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"Un Futuro Lleno de Fortalezas"

Resolución No. 2213 del 17 de Diciembre de 2004

Secretaría de Educación de Santander

Calle 17 No. 30-22 – Tel. 6343897 – Cel. 315 307 9860

 Aprendo a utilizar el diccionario.
 Identifico el vocabulario nuevo.
 Elaboro frases con el vocabulario


Miro el dibujo y leo la descripción.

Hay seis errores. Los identifico y escribo la información correcta.
It's a holiday, and the john-
son are in the park: Mr. and
Mrs. Johnson, their four
children, grandmother, and
the dog. The Johnson are
under a tree, because there
aren't any tables in the park.
Mrs. Johnson is with the
food. Mary is with her. Mr.
Johnson and his sons are
with a ball. Grandfather is
sitting in a chair reading his
newspaper. The dog is slee-
ping next to the table. It's
very hot and everybody is
wearing shorts.

 Es importante utilizarlo correctamente.
 Pasos para utilizarlo:
-Abro el diccionario y observo como están divididas las palabras.
-Cada palabra tiene varios significados. Esto quiere decir que de acuerdo
con el contexto la palabra puede ser diferente.
-Debo ubicar cada palabra gramaticalmente para escoger el significado
correcto. Esto quiere decir que pueden ser: sustantivos, adjetivos,
verbos, adverbios, preposiciones, conjunciones, etc.
-Cada diccionario trae al principio una lista de las abreviaturas que
utilizan para determinar la categoría gramatical de la palabra.
-El uso frecuente del diccionario me permitirá adquirir rapidez y eficacia.


Ejercito lo visto.
1. Busco en el diccionario las siguientes palabras. Escribo primero la categoría
gramatical y luego el significado.


 Actor ________________________________________________
 Adjective ________________________________________________
 Andrew ________________________________________________
 Answer ________________________________________________
 At ________________________________________________
 Auditórium ________________________________________________
 Bóxer ________________________________________________
 Bulletin board ________________________________________________
 Catch ________________________________________________
 Day ________________________________________________
 Game ________________________________________________
 Important _________________________________________________
 Lab _________________________________________________
 Serious _________________________________________________
 Stupid _________________________________________________
 When _________________________________________________

2. Consulto con mi profesor cómo está el trabajo.

3. Subrayo las palabras que indican lugar.

Surf What Son How

Drink Here Table Upstairs
On the corner Hello Plane Who
Basketball Come in Where… from Bus

4. Escribo el nombre de los siguientes juegos.

Ejemplo: Basketball / This is basketball game

Scrabble Checkers Cards

a._____________________ b._____________________ c.____________________

Monopoly Dominoes Lottery

d._____________________ e._____________________ f.____________________

5. Leo el siguiente párrafo.

 The children like to see the busy life of the streets: the people on the two-deck buses,
T the streetcars, the noisy motorcycles, the heavy trucks and vans and the traffic jams.
h John and Betty go to school by car, but sometimes the take the subway. Miryam and
e Cathy walk or use the bike to go home. Mark and Paul go home by bus.

6. Con base en el párrafo anterior, escribo a continuación el nombre de los medios de

transporte y el nombre del estudiante que lo utiliza.

Leo el siguiente texto. Trato de traducirlo sin recurrir al diccionario. La mayoría de las
palabras son conocidas. Si después de tratar no logro, recurro al diccionario.
Foz do Iguaçu is a big town in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Foz is on the Paraná River
near the border of Argentina and Paraguay. The town is modern and there are many
hotels and restaurants. The famous Iguaçu Falls are on the Iguaçu River near Foz.
They are very beautiful. Tourists from many countries visit the falls. The Itaipu Dam is
in Foz too. It's on the Paraná River. It's very important dam. The interesting stores are
In Paraguay. There, tourists buy Whiskey, video sets, radios, perfumes, etc.


2. Respondo las siguientes preguntas acerca de mí mismo.

a. Where is your Dad?

b. Is there a restaurant near your house?
c. How many supermarkets are there in your town/city?
d. What is your phono number at work?
e. Is there an airport in your town/city?

3. Traduzco el siguiente proverbio.


 Identifico lasa nacionalidades y los nombres
de su correspondiente nación.
 Utilizo correctamente los adjetivos con los
 Identifico varios de los colores en inglés.
 Utilizo correctamente la forma para pre-
guntar y decir la hora.


1. Leo el siguiente párrafo.

 This is Miss Jenny Taylor, is my English teacher.
She is my favorite teacher. She isn't tall and she isn't
short, but she is pretty. Miss Taylor is a good teacher
she is intelligent and very nice. I don't know her age,
but is young. Maybe twenty-one, twenty-two. Miss
Taylor is from L.A. Los Angeles is a big city in California,
in the United States. Hollywood is in L.A.
2. Busco en el diccionario las palabras cuyo significado no conozco.


3. Traduzco el párrafo anterior.


4. Contesto las siguientes preguntas.

 Modern is: new or old? ___________________________________

 Who is Jose's favorite teacher? ___________________________________
 Is Miss Taylor an English teacher? ___________________________________
 Is she tall and pretty? ___________________________________
 How old is she? ___________________________________
 Where is L.A? ___________________________________
 Where is Hollywood? ___________________________________
 Who is in Hollywood? ___________________________________

About you…

 What are the names of your friends?

