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Module 7-PC

Apellidos y nombre: ...........................................................................................................................................

D.N.I.: ......................Grupo:.............. Docente del programa:........................................................................

1. El alumnado deberá tener disponible en todo momento a requerimiento del personal docente del
programa documento acreditativo de su identidad como D.N.I., pasaporte, permiso de conducir
o, en el caso del alumnado extranjero, tarjeta de residencia en vigor o en trámite o tarjeta de
estudiante emitida por la Subdelegación de Gobierno.

2. Para la realización de la prueba sólo está permitido el uso de papel sellado proporcionado por el
personal docente.

3. Al finalizar la prueba, el alumnado deberá entregar al personal docente tanto el cuadernillo de

examen completo como los folios en blanco sellados que pudieran haberle sido entregados.

4. Este cuadernillo de examen contiene las siguientes secciones:

 Comprensión escrita o Reading Passage.
 Comprensión oral o Listening Comprehension
 Uso de la lengua o General Language:
Parts A, B, C, and Pronunciation
 Expresión escrita o Writing Composition
 Hoja de respuestas o Answer Sheet

5. En las dos últimas hojas, Writing Composition y Answer Sheet, el alumnado deberá
consignar su nombre y apellidos, así como el número de su D.N.I. Sólo se
considerarán para su evaluación las respuestas anotadas por el alumnado en la hoja de
respuestas o Answer Sheet, por lo que sólo será en esta hoja donde el alumnado deberá escribir
las respuestas de las preguntas de cada sección a excepción del ejercicio de expresión escrita
que se redactará en su hoja específica.

6. Sólo se admitirán para su corrección los exámenes escritos con tinta azul o negra.

7-PC Pág. 1
Reading Passage Module 7-PC

The Finnish educational enigma: Teachers are respected and exams are ignored, but if Finland's
educational system is so good why is it so hard to emulate?
would expect, students do the least number of class hours
per week in the developed world, and they sit no obligatory
exams until the age of 17-19. Teacher based assessments
are used by schools to check progress and these are not
graded, scored or compared. Instead, teachers' evaluation is
used in a descriptive way in order to obtain an accurate
description of the student's abilities, necessities and
Great emphasis is put on pupil and teacher trust and
well-being. Outdoor, practical learning opportunities and
healthy related physical activity sessions are a regular feature
in the curriculum: helping to maintain a healthy body and
In 2009 the UK's educational authorities were alarmed: A no child is left behind approach means that all
the PISA tests (OECD Programme for International Study classes contain a mixture of ability level pupils, with most
Assessment) results were published, and the UK had the classes containing two or more teachers who focus on those
23rd position in a table of 65 countries. The overall best needing additional support. By having professionals working
performer in the test was the region of Shanghai, China. in conjunction, the needs of the pupils can be better met
within a happy and familiar environment. Many teachers also
Results from PISA suggested that school autonomy in
stay with a single class for many years, moving with them
defining the curriculum and evaluation methods relates
through the school. Students address teachers by their
positively to overall performance. Additionally, the PISA data
Christian names, do not wear uniforms, and are encouraged
reported that creating homogeneous schools and/or
to relax in their surroundings. Many institutions are combined
classrooms through selection is unrelated to the average
primary and secondary schools with no major unsettling
performance of education systems. The test offered another
transition stages. Finnish students receive a free education
confusing result: the UK was in the middle of the table
from the age of seven until they complete their university
although the country ranked as 8th in the table for spending
studies. During their educational journey all pupils receive
per pupil.
free school meals, resources and materials, transport and
Finland is the Western country that has most excelled in support services.
PISA ratings consistently over the years and is highly
Finnish schools receive full autonomy, with head
regarded across the globe as a leading education nation. The
teachers and teachers experiencing considerable
reasons behind Finland's success are complex because not
independence when developing their own individual curricula
only their characteristic educational approach but also their
adapted to their setting. Combinations of alternative
cultural background play an important role in their success.
pedagogic approaches, rather than mere instructional
No wonder other countries attempting to directly emulate the
methods are used by the teachers. This pedagogical freedom
Finnish system have found a source of difficulties.
facilitates greater creativity and innovation. This naturally
In Finland teaching is a prestigious career. Children allows a greater degree of individual emotional well being,
aspire to be doctors, lawyers, scientists and teachers. They that no doubt plays a role in promoting positive learning role
are respected and appreciated; they are highly qualified and models and environments for both teachers and pupils.
job selection is a tough process with only best candidates
Finland's Ministry of Education's philosophy has been to
gaining the posts.
trust the professionals, parents and communities to guide
The Finnish educational system has got some surprising their own educational policy: and it would appear that their
peculiarities: the curriculum is far less 'academic' than you approach has been very successful.

