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Indira Suarez Rodríguez ID: 616238

Silvia Dayanna Flórez Riaño ID: 585431

Brayan Steven Grosso Contreras ID: 613958


Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales


Floridablanca 2019
METROPOLITAN AREA OF BUCARAMANGA.....................................................................3
Description of the problem.......................................................................................................5
Research question.....................................................................................................................6
General objective......................................................................................................................7
Specific objectives....................................................................................................................7
Theoretical Framework..............................................................................................................10
Work stress.............................................................................................................................10
Work-related stress: a drawer-of-tailor concept?....................................................................11
Stress affects 38% of workers in Colombia............................................................................12
Diseño 9.4 Población..............................................................................................................15
Muestra y tipo de muestreo....................................................................................................15
Criterios de inclusión y exclusión de la muestra.....................................................................16
Instrumento y técnicas para recopilar la información.............................................................16
Horario y presupuesto............................................................................................................17
Análisis del resultado.............................................................................................................18
Desafíos y logros duranta la construcción del proyecto..............................................................19




El estrés laboral para las personas que desempeñan una ocupación como conductores
del trasporte masivo del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga. Unas de las características que
desencadenas dicho estrés son las siguientes: la frustración para poder prestar un excelente
servicio a sus pasajeros, la presión de tiempo, los horarios rotativos que presenta su empresa
siendo causantes de problemas familiares entre otros.
Por otra parte, se ha señalado la contaminación ambiental, los ruidos y las congestiones
de tráfico, factores que pueden generar conductas de ansiedad.
Estos son factores a los que se encuentran expuestos de manera constante los
conductores y para los que se deben buscar nuevas herramientas que les permita afrontarlos y
solucionarlos de manera que genere un menor costo emocional, físico y comportamental.

En Colombia e incluso en muchos otros países del mundo, es muy común

evidenciar comportamientos que son derivados de estrés laboral, ocasionado por el
estilo de mando, carga laboral, ambiente laboral, relaciones interpersonales con los
compañeros, remuneración, jornada de trabajo e incluso con factores extralaborales
propios de su entorno familiar o social. .
El estrés laboral es la reacción que puede tener el individuo antes exigencias y
presiones laborales que no se ajustan a sus conocimientos y capacidades, y que ponen a
prueba sus capacidad para afrontar su situación.
Aunque el estrés puede producirse en situaciones laborales muy diversas, a
menudo se agrava cuando el empleado siente que no recibe suficiente apoyo de sus
supervisores y colegas, y cuando tiene un control limitado sobre su trabajo o forma en
que puede hacer frente a las exigencias y presiones labores. [CITATION Lek04 \l 9226 ].

Es por ello, que la mayor parte de la población trabajadora, padece diversas

enfermedades o patologías que sobrevienen de la carga mental o psicológica que afecta
todos los aspectos de la vida, tanto laboral como familiar y que producen alteraciones
que pueden llegar a ocasionar la muerte.

La identificación oportuna de los factores de riesgo psicosociales, nos permiten

hallar las respectivas soluciones para cada uno de ellos, logrando el control y
disminución de enfermedades ocasiones por estrés.

La investigación nos permite indagar e interpretar aquellos factores que

interfieren en los comportamientos de los conductores del sistema de transporte masivo
del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga, para identificar el factor de riesgo psicosocial
que afecta sus acciones e impide su desempeño físico y psicológico normal, afectando
su trabajo y a su familia.

Description of the problem

Due to the work performed by mass transit drivers in the metropolitan area of

Bucaramanga, the aim is to identify the cause of the high level of stress in these

people, in order to find alternatives to reduce the appearance of this pathology.

The current work scenario marked by globality and instability generates

conditions that cause many professionals to experience frustration and a high level of

emotional tension, which leads to increased levels of work stress and professional

burnout. The importance of the study of work-related stress and burnout has increased

in recent years the scientific productivity in these areas. For this reason, a review of

the literature has been carried out in order to offer a global and updated vision of both

processes. The main models and current study variables are shown, as well as the

most current lines of intervention that have been developed to date. (Rodríguez, R

& Rivas, S, 2011).Stress at work or stress at work is a type of stress typical of

industrialized societies, in which the increasing pressure in the working environment

can cause physical or mental saturation of the worker, generating various

consequences that not only affect his health, but also that of his closest environment.

Work-related stress occurs when the demands of the environment exceed the

individual's ability to cope with them or keep them under control, and can manifest

itself in

a variety of ways. Some of its most frequent symptoms range from irritability to

depression, and are usually accompanied by physical and/or mental exhaustion.

