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Lengua extranjera. Inglés La Patria (1962), ge Gonzalez Camarena Esta obra lustré la portada los primeros Libros de Texto Gratuitos. Hoy la reproducimos aqui para mostrarte lo que entonce era una aspiracion que estos libros estuvieran entre los legados quel Pavia deja asus hijo, Estimada(o) alumna(o): El libro de texto gratuito que tienes en las manos es el resultado del esfuerzo que realizan el Gobierno de la Republica y los gobiernos estatales para garantizar que todas las nfias, nifios y j6venes que cursan la educacién basica en nuestro pais cuenten con materiales educativos para apoyar su aprendizaje, y ello contribuya a tener una educacién de calidad. Este libro del Programa Nacional de Inglés (Pron) forma parte de los materiales educativos que se ofrecen a la comunidad escolar para que, con el trabajo diario de maestras, maestros, directivos y padres de familia, en tu escuela sea posible aprender a aprender y aprender a convivir. Te invito a que acudas a tu Biblioteca Escolar para que disfrutes la lectura y amplies tus conocimientos sobre los temias que mas te interesen de este libro. Este libro es tuyo, jconécelo y disfritalo! DisTRIBUCION GRATUITA. PROHIBIDA SU VENTA Okay! 1 Activity Book Derechos reservados: (© 2018 Leticia Fernandez © 2018 ANGLODIGITAL, S.A. DEC. Paseo del Faisin No. 50, Col. Lomas Verdes, 1a. Seccién, CP, 53120, Naucalpan, Edo. de México. ISBN 978-607-8593-58-3 Queda prohibida la reproduccién o transmisi6n total 0 parcial del contenido de la presente obra por cualquier ‘medio: Electrénico 0 mecinico, incluso el fotocopiado, sin el cconsentimiento previo y por escrito del editor. Direccién editorial: Victor Ricardo Guzmin Ziniga Director de desarrollo digital: Vitor Fernel Guzmin Arvizu Director de desarrollo editorial: Alberto Garcia Rodriguez Disefio de interiores: Sergio Guzman Chavez / guzmarT Disefio de portada: Roman Olvera Edici6n: Nelly Pérez-Islas Iustracién: Alejandro Herrerias Silva Imagenes: 123rf / Shutterstock Esta obra se terminé de imprimir en el mes de junio de 2018, ‘en los talleres de Litografia Magno Graf, S.A. de CV’, ‘con domicilio en Calle E No. 6, Parque Industrial Puebla 2000, C.P.72220, Puebla, Pue. Impreso en México Printed in Mexico 1a, Edicién: 2018, Informes: ‘Teléfono / Fax: (85) 5343-2542 —@ derecho de autor No ‘calseca br, ESTRATEGIA NACIONAL PARA EL FORTALECIMIENTO DE LA ENSENANZA DEL INGLES Programa Nacional de Inglés. Para alumnos en Educacién Basica. PRON! La produccién de estos materiales fue hecha por encargo de la Secretaria de Educacién Publica para usarse como material didactico en escuelas publicas de Educacién Basica. Impreso en México : Printed in Mexico Distribucion gratuita: Prohibida su venta Introduction ‘e5 ae = Round up and Glossary and Product Work Cutouts Okay Icons Chart Use of Reader / Big Book / as Ser gt Singing stering song and Trackoumber of ine Ke) teckumber ©2 heausoco Reading Task wing nothin. king matching trengsor drawing, or trcing tracing task task in pairs 2 Readingand Reading ond speaking and Spacing, listening Seer ee wanes tracing task x 9 & Looking / finding 7 § and listening Speaking ‘ se, Ustening and a I ‘writing, matching, °O ing in pales Look / Find drawing, or tracing ie Speaking inp 7 task in pairs Reading and writing, matching, drawing, or tracing task in pairs Finding out wing macrne, Ae, drawing oF Speaking in eroups wang task ee Index Unit 1 Hello, friends! Familiar and Communitarian Understand and respond to greeting, courtesy and farewell expressions. Unit 2 Rhymes and stories Literary and Ludic Page 16 Understand rhymes and stories in verse. Unit 3 Step by ste REN y step Lc) Ae) Read illustrated instructions to make an object. Unit 4 Signs save lives! Familiar and Communitarian eT feel} Interpret public signs. Unit 5 fables and stories Literary and Ludic aye) Compare words in stories. Unit 6 what's your name? Familiar and Communitarian Page 56 Give information about personal information, likes and preferences. i Ani living bei Unit 7 4 Animals are living beings ‘Ask questions to get information about a nature-related topic. aA) Unit 8 People in my community Familiar and Communitarian Describe and interpret information about people in the community and their activities. Unit 9 That's a good story! Literary and Ludic Understand stories and relates them with own experiences. Unit 10 what's your schedule? Formative and Academic Interprets information about time in illustrated materials, ey toBe lo} Good morning, Clara. I'm Cactus. What's your name? school, Clara and Pepe! = We Aow are G i; ol you ood bye| Ye Cut out the characters on Page 117 and color them. Revise the meaning of the expressions your teacher gives you or the ones you write in Lessons 2 and 3. Put together the cards you cut out and colored in Lesson 1 and the written expressions you collected. Paste them next to their corresponding pictures. SO GS 2 a SSE SES RRA iii ae Lesson 1 ee Good morning! Start! @ Match. &. £e Clara Pepe Yellow Cactus _ Blackie ( Hello! Hil I'm Yellow. Good morning, Clara. I'm Cactus. Welcome to school, Clara and Pepe! © Greet your classmates. A: Good morning, Date Start! @ Look and find. a @ Look scat and inaten ‘(r= A: Good morning! eo eh y ba! a “Se Hello, Clara! Hello, Cactus! * Hi, Cactus! Hi, Blackie! © Good morning, Blackie! a Lesson 2 Bais How are you? Start! @ GB Look. Listen and match. A Good morning. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Hello. Good morning, children. Good morning, Miss Ximena! How are you? I'm fine, thank you, Clara. Hello, Miss Xime! A? How are YOu? I'm fine, thank you. Hello, Miss Xime! © Talk to your classmates. a Date Start! 8 © listen to your teacher. Point to the q correct picture. a Gj (S000 morning. Goocbye! May come in? Hi! P Lesson 3 — See you! Start! @ Look. Listen and sing. q Os love children, time to go. Thank you, LCE Toa mee a] BolT a9 welcome, children, sing along. See you bol Tetra a ZoNT] go! Concentrate! @ [i Read and mark. Check ( V~ ) the courtesy expressions and write F for the farewell expression. Thank you. ‘You're welcome. See yOu tomorrow! FE Okay! © Use these expressions and practice with you! & . classmate. Complete the illustrations. Can | borrow your red pencil? Yes, here you are. Date _ Start! @ Listen, read and underline the ai greeting and farewell expressions. O6 Mom: Time to go to bed, Pepe. Good night! ~~ | Pepe: Good night, Mom. Thank you. Oh, good evening, a Dad! Dad: Hello, ww Pepe. Good night! Pepe: Bye, » Dad! Conoentratal e Read again. . Write the greeting and fareneille | | expressions. Ask your teacher for help. | vy “ | a 4 Okay! o9 say and respond to expressions from the feecon pe with a classmate. Say bye or good night to ~ ® everybody when the class is over! May I come in? Good night! Good morning! : Understand and respond to everyday greetings, farewell and courtesy expressions. Tce otto Say and point to the Wate lct Me teel cy “House” rhymes with "mouse"! What rhymes with “crown"?. a Let's find words that rhyme! ee, Muse oO | ploy YE Use the cards with words your teacher gave you or start your own collection from the rhymes in the lessons. Illustrate the words in all the cards. Make sure you have pairs of rhyming words. Play Memory with the cards. Does the game work? Do you have enough cards? Sort the cards in a file holder. There are different ways you can sort the words: you can put the words that rhyme together, or you can organize the words in alphabetical order. Save your game to play whenever you want to. Lesson 5 ee r They rhyme! Start! @ Look at the picture. Guess what the verse will | be about. Say the verse. Start a collection of rhyming words written on cards. Star light, starbright) The first star | see tonight, on | wish | may, | wish | might, Have the wish | wish tonight. Okay! © Draw your wish for a star. Compare it with a p classmate. Share your work with your class. \ wish for... ‘ Ee A eae Date Start! @ Listen and follow. 4 \. & Humpty Dumpty sat on awa; Humpty Dumpty had a great fa. O =~» syle core d i Threescohe. Men20 Can't place Humpty Dumpty re re, three ane ae as he was before. Concentrate! @ © Mark the words that rhyme. Read them aloud. Okay! © Listen to the verse. Clap when you recognize words a ; that rhyme. o9 Lesson 6 Say the word @ Listen to your teacher and point. sun Concentrate! @ [GJ Look at the pictures and mark. Listen and say. Copy words for your collection. h_ltsy Bitsy Spider — Itsy Bitsy ‘ 7 spider climbing up the spout 4 Down came the €s rain and washed the spider Oi Out came the * sun and dried up all the rain Now Itsy Bitsy spider went up the spout again! Okay! © Say a word from the end of a line. Your classmate $s says and spells the rhyming word. Bur y aepery) Unit 2 Date Start! 8 2 Listen and match the words that rhyme. | 4 py house man O12 y down .. & fal q er IMaricthe words that rhyme: say them aloud. Add them to your collection. ‘=s 3 Aqueen ouse She sat ona Wall Lives in the house. Be careful! Don't /9)|! "Can | come clown?" She fell ona ian & Offwenthercrown! @ Wm Andfar,farheran! @ Okay! e Formeg groups. Act out and say the verse for the reel Hie cs oe ION Lesson 7 id Rhymes are fun! Start! @ Listen to your teacher. Read along. a The lion and the unicorn were fighting for the crown bead The lion beat the unicorn all around the town. Some gave them white Seed bread, and some gave them brown * Some gave them plum cake and chased them out of town. Concentrate! @ Read the) verse again and copy the ares that cme in the box. v x crown Okay! ° Put music to the verse. Pteaes it aa presence it pe to your class. Ask your teacher for help. a item ? PYad —| Date Start! @ Gia Listen, read and look. Add rhyming words to your collection. The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. os OS The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town! The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish. The wipers on all the bus go swish, swish, swish, through the town! The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat, chat, The horn on the chat, chat, chat, chat, chat. The people on the bus go chat, chat, chat, all through the town! bus goes beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. The