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Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles DEPTO. TECNICO PRODUCTOS DE COMBUSTIBLES PROTOCOLO DE ANALISIS ¥/O ENSAYOS DE PROD! DE COMBUSTIBLES LIQUIDOS PC N° 104 / : FECHA: 26 de Julio de 1991. PRODUCTO ‘ ESTANQUES PARA TRANSPORTE DE COMBUSTIBLES LIQUIDOS. ESPECIFICACION TECNICA: DOT MC-306, estanques para transporte (cléusulas 178.340 y 178.341). DISPOSICIONES LEGALES —: Resolucién Exenta de SEC N° 642 de 1988 y Decreto de Economia N° 278 de 1982. L- _ ANALISIS ¥/O ENSAYOS DOT 178.340 Requisitos generales 2 Mat 3 Integridad estructural 4 Uniones 5 Soportes y anclajes 6 Refuerzo circunferencial 7 Proteccién contra accidente 8 Pasil i qa) Marcado 10b) @) DOT 178.341 (MC 306) Presién de disefio 1b) Espesores de mantos, cabezales mamparos y rompeolas 2 Escotillas de lenado y pasahombre 3 Venteos 4 Valvulas de emergencia 5 Métodos de ensayos 6 NOTAS: (1) EI pasillo superior de los estanques debe ser construido con un material antideslizante. Amundtegui N° 58 - Fono: 6964226 - Fax: 6727708 - Santiago I- 24 21. 2A. 2d. Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles 2) Para la informacién contenida en la placa de identificacién del estanque se tendrén presentes las siguientes consideraciones: a) En fabricante del vehiculo, se debe entender fabricante del estanque. b) En especificacién técnica, se debe hacer mencién al presente protocolo, como sigue: SEC-PC N° 104, ©) Utilizar unidades S.1. y entre paréntesis otras unidades. SISTEMAS DE CERTIFICACION CERTIFICACION 1 Los Laboratorios o Entidades de Certificacién autorizados por SEC deben verificar que los estanques se fabriquen conforme a todas las exigencias de a especificacién téenica MC-306 del D.O.T. (Departamento de Transporte de EE.UU. de Norteamérica) y disposiciones del Decreto N° 278 de 1982 del Ministerio de Economia, Fomento y Reconstruccién. 2 idad por la certificacién de los estanques. Cuando la fabricacién de un estanque sea requerida por un mandante determinado, bajo sus especificaciones, ser responsabilidad de éste solicitar la certificacién respectiva a través de un Laboratorio o Entidad de Certifi Fabricante EI fabricante que desee comercializar directamente un estanque bajo sus especificaciones, sera responsabilidad de éste obtener la certificacién respectiva, previo a la comercializacién de dichos productos. 3 Los certificados y los informes de la fabricacién del estanque deberdn ser mantenidos por el propietario o mandante, segin corresponda, durante un perfodo no menor al de Ia inspeccién periédica del estanque. Asimismo, las radiografias deberdn ser guardadas en un lugar adecuado por un periodo no menor de 5 aiios. Amundtegui N?58 - Fono: 6964226 - Fax: 6727708 - Santiago 2.2 23 24 Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles CALIFICACION DEL FABRICANTE DEL ESTANQUE Previo a la certificacién de los estanques el Laboratorio o Entidad de Certificacién deberd calificar la infraestructura humana y fisica del fabricante, a fin de determinar si éste cuenta con los medios necesarios para fabricar estanques de combustibles que satisfagan los requisitos del presente protocolo. Esta calificacién debe considerar al menos los siguientes aspectos: - Medios de produccién y medios de control. j6n del personal técnico relacionado directamente con la fabricacién. - Deberd exigir planos de los estanques y procedimiento de fabricacién para ellos. APROBACION DE TIPO Para la aprobacién de tipo se deberdn considerar los requisitos minimos prescritos en el Capitulo I. Se entender4 por tipo a un estanque para transporte de combustibles liquidos, de dimensiones, materiales y uso especifico. Se deberd entregar al laboratorio o Entidad de Certificacién una memoria de célculo, la que contendra a lo menos: materiales; espesores de pared de manto y cabezales, mamparos y rompeolas, soportes y anclajes y refuerzos circunferenciales; planos y especificaciones del estanque incluyendo los métodos de fabricacién que se empleardn en su construccién; la calificacién del procedimiento de soldadura, los soldadores y operadores, de acuerdo a la seccién IX del Cédigo ASME. Sobre la base de estos antecedentes evaluados, fabricar un estanque, el que sera sometido a los andlisis y/o ensayos prescritos en el Capitulo I para su aprobacién. VERIFICACION