(Anonymous, 2017)
Thus, we can investigate that the behaviors that drivers reflect towards users

can be caused by different emotional factors that affect their work performance and

even family, causing poor service. For this reason, it is important to determine the

highest incidence factor, which can generate labor stress in the drivers of the mass

transportation system of the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, in order to combat

and create strategies against this problem.

Research question

What is the psychosocial risk factor of greatest incidence in the generation

of stress behaviors in the drivers of the massive transport system of the

metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, during the second semester of 2019?


General objective

To identify the psychosocial risk factor of greatest incidence in the generation

of stress behaviours in the drivers of the mass transport system of the metropolitan

area of Bucaramanga, during the second semester of 2019.

Specific objectives

To establish the intralaboral and extralaboral aspects to evaluate in order to

know the psychosocial risk factors that affect the drivers of the massive transport

system of the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga.

To select the psychosocial risk factor with the highest incidence, which

generates stress behaviours in the drivers of the mass transport system in the

metropolitan area of Bucaramanga.

To interpret the causes of stress behaviour among the drivers of the mass

transport system in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, derived from their


Due to the different behaviours adopted by drivers and the constant complaints

presented by users, we have highlighted situations in which workers reflect

intolerance, bad temper and even bad words towards users, which may be derived

from the activity they carry out, as a result of the exhaustion caused by the work and

which may cause stress behaviours.

WHO (quoted by Redacción Salud, El Espectador, 2015), states that the World

Health Organization (WHO) defines work-related stress as the “reaction that an

individual may have to work demands and pressures that do not adjust to his or her

knowledge, tastes and aptitudes, and that test his or her capacity to face the situation"

That is why, nowadays, it is more remarkable to observe the appearance of

stress behaviours that catapult other pathologies and that can end a person's life. The

identification of psychosocial factors is the beginning to develop an action plan to

reduce the appearance of them and improve the health and welfare of workers.

To consider that people's behaviour is not linked to their daily situations is to

lie to ourselves. Each and every one of the situations through which a person goes

through affects positively or negatively in his life generating behaviours that can

cause very serious illnesses, but if we identify the cause and intervene, the

probabilities of acquiring them can be reduced.

Mental and physical health allows a worker to be productive both at work and

at home, which is why we want to contribute to the identification of causes, in order

to attack the problem and contribute to the healthy and peaceful life of the drivers of

the mass transportation system in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga.

Stress affects everyone differently. It can lead to dysfunctional and unusual

behaviour at work and contribute to the individual's physical and mental ill health. In

extreme cases, prolonged stress or traumatic work events can lead to psychological

problems and psychiatric disorders that lead to lack of attendance at work and

prevent the employee from being able to return to work.

When the individual is under stress, it is difficult to maintain a healthy

balance between work and non-work life; at the same time, he may give up on

unhealthy activities such as tobacco, alcohol and drug use. (Leka, Griffiths , &

Cox, 2004).

Therefore, it is important to identify the psychosocial risk factor with the

greatest incidence in the appearance of stress behaviours in the drivers of the mass

transport system in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, in order to help the affected

population and reduce the appearance of physical and psychological illnesses.

Theoretical Framework

Work stress.

It is obvious that many difficulties of workers, which affect their health and

the performance of their task, originate in the job, partly because they spend most of

their time in it and in it they relate and develop.

An effective response to stress represents a successful adaptation. But the

organism does not always respond perfectly or adequately; when this happens,

there is a physically negative result or an adaptive condition.

This type of condition can affect the heart, blood vessels, and kidney, and

includes certain types of arthritis and skin conditions.

The possible consequences of stress on health are incomplete if the effects of

stress on mental health are not mentioned. To the frustration, anxiety and depression

that may be experienced by those who are subjected to stress, must be added other

forms in which it can manifest: alcoholism, drug dependence, hospitalization and in

extreme cases and suicide.

Even minor mental disturbances caused by stress, such as inability to

concentrate, reduced attention rates and impaired decision-making skills, can have a

significant cost within the organisation in the form of reduced efficiency and

effectiveness. (Hole, M, pp8)

According to this statement, we can say that work-related stress can generate or

produce a great variety of pathologies that harm physical, mental and emotional

health, thus generating significant problems in their behaviors and in the service, they

offer as drivers.
The information consulted allows us to know in depth, the possible

consequences that are derived from stress and that can affect both drivers and their


Work-related stress: a drawer-of-tailor concept?

