. The huge oak tree was over eight feet around.
Entre los presentes estaban el Presidente y su esposa. El enorme roble tenia mas de ocho pies de circunferencia.
She was among the last to arrive.
Fue de los ultimas en llegar.
Como adverbio partitive
3. A cada miembro de (un grupo)
Distribute the ashtrays among the public. 1. Aqui y alia, en muchas direcciones
Distribuye los ceniceros entre el publico. There were children playing around in the yard.
Give out the books among the class. Habia ninos jugando en el patio.
Reparte los libros en la close. They've been travelling around in Europe for 2
4. Entre mas de dos months.
Politicians often disagree amongst themselves. Llevan 2 meses viajando por Europa.
Los politicos, a menudo, no estdn de acuerdo entre 2. En circulacion, disponible
There is not much money around these days.
There's no honour among criminals. No circula mucho dinero estos dias.
No hay honor entre criminales.
That piece of news has been around for sometime now.
Esa noticia lleva algun tiempo dando vueltas por ahi.
• AROUND 3. En las cercanias
I didn't see anyone around.
1. Por aqui y por alia No vi a nadie por los alrededores.
He often travels around the world.
I won't go far. I'll be around.
A menudo viaja alrededor del mundo.
No voy muy lejos. Estare por aqui.
Empty bottles and glasses were left untidily around
the room. 4. Girar
Dejaron botellas y vasos vacios tirados por toda la Turn around.
sala. Date la vuelta.
2. Cerca de (un sitio) 5. Estar active en una profesion, tener experiencia.
I've seen it around here somewhere. That film director has been around for twenty years.
Lo he visto en algun sitio por aqui. Ese director de cine lleva 20 anos en activo.
He was seen around the place this morning. She looks innocent but she's been around, you
Le han visto esta mahana dando vueltas por ahi. know.
3. Formando un circulo, siguiendo una ruta Parece inocente, pero tiene mucho mundo, sabes.
Our planet moves around the sun.
Nuestro planeta giro alrededor del sol.
Why don't you run around the house a couple of AS FAR AS
^Por que no das un par de vueltas a la casa 1 . Hasta (en distancia)
corriendo? We got as far as the river.
4. Aproximadamente (hora o fecha) Llegamos hasta el rio.
I'll be meeting Mary around 7 o'clock. There was nobody as far as the eye could see.
Me vere con Maria hacia las 7. No habia nadie en lo que alcanzaba la vista.
That happened around 20 years ago.
Eso sucedio hace unos 20 anos.
Como adverbio 1 . Indicando un punto en el espacio o posicion
1. Por todas partes, en todas direcciones At the end of the corridor
They could hear howls all around. Al final del pasillo
Podian oir aullidos por todas partes. At the edge
There was laughter all around. Al horde
Se oian risas a su alrededor. At the door
En la puerta
2. Aproximadamente, alrededor
There were around 1,000 people. At the airport
Habia unas mil personas. En el aeropuerto
English Prepositions

At the roundabout 3. Cuando nos referimos al nombre o lugar de

En la rotonda trabajo de una persona
At work At Peter's
En el trabajo En casa de Pedro
At home At my father's
En casa En casa de mi padre.
At the top At the office
En la parte superior En la oficina
At the bottom At the bank
En la parte inferior En el banco
At the table At the head office
En la mesa En la oficina central
At the meeting 4. Indicando un punto en el tiempo
En la reunion The train is leaving at 5.
At the party El tren sale a las 5.
En la fiesta I'm afraid he was dead at the time we spoke.
At the bus-stop Me temo que ya estaba muerto cuando hablamos.
En la parada de autobus
5. Indicando un periodo de tiempo
At the butcher's
En la carniceria At night
De noche
At the baker's
At midnight
En la panaderia
A medianoche
At the supermarket
En el supermercado At midday
A mediodia
At the museum
En el museo At noon
A mediodia
At sea
En el mar
At Christmas
For Navidades
3. Usado con el nombre de un edificio o la At sunset
actividad que se desarrolla dentro A la puesta del sol
At the theatre At sunrise
En el teatro A la salida del sol
At the concert At once
En el concierto Inmediatamente
At the hospital At the moment
En el hospital De momenta
At the cinema At that moment
En el cine En ese momenta
At the library At three o'clock
En la biblioteca A las tres
At the football match At first
En el partido de futbol Primero
At church At the beginning
En la iglesia Al principio
At school At the end
En la escuela Al final
At university At the latest
En la universidad A lo mas tardar
At the hotel At dawn
En el hotel Al amanecer
At the conference At dusk
En la conferencia Al anochecer
At the hairdresser's
At last
En la peluqueria
Par fin
At the butcher's
At all times
En la carniceria
En todo momenta

Part One

At times 12. Cuando indica precio, velocidad, ritmo

A veces My wife bought this coat at half price, at £60.
At the time Mi mujer compro este abrigo a mitad de precio, par
Par entonces 60 libras.
At present He was driving at 130 mph.
Actualmente Conducia a 130 km/h.
He came at a gallop.
6. Con las comidas Vino al galope.
At dinner
You'll kill yourself at that speed.
En la cena (temprana)
Te matards a esa velocidad.
At breakfast
En el desayuno 13. Indicando orden o frecuencia
At lunch It comes at ten-minute intervals.
En el almuerzo Viene cada diez minutos.
At supper He did it at the first attempt.
En la cena (tarde) Lo consiguid al primer intento.
At table 14. En respuesta a
En la mesa I attended dinner at the president's request.
Asisti a la cena a peticion del presidente.
7. Con las edades
He went to the palace at the king's command.
At the age of
Fue a palacio par orden del rey.
A la edad de
At the age of 16 15. Usado con superlatives
A los 16 anos de edad I broke the record when I was at my best.
At fifty Bati el record cuando estaba en mi mejor momenta.
A los cincuenta Gardens are at their most beautiful in spring.
Los jardines estdn mas bonitos en primavera.
8. En la direccion o hacia un sitio sobre todo
Twenty people at the most.
con verbos como: shout, rush, throw, smile,
Como mucho, veinte personas.
grin, aim, stare, wave, shoot, etc.
He aimed the ball at the hole. At best.
En el mejor de los casos.
Dirigio la bola hacia el agujero.
At worst.
Shooting at the target.
En el peor de los casos.
Disparando al bianco.
At the most.
To smile at the audience.
Como mucho.
Sonreir al publico.
He rushed at me. 16. Usado despues de muchos adjetivos y
Se precipito sobre mi. sustantivos
She's very good at chess.
9. Alguien trata de hacer algo sin demasiado Es muy buena, jugando al ajedrez.
He's very bad at maths.
The child nibbled at the stale piece of bread.
Es muy malo en matemdticas.
El nino mordisqued el trozo de pan duro.
I'm delighted at the result, but puzzled at his silence.
I can only guess at the meaning. Estoy encantado con el resultado, pero desconcertado
Solo puedo adivinar el significado. con su silencio.
10. Indicando la distancia de algo. I'm a genius at doing crosswords.
She held the child at arm's length. Soy un genio resolviendo crucigramas.
Sostuvo al nino con los brazos extendidos. I was amazed at their improvement.
I can read a car number-plate at sixty metres. Me quede atonito ante su mejoria.
Puedo leer la matricula de un cache a 60 metres.
17. Con algunas expresiones
11. Indicando condition, estado o actividad He is always at hand.
continua Siempre estd a mono.
They are always at war with other countries. At least, that's what they say.
Siempre estdn en guerra con otros paises. For lo menos, eso es lo que dicen.
I like to see children at play.
Me gusta ver a los ninos jugando.

English Prepositions

Prices are higher at present.

Los precios estdn mds altos actualmente.
He picked out a number at random.
Escogio un numero al azar.
She's a tennis player, and a good one at that.
Es tenista, y muy bueno, por cierto.
We'll leave it at that.
Lo dejaremos ast.
I did it at his request.
Lo hice a petition suya.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
Se miro en el espejo.
I can take you two at a time.
Puedo veros de dos en dos.
There's nothing at all.
No hay nada en absolute.
What are you at?
tQue estds haciendo?
They've been at it for a long time.
Llevan en ello mucho tiempo.
While we are at it.
Mientras estamos con ello.
You've been at me all day.
Llevas persiguiendome todo el dia.
Your son is at it again.
Tu hijo estd otra vez con la misma cancion.
Fire at will.
Fuego a discretion.
I'm at your orders.
Estoy a tus ordenes.
At your disposal.
A tu disposition.
At all events.
En todo caso.
At any rate.
Por lo menos.
At first sight.
A primera vista.
At leisure.
At length.
Por fin.
I was at a loss.
Me encontraba perdido.
To be at peace/war.
Estar en paz/guerra.
The children are at play/work.
Los ninos estdn jugando/trabajando.
At a profit.
Con un beneficio.
At sight.
A la vista.

Part One

He put love before honour.

BECAUSE OF Puso el amor antes que el honor.
1, A causa de, por razon de 6. Bajo la presion de
I'm here because of you. The army retreated before the attack.
Estoy aqui por tu causa. El ejercito se retiro ante el ataque.
He can't walk because of his accident. The boat sailed before the wind.
No puede andar a causa del accidente. El velero navegaba a favor del viento.
I couldn't come because of the transport strike.
No pude venir a causa de la huelga de transports.
Farms are going bankrupt because of the crisis in Como adverbio
agriculture. 1. En un tiempo anterior, en el pasado
Hay granjas en bancarrota a causa de la crisis en la You should have come before.
Deberias haber venido antes.
I know I should have told you before.
Como conjuncion Ya se que te lo debia haber dicho antes.
1. I couldn't go because I was ill. I had seen that girl somewhere before.
No pude ir porque estaba enfermo. Yo ya habia visto a esa chica en algun sitio antes.
She couldn't come because it was raining.
Ella no pudo venir porque estaba lloviendo.
Como conjuncion
1. Antes que el tiempo cuando
• BEFORE I'd better do it before I forget.
Mas vale que lo haga antes de que me olvide.
1. Mas temprano que
Many years passed before we met again.
The year before last she won at Wimbledon, and the
year before at Roland Garros. Pasaron muchos anos antes de volver a vernos.
Hace dos anos gand en Wimbledon, y el ano anterior It will be a long time before we finish this job.
en Roland Garros. Pasard mucho tiempo antes de que terminemos este
They lived here before the war. trabajo.
Vivian aqui antes de la guerra. 2. Antes que, antes de
Turn left before you get to the traffic lights. I'll rather die before I apologize to you!
Giro a la izquierda antes de llegar a los semdforos. jPrefiero morirme antes de pedirte perdon!
She arrived before me. Throw it away before anybody notices.
Ella llego antes que yo. Tiralo antes de que alguien se de cuenta.
2. En frente de (posicion) Before we go, we must call your mother.
We knelt before the altar. Debemos llamar a tu madre antes de ir.
Nos arrodillamos ante el altar.
She stood before the fire.
Estaba de pie ante el fuego. • BEHIND
The task before them was not an easy one.
La tarea ante ellos no era fdcil. 1. En una posicion detras
3. Delante (con referencia a un orden) Who's that boy standing behind your daughter?
H comes before I in the alphabet. i Quien es ese chico que estd de pie, detras de tu hija ?
La H viene antes de la I, en el alfabeto. The tennis court is behind the house.
My name comes before yours in the list. La pista de tenis estd detras de la casa.
Mi nombre viene antes que el tuyo, en la lista. She works behind the counter.
Work comes before everything. Ella trabaja detras del mostrador.
El trabajo estd ante todo. Close the door behind you.
Cierra la puerta cuando saigas.
4. En presencia de
She was brought before the magistrate. 2. En el otro lado
La llevaron ante el juez. The dog is hiding behind the tree.
He swore it before witnesses. El perro estd escondido detras del arbol.
Lo juro ante testigos. There was a door behind the curtain.
5. Antes que, en preferencia de Habia una puerta detras de la cortina.
Death before dishonour. The moon disappeared behind the clouds.
La muerte antes del deshonor. La luna desaparecio detras de las nubes.
English Prepositions

3. Haciendo menos progreso que The temperature must be below freezing point.
She's behind the rest of the class in maths. La temperatura debe de estar por debajo de los cero
Va mal en matemdticas. grados.
We are behind schedule. A corporal in the army is below a sergeant.
Vamos con retraso. Un cabo estd por debajo de un sargento en el
4. A favor de
His father is behind him in his ambition to become a Never hit your opponent below the belt.
singer. No golpees nunca a tu oponente por debajo del
Su padre le apoya en su ambition de hacerse cinturon.
cantante. Cross the river below the waterfall.
He has 70% of the votes behind him. Cruza el rio mas abajo de la cascada.
Tiene a su favor el 70% de los votos.
5. Responsable para el desarrollo Como adverbio
There's always a man behind a scheme.
1. En una posicion inferior
Siempre hay un hombre detrds de un plan.
We live on the floor below.
That's the thought behind the suggestion. Vivimos en el piso de abajo.
Esa es la idea de la sugerencia.
If you feel seasick, you'd better stay below.
6. La razon de algo Si te mareas mas vale que te quedes abajo.
What's behind that new dress and pearl necklace? Can you hear the music from below?
iA que se debe ese vestido nuevo y el collar de iOyes la musica de los de abajo?

Como adverbio • BENEATH

1. En posicion detras de 1. En o hacia una posicion inferior
The dog was running behind. There was a body buried beneath a pile of firewood.
El perro corria detrds. Habia un cuerpo cubierto par un monton de lena.
Don't look behind. The trees bent beneath the weight of the snow.
No mires atrds. Los drboles se inclinaban bajo el peso de la nieve.
Jesse James was shot from behind. 2. No ser digno
A Jesse James le dispararon par la espalda. She married beneath herself.
Jimmy had to stay behind after school. Se caso con alguien de categoria inferior.
Jimmy se tuvo que quedar despues de clase.
It is beneath you to tell lies.
2. No pagando al vencimiento o entregando No es digno de ti el contar mentiras.
un trabajo a tiempo They are beneath contempt.
She's behind with the rent. M siquiera son dignos de desprecio.
Estd retrasada con el pago del alquiler. He considers these jobs beneath him.
You're behind in handing in homework. Considera estos trabajos par debajo de el.
Vas retrasado con la entrega de los deberes.
Como adverbio
Como sustantivo
1. En o hacia una posicion inferior
1. Trasero The sky above and the sea beneath.
He fell and landed on his behind. El cielo encima y la mar debajo.
Se cayo y aterrizo sobre su trasero. I could see the snow-covered hills and the villages
I'll kick your behind if you don't shut up. beneath.
Te dare una patada en el trasero si no te callas. Podia ver las colinas nevadas y los pueblos mas abajo.
Her make-up hid the signs of age beneath.
Su maquillaje escondia debajo las senales de la
BELOW edad.
. En una posicion inferior
You mustn't write below this line.
No debes escribir por debajo de esta linea. • BESIDE
Skirts were just below the knee in those days. 1. Al lado de, junto a
Las faldas se llevaban esos dias justo por debajo de Sit beside your friend.
la rodilla. Sientate al lado de tu amigo.
Part One

I have a dictionary beside me when I'm translating

Tengo un diccionario a memo cuando traduzco algo. 1. Enter,
1. , separando dos puntos,
, objutos o
2. Comparado con I sat between Mary and Peter.
Your essay is not very good beside your brother's. Me sente entre Maria y Pedro.
Tu redaction no es muy buena comparada con la de B comes between A and the C.
tu hermano. La letra B esta entre la A y la C.
My efforts look feeble beside his. She lost her purse between the car and the station.
Mis esfuerzos parecen pequenos comparados con los Perdio el monedero entre el cache y la estacion.
de el. My house is between the two roads.
Mi casa estd entre las dos carreteras.
3. Fuera de lugar
2. En un periodo de tiempo
That's quite beside the point. It's cheaper to phone during the night, between 10
Eso estd completamente fuera de lugar. p.m. and 8 a.m.
4. Sin control, fuera de si Es mas barato telefonear de noche, entre las 10 y las 8.
She was beside herself with rage. I'll go sometime between June and September.
Ire en algun momenta entre junio y septiembre.
Estaba fuera de si de rabia.
Many things happened between the two world wars.
Sucedieron muchas cosas entre las dos guerras
3. En algun punto de una escala entre una
1. Ademas de cantidad y otra
There were 20 people at the meeting besides the It costs between five and six pounds.
speaker. Cuesta entre cinco y seis libras.
Habia 20 personas en la reunidn aparte del orador. My home town is between six and seven miles from
Besides coming late, he came dirty.
Mi ciudad natal estd entre seis y siete millas de
Ademas de llegar tarde, vino sucio. Bristol.
2. Excepto, aparte de In this country the temperature varies between 10° and
I have no relations besides an old uncle. 30° C.
En este pais la temperatura varia entre 10 y 30
No tengo parientes, excepto un viejo tio.
I don't trust anybody besides my mother.
4. Algo que separa un sitio de otro
No me fio de nadie, aparte de mi madre.
There's a wall betwen the two gardens.
Nobody writes to me besides you. Hay un muro entre los dos jardines.
Nadie me escribe aparte de ti. He drew a line on the ground between the two
Como adverbio Trazo una linea en el suelo entre los dos contrincantes.
That's the boundary between France and Spain.
1. Ademas de Esa es la separation entre Francia y Espana.
I have no time to go there. Besides, it's too late. 5. Desde un lugar a otro
No tengo tiempo de ir alia, ademds, es demasiado There's a flight between London and Madrid every
tarde. morning.
The concert is great. Besides, the tickets are cheap. Hay un vuelo entre Londres y Madrid todas las
El concierto es estupendo, ademds, las entradas son mananas.
baratas. There's a motorway between these two cities.
Hay una autopista entre estas dos ciudades.
He's our youngest child. We have four more besides.
Este es nuestro hijo mas joven, ademds tenemos otros 6. Indicando una conexion o relacion.
cuatro. There's a relation between unemployment and
I don't like this house. Besides, it's too small. Hay una relation entre el paro y el crimen.
No me gusta esta casa, ademds, es demasiado There's love and friendship between people.
pequena. Hay amor y amistad entre la gente.
English Prepositions

7. Compartir There was nothing strange about him beyond his

John and Peter drank a bottle of champagne between usual grin.
them. No habia nada raro en el, aparte de su tipica media
Juan y Pedro se bebieron una botella de champan sonrisa.
entre los dos.
Let this be just between you and me. 5. Imposible de entender
Que quede esto entre nosotros. How people can kill other people is beyond me.
They only carried one food pack between them. No puedo entender coma la gente mata a la gente.
Solo llevaban una radon de comida entre los dos. It's beyond me why you want to marry her.
No entiendo el porque te quieres casar con ella.
8. Por las acciones o contribuciones
They raised quite a lot of money between them.
Entre ellos, recogieron cantidad de dinero. como adverbio
We can afford to have a car between us.
Nos podemos permitir tener cache, entre los dos. 1. En o a alguna distancia
He gazed at the river and the hills beyond.
Contemplo el no y las colinas detrds.
Como adverbio
It's hard to tell what lies beyond.
1. Entre o en el espacio que separa dos objetos Es muy dificil ver lo que hay detrds.
I can see the two roads, but I can't see anything
Veo las dos carreteras, pero no veo nada entre ellas. • BUT
2. En el perfodo de tiempo que separa dos
1. Excepto, salvo, menos
fechas, acontecimientos, etc.
Any day but Sunday will suit me.
They had four lessons in the morning, and very little Me ird bien cualquier dia, excepto el domingo.
free time between.
Tenian cuatro lecciones por la manana, y muy poco The problem is anything but easy.
tiempo libre entre ellas. El problema no tiene nada de facil.
Everyone was there but you.
Todo el mundo estaba alli excepto tu.
• BEYOND 2. Sino
What could I do but say yes to his request?
1. En un punto mas distante que
I Que podia hacer sino decir que si a su peticion ?
My property stretches beyond those hills.
Mis propiedades se extienden mas alla de esas 3. Casi (almost), medio
colinas. We were all but dead with fatigue.
The troops went beyond the river. Estdbamos medio muertos de fatiga.
Las tropas siguieron mas alla del rio. 4. A no ser por
2. Mas tarde que But for the rain, I would have had a nice holiday.
I won't stay up beyond midnight. A no ser por la lluvia hubiera tenido unas buenas
No me quedare levantado mas alla de medianoche. vacaciones.
She went on teaching well beyond seventy. But for the safety-belt, you wouldn't be alive today.
Siguio ensenando mas alia de los setenta. No estarias vivo hoy si no hubiera sido por el
cinturon de seguridad.
3. Que sobrepasa los limites
This car is beyond repair. I couldn't have done it but for him.
Este cache ya no tiene arreglo. No lo hubiera podido hacer a no ser por el.
After all these years she had changed beyond 5. Penultimo, antepenultimo
recognition. I was the last but one.
Despues de todos estos anos estaba irreconocible. Yo estaba el penultimo.
It's incredible, it's beyond belief! He was the last but two.
/Es increible, no se puede creer! El estaba el antepenultimo.
We're living beyond our means.
Estamos viviendo mas alia de nuestras
posibilidades. como conjuncion

4. Excepto, aparte de 1. Por el contrario

I'm afraid I've got nothing beyond my pension. It's not the green one I wanted but the yellow one.
Me temo que no tengo nada mas que mi pension. No es la verde la que queria, sino la amarilla.
Part One

He doesn't like football but his wife does. 3. Pasar por, de largo
A el no le gusta el futbol pero a su mujer si, I go by the Post Office every morning on my way to
2. Sin embargo, pero Paso por Correos todas las mananas de camino al
I understand German, but I can't write it. trabajo.
Entiendo alemdn pero no lo escribo.
She walked by us without saying a word.
I'd love to go to the party, but I'm too busy. Paso junto a nosotros sin decir palabra.
Me encantaria ir a la fiesta, pero estoy muy
ocupado. 4. No mas tarde de
She's a hard-working girl, but not very clever. Can you finish this by Monday?
Es una chica muy trabajadora, pero no muy iPuedes terminar esto para el lunes?
inteligente. I'll be there by 5 o'clock.
Estare ahi para las cinco.
3. Al mismo tiempo By the time the doctor comes, the nurse will have
We were very tired but happy. taken the temperatures.
Estdbamos muy cansados, pero felices. Para cuando venga el medico, la enfermera habrd
4. Sin que tomado las temperaturas.
Nobody is so cruel but he may feel some pity. 5. Durante un perfodo de tiempo
Nadie es tan cruel que no sienta algo de pena. I like to travel by day.
5. Mostrando sorpresa, asombro o desacuerdo Me gusta viajar de dia.
'I'll give you £5.' 'But that's too little.' I sleep by day and work by night.
'Te dare cinco libras.' 'Pero eso es muy poco.' Duermo de dia y trabajo de noche.
6. Si no fuera por el hecho de que 6. Despues de voz pasiva, el ablativo agente
He would have joined the venture but for the fact that This book was written by my father.
he had no money. Este libra fue escrito por mi padre.
Se hubiera unido a la empresa si no fuera por el He was arrested by the police.
hecho de que no tenia dinero. Fue detenido por la policia.
The dog was run over by a bus.
El perro fue atropellado por un autobus.
como adverbio
7. Por medio de
1. Nada mas que, solamente This room is heated by gas.
He is but a child. Esta habitacion se calienta con gas.
No es nada mas que un nino. I'll pay them by cheque.
You have but to tell me. Les pagare por medio de un cheque.
No tienes nada mas que decirmelo. I'll get in touch with you by phone.
I saw him but a moment ago. Me pondre en contacto contigo por telefono.
Hace solo un momenta que le vi. I earn my living by writing.
Me gano la vida escribiendo.
By working hard she gained promotion.
• BY Trabajando duro se gano un ascenso.

1. Al lado de, junto a 7. Como resultado, a causa de, por

A little house by the river. We met by chance/accident.
Una casita junto al rio. Nos encontramos por casualidad.
He was killed by mistake.
Put the telephone by the window.
Le mataron por equivocacion.
Ponga el telefono junto a la ventana.
I like walking by the river. 8. Con la accion de
Me gusta pasear junto al rio. The President shocked everybody by resigning.
She would sit by the fire. El Presidente conmociono a todo el mundo al dimitir.
Solia sentarse junto al fuego. Let me begin by pointing out...
Empecemos senalando...
2. Pasando por, a traves
She entered by the side door. 9. Indicando un medio de transporte o ruta.
Entro por la puerta de atras. We went by train and came back by car.
Fuimos en tren y volvimos en cache.
We went by the motorway.
Fuimos por la autopista. We'll travel by air or by sea.
Viajaremos en avion o en barco.
They went to Spain by Bordeaux.
By bus is the cheapest, by taxi the most expensive.
Fueron a Espana por Burdeos.
Lo mas barato es en autobus, en taxi lo mas caro.
English Prepositions

10. Coger algo por 18. En juramentos y promesas

She took me by the hand. I swear it by Almighty God!
Me cogio de la mono. Lo juro por Dios Todopoderoso.
He seized her by the hair. By God!
La cogio del pelo. /Por Dios!
11. Usado como estandar o unidad 19. Tener algo a mano
We sell them by the dozen. I always have a dictionary by me when I'm working.
Los vendemos por docenas. Siempre tengo un diccionario a mano cuando estoy
This material is sold by the yard. trabajando.
Este material se vende por yardas. 20. Locuciones
Coal is sold by the ton. By all means.
El carbon se vende por toneladas. Por supuesto.
In winter we sell umbrellas by the thousand. By any means.
En invierno vendemos paraguas por miles. Por cualquier media.
By cheque/credit card.
12. En unidades sucesivas, grupos o grados
Por cheque/tarjeta de credito.
The soldiers came in two by two.
Los soldados entraron de dos en dos. By degrees.
We'll finish little by little.
Lo terminaremos poco a poco.
By far.
Por mucho.
You're getting better day by day.
By force.
Vas mejorando de dia en dia.
Por la fuerza.
This puzzle's got to be done bit by bit.
By hand.
Este rompecabezas hay que hacerlo poquito a
A mano.
By heart.
13. Con dimensiones, multiplicacidn y division De memoria.
This room measures 18 feet by 25 feet. By luck.
Esta habitacion mide 18 pies por 25 pies. Por suerte.
Five multiplied by two equals ten. By marriage.
Cinco multiplicado por dos igual a diez. Por matrimonio.
Ten divided by two equals five. By means of.
Diez dividido por dos igual a cinco. Por media de.
14. A la extension de By the name of.
You missed the target by three inches. Por el nombre de.
No has dado en el bianco por tres pulgadas. By post.
Por correo.
She missed the train by two minutes.
Perdio el tren por dos minutos. By right.
Por derecho.
The sleeve is too short by one inch.
La manga es demasiado corta por una pulgada. By stages.
Por etapas.
15. Segun, por la evidencia de By surprise.
Judging by the clouds, it's going to rain. Por sorpresa.
A juzgar por las nubes va a Hover. By the way!
By the look on his face, something had happened. /A proposito!
Algo habia ocurrido a juzgar por su cara.
It's four o'clock by my watch.
Son las cuatro por mi reloj. Como adverbio

16. De acuerdo con 1. Por delante

You must play this game by the rules. She walked by without seeing us.
Hay que seguir las reglas de este juego. Paso por delante sin vernos.
By your leave. 2. Dejando aparte, ahorrado
Con tu permiso. I'm putting some money by for my old age.
17. Con respecto a, en cuanto a Estoy ahorrando algun dinero para cuando sea
He's a lawyer by profession.
Es abogado de profesion. 3. Muy cerca
He's Scottish by birth. She was close by.
Es escoces de nacimiento. Estaba muy cerca.
Part One

5. Indicando una disminucion de calidad,

• DESPITE volumen o actividad
The fire burnt itself down.
1. A pesar de
El fuego se apago solo.
It's not true despite what he says.
The noise gradually died down.
No es verdad a pesar de lo que dice.
El ruido se fue extinguiendo gradualmente.
We had a nice holiday, despite the bad weather.
Tuvimos unas buenas vacaciones a pesar del mal 6. Poner algo por escrito
tiempo. Write it down, will you!
lAnotalo, quieres!
Despite what others say, I think he's very honest.
A pesar de lo que dicen otros, creo que es may 7. Indicando los limites superior e inferior
honrado. All the players played well, from the captain down.
Todos los jugadores jugaron bien, desde el capitdn
hasta el ultimo.
• DOWN 8. Con una cantidad de dinero gastada o perdida
After paying for everything, I found myself £50
1. De un punto alto a un punto bajo
The old car rattled down the hill.
Despues de pagar por todo, me encontre que habia
El viejo cache bajo con gran estrepito par la cuesta.
gastado 50 libras.
Tears ran down the little girl's face.
Las Idgrimas corrian par la cara de la nina.
2. En un punto mas bajo DURING
There's a bridge a couple of miles down the river. . Durante un periodo de tiempo
Hay un puente a un par de millas no abajo. There are many activities here during the summer.
3. A lo largo, en la direction que uno mira Hay muchas actividades aqui durante el verano.
Drive down the road till you get to the traffic lights. People go to stretch their legs during the interval.
La gente va a estirar las piernas durante el descanso.
Conduzca calle abajo hasta los semdforos.
There will be two intervals during the performance.
They live just down the street. Habrd dos intervales durante la funcion.
Viven calle abajo. The phone rang during the meal.
4. Periodos de tiempo El telefono sono durante la comida.
Down the centuries. His wife felt ill during the night.
Su esposa se sintio enferma durante la noche.
A traves de los siglos.
An exhibition of porcelain down through the ages.
Una exposition de porcelana a traves de los siglos.

Como adverbio

1. Bajar, desaparecer
The sun went down below the horizon.
El sol desaparecio par debajo del horizonte.
2. Cambiando de posicion
Go and lie down.
Vete y echate.
Sit down there.
Sientate ahi.
3. Indicando un lugar o sitio
He's not down yet.
Todavia no ha bajado.
4. Alejandose de una ciudad
We are moving down from London to the country.
Vamos a trasladarnos de Londres al campo.

English Prepositions

These people are fighting for their country.

• EXCEPT Esta gente lucha por su pais.
Take an aspirin for your cold.
1. Salvo, con excepcion
Tomate una aspirina para el catarro.
He comes here every day except Sunday.
Viene aqui todos los dias excepto los domingos. 5. Como precio, premio o castigo
Everybody except me knew what was going on. I bought an old picture for £20.
Todo el mundo excepto yo sabia lo que sucedia. He comprado un cuadro antiguo por 20 libras.
I don't remember anything about the picture except He gave me his old bike for nothing.
that it was a portrait. Me regalo su vieja moto.
No recuerdo nada del cuadro excepto que era un He was fined for dangerous driving.
retrato. Fue multado por conducir de forma peligrosa.
2. Con la exception de (seguido de for) 6. Como cambio por algo
The twins are identical except (for the fact) that one We'll exchange your old car for a new one.
of them has a limp. Le cambiaremos su viejo cache por uno nuevo.
Los gemelos son identicos salvo par el hecho de que Don't repeat it word for word!
uno de ellos cojea. ;No lo repitas palabra por palabra!
She answered all the questions except for the last
one. 7. En defensa o en apoyo de
Respondio a todas las preguntas, excepto la ultima. Are you for or against the new law?
The meal was very good except for the soup. ^Estd usted a favor o en contra de la nueva
La comida estaba muy buena, excepto la sopa. legislacion ?
I'm for banning the sale of tobacco.
Estoy a favor de la prohibicion de la venta de tabaco.
• FOR 8. Como representante
I'm speaking for the workers.
1. para, indicando la persona que se beneficia Hablo como representante de los trabajadores.
de algo
Who's the M.P. for Hackney?
This is for you.
tQuien es el Miembro del Parlamento de Hackney?
Esto es para ti.
Save a piece of cake for your brother. 9. Significado
Guarda un pedazo de pastel para tu hermano. What's the M for in 'it's 5 a.m.'?
Are all these letters for me? iQue significa la M en 'son las 5 a.m.'?
^Son todas estas cartas para mi? Close your eyes once for yes and twice for no.
Cierra los ojos una vez para decir que si y dos para
2. Indicando proposito o funcion
decir que no.
Let's go for a walk.
Vamos a dar una vuelta. 10. Despues de un verbo (a fin de obtener)
This is a knife for carving meat. To fish for salmon.
Este es un cuchillo para trinchar carne. Pescar salmon.
Do you come here for pleasure or for work? To hope for a settlement.
I Viene usted aqui de vacaciones o por negocios? Esperar llegar a un arreglo.
3. Indicando destino o razon Ask your father for advice.
I'm leaving for New York. Pide consejo(s) a tu padre.
Salgo para Nueva York. 11. Despues de un adjetivo (considerando lo que
Passengers for London must change at Crewe. se puede esperar de algo o alguien)
Los pasajeros para Londres deben cambiar en He's very tall for his age.
Crewe. Es muy alto para su edad.
This is a book for children. That's not bad for a beginner.
Este es un libra para ninos. Eso no estd mal para un principante.
These brochures are for visitors. It's quite cold for August.
Estos folletos son para los visitantes. Hace mucho frio para agosto.
4. A fin de ayudar o beneficiar 12. Despues de un comparativo
What can I do for you, sir? The garden fence would look all the better for a coat
iQue puedo hacer por usted, senor? of paint.
Can you read this for me, please? La valla del jardtn tendria mejor aspecto con una
^Me puedes leer esto, por favor? capa de pintura.

Part One

13. Como equivalente de algo, a cambio de Is that good enough for you?
algo ^Es eso lo suficientemente bueno para ti?
There's one good soldier for every twenty bad ones. It's too hot for the child to drink.
Hay un soldado bueno par cada veinte malos. Estd demasiado caliente para que lo beba el nino.
You get a coupon for every pound you spend.
Te dan un cupon par cada libra que gastas. 22. Usado antes de pronombre personal + inf.
para mostrar un proposito
14. Concerniente a, en cuanto a There are several letters for you to sign.
I'm eager for you to pass your final exams. Hay varias cartas para que las firmes.
Estoy ansioso que pases tus exdmenes finales.
Here's some money for you to spend.
I'm always ready for a holiday. Aqui tienes algun dinero para gastar.
Siempre estoy dispuesto para unas vacaciones.
23. Usado despues de more ... than
15. For, a causa de
Nothing would please me more than for you to pass
It was so funny that I couldn't speak for laughing.
your exams.
Era tan gracioso que no podia hablar de la risa.
Nada me complaceria mas que aprobaras tus examenes.
I always give her a bunch of flowers for her
Nothing could be more desirable than for us to win
the final.
Siempre le regalo un ramo de flares par su
cumpleanos. Nada seria mejor que ganar la final.
York is famous for its cathedral. 24. Esperar ser castigado o meterse en lios
York es famoso por su catedral. Somebody saw me jump over the wall - I'm
for it now.
16. Indicando una longitud de tiempo
I've been living here for twenty years. Me vieron saltar el muro - Voy a tener problemas.
Llevo 20 anos viviendo aqui. 25. A pesar de
I'll love you for ever. For all you say, I think he's one of the best
Te querre siempre. players in the team.
17. Indicando que algo se quiera que suceda A pesar de lo que digas, creo que es uno de los
en un momento determinado mejores jugadores del equipo.
I'm telling you for the last time. For all his money, he's an unhappy man.
Te lo digo por ultima vet. A pesar de todo su dinero, es un hombre
I made a reservation for 15 June. desgraciado.
He hecho una reserva para el 15 de junto. 26. Seguido de un pronombre reflexive
18. Indicando una distancia I want to see for myself.
The sand dunes went on for miles. Quiero verlo yo mismo.
Las dunas de arena se extendian millas y millas. 27. Locuciones diversas
I can swim for about 100 metres. Once and for all.
Puedo nadar unos 100 metros. De una vez por todas.
19. Despues de un adjetivo y antes de un I for one.
nombre o pronombre personal Yo personalmente.
It's impossible for me to forget. For the time being.
Me es imposible olvidarlo. De momento.
It's useless for us to go on living together. It is for you to play.
Es inutil que sigamos viviendo juntos. Te toca a ti.
In some countries it's customary for women to For fear of.
wear a veil. Por temor a.
En algunos paises es costumbre que las mujeres Oh, for a fine day!
lleven velo.
jYa podia hacer un buen dial
20 Usado despues de un sustantivo y antes de There is nothing for it but ...
un nombre o pronombre + infinitivo No hay mas remedio que ...
There's no need for us to go early. I really go for her.
No tenemos por que ir temprano. Ella me gusta mucho.
There's no need for them to rush the job. They left me for dead.
No hay necesidad de apresurar el trabajo. Me dejaron por muerto.
21. Usado despues de too + adj. o adj. + Were it not for that.
enough Si no hubiera sido por eso.
The piano is too heavy for me to move. What for?
El piano es demasiado pesado para moverlo yo. Para que?
English Prepositions

What's the French for 'knife'? This is a quotation from Bernard Shaw.
iComo se dice 'cuchillo' en franees? Esta es una cita de Bernard Shaw.
I write for a newspaper. 5. Indicando distancia entre dos sitios
Escribo para un periodico. We live a couple of miles from the coast.
For a change. Vivimos a un par de millas de la costa.
Para variar. The accident happened 100 yards from my house.
For the better/best. El accidente ocurrio a 100 yardas de mi casa.
Para mejor.
I'll love you for ever. 6. Indicando el limite o la gama mas baja de
Te amare siempre. algo
Do it slowly and well for once. Our prices range from £10 to £100.
Hazlo despacio y bien, par una vez. Nuestros precios varian de 10 a 100 Hbras.
The house is for sale. We write from 20 to 30 letters daily.
La casa estd en venta. Escribimos de 20 a 30 cartas diarias.
Let's go for a walk/run/swim. Salaries are from 10% to 20% higher in this country.
Vamos a pasear/correr/nadar. Los salaries son de un 10% a un 20% mas altos en
este pais.
Como conjuncion 7. Indicando un cambio de un estado o forma
Get ready to get off, for we are almost there. I'm afraid things are going from bad to worse.
Prepdrate para bajar, que ya casi hemos llegado. Me temo que las cosas van de mal en peor.
They all listened to him, for he had brought good Translate from English into Spanish.
news. Traduce de ingles a espanol.
Todos le escucharon pues habia traido buenas
Bus fares have gone up from 40p to 50p.
Los autobuses han subido de 40 a 50 peniques.
8. Indicando el material del que se ha
• FROM reconvertido en un proceso
Cider is made from apples.
1. Sitio o direction de
La sidra se hace de la manzana.
The wind is blowing from the north.
El viento sopla del norte. Steel is made from iron.
That train is coming from London. El acero se hace del hierro.
Ese tren viene de Londres. 9. Indicando separation
He comes home from work at 6. He was separated from his parents.
Viene a casa del trabajo a las 6. Fue separado de sus padres.
2. Indicando el tiempo en que se empieza Take some money from my wallet.
I lived in London from 1980 to 1993. Cage algun dinero de mi cartera.
Vivi en Londres desde 1980 hasta 1993. I've borrowed a book from the library.
We're going on holiday from 5 July. He cogido un libra de la biblioteca.
Vamos de vacaciones desde el 5 de julio.
He was released from prison.
The supermarket opens from 10 am till 10 pm.
Le dejaron salir de la cdrcel.
El supermercado estd abierto desde las 10 de la
manana hasta las 10 de la noche. 10. Indicando protection o prevention
3. Indicando el remitente o procedencia We must protect our children from violence.
This is the man from the insurance company. Debemos proteger a nuestros hijos de la violencia.
Este es el hombre de la compania de seguros. He saved him from drowning.
This is a present from my brother. Le salvo de ahogarse.
Esto es un regalo de mi hermano. This humidity saved us from dying of thirst.
There was a phone call from your mother. Esta humedad nos salvo de morir de sed.
Ha habido una llamada de tu madre.
11. Indicando razon, causa o motivo
4. Indicando el origen They suffered from malnutrition.
She's from Spain. Sufrian de desnutricion.
Es espanola.
I felt sick from exhaustion.
Those people come from the south.
Me sentia enfermo de cansancio.
Esa gente viene del sur.
Part One

12. Considerando algo 20. De un lado a otro

From his accent I'd say he's French. From flower to flower.
Por su acento, diria que es frances. De flor en flor.
From what I heard, you need a new assistant. From side to side.
For lo que he oldo, usted necesita un ayudante. De un lado a otro.
You can tell the a person's character from his hand From time to time.
writing. De vez en cuando.
Se conoce el cardcter de una persona por su From door to door.
escritura. De puerta en puerta.
13. Usado para hacer una distincion entre dos 21. Locuciones
personas, lugares o cosas. From A to Z.
Are the English very different from the Spanish? De principio a fin.
^Son los ingleses muy diferentes de los espanoles? From the first.
I can never tell one twin from the other. Desde el principio.
Yo nunca distingo un gemelo del otro. From the heart.
Can you tell a fake from the original? Desde el corazon.
iPuedes diferenciar una falsification del original?
14. Desde una posicion
The city seen from above looks wonderful.
La ciudad vista desde arriba parece maravillosa.
From this angle it looks different.
Desde este dngulo parece diferente.
From a teacher's point of view, this book is useless.
Desde el punto de vista de un profesor, este libra no
vale nada.
15. Empezando a una bora determinada y
continuando un tiempo indefinido
From now on we are on our own.
A partir de ahora estamos solos.
From that day on we never spoke to each other.
Desde ese dia no nos volvimos a hablar.
He was never the same from then on.
Nunca fue el mismo desde entonces.
16. Juzgando
Judging from what I hear, people don't want him.
A juzgar por lo que he oido, la gente no le quiere.
You can't judge from appearances.
No se puede juzgar por las apariencias.
17. Impedir
He prevented her from killing herself.
El impidid que ella se matara.
18. En matematicas, restar
To subtract two from six.
Restar dos de seis.
Don't take the books away from him.
No le quites los libros.
19. Oir de
I got it from Henry.
Se lo oi decir a Enrique.