EN FABRICA Posterior a la aprobacién de tipo, durante el proceso de fabricacién, tod estanques serdn sometidos, como minimo, a los siguientes aniilisis y/o ensayo: 2.4.1 Inspeccién de los materiales. Verificar la calidad de los materiales a usar a través de los certificados del fabricante de estos, que el fabricante del estanque tiene la obligacin de entregar a la entidad de certificacin. Verificar que los espesores y otras dimensiones sean los requeridos por el disefio. Examinar todos los materiales para detectar, tanto como sea posible, imperfecciones que puedan afectar la resistencia del estanque. Aprobar el método a aplicar en la reparacién de los defectos en los materiales y presenciar la reparacién. La Entidad de Certificacién debe confeccionar sus informes con el método aplicado y Ios ensayos efectuados. Amundtegui N* 58 - Fono: 6964226 - Fax: 6727708 - Santiago 241.5 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.4.8 2.4.9 2.4.10 2.4.11 2.4.12 2.4.13 2.4.14 2.4.15 2.4.16 2.4.17 2.4.18 Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles Verificar las marcas de identificacién de los materiales y que éstas sean correctamente transferidas. Verificar tipos de hilos y tolerancias en coplas y niples. Revisar y aprobar el o los procedimientos de soldadura que se aplicardn, segiin ASME secci6n IX. Comprobar la calificacin de los soldadores y operadores de equipos de soldar, segtin ASME seccién IX. Verificar las uniones soldadas de los mantos. Verificar las uniones soldadas de los cabezales. Verificar las dimensiones de los compartimientos y las uniones soldadas de los mamparos con el estanque. Verificar las uniones de soportes y anclajes. Verificar las uniones de los refuerzos circunferenciales. Verificar el tipo de conexiones de tuberias y sus uniones soldadas. Verificar la geometria y las uniones soldadas. Verificar limpieza de los biseles y dreas adyacentes de soldar. Verificar visualmente y por medicién, que las uniones soldadas de tope no tengan socavaciones ni exceso de refuerzo. Verificar visualmente o por medios apropiados que las uniones soldadas de filete tengan adecuada penetracién en la rafz y no tengan socavacién. Verificar la dimensién de la soldadura. Inspeccién radiografica de la soldadura. Ensayos con partfculas magnéticas o iquidos penetrantes de la soldadura y/o transicién eénica de unién manto cabezal, si fuese necesario. Inspeceién a medida que la fabricacién progresa para detectar imperfecciones en los materiales que quedan al descubierto durante la fabricacin y para asegurarse que el trabajo esté siendo realizado apropiadamente, Efectuar el control dimensional del estanque, coplas, niples, etc. Amunétegui N° 58 - Fono: 6964226 - Fax: 6727708 - Santiago Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles 2.4.19 Una yer terminado deben medirse y registrarse en un diagrama de ubicaci6n los espesores del manto y cabezales, en varios puntos para que sirvan de referencia en futuras inspecciones. 2.4.20 Verificar requisitos e instalacién de cierres para escotillas de lenado y pasahombre. 2.4.21 Verificar requisitos ¢ instalacién de valvulas de venteo y emergencia. 2.4.22 Presenciar el ensayo de hermeticidad. 2.4.23 Certificar la fabricacién del estanque registrando los resultados de la inspeccién, ya sea incluidos en el mismo certificado o en informes adicionales. IIL- REQUISITOS ADICIONALES 3.1 3.2 Aunque no forma parte de los requisitos para la certificacién de los estanques antes sefialados, para el transporte de combustibles Kquides por camiones estanques se debe cumplir adicionalmente con lo dispuesto en el Decreto de Economia N° 278 de 1982, en los puntos: - 5.1.9 Instalaci6n eléctrica - S.LAL Identificacién y letreros = 5.1.12 Equipos auxiliares Por otra parte, se debe tener presente que todos los requisitos que guardan relacién con el vehiculo para el estanque, a saber: cami6n, tractocamién, remolque y semiremolque, deben cumplir con las disposiciones pertinentes dispuestas por la Autoridad Competente (Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones). IRS/ECG/rmo. Amundtegui N° 58 - Fono: 6964226 - Fax: 6727708 - Santiago f 1703975 170.940 438 2 ERS SYGAE Imes and compressors, See 4 179.38 @) ne 10) ef thin tchapuer fnspection and tests. 