Work-related stress did not become an object of empirical research until the

second half of the twentieth century (Buunk, Jonge, Ybema, and Wolf, 1998). The

forerunner of this type of research is the classic work The American Soldier

(Stouffer, Suchman, De Vinney, Star and Williams, 1949). An extensive study

conducted in the US Navy during the Second World War showed, among other

things, that feelings of threat could lead to psychosomatic complaints and a decrease

in motivation, and that certain organisational interventions, such as the rotation of

military units, could reduce stress to some extent.

It was not until the late 1950s, however, that research on occupational stress

was boosted by an extensive research project, developed from the Institute for Social

Research at the University of Michigan (French and Khan, 1962). The influential

book Organizational Stress: Studies on Role Conflict and Ambiguity, written by

Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoeck and Rosenthal, which was published as part of this

research programme in 1964, showed how types of problems related to the role of

employees could lead to stress.

The concepts that were introduced in this book, particularly ambiguity and

different types of role conflicts, have had a profound influence on occupational stress

research. Thus, the research developed in this period was particularly interested in

potential risk factors for stress experience, such as high work pressure, conflict, and

role ambiguity (e. g. , Khan et al. , 1964). Psychosocial risks that proved to be
connected to various health problems, such as cardiovascular complaints and

psychological disorders (Katz and Khan, 1966). As a more direct consequence,

interest in the area of work-related stress grew rapidly and in parallel with interest in

mental health in North America. (Martín, P. Salanova & S. Peiró, J. pp3)

Stress affects 38% of workers in Colombia

The international crisis is already beginning to be felt in Colombia's

workplaces. Or so concludes the most recent report from Regus, a firm specializing in

labor issues that after surveying more than 16,000 professionals from different areas,

concluded that 38% of Colombians who are employed suffer from labor stress. The

reason: the continuing uncertainty of not having an indefinite-term contract, which is

accompanied by instability and declining macroeconomic performance.

“This is the disease suffered by a large number of 21st century Colombian

workers. In addition, it is costing companies that do not care about lowering the

index,"; says the document. And in one of his additional appraisals he states that one

third of the population surveyed suffers from an increasing trend of this disease.

“Stressed-out workers are neither happy nor healthy, so companies that want to

help their staff lead more rewarding lives cannot help but analyse the stress levels

within their organisation. However, the strong pressure of stress does not only fall on

workers, but also on businesses as the latter observe that their staff does not perform

as needed due to marked absences due to illness and become less efficient,"; said

Ana Maria Castro, director of Regus for the Northeast region.

Among the strongest figures that the study revealed are, for example, that the

main causes of high stress at a general level are work with 64%, personal finances

with 54% and relationships with the partner with 38%. Sixty-eight per cent of those
surveyed said that flexible work reduces stress, accompanied by 64 per cent who

stressed that flexible work is more family-friendly, reducing pressure levels in both

areas. It also concludes that 43% of those considered flexible work do not have such

attractive payments and their wages are below average, but that by reducing stress, it

makes workers more productive and efficient. And in the end, after analyzing small

business workers, they found that they had a greater tendency to stress (42%) than

those of large companies (27%).

Castro concluded that stress levels continue to rise and are approaching a

critical point. He explained that in the short term it will result in the loss of valuable

workers and a fall in productivity, while employees will have to face problems such

as insomnia. (Business Editor, El Espectador, 2012).

All individuals who make up a work group, regardless of their work, are

subject to certain functions or orders given by their immediate bosses or the

employer, which do not always generate satisfaction and may lead to behaviors

derived from the workload presented.

We can say that there are many factors that can influence the work, personal

and social performance of an individual that is directly as a consequence or occasion

of the work that develops daily, ie that even the smallest detail that interferes with

their work can generate stress behaviors which can cause diseases such as

cardiovascular, psychological and musculoskeletal.

It is evident that globalization and the great economic changes, can generate a

number of labor changes, which are directly related to the person who must execute

the activity and that in equal form interferes in the productivity for company, is for

that reason that it is important to analyze and to interpret each one of the aspects that
can interfere in the behavior of that person.

It is common and evident to observe daily behaviors derived from stress,

product of the activities that the workers carry out and which demand a high

workload, generating demotivation and illnesses that can lead to suicide.



Esta investigación está basada en un trabajo de campo donde se busca identificar cuáles

son los factores o situaciones que influyen en el estrés generado a los conductores del área

metropolitana de Bucaramanga la realización de su actividad laboral.

El trabajo de investigación está basado en un enfoque cualitativo que nos permitirá

utilizar la recolección y análisis de los datos necesarios para llevar acabo las preguntas e

hipótesis de investigación.