English Prepositions

4. Durante un periodo de tiempo

• IN In the morning
Por la manana
1. Indicando lugar - en un punto dentro de un
In the afternoon
area o volumen
Por la tarde
In America
In the evening
En America Por la tarde/noche. / Al atardecer.
In France In 1999
En Francia En el ano 1999
In the world In June
En el mundo En junio
In town In spring
En la ciudad En primavera
In the past
In the street
En el pasado
En la calle
In the Pacific Ocean 4. Despues de algun tiempo
I'll be back in a few minutes.
En el Oceano Pacifico
Volvere dentro de unos pocos minutos.
In the sky
In two days' time.
En el cielo Dentro de dos dias.
In the corner (of a room) It will be ready in a week.
En un rincon Estard listo dentro de una semana.
In a drawer I learnt to drive in two weeks.
En un cajon Aprendi a conducir en dos semanas
In the newspaper 5. Despues de first, last, only o una negacion
En el periodico I haven't seen her in years.
In the picture Hace anos que no la veo.
En el cuadro It's the first letter we have had in six months.
Es la primera carta que recibimos en seis meses.
In the box
En la caja 6. Formando un todo o parte de algo
There are seven days in a week.
2. Dentro de la forma de, encerrado por Hay siete dias en una semana.
Lying in bed There are 1760 yards in a mile.
Tumbado en la cama Hay 1760 yardas en una milla.
There are four weeks in a month.
Sitting in an armchair Hay cuatro semanas en un mes.
Sentado en un sillon There are lOOp in a pound.
Hay 100 peniques en una libra.
In the lock The tip is included in the bill.
La propina estd incluida en la cuenta.
En la cerradura
In your mouth 7. Indicando una proportion
En tu boca Four in ten said they preferred butter.
Cuatro de cada diez dijeron que preferian
In my hand mantequilla.
En mi mano The tax rate is 20p in the pound.
In his pocket Los impuestos son de 20 peniques cada libra.
En su bolsillo
8. Llevando ropa, colores, etc.
3. Indicando movimiento There was a woman in black.
Throw it in the fire. Habia una mujer de negro.
Echalo al fuego. A man dressed in rags came to the door.
Un hombre vestido con harapos vino a la puerta.
Get in the car.
I don't like people in uniform.
Sube al cache.
No me gusta la gente con uniforme.
He put his foot in the water. She is in mourning.
Metio el pie en el agua. Estd de luto.
Part One

He is in disguise. She's good in history but bad in Maths.

Esta disfrazado. Es muy buena en historia pero mala en matemdticas.
She was in high-heeled shoes and in a mini-skirt. He's lacking in courage.
Tenia zapatos de tacon alto y minifalda. Le falta coraje.
9. Indicando los alrededores fisicos, circuns- He's blind in one eye.
Es tuerto.
tancias, etc.
She went out in the cold. It's four feet in length and two feet in depth.
Solid aunque hacta mucho frio. Tiene cuatro pies de longitud y dos pies de profundi-
People go hunting/fishing/running in the rain. dad.
La gente va de caza/de pesca/a correr bajo It's six inches in diameter.
la lluvia. Tiene seis pulgadas de didmetro.

10. Indicando el estado o condicion de algo 15. Indicando la ocupacion, actividad, etc. de
The room was in a mess. uno
La habitation estaba toda revuelta. He's in the army/in the navy/in the air force.
The old woman is in poor health. Estd en el ejercito/en la marina/en la aviation.
La pobre anciana estd mal de salud. We are in business/in insurance/in journalism/in
She was in a rage. computers.
Estaba furiosa. Estamos en negocios/en seguros/en el periodismo/en
We are in a hurry.
Tenemos mucha prisa. He's been in politics all his life.
Ha estado en la politico toda su vida.
The castle is in ruins.
El castillo estd en ruinas. He was killed in action.
Murio en combate.
It's all in good fun
Todo es para divertirse. 16. For la razon de que, porque
It's a good thing in that it encourages competition.
11. Indicando forma, arreglo o cantidades Es bueno porque anima a competir.
Tourists come in the thousand to see the sights.
Los turistas vienen a miles para ver las vistas. 17. Seguido de gerundio
They stood in little groups. In touring the world.
Se repartian en pequenos grupos. Al dar la vuelta al mundo.
They sat in rows. In saying this, he realized...
Se sentaban en hileras. Al decir esto, se dio cuenta...
The curtains hung in folds. In crossing the street.
Las cortinas caian en pliegues. Al cruzar la calle.
12. Indicando el medio o material, etc. 18. Con superlaltivo
Speak in English in class. The best in the world.
Hablad en ingles en clase, El mejor del mundo.
Don't write in pencil, write in ink or in biro. The biggest country in Europe.
No escribdis con lapiz, escribid con tinta o El pais mas grande de Europa.
con boligrafo. 19. Locuciones
You musnt't speak in a loud voice. In all.
No debes hablar en voz alta. En total.
We must pay in cash. A chance in a million.
Debemos pagar en efectivo. Una posibilidad entre un millon.
13. Cuando se introduce el nombre de una In fact.
persona en particular De hecho.
We have a real problem in Diana. In spite of
Tenemos un verdadero problema con Diana. A pesar de.
You've lost a good sales manager in Mr. Smith. Hand in hand.
Han perdido ustedes un buen director de ventas De la mono.
con el Sr. Smith. The town was in sight.
La ciudad estaba a la vista.
14. En referencia a, en conexion con
Our country is rich in minerals but poor in Arm in arm.
agriculture. Del brazo.
Nuestro pais es rico en minerales pero pobre en He cut it in two halves.
agricultura. Lo corto en dos mitades.

English Prepositions

It was in view. In practice

Estaba a la vista. En prdctica
In any case. In public
En cualquier caso. En publico
Nothing in particular. In return
Nada de particular. A cambio
In addition In short
Ademds Abreviando
In any event In tears
En todo caso Llorando
In brief In time
Abreviando A tiempo de
In business In view of
De negocios A la vista de
In cash
En efectivo Como adverbio
In comfort
She opened the door to let the children in.
Abrio la puerta para dejar entrar a los ninos.
In comparison
All in.
En comparacion
Todo incluido.
In conclusion
He's in for trouble.
Resumiendo Se la va a cargar; va a tener problemas.
In control My luck is in.
En control Estoy de suerte.
In danger In and out.
En peligro Entrando y saliendo.
In debt Come in.
En deuda Adelante.
In demand Is your father in?
En demanda Estd tu padre?
In detail
En detalle
In doubt • IN FRONT OF
En duda
In the end 1. Delante de, en frente de
Al final, por fin There was a high hill in front of us.
In full Habia una colina alta delante de nosotros.
Del todo, completo
In general
En general • INSIDE
In ink/pencil
1. En la parte interior, dentro de
Con tinta/lapiz The bird is inside its cage.
In love El pdjaro estd dentro de la jaula.
Enamorado Children, go inside the house.
In a minute Ninos, entrad en la casa.
Dentro de un momento Inside the box there was a manuscript.
In no time Dentro de la caja habia un manuscrito.
Dentro de nada
In order 2. En menos de
En orden The construction of the bridge is not likely to be
finished inside a year.
In order to La construction del puente no es probable que se
A fin de
termine antes de un ano.
In pain
Con dolores
In person
En persona

Part One

They put some money into my account.

Como adverbio Pusieron algun dinero en mi cuenta.
1 En el interior 2. En la direccion de
He's been inside for years. They drove into the fog.
Lleva anos en la carcel. Se adentraron en la niebla.
We moved inside when it began to rain. Sing into the microphone.
Nos metimos dentro cuando empezo a Hover. Canta mirando al microfono.
It was empty, there was nothing inside. A journey into the future.
Estaba vacia, no habia nada dentro. Un viaje al futuro.
People were waiting inside.
Habia gente esperando dentro. 3. Chocando contra
She ran into a lamp post.
Se choco contra una farola.
IN SPITE OF The lorry drove into a shop window.
El camion se estrello contra un escaparate.
1. A pesar de 1 bumped into an old friend.
We'll get there is spite of the railway strike. Me tropece con un viejo amigo.
Llegaremos alli a pesar de la huelga de ferrocarriles.
4. Hasta un punto durante algo
It was a good game in spite of the rain.
The soldiers went on walking well into the night.
A pesar de la lluvia fue un buen partido.
Los soldados siguieron andando bien entrada la
He was successful in spite of the difficulties. noche.
Tuvo exito a pesar de las dificultades.
We're well into July before it gets hot.
Estaremos en Julio antes de que haga calor.

INSTEAD OF 5. Indicando un cambio de forma como

resultado de una accion
. En vez de We'll turn the attic into a bedroom.
I'll have cider instead of beer. Convertiremos el dtico en una habitacion.
Tomare sidra en vez de cerveza. Tear the shirt into strips for bandages.
We'll have fish instead of meat. Haz tiras con la camisa para vendajes.
Tomaremos pescado en vez de came.
6. Indicando cambio a una condicion
They went out for a walk instead of watching
They came into power in 1982.
Salieron a dar una vuelta en vez de ver la television.
Subieron al poder en 1982.
They were frightened into submission.
Como adverbio Les sometieron aterrorizdndolos.
. Como alternativa o reemplazo 7. Para dividir
Mary was ill so Diana went instead. 2 into 10 goes 5.
Maria estaba enferma asi que Diana fue en su lugar. 10 dividido entre 2 igual a 5.
I have no whisky. Would you like brandy instead? 8. Caer en manos e
No tengo whisky. Tomaria usted conac? They fell into the enemy's hands.
Cayeron en poder del enemigo.
9. Traducir a
INTO He translated it into French.
Lo tradujo al franees.
1. Movimiento hacia un lugar dentro de un
espacio o volumen
Please come into the office.
Por favor entra en la oficina.
Throw that into the fire.
Echo eso al fuego.
They went into the village.
Fueron al pueblo.
He dived into the water.
Se zambullo en el agua.
They walked into the night.
Se adentraron en la noche.
English Prepositions

1. Parecido, similar
She was wearing a skirt like mine.
Llevaba una falda como la mia.
I've never seen a garden like this.
Yo nunca he visto un jardin como este.
I'm going to be a football player like Pele.
Voy a ser un futbolista como Pele.
She's like her mother.
Es como su madre.
He looks a bit like the King.
Se parece un poco al Rey.
What does he look like?
iComo es?
That sounds like your brother.
Ese parece que es tu hermano.
2. Caracteristica de alguien o algo
It's just like him to brag about it.
Es muy propio de el chulearse de ello.
3. A la manera de, en el mismo grado que
He behaves like a child.
Se porta como un nino.
She runs like the wind.
Corre como el viento.
5. For ejemplo
I love reading good novelists like Agatha Christie or
Noah Gordon.
Me gusta leer a buenos novelistas como Agatha
Christie o Noah Gordon.
Some subjects, like languages and music, are not
considered important.
Algunas asignaturas, como los idiomas y la musica,
no se consideran importantes.
6. Como un bestia
I had to work like anything to finish the job.
Tuve que trabajar como un bestia para terminar el

Como adverbio
It will rain tomorrow, as like as not.
Quizd llueva manana.

Como conjuncion
1. De la misma manera
No one made an omelette like she did.
Nadie hacia una tortilla como ella.
It was all like when you were at home.
Todo era como cuando tu estabas en casa.
2. Como si (as if)
He acts like he owns the place.
El se comporta como si fuera el dueno.

Part One

• NEAR Como adjetivo

1. Solo a corta distancia o tiempo 1. A corta distancia

Sit near the fire. We are moving to the country in the near future.
Sientate cerca del fuego. Nos vamos al campo en un proximo futuro.
Bath is near Bristol. Where's the nearest bus-stop?
Bath estd cerca de Bristol. ^Donde esta la parada de autobus mas cercana?
Don't go near the water. 2. Parentesco cercano
No te acerques al agua. She's the nearest member of my family.
He must be near fifty. Ella es el miembro de mi familia mas cercano.
Debe rondar los cincuenta.
3. Mas parecido
They live near here. This is the nearest colour we have.
Viven cerca de aqui. Este es el color mas parecido que tenemos.
Near the end of the chapter.
Hacia final del capitulo. 4. Por los pelos
I had a near escape.
2. Casi experimentar, alcanzar o hacer algo Me escape por los pelos.
She came near to hysterics.
Se puso casi histerica.
He was near to tears.
Estaba casi llorando.
I felt near to death.
Me senti cerca de la muerte.

Como adverbio
1. A corta distancia
There was a shop quite near.
Habia una tienda muy cerca.
Are you sitting near enough to hear?
^Estas sentada lo bastante cerca como para oir?
2. Lo mas exacto que (as near as)
There were about 100 as near as I could tell.
Habia unos 100 por todo lo que podia ver.
Keep it as near as possible to the text.
Ajustate lo mas posible al texto.
3. No lo suficiente
I have nowhere near enough for a ticket.
No me llega ni de lejos para una entrada.
That's nowhere near the colour and size I'm
looking for.
Eso no es ni de lejos del color y tamano que estoy
4. Casi
I was very near asleep.
Estaba casi dormido.

English Prepositions

I'm a lover of music.

• OF Soy amante de la musica.
1. Perteneciendo a 8. Introduciendo el sujeto de la accion
The leg of the table. expresado por el sustantivo anterior
la pata de la mesa. The love of a mother.
The lid of the box. El amor de una madre.
la tapa de la caja. The faith of the Christians.
A friend of mine. La fe de los cristianos.
Un amigo mio. The support of the voters.
A mate of Peter's. El apoyo de los votantes.
Un companero de Pedro.
9. Indicando lo que se mide, cuenta o contiene
2. Despues de un sustantivo refien-dose a los A pint of beer.
derechos o a los deberes Una pinta de cerveza.
The responsibilities of a doctor. A cup of tea.
Las responsabilidades de un medico. Una taza de te.
The rights of man. A box of matches.
Los derechos del hombre. Una caja de cerillas.
The duties of a soldier. A sheet of paper.
Los deberes de un soldado. Una hoja de papel.
3. Indicando origen o viviendo en un sitio 10. Mostrando una relacion entre una parte y la
The inhabitants of this country. unidad
Los habitantes de este pals. One day of the week.
The beggars of London. Un dia de la semana.
Los mendigos de Londres.
A member of the committee.
A man of royal descent. Un miembro del comite.
Un hombre de descendencia real.
11. Usado despues de some, many, a few, etc.
4. Creado por Some of my friends.
The works of Charles Dickens. Algunos de mis amigos.
Las obras de Carlos Dickens.
Many of those who went.
The paintings of Velazquez. Muchos de los que fueron.
Los cuadros de Velazquez.
A few of the children who came back.
The poems of Byron.
Unas pocos de los ninos que volvieron.
Los poemas de Byron.
12. Entre un numeral o superlative y un
5. Concerniente o describiendo
A photograph of my wife. sustantivo o pronombre
Una fotografla de mi mujer. Six of them never came back.
Seis de ellos nunca volvieron.
The scene of the crime.
La escena del crimen. She bought the most expensive of the dresses.
Compro el vestido mas caro.
The map of England.
El mapa de Inglaterra. 13. Con expresiones que muestran distancia en
6. Indicando el material que se usa para hacer espacio o tiempo
algo Cambridge is 90 miles north of London.
A wall of bricks. Cambridge estd a 90 millas al norte de Londres.
Una pared de ladrillos. It's within a mile of the coast.
A scarf of silk. Esta a menos de una milla de la costa.
Una bufanda de seda. Within a month of her husband's death, she had
A pullover of wool. married again.
Un jersey hecho de lana. Antes de un mes de la muerte de su esposo se habia
casado de nuevo.
7. Introduciendo el objeto de la accion expresa-
da por el sustantivo anterior 14. Con fechas
The fear of the unknown. The third of June.
El miedo a lo desconocido. El tres de junto.
The building of a house. The tenth of May.
La construccion de una casa. El diez de mayo.

Part One

15. Que ya no sufre o padece de algo

He was relieved of any responsibility. • OFF
Le quitaron toda responsabilidad. 1. Indica caida o alejamiento de una posicion
He was cured of his drug-addiction. The rider fell off the horse.
Le curaron de su drogadiccion. El jinete se cayo del caballo.
16. Indicando una causa Keep off the grass.
He died of cancer. No pisen el cesped.
Murio de cancer. We're still a long way off finding a solution.
He's proud of being the best man. Estamos lejos de encontrar una solucion.
Estd orgulloso de ser el padrino. The knife fell off the table.
17. Introduciendo una frase en aposicion El cuchillo se cayo de la mesa.
The city of London. He took the lid off the pot.
La ciudad de Londres. Quito la tapa del puchero.
At the age of twenty. 2. Accesible de (carretera, camino, etc.)
A los veinte anos de edad. There's another balcony off the main bedroom.
Hay otro balcon en el dormitorio principal.
18. Introduciendo una frase que describe un
precedente There's a narrow lane off London Avenue.
He was a man of genius. Hay una callejuela que sale de la Avenida de
Era un hombre ingenioso. Londres.
She was a girl of nineteen. 3. A alguna distancia de
Era una chica de diecinueve anos. The house was 100 yards off the main road.
He was a man of strange appearance. La casa estaba a 100 yardas de la carretera
Era un hombre de aspecto extrano. principal.
Many ships are wrecked off the coast of Cornwall.
19. Usado entre sustantivos, el primero descri-
Muchos barcos naufragan en las costas de Cornwall.
biendo al segundo
She's a fine figure of a woman. 4. Que ya no desea o necesita tomar
Es una esplendida figura de mujer. I'm off the drugs at last.
He's a devil of a child. For fin me he desenganchado de las drogas.
Es un diablillo de chaval. She's been off her food for days.
Lleva dias sin comer.
20. En relacion a, concerniente a
This is the result of the elections. 5. Locuciones
Este es el resultado de las elecciones. The nurse is off duty.
The time of arrival. La enfermera no esta de guardia.
La hora de llegada. He's off his head.
A teacher of English. Estd chalado.
Un profesor de ingles. That's off the point.
A topic of conversation. Eso no tiene nada que ver.
Un tema de conversacion. Off the record.
21. Elegido de, en contraste con
You of all people should say that! Off work/school.
iPrecisamente tu tenias que decir eso! De baja del trabajo/de la escuela.
It had to happen today of all days!
jTenia que suceder precisamente hoy! Como adverbio
22. Usado para mostrar quien esta siendo 1. En o hacia un punto distante en el espacio
descrito The nearest petrol station is two miles off.
It was very nice of you to come so early. La gasolinera mas cercana estd a dos millas.
Ha sido muy amable de tu pane el venir tan The thief ran off with the money.
temprano. El ladron se escapd con el dinero.
It's wrong of your father to say that. The holidays are so far off!
No estd bien por pane de tu padre el decir eso. /Las vacaciones estdn tan lejanas!

English Prepositions

2. Indicando separacion o quitando algo 2. Sujeto o soportado por

He shaved his moustache off. You have something on your chin.
Se afeito el bigote. Tienes algo en la barbilla.
Take your coat off. I have a ring on my finger.
Quitate el abrigo. Tengo un anillo en el dedo.
He's got black shoes on his feet.
3. Empezando un viaje o carrera Tiene zapatos negros en los pies.
She's off to London. She had a watch on her wrist.
Se ha marchado a Londres. Tenia un reloj en la muneca.
They're off. I have a hat on my head.
/Ya han salido! Tengo un sombrero en la cabeza.
4. Cancelando algo She had a bandage on her knee.
The wedding is off. Tenia un vendaje en la rodilla.
Se ha suspendido la boda. He's lying on his back.
The strike has been called off. Estd tumbado de espaldas.
La huelga ha sido suspendida. She was lying on her stomach.
5. Desconectado algo Estaba tumbada sobre su estomago.
The light is off. The body was lying on its side.
La luz estd apagada. El cuerpo estaba echado de costado.
6. Alejado del trabajo o deber There's a flag on the pole.
He took the morning off. Hay una bandera en el mastil.
Se tomo la manana libre. She's standing on one foot.
7. Precios mas reducidos Esta apoydndose sobre un pie.
All articles have 20% off. She's sitting on a chair.
Todos los articulos tlenen un 20% de descuento. Esta sentada en una silla.
He's on the sofa.
Estd en el sofa.
Como sustantivo
I have something on my mind.
The runners were ready for the off. Tengo algo en mente.
Los corredores estaban listos para la salida.
3. En un vehiculo publico
On the bus
ON En el autobus
On the plane
. Encima, en contacto En el avion
On the table
On the train
En la mesa
En el tren
On the wall
En la pared On the coach
On the floor En el autocar
En el suelo On the tube
On the ceiling En el metro
En el techo On the ship
On the blackboard En el barco
En el encerado 4. En posesion de (con pronombres personales)
On the envelope I haven't got any money on me.
En el sobre
No llevo dinero encima.
On the continent
He had the stolen jewels on him.
En el continente
On page 10 Tenia en el bolsillo las joyas robadas.
En la pdgina 10 5. Con dias y fechas
On the roof On Sunday
En el tejado El domingo
On the door (notice) On Saturday
En la puerta (letrero) El sabado
On the bottle (label) On June the first
En la botella (etiqueta)
El uno de junio
Part One

On the morning of July the second 11. Cerca de un lugar o tiempo

For la manana del 2 de julio There's a village on the border.
On a rainy day Hay un pueblo en la frontera.
En un dia de lluvia There's a house on the main road.
On your birthday Hay una casa en la carretera principal.
El dia de tu cumpleanos A little villa on the coast.
On Christmas day Una pequena villa en la costa.
El dia de Navidad 12. Como resultado de, a causa de
On New Year's day I went there on his advice.
El dia de Ano Nuevo Fui alii siguiendo sus consejos.
6. Inmediatamente despues del tiempo u He was arrested on a charge of murder.
ocasion Le detuvieron par asesinato.
On my arrival 13. Soportado financieramente
A mi llegada He lives on his grant.
On arriving Vive de una beca.
Al llegar We live on our pension.
On asking Vivimos de nuestra pension.
Al preguntar Drinks are on me.
On the death of Yo pago esta ronda.
A la muerte 14. For medio de, usando
On the news of I heard the news on the radio.
Al recibir la noticia de Oimos las noticias en la radio.
7. Acerca de I saw that film on TV.
An essay on political stability. Vi esa pelicula en television.
Una redaction sobre la estabilidad politico. She's on the phone.
A lecture on Dickens. Estd al telefono.
Una charla sobre Dickens. 14. Indicando un aumento en coste
This is a lesson on philosophy. There's a tax on spirits.
Esto es una lection de Filosofia. Hay un impuesto sobre el alcohol.
8. Indicando pertenencia a un grupo u 15. Indicando una actividad o un proposito
organizacion We're here on business/holiday.
I was on the jury. Estamos aqui de negocios/vacaciones.
Estaba en el jurado. This machine is on loan.
She's on the committee. Esta mdquina es prestada.
Ella estd en el comite.
15. Locuciones
Whose side is he on?
On the first floor
i,De que lado estd?
En el primer piso
9. Consumiendo regularmente On the top floor
My car runs on petrol. En el ultimo piso
Mi cache consume gasolina. On the right
They lived on bread and water. A la derecha
Vivian de pan y agua.
On the left
He's on heroin. A la izquierda
Esta enganchado a la heroina.
On purpose
I'm on those tablets. A proposito
Estoy tomando esas pastillas.
On foot
10. Indicando direccion A pie
The enemy army is marching on the capital. On earth
El ejercito enemigo se acerca a la capital. • En la tierra
Don't turn your back on him. On land
No le des la espalda. En tierra
He pulled a knife on me. On sale
Me saco un cuchillo. A la venta

English Prepositions

On both sides On strike

A ambos lados De huelga
On a bicycle On the way
montado en bicicleta En camino
On fire
Ardiendo Como adverbio
On guard
1. Indicando la continuidad de una accion
En guardia, de guardia
She walked on.
On the contrary Siguid andando.
Al contrario The band played on.
On the other hand La banda siguid tocando.
For otro lado And the war went on.
On time y la guerra siguid.
A tiempo Don't go on so much.
On that day No des la lata tanto.
Aquel dia 2. Indicando movimiento hacia adelante o
On weekdays progreso en espacio o tiempo
Los dias de labor From this day on.
On the whole A partir de este dia.
En conjunto Please, hurry on.
Date prisa, par favor.
On my way home
De camino a casa. On with the show!
iQue siga la funcion!
On edge
Muy nervioso. 3. Llevar puesto
jPut your shoes on!
On the edge
jPonte los zapatos!
En el horde.
He hasn't got his glasses on.
On the horizon No tiene puestas las gafas.
En el horizonte The lid is on.
On approval La tapa estd puesta.
A su aprobacion
4. Con aparatos, fuerza motriz, etc.
On average The TV is on.
En termino media La television estd enchufada.
On behalf of All the lights in the house were on.
En nombre de Todas las luces de la casa estaban encendidas.
On the contrary The tap is on.
Al contrario El grifo estd abierto.
On credit Is the handbrake on?
A credito ^Esta echado elfreno de mano?
On demand 5. Cuando una funcion esta en progreso
En demanda The film was already on when she arrived.
On display La pelicula ya habia empezado cuando llego ella.
En exposition The strike has been on for five days.
On foot Llevan cinco dias de huelga.
A pie 6. Cuando tendra lugar en el futuro
On a journey Is the strike still on?
De viaje iSigue en pie lo de la huelga?
On offer Is the match on at 5 or at 6?
iA que hora es el partido, a las 5 o a las 6?
En oferta
On his own 7. Hablando de peliculas, funciones, programas,
Solo, a solas etc.
What's on at the theatre/cinema?
On purpose I Que hay en el teatro/cine ?
A proposito, adrede

Part One

What time is the news on? Your father has been onto us for ages about the
^A que" hora son las noticias? wrecked car.
8. Planeado para que tenga lugar Tu padre lleva siglos ddndonos la tabarra sobre el
Have you got anything on for tonight? cache destrozado.
jTienes algo que hacer esta noche? I knew they were onto something big.
Sabia que iban tras algo grande.
9. En el escenario
What time are you on?
jA que hora sales al escenario?
She's on in two minutes.
Ella sale al escenario dentro de dos minutos.
1. Al otro lado, opuesto
The nurse goes on at 10 o'clock.
The bank is on the opposite side of the road.
La enfermera entra de guardia a las 10.
El banco esta al otro lado de la carretera.
10. Dentro de un vehiculo They sat at opposite sides of the table.
The bus driver waited until everybody was on. Se sentaron en lados opuestos de la mesa.
El conductor del autobus esperd hasta que todos The picture is on the opposite page.
estuvieron dentro. El dibujo esta en la otra pdgina.
Several people got on at the bus stop.
Varios se montaron en la parada del autobus.
11. En un punto de contacto • OUT OF
He crashed head on with another car.
Se choco de frente con otro cache. 1. Situado a cierta distancia fuera de un sitio
12. Ser aceptable o practice He's out of the country.
You're on! Esta fuera del pais.
jAcepto! Fish can't live out of water.
Los peces no pueden vivir fuera del agua.
Are you on for this game?
^Tomas parte en este juego? 2. Alejandose de un sitio
What's he on about? The bird flew out of the cage.
^De que va? El pajaro void de la jaula.
She kept moaning on and on. He walked out of the room.
No paraba de quejarse. Solid de la habitacion.
13. Encontrarse con algo bueno, darse cuenta 3. Indicando motivo o causa
They're on to something good. I asked him out of curiosity.
Se han tropezado con algo bueno. Le pregunte por curiosidad.
He was on to it at once. He helped her out of pity.
Enseguida se dio cuenta. La ayudo por misericordia.
She did that out of fear.
Lo hizo par miedo.
• ONTO He sacrificed his life out of love.
Sacrifico su vida par amor.
1. Moviendose a una position en una superfi-
4. Eligiendo entre un numero
Choose one out of ten.
He stepped out of the train onto the platform.
Elige uno de diez.
Se aped del tren al anden.
Nine people out of ten would do the same.
Beer was dripping from the barrel onto the floor. Nueve de cada diez harian lo mismo.
La cerveza goteaba del barril al suelo.
He jumped from the bridge onto the train. 5. Hacer una cosa usando trozos de otra
Salto del puente al tren. I made this bunk out of pieces of wood.
Hice este camastro con trozos de madera.
2. Perseguir a fin de averiguar sobre sus She made this dress out of pieces of material.
actividades ilegales Hizo este vestido con trozos de tela.
The police are onto them about the missing money.
La policia les sigue la pista par el dinero 6. A falta de, sin
desaparecido. I was out of breath.
Yo estaba sin aliento.
English Prepositions

I've been out of work for months. Out of luck

Llevo meses sin trabajo. Sin suerte, desafortunado
We are running out of petrol/sugar/tea. Out of the ordinary
Nos estamos quedando sin gasolina/aziicar/te. Fuera de lo ordinario
He ran out of money long ago. Out of place
Hace tiempo que se quedo sin dinero. Fuera de lugar
He was out of sight when I looked.
Out of practice
Ya estaba fuera de la vista cuando mire.
Fuera de prdctica
7. No estan en las condiciones especificadas Out of reach
Fortunately she's out of danger. Fuera del alcance
Afortunadamente estd fuera de peligro.
Out of season
These books are out of order.
Fuera de temporada
Estos libros estdn todos desordenados.
Out of stock
The lift is out of order.
Sin existencias
El ascensor no funciona.
Out of touch
8. Teniendolo como su origen o fuente No estar en contacto
It was a scene out of a play.
Out of tune
Era la escena de una obra teatral.
You must drink out of a glass.
Debes beber en vaso. Out of use
Fuera de uso
I'll have to pay the salaries out of my own money.
Tendre que pagar los sueldos de mi propio bolsillo. Out of work
En paro
10. A una distancia especificada
The plane crashed into the sea a few miles out of
El avion se estrello en el mar a unas pocas millas de
Cornwall. 1. En o hacia un lugar en el exterior
11. No estar relacionado con There's someone waiting outside the office.
I'm glad to be out of your plans. Hay alguien esperando fuera de la oficina.
Me alegro de estar fuera de vuestros planes. Nobody is allowed outside the city boundary.
He's out of the team. No se permite la salida a nadie fuera de los limites
Estd fuera del equipo. de la ciudad.
Park your car outside the house.
12. Excluido de
He is out of touch with his environment. Aparca el cache fuera de la casa.
No estd en contacto con lo que le rodea. 2. No dentro del radio de accion
She doesn't speak English, so she's a bit out of it. That matter is outside the area of my responsibility.
No habla ingles asi que se encuentra un poco fuera Ese asunto esta fuera de mi jurisdicion.
de lugar. You can do anything you want outside working
13. Locuciones hours.
Out of control Puedes hacer lo que quieras fuera de las horas de
Sin control trabajo.
Out of date 3. Excepto, aparte de
Anticuado, desfasado Outside Monica, she has no real friends.
Out of doors Aparte de Monica, no tiene buenas amigas.
Al aire libre
Out of fashion
Anticuado, no estar de moda Como adverbio
Out of focus 1. Fuera
Desenfocado He's waiting outside.
Out of hand Estd esperando fuera.
No estar a mano Children, don't go outside, it's raining.
Out of hearing Ninos, no salgdis, estd lloviendo.
Fuera del alcance del oido
Part One

2. Al aire libre 8. Indicando control y autoridad

It's warmer outside than inside. Queen Victoria ruled over a great empire.
Hace mas calor fuera que dentro. La reina Victoria goberno un gran imperio.
She had no control over her emotions.
Ella no controlaba sus emociones.
9. Indicando el paso del tiempo, durante
1. Descansando sobre una superficie cubrien- We'll discuss it over lunch.
dola Lo discutiremos comiendo.
She spread a cloth over the table. She went to sleep over her book.
Extendio un mantel sobre la mesa. Se durmio con el libra en la mano.
I put my hand over his eyes. They had a chat over a cup of coffee.
Le puse la mano sobre los ojos. Charlaron mientras tomaban una taza de cafe.
He put his coat over the sleeping child.
Puso su abrigo sobre el nino dormido. 10. A traves de un periodo de tiempo
We'll stay in Scotland over the Easter holiday.
2. Encima, sin tocar Pasaremos las vacaciones de Semana Santa en
The clouds were threatening over their heads. Escocia.
Habia nubes amenazadoras sobre sus cabezas.
There was a bronze lamp hanging over the table. 11. A causa de
Habia una lampara de bronce colgada sobre la They had an argument over some money.
mesa. Tuvieron una discusion sobre algun dinero.
Aeroplanes flew over the city. They don't agree over what to do.
Los aviones volaban por encima de la ciudad. No estdn de acuerdo sobre lo que hacer.
3. De un lado a otro, a traves 12. Transmitido por
There's a bridge over the river. They heard the news over the radio.
Hay un puente que cruza el rio. Oyeron las noticias en la radio.
They escaped over the border. He won't tell me over the phone.
Se escaparon por la frontera. No me lo quiere decir por telefono.
4. En el otro extreme o lado opuesto
The Smiths live over the road. Como adverbio
Los Smiths viven al otro lado de la calle.
My land is over the river. 1. Caerse
Mis tierras estdn al otro lado del rio. The wind blew it over.
El viento lo tiro.
5. Trepar por encima de
We'll have to climb over the wall. He knocked the glass over.
Tendremos que trepar por encima del muro. Volcd el vaso.
Hannibal crossed over the mountains. The old woman fell over on the ice.
Anibal cruzo por encima de las montanas. La anciana se cayo en el hielo.
6. Por todos los sitios 2. De un lado a otro
There are heavy rains all over the country. Please, turn over the page.
Hay fuertes lluvias en todo el pais. Por favor, pase la pdgina.
She was famous all over the world. I think you can turn the meat over.
Era famosa en el mundo entero. Creo que puedes darle la vuelta a la carne.
He poured the water all over the sleeping man's 3. A traves, al otro lado
Take these letters over to the post office.
Derramo el agua sobre la cara del hombre
Lleva estas cartas a correos.
She's gone over to France.
7. Mas de Ha cruzado a Francia.
They sold over a million copies.
Put your things over there.
Vendieron mas de un millon de capias.
Pan tus cosas alii.
We stayed there over a year.
Estuvimos alii mas de un ano. 4. De nuevo
This beach is over two kilometres long. She repeated it several times over.
Esta playa tiene mas de dos kilomtros de largo. Lo repitio varias veces.
She's over forty. They did the sitting-room over.
Tiene mas de cuarenta anos. Redecoraron el salon.

English Prepositions

5. Se quedo sin usar It's quite past my understanding.

There's very little food left over. Estd mas alia de mi comprension.
Queda muy poca comida.
I'm past belief.
6. Ademas de, mas de Ya no creo en nada.
Men of 18 and over.
It's past control.
Hombres de mas de 18 ahos.
Esta fuera de control.
7. Terminado
Our relationship is over. 5. Mas alia de la edad
Hemos concluido nuestras relaciones. You're past playing with trains.
By the time I got there the meeting was over. Ya no estds en edad de jugar con Irenes.
Para cuando llegue alii se habia acabado la He is long past retirement age.
Ha sobrepasado la edad de jubilacion.
8. Indicando cambio de uno a otro
They've gone over to the enemy.
Se han pasado al enemigo. Como adverbio
Message received, over. They walked/ran/swam past.
Mensaje recibido, cambio. Pasaron andando/corriendo/nadando.
9. Cubierto por complete
The river is completely frozen over. Como sustantivo
El rio estd completamente helado.
He covered her over with his coat. Many things happened in the past.
La cubrio con su abrigo. Muchas cosas sucedieron en el pasado.
10. De nuevo, repetirlo
He had to do it all over again.
Lo tuvo que hacer de nuevo. • PLUS
I have told you that over and over again.
Te lo he repetido muchas veces. 1. Con la adicion de, mas
Two plus five is seven.
Dos mas cinco son siete.
• PAST The invoice came to £167 plus VAT.
La factura ascendta a 167 libras mds IVA.
1. Con las horas
Ten more people are coming, plus their luggage.
Ten past six.
Vienen otras 10 personas, mds su equipaje.
Las sets y diez.
Half past two.
Las dos y media. Como adjetivo
This job will come to £100 plus.
2. Mas viejo que
El trabajo sera ciento y pico libras.
She's past her sixties.
The temperature is plus two degrees.
Pasa de los sesenta.
La temperatura es de dos grados sobre cero.
An old woman past eighty.
Una anciana de mas de ochenta anos.
3. Mas alia de
You can see my house past the post office.
Puedes ver mi casa mas alla de correos.
She hurried past me without stopping.
Paso de prisa a mi lado sin parar.
4. Mas alla de los limites
These men are past working.
Estos hombres han rebasado la edad de trabajar.
She's past caring.
Ya no le importa nada.

Part One

Summer will soon come round again.

• ROUND Pronto volvera el verano otra vez.
1. Como el punto central de un movimiento
3. Midiendo o marcando la circunferencia
The moon moves round the earth. de algo
La luna se mueve alrededor de la tierra. This tree measures 50 inches round.
A yacht race round the world. Este arbol mide 50 pulgadas de circunferencia.
Una regata de yates alrededor del mundo. They built a fence all round the pond.
2. A un punto o en un punto al otro lado Han construido una cerca alrededor del estanque.
The post office is round the corner.
4. A todos los miembros de un grupo a turnos.
Correos esta a la vuelta de la esquina.
Hand the bottle of whisky round.
There's a petrol station round the bend.
Pasa la botella de whisky por todos.
Hay una gasolinera despues de la curva.
Let's go round the roundabout. Have you got enough glasses to go round?
Demos la vuelta a la rotonda. <; Tienes bastantes vasos para todos ?

