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HABIS 34 o UNIVERSIDAD de SEVILLA SECRETARIADO DE PUBLICACIONES 2003 Se DIRECTORES Miximo Brioso y Genaro Chie SECRETARIOS Salvador Ordoiez y Antonio Villarubia CONSEJO ASESOR José A. Comea, Francisco J. Femindez Nieto, Antonio Fontén, Manuel Gaia Tejeo, Juan Gil Luis Gi, Clisbl Gone Javier de Hox, Francisco J. Lomas, esis Luque, Joxé M Lurén, Maria C. Marin, Manuel Pellicer, Eustaguio Sénchez Salor Bartolomé Segura y Emilio Suérez ° UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA SECRETARIADO DE PUBLICACIONES. 2003 © Porveni, 27. 41013 Sevilla 954 48 74-46-74 51. Fan 954.48 74.43 ep:/pubins cies ‘0 en Esa Prined in Spain 88%: 210-7608 "Sto Leva: SE-€69-1904 impwicin¢ impesin: Peano Ci, (or Martin Alvarr, 21 E91 478 61 25. 28018 Madr INDICE (CARMEN GARCIA MARQUES. Autobiografias funerarias en e! Reino paar ezipcio. ¥ Dinas JOSE LUIS MENENDEZ. La monarquia griega antes de la ‘consticiin de la pet ‘Algunas conieraciones see as0 MMSE RUTH PLIEGO VAZQUEZ. Sobre el eluaminto de meronariostrdtanos: tampa panentocarapnés de El Gand (Aleals de asia, Sevilla) = » BMIIA RUIZ YAMU. rr de Plas ex matin te I Era lenis ‘TOMAS SILVA SANCHEZ. La clson ene bexdmeto de Caliaco.Actalrcia 73 ANTONIO VILLARRUBIA MEDINA. Alga tas ste a pcs epiaramtica amor a ela época helenistica: Asclepfades de Samos y Meleagro de Gaara 9 (CARMEN ARIAS ABELLAN. Los adjtivos en ~ar en i obra de Pauto 13 DANIEL LOPEZ-CANETE QUILES. Sobre Catulo, 77 (In Caclium) 13 ENRIQUE A. RAMOS JURADO. Moderato de Gas exado de a ctestion. Cronlgia forma de vid - BARTOLOME SEGURA RAMOS. El metodo crovligc-estuctural en los Anis de Testo (y HM) ‘CARLOS ALONSO VILLALOBOS Y ENRIQUE GARCIA VARGAS. Geopoltis in eval romana ea el Estrecho de Gibralar: lands seoarquokigco del pueno de Baclo Clautia y cl emplazamicnto de Melaria (Tas, Csi) 1" JOSE GARCIA ROMERO. Homos de funn y fin empleados en I metargia romana en a provincia de Cérdoba 201 JAVIER DEL HOYO. Recomposcién dela insripcin del cazador anima de Clana. 215 PEDRO SAEZ FERNANDEZ, SALVADOR ORDONEZ AGULLA Y SERGIO GARCIA. DILS DE LA VEGA. Insrpiones romans inéita nla provincia de Seva. 229 ANTONIO CABALLOS RUFINO. Maina Epigraphica ROCIO CARANDE HERRERO Y CONCEPCION FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ. Edn comentario los Carmina Lain Epigrphicacoseradon en el Museo Aico legico Provincial de Seva ADOLFO RAUL MENENDEZ ARGOIN. Il Parthica: Leo apd Roman 3 MAXIMO BRIOSO SANCHEZ. La problemitica de la comunicacon lingisica en la novela griega antigua REGLA FERNANDEZ. GARRIDO. Los suo nla novels regs: Caitn de Afroas ¥ Jemofonte de Efeso XOSELOIS ARMADA PITA. El culto Santa Bulla y ls cristianizacién Ye Galea alunos tesimoniosarquokigicos 3 19 1 INDICE JOSE BELTRAN FORTES Y JOSE LUIS ESCACENA CARRASCO. Nuevo cpigrafe Paki de Alena (ovine Seri) yams nt ete polit tardoamtiguo dela comarca x9 JUAN GIL. Parerga I 403 JOSE CARLOS BERMEIO BARRERA. Blip, Kant y Levi una ween soe ln autonomia del volun an RESERAS a ‘Hinno Homérco a Deméter (A Villa). Hoes Dieter Blume, Menander(C. Morel). Enrico “Magnlli,Alezandri Aco Testmonia et Frogmenta (H. White). Aulo Gelio, Nts drcas 1 (R. Moreno y J Manes). Libaio, Discwsos Ty Libaio, Discusos Ml. Discurso alianeos (G-Ritoré)- Nonnos de Panopois, Les Dinssiagues XVI (H. White). Karen Andresen, José Vi- ‘cenle Bails y Francesco de Marin (eds), El tere elise al mare dela cular grega ¢ la ‘seuapervivncia dns la caltra occidental I. Lt dua ene teate(M. Broo yH.Brios). F de Marino y C. Morena (eds) 1 tere classic al mare de la cuura grea il sea pe vivéncia din a cultura occidental. VL dAriadna (M, Brosoy H. Bow). PA. Rosenmeyer, ‘Ancient Episoary Fictions. The Leer in Greek Literature (RJ. Gal). Enrique Angel Ramos Suro, Cuatro edi sobre adic clisica en ta terara espa (Lope, Blasco, Albert YM Teresa Leon, y la novela hstrca) (A. Nllaubi) Ricardo HemindeePére, Post latina Sepucral deta Hispania romana: estudio de sus tpicos yformadaciones (J. Mari). Lars Al- bins, The Hows of Hades. States