Identificar las situaciones estresantes para sensibilizar a los conductores frente al manejo de las
mismas sin descuidar los aspectos familiares

Diseño 9.4 Población

Para nuestro proyecto de investigación el diseño que más se ajusta es el “Diseño

fenomenológico. Su propósito principal es explorar, describir y comprender las
experiencias de las personas con respecto a un fenómeno y descubrir los elementos en
común de tales vivencias.”

Esto hace referencia a que, a través de este, se explora, describe y comprende la

situación que se evidencia en la investigación sobre el estrés en conductores del
transporte masivo del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga, en búsqueda en descubrir
cuales son las causas que generan esta patología en las personas encargadas de realizar
dicha actividad.

El diseño fenomenológico nos permite indagar sobre las vivencias presentes en la

ejecución de la actividad como conductores, que puede desencadenar en una patología
como el estrés. De esta manera podemos recopilar información valiosa para el estudio
de las diferentes situaciones a las encuentran expuestos, la frecuencia con la que
presenta, su intensidad y las posibles consecuencias.

Lo anterior con el fin, de buscar posibles soluciones a la problemática evidenciada.

Muestra y tipo de muestreo

El proceso de muestreo permite al proyecto de investigación realizado a los conductores

del sistema de transporte masivo del área metropolitana Bucaramanga seleccionar la
muestra más conveniente o representativa para el proceso de estudio con el fin de
obtener los resultados deseados. para que este proceso se realizara se contó con la
participación voluntaria de los encuestados seleccionados con el fin de obtener datos,
analizarlos, y posteriormente identificar los fenómenos y características del proceso de
Posteriormente a la selección de muestra poblacional escogida para el proyecto de
investigación, se le hace una segunda selección de muestra no probabilística por
Los individuos seleccionados deben ser conductores del área metropolitana
Bucaramanga este muestreo por conveniencia tiene como propósito que la muestra
seleccionada reúna una serie características específicas para que el proceso de
investigación puede realizarse.

Criterios de inclusión y exclusión de la muestra

Los criterios de inclusión se enfocan única y exclusivamente a conductores del sistema masivo
de transporte de la ciudad de Bucaramanga.

Se tendrán en cuenta participantes con edades comprendidas entre 20 y 40 años de sexo

masculino que deseen colaborar y que puedan participar; con horario de conducción
diurno, Llevar como mínimo seis meses vinculado a la institución. y que no presente
otras características no deseadas.

Por lo tanto, la exclusión hace referencia a la demás población que no es objeto de estudio.

Se excluirán de la muestra conductores que no cumplen con los criterios de inclusión así
mismo no se tuvieron en cuenta los participantes que estuvieran en proceso de retiro de
la institución y aquellos que fueran de sexo femenino.

Instrumento y técnicas para recopilar la información


Edad: ____ Género: ________ Nivel educativo: ___________ Estrato: _____

Below you will find a series of questions with five answer options, of which you should 
choose only one by marking with x below the option that best fits your answer.

At all times Almost always Sometimes Hardly ever Nape

5 4 3 2 1
1.your work schedule allows you to share time with your family?
At all times Almost always Sometimes Hardly Nape

2. the tidiness and cleanliness of your workplace make you feel comfortable?
At all times Almost always Sometimes Hardly Nape

3. communication with your bosses and colleagues is appropriate and respectful?

At all times Almost always Sometimes Hardly Nape

4. has gone through aggressive situations with users?

At all times Almost always Sometimes Hardly Nape

5. the route you travel on daily presents vehicle congestion and excessive noise?
At all times Almost always Sometimes Hardly Nape

The commonly used data collection methods are:

Participant observation: A method of data collection through participation in the

observation of a group or individuals over an extended period of time.

Interviews: Another data collection method in which an interviewer asks

interviewers face-to-face, by telephone or online. The qualitative research interview

seeks to describe the meanings of the central themes in the world of the life of the

participants. The main task of the interview is to understand the meaning of what the

participants say.
Discussion groups: A method of collecting data with a small group of people to

discuss a given topic, usually using a path of questions. It is common in qualitative

research to combine more than one data collection method in one research.


Para efectuar el instrumento se realizo el mismo de forma virtual, con el fin de que la población
a encuestar tuviese acceso a responder de forma cómoda y eficaz.

Una vez realizo el instrumento se analizan los resultados.