3. Cubriendo o alrededor 5. Por una ruta que es mas larga que otra
Put this scarf round your neck. directa
Ponte esta bufanda en el cuello.
They were all sitting round the table. You've come the long way round.
Todos estaban sentados alrededor de la mesa. Habeis cogido el camino mas largo.
Let's go round by the coast road.
4. En o a varios puntos
She looked round the room. Vamos a ir por la carretera de la costa.
Miro por la habitation. 6. Hacia o en un lugar en concreto
There were tanks all round the town.
The Smiths are coming round this evening.
Habia tanques por toda la ciudad.
Los Smith vienen esta noche.
5. Aproximadamente I'll be round in half an hour.
We'll be leaving round six.
Volvere dentro de media hora.
Saldremos hacia las seis.
A new tyre will cost round about £100.
Una cublerta nueva costard unas cien libras. Como sustantivo
1. Una rebanada completa
Como verbo Cut the cake into small rounds.
1. Redondear Corta el pastel en trozos pequenos.
We'll round it up/down. 2. Ruta, sucesion, serie regular
Lo redondearemos. The doctor is doing his rounds.
2. Dar la vuelta El medico esta visitando a sus pacientes.
They rounded the corner at high speed. The guard is doing his rounds.
Dieron la vuelta a la esquina a toda velocidad. El vigilante esta haciendo sus rondas.
3. Asaltos
Como adverbio This is a boxing match of ten rounds.
1. Dar la vuelta para mirar en direccion Esta es una pelea a diez asaltos.
opuesta. Let's play a round of golf.
She turned the car round. Juguemos una partida de golf.
Dio la vuelta al cache.
4. Una ronda de bebidas
Don't turn your head round. This is my round.
No vuelvas la cabeza.
Esta ronda me toca a mi.
2. Completanto un circulo 5. Descargas de fusileria o de canones
How long do you take to go round? We fired several rounds at them.
iCuanto tiempo te lleva dar la vuelta completa? Les disparamos varios tiros.

English Prepositions

1. Desde un tiempo especificado en el pasado
I haven't seen her since last summer.
No la he visto desde el verano pasado.
I have been waiting since six o'clock.
Llevo esperando desde las seis.
We have been living here since Christmas.
Llevamos viviendo aqui desde las Navidades.

Como conjuncion
1. Desde un tiempo especificado en el pasado
What have you been doing since I last saw you?
iQue has estado haciendo desde la ultima vez
que te vi?
How long is it since we last took a holiday?
^Cuanto tiempo hace que cogimos las ultimas
2. Porque, ya que, como
Since we have no money, we can't go on holiday
this year.
Como no tenemos dinero no podemos ir de vacacio-
nes este ano.

Como adverbio
1. Desde un tiempo especificado en el pasado
They went to Australia in 1980. We haven't heard
from them since.
Se fueron a Australia en 1980. Desde entonces no
hemos tenido noticias de ellos.
She has married long since.
Hace tiempo que se caso.

Part One

You mustn't drive through the red light.

• THROUGH No debes cruzar el semdforo en rojo.

1. A traves de una cavidad, pasaje, etc.

I'll get inside through the window. Como adverbio
Entrare por la ventana. 1. De un lado a otro
We went through a long tunnel. It's crowded here. Let's try to get through.
Atravesamos un largo tunel. Hay cantidad de gente. Intentemos pasar por el
The Thames flows through London. medio.
El Tamesis pasa por Londres. Put the pipe under the tap and let the water run
2. De un lado de una superficie a la otra Pon el tubo debajo del grifo y deja correr el agua
Can you see through the glass? por el.
iVes a traves del cristal?
2. De principio a fin de algo
I couldn't see anything through the fog.
To read a book through.
No podia ver nada a traves de la niebla. Leer un libra de cabo a rabo.
The soldiers had to wade through the river. The storm was terrible but I slept right through it.
Los soldados tuvieron que vadear el rio. La tormenta fue terrible pero dormi como un liron.
We drove through the city centre.
3. Cruzar una barrera o evitar un control.
Atravesamos en cache par el centro de la ciudad.
The light was red but the Ford Fiesta drove right
3. Atravesando de un lado a otro through it.
Your elbows have gone through your sleeves. El semaforo estaba en rojo pero el Ford Fiesta se lo
Has sacado los codos par las mangas. salto.
The bullet went through his heart. 4. Atravesando sin parar
La bala le atraveso el corazon. The London train goes straight through.
El tren de Londres no para.
4. Moviendose de un lado para otro
The path led them through the wood. 5. Ponerse en contacto por telefono
El sendero les condujo a traves del basque. I tried to phone you but I couldn't get through.
He pushed through the crowd. Te llame por telefono pero no tuve respuesta.
Se abrio paso entre la muchedumbre. Would you put me through to Mr. Smith?
^Me pone con el Sr. Smith?
5. Del principio hasta el fin 6. Completamente, de pies a cabeza
She looked after the patient through the night. He's a gentleman through and through.
Estuvo cuidando del paciente toda la noche. Es todo un caballero.
She nursed me through my illness. I know this town through and through.
Me cuido durante mi enfermedad. Conozco esta ciudad de cabo a rabo.
6. Indicando el agente o los medios, por, 7. Indicando el termino de algo
gracias a I'm through with my boyfriend.
I heard of it through a newspaper article. He roto con mi novio.
Me he enterado por un articulo en el periodico. She's through with drugs.
It was through her that we were able to meet again. Ha terminado con las drogas.
Gracias a ella pudimos encontrarnos otra vez.
Como adjetivo
7. Indicando la causa
It happened through your negligence. 1. Directo
Ocurrio por tu negligencia. This is a through train.
The accident happened through no fault of mine. Este es un tren directo.
El accidente no fue culpa mia. This is a no through road.
The vase was broken through carelessness. Esta es una calle sin salida.
El jarron se rompio por no tener cuidado. Aren't you through yet?
^Aun no has terminado?
8. Pasando una barrera o evitando un control
Did you get through Customs all right?
^Has pasado Men la aduana?

English Prepositions

3. Hasta, en distancia
•THROUGHOUT The woods come down to the beach.
El bosque baja hasta la playa.
1. Por todos los sitios
They are looking for him throughout the country. Her jacket reached down to her knees.
Le buscan por todo el pais. La chaqueta le llegaba hasta las rodillas.
His property extended to the hills.
2. A lo largo de Sus propiedades se extendian hasta las colinas.
References to that occur throughout the play.
Hay referencias a eso en toda la obra. 4. Hasta, incluyendo algo
That name comes up many times throughout She was soaked to the skin.
the book. Estaba empapada hasta los huesos.
Ese nombre aparece muchas veces a lo largo I'm bored to death.
del libro. Me muero de aburrimiento.
3. Durante toda la duracion de algo From morning to night.
I was fighting in the navy throughout the war. De la manana a la noche.
Estuve toda la guerra luchando en la marina. I work from Monday to Friday.
They've been very happy throughout their Trabajo de lunes a viernes.
marriage. 5. Menos (en las horas)
Han sido muy felices en su matrimonio. It's ten to six.
Son las seis menos diez.
Como adverbio 6. Usado para introducir un objeto indirecto
Give it to me.
1. Completamente Ddmelo a mi.
We decorated the house throughout.
Send the book to your sister.
Decoramos toda la casa.
Manda el libro a tu hermana.
The film was boring throughout.
I've already explained it to you.
La pelicula era aburrida de principio a fin.
Ya te lo he explicado.
He shouted to his brother.
Grito a su hermano.
TILL (vease until)
7. Perteneciendo a, de, para
Bring something to eat.
• TO Trae algo para comer.
She's secretary to Mr. Smith.
1. Direction hacia Es la secretaria del Sr. Smith.
I'm walking to the station. The key to the door.
Me voy andando a la estacion La llave de la puerta.
I'm on my way to the office.
Voy de camino a la oficina. 8. Comparando o indicando relacion
Turn to the left. They won by three to one.
Gira a la izquierda. Ganaron tres a uno.
He was taken to hospital. I prefer walking to running.
Le llevaron al hospital. Prefiero andar que correr.
Compared to this, it's very difficult.
2. Situado en una direccion determinada Comparado con esto, es muy dificil.
Cambridge is to the north of London.
Cambridge esta al norte de Londres. 9. Haciendo algo, anadiendo hasta
There are mountains to the south. There are three feet to the yard.
Hay montanas al sur. Hay tres pies en una yarda.
There are 100 pence to the pound.
3. Hacia una condicion, estado o calidad Hay 100 peniques en una libra.
Move to the right.
Muevete a la derecha. 10. Indicando una relacion
He rose to power. You get 1,50 euros to the pound.
Subio al poder. Te dan 1,50 euros por una libra.
The lights changed from green to red. My car does forty miles to the gallon.
Las luces cambiaron de verde a rojo. Mi coche consume 9 litros los cien kilometros.

Part One

11. Indicando una variacion From flower to flower

It's 20 to 21 feet long. De flor en flor
Tiene de 20 a 21 pies de largo. From door to door
He was 40 to 45 years of age. De puerta en puerta
Tenia entre 40 y 45 anos de edad. From side to side
De un lado para otro
12. En honor de, beber a la salud de
I'm drinking to your health. From time to time
Bebo a tu salud. De vez en cuando
A monument to the unknown soldier.
Un monumento al soldado desconocido.
13. Muy cerca, tocando
Put your ear to the door. 1. Con simple infinitivo, sin traducir
Acerca tu oido a la puerta. To work.
They were sitting back to back. Trabajar.
Se sentaban de espaldas apoyados el uno en To be or not to be.
el otro. Ser o no ser.
There was a long queue of cars, bumper to bumper.
Habia una larga fila de coches, parachoques contra 2. Proposito
I came here to help you.
He venido para ayudaros.
14. Con un verbo de movimiento con la inten- She went there to see him.
cion de dar algo. Fue alli a verle.
He rushed to our aid.
3. Resultado
Se precipito en nuestra ayuda.
What have I done to deserve this?
I went to her rescue. iQue he hecho para merecer esto?
Acudi en su rescate.
4. Expresando hechos subsiguientes
15. Concerniente She arrived there to find that he had gone.
This is the solution to the problem. Llego alli para encontrarse con que el se habia ido.
Esta es la solucion del problema.
5. Con elipsis del verbo
He's devoted to his cause.
If you want to.
Esta dedicado a su causa.
Si quieres.
16. Causando un sentimiento I'd love to.
To our surprise, we won the game. Me encantaria.
Ante nuestra sorpresa, ganamos el partido. I didn't want to sell it but I had to.
To our delight, we had a fine baby. No queria venderlo pero tuve que hacerlo.
Para nuestra alegria, tuvimos un precioso bebe. 6. Algo para
17. Despues de algun verbo de percepcion, en I have nothing to eat.
la opinion de, segun No tengo nada para comer.
That feels like silk to me. There are many books to be written.
A mi me parece que es seda. Hay muchos libros por escribir.
What does this smell of to you? I've got many things to do.
,;A que te parece que huele esto ? Tengo muchas cosas que hacer.
That seems incredible to me. This is the time to do it.
Eso a mi me parece increible. Este es el momento de hacerlo.

18. Satisfactorio 7. Construccion despues de adjetivos

It may be expensive, but not to my taste. I'm ready to go.
Quiza sea caro, pero no es de mi gusto. Estoy listo para partir.
It's very good to eat.
19. Locuciones Es muy bueno para comer.
To and fro I was the first to see it.
De un lado para otro Yo fui el primero en verlo.
Face to face It's too heavy to lift.
Cara a cara Es demasiado pesado para levantarlo.
From hand to hand She's very slow to learn.
De mano en mano Le cuesta mucho aprender.

English Prepositions

Como adverbio
She came to.
Volvio en si.
The ship lay to.
El buque se puso al pairo.
Push the door to.
Empuja la puerta.

1. En direccion hacia
He ran towards the car.
Corrio hacia el coche.
She walked towards the house.
Camino hacia la casa.
2. Acercandose para conseguir algo.
We have to take steps towards reaching an
Tenemos que dar pasos para conseguir un acuerdo.
3. Con relacion a, con respecto a alguien
As you get older, your attitude changes towards many
Segun te haces viejo, la actitud de uno cambia sobre
muchas cosas.
She feels great affection towards old people.
Siente mucho afecto hacia los ancianos.
4. Con el fin de contribuir a algo
This collection will go towards helping those people.
Esta colecta estd destinada a ayudar a esa gente.
We put £10 a month towards the union funds.
Ponemos 10 libras al mes para el sindicato.
5. Acercandose a un periodo de tiempo
Things will get worse towards the end of the year.
Las cosas empeoraran hacia finales de ano.
We'll go there towards the end of the winter.
Iremos alli hacia finales del invierno.

Part One

9. Acarreando un peso
• UNDER He staggered under such a heavy burden.
Se tambaleaba bajo tanto peso.
1. Directamente debajo
The dog is under the chair. 10. En un estado de
The building was under repair.
El perro esta debajo de la silla.
El edificio estaba de reparaciones.
They were passing under the bridge.
There are matters under discussion.
Estaban pasando por debajo del puente. Hay asuntos que se estan discutiendo.
He's lying under the tree. I was under the impression that he was your brother.
Estd tumbado debajo del arbol. Tenia la impresion que era hermano tuyo.
Did you look under the bed? I was under pressure.
^Has mirado debajo de la cama? Yo estaba bajo presion.
2. Debajo de la superficie de algo, cubierto por 11. Bajo la influencia de, afectado por
She crept in under the bedclothes. He's under the influence of his friends.
Se deslizo debajo de las mantas. Esta bajo la influencia de sus amigos.
The frogman remained quietly under the water. She'll be under anaesthetic.
El hombre-rana permanecio quieto debajo del agua. Estara anestesiada.
There's a long passage under this mountain. I'm under orders.
Hay un pasadizo largo debajo de esta montana. Estoy bajo ordenes
12. Bajo un nombre
3. Al pie de He opened an account under a false name.
They were singing under her balcony. Abrio una cuenta con un nombre falso.
Cantaban debajo de su balcon.
I wrote a book under the pseudonym of Peter Kalvin.
There was a village under the hill. Escribi un libro con el pseudonimo de Peter Kalvin.
Habia un pueblo al pie de la colina.
13. Clasificado como
4. Mas joven que, menos que, por debajo de If it's not under 'schools', try 'colleges'.
You can't go into a pub if you are under age. Si no estd en escuelas, prueba en colegios.
No puedes entrar en un pub si no tienes la edad.
They sell at under £1. 14. Plantado de, cubierto con
All those fields are under wheat.
Se venden por menos de una libra.
Todos estos prados estan cubiertos de trigo.
You can't buy tobacco if you are under 16.
No puedes comprar tabaco si tienes menos de 15. Locuciones
16 anos. Under cover of
Con el pretexto de
5. Menos de, en tiempo o distancia Under sentence of death
It took me under two hours. Bajo pena de muerte
Me llevo menos de dos horas.
Under oath
It's under a mile from here to the beach. Bajo juramento
Es menos de una milla de aqui a la playa. Under full sail
6. Menos rango o autoridad A todo trapo
There's a staff of ten working under my sister. Under lock and key
Hay una plantilla de 10 personas que trabaja a las Bajo llave
ordenes de mi hermana. The under cook
7. Gobernado o conducido por La segunda cocinera
The socialists are gaining positions under the new Under control
leadership. Bajo control
Los socialistas estdn ganando terreno bajo el nuevo Under cover agent
liderazgo. Agente secreto
Life was difficult under the Romans. Under no obligation
La vida era dificil bajo los romanos. Sin obligacion
Under the rules
8. Segun los terminos de un contrato o sistema. Bajo las regulaciones
These are your rights under the new contract. Under suspicion
Estos son tus derechos con el nuevo contrato. Bajo sospecha
They were arrested under the Terrorist Act. Under the weather
Fueron detenidos conforme al Decreto de ley anti Indispuesto, en apuros

English Prepositions

Walk along this street until you see the lights.

Como adverbio Siga por esta calle hasta que vea el semdforo.
1. Bajo agua She won't stop crying until you give her what
The Titanic went under on her first voyage. she wants.
El titanic se hundio en su primer viaje. No parara de llorar hasta que le des lo que
2. Sin sentido
He felt himself going under.
Sintio que perdia el conocimiento. • UP
1. A una posicion mas elevada
• UNDERNEATH They live further up the street.
Viven calle arriba.
The ball rolled underneath the bed.
They are rowing up the river.
La pelota rodo debajo de la cama.
Estan remando rio arriba.
There's a lot of dust underneath the carpet.
Hay cantidad de polvo debajo de la alfombra. 2. De un lado para otro
He was walking up and down the room.
Your coin's underneath the piano, I'm afraid.
Paseaba de un lado a otro de la habitacion.
Me temo que tu moneda esta debajo del piano.

Como adverbio
Como adverbio
1. En o hacia una posicion vertical
She's very soft underneath. He stood up to ask a question.
Es muy tierna en el fondo. Se incorporo para hacer una pregunta.
Did you look underneath?
2. No acostado
^Has mirado debajo? Is your brother up?
lEsta tu hermano levantado?
Como sustantivo 3. A una posicion mas elevada
Did you paint the underneath of the car? Put your hands up!
iHas pintado la pane inferior del cache? ;Levanta las manos!
4. Acercandose
She came up to me and asked the time.
• UNTIL (tambien till) Se acerco a preguntar la hora.

1. Hasta en tiempo 5. A o en un sitio importante

I'll wait until Monday. We went up to London for the day.
Fuimos a Londres a pasar el dia.
Esperare hasta el lunes.
They didn't arrive until 5 o'clock. 6. Al norte del pai's.
No llegaron hasta las cinco. They are going up to Glasgow soon.
Pronto van a ir a Glasgow.
Until now we have always managed.
Hasta ahora siempre nos hemos arreglado. 7. En trozos
We'll stay here until Christmas. He tore the document up.
Rompio el documento.
Nos quedaremos aqui hasta las navidades.
8. Sucede
2. Hasta la hora de (un acontecimiento
What's up?
iQue sucede?
Don't open it till your birthday.
No lo abras hasta tu cumpleanos. 9. Depende de
It didn't come to light until after his death. It's up to you to decide.
Depende de ti el decidirlo.
No salio a relucir hasta despues de su muerte.
10. Ante
His case was brought up in court.
Como conjuncion Su caso fue traido a juicio.
1. Hasta cuando 11. Hasta ahora
Wait until I arrive. He's been very quiet until now.
Espera hasta que yo llegue. Ha estado muy tranquilo hasta ahora.

Part One

12. Llevarse entre manos

What's he up to?
iQue se lleva entre manos?

1. Inmediatamente despues del momento u
Upon his arrival home, he discovered the burglary.
Al llegar a casa descubrio el robo.
Upon the death of his parents.
A la muerte de sus padres.
Upon my asking for information, I was told to wait.
Al pedir information me dijeron que esperase.
2. Locuciones
Once upon a time...
Erase una vez...
Upon my word.
Mi palabra de honor.
Christmas is upon us again.
Las navidades estan a la vuelta de la esquina otra

1. Hasta, acercandose
An old man came up to us.
Un anciano se nos acerco.
Why don't you come up to my house?
iPor que no te acercas a mi casa?
2. Hasta, en cantidades
These children can count up to a hundred.
Estos ninos saben contar hasta cien.
3. Locuciones
Up to date.
Al dia.
He's up to his ears in debt.
Esta endeudado hasta el cuello.
It's up to you.
Depende de ti.

English Prepositions

My fingers are numbed with cold.

• WITH Tengo los dedos agarrotados de frio.
1. En compania o presencia de 9. Indicando la manera, circunstancias o
I live with my parents. condicion
Vivo con mis padres. I'll do it with pleasure.
Put him with the other children. Lo hare con mucho gusto.
Ponle con los otros ninos. We'll act with discretion.
Actuaremos con discrecion.
I have a client with me.
Tengo un cliente conmigo. He welcomed us with an open smile.
Nos dio la bienvenida con una sonrisa.
2. Al cuidado o en posesion Don't stand with your hands in your pockets.
Leave the baby with your mother. No estes con las manos en los bolsillos.
Deja al bebe con tu madre. With your permission.
I'll leave a message for you with your secretary. Con su permiso.
Dejare a tu secretaria un mensaje para ti.
10. En la misma direccion
3. Teniendo o llevando We are sailing with the wind.
There was a boy with a long stick. Navegamos a favor de viento.
Habia un chico con un palo largo. They are rowing with the tide.
A little girl with red hair. Estan remando con la marea.
Una nina pelirroja. 11. A causa de y en la misma proportion
She looked at me with a hurt expression. Skill comes with experience.
Me miro con expresion dolorida. La habilidad viene con la experiencia.
4. Indicando la herramienta o instrumento Good wine improves with age.
que se usa El buen vino mejora con los anos.
I cut the rope with a knife. 12. Concerniente a, con respecto a
Corte la cuerda con un cuchillo. Be careful with the glasses.
She hit him with a hammer. Ten cuidado con los vasos.
Le golpeo con un martillo. Be patient with the children.
Open the door with the key. Ten paciencia con los ninos.
Abre la puerta con la llave. I'm pleased with the result.
I can move it with your help. Estoy contento con el resultado.
Puedo moverlo con tu ayuda. With regard to.
Con respecto a.
5. Indicando el material
Fill it with water. 13. Incluyendo
Llenalo de agua. The hotel with meals came to £75 each.
El hotel, con la comida, ascendio a 75 libras
The truck was loaded with scrap.
cada uno.
El camion estaba cargado de chatarra.
The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes. 14. Como empleado o cliente
La bolsa estaba llena de ropa sucia. He's working with ITC now.
Esta trabajando con ITC ahora.
6. De acuerdo con, a favor
We've got all the workers with us.
15. Indicando separacion de algo
I could never part with this ring.
Tenemos a todos los trabajadores con nosotros.
Nunca me podria separar de este anillo.
We are with you all the way.
Estamos contigo. 16. Considerando un hecho en relacion a otro
With all her problems, she won't be able to come .
7. En oposicion, contra Con todos los problemas que tiene no podra venir.
He had a row with his wife.
Ha tenido una rina con su mujer. 17. Can't follow
I'm not with you, I'm afraid.
I'm playing tennis with Peter.
Me temo que no te sigo.
Voy a jugar al tenis con Pedro.
18. A pesar de
8. A causa de I love him with all his faults.
She was trembling with fear. Le quiero con todos sus defectos.
Temblaba de miedo.
Part One

She feels lost without her dog.

• WITHIN Se siente perdida sin su perro.
Don't leave without us.
1. No mas de, en periodo de tiempo No te vayas sin nosotros.
He returned within an hour.
Volvio antes de una hora. 3. Sin usar
I can't read without my glasses.
If you don't hear anything within a week, call again. No puedo leer sin mis gafas.
Si no oyes nada antes de una semana vuelve a
Did you translate it without a dictionary?
llamar. l^Lo has traducido sin diccionario?
2. No mas alla de, en distancia 4. Seguido de gerundio
I live within a mile of the border. He spoke without opening his mouth.
Vivo a menos de una milla de la frontera. Hablaba sin abrir la boca.
You have three pubs within a hundred yards. They entered the room without knocking.
Entraron en la habitation sin llamar.
Tienes tres bares en 100 yardas.
5. Locuciones
3. Dentro del radio o limite de Without doubt
They were within sight of the port. Sin duda
Estaban a la vista del puerto. Without fail
They were within an inch of the edge of the cliff. Sin falta
Estuvieron a dos dedos del borde del precipicio. That goes without saying.
There's a bell within your reach. Ni que decir tiene
Hay un timbre a tu alcance. Without ceremony
Sin ceremonia
Let's keep it within the family.
Mantengamoslo en la familia.
Within the law. Como adverbio
Dentro de la ley. If there's no bread, we'll have to do without.
Within range. Si no hay pan, tendremos que pasarnos sin el.
Dentro del radio de action.

4. En el interior
A lot of things happened within these walls.
Muchas cosas sucedieron dentro de estos muros.
Ask anybody within this area.
Pregunta a cualquiera en esta zona.

Como adverbio
As seen from within.
Tal como se ve por dentro.

1. Sin, a falta de, en ausencia de
They've been four days without food.
Han estado cuatro dias sin comer.
You can't go there without a visa.
No puedes entrar alli sin un visado.
Don't post a letter without a stamp.
No mandes una carta sin sello.
Don't go there without money.
No vayas alii sin dinero.
2. En ausencia de, sin acompanar
I can't live without you.
No puedo vivir sin ti.

Part Two:
Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a
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Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

accede accustom
•a He acceded to my request. You'll have to accustom yourself to
Accedio a mi petition. hard work.
abandon Tendrds que acostumbrarte al trabajo
He abandoned himself to despair. He acceded to the throne. duro.
Se abandono a la desesperacion. Accedio al trono. He accustomed himself to working
They abandoned the fort to the
enemy. accept hard.
Abandonaron el fuerte al enemigo. He accepted my invitation to dinner. Se acostumbro a trabajar duro.

abashed Acepto mi invitation a cenar. acquaint

He was abashed by/at his boss's She accepted a gift from her boyfriend. He acquainted himself with the new
criticism. machine.
Acepto un regalo de su novio.
Estaba avergonzado por las criticas Se familiarizo con la nueva mdquina.
de su jefe. access Please, acquaint me with the facts of
There's no access to that place. the case.
No hay acceso a ese lugar. Pongame, por favor, al corriente de
You'll have to abide by the referee's
decision. los hechos.
Tendrds que acatar la decision del acquaintance
arbitro. They celebrated his accession to the
I have an acquaintance with that
able family.
Celebraron su acceso al trono. Conozco a esa familia.
He was able to escape from the fire.
Pudo escapar del incendio. accommodate acquit
absence Accommodate yourself to the The jury acquitted him of the
His absence from work caused him circumstances. murder.
problems. Acomodate a las circunstancias. El jurado le absolvio del crimen.
El no ir a trabajar le causo We'll have to accommodate him with
lodgings. He acts for us.
absent Tendremos que porporcionarle Actua en representation nuestra.
He's absent from work. alojamiento. He acts from a motive.
No ha ido a trabajar. Actua por un motivo.
He often absents himself from work. accompanied He acts on impulse.
A menudo se ausenta de su trabajo. She was accompanied at the piano by Actua por un impulso.
absolve her father. Acid acts on metal.
The court absolved him from all Estaba acompanada al piano por su El acido actua en el metal.
responsibility. padre. He acted upon my advice.
El jurado le absolvio de toda Obro segun mis consejos.
responsabilidad. according
According to Peter, it's going to He acted under orders.
absorb Actuo bajo ordenes.
He was absorbed in his task. rain.
Estaba absorto en su tarea. Segun Pedro va a llover. adapt
She was absorbed by the reading of They adapted it for use underwater.
account La adaptaron para usarla debajo del
the book.
Estaba absorta en la lectura del libro. You'll have to account to God for agua.
your acts. They adapted it to suit individual
abstain Tendrds que dar cuenta a Dios de tus tastes.
At the election he abstained from
voting. actos. La adaptaron para ajustarse a los
Se abstuvo de votar en las elecciones. accurate gustos individuales.
Vegetarians abstain from eating meat. You have to adapt yourself to
He's very accurate in his work. circumstances.
Los vegetarianos se abstienen de
Es muy exacto en su trabajo. Uno tiene que adaptarse a las
comer carne.
accuse circunstancias.
abstract This textbook has been adapted for
They abstract metal from ore. Are you accusing me of stealing?
use in schools.
Separan el metal del mineral. jMe acusas de robar?
Este libro de texto ha sido adaptado
abundance She accused him of stealing para su uso en las escuelas.
There's an abundance of trout. her bag. That has been adapted from Arabic.
Hay abundancia de truchas. Le acuso de robarle el bolso. Ha sido adaptado del drabe.

Part Two

add He advanced towards/on us shouting. I agree about the need for more
They have added some words to this Avanzo hacia nosotros gritando. schools.
edition. He was very advanced in years. Estoy de acuerdo sobre la necesidad
Han anadido algunas palabras a esta Estaba muy entrado en anos. de mas escuelas.
advantage We all agreed on the best course of
You have to add to that the lack of action.
Take advantage of the situation.
Aprovechate de la situation. Todos estdbamos de acuerdo sobre lo
Tienes que anadirle a eso, la falta de
dinero. advertise mejor que podiamos hacer.
They are advertising for a secretary. We agree to your proposal.
addicted Estamos de acuerdo con tu propuesta.
He's addicted to drugs. Piden una secretaria.
Es un drogadicto. advise agreeable
addition He advised her against marrying. Are you agreeable to her coming?
In addition to what you said. La aconsejo en contra del matrimo- I Accedes a que venga ella?
Ademas de lo que dijiste. nio.
He advised us of the dispatch of the
address goods. There's agreement on that point.
Address the letter to him. Nos notifieo del despacho de las Hay un acuerdo sobre ese punto.
Dirige la carta a su nombre. mercancias. aid
Address yourself to him. He advises the Government on They collect money in aid of charity.
Dirigete a el. economic affairs. Recogen dinero para ayudar a la
admiration El aconseja al gobierno sobre asuntos caridad.
I have admiration for his courage. economicos.
Tengo admiration por su valor. I advise you against going there. aim
Te aconsejo que no vayas alli. He aimed at the target.
admire He advised them of the devaluation. Apunto al bianco.
I admire my father for his intelligence. Les aviso sobre la devaluation. We are aiming for steady growth.
Admiro a mi padre por su inteligencia. He advised him about going there. Apostamos por un crecimiento
I admire him for his courage. Le advirtio que no fuera alli. continuo.
Le admiro por su valor.
affected alarm
admission He was affected by the news.
They refuse admission to this place. He was alarmed at/by the noise.
Estaba afectado por las noticias. Le alarmo el ruido.
Rehusan la entrada en este lugar.
admit alight
He felt a great affection for/towards
He was admitted to the academy. his sister. He alighted from the bus.
Se le admitio en la academia. Sentia un gran afecto por su Se apeo del autobus.
He admits to stealing the car. hermana. The bird alighted on a branch.
Admite haber robado el coche. El pajaro se poso en una rama.
His actions admit of no other He's afflicted with arthritis.
Sufre de artritis. She's allergic to dust.
Sus acciones no admiten otra
interpretation. He was afflicted by their terrible Es alergica al polvo.
conditions of life.
adopted Estaba afligido por sus terribles alternate
He has been adopted as their condiciones de vida. He alternated kindness with cruelty.
candidate. Alternaba la amabilidad con la
afraid crueldad.
Ha sido adoptado como su candidato.
I'm afraid of the dark.
The child was adopted by the Smith. Tengo miedo de la oscuridad. allow
El nino fue adoptado por los Smith.
agree Ford allows me £500 on my old car.
adorn I don't agree about that. La Ford me da 500 libras por mi
The dancer was adorned with flowers. No estoy de acuerdo con eso. coche viejo.
La bailarina estaba adornada de I don't agree to the proposal. Allow me to help you.
No estoy de acuerdo con tu propuesta. Dejeme ayudarla.
advance I agree with them.
His ideas were in advance of the age
Estoy de acuerdo con ellos.
in which he lived. You allude to certain events.
I agree with you about it. Te has referido a ciertos aconteci-
Sus ideas eran muy avanzadas para la Estoy de acuerdo contigo sobre ello.
era en la que vivia. mientos.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

allusion He answers to the description. His way of speaking was not

He resents any allusion to his El responde a la description. appropriate to the occasion.
baldness. He answers to the name of Blake. Su forma de hablar no era la
Se resiente de cualquier alusion a su Se llama Blake. apropiada para la ocasion.
anxious approve
ally He's very anxious for his family.
I don't approve of gambling.
They allied themselves with the No apruebo el juego.
Esta muy preocupado por su familia.
enemy. apt
Se aliaron con el enemigo. He's very anxious about/over his
He's very apt at programming
son's health.
amazed Esta muy preocupado por la salud de
He was amazed at/by the change. Es muy bueno programando
su hijo.
Estaba asombrado del cambio. computadoras.
She was amazed at/by the change in apologize He's very apt to be forgetful.
his appearance. I apologized to them for being late. Tiene tendencia a ser olvidadizo.
Estaba asombrado ante el cambio en Les pedi perdon por llegar tarde. argue
su aspecto. Don't argue with me.
amount He appealed against the decision. No discutas conmigo.
It amounts to £500. Apelo contra la decision. They argue for/against the right to
Suma 500 libras. strike.
He appealed for justice.
angry Discuten a favor/en contra del derecho
Pidio justicia.
a la huelga.
He was angry about the delay. He appealed to me.
Estaba enfadado por el retraso. We argued with him about the price
Pidio mi ayuda.
He was angry at being delayed. of the meal.
Estaba irritado por haber sido applicable Discutimos con el sobre lo que valia
postergado. That's not applicable to foreign lo que comimos.
I was angry with myself for making students. They argued him into withdrawing his
that mistake. Eso no se refiere a los estudiantes complaint.
Estaba enfadado conmigo mismo por extranjeros. Le convencieron para que retirara su
cometer esa equivocation. queja.
He is very angry with her. He applied for help. arise
Esta muy enfadado con ella. It arose from/out of the depths of the
Pidid ayuda.
announce He applied the glue to the surface. Emergio de los fondos marinos.
Announce my arrival to the King. Aplicd el pegamento a la superficie.
Anuncia al Rey mi llegada. What I said applies only to some
He was armed with a gun.
annoyed of you.
Estaba armado con un revolver.
She is very annoyed at the way her Lo que acabo de decir va solo por
boyfriend behaves. algunos de vosotros. arrange
Estd muy enojada por la manera que I applied to Mr. Smith for a job. We'll arrange a time and a place for
se comporta su novio. the meeting.
Solicite un empleo al Sr. Smith.
He's very annoyed about your Concertaremos tiempo y lugar para la
carelessness. appoint reunion.
Esta muy enojado por tu descuido. They appointed him to the post. arrive
Mum is very annoyed with Peter. Le concedieron el puesto. They arrived at the station.
Mama esta muy enojada con Pedro. approach Llegaron a la estacion.
He got annoyed with me for my He approached the house. They arrived in London.
carelessness. Llegaron a Londres.
Se acercd a la casa.
Se enfado mucho conmigo por mi They arrived home.
descuido. This is a new approach to studying
languages. Llegaron a casa.
I'm annoyed at the way he stares at me.
Me irrita la manera con que me mira. Esta es una nueva forma de estudiar ascribe
idiomas. He ascribed his failure to bad luck.
answer Achaco su derrota a la mala suerte.
Have you had an answer to your appropriate
letter? Your clothes are not appropriate for a ashamed
j,Has tenido respuesta a tu carta? wedding. He's very ashamed of your behaviour.
Tus ropas no son apropiadas para Esta muy avergonzado de tu
He has a lot to answer for.
una boda. comportamiento.
Tiene mucho de que dar cuentas.

Part Two

ask They launched an attack against the He was awoken from sleep.
A gentleman asked for your father. enemy. Le despertaron.
Un senor ha preguntado por tu padre. Lanzaron un ataque contra el
He asked for help. enemigo.
They awarded a medal to him.
Pidio ayuda. attach Le concedieron una medalla.
Ask him about the ring. I'm attaching an invoice to the letter. He was awarded a medal.
Preguntale acerca del anillo. Adjunto factura. Le concedieron una medalla.
He asked after her mother who was attempt aware
ill. They made no attempt to escape. We are quite aware of the risk.
Pregunto por su madre que estaba No intentaron escapar. Estamos al tanto del riesgo.
enferma. attend I'm aware of it.
They're asking for you. Attend to your work and stop talking. Me doy cuenta de ello.
Preguntan por ti. Presta atencion a tu trabajo y deja de awful
He's asking for the bill. hablar. You're awful at changing nappies.
Esta pidiendo la cuenta. He attended the meeting. Eres un desastre cambiando panales.
I know I'm asking too much of you. Asistio a la reunion.
Se que te pido demasiado. Attend to what he says.
Ask him for a pass. Pon atencion a lo que dice.
Pidele un pase. He attended upon the queen.
Acompano a la reina. back
Ask him to do it. Don't turn your back on him.
Pidele que lo haga. Are you being attended to? No le des la espalda.
iLe atienden?
I asked him in. We'll put our back into it.
I must get this tooth attended to. Arrimaremos el hombro.
Le pedi que entrara.
Me tienen que mirar esta muela.
aspire bad
attentive I'm very bad at telling stories.
He aspires to a high position. She's very attentive to the needs of her
Aspira a una position elevada. Soy muy malo, contando historias.
assent Estd muy atenta a las necesidades de banish
sus invitados. He was banished from his country.
He gave his assent to the proposal.
Fue desterrado de su pais.
Dio su aprobacion a la propuesta. attribute
This play is attributed to Shakespeare. bank
assess I'm banking on your help.
They assessed the damage at £500. Esta obra se atribuye a Shakespeare.
Confio en tu ayuda.
Han calculado los danos en 500 authority
libras. What's your authority for acting like bar
this? He was barred from entering the
assist ,; Cudl es tu autoridad para actuar competition.
He's assisting the police in their asi? No le permitieron que participara.
He's an authority on the subject. bargain
Esta ayudando a la policia en sus
Es una autoridad en la materia. Dealers bargain with growers.
I have the authority to do it. Los mercaderes regatean con los
associated Tengo autoridad para hacerlo. cosecheros.
They are associating him with the Do you have authority over her? He didn't bargain on his wife
Mafia. ^Tiene usted autoridad sobre ella? returning so soon.
Le asocian con la Mafia. No contaba con que su esposa
volviera tan pronto.
assure You should avail yourself of this
Assure him of my trust in him. opportunity. He got more than he had bargained
Asegurale que tengo confianza en el. Deberias aprovechar esta oportuni- for.
dad. Consiguid mas de lo que suponia.
He was astonished at/by your work. aversion bark
She has an aversion to meat. The dog was barking at him.
Se quedo asombrado por tu trabajo.
Tiene aversion a la came. El perro le estaba ladrando.
awake base
This is an attack on poverty.
Are you awake to the dangers? All that is based on theory.
Es una lucha contra la pobreza. Todo eso esta basado en teoria.
Te das cuenta de los peligros?

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

battle Let's begin by breathing deeply. bet

They battled with/against the enemy. Empecemos respirando pro/undo. He bets all his money on horses.
Batallaron contra el enemigo. Charity begins at home. Apuesta todo lo que tiene a los
La caridad empieza en casa. caballos.
I'm against it. It begins with a vowel. He bet £100 against me.
Estoy en contra de ello. Empieza con vocal. Aposto 100 libras contra mi.
I'm for it. To begin with, I haven't a ticket. betray
Estoy a favor de ello. Para empezar, no tengo entrada. He betrayed us to the enemy.
She's in difficulties. He began by saying that... Nos traiciono.
Tiene dificultades. Empezo por decir que... beware
bear behalf Beware of the dog.
Bear that in mind. I'm speaking on behalf of my Cuidado con el perro.
Ten eso en cuenta. colleagues. bid
Bring all your energies to bear Hablo por mis colegas. He bid for the picture.
upon the task. Pujo por el cuadro.
Pon todas tus energias en la tarea. behaviour
His behaviour towards you is bind
These are matters that bear on the
intolerable. They were bound with ropes.
Estos son problemas que conciernen a Su hacia ti es Estaban atados con cuerdas.
la comunidad. intolerable. The two volumes were bound in
You must bear with her. belief leather.
Debes aguantarla. Los dos volumenes estaban
She has great belief in her doctor.
encuadernados con piel.
beat Tiene mucha fe en su medico.
He was bound over.
The waves were beating on/against believe Estaba obligado legalmente.
the side of the ship. I believe in God. To bind oneself to a promise.
Las olas batian contra el costado del Creo en Dios. Obligarse uno con una promesa.
Don't beat about the bush.
belong bite
That car belongs to my father. She bit into the apple.
No des palos de ciego.
Ese coche pertenece a mi padre. Mordio la manzana.
I beat him at his own game.
Le derrote en su propio juego. bend Don't bite off more than you can
They'll have to bend to/before his chew.
become No abarques mas de lo que puedas
What became of Diana? apretar.
Tendrdn que doblegarse a su
iQue fue de Diana? They were bitten to death.
What became of him? Les mataron a picotazos.
i Que fue de el? He's bent on winning at all costs.
Esta dispuesto a ganar a toda costa. They were bitten by mosquitoes.
beg Les picaron los mosquitos.
His head was bent over a book.
They begged for their lives. Tenia la cabeza inclinada sobre un Wheels won't bite on a slippery
Suplicaron por sus vidas. surface.
He begged a favour of him. Las ruedas no agarran en una
He bent forward to listen to the child. superficie resbaladiza.
Le pidio un favor.
Se inclinto hacia adelante para
They're begging from door to door. escuchar al nino. blame
Van pidiendo de puerta en puerta. They blame him for the accident.
I beg to differ. benefit Le echan la culpa del accidente.
Me permito diferir. He hasn't benefited from the Don't blame him for it.
He begged for money from experience. No le eches la culpa.
passers-by. No se ha beneficiado de la experien-
They put the blame on him.
Pidio dinero a los transeuntes. cia. Le echaron la culpa.
He promised to attend but then Who stands to benefit most by the
begged off. new taxes? blind
Prometio asistir, pero despues se i Quien se beneficia mas de los nuevos He's blind to all her faults.
excuso. impuestos ? No ve ninguno de sus defectos.

begin beneficial blind

Let's begin with Alice. it's very beneficial to all of us. He's blind in the left eye.
Empecemos con Alicia. Es tuerto del ojo izquierdo.
Es beneficioso para todos nosotros.

