Pujol Maximo Diego - Tres Piezas Rioplatenses PDF

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Edition NNSBRUCK Preface Wee Diego Pujol was born on December 7th, 1957, in Buenos Aires, where he later studied gl the “Juan José Castro” conservatory and was granted the academic degree “Profesor de Guitarre™, In addition to numerous instrumental slucies he clso did composition slocise ender Lernicae Arnedo. On the guitar he gave many concerts in Buenos Aires as well as in many other places in Ar. genting, but else in other Létin American and Europecn countries. As a soloist he played with important orchestras such as the "Solistas de Buenos Aires” or the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bogota As a com- poser as well as a soloist he was rewarded on many occasions. Pujol is a prominent representative of young generation of Argentinean composers who go back to their own musical culture and use the rad. thong! music material without, however, disregarding contemporcry tendences. His works are perfomed worldwide. The present "Tres Piezas Rioplatenses" reflect the grown Argentinecn music, especially thot of the Ric- delaPlataregion with is Spenish but also Afican influences, The tongo "Bon lian! is dedicdiec to ihe composer Juién Plaza, who preceded Astor Piazolla in further developing the fongo win reseed to thyihm and harmony. In this piece of music we find elements of today’s tango. The composition Sep. liembre is one of the cotegory “Milonga”, a song form of © melode’ choracter ond wilh ideological tex, cccompanied with the guitar. Is thyihm is characterized Through ihe division of the 4/4 tree wa 3,-3:-2, The work "Rojo y Negro” [Red and Black) is « "Candombe" a rhythmically sccestucted dence of Akican origin, which ts very popular especially among the colored population ol he Riodeia Plo region. All three pieces make full use of the large range of possible sounds of the guitar. In the present composi- fions, especially the rhythm is carefully worksd on, it excels in syncopes, ostinalos Gnd shife of srocs These three striking movements of medium level can be performed vifter individually or os & whole Prélogo TK ‘@ximo Diego Pujol nacié en Buenos Aires el 7 de Diciembre de 1957. Egreso del Conserve- torio “Juan José Castro” como “Profesor de Guitarra”. Estudié Composicién con el profesor Lednides Arnedo, Como concertista de guitarra se presento en Buenos Aires y otras ciudades argen- tings, en Latinoamérica y Europa. Se desempefié como solista con le Orquesta Filarménica de Bogota y con “Los Solistas de Buenos Aires”. Recibid numerosos premios y distinciones tanto como compositor ¥ como guitarrista: Pujol es un scbrescliente representante de una joven generacian de compositores argentinos que, sin ignerer las corrientes conlemporénecs, utiliza material tradicional de la misica de esta region. Sus Obras son ejecutadas en todo el mundo. En las siguientes “Tres Piezas Rioplatenses” se refleja la musica argentina correspondiente a la regién del Rio de lo Plato, que recibie infuenelas espanoles y tambian es claro modide ctricomos: El tengo “Don Julian” este dedicado al compositor Julién Plaza, que yo antes que Astor Plazolla habie coniri- buido cl desarrollo ritmico y arménico del tango. Setiembre es una “Milonga’, forma cantada de carécler melédico, basada muchas veces en un texto de contenido filosdfico, que se ccompafic con una guitarra, Desde el punto de vista ritmico el compas de 4/4 se divide en 3+3+2. "Rojo y Negro” es ‘endombe”, una danza de raiz africana muy ritmica, que era boiloda especialmente por la pob- locién negra de le region del Rio de la Plata En las tres obras se utilizan las posibilidades sonoras de la guitarra. El aspecto ritmico de estas compo- siciones es rico en sincopas, ostinatos y desplazamiento de acentos. Eslas tres piezas de medicna dificultad pueden tocarse asi agrupadas © por separade I. Don Julian ‘Maximo Diego Pujol Tempo di Tango (Allegro) = | wf Tre Tt pee o (poco) il 0, fit fd aah A AOOG st. .9p “am Steg zu spielen (metallico) 4: ‘© Copyright 1992 by EDITION HELBLING, Innsbrock / New-Rum Alle Recbte vorbebalten = Bvalll be © Copyright 1992 by EDITION HELBLING, Innsbruck / Neu-Rum II. Septiembre Maximo Diego Pujol ‘© Copyright (992 by EDITION HELBLING, Innsbruck / Neu-Rusm ‘Alle Rechte vorbehaltea 2 = @ > Foi as F * a Poo Fs poco pitt mosso 34392 Alle Rect vorbedalten (© Copyright 1992 by EDITION HELBLING. Innsbruck / New-Rum, III. Rojo y Negro Maximo Diego Pujol Candombe oF am Sieg 2u spielen (imetalico) Ja3g2 ‘© Copyright 1992 by EDITION HELBLING, Innsbruck / Neu-Rum Alle Rechin vochehatien 34392 ‘© Copyright 1992 by EDITION HELBLING, Innsbruck /Now-Rum Alle Rechte vorbehalten ex om oom 1a nf metalico.

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