horn on tl all Concentrate! e 2 og he bus goes beep, beep, beep, through the town! Form 4 foams: Each team reads one paragraph aloud. Check your pronunciation with your teacher. t Okay! © Listen, sing and do. Have fun! Per, *. on. slicing sTellfa) classmate: Say: This is a | wish for... star Understand rhymes and stories in verse. Unit 3 ST ESC Communicative activity: Interpreting and following instructions Let's read the instructions! Step 1... Social practice: Read illustrated instructions to make an object. You will need to cut out the pictures on page 115. As you write and follow the steps, you will paste the corresponding cutout next to each. Your teacher will guide you during the making of this product. Follow the instructions and make your pinwheel. See the social practice on Page 35. Lesson 9 nate Numbers are important Start! @ Listen and point. Mark. @ 12345 oe 4 8 oe a number. A classmate names the charsceris). Take turns. at fy Unit 3 . po ae ' : a, Date Start! @ Read and mark. +i 1 one 6 six 2 two 7 seven 3 three 8 eight 4 four 9 nine | 5 five 10 ten Concentrate! Read and write the house numbers. W@eescee two three four ave ai E * an eaa _ seven ei sight nine i as . | Okay! e Chant along. Hold up your fingers to show wag the numbers. x} O16 One, two, three, four, five. Catch the fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Let it go again. Lesson 10 What is step 1? Start! @ Listen and point. Listen again, match. ov 4st gnd grd qth 5th gth 7th gth gth 4Qth eee? h Cora Andres Checbiittrate! @ Look at ihe pare fister) again. Say the name of Ai the winner. Okay! ° Look at the pictures. Say a Pan BeL: Your claseniatar Q says the name of the character in that place. oie Be A ‘gual Date Start! @ Eid Read. Get the materials from your | & y teacher. Study the illustrated list of materials. Materials: * 4 lollipop sticks iT] | | « Finger paint * Craft foam (foamy) in light brown, pink, and black *Gue sb «4 4 «Markers GUE ~ ~ 4 + Ribbon or yarn Concentrate! e 2 Match the pictures with the verbs. Make the object. Sag a. paste b. cut c. hang d. paint < Okay! e show your work and say where you are going to pe Put it. —— Lam going to hang this in (my bedroom). eR cxxsciiacs rence. OM | ___—_ eee er csc Fy Lesson 11 Dats Let's make things! Start! @ Read and match. Notice the punctuation. a Ingredients: * two slices of white bread .. J . - mayonnaise ° two slices of tomato fie © one slice of ham e Conbantratal e Read and Praia eet or letter(s) to reomplece . the instructions. Look at the example. ‘Enjoy Put = Spread. «= Add Cut Cover | Steps: 1st Put_ twostlices of bread on the plate. 2nd __pread mayonnaise on one slice. 3rd A__d the tomato and ham, and cove__ with the other slice of bread. 4th C____the sandwich in half. 5th —_joy your lunch! ia = ° 2 ga fore eraina Illustrate dic steps of a the recipe in your notebook. Say it aloud 8 using the illustrations. e Date 2 { Start! © Gi Listen and point to the steps as they ‘- are mentioned. O18 Concentrate! @ Read the instructions and number the pictures above. 1 Cut the plate in half. 2 Paint the base of the plate red and the outside rim green. 3 Glue the two sides together (painted sides outward). 4 Paste the buttons on the red part of the plate. 5 Use a pencil or pen to make holes into each side of the container. 6 String yarn through the holes and tie. © Follow the instructions. Make your container and say what you will keep in it. for my ls. Lesson 12 Date ___ ) Ae eM RU Rese Rat Cte Take turns. Say these numbers: 8 Step 17 Fold your square, Step 2-Make o pencil comer to corner, th Y Unfold, mark at 3 of the way From the center: Step 3- Cot along the fila AR ate top chsgecs peel aE ages 30, 32 and 33 to remember duct. Show and read the steps to TSE CR ele) mC aso / No shouting anning = No Dus, hing ee Select three signs from the unit or signs you are familiar with and that you think are necessary at school or near you. Collect the materials and draw the signs. Make sure they are big enough for everybody to see. Color them. Use the signs in the unit as a model. Cut out the signs. Paste the stick on the back of the sign (look at the product picture). ¥ Lesson 13 Start! @ What places are these? What public signs can 4 you see? Concentrate! @ EJ Where would you put these signs? Draw lines to put them on the map. Start your selection of Y favorite signs. children at play stop no crossing Okay! © Listen. Say the words for the signs and point to them on the map. I can explore signs in public places. C) Ican examine and say words related to public signs. C) (PS Start! e 5c) i Listen and point to the signs. Remember to a restrooms forthedisabled busstop _ train station Concentrate! @ Mark the words for the signs and read them aloud. 