Part Two

blush bound He was brought over to Catholicism.

She blushed at the mention of it. The ship is bound for New York. Se convirtio al catolicismo.
Se sonrojo al mencionarlo. El barco va con destino a Nueva York. They brought him round to them.
She blushed with shame. Le ganaron para su causa.
Se sonrojo de verguenza. We all bowed to the queen. They brought the ship to.
Todos hicimos una reverencia a la Pusieron el buque al pairo.
boast The enemies were brought together.
He likes to boast about his feats. Los enemigos se reconciliaron.
I'm bowing out of this scheme.
Le gusta farolearse de sus hazanas.
No apruebo este plan. He brought them under his rule.
He boasted of being the best player in Les sometio.
Branches bowed down with the snow
the team. on them. The subject was brought up.
Se chuleaba de ser el mejorjugador Las ramas se inclinaban bajo el peso El tema fue sacado a colacion.
del equipo. de la nieve.
boastful break He bumped against a tree.
He's boastful of his feats. He broke away from the guard. Se dio contra un drbol.
Presume de sus hazanas. Se evadid del guardia. She bumped into her neighbour.
border They broke down his resistance. Se tropezo con su vecina.
Acabaron con su resistencia.
The new house borders on the burn
motorway. They broke into song. He was burnt to death.
Se pusieron a cantar. Le quemaron vivo.
La nueva casa linda con la autopista.
The burglar broke in.
He burnt with anger.
bored El ladron forzo la puerta.
Ardia de ira.
He was bored to tears by her chat. They broke into the market.
Estaba muerto de aburrimiento con Se introdujeron en el mercado. burst
su charla. They broke off relations. It burst into flames.
I'm very bored with this job. Rompieron las relaciones. Estallo en llamas.
Estoy muy aburrido con este trabajo. A fire broke out. They burst into song.
Estallo un incendio. Se pusieron a cantor.
born She burst into tears.
The rescue party broke through to the
He was bom in this village. Estallo en Idgrimas.
trapped miners.
Nacio en este pueblo. La partida de rescate se abrio camino busy
He was born in London. hasta los mineros atrapados. Paula was very busy at/with her
Nacio en Londres. The meeting broke up. homework.
He was born of Spanish parents. La reunion termino. Paula estaba muy ocupada con sus
Nacio de padres espanoles. She has broken with him. deberes.
He was born with a silver spoon in his Ha roto con el.
mouth. bring I'll buy it for you.
Nacio de padres ricos. He brought about some changes. Te lo comprare.
Llevo a cabo algunos cambios.
borrow He bought the car from his friend.
He brought it along with him. Le compro el coche a su amigo.
She borrowed money from the bank. La trajo consigo.
Pidio dinero al banco. I bought it at Selfridge's.
He brought it away.
I have borrowed a book from the Lo compre en Selfridge's.
Se lo llevo.
library. She bought it in London.
He brought it back.
He cogido un libra de la biblioteca. Lo trajo de vuelta. Lo compro en Londres.
He brought the deer down. I bought it for £50.
bother Lo compre por 50 libras.
Don't bother about us. Abatio al ciervo.
She brought forth a child. He bought it back.
No te preocupes por nosotros. Lo volvio a comprar.
Dio a luz un nino.
Don't bother with those people. He brought forward a proposal. He was bought off.
No te preocupes por esa gente. Presento una proposicion. Le sobornaron.
I can't be bothered by those little He brought in the police. He bought out his partner's share.
matters. Llamo a la policia. Compro la parte de su socio.
No puedo perder el tiempo con esas He brought off his plan. He bought up all the goods.
menudencias. Llevo acabo su plan. Compro toda la mercancia.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

care close
c I don't care about it. The church is close to the school.
No me preocupa. La iglesia estd cerca de la escuela.
He called me aside. I care for you. It's very close by.
Me llamd aparte. Me preocupo por ti. Esta muy cerca.
I called at Susan's. Take care of the children. clumsy
Pase por casa de Susan. Cuida de los ninos. He's very clumsy at doing things.
He was called away on business. careful Es muy poco manoso con las manos.
Tuvo que irse en viaje de negocios. Be careful of the dog. clutch
I'll call him back. Ten cuidado con el perro. He clutched at my hand.
Le hare volver. / Ya le telefoneare yo. He was careful to hide his feelings. Se aferro a mi mano.
Could you call by on your way home? Tuvo mucho cuidado de ocultar sus
^Podrias pasar por aqui cuando sentimientos. coincide
vuelvas a casa? His trip coincided with mine
Be careful with the glasses.
She called down curses on him. Ten cuidado con los vasos. Su viaje coincidio con el mio.
Le maldijo. collaborate
He called for help. careless
That boy is very careless of danger. He collaborated with the police.
Pidio ayuda. Calaboro con la policia.
His speech called for an angry Ese chico es muy temerario.
response. carved collide
Su discurso provoco una airada It was carved in wood. He collided with another car.
reaction. Estaba tallado en madera. Choco contra otro cache.
An expert was called in. combine
Llamaron a un experto.
There's no cause for worry. He combines business with pleasure.
The search was called off. Combina los negocios con el placer.
No hay causa de preocupacion.
Suspendieron la busqueda.
The workers were called out on strike.
That's the cause of the trouble. come
Los trabajadores fueron convocados a Esa es la causa del problema. I came across him.
Me tropece con el.
la huelga. celebrated
They called out their names. The region is celebrated for its How's the book coming along?
Llamaron sus nombres. wines. iQue tal va el libra?
I'll call round in the morning. La region es famosa por sus vinos. The dog came at me.
Les hare una visita por la manana. El perro me ataco.
They were called together. Be certain of getting there. It all came back to mind.
Fueron convocados. Asegurate de llegar alii. Volvi a recordar todo.
That thing calls up a memory. You must be certain about the facts. Nothing can come between us.
Eso me trae a la memoria. Nada puede separarnos.
Debes de estar seguro de los hechos.
And now I call upon Mr. Smith. How did she come by that name?
Y ahora cedo la palabra al Sr. Smith. claim ^Como adquirio ese nombre?
He was called to priesthood. They are claiming damages from him.
So it comes down to this.
Sintio la vocation del sacerdoclo. Le reclaman danos y perjuicios.
Asi que se reduce a esto.
candidate clever He came forward with a suggestion.
He's the best candidate for the post. He's very clever at making these Ofrecio una sugerencia.
Es el mejor candidato para el puesto. things.
Where do you come from?
Es muy habil haciendo estas cosas. jDe donde eres?
He's quite capable of doing it. climb Please, come in.
Es muy capaz de hacerlo. He climbed down the tree. Pase, por favor.
That boy is quite capable of running a Bajo del arbol. He came into a fortune.
marathon. He climbed up the tree. Heredo una fortuna.
Ese chico es capaz de correr un Se subio al drbol. He comes from a good family.
maraton. Procede de una buena familia.
capacity They clung to each other. The label came off the bottle.
Her capacity for research is incredible. Se aferraban el uno al otro. La etiqueta se despego de la botella.
Su capacidad para la investigation es Cling on tight! Winter was coming on.
increible. /Agdrrense fuerte! El invierno se acercaba.

Part Two

A new book has come out. compatible condemn

Un nuevo libra ha salido a la luz. Is that compatible with your work? He was condemned to death for
I don't know what came over me. jEs eso compatible con tu trabajo? treason.
No se lo que me paso. compel Fue condenado a muerte por traicion.
He came round to our view. He compelled me to do it. condition
Adopto nuestro punto de vista. Me obligo a hacerlo.
I'll do it on condition that...
The message came through. compensate Lo hare, a condition de que...
El mensaje fue recibido. They compensated him with £1,000.
The man came to. Le compensaron con 1.000 libras. confess
El hombre volvio en si. Nothing can compensate me for his I have to confess to you that I don't
It comes under the heading death. know how to do it.
'dictionaries'. Nada puede compensarme par su Tengo que confesarte que no lo se
Estd bajo el titulo de 'dictionaries'. muerte. hacer.
He came up to the house. compete deal
Se acerco a la casa. You are competing with a bad rival. The police will deal with those
He came up with the solution. Estds compitiendo con un mat rival. hooligans.
Se le ocurrio la solution. They are competing for a prize. La policia se las verd con esos
He came into the house. Compiten por un premio. gamberros.
Entro en la casa. Are you competing in the race? I'll have to deal with the problem.
He came out of the dark. ^Compiles en la carrera?
Tendre que enfrentarme con el
Salio de la oscuridad. I'm competing with him for the post.
Estoy compitiendo con el por el
He's in command of the army.
puesto. confide
We are competing against other He doesn't confide hi anybody.
Esta al mando del ejercito.
companies. No se fia de nadie.
comment Estamos compitiendo con otras
Have you any comments on the companias. confidence
scandal? I have confidence in you.
competent Tengo confianza en ti.
j Tiene algun comentario sobre el
He's very competent in his work.
escdndalo? Es muy competente en su trabajo. congratulate
communicate competition I congratulate you on passing your
Can you communicate with them? There is competition between bidders exams.
^Puedes comunicarte con ellos? for the painting. Te felicito por aprobar tus exdmenes.
company Hay gran competencia entre los He congratulated them on their
That's a company of players. postores por el cuadro. marriage.
Eso es una compania de teatro. We're in competition with other Les felicito por su boda.
I, in company with many others, feel companies.
Estamos en competencia con otras congratulations
this decision is wrong.
companias. Congratulations on your success.
Yo, asi como muchos otros, creo que
Enhorabuena por tu exito.
la decision es erronea. complain
comparable She complained to me about you. connect
Se quejo de ti. They connect the minister with some
Nothing is comparable to this.
No hay nada comparable con esto. She is complaining of the cold. criminals.
Se queja del frio. Relacionan al ministro con unos
compare criminates.
If you compare his work with hers... composed
Water is composed of hydrogen and Connect the fridge to the electricity
Si comparas el trabajo de el con el de
oxygen. supply.
El agua se compone de hidrogeno y Conecta el frigorifico a la red.
Poets often compare sleep to death. oxigeno.
Los poetas, a menudo, comparan el consent
sueno con la muerte. conceal Don't consent to it.
You can't conceal it from me.
compassion No consientas en ello.
No puedes ocultdrmelo.
They had no compassion for/towards consideration
the victims. concentrate
I'll do it out of consideration for you.
No tuvieron compasion de las You have to concentrate on your job.
Tienes que concentrarte en tu trabajo. Lo hago por consideration hacia ti.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

consist He's in control of the army. cover

The committee consists of nine Estd en control del ejercito. She covered him with a blanket.
members. Le cubrio con una mania.
El comite consiste en nueve miembros. I was covered in mud by a passing car.
It's not convenient for you to start
The beauty of the plan consists in its work tomorrow. Un cache que pasaba me cubrio de
simplicity. No es conveniente para ti que barro.
La belleza del plan consiste en su empieces a trabajar manana. Are you covered against fire and
converge theft?
consult The four armies converged on the jEstas asegurado contra incendio y
I consulted a doctor about that pain. capital. robo?
Consulte a un medico sobre ese dolor. Los cuatro ejercitos convergieron en He covered himself with glory.
I'll consult with my partners. la capital. Se cubrio de gloria.
Consultare con mis socios. She covered up for his crimes.
consumed She sat conversing with the President Ella encubrio sus crimenes (de el).
He was consumed with jealousy. about the elections. crash
Estaba consumido por los celos. Estaba sentada conversando con el The rocks crashed down onto the car.
contact Presidente sobre las elecciones. Las rocas cayeron sobre el coche.
I'm in contact with them. convert The tree crashed through the window.
Estoy en contacto con ellos. They converted him to Catholicism. El arbol cayo sobre la ventana
contemporary Le convirtieron al catolicismo. destrozandola.
He was contemporary with They convert rags into paper. The plates crashed to the floor.
Shakespeare. Transforman trapos en papel Los platos se estrellaron contra el
Fue contempordneo de Shakespeare. suelo.
Cervantes was the contemporary of We can't cope with all this work. The plane crashed into the mountain.
Shakespeare. El avion se estrello contra la
No podemas dar abasto tenemos
Cervantes fue contempordneo de montana.
demasiado trabajo.
correspond crazy
contempt He's crazy about her.
Your account of events corresponds
I feel only contempt for you.
with his. Esta loco por ella.
Solo siento desprecio por ti.
Tu version de los hechos se correspon- He's crazy with worry.
content de con la de el. Esta loco de inquietud.
Are you content with your present The American Congress corresponds to
salary? crowded
the British Parliament.
lEstas contento con tu salario The place was crowded with people.
El Congreso estadounidense se
actual ? corresponde con el Parlamento El sitio estaba atestado de gente.
contrary britdnico. crowned
Contrary to expeditions, the home count His efforts were crowned with success.
team lost. These children can already count from Sus esfuerzos se vieron coronados por
Contrariamente a lo que se esperaba 1 to 20. el exito.
el equipo de casa perdio. Estos ninos ya saben contar cruel
contrast de 1 a 20. Don't be cruel to animals.
In contrast to his white skin. You can count on me. Nos seas cruel con los animates.
En contraste con su piel blanca. Puedes contar conmigo.
The white walls make a contrast with cry
You can count me in.
the black carpet. I'm crying for joy.
Puedes incluirme.
Las paredes blancas forman contraste Estoy llorando de alegria.
con la alfombra negra. course He cried for mercy.
In the course of my long life. Gritaba pidiendo clemencia.
contribute Durante mi larga vida.
I'll contribute to the fund. Don't cry over spilt milk.
This is an elementary course in maths. No llores por lo que ya no tiene
Contribute al fondo.
Esto es un curso elemental de remedio.
control matemdticas.
There was a cry of terror.
I have no control over it. There's a lecture on chemistry.
No tengo control sobre ello. Hubo un grito de terror.
Hay una leccion de quimica.

Part Two

There were angry cries from the How much do you charge for this? Waves dashed against the harbour
mob. ^ Cuanto cobras por esto ? walls.
Hubo gritos airados de la Charge these goods to my account. Las olas se estrellaban contra los
muchedumbre. Cargue estas mercancias en mi muros del puerto.
cure cuenta. He dashed the plate to the floor.
He cured him of malaria. They charged him with murder. Estrello el plato contra el suelo.
Le curo de malaria. Le acusaron de asesinato. The dog dashed at him.
They charged him with an important El perro se precipito sobre el.
curious mission
I'm very curious about your work. He dashed away.
Le encargaron una mision importante.
Tengo curiosidad por tu trabajo. Se fue corriendo.
charmed He dashed past/by.
custom He was charmed by/with your smile.
It is my custom to get up early. Paso corriendo.
Se sintio cautivado por su sonrisa.
Tengo la costumbre de levantarme He dashed in
She could charm the birds from/out of
temprano. Entro corriendo.
the trees.
cut Podria cautivar a los pajaros de los He dashed off a letter.
He cut across a field. arboles. Escribio una carta deprisa.
Atajo por un prado. He dashed out.
They cut back the staff. Salio precipitadamente.
I had a chat with him.
Redujeron el personal. Sostuve una charla con el. He made a dash for freedom.
They're cutting down all the trees. What were you chatting to him about? Inicio un movimiento hacia la
Estan talando todos los drboles. Sobre que charlabas con el? libertad.
Don't cut in on a conversation. It's red with a dash of blue.
No interrumpas una conversation.
Es rojo con algo de azul.
You mustn't cheat at cards.
He cut it into little pieces. No debes hacer trampas jugando a I could hear the dash of waves on the
Lo corto en trozos pequenos. cartas. rocks.
They were cut off by the snow. Podia oir el romper de las olas contra
Did you cheat in the exam?
Estaban aislados por la nieve. Copiaste en el examen? las rocas.
He's not cut out to be a poet.
No tiene madera de poeta. choose date
She has to choose between the two It dates from October.
They cut through the forest.
boys. Data de octubre.
Se abrieron camino por el bosque. /
Atajaron por el bosque. Tiene que elegir entre los dos chicos. dazzle
He was dazzled by the headlights.
Estaba deslumbrado por los faros.
I saw him by chance.
Lo vi por casualidad.
d deaf
That's your chance of doing dance He turned a deaf ear to our warnings.
something worthwhile. We'll have to dance to his tune. Hizo oidos sordos a nuestros avisos.
Esa es tu oportunidad de hacer algo Tendremos que acceder a lo que
que merezca la pena. diga el. deal
He deals in cattle.
change danger Trafica con ganado.
The prince was changed into a frog. There's a danger of fire.
I made a deal with him.
El pricipe fue convertido en rana. Hay peligro de incendio.
Hice un trato con el.
There's a change in the weather. Smoking is a danger to health.
El fumar es un peligro para la salud. I'll have to deal with the problem.
Hay un cambio de tiempo.
There's a danger in rock climbing. Tendre que enfrentarme al problema.
Change into something comfortable.
Ponte algo comodo. Hay peligro en la escalada de rocas. This book deals with prepositions.
Este libra trata de preposiciones.
Change places with him. dash
Cambia de sitio con el. He dashed off with the money. decide
I'll change my bicycle for your roller Se fue con el dinero. They decided on this one.
skates. She dashed into the shop. Decidieron a favor de este.
Te cambio mi bicicleta por tus Se precipito a la tienda. They decided against any changes.
patines. The ambulance dashed to the scene of Se decidieron en contra de cualquier
charge the accident. cambio.
They charged at the enemy. La ambulancia acudio rapidamente a He's quite decided about it.
Cargaron contra el enemigo. la escena del accidente. Estd completamente decidido a ello.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

They decided to do it. deficient It depends on the final result.

Decidieron hacerlo. A diet deficient in iron. Depende del resultado final.
Una dieta deficiente en hierro.
decision deprive
We have reached a decision on the degenerate I was deprived of my rights.
His cause is degenerating into an Fui privado de mis derechos.
obsession. derive
Hemos llegado a un acuerdo sobre el
Su causa se esta degenerando en She derived no benefit from it.
obsesion. No saco ningun beneficio de ello.
They've reached a decision against it.
Han llegado a una decision en contra. deliberate descend
They had no time to deliberate on/ The title descends to me from my
declare about the problem. father.
The commission declared against the No tuvieron tiempo de deliberar sobre Herede el titulo de mi padre.
scheme. el problema.
He descended into the cellar.
La comision se mostro en contra del delight Bajo a la bodega.
proyecto. He takes great delight in proving descendant
The commission declared for the others wrong. He's a descendant of Columbus.
scheme. Le encanta demostrar que los demas Es descendiente de Colon.
La comision se mostro a favor del estan equivocados.
proyecto. He delights in teasing me. describe
Le encanta fastidiarme. I'll describe the scene to you.
They have declared war on/against us. Te describire la escena.
Nos han declarado la guerra. I'm delighted at your success.
Estoy encantado con tu exito. He describes himself as a doctor.
decrease Se describe a si mismo como medico.
I'll be delighted to do it.
It has decreased in size. Me encantara hacerlo. deserving
Ha disminuido de tamano. I'm delighted with the news. He's deserving of sympathy.
Estoy encantado con la noticia. Se merece comprension.
I dedicated the book to my wife. He was delighted by the views. desire
Estaba encantado con las vistas. I have no desire for power.
Dedique el libro a mi esposa.
deliver No tengo ansias de poder.
We deduce from the evidence.
Deliver this letter to him. desirous
Entregale esta carta. He's desirous of pleasing you.
Lo deducimos por la evidencia. Esta deseoso de complacerte.
deduct The workers' demands for higher desist
It was deducted from my salary. wages. He desisted from his attempt.
Me lo quitaron del sueldo. Las demandas de los trabajadores Desistio de la intentona.
pidiendo sueldos mas altos.
defend despair
The demand for skilled workers is I despair of success.
I defended myself with a stick.
Me defendi con un palo. No tengo esperanza de tener exito.
Hay mucha demanda de trabajadores
They will defend us from any attack. cualificados. destined
Nos defenderan de cualquier ataque. It makes a great demand on my I was destined for a career on the
Our army defends the country against strength. stage.
Me exige mucho esfuerzo. Estaba destinado a ser actor.
our enemies.
Nuestro ejercito nos defiende de This aircraft makes tremendous detach
nuestros enemigos. demands on the pilot. You have detached this from that.
Este avion exige mucho del piloto. Has separado esto de eso.
They defended themselves from the
attack. depart determine
Se defendieron del ataque. He departed from London. He was determined to do it.
Se fue de Londres. Estaba decidido a hacerlo.
The paper defended her against the
accusations. depend She's determined to return to Italy.
It depends on the weather. Esta decidida a volver a Italia.
El periodico la defendio de las
acusaciones. Depende del tiempo. detriment
I depend upon my father. He works in the mine, to the detriment
defense Dependo de mi padre. of his health.
He did it in defense of his interests. Trabaja en la mina con perjuicio para
I still depend on my father.
Lo hizo en defensa de sus intereses. su salud.
Todavia dependo de mi padre.
Part Two

We can't introduce this tax without We disagreed on future plans. dismiss

detriment to the economy. No estabamos de acuerdo sobre los He was dismissed from his job.
No podemos introducir este impuesto planes futuros. Le echaron de su trabajo.
sin perjuicio para la economia. We disagree about it.
develop No estamos de acuerdo sobre ello.
He dismounted from his horse.
The argument developed into a fight. disagreement Desmonto de su caballo.
La discusion se convirtio en pelea. There's total disagreement on/about
how to proceed.
deviate You'll have to dispense with it.
The plane deviated from its route. Hay un desacuerdo total sobre como
proceder. Tendrds que prescindir de ello.
El avion se desvio de su ruta.
There was a disagreement over/about/ displeased
devoid on the matter. I'm displeased at/with the result.
It's devoid of meaning. No habia acuerdo sobre el asunto. No estoy contento con el resultado.
Es algo desprovisto de significado.
disappear We're displeased with the
die He disappeared from the scene. government.
He died from a wound. Desaparecio de la escena. Estamos descontentos con el gobierno.
Murio de una herida. He's displeased by the news.
They died of hunger. disappoint
No esta contento con las noticias.
Murieron de hambre. She was disappointed at/about his
failure. dispose
differ Estaba desilusionada con su fracaso They tried to dispose of the body.
It differs from my idea. (de el). Trataron de deshacerse del cuerpo.
Difiere de mi idea. I was disappointed with your
We differ on/about this matter. performance.
Diferimos en este asunto. They had a dispute over abortion.
Me senti desilusionado con tu
They differ in their tastes. Tuvieron una disputa sobre el aborto.
Difieren en sus gustos. We're in dispute with the
disapprove management.
I'm afraid I differ with you on that. I disapprove of smoking.
Me temo que difiero de ti sobre eso. Estamos enfrentados con la direccion.
No apruebo el fumar.
Your answer differs from mine. China was in dispute with the British
Tu respuesta difiere de la mia. disconnect government.
You have to disconnect the fridge China estaba enfrentada con el
difference from the mains. gobierno britanico.
That's the difference between us. Hay que desenchufar el frigorifico
Esa es la diferencia entre nosotros. de la red. dissatisfied
There's a difference in I'm dissatisfied at/with the results.
discourage No estoy satisfecho con los
He discouraged me from doing it. resultados.
Hay una diferencia en la pronuncia-
Me quito la idea de hacerlo.
cion. dissuade
different discrepancy I dissuaded him from doing it.
We have a discrepancy in that. Le disuadi de hacerlo.
His ideas are very different from/to
Tenemos una discrepancia sobre eso.
Sus ideas son muy diferentes de las discriminate I can't distinguish between the twins.
mias. That company discriminates against
No puedo distinguir entre los
She's different from the rest. women employees.
Es diferente del resto. Esa empresa discrimina a las
empleadas. I can't distinguish one thing from the
His tastes are different to/from mine.
Sus gustos son diferentes de los mios. discuss No puedo distinguir una cosa de otra.
difficult He discussed the game with his
He distinguishes himself in music.
It's difficult to imagine that. friends.
Se distingue en musica.
Es muy dificil imaginarse eso. Comentaba sobre el partido con sus
amigos. distract
direct He distracted my attention from the
Direct him to the right address. discussion
Dirigele a la direccion apropiada. They had a discussion about it.
Tuvieron una discusion sobre ello. Aparto mi atencion del asunto.
disagree distrust
I disagree with what you say. discharge
He was discharged from the Army. I distrust him.
No estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices.
Se licencio del ejercito. No me fio de el.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

dive If in doubt, ask the manager. I'll drop in at Peter's/on Peter.

He dived into the river. En caso de duda, pregunta al director. Pasare por casa de Pedro.
Se zambullo en el rio. They dropped back.
diverge I'm very doubtful about the wisdom Se fueron quedando atras.
His ideas diverge from the truth. of that. He dropped into the habit of going
Sus ideas dlfieren de la verdad. Tengo dudas sobre la sensatez de eso. there every day.
divert draw Se acostumbro a ir alli todos los
They diverted the ship from its He drew it to scale. dias.
course. Lo dibujo a escala. Leaves are dropping off.
Desviaron el barco de su rumbo. Las hojas se estan cayendo.
divide He has dread of death. He dropped on his knees.
They divided the house into flats. Tiene panico de la muerte. Cayo sobre sus rodillas.
Dividieron la casa en apartamentos. It has dropped out of my mind.
He divides his energies between He dreams about/of his holiday. Se me ha ido de la cabeza.
business and politics. Suena con sus vacaciones. He dropped to the rear.
Divide sus energias entre los negocios My son is always dreaming about Se quedo atras.
y la politica. surfing. He dropped into the armchair.
Divide 10 by 2. Mi hijo esta siempre sonando con el Se dejo caer en el sillon.
Divide 10 por 2. surfing.
Divide 2 into 10. That girl dreams of getting married. due
Divide 10 entre 2. Esa chica suena con casarse. She is due for promotion.
They divided the money among them. Se le debe una promocion.
Dividieron el dinero entre ellos. drench Debts due by us.
He was drenched with rain.
They divided the booty between the Deudas contraidas por nosotros.
two. Estaba empapado por la lluvia.
Debts due to us.
Se dividieron el botin entre los dos. She was drenched in perfume.
Creditos a nuestro favor.
The government is divided on this Apestaba a perfume.
I drenched the poster with glue. He's due to arrive tomorrow.
issue. Tiene la llegada mahana.
El Gobierno esta dividido en este Empape el poster con cola.
asunto. The train is due at four o'clock.
dress El tren tiene su llegada a las cuatro.
You'll have to divide it by 2. She was dressed in black.
Tendras que dividirlo por 2. Estaba vestida de negro.
Divide the cake in four parts.
Divide la tarta en cuatro partes. drink e
We'll divide the cake in half. I'll drink to your health.
Bebere a tu salud. eager
Dividiremos la tarta en dos. The bank manager is eager to please
They divided the territory into several drive you.
parts. I'll drive a nail into the wall. El director del banco estd ansioso por
Dividieron el territorio en varias Clavare un clavo en la pared. complacerte.
partes. That boy drives me to despair. He's a young man eager for success.
divorced Ese chico me desespera. Es un joven ansioso de exito.
She got divorced from him. I'll drive you to the station. He's eager to please.
Se divorcio de el. Te llevare a la estacion. Esta deseando complacer.
Their ideas seem divorced from
reality. drop easy
Sus ideas parecen no tener nada que A coconut dropped off the tree. Go easy with/on the money.
ver. Un coco se desprendio del arbor. Ten cuidado con el dinero.
I dropped out of the contest.
do Me retire del concur-so. eliminated
You'll have to do it by yourself. He was eliminated from the list.
Tendras que hacerlo solo. I'll drop you at the station.
Fue eliminado de la lista.
Te dejare en la estacion.
doubt I'll drop around/by/over here. embark
She is without doubt, the best player He's embarking for New York.
Me pasare por aqui.
in the team. Se embarca para Nueva York.
Es sin duda alguna, la mejor He dropped behind.
Se quedo atras. We're embarking in business.
jugadora del equipo.
Nos estamos metiendo en negocios.

Part Two

He's embarking on a tanker. enter estimate

Se embarca en un petrolero. She entered the house by the back They estimate the repairs at £1,000.
emerge door. Estiman las reparaciones en 1.000
A huge monster emerged from the sea. Entro en la casa par la puerta de libras.
Un enorme monstruo emergio del mar. atras.
employed He entered for a contest. On the eve of that day.
He's employed as a taxi driver. Se presento a un concurso. La vispera de ese dia.
Esta empleado coma taxista. He entered into the possession of a
He was employed by us. large fortune.
In the event of his death.
Estuvo empleado por nosotros. Entro en posesion de una gran
En caso de su muerte.
He was employed at that firm. fortuna.
Estuvo empleado en esa empresa. Please, don't enter into details. except
Por favor, no te extiendas en detalles. Only little children are excepted from
empty this survey.
It's empty of meaning. enthusiasm
No tiene significado. Solo los ninos pequenos estdn
I feel no enthusiasm about/for the excluidos de esta encuesta.
He emptied out his pockets. idea.
Se vacio los bolsillos. No siento entusiasmo por la idea. exception
end I like all his novels with the exception
enthusiastic of his last.
We are at the end of our patience.
He's very enthusiastic about/for the Me gustan todas sus novelas con
Se nos ha agotado la paciencia.
idea. exception de la ultima.
The house is at the end of the street.
Se siente entusiasta por la idea. That's the exception to the rule.
La casa esta al final de la calle.
I did it in the end. entrust Esa es una exception de la regla.
Lo hice par fin. I can't entrust him with anything. excited
He ended by eating it. No le puedo confiar nada. He's very excited with his new car.
Termino por comerlo. He has entrusted the children to me. Esta may excitado con su coche nuevo.
This is the end of the story. Me ha confiado sus hijos. We are all very excited about/over the
Esto es el fin de la historia.
envious project.
Everything ended in a quarrel. Estamos todos muy excitados con el
She's envious of her sister.
Todo termino en una rina. proyecto.
Envidia a su hermana.
He ended with a speech.
He was very excited by the news.
Termino con un discurso. envy
Estaba muy excitado por la noticia.
He can't hide his envy of me.
I engaged him in conversation. No puede ocultar su envidia por mi. excuse
Entable una conversation con el. He can't hide his envy at my success. Excuse me for being late.
They engaged the enemy. No puede ocultar su envidia por mi Perdonenme por llegar tarde.
Entablaron combate con el enemigo. exito. He was excused from shooting
They engaged in battle. practice.
Entablaron una batalla. Estaba exento de la prdctica
It's equipped with radar.
She is engaged to my brother. de tiro.
Esta equipado con radar.
Esta comprometida con mi hermano. exchange
She is engaged in politics. equivalent Tom exchanged seats with John.
Esta metido en politica. That's equivalent to 5 kilos.
Tom cambio de asiento con Juan.
Eso es equivalente a 5 kilos.
enjoy They exchanged this for that.
What's the exact equivalent of this
I enjoyed the party. Cambiaron esto por aquello.
He disfrutado de la fiesta. word?
<; Cual es el equivalente exacto de esta exempt
enlist palabra ? He is exempt from military service.
He has enlisted in the army. Esta exento del servicio militar.
Se ha alistado en el ejercito. escape
He escaped from jail. expect
enrol I didn't expect this from you.
Se escapo de la carcel.
He has enrolled for a cooking course. No esperaba esto de ti.
Se ha matriculado en un curso de He escaped to France.
cocina. Se escapo a Francia. You expect too much of us.
Esperas demasiado de nosotros.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

expel extract They fell back on their savings.

He was expelled from school. They extract this juice from meat. Recurrieron a sus ahorros.
Fue expulsado del colegio. Extraen este jugo de la came. They fell behind.
Se quedaron atras.
expend He fell down on the ground.
He expends all his time on/upon this Se cayo al suelo.
project. He fell for her.
Dedica todo su tiempo a este face Se enamoro de ella.
proyecto. He must face up to the fact that he's He fell for the trick.
I expend time and money in helping not young any more. Cayo en la trampa.
them. Tiene que darse cuenta que ya no es The soldiers fell in.
Gasto dinero y paso tiempo joven. Los soldados formaron filas.
ayudandoles. My bedroom faces north. My birthday falls on Sunday.
experience Mi dormitorio da al none. Mi cumpleanos cae en domingo.
Does she have any experience of/in My window faces on to the park. He fell out of the window.
teaching? Mi ventana da al parque. Se cayo de la ventana.
Tiene alguna experiencia en la We were faced with a difficulty. I have fallen out with him.
ensenanza? Nos enfrentamos con una dificultad. He renido con el.
I have no experience in doing that. I fell over a chair.
facility Me tropece con una silla.
No tengo experiencia en eso. He has a facility for maths.
The project has fallen through.
experiment Tiene facilidad para las matemdti-
El proyecto se ha venido abajo.
He's doing the experiment on/with cas.
He fell to work.
rats. There are many facilities for
Se puso a trabajar.
Esta haciendo el experimento con study.
The vase fell to pieces.
ratas. Hay muchas facilidades para el
El jarron se hizo anicos.
expert familiar
He's an expert at playing golf. fail This is familiar to me.
Es un experto jugando al golf. I failed in the exam. Esto me es familiar.
Suspendi el examen.
He's expert in/at cooking cheap meals. I'm familiar with your working
Es un experto cocinando comidas faint methods.
baratas. They fainted from/with hunger. Estoy familiarizado con vuestros
I'm an expert in phonetics. Se desmayaban de hambre. metodos de trabajo.
Soy un experto en fonetica. faith famous
I have faith in God. He became famous for climbing
explain Everest.
Please, explain this problem to me. Tengo fe en Dios.
Se hizo famoso por escalar el
Expltcame este problema, por favor. faithful Everest.
expose He is faithful to you.
Te es fiel.
Don't expose her to dangers. He's very fanatical about keeping
No la expongas a peligros. She has always been faithful to her fit.
husband. Es fanatico de la cultura fisica.
extend Siempre ha sido fiel a su esposo.
They extended the invitation to me. far
Me incluyeron en la invitacion. false The problem is far from easy.
He's false to the core. El problema dista mucho de ser facil.
Our property extends over those
Es mas falso que Judas.
hills. farm
Nuestras propiedades se extienden fall He works on a farm.
por encima de esas colinas. He fell in love with her. Trabaja en una granja.
His property extends across those Se enamoro de ella.
He fell into the river. fasten
fields. He was fastened to his seat.
Sus propiedades se extienden a traves Se cayo al rio.
Estaba sujeto al asiento.
de esos prados. He fell off a tree.
The road extends for miles.
Se cayo de un drbol. fatal
The enemy fell back. That was fatal to our plans.
La carretera se alarga muchos
El enemigo retrocedio. Eso fue fatal para nuestros planes.

Part Two

favour fill fix

I'm in favour of giving him the job. She filled the jar with water. He fixed his eyes on her.
Estoy a favor de darle el trabajo. Lleno la jarra de agua. Fijo los ojos en ella.
He filled the glass to the brim. Fix this to the wall.
Lleno el vaso hasta el borde. Fija esto en la pared.
We spoke in whispers for fear of
waking the baby. It was filled with water.
Estaba Heno de agua. flee
Hablabamos en smurros por miedo a They fled from the town.
despertar al bebe. find Se escaparon de la ciudad.
I fear for her safety. Will you find a good hotel for me?
Temo por su seguridad. ^Me encontrards un buen hotel? float
He found favour with the little girl. It floats on the water.
fearful Flota en el agua.
He's fearful of doing something Le cayo en gracia la nina.
wrong. How did you find out? flood
Tiene miedo de hacer algo mal. ^Como lo averiguaste? The place was flooded with light.
fine El lugar estaba muy iluminado.
The cows were feeding on hay. They fined him for dangerous driving. flow
Las vacas se alimentaban de heno. Le multaron por conducir de forma This river flows into the sea.
We feed the cattle with hay. peligrosa. Este rio desemboca en el mar.
Alimentamos al ganado con heno. finish «y
I've finished with him.
feel He flew into a rage.
He felt in his pocket for some money. He terminado con el. Monto en colera.
Se palpo el bolsillo buscando algun The blouse needs to be finished off The plane flew over the town.
dinero. before I can wear it.
El avion void por encima de la
He felt about in the dark for the light La blusa tiene que estar terminada
switch. antes de ponermela.
They flew at the enemy.
Palpo en la oscuridad buscando el fire Arremetieron contra el enemigo.
enchufe. They fired at the enemy
The bird was flying about.
I don't feel up to it. Dispararon contra el enemigo.
El pajaro estaba revoloteando.
No me siento con ganas de hacerlo. The engine is firing on all cylinders.
Todos los cilindros del motor The bird flew away.
He has a good feel for languages.
funcionan / se encienden. El pajaro se alejo volando.
Tiene facilidad para los idiomas.
He flew back from New York.
fight fit Volvio de Nueva York en avion.
Britain fought with France against He isn't fit for work yet.
Todavia no esta lo bastante fuerte The plane flew by the Statue of
Germany in the last war.
como para trabajar. Liberty.
Gran Bretana lucho junto a Francia
El avion void junto a la Estatua de la
contra Alemania en la ultima guerra. He's fit enough to do this job.
The two dogs fought over a bone. Esta lo bastante fuerte como para
Los dos perros se pelearon por un hacer este trabajo. All the birds flew off.
hueso. Fit handles on the cupboards. Todos los pajaros se alejaron
That's not worth fighting about. Pon manillas en los armarios. volando.
No merece la pena luchar por eso. Fit the cupboards with handles. The planes flew past in formation.
We are fighting for a good cause. Equipa los armarios con manillas. Los aviones desfilaron en formacion.
Luchamos por una buena causa. I'm going to fit it on the wall. He flew up the stairs.
She fought back/down her tears. Voy a colocarlo en la pared. Subio corriendo las escaleras.
Trato de no llorar. They are going to fit out fold
They fought off the enemy attacks. the ship. He folded the paper in two.
Repelieron los ataques del enemigo. Van a equipar el barco. Plego el papel en dos.
filter The TV set won't fit into this hole. The bed folds away into the wall.
The water filtered through the sand. El televisor no entra en esta cavidad. La cama se pliega dentro de la
El agua se filtraba a traves de la His experience fitted him for the job. pared.
arena. Su experiencia le capacitaba para el
The boxer doubled up in agony.
The idea slowly filtered into people's trabajo.
El boxeador se doblo en agonia.
minds. I'm not sure how he'll fit in with the
La idea se iba filtrando lentamente en other employees. fond
las mentes de la gente. No estoy seguro como se llevard con My wife is very fond of music.
los otros empleados. A mi esposa le encanta la musica.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

foot fuss We are not rich but we get by.