in Ancient Greek Eschatology (R Moreno). Karl Mysliwiee ‘The Twilight of Ancient Egypt. First Milenarium BC.E. (A.J, Morales) Pao Xela). Quando 1 dio more Mori eastence divine elle amiche radon! mediterrance (MC. Marin). Peto ‘Lopez Baya y Susana Reboredo Mail eds), I! Renin de Historiadores:frnerase ide: ‘dad en el mando griego amiguo (A. Alvarez Ossoio). MP. Garcis-Belido y L Callegarin. (coords), Los cartagineses ya monetisacion del Mediterrneo Occidental (R. Pho). Frangois de Callatay, L'Hstoire det Guerres Mihrdariques vue par les momales (L. Ballester). . Gonzslez Roman y A. Pilla Anoba (eds), Estudios sobre las ciadades de a Bética (S. Or- er). C. Alonso det Rel (), Consolatio, Neve esnaios WC. Saqute) S. Keay.) Creighton J. Remesal Rodrigues, Celt (Peiaflor. La Arqueolota de una Ciudad Hisparrromana en te aetica: prospecciones ¥ excanaciones 1987-1992 (J. Beli). Genaro Chie Guia, Datos pra un estudio socivecondmico de la Béica. Marcas de alfar sobre dnforasolearias (3. C. “Maequez J. Molina). Migel Requena E!enperadorpredestnado. Los presgios de poder en poca imperil romana (G. Chic). A.D. Lee, Pagans and Christians in Late Antipiy. Source Inot (F. A Bsmos) Angelo Valastro Carle, Merejir 9 secns en a Iglesia Antigua. El Octevo ‘ibro de tas Btimoloas de dor de Sevilay sus fuentes (C. B. Pee). Lis Ramin Mend dex Bueyes.Reflesiones eticas sobre el orgen del reno de Asturias (CB. Perea) J. R. Ba lesteros, La Angad Barroca, Libros, insripciones disparate en el esormo del! Margués de Exepa (J. Belen). VW.AA., La cervece en a Antigiedad (J. C. Sauete). Mara osé Garcia Soler, El arte de comer ent antigua Grecia (M. Bris). Diccionario Griego-Espal del Nuevo Testmento. Analisis seméatico de los vocalos (DGNED), Fascieulo 1. ‘Aapsireiyarenu7ia (M4. Brioso) R. Dean Anderson Je, Glossary of Greek Rhetorical Terms, Connected to Methods of Argumentrin, Figures and Tropes fom Anaximenes 10 Quiniian(E. A. Rees) NORMAS DE PUBLICACION .. oe , sor RESENAS de étos es Ia gran afinidad que guardan con los fice, ya que ambos estin eneaminados 2 Tora la slvacin del alma y, por tao, una existeacia feliz en el Mis Ali, de suerte ‘ve llegan a compartir igual escatologia, Por el contro, los miseios rics solo eran Fealizaos por una élite frente alos de Eleusis, ls cals llegar a ser econocidos por Ja propia Pélis. I esquema utlizado para ls riales mistios de Eleuss es semejante al del c&- pitulo anterior. Una vez anlizados el mito de Démete,representante del ciclo de la vid, Y ls pertinentescorrelaciones entre el discurso homic y l rico, la exposicin se d- Fig ala desripcin detrital mistrico, por supusto sin dejar aun lado les tors mis recientes, af como a toda la polémicasuscitada a causa del méximo secreto en que estos Iisterios se desarotlabaa, La iniciacién en si pemanece hasta nvestros dis en el mis absolut desconcimientosbene autor muestra una buen intenci a la hora de proyectar tuna lz sobre ells, estableciendo, no sin cierto riesgo, puntos de conexin con el orismo, ‘ya qv persiguen la purificacin del alma para una existencia aforunada en el mundo de tas sombras. Por altima, et profeso Albinusconcluye que existe una nocién del alma disinta en Homero y los érficos, Tal diferencia pone tambien dos ideas de escaolofa griegt de tn ado, la homéricay, de oto, a fica, la primera negatva, y la segunda postiva. 0- cluso seal una distincinesencial, ene otras muchas, a saber, co los doses aim cos dminan el discurso homérico, y los poderesctnicos el éfizo, de forma que sede ‘marca una oremacign hacia las esferasepctnicase hipocténicas de actividad. Finalmente, uno de los puntos a resatar es la muy completa bbliografia, tanto de ls ediciones de los textos empleados, como de 10s estudos modemos, ademds de siempre Sl Index acorn, Seguidamente se aiden diversas liminas que vienenaiustrar aspects relacionados con el tema de la muerte y el mundo subterrinc (funeales,eidola, miste- Fis eleusinos etc), entre as que destac con especial live larepoduecin de Polignoto La suma de todos estos Factores hace del lion estudio muy