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 To start you must create inside your binder the coversheet for the 1 st Term based on
the topic we are going to see: We are what we eat. You must choose your favorite
food and you can either draw the name and photo or you can also print it and paste
inside your binder and explain why you like that particular food.
 Remember its: FIRST TERM, not first step.
 Write the desempeños (performances) inside your binder.


SUPERIOR: Fortalece su competencia comunicativa mediante la utilización de frases y expresiones

de uso frecuente para describir experiencias, acontecimientos, deseos y opiniones.

ALTO: Produce textos cortos utilizando el vocabulario apropiado y la estructura del verbo en
presente/ pasado simple para narrar eventos.

BASICO: Reconoce y aplica la estructura en presente perfecto y en pasado simple y el vocabulario

relacionado con sustantivos already, yet, ever, and before, uso apropiado de los verbos regulares e
irregulares en pasado para la construcción de oraciones lógicas.

BAJO: Identifica la estructura del verbos presente perfecto / pasado simple y el vocabulario
relacionado, uso de los verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado. Le falta utilizarlos en la construcción
de oraciones y textos lógicos.



El estudiante comprende textos basados en sus experiencias pasadas de diferentes fuentes. Mediante
preguntas y respuestas con Have you ever…..? Desarrolla conversaciones que le permiten hacer uso
de los verbos regulares e irregulares mediante el pasado simple (simple past). Prepara y elabora
material para dar a conocer sus ideas y experiencias sobre sus anhelos y sueños.



This first worksheet, students will review and learn more in depth about regular and irregular verbs
using the present perfect. Talk about their experiences, dreams and hopes to their teacher and
classmates and share past experiences of things they’ve done at an indefinite time before now and
showing frequency. Students will also express unusual experiences by making and answering
questions making use of the correct grammar structure to express their ideas and thoughts.


 Use the present perfect with regular and irregular verbs.

 Learning about regular and irregular verbs.
 Use the simple past to give specific answers to questions in the present perfect.
 Talking about experiences you have or haven’t had.
 Writing description of a fascinating, strange, thrilling or frightening experience.

Grammar Present perfect statements!!!!

Use the present perfect for events at an indefinite time before now.
Take a look at the following chart:
 I’ve been to Europe. I haven’t been to Paris.
 You’ve done a lot of things. You haven’t gone sailing.
 We’ve had a lot of fun. We haven’t saved enough money.
 They’ve traveled in Asia. They haven’t been to Europe.
 He’s surfed in Hawaii. She hasn’t tried surfing before.

The present perfect is often used with these frequency expressions.

I’ve always wanted to study acting.
We’ve gone sailing once/twice/many times.
She’s never tried it before.



Most verbs are regular verbs. Regular verbs are those whose past tense and past
participles are formed by adding: a -d or an -ed to the end of the verb.

Base form Simple past Past participle

Accept Accepted Accepted
Arrive Arrived Arrived
Change Changed Changed
Cook Cooked Cooked
Dance Danced Danced
Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed
Expect Expected Expected
Follow Followed Followed
Learn Learned Learned
Listen Listened Listened
Live Lived Lived
Need Needed Needed
Order Ordered Ordered
Practice Practiced Practiced
Remember Remembered Remembered
Rent Rented Rented
Save Saved Saved
Start Started Started
Talk Talked Talked
Travel Traveled Traveled
Try Tried Tried
Visit Visited Visited
Wait Waited Waited
Walk Walked Walked
Want Wanted Wanted
Wish Wished Wished


Base form Simple past Past participle

Awake Awoke Awoken
Be Was/were Been
Come Came Come
Do Did Done
Eat Ate Eaten
Fall Fell Fallen
Go Went Gone
Have Had Had
Make Made Made
Meet Met Met
See Saw Seen
See Saw Seen
Sleep Slept Slept
Speak Spoke Spoken
Take Took Taken
Win Won Won
Write Wrote Written

In the first part of the worksheet, students must create a 1 minute video
providing their personal information: Name, Last name, age, hobbies, likes
and dislikes. 25% lesson A.


Lesson A Hopes and dreams!!!!

We asked the following people, what’s their secret dream?

1. After reading the previous secret dreams, students will write a short
paragraph talking about their secret dream plans.

2. Fill the gaps win the following conversation with the present perfect
I’ve always ____________ (want) to try scuba diving. Really? Not me. I _______ always _________
(be) afraid of deep water. You are so boring, I know, I _______ (not do) anything fun lately. Me
neither. I’ve ______ (not have) any time. I sure we can make some time this coming weekend, what
you think about that idea? I say instead we should watch a movie. I ___________ (not see) the new
Spider Man movie. I really want to see it. We should go!!! All my friends’ ______ (see) it, and they
really enjoyed it.

When last have you been to the beach? I ___________ (go) windsurfing three or four times this year.
It’s fun. We should go. Can I go with you sometime? I_______ never __________ (try) it before.
I’m seriously thinking about travelling this year. I want to go to Europe. I______ never (be) to London
or Paris. Me neither. My cousin lives there. He ______________ (invite) me several times, but I
____________ (not have) enough money to go. We need to start saving some money for our vacation

Lesson B Around the world Experiences!!!!

Grammar – Present perfect: already, yet, ever and before.
Use yet or already in questions about recent experiences.
Have you toured Brazil yet? Has she already try Korean barbeque?