It is at the foot of the Andes. He's fussing over/about the children. No somos ricos pero vamos tirando.
Esta al pie de los Andes. Estd armando un revuelo por los He got down on his knees.
They went there on foot. ninos. Se puso de rodillas.
Fueron alli a pie. The train got in at nine o'clock.
El tren entro a las nueve.
The force of his fall was broken by g I got into bed.
the branches. Me meti a la coma.
gam Hurry! get into the car.
La fuerza de su caida fue amortigua- One of the runners was gaining on the
da por las ramas. Date prisa! Sube al coche
I can't force you into doing it. He got out of the car to check the
Uno de los corredores estaba
No te puedo obligar a que lo hagas. tyres.
alcanzando al que iba en cabeza.
Bajo del coche para comprobar los
I can't force you to do it.
No te puedo obligar a que lo hagas.
gape neumaticos.
He was gaping at her. I got off my horse.
forget Se quedo mirdndola boquiabierto. Me baje del caballo.
He forgot about my birthday. I got on the bus.
Se olvido de mi cumpleanos (de ella). Me subi al tren.
He gazed at me in disbelief.
Don't forget to post the letter. Me miro incredulo. He got off the train.
No te olvides de echar la carta. Se apeo del tren.
He just sat gazing into space.
forgive Se quedo con la mirada en bianco. I got over the river.
Forgive me for not seeing you. She was the prettiest woman he had Cruce el rio.
Perdoneme por no verle. ever gazed on/upon. He got through his exam.
Era la mujer mas guapa que habia Paso su examen.
visto jamas. They got together.
It's only founded on theory.
Se juntaron.
Solo se basa en teoria. greedy
This company was founded in 1860. He's greedy for power. He got up late this morning.
Es ambicioso de poder. Se ha levantado tarde esta manana.
Esta compania fue establecida en
1860. They got to London at 10.
generous Llegaron a Londres a las 10.
free He's generous with his money.
Nobody is free from danger. Es generoso con su dinero. give
Nadie esta libre de peligro. It's very generous of you to share He gave the bride away.
your food. Llevo la novia al altar.
We are giving this free of charge.
Damos esto gratis. Es muy generoso de tu parte He gave the book back.
compartir la comida. Devolvio el libro.
frighten He's very generous to/towards other He won't give in.
He was frightened at the thought of people. No quiere darse por vencido.
her leaving him. Es muy generoso con los demas. It gave off an unpleasant smell.
Estaba asustado por la idea de que Emitia un olor desagradable.
ella le dejara. get
Rumours get about quickly. He gave out the exam papers.
He was frightened to death. Repartio las papeletas de los
Estaba muerto de miedo. Los rumores se propagan rapidamente.
He got across to the audience. examenes.
The alarm frightened the burglars Give over crying!
Contacto con el publico.
away. jDeja de llorar!
La alarma asusto a los ladrones. The patient is getting along.
El paciente esta progresando. I gave up smoking.
The robberies frightened him into Deje de fumar.
fitting a new lock. The news got around.
Las noticias se difundieron. My window gives on to the river.
Los robos le asustaron y le hicieron
What are you getting at? Mi ventana da al rio.
poner una nueva cerradura.
iQue insinuas? He's very given to pessimism.
front The ship got away from the coast. Es muy dado al pesimismo.
He was sitting in front of me. El barco se alejo de la costa.
Estaba sentado delante de mi.
He got back home. I'm very glad about your passing
full Regreso a casa. the test.
The bucket was full of water. He got behind in his work. Me alegro mucho que hayas
El cubo estaba lleno de agua. Se retraso en su trabajo. aprobado el test.

Part Two

We are very glad of your help. The bill has gone through. She grieves over/about the death of
Estamos muy contentos de que nos El proyecto de ley ha sido aprobado. her son.
ayudes. They went to the cinema together. Se lamenta de la muerte de su hijo.
glance Fueron juntos al cine. It is no good grieving about/at past
The ball glanced off Beckham and He has gone under. mistakes.
went into the goal. Es un hombre acabado. No sirve de nada lamentarse de
El balon reboto en Beckham y entro en The prices are going up. errores pasados.
la porteria. Los precios estan subiendo.
He glanced at her. White wine goes with fish. It was ground into dust.
La miro. El vino bianco va con el pescado.
Fue molido hasta convertirlo en
He cast a glance at the headlines. It goes without saying. polvo.
Echo un vistazo a los titulares. Ni que decir tiene.
He glanced over the problem. He's gone into debt. grow
Trato el problema por encima. Se ha endeudado. This tree has grown from a seed.
Este drbol ha crecido de una semilla.
glare good
He glared at him angrily. She has grown into a woman.
He's very good at doing things.
Le miro con ira. Se ha hecho mujer.
Es un manitas.
go My daughter is very good with the growl
He goes about a great deal. children. Don't growl at me!
Sale mucho. Mi hija tiene buena mano con los nifios. No me grunas!
The dog went after the cat. He's very good with his hands. grumble
El perro fue tras el gato. Es un manitas. I don't want to hear another grumble
That goes against the rules. grace from you.
Eso va contra las reglas. By the grace of God. No quiero oir otra queja tuya.
I go along with you on that. Por la gracia de Dios. Why grumble to me about your
Estoy de acuerdo contigo sobre eso.
graduate mistakes?
The clouds went away. iPor que te quejas de tus
He's a graduate in law.
Las nubes desaparecieron.
Es un graduado en derecho. equivocaciones?
He went back on his word.
He graduated from Oxford with a He grumbles about being badly paid.
Falto a su palabra.
degree. Se queja de tener un sueldo bajo.
It goes before the noun.
Se graduo en Oxford.
Va delante del sustantivo. grunt
A ruler graduated in both inches and Stop grunting at me!
Time went by.
centimetres. jDeja de grunirme!
El tiempo paso.
Una regla graduada tanto en
The sun went down. pulgadas como en centimetros. guess
El sol se puso. I'll have to guess at the truth.
The dog went for me. grasp
Tendre que intentar adivinar la verdad.
El perro me ataco. He grasped at the swinging rope.
He went in for the examination. Se aferro a la cuerda que se guilt
Se presento al examen. balanceaba. He pleaded guilty to the crime.
She went into hysterics. grateful Se declaro culpable del crimen.
Se puso histerica. I'm very grateful for this favour. He was found guilty of negligence.
The gun went off. Estoy muy agradecido por este favor. Le encontraron culpable de
La pistola se disparo. I'm very grateful to you for your help. negligencia.
They went on walking for hours. Te estoy muy agradecido por tu ayuda.
Siguieron andando durante horas.
They went on holiday. Greed for wealth is sinful. h
Se fueron de vacaciones. La ambicion de riqueza es pecado.
He's gone for the doctor.
Ha ido a buscar al medico. grief I'm in the habit of having a coffee after
He was driven insane by grief at his dinner.
The lights went out.
death. Tengo la costumbre de tomarme un
Las luces se apagaron.
El dolor de su muerte le volvio loco. cafe despues de cenar.
They went over the wall.
Saltaron el muro. grieve hammer
I'm going round/around to Peter's. She grieves for her dead child. Hammer a nail into the wall.
Me voy a acercar a casa de Pedro. Llora la muerte de su hijo. Clava un clavo en la pared.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

hang head How long can they hold out without

The towel is hanging from the rail. He was at the head of the food?
La toalla esta colgada en la demonstration. I Cuanto tiempo pueden resistir sin
barandilla. Estaba a la cabeza de la manifestacion.
Hang your coat up on that hook. He's heading for a new destination.
Cuelga tu abrigo en ese gancho. Se dirige a un nuevo destino. The two boards are held together.
The curtains were hanging in folds. Los dos tablones estan unidos.
Las cortinas en en pliegues. Hold your hands up!
Have you heard of such a thing?
How does the dress hang at the back? (,Has oido tal cosa? jManten levantadas las manos!
iQue tal cae el vestido por detrds?
I've heard about his dismissal. I don't hold with such behaviour.
The rooms were hung with tapestries.
He oido de su destitucion. No estoy de acuerdo con tal
Las habitaciones estaban cubiertas de
tapices. Have you heard from your sister? comportamiento.
iHas tenido noticias de tu hermana?
He was hanged for murder. hope
Le colgaron por asesino. heir Let's hope for better times.
Children were hanging over the gate. He is the heir to the throne.
Esperemos tiempos mejores.
Los ninos se colgaban encima de la Es el heredero del trono.
verja. There is no hope of their being alive.
Smog hung over the city. No hay esperanza de que esten vivos.
They helped him out with the
Una mezcla de niebla y humo se shopping when he was ill. horse
cernia sobre la ciudad. Cuando estuvo enfermo, para He got on the horse.
It hung by a single thread. ayudarle le hacian la compra..
Colgaba de un solo hilo. Se subio al caballo.
I helped him with his homework.
He hung about. Le ayude con sus tareas. hostile
Rondaba por alla. He's very hostile to/towards
He hung back. hesitate
He's still hesitating about joining us. everybody.
Se quedo atras.
No se decide todavia a unirse a Es muy hostil con todos.
He hung behind.
Se rezago. hurry
He hung on. He hesitates at nothing.
We are in a hurry.
Se mantuvo firme. No vacila ante nada.
Tenemos prisa.
She hung out the washing. I hesitate to spend so much money.
Vacilo en gastar tanto dinero. Hurry up or we'll be late.
Colgo la colada.
Date prisa o llegaremos tarde.
They hung together. hide
Se mantuvieron unidos. The trees hid the house from view. Are you in a hurry for this translation?
He hung up. Los arboles escondian la casa de la I Te corre prisa esta traduccion ?
Colgo el telefono. vista. We are not in a hurry to do it.
happen The sun was hidden by the clouds. No tenemos prisa por hacerlo.
It happened to me. El sol estaba oculto por las nubes.
Me sucedio a mi. hit
He hit on the idea. •1
I'm very happy about the ending of Dio con la idea.
the book. She hit him on the head with a book.
Le golped en la cabeza con un libro. This lamp is identical to that one.
Estoy muy contento con el final del
libro. Esta lampara es identica a esa.
I'm happy to hear it. She's holding back her tears. identify
Me alegro mucho de saberlo. Esta reteniendo las Idgrimas. She identified the man as her attacker.
We're very happy for you. He held the knife by the handle. Identified al hombre como su
Nos alegramos mucho por ti. Sostenia el punal por el mango. atacante.
Her parents are very happy about the They are holding him down on the
wedding. You cannot identify happiness with
Sus padres estan muy contentos con wealth.
Le estan sujetando contra el suelo.
la boda. No se puede relacionar la felicidad
Hold on tight!
We are very happy with the idea. con la riqueza.
/Agdrrate fuerte!
Estamos muy contentos con la idea.
Part Two

I can't identify myself with him. increase insist

No puedo asociarme con sus ideas. It has increased in size. Your daughter insists on doing the
You can't identify happiness with Ha aumentado de tamano. ironing.
wealth. Tu hija insiste en hacer la plancha.
No se puede asociar felicidad con He's independent of his parents. inspire
riqueza. Es independiente de sus padres. He was inspired by his wife.
El estaba inspirado por su esposa.
ignorance indebted That hotel didn't inspire us with much
We are in complete ignorance of his I'm indebted to you. confidence.
plans. Estoy en deuda contigo. Aquel hotel no nos inspiraba mucha
No tenemos ni idea de sus planes. confianza.
ignorant He's indifferent to the dangers of the The hotel didn't inspire much
It's no excuse to say that you were journey. confidence in us.
ignorant of the rules. No le importan los peligros del El hotel no nos inspiraba mucha
No es excusa el decir que ignorabas camino. confianza.
las reglas. insure
ill She is indignant with me. He insured his house against fire.
You mustn't speak ill of anybody. Esta indignada conmigo. Aseguro la casa contra incendios.
No debes de hablar mal de nadie. He insured his life for £100,000.
He's indignant at/about/over what
He's ill with malaria. Aseguro su vida por cien mil libras.
he saw.
Esta enfermo de malaria. Estd indignado con lo que via. intend
illustrate I intend to do it.
He illustrated his talks with photos. Tengo la intencion de hacerlo.
There is a general indignation against
Ilustro la charla con fotos. the government. intention
immune Hay una indignacion general contra el I have the intention of doing it.
gobierno. Tengo la intencion de hacerlo.
He's immune to/against common
colds. There's indignation at/about/over the interest
Es inmune a los catarros. rise in taxes. May I interest you in our latest
Hay indignacion por la subida de los computer?
impatient impuestos. I Puedo interesarle en nuestra ultima
I'm impatient for my holidays to computadora ?
come. influence
Espero impaciente a que lleguen mis She has no influence over her husband. interested
vacaciones. No tiene influencia sobre su marido. I'm interested in history.
inform Estoy interesado en la historia.
He's impolite to everybody. Keep me informed of/about what interfere
Es descortes con todo el mundo. happens. It interferes with my work.
Mantenedme informado de lo que Interfiere con mi trabajo.
improvement sucede.
There's a slight improvement in the introduce
weather. inquire Introduce me to your friend.
Hay una ligera mejoria en el tiempo. She inquired at the information desk Presentame a tu amigo.
about trains to London. He introduced the subject into the
include Pregunto en Informacion sobre los conversation.
They included my article in the Irenes a Londres. Introdujo el tema en la conversacion.
newspaper. We must inquire further into the
Incluyeron mi articulo en el periodico. invest
matter. Invest your money in shares.
They included this among the other Debemos investigar mas sobre el Invierta su dinero en acciones.
instructions. asunto. Invest your time in learning
Incluyeron esta entre las otras They inquired after Peter. languages.
instrucciones. Preguntaron por Pedro. Invierta su tiempo en aprender
incomparable idiomas.
This is incomparable with that. Invest your money with a good firm.
He's insensitive to pain.
Este no se puede comparar con ese. Invierta su dinero en una buena
Es insensible al dolor.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

invite laugh
She invited me to the party. k Never laugh at old people.
Me invito a la fiesta. No te rias nunca de los viejos.
He's very keen on climbing. He has not much to laugh about, poor
Es muy aficionado a la escalada. man.
They involved him in the crime.
No tiene mucho de que reirse, pobre
Le involucraron en el crimen. keep hombre.
irritated Keep on talking.
Sigue hablando. lead
He felt irritated at the thought of She led me by the hand.
losing her. Keep my place in the queue for me.
Me condujo de la mano.
Gudrdame el sitio en la cola.
Se sentia irritado al pensar que la This path leads to the village.
perderia. May God keep you from harm!
iQue Dios te guarde de todo mal! Este sendero conduce al pueblo.
isolated You must keep to the rules. lean
In this ward patients are isolated from Atente a las reglas. He was leaning against the wall.
other people. They want to keep up with the Estaba apoyado contra el muro.
En esta sola los pacientes estdn Joneses. The old man was leaning on his stick.
aislados de los demds. Quieren mantener alto su nivel social. El viejo estaba apoyado en su baston.
Keep at it, you've nearly finished. learn
Sigue con ello, casi has terminado. One learns from one's mistakes.
j key Una aprende de sus equivocaciones.
jealous That's the key to all our problems. I'm sorry to learn about/of your
He's very jealous of Tom's success. Esa es la razon de todos nuestros illness.
Estd muy celoso del exito de Tom. problemas. Siento enterarme de lo de tu
kind enfermedad.
join I learnt the lesson by heart.
She's very kind to me.
The M6 joins up with the Ml. Me aprendi la leccion de memoria.
Es muy carinosa conmigo.
La autopista 6 se junta con la 1.
He's kind to everybody. leave
Join forces with him.
Es muy amable con todos. I'm leaving for New York.
Une fuerzas con el.
knock Salgo para Nueva York.
They all joined in singing carols.
Somebody has knocked at the door. lend
Todos se juntaron para cantar
Alguien ha llamado a la puerta. Don't lend the car to him.
know No le prestes el cache.
I joined up in 1990.
I don't know of anyone who can It lends credibility to their campaign.
Me enliste en 1990.
help you. Da credibilidad a su campana.
We'll have to join this to that.
No conozco a nadie que te pueda let
Tenemos que juntar esto con eso. ayudar. Let the dog in
judge Do you know about the recent events Deja que entre el perro.
You can't judge by/from in your country?
appearances. ^Conoces los acontecimientos listen
recientes en tu pais? I was listening to the news on the
No se puede juzgar por las
Estaba escuchando las noticias en la
judgement 1
You can't make a judgement on that. live
No se puede hacer un juicio sobre eso. lack They live beyond their means.
He lacks courage. Viven por encima de sus medios.
Le falta valor. He lives by his wits.
He jumped at the occasion.
They lack for nothing. Vive de su ingenio.
Aprovecho la oportunidad.
No les falta nada. They live from hand to mouth.
He jumped over the body.
He is lacking in warmth. Viven al dia.
Salto por encima del cuerpo.
Le falta calor.
They live off the fat of the land.
just late Viven por todo lo grande.
You have to be just to everybody. He's always late for work. They live off the land.
Tienes que serjusto con todos. Siempre llega tarde al trabajo. Viven de los productos de la tierra.

Part Two

He lives for his work. I'll look into the matter. The tailor is making a suit for me.
Vive de su trabajo. Investigare el asunto. El sastre me esta haciendo un traje.
They lived through the experience. He looks on him as his son. We make these things by hand.
Sobrevivieron a la experiencia. Le considera como a un hijo. Hacemos estas cosas a mano.
He fails to live up to his principles. He looked out of the window. I'll make it up to you.
No se comporta segun sus principios. Se asomo por la ventana. Te compensare.
You'll have to live with it, I'm afraid. I looked over the document. She made it up with him.
Tendras que vivir con ello, me temo. Eche un vistazo al documento. Hizo las paces con el.
He looked round.
He lived in London. manage
Echo un vistazo a su alrededor.
Vivia en Londres. She managed to finish on time.
He looked through the window.
My sister lives in Elm street. Miro por la ventana. Se las arreglo para terminar a
My hermana vive en la calle del tiempo.
The building looks to the south.
El edificio da al sur. marry
I live at 17 Pyrland Road. Things are looking up. She's married to Jim.
Vivo en la calle Pyrland 17. Las cosas estan mejorando. Esta casada con Jim.
He lived on bread and water. She's married to a famous writer.
Vivia de pan y agua. lose
We lost to a stronger side. Esta casada con un escritor famoso.
load Perdimos frente a un equipo mejor. She married him.
He loaded the lorry with sand. We lost a lot on that deal. Se caso con el.
Cargo el camion de arena. Hemos perdido mucho en ese asunto. She married into the aristocracy.
long We lost at football. Se caso con la aristocracia.
I long for your kisses. Perdimos al futbol. marvel
Anoro tus besos. We lost sight of land. I marvel at the maturity of that boy.
I long to do it. Perdimos de vista a la tierra. Me maravillo de la madurez de ese
Estoy deseando hacerlo. love chico.
This is a long way from New York. She has a great love for animals.
Esto esta muy lejos de Nueva York. Tiene un gran amor por los animales.
What do you mean by that?
She is in love with him. i Que quiere usted decir con eso ?
look Esta enamorada de el.
Can you look after the children? They lifted it by mean of a crane.
For the love of God.
iPuedes cuidar de los ninos? Lo levantaron por medio de una grua.
Por el amor de Dios.
Look at that picture! meddle
/Mira ese cuadro! loyal
The troops are loyal to him. Don't meddle with the electrical
She looked everywhere for the lost wiring.
Las tropas le son leales.
coin. No enredes con los cables electricos.
Bused la moneda perdida por todos One colour melted into another.
los sitios. Un color se fundio con otro.
look meet
Look about/around you. mad She met Peter in a bar.
Mira a tu alrededor. He is mad about/on pop music.
Se encontro con Pedro en un bar.
She's looking after the children. Esta loco por la musica pop.
Estd cuidando de los ninos. make memory
He did it in memory of his wife.
Don't look at me like that. It's made of gold.
No me mires asi. Esta hecho de oro. Lo hizo en memoria de su mujer.
She looked away. Glass is made into bottles. mention
Apartd la mirada. Del cristal se hacen botellas. Don't mention it to him.
He didn't look back as he left. These holes were made by moths. No se lo menciones.
No miro atras cuando se fue. Estos agujeros fueron hechos por la mercy
She looked down. polilla. They were at the mercy of the waves.
Bajo la mirada. I'll make an athlete of him. Estaban a merced de las olas.
We are looking for a flat. Hare un atleta de el.
Estamos buscando piso. Man was made from dust.
I'm looking forward to my holidays. This is a good method of teaching
El hombre fue hecho del polvo.
Estoy deseando que lleguen mis maths.
It's made to measure. Es un buen metodo de ensenar
vacaciones. Esta hecho a medida. matemdticas.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

middle noted open

The table was in the middle of the He is noted for his ability to It's open to visitors.
room. disappear. Estd abierto a los visitantes.
La mesa estaba en el medio de la Es famoso por su habilidad de operate
habitation. desaparecer. The doctors operated on him.
mistake notify Los medicos le operaron.
I'm often mistaken for my brother. Notify me of whatever happens. He was operated on for appendicitis.
A menudo me toman por mi hermano. Ponerme al corriente de lo que suceda. Le operaron de apendicitis.
mock opinion
He mocked at our fears. What's your opinion about/on that?
Se burlaba de nuestros miedos. •o
i Cudl es tu opinion sobre eso ?
mould obedience opposite
It was moulded of clay. I expect obedience from my men. Bad is the opposite of good.
Estaba moldeado de barro. Espero obediencia de mis hombres. Malo es lo contrario de bueno.
move object opportunity
He kept moving from place to place. I object to people smoking in public
That's a good opportunity to do it.
Se transladaba continuamente de un places.
Es una buena oportunidad para
sitio a otro. Estoy en contra de que fume la gente
en lugares publicos.
multiply It's an opportunity to do something
You have to multiply 10 by 5. obliged for him.
Tienes que multiplicar 10 por 5. I'm very obliged to Mr.Brown. Es una oportunidad de hacer algo
Estoy muy agradecido al Sr. Brown. por el.
obtain order
n You won't obtain anything from him. We have an order for 5 TV sets.
name No obtendrds nada de el. Tenemos un pedido de 5 televisores.
Stop it, in the name of God! occasion By order of the govenor.
[Para, en el nombre de Dios! On the occasion of his birthday. Por orden del Gobernador.
They named the baby after his father. En ocasion de su cumpleanos. He ordered him to do it.
Llamaron al nino como a su padre. Le ordeno que lo hiciera.
need He occupied himself in/with playing owe
She is in need of love. his flute. I owe it to him.
Necesita carino. Pasaba el tiempo tocando laflauta. Se lo debo a el.
neglect occur I owe money to them.
He neglected his studies for his It never occurred to me. Les debo dinero.
social life. Nunca se me ocurrio.
Descuido sus estudios por su vida
It's an offence against humanity. p
nervous Es un crimen contra la humanidad. paint
He's nervous about speaking in public. This building is an offence to the eye. He paints from nature.
Esta nervioso porque tiene que hablar Este edificio ofende a la vista. Pinta la naturaleza.
en publico.
She took offence at his words. parallel
next Se sintio ofendida por sus palabras. It ran parallel to/with the road.
She sat next to him. Iba paralelo a la carretera.
Se sento junto a el.
She was offended at/by his remarks. pardon
My horse came next to last. Se sintio ofendida por sus
Mi caballo llego el penultimo. I pardon you for it.
observaciones. Te perdono por ello.
I got this for next to nothing.
Consegui esto por cast nada. offer partake
They offered some money to him. Will you partake of our meal?
nod Le ofrecieron algo de dinero. ^Quieren compartir nuestra comida?
I nodded at him.
Le salude con la cabeza. omit participate
He nodded in/with approval He omitted to do it. They participated in the plot.
El asintio dando su aprobacion. Omitio el hacerlo. Participaron en el complot.

Part Two

particular He's always playing about. We'll pray for a miracle.

He's very particular about punctuality. Siempre esta jugueteando. Rezaremos pidiendo un milagro.
Es may exigente en puntualidad. Let's play it back. Pray to the virgen.
Escuchemoslo otra vez. Reza a la virgen.
I'll pass by the post office. He played it down. prayer
Pasare por correos. Le resto importancia. He spends his life in prayer.
He passes for an Englishman. Why don't you play with your little Se pasa la vida rezando.
Pasa por ingles. brother? preach
He passes from one thing to another. Por que no juegas con tu hermanito? He is always preaching at/to his
Pasa de una cosa a otra. point children.
They passed through the tunnel. He was pointing at me. Siempre esta sermoneando a sus hijos.
Atravesaron por el tunel. Me estaba senalando. precedence
He pointed to a tower in the distance. An archbishop has precedence over a
pay Senalo una torre a lo lejos. bishop.
Children, pay attention!
Un arzobispo tiene preferencia sobre
jNinos, prestad atencion! pleased
un obispo.
He always pays by cheque. She's very pleased with herself.
Siempre paga por cheque. Estd muy contenta consigo misma. prefer
They are pleased about the results. I prefer this house to that one.
We'll have to pay for it.
Estdn contentos con los resultados. Prefiero esta casa que aquella.
Tendremos que pagarlo.
I prefer reading to watchingTV.
Pay the money to him. polite Prefiero leer que ver la television.
Pdgale el dinero. She was very polite to me.
I'll pay you well for your work. Estuvo muy cones conmigo. preferable
Te pagare bien por tu trabajo. It's preferable to stay here.
post Es preferible quedarse aqui.
peace Keep me posted about the situation.
We are at peace with our neighbours. Mantenme informado de la pregnant
situacion. They were pregnant with joy.
Estamos en paz con nuestros vecinos.
Estaban llenos de alegria.
To post a wall with notices.
peril prejudiced
Fijar carteles en una pared.
He was in peril of his life. She was prejudiced against him.
Estaba en peligro de perder la vida. postpone Estaba predispuesta contra el.
They postponed the meeting to
perish He was prejudiced in favour of him.
We'll perish with cold. Estaba predispuesto a su favor.
Pospusieron la reunion para el
Moriremos de frio. preoccupation
They perished from hunger. She found his preoccupation with
Murieron de hambre. pounce money irritating.
The lion pounced on the sheep. Ella encontraba irritante su
persevere El lean salto sobre las ovejas.
You must persevere in/with the task. preocupacion por el dinero.
Debes perseverar en el empeno. pound preoccupied
He pounded at/on the door. He was preoccupied about something.
persist Aporreo la puerta. Estaba preocupado por algo.
He persisted in doing it.
They sell this by the pound. He was preoccupied with his
Persistio en hacerlo.
Venden esto a peso. problems.
persuade pour Estaba absorto en sus problemas.
He persuaded him to do it. Pour some wine into the glass. prepared
Le persuadio que lo hiciera. Echo un poco de vino en el vaso. He's prepared for anything.
play Estd preparado para todo.
Don't play a trick on him. To practise on the piano. He's prepared to do it.
No le juegues una mala pasada. Practicar en el piano. Estd preparado para hacerlo.
Have you played her at tennis yet? presence
^No has jug ado con ella al tenis prance
They were in the presence of the king.
todavia ? He pranced with rage.
Estaban en presencia del rey.
Pataleaba de rabia.
I have never played at/as centre present
forward yet. pray They presented him with a gold watch.
Todavia nunca he jugado como They are praying for rain. Le regalaron un reloj de oro.
delantero centro. Estdn pidiendo lluvia.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

He was present at the ceremony. He prides himself on remaining calm prologue

Estaba presente en la ceremonia. in an emergency. The prologue to the book.
Se enorgullece de mantener la calma El prologo del libra.
preserve en una emergencia.
It must be preserved from the cold. promise
Debe ser resguardado delfrw. print We received many promises of help.
It's out of print. Recibimos muchas promesas de ayuda.
preside Estd agotado.
The prime minister presides at/over promote
meeting of the cabinet.
privacy His assistant was promoted over
In the privacy of his home. his head.
El primer ministro preside las
En la intimidad de su hogar. Su ayudante fue promocionado par
reuniones del gabinete.
He has a desire for privacy. encima suyo.
press Tiene un deseo de soledad. He was promoted to sergeant.
To press for payment. Fue promocionado a sargento.
Presionar para el cobro. She is very private about her affairs. prompt
He presses his opinions on others. Es muy reservada en sus cosas. She was very prompt in answering
Impone sus opiniones a otros. my letter.
We are pressed for time. We are priviliged to have Mr Bush as Fue rdpida en contestar mi carta.
Tenemos poco tiempo. our guest tonight. They were prompt to respond to our
Press him to do it. Tenemos el privilegio de tener al call for help.
Apremiale para que lo haga. senor Bush como invitado esta noche.. Fueron rdpidos en contestar nuestra
probe llamada de auxilio.
They exerted pressure on him. They probed into the possibilities. prone
Ejercieron presion sobre el. Tantearon las posibilidades. Prone to infection.
proceed Fdcil de infectarse.
We prevailed over/against the enemy. Please proceed with your report. pronounce
Triunfamos sobre el enemigo. Por favor, proceda con su informe. The judge pronounced against her
We prevailed on/upon them. The evils that proceed from war. appeal.
Los males que vienen de la guerra. El juez denego su apelacion.
Les persuadimos.
They proceeded against him. The minister will pronounce on the
prevent Tomaron accion legal contra el. proposed legislation.
They prevented the disease from El ministro se pronunciard sobre la
spreading. legislacion propuesta.
They started proceedings against him.
Impidieron que se esparciera la Entablaron un proceso contra el. pronouncement
profit There is no pronouncement on the
The noise prevented him from state of the president.
working. I have profited from your advice.
Me he benefciado de tus consejos. No hay cambio en el estado del
El ruido le impedia trabajar. presidente.
He hasn't profited by his
prey experiences. proof
Doubts preyed on him. No se ha benefciado de sus Let's put his theory to the proof/test.
Las dudas le reconcomian. experiencias. Pongamos su teoria a prueba.
price prohibit propel
It was priced at £10. The law prohibits tobacconists from A boat propelled by oars.
Tenia un precio de 10 libras. selling cigarettes to children. Un bate de remos.
La ley prohibe a los estancos vender
prick tabaco a los ninos.
They pricked it with a pin. The propitiation of the gods.
Lo pincharon con un alfiler. prohibition El aplacamiento de los dioses.
There is a prohibiton of the sale of In propitiation for their sins.
The dog pricked up his ears.
firearms. En propiciacion de sus pecados.
El perro aguzo el oido.
Hay una prohibicion de venta de
pride armas de fuego. proportional
He takes no pride in his work. The payment is proportional to the
project amount of work.
No se enorgullece de su trabajo.
To project a slide on the screen. El pago es proporcional al trabajo
She prides herself on her garden. Proyectar una diapositiva en la
Se enorgullece de su jardin. hecho.
Part Two

proposal provision The dentist pulled out a tooth.

A proposal for uniting the two There is a provision against a possible El dentista le saco una muela.
companies. disaster. The car pulled over to the right.
Una propuesta para unir las dos Hay una provision contra un posible El cache se echo a la derecha.
companias. desastre. He pulled us through.
propose provocation Nos saco de apuros.
They proposed him for membership of He loses his temper at/on the slightest He pulled up the blind.
the society. provocation. Levanto la persiana.
Le propusieron ser socio de la Pierde el genio ante la mas ligera pump
sociedad. provocation. They pumped the secretary for
I'd like to propose a toast to the bride. information.
Quisiera brindar por la novia. Sonsacaron information de la
His behaviour provoked her into
He didn't know whether to propose leaving him. secretaria.
to her or not. Su comportamiento ocasiono que ella They pumped the name of the boss
No sabia si proponerse a ella o no. le dejara. out of him.
prostrated Le consiguieron sacar el nombre
prowl del jefe.
She was prostrated with grief. I could hear him prowling around/
Estaba postrada de pena. about in his room. purge
protect Podia oirle andando por su Traitors were purged from the ranks.
You need warm clothing to protect habitation. Hicieron una purga de traidores en
you against cold. There was a fox on the prowl. las filas.
Necesitas ropa abrigada para Habia un zorro al acecho. punish
protegerte del frio. She punished the children by making
This medal will protect you from evil. them pay for the damages.
These stems should be pruned off/
Esta tnedalla te protegerd del mal. Castigo a los ninos haciendoles pagar
from the bush.
protection Estos tallos deberian cortarse del los danos.
He appealed for protection from the arbusto. She punished them for breaking
police. the vase.
Pidio protection de la policia. pry Les castigo por romper el jarron.
I don't want them prying into my
They provide protection against the affairs. punishment
sun's rays. No les quiero husmeando en mis This is your punishment for your
Proporcionan protection contra los asuntos. behaviour.
rayos del sol. Este es el castigo por vuestro
puff comportamiento.
protest He puffed at/on his pipe.
People protest against that law. Tiro de su pipa. purpose
La gente protesta contra esa ley. The train puffed out of the station. He did it on purpose.
protrude El tren solid de la estacion arrojando Lo hizo a proposito.
There was a rock protruding from humo. push
the cliff. The train puffed up the hill. She pushed her way through the
Habia una roca que sobresalia del El tren subio la colina echando una crowd.
acantilado. humareda. Se abrio camino entre la muchedumbre.
proud pulsate push
I'm very proud of you. They pulsate with excitement. He pushed hard against/on the door.
Estoy muy orgulloso de ti. Vibran de excitation. Empujo fuerte contra la puerta.
provide pull He pushed them for payment.
They provided us with hope and They all pulled at the rope at the Les presiono para que pagaran.
weapons. same time. Stop pushing about/around.
Nos proporcionaron armas y Todos tiraron de la cuerda al mismo Deja de mandonear.
esperanza. tiempo.
They pushed in.
He pulled down the blind. Entraron a empujones. / Se colaron.
provide Bajo las persianas.
They provided against a failure of the The boat pushed off.
The train pulled in. El bate desatraco.
power system.
El tren entro en la estacion.
Se habian prevenido contra un folio The enemy pushed on to the village.
He pulled off his coat.
en el sistema de suministro electrico. El enemigo avanzo hasta el pueblo.
Se quito el abrigo.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

They pushed him out of the room. quarrel raid

Le sacaron a empujones de la She quarrelled with him about They made a bombing raid on enemy
habitacion. something silly. bases.
They pushed a car over. Ella rino con el par una tonteria. Hicieron una incursion aerea sobre
Volcaron un cache. I had a quarrel with him. las bases enemigas.
Rent con el.
They pushed it through the window. rail
We had a quarrel about the
Lo empujaron par la ventana. They railed at/against him for his
They pushed up the prices. laziness.
Tuvimos una rina acerca de los
Subieron los precios. Le echaron en cara su pereza.
trabajos domesticos.
put query raise
Put away your clothes. The minister was queried about his They raised their voices against it.
Guarda tu ropa. plans. Levantaron sus voces en contra.
They put some money by. Le preguntaron al ministro acerca de rally
Ahorran algun dinero. sus planes. They all rallied round their leader.
Put your pens down. quick Todos se apinaron alrededor de su
Dejar las plumas sobre la mesa. He's very quick at figures. jefe.
Es muy rdpido con los numeros. ram
He put forth a proposal.
Hizo una propuesta. quiet The car rammed into the lorry.
He put forward an idea. Keep quiet about it. El cache arremetio contra el camion.
Expuso una idea. Guarda silencio sobre ello.
He put in a claim. quote The old man rambled on about the
Puso una demanda. He quoted a passage from a play. past.
Cito un pdrrafo de una obra teatral. El anciano no paraba de hablar sobre
He put off a payment.
Aplazo un pago. tiempos pasados.
He put on the light. random
Encendio la luz. r The soldiers fired at the enemy at
They put out the fire. race random.
Apagaron el fuego. This is a race against time. Los soldados dispararon contra el
Esto es una carrera contra el reloj. enemigo a discrecion.
Put me through to this number.
Pongame con este numero. Run a race with Peter. range
Haz una correra con Pedro. He ranged himself with the
He put his hand up.
There was a race between the two opposition.
Levanto la mano.
horses. Se paso a la oposicion.
I don't know how she puts up with Hubo una carrera entre los dos
him. Their ages range from 10 to 90.
No se como le aguanta. Sus edades varian entre los 10 y
radiant los 90 anos.
puzzle She was radiant with joy.
I have been puzzling over his letter for Estaba radiante de alegria. rank
A field rank with nettles.
days. radiate Un campo lleno de ortigas.
Llevo dias dando vueltas a su The warmth radiated from the stove.
carta. El color que proporcionaba la estufa. rap
He got a rap over the knuckles from
rag the teacher for not doing the
They are always ragging the teacher
q about his accent.
El profesor le golped en los nudillos
quail Siempre se estdn riendo del profesor
por no hacer el trabajo de casa.
par su acento.
She quailed at the prospect of There was a rap on/at the door.
speaking in public. rage Se oyo una llamada en la puerta.
Se acobardo ante la idea de hablar They raged against me for
He took the rap for something he
en publico. disagreeing.
hadn't done.
Estaban furiosos contra mi por no
qualify Se llevo la bronca por algo que no
estar de acuerdo con ellos.
They qualified for the semifinal. habia hecho.
I raged for hours at the decision.
Se han clasificado para las Estuve rabioso durante horas por la I don't give a rap about it.
semifinales. decision. Me importa un comino.

Part Two

rapt I see no reason for doing it. recline

He was rapt in contemplation. No veo la razon para hacerlo. He was reclining on a pillow.
Estaba absorto en la contempla- They brought him to reason. Estaba recostado sobre una
cidn. Le hicieron entrar en razon. almohada.
rate They tried to reason with him. He was reclining in a deck chair.
Trataron de hacerle entrar en Estaba reclinado en una tumbona.
The house is rated at £500,000.
razon. He reclined his head against/on the
La casa esta valorada en 500.000
libras. reassure back of the seat.
The police reassured her about her Apoyo la cabeza contra el respaldo
rattle child's safety. del asiento.
He rattled on about his job. La policia le tranquilizo sobre la
Continue parloteando sobre su recognize
seguridad de su hijo. I recognized him by his big nose.
rebel Le reconoci por su enorme nariz.
rave They rebelled against the government.
She raves about French cooking. recoil
Se rebelaron contra el gobierno.
Habla maravillas de la comida She recoiled from the criminal in
francesa. recall terror.
The ambassador was recalled from Retrocedio ante el criminal,
reach his post. aterrorizada.
He reached for his gun. El embajador fue llamado para He recoiled at the sight of the body.
Fue a por su revolver. consultas. Retrocedio a la vista del cuerpo.
Reach the atlas down from the recede
bookshelf. recommend
The tide receded from the coast. She was recommended for the post.
Alcdnzame el atlas de la estanteria. La marea bajo. Estaba recomendada para el
Reach me over my slippers. The coast receded into the distance. puesto.
Alcdnzame las zapatillas. La costa retrocedio en la distancia.
The hotel is within easy reach of the recompense
beach. receive That's the recompense for your
El hotel esta cerca de la playa. I received a letter from my uncle. services.
Recibi una carta de mi tio. Esa es la recompensa por tus
read He was received into the Church. servicios.
I read about the accident in the paper. Fue recibido en la Iglesia.
Lei sobre el accidente en el periodico. He was received by the Prime
Minister. He refused to be reconciled with his
read brother.
I read about/of her in the paper. Fue recibido por el Primer Ministro.
Se nego a reconciliarse con su
He leido sobre ella en el periodico. I'm afraid we are at/on the receiving hermano.
He's reading for the bar at Cambridge. end of the stick.
Estd estudiando derecho en Me temo que nosotros somos los que records
Cambridge. recibimos los palos. We keep records of deaths and births.
To read between the lines. His suggestion was received with Guardamos anotaciones de las
Leer entre lineas. disdain. muertes y nacimientos.
Su sugerencia fue recibida con desden This school has a good record for
Read to yourself.
Lee para ti. receipt examination passes.
Ask for a receipt for your expenses. Este colegio tiene un buen historial de
ready Pide un recibo de los gastos. aprobados de exdmenes.
I'm ready for work. Off the record.
Estoy listo para el trabajo. On receipt of the news.
Al recibir la noticia. Extra oficialmente.
We are ready for action. This year was the wettest on record.
Estamos listos para la accion. recipe Este ano ha sido el mas lluvioso de
We are ready to do it. What's your recipe for success? los que se llevan registrados.
Estamos listos para hacerlo. tCudl es tu receta para el exito?
We'll record it on tape.
We'll make it ready for the Queen's recite Lo grabaremos en una cinta.
visit. Recite to an audience a poem from It was recorded from the radio.
Lo tendremos listo para la visita de la Shakespeare. Se grabo de la radio.
Reina. Recitar a una audiencia un poema de
Shakespeare. recover
reason Two bodies were recovered from the
I can't reason with my wife. reclaim wreck.
No puedo razonar con mi esposa. They reclaimed an area from the sea. Se recuperaron dos cuerpos del
Recuperaron un area del mar. vehiculo accidentado.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

recovery refuge He broke off all relations with his

The recovery of the jewels. They took refuge from the storm in family.
La recuperation de las joyas. the cellar. Rompio toda relation con su familia.
A recovery from illness. Se refugiaron de la tormenta en la
Recuperation de una enfermedad. bodega. relative
Supply is relative to demand.
recruit regale El suministro es proportional a la
To recruit new members to the club. He regaled us with an account of his demanda.
Reclutar nuevos socios para el club. feats.
They recruited people from the Nos entretuvo con un relato de sus relay
unemployed. hazanas. The concert was relayed to the country
Reclutaron a gente del paro. We regaled ourselves on caviar and from the Royal Albert Hall.
champagne. El concierto fue emitido desde el
recuperate Nos dimos el gustazo de tomar caviar Royal Albert Hall a todo el pais.
He's recuperating from his operation. y cava.
Estd recuperdndose de la operation. release
regard He released himself from her arms.
redeem We regarded him with suspicion.
They redeemed the hostages from Se solid de sus brazos.
Le mirdbamos con suspicacia.
captivity. These developments have been released
We have little information as regards to the media.
Rescataron a los rehenes.
his past.
Estos acontecimientos se han dado a
redound Tenemos poca information sobre su
Your practical jokes will redound on conocer a la prensa.
you one day. You drive without regard to/for speed relevant
Tus bromas pesadas se volverdn limits. Supply the facts relevant to the case.
contra ti un dia. Conduces sin importarte los limites de Informa sobre los hechos relevan-
reduce velocidad. tes al caso.
Reduce your weight from 100 kilos to register reliance
90. To register at a hotel. Their reliance on foreign aid.
Reduce tu peso de 100 kilos a 90. Registrarse en un hotel. Su dependencia de la ayuda extranjera.
reek You must register with the police.
The room reeked of cheap perfume. Debes presentarte a la policia.
La habitation apestaba a perfume She sighed with relief.
barato. reign Suspiro aliviada.
He reigned over the country. He sighed for home.
refer Reinaba en el pais. Anoraba el hogar.
Refer your patient to a specialist.
Envia a tu paciente a un especialista. reimburse They are working for the relief of the
The reader is referred to page 23. They reimburse the customer for suffering.
Al lector se le remite a la pdgina 23. any loss. Estan trabajando para aliviar el
I'm referring to the article in the paper. Reembolsan al cliente cualquier sufrimiento.
Me refiero al articulo en el periddico. perdida. This drug gives relief from pain.
rejoice Esta droga alivia el dolor.
Trees reflected in the lake. They rejoiced over/at the victory. relieve
Los drboles se reflejaban en el lago. Se alegraron de la victoria. He was relieved of command.
I reflected on past events. relate Fue destituido del mando.
Reflexione sobre acontecimientos The report relates high wages to costs. rely
pasados. El informe relaciona los sueldos altos We rely on your help.
reflexion con los costes. Confiamos en tu ayuda.
The reflexions on his character. relation You can rely on/upon me to keep the
Las reflexiones sobre su cardcter. The cost of the project has no relation secret.
refrain to the results. Puedes confiar en mi para guardar el
Refrain from comment. El coste del proyecto no tiene secreto.
Abstente de ningun comentario. relation con los resultados.
refresh The relation between the rainfall and She passed some remark about my
Refresh my memory about that. the crops. appearance.
Refrescame la memoria sobre eso. La relation entre la lluvia y las Hizo algun comentario sobre mi
cosechas. aspecto.