1 the bn 7 i hed ta equited hy the ASNIE Code and Healion exeapt thn, for tanec HUY of tho ASKIE Conte the ‘orice te tank design prensuce SERED Texte, a) of materiale of eonstreon 9 (8) Weld testing and inspection, (Fe comstaicted ot the As i tal he wuts ie tex Fopeetion to he minds au ail weide fa both inside'mut out ‘The method of « Apponilix Vol the ASAIE: Ce ode, par ‘except that permanent magnets abet ‘iter poatelt oa ct Muoresrent ning £2) On tant of over 2,500 ll {igi dency ubpnongepi Ua i nese adiogrpted tet must bo mide of al eat tnd Tree ih ae sie te wa Beupeie particle method conforming to Append Vise CoE at dye petra pai a piendl V = nce with Appendie U ofthe ABKIE. Cader ge must not bee to perform the magnate cartel 8 water enpy () All defects found shall be repaired, 1 A2TR897-37 Marking. (a) Metal entifeation in a placo readily sccos ‘hail have an additional plate in the location speed.” Nal of attachment to tho tank or jack by tho tank contonta. Ifthe plate is ily to tho tank by welding Teall bo wekiegie fhe tank iapontaeld heat treated. “Phe late sheloe ee y Hamping,cmbossig. cr ether mente ct laredee bea metal ofthe plate su the feloeion ess aulred by tho ASME Code, in elinractere ng anak Soe ‘T, Speefienton Veuaol Ninteriat Spec Water Cupachty th Far Origaal eet Bato Nove ts B00 4173218 (9 vet (8) Each tank by § 177824, ater canal, ‘motor vehicle must also bo marked. | suasn gettin, metal scarce pon secsonea tt arther spection ‘and ts npypurtenantes and ppurten- Acronanes with Park UNIT. rs ‘or on tha lank ahell and inspection other than tile fai i th ah wid oulsido by either the wet ficrestod he ASAE cere fo before marked into ion ineddition to tint nel hight required Code. ‘the tilente must be signed by a responsia of eaiuigaling itm. Tho certificate must ateto mieten ee ie czilfcation that all valves, piping, and pete Po Hah te fequlromenta ofthe npelfeatin? Write eee fie stale of ay ch vain piping, or doves tel cok ,curtfente asserting comple cosine: wGhgvece: Th eee ‘skeichen, drawings, nmnke, node), 4 atntcment inten ell heat treated for 10. (0) ‘Tho owner shall cordate of tha tank wd for at lx sha saat cet Fernie Bacar ei hereof, sail ebtain'n copy of the dees, in thom in hie es dilog the ten § 478.340_General design anid construce Hoi requirements spoticabis to specications Ana HT}, MC 807 (§ 178.542), and MC B12 ($178.13) eae an (6178.34), iC 812 (f 178.339) SR} _Svecication requirements for MC 909, MC sot find Mai zac arko aBKS. (8) Speclfcation MIG AGG. AIG Set for QNGBER reo tanks contracted om or alle Deca et {Gt the bulk transportation of hazards corte tage ett o requirements contained in this vection in nant eo ication as contained iy § 74401 ). urements of ench arma Reese eSATA sae aan aceite {E2,All of these epecidcation requirements aré miniioum 1 ‘ulrenien sapy of tho data report awe ios uionhot hasten ee hrenttars natin thy y on by the prlor ohne a ny bo deemel the tank it report nid L302. Ovserasguemenia, (0) tree cu inh wa TARA, Sate sagem fo Derg tad Sot ioen ove ecient ane te abi age Ul sn dh }) Thope requirements relating to parts and accesories apc ol chien colt o pata a commerce na Coe {ained in Part 308 of tho Motor Caster Safaty Mercia, Integral patt ofthe apositcstons (Where applicable the additional requirements presertad pale a aceite comedies are conideral jntesral pat of thas spectfectona” (2) Multt-parpose cargo tank, 0 divided into compartments of sconatruction. Each such compartment Hall to pecifention requirements consemea” A sipale cargo tante may be physically altered to comply ie pee aie fk cen re punting Wered to ‘accommodate commodity nat . ‘peaication'tanke ee conform §.178.310.3 Materia, hell, ends, bulkhead red to’ be constructed an Bociety of Mechanical Eo @ following sn {Al et en ple mat Vecardante Sk die" hiae Boller aint Premure Veescl Cte tm applicablo requirements (AL). Only alarsinuny ally. ft incorphance ines ASTM D-200 Alloy sosa ASTM 1-200 Alloy b080 ASTM B-200 Alley Stet ABT 2-200 Alloy 5251 ASEM 1-200 Alloy $484 ‘ASTM B-200 Alloy 6082 = ahd, bulkoads, bao, and rg aitfoners may uss 0 tom Goer ed or atongertonptes. All hale a be amade of mae foals with ropetie equates to 1133 gr 34 tompory except athe leis etrecpt terete may We ued Ure imum ‘hel thicknessoe in Tablo In fp 1784-2, 178.842-, or 178.313-2 ‘NcTasresed I layetseproperton to to fewer alta strength () STEEL. h 178.9404 Structural latent, “(a) Maximum ees values, -rheinustmum clesisted suet vin pot not ened 20 parsed et iene lip ae Uh ttn aad i "seo mbes REM Colo prose ttabicemente typi 0, vodgs. erg tank sal bo provided th ann wl na ery to pee see eee ze of inn nema an nee Oy cae hs ee ee retard Sap coavlan Wal (t) Dyn ining unr all prods od eoniguritins, (Intra ews 9) Sopermgond loads suc av opeating equipment fn od apeiron ents Pins oe (Mentos of reporting lag nd eden rotary altlert input irene eran potions Sf dodtalar tatella where uied-hould be peeommadeted, era 41708108 Joa (0) Betied of Joaing, Alfons be; inten tak abel Heads ater or ontlo attaching ingly and Eolthonts elle melded fu cordance wit the Zoquomonts contained in hasta. Strength of amlnam Alloy (AL), All_welded aimiaum gfe be sage i azn ae with rcoglaed ood pret ve af a lb pn 8 Fella iThe edfcont ential Alun Eloye set nr are welding proce aleatntiemag rete conten ‘i do mated mn (c) Strength of Jala (MIL Stee (HS), lh Steen Low 's))u Joints shall bo practice nid the eff ereen of tho snecha say SUA), Rael Stes el ‘pallets noordanee with resogaaed eo oto of any find sal bo not leas Chat fal propetieof tho adjacent neal inthe 1) Combjoations of wild tel (ME, high strength low all alSl Srenormastena states Stet nay Be ood in ty Greucton of stele tank, provided tat Sach materia, where ed shall comply tithe misimam renulrements sealed in 11783100 (a) for dhe material aed in ho eonsrucon of thet Aton er We tank, Whenever eluates steel atest are ted in SSmipation ith sheate of eter types of lee, jinis mage by ‘ldng sal! We formed by the tae A stainless eel electrodes or Tie rep ond the slaisle eel electrodes or llr rode ured in tie ‘reliing sul be aitale for uso with Ue grade of slates stl Tonperdgemdig oh jecommeniat ie of he mantacarr SF iw alates etek ceetrodes or Bor rode, Cartan ot og cat yo euata, y o inne with the requirersonts con- of this subsection for the welded joints agraph (a) of this eubsecton sbell bo do- {ermine by prepaclog from materials representative of those to bead in an eos lo Ue apeiionon andy the name {eanigus of fbreatian, 2 fat ppeinensconorsog to gue a tinwn etm st ating them (are een One ai of fombloation of materials by Ue 0 tach {Inthe ame chop, within a monthe aftr the ave beon completed. “Tho butt welded epecimens tested ‘onsdered qualifying other types or combinations of t ‘ald using tho aime filer materal and seeding procem 28 ong. Dareat metals are of the eamne types of material ro 3 mows W OF PARALLEL SECTION: “ §.178.840-6 Sepports and anchoring. (a) Cargo tanks with wha aes eine 0, Sg emt roti tua Gee a Hinata day eats Se i aly One REY Eee” Ba ase Heng ee hea, Seer eg ad aN SSP ae pend a (2 Any cro lank die and opsttd wo at cae sult BY shal or pst th ssclral member edi Hau ota Fetes be support ich to ak ees {erase er! ack do tet cel ee seced in ih digest of tt se bapa rea emetel ere fnpoetdes tdtealad ih $ 178104 (b) wing 20% of the frm uidmate atreugih of te mupport tele (0) Tanks with addition to the tank sforementione () Location, Such reinforcement shall bo loested in avch a mannér thal the ravine tnreinforced portion of the eel bo as ‘pecifed in ‘Table It of the applicable epectication and i tore than 60 inches, Additisnaly auc tial reinforea- inone iach af points where discontinuity ‘hell sheet alignmont. Gxoceds 10" lopreea Uh inforeed with structural momijors capable of tai faining shell ect atresIovela permitted in § 178:340-4 (a). (8) Dates, Ballles or baile attaching, tings foreomant mombers shall be eircumferentalh tii okdng wat pat bo om than 0% a f ference of the vetiel and he masinnum Unwed space ont folnt shal not exceed 40 times fokness. otherwise ‘us condition or eval a compartments noparnted by-na air ace. This aie Apaco shall be Sented ann be equipped with drwinage falls which aball be Kept operative ab al times, (3) ning fiche en uno ta_caoply well Seton th a ceunteenat of stand ihe ra mbt te ing allo nite et Setanta Toa: TE ly = Og WU, HBLA & 8 tt Ey» osoter Wt At inn ay ‘= seotion modulus (inches); W. = tank width or diameter (inches) 1 & ring pacing (inches); jes, tho maximum, distance Trots ‘re midpoint af the ‘unsupported shell on one tide of the rive ailfencr to the midpoint of tho un- fupported sll ‘om the opposite ade of