4i rooms stop for the train kay! © Read the words aloud. Your classmate points Z to them. q I can identify words that are read aloud. "(C) can participate in the writing of words related to public signs. | (C) Lesson 14 Date Signs give information Start! @ Listen and number the words in the order they a are mentioned. fe) bus stop 02 restrooms for the disabled train station Concaniratal e awed the correct words below each si sign. ; f Okay! © Listen to your teacher and point to the words - mentioned. ge a | forthe dis > 2 va an as ot] " Big Book tn: = a Date Start! @ Look at the picture. Point to the signs you af see and name them. Concentrate! @ Mark the letters in the words for the signs. Say them i and point to them on the map. Children at > ay. op Sch Bus station Okay! © Tell your class what signs you already know. 4 Ican write words related to public signs. “(C) can examine public signs and words related to them. {IC} a Lesson 15 irate Places in town Start! Listen. Circle the places Pepe visited. Concentrate! @ Identify the place Pepe did not visit. Name it. Okay! Walk around the block with your teacher. Name je the places and signs you see. Ican listen to and identity words. [ICY Date Start! @ Gi Listen to your teacher and match. 4 Add signs to your selection. reception | e | nn elevator = 5 infirmary tl ] stairs Concentrate! @ Are there any of these signs at your school? Write | the words for the signs at school. FE Okay! 6 LQ Read the words aloud. Your classmate points to Hie the signs. Lesson 16 bala OS} Look at the signs and write the words that Croley RRO mR le MR aL) g for help. Write P for phrase and W for word. bus stop no crossing mi hildren at play restrooms stop PE) OM eT sco Reet Social practice: Interpret public sigt NC easier lal Re eat Ce Re eee aL ey PU e em Weer RN UiCe ll me P ul ok nA a auc eeiae hd up on the walls the signs that you want inside the classroom. Take out the Se Re cee Ure m a Lune Cel) ce) Ce too Unit 5 Fables and stories Solo elaine elt m ele MC) ge 1. Take note of the vocabulary in the story you decide to work with. Draw and color a scene without the characters, objects or animals on one of the sheets of construction paper. . Ona separate sheet of construction paper, draw, color and cut out the elements that correspond in the scene you drew during Step 1. Cover these cut-outs with plastic to protect them so that they can be used several times. . Get your sets of words. Place the elements and the corresponding words in different places to recreate a scene in the story. See the social practice on Page 55. Lesson 17 Date Stories Start! @ Listen. Mark and match. Look at the example. i _ittle Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, “ating her cookies on a tray. O24 ‘There came a spider, WA ho sat down beside her nd frightened Miss Muffet away! Say them aloud. Little Ww. E A T Okay! 8 LQ id choose a word from the pictures in Activity 1. fn 5 Say the word to a classmate for him / her to £ draw it. 024 Pe oT Unit 5 025 {teonisten to sees! Date Start! @ Listen and follow. Sing along! m4 123% 36789 26 5 buckle my shoe, 1,2 3,4 open the door, g 5,6 pick up sticks, 7,8 lay them straight, 9,10 >) a big fat hen. Concentrate! @ Read and and write the words that indicate actions. a Say them aloud. e 2 Ga Play. Draw the plcture of one if the words in the chant. Your classmate says it aloud. 9 Lesson 18 Date Words in stories Start! @ Listen. Follow the text with your finger. What kind of “Res text is this? a - a MyBedismyBoat Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) | and sometimes things to bed I take, Ry be ee ate cay As prudent sailors have to do; Nurse helps mein when IGmbar® | perhaps asice of wedding cake, ‘She girds me in my sailor's coat Pethaps a toy or two. | Andstarts mein the(daric) Concentrate! e Read the poem. Circle the words with a shautors 4 spelling at the end. Write them down in pairs. Okay! © Listen to and read the final Wolds elt: Clap your hands when they are similar. Stamp your fe) feet when they are different. Date Start! @ Look at the picture. Listen to and follow 9 your teacher. » Little King Boggen, he built a fine hall, Pie-crust and pastry-crust, that was the wall; | The windows were made of black puddings and white, And slated with pancakes-you never saw the like! Little Queen Boggen loved the sight! Concentrate! @ Ei Use the picture and the text to help you. Classify " the words using lines. Look at the examples. Queen Boggen wall dog ¥ Y Characters Objects, Animals 4 King Boggen pancakes parrot Okay! © Play. Say a word from Activity 2. Your classmate says what it is: object, character or animal. Look at 2 the example. | 19 fete Words Start! @ Ei Look at Clara's bedroom. Join the words and ‘ pictures with lines. Look at the example. Check with your teacher. dog Concentrate! e Read ard mark. Say the words and vowels uaa g meres for example bed -e. lamp quilt cat castle Okay! © Have a spelling bee with the words in Activity 2. Pe Follow your teacher's instructions. Date Start! @ Listen and number the pictures in order. O28 Concentrate! 