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1. Modo: quickly, fast, well, badly, hard.

2. Lugar: far, where, there, here, up, down, behind, near, nowhere.

3. Tiempo: today, now, soon, still, yet, early, afterwards, late, ago, never, always,
often, then, when, etc.

4. Cantidad: little, much, enough, quite, rather, too, etc.

5. Negación: no, never, not, not at all.

6. Afirmación: yes, also, too, certainly.

7. Duda: perhaps, maybe.

Algunos adverbios de modo se forman normalmente añadiendo ly al adjetivo.

Por ejemplo, de slow – slowly honest – honestly

quick – quickly happy - happily

El adverbio de modo se coloca normalmente:

 después del verbo: Peter sings beautifully; I work hard;

 después del complemento: She speaks French well; They can read Englishfast.

pero si el complemento es demasiado largo, el adverbio de modo se coloca

delante del verbo:

The children carefully put away all their playthings.

Otros adverbios se forman normalmente añadiendo ly al adjetivo.

Por ejemplo, de slow – slowly honest – honestly

quick – quickly happy - happily

El adverbio de modo se coloca normalmente:

 después del verbo: Peter sings beautifully; I work hard;

 después del complemento: She speaks French well; They can read Englishfast.

pero si el complemento es demasiado largo, el adverbio de modo se coloca

delante del verbo:

The children carefully put away all their playthings.

Algunos adverbios de lugar, por lo general, se colocan detrás del verbo o del
complemento directo si lo hubiese.


Come here!

They attacked me from behind.

I can see him nowhere.

Peter lives near.

Pero where siempre se coloca al principio de una frase interrogativa.


Where does Helen live?

Where are you going?

Algunos adverbios de tiempo se colocan normalmente al final de una oración o



The children are at school now.

I’m not coming tomorrow.

Mary came late.

Peter is still in bed.

The boss hasn’t come yet.

She gets up early.

I arrived five minutes ago.

They were not here yesterday.

Pero when siempre se coloca al principio de una frase interrogativa.


When did the accident happen?

Algunos adverbios de cantidad modifican el adjetivo o adverbio que le siguen.


He is a little better today = Está un poco mejor hoy.

My house is quite near = Mi casa está bastante cerca.

She is rather silly = Es más bien tonta.

It is too hot = Hace demasiado calor.

The child is much worse today = El niño está mucho peor hoy.

Cuidado con el adverbio enough, que siempre se coloca detrás del adjetivo o


The boy is old enough to work = El chico es bastante mayor para trabajar.

She speaks well enough = Ella habla bastante bien.

The tea is good enough = Este té es bastante bueno.

Adverbios de negacion

En inglés, cuando se usa un adverbio negativo, el verbo va en afirmativo. El

adverbio no puede ir solo como opuesto a yes, pero también va seguido de un


I never smoke = No fumo nunca o nunca fumo.

We have no money = No tenemos nada de dinero.

She has no friends = No tiene ningún amigo.

Do you want a cup of tea? No, thanks = ¿Quiere una taza de té? No, gracias.

I don’t like Jim at all = No me gusta Jim absolutamente nada.

Adverbios de afirmacion

El adverbio too se coloca al final de la frase; sin embargo, also, que tiene el
mismo significado, se coloca delante del verbo principal o detrás de to be y de los
auxiliares. El adverbio as well también va al final de la frase.


I am Spanish, he is Spanish too = Soy español, él también es español.

She speaks English, and French as well = Ella habla inglés, y también francés.

Will you come to the party? Certainly I will = ¿Vendrás a la fiesta? Desde luego
que sí.

I need some paper and also need some ink = Necesito papel y también necesito

The origin of the Inca Empire

Pachacutej, god of everything and Supreme Creator, determined on a certain occasion
that the Sun and the Moon, always so distant from each other, have contact, at least for
some moments, and know themselves to establish friendship. And just as he arranged it,
it happened . The Sun and the Moon approached, And then the men, alien to the
Supreme Maker's designs, found only that an enormous dark blemish appeared on the
the king of star's surface. This shade, that terrified all of the humans, persisted while the
Moon and the Sun were together to know themselves and loving each other. Before
separating, two children were born of their love: A male, strong and gold of skin, and a
delicate and pale maiden of mysterious beauty. Both predestinated to complete a
difficult mission in the world, they became established at the Sacred lake, from where
they received of the Sun the orders to rule over the world and to convert the men into
slaves of the king of the stars.
The two siblings, obedient to the received instruction, went through the world and they
met with the presence of some men covered with skins of wild, hungry and combatant
animals, the same as wild animals. They understood then that the mission would involve
redeeming them from the slavery of that indomitable nature, and they decided to show
the contents of a new life.
The son of the Sun Huanacauti climbed to the top of the hill, and he spoke to all of the
men that listened to him upon the slopes from the same summit. He let them know that
he was the son of the great star that was giving life to the the world and that the envoy
came from his father to teach them to work and to form a society that they would get to
enjoy a life a thousand times better.
While he spoke to the men the son of the Sun, his sister went to the women in the same
way, making herself known as the emissary and daughter of the Moon. She gathered
them in the plain and she promised to teach them to live a better existence by means of
love, kindness and wisdom.
The men and women, from that day, began to change their life and appreciated the favor
that the children of the Sun had done redeeming them. They called him Inca; That is,
emperor, prince, supreme authority. And to her, Mamauchic, or that is the same as, our
mother. But they conformed and passed the days and the men's gratitude toward the
envoy of the Sun grew, more inclined to adore him and to demonstrate the love that was
declared with no end of adjectives that were not enough in a short while adding on their
own name to his. They called him Manco Capaj, that means "rich in justice and in
goodness", and also Zapallan Inca, that signifies lord of the gentlemen.
From the river Pancarpata to the Apurimac, the men went building the Inca Empire
under Manco Capaj's instructions. The cabins of mud and straw populated little by little
all of the Tahuantin, that ever since it began to be named Hanan and Hurin Cuzco. Fields
were worked in such a way that they all could eat their fill. There were men in charge of
cultivation and the ones that were providing the food, while the women, that had learned
how to spin, wove dresses.
Shortly, the Incas' life got perfectly organized, becoming an admirable town socially:
They had safe homes, they ate in abundance and they sheltered themselves from the cold
in winter, without need to fight with the wild beasts.
The Sun, then, understood that his son had already completed his mission in the world,
and he wanted to carry him off from there. Manco Capaj, like any human being, fell ill
and went into agony rapidly. Foreseeing his death, all of Cuzco's inhabitants, sorrowful,
they went filing by in front of his bed to say good-bye to him. The priests and soldiers
could not contain the crying. And Manco Capaj, seeing the sadness of all, he tried to
console them and he suggested to his last moment that they should keep on, like to that
moment, dependable and trustworthy of his obligations; That, to maintain between all
the peace and the harmony, they behaved very to each other and work. That they never
stole and that they didn't lie, because any bad thing that they did would have ill-fated
That way Manco Capaj died, to whom his father, the Sun, reclaimed him. But Cuzco's
inhabitants from then on never forgot about him and faithfully obeyed his advice .

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