Use already in affirmative statements. Use yet in negative statements.

I’ve already tried sushi.
I haven’t tried sushi yet.

Use ever or before in questions about life experiences.

Have you ever eaten Indian food? Has she ever been to London?
Have you eaten Thai food before? Has she been to Paris before?

Use already or before in affirmative statements. Use have never or haven’t ever in
negative statements.
I’ve already tried Indian food three times, but I’ve never tried Thai food.
I’ve tried Indian food before, but I haven’t ever tried Thai food.

1. Unscramble the following sentences, provide a positive and negative answer

to each one of them and place the verb in past participle form:

A. the / pictures / Great / Pyramids / yet? / (take) / she / Has / of /

B. sightseeing / (go) / / he / Has / in / Chile / yet?
C. Has / / she / ever / ceviche? / (try)
D. already / he / (climb) / Everest / Has / the / Mountain?
E. before? / (be) / ever / Has / Harbor / she / Sidney / / to
F. Has / of / New / York / / (take) / he / yet? / City / a / tour

3. Talk about it. Let’s discuss our secret dreams and plans.

Discuss the following questions. Do you share the same dreams? This will be done in a blog. Teacher
will send students the blog link for them to participate and comment on another student entry at least
on one of the question.

 What’s something you’ve always wanted to buy?

 What’s city you’ve never been to but would like to visit?
 What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?
 What’s something else you’ve always wanted to do?

Lesson C I’ve heard it’s good!
Reading comprehension.

A travel guide!!!!!
Whether you’re travelling to the islands or the mountains of Thailand, you’re likely to spend at least
one night in its capital city on the way. Bangkok might be noisy and polluted but it’s also an exciting
city with plenty of things to see and do. Why not make it a longer stay?

Where to stay:
The Khao San Road was a famous traveler spot even before Leonardo di Caprio’s character in the
film The Beach stayed there. But it’s noisy, not very pretty and not very Thai. For something more
authentic, Phra Kanong offers an alternative place to stay, with its fantastic street markets where every
day Bangkok people eat, work and live. It’s not as convenient for the main tourist sites, but it has a
Skytrain station so you can be at the Grand Palace in 20 minutes.

How to get around:

Bangkok’s traffic can be a nightmare. Sure, you can easily take a taxi – if you want to spend hours
stuck in traffic jams – but there are two much better ways to get around the city. To explore the
temples and historical sites, catch an express boat river taxi or a long tail boat along the Chao Phraya
River and the canals. For the modern part of the city, the Skytrain is a fast, cheap way to travel from
the river to the shopping malls and nightlife of Sukhumvit, and the famous Chatuchak street market

Where to eat:
The simple answer is: everywhere! Thai street food is among the best in the world, and for around $5
you can eat a filling and delicious meal. Some food stands have little plastic seats where you can sit
and eat and they cook the same dish over and over, like fried chicken on rice or Pad Thai noodles.
Head for Chinatown – Yaowarat Street – and choose whatever looks most interesting from the many
excellent Chinese and Thai restaurants and food stands.

What to do:
After you’ve seen the main sites like the Giant Buddha at the temple of Wat Pho and the spectacular
Grand Palace, and shopped at Chatuchak market, check out the snake farm and watch the live snake
show. You can even touch a snake yourself if you want to!

Match the Bangkok landmarks and places with the descriptions:

1. ………………………………………… a place that you might see in the film The Beach
2. ………………………………………… a place where local Thai people go
3. ………………………………………… an alternative route through the city
4. ………………………………………… a place to go for shopping and bars
5. ………………………………………… a place to go for food
6. ………………………………………… an important sightseeing spot

Are the sentences true or false?

1. One night is enough time to see Bangkok. (____)

2. Khao San Road is an authentic Thai area of the city. (____)
3. Phra Kanong is further away from the main tourist sites than Khao San Road is. (____)
4. The river boat taxis often get stuck in traffic too. (____)
5. Taking the Skytrain is a faster way to see the city than going by taxi. 6. You need to choose where
to eat carefully, as not everywhere is good. (____)


 El trabajo está divido en tres (3) partes, el estudiante deberá verificar de acuerdo a
las fechas cuando debe enviar cada actividad. A continuación se detallan las fechas
de envio para que las tenga en cuenta:
Lesson A- Primera semana: (1 al 5 de Febrero).
Lesson B - Segunda semana: (22 al 26 Febrero).
Lesson C – Tercera Semana: (15 al 19 Marzo).
Favor abstenerse de realizar envío de ambas partes al mismo tiempo, esto con el fin
de realizar un buen desarrollo de cada parte de la guía.
 El trabajo deberá ser desarrollado en la carpeta de manera ordenada, puede pegar las
hojas si las imprime y luego su respectivo desarrollo punto por punto y para su
respectivo envío podrá ser mediante correo del docente, tenga en cuenta que esta
cambio y es el siguiente correo: o whatsapp: 3178956907,
mediante escaneo de la misma o foto.
 Seguir instrucciones de trabajo.
 Realizar el separador correspondiente a este periodo 1, junto con los desempeños y
un dibujo o imagen alusivo al nombre de la unidad el cual se está tratando.
 Trabajo enviado después de la fecha de envío, será calificado sobre 3.5
 En cada hoja en la parte posterior derecha, el estudiante deberá escribir su nombre y


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