the ning (1) If a ting atifener fs welded to the tank alll (with each clreutnferential weld not les than 80% ofthe total eireurtoronce of the vease! and Uo masimutn unwelded space on ts joint not fexeeoding 40 times the shell Chekness) portion of Ue ehell may Berconsidersd an part of Use ring sceion for purposes of eomputing $170,810 ‘meimum portlon of the aol to be ean foot W = Gita teltln panel eicunterenti ce belive parallel eireunsferental ring elilfener to's weldas = {2) At configuration of tntoral or external ving miter fn ie me, Uh nie nace nial Wornrrangel fer went eed ‘with dravge facies whch aball bo Kept aperative toe atu arnt ) Appurtenances: necesory al (1) The desig, eovaraction, and intallaton of ance to tho soll ead of the Enrgo tan must beech ato mn 1mizo tho possibilty 'of sppurtonatce damage or falure adversely attesting the product retantion ntogrity of te tan @) Structural member, such a the suspension tues protection and extetnal tiga, wh practi utlzad a ites for attachment of appurtenances Acctaorin Loe cargo tank (@) Excopt as presribed in ubpatagraph (6) of tha par usta of ay spperinance Loe Sel a he eager by attachment to a mounting pad, ‘The thickuess of'n mourtto ‘cl mat not be ley than thet of the shell ot head Uo whe wd. A pad must extend ot least 2 inclis n ench divetion nny point of attachment of ce. Pads must have corners or otherwiso us eheped in a tanner to prsclave gress concontratione on tho shel or head, ‘Tho mgunting ped mus bo altecod by a continuous weld sround the pad @) The appurtenanco most bo attached to th ‘hore wll he no advero afect upon the producl of th tank It any’ foren In nppled to thy ap Alreotion, excoptiormal tothe tank, or wilh 40° of ora, (6) Skirting structures, conduit lia, braking clip, and siilar Lightweight aliachiments, which aro of & metal thickness, constrtee on, or atria pprecauy tng eeoa but nat mre than percont of the thlekness of te tun shell or head to which such hed, may bo secured drgctly tothe tank shell or hend ‘nao designed and iftalied Wat damage toi will not affect tho product retention integrity of the tank Toxo lghtireght ‘Utschiments musth secured to the tank well by contra weld for i such manner ng fo preclude formation of pockela, which may Become ates Tor nelpe tb ow eiesatt area Daneeal esuaat apr ih ae shirt Pitas: Bg he ta GER. 10280. Strctarlly, the burope etal beeen Sry ato (oa lar tft eingunaetar dmsebetice yt ine Tenet eure adera eel ti Http ema a Beton epee et with bl a aril ‘appliod tlivetion an tudinal ns of the vehicle, (©) Overturn protection, All closusea for filing, ‘i nolo o its halle! protectod fromm caring. which: pil result ineakngoef lading ine oven of overturning tte vellele by boing encloged within te body ofthe tank or dome alache to the tan or by guards (2) When guards leg ta pind Ingiretion ope as, mor ins opi id ach cary lis proportional share of tho font ft protection other than genre af cbnderd erin desig load eins apple abi. to re nctunted venta no overturn protection ng nozzles oF ttings Tess th ‘to contain product while ih ta nce jes then the inside diameter of the fitting, enon marred tes fa thes Incent ring nilfener provided uch aie tie center of the nozsle or fitting for inchen In diametor (wif that projoot ‘Mn polet de ‘within'30 Inches of .@) If the overturn protection ix no constructed ne to permit rmulation of liguid fn th top ofthe lank, shal be peed with drainage facilites directed Wo m ante plat f diechence ) Piping. {0 Fd anche pp sa te proved wits protton in ne dag ig al te rv th wot inl Foot eye ame cae @) Alberta senate fatale sa coh cae Seinen atc topes at CaF esha ele ail Seg pe oi hei tn al faite chance takes EMS cain smasily stig « ects tee sca ahtig eet fo ne tin lt ees ote es pene ae yi tte i Mi ot sasgeitn ed yee Hina aya Halal atts eer Se SPER ak paki ee epntig c valve neat and ite ) (G) Strength of piping Btngs,Noso.end hose couplings. lo silng and Ati fr Eanke ton tented by rtaake aha lesigned for a buraling proaare of nt least 100 pig and fot eat iter Tour neste pte wh, fei oa tbls Innere By these ef eh yaaa ot Si deven akan wdy mae NPN? oF th nay bal ef eB Pins finite gta ot Home peas els ung te dcapeeee tee ft Bee gd cgi wenn me pets ig Ae Soto penta not hasan 265 xen eee or ¢ Rta al bow dodged haste bo Tass (@ Pronto or