interesante y atac- tivo sobre esatologia griega, Ia cual hasta el momento no haba sido tratada de una ma- ner tan sistema, A ello cotribuyen la ide y la claridad de la exposicin sobre un tema tan complejo como es el det mundo subtrrio y su ntrpretacin Ast pues, pro- fesorAlbinus, con l actual tabajo,abre nuevas vias de investigacin en tomo a un campo tan misterioso, como es ede la moerey la existenca de otra vida en el Mas Alls para el que Ia religi6, bien sea la grega o la de cualguier cultura, ha intentado dar una rs- puesta convincente y esperanzadora Ixmacutana Ropriaviz MORENO KAROL MYSLIWIEC, The Twilight of Ancient Egypt. First Millennium B.C.E., Comell University Press (Ithaca-London, 2000), xv + 352 pp. figs. in text, plates XVI Tra- «ducido by David Lontoa, ISBN 0-8014-8630-0. Edicién original polaca, Pan Obydwu Krajéw (Narsovia 1993); edicion alemana, Herr beider Lander (Mainz am Rhein 1998). ‘The present work reflects the importance of one of the periods overlooked by re searchers and scholars, the Late Period, which finds scant mention in the popular litera- 451 RESERAS ture, Such a period shows a complex evolution of different politcal systems or situations, caused mainly by the intemal crisis and the constantly invasions of neighboring popula tions. The author considers thatthe period 1070-332 B.C.E. should be the subsct of greater academic focus, taking into secount not only the collapses occurred in Egypt but also the strong political endeavours and cultural developments that these dynasties hal to reach 10 ‘maintain the ‘order in the Two Lands. It seems important to point out that the main pur ose of this work isto Keep the attention of researchers and lay readers on this magn cent peri ofthe history of Ancient Egypt Karol Mysliwiec is Director of the Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology and Director of the Department of Egyptian Archaeology at Warsaw Univesity. As Di rector of the most important Polish excavations in Egypt, he has obtained a full back {ground on archaeological data and a higher degree of accuracy of historical interpreta- tion for these specific period of the history of Ancient Egypr. Thus Mysliie highlights Polish archacological work in Egypt related to such final phases of the Prlemaic, Ro- ‘man and Byzantine periods, being one of the main topics to be reviewed in the last chapter. ‘The Duelistic Vision ofthe World and the Paradox of Ancient Egypt's Hiory (Chap- ter 1) is used by the author to introduce us into the first chronological step of the book: the crisis of the Late New Kingdom. With a fresh perspective, he analyses the decline of the New Kingdom and the appearance of new powers in Egypt, mainly at Thebes, where the priesthood seems to control most of the political, economic or social aciities around ‘the main institutions. The Report of Wesamun is key source for understanding the con- froncation of the moment: a pharaonic authority in the north and a southern (Theban) priesthood with renewed political claims. The use of Egyptian texts in the book. not only with regard w the political situation inthe Late New Kingdom, but also for chers periods of the history of ancient Egypt in the First Millenium aC. is fundamental to stress the importance of this work forthe general reader or alike: the Chronicle of Price Osorkon, Pie's Campeign to Egypt at Gebel Barkal or the Nitocris Adoption Stela are main sources included in the work ‘Once the reader has been able to consider the nature of the historical changes atthe end of the New Kingdom (Chapter 1), a precise and excellent account of the next periods is carried out. Mysliwiee opts for reviewing (Chapters 2-5) the ten dynasties which are included under the broad chronological tems of ‘Third Intermediate Period (Dynasties 21- 25), Late Period (Dynasty 26-31) and Ptolemaic Period (until 30 B.C.). One ofthe main Clues to unde:standing the authors goals for this work must be noted: he acteves a clear and bright method to share archaeological and historical data in afresh and