8 ea listen again and follow. Underline the conclusion. The Tortoise and the Hare sea Fable by Aesop Hare was b f his quickness with the < imal: ‘ > tor epee Pacis: tee? Tonos said quietly, 1 acept your hall allen. ak - ‘Tati god ok ke" laughed Hare re; eral - oe jour brag. for the end”, answered Tortoise, "Le Let' stan” Se race started. Hare dat Fed ton Rion oop mane: Toor heaton ohare Pee “Tortoise went on and on, and hen are sok om Rare Tortoise f vnear the winning line and ¢ could not run in tr e to win t Rei on i “Then Tortoise said "Sow but {Barrera Nea e ee pees 5 Hes Adapted from fittpul/mwyceastofthewe, co remap aA A Okay! © Work in pairs. Compare the words that are in bold in Pe, ae the text. Match the synonyms. Find two more words . with similar meaning. speed beat = O28 win quickness Lesson 20 Date _ 2) CURR accu ees) LEROY Character or object? - mention a” % xine ene er from ' story | © Illustrated story Social practice: Compare words in a story. usta ues U Rural tReet RR uC ee Ue okere lead on Pages 48, 49, 51, 52 and 53. Show your poster illustrating a story. Use Peon hii aOR liter ur low Ca UCR Ono Aue) ace Pret HU OE Ar aur eke) Rome MCC aCe ere LTD RDC La fae eae || ey bows | Pepe, when is your birthday? Pepe, do you like tops’? eee e/! ] a cect Rare ay Luicllesse os T like dogs! 44. (ke OSes 1 See R L like pinwheel e 7 aos | eT ee Distribute the cards among the members of your team. Write your full name on each of your cards. Write what you like below your name on every card. | \ Use decoration materials to illustrate and decorate your | cards. Make sure you don't cover the information with | the decoration. | Show your cards to the group and read aloud your name and what you like. For example: Hi. My name is (Laura) / 1am (Laura) and | like (dogs). Organize an exchange of cards. Talk about the person who wrote the card, for example: Luis Navarro likes cars. pe rORERIAS Lesson 21 oe What's your name? Start! @ Listen. Match the bubbles to the characters. lyname's Cactus. Nice to meet you, Alice! Concentrate! @ Mark and complete with your name. Paste your photo or draw your picture. My name's I'm rar Okay! © £2 Form groups of five. Role-play ae ‘ the conversation in Activity 1 quel g ; ® with your real names. Unit 6 (030 WP cantewse the wring of onsvers. ICY /can give and rsonal nation. | C) Date Start! @ Listen. How old is Alice? Count the i candles and circle the correct cake. Ke) a Concentrate! @ Read and answer the question. Mark and complete the answer. Ask a classmate. » How old are you? lam Okay! © ) Form groups. Ask your classmates their ages. pe With your teacher's help, write their names and »:% ages. Look at the example. a a ae Claudia give and get personal information. C) [ Lesson 22 Date When is your birthday? Start! @ Listen, point, and repeat. When is your birthday? fe \ @ _sanory —_ February SanereS ERERESS 7 = GEE o2n | Tria eames % 67890N 3456789 3456789 789 WN SUbGUED DNOBMS WNABuB. KEwB wD DUDSASS MUPSAAS YNEAs ARB ws 97 Based ERTS MBMNBSD 29H ! May dune July August EAUARES EXHREES EREREER BESDEES sownnBM 6789002 151617 819A LEAS IS TT BIB BBUGHNB BURBUB% 20 papon Concentrate! @ Mark your birthday on the calendar. Write the date on & the cake. My birthday is on... Okay! © Ask your classmates about their birthdays. Look aie = atthe example. 2 os 60 | can give and get personal information. Date Start! @ Mark and match. Read and underline the answer. top e- @ video game « draw « T 1 vs * Can you spin a top? Yes, | can. No, | can't. * Can you play video games? Yes, | can. No, | can't. * Can you draw? Yes, | can. No, | can't. Concentrate! @ Write the name of your favorite toy to complete the sentence. | like Ss. Okay! © Gi Draw your favorite toy or ability. With your teacher's help, write its name. Show your drawing vt % ®% and tell your teacher and group about it. w Lesson Start! ke) 033 Okay! Ed hee theexample. Mn a anne aia 23 Date Do you like pinwheels? @ Look at the pictures. Listen and match. Circle what re © pinwheel 2 * flower * car you prefer. Concentrate! @ Complete the question. Look and complete the answer. Look at the example. Doyou__!ike cars, Cactus? No, I don't. Do you cookies, Blackie? , | do! 89 Gi) Ask your classmates. Write their names and color the square according to their answer. Look at A: Do you like Date Start! @ Listen and point to what Carlos likes. iO Listen again and check ( ) the pictures. Cobtintratel Qe Complete the words. Ask your ciaseWiats the questions. ee Oldale Vaan Wh __ i ? __do you li Okay! ef Play. Look through your activity book and find ee as many things you like as you can. Tell your teacher ae 2 about the things you like. What's your name? When is your birthday? Do you like tops? cet avart Ra Ro iguez\, \weN\ T We dogs ¢y| 3 \"* ge Sonia R. L Wke piawheels ak oS Invite your classmates to TT NCI Lege This is a wolf. Is the wolf wild or domestic’ - -_ U : Ns Wers San elephant Pe er ite Draw two columns: one headed Questions and the other headed Answers. Make sure you leave enough space for illustrations. Select an animal and think of three or four questions about it. You can use questions from Pages 69 to 71 as a model. Copy the questions in your notebook. Bring cutouts or drawings of the animal you selected for the next class. Write your names on the back of the poster. Check that the columns have the correct headings. Draw lines to get 3 or 4 rows, depending on the number of questions you write. Write the questions and answers in the appropriate column. Look at the sample product for reference. Paste the drawing or cutout of the animal on the construction paper. eee Lesson 25 Date like cows! Start! @ Listen. Point to the animals and say their nami fe) ¢ . L « Concentrate! @ Match the animals with their body parts. Look at *i the example. Okay! 6 @ Draw the animal you like. Your classmate y says the name of the animal and makes its noise. Look at the example. Ea Date Start! @ Look at the picture. Listen to the ai questions and check ( ) the answers. O37 a) ahen_ acow_ “_ b) yes_ no VCS foe nog cd) brown and white_black and white Concentrate! @ & Mark. Listen again. 