7-PC Pág. 2
Reading Passage Module 7-PC

 Say whether the following statements are true or false AND give the evidence from the text.

1. A clear and common curriculum is essential for the success of a nation's educational system.

2. Not only the educational system or approach can influence a nation's educational levels.

 Finish the following sentences according to the information given in the text.

3. In order to work as a teacher in Finland...

4. When a Finnish student has learning difficulties...

 Answer the following questions.

5. How can you solve students' difficulties to adapt themselves when they pass from an educational
stage to a new one?

6. What is the main positive consequence of allowing teachers full autonomy when setting their

7-PC Pág. 3
Listening comprehension Module 7-PC

Thanksgiving Day that US turkey farmers aren't celebrating

7. Mention two ways of cooking turkey for Thanksgiving Day.

8. What does number 46 refer to?

9. According to Turkey Farmers Federation president Joel

Brandenberger, why will 2012 not be as profitable as the last
two years?

10. How long did the first Pilgrim Fathers' Thanksgiving feast last?

11. When did the first Thanksgiving celebration really take place?

12. Why did President Roosevelt decide to establish the holiday on the fourth Thursday in November?

7-PC Pág. 4
General language Module 7-PC

Text A
–Oh, Peter! 13) ...... a terrific horror movie I saw yesterday!
–Did you?
–Superb! You know, dismembered bodies, litres of blood splashed all
–14) ...... disgusting! 15) ...... you 16) ...... omitting that sort of
unpleasant details in your description of such an unpleasant film?
–There was a zombie who was losing parts of its body little by little…
–I 17) ...... you 18) ...... stop describing those uninviting details!
– Yes, of 19) ...... . I beg your pardon, my friend.

Text B

English 20) .... influenced 21) .... different languages throughout

its history; that is why today there are English words 22) .... come from
Latin, French or Old Norse. An ancient variety of present-day French 23)
.... be the language of the Court during the Middle Ages. Today, English
is the language with the 24) .... speakers in the world because you
should add to the number of native speakers of the language the millions
of people learning English as a foreign language.

Text C
When we 25) ..... at the resort in the Maldives Islands, our luggage 26) ..... already 27) ...... sent to our
room directly from the airport and our clothes 28) ...... neatly put in the wardrobe; so, 29) ...... of spending
time unpacking our things, we left the room and started enjoying 30) ...... in the pool area.

31) Pronunciation.– Which word contains the stress on a different syllable?

a) computer b) eleven c) ancestor d) cathedral

32) Pronunciation.– Look at the underlined vowels. Which one is not pronounced with the sound / /?

a) officers b) offices c) except d) city

7-PC Pág. 5
Writing composition Module 7-PC

Full name: ….......................................................................................................................

I.D.: ….................................................................................................................................

Writing Composition.- Interaction.

Lone Parents Help-Line is an Internet blog that gives useful information to lone parents. People can send their
personal stories so that other blog users can give their opinions or advice.
Read this blog entry and send your comments, opinions, suggestions or advice.
Write around 125 words.

I'm a single mother aged 32. My daughter's father just ran away when I told
him I was pregnant. My parents are pensioners. They helped me buy a small
apartment by acting as guarantors for the mortgage. I lost my job more than
two years ago, and my unemployment benefit will soon finish. My parents'
pension is minimal. I'm really, really afraid of my future situation. I won't be
able to pay for the mortgage sooner or later. I don't even want to imagine
that my poor parents might lose their home when it's all my fault. Please I
need advice!

7-PC Pág. 6
Answer sheet Module 7-PC

Full name:..............................................................................................................................................................

Reading passage






Listening passage

General language

13. 20. 27.

14. 21. 28.

15. 22. 29.

16. 23. 30.

17. 24. Pronunciation

18. 25. 31.

19. 26. 32.

7-PC Pág. 7

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