exunfon and baton. Sit andiypteadats crtrenne and ral, Salleh p Espana conten tg and ra ot a es Joints shall not bo used for Unis purpon (©) Mester cals ater ely ea fatale, sal structed that the breaking-off of their oxternal connections wil tee ete cet (6) Gauging, loading, and alr pace oee taal eae Sclunie monn fr tei arte coer pea DRE Gz tease ln 278.340-9 Pumps, (0) Londing or unloading pumnpa mounted cali or elle it ol al'ke rane Wir aulonnte Incanto prevent the pressura from exeseding the desig prewure of tho tank mounted equipment, sees i not deve, Gauging, long be provider with nex hall lao bo $378.40-19 Cestication, (a) Certiention ay required in paragraphs (b) and (2) of ths wobscetion shall indicate tine aut argo tank haa been designed, constructed and tents in neenrd ‘withthe applicable epeiention RIG 306, MG 800, oF MG S12 G reat) eb82 or 178.51). (1) Maitepurpose tanks. Ifa eango tak is divided into com= inftnonia atd tch ‘sorpartintn 8 canneeicy Hens with the roquirementa of m diferent NIC Spostcation, Viens haa otal plate required in parsgraph (6) of Ui eiwectony Jocatal om ihe right side, near the fren ofeach compartinen tk pli rally accesible for Tnopetion, “betaine the 2 configuration shall also be closly Tndieatod on the ‘celibate roqlzed a paragiaph (e) of this wb = meas . ‘Wa can tank is constructed in accordance with the ro aufero Soo specs oy gt hae ‘pelea eneent cient may ah eet aieine Peogeat oe ey aa Shy hither Mae nga oe inet GS cc eel lad Eipsuona Oy aban it srrasi0—4 17000 (a Spectetonshoviage, I eng tank fy mutta | _ 2) Bota mul pupa oh Specter eet ata ftablatonenton toque | ex ae atl aalep IHN, Mheteby requiring eubeequed’ mantfaetoriog involving the | fo Cho metal certifention plato reat stan of salt compen pre, 0 tank in o bo physi. Buff ue mounted sda accra for inspection. cs (or pte emerably) shall be sooure fn Fartenances of | ‘Tho mounting of toe plates shall bo auch that oly the plato ‘creme ie perme for Ge erfeeal amulaghra We ee ialping ti anni mostetion font all Umer the thermal gereaton plate Tequzed fo ps is In gomplote compliance wilt auel specie fr (o),of Ula | sargo dan ‘igetion ihe peeltealion reqlromente Not eomnpltd with shal | ‘Tie mounting of tho ol ws Ltad on" te mamcfactarers ceriicate required In para- | auch a manner as to bo capable af retain’ tho plato wren web fp (lof tinubneion. Wong thecego taney dogs | fst iineral opting ents. ho mine marke a fteepnltsomlian, the dat sk eomliaace ace | te’ mathod redo the erent ato il bee Tho fi 'bo:stgmped ‘on the metal cerifen tion pate. ‘the | plato shall contain at least tho information containe below: int detail dato and eoncerm completa compliance. SPECIFICATION IDENTIFICATION mc — (b) Metal cerlifcation plate. ‘Thero shall ba on every cargo RQGIPMENT BECESEARY tank (or tank compartment Hf constructed to different specifica Yon) a imetal plate not subject to earrosion Toeated ou tho right | ene een Hide) near tho Trout, in a place readily aeceaible for inspection, Sich pinta shall bo permanently allied to tro tank by wane of om slicing" Vrsing, welling or ether equally aula Roan FER. seriebaltemidsutes Tent a orastasune or eles ssn of ring iets nfo of 9n rela of the na ation tod Feat aol 'be fo pelted at a ebcu the mars | PE adn tne ite af fase the Inforttation fdieated below. | 3 « (1) IF» eango tank ie to bo physically al we aatig (Se i toenails ent to moet another nok requiring a fpetieation tan ruc combination alia ba inde bende reification Idenifeation, ‘Additionally tho metal multi-purpose plates required in subparagraph (2) ofthis paragraph are requt {Th apne eae cet aula cao, yale shag arouct HT ias ea be ie Shipped th'verd !9edRe all be met @ Color coding: ‘Those pets which rust bo changed or SSIs amass habia specie aenaanes tind the appropriate tmultrparposo plato a eat fied ualog the lelowing claret Yeblolo manufacturer... Manufaoturer's aerial num pecidention IdentiGeation'.., MC205 RED MCa07 GREE! Moai2 YELLOW Noa Bpee. BLUE, rae Aton raty terre hegedraddl tbo stamed eames «omy em maggots age Spee «oe mange css, cate seed bye Habeas ooblseataver cata, 2 catete see a mie cil tie centies leat Seb i , ape en ery en et gk a oa Loading limits. . GPM and/or PSIG | the requirements contained in {plicable specication wall bo Pera “Gia ua) cera aed Uaioe