15. animal is this? 2.\s it brown? 3. Do cows eat grass? 4. \Vha\ color is it? . Okay! ©9 EX Look at this animal. Ask your ciassinate al a Ge question. Your classmate answers and asks you another question. Use the questions in Activity 2 as a model. Look at the example. A: What animal phlei: 8: ae horse. Lesson 26 Date _ What is it? Start! © GQ Look at the picture. Check ( v~) the correct ? answer. Ask the questions to a classmate. Is it an insect? yesw™ no » What color is it? black green » How many legs does it have? | eight six « Is it big? no yes » Does it have wings? no yes in trees no in houses yes » Where does it live? » Is ita bird? Concentrate! @ Mark the question words. Match. Look at i the example. What...? e- * quantity How many...? © * place Where...? © object or thing Okay! 6 £D Look at the picture. Ask and answer questions, using Activity 1 as a model. Look at the example. Date Start! @ Use your cutouts from page 111. Place the wolf and the sheep next to the text. Listen to your teacher and read along. Concentrate! @ Eq Look at the answers about wolves and complete &. the questions. Match the correct word from the box with the question. Look at the example. + Where « How many *Do What ” color are wolves? Wolves can be gray, brown, black or white. do they live? They live in forests and deserts. they eat grass? No, they eat meat. years do wolves live? They can live up to 9 years. Okay! © GQ In your notebook, draw an animal. Show your a drawing to the class. Ask the class, using the questions in Activity 2 as a model. Lesson 27 pater {thas along tail! Start! © What animals are these? Listen. Point to the animal before the narrator says its name. Concentrate! @ Mark the names of the animals. a horse hen cow ea x et cman a Start! @ Listen to the song and check ( ) the eae animals mentioned. 039 4 they make. Look at the example. Make the noises. horse « * cluck cow ° * howl hen « =eneigh wolf » *moo Okay! © Listen and sing along. Have fun! This is part of a... “Y This is a... How many legs does it have? * Where does it live? Is this an insect? Ask questions to get information about a nature topic. isd? [TES an ele | hant any legs phan, Tee? LT has bor las. ll Sta? Med ibis } Unit 8 People in my community Communicative activity: Exchanges associated POR CRC iis Social practice: Describe and interpret information about people in the community and their activities. . You are going to make an occupations lottery (bingo) game. Get construction paper sheets. Draw the boards and cut out the cards. Take advantage of the cutouts on Page 109 if you wish. . Write the name of an occupation, a tool, an item of clothing, etc., in each board box, leaving space for drawings or cutouts. Make sure all the lottery boards have different words and that the words are correctly spelled and legible. Draw or paste pictures to illustrate the words in each box. Look at the final product for guidance. . Draw one tool or item of clothing on the cards and write the word, making sure the cards correspond to the occupations you have on the board boxes. See the social practice on Page 85. ; Lesson 29 Date He's a plumber Start! @ Listen and point. Write the numbers. ‘8 Concentrate! @ Complete the words. Read them aloud. Ai bus driver plumbe™ brick layer “Okay! 1. brick layer 2. electrician 3. plumber 4. bus driver 5. doctor 6. veterinarian © Play. Say the last letter of an occupation. Your classmates guess the word. Look at Date Start! @ Look and read. Match the occupations to the children. / What does your % _ \ father do, Pepe? e's an architect. He a : eee My father is a builds houses. What a mail carrier. He about your father’? Deane delivers letters, Concentrate! @ EJ Match the tool to the occupation. Look at A the example. » wrench \ om Y on, mailbag ah stethoscope hard hat & Okay! 6 £2 Ask your classmates. Look at the example. is Lesson 30 pats She ig a housekeeper Start! @ Listen and follow. What is Clara's mom's job? S / at a hospital and wears Aa white uniform. What do you do, ma'am? ('m a housekeeper, Clara. | work at home. Concentrate! @ [EJ See what nurses use. Write C for their clothes A and T for their tools. Look at the example. “y» 2 Wt 4 * - thermometer ] cap uniform stethoscope c Okay! © £ Play. Saya tool. Your classmate says the a occupation. Say where the people work. 2@ A:Cap B: Doctor! A:No.Nurse! 