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El presente simple es el tiempo de verbo que se utiliza para expresar acciones, eventos o
situaciones al momento en que se habla.


I Work I

You Work You

Do not Don´t work
We Work We

They Work They

He Works He work
She Works She Does not Doesn´t

It Works It Very well

Ejemplo 1: I do not attend classes -- Yo no asisto a clases.

Ejemplo 2: They don't shop candys – Ellos no compran caramelos.

Caso especial: "-es" para la 3ª persona

Para los verbos acabados en "-o","-sh", "-ch" , "-ss", "-x" , "-z", "-y" se añade "-es" en
lugar de "-s para la 3ª persona del singular".

Verbo Tercera persona Significado

to go he goes él va

to wish he wishes él desea

to reach he reaches él alcanza

to express he expresses él expresa

to fix he fixes él arregla

to kiss he kisses él besa

to buzz he buzzes él murmulla

Adicionalmente, los verbos acabados en "-y" cuando la "y" no es precedida de una vocal,
forman la tercera persona en "-ies".

Verbo Tercera persona Significado

to occupy he occupies él ocupa

to study he studies él estudia

Pero cuidado si la "-y" es precedida por una vocal, la tercera persona se forma con una "-s"
(desinencia estándar)

Verbo Tercera persona Significado

to buy he buys él compra

Para realizar una pregunta específica se usa “question Word” (pregunta de

palabra) y luego, se sigue el mismo método. Se responde usando la frase completa.

Ejemplo 1: Where do you live? – “wer du yu liv” - Dónde vives?

I live in London – “ai liv in London” – Vivo en Londres.

Ejemplo 2: Where does she go? – “wer das shi gou” – Dónde vive ella?

She goes to the cinema – “shi gous tu da cinema” ella va al cine.

Para dar énfasis Cuando se quiere recalcar una acción afirmativa, se coloca
do/does delante del verbo principal (el que realiza la acción).

Example 1: Do you really work here? ¿De verdad que trabajas aquí?
Yes, I do work here. Sí, sí trabajo aquí.

Example 2: She does work hard. Ella sí trabaja duro.

Example 3: I do want to see her. Realmente quiero verla.

Para contestar a una pregunta Cuando haces una pregunta utilizando "do -/ does "
como verbo auxiliar; se contesta de forma corta diciendo: "Yes, I do" ó "No, I don't".
Nunca se contesta en la respuesta corta repitiendo el verbo principal.

Example 1: Do you elaborates marmalade?

Yes, I do.
Recuerda: Nunca se contesta con el
verbo principal como lo hacemos en
Example 2: Do we inject at the patients? el español. Example:
No, we don´t. Do you study?
Yes, I stady (incorrecto)
Yes, I do. (Correcto)
Example 3: Does she fixes the computers?
Yes, she does.

Example 4: Does he bakes the bread?

No, he does.
*____ he go to the factory? ___________________________________________
Yes, He ____. ___________________________________________

* What time ____ you get up? ___________________________________________

* Who ___you live with? ___________________________________________

I live with my family. ___________________________________________

* She ____ to the gym every day. ___________________________________________

*They ___n’t work fixing computers. ___________________________________________

* ____ you format computer? ___________________________________________

Yes, We do. ___________________________________________

* ____ you work in the hospital? ___________________________________________

Yes, I ___. ___________________________________________

* ____ it package the preserves? ___________________________________________

Yes, It ___. ___________________________________________

* ____ she works in the clinic? ___________________________________________

No, She ____. She works in a hospital. __________________________________________________


a lot? / Do / travel / you soccer? / Does / play/ he

O: _________________________________ O: _________________________________

T: _________________________________ T: _________________________________

weekends? / Do / go to the cinema at / They Peru./ live / They/ in

O: _________________________________ O: _________________________________

T: _________________________________ T: _________________________________

Do / need me? / you he / go? / does / Where

O: _________________________________ O: _________________________________

T: _________________________________ T: _________________________________


1) ____ Peter live with his father? ___________________________________________

2) _________________________________ Tú aprendes inglés?
3) ____ Andrew and Martin go to the hospital? ___________________________________________
4) _________________________________ Ellos calculan el resultado de esas ecuaciones?

5) ___ Sandy marmalade was prepared in your house? __________________________________________

6) _________________________________ Calculas el coseno del triángulo?
7) _____ we work in front of at UNAC? ___________________________________________
8) ____ you find the partial derivative of the exercise?________________________________________
9) ___________________________________ Steve usa chaqueta para sus prácticas?
10) ____ I clean the workshop of assembly? ___________________________________________
Bob lives in a small flat in London. In the mornings, he wakes up and has a
shower. Then he makes breakfast. He usually has a typical English breakfast
with eggs and bacon. After that, he goes to work.
He works in an office in the center of London. He sits in front of the computer
all day and writes emails. He doesn’t like his job very much, but
he likes earning money. At 12 o’clock he goes to lunch and has a sandwich.
After lunch, he comes back to work and writes more emails. At 5 o’clock
he leaves work.
He sometimes sees his girlfriend in the evenings. She lives on the opposite
side of London, so he takes the Underground.
On weekends, he doesn’t have to work. He usually goes out for a few beers
with his friends on Friday night. On Saturday he goes shopping. On Sunday
he goes to his grandmother’s house for tea.
On Monday he gets up early and goes back to work.

 Translate:

 I answer the following:

a. Bob does live in a very big house?

b. Where Bob does work?


c. Her girlfriend does live with him?


d. What day does it rest?


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