at aa Berton teuceceaetel een es atte rea sant | Dpto tr nde tesa aise atts EAL gS Ri baz src a ee echinacea vem ae anne 178.341 Speclficatlo: ‘cargo tenks. | shall not be less than that pressure exerted by the static head of {he Tally loaded tank in the upright position 179414 General reqpcements, («) Spcietion MC 306, cafyy lanka ma eonaly SAth tegen and omatvetion | 1 ftiBhenagts i 148310 n aditon fo the spolso requirements SUNGTIn Weston. Tye ly eed dl thickness. The minimum thicknosses of tank patina ei bste (abi Giri (b) Design pressure. The design pressuro of each cargo tank | caso less than those indicnted In Tables I and 1 below: " \ ‘TAQLy I-AAINNMEUM THICKNESS OF MEADS, BULENIEADS AND BAFFLES (A), High Siena Law Alley Slot (HLA), Slalalee Steel (58) ln Unled Sates Standard Gauge— ‘aa Ay (AL) in dacnale tained) ‘elon Capacity la Oatlons Pee tk ‘Over 91616 or 18 and Over HELA a 1HgEA gL, aes [7S] an | mee | PERS] an |e | MEE] ae |e | "58% | ae ‘Tilak. we | om [os [oe [ae | az | oar | ao | om | 2 | an fives a2 (045), Scent Lo Alloy Bs ‘Arai Alay (AL) spe (MINIMUM THICKNESS OF SHELL stIEETS (SLAY, Aveloie Stalls Slot (85) fn Ualed Stat in deca of tek) ning Oneee ‘elume Capua la Oatlons Por fac Ps = vo [Tw i ae | ae i i aE i" 8 ee ae : i i aE q a @ 1 rr iH i . % a Ble y g) re eye tains opp | a ef pom wl ony weno vido rove bit nd re nit ana a preasure io under any condition of velco rollo vein tt wi an ge ha rte ‘cig ore tan 72 puta er gallon, he gallon por ch aut vine thin thane hoa, buted bs the gett scetion enpaaily require. in lo per inch multiplied by te nctual product denuty in pounde Der galion divided by'73. » vine (0) Bach ih acca “Jp sacs“ Niale vp thay all lve asus epabilty of trthalanding falernat td precaurea of 9 pig without permnsert Slormaton, Safty doves to pevent Uh tanta sao gover from opening flly when internal pressure ly present Be brovidew ee Z : FATBRtLL Vee, Fach enrgo tank compartment bb provided with vafly flit dovlon in accordanes with th uitementa contained in this paregrayh.. Allo euch devices shal ferns ite apar nee. tal ley sal at be allel Helween tt tak epating a nny ately device. Bete tell devices shall he no mounted, teh ied or drained ae to si ‘nlnato the necuriulation of water, the freerng of wilt could fe Dalr the operation or dcharge capably of the devi (©) Normal venting. Kah earyo tank com proviad with yreio und watt wae Trough aren of Gal nquar inch {o open at no more tian T pag Han’ ounces" Pecenre aid tacutum vents all Do de prevent Tos of liquld Uough the vent in ease of chico o (© Losdiog and stoading venting protection aesined to te i 1 promt to igh " ftom thefts ert ". ‘the preara vent i yt prema al uvertings Thin prow yet or Interior th tan Kanal ree ow af i Gon uf webiie rollover niisuds Fong trough tho vent nner (@) Emergoney venting for fre exposure. acy. ‘The total emer (0) Tota cap lin of en eg an carne finite hms ube venting capaci ile not ts thn nego Late eompartinent el vert or wentm to ope "vesting vapaelty for preva ie eet of fre ale por hour (14 ftom w tank pressure oi peig. Pressure-uetuniel doviess brig Stall iv osigne o ttn prevent leakage of Tid past he device Hnveace of mrgo or veel upat, except that Ue’ sbal funtion atultudes (©) Fustblo venting. If tho preamuroctustedvonting required byspuntnl (Y Get ts bition dee tev thal venting enpacity requited by: paragry ot this sabection ‘Adadiional eapasity sal! be provided by aah omeach fate aimuarect 1 a Blement to located 98 tot inding der normal operating conditio pte actnt fy same wich ol oxccnding 250" Fhe venting sapacts Eo reted at hot moro than Ss paigs ‘rant ut MUNIMUM mALERORNCY VENT CAPACITY IN CUBIC PRET [FREE AUR/HOUR (ler DSIA and €0" i t: x i . 