Part Two

remedy This house rents at/for £4,000 a year. repose

This is a good remedy for flu. Esta casa se alquila por 4.000 She reposed her head on a cushion.
Es un buen remedio para la gripe. libras al ano. Apoyo la cabeza en un cojin.
remember repay reproach
Remember me to your mother. How can I repay for your kindness? She reproached him for having
Da recuerdos a tu madre. £ Como puedo pagarle por su bondad? forgotten her birthday.
The firm repaid him with a bonus. Le echo en cara el haberse olvidado
La empresa le dio con una prima. de su cumpleanos.
She reminds me of her sister.
Me recuerda a su hermana. repeat They reproach the government with
Don't repeat what I said to anyone. neglect.
That song reminds me of my country.
No repitas a nadie lo que he dicho. Reprochan al gobierno de
Esa cancion me recuerda ml pais.
Do you find that garlic repeats on negligencia.
reminisce you? That's a reproach to our society.
He reminisces about his experiences. Es un reproche a nuestra sociedad.
iNo encuentras que el ajo te repite?
Recuerda con agrado sus experiencias.
repent reprove
remonstrate Repent of your sins. The priest reproved him for not
I remonstrated with him about that. Arrepientete de tus pecados. coming to church.
Me queje a el acerca de eso. El cura le reprocho por no ir a la
Marry in haste, repent at leisure.
remorse Cdsate de prisa, arrepientete a tu iglesia.
She was filled with remorse for aire. request
having abandoned him. She made requests for help.
Sentia remordimientos por haberle His repentance for wrongdoing. Pidio ayuda.
abandonado. Su arrepentimiento por hacer el mal. I came at your request.
remote replace Vine por peticion tuya.
It is very remote from anywhere. Replace the broken window with a All I request from/of you is
Estd lejos de cualquier sitio. new one. punctuality.
remove Reemplaza la ventana rota por una lo que pido de ti es puntualidad.
He was removed from his position. nueva. require
Fue destituido. replenish They are required to sign.
render Replenish your glass with wine. Se les pide que firmen.
He rendered good for evil. Vuelve a llenar tu vaso de vino. That's what is required of you.
Devolvio el Men por el mal. They replenished their stocks of Eso es lo que se requiere de ti.
How do you render this sentence into timber. requisite
English? Repusieron sus existencias de madera. We supply every requisite for travel.
<; Como se traduce esta frase al reply Suministramos todos los requisitos
ingles? He didn't reply to my question. para viajar.
rendez-vous No respondio a mi pregunta.
He had a rendez-vous with the enemy. He replied with a nod. Make a requisition at headquarters for
Tenian una cita con el enemigo. Replico con un movimiento afirmativo supplies.
de cabeza. Haz una demanda de provisiones al
He renounced Islam for Christianity. report cuartel general.
He reported the accident to the police.
Renuncio al islam en favor del requite
cristianismo. Informo del accidente a la policia.
The President requited his services
He reported on recent developments. with a medal.
renowned Informo de acontecimientos
He is renowned for his acting. El Presidente reconocio sus servicios
recientes. con una medalla.
Es famoso par sus actuaciones.
He reported to his officer. She requited him for the injury he had
He is renowned as an actor. Informo a su oficial.
Es famoso como actor. done to her.
He reported for duty. Se vengo de lo que le habia hecho.
rent Se presento para su guardia.
He rented a flat from an agency. He reported back from leave. rescue
Alquilo un piso a troves de una Se presento de vuelta de su They rescued him from drowning.
agenda. permiso. Le salvaron de morir ahogado.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

research They resolved the problem into its He is only responsible to the
Research into the causes of cancer. basic elements. President.
Investigation en las causas del cancer. Redujeron el problema a sus Solo es responsable ante el
Research on cancer. elementos bdsicos. Presidente.
Investigation sobre el cancer. resort rest
resemblance We'll have to resort to action. We are resting from our efforts.
There's a resemblance between the Tendremos que recurrir a la action. Estamos recuperdndonos de nuestros
two girls. esfuerzos.
Hay un parecido entre las dos The bells resounded through the Her elbows were resting on the table.
chicas. valley. Sus codos se apoyaban en la mesa.
Las campanas resonaron par todo el The choice rests entirely with you.
resentment La election depende enteramente de ti.
I don't feel any resentment towards valle.
him. The hall resounded with applause. Take a rest from work.
No le guardo ningun rencor. La sala vibro con los aplausos. Descansa un poco del trabajo.

reserve His name resounded throughout restful

America. It's very restful to the eye.
They reserved the table for us.
Su nombre se hizo famoso por todo Es un descanso para la vista.
Nos reservaron la mesa.
America. restock
He reserved his strength for the
final sprint. respect They restocked the lake with trout.
Reserve sus energias para el Children should show respect for their Repoblaron el logo de truchas.
sprint final. teachers. restrain
Reserve your strength for the climb. Los ninos deberian mostrar respeto a The police restrained the crowd from
Reserva tus fuerzas para la escalada. sus profesores. rushing onto the field.
This is true with respect to the La policia impidio que la
reside English. muchedumbre se echara al campo.
He resides at 15 Oak Street. Esto es verdad con respecto a los
Vive en la Calle del Roble 15. The restraint on the family budget.
ingleses. La restriction en el presupuesto
He resides in college. I respect you for your honesty. familiar.
Vive en el Colegio. Te respeto por tu honradez.
Supreme authority resides in the restrict
President. respectful Speed is restricted to 80 kph.
I feel respectful to/towards him. La velocidad estd limitada a 80 kph.
La autoridad suprema reside en el
Me siento respetuoso con el.
Presidente. restriction
He stood at a respectful distance. There are restrictions on the sums
resign Se mantuvo a una distancia
He resigned from his post. allowed for foreign travel.
respetuosa. Hay restricciones en las sumas que se
Dimitio de su puesto.
The minister resigned from office.
respite permiten sacar del paso.
He had no respite from pain. result
El ministro dimitio.
No tuvo un momenta de respiro del Their efforts resulted in success.
They didn't resign themselves to dolor.
defeat. Sus esfuerzos se vieron coronados por
No se resignaron a la derrota. respond el exito.
The dog responded with a growl. Injuries resulting from a fall.
resignation El perro respondio con un grunido. Las heridas resultantes de una caida.
He is considering resignation from the His limp is the result of a car accident.
He responded by growling.
board. Respondio grunendo. Su cojera es el resultado de un
Estd pensando en la junta. accidente de cache.
The car didn't respond to the controls.
resistance El coche no respondio a los controles. retail
They offered no resistance to the These pencils retail at/for 60p.
police. responsibility
To disclaim responsibility for Estos Iapices se venden al publico por
No ofrecieron resistencia a la policia. 60 peniques.
resolve No responsabilizarse por los danos. retaliate
They resolved against / on / upon They might retaliate against us.
making an early start.
They were responsible for the Podrian volverse contra nosotros.
Se decidieron en contra/a favor de She retaliated by kicking him.
salir temprano. Ella se vengo ddndole una patada.
Eran responsables de la confusion.

Part Two

retaliation revenge The revolution of the earth on its axis

There was immediate retaliation They took revenge on their round the sun.
against the miners. kidnappers. La revolution de la Tierra sobre su
Hubo una retaliation inmediata Se vengaron de sus secuestradores. eje alrededor del sol.
contra los mineros. They killed the detectives in revenge revolve
In retaliation for recent arrests. for their arrest. The earth revolves round the sun
En venganza de arrestos recientes. Mataron a los detectives en venganza on its axis.
reticent por su arresto. La tierra se mueve alrededor del sol
He is very reticent about his plans. sobre sus ejes.
Es muy reservado con sus planes. The bullets reverberated in the tunnel. A wheel revolves on its axis.
He was reticent on the subject of his Las balas resonaron en el tunel. Una rueda da vueltas sobre su eje.
past. The room reverberated with the sound revulsion
Era muy reservado sobre su pasado. of the shots. He had a sense of revulsion at/
La habitation retumbaba con el against/from the bloodshed.
sonido de los disparos. Estaba en contra del derramamiento
He retired from his job.
de sangre.
Se retiro de su trabajo. revere
He retired on a pension. The scientist was revered for his
Se retiro con una pension. They rewarded him for helping.
immense learning.
Le recompensaron por su ayuda.
He retired from work. El cientifico era muy respetado por
Se retiro de su trabajo. She rewarded him with a smile.
sus profundos conocimientos.
Ella le premio con una sonrisa.
He retired to his study.
reverence rewrite
Se retiro a su despacho.
She felt great reverence for him.
Rewrite the script for the TV.
retreat Ella sentia una profunda reverencia Vuelve a escribir el guion para la
He made a retreat from his earlier por el. television.
Se retiro de su position anterior.
reverse ricochet
Put these letters into reverse order. The ricochet of bullets off the rocks.
retribution Pon estas letras al reves. El rebotar de las balas en las rocas.
He was jailed in retribution for his Count down in reverse order.
crimes. rid
Cuenta hacia atras. She got rid of him.
Le metieron en la cdrcel par sus
revert Ella se deshizo de el.
These fields have reverted to riddance
retrieve moorland. He's gone at last, good riddance to
He retrieved his cases from the left Estos prados se han vuelto a convertir him!
luggage office.
en paramos. jSe ha ido, en buena hora!
Retiro sus maletas de consigna.
revision riddled
return I need to do some revision for the The car was riddled with bullet holes.
Return the parcel to the sender. El cache estaba lleno de agujeros
Envia el paquete al remitente. de bala.
Necesito repasar para el examen.
He returned to London from Paris.
Regreso a Londres de Paris. revolt ride
The people revolted against the They took me for a ride.
The returns on the capital are Me dieron gato por liebre.
disappointing. dictator.
El pueblo se rebelo contra el dictador. The children were riding on donkeys.
Los beneficios sobre el capital son Los ninos montaban en burros.
descorazonadores. Human nature revolts at/against such
He was riding in the back of the car.
Please reply by return of post. injustice.
Iba en la parte de atras del cache.
Contesten a vuelta de correo por La naturaleza humana se rebela
The ship was riding at anchor.
favor. contra tamana injusticia.
El buque estaba fondeado.
revel revolution rig
They are revelling in their new found There is a revolution in the treatment
The sergeant will rig you out with
freedom. of cancer. everything you need..
Celebran su recien conseguida Hay una revolution en el tratamiento El sargento te equipara con todo lo
libertad. del cancer. que necesites.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

She was rigged out in her best He rose from the ranks to become an It rolled into a ball.
clothes. officer. Se hizo un ovillo.
Estaba vestida con sus mejores ropas. Ascendio desde soldado raso a oficial. It rolled away.
Rig up some scaffolding for the risk Se alejo rodando.
workmen. Is there any risk of contamination? He is rolling in money.
Instalad andamios para los i,Hay algun peligro de contaminacion?
trabajadores. Estd forrado.
He put his life at risk. People were rolling in the aisles.
right Arriesgo su vida.
La gente se desternillaba de risa.
You're right about that. He saved the child at considerable risk
Tienes razon acerca de eso. He rolled up his sleeves.
to himself.
On the right.
Se arremango.
Salvo al nino con un riesgo considera-
A la derecha. ble de su vida. roof
ring rival They roofed over the yard with sheets
They were ringed by enemies. He's a new rival for the title. of plastic.
Estaban rodeados de enemigos. Es un nuevo rival para el titulo. Cubrieron el patio con planchas de
Ring the correct answer with your We are rivals in love. pldstico.
pencil. Somos rivales en el amor. There's a plan to roof in the stadium.
Haz un circulo a Idpiz en la respuesta Hay un plan para cubrir el estadio.
correcta. The hut was roofed with strips of
The speaker roamed over the events of
Ring back. the week. bark.
Vuelve a llamar por telefono. El ponente hablo sobre los aconteci- La choza tenia un tejado hecho con
He rang off. mientos de la semana. trozos de corteza.
Colgo el telefono.
roar room
A shot rang out.
They roared in the cages. There is no room for you in the car.
Sono un disparo.
Rugian en sus jaulas. No hay sitio para ti en el coche.
He rang me up.
They roared with laughter. Can you make room on that shelf?
Me llama par telefono.
Se desternillaban de risa.
^Puedes hacer sitio en esa estanteria?
rinse The cars roared past us.
Rinse your hair with water. There isn't room to swing a cat in
Los coches pasaban rugiendo.
Acldrate el pelo con agua. here.
She rinsed the shampoo out of her
rob No hay sitio para nada aqui.
He was robbed of his wallet.
hair. root
Le robaron la cartera.
Se aclaro el shampu del pelo. We'll all be rooting for you.
Those hooligans robbed me of my
rip sleep. Todos te estaremos animando.
He ripped her photo up. Esos gamberros me han robado el What are you doing rooting around/
Rompio su foto en pedazos. sueno. about in my office?
They try to rip the tourists off. They robbed money from the bank. iQue estais husmeando en mi oficina?
Tratan de timar a los turistas. Robaron dinero del banco.
He ripped off the cover of the book.
I was robbed of my chequebook.
All my friends have been roped in
Rasgo la tapa del libro. Me robaron mi talonario.
to help.
ripe Those cats are robbing me of my
A todos mis amigos les han cogido
This land is ripe for development. sleep.
para ayudar.
Esta tierra esta lista para su Esos gatos me estdn robando el
sueno. They roped off the scene of the crime.
Acordonaron la escena del crimen.
rise rock
The cost of living continues to rise. Our boat was rocked from side to side round
El coste de la vida continua subiendo. by/on the waves. He rounded off the sentence.
The river has risen by ten feet. Nuestro bote se veia balanceado par Redondeo la frase.
las olas. He was amazed when she rounded on
El rio ha subido 10 pies.
There's smoke rising from the roll him and called him a liar.
chimney. It rolled down the hill. Se quedo atonito cuando ella se volvio
Sale humo de la chimenea. rodo cuesta abajo. hacia el y le llamo mentiroso.
They rose up against the invaders. It rolled along the pavement. The guide rounded up the tourists.
Se rebelaron contra los invasores. rodo por la acera. El guia reunio a los turistas.

Part Two

rouse run rust

He roused slowly from a deep They were running about. The hinges have rusted away.
sleep. Corrian por todas partes. Las bisagras se han oxidado.
Se desperto lentamente de un sueno The boy ran across the street.
pro/undo. El chico atraveso la calle
We got into a rut.
He was roused to anger by their corriendo,
Caimos en la rutina.
insults. The dog ran after him.
El perro le persiguio. It's time to get out of the rut.
Se enfado mucho con sus insultos. Ya es hora de salirse de la
The car ran against/into the tree.
rout rutina.
El cache se estrello contra el
His party was routed in the election. drbol. The lane was rutted with tyre
Su partido perdio en las elecciones. tracks.
He was running along shouting.
They were routed out of their beds El camino estaba marcado con
Corria, gritando.
las huellas de los neumdticos.
at 3 am. The dog ran at him.
Les echaron de la cama a las tres de El perro se abalanzo sobre el.
la manana. He ran away from jail.
row Se escape de la carcel.
He had a row with his boss over He ran back. sacrifice
money. Volvio corriendo. They sacrified a lamb to the gods.
Tuvo una discusion con su patron He ran by. Sacrificaron un cordero a los dioses.
sobre el dinero. Paso corriendo.
The police ran him down. Tom is sad about his dog's death.
row La policia le encontro. Tom esta triste por la muerte de su
They rowed the boat across the He ran for Parliament. perro.
river. Presento su candidatura para el I was very sad at the news of his
Remaron con el bate y cruzaron parlamento. death.
el rio. He ran in. La noticia de su muerte me
He rows for Oxford. Entro corriendo. entristecio.
Rema con el equipo de Oxford. He ran off the subject. sadden
rub Se solio del tema. He saddened at the memory of her
He rubbed the glass with a cloth. The car ran on petrol. death.
Froto el cristal con un pano. El cache tenia motor de gasolina. Se entristecio con el reuerdo de su
My patience is running out. muerte (de ella).
He rubbed the lotion on to his skin.
Froto la locion en la piel. Se me estd agotando la paciencia. safe
The car ran over the dog. It's quite safe for you.
He rubbed his hand across his
El coche atropello al perro. Es muy seguro para ti.
Se paso la mano por la /rente. He ran through the document. We're safe from danger.
Echo un vistazo al documento. Estamos a salvo del peligro.
The wheel is rubbing against/on the
He ran up the stairs. You'll be safe from attackers.
Corrio escaleras arriba. Estards a salvo de los atacantes.
La rueda roza en el guardabarros.
She ran to/towards him. To be on the safe side.
We are rubbing along. Corrio hacia el. Para estar completamente seguros.
Nos llevamos bien.
rush safeguard
Rub the cream in on my back.
I don't want to rush into a decision. The fence safeguards us against
Frotame bien la crema en la espalda. intruders.
No quiero precipitarme a tomar una
Rub the mud off your trousers. decision. La valla nos protege de
Quitate el barro de los pantalones. She was rushing about like a merodeadores.
Rub it out. madwoman. safety
Borralo con la goma. Corria de un lado para otro como There's safety in numbers.
Don't rub salt into the wound. loca. Hay seguridad siendo numerosos.
No eches sal a la herida. They rushed it into print.
Lo mandaron a imprenta We set sail from England to/for New
rule rdpidamente.
He once ruled over an empire. York.
There's a rush on umbrellas. Zarpamos de Inglaterra hacia
Una vez goberno un imperio. Hay una gran demanda de paraguas. NuevaYork.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

He sailed through the examination. saturate scatter

Aprobo sus exdmenes. They lay on the beach saturated in They scattered the lawn with grass
sunshine. seed.
sake Estaban tumbados en la playa Esparcieron semilla de hierba por el
Do it for the sake of your family. saturados de sol. cesped.
Hazlo por el bien de tu familla.
The market is saturated with these Who has scattered my papers all over
sale gadgets. the floor?
This picture is not for sale. El mercado esta lleno de estos iQuien ha tirado mis papeles al suelo?
Este cuadro no esta en venta. chismes. Thieves scattered everything about the
It is on sale at your local post save room.
office. He saved me from drowning. Los ladrones tiraron todo por la
Me salvo de ahogarme. habitacion.
Se vende en Correos, en tu barrio.
salvaged Save up for a new car. scavenge
Ahorrar para un cache nuevo. There is a crow scavenging for carrion.
Many things were salvaged from the
Save money with the Savings Hay un cuervo hurgando en la
wreck. carrona.
Muchas cosas se salvaron del Bank.
Ahorre dinero con la Caja de Tramps scavenge through/in dustbins
naufragio. for food.
same Save for the future. Los vagabundos hurgan en los cubos
This is the same as the one I had. Ahorre para el futuro. de basura buscando alimentos
Esta es igual que la que yo tenia. You can sometimes scavenge old
Save on time and money by shopping
pieces of furniture from antique shops.
I have lived in the same house for ten at the supermarket.
A veces se pueden rescatar viejos
years. Ahorre tiempo y dinero comprando en
muebles de las tiendas de
Llevo viviendo diez anos en la misma el supermercado. antiguedades.
casa. Jesus came into the world to save us
All the Chinese look the same to me. from our sins. scene
Jesus vino al mundo para salvarnos Political deals are often done behind
Todos los chinos son iguales para mi.
de nuestros pecados. the scenes.
We are on the same wavelength. Los tratos politicos a veces se hacen
Estamos en la misma onda. scale bajo manga.
They are tarred with the same brush. She scraped the scales from the fish. Police were soon on the scene of the
Son de la misma camada. Quito las escamas del pescado. crime.
They scaled up production to meet La policia estaba pronto en la escena
sandwich demand. del crimen.
She sandwiched herself between the Aumentaron la produccion para That set the scene for another
two fat women on the bus. satisfacer la demanda. argument.
Se introdujo entre las dos mujeres They scaled down the number of trees Eso preparo el escenario para otra
obesas en el autobus. being felled. discusion.
satire Redujeron el numero de drboles que scent
His novel is a satire on our society. habia que cortar. The police are now on the scent.
Su novela es una sdtira de nuestra scare La policia estd ahora tras la pista.
sociedad. They scared her into giving them That threw the police off the scent.
her bag. Eso despisto a la policia.
La asustaron tanto que les entrego el Her handkerchief was scented with
I didn't have any satisfaction from the
bolso. lavender.
local people.
They scared her out of telling the Su paiiuelo estaba rociado de
No obtuve ninguna satisfaccion de la lavanda.
gente local.
La asustaron tanto que no dijo nada sceptical
I have satisfaction in doing it. a la policia. I'm very sceptical about that.
Obtengo satisfaccion haciendolo. I'm scared of ghosts. Soy muy esceptico sobre eso.
satisfactory Tengo miedo de los fantasmas.
It's satisfactory to me. scathing They scooped a hole in the sand.
Es satisfactorio para mi. The report was scathing about the Hicieron un agujero en la arena.
satisfied lack of safety precautions. He scooped the coins up in his hands.
They are satisfied with the result. El informe era muy critico con la falta Cogio las monedas en sus manos.
Estan satisfechos con el resultado. de seguridad.

Part Two

scope She scraped the side of her car against You'll have to bring you house up to
There's scope for improvement. a tree. scratch if you want to sell it.
Hay espacio para mejoras. Arano el costado de su coche contra Tendreis que adecentar un poco la
Does that come within the scope of un drbol. casa si quereis venderla.
the book? I scraped the skin off my elbow.
^Entra eso dentro de lo que pretende Me arane la piel del codo. scream
el libra? She was screaming at him.
Bushes scraped against the car
windows. Ella estaba chilldndole.
He has scored with his latest book. Los arbustos aranaban las ventanillas That cat has been screaming for hours.
Ha dado en el clavo con su ultimo del coche. Ese gato lleva horas maullando.
libra. We are scraping the bottom of the His fans screamed with excitement.
They scored a goal against us. barrel. Sus fans chillaban de excitacion.
Marcaron un gol contra nosotros. Hemos tocado fondo. The wind screamed through the trees.
I know how to score off people who I'm just scraping along on what my El viento aullaba a traves de los
ask silly questions. father gives me. drboles.
Se como contestar a la gente que hace Justo voy tirando con lo que me da mi
preguntas estupidas. padre. screen
He just scraped into university. The trees screen the house from view.
My name had been scored out/
through on the blackboard. Justo consiguio entrar en la Los arboles tapan la casa de la vista.
Mi nombre habia sido tachado en la universidad. The wall screened them against the
pizarra. He just scraped through the test. wind.
Justo paso el examen. El muro les protegia del viento.
I was the scorn of my classmates. I have a scrape on my elbow. I can't screen you from the anger of
Yo era el hazmerreir de la close. Tengo un aranazo en el codo. those people.
There is a scrape along the No te puedo proteger de las iras de
paintwork. esa gente.
She scoured the grease off the floor.
Hay un aranazo en la pintura. They screen people for high blood
Restrego la grasa del suelo.
He is always getting into scrapes. pressure.
Hounds were scouring about after
the fox. Siempre se esta metiendo en lios. Miran a la gente la tension.
Los perros seguian el rastro del scratch screw
zorro. She scratched her hand on a nail. Screw the lid on tight.
We scoured through the fields for the Se arano la mano con un clavo. Enrosca bien la tapa.
sheep. She had to scratch herself from the He screwed up the courage to do it.
Buscamos las ovejas par todo el race because of flu.
campo. Reunio el coraje para hacerlo.
Tuvo que retirarse de la carrera a
causa de una gripe. She screwed the shelves onto the wall.
scout Atornillo las estanterias a la pared.
We'd better start scouting about for a That only scratches the surface of the
new secretary. problem. scrub
Mas vale que empecemos a buscar una Eso solo toca la superficie del She scrubbed the grease away.
nueva secretaria. problema. Quito la grasa frotando.
scowl She scratched about in her dog's She scrubbed the dirt off the table.
The receptionist scowled at me. fur for fleas. Limpid la mesa frotando.
La recepcionista fruncio el ceno ante Hurgo en la pelambre de su perro
mi aspecto. buscando pulgas. scuffle
He scratched the paint away from He had a scuffle with the reporters.
scramble the lock. Tuvo una forcejeo con los reporteros.
The players scrambled for possession Raspo la pintura de la cerradura.
of the ball. schedule
My name has been scratched out The sale is scheduled for tomorrow.
Los jugadores lucharon por la
of the list. Las rebajas estdn programadas para
posesion del balon.
Han borrado mi nombre de la lista.
scrap My hands were covered with
He had a scrap with his brother. scratches. scheme
Tuvo una pelea con su hermano. Tenia las manos cubiertas de There is a scheme for manufacturing
scrape aranazos. paper from old rags.
He scraped the paint from the door. We'll start from scratch. Hay un proyecto para fabricar papel
Rased la pintura de la puerta. Empezaremos de cero. de trapos viejos.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

They are scheming against the secede see

governor. Some states seceded from the Union. I'll see about it.
Estan maquinando contra el Algunos estados se separaron de la Me ocupare de ello.
gobernador. Union. I'll see to the children.
school Me ocupare de los ninos.
They are schooled in good manners. One cannot remain secluded from the We'll see hi the New Year.
Se les ensena buenos modales. world. Celebraremos el Ano Nuevo.
Una no puede aislarse del mundo. I'll see you out.
seal Te acompanare a la puerta.
Seal the parcel up with tape. second
Cierra el paquete con cinta adhesiva. We saw the film out.
He's second to none.
Vimos la pelicula hasta el final.
These packets seal the flavour in. No tiene quien le gane.
My parents saw me off at the station.
Estos paquetes mantienen dentro el He is second in command.
Mis padres fueron a despedirme a la
sabor. Estd segundo en el mando.
Police sealed off the exits of the I'll be there in a second.
I saw through his lies.
house. Estare alli en un segundo.
Me di cuenta de que me mentia
La policia sello todas las salidas
de la casa.
secret We'll see the business through.
He kept it a secret from his family. Llevaremos a cabo la empresa.
seam Lo mantuvo en secreto.
The rock was seamed with gold. seek
I'll let you in on the secret.
La roca estaba veteada de oro. It is her job to seek out potential
Te contare el secreto.
search She made no secret of her dislike Le corresponde a ella la tarea de
They searched him for weapons. for you. buscar posibles patrocinadores.
Le registraron buscando armas. No era ningun secreto que no le We are seeking shelter from the
People are always searching for gustabas. rain.
happiness. What's the secret of success? Estamos buscando refugio de la
La gente siempre busca la felicidad. tCudl es el secreto del exito? lluvia.
They searched around for hours. secure Seek permission from the manager.
Registraron los alrededores durante I don't feel secure about my future. Pide permiso al director.
horas. No me siento seguro de mi future. seem
They searched the area for prisoners. Are we secure from attack here? She seemed happy to me.
Registraron la zona buscando lEstamos aqui seguros de un ataque? A mi me parecia feliz.
prisioneros. With this policy you are secured
They searched through the drawers for against fire and theft. seep
the missing papers. Water is seeping through the roof.
Con esta poliza usted estd asegurado
Registraron los cajones buscando los El agua se filtra por el techo.
contra incendio y robo.
papeles que habian desaparecido. They secured the building from seethe
The police searched him for drugs. collapse. The streets were seething with excited
La policia le registro buscando Apuntalaron el edifico para que no se crowds.
drogas. derrumbase. Las calles rebosaban de gente
She is searching out an old school excitada.
Can the fort be secured against attack?
friend. iPuede elfuerte asegurarse contra un segregate
Esta buscando una vieja amiga. ataque? The disabled are segregated from
They are in search of a cure for the They secured backing for the project. society.
disease. Se aseguraron un buen respaldo para Los incapacitados son segregados de
Estan buscando un remedio para la el proyecto. la sociedad.
seduce select
season I won't be seduced from my duties. He was selected as the leader.
Fruit is cheaper when it is in season. No dejare que me hagan olvidar Le eligieron jefe.
La fruta estd mas barata cuando es la mis obligaciones. selective
temporada. Many teachers are being seduced into She is very selective about the people
Holiday prices are lower when they are industry. she associates with.
out of season. Muchos profesores estdn siendo Elige cuidadosamente la gente con la
Los precios de las vacaciones estdn atraidos a la industria. que se asocia.
mas bajos fuera de temporada.

Part Two

sell separable service

They don't sell to strangers. This part is separable from this His 20 years' service in the Army.
No venden a extranos. other one. Sus 20 anos de servicio en el
They are selling it at a high price. Esta parte se separa de esta otra. ejercito.
Lo venden a un precio alto. separate I get good service from this
He's selling it for £50. Some prisoners are separated from typewriter.
Lo vende po.r 50 libras. others. Obtengo un buen servicio de esta
They like the house but they are not Unas prisioneros estdn separados de mdquina de escribir.
sold on the area. otros. He went into service when he
Les gusta la casa pero no les These gadgets are separated at the was 20.
convence la zona. joint. Entro en el servicio domestico
They are sold out of Sunday papers. Estos chismes estdn separados en la cuando tenia 20 anos.
Se han quedado sin periodicos articulacion. I'm at your service.
That branch has separated from the Estoy a su servicio.
They sell like hot cakes. trunk of the tree.
Se venden como rosquillas. Can I be of service to you?
Esa rama se ha desgajado del franco. ^Puedo serle util?
send The land has been separated into small
Send him away! session
jDespidele! The court is now in session.
La tierra ha sido dividida en parcelas
I sent back the parcel. Hay un juicio en curso.
Devolvi el paquete. Water and oil always separate out. set
Send in the form. El agua y el aceite siempre se This is a new set of dining plates.
Envie el formulario. separan. Esto es una vajilla nueva.
I have sent off for the latest He's separated from his wife. I must set about my packing.
catalogue. Esta separado de su mujer. Debo ponerme a hacer las maletas.
He mandado pedir el Ultimo catdlogo. She's separated from her husband. He set the dog after him.
I sent my son round to the baker's. Esta separada de su esposo. Le echo el perro.
Monde a mi hijo a la panaderia.
separation He is trying to set you against me.
I sent for him. Esta tratando de enemistarnos.
Le he mandado llamar. The separation from his family made
him sad. The government are set against the
I sent it by post.
La separacion de su familia le idea of rising the taxes.
Lo mande por correo.
entristecla. El gobierno esta en contra de la idea
senior de subir los impuestos.
He is five years senior to me. serious
Are you serious about him? They set women apart from men.
Es 5 anos mayor que yo. Colocan a las mujeres separadas de
,; Vas en serio con el?
sense los hombres.
That will knock some sense serve He was set at liberty.
into her. He served as an officer in the
Fue puesto en libertad.
Eso le hard entrar en razon. army.
Sirvio como oficial en el ejercito. They set some money by.
I can't make sense of it. Ahorraron algun dinero.
No le veo ningun sentido. He learnt to serve at table as a
waiter. The rainy season has set in.
sensible Aprendid a servir la mesa como La epoca de las lluvias ha
Are you sensible of the dangers camarero. empezado.
of this position? The caravan set off.
This town is well served with public
i Te das cuenta de los peligros La caravana se puso en camino.
de esta posicion?
Esta ciudad esta bien provista de He set the dog on me.
sensitive transporte publico. Azuzo al perro contra mi.
This paper is sensitive to light. This room can serve as a study. He's set on publishing his book.
Este papel es sensible a la luz. Esta habitacion sirve como estudio. Esta decidido a publicar el libra.
He's very sensitive about being They served a court order on him. They all set to.
too tall. Le mandaron una orden judicial. Todos se pusieron a trabajar.
Es consciente de ser demasiado alto.
It is your turn to serve to me. He set up as a butcher.
sentimental Te toca sacar a ti. Se establecio como carnicero.
He's very sentimental about his dog. Shall I serve out the soup? They set upon the enemy.
Es muy sentimental con su perro. ^Sirvo la sopa? Se lanzaron contra el enemigo.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

settle shade An idea is taking shape in my mind.

The bird settled on the branch. It gives you shade from the sun. Una idea esta. tomando forma en mi
El pajaro se poso en la rama. Te protege del sol. mente.
Clouds have settled over the town. Put my chair in the shade. Shape the sand into a castle.
Las nubes se ciernen sobre la ciudad. Hace con la arena un Castillo.
Pan mi silla en la sombra.
I've settled things with him. That dress is shaped at the waist.
He arreglado las cosas con el. The shades of my ancestors.
Los fantasmas de mis antepasados. Ese vestido estd entallado.
It's time you settled up with your
creditors. Shade it from the sun. share
Ya va siendo hora que pagues tus Protegelo del sol. They shared the money between the
deudas. This colour shades from red into two.
She settled down in an armchair to yellow. Se repartieron el dinero entre los dos.
read a book. Este color varia del rojo al amarillo. The children shared the sweets among
Se acomodo en un sillon para leer un themselves.
libra. shadow
That's the shadow of death. Los ninos se repartieron los
I wanted £5,000 but I had to settle
Eso es la sombra de la muerte. caramelos entre ellos.
for less.
Queria 5.000 libras pero me tuve que shake Let me go shares with you in the taxi.
conformar con menos. Vamos a panes iguales en el taxi.
It shook us all up a bit.
We moved last week, but we haven't Did you share in the profits?
Nos sorprendio a todos un poco.
settled in yet. ^Tomaste pane de los beneficios?
Nos trasladamos la semana pasada I shook hands with him.
You must take your share of the
pero no nos nemos instalado todavta. Le estreche la mano.
They settled their children into new He was shaking with cold.
Debes cargar con parte de la culpa.
schools. Estaba temblando de frio.
Enviaron a sus hijos a otros colegios. I went shares with her on the taxi
He shook the dust off his clothes.
Have you settled on the wallpaper Se sacudio el polvo de la ropa.
you prefer? Pagamos a medias el taxi.
He shook his fist at me.
^Has elegido ya el papel que te gusta? shave
Me amenazo con el puno.
settlement Some women shave the hair off
I shook him by the hand.
I'm sending a cheque in settlement their legs.
Le cogi de la mano.
of my account. Algunas mujeres se depilan las
Envio un cheque para liquidar la He was shaking in his shoes at the
cuenta. thought of flying.
They reached a settlement with the Estaba temblando de miedo al shed
employers. pensar en volar. The lamp shed a soft light on my
Llegaron a un arreglo con los He shook salt from the salt desk.
patronos. cellar. La lampara arrojaba una luz suave en
mi escritorio.
sever Echo sal del salero.
Her hand was severed from her arm. She shook sand out of her shoes. sheer
Le amputaron la mano del brazo. Sacudio la arena de sus zapatos. When she saw him she sheered off in
He has severed his connection with the She shook soap powder into the tub. the opposite direction.
firm. Cuando ella le via se fue en direccion
Echo jabon en polvo en la banera.
Ha cortado sus relaciones con la contraria.
empresa. shame He always sheers away from any
severe She put me to shame.
He's very severe with his children. Me hizo avergonzarme.
Siempre evita cualquier discusion.
Es muy severo con sus hijos. Shame on you.
The judge was very severe on the Debenas estar avergonzado. shelf
thief. The book is on the shelf.
He shamed her into apologizing.
Eljuez estuvo muy severo con el El libra esta en la estanteria.
La avergonzo hasta hacerla pedir
ladron. perdon. shelter
That dress is too severe for this We'll have to shelter from the rain.
occasion. shape
Tendremos que refugiarnos
Ese vestido es demasiado severo para I must get myself into shape.
esta ocasion. de la lluvia.
Debo ponerme en forma.