8: A nurse works in a hospital. Ad Start! Concentr: @ Listen and point. Mark the missing letters. oe 1. police officer 2. cap 3. car 4, farmer 5. tractor 6. Overalls : z 7. firefighter 8. fire hose 9. Coat ate! @ Classify the words. With your teacher's help, copy the numbers into the appropriate circle. Look at the examples. © Gi Play "Pictionary". Draw a tool or an item of clothing related to an occupation. Your classmate guesses the occupation. Paesson 31 ate (want to be a teacher! Start! @ Bia) Look at the pictures. Write a or an. ) 1 ay plumber nurse an accountant _4_ firefighter Ce electrician ___ architect farmer veterinarian teacher Concentrate! @ Say the words that follow the word an. 8 zo) Make the sound of the first letter of an occupation. The first teammate to say the words wins and plays next. Look at the example. Date Start! @ Gi Listen. Count the occupations as you aS listen. Tell your classmate. fe) j | want to be a plumber | want to be a teacher | want to be an electrician That's what | want! | want to be an accountant | want be a vet | want to be an architect é& That's what | want! Concentrate! @ Eq Order the letters or syllables and write the occupations. Look at the example. Compare your answers with the words in the song. count-ant-ac accountant er-plumb er-teach cian-lec-e-tri « tve © ar-tect-chi Okay! 8 £2 listen. Sing along and mime the occupations. Say me what you want to be! O44 ae ck ri lab “A Lesson 32 el sxe ates @ Look and write "She / He is Stem ula ea She is a firefighter. pF) ORO eeu LU Social practice: Describe and interpre! community and their act Revisit the pages where you practiced or prepared yourselves to elaborate ee eat ee ROS Me Re se UR e RUC A) ORC ae ee aC eae Re Ue OCS occupation is and what you know about it. For example: Nurse. Nurses use thermometers. They wear a cap and a uniform. is aliterary mobile? {tig anillustrated story to hang u as decoration! Choose your favorite story from the Big Book or the Activity Book. Cut out cards from construction paper and put them away. } Copy sentences from the story you selected onto the ) cards and add how the character feels. Check that the sentences are correctly written and number the cards to keep the story in order. Add pictures or drawings to illustrate each sentence. Follow your teacher's instructions to make a mobile. Lesson 33 How do you feel? Start! @ Match the words to the pictures. “fi sad angry « Concentrate! e & look at Activity 1. Compliee the Wards with win teacher's help. Choose an expression to respond. Claraisha_____. Me too. lam not. Pepe isang _. Me too. 1am not. Claraisbo_ Me too. lam not. Pepelisisemumse Me too. lam not. Okay! 6 With your class, talk about a story you are YY: 2 familiar with. Does it make you feel angry, »® happy, sad or bored? Ea Date Start! @ Listen. Circle the picture that shows Clara's mood. Point and tell your classmate ey the moods. O46 surprised sleepy sad Concentrate! @ (J with your teacher's help, identify three moods. B] Say and spell them. Okay! © Look at the moods in the picture in Activity 2. Ge Do you know the story? When do you experience ie these moods? Lesson 34 Date How does this make you feel? Start! @ Gi Listen. Point to the characters and objects as ‘ you listen. 047 Concentrate! oe Listen again and follow in your book. How does the story make you feel? Ke O47 What are little boys made of? "Snips of snails, and puppy dog tails That's what little boys are made of!" What are little girls made of? “Sugar and spice, and all things nice That's what little girls are made of!" ont CN O45 o47 Date Start! e &Q Listen to your teacher. Follow and put the pictures in order. Picnic at the woods - : Two little children, Rosy and Lou, are very happy when they go to the woods. Rosy and Lou run so ~ fast, they drop the food. Now they are tired and sad; they are hungry. Now they are sleepy. too. They learned not to play with food. ; Goreentutel eo 2 Ue the pitiines and the text to identify ihe = beginning, development and end of the story. Okay! © Tell your teacher about a bad experience and what a you learned from it. #® ne ae Lesson 35 Pate How are you today? Start! 2 G2 Listen. Circle the word you hear. : Be positive! Sue, fe eat One day, Cactus and the children went tothe a = river / forest near the town. _ a hey were singing and racing to see who got to the picnic — ; area first. Suddenly, the sky went gray and they heard thunderstorm. They thought it was going to rain / snow ee and they became sad. ar “They kratbed singing and running. Cactus looked for asafe =. ‘lace. There was a small house / cave and in they went. a It started raining. Cactus said: "Why are we sad /' angry? It's only rain. We have the food and the blanket. Let! 's have oe . picnic right here!" i "Seon ne were all | happy / angry again. They told stories, They sang songs. They ate all the food. fa Fe Fs Concentrate! @ With your teacher's help, put the words in order to form sentences from the story. Look at the example. started / raining / It__!t started raining. only / It's / rain songs / sang / They Okay! © Tell the class if samethini similae ated to * you. What did you do? How did you feel? a Unit 9 O45 O48 Date Start! @ The students are telling a story. Match the pictures to the sentences. | * Yellow: in a small town far away... © Cactus: ...there was a beautiful princess. * Clara: her name was Bertha. Concentrate! @ EJ Correct the punctuation in the sentences in | Activity 1. 