3 2 Bs ge88e 5 eee ‘Wore 1+ Talerpli Tor itr (c) Flow testing and marking of vents. Bach typo ventlng devices tall bo flow tert in vs {plicable preceding parngrphie Th lie foot of Trev ar at which Ube flow explty t deters Alovice, ‘The fursie vent or vents aball have thet fl Aelernined at 6 paig differentials (2), Thess flow testa may’ bo conducted by the manufacturer of ray be delegnied fo carifed outdo ageacy, (a) Bach product lie (losing ith jo the tank or nts a sn fics int outside the tani ‘lv seat al be sarge ta iver (ution) (i) an automatic heat actuated means whieh will b effective ata temperature not over 280° F, (2) a secondary ci means, remote from tank filing or daehnrge openings, fot op toa it eveat of fire or other acsiJoat. aa $170.841-8 Gauging derlees. (2) No applicable provisions. i10.841-1| Mothod of test. (a) Test fr leaks. Bvary cargo ata tied Oy amin alo hy ieee greta St Sigerat nan Lote fn den rasureot rate lshover Is gtealer applied to tho wiiole tank and dorno Wi ‘pon-compettimentod, It coropartinentad each individual eom= Partinent shall bo aitalerly tostod with adjacett compartment Empty and at atmoepherispreseu ROH pad of at leek vo ‘rine faint vader renewal bo contd te osing sx bubbling ‘feral suitable for the purse i of whch feats the preven of rai "fiydostats preauee used, all be done by ting water ‘other Haid having a similar viscosity, the teinpe of which, ‘ot exceed 100°. during tho teat” and applying pr bd above, rauged af th top of the tant at which tin te uncer prettra shal be foapected for the feruance of dicate eSks, All elosures shall bo in place while tst by ol tf $179.941—§ 110.012 smathod Is mad During thes tests, operative rolled ‘tail e camped, plugued,orotherwino fendered tnoperativa sch Cisne lugh abba device dl be roaoveltnmelitsy af ‘test ls finishod.” Any loakage discovered by either of the Imethods nove described, or Uy any ather meting, nll bo deemed pf tir to aga Ur equroments ut thin pcan, at rhall bo wultahly repute, and ho above devel cats ave a bod Cents aha fovered, before aby enrgo tank in put into ervice fe gontinnad until tout aro ne ‘Test for distortion or failure. ls Every eng tank shall be by eseribed saph (a) of this section and shall I"preasur side vil ff Impending fallure or failure. wir font eusso Tor rejection under the lt ‘nus distro i caginta ropa wa ne abcqusy of Uns epa all ‘termined by ho anime method of ten” Un” TPR Mal be it ters tite enrgo tank § 178.342 Specification MC 307; cago tanks. f1mmsiz-s Gonos reqleemesta. (0) Speclcation MC 07 coro tanks must comply with te rncal design and eontrucion Tequirements in § 178,340, in addition to tho specif design ro- ‘qolrements coslalued in this weston, 6) ‘Tho dxgnprowur (tsimum lovable working roe ot Sh cae Ea Sil nt os dues 28 pl Eee flees pata nan dened i Tee Wide cheba ota ARTE co (@) Tanks shall be of eireular erose-sction, $110.8t2-2, Thickness of shel, heads, bulktveads, and bast (2) Maierial thickness. Ths minimum thicknesses of tani {arial authorized in 178.840-8 sell bo not low than thoeo abjtained + by applying the following formolas nor les than those speced in aa Yost if below: = : ro Thiekne of dal 3s = ED ee only) Whee: ca ll instr exlsivoo allow- nN aftr ors . oe et ithe aig D = Tonite diameter of shell, lechesy nt F f i ia i equals oneaarut cf seat Near ee et ied alin Sa ee = Leow ofiletay of any onlin Joint tn ah Lowa sia iat 24 = Lowest elilency of any ott ia head, (8595 max). TAOLE L-tMIIM4UM THICKNESS OF HEADS, BULKJIEADS, AD RAFFLES ua Sat) Hh Suet Low Aly QUAY an Ss $5) Epo aU 8 au “ane ee es gy Tk Oh yee ow ‘Ow tote Mitt ‘Wie aie 201090 ‘Wand Over Vast ns st 1st st ws PY Ye eee | isu epee bones oF wan sera 1s sn ny ee 8 ara a iene cette Seka aeacoes mea es wo [wee | eee | eee | eaten rm ee er rm r - ae vos |] | un [PSY oY |] a |e (EY af | |e | | AY a (1) ‘The knuckle radius of the hoad shall not be less then threo timer the matoral thickness, ‘The straight flange sbell not bo lox {han Uitee Umea the materal thickness for bull-welded heads. (2 For heads vith pressure on the conver st, the material thfeknees a8 obtanned By the above formula thall bo ineroased by 6674 unless such heads are adequately braced to provent excesive detorto (€),Corresloa allowance, Vossa or part of vencls subject to ‘dating by corenon, erosion or mechnbieal abrasion, ala pave provision ioado to withiand (he Intended We ead servos by’ tuitablo Increase fn tho, thickness of the material over Usat d= formulas oe by using wore other autablo tethod of protestion, Aitoral dod for‘these purposes need not be of the same thickness for ail parts of the vena I diferent rates of attack aro expected for the Yarious parts §.118.812-3 Closures for manholes. (@) Bach compartment sldil bo neceasible through «16-inch miiewn tna diartot rinhole. the mantel ill be eigned to provide a secure

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