Part Two

shell shiver He shouldered his way through the

He has already come out of his shell. He shivered at the thought of crowd.
Ya ha salido del cascaron. meeting her. Se abrio camino a empujones.
Temblaba ante la idea de encontrarse
shield shout
con ella.
This paint is a shield against rust. Don't shout at me!
He was shivering with cold. ;No me chilles!
Esta pintura es una protection contra
Estaba temblando de frio. I shouted to him across the room.
el oxido.
He shielded his eyes from the sun. shock Le grite desde el otro lado de la
He was shocked at the news. habitation.
Se protegio los ojos del sol.
Estaba consternado ante las noticias. She shouted her name to me.
shift Me grito su nombre.
He was shocked to hear that.
The wind has shifted from south to
Se constemo al oir eso. show
shoe Show your ticket at the entrance.
El viento ha cambiado de sur a oeste. Ensena el billete en la entrada.
Those apples are shifting about/ I wouldn't like to be in his shoes.
No quisiera estar en sus zapatos. Show it to me!
around in the boot. jEnsefiamelo!
Esas manzanas estdn moviendose en el shoot Your vest is showing through
maletero. She shot at him. your shirt.
The people shifted uneasily in their Ella le disparo. Tu camiseta se transparenta a
seats. I shot an arrow from my bow. traves de tu camisa.
La gente se removio intranquila en Dispare una flecha de mi arco. Don't show off.
sus asientos. You need more practice at shooting. No te chulees.
Don't shift the responsibility onto Necesitas mas prdtica de tiro. He always shows up in the end.
other people. He was shot down. Siempre aparece al final.
No les cargues la responsabilidad a Fue derribado. shower
los demds. He shot his way out of prison. Small stones showered down on them
Shift out of first into second. Se abrio camino de la prision a tiros. from the hills.
Cambia de primera a segunda. Una lluvia de piedras pequenas les
shop cayo desde las colinas.
Shift up when you reach 50 kph. We'll shop around a bit.
Cambia cuando alcances los They were showered with confetti.
Haremos unas compras. Les rociaron de confetti.
50 kph.
short Honours were showered upon him.
Shift down when you come to a hill.
We are getting short of water. Le llovieron los honores.
Cambia la velocidad cuando
Escasea el agua. shriek
llegues a una cuesta.
He's very short on tact. They shrieked with laughter.
As he was an orphan he had to shift
Tiene muy poco tacto. Se desternillaron de risa.
for himself.
She was rather short with him. shrink
Como era huerfano tenia que
Ha estado muy brusca con el. She shrank back from him.
arregldrselas solo.
In short. Se echo atrds alejdndose de el.
There's a shift of people from the
En pocas palabras.
country to the town. shudder
Hay un trasvase de gente del campo a shot She shuddered with fear.
la ciudad. They shot at the enemy. Temblo de miedo.
Dispararon contra el enemigo. He shuddered to think of the problems.
shine Le entro un escalofrio al pensar en
He took a shot at the goal.
He does not shine in/at los problemas.
Disparo a puerta.
No brilla en la conversation. That was a shot in the arm for the shut
economy. They shut the door on me.
He shone his torch into the cellar. Me cerraron la puerta.
Eso ha sido una inyeccion para la
Ilumino la bodega con su linterna.
economia. The factory was shut down.
ship La fdbrica se cerro.
The children were shipped off to a She shut her finger in the kitchen
He carried it on his shoulders.
boarding school. door.
Lo llevaba al hombro.
Los nifios fueron aparcados en un Se pillo un dedo en la puerta de la
Put your shoulder to it. cocina.
Arrima el hombro.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

That village is shut off from the She sifted the flour into the mixture. simmer
world. Tamizo la harina y la echo en la He simmered with anger about it.
Ese pueblo esta apartado del mezcla. Hervia de ira a causa de ello.
She sifted sugar onto the cake. sing
The trees shut out the view. Espolvoreo el azucar encima del
Los arboles no dejan ver el Sing something for me.
pastel. Cdntame algo.
Shut up! sight You are not singing in tune.
iCallate! it was his first sight of land. No estas entonando.
She was shut up in her room. Era su primer atisbo de tierra. She was singing to her child.
Estaba encerrada en su habitation. The ship came into sight out of Estaba cantando a su nino.
shy the fog.
This dog is shy of strangers. El barco salio de entre la niebla.
He sank down in despair.
Este perro rehuye a los extranos. Get out of my sight! Se hundio en la desesperacion.
She shies away from her school /Salfuera de mi vista!
Let the cream sink in on your skin.
mates. At first sight. Deja que la crema penetre en la piel.
No se mezcla con sus companeras A primera vista.
The rain sank into the ground.
de colegio. In the sight of God, we are all equal. La lluvia se filtro en el terreno.
sick Todos somos iguales a la vista de
I'm sick of waiting. Dios. sit
Estoy harto de esperar. I've been sitting around waiting for
sign you.
They were sick about losing the There's is a sign for the motorway.
match. He estado sentado esperdndote.
AM hay una serial para eager la
Estaban cabizbajos por haber perdido She sat back and relaxed.
el partido. Se sento comodamente y se relajo.
The sign of the cross. He is sitting hi an armchair.
He was sick with cholera.
La serial de la cruz. Estd sentado en un sillon.
Estaba enfermo de colera.
He has signed for our club.
I'm sick to death of that. He is sitting on a chair.
Estoy harto de eso. Ha firmado por nuestro club.
Estd sentado en una silla.
People must sign in and out when
sicken I think I'll sit out this tango.
they come into this building.
She was sickened at/by the sight of Creo que no voy a bailar este tango.
La gente debe firmar al entrar y al
the dead bodies. I sat up for you all night.
salir de este edificio.
Sentia nauseas a la vista de los Estuve esperdndote sentada toda la
caddveres. He signed on for 12 years in the army.
You look pale. Are you sickening Firmo por otros 12 anos en el
Sit down!
for something? ejercito.
Estds palida.^Te sientes mall The old woman signed the house over
to me. skate
side We're skating on thin ice.
La anciana me cedio la casa.
Soldiers were attacking on all sides. Nos movemos en aguas peligrosas.
Los soldados les atacaban por todos She signed up for a secretarial course.
los lados. Se ha matriculado en un curso de They skated over/round the difficulty.
secretariado. Sobrepasaron la dificultad.
They were walking side by side.
Caminaban juntos. signal skill
The danger came from the other They signalled to the regiment. He has great skill at driving.
side. Hicieron senales al regimiento. Tiene mucha habilidad conduciendo.
El peligro venia del otro lado. He signalled wildly with his arms. He's very skilled at doing that.
He took sides with me against our Hizo senales agitadas con los Es muy habilidoso haciendo eso.
father. brazos.
Me apoyo en contra de nuestro padre. skim
They are signalling for him to stop. The planes skimmed over the roof
sift Le estdn haciendo senales para tops.
He sifted through the piles of letters. que se pare. Los aviones pasaban rozando los
Ojeo la pila de cartas. tejados.
They sifted out the shells from the He skimmed over the list.
sand. Yours is similar to mine.
El tuyo es parecido al mio. Ojeo rdpidamente la lista.
Cribaron las conchas de la arena.
Part Two

She skimmed the cream from the slip I smashed the hammer down onto the
milk. She slipped on the ice and fell. piece of wood.
Quito la nata de la leche. Se resbalo en el hielo y se cayo. Golpee con el martillo el trozo de
She skimmed the fat off the soup. The fish slipped out of his hand. madera.
Quito la grasa de la sopa. El pez se le escurrio de la mano. Hooligans smashed the door in.
It slipped through his fingers. Los gamberros destrozaron la puerta.
slack Se le resbalo de entre los dedos.
After intensive work we are slacking smear
The mouse slipped from the cat's
off now. They had smeared oil in the
Despues de una intensa actividad machinery.
El raton se escurrio de entre las
estamos mas tranquilos ahora. Habian vertido aceite sobre la
garras del gato.
Slack off as you approach the main She slipped up on the date. maquinaria.
road. Se equivoco en lafecha. They smeared mud all over the
Baja la velocidad al acercarte a la
slop front wall.
carretera principal.
Children like slopping about/around Arrojaron barro en la pared del
slash in puddles. /rente.
He slashed at his opponents with his A los ninos les gusta chapotear en los The woman smeared cream on her
sword. charcos. face.
Dio mandobles a sus oponentes con su La mujer se unto la cara de crema.
espada. slosh
The coffee was sloshing about/ She smeared her face with cream.
We slashed our way through the
around in the flask. Se unto la cara con cream.
jungle. El cafe estaba chapoteando en el
Nos abrimos paso a machetazos par That's a smear on my honour.
termo. Es un mancha en mi honorabilidad.
la jungla.
Water was sloshing against the sides
slave of the bath tub. smell
She was slaving at the housework El agua chapoteaba contra los lados There's a smell of gas.
all day. de la banera. Hay un olor a gas.
Estuvo esclavizada con sus tareas They were sloshing whitewash on the The smells from the kitchen filled the
domesticas todo el dia. walls. hall.
I was slaving away in the garden for Estaban encalando las paredes. Los olores de la cocina llenaban el
hours. slow vestibulo.
Estuve horas trabajando en el jardin. The new secretary is slow at figures. It smells of roses.
sleep La nueva secretaria es may lenta Huele a rosas.
She sleeps around. haciendo calculos. There is a dog smelling at a lamp
Ella duerme con cualquiera. They slowed down to a crawl. post.
I sleep in at the weekend. Bajaron la velocidad a un minimo. Hay un perro olfateando una farola.
Recupero el sueno durante el fin Output has slowed up a little. Dogs can smell out drugs.
de semana. La produccion ha descendido un poco.
Los perros pueden olfatear las
I'll sleep on the problem. He's very slow in/about paying his drogas.
Dormire pensando en el problema. debts.
Le cuesta mucho pagar las deudas. smile
I slept through the thunderstorm.
He's slow to anger. She smiled at the child.
No me desperto la tormenta.
Le cuesta enfadarse. Sonrio al nino.
slice They didn't smile on my plan.
She cut a large slice off the meat.
He smarted from the savage attacks No les agrado mi plan.
Corto un trozo grande de came.
on his book. smoke
Cut a thin slice from the cake. Se sintio dolorido por las criticas a
Corta un trozo fino de pastel. It went up in smoke.
su libra.
The axe sliced through the wood. Todo se quemo.
El hacha corto la madera.
smash There is no smoke without fire.
The lorry smashed into/against the Donde hay humo hay fuego.
slide wall.
They discussed sales but slid over the El camion se estrello contra el muro. smooth
problem of production. The elephants smashed through the She smoothed down her dress.
Discutieron las ventas pero pasaron trees. Se aliso el vestido.
por alto el problema de la produc- Los elefantes se abrieron paso por He smoothed out the piece of paper.
cipn. entre los drboles. Alis6 el trozo de papel.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

Wrinkles smooth away with cream. sneer soluble

Las arrugas desaparecen con crema. He sneered at our efforts. It's soluble in water.
Se rio de nuestros esfuerzos. Es soluble en agua.
She smothered the child with kisses. sneeze sore
Cubrio al nino de besos. That money is not to be sneezed at. She is sore at you.
Ese dinero no es para despreciarlo. Estd irritada contigo.
They smuggle tobacco into the sniff I was sore about not being invited.
country. The dog sniffed at the lamppost. Me sentia mal por no haber sido
Introducen en el pais tabaco de El perro olfateo la farola. invitado.
contrabando. He got a sniff of the sea breeze. sorrow
They smuggle drugs through Aspiro la brisa marina. The sorrows of war.
customs. snip Los lamentos de la guerra.
Pasan drogas par la aduana. She snipped at a lock of my hair. There was great sorrow at his death.
They smuggle things out of the Ella me corto un mechon de pelo. Hubo una gran tristeza con su muerte.
country. She snipped the corner off the carton There was sorrow over the child's
Sacan cosas de contrabando del pais. of milk. death.
They smuggle goods across the Corto el dngulo del carton de leche. Hubo mucho dolor por la muerte del
frontier. nino.
Pasan contrabando par la frontera. sorry
They sniped at soldiers from the
snail roof tops. I'm sorry about the incident.
They advanced at a snail's pace. Disparaban contra los soldados desde Siento lo del incidente.
Avanzaban a paso de tortuga. las azoteas. Sorry to hear that.
Siento saberlo.
snake snoop
The road snakes through the I feel sorry for him.
That old man is always snooping
mountains. Lo siento por el.
around/about at night.
La carretera serpentea par las Ese viejo siempre esta merodeando. surprise
montanas. He was surprised by the fast tide.
The river snaked away into the valley. Le sorprendio la marea viva.
She snorted at the suggestion.
El rio serpenteaba por el valle. Puso mala cara ante la sugerencia. I'm not surprised about him.
No me sorprende nada de el.
snap soak
The branch suddenly snapped off. Soak it in milk. sort
La rama de repente se desgarro. Dejalo empaparse en leche. He sorted out the good apples
He snapped to attention. from the bad.
We were soaked through.
Se puso firme rdpidamente. Separaba las manzanas buenas de
Estdbamos empapados.
The fish snapped at the bait. las malas.
The paper soaks up the oil.
El pez mordio el anzuelo. They sorted through a pile of
El papel absorbe el aceite.
snarl soar Clasificaron un monton de postales.
The dog snarled at the postman. It soared into the air.
El perro gruno al cartero. Se elevo rapidamente. sortie
Her first sortie into politics was
snatch The mountains soar over the horizon.
He snatched at it. Las montanas se elevan por encima
Su primera incursion en la politica
Trato de arrebatarlo. del horizonte.
tuvo exito.
A glider soared above us.
sneak SOW
Un ala delta se deslizaba sobre
She sneaked on her best friend to They sowed the land with grass.
the teacher. Sembraron hierba.
Se chivo de su mejor amiga al soft
profesor. He is very soft on the children. spark
Es muy blando con los ninos. Sparks from the fire flew up the
He sneaked out of the house.
The teacher is very soft with his chimney.
Salio sigilosamente de la casa.
Las chispas del fuego sah'an por la
The cat sneaked off. class.
Es muy blando con su clase. chimenea.
El goto salio silenciosamente.

Part Two

You haven't got a spark of generosity. I don't want to speculate on her He sprang the bad news on me.
No tienes ni una chispa de generosi- reasons for doing that. Vertio sobre mi las malas noticias.
dad. No quiero especular sobre sus razones A breeze sprang up.
sparkle para hacer eso. Se levanto una brisa.
His eyes sparkled with excitement. They speculate in oil shares. sprinkle
Sus ojos brillaban de excitation. Especulan con acciones petroleras. They sprinkled water on the path.
She always sparkles at parties. They speculate on the stock market. Regaron el sendero.
Siempre se destaca en las fiestas. Especulan en la bolsa. They sprinkled the path with water.
That's the sparkle of sunlight on the speculation Regaron el sendero.
snow. There's speculation about the cause of spit
Eso es el reflejo del sol en la nieve. the train crash. The baby spat its food out onto the
spatter Se especula sobre la causa del choque tablecloth.
It spattered oil on my clothes. de Irenes. El bebe echo la comida sobre el
Me salpico aceite en la ropa. There's speculation in oil. mantel.
I spattered my clothes with oil. Hay especulacion en las petroleras. He spat the wine out.
Me salpique aceite en la ropa. spend Escupio el vino.
The rain spattered down on the roof. She spends all her money on clothes. The boys were spitting out of the
La lluvia salpicaba en el tejado. Se gasta todo el dinero en ropa. window.
Bullets spattered around us. She spent the night with him. Los chicos estaban escupiendo por la
Llovian las balas a nuestro alrededor. Paso la noche con el. ventana.
She spends her time in doing She spat in his face.
speak Ella le escupio en la cara.
I was speaking to her just now. favours.
Ahora mismo estaba hablando con Se pasa el tiempo hacienda favores. spite
ella. They went to the match in spite of
We were speaking about our holidays. the rain.
He is a specialist in electronics.
Fueron al partido a pesar de la
Estdbamos hablando sobre nuestras Es un especialista en electronica.
vacaciones. lluvia.
spice splash
She never spoke of her husband.
She spices her stories with humour.
Nunca hablaba de su esposo. She splashed water on/over the
Salpica sus historias con humor. floor.
She spoke at the conference for about
thirty minutes. spill Salpico agua al suelo.
Hablo en la conferencia durante unos Don't cry over spilt milk. He splashed paint onto the canvas.
30 minutos. No te lamentes por lo que no tiene Salpico pintura en el lienzo.
Are you on speaking terms with him? remedio. She splashed the floor with water.
^Te hablas con el? A lot of blood is spilt in war. Salpico agua al suelo .
I was speaking with him for ten Se derrama mucha sangre en la The story was splashed across the
minutes. guerra. front page.
Estuve hablando con el diez minutos. The ink spilt all over the desk. La historia salio en portada.
Speak for yourself. La tinta se derramo por la mesa. He splashes money about.
Habla par ti. spin Tira el dinero por ahi.
I speak from experience. He gave a spin to the ball. They splashed through the puddles.
Hablo por experiencia. Dio un efecto a la pelota. Chapotearon por los charcos.
They spoke in whispers. It went into a spin. We splashed our way across the
Hablaban en susurros. Cogio un efecto. rivulet.
Cruzamos el riachuelo salpicando.
He spoke in a loud voice. spring
Hablo en voz alta. Children like to splash about in
The sleeping cat sprang to life. the bath.
specialize El gato dormido dio un salto de A los ninos les gusta salpicar en
He specializes in electronics. repente. el baho.
Se especializa en electronica. It sprang back.
Volvid a su position normal.
speculate Those men can be split into groups.
They speculate about/upon the future. Sometimes hatred springs from fear. Esos hombres pueden ser distribuidos
Especulan sobre el futuro. A veces el odio nace del miedo. en grupos.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

They split up the money between They were spraying the crops with squash
them. pesticide. There were six people squashed up
Se repartieron el dinero. Rociaban con pesticida las cosechas. against each other in the lift.
They split their sides with laughter. Water sprayed out over the floor. Habia seis personas apretujadas en el
Se desternillaban de risa. El agua se esparcia por el suelo. ascensor.
She has just split up with her squat
boyfriend. The old Indian squatted down by the
He spread the cloth on the table.
Acaba de romper con su novio. fire.
Extendio el mantel sabre la mesa.
The group has split away/off from the El viejo aindio se sento en cuclillas
She spread the table with a cloth.
union. junto al fuego.
El grupo se ha separado del Cubrio la mesa con un mantel.
sindicato. They spread payments over three squeeze
months. She squeezed the juice out of an
The branch was split off from the
trunk. Dividian los pagos en tres meses. orange.
La rama se ha desgajado del franco. Exprimio el zumo de una naranja.
The table was spread with cakes.
La mesa estaba cubierta de pasteles. She squeezed the paste from the tube
sponge onto the toothbrush.
He sponged down the car. sprout Exprimio la pasta de dientes en el
Paso la esponja al coche. There are new buds sprouting on the cepillo .
I sponged £100 from a friend. trees.
Le sablee 100 libras a un amigo. He squeezed through the narrow gap.
Hay nuevos brotes de ramas en los Paso con dificultad por el estrecho
Try to sponge out that stain in the drboles.
carpet. hueco.
The onions are sprouting up. There were five people in the lift but
Trata de quitar esa mancha de la
alfombra con la esponja. Las cebollas estdn saliendo. she squeezed in.
He sponges off others. Hair sprouted from his chest. Habia cinco personas en el ascensor
El sablea a los demds. El pelo le salia del pecho. pero entro apretujdndose.
spot spur They had to squeeze up against each
The desk was spotted with ink. He did it on the spur of the moment. other.
El escritorio estaba salpicado de Lo hizo en un arrebato. Se tuvieron que apretujar.
tinta. She was spurred on by ambition. squint
He was spotted by the police at the Estaba espoleada por la ambicion. Take a squint at this.
airport. Echale un vistazo a esto.
Fue descublerto por la policia en el spurt
There was water spurting from a He squinted through the letter box.
broken pipe. Miro a troves del buzon de la puerta.
It's spotting with rain.
Estd chispeando. Salia agua a chorros de una tuberia squirt
rota. The waiter squirted soda water into
The volcano spurted out molten lava. my glass.
Blood spouted from/out of an
El volcdn escupia lava derretida. El camarero me echo sifon en el
La sangre salia a chorros por una vaso.
spy She squeezed the plastic container
arteria. She is spying on me.
The broken pipe spouted out water. and the sauce squirted out.
Me estd espiando.
La tuberia rota echaba agua a Estrujo el recipiente de pldstico y
He was accused of spying for the la salsa salio a chorros.
Water squirted from the tap when
sprawl Se le acuso de espiar para el
He was sprawling in an armchair. the supply was reestablished.
enemigo. El agua salio con fuerza del grifo
Estaba tumbado en un sillon.
The suburbs sprawled out into the square cuando reestablecieron el
countryside. Your theory doesn't square with the suministro.
Los suburblos se extendian hasta el facts. stack
campo. Tu teoria no cuadra con los hechos. The back garden was stacked with
I'm going to square up with the firewood.
waiter. El jar din de atras estaba lleno de
She sprayed paint on her car.
Ella rocio el cache con pintura. Voy a pagar al camarero. lena.

Part Two

How does this brand stack up against My car won't stand up to another I'll be staying in London for a few
your usual one? winter. days.
<; Como se compara esta marca con la Mi cache no aguantard otro invierno. Estare unos dias en Londres.
suya habitual? I can't stand by and let them get away I'll stay the night with my friend.
stamp with this. Pasare la noche con mi amigo.
That date was stamped on my No puedo cruzarme de brazos y dejar Stay away from my daughter.
memory. que se salgan con la suya. Alejate de mi hija.
Esa fecha se me grabo en la memoria. star I stayed behind after the party to
That's a machine for stamping out clean up.
It's written in the stars.
spare parts. Me quede despues de la fiesta para
Esta escrito en las estrellas.
Esa es una mdquina para hacer
That boy is reaching for the stars. limpiar un poco.
Ese chico apunta muy alto. Will you stay for/to dinner?
These boxes are stamped with our
,; Te quedas a cenar?
trademark. stare
Estas cajas llevan impreso nuestro She stared at me in/with amazement. The doctor told me to stay in for a few
logotipo. Se me quedo mirando asombrada. days.
We have to stamp out terrorism. El medico me dijo que no saliera en
I stared him into silence.
Tenemos que eliminar el terrorismo. unos dias.
Le hice callarse con la mirada.
stand I'll stay on after the others have gone.
He stared me in the face.
They made a stand against the enemy. Me quedare despues de que los otros
Se quedo mirdndome a la cara.
Resistieron al enemigo. se hayan ido.
He makes a stand for his principles. start I don't like my daughter staying
Se refugia en sus principios. We started from scratch. out so late.
A chair will not stand on two legs. Empezamos de cero. No me gusta que mi hija este fuera
Una silla no se mantiene sobre dos They started off on the wrong foot. de casa tan tarde.
patas. Tuvieron un mal comienzo. My mother told me to stay out of
Stand aside and let me pass. To start with, we haven't got any trouble.
Echate a un lado y dejame pasar. money. Mi madre me dijo que no me
The house stands back from the road. Para empezar, no tenemos dinero. metiera en lios.
La casa esta apartada de la
She had to start all over again. On Christmas Eve children stay up
Tuvo que empezar todo otra vez. until midnight.
The regiment was standing by.
El regimiento estaba alerta. We started out on a 10-mile walk. En Nochebuena los ninos estdn
What does IOU stand for? Partimos en una marcha de 10 millas. levantados hasta medianoche.
iQue significa IOU? He started up in business. Stay with me a little longer, I'll soon
I won't stand for your insolence. Se establecio en un negocio. finish.
No tolerare tu insolencia. Quedate conmigo un poco mas, ahora
My partner will stand in for me. These children are starving for termino.
My socio ocupard mi puesto.
affection. steal
It stands out well against/from a dark
Estos ninos estdn a falta de carino. They stole money from the bank.
Se destaca bien contra un fondo They starved them into surrender. Robaron dinero del banco.
oscuro. Les hicieron rendirse por el hambre. She stole a glance at herself in the
He stood out against all attempts to state mirror.
close down the business. He got himself into a state about his Se miro en el espejo.
Se opuso a todo intento de cerrar el exams. Robin Hood stole from the rich to
Se puso muy nervioso con los give to the poor.
Firemen are standing out for a rise.
exdmenes. Robin Hood robaba a los ricos para
Los bomberos quieren un aumento.
He is in a confused state of mind. dar a los pobres.
I hate people standing over me.
Me disgusta que la gente me mire par Esta en un estado de mente confuso. She stole into the room.
encima del hombro. stay Entro calladamente en la habitacion.
The soldiers were standing to. I'm staying at home all morning. The morning light stole through the
Los soldados estaban atentos. Me quedare en casa toda la manana. shutters.
He always stands up for his friends. I'll stay in bed. La luz de la manana entro por las
Siempre apoya a sus amigos. persianas.
Me quedare en la cama.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

steam stiffen I'm stopping for supper.

The old man has run out of steam. She stiffened with terror. Me quedo para cenar.
El pobre viejo se ha quedado sin Se quedo aterrorizada. He will stop at nothing.
fuelle. sting No se detiene ante nada.
The train steamed into/out of the She was stung for £20. He stopped dead in his tracks.
station. Tuvo que pagar 20 libras. Se paro de repente.
El tren entro en/salio de la estacion. His eyes were stinging from the I'll ask her to stop by for a chat.
steep smoke. Le dire que venga a charlar.
He steeped himself in Roman history. Sus ojos estaban irritados por el
We stopped over in Paris for two
Se empapo en la historia de Roma. humo.
They stung him into fighting. Nos quedamos en Paris un par de
step Le pincharon para que luchara.
I'll step into his shoes. dias.
Me pondre en su lugar. stir Put a stop to that!
To stir water into paint. jHaz que paren eso!
Step on the gas.
Mezclar agua con pintura.
Acelera. store
He stirred me into doing my chores.
He stepped aside. We keep a lot of food hi store.
Me animo a hacer mis trabajos.
Se hizo a un lado. Guardamos muchas provisiones.
Don't stir up trouble.
He stepped down. I can see trouble in store.
No provoques un escdndalo.
Dejo su puesto a otra persona. Veo problemas en el camino.
He's stirring in his sleep.
I want volunteers to step forward. That's a gallery stored with good
Se mueve mientras duerme.
Quiero que se ofrezcan voluntaries. pictures.
He is stirring the men to mutiny.
Thank goodness the police stepped in. Esa es una galena que tiene buenos
Estd incitando a los hombres a
Menos mal que la policia intervino. cuadros.
Step out! storm
lAnda mas rapido!
This is a storm in a teacup.
We are well stocked with books.
We'll have to step up production. Es una tormenta en un vaso de agua.
Estamos bien provistos de libros.
Tendremos que aumentar la They took the city by storm.
They began to stock up.
produccion. Arrasaron la ciudad.
Empezaron a almacenar provisiones.
He is out of step with modern times. After the argument he stormed off.
Let's stock up on fuel for the winter.
Estd desfasado. Despues de la discusion salio hecho
Almacenemos combustible para el
un obelisco.
stick invierno.
Stick around a few days. He stormed out of the room.
The book is out of stock.
Salio hecho un obelisco de la
Quedate unos dias por aqui. El libra esta agotado.
He sticks at nothing. He took stock of his situation.
To raise a storm of laughter.
No se detiene ante nada. Examino su situacion.
Provocar carcajadas.
He sticks by his friends. stoke
Es fiel a sus amigos. Stoke up the boiler with coal. story
Stick it down with glue. Llena la caldera de carbon. This is a story about ghosts.
Pegalo con cola. Esta es una historia de fantasmas.
stop This is a story for children.
Stick the stamp on the envelope. You can't stop them from going there.
Es una historia para ninos.
Pega el sello en el sobre. No se les puede impedir que vayan
His tongue was sticking out. alli. stranger
Le colgaba la lengua. You can't stop them from doing He was no stranger to her.
I'm sticking to what I said. that. No era un extrano para ella.
Me atengo a lo que he dicho. No puedes impedir que hagan eso. stress
They are sticking up posters. The cost was stopped from/out of my She is under stress.
Estdn fijando carteles. wages. Estd bajo stress.
Stick them up! Me dedujeron los costos de mi She suffers from stress.
/Arriba las manos! salario. Sufre de stress.

Part Two

The stress falls on the second syllable. The speaker has struck a chord with There was a fierce struggle between
El stress recae en la segunda silaba. the audience. the two wrestlers.
stretch El ponente estd en la misma clave que Hubo un fuerte focejeo entre los dos
There was a long stretch of road. el publico. luchadores.
Habia un largo trozo de carretera. That struck fear into my heart. stuck
We worked eight hours at a stretch. Eso me produjo miedo. She's really stuck on her new
Trabajdbamos ocho horas seguidas. He was struck down by cancer. boyfriend.
stricken Fue abatido por el cancer. Estd chiflada por su nuevo novio.
He was stricken by grief. I struck off the rotten branches He was stuck with his little sister for
Estaba afectado par una pena with an axe. the whole day.
profunda. Corte con un hacha las ramas Tuvo que cargar con su hermanita
They are stricken by poverty. podridas. todo el dia.
Estan en la miseria mas profunda. Strike my name off the list. They got stuck in the mud.
They are stricken with malaria. Quito mi nombre de la lista. Estaban atascados en el barro.
Estdn siendo atacados par la malaria. He struck on a brilliant idea. stuff
stride Tuvo una idea brillante. Stuff the pillow with feathers.
He strode over a ditch. I lost my temper and struck out Rellena la almohada con plumas.
Cruzo la zanja de una zancada. wildly. Stuff feathers into the pillow!
He was striding along the road. Perdi el control y empece a dar golpes /Mete plumas en la almohada!
Paseaba por la carretera. a diestro y siniestro.
She strode across the field. He struck out on his own.
She stumbled over a fallen chair.
Se paseo por el campo. Empezo una vida independiente.
Se tropezo con una silla caida.
He often strikes up conversations with
strike They stumbled across a drug ring.
The miners are on strike. strangers.
Se tropezaron con unos
Los mineros estdn de huelga. A menudo entabla conversaciones con
They came out on strike for higher
string subject
Her appearance was the subject for
Estdn de huelga pidiendo sueldos mas I don't want these people stringing
altos. along with us. some critical comment.
No quiero que esta gente se pegue a Su aparicionfue el bianco de algunos
She struck at me with a stick.
nosotros. comentarios criticos.
Me golpeo con un palo.
He was subjected to torture.
The plan strikes me as ridiculous. strip Fue sometido a tortura.
El plan me parece ridiculo. They are stripping the bark off/from
They are going to strike for a pay Timetables are subject to alterations.
the trees.
increase. Los horarios se pueden alterar.
Estdn descortezando los drboles.
Van a hacer huelga para pedir un They stripped him of his clothes. submerge
aumento de sueldo. Le quitaron la ropa. He was submerged by paperwork.
They voted to strike against the Estaba rodeado de un monton de
redundancies. struggle papeles.
Votaron hacer huelga en contra de la He struggled with the burglar.
He was submerged in the bath.
reduccion de la plantilla. Forcejeo con el ladron.
Estaba metido en la banera.
She's very much struck by her new She struggled with the problem.
boyfriend. Le dio vueltas al problema. submission
Estd colada por su nuevo novio. The prisoner struggled against his They starved the town into
captors. submission.
Strike at the root of evil.
El prisionero forcejed con sus apre- Hicieron someter a la ciudad por
Golpear a la raiz del mal.
hensores. el hambre.
They struck a blow for democracy.
Rompieron una lanza por la They are struggling for power. They lived in submission to the ,
democracia. Buscan el poder. invader.
We are struggling along on a tiny Vivieron sometidos al invasor.
They have struck a blow against
democracy. income. submit
Han dado un palo a la democracia. Vamos tirando con una renta We refuse to submit.
miniiscula. Nos negamos a someternos.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

We submitted plans to the council for suffer supplement

approval. She suffers from an incurable This is a supplement to the
Enviamos planes al ayuntamiento illness. dictionary.
para su aprobacion. Sufre una enfermedad incurable. Esto es un suplemento del
She's suffering from loss of memory. diccionario.
substitute Sufre de perdida de memoria. I supplement my diet with vitamins.
This material is a substitute for Yo suplemento mi dieta con vitaminas.
I suffer terribly with my feet.
Sufro muchisimo de los pies. supply
Este material es un sustituto del
Now I'm suffering for that wrong They supply customers with gas.
decision. Suministran gas a los clientes.
Can you substitute sugar for Ahora sufro las consecuencias de esa They supply gas to the customers.
honey? decision equivocada. Suministran gas a los clientes.
j,Se puede sustituir azucar por miel?
sufficient support
succeed Is that sufficient for your expenses? I need financial support for this
They succeeded in making him talk. ^Es eso suficiente para tus gastos? venture.
Consiguleron hacerle hablar. Necesito apoyo financiero en esta
He succeeded in life. Whom do you suggest for the job? aventura.
Tuvo exito en la vida. ^A quien sugieres para el trabajo? Will you support me in my campaign?
I succeeded his mother in doing it. That's what I suggested to him. iMe apoyareis en mi campana?
Consegm hacerlo. Eso es lo que le sugeri. He's speaking in support of a ban on
He succeeded to the throne. nuclear weapons.
suit Esta hablando a favor de una
Sucedio a su madre al trono. You must suit the punishment to the prohibicion de armas nucleares.
successor crime.
El castigo tiene que ser proporcional suppose
He is the successor to the throne. You are not supposed to do that.
Es el sucesor del trono. al crimen.
Se supone que no debes hacer eso.
He is suited for the job.
suck Es idoneo para el trabajo. supremacy
He sucked the juice from a lemon. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are well suited to They have supremacy over other
Chupo el zumo de un limon. each other. countries.
He sucked the poison out of the Los Sres. Smith son el uno para el Tienen la supremacia sobre otros
wound. otro. paises.
Succiono el veneno de la herida. sure
He sucked the soft drink through a These clothes are suitable for It's sure to rain.
straw. climbing. Es seguro que va a llover.
Bebio el refresco con una pajita. Esta ropa es apropiada para la Make sure of that.
The baby sucked away at the bottle. escalada. Asegurate de eso.
El bebe chupaba la botella. It's a suitable moment to do it. He is sure of himself.
Es un momenta apropiado para Esta muy seguro de si mismo.
The old man sucked at his pipe.
El viejo tiraba de su pipa. hacerlo surface
Don't get sucked into the row. sulk He's very charming on the surface.
She has been sulking for days about/ Es muy encantador superficialmente.
Que no te metan en el lio.
over this matter. They surfaced the road with tarmac.
The boat was sucked down into the Cubrieron la superficie con asfalto.
whirlpool. Ha estado dias dando vueltas a este
asunto. surpass
El bate fue arrastrado al remollno.
sup You surpass him in strength.
He sucks up to her.
We supped on cold chicken. Tu eres mucho mas fuerte.
El dice amen a todo lo que ella dice.
Tomamos un refrigerio de polio surprise
sue frio. I was taken by surprise.
She sued him for damages. Me cogieron por sorpresa.
Ella le llevo a a los tribunales por We were surprised at the news.
He works with women superior to
danos y perjuicios. Nos sorprendieron las noticias.
him in the firm.
She sued him for divorce. Hay mujeres por encima de el en la I'm surprised to see you here.
Ella pidio el divorcio. empresa. Me sorprende verle aqui.

Part Two

I'm surprised at you, playing with swamp He swept his hand through his hair.
trains! We were swamped with Se paso la mano por el pelo.
jMe sorprendes, jugando con trenes! applications. He swept her off her feet.
surrender Estdbamos inundados de La levanto al aire.
He surrendered himself to dispair. solicitudes.
To sweep the room with a glance.
Se entrego a la desesperacion. swap Paseo la mirada por la habitacion.
He surrendered his gun to the police. Can you swap places with me?
The bad news swept over the country.
Entrego su arma a la policia. ^Cambias de sitio conmigo?
Las malas noticias se extendieron por
surround They swapped stories about the old
todo el pais.
They surrounded the castle with days.
Se intercambiaron historias sobre los A feeling of horror swept through
Rodearon el Castillo con tropas. viejos tiempos. the crowd.
I wouldn't swap this for that. Un escalofrio de terror recorrio la
The castle was surrounded by walls.
El castillo estaba rodeado de Yo no cambiaria esto por eso. muchedumbre.
murallas. swarm Her dress swept along the floor.
The place was swarming with flies. Su vestido se arrastraba por el
That ceremony is a survival from El sitio estaba plagado de moscas. suelo.
ancient times. The town was swarming with tourists. She swept into the room.
Esa ceremonia es una reminiscencia La ciudad era un hervidero de Entro en la sala con paso
de tiempos remotos. turistas. majestuoso.
survive swear The car swept past the house.
These customs have survived from He swore it on the Bible. El coche paso rapidamente por
ancient times. Lo juro sobre la Biblia. delante de la casa.
Estas costumbres vienen de tiempos He was sworn in. The car swept round the corner.
remotos. Le tomaron juramento. El coche doblo la esquina
I can't survive on this pension. He swore it to secrecy. rapidamente.
No puedo vivir con esta pension. Prometio guardarlo como secreto. She swept the curtains aside.
survivor He swears by castor oil. Echo a un lado las cortinas.
These are the survivors of the Para el no hay nada como el aceite de
The current swept away the bridge.
aircrash. ricino.
La corriente se llevo el puente.
Estos son los sobrevivientes del I would have sworn it to him.
desastre aereo. Se lo hubiera jurado. She swept by.
He swore at the workers. Paso majestuosamente.
suspect Echo pestes de los trabajadores. The storm swept down on us.
Who is suspected of the crime?
He swears by all that is sacred to him. La tormenta se nos echo encima.
iQuien es sospechoso del crimen?
Lo jura por todo lo que le es sagrado. sweet
suspend I wouldn't swear to it. He's very sweet on her.
He was suspended from school for Yo no lo juraria.
stealing. Esta acaramelado con ella.
Fue expulsado del colegio por robar. sweat She is as sweet as honey.
By the sweat of his brow. Es tan dulce como la miel.
suspicion Por el sudor de su /rente.
He was arrested on suspicion of He was dripping with sweat. swell
having robbed the bank. Chorreaba de sudor. Her eyes were swollen with tears.
Fue arrestado bajo sospecha de haber To sweat it out. Tenia los ojos hinchados de
robado el banco. Pasar muchos apuros. Idgrimas.
They regard him with suspicion. To sweat a cold out. The sails swelled out in the wind.
Le miran con suspicacia. Curar un resfriado sudando. Las velas se hincharon al viento.
I have my suspicions about her.
sweep The murmur swelled into a roar.
Tengo mis sospechas acerca de ella.
He swept the map with his fingers. El murmullo credo hasta
He's above suspicion. Paso los dedos por el mapa. convertirse en un griterio.
Esta por encima de toda sospecha.
She swept her fingers over the strings
swallow of the harp.
The sea swallowed up the ship. Paso los dedos por las cuerdas del He swerved to the left.
El mar se trago el barco. arpa. Giro violentamente a la izquierda.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

He never swerves from his sword tag

determination to succeed. They put them to the sword. He tagged along with us.
Nunca se desvia de su determination Les pasaron a cuchillo. Vino detrds nuestro.
de tener exito. With a sword at his throat. To tag along behind.
Con un cuchillo en el pecho. Seguir a distancia.
swim They tagged on to us.
The floor was swimming with water. He who lives by the sword will perish
Se pegaron a nosotros.
El suelo estaba inundado. by the sword.
El que a hierro mata a hierro muere. take
A tiny piece of meat was swimming To take a girl out.
He crossed swords with him.
in gravy. Salir con una chica.
Cruzo su espada con la de el.
Un trocito de carne diminuto nadaba She takes after her mother.
en la salsa. symbol Se parece a su madre.
The lion is the symbol of courage. Td take along.
El lean es el simbolo del valor. Llevarse consigo.
I've been swindled out of £100.
This cross on the map is the symbol He took my job away.
Me han timado 100 libras.
for a church. Me quito el puesto.
swing Esta cruz en el mapa significa una He took the book back.
He swung round on me angrily. iglesia. Devolvio el libra.
Se volvio airado contra mi. He took the book down from the
Voting has swung to the right. shelf.
To be sympathetic to a plan.
El voto ha girado hacia la derecha. Bajo el libra de la estanteria.
Mostrarse favorable a un proyecto.
He swings from one opinion to the To take in a stray dog.
sympathize Recoger a un perro perdido.
I sympathize with your point of Take your wet clothes off.
Cambia de una opinion a otra.
view. Quitate la ropa mojada.
I haven't got into the swing of things. Entiendo tu punto de vista.
No me he puesto al corriente de I'll take you on at billiards.
sympathy Me medire contigo al billar.
las cosas.
I feel sympathy for him. He took out some money from his
The party is in full swing. Siento pena por el. pocket.
La fiesta esta en su apogeo. A string which vibrates in Saco algun dinero del bolsillo.
Everything goes with a swing. sympathy. I'll take over the business.
Todo va sobre ruedas. Una cuerda que vibra par
Me hare cargo del negocio.
He swung for murder. resonancia.
He has taken to drinking.
Le ahorcaron por asesinato. To be in sympathy with.
Se ha echado a la bebida.
Estar a favor de.
To swing to and fro. It doesn't take up passengers.
To strike in sympathy.
Balancearse. Declararse en huelga par No coge pasajeros.
The door swung to. solidaridad. To take up with.
La puerta se cerro. Trabar amistad con.
To take one person for another.
switch The sound of the film is synchronized
with the action. Tomar una persona por otra.
They switched from electricity
to gas. El sonido de la pelicula esta sincro- To take 5 from 10.
nizado con la action. Restar 5 de 10.
Cambiaron de electricidad a gas.
synonymous She took him by the hand.
A switch in opinion/policy.
'Begin' is synonymous with 'start'. Le cogio de la mano.
Un cambio en la opinion/politica.
'Empezar' es sinonimo de 'comenzar'. He took hold of the money.
Many voters switched to the Tories. Se apodero del dinero.
Muchos votantes se cambiaron al
He took me by surprise.
partido conservador.
t Me cogio por sorpresa.
I'll drive first then we switch around/ They took me to their hiding place.
over. tackle Me llevaron a su escondite.
Yo conduzco primero, despues When are you going to tackle your
cambiamos. friend about/over that money he owes talk
you?. Did you talk to him about it?
To switch from one to the other. I Cudndo vas a preguntarle a tu /Hablaste con el sobre ello?
Cambiar de uno a otro. amigo sobre ese dinero que te debe?