8 & Your teacher will talk to you about the steps of your product. Pay attention and ask questions if you have them. OMe UDI Understand stories and relate them to personal experiences. UE are mo ase Rem cele Cellet oe RCo ea ST eta oe aE me eC Cl mel leek Reco UT ola SU RUC lela aCe Leola Invite your classmates to talk about any experience or mood they can relate Porras Unit 10 FV Paw LORS ce ative activity: Processing curiae Wow, Ren! Yc thave a strict reclufare basa chedule to follow. every day. Why do youneed a schedule? Schedules help us to be organized and remember what we have to do. (need to plana schedule! Will you help me? RYolo lM ole-lonleea alle CM ele lili lelel eg PMU M Coe 1. Copy the illustrated schedule on Page 105, and make sure you know the names of the subjects (see Page 103). Write your names on the back of the paper and put it away. . Decide on the time when you have your lessons. With your teacher's guidance complete your school schedule and decorate it. . Present your schedule and mention the class, day and time in simple questions and sentences, while you point to the correct places, for example: We have PE. on Mondays at 8. When is recess? What time do we have P.E.? When do we have English? What time? See the social practice on Page 105. 4 4 3 4 iH o ry | iS 2 Lesson 37 Date ____ What day is it today? @ Look and count the days. Listen to your teacher. Say the days in the correct order. What letters are the same in all the days? Wednesday Trt © cory iui Eig EN Concentrate! @ Complete the days of the week. What day is it Ai today? Listen and mark ( v~ ) the day itis. 049 LE ww Wr Ue ed © onday __uesday | ednesday __hursday _riday | —aturday | _unday Start! Okay! © Say a school day. Your classmate points to it on = the calendar. What days are the weekend? Date wi Start! © GQ Your teacher will teach you how to \. say the time. Listen and put the clocks in re) order. Look at the example. ' well a ey" well Concentrate! @ Eid What de you aa at finesa Hines? Write, leak at the example. Write m (morning), a (afternoon) and e (evening). 6 a.m. | wake up at 6 a.m. m 8a.m. 11 a.m. 3 p.m. 7p.m. ‘e@ 2 Use a a clock | to sets a time. Ask ‘and answer: A: What time is it? B: It's ... o'clock. Lesson 38 Date uo Are you always late? Start! @ Gi Listen. who never watches TV on weekdays? Listen again and complete the sentences using the 10 | words in the box. wake up at 7. do my homework at school. watch TV on weekdays. have breakfast in the kitchen. Concentrate! @ Read the adverbs in Activity 1 and complete the | table. Look at the example. | | never | 6 LQ Make a list of chores you never or always do at home. Share with your teacher and classmates. (always make my bed on Saturdays. Start! @ Listen to the interview. Complete Patty's 7 schedule. Check ( ~ ) when she does each activity. Ac aoe ee a a i Ds Make her bed _ |_| |. | Teele Bathe her pets tt | Concentrate! @ Complete the sentences about Patty's activities. ae i eg ) oni She watches TV on . She does the dishes on Monday, Wednesday and g Friday. She makes her every day. Okay! 6 £& Ask a classmate: "How often do you...?" and pe complete a table similar to the one in Activity 1. ae % Share the information you get. i Oo Presson 39 Date | How do you help at home? | Start! @ Mark ( ) the chores you do. Match the expressions l 4 with the pictures. ~ tidy my room put away the dishes do the laundry feed the pet dust the furniture | chores you do in the correct places in the calendar. Remember, there are chores you do every day. Monday | Tuesday | wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday Start! @ Find the school-related words in the snake. : gpanich o ww Egy, y 4 ev . g& art t& us = , Gs S Puyo Concentrate! @ [J Listen to your teacher. Complete the schedule, The words in the snake may help you. M Okay! we 2 6 QP fa Work in groups. Ask and answer. A: What do we have . ‘ 2g Monday at 10? ak Lesson 40 et @ Mark ( ) the chores you do in the correct column. COU RUE Lay MLO ee Orla y Rue c lu o A: When do you make your bed? oR Ct RST aT make the bed feed the pet wash the dishes do the laundry tidy the bedroom do homework Warr make the bed feed the pet wash the dishes do the laundry tidy the bedroom do homework LPF Ke} @ Illustrated schedule information Social pract Interpret information about time units illustrated materials. Revisit the pages where you practiced or prepared yourselves to elaborate your product on Pages 99, 100, 102 and 103. Show your schedule to the class. Say things about your schedule, for example, We have P.E. on Monday at 8 Cell aN Mec Mn Ma ea Raa time do we have math on (Tuesday)? Be ready to answer questions, too. 105 Glossary and Cutouts jsuoye)nyesbuod T jheyQ paya|dwoo Ajjnjsaoons sey a as HU} Fijyus99 OF 31 SI] 6 ct | MTN Talia electrician doctor brick layer aly smoot) 0 Monarch Butterflies & Cactus | | 4

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