 Who is your Math teacher, Science teacher, etc.?
 Are your teachers nice?_____________________________________________
 What's your favorite class? __________________________________________
 Are you a good student? ____________________________________________
 About your school: Where is it? Is it big or small? Is it old or new?
5. Pregunto dónde están los salones de clase y quiénes son los profesores.
Ejemplo: Where is the art class?
It's in room 25.
Who is the teacher?


Art 25 Miss Costa
Science 36 Mr. Meyer
History 34 Mrs. B. King
Geography 17 Miss Bates
Social Studies 9 Miss Johnson
Math 13 Mr. Suárez
Spanish 18 Mrs. Sousa



COLOMBIA COLOMBIAN Green Los colores en ingles se usan
Yellow siempre antes de los
SPAIN SPANISH Black sustantivos.
PERU PERUVIAN White Ejemplo:
Pink Book/Green
Brown This is a Green book.

La expresión para decir la hora es la siguiente:
Pregunta: What time is it? Respuesta: It is…
What time is it?
Ejemplos: 8:30 It is eight thirty.

What time is it? What time is it?

8:00 It is eight o'clock.
8:45 It is eight forty five.

What time is it? What time is it?

8:15 8:10
It is eight fifteen. It is eight ten.
Los adjetivos en español van después del
sustantivo y conservan el número de éste.

Casa / grande → La casa grande es esa.

Los adjetivos en inglés van antes del sustantivo y
no tienen ni plural ni singular.
Table / big → This a big table.
Windows / gray → These are gray windows.

Ejercito lo visto.

1. Construyo oraciones con la siguiente información como en el ejemplo: (si necesito con-
.....sulto el diccionario.
Ejemplo: Yoko/Tokyo Pancho/México

Yoko is from Tokyo. ____________________________________

She is japanese. ____________________________________
Gina/Venecia Jean Paul/Paris

___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Peter/Londres Dolores/España

____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________

2. Respondo las siguientes preguntas con información de la persona señalada.

Ejemplo: What's his name? His name is Pedro.
Where's he from? He is from Peru.
How old is she? He is 18 years old.
How is she? She is fine.

a. Gabriel Garcia Marquez / writer / Colombian

 What's his (her) name? _______________________________________
 Where's he (she) from? _______________________________________
 How old is he (she)? _______________________________________
 How is he (she)? _______________________________________
b. Bill Clinton / politician / American
 What's his (her) name? _______________________________________
 Where's he (she) from? _______________________________________
 How old is he (she)? _______________________________________
c. Luis Miguel / singer / Mexican
 What's his (her) name? _______________________________________
 Where's he (she) from? _______________________________________
 How old is he (she)? _______________________________________
d. Miguel Bose / actor / Spanish
 What's his (her) name? _______________________________________
 Where's he (she) from? _______________________________________
 How old is he (she)? _______________________________________
e. Beatles / singers / English
 What are their names? _______________________________________
 Where are they from? _______________________________________
 How old are they? _______________________________________
3. Respondo las siguientes preguntas
de acuerdo con el dibujo. Mr. Jones

Ejemplo: Is Mr. Jones tall?

Yes, he is tall.

-Is their school -Is Maria's mother thin?

______________ ____________________

-Is your sandwich big? -Are mike's parents old?

___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________

4. Respondo.

 What color your flag? ________________________________________________________

 What color is the board in your classroom? _______________________________________
 What color are your friend's pants? _____________________________________________
 What color is your room? _____________________________________________________
 What color are your eyes? ____________________________________________________
 What color is your jacket? __________________________________________________________

5. Escribo la hora cada. Pregunta y respuesta.

3:29 __________________________________________________________________________________
2:15 __________________________________________________________________________________
1:00 __________________________________________________________________________________
10:30 __________________________________________________________________________________
5:45 __________________________________________________________________________________
3:17 __________________________________________________________________________________
8:59 ___________________________________________________________________________________
6. Describo las personas
usando las siguientes pa-
labras: sister, fat, base-
ball, student, friends
next to, long, good sin-
ger, tall.

This is a picture of my _____________ and I. Tom is the __________ boy with a cap on his head.
He's a __________________________player. His team is “The jumping Jacks”. Tom is very good.
Julia is Tom's ____________. Her hair is _______________ and it's black. She is very

Hector isn't very tall, and he's a little ________________. He's a ____________________ in “The
Consuelo is from Spain. She is an exchange ____________________ in the United States.
Her English is very ____________________.
I'm the boy _____________ her. My name is _______________________.

7. Ahora contesto las preguntas acerca de las personas.

a. Is Tom a soccer player? __________________________________________________________
b. What's the name of his team? _____________________________________________________
c. Is Tom a good player? ___________________________________________________________
d. Who is Julia? ___________________________________________________________________
e. Is her hair short and curly? ________________________________________________________
f. What's the name of the Hector's group? _____________________________________________
g. What's Consuelo's nationality? ____________________________________________________
h. Where is Bob in the picture? ______________________________________________________

1. Completo el párrafo sobre el colegio.
_______________________ is the name of my school. It's on _____________ Street.
It's a ____________ (big/small) school with __________________ (number) students.
̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ are in the ____________________
The school is ____________ (new/old). My teacher
(morning/afternoon) from ____________ to ___________. _____________________
is my English teacher. He/she is ___________. ______________ is my favorite subject.

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