Part Two

Please, talk to me! task They tore a hole in the wall.

iHablame, por favor! She was taken to task for arriving late. Hicieron un agujero en la pared.
He was talking to/with a friend. Le llamaron la atencion par llegar They tore it to pieces.
Estaba hablando con un amigo. tarde. Lo destrozaron.
What's she talking about? They took the government to task over To tear along.
jDe que estd hablando? the country's financial situation. Ir a toda velocidad.
He talked of going there tonight. Criticaron al gobierno por la
To tear around.
Hablaba de ir alli esta noche. posicion financiera del pais.
Correr como un loco.
They are talking in French. taste She tore at his eyes.
Estdn hablando en franees. This ice cream tastes of strawberries. Intento sacarle los ojos.
Don't get yourself talked about. Este helado sabe a fresa. He tore away.
Que no murmuren de ti. That was my first taste of life in Salio disparado.
Are you talking to me? London. They tore it down.
iMe habla usted a mi? Esa fue mi primera experiencia de la
Lo demolieron.
They talked the night away. vida en Londres.
He tore in.
Se pasaron la noche hablando. I developed a taste for good things.
Entro precipitadamente.
I won't allow myself to be talked Cobre aficion a las cosas buenas.
He tore out the page.
down. The house is decorated with taste.
Arranco la pdgina.
No permitire que me hagan callar. La casa esta decorada con gusto.
They tore up the treaty.
He talked on. Give the horse a taste of the whip.
Siguid hablando. Anularon el tratado.
Haz probar el latigo al caballo.
I want to talk things out with him. He tore himself away from the
Spicy food is not to my taste.
Quiero hablar con el. television.
No me gusta la comida picante.
Hizo un esfuerzo para apartarse de la
Let's talk the matter over.
tax television.
Hablemos del asunto.
I don't want to be a tax on
tangle anybody.
He got tangled in the wire. The river was teeming with fish.
No quiero ser una cargo para
Se enredo con el alambre. El rio estaba rebosando de peces.
It is free of tax. Trout teem in these waters.
tap Las truchas abundan en estas aguas.
He tapped the door with his Estd libre de impuestos.
knuckles. To tax somebody with being idle. tell
Golpeo la puerta con los nudillos. Tachar a alguien de ser perezoso. He told the news to everybody.
He was tapping his fingers on the We paid £1,000 in taxes. Dio a todo el mundo la noticia.
desk. Pagamos 1.000 libras en impues- I can't tell margarine from butter.
Daba golpecitos en la mesa con los tos. No distingo la margarina de la
dedos. mantequilla.
Your brother is tapping at the She teaches at the local school. I couldn't tell much from what she
window. said.
Ensena en la escuela local.
Tu hermano estd llamando por la No pude deducir gran cosa de lo
She teaches English to little
ventana. que dijo.
target Ensena ingles a los ninos His record told against him.
The production this year is on target. pequenos. Su historial le perjudico.
La produccion este aho sigue el curso He told me of his worries.
previsto. tear Me conto su problemas.
He tore the poster from the wall.
It's off target. He told me off.
Arranco el cartel de la pared.
No sigue el curso previsto. Me echo una bronca.
She was torn as to what to do.
He is the target of critics. The fast pace began to tell on the
Estaba atormentada, sin saber que
Es el bianco de los criticos. runners.
The embassy is the target for terrorist El ritmo rdpido empezo a afectar a
attacks. The country is torn by internal
los corredores.
La embajada es el bianco de ataques struggles.
El pais estd desgarrado por luchas Peter told on his sister.
internas. Pedro se chivo de su hermana.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

tempt He struck terror into us. I'll think it over.

They tempted me with money. Nos lleno de terror. Lo considerare detenidamente.
Me tentaron con dinero. Those hooligans are a terror to the thought
I was tempted into doing it. town. Spare a thought for those poor
Me incitaron a hacerlo. Esos gamberros son el terror people.
I was tempted to a glass of wine. de la ciudad. Piensa en esa pobre gente.
Me ofrecieron un vaso de vino. terrorize He acted without thought.
I am tempted to sell everything. They are terrorizing people into Actud sin pensarlo.
Me dan ganas de venderlo todo. leaving the town. I had no thought of hurting your
Estan aterrorizando a la gente para feelings.
que se vaya de la ciudad. No tenia intencion de herir tus
To fall into temptation.
test sentimientos.
Caer en la tentacion.
To yield to temptation. They are testing the water for thrash
pollution. They were thrashing about/around
Ceder ante la tentacion.
Estan examinando el agua para in the water.
tend ver si estd contaminada. Se agitaban en el agua.
I tend to go to bed early. New drugs are being tested on We ought to sit down and trash it out.
Suelo ir a la cama temprano. animals. Deberiamos sentarnos a discutirlo a
He tends towards extreme views. Nuevas drogas se estdn probando fondo.
Tiene tendencias extremas. en animales. I'll call a meeting to thrash out the
tendency testify problem.
I have a tendency to/towards They testified against me. Convocare una reunion para discutir
fatness. Testificaron contra me. el asunto.
Tengo tendencia a engordar. They testified in her favour. threat
tender Testificaron a su favor. It's a threat to our security.
They put in a tender for the Those are the tears that testify to his Es una amenaza para nuestra
construction of the bridge. grief. seguridad.
Se presentaron al concurso para la Esas son las Idgrimas que testifican
su pena.
construccion del puente. He threatened me with a gun.
term thank Me amenazo con un arma.
He is on good terms with everybody. We thanked them for their help.
Les dimos las gracias por su ayuda.
Estd en buenas relaciones con todo el
That is a plant that thrives in all soils.
mundo. It is no thanks to you that we
Esa es una planta que crece en todos
We are not on speaking terms. arrived on time.
los terrenos.
No nos hablamos. No fue gracias a ti que llegamos a
tiempo. Children thrive on good food.
Think of it in terms of an investment. Los ninos se desarrollan con una
Piensa en ello como una inversion. thankful buena alimentacion.
We are on equal terms. I'm thankful to you for the favour. He thrives on criticism.
Estamos en las mismas condiciones. Te estoy muy agradecido par el Le encantan las criticas.
terrible throb
I'm terrible at playing chess. thick His heart was throbbing with
Soy un desastre jugando al ajedrez. They are as thick as thieves. excitement.
Son una y came.
terrified Le palpitaba el corazon de excitacion.
I'm terrified of spiders. She is very thick with Peter.
Es muy amiga de Pedro. throng
Siento horror a las aranas. The station was thronged with holiday
I'm terrified at the idea of being The place was thick with reporters.
alone in the world. El lugar estaba lleno de periodistas.
La estacion estaba atestada de gente
Tengo horror a la idea de quedarme think que iba de vacaciones.
solo en el mundo. I'll think about it.
Pensare en ello. through
terror I'm through with him.
He ran away in terror. I can't think of everything.
He acabado con el.
Huyd aterrorizado. No puedo pensar en todo.

Part Two

throw The engine ticked over. In time for dinner.

Don't throw litter about. El motor marchaba al ralenti. A tiempo para comer.
No tires basura por los suelos. She was given a good ticking off. I have a lot of time off.
He threw back his hat. Le dieron una buena reprimenda. Tengo mucho tiempo libre.
Se echo el sombrero hacia atrds. I have no time for him.
He threw in his cards. I'm tied up by my responsibilities. No puedo perder tiempo con el.
Arrojo las cartas. Estoy atado por mis responsabilida- We're in time for the train.
He threw off his pursuers. des. Tenemos tiempo para eager
Despisto a sus perseguidores. The two facts are tied together. el tren.
He threw a coat on. Los dos hechos estdn vinculados. We are in time to catch the train.
Se echd un abrigo encima. He is tied to his bed. Llegamos a tiempo para eager
He threw the coat over the chair. Estd obligado a guardar cama. el tren.
Tiro el abrigo encima de la silla. I'm tied down by the children. tinge
He was feeling sick and threw up. No puedo moverme por los ninos. Memories tinged with sadness.
Se sentia mareado y vomito. I'm tied in with that firm. Recuerdos impregnados de tristeza.
The body was thrown up by the sea. Estoy relacionado con esa empresa. He said it with a tinge of remorse.
El cuerpo fue arrojado poprel mar. The two teams tied with each other. Lo dijo con un cierto remordimien-
thrust Los dos equipos empataron. lo.
He thrust a dagger into his side. tight tingle
Le clavo un punal en el costado. He's tight with his money. His whole body tingled with
He thrust his way through the crowd. Es tacano con su dinero. excitement.
Se abrio paso entre la multitud. Keep a tight rein on him. Sintio un hormigueo de excitacion
She thrust herself upon him. Mantenle controlado. por todo el cuerpo.
Se le echo encima. tinker
He thrust at me. I like to tinker with all kinds of
It's on a tilt.
Me asesto un golpe. gadgets.
Estd ladeado.
thumb Me encanta enredar con toda close
At full tilt.
By rule of thumb. de aparatos.
A toda velocidad.
De modo empirico; por experiencia. To tinker with words.
To have a tilt at somebody.
The committee gave it the thumbs up. Jugar con palabras.
Arremeter contra alguien.
El comite lo aprobd. He ran full tilt into me. tip
He is thumbs down on it. Se dio de lleno contra mi. I have her name on the tip of my
Estd en contra de ello. He tilted at the windmills. tongue.
The little girl thumbed her nose at us. Arremetio contra los molinos de Tengo su nombre en la punta de la
La nina se burld de nosotros. viento. lengua.
The legs of the table were tipped with
thump time rubber.
My heart thumped with excitement. It's time to buy.
Las patas de la mesa estaban
Mi corazon latia de excitacion. Es hora de comprar.
recubiertas de goma.
Somebody thumped on the door. He served his time in prison.
The boat tipped over.
Alguien aporreo la puerta. Cumplio la condena en la cdrcel.
El bate volco.
thunder In time to the music.
Somebody tipped off the police about
He thundered against vice. Al compds de la musica.
the robbery.
Arremetia contra el vicio. It's a race against time. Alguien informo a la policia sobre
He thundered into the room. Es una carrera contra el reloj. el robo.
Entro en la habitacion tronando. At this time of day.
A estas alturas.
They thundered past.
I'm tired of eating meat every day.
Pasaron haciendo un ruido infernal. It's time for a song.
Estoy cansado de comer carne
Es hora que echemos una cancion.
tick todos los dias.
Minutes ticked away/by. From time to time.
De vez en cuando. title
Los minutos pasaron lentamente.
He hasn't any title to the land.
Tick off the names of those present. On time.
No tiene ningun titulo de las tierras.
Marca los nombres de los presentes. A la hora.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

toe He touched on the economic trail

She trod on his toes. problem. They are on the trail of the
Ella le piso. Aludio superficialmente al problema rustlers.
From head to toe. economico. Siguen la pista de los cuatreros.
De pies a cabeza. tough They leave a trail of destruction.
He crept around on tiptoe. Don't be tough on him. Dejan un reguero de destruccion.
Se deslizo de puntillas. No seas duro con el. The caravan trailed along.
It's time to get tough with hooligans. La caravana avanzaba despacio.
She's very tolerant of/towards Ya va siendo hora de ponerse duros They trailed behind.
others. con los gamberros. Se quedaron atrds.
Es muy tolerante con los demds. tour The smoke trailed off.
My parents are touring in the USA. El humo se desvanecio.
Mis padres estdn de viaje por los They were trailing by two goals to
He's at the top of his profession.
Estados Unidos. one.
Estd en la cima de su profesion.
Perdian por dos goles a uno.
From top to bottom. toy
The company is on tour in Spain. There were roses trailing over the
De arriba a abajo.
La compania estd de gira por Espana. walls.
He's feeling on top of the world.
Habia rosas trepando por encima de
Se siente el hombre mas feliz del trace los muros.
mundo. The robbers were traced to Brazil.
There was a church topped with/by a Los ladrones fueron localizados en train
steeple. Brasil You've interrupted my train of
Habia una iglesia con un He traces his descent back to an old thoughts.
campanario. Saxon family. Has interrumpido mis pensamientos.
Se remonta su ascendencia hasta una He was trained as a waiter.
toss vieja familia sajona. Le ensenaron a ser camarero.
Toss it over to me!
track I've been trained hi gardening.
They tracked down the thief. He aprendido jardineria.
He tossed the beer off. Acorralaron al ladron. He trained his binoculars on the
Se bebio la cerveza de un trago.
trade caravan.
Don't toss your money about.
This company is trading with the Dirigio los prismdticos a la
No tires el dinero por la ventana. Arabs. caravana.
To toss somebody in a blanket. Esta empresa comercia con los The boxer has been training for the
Mantear a uno. drabes. championship.
Let's toss for it. We trade in wood. El boxeador ha estado entrenando
Echemos a cara y cruz. Comerciamos en modern.
para el campeonato.
He's a baker by trade.
touch Es panadero de profesion. traitor
She got a touch of the sun. He's a traitor to the country.
To be in trade.
Cogio una ligera insolacion. Ser comerciante. Es un traidor al pais.
Keep in touch with events. He carries on a trade.
Mantente en contacto con los
Ejerce un oficio. They tramped over the moors.
acontecimientos. I trade hi furs and hides. Vagaban por los paramos.
She touched me on the shoulder. Yo comercio en pieles y cueros.
Me toco en el hombro. I don't trade at that store. trample
The paintings weren't touched by the No soy cliente de ese establecimiento. Several people were trampled to death.
fire. He trades on his father's reputation. Varias personas murieron pisoteadas.
Los cuadros no fueron afectados por Se aprovecha de la reputacion de su He was trampling about upstairs.
el incendio. padre. Deambulaba por el piso de arriba.
The ship touched at Las Palmas. They trade furs and skins for gold. Look at those boys trampling all over
Cambian pieles por oro. my flower beds.
El barco hizo escala en Las Palmas.
They trade in your used car. Mira a esos chicos pisoteando mis
The plane touched down. Te toman como entrada tu cache
El avion aterrizo. macizos de flares.
Part Two

transfer tread trim

Our main office has been transferred Don't tread on my toes. She wore a hat trimmed with
from Oxford to Cambridge. No me pises. flowers.
Nuestra oficina principal ha sido I heard his tread on the stairs. Llevaba un sombrero adornado
transferida de Oxford a Cambridge. Oi sus pisadas arriba. con flares.
We are transferring computer data from He was trodden to death by the He's got two months to get into trim
elephants. for the marathon.
disk to tape.
Fue pisoteado por los elefantes. Tiene dos meses para ponerse en
Estamos transfiriendo information forma para el maraton.
informdtica de disco a cinta. You are treading on my heels.
Me estds pisando los talones. trip
transfixed I tripped over the chair and fell.
She was transfixed with terror. He was treated for sunstroke. Me tropece con la silla y me cat.
Estaba atenazada por el terror. Le dieron asistencia medica por He tried to trip me up.
The fish was transfixed with/on a insolation. Trato de zancadillearme.
harpoon. Those crops are treated with trot
El pez fue atravesado par el arpon. insecticide. We've been on the trot for five
La cosecha ha sido fumigada con hours.
insecticida. Llevamos cinco horas andando sin
The country is transformed from a
The government refuses to treat with parar.
desert into an orchard.
terrorists. The horse broke into a trot.
El campo se transforma de desierto en
El gobiemo se niega a tratar con El caballo empezo a trotar.
vergel. terroristas.
transition trouble
tremble My plan soon ran into trouble.
The transition from childhood to He trembled with rage.
adult life. Mi plan pronto tuvo problemas.
Temblaba de rabia.
La transition de ninez a vida adulta. I don't want to be any trouble to you.
She trembled at the thought of what
No quiero ocasionarle ningun
translate might happen.
Translate this sentence from Spanish Temblaba pensando en lo que podria
suceder. You're asking for trouble.
into English.
She trembled to think of that. Te estds buscando lios.
Traduce esta frase de espanol a
ingles. Temblaba al pensar en eso. That will only make trouble for you.
Eso solo te causard problemas.
Translate this passage from English trespass
into Spanish. I was accused of trespassing on his We had a lot of trouble with the
Traduce este texto de ingles a espanol. lands. engine.
Me acusaron de violar sus tierras. Tuvimos muchos problemas con el
transmit motor.
To trespass against the law.
It's transmitted from generation to He got a girl into trouble.
Violar la ley.
generation. Dejo a una chica embarazada.
Se transmite de padres a hijos. May I trespass upon your time?
iPuedo abusar de tu tiempo? Keep out of trouble.
transplant No te metas en lios.
To transplant from one person to He was troubled by his friend's
He was on trial for murder.
another. death.
Fue acusado de asesinato.
Transplantar de una persona a otra. Estaba muy afectado por la muerte
Take it home and have it on trial for
transport a week. de su amigo.
To transport from one place to Llevatelo a casa y tenlo una semana a I won't trouble you with my
another. prueba. problems.
Transportar de un lugar a otro. No quiero preocuparle con mis
trick problemas.
The goods are transported by lorry. I was tricked into marrying her.
Las mercancias se transportan en Me engano para que me casara con May I trouble you for a cigarette?
camion. ella. ^Puedo pedirle un cigarrillo?
Don't trouble yourself about it.
trap trifle No te preocupes por eso.
She was trapped in an unhappy To trifle with somebody's
marriage. feelings. true
Estaba atrapada en un matrimonio Jugar con los sentimientos de He's true to his principles.
desgraciado. alguien. Es fiel a sus principios.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

The film is very true to life. tug They turned about.

La pelicula es muy real. The little girl tugged at my elbow. Dieron media vuelta.
La niha me tiro del codo. He turned against his mother.
The wind tugged my umbrella out of Se volvio contra su madre.
He trumped my ace with a four.
my hand. You're turning my words around.
Fallo a mi as con un cuatro.
El viento me arrebato el paraguas Estds desvirtuando mis palabras.
trust de la mono. My proposal was turned down.
We trust in God. Rechazaron mi propuesta.
Confiamos en Dios. The children were tumbling over one Turn down the radio.
A marriage is based on trust. another. Baja la radio.
Un matrimonio se basa en la Los ninos se caian uno encima del She turned him from his bad ways.
confianza. otro. Ella le aparto del mal camino.
I put my trust in God. The walls tumbled down. They turned in the criminal to the
Pongo mi confianza en Dios. Los muros se derrumbaron. police.
You must trust in your own He tumbled into bed. Entregaron el criminal a la policia.
judgement. Se tumbo en la cama. The play was turned into a farce.
Debes confiar en tus propios juicios. He tumbled off his bicycle. La obra teatral fue transformada
Sometimes you have to trust to Se cayo de la bicicleta. en una farsa.
instinct. He tumbled out of a tree. Turn off the gas supply.
A veces tienes que confiar en el Se cayo de un drbol. Cierra la Have del gas.
ins tinto. He tumbled over a step. Turn on the light.
Se tropezd en un peldano. Enciende la luz.
He was tried for murder. I saw bedclothes in a tumble on Turn on the TV.
the floor. Pan la tele.
Le juzgaron por asesinato.
Vi la ropa de la cama tirada por el Turn out the light.
He tried his luck at roulette. suelo. Apaga la luz.
Probo suerte en la ruleta.
tune He was turning over in bed.
Try on the shoes before you buy them.
The violin is not in tune with the Estaba dando vueltas en la
Pruebate los zapatos antes de piano. cama.
comprarlos. El violin no estd en tono con el They turned round to face the
He's trying for the part of Cesar. piano. enemy.
Estd ensayando el papel de Cesar. The piano is out of tune. Se dieron la vuelta para enfrentar-
This drug hasn't been tried on El piano esta desafinado. se con el enemigo.
humans yet. He is out of tune with the times. Turn up the radio.
Esta medicina no ha sido probada en No estd al dia.
Sube la radio.
los seres humanos todavia. To the tune of
Something will turn up.
Por la friolera de.
tube Algo ocurrird.
To tune up.
A tube of toothpaste. Poner a punto el motor. He turned up at 2 o'clock in the
Un tubo de pasta de dientes. We tuned in to our local radio station.morning.
Squeeze the toothpaste from/out of Sintonizamos con nuestra emisora Aparecio a las dos de la manana.
the tube. local. tutor
Aprieta para sacar la pasta del tunnel I tutored him in mathematics.
tubo. They tunnelled under the wall. Fui su tutor de matemdticas.
tuck Hicieron un tunel debajo del muro. twiddle
He tucked his shirt in his trousers. They tunnelled into the woods He twiddled with the controls of
Se metio la camisa dentro de los beyond. the radio.
Hicieron un tunel hasta el bosque. Enredo con los controles de la
They tunnelled their way through. radio.
He tucked a lot of food away. Se abrieron camino a traves de un
Se zampo un monton de comida. tunel. twinkle
They tucked into the cake hungrily. His little eyes twinkled with
turn mischief.
Se lanzaron contra el pastel con He turned water into wine.
apetito. Convirtio el agua en vino. Sus ojitos brillaron con malicia.

Part Two

twist unearth unpack

He twisted the rope around the She unearthed an old bottle of wine Please unpack the books from the
pole. from the cellar. boxes.
Enrollo la cuerda en un paste. Descubrio una vieja botella de vino en Saca los libros de las cajas.
She can twist him round/around la bodega. unqualified
her little finger. They have unearthed new facts about He's unqualifed as a teacher.
Le maneja con el dedo menique. Charles Dickens. No tiene titulo de profesor.
Han descubierto algo nuevo sobre He's unqualified for teaching.
type Carlos Dickens. No tiene titulo para ensenar.
I don't like this type of music.
No me gusta esta clase de musica.
uneasy upsurge
I'm very uneasy about the future. An upsurge of anger.
He was typing away with two
Estoy muy inquieto sobre el futuro. Un arrebato de ira.
Estaba escribiendo a mdquina con unequal urge
dos dedos. The fight is very unequal in strength. The government urged the
La lucha es muy desigual de fuerzas. industry on.
You will have to type this out
again. unfair El gobierno animo a la industria.
Tendrds que pasar a mdquina esto Don't be unfair to the others. Urged on by his friends, he stood
de nuevo. No seas injusto con los demds. for election.
Animado por sus amigos se presento
unfamiliar a las elecciones.
Her face was unfamiliar to me.
•u Su cara no me era familiar. use
A hammer is used for driving in nails.
uncertain unfit Un martillo se usa para clavar
I'm uncertain about what to do. This is unfit for human clavos.
No estoy seguro de lo que hacer. consumption. She had used up all the toothpaste.
I'm uncertain about/of my legal No estd apto para el consume Habia acabado con la pasta de
rights. humano. dientes.
No estoy seguro de mis derechos unhappy What's the use of coming early?
legates. They are very unhappy about/at ^De que sirve venir temprano?
the risks. We have the use of the car this week.
Estdn muy descontentos con los Tenemos el uso del cache esta semana.
He was unconcerned with questions of
riesgos. I've no further use for this typewriter.
Se mostraba indiferente con respecto a union Ya no me sirve esta maquina de
la religion. The union of two towns into one. escribir.
La union de dos ciudades en una. It came into use several years ago.
We went for the excursion
The union of our party with yours. Se empezo a usar hace varios anos.
unconcerned at/by the weather.
La union de nuestro grupo con
Nos fuimos de excursion sin
el vuestro.
preocupamos par el tiempo.
unison v
uncouple My bank has acted in unison with the
They uncoupled it from the engine. vacation
Central Bank. I'm on vacation.
Lo desengancharon de la mdquina. Mi banco ha actuado al unisono con
Estoy de vacaciones.
undecided el Banco Central.
They were undecided about who to value
vote for. They valued the used car for me at
After years in prison he was united
No se habian decidido par quien with his wife and children.
Valoraron el coche usado en 2.000
votar. Despues de anos en prision se reunio
con su esposa e hijos. libras.
understanding Do you value him as a friend?
The understanding between husband unknown ^Le consideras como amigo?
and wife. Quite unknown to me, she had taken
El entendimiento entre marido y all the money from the bank. vanquish
Sin saberlo yo, ella habia retirado They vanquished the enemy in battle.
todo el dinero del banco. Vencieron al enemigo en batalla.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

He vanquished all his rivals at chess. victorious This is a vital clue to the murderer's
Derroto a todos sus rivales al ajedrez. They are victorious over their enemies. identity.
Han vencido a sus enemigos. Esta es una pista vital para la
variation identificacion del asesino.
There are variations of/in view
temperature. There's a nice view from the vocation
Hay variaciones en temperatura. castle. I have a vocation for teaching.
Hay una bonita vista desde el Tengo vocacion para la ensenanza.
This is a variation on a theme by
Castillo. She followed her vocation to
Esta es una variante de un tema de This is the front view of the become a nun.
house. Siguio su vocacion para hacerse
Este es el/rente de la casa. monja.
vary It is on view to the public. voice
Price varies with the season. Estd abierta al publico. We have no voice in this matter.
El precio varia segiin la temporada. What are your views on this? No tenemos voz en este asunto.
His mood kept changing from ^Cudl es su opinion sobre esto? They were singing at the top of their
optimism to depression. With a view to an alliance. voices.
Le cambiaba el humor de optimismo a Con vistas a una alianza. Cantaban a grito pelado.
depresion. What are your views on/about his He raised his voice against them.
vault resignation? Levanto su voz contra ellos.
They vaulted over the fence. ^Que opina usted sobre su dimision?
Saltaron por encima de la valla. visible He volunteered for the post.
The rider vaulted into the saddle. It's visible to the naked eye. Se ofrecio voluntario para el puesto.
El jinete salto sobre la silla. Es visible a simple vista. They volunteered to do it.
The village was barely visible Se ofrecio voluntario para hacerlo.
through the mist.
They swore vengeance for the
El pueblo era apenas visible a troves
massacre. He vomited up all he had eaten.
de la bruma.
Juraron venganza por la masacre. Vomito todo lo que habia comido.
It was snowing with a vengeance. visit
He paid a visit to his friend.
Estaba nevando de verdad. The delegates voted for the motion.
Hizo una visita a su amigo.
We'll take vengeance on them one day. Los delegados votaron a favor de
They had a visit from the landlord. la mocion.
Nos vengaremos de ellos un dia.
Recibieron una visita del dueno de la
They all voted against it.
vent casa.
Todos votaron en contra.
He gave vent to his feelings.
visitation He voted against the motion.
Dio rienda suelta a sus sentimientos.
The visitation of the sick is part Voto en contra de la mocion.
He vented his anger on his wife. of my duties. She was voted out of office.
Se desahogo con su esposa. Las visitas a los enfermos forman Votaron para que dejara el puesto.
verge parte de mis deberes. The Liberals were voted in.
We are on the verge of war. visitor Votaron a favor de los Liberales.
Estamos al horde de la guerra. I was a frequent visitor to the art She was voted off the board.
gallery. Votaron para que dejara su puesto en
Yo solia ir a menudo a la galena de el ejecutivo.
Power is vested in the State.
arte. I voted by post.
El poder recae sobre el Estado
Those people are visitors from an Vote por correo.
vibrate insurance company. I don't agree with that, let's vote
Her voice vibrated with passion. Esos senores son de una compania de on it.
Su voz vibraba de pasion. seguros. No estoy de acuerdo con eso. Votemos
sobre ello.
victimize vital
I was victimized for taking part in a Your information is vital for solving vouch
strike. this case. I can vouch for her honesty.
Fui victimizado par tomar parte en Su informacion es vital para resolver Pongo la mano en el fuego por su
este caso. honradez.
una huelga.

Part Two

vulnerable I went for a walk. She's very warm towards this

These animals are very vulnerable to Me fui a dar una vuelta. task.
climatic changes. Estd entusiamada con esta tarea.
Estos animates son muy vulnerables a
los cambios climaticos. We'll have to wall it off. warn
Tendremos que separarlo con un We were warned against thieves.
muro. Nos avisaron acerca de los ladrones.
•w wallow Shopkeepers were warned about false
I wallowed in a hot bath. banknotes.
wade Me relaje en un bano caliente. Se aviso a los tenderos sobre billetes
They waded across the stream. falsos.
The hippopotamus wallowed about
Vadearon el riachuelo.
in the mud. warrant
They had to wade through the mud.
El hipopotamo se revolcaba en el There's a warrant out for his arrest.
Tuvieron que vadear a traves del
barro. barro. Hay una orden de busca y captura
wander contra el.
They are waging a campaign They wandered around for hours. wash
against sex. Dieron vueltas durante horas. The boat was washed away by the sea.
Estan promoviendo una campana His pen wandered all over the page as El bote fue barrido por el mar.
contra el sexo. his mind was far away. I had a couple of sandwiches washed
Su pluma vagaba par toda la pdgina down with beer.
It's no good wailing about mistakes mientras su mente estaba lejos. Me tome un par de sandwiches
made in the past. They wandered from the path. remojados con una cerveza.
No merece la pena dar vueltas a los Se alejaron del sendero. These stains won't wash off.
errores cometidos en el pasado. Some sheep had wandered off. Estas manchas no salen.
wait Algunas ovejas se habian extraviado. I'm going to do the washing up.
These people are waiting for the want Voy a fregar los platos.
bus. Those children want for nothing.
Esta gente esta esperando el
A esos ninos no les falta de nada. Don't waste your breath on that.
I think the dog wants in. No malgastes en eso tu aliento.
I'm waiting for the bus.
Creo que el perro quiere entrar.
Estoy esperando al autobus. watch
They are suffering for want of medical
She waited in all day but he didn't He was on watch all night.
arrive. supplies.
Estuvo de guardia toda la noche.
Ella estuvo todo el dia esperdndo- Estan sufriendo por falta de
suministros medicos. The police are watching for intruders.
le pero no llego. La policia esta cuidando que no
He is waiting on them. The house is in want of repair.
entre nadie.
Les esta sirviendo la comida. La casa necesita reparaciones.
I feel that God is watching over us.
Don't wait up for me. War Carthage was at war with Rome
Siento que Dios nos esta cuidando.
No me esperes levantado. for years.
Cartago estuvo en guerra con Roma Watch out! A car's coming.
wake jCuidado, que viene un coche!
It's time you woke up to the fact that durante anos.
he doesn't love you. They declared war on Rome. water
Ya va siendo hora de que te des Declararon la guerra a Roma. This milk has been watered down.
cuenta de que no te quiere. This is a war against drugs. Estd leche esta aguada.
walk Esta es una guerra contra las wave
He walked away with a cup. drogas. The old woman waved her umbrella
Se alejo con una copa. There was a war between the two at us.
He walked right into the trap. rival bands. La vieja nos amenazo con su
Se metio en la trampa. Habia una guerra entre las dos paraguas.
He walked out on his wife. bandas rivales. He waved his arms about in the air.
Dejd a su mujer. There's a war of words. Agito los brazos en el aire.
The visiting team walked all over us. Hay una guerra de palabras. He waved to them to stay where
El equipo visitante nos dio un repaso. warm they were.
The stranger walked up to me. The athletes are warming up. Les hizo senas para que se quedaran
El forastero se me acerco. Los atletas se estdn calentando. donde estaban.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

The policeman waved them on. He was wearied by that constant whip
El policia les hizo senas para que noise. Whip the ingredients into a cream.
siguieran. Estaba harto de ese ruido Haz una crema con los ingredientes.
Our criticisms were waved aside. constante.
Nuestras criticas fueron ignoradas.
I'm weary with your requests. The waiter whisked away the food
way Estoy cansado de tus demandas. before they had finished.
We'll find a way out of the weave El camarero retiro la comida antes de
difficulties. This cloth is woven from silk. que la terminaran.
Encontraremos una salida a las
Esta tela esta hecha de seda.
dificultades. whistle
The flowers have been woven into He whistled for his dog.
They cut a way through the
a garland. Silbo a su perro.
Se abrieron camino entre la maleza. Se han unido las flores para
formar una corona. white
I saw it on my way home. He was white with fury.
Lo vi de camino a casa. We have woven a garland out of
carnations. Estaba bianco de ira.
Don't get in the way.
Hemos hecho una corona de He was as white as a sheet.
No te metas en media.
claveles. Estaba tan bianco como una sabana.
By way of introduction.
A modo de introduction. weep win
We'll go the other way round. She was weeping for joy. He always wins at tennis.
Daremos la vuelta por el otro Estaba sollozando de alegria. Siempre gana jugando al tenis.
lado. She was weeping over the death of He won over the audience.
weak her husband. Se gano a la audiencia.
He's very weak at/in maths. Sollozaba por la muerte de su He won through the obstacles.
Falla mucho en matematicas. marido. Consiguio triunfar.
She's weak at the knees. weigh wind (waind)
Estd muy debil de las rodillas. We must weigh one idea against He wound down the car window.
He must be weak in the head. the other. Bajd la ventanilla del cache.
Debe de estar mal de la cabeza. Debemos sopesar una idea contra He wound the wire in.
weakness la otra.
Enrollo el cable.
He has a weakness for fast cars. His criminal record weighed
He wound himself into a ball.
Tiene debilidad par los coches heavily against him with the jury.
rapidos. Se hizo una pelota.
Su record criminal pesaba mucho
He wound it with wire.
wealth contra el ante el jurado.
Lo envolvio con alambre.
This is a book with a wealth of He was weighed down by worry.
illustrations. Se sentia aplastado por la He wound the wire on a reel.
Este es un libro con muchas preocupacion. Enrollo el cable en un carrete.
ilustraciones. The problem weighed on his mind. How does it wind up?
wear El problema pesaba en su mente. Como terminal
To look the worse for wear. To weigh in with an argument. wind (wind)
Estar desgastado Intervenir en una discusion con un To sail with the wind.
The winter was wearing on. argumento. Navegar a favor del viento.
El invierno tocaba a su fin. It weighs a lot with those people. To take the wind out of
She wore her heels down. Tiene mucho peso con esa gente. somebody's sails.
Desgasto los tacones. Ganar a alguien por la mano.
The inscription was worn off. weight
La inscripcion estaba desgastada. It has been weighted with lead. window
Se le ha lastrado con plomo. The bird flew out of the window.
The evening wore on.
El atardecer se prolongaba. He was weighted down with parcels. El pdjaro void por la ventana.
Estaba cargado de paquetes. This news provides a window on the
I'm weary of living in this place. whack world.
Estoy cansado de vivir en este We'll have a whack at it. Estas noticias proporcionan una
lugar. Haremos una intentona. ventana al mundo.

Part Two

wink witness We have very little information to

He winked at me. He witnessed a murder. work on.
Me guino un ojo. Fue testigo de un asesinato. Tenemos poca informacion sobre la
wipe To bear witness to the truth of the que trabajar.
I'll wipe that smile off your face. statement. working
Borrare esa sonrisa de tu cara. Atestiguar en cuanto a la verdad It was in working order.
Wipe those marks off the chair. de lo que se afirma. Estaba en perfecto estado de
Limpia esas senales que han quedado world funcionamiento.
en la silla. On a world scale. worm
Wipe up the spilt water. A escala mundial. To worm a secret out of somebody.
Seca al agua caida. He is dead to the world. Sacar un secreto a alguien.
wire Estd dormido. He wormed his way through the trees.
The old house has been wired for The world of sport. Se deslizo entre los drboles.
electricity. El mundo del deporte.
En la vieja casa han instalado cables worried
It's out of this world.
para la electricidad. She's very worried about her job.
Es algo nunca visto.
Estd muy preocupada por su trabajo.
A handle was wired on to the box. He came into the world.
Un mango se acoplo con alambre a la Vino al mundo. worry
caja. Don't worry about me.
He wired to his brother.
wolf No te preocupes por mi.
Don't wolf down your food.
Mando un cable a su hermano. Don't worry me with that again!
No tragues la comida.
They wired in the hen house. ;No me molestes con eso otra vez!
Alambraron el gallinero. wonder Many people are worried by the
He wondered at the speed with which possibility of nuclear war.
it arrived. Mucha gente estd preocupada por la
It's no good wishing for things you
Se maravillaba ante la velocidad con posibilidad de una guerra nuclear.
can't have.
que habia llegado. Don't worry over it.
No merece la pena desear cosas que
no se pueden tener. I was wondering about that myself. No te preocupes por ello.
Yo mismo me preguntaba sobre eso.
I couldn't wish for any more. worse
No podia desear nada mas. word They were none the worse for the
withdraw I'll have a word with him about it. adventure.
These banknotes have been withdrawn Hablare con el sobre ello. No sufrieron ningun dano en la
from circulation. I'll put a good word in for you. aventura.
Estos billetes han sido retirados de la Hablare a favor tuyo. Other people are far worse off than
circulacion. I'll give you my word of honour. me.
The troops have withdrawn to another Te day mi palabra de honor. Otros estdn mucho peor que yo.
position. work worst
Las tropas se han retirado a otra It was a long time before he worked Our dog got the worst of the fight.
posicion. around to what he wanted to say. Nuestro perro llevo la peor parte de
withdrawal Paso mucho tiempo antes de exponer la lucha.
The withdrawal of a product from the lo que queria decir. If the worst comes to the worst.
market. He was at work all day. Si todo sale mal.
La retirada de un producto del Estuvo todo el dia trabajando.
mercado. worth
He worked himself into a rage. A pound's worth of apples.
withhold Se puso furioso. Manzanas por valor de una libra.
They are withholding the grant from They worked on for hours.
some students. Siguieron trabajando durante horas. worthy
Han retirado las subvenciones a Their efforts are worthy of our support.
He worked out a plan. Sus esfuerzos merecen que les
ciertos estudiantes. Idearon un plan.
within He worked through the crowd.
He said he was not worthy to accept
They are within a radius of two miles. Se abrio paso entre la muchedumbre.
the honour.
Estdn dentro de un radio de dos He worked himself into a frenzy. Dijo que no era merecedor de aceptar
millas. Se puso frenetico. el honor.

Nouns, verbs and adjectives that are accompanied by a preposition

He was wounded in the leg.
Estaba herido en una pierna.
The defeat was a wound to my
La derrota fue una herida en mi
She was involved in a wrangle with
the company over payment.
Se via envuelta en una disputa con la
compania sobre el salario.
The two little boys were wrangling
with each other about/over a toy train.
Los dos ninos estaban peledndose
par un tren de juguete.
He wrapped his handkerchief around/
round his wrist.
Anudo un panuelo en su muneca.
It was wrapped up in cotton wool.
Estaba envuelto en algodon.
The snake wreathed itself around/
round the branch.
La serpiente se enrosco en la rama.
The hills were wreathed in mist.
Las colinas estaban envueltas en
The road was littered with wrecked
La carretera estaba cuebierta de
caches destrozados.
The wind wrenched the door off its
El viento arranco la puerta de
sus goznes.
I wrested the gun from his hand.
Le arranque el revolver de la mono.
The pilot wrestled with the
controls of the plane.
El piloto forcejed con los
controles del avion.
Don't wriggle out of it.
No te saigas por la tangente.

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• NIVELES 1, 2 Y 3 • NIVELES 1, 2 Y 3
• NIVELES 1, 2 Y 3


• NIVELES 1, 2, 3 Y 4 • NIVELES 1-A, 1-B Y 1-C








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