Horario y presupuesto

Actividades Horario

Diseño del documento de investigación Diariamente una hora de actividad

Diseño del instrumento Noviembre 18 de 2019

Aplicación del instrumento Noviembre 20 de 2019

Análisis de resultados Noviembre 25 de 2019

Finalización del informe Noviembre 30 de 2019

Materiales Presupuesto
Transporte reuniones de trabajo $ 450.000

Internet $150.000

Copias e impresiones $28.000


El estrés laboral es uno de los factores que influye en la aparición de

enfermedades cardiovasculares, respiratorias, neurológicas entre otras, que puede
afectar a cualquier persona que se encuentre sometida a realizar actividades que lo
afecten emocionalmente.

El estrés laboral puede presentarse tanto en Colombia como en otros países del
mundo al igual, que en cualquier tipo de actividades económica que realice una
organización u empresa, afectando la efectividad laboral y propagando enfermedades
que pueden acabar con la vida del trabajador.

La identificación oportuna es una estrategia que permitirá actuar eficazmente

para intervenir, cada factor de riesgo psicosocial que perjudique la salud física, mental y
social de un trabajador.

Es importante determinar los aspectos que puedan ayudar a disminuir la

aparición de comportamientos de estrés con el fin de ejecutar un plan de acción eficaz,
que ayuden la intervención y el acompañamiento del trabajador afectado.

Existen factores estralaborales e intralaborales que al unirsen pueden ser

perjudiciales para la salud de un trabajador, es por ello que se requiere desarrollar
actividades de promoción y prevención, que eviten el aumento de casos de origen


 No conducir con fatiga

 Regular la temperatura del vehículo. Un exceso de calor mientras permaneces

dentro del coche puede causar desesperación.

 Frente a un atasco, adopta una actitud tolerante y paciente.

 Conducir despacio. Si estás acelerado mientras conduces, tendrás una actitud
más agresiva y peligrosa con los demás conductores y personas que caminan por
la vía.

 Salir con tiempo suficiente para llegar a tu destino evita que te suba el nivel de
cortisol en sangre, es la hormona del estrés.

Desafíos y logros duranta la

construcción del proyecto

Con relación a la temática estudiada para la realización de esta investigación,

nos resulta importante aclarar que consideramos oportuno el acompañamiento del
docente con el fin de poder despejar dudas e inquietudes frente al sin número de
temática que se pueda encontrar y que en todos los casos no confiable la información
perjudicando nuestro aprendizaje.

Consideramos que el proyecto nos impulsó a conocer más acerca de las

diferentes investigaciones y teorías que aportan en el enriquecimiento del conocimiento
y crecimiento personal.

Nos resultó un poco difícil el desarrollo de los marcos teóricos debido a que es
un poco complejo determinar si la información suministrada proviene de fuentes
confiables para el buen desempeño del proyecto.

Consideramos que los libros y documentos suministrados por el docente para

conocer la temática de la introducción a la investigación aportaron en nuestro
conocimiento y nos permite tener unas bases para el desarrollo de investigación a


Anonimo. (2017). Estres laboral. info. Recuperado de

Betancourt, D. (2008). Resolución 2646. Ministerio de la Protección Social.

Recuperado de:

Cirera, Y. Aparecida, E. Rueda & V. Ferraz, O. (2012). Impacto de los estresores

laborales en los profesionales y en las organizaciones analisis de invetigaciones publicadas.

(pp. 67). Recuperado de:

Gonzalez, L. & Vargas, D. (2016). Factores psicosociales, estrés laboral y Síndrome

de Burnout en los trabajadores de la Cooperativa Unión de Transportadores Unitrans S.A.

(pp. 8). Recuperado de:


Hoyos, M. Estrés laboral. Ministerio de Trabajo y asuntos sociales (pp. 8).

Recuperado de:




Leka, S., Griffiths , A., & Cox, T. (2004). La organización del trabajo y estres (Vol.

3). Francia: Institute of work, health & organisations. pp. 3. Recuperado de
Leka, S., Griffiths , A., & Cox, T. (2004). La organización del trabajo y estres (Vol.

3). Francia: Institute of work, health & organisations. pp. 8. Recuperado de

Martín, P. Salanova & S. Peiró, J. (2003). El estrés laboral: ¿un concepto cajón-de-

sastre? (pp.3). Recuperado de:

Redaccion negocios. El Espectador. (2012). Estrés afecta al 38% de los trabajadores

en Colombia. Recuperado de:


Rodríguez, R. & Rivas, S. (2011). Los procesos de estrés laboral y desgaste

profesional (burnout): diferenciación, actualización y líneas de intervención. (pp. 72).

Recuperado de:

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