easy-reading ‘manner, showing information about these periods which had been considered until now ifficut to be drawn together. The secret ofthe easy reading is related tothe well (struc- tured) arrangement of the topics in every chapter. The explanations of each dynasty are focused on the most important events, not only historical and deriving from te period in ‘question, but also historiographic and even anecdotal. ‘Thus the second chapter highlights the political, social and cultural aspects of the dy- ‘nasties 21-24, focusing on the Chronicle of Prince Osorkon as the main literary source, ‘and analysing some episodes oftheir history such as the relationship between Egypt and Israel, Shosheng I's campaign to Israel or the political fragientation and threat from 458 RESERAS broad, In addition, the discovery of the Serapeum and the mummy caches are topics to be reganled as part of the adventures of early Eayptologiss. ‘The third chapter contains the main aspects of a refreshed culture with African ele- ‘ments, Nubia as political center of Egypt offers a new perspective forthe development of the kingship under Pie, Shabaka or Taharga. The author focuses atention on the “Kushite Cap”, royal regalia which is understood to have is origins in Nubia. Here the author eom- bines different sources to describe sich an object and its cultural significance for the image of the king. ‘The fourth chapter is related to the Sate Renaissance, where Mysliwiee offers a view of the artistic and politcal developments under the Psammetich family and the Theban influence of its religious elite. Herodotus is mentioned to display the Greek opinion of ‘the events happened at this time, contrasting these opinions with other sources. ‘The content ofthe fifth chapter includes the Persian and Greek rules of Egypt firstly ‘with comments on the wrong image that scholars obtained at frst from classical sources about Cambises and Darius, and lately from the scant literary and archaeological Eeyptian sources. Works such as the temple of Hibis, statue of Darius from Susa oF a naos from ‘Tuna el-Gobel are non-native expressions of the external authority aver Egypt. Comments fon the Alexander's conquest of Egypt and the Prolemaic Dynasty close this chapter, The author returns to these topics in the sixth and final chapter, where he describes Egypt un- der Rome and some of the most important discoveries of the Polish teams (monumental and residential areas in the center of the Roman and Byzantine Alexandria, the present- day projet results at Kom el-Dik, remains of a town and its cemetery in the Marina EL-Alamein of an early Christian monastery at Naglun in the Faiyum can be mentioned) in the land of the pharaohs. Finally, Mysliwiee includes a Comparative Chronology Table which can be very accessible for general readers and students, informative for researchers and scholars, ‘To conclude, the monograph under discussion seems tothe reviewer's opinion o con. tain clear and rigorous information about such periods of the history of Egypt, making the work an important reference book for the subject, complementing works such s those of F.K. Kienitz, Die politische Geschichte Agyptens vom 7. bis cur 4. Jahrhundert vor Zeitwende (Berlin 1953), K.A. Kitchen, The Third Intermediate Period (1100-650 BC) ‘(Warminster 1986) or K. Baer, “The Libyan and Nubian Kings of Egypt. Notes on the ‘Chronology of Dynasties XXILXXVI", JNES 32 (1973) 4-25. The work seems o be in- dispensable for those dealing with the social and political situation in the First Millennium BCE. in Egypt Axtowo J. Motus PAOLO XELLA (ed), Quando un dio muore. Morte assence divine nelle antiche tradizioni ‘mediterranee, Nerona, Essedve edizioni, 2001, 211 pp. La reflexin generada a Jo largo de casi un siglo en torno a la fundamental obra de J.G. Frazer (The Golden Bough [Londres 1914), encuentra en esta obra dirigida por Paolo XXella un colofén, que es al propio tiempo una